Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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GaUlo and Hogs Increase in Numbers for
the Week 2o Par.
MnhliiK I.lrrlr .Mlillo tlifi
Hujiply l.fistfi , lint I'rli-en Show No
Kill : InAbiint
FKIDAV , April 12. _
The receipts tod.ty were l,2Sr > unttl' * , 3,2CT
hOKr COL . heep nm ) 20 lioren , UH nKnliist
1,130 cattle , 3.C41 IIOKH nml no fhcep yet-
tcnlny , and 1,017 entile. Rt > 70 liog nnil 3
uhtcp on Friday of last wcelc. Heilpta for
tho. week thus fnr nro 7HX ! ) cattle , la.lW haps
nd 2.0JO Bhcep , ns nKOlnst 7,233 entile , 17,1)82 )
hosa nnil 7.00.T sheep for Ihe same five dnya
last week ,
CATTliB Amonff the fifty cars of entile
fccclveil thcro was tiulto u showing of wcst-
trn beef entile. At Ihe putne time Ihero were
very few corn fed imtlve beeves on snlc.
The market on b ef entile showed more nc-
tlvlly Ihiui for Bcvernl days ) . The buyers
nctcd once more ns If Ihey wanled cattle ,
mill they look holil nnil cleaned up the bulk
of the offerlnKB In a very Hlutt time. The
cnttlo were about nil sold nnd wclKhod up
Borne time before midday. It was , in fact ,
a fairly nctlve nnd steady market , the
downward tendency of the past few days
having been checked. A Irnln of weHlern
liny fed Btec-ra sold nt $ I.CC , nnd a few nn-
ilves nt * 5.2.-i and ( 'i.35.
There were nlxiul seven loads of cows nnd
holfcrH In Ihe yards toilay. and the market
was active nt fully steady prices. There
were come pretty tUslrable catlle amonif the
offerings. One bunch of yearling steers and
heifers sjd nt $1.40 , while n bunch of 93i-lb.
holfers broiiRht J4.80. The Ktpnt bulk of the
cows and helfsrs sold nt $2.50 and $3.50.
The slockcr nnd feeder markel did not
partake of the Improvement In Ihe liecf
market. There was very Hill * life to the
trade and denltrs generally were calllnK the
market Htlll lower llinn yeslerdny. The
fnct tlmt the week Is drawing to a. close
rinturally makes every one anxious lo sell ,
nnd helps to depress the market still more.
The slump In feeders Is not ronllned to this
market nbne , but olhcr markets arc going
through the same experience. Iltpreaentu.
live stiles :
Pacific Live Stock Company.
ICC steers 1215 4 35
Kllpatrlck liros. I
41 feeders. . . . 1000 375 .11
NEVADA.i i i '
John Sparks.
W ulcers 1233 4 C5 9. ! steers 1222 4 C5
Joe Simmons.
9 steers 853 300 19 steers 918 3 C3
12 feeders. . . . SCO 330 13 steers 1053 410
HOGS With only forty-one loads of hops In
tlio yards there were not enough on sale to make
very much of a maikct. The buyers were a
little backward In getting down to business , nnd
the market wiis slow to open. When the trade
was once under way It wns fairly active , and
Ilia hogs were nil sold ( nrly. It was one of thoce
peculiar markets which uro not easy to repo.-l
satisfactorily to all concerned , ns ( salesmen were
differing aulte widely In their opinions. Some
thought they sold at a little stronger price , while
others thought they were compelled ti > part with
their holdings for less money than yesterday.
The market upon the whole , however , was not
materially different fiom yesterday. Representa
tive sales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr.
4 , 1C2 . . . Jl 30
89 177 200 4 40
21 149 4 M
2 , ,1GO 4 M
4 200 4 GO
100 1C5 4 CO
4 220 40 4 C5
61 175 40 4 65
31 2IC 80 4 C5
47 140 ' 4 C5
49 194 'JO 4 C5
93 U3 80 4 03
20..t 191 4 63
26 221 120 4 70
77 193 210 4 70
C8 202 ' 4 70
81 179 40 4 70
Cl.223 370
S 21G 4 70
10 202 4 70
73 196 4 70
78 213 100 470
Si 21G 470
18 205 470
7C. , 249 4 76
74. . 218 120 4 75
OS 217 75W
\W \
73 197 . .
8 , 81 373 1
13 100 4 W 1
11 123 4 00 1
° ! .EEP The market wns weak and dull. The
quality of the odeilngvi was common. Fair to
choice natives are quotable at J3.GUfi4.Gt ) ; fair to
Kood westerns , J3.004.40 ; common nnd stock
cheep , J2.GOU3.50 ; good to choice 40 to IW-lb.
lambs , J3.234tS.2i.
Receipts nml Disposition cf Stock.
Official receipts nnd disposition of stock as
shown by the books of the Union Stock Yaids
company for the twenty-four hours ending at
S o'clock p. m. , Filil.iy , April 12 :
Cars. Head
Cattle . . . f,0 1,28
110K8 . 41 3 , :
Hheep . 3 CQ
llormfl anil mule * . 2 29
Cattle. HOK
Omaha Packing company . , . . . 40
(1 , H. Hammond company . , ! U 40SI
HwUt nnd Company . [ 81 SIK
Cudahy Packing company . CS J.G3
O. H. Hammond , Iowa . J.G3C
J. Wllxon . 19
Hiiltleiul .
Cudahy. Kaunas City . . 331
Vansant . . 13
Hamilton & Stephens . 14
I * Hecker . 9
Uhlppvra ami feeders . 231
Total . . . . . . . . 1.333 3,22 ,
St. l.ollls l.ivn Mock.
ST. LOUIS. April 12.-CATTIE-Hecelpts , 1.000
liead-t shipments , none ; supply light nnj markc
very QUl at ye > tenlay' declines ; Texas itrei
ranged 13.UV4.UO ; for weights under 95' ' ) Ibs.
Arkansas steers sold ut } 3.COj'4.20 ; no offering ! o
Good natives.
J1OQB Hecvlpts and shipments not reported
market about steady ; top prices , J5.05 ; bulk n
sales , I4.S505.00 ; common to fair light , JI.M1
4 ' 85.
'SHEEP Receipts nnd shipments not reported
market ub tit I5o lower and weak ; native nilxei
of DO to 500 His. sold at tI.50O3.$3 ; clipped native
of 110. ) bs. , I1.0 ; Boutliwcutrrn , | ] .0003.b5 ; spring
Iambs , 37 to W It * . , .WUMK > .
block In Might.
Record of receiptof the four principal mar
keta for PrIJay , April U , 1S93 :
Cattle. Hogs. 8h tp
South Omaha , . 1,135 3.267 K
Chicago . , . , , , , , 4,70) 15.O.O 6,0 *
Kansan City . , , . , . 4,000 7,300 1,201
El. Louis . 1,000 . , . . .
Totals . . 10.9S5 S5.WJ 1,85
Netr York I.ITO Stock Market.
NEW YORK , April li-HEEVES-Recelpts
1.07) head , on sale. 41 cars , extremely dull
teen lOOlCc lower ; oxen and cows 15 < i25c lower
native l ei , poor to good. } ) .76ti&.00 per 100 Urn.
Inferior Texini , 14.10 ; oxen. 2.MKJJ.W ; bulls
I3.lftg3.90t dry cows , ll.CUiJ.SJ. European cable
ywlo American itecia at IP.itfUUc p r IJ ,
drcmcd n-flnhU ; rcfrlr'rnlor beef at fWlOc per
Id , no expoiti tMluyi tomorrow , C50 beeves anil
3.M9 quarters nf beef.
rAM'ES Receipts , 513 hrnil ; active anil steady ;
viulF , ixxir to prime , i4.V9fiC.uO pr 104 ll > > .
Hlliii' : AND I.AMHS-lt'CflptB , C.762 head ; on
8iil < s 26 tni ; dull nml 'iffH'1 lower , except for
choice lambs , over 200 unsold i unshorn > hep ,
Inferior to medium , I. U.CO. unihorn lambs ,
vry common lo r-holce , $ U2UO .OOj choice
clU'Pcil InmbK. S.VII'i. '
HCHlivReceipt * . D.SSC lic d ; steady ( it (3.400
6.79. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CIlICAdO 1,1 Vi : MOCK.
No Improvement In Prices In Spite of the
Mniill Receipts.
CHICAGO , April 12. CATTt.n Prices were
no more than ntcudy today , nlthmiKh only nlout
4.aCi ) head were received , mnkln ? a total of about
4VW ) for Ihe week n > or 20.000 lei's than were
received In the torrrpponillng time lust year.
Htreri H/ld at il.01ffl.lo , nnd medium to good
cims went nt tt.WH.W. cnnners' lots bHnmnK
il.uOft2.rA Power bi-e\cs are selllnK around t $
than lieielofore , nnd n prod many very desirable
fat nvdlum , to large. steers are Undine purchas
ers nt i3.C07K'.fc" > . Texas cattle nr becumlni ?
plenty. Niraily lnw ( arrived yesterday , anil
ludity'ft rrrvlpis me < 'ttlmnled nt fully 1&M hrnil.
IIOOS niy lucktrs were again buying fpar-
Incly tiHluy , ml tliey Mieceeiled In forcing an
other ii-duetlon of aliiiit " , c per 100 pound" , nl-
though no innic than 23i > ) h' KSvere In the
yarili , Iniludlni ; Son ) left nver from yesterday.
Tuckers are nil beuilnli on hoga , and are evi
dently not going to run tlielr packing houses
frruly until they cnn buy nt considerably lower
fljruriK. The qunllty of the offerings
was poorer than It nnf the last two days , nnd
vrry few iholre lots were recelveil. Common to
tin' bcJl ilro\es nold nt > l.7 i)3.20 ; pigs , JI.2JW
4. CO ; and mils nl J3.OOR4.4i ) . A few of prime
henxy liogs sold at : > .15i.V20 ( ; the bulk of Ihe
lltMvy lois fclchlnir JI.05fD.19. ( Choice light
siirte.1 w.ld nl | 4.iM/m.
SHHnp AND lA.MHS-\n extremely dull mar
ket was cxpet lanced this morning , nnd nslJe
fn > m inrtdernte purchases of fat. heavy westerns
at il.fiOfTI.73 by exporters veiy Illtle a done.
The week's reeolpts have been much smaller
than In rercntcekF , and show n decline of
mrTp than 8,0ijc ) head , at compaicd with the
tame time bsl week.
UiciiI'TS-Caltle , 4.300 lienil ; calves , 200
head ; hogs , 10,000 heuil ; sheep , C.OiJO head ,
Kimvtn ; ity l.iva Mock.
KANSAS CITY. April 11 CATTM : Receipts ,
l.O'Ji ' ) heiiH ; uhlpmentB , 1.7W head ; market steady
to 10i- lower ; Texas steers , J3.40H5.23 ; Texas
cows , tl.'iOW3.R5 ' ; beef steers , J4.nOiiO.2native ;
owa , J1.S.MN.40 . ; Mlockeis and feeders , J2.538I
M ; bulls. J2.40iT4.25.
linns Receipts , 7.300 head ; shipments , 1,800
lead ; mniketweak to r.c lower ; bulk of sales ,
4.70S4.W ; heavies , J4.7503.00 ; packets , Jl.CS'iio.OO ;
ilxn.1. JI.5ntTl.S5 ; llghtK , J4 G3&4.80 ; Yorkers ,
! . ; ni 4.M ) : pigs , ti.nnfii.75.
SHEEP Itecclpls , I.2DO head ; shlpmenls , none ;
inrkel sleady.
iKKrognto of ItuKlnnxni Triinsnctlons l.iist
Wcok by the Asvoclatccl Hnnkr.
NEW YOIIK , April 12. The following table ,
omplled by Ilrndatrccfs , pliown the total clear-
nces nt the principal cities and the percentage
f Increase or decrease , as compared with the
orivpotiding week last yenr :
strikes Have a ( Slight Rotnrdlnc Iiilluoncr
on thn Recovery iif Trmlr.
NEW YOIIK , April 12.-R. G. Dun & Co.'s
weikly review of trade , which Issues tomorrow ,
will eay : Progress toward better business con-
[ Inuea , but It Is slow nnd meets many obstacles.
In speculative nppects nnd In wholesale demand
for goods the week shows Improvement. Money
markets are undisturbed nnd a little more active ,
but among the chief otuuncles Is Ihe anxiety of
operatives to secure better wages , even while
many mamifacturlnB works nro running with
out prollt and others nt the risk of loss. In a
number of establishments better wages have
been conceded , thus Increasing the purchasing
power of the people , but strikes have largely
overbalanced settlements , several of Importance
having thrown nbout 12,000 workers out of em
ployment this week , llctnll trade has Improved
on the whole since March , n the approach rf
Hunter brings more business , but distribution to
Individual consumers still lags behind purchases
of jobbers and such demand for products as
springs from building nnd other Inveitmenls lookIng -
Ing Into the future. Cinp prospects will great ! )
affect the course of trade for Home months , nnil
the government report had little Influence to ills
For consumers the worst feature Is the rapli
advance In meats. For the tlrsl time In a long
period prices of commodities axurnge u shade
higher than a yenr ago , and In Qieat Hrlln n
nl8 < > , owing tu different causes , u slight ndmnci
occurred In March. On l th Hides of the ocean
the lowest level ever known may naturally bo
followed by some rise , t'ntton Is , 01 both sides
more buoyant than anything else except men
and petroleum here , crude oil having risen u
Jl.SD , the highest price for over seventeen years
Nothing supports the advance of Uc In cotton
the past week except the Impression that the
mixt crop will bo short , for receipts nro largo
and a bom 150.UOO bales more than the laigest cn > |
ever grown have already come Into Fight thl
Wheat lias yielded nearly Ic , although Atlantic
exports for two \seeks have been 3,700,013 bu ,
Hour Included , against 3.99.CS8 bu. last
with western receipts only 2,0 ! < 8,4C7 bu , , agalns
4,723,431 bu. last year. Itecelpts of corn urn ubmi
half and cx | > orts ulxim a fifth of last year's.
Uecienses ( n receipts of cattle ure exaggerated
& 59,4C < i having arrived at Chicago , against 7S9 ,
543 lo datu lust vear , nnd the prevalent opinion
Is the western packers are helping nature to
some extent.
The output of nig Iron April 1 was 158.132 ton
weekly , practically the same us March 1 , with n
decreane of 1.080 tons In unsold stocks during
the month. Uoubtleca heavy stocks were taken
up by manufacturers In anticipation of a Mrlk
In the coke works , but the spparent con uniption
I * larger limn at any other time for some month
and only a sixth less than In March. ItQl. lies
lemer Iron has advanced a Illtle further to J10.7
at PltUburg. but there Is no change whatever In
price * uf finished products duringIhe week , ani
N , W. HARRIS & CO ,
163165 Denrborn-st. , Chicago.
tSY llt. . , New York. 70 SUtc- . . Bostor
/obffiiik.nd ROM rm
aoocbt cid Bold. Corre jwn4inc Ballcltcd.
while the demand continue * Roml for structural
arms nnil a little better for tars , the markril
decren ! * In demand for winter , owing to the
cnnt purchases of fanner * for fencing , affects
ho outlook. It seems probable tlmt J > lR Iron tnunt
ecrde unle s n larger demand for ftnlfhcd prod *
ct Is noon developed. .
Hales of wool are particularly Interesting ,
mounting for the week to 6,030.100 pound * , and
or five weeks previous to 2. > ,621oo lounds ,
mlnst 25,277,376 pounds In the mmc weeks of
SflJ. In brief , sales nrc close to ttie quantity
cUlrod | for a full conxumpllon nmt the lonit
clay In placing orders nml the Intencps of thi
eaion make the proportion of mills nt nork
niser than usual. No Improvement In prices
ppears , ami domestic wool does not respond to
ecent advances In the foreign mirkct. The Ion
irlce encourages manufncturcta to compete much
nore vigorously with the forelun goods of many
tinds than they expected and for the medium
ind cheaper grades of goods they have more
hnn the usual demand , because purchase : ) of
onsumers huve for two years bwn compara-
Ivrly small. The belter Ktades fare not so well ,
orclgn comnelltlon being more effective , but
heie Is it good demand for dress Ki ls. In
nitons continued strength appears , with furlhei
cciislonal ndMinces of Uc and lie In print cloths ,
ml the nKRiegalc Is fair. Many agents arc fold
veil ahead.
Knlluies for the week were S07-ln the United
Slate * , against 218 lust year , and twenty-seven
n Canada , against fourteen last year.
'roilutts with Very Few Inceptions Show
nil Upiv nl Tciitlcnry ,
NI3W YOIIK , April 12. llrndstreet's tomorrow
will ray : The feature In trade circles Is found
n the price movement , more particularly those
or cattle , dressed beef and petroleum. Urolith ,
ow prices and "hnrd times" within two weeks
ia\e tcsulted In a shelter HUpply of cattle , pros-
itctlvcly 30 per cent less than last year. Live
attle arc Jl.OT higher per 100 Ibs. than last yeiir
and Jl hlslier than the lowest point this year.
Iresseil beef Is 2',4c ' higher than the average last
ear , the highest since 18S3. The comparative
ciirclty of tdgli giade catlle Is emphasized by
he fact that present quotations , when made In
ircvloUH periods of scarcity , have never failed
it bring u Kiipjily when one existed. Petroleum
old at Jl.57',4 on Thuisday , C2c higher than en
January 1 and 75c higher than a yenr nno ,
vlilch Is more than three times the lowest price
n I ! i2 and the highest quotations since 1S7S.
leduced production and lncrease.1 consumpllon
ndlcale the former has been overtaken , which ,
vlth HHluced stocks , produces excitement In the
maikct. Other advances are on leather , hides
nd footwear. Shippers of anthracite coal to
N'ew nngl.inil points ask more f. o. b. , and at
hi" west bar and manufacturtd Iron have re-
onled advances In actual transactions. I.rml
s higher , and cotton l up 3-lCc. llecent gains
n prices for bessemcr pig and cteel blllels ale
nalnlalned , bill the request at PlttsburK anil
Chicago Is checked. Coffee and sugar are llrm
at previous prices , while the list of leactlons
pvluile fractional declines only In wheat , cnrti.
lats ar.d pork , the latter on lower prices on
Compared with February , March returns of
gross earnings of 150 railroads may be construed
as favorable , the Increase over March , 1S94 ,
relntf 2 to 1 per cent. This la contrasted with n
'eburary decrease this year from last of 2.3 per
cnt , and of the January falling off this year
rom last of one-half of 1 per cent. When It
s recalled that gross railway earnings In March ,
894. fell off 13 per cent from the total from that
nonth for 1893 , an Inciease last month from
larch , 1NH , of one-fifth of 1 per cent acquires
Exports of wheat from both coasts of the
.Vilted States this week , Hour Included as wheat ,
lold up to a high aveinge , 2,934 , t9 ! bu. , against
.fr.3.933 bu. In the previous week , l , r.5MO bu.
n the second week of April , US1 , 2.9W.05 ! bu. In
he. corresponding week In 1S93 , 2,910.3:0 bu. In
S92 , and 2.4JC.080 bu. in the second week of
April , 1S91.
The maintenance of a generally high range
f clearing1 house totals , an Improved outlook for
manufactures In the staple line , tnc spread of a
cellng of confidence that the volume of business
vlll Increase In the near future and an 1m-
mivcd crop outlook in western and northwestern
train states sire among the more Hlgnlllcantly
avorablw features. The weather has been un-
avorable throughout portions of the Canadian
iomlnlon , with the natural effect on trade , al-
hough the outlook at Montreal and Toronto Is
ncouroglng. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Condition of Trnilo mill IJuntntlons on
btnplo niul I iincy I'roilnce.
EGGS Choice clean stock , per doz , lO'.JCIIc.
IJUTTint Packing stock , 3ifCc ; common to
'air , 7J8e ; fair to good country , lOQllc ; choice
o fancy , ISQlSc ; gathered creamery , ICe ; separator
rater creamery , 17G18c.
LIVE POULTHY Hens. 7S7'/4e ; mixed , 6c ;
ducks , 7 Sc ; turkeys , SitfSlic ; heavy toms , 7c ;
geese , 7f Sc.
OA.Ml'J liluo wing teal , per do ? . , $1.50 ; green
vine teal , per doz. . J1.20@1.X ! ) : ducks , mixed , per
doz. , Jl.o091.2ij canvasnacks , JI.0085.OQj mallards
and red heads , J2.DOS3.IW.
VEAL Choice fat , 70 to 100 Ibs. , are quoted
it V4W7Hc ; large ana coarse , 34c.
CIIKCSK Wisconsin full cream , Young Ameri
cans , 13c ; twins , 12'io ' ; Nebraska and Iowa , full
cream , lie ; Nebraska and Iowa , part itklms , 70
ic ; LlmburKcr , No , 1 , He ; brick , No. 1 , He ;
Swiss. No. 1 , ICc.
HAY-Uplaml hay , J9.50 ; midland , J9 ; lowland ,
'S.50 ; rye straw , J5.DO ; color makes the price on
'my. Light1 bales sell the best. Only top grades
> rlng top prices.
PIUKONn Per doz. , Jl.00fll.20.
POTATOES Western stock , car lots , M6 > 70c ;
small lots , 73c ; llaily HOBO s ed potatoes , 90e ;
Jarly Ohio seed , J1.10 ; Northeril iarly Ohio seed ,
OLD HHANS-Hand picked , navy , J2.20 ; Lima
: ) enns. per lb. , 514e.
ONIONS On oidcrs , yellow per bu. , J1.10 ; red ,
CAHI1AGK On orders , 2'Sfi2"Jc.
CKLKriY California , 80c4Jl.UO.
SWEBT I'OTATOIIS Good stock , J2.50 ; seed ,
"llKKTS Per bbl. , J1.50.
CAltnOTS Per bbl. . Jl.GO.
CAULIFLOWIOU Per crate of a doz. and half
or two doz. , J2.25.
IIOUHKUAUI.SII Per lb. , 67c.
PAHSNIPS-Pcr bbl. , J1.75.
lUITAHAdAH Per lb. . l',4c.
PA11SLUY Per doz. bunches. 33e.
TUIlNIPS-I'er bbl. . J1.50.
.SPINACH-rPer bbl. , J2.EO ; bu. boxes. Jl.
WATKH CUKSS-1'er 18-qt. case , 51.KIW1.75.
HADISIIES Per doz. , 3J&40C.
QUEEN ONIONS Per doz. bunches , 2002JC.
LP.TTtTCE Per doz. , 30c.
ASPAUAafS-Callfornla. per lb. , 100.
PIE PLANT Per lb. , 708c.
STRAWnEnniES Per pt. , 2c.
APPLES Choice stock , J5.60 ; box npplei , J2.
ORANGES Fancy Washington navels , per box ,
I3.2JW3.W ; fancy Washington navels , per box , 90
and 112 size , J3 ; choice Washington navels , regu
lar sizes , J3.25 ; choice Washington navels , 9C
and 112 sizes , J3 ; fancy seedlings , per box , $2.7. , ;
choice seedlings , per box. J2.Mii2.CO ; choice seed
lings. per Uix , 200 size , J2.25S2.33.
LEMONS Extra fancy lemons. 300 size , Jl ;
strictly choice lemons , 300 size , J3.75 ; extra fancy
lemons , 3CO size , (3.75 ( ; strictly choice lemons ,
360 size , J3.K ) .
I1ANANAS Choice shipping stock , per bunch ,
FIGS Fancy , 15c ; choice , 12G130J California ,
bags , 7c.
HONEY-New York , ICc ; darn , 14c ; California ,
MAPLE SYHUP-Gallon Jugs , per doz. , J12 ;
Illxby , 5 Kill , cans , J3.
MAPLK SUGAR Per lb. , 9J10e.
NUTS Almonds , 14c ; English walnuts , soft-
shelled. 12c ; standards , lie ; filberts , 9c ; llnizll
nuts , So ; pecans , 10I12c.
DATES In CO to 70-lb. boxes , GV4o per lb. ; fard
dates , 9c per lb.
SAUER KRAUT Choice white , per bbl. , J5.00 ;
per half bbl. , J3.
MINCE MEAT Fancy , In quaiter bills. , per lb. ,
GVio ; 10-gal. kegs , Cc ; condensed , per case of 3
doz. pkgs. , J2.DO.
CIDER Pure Juice , per bbl. , J5 ; half bbl. , J3.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 5c ; No , 2 green
each , 5fil5c ; dry shearlings ( short wooled early
skins , No. 1 , each , 5f/10c ; < lry shearlings ( short
hides. 4lhc ; No. 1 green salted hides. Go ; No. 2
rreen salted hides. 5V4c ; No. 1 green called hides ,
zj to 40 Ibs. , 6e ; No. 2 green salted hides , 25 to
40 Ibs. , 5Hc ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. , ! > c ; No.
3 veal calf , S to 15 Ibs , , Cc ; No. 1 dry Hint hides ,
7c ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , Cc ; No. 1 dry xaltei !
hides , Cc ; part cured hides , He per lb. less than
fully cured.
S1IKEP PELTS On-en salted , each. 25fflCOc ;
green salted shearlings ( thortooleil early skins ) ,
wooled early skins ) , No. 2 , each 5c ; dry fllnl
Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per
skins , No. 1 , each , 510c { ; dry flint Kansas am !
Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , 43Gc ; dry Hint. Colorado butcher woo !
pelts , per lb. , actual weight , ifiC'.ie ; dry film
Colorado murrain wool pells , per lb. , nctua
weight , 4ftCc.
TALLOW AND GHBASE Tallow , No i , 4'.ic
tallow. No. 2 , 4c ; grease , white A , 3 > ift4Hc
grease , white I ) , 3c ; B rouse , yellow , 3c ; grease ,
dark , 2Vi3c | ; old butter , 2ii2 > , ic ; beeswax , pr'nie ,
UijWc ; rough yellow , 2c.
FURS Hear , black , No. 1. large. J20.00825.00
bear , brown. No. 1 large , JW.OOft25.00 ; No. I me
dium , JIG ; No. 1 small , J12 ; bear , brown , year
lings. No. 1 large , J10.OOiJI2.00 ; No. I medium , J ?
No. I tmal ] , J6 ; beur , brown , cubs , No. 1 large ,
J7 ; No. 1 medium , JV No. 1 small , J3 ; badger
No. I medium , J13 ; No. 1 email. J8.00 10.X ( ) ; bear ,
black , yearlings , No. 1 large , ; No. 1
medium. J10 ; No. 1 small , J7 ; tw > ar , black , cubs
No. 1 large , te.OlfjS.UJ ; No. 1 medium , 5.l > if(6.00
No. 1 small , Jl ; bear , black , Montana and Rocky
muunmln. No , 1 large , Jlj.COS23iX ) ; No. J medium
J14 ; No , I pnmll , J10 ; beur , black , Montana yeai-
llnn , No. 1 large , J1S ; No. 1 miMlum , JS ; No
1 small. 15 ; bear , black , Montana cubs. No. 1
large , 16. W. No. 1 medium. JI.50 ; No. 1 small
S3 ; bear , sliver tip , No. 1 large , JAI ; No , 1 me
dium , 112 ; No. 1 smnll , J8 ; bear , silver tip. yvar-
llngi , No. 1 large , JII ; No. 1 medium , JS ; No
1 small , 15 ; bear , sliver tip , cubs , No. 1 large
Jl.00dl.50 ; No. 1 medium. Me ; Nn. 1 small. 60c
tuber. No. 1 large. JS ; No. 1 medium , JO ; No , :
small , Jl ; fox. silver , as to color , according to
beauty. No , 1 large , J100 ; No. I medium , J60
No. 1 small , J50 ; fox , ( liver , pale , according to
bt < auty. No. 1 large , J50 ; No. 1 medium , 130 ; No
1 mnall , J20 ; fox , crosi , No. 1 luigre , 17. No. !
medium , 13 ; No. 1 mnall , J ! ; fox , red , No. :
large , 11.50 ; No. 1 medium. Jl.U ; No. 1 small. Jl
fox , gray , No. 1 large. 7ac ; No. 1 niKllum , 5Jc
No , 1 imall , 40c ; fox kits , No , 1 large. We ; No
1 medium , 40c ; Nn. 1 unall , SOc ; lynx. No. 1
Urge , J3 ; No. 1 medium. 1 ! ; No. 1 umall , 11. W
marten , No. 1 large , 12 ; No , 1 medium. 11. W
No. I small , Jl ; mink. No. 1 large. COUC5ci No.
medium , 4Jc ; No. 1 imall , ISc ; mink , dark. No
1 large , C5c ; No. 1 medium , 40 < ; ; No. 1 email. SOc
mountain lion , perfect head and fret. No ,
large. Jl.OiXj2.oO : Imperfect Bklm , ja.ooU7.CO ; No
I small , 15 ; otter , pale , No , 1 large , 17 ; No. !
meillum , 15 ; No 1 imall , J ; raccoon. No. 1 large
WO70CJ No. t medium. We ; No. 1 large. WctW.OO
jikunk , black , cased , narrow itrlpml. No. 1 larne
We ; No. 1 medium , ( Oc ; No. 1 small , 2Je | broai
striped , No. 1 Inrgf , 21fjJc ; wolverine , No. 1
large , J4 , No. 1 medium. J3i N" . 1 small , JS ;
nolf , mountain. No. * % , J3 ; No. 1 medium ,
12 ; No. 1 fmall , Jl. A\V 3r. nralrlc , No. 1 large.
63 noc ( No. 1 medlil4. fOcNu. ; 1 imall , We ;
beaver , per skin , Nit l | Lirgp. J1.00HG.OO ; No. 1
medium , J4.60 ! N'O. 1 ninifll , fL l > enver kits. No.
1 large. 12 ; No. 1 medium , ji.K ; No. 1 small ,
75c ; muskrats. wlnterVNo. 1 laige. SltlOoj No. 1
medium , Dei Ni > . 1 imlllK "c ; miukrals , fall , No.
1 large , 4fiCci No. r miKUum , 7cj No. 1 small ,
Co ; muskrnt kits. 2q3 >
Sun Fr.iurl oj .Mlimj Stoc c ( jiiotiitli > n .
SAN ritANCI CO.'AWlSl'J.--Tliaomolal ) cloi-
Ing quotations for uiUUhg ntockn todtyvvru ; a
follows : ' *
Silver bir , immWflMo. Muxlcan dollars , CIO
Drafts , Blflit7) ) < c ; telegraphic , luc
Now York Dry < luniU Market.
N'n\V YOltIC , April 12. Agents have mlvnnccil
hi > liricvs of AtmwkciiK Rtnplf fnncy Klnithnnm
o no. The advanced price of printing cloths hns
iiade kill llnlshul cambrics llrm nt He advance.
Tliero ' wn nn annorttnent required nnil request
'or Hcnrunnlile BpeclnlllcH of a ileslrnMc chnr-
icter , but the Kencinl market relapsed Into the
inlet with which the day In bcln observed.
There ns more buslm-na doing In wo > l , but
saleH no far Imvi'-lifen liberal , with the pur-
chn.ilriK trade eoriRervRtlve. 1'rlnt cloths llrm nt
3 11-16C , with nates of 75,000 pieces regulars nnd
Oil Contliiiipt to Advance ,
CLHVKI.ANn , April 12. In keeplnc with ( he
ilmrji advance In crude oil the ClPvelnnd refiners
oday marked up the price of rellned oil. Ohio
itnte test wns advanced 37Wc n bbl. of M gallons.
The advance In other griules wan "till mine
marked , ft full cent belnif added per gallon to the
prlc of wnter white , Ohio state test , hendlleht
oil nnd eocene.
I liliillcliil .Noted.
I10STO.V. April 12.-ClearlnKs , } 13,91i,038 ; luiU
nnces , J4S2.376.
ST. LOUIS. April 12. Merchants' exchange not
n session today.
N iv rplqbiu Tnrirr Dullr * .
WASHINGTON , April 12. Tariff leglsla-
lon In Helglum forms the subject ( f n re-
) ort sent to the Department of State by
Minister James S. Ewing at nrtissels. It
encloses a copy of a new tariff bill intro-
luced Into Parliament on March 8 , but not
made public until March 22. Uy this bill
mport duties are Imposed on a number of
irtlcles , Including a tax of 1 franc 50 cen-
Imes ( about SO cents ) per 100 kilos (220 (
> ounds ) on Hour , which has been duly free ,
-nnned meats , relishes , etc. , are taxed SO
rancs per 100 kilos , and preserved vegeta
bles 10 francs per 100 kilos. The duty on
arlous sorts of steel and Iron are reduced
about TO per cent on the average. Cotton
goods pay either the same duty or are re-
luced from 30 to 8 per cent.
Smallpox has broken out In the- town of
Shawnee , 111.
The Debs conspiracy case will be taken
up nt Chicago In May.
Over 3,000 income tax returns were made
o the collector at Cincinnati yesterday.
C. W. Ede , a patlejH In the sanitarium at
La Porte , Ind. , hanged himself to a bed
post. . 4
Floods in Sulllvan courrty , New York , have
carried away a large arnbunt of lumber and
OKS. . / .
The remains of Jefferson Davis , Jr. , were
relnterred in the Davis lot at Richmond yes
terday. *
Two men answering the description of the
Cripple Creek robbers have been arrested
it Pueblo. v
About half 'of. the" Villa Be-or Dorchester ,
Clark county , Wis , , wa destroyed by lire
yesterday. it ' . l
Carl Shaw , treasurer' of Blalne county ,
Oklahoma , is in jail , cjiarged with being
short ? 5,0.iO. ( r , .
The Seaman & Swlrt company , large
lealers In boots and , shoes at Cleveland ,
mve assigned.
The Illinois legislative committee has
commenced the Investigation of the St.
Loulsbrldfres. , _ „ _ , _ . .
UToodhounds haveibecn put on thetrack
of pa'rtlfeB who robbed the postotllce nt
Montpelier , Ind.
Sing Wart , a Chicago Chinaman , was con
victed of Jlerjury yesterday and sentenced
to three years In the penitentiary.
There Is a large Influx of northern farmers
nto North Carolina this spring. A number ,
have settled In the vicinity of Raleigh.
lialfour , Guthrle & Co.'s grain warehouse
it Benlcla , Cal. , containing S.fXX ) bushels of
wheat , burned yesterday. Fullj ; Insured.
Nelson Calhoun , a negro , Vna lynched
near Corslcana , Tex. , yesterday for as
saulting a white woman named Hughes.
John Schwobaker of I'eorla , 111 , , convicted
of burglary , sought a new trial on the
ground of Insanity , but It was refused him.
Officers from EmiKirla , N. Y. , arrested
Robert E. Wright at Auburn , N. Y. , for
the murder of Christian Drum in Pennsyl
vania In 1SSS.
John Murphy , a prominent citizen of
Wayne county. West Virginia , hns been
convicted of manslaughter for the killing of
Hamilton Stevens.
The residence of Mrs. Gllmore at Hoord
City , Mich. , was burned yesterday. One
child was burned to death and another Is
not expected to live.
James C. Thompson , the fugitive ex-
cashier of the First National bank of Se-
dalla. Mo. , Is reported lo be In Iho Clly
of Mexico , penniless.
The Spanish cigar makers' strike In New-
York promises to continue Indefinitely. The
men held a. meeting yesterday , but no set
tlement was arrived at.
Judge Parker of the United Stales court
has decided that an Indian can qualify as a
citizen of theUnlled States without losing
Ills rights as an Indian.
Harper Bros , and A. M. Palmer have se
cured an Injunction restraining Nellie
Gauthony from presenting Trilby In the
New York Kden Musee.
The dead bodies of two unknown persons ,
a man and a woman , were found lying In
the road near St. Louis. It was evidently a
case of murder and suicide.
John Kelso , the leader of the strikers nt
Rlrmlnghnm , Ala. , who attacked the Pratt
mines nnd killed four negro miners , wns
convicted of manslaughter.
At Oaks. Okl. , Leonard Tralnor attended a
dance and became offended because a girl
named Williams refused to dance with
hltu and shot and killed her.
The coroner's jury In Philadelphia has re
turned a verdict that Madge Yorke came to
her death by a plslol shot fired by James
H. Gentry with felonious Intent.
John Gengllng of Miner , W. Va. , yester
day fatally shot Thomas Booth , who at
tempted to prevent the former from un
mercifully beating his own child.
Peter Wlhs , a Swiss Inventor , who thought
he had been swindled out of a valuable In
vention In tlehlng tackle , committed suicide
at Chlcapo In a lit of despondency.
President Penn of the Ohio Mine Workers
has Issuer a manfesto urging the settle
ment of the scale.yfpir the current year by
districts. He Is opposed to strikes.
Four additional Indictments for election
frauds were returttpfl yesterday by the
Kansas City grand 'Jurr One of them was
against ex-RepresejUattye Charles A. Mill-
man. < : < „ !
Timothy. Collins ofi - San Francisco , a
wealthy citizen , huijj ; Jnmself yesterday. He
became despondent OVPJJ a mlsmarriage of
his daughter nnd a. 'itlyrrnceful scrape his
son became involvcjd.jlfj.
A quit claim deotlnfrom parties In New
York to San Franetscq- lawyers has been
filed for record In ( th jlatter place. ' It con
veys under an old.iJJcxcan , ) grant property
In the city now worjji oer J14.000.000.
A combination bH $ .wen formed by re-
tall butchers of Niyv2.Tk to "Kht tnc " ' "
leeed beef combing ; . .Ipiey claim If pres
ent prices torgs portion of the
retailers will be forcwJ out of business.
Alfred ClUs , \yMlJy citizen of Perry ,
Okl. , sues for a dlvnree-qn the ground that
his wife deceived Mip .regarding her age.
and that her parents were not rich , as she
told him they wero-bcfure their marriage.
Colonel A. D. McCorkle of Charleston ,
W. Va. . a brother , ot the governor of the
state , yesterday eloped with Miss Carrie
Comstock , a society belle. The couple were
married in Ohio , The bride's parents ob
jected to the match. members of the family of J. L ,
Crawford of Hickory Flats , Miss. , were
poisoned by Rough on Rats put Into thtlr
food by a 12-year-old negroservant slrl.
rilie says she put It Into the food to sea
what It would do. Two of the family are In
a critical condition.
JT. C * . 3
IKO-ltOi Union Aie _ K a u CUr. Uo.
Omaha < ind St , Joe Enga ° o in a Long Con
test at the Eall Park ,
All .Showed I.ack of I'ractlco In thu I'lulil ,
but I'liundcil the irrntlc : I'ltulilnn
tvltli ( irciit Zeal mill V -
rlous AUCVCIK.
Tliero was a nice crowd , embracing 600 or
COO enthusiastic fans , out nt the diaries
Strcot park yesterday nftornuon lo witness
the Omahzs and St. Joes In their first ex
hibition game of ( tic season. Uurrlng lliu
disagreeable dust with which the fresh west
wind kept the air filled , the dny was an
Ideal one for the sport. The game was lire-
some and long drawn oul , both teams evinc
ing a lack of practice , nnd In consequence
playing very raggsd and very poor ball. It
would be Invidious , however , lo criticise or
comment on the men's work at this early
slage. Walt until they have had the benefit
of a week or so's training , nnd then there
will be plsnty of time of expatlallng upon
the probably strong and weak points of the
outfit. The score :
. . , AU , > * } nl1' Slr' S - I > 0- An -
ulrlch 2b. . . >
, . -1 t . o 0 1 2 2
" ' "chl'n , lb. 6 0 o a 0 10 1 0
Shaffer , If. . . . 6 3 3 1 1 o 0 B
Pace , c 6 a 2 0 1 4 2 1
Walsh , ss. . . . \ 1 j ; i i 3 !
Whnlen , ss. . . 3 1 l o 0 0 -I 2
Single , m G 3 3 0 1 8 0 1
Allies , 2b 4 2 1 0 0 7 ! ( I
Hear , rf
Carrlsh , p..l o o 0 0 o 3 o
Donnelly , p. . 3 2 1 0 0 0 3 0
Eagnn , p
" "
Totals 21 10 5 "i Z7 a 9
Earned runs : Omaha , 8 ; St. Joseph , -1.
Home runs : Ulrlch , Howe. Two-base lilts :
Ulrlch , Pace 2. Slagle of Omaha. 2 , Kagan ,
Howe , Logue 2 , Gatewood. Bases on balls :
Off Carrlsh , fi ; off Donnelly. 3 ; off I3agan ,
1 ; off Slagle , 3 ; off Lincoln , 3 ; oft Rlnehnrt ,
5. Hit by pitched ball : Ulrlch , 2 ; Shaffer.
1. Struck out : lly Carrlsh , 2 ; by Donnelly ,
2 ; by Lincoln , 1 ; by Rlnehart , 1. Wild
pitches : Lincoln , 1 ; Rlnehart , 1. Double
plays : Walsh to Miles to Hutchison ;
Whnlen to Miles to Hutchison ; Slagle to
McVey. Time of game : Two hours nnd
forty minutes. Umpire : Jack Haskell.
ItooUmakorA Cot a Hard Setting Hack at
thn Dny District Truck ,
SAN FRANCISCO , April 12. Two favor
ites won toilay , Jack Richelieu and Nephew.
The other races went to well-backed
horses and bookmakers suffered. Summar
ies :
First race , live nnd one-half furlongs ,
selling : Mamie Scott , 02 ( Chevalier ) , 5 to
1 , won ; Nervoso , PG ( Iom ) , 13 to 10 , second ;
Blue Helle , 108 ( Uovd ) , 3 to 2 , third. Time :
1:09 : .Wallace , Cadeau , J. O. C , , Seam
stress and Swift Sure also ran.
Second race , one-half mile , selling , 2-ycar-
olds : Gypsette , gelding , 100 ( Isomj , 7 to 1 ,
won ; Don Gara , 108 ( Slonne ) , 8 to 5 , second ;
Joan , 100 ( Grlllln ) , 15 lo 20 , third. Time :
0:4 : V4. Madamoiselle filly and Idulla geld
ing also ran.
Third ri\ce , six furlongs , handicap : Quirt ,
103 ( Chevalier ) , 5 lo 1 , won ; Fannie Louise ,
98 ( Sloans ) , 6 to 1 , second ; Hellicose , 112
( Grlllln ) . 0 to C , third. Time : l:13-4. : Play
ful , Charles A. and Flndout also ran.
Fouith race , one mile , selling : Jack
Richelieu , 107 ( Grlllin ) , 2 to G , won ; In-
gomnr , 104 ( Isom ) , 2V6 to 1 , second ; Mary
S , 90 ( Rllcy ) , 20 to l , third. Time : 1:41 : % .
Roma also ran.
Fifth race , short six furlongs , selling :
Nephew. 109 ( Sloane ) , 7 to 10 , won ; Sera-
Dliln , 89 ( Isom ) , 2 lo 1 , second ; Annie
Moore , 99 ( Chevalier ) , 23 lo 1 , third. Time :
1:13U. : Modesto , Normandie and Toby also
Sixth race , short six furlongs , selling :
Don FuUlno , 109 ( Covlngton ) , 13 to 5 , won ;
Chartreuse , 95 , (1'lggott ( ) , 8 to 5 , second ;
Ml 3 Ruth , 93 ( Chevalier ) , 20 to 1 , third ;
Time : lili-li. Mollle R , Clacquer and Po-
laskl also ran.
NASHVILLE , Tenn. , April 12.-A light
rain fell during the llrst three races at
Cumberland park today , but the track was
left In fair condition. The talent was In
good form and picked four out of the live
winners. The finishes In each race were
tame. Results :
First race , live nnd one-half furlongs :
St. Maxim (4 to G ) won. Klano (2 ( to 1) second
end , Mollle I ! (4 ( to 1) ) third. Time 1:08 : % ,
Second race , six furlongs : Metropolis (414 (
to 1) ) won , I3en Wilson (4 ( to 1) ) second , Vlda
(8 ( to 1) third. Time : ItlSlfe.
Third race , four furlongs : Glacier ( even )
won , Helena Helle (7 ( to 1) ) second , Dr.
Holmes (2V6 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 0:49 : } ; ,
Fourth race , mile and a sixteenth : Tre
mor (7 ( to 5) ) won , Cataragus (7 ( to G ) second
end , Peabody (7 to 1) ) third. Time : 1:51. :
Fifth race , six furlongs : Ixitlle Mills (2 (
to 6) ) won , 1'robasco (2'A ( to 1) ) second ,
George L (25 ( to 1) ) third , flme : 1:1GV4. :
MKMPH1S. April 12. The attendance nt
Montgomery park today was about 3,000 ;
weather clear and warm ; track fast. Re
sults :
First race , six furlongs : Rouble ( I to 2) )
won , Pretender (15 ( to 1) ) second , Santa Cruz
(5 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:16 : % .
Second race , four furlongs : Cotton King ,
coupled with Fred Barr , (7 to 1) ) won , Royal
Choice (20 ( to 1) ) second , Stoela. (7 to 5) )
third. Time : 0:51 : % .
Third race , one mile , the Arlington Hotel
selling stakes : Glad (3 ( to 1) ) won , Drclbund
(3 ( lo G ) second , Caracas ( C to 1) ) third ,
nine : 1:45. :
Fourth race , four furlongs : Rewarder (4 (
to 1)won ) , Saracena ( G to 1) second , Lela
Drll (4 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 0:50U. :
ifth race , seven furlongs : Miss Clark (8 (
fj 1) ) won , Florlana (15 to 1) second , Dick
Jehan (1 ( to 2) ) third. Time : 1:30 : % .
Sixth race , live furlongs ; Ollvo (4 ( to G )
won , nlue and Gray (3 ( to 1) ) second , Hay
Rack (3 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:01 : % .
WASHINGTON , April 12.-The twenty-
one books which went on the SI. Asaph
race track today reaped a harvest , only
one favorite winning. The event of the day
was the Doswell stakes of $1,00) , which was
won by Jimmy McLaughlln's Wernbrg nt
odds of 4 to 1. Knndor , In the last race ,
ran away for three miles and finally jumped
the fence Into the paddock. Results :
First race , six and one-half furlongs :
Kilkenny (12 ( to 1) ) won , Copyright (7 to G )
second , St , Michael (11 ( to 5) ) third. Time :
1:23 : % .
Second race , one-half mile : Miss Lynah
(7 to 1 won , Lambert ( S to 6) ) second , Hera
( G to 1) third. Time : 0M'i. :
Third race , six furlongs : Wernberg ( I
to 1) ) won , Factotum (8 to 1) ) second , Captain
lirown (7 ( to 1) third. Time : 1:15. :
Fourth race , one mile : Kd Kearney (3 ( lo
1) ) won , ISnulty ( G to 5) ) second , Sir Dlckson ,
Jr. , (4 to 1) ) third. Time : 1:12. :
Fifth race , one-half mile : Brisk (7 ( to 2) )
won , Summertime (7 ( to 1) ) second , Montezuma -
zuma ( G to 1) ) third. Time : 0:50. : .
Sixth race , six and one-half furlongs : Sue
Kltly ( G to G ) won. The Scalper (3 ( to 1) )
second , Governor Russell (6 ( to 1) third.
Time : 1:2 : U.
ST. LOUIS , April 12. Results at Kast St.
Louis :
First race , three-quarters of a mile : Lu-
clnila won , Mr. Dunlap second , Queen Bess
third. Time : l:20i. :
Second race , three-quarters of a mile : Say
When won. Nellie K second , Albert A third.
Time : l:2Ui- :
Third race , five-eighths of a mile : Censor
ser won , Caesar second , Conduclor Mc-
Sweeney third. Time : 1:08. :
Fourth race , one mile : St. Leo won. Bee-
ton second , Poet third. Time 1:50. :
Fifth rac ? , three-quartera of a mile : Lady
Llsler won , Billy Sunderland second , Ar
kansas Traveler third. Time : a:2tf)4. : )
< 'nntp t with Lincoln utVliUU
Six teams of whist players from the swell
Union club of Lincoln will be In Omaha this
evening la meet n clmllar number of teams
from the Omaha \Vhlst club at the latler's
rooms In The BOO bunding In u tilt at
dupllcat whist. The names of the Omaha
teams were placed In a hut and the first six
drawn will represent the local organization.
The Omaha teams were drawn ns follows :
Alice and Stebblns , Scannoll and 1'oinntork ,
Mclkle and Garner , Webber and Funk-
houaer , Reber and Shetdiard , Peas" and
Harkncsx. Hawks and Wilbur , Brunner and
Ludlow. GrUwold and McCrew. Stenger and
Heth , Reed and Rlnehart , Jourdan and
Mussclman , Beck and Gager , Potter and
Docks and Marsh and Baxter.
IVuliouVln from Aih'aml ,
ASHLAND , Ni-b. , April 12-(8peclal ( Tele-
graiii. ) An enthusiastic crowd this - . ; er-
noon At the base ball park witnessed the
between two men or women generally develops the fnct that one or both
of them are troubled by sickness of some kind. One man is all right
exeepl his rheumatism , another has a "slight touch " of dyspepsia , sm
other has bilious headaches and another is too nervous to sleep well.
What's to be done about it ?
The situation is serious. Little things 'have n way of getting big ,
Big diseases are bad things. Sleeplessness brings irritable nerves , loss of
flesh , loss of appetite. Sleepless people soon get their bodies into such o
condition that disease-germs find it easy to lodge there and propagate.
People die from the aggravation of an aggregation of little things. The
more promptly a disease or disorder is met the more quickly it is cured.
Most all sickness starts in the stomach , liver or lungs. Rheumatism ,
scrofula , eczema , consumption , come about because insufficient , impure
or impoverished blood is present. The things we eat and breathe are
what make blood pure or impure. The diseased blood finds the weakest
spot in the body and a local symptom appears. If the impurity is sup
planted with good , rich , red , healthy corpuscles , the disease will have
nothing to feed on. If the proper cleansing medicine is sent to the seat
of the trouble , it will force out the germs and repair the damage done.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is n cleansing , purifying medi
cine , a blood enricher , a nerve strengthener. It is an efficient tonic , aids
digestion , creates healthy appetite and healthy flesh. It does not make
people "fat. " It makes them strong. It makes useful flesh muscle.
It will cure any sickness that has its source in the digestive organs , or
through them in the blood. It will cure 98 per cent , of all cases of con
sumption if it is taken in time. Consumption is virtually scrofula of the
lungs. Scrofula is a disease of the blood. The "Golden Medical Dis
covery" purifies the blood. What sounds at first like a preposterous
statement is a very simple , logical truth when you reason it put.
The World's Dispensary Mrdicnl Association , Ituffolo , N. Y. , publish a iGo page
book about health and how to keep it. It will bo sent free on receipt of six cents I
iti stamps to cover postage. It tells of many wonderful cures by the " Discovery. "
hottest fought Bnmc of ball ever played
In this city between Wahoo nnd Ashland ,
Wuhoo winning by n. score of a to 8. Aali-
land let In seven scores In the second In
ning on errors. The rest of the ( fame was
warm , every score being earned , naileries :
Coolc nnd Mllen , Wnhoo ; Whistler nnd
Renyl , Ashland. Umpire : Cook of Wnhoo.
Senficr and Arnold , llrst and second base ,
made three double plays. Dases on balls :
Off 1'enny , G ; off Cook , 3. Hases on balls :
mare. Errors : Ashland , 8 ; Wahoo , 7.
Dofouts Chicago Again t Wntor Polo nnil
Now l > rflt the World.
NEW YORK , April 12.-Tonight nt the
meetingof the Chicago Amateur Athletic
team with the New York Athletic club rep
resentatives for the championship of Amer
ica nt water polo , the New Yorkers , through
the excellent work of W. 13. Dickey nnd the
Interference of N. Murray , secured a goal
In 1:47. The teams lined up as follows :
New York. Positions. Chicago.
\V. O. Douglas Rlghl forward , . . .3. H. Hunt
W. E. Dickey. . Left forward Juan Smith
P. F. Dickey. . . Center rush . . .O. W. Thorpe
N. Murray. . . . Quutterback W. H. Thompson
C. J. Klntner Goal L. E. iiurr
E. IMIuubold Goal H. S. Donnely
Precisely nt 8:31 : p. m. Referee Dr. J. M.
Davis threw the Imll Into Ihe water and
blew Ihe whlslle. The twelve contestants
dropped Into Ihe water with a loud splash ,
and W. E. Dickey grabbed the ball just
behind the Chicago captain by nbout four
Inches. Dickey passed It back to Murray
and they worked It cleverly to within a
few Indies of the goal , when Donnely
caught It nnd Bent It buck to Thompson In
the middle of Ihe tank. W. E. Dickey then
got the ball and rushed like a streak
through the Chlcngoans , assisted by the In-
lerference of his namesake , nnd Murray
scored the only goal of the night. Time ,
'Tho western men then played carefully
and desperately. Thompson hit W. E.
Dickey with his right hand on the nose ,
drawing blood. Dickey returned the com
pliment and Thompson's nose wns soon
bleeding copiously. This was the only show
of bitter feeling exhibited during the
game. For the remainder of the
llrst half the Chicago men played
on the defensive , but kept the ball
near the New Yorkers goal line. Caplaln
Klnlner stood off th rushes of llurr and
Donnely very cleverly unlll time was called.
In the second half the New Yorkers , by n
succession of tricky passes between Murray ,
Haubold , Dickey nnd Klnlner , managed to
consume the entire eight minutes. It wns
generally conceded tlmt the Chicago cracks
put up a very much better game than they
did lost night , and their defensive work
and cute passing were frequently applauded.
New York having won two games out of
three games , claims the American cham
pionship , and probably In the near future
the teams may meet again 1 the west.
SUmmnry !
New Chi-
York. caso.
First half 1 j >
Second half 0 J >
Total . J J
Grand total
Another iiumn Tmlay.
The Omahas nnd St. Joes meet In their
second game this afternoon , nnd both Cap
tains McVey nnd Walsh promise n heller
exhibition of the great national sport than
they furnished the hungry fans yesterday.
Both teams are In poor condition , and H
will require hard practice from this on till
May 2 to get them In shape. The batting
order for this afternoon follows :
Omaha. Positions. St. Joe.
Hulchlson First McVey
Miles Second Gatewood
Ulrlch Third X.clgler
Walsh Short I.ogu ?
Shaffer Left McKlnsle
Single Middle Howe
Hoar Right Marcum
I > ace Catch Creluhton
Oalsz Pitch . . . . ' . Lincoln
Game called nt 3 o'clock.
Will Cost , lnlilinmi I'lvn Hundred.
SYRACUSE , N. Y. , April 12.-The referee
to whom was referred the Injunction cape
of E. J. Stearns & Co. against J. C. John
son , the champion bicycler , hns submitted
his report , which Is In favor of the
plaintiffs. He finds that the Stearns c 'tn-
pany has reasonable cause to believe tlmt
Johnson Intended to go to France In viola
tion of his contract with Diem. The report
will be submltled lo the court tomorrow for
confirmation. The ccet lo Johnson will
probably amount to about JJOO.
Vllllon Streets Oinn | fur KIIB tcmiinnU ,
The Vlnton Streets have reorganized for
the season of U33 with the following play
ers : P. Farr'cll , calcher ; Croford , pitcher ;
Fleck , llrst base ; VVilalr , second base ;
Casey , shorlslop ; A. Farrcll , third base ;
Sehultz. left Held ; Heal , center Held ; San
der , right Held ; Cousins nnd Krajlcek , sub-
stltutes. They challenge any nine In the
city under 1C years old. Address Ilurk
Casey , captain , Twentieth and Oak streets ,
or A. C. Bchullz , manager , Twenty-third
nnd Vlnton streets , city.
Trcumseh and Tnbto Ituck C liiih.
TECUMSUH. Neb. , April 12.-Speclal (
Telegram. ) Tecumseh met Table Rock In
the first ball game of the season here to
day and hud a wnlkaway to the tune of
21 to 11. Table Rock wn apparently some
what outclassed.
Did > c > t Mrrt the Committee.
MEMPHIS , April 12.-J. K. Owlnn , pecrc-
lary of Ihe St. IxmlH Fair association. Fred
Fester , owner of Dr. Rice , and Tom Walsh
Children Cryfoi
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cryfoi
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
returned to St. Louis tonight , having failed
to meet the commltle" appointed at the re
cent meeting of the turf congress to Investi
gate the ownership of Simmons , the horse
matched for a race with Dr. nice at St.
Louis , April 20. It Is alleged that an Inter
est In the horse Is ciwn d by Walsh , whoso
track at Madison was outlawed by the con
gress. The St. Louis people claim the
course Is owned by Charles Colla of Chicago
and nro very anxious to get permission of
the committee for the rnce as arranged ,
Ono-I.rK pil Hlc > clo licfird < .
NEW YORK , April 12.-Charles G. Kll-
palrlck , the one-legged bicycle rider , has
authorized the American wheelmen to ar
range n match between himself and J. B.
Cunningham of Syracuse , N. Y. , for a scries
of races to determine the one-legged cham
pionship of America. The record for one-
legged riders against time Is 3:07 : , now held
by Kllpatrlck. The distance will be one-
quarter , one-half and one mile , to be gov
erned by the League of American Wheel *
men rules.
flniiul Inlnml'H Hull Ton in.
GRAND ISLAND , April 12.-Specal. ( ! )
Grand Island will be represented in the basa
Lnll season of ' 93 by the following team :
Llnehan , catcher ; Glade , pitcher ; Swlgnrt.
first base ; Booker , second base ; Wright ,
short stop ; Croxxman , third base ; Richard
son , right fl'ltl ; Hansen , center Held ;
Relmers , left Held ; Phil Glade , substitute.
James Rourlc will manage the team ,
Omiilm Cycle flot Octohnr IB.
NEW YORK , April 12. Chairman Gideon
of the racing board of the League of Ameri
can Wheelmen has acted upon all the ap
plications for positions on the national racing
circuit , and announces that the following
dates have been allotted : October 11 , 12 ,
Council Bluffs ; October 15 , Omaha.
Illick Oetx U at Kiiiiftit * ( Itv.
KANSAS CITY , April 12. The Blues won
easily from the Lincoln boys here today In ,
the first exhibition base ball game of the
season. The men were In poor trim and put
up a boys' game. Score by Innings :
Kansas City 2 3 0 4 2 G 0 017
Lincoln 01207000 0 10
INSTRUMENTS placed on record April 12 ,
1895 :
Consolidated Coffee comimny to the Consoli
dated Coffee company , w ' ,4 blk 12 , Ijuyd'a
niUl . 10,000
K 13 Allen , receiver , to Hfo'.tlyli Inventmenl
Trust comimny , lot 10 , block 3 , Slicrwood'B
KUlxllv . 45
Same to mine lot 2 , block 2 , panic . 43
J P Knyiler to F W Andrews , Jr , lot 3 ,
block 2 , Quirk's park . ' . . 400
Potter & Qeorni" company tt > O W Hayes , j
lot 5 , block 2 , Kllby 1'lace . 2,000
Clausi Holln and wife to nilcn lllikliauser ,
n ' .i n 23-10-12 . 8,000
H C Hewitt nnil wife to Ilertlia Dleslnir ,
lot 10. block 16 , Myem. H & T'H a/Iil . COO
Mary Nelson : and husband to U C Hewitt ,
bamo . . . , , , , * 1
Alfred Mayhow nnil wife to P Duboln , e
30 feel lot 10 , block 10 , Waterloo . t
K I Thomas nnd huslmml tOnmliii Uxm
nnd Trust company , lot 13 , block 8 , In l t
ndil to South Omaha . 1,200
Sheriff to n H Ilaer , lot B , block 8 , 8 13
Hoccix' ailil . 1,500
Same lo L A Porter , lots 7 .nnd 8 , block 1 ,
Koml.ill'a ailil . 1,000
Kpeclal master to 15 A StcvcnK , lot 14 ,
block 75 , Dundee Place . 200
Same to L 13 Harrington , lot 13 , block 75 ,
same . 223
Total amount of transfers . 120,911
Friend" CHILD
COI.VIN , LA. , Deo. 2,18S& My wlfo
used "MOT1IEIIS1 FUIEND" before
her third confinement , nnil says uho
would not bo without it for hundreds
of dollars. DOCK Mi M.S.
Pont by express or mull , on receipt of prlco ,
ll.l > per bottle. Hook "TO MOTlliiUB'1
mailed frco. Bold by all Druggists.
DnADFICLD REOAULTOll CO. , Atlanta , da.
Cures the effects ot
felf-nbuse , excesses ,
finlsHlons , Imnotency ,
vnrlcocelo. and consti
pation. One dollar &
box , six for (5. For
Bale bv Till : GOOD *
MAN IDItra CO. , and
KUI1N & CO ,
THE WRONG SIDE } , " ; , r'iY.t0 :
, „ „
uiound adverse fluctuations of Uiu market and
MAKU J10 TO $ W A DAY with cumpaiultva re * .
ularlty and safely.
\Vu have many customers already -vorklnK on ,
this plan uho me highly pleased. It In north ,
your wlillo to wrllu ( or Int. i.joklel and oui
complete statement of tm'isactluns maao for
them , showing JID piollls actually made for them
every day ana no louses whatever. There !
nothlnK blind or discretionary about thin. When
you undtrnlund the tdan you limply give your
order on a printed blank and we then carry out
Ihe necessary tio/isacllGn wlihout further In-
tructlons or at entlon f'orn you , reporting all
trades dally us made --id paying profits us you
may di-tlre. Write ( or Ihe booklet and llfus *
irallons. Ileferrnr.cj turnlslmd.
Valentin * A Co. , R. Ill Tradtri Dld ( .