Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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They Need Nothing So Much as Paine's
Celery Compound.
In the spring women need Pnlue's celery
The average American woman , says n
well known writer , \voar3 herself out twenty
years before her time. She begins the
wearing out process ns a child , staying up
nt night until ( he whole family retires ; and
keeps It tip as a growing girl , staying awake
until 10 or 11 o'clock , when Mie uhould be
asleep by 9 ; Mid as a woman she has so
many things to do nnd to keep up with that
she positively hasn't a minute to rest.
By and by her checks grow thin and hag
gard ; languor takes the place of her old-time
high spirits ; she has p generally worn-out
nlr ; her nerves are knawed by pain , and
sleeplessness makes fearful Inroads upon her
Her physician tells her simply that her
nervous system Is exhausted and that help
. / must come by feeding the brain and entire
* nervous tract , richly , rapidly and completely.
It Is the experience of the most careful medi
cal men In this country that nothing proves
eo uniformly successful as Pnlno's celery
compound In cases of brain weariness , nerv
ous Inability , failure of vital force , dyspepsia ,
sleeplessness nnd for restoring health and
vigor to the brain and the body when ex
hausted by overwork or dissipation.
Every such weary , nervous , thin-blooded
person should toke Palno's celery compound.
It makes such people well.
Paine's celery compound Improves the general -
oral health by making new , ruddy blood and ;
refreshing the nerves.
It reanimated the languid body nnd vital
ises the Important organs so that they work
> In harmony with each other.
The American Tobacco Cc\
Chronic ,
Nervous ,
Wo euro Catarrh , oil disousos of the
Nose , Throat , Ghost , Stomnch , Liver ,
Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Fe-
xnnlo Weaknesses , Lost Manhood , and
Debility or l-xhai : llon. WiutlnKVeakne s. Involuntary -
voluntary Ijatset , with iaily Ueiuy m young
nnd middle aged , lace of vliv. , visor and weak-
fimi prematurely In approaching old age. All
yield readily to our new treatment for loss ot
\ltal ! x > wor. Call or nJJrca with itamp for
tlixulart , free book and receipt * .
Dr , Searlcs anl SearUs ,
25 Jfercs of ejflbr
B. have placed
All Drnggist ? .
The accomplished st.lor ot the Oakland ,
III. , Leilger , u portrait of whose wife Is given
above , siys ; In his own paper , editorially :
"Our leading druggist , Dr. W. O. Otegory ,
Informs us that his sales of Pnlno's celery
compound has been wonderful , In fact , ho
states that he has In six months sold more
celery compound than nil other medicines
combined. There has been a constant de
mand for It.
"One of the noticeable cures that this med
icine bat made Is the case of Mr. Phil Clln-
artl , who last spring was republican candi
date for county treasurer. Mr. Cllnard's
nerves were all unstrung , he had no appe
tite and wns all run down. He commenced
using Palno's celery compound , and today
there Is not a more well and vigorous citizen
In this whotu community than Mr. Cllnard.
Another case that comes closer Is that of the
wife ot the editor of the Ledger. Every one
in Oakland knows that Mrs. Yeargln was con
fined to her bed for three whole months with
neuralgia. At times her pains were awful ,
HO much so that her hands would clinch and
It took the united strength ot two persons
to straighten out her fingers. Dr. Garvey ,
the family physician , treated her for months ,
but all he could do was to alleviate the pains ,
not effecting a cure. Along last winter she
commenced rslng Paine's celery compound.
"Sho commenced to gain In flesh at once.
Her pain all went away ; her vitality In
creased weekly , nnd today there h not a
more healthy woman In town that she. Her
neighbors all marvel at her complete recov
ery and ask her the cause , nnd she has no
hesitancy In saying that It Is all duo to
Palno's celery compound. This Is given
voluntarily in the hopes that others who are
ailllcted may be profited by using this great
medicine , which today Is without a peer In
the land. "
SIIR HAD sat-Kittir. uusn.ixns
. Mil-del- n YTniimu In Inillniia thnt llai
JMnuv I'ucullnr I'cmturt's.
CUOWN POINT. Ind. , April 12. What n
first appeared to bo a plain and rathe :
bungling minder committed by a drunkei
husband at Crown Point , Ind. , promises ti
develop Into a sensational nnd peculiar case
Instead of being a practically unknowi
Bohemian woman , the victim turns out to b <
the sister-in-law of ex-County Commlsslone
Michael Wasserman ot Chicago , and the wit
undlvorced of about three men. Her bus
band. It is thought. Is cither a fugitive fron
justice or has himself been murdered , whll
the woman's two brothers are locked uj :
practically charged with inciting the husban
to murder their sister. A letter written b
Ralph Ilechtel ot Philadelphia , Pn. , was foun
near the body of the murdered woman. Th
writer ( Ilechtel ) reveals that the woman ha
been married twice before and offers to hcl
her In case she should get into trouble ovu
her mcrrlages , first to Mr. Gregg and the
to Kltwanger. There are plenty of peopl
who believe that the missing husband , Ott
RllwaiiKcr , Old not murder his wife , and a
many more who think ho himself has bee
murdered. Ho bears the character of
particularly peaceable man. There are evl
donees that more men than one went to th
Bllwntigcr farm Tuesday morning. The pcllc
have offered a reward for Kllwanger's ur
To have perfect health you must have pur
blood , and the best way to have pure bloo
Is to take Hood's Sarsaparllla ,
Cir.lirXCKl' DKl'KWS 1'ltOl'llKCl
Now Iilcti of the Political Future of th
Snnthrrn States ,
NK\V YORK , April 12. In an Interview o
elections In tie south In general and In Sout
Carolina In particular , Chauncey M. Dope1
Bays : "With Wade Hampton and M. C. Bui
ler , and the aristocratic clement they repri
sent , deposed ; with the negro disfranchise
and with Tlllinnn securely seated In powe
what method will bo taken to secure justice
There Is only one place , and that Is the nt
tlonal convention. What Is more natun
than that the better element should appe ;
to the place that promises relief ? What mot
likely than that Wudo Hatrpton , M. C. Uul
lor and other leaders of this class In Sout
Carolina should come knocking at the doc
of the next republican national convention
I predict It. The only way to secure relle
Is through the republican party. The soil
south U being broken up , and Mr. Tlllma
will be disposed of upon this line of recor
structlon. "
Litest Vnltcd States
government food r <
port allied to highest honors ot World's an
Midwinter fairs proclaims superiority (
Price's Cream Baking Powder.
FinitT TiMJi .s/.vt'ij TTinnsT mm
solar .Sjrutein Toilny In tlin S.imo I'oiltln
M H mi I ho 1'lrnt Cimil 1'rliliiy.
CHAULRSTON. S. C. . April 12. Ilev J. S
Hartzell. an Episcopalian clergyman resldln
near this city , publishes this statement : "Goo
Friday of this year , the heavenly bodlc
which gravitate around the sun will be I
exactly the same position relatively to eac
other and to the earth that they occupied o
the day ChrUt was crucllled. U will be tl
llrst time such a thing has occurred nine
that day. "
Cuvlncton Cnronnr'i Jury .liutlflei the Kll
I UK of Hunker feiimltoril.
CINCINNATI , April J2. After hearing w !
neawi all day th ecoroner at Covlngton , Ky
this , a.ftornoon rendered a verdict of sel
defense In the case ot J. L. Sandtord , kllh
yesterday by Senator William Goebel. Tl
preliminary hearing ot Goebel before tl
police Judge U set for tomorrow , wh n frleni
of the dead banker stute that they will pn
duce evidence to show a case ot assasslnatlo
Town llurnoil l > r n I'r.tlrle I'I re.
LIPSCOM , Tex. . April 12. Lockwood , Okl
has been destroyed by prairie fire , which hi
burned all the way from New Mexico.
Fight Against Pico Silver Will Bo Carried
to an IBSUO.
I'ronlclcnt Will Hither Attend the ChlciiRO
Meeting1 or Write a Letter Setting
Out III * View * on the
WASHINGTON , April 12. It Is now cer
tain that several members of the adminis
tration will take a prominent part In the
political campaign over the money question
that will bo carried on In different states
The Invitation of the Chicago business men
to President Cleveland , asking him to make
an address In that city on the subject of the
currency , has been followed by Intimation !
from other places that the members of the
cablnot were wanted to make similar ad
dresses In order that the position of the ad
ministration may be placed before the conn
try In a most forcible way. The preslden
has not yet answered the Chicago Invitation
but If ho finds It Impossible to go It Is ex
peeled that he will decline In a letter ex
pressing clearly his views on the subject o
The campaign within the democratic partj
against the free coinage movement will n
doubt take Its keynote from the president *
letter and the speeches which may be mad
by members of the cabinet. The campalgr
wilt be directed against the free coinage o
silver at sixteen to one , and the assertlot
will be made that such coinage would meat
silver monometallism and would be dlsastrou
to the business Interests of the country
great and small , and extend to every clas
and condition , no matter In what pursul
Program for the Opening nt Chlckntnaucii
Drcliluil Upon *
WASHINGTON , April 12. Secretary Lament
mont has decided upon the main features o
the official exercises authorized by congres
In dedication of the Chlckamagua and Chat
tanooga National Military park. The cere
monies will begin on the battlefield o
Chlckamagua September 13 , and will com
prlso the formal announcement of the open
Ing of the park by the War departmen
representing the government , two orations bj
speakers of national prominence and th
proper military display. On the followlnj
day exercises In continuation of the dcdlca
tlon , relating to the battles of Lookou
Mountain and Missionary Hldge , will bo hole
at Chattanooga , with a somewhat similar pro
gram. In case of rain all exercises wll
take place at Chattanooga , under cover o
adequate capacity , to be provided as a provl
dcnttal measure. The secretary will arrang
to have all the armies represented In th
battles participate In the dedication by sttlnf
apart the night of September 19 to the unloi
and confederate armies of the Tennessee am
the night of the 20th to the Potomac am
Northern Virginia.
The regular army will bo represented bj
the lieutenant general and a detachment o
The Society of the Army of the Cumber
land will hold Its regular annual reunion a
Chattanooga the evening of September 18 , preceding
ceding the dedication , and to this all offlcla
visitors and representatives of the othe
army societies will be Invited.
MoUlcul 1'npori of Uormnny Discussing i
Now Curu for Connnniptlon.
WASHINGTON. April 12. United Stati :
Consul Dekay at Berlin believes that a
American physician has discovered a ne\
means of curing consumption , lupas and per
haps cancer. In a report to the State de
partment he says the coming medical con
gress at Munich Is likely to give no little at
tentlon to the discovery made by Dr. Lout
Waldsteln , a native of New York , announce !
In the German medical papers as extraordl
nary action of minute Injections of pllosar
pine , a crystallized extract from the Brazlllai
jaborandl plant , on the lymphatic system
This In a sense completes the celebrate *
"hell serum , " acting favorably on patient
whom the serum does not cure.
The key to the discovery Is this : By sue
cesslve Injections of minute doses of pllosar
pine In the veins he arrives at a gradua
stimulation of the lymphatic system. Tha
system Increases the white corpuscles In th
blood , which In same way not agreed upoi
certainly overcomes and renders harmlos
those poisonous particles in the blood tha
produce disease. The discoverer strongly ad
vises physicians to try pllosarplne In the earl
stages of consumption , and Indeed In a !
diseases Involving the lymphatic system. II
has satisfied himself that It forms a trust
worthy test for the presence of tuberculosl
In man and animal. The report closes wit
a statement of a case of lupas of twenty-tw
years duration , regarded as Incurable , whlc
was relieved Immediately after the first In
jectlon and Is now almost cured.
Hutch of PreHliiuntliilppolntmoiitn. .
WASHINGTON , April 12. The preslden
made these appointments luJny :
George W. Myers , register of the Ian
otllce at Miles City , Mont. ; A. n. neevcs
receiver of public money nt Dodge City Kar
Mineral land commissioners for Helen
land district In Montana : Edward Ii
Movlus of HufTalo ; Miles Cavannugl
Helena , uml Lymann K. Humes , Appletor
Mineral land commissioners for Mlwoul
land district In Montana : William Harrlso
of Georgetown , On. ; Frank M. Leonard c
Llbbey. Mont. ; Wllllum V. Tompklna c
Prescott , Ark.
Mineral land commissioners for BozPina
land district In Montana : James A. John
son of Uozcmnn , Mont. , ami Bishop 1
niackwcll of Florida.
Mineral land commissioners for Coeur c
Alene land district In Idaho : Addlson A
Grain of Harrison. Idaho ; Wallace Me
I.iuirln of Jackson , Miss. ; Albert J. Pearso
of Woodslleld , O.
Itiivonnn Cutter Olllcers Witiit to He Itotlroi
WASHINGTON , April 12. The exnmtnln
board of the marine hospital service cor
veneil by the president to examine olllcer
of the revenue cutter service who wer
made eligible for the retired list by the BC
passed on the lust day of the Klfty-thlr
congress , held Its llrst session at the Treas
ury department today. The members of th
board are : Surgeons. George Pun-lane
( chairman ) , II. W. Austin and H. H. Cartel
and the otllcsrs examined today were Cur
tain N. W. Lay , Captain L. M. Keene , Firs
Lieutenant Robert IJarstow , Second Llev
tenant John L. Davis , Second Lleutennn
Samuel H > wnrd , Chief Engineer W. C
Onoieherry I'lo.
Paste No. 6 , 3 cups gooseberries , stewed
with Itt cupfuls of sugar 15 minutes , and
strained. Proceed a directed for Cranbjrry
I'UIT 1'tttte No. 3.
Three cupfuli sifted flour , 2 cupfuls butter ,
1 egg yelk , a little salt , 1 teasponful Uoyal
Ilaklng Powder. Tula Is difficult to make.
The essentials are : A cool place to make It
In , lei , broken up In two shallow cake pans ,
good flour and butter , firm , with salt and
buttermilk worked out. Sift flour with pow
der In It on pastry slab , form It In a ring
with back of your hand ; place In center the
egg yelk and sell , add a little Ice water , and
from Inside of ring gradually take flour ,
adding a llttla at time , as you require It ,
more Ice water , about a cupful together ,
Vheoler , Chief Kntflnent J. N. Case , First
engineer J , T , Keleher , Second Assistant
Engineer Henshaw.
There were forty-TOTS-nppllcatlons for re-
Irement. and oU\ei \ | ir mlnatlons will be
icld nt New York , San. Francisco nnd To-
edo. I " ' '
Under the terms of , tUf. net the Infirmities
of ngo are suniclent to entitle olllccrs to re-
Irement. _
Onlrrn frth Army .Men.
WASHINGTON. . April ll-Speclnl ( Tele-
gram. ) First Llcutynaft Albert J. Hussell ,
Seventh cavalry , Incapacitated for service ,
will proceed to hla'liotfti nnd report by let
ter to the adjutant Ktitioral of the army.
Lieutenant Colonel W.'HInm ' J. Volkmar ,
assistant adjutant cemjrnl , Is detailed ns
assistant to the ailjutunt general , Depart
ment of the East.
First Lieutenant Herbert S. Whlpplc ,
Seventh cavalry , will report for July with
the militia of Kentucky.
Captain Wells Wlllard , commissary of
subsistence. Is relieved ns assistant to
Colonel Thomns C. Sullivan , assistant com-
mlsary general of subsistence , Ohtengu. to
take effect upon return to duty of Lieuten
ant Colonel Jeremiah H. Gllnmn , assistant
commissary general of subsistence , nnd will
then report In person to Lieutenant Colonel
Thomas Wilson , assistant commissary gen
eral of subsistence , purchasing- commissary
of subsistence , New York City.
Captain Thaddeus W. Jones is transferred
from troop G to troop F , ami Cnplnln
Charles G. Ayrcs from troop F to troop G
Tenth cavalry.
Second Lieutenant Hanson K. Ely Is
transferred from company II to companj
K ; Second Lieutenant Albert C. Dalton
from company B to company K , and Second
end Lieutenant Hurry clement from com
pany 1C to company 13 , Twenty-second In-
" "
"First" Lieutenant Samuel W. Miller. Flftl
Infantry , Is ordered to attend the encamp
ment of Indiana National Guard at In-
dlnnnpolls July 20 to 18.
Captain Thomas M. Woodruff. Fifth In
fantry , Is granted leave for ten days ; Firs
Lieutenant John H. Uencon , Third Infantry
fifteen days ; First Lieutenant John A
Harinan , Sixth cavalry , ten days extended
In the Dnwri Commission.
WASHINGTON. April 12.-Meredlth H
Kldd of Indiana , who has been a member
of the Dawcs commission for the past two
years , has resigned. He has been appolntei
a member of the commission to nsgollate
with the Ute Indians to ascertain 1C thej
will accept the modllled agruement for their
removal from Colorado to Utah. This leaves
three places to 1111 on the Duwes commls
nlon. It Is expected these places will be
tilled soon and It I ? exipected they will be
ex-Hepresentatlves Cabltmla of Georgia ,
Montgomery , and Assistant Commissioner ol
Indian Affairs Armstrong ,
1'rttonM toVot rn luventor .
WASHINGTON , April 12.-Speclal.-Pat- (
ents have been Issued ns follows : Ne
braska Thomas H. Dysnrt , Superior ,
sprocket gearing ; Mary J. Foxworthy , Lin
coln , garment protector ; William H. D.
Ludlow , Tecumseh , motor ; Joseph H. \ \ lit-
maim , Lincoln , snap hook. Iowa John Hal-
lahan , Mclleray , combined hay loader and
rake ; Martin Hardsocg , Ottnmwa , coal drill ;
James Lyons , Dubuque , stove or furnace ;
Isbon MetzKcr , Louisa county , near \Mn-
lleld , Journal and box ; Jesse Stubbs , Mount
Pleasant , feeding machine for making bal
last. _
Unlit the Mnrrlnga Will Valid.
WASHINGTON , April 12. Assistant Sec
retary Reynolds has overruled the decision
of the commissioner of pensions who refused
a pension to Mary J. Smith , claiming to be
the widow of Harrison Nichols , late of Com
pany F , Fifth Massachusetts colored Infan
try. Doth parties were slaves , and were
married according to slave custom and lived
together as man and wife , in spite of the
opposition ol Nichols' owner. The marriage
Is held to have been a valid one.
llrcrlvrrs for Urokoii llnnkft.
WASHINGTON , April 12. The comptroller
of the currency today appointed John Perry
of Kansas City as receiver of the National
Bank of Kansas City , Mo. , which suspended
payment March 16and' John F. Smith ol
Forth Worth , Tex.ifor the City National
hank of Fort Worth , which suspended April
4. There has been -a great contest for the
Kansas City appointment , and thirty-flvi
candidates were on } he Hat. Mr. Perry Is t
well known coal dealer. _
HociimmemN ii.t < t'W' Ulcer's Cnp.
WASHINGTON , , April 12. Recently th (
secretary of war appointed a board to con
slder the 'advisability ' of a change in tin
undress coat for otllcers nnd In the cap foi
officers nnd enlisted men. The board ha ;
unanimously recommended the adoption ol
a new forage cap for nil otllcers , excepl
chaplains , nnd for all enlisted men , and alsc
a new undress cut for ull olllcers excepl
chaplains. The , secretary of war has ap
proved the changes.
UliU for I'ontiilllcn I'liol nntt Mi llU.
WASHINGTON , April 12. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The Treasury department will to
morrow Issue an order authorizing the cus
todlan of the public buildings at Omaha
Lincoln and Fremont to advertls ? for pro
posals for furnishing light , fuel , gas , am
miscellaneous supplies for these building !
for use during the next winter.
Another New Counterfeit Ilotcctoil.
WASHINGTON , April 12. A photograpl
counterfeit of the five-dollar Issue ot thi
"American Exchange National bank o
New York City , " series of 18S2 , check lette
F charter No. 1,391. bank No. 101,798 , treas
ury number V1.230.US1. portrait of Gnrtlcld
has made Its appearance.
South llnkotn Poitmastor * .
WASHINGTON , April 12.-Speclal ( Tele
gram. ) Postmasters were appointed toda ;
ns follows : South Dakota-Bancroft , Kings
bury county , J. P. Conroy , vice C. O. Dill
removed. _ _
CiiHli Unlanoi- the Trriimiry.
WASHINGTON , April 12.-Today's state
ment of the condition of the treasury
Available cash balance , JlSr , lSl,112 ; gold re
serve , $90,347.201.
Violence Is disastrous adulterated fooc
ditto. Insist upon Dr. Price's Cream Bakini
Powder. Most economical.
Final < Juurr l Over n Wmuan.
JAMESTOWN , N. Y. April 12. At Fluy
anna , on Lake Chautauqua , Fred Mltchel
and James Ilalney , both of this city
quarreled over a woman , to whom both hai
been paying attentions. Mitchell was th
aggressor and Kalney , as he claims , In sell
defense , attacked him with a knife. Mltchcl
was dealt two ugly cuts In the neck , on o
which severed the Jugular vein and he die
In ten minutes. Ilalney came to the city an
gave himself up to the police. Uoth wer
prominent and well known young men.
Cold Ducking Killed Him.
OAKLAND. Md. , April 12. Jacob Mosscr ,
young man lying at the point of death , wa
persuaded by the Dunkards to submit t
being Immersed. He was carried to a strear
on a cold day last week and ducked thrc
times In the water. ' Three days later h
died and thes tale attorney general propose
to proceed against the perpretrators of th
' '
outrage. _
I'lve Inchoi -ifufivi In Wisconsin.
WAUPACA , Wis.i April 12. Five Inche
of snow fell here yesterday with the win
from the east. Plowing and garden makln
had began early In the week. A like repor
It received from Marslifltild , Wis.
Butterick's ButtcHck's
Patterns. Patterns.
Atvrnys Reliable. Always Rollnblo ,
Special Prices ! Newest Goods !
Latest Styles !
Bargains in all Departments for Saturday.
Accumoy ot Tholr Flr Cntuo Fully Up to
NEW YORK , April 12. Hundreds went
down to the proving grounds at Sandy
Hook to witness the testing of the big mortar
battery. At 1:45 p. m. the sixteen mortars
were fired , four at a time In quick succession ,
making but four tremendous reports. When
the smoke cleared away the sixteen thots
could bo seen clearly In the air , each four
grouped together as closely as when they
left the mortara. When they began to drop
their speed was too great to admit of noting
their descent from the battery. The charge
used In the first fire was fifty pounds of
prismatic powder , with a projectile weighing
800 pounds. The mortars were elevated to
sixty degrees and were ranged to carry 0,000
Almost an hour elapsed before the mortars
were discharged a second time. They were
then charged to carry an OO-pimnd pro
jectile 4,000 yards. Twenty-nine pounds of
black Spliree-hexagonal powder was used , the
elevation of the guns being the same as at
first. The second firing was as successful as
the first , with the exception that one of the
mortars failed to discharge and only fifteen
shots went screaming heavenward. The pro
jectiles had landed In a space very little. If
any , larger than the size of the battery.
They were Imbedded six feet In the ground
and the corporal In charge of the squad at
that point declared that nearly all of them
dropped vertically Into the sand. The olllcers
present pronounced the trials extremely satis
An exhibition was given of the 10-lncli rifle
which Is mounted on the Gordon disappearing
gun carriage. After the second shot was dis
charged a break In the machinery of the
carriage occurred and the tests had to be
discontinued. The guests were then taken to
the top of the gun lift battery , where two
monstrous 12-Inch guns were mounted. After
one of the guns had been run up to the level
of the platform of the battery It was given
a range of five degrees and elevated ten
degrees. The 1.000 pound projectile was
backed l y 470 pounds of prismatic powder.
Thla piece was only discharged once , the
shot landing far out to sea , directly In a line ,
but much beyond a white buoy which had
been placed there for a mark.
Worldly Wealth of the ( Jrrnt Novelist , the
Krlpncl of the ! > nniniiiin.
SAN FRANCISCO , April 12. Robert Louis
Stevenson's estate will probably prove to be
worth between $100.000 and $150.000. Most
ot this will be from profits from his books ,
but a. share of it will be from the estate of
bis father , the famous lighthouse keeper.
The Stevenson place at Samoa consists of
800. acres. Mr. Stevenson might have been
worth considerably more , but he kept open
house In Samoa. Every needy one was wel
come and In that country It costs a great
deal to maintain an establishment , especially
when one does not live as the natives do , but
In British or American ways. This Is the
statement of Charles Baxter , the executor of
the estate.
v , , -w , j ,
" ' '
03 I find the ROYAL BAKING POWDERsuperior to all the others in every | P
K respect. It is purest and strongest- < §
n s Consulting Chemist , Chicago Board of Health.
3 ao 4 * a ! a Q Ba B a Q s
: e
until you have smooth , fine paste , very te
nacious and lithe. Place In Ice box 15 min
utes , then roll out to size of a dinner plate ;
lay on It butter , and wrap over It cdsej of
dough , carefully covering ; It ; turn It upside
down , roll out very thin ; then turn face
down the face Is Bide ot the paste next to
rollliiK pin folding It In three , iquarely ;
repeat this three ttme more , placing It In
thin tin on the broken Ice , nnd other tin con
taining Ice on It , between each turn or opera
tion of folding and rolling. Dy this method
this dlfllcult Putt Paste may be made success
fully in hottest weather ,
Apple Vie Jio. 1.
Five or six apples , 1 cupful sugar , % cup
water , 1 teaipoonful Uoyal Extract Lemon ,
Paste No. 4. Peel , quarter , and core applet ,
put la stewpau with sugar and water ; when
Glove Dept.
Wo have bought an Importer's stock of
gloves nt about one-third their value and
have put prices on them that will surely
clean out every pair quickly.
Ladles' live-hook , tan , brown or black , not
the best , but a good , serviceable glove ;
Easter prlcu
Lodles' five-hook , all colors. Special atten
tion has been given to the manufacturing
of this glove. You will find It Is In every
way equal to anything you have paid J1.50
for. Easter price
Ladles' seven-hook , all colors. It will bo a
pleasure to wear this glove. The style , nt
and richness of coloring Is unsurpassed by
anything on the market at double the
money. Special Easter price
We take It for granted everybody will buy
a pair of gloves for Easter. Here Is an oppor
tunity to buy two pairs for about the prlco of
one.Ladies' Hosiery.
You will surely nnd something you require
for Easter In this department , either for your
self or the- children of course you won't for
get the children.
Boys' heavy ribbed hose for v. 'fe ' i
20c and 22c.
Good value at 30c to 35c.
Misses' fine ribbed hose , a really good
Misses' extra fine quality ribbed hose
Children's fine ribbed hose , 2 pairs for
Boys' heavy ribbed hose , worth 20e , for
P. Morse Dry Goods Co.
New Goods Arriving Daily for all Departments.
tender , remove ; when cold , add extract and
fill pie plate , lined with the pasts ; wet the
edges , cover with paste rolled out thin , and
wash with milk ; bake In steady , moderate
oven 20 minutes.
Apple I'lo No. 'A ,
Three tart apples , H cupful sugar , H lemon
rind grated , Paste No.I. . Peel , core and
slice apples very thin ; line plo plate with
paste ; put In apples , sugar , and llttlo water ;
wet the edges with paito rolled out very
tMti ; wash with milk , bake In steady , mod
erate oven 25 minutes or till apples are
Coconnut lkle *
Proceed as for custard pie , plain , adding
IK cupfuls grated cocoanut , and leaving out
H pint milk.
Cloak Dept.
200 Indies' wrnpiicrs , made of Simpson's
prints , \vttrnuitcil fast colors ; the
? l.'jr. quality for. . . . . , . . . . . . - . . .
20 dozen ladles' percale Rlilrt waists ,
liuindored , collar uml ctilTs , with yoku
In back ; the ST > c quality , each. . . . . . .
All of our Kxcelslor shirt waists , latest
styles , new patterns , worth $1.00 to
51.-5 ; for Saturday , choice of the lot
for „ ,
Wo are showing extraordinary values
In ladles' spring capes at
$2.50 , $2.98 , $3.75 , $5 ,
and up to $25.
The best value In the market , finality
and style taken Into consideration.
We have just received a full line of
children's outing stilts , In blazer and
liton styles.
Ask to see our child's military suits ;
the newest this season.
Millinery Dept.
Wo wish to announce that we have for
all tastes.
This extraordinary Rejuvenalor Is the most
wonderful discovery of the oce. It has been
endorsed by the leading sclcntl/laincnoCKuropa /
end America.
n < 1 y a n is
purely vego-
Hudynn Stops
( ! onstlpaton ! , DIzzluefa , Falling Beneatlons ,
Nervous Twitching of the "yea und other luiits.
Strengthens , invigorates and times the cntlio
eyttom. Hudyau euros Debility , Nervou.siieis ,
Kmlsslons , and rievclopes nnd restores weak
organ * . 1'nlns In the back , Jo'tes by day 01
iilKht are ( .topped quickly. OV.T 2,000 private
I'rcmaturonesi means impotenry In the first
Btago. It i3a > ymtomof&miimlweaknctsund |
barrcnubss. It can be tloiiped In 20 daja by the
The new discovery wasmado by thoBpcclnl-
Istsof thoolil famous lludhuu Medical luatl-
Into , it is tlioetrongcbi vltallzcr made. Ilia
very powerful , but harmless. Sold for Kl.OO n
packnjjoor 0 packages for J5.W ) ( plain gculcd
boxesi. Writtcnyiiarantec given for a cure. If
yea buy six boxes and are not entirely cured ,
fix raoro will bo sent to you free of nil nhnrgcs.
Scud for circulars and te&tlinoulals. Addrcei
1032 3IARKET ST. ,
Weakness nnrt Ferret
livery euro laiarantocd.
UO JUUM oxpiTlnnco.
Syeiunln Omolia.
Hook Krue.
14th .t ! rariiam NU. ,
OS1A1IA. Mill.
I. . < ist Two Performances Of
lit Qlcti MaiDotmuirtt Hrlglit Comedy ,
" ' "
Original New Yorl. Company and Production.
Matlnoo Today at 2:3O.
I'llI'MSSfloor. ! . 5)c atu Tii , batcony.
Kv uml M <
l' ual prices.
. : : . " : : : : : APRIL 14th
Presenting Their WwiJcrful Hportar-ular Ti 'lt
Pantomime , the
A CloriM > us Mechanical Hprctacle , flllcj wl'h
MyitlfyliiK Tricks and Illusions. Tran rormatlon
Hconea of ItrwIIJerlnK lleauty and lllKh-Clan
VauJevllIu HpvclHltlca ,
Th * talp of iieata will open Saturday morning
at tuual prlceiic , We , 71c aoJ Jl.t > ) .
Children's ami mlsjcs * tan hose , all slmdes ,
fust colors 23 < r
Ladles' hilk hose , all colors. These lioso
are spun silk ; would be good value at
75c ; Uastcr price G03
Ladles' black cotton ho.o , guaranteed fast
colors 39
Ladles' boot pattern , nil colors ; a good 35o
hose for 25a
Ladle * ' flno llslo thread , all colors. These
hose are really c.ood value at " 5c. Hasten
price I5o
Ladles' Kgypllan cotton vests and pants..25o
Ladles' silk and lisle thread vests GOo
Ladles' silk and llslo thread vests , extra
line quality , fancy colors 75a
Furnishing Dept.
Men's colored negligee shirts 50o
Men's fast black hose , double heel and toe.Ho
MIMI'S fancy plaid lioso 25a
Teck nnd Four-ln-Hand tics 25o
Men's balbrlggan underwear , finished
beams , per suit 75o
Men's natural balbrlgnan , per suit GOo
Now stock of table linens , German anil
Irish , white goods , dimities , lawns , etc.
Full size white crochet bed spread G7o
Kxtra Urge size $1.00
Silk striped ginghams , Japanese crepons ,
Madras cloth , satlnes and Scotch ginghams ,
To the
Readers of
Literature of i
free of all charge 'i
save postage
and clerical expenses.
Look at the Bee.'i
Catalogue in
The Sunday Bee.
1,150 Titles.
See the
Printed in
Every Is uo of
rltcj rAuCO tiio Kruturo nn'j Iteuiov-
lllomUlios.lii 1MI p. Uwlc for a t mn.
m .liilm II. WooiHiiiry. mW.IWBt..N.y ,
UivuuUir < il WooCtjurr's Kiiclal
Our record ot nctUJi a.Ml unaenlabla curei ot
SYl'HIUS U phenomenal. Wo furnlili all mid-
Iclnea Iree and eradicate th polxm ( rein th
ilem In 90 day . Car * guaranteed.
Iloura , 1:10 : t ) 4.U ; WtanMdar * and B4tm *
yi. , p. m.
W tfevr York LU , Oumia.