Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Broke Sharply on Numerous Reports
Touching Chicago's Supply ,
< *
Cnlll Within nn Hour of the Clone Mill * of
Importance Trnnnplred In the Onti
MnrUet-I'rcc OfTirlitRi Cntiscd
a Sudden Drop ,
CHICAGO , April 11. Wheat broke sharply
on the report of the loading back Into ele
vators of wheat that had been held In ves
sels , May closing % c lower. Mny corn lost
Vtc , May oats lost > /jC and provisions fin
ished at a decline , The novernmcnt report ,
which gave the condition of wheat at 81.4 ,
made very little Impression on the market.
The prices opened just u shade under the
rate ruling at the close of vcsterday's ses-
clon , but teen the slight decline waa taken
advantage of by some of the shorts to
lessen the bulk of the previous sales. May
eold nt C5c nt the opening and cased off to
Cn c , which latter was the point at which
the shorts bought. The buying by shoits
KOt u further Incentive from the reported
ealc of 1 0,000 bu. of wheat taken for ship
ment to Haltlmore early In the forenoon.
The price rose to C5 ,4c under lhat and
rumors of the likelihood of considerable
more being worked before the day was
over. The northwestern receipts were light ,
Minneapolis and luluth reporting only 200
cars , compared with 330 the corresponding
day of last year. Liverpool was quoted tin
changed In price , but holders vry firm.
New York wired here early In the day that
foreigners were free sellers of distant fu
tures In that mnrk.-t. At the advance
named above , Pardrldge and those who hud
calls likewise sold with considerable conn
dcnce , nnd owing to the further fact on to
morrow there will be no sesslnn of the
Board of Trade , the bullish feeling Was
suppressed for a time and the early rise
was lost , the price gelling down again to
05c. At about that stage It became lumored
that nn operator who had carried a lot of
wheat all winter In vessels , because It was
cheaper to do so than to pay the regular
Hlorngc charges , nnd hnd reserved the privi
lege of unloading It back Into the elevators
again , had seen III to exercise tha latter
privilege. The market had n further break
when the latter report got Into clrculatlo
nnd It sold as low ns MC'tiC for a few nun.
utos and closed wllh buyers at that.
Corn was strong early and weak late. It
openeil ut 4ji c for May , sola off to from
4Mic to 4Vc { , , advanced to 4Bc , tomblei1
back to 45Vic nnd closeil ntWic. . The re
cclnta were 103 cnrs , and 120 nn ; cHtlmatei.
for tomorrow. The advance nt the stnri
wns on a good demand for May , which
started Home shorts Jo covering , although
the early buyers of Mny Hold to an cqun
extent. The hitter weakness was due to the
drop In wheat.
Until within nn hour of the close little of
Importance transpired In the oats market
The feeling wns Ilnner and prices somewhat
higher on fair buying and sympathy wltl
wheat and corn. The change In the situa
tion wns sudden and unlocked for. Almosf
everybody was offering Fluff nt one time
longH , elevator people and the crowd In
general. J. J. I.lmlemnn nnd N. U. Hoatr
were probably the heaviest disposers. The
early ndvanie of fron lie to lie was lost , be.
Bides 'Ac additional. May started at 29c
Bold up to from 2'J ,4c to 2Dc and dropnet
to 2&e , at which price the market closed.
The provision market opened strong am
closed weak at lEc loss for the day In pork
Go In lard and 7'fcc In ribs. The hog re
celpts were 22cCO head , with 17,000 head cs
tltnatcd for tomorrow. The weakness wat ,
the result of lower prices for live hogs nnd
the break In the grain markets.
Kstlmatcs for Krlday : Wheat , 35 cars
corn , 130 cars ; oatrf , 100 cars ; hogs , 17XX (
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. | Qpan. I ll'lth. I LowI I
WhCHt.No. 2
April 651 * 84 ! <
nn 64H r 4
' cr >
r -Sept ) ; 67'4 67 07
4SH 4BVl
Mny 4 AX 4 M 4 ft 4SV
July . - . < K 4G *
Sept . 40H H
28 *
Juno . unit S i
July . S7M 27 * 2 27M
Pork per bbl
May. . 12 : i7K 12 47 12 22 27K
July . 12 65 12 OB 12 40 42H
May . 7 02H 7 O'M 07W
July . . . 7 15 7 1754 7 10 12
Sept. . 7 27K 7 30 7 28 25
Short nibn-
Mny ft 32X fi 37M G 0 30
July. . . . 017 N G 00 0 4''H 42H ,
0 00 JJ G2M 0 37't 37X
Cash quotations were ns follows :
KLOUU Winter patents , J2.SOff2.SO ; wlnte
tralghts , J2.3.W2.M ; wring patents , J3.10JT3.M
eprln * HtrnlKhts , J2.10W2.83.
WHEAT No. 2 spring. ESlXffG014c ! ; No.
cprlnK , nominal ; No. 2 led. M'iQSIKc.
COUN No. 2 , 45'lG'43ic ; No. 3 yellow , 43 ?
OATH No. 2 , 28c ; No. 2 white , 324033'ic
No. 3 white , 31Hj32 4C.
11YE No. 2. Mo.
11AHLEY No. 2 , 52UGJ3CJ No. 3 , nominal ; No
( , nomnlal ,
FLAX SEED No. 1 , J1.46.
TIMOTHY SEED Prime , J3.40.
PUOVLSlONr ! Mess pork , per bbl. , $11.2 :
11.37V4. I-ard , per 100 Its. , | S. OfG.921& . Shor
ribs , sides ( laose ) . JS.2riU6.50 ; dry salted shoul
tiers ( bolted ) , JJ.OOys.CTli ; short clear , side
( boxed ) . JG.UfiG.GO.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per Bal.
The. followlni ; were the receipts and shipment
today :
Articles. Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbl . O.OUO
Wheat , bu. . . H.llliU
Corn , bit 57,0011
OniB. bn 120,0(10 (
lljro bu 11,000
llnriey , bii. . . 17.000
On the Produce oxcnanffo today tno butter mar
ket wan llrm : creamery , 10SC20c ; dairy , SOlHe
KCI.-H , llrm ; llHMUNc. Chcen. . > , creamery , OK'
Closln ? ( JiiJt tlou on tlin | Com
tnoilltlut nml Stitptes.
NEW YORK , April 11. KLOUU-llecelpts , 17 ,
700 bbls. ; exports , 25,500 bbl . ; sales , 20.00
pkgs. Market moderately active and steady
closing quiet nt unchanged prices. Cit
mill clears , J3.2Ji93.40 ; city mill pat
fnts , J2.9.t/1.15 ) / ; winter patents , J2.S003.13 ; wlnte
etralghts , J2.33ft 2.80 ; Minnesota patents. J3.13 (
S.T5 ; winter extras , } 1.95f2.2j ; Minnesota bakers
12.00O3.CO ; winter low giades , Jl.l Wl.W ; sprln
exUiiH , J1E32.30 , Ilyo Hour , firm ; sales , 7&
l > bls. ; supcrllne , J2.UOi3.10 ; fancy , JJ.10V3.3D
lliickwhdit Hour , nominal.
1IUCKWHEAT Nominal ; 49ff c.
COUN MEAI Dull ; yellow western , 11.0901.12
Ilnmdywlne , J2.TO ; Mica , 320 bbls.
HYK Nominal ; r T lots , tec ; boat loads ,
11UCKWHEJll ; 49S55e.
1IAHLBVeu. . ; western. CO'.Jc to arrive ; fil
rpot ; two-rowed Mule , COc.
1IAIILEV MALT Dull ; western , 7002c ; six
rowed , ; 3f"5c
WHEAT Uecelpts. 4,6i bu. ; exports , 09,300 bu.
Bales , Z.Ktt.OOO bu. futures and iii.OOO bu. Fiwt
Bpot maiket dull nnd a shad easier ; No. 2 lei
In # t ro and ulevator , O0'ic ; CISo delivered ; No
1 hard , Cic ! delivered. Options opeiuM dull an
weak under foreign selling ; no attention pnl
to the government crop report ; rallletl on loca
covering ; clceil easy ; No. 'Jl red , May , COOGOVii
closetl nt COVtc ; July , WlifidlUc , claseil at < V\c )
August. CO > iWCPic , closeil at COHc ; Scptemlwr
Cl'.tCSl'ic , closed at 61Uc ; December , ( UHUCJIk' '
closed nt 63Vie.
COUN Uecelpts , 17,6)0 ) bu. ; exports. 6,00) ) bu
Bales , 205,0 ) bu , futures and 15,000 bu , spa
Hpot' market dull und weak throughout ; s earner
tW : i-levator , 51c dellvereil. Options openeJ , jue !
ar.d Ktrtuly ; rallied a little , but closed ' 1
net decline and dull ; May , 6o ttf&l > e. closnl .
td c ; July , MHOMHc , cUwiHl at oO ic ; Septem
b r , ClU&UjC , closet nt &lc.
OATS-Iteeelpts , 12J.9S ) bu. ; exports. 1,300 bu
itales , 310,000 bu. futures nnd 79,000 bu , spo
Hiwt market weaker nnd only moderately nctlvt
No. 2 , S2',40S3c ; No. 2 delivered , 33ViC33ic ; No
3 , 51.No. ; . 2 white , 3C4c : No. I white. 35 c
track white , S61iCk . Options dull and feature
less , rliMlnic SO\u net decline ; Muy , 32Wft33c
clOHiM at 32lic ; July. 32T i33\c. closed nt 32r
1IAV Hteady : shtpplHB , J5.0005.Wj good
choice. } G.X'Cf7.W. ( '
HOPS Quiet and steady ; state , common t
choice , old. 3fic ; Pacific coast , old. J'.sC'c
London maiket firm.
HlUKH-FIrm ; uet salted New Orleans , se-
lectetl. 4 ! to IS Ibs. . 6c ; lluenos A ) res. diy , 2 <
to 21 Ibs. , nulJHc ; Texas , dry. 24 to 30 Ibs. . 7li
LEATIIEII Slronu ; hemlock cole , Uuem
Ayrrs. light to heavy , 16U18c.
WOOL Dull ; domenlla lleeco. 1CQ2S ; ; pulled
I'HOVIBlONB Ilcef. llrm : fancy , llt.00813.00
extra mrs , J7.WJJS.W ; l.evf hams. Jl'J.cWUlS.fp
city , extra India mess. Jl'.iWrrj.W. Cut ineat
quirt ; pickled shoulders , | S-Wf3.W ; plcklcil hum
I9.00ii . (0. Ixii.l. nulct ; urMern steam closetl
17.20 ; rale * , UO tlcrvcs at 17.23 , city ut )
6.75 ; April , r.2'tl7. 0 ; rvrlned. quiet ; contlm-
17.70 ; 8. A. , s ; tx > mound. , J5.23. I'urk. stuid" ;
flrni ; n w meMi , 13.JOijll,0' ) ; family. 113.50m ; \
Cleur , HS.Wt U.M.
lIUTTint Uulct ; western ilalry. 7H013c ; wes
wni crvameiy , 11HU20C ; western factory , 7Ht/ll (
UlElns. 3V. Imllatlon , ShllUHc.
( . 'HiCKSIqulet. . lance. SOllHc ; fancy , Ctfl2c
part sklrns , UtUSc. full tklnn. ! Vfi2c.
KaasSlru.tute ; and 1'ennsylvanlo , UU
IHC > rvcttiTla. 13.074 pkgs.
l'AI.IXW tin y. city US per pk- , ) , 4 > ioi coui
try ( pkK . fre ) . 44c.
COTTON. &BCU OlU-Stcady to firm ; prim
criidt , Eft He ; off cni < ! e , 3IT53o ! prlm summer
ytloir , > Mtfl2Je ; off * umnur yellow. lOH MSc ;
yellow biitler srftdm , * * ! prims summer white ,
3Ic.I'jyrnOI.IJt'M Firm : United cloned nt M.M.
IIUHIN tj'ilelj strained , common to good , J1.12H
Tliftl'KNTIN'n-Nomlnal ; .
Illfi : Market steady ; ilomi-ntlc , fair to ? tra ,
HfiCSc ; Jni.iiii. 404HC ,
SIOI/AS < 8i:8 : Qiiltl ; New Orleans , open keltle ,
oed to choice. 33ST8SC.
OltANOBS Stronger ; Jnmalcaf , ripneked , per
ji.i. . jr-.MQe.C' ) .
MiTAI.S-Ocppi : > r. Marts' ! hroktrt' price , JJ.S7 ;
xchnmtc mice , JD.IO. I.end , nulel ; brouers' tirlct ,
:2.W : , fxclinnuo price , JS.OT'l S.l1) . Tin. steady ;
ilrult" , I13.8i ; plntt-s , quiet. Sp"lt r , steady.
"aleB on 'clinnRft 70 tnnn tin , ppot , at JI3M ;
\IK-II , IS.82'4 ; June. I1J.7S ; srllfr ' option lo
August 1 , one day'a notice , nt tl .7J.
Condition of Trade nnd Oiiotntloin on
Mnplo nml I'micy Produce.
riOOP Choice clean stock , per dor , lOHCllc ,
IJUTTI'n Packing ilock , SflCc ; common to
air , "ffSc ; fair to cowd country , lOJfllc ; choice
o fancy , IJCIJe ; gnthereil creamery. Itc ; scpa-
ntor creamery , 17flSc. |
LIVE POULTRY-Hcns , 7O7',4c ' ; mixed , Cc ;
uc ! . 7 Sc ; tuikcys , EQSVic ; heavy toms , "c ;
tec s , 7S.8e.
OAME Illue wing teal , per doz. , Jl.M ; ( treen
wing tenl , per doz. , Jl.23fil.SO ; ducks , mixed , per
loz. , JI.OOffl.D. ' , ; canvaobacks , JI.WC5.00 ; mallards
ind red heads , J2.GOfl3.00.
VEA I/ Choice fat. 70 to 101 Ibs. , ore quoted
it 6',4T7/jc ' ! ; large ami coarse , SfMc.
CHEESE Wisconsin full cream , Young Amerl-
nns. 13e ; twins. 12'fcc ; Nebraska nnd Iowa , full
: rearn. lie ; Nebraska uiul Iowa , part skims , 70
a ; LlmburfTcr , No. 1 , lie ; brick , No. 1 , lie ;
SwlB5 , Nil. 1 , 150.
HAY I'plnnU hay , J9 ; midland. JS.M ; lowland ,
8 ; rye Hiiiw , J5.50 ; color rnukes the price on
my. Light shades sell the best. Only top grades
bring top iii'lcts.
PIUEONS-Per doz. . tl.005Jl.21.
POTATOES Western stock , car lots , 6fl70c ; ;
'mail ' lots , 75c ; Early Hose seed potatoes , SOc ;
: arly Ohio ned , Jl.lo ; Northern Eurly Ohio seed ,
OLD BEANS Hand picked , navy , J2.20 ; Lima
> ems , per lb. , C'c.
ONIONS On orders , yellow per bu. , J1.10 ; red ,
CABBAGE On orders , 2'S17271c ,
CELEHY California , SOc j J1.00.
SWEET POTATOES-Cloud stock. J2.50 ; seed ,
BEETS Per bbl. . | 1.M.
CAP.UOTS Per bbl. . Jl.SO.
CAULHVLOWEU Per crate of a doz. anil half
or two doz. , 12.25.
HDllSEIlADIHH Per lb. . Clj7c.
PAItSNIPS-Per bhl. , J1.75 ,
UUTABAOAH Per lb. , 1'fcc.
PAUSI.EY Per doz. bunches , 33c.
TUHN1PS Per bbl. . Jl.,0.
SPINACH Per bbl. , J2.M ) ; bu. boxes. Jl.
WATEU CUESH Per IC-qt. case , J1.O81.75.
RADISHES-Per doz. , r , 40e.
riltCEN ONIONS Per doz. bunches , 20323C.
LETTrOE-Per doz. . 30o.
ASPAIlAC.t'.S-Callfornln. per lb. , lOc.
PIE PLANT Per lb. , 7Q8c.
STllAWBEUIUES-Per pt. . 23 T30c.
APPLES Choice stock , JS.GO ; box apples , J2.
ORANGES Fnncy Washington navels , per box ,
; 3.2Sli3.GO ; fancy Wnrhlngton navels , per box , 90
md 112 size , $3 ; choice Washington navels , rcgu-
ar sizes , J3.25 ; choice Washington navels , 90
and 112 sizes , J3 ; fnncy seedlings , per box , J2.75 ;
choice seedlings , per box. J2.GOff2.CO ; choice seed-
Ings , per I ) X , 250 size , J2.25Jj2.35.
LEMONS Extra fancy lemons , 300 size , Jl ;
strictly choice lemons , 300 size , J3.7J ; extra fnncy
emons , 3CO size , J3.7D ; strictly choice lemons ,
SCO size , J3.GO.
HANANAS Choice shipping Block , per bunch ,
FIGS Fancy , 15c ; choice , ISfllJc ; California ,
mgs , 7c.
HONEY New York , ICc ; darn , lie ; California ,
MAPLE SYIlUP-Oallon jugs , per doz. , J12 ;
Blxby , C gnl. cans , J3.
MAPLIJ SUOAH-Pcr lb. , 9iI10e.
NUTS Almonds , He ; English walnuts , soft-
Bhelled , 12c ; xtnmlirds , lie ; filberts , 9c ; Brazil
nuts , Sc ; pecans , 10ff12c.
DATES In CO to 70-lb. boxes , HJo per lb. ; fnrd
dates. So | MT lb.
SAUEIl KUAUT Choice white , per bbl. , J3.CO ;
per half bbl. , J3.
MINCE MEAT Fnncy , In quniter bbls. , per lb. ,
G'.ie ' ; 10-gnl. kegs , Cc ; condensed , per case of 3
doz. pkgs. , 12.00.
CIDEH Pure Juice , per bbl. . fa ; half bbl. , J3.
HIDES No , 1 green hides , DC ; No. 2 green
each , Dft'lSc ; dry shearlings ( short woolcd early
fklna , No. 1 , each , G010c ; dry sncnillngs ( short
hides , 4Jc ! ; No. 1 green salted hides , Cc ; No. 2
green salted hides. S'jc ' ; No. 1 grew salted hides ,
23 to 40 Ibs. , 6c ; No. 2 green suited hides , 2o to
40 Ibs. , G lc ; No. 1 venl calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. , ( c ; No.
2 veal calf , S lo 15 Ibs. , Cc ; No. 1 dry Mint hides.
7c ; No. 2 dry flint hides , Cc ; No. 1 dry salted
hides , Cc ; part cured hides , He per lb. less than
fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each. 25ftCOc ;
gieen salted sheirllngs ( than wooltd rally skins ) ,
woolcd early skins ) , No. 2 , each Gc ; dry flint
Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pells , per
skins , No. 1 , each , SfflOc ; dry flint Kansas and
Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , 447Cc ; dry flint , Coloiado butcher wool
pelts , per lb , , actual weight , 46Hc : dry Hint
Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , 45760.
TALLOW AND OUEASE-Tnllow , No. 1. 4'.ic ' ;
tallow. No. 2 , 4c ; grease , white A , 31S4'.4c ;
grease , white 1) , 3c ; grease , > ellow , 3c ; grease ,
dark , ! ' ,4O3c ; old butter , 2j2 ! c ; beeswax , prime ,
liijiOc ; rough yellow , 2c.
FUUS Bear , black , No. 1 , large , J2 < ) .0023.00 | ;
bear , brown. No. 1 large , J20.00i025.00 ; No. 1 me
dium , J16 ; No. 1 small. J12 ; bear , brown , year
lings. No. 1 large. J10.00S12.00 ; No. 1 medium , JS ;
No. 1 small , J8 ; bear , brown , cubs , No. 1 large ,
J7 ; No , 1 medium , $5 , No. 1 small , J3 ; badger.
No. 1 medium. J15 ; No. 1 email , JS.OyiflO.OO ; bear ,
black , yearlings , No. 1 large , J12.00W15.00 ; No. 1
medium , J10 ; No. 1 small , J7 ; bear , black , cubs ,
No. 1 large , JC.OOJJ8.00 ; No. 1 medium , J5.005 < C.Ofl ;
No. 1 small , Jl ; bear , black , Montana and Hocky
mountain , No. 1 large , JH.00320.00 ; No. 1 medium ,
Jl' ; No. 1 small , J10 ; bear , black , Montana year
lings , No. 1 large , J12 ; No. 1 medium , 38 ; No.
1 small. J5 ; bear , black , Montana cubs , No. 1
large , JC.GO ; No. 1 medium. Jl.CO ; No. 1 smill ,
J3 ; bear , silver tip. No. 1 large , J20 ; No. 1 me
dium , J12 ; No. 1 small , JS ; bcnr , silver tip , year
lings , No. 1 large , Jll ; No. 1 medium , JS ; No.
1 Kinall , J5 ; bear , silver tip , cubs , No. 1 large ,
Jl.OOWl.M ; No. 1 medium , COc ; No , 1 small. We ;
fisher , No. 1 large , J8 : No. 1 medium. JC ; No. 1
small , J4 ; fox , silver , as to color , according to
beauty , No. 1 large , J100 ; No , 1 medium , JCO ;
No. 1 small. J50 ; fox. silver , pale , according to
beauty. No. 1 hirife , J50 ; No. 1 medium , J30 ; No.
1 small , J20 ; fox , cross , No. 1 large , J7 ; No. 1
medium , J3 ; No. 1 small , J2 ; fox , red , No. 1
large , Jl.fM ; No. 1 medium , J1.25 ; No. 1 small , Jl ;
fox , Kray , No. 1 large , 75c ; No. 1 medium , SOc ;
No. 1 small , 40c ; fox kits , No. 1 large , GOc ; No.
1 medium , 40c : No. 1 small , 39c ; lynx , No. 1
large , J3 ; No. 1 medium , J2 ; No. 1 small , J1.50 ;
marten , No. 1 large. J2 ; No. 1 medium , jl.SO ;
No. 1 small , Jl ; mink , No. 1 large. 60UCr.c ; No. 1
medium. 40c ; No. 1 Email , 35c ; mink , dark , No.
1 large , C5c : No. 1 medium , 40e ; No. 1 small , SOc ;
mountain lion , perfect head and feet , No. 1
large , Jl.00fo2.00 ; Imperfect skins , J6.0007.00 ; No.
1 small , J5 ; otter , pale , No , 1 large , J7 ; No. 1
medium , J5 ; No. 1 small. J4 ; raccoon , No. 1 large ,
COft'Oc ; No. 1 medium , GOc ; No , 1 larse , 60c6J2.uO ;
skunk , black , cased , narrow striped , No. 1 large ,
Me ; No. 1 medium , 40c ; No. 1 small , 25c ; broad
striped , No. 1 large , 2025c | ; wolverine. No. 1
large , J4 ; No. 1 medium , J3 ; No. 1 small , J2 ,
\\olf , mountain , No. 1 large. J3 ; No. 1 medium ,
12 ; No. 1 fninll , Jl.GO ; wolf , prairie. No. 1 large ,
C5 f90e ; No. 1 medium. COc ; No. 1 email , 40e ;
beaver , per skin , No. 1 large. J5.OOfjC.00 : No. 1
medium , J4.M ; No. 1 pmnll , J2 ; beaver kits , No.
1 huge , J2 ; No. 1 medium , Jl.G ? ; No. 1 small.
75c ; muskrntn. winter. No. 1 large , 8flOc ; No. 1
medium , 9c ; No. 1 small , 7c ; muskrals , fall , No.
1 large , 4fCc ; No. 1 medium , 7c ; No. 1 small ,
6c ; muskrat kits , 2ij3c. ;
St. Lmilt Uenurxl Market.
ST. LOUIS , April 11. WHEAT Kased off , i >
Vic early , government crop report having no
effect wlmtc\er on the market ; later stead'ed '
and became stronger on nn Increaned demand ,
advancing UOHc ; declined , Felling \Wic below
yesterday , but closed only * > c under the finals
of Wednesday ; No. 2 red , cash , 54c bid ; May ,
MHo bid ; July , G3Hc.
COUN Strong early , with a scarcity of sellers ;
advanced % 0c. Iwlng bid before Irade was
made , subseiiuently became weak , Hay selling oft
* ic , nnd at close was IMio below yesterday ;
No. S mixed , cash , 43fM3'jc ; Mny , 42ViU42ic ! ;
July. 43 < f43 ic ; tSe | > temlM.T. 41Hc.
< ) AT15 Strong early , but later eased off am'
Iwcame weak , with boilers UWHc below yester
day ; spot hlclier ; No. 2 ca h , SoHc bid ; May nnd
June , 9 * o asked ; September , Uj ie.
UY13 No. 2 east trnek , offered at COc , but no
1IUAN East track , sacked , C9c.
COUN MEAIr-J2.10fj2.15.
KLAX SEEItJulet at J1.30.
OllASrt HEEDS Firm ; clover seed , poor to
choice. J'.WjjS C ) ; timothy mid. M.7jiJ.W.
HAY Active arid firm for good stock ; clover ,
t9. < kKni.OO ; tlmorthy. Ji.Witll.75.
WHISKY Steady at J1.22.
KGOS Firm nl 9'4c. '
LE.IQulel at J2.S715.
KPELTEIl-Uull at J3.03.
1'UOVISIONS Pork , nrm ; standard mess. Job
bing. J12. < 0. I.iird , prime eleam , JC.75 ; choice
JC.kT'.iDry rait meats , boxed shoulders , JS
longs. IC.37H ; rlt.H. . JC.SO ; shurts , JC.624. llncxm
Uixed shoulders , JG ; longs , J6.7S ; ribs. 6.S74 !
shorts. JM24.
UI-X'EllTS-Flour. 3.000 bbls. ; wheat , 4,000 bu.i
itats. 16,1 10 bu. ; corn , 6.mO bu.
HIUPMENTS Flour , lO.&W bbls , ; wheat , 30,0(0
bu. ; corn , Sl.OUO bu. ; oats , 7OX ) bu.
Liverpool .Markets.
L1VE11POOL , April 11. WHEAT-pot quiet
no demand ; No. 2 red. winter. 4s 9'4d ; No. 2 rej
hprliig. 6s id ; No. 1 hard , Manitoba , 5s 2d ; No
1 fallfmnlu. 4s lid , FutureHv'iml | steady a
unchangnt prices ; cloned firm , with September
till hl < th r and other months unchanged fron
yesterday's cloving figures ; busn ! s heaviest on
m hid If positions ; April. 4s DVidi May , 4s
June , * * ! > H.l ; July , 4s9Ud ; August , 4s lOd ;
temlH-r. 4 10'jd.
CXItN Spot quiet ; American mixed , new
4 * 5'id. Future * opvnnl quiet at unchanged
prices and clovetl ilnn. wllh near positions un
changed to Ud higher ; no business ; April , 4 * 2Hd
May , 4s : ! ! ; June , 4s : ; J ; July , 4s 3d ; August
4s S dj September , 4s 4d.
FIXH'U- Finn ; demand steady ; St. Loul :
fancy , winter. It Sd.
PUOVI8ION8 Bueon. quiet ; demand poor
rnimberland cut. ZS lo to Ibs. . 34s : short ribs
9 Ibs. , > 3a ( d ; long clear , llnht. ? 4 to 45 llw.
i'n. long- clear , b - vy. U Ibs. . Us ; short clea.
bocks , light , 11 Ibs. , SS Cd ; short clear middles.
heavy , U Ibs. , Jin W ; cltur btllles. It to
It lb . , 24s. Bhouldtrr , rounre , 12 to 18 Ibs. , 3fls.
lltanr , short cut , 14 lo It lb . , 4Js. Href , pxtrn
India mtss. 70s ; prime men. COs. P rk , prime
mess , fine ncitern , SVrM ; prime mess , medium ,
t3i M. I inl , quiet ; prime western , Ms 6d ; le-
flned , tn rnll' . > rs.
TAMXJW Fine N. A. , nominal.
CHEESE Quli > l ; demand poor ; finest Ameri
can whlt . 49s M ) nnest American colored , Ms.
llL'TTint Finest United States , 7 i ; go < J , Ms.
COTTON SEED OIL Liverpool refined , un
LINSEED Olly-Jita M ,
PI7rilOLittM-H flned. 7 id ,
HEFimilillATOU. 11EEF Forequnrtcr , 4VJd ;
hlndquarler , CUd ,
HOI S At London ( Pacific coast ) , 2 10s.
Securities Were Htrong Again on
Trading nml Illch Vnlitcs.
NEW YORK , April ll.-The stock market was
strong again today on light trading nnd n higher
muge of values wns established In most of the
stocks dealt In. In view of the closing of the
board tomorrow and the Ixjndon exchange
from this afternoon until Tuesday morning the
transactions for the foreign account were lim
ited. The ily stocks which were al all active
were Chicago GOB , Sugar nnd General Electric.
The announcement that the new tnnrd of nlder-
nen nf Chicago had repealed the ordinance grant-
ng franchises to the Ogden Gas and Cosnnpoll-
an Electric companies , which were antagonistic
o the Chicago Gns company , nnd the mayor
ioit approved of the repeal , Induced n heavy
mylnK movement In Chicago Gns In the early
lenllngs , which pent the stock up 1H per cent ,
luring the nfternmm Chicago advices reported
hat the attorney for the Ogdcn company held
hi ; repeal to be void , as It would abrogate con-
rncts which have been en'rrc.i into by the
ompany , nnd on this the liquidating sates were
made , chiefly tu take profits. An the result the
lock reacted 1 per cent , closing nt n rally of
Vt per cent and % per cent higher than on
esterday. Sugar fluctuated between 103' , ! nnd
02U , closing at 103 , which Is ' ,4 per cent below
estenlay's pale. The trading In the shares was
mainly conllned to the holders who desire to
etillzi ! profits and shorts who wanted to close
ul their accounts over the holiday. A report
irlglnntlng InMioston to the effect that the
General Electric nnd Westlnghoupc people hnd
reached a tnsls of conference Induced purchasing
at the stock , after an early decline of 14 per
cut , nnd moved the shares forward ! 4 per cent ,
n the afternoon trading a break of 1 per cent
vas made on a denial of the story , which led to
piling , a goodly part thereof being for the
losUxi account. A final rally of U per cent
ook place , making the loss on the day > i per
cent. New Jersey Central was sold down * 4 per
cent In the opening trading , but n covering by
he shorts advanced the shares 1 % per cent , clos-
ng within H per cent of the highest. The
.enther shares made further gains , the common
4 per cent nnd thn preferred 3 p r cent.
The general market closed sternly nt from H
n l'i per cent higher on the day , the latter
taltlmore & Ohio. The other gains were merely
fractional. Some few shares show losses , In
cluding Coidaee , 114 per cent , nnd Wheeling &
Lake Erie preferred and Susquehnnna & Western
ireferred. 1 per cent. The market wns
active and strong during the day. The Atchlson
RSIICS were the feature of the denllncs nnd on
lurclmsos aggregating 1617.000 the seconds Jumped
2 per cent to 2214 nnd the fours 1 % per cent to
" 0. At the close ? they were quoted v& per crat
> clew the highest of the day. The total sales
\eri > J1.911,000.
The Evening Post's London cablegram pays :
The decrease In the coin and bullion In the
tank of England this week Is due to the cnsh
gone Into circulation for Easter holiday and
other requlreniMits. The decrease In public dc-
oslts Is owing lo the distribution of the dlvl-
lend on consols. The net gold Imported for the
wiH'k was 3115,000. The Argentine minister de
nies any complication wllh Chill. The new
American loan was over 7 per cent premium
julny. The stock markets were good right up
o the holidays , silver securities being specially
Irm nnd Argentine stocks having a recovery.
\merlcans were generally Vi to V4 per cent bettor.
The following were the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today :
Mchlson . U ! Normwestcm
Adams Kxpreaa. . . 14t ; N. W. pfd
Alton. T. II . 37 N , Y. Central
Am. Express . 112 N. Y. AN. E M7i
Ilaltlmoro A Ohio. 611 Ontario , t W 288
Canada Pacific. . . . 40 Oregon Imp
Canada Southern. , Orcitoii Nav 10
Contra ! Pacific. . . . 111 O. S. L. .t U. N. . . .
Chos. , t Ohio . 17H IV.clfle Mall 225 ,
Chicaifo Alton . 147 P. B. A. E 4
( ! . . B. fc Q . 71 i Plttsburj 165
Chicago Cns . 72) ) Pullman Palace. . 165
Consolidated ( Jan. lii : ;
C..C. . C. &St. L. . . . 3HW K. O. W . 1H !
Colo. Coal A Iron. . 4M U. O.W. pfd . H7
Cotton Oil Cert. . . . 'JS Hock Island . 0 ? f
Dclawaru.t Hud. . ISA St. Paul . 07
Del. , Lack. .VW. . . 15051 do pfd . 116i <
D..t II. O. pfd . ! W ! < St. P. A. Omaha. . . . ; I2 > {
D.&C. F. Co . 14J < do pfa . 10H
Eric . 10 Southern P.icltla. . 17
do nfd . ] ( > > { llallnory. . . . 102JS
FortWayno . IftO Teiin. C Jil & Iron. 1H
. Northern ofd. . . IOII Tcxui Pacific . 1Hl"J " <
C. &E. I. ofd 114M T. .t O Cont. nfd. . 78
HoclilnffV.lUoy. . . M Union P.iclflc . 11 H
Illinois . . 88 U. S. Express . 41
St. P. A Duluth . . . 23 IV. St. L. i. P . 41IM (
K. .V T. pfd . ii7 do pfd . 14
Lake Erlo A Wmt 17U Wi-lli Knrgo Ex. . . 105
do pfd . 74 Western Onion , . 87W
LakoSbore . 138 , ' ( Wheeling & L. E. . 12
Lead Trust . 82'3 ' do pfd' . 41
LoulBVllloJtN. . . . 02 M. ist. L
A N. A . D. * H. 0 . 12
MnnhattanCon. , . . 111T6 O. E . 3-1
MemolilsiC . in N. L . 23M
Mlchlznu Cont. . . . I'23 ? / C. P. , tl . 2&h
Missouri Paclflo. . 23 ( do pfd . 06
Mobile SL Ohio . 10 H. &T. C . 06m
Nashville Chat. . . 706H T. A. A , i N. Jl. . . . 1M
National Cordage. 6H T. St. L. 4K. C. . . . 1
do pfd . 104 dopfd 10
N. J. . 034 ! S. K. K ll i
N. & . W. pjd . 4 dopfd S2 > .
North Am. Co. . . . 6 > 4 Am. Too. Co 1)7 ) *
Northern Paclflo. . dopfd 108k
Ko.Pae.pfd . 18 St. P. , M. A M . . . . 107H
U.P. . D.&O . 4
The total sales of stocks today were 124,741
shares. Including ; American Sugar , 10.100 ; Amer
ican Tolwcco. 3,100 ; Atchlson , 4,100 ; Ilurllngton ,
3,700 ; Chicago Gas , 17,700 ; General Ulectrlc ,
10,300 ; Manhattan Consolidated. 4,100 ; New Jersey
Central , 6,300 ; North American , 4.500 ; Heading ,
4.XX ( ) ; St. Paul. 3,100 ; Silver certificates. Cfl.OOO ;
Tennessee Coal and Iron , 4,600 ; United States
Leather , 7'JOO ; United States Leather preferred ,
Nniv'York .Honor .Market.
Easy at lli@ > 2 per cent ; last loan , 2 per cent ;
closed nt 2 per cent.
STERLING EXCHANGE Dull nnd easier , with
actual business In bankers' bills nt J4.SO'/iW4.Sl ! %
for demand and 14 8864.Wt for sixty days ; posted
rates , J4.fcS4i4.89 [ > .i and J4.We4.00H ; commercial
bills. J4.S7Vilii4.87H.
GOVERNMENT 11ONDS Firm ; state bonds.
Inactive ; railroad bonds , strong.
PETROLEUM Options strong nnd higher ; Mny
options sales , 1,000 bbls. ; closet ! nt Jl.C'J bid.
Closing quotntlons on bonds were ns follows :
U. S. 4 , reg. , new. 120.4 U. ill. G. 7s 11 Oil
U. S.4s coupnew , D. ill. G. 4s M-'M
U.H.fta. rej 1I6H Erie 2ds U U
U. S. 5scoup r 113' ; H. If. iS. A. Us. . . . 05
U.S. 4sre/ G. H. .VS. A. 7s. . . . P9M
II , S. 4a.coup 11'H H. AT. C. 6 * 107 , ' |
U.S. 2s. rce H5 do Us OH
Paclticllsof ' 03. . 100 M. K. AT. 1st 4s. .
Aln. Class A IOC do'Jd 4n
Ala. Class II ior , Mutual Union U < i , . 110
Ala. Class C H8 N. J. C. Gon. ! > . . , . ii'JH
Ala. Currency. . . . 08 No. Pac. Ista 115H
Li , . New Con. 4n. . 03M do'jds
Missouri Ul 100 N. W. Consols
N. C. Us 123 do S. F. Dob. Ci. ioa
N.C. 4H 10J R. O. West. Ists. . II8W
S. C. nonfuml 14 SL P. Conioli7s. . 1281 *
Tenn. now nat Us. 844 doC. A P.V Ss. 112
Tenn. now sol S , IflO St L. A I.M.Oan. 5. 74
Tcnn.oldOs UO St. L-AS.F.Ojn.U. 101)
Va Centuries T x. Pas. IsU 87H
dodeferrcd do 2di UH
Atchlson 4a UOJ4 U. P. 1st ! of 'JJ. . . 1044
do''d A 22 Weil Shors 4i 10.V <
Canada So. 2ds . . . 103 So. U R H7H
C. P. Ists of 'OS. . . 101U
San PrancUco .Mliilnir Stoc ( juotntlon * .
SAN FHANCISCO , April cloi-
lup iiuomiloiiH for mlninf Htocka today wcro au
folluws :
Alt.\ 25 Halo ANorcross. , 130
AlphaCon 0 Julia. . 0
Anacs 22 JiiHtice . , 15
llelcher US Kentucky Con. . . . &
He t Allelchcr. . . . SO Lady Wash Con.
Ilodlo Con 130 Mexican . 83
million 21 Mount Diablo . , 20
ItulwcrCon 1(3 ( Occidental Con. . .
Caledonia. 10 Ophlr . n5 ;
Challenge Con 40 Overman . 13
Choilar f > 3 Potoal . , 64
Confidence 135 3U
con. Cat A Va , . . . . 280 Scorpion .
Con. Imperial..t 1 Sierra Nevada. . . . , 85
Crown Polnl 37 Sliver Hill . , 3
Exchequer 2 Union Con . 64
Gould A Curry. . . . . 47 Yellow Jacket. . . 63
Silver bars. CiWlGiJKc. Mexican dollars , C4 < 2
54HC. Drafts , alvbt , 7 > < o : telegraphic , lOo.
llnitoii Stuatc < juotitlnni.
BOSTON. April ll.-C.ill loam. 331HD5T cent ;
lime loans. ; tHai percent. Cloiln ; prises for
stocksbondsa id mlnlnr sharon
A.T. AS. F Uil-lll We tEndpfd 874
Ani.Siifrar. 1UJ > < We tlnyli.EIeo. . . . 334
Am. Surar pfd. . , . IU W. Elep , pfd 51 (
Uav State Gas 4S Win.
IlcllTolophona. . , 2014 Gen. Klea. ufd 034
Huston & Albany. . Atchlson 4s
Ilonloii iMalno. . . _ . Atlantic 10 H
C. 11. AJ 71M IlOttUm A Montana 4 ( > H
Gen. Kleclrlc. : I4 Ilnttu A Doaton. . . 71M
Illinois Stool 4S Calumet A llccla. . 282
Mexican Central.01 1-10 Centennial./ UO
N. Y. JtN. E 3H Franklin
Old Colony 120K Koarsireo
Oro. Short Line. . . fiU Osccola
Kuboer 34 ! < Qulncy
Union I'aclUo. . . . llj T.iiiKiraek 1211
WcstEnJ OH Wolvurlue. .
London Htook ( Juotntloiii.
LONDON , April 11 t p. m. clotlmr :
Can. Paclrto 41K Ht , Paul com 68) )
Erie 41Km N , Y. Central Oil
KrloUiU Pennsylvania. .
111. Central m Headlm ; till
Mexican ordinary. Hlij Mex. Ceil , new 4u. . 04J !
BAH HILVEH-SOSd per ounce.
MONEY V4 per cent.
The rate of discount In the cipen market for
short and throw months' bills Is 1 3-16 per cent.
New Yurie .Mm m if Ouot , tloui.
NEW YOIIK. April ll.-Tho following arc the
Iliilwer. 10 Ontario KHIO
Choler 60 Ophlr 160
Crown Point 35 Plymouth. . . . . . 20
Con.01. A Va , . . . 2(10 Quicksilver. . , . . 100
Ouadwood. . . . . . . . 40 dopfd 1400
Gould A Curry , . . 45 Sierra NeTOda. . . . 8n
Hula ANorcross , . 1HO Standard SUS
HuruenUko , ,1800 Union Con. 60
JlttXlCSA. 70 Yullow Jackut. . . . SO
4- < >
Cnttlo Receipts for ( Ho Wcek BhowLHtlo
i a
Indifferent ' ' aml Priced
l'o it mlcd Dally StoRkrrs Lose a Qimrlcr
llog ( Drop n Ulokel nml Hell
nt Tlio Decline.
TllOnSDAY , April 11.
The receipts today were 1,430 cnttle , 3,011
hogs nnd no sheep , ns ngalnst 1,830 cnttle ,
6,013 hogs and 1,542 sheep on yesterday nnd
S76 cattle , 3,033 hogs and 1.07J sheen on
Thursday of last week.
The receipts for the week this for nre
5.COO cnttle , 15,859 hogs nnd 1,902 sheep , ns
ngalnst 6,655 cattle. 11,112 hogs nnd 7.0W )
sheep for the same four days last week.
CATTLE With only fifty-four fresh loads
of cattle In the yards
, after a moderate run
nil the week , It would seem that there ought
to have been a good active demand for
beeves. Such , however , was not the case.
All the snap and life that characterized the
market last week has suddenly disappeared.
The trade tills morningwns dull nnd
draggy and the buyers wcro fully ns Indif
ferent as on the previous days of this week.
In the end the bulk of the beeves changed
Imnds , but the buyers succeeded In reduc
ing prices about lOo. Some fair natives
brought J3.23iio.-I0.
Cows and heifers did not show much
change from yesterday's market. There
were ns usual only a few here nnd the buy
ers were not long In picking them up. The
lilgh prices at which the bst steer beef has
been felling has Increased the demand for
cow beaf , and desirable fat cows and heifers
sell about the most readily of anything
coming to market. There wns one bunch
of cows hero that brought tt.23 , and a few
heifers sold as high ns JI.60.
Ihere was a great plenty of stockers and
feeders In the ynids , but , as was the case
yesterday , the disposition to buy wns want-
Ing. The market today was , at the least
calculation , 23c lower than last week. The
feeling today appeared to be that the de
cline of this week has brought the market
down to a point where the cattle are well
worth the money. There arc several buy
ers In the yards who want big strings of
cattle , nnd when the price gets down so as
to meet their Ideas there ought to be n
good active market. Representative sales ;
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No , Av. Pr.
, . . 8jO J4 00 1..12IO Jl W 15..1215 J3 2.
_ . , . . 873 40" " ) 23..1237 455 2'.103) ' 534
20..1054 413 1..11CO 480 2 1340 54' ' )
10..1030 450 C..1121 4 8J 43..1408 640
2. . . , 810 140 2. . . . 70.213 1..1ICO 3 GO
3. . . . S4ti ICO E. . . . ! IXI > 230 G..MKI 3 G )
3. . . . SS9 175 2. . . . Mi 233 9. . . . 825 3 GO
3. . . . 800 175 G. . . . ! )43 233 8..II33 370
2. . . . 9S5 175 1..1100 2 SO 2..11)70 3 75
G. . . . DOS 180 L. . . 880 250 2..9CO 273
1. . . . 9SO 1 S5 1. . . . 9M 2 C3 I..1140 375
1. . . . MO 1 83 1..10U ) 2 K 2 1033 3 SO
1..1320 200 2) . . . . (81 3 CO 1..1030 383
2. . . . 8UO 200 3. . . . 1033' 3 (10 ( 1..14SO 400
1. . . . 830 210 4. . . . SJfli 5 IW 1..12M 400
L. . . 910 210 2..1P20 303 20. . . . 939 425
6. . . . C16 173 2. . . . C40 340 4..S27 323
1. . . . 750 210 3. . . . 693 210 4 UI7 350
C. . . . C93 220 8..T33' IC3 1 gV ( ( 3 SO
L. . . 401) 22T , 4. . . . 720 2'JO 3..10.V ) 440
2. . . . 580 223 1. . . . 5) 300 S. . . . 978 450
L. . . 450 223 1.-MO 300 7..1031 483
3. . . . CCC 2 33 3. . . . ,720 3 23
2..1230 2 no I..TW rr i..io70 200
1. , . . % 0 310 1..1WS40 J..1S50 3 SO
1..1100 210 -2..1340 2 0 2..1700 SCO
1..1110 225 1. . . . ! ! ) 250 1..1410 35) )
1..1430 2 30 1.115 < I 450 | 1..1410 3 90
1..10SO 235 2..U1S. 3.M
L. . . 870 2 73 KTAGSi T.I
2..1SG3 3 75
2. . . . 100 173 . . . . , . JOO 1. . . . 240 373
L. . . 210 22T l. . . . < 370 325 1. . . . 110 400
L. . . 100 225 6. . . . 3.V ) 3 35 1 340 400
1. . . . SCO 225 l.3r.O ; 333 2..175 4 Co
L. . . SO 2 SO L. . . 340 341 1. . . . 2CO 550
L. . . 710 225 2. . . . 650 323 32..C58 34)
3. . . . 713213 9. . . . 018 323 1..850 3 SO
2. . , . 805 2 SO 1. . . . 430 325 2G. . . . CSO 340
1. . . . SCO 2 CO - 19..r NIP 3 23 7. . . . 700 340
2. . . . 830 275 L. . . 440 323 21.- . . . SS4 343
S. . . . 786 275 4. . . . C'JO 323 14. . . . C34 345
5. . . . 80S 2 SO 3. . . . 5 < W 331 2..CIO 350
1. . . . 410 3 00 1C. . . . 453 330 S4..C43 3 SO
G. . . MS 300 4j C72 33214 2 10UO 350
EC3 315 11. . . . CM 332(4 ( 15. . . . 753 355
SOO 3 13 2. . . . 715 335 6..724 3 C3
CSO 315 " 6. . . . 510 335 W..S58 373
732 3" 15 9. . . . 477 340 4..837 383
20. . . . 812 315 21. . . . 80S 340 7..920 400
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 bull 1160 J2 00 1 slug 1C30 $3 00
1 bull ICO 225 11 sirs , tig..1112 310
2 bulls 15M 260 9 cows 977 363
3 cows 1050 260 37 feeders 9SC 380
1 stag 1080 275 S3 steels 1143 420
Ora Haley.
2 bulls 1375 240 2 stags 1425 3 Co
1 steer. 1WO 360 87 steers 1250 450
Pacific Live Stock Company.
1 steer 1030 323 2ti feeders 958 370
HOGS In addition to the ilfty-two fresh loads
of hoga on sale this morning there were nn even
1.000 carried over from yesterday. The receipts
today were about the same , so far as numl' ift
were coneemeil , ns on Thursday of Isst week ,
when fifty-four loads were counted In the yards.
The average quality of the hog > i was about the
same as yesterday , there biHnc a few ROM !
heavy hogs anil a good many light nml medium
weights. The conditions governing the market
were clearly on the Fide of the buyers , reports
from other markets Indicating a decided decline.
As a natural consciiuence the market here opened
about 6c lower anil the bulk of the hogs sold on
that basis. The movement was fairly active for
a down market nnd the bulk of the hogs sold
early and the pens were cleared before midday.
A large proportion of the hogs sold nt from J4.70
to J4.80 , with the top at J1.90. Bepresentatlve
sales : >
No. Av. Eh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
7 155 . . . J435 S3 208 200 JI 70
99 IK . . . 44.- C 226 . . . 470
33 175 40 4 SO , 15 230 . . . 470
52 UO 80 4 SO ! C4 211 80 4 70
1 530 . . . 460 i 88 207 40 470
3 17C 120 455 4 205 . . . 470
7 178 . . . 455 ! 12 217 . . . 475
19 IMi . . . 4 CO C 256 . . . 475
C9 ITO 80 4 CO , 1 310 . . . 475
97 150 40 4 CO i , 12 195 . . . 475
73 158 ICO 4 CO i 7 2C2 . . . 475
98 ISO ICO 4 CO S 300 40 475
2 303 . . . 4 CO J Cl 212 . . . 475
2 'M . . . 4 CO , M 210 80 4 73
6C 194 120 4 CO ( 1 SCO . . . 475
80 ISO SO 4 CO ! 20 242 . . . 475
94 179 120 4 CO 68 223 80 475
3 173 . . . 4 fcO i CO 210 40 475
77 17C . . . . 4 CO 6C 203 80 475
43 196 . . . 4 C5 41 203 . . . 475
4.1 214 . . . 4 M 76 233 . . . 4 77'.4
87 173 120 4 65 , 25 297 80 4 SO
103 196 . . . 465 i C7 255 210 4 SO
S 182 . . . 4 65 70 219 80 480
10 191 . . . 4 C5 1S5 202 . . . 480
I ! 196 . . . 465 70 210 M 4 SO
1 210 . . . 465 64 243 SO 4 SO
84 204 240 4 C7',4 ; C4 243 40 480
86 192 . . . 4 C7V4 15 301 fO 4 SO
8 198 . . . 470 , " C6 2 IS . . . 480
78 299 . . . 470 C5 238 W 4 SO
C8 184 . . . 4 70 , 72 23G 40 4 SO
71 223 160 470 , i , SO . .230 . . . 4 SO
66 249 280 470 74 253 8.0 4 fO
74 SOO 80 470 . 'iJl ' 63 2)6 . . . 4 M',4 '
65 175 40 4 70 i S. 162 C07 . . . 485
4 2SO . . . 470 I , . , . . . 60 2)3 ) 120 485
80 206 200 470i , ! ; C 310 . . . 485
65 182 40 470 .1 \ .72 285 . . . 490
81 210 . . . 470 . . > , rCO 310 40 4 90
CI 190 . . . 470 - -63 ' 271 . . . 490
1 340 . . . 200
1C 74 . . . 290i -.17 . 127 . . . 410
14 85 . . . 300 M.J , 140 121 40 4 15
23 79 . . . 3 10 L 'HI ' 130 . . . 4 20
12 70 . . . 315 ' ,4 8 13S . . . 423
10 125 . . . 3 6C. 3M 120 . . . 430
2 115 . . . 4 00 n ' '
SHEEP There wcre"n < > fre h receipts of sheep
and nothing to make nnnrkct. . Fair to cholc <
natives nru quotable At , Irlim 13.50 to J4.C5 , fill
to good westerns from (3 to J4.40 , common am
stock sheep from J2.5 : tri J3.50. good to cholcu 4
to 100-lb. lambs front ffi5 ! 'to ' t3.25.
Kt. Lou in Llva rituck.
ST. LOUIS , April llfATTLK Ilecelpts , 3,900
head ; shipments , 70 IiwJ ; market lower an
weak , the decline on wulves being ISBSOc. nn
on southern 25c. or n.toul for Ihe week , of 4Dc
export steers , Ji. 6545 6.63 ; . good to choice. JS.OOi
5.S > ) ; fair lo medium , JI.O4.SO ; stockers am
feeders , J2.60fl3.75 ; cows , 2.W03.85j fe.l Texa
steers , J3.8U4j5.OOj grass Texas steers , 12.G01/3.75
cow * . J2.0 i3.50. |
HOGS Itecclpti. 4,600 head : shipments. 2,300
h ad : market 60100 lower ; heavy , J4.9I05.10
mixed. J4.75fi6.00i light. JU084.9J.
8HKEP Hecelpts. 3.700 head ; shipments ,
head ; market 13 < i2Sc lower ; native mixed , J4.000
4.75 ; Texus , JJ.2S4f3.75.
Htoc-U In Sight.
Record of receipts of the four principal mar
kets for Thursday , April 11 , H93 :
Cattle , HOKI. Sheep
South Omaha 1.430 3.641 . . . .
fhlcago 6.WO 23.uO' ) 16.0"
KIUIKUI City 3.9X ) 7,60 1.40
JJt. Loul 3.900 i.600 3
Totals 18.230 38,641 SlW
Knnia City Llvo Stuck.
KANSAS CITY , April 11. CATTLE Receipt *
3.900 head ; shipments , 1,100 lund ; market Blend
to strung ; Trxns iteen , t3.55K4.25 ; Texan row *
i2.COtt3.60 ; brrf utters , J3.WIJC.30 ; native cow.
1. UJ3.2S ; bull * . * 2.6W4V5.
IIOUS Receipt * . 7,6(0 head : shipment * . 90
head , market ( tronic to 60 higher ; bulk of * ale <
J4,70t4.fc5j heavlc * . | US < J3.Wj packer * , J 1.703 i. 00
ilicd. tl.C5ff4.i3 ; lights , ll.Wffl.75 ; Yolkeri ,
4.f.-W4,7t ,
8IIEKP Receipts. 1,40) heat ) : shipments , (00
end market Heady , unchanged ,
hough Uecelpts Wcro Smnll There Wns
No Improvement In Prices.
CHICAGO , April 11. In cnltlo only iibout
,0 < X ) hend arrived today. Bllll there wns no
mprovcmcnt In prices nnd buyers refund to
ay raiy ndvance , sales being nt Wednesday's
ecllno of from lOo to 15c per 100 Ibs. Common
o extra native steers were salable nt from $1 10
o J6.25 , snles dragging and prices showing fur-
her weakness. The greater part of th" fleers
iow arriving Fell nt from J5 to JG. Dressed beef
inns nre said lo be carrying large Mocks of
' , nnd until It Is disposed of their purchases
f cattle are likely to be quite limited , llutchers1
md canners' B'.uff wns fairly active nt yester-
lay h reiluceil prices , cows selling nt from Jt.CO
ii J4.C5 , Inrcoly nt from 12 to t4 ; venl calves
> ld principally nt from J2.75 to 4. Texas cattle
sere Ui fair supply. Stockeis and feeders were
airly active nt fmm J2.50 to J4.CO.
Although HIP hoRs arriving hero nnd at other
vestcrn | lnts ciintlnue much smaller In mini-
HTS than ft year ago , the tone of the market In
is weak as ever anil n further decline of about
J for 100 lb . today left prices fully 15" lower
Imn on Tuesday. 1'ackers are holding bark nml
heir opi-rntlons nre i nn exceedingly restricted
scale. Heavy IIORS averaging 200 Ibs. and Ut- |
vnnl Bold at from J4.50 to J3.30 nnd lluhts avrr-
Rlng 140 to 190 Its. sold nt from J4.75 to t.1.10 ,
he bulk of the hogs crossing the scales nt flxitn
4.90 to J5.15.
It turned out tn tip a. i or day for those who
mil sheep to sell , the supply Iwlng largely In-
miKetl. Early In the day the estimate WHS
4,000 head , but this was raised Inter to 1C.K ,
and buyers reduced their bids nccordlmdy. 1'rlccs
vi-re off about 15c nnd there wns n difference of
Trom We to 75c per 100 Ibs. between wcolfil and
clipped sheep. Woolcil sheep snhl nt from J1.40 to
4.75 , nit many K lnK Iwlow J3. nnd himbs were
drnty and In fnlr demnml nt from J4 to 13 , few
selling under 14.85. Choice lambq were numerous.
Rfcrljits : Cnttle. 9.000 himl ; calves , 700 head ;
logs. 2J.OOO head ; sheep. 16,000 head.
.Nr\v Vork l.tvn Mnex Murkot.
NE\V YORK. April H.-IIKHVES Receipts. 133
lend ; none on sale ; European cables iiuote Amer-
cm Bteers. 12Ifl3c , dressed welgiits ; lefrlgerator
SIIBEP AND LAMBS Ilccelpts. 6,403 head : on
sale , 20 cars , or 4.200 head. Sheep nnd common
md medium lambs , steady ; unshorn sheep , poor
o fnlr. J3.50if4.7S ; choice , clipped , J5 ; common
lo choice unsliuin lambs , J5.oo4ifl.oo.
lions Receipts. 4.014 head ; market steady nt
J4.40S4.60 for Inferior to choice ,
CotTeu iMurici't.
NEW YOHIC , April 11. COFFEE Oplloni
opened Irregular nnd generally weaker on moder-
ite trading and Indltposltlim t > operate until
ifter holidays and tuleil dull with u stronger
lone In later dealings. Closed steady ; April 10
lolnts lower ; other months 5Q10 points ndvance ;
sales , 8i > bags , Including : April , J14.50W15.00 ,
May. Jll.35 ; June , J14.13 ; .luly , J14.30 ; September ,
:14.25(514.60 : ( ; December , J14.00jil1.10 ; spot coffee ,
do. nulet ; mild , quiet and steady ; miff , l.SOO
s Marncnlbo nnd 1,4"0 lings Central American ,
t. Warehouse deliveries fn > m New Yolk
yesterday , 7,508 bags ; New York stock t"day ,
-11,481 bags ; United States stock. 243.S41 KIRS ,
afloat for the t'nlled States , 211.000 bags ; total
vlHlhle supply for the United States , 484.644 bags ,
agalnnt 496,416 bugs last > enr.
HAVRE , April 11. COFFEE Opened steady ,
unchanged ; nt 12 m , quiet , Uf decline ; at 3 p.
n. quiet , unchanged , \'tt \ decline ; dosed quiet
nt ' .if net decline on the day. Sales , 23,0 * ) bags ;
stock , 38.000 bags , of which 37,000 bags are Bra
SANTOS , April 11. Weak ; good average Snn-
os , J13.40 ; receipts , 10,000 bags ; stock , 237,03
HAMBURG , April 11. Dull , UC14 pfg decline ;
'ales ' , 10,000 l ags.
RIO DI3 JANEIBO , April 11. Firm ; No. 7
Bio. J15.70 ; exchange. 9 11-lCd. Receipts. 11.000
KIKS ; cleared for the United States , 6. < W ) bags ;
cleared for Europe , 4,000 bags ; stock , 154,0 * ) bags ,
Baltimore AntrKitts.
unchanged ; receipts , 4,393 hbls.
WHEAT Firm : spot and monlh. Cl'ic bid ;
Mny , GlJiGlHe ; July , S9'.4i5'S9lc ' ; steamer. No. 2
red , SS'lc bid ; receipts , 2 1M bu. ; shipments ,
l.COO bu. ; southern wheat by wimple. Clfl63c ;
southern wheat on grade , 59mC2V4c.
COHN Firm ; FK I nnd month , SO'tffM'.lc ;
May , S050'c ( ; steamer mixed , GOfJSO'tc ; re
ceipts , 12,462 bu. ; shipments , 17,293 bu. ; southern
white , 49l4050Hc ; fouthern yellow , 49i2T.'lc.
OATS Klrm nnd steady ; No. 2 white , western ,
37140 asked ; No , 2 mixed , 34jJ3iy.c ; receipts ,
6.45C bu.
RYE Dull ; No. 2. 6Si7 , ! > e.
HAY Steady nt JI3.OOfjl3.50.
12GC1S Firm ; fresh , 13'4c. '
Milwaukee JMnrkittD.
MILWAUKEE. April ll.-WIIEAT-Easler ;
No. 2 spring , 5Cic ; No , 1 northern , CSUc ; May ,
COIIN Scarce ; No. 3 , 4Si.Sc.
OATS No. 2 white , 32c ; No. 3 white , 32'4c.
BABLEY Steady ; No. 2 , 62ic ( : sample , 62)ic.
HYE Scarce ; wanted ; No. 1 , SS'.Ap.
PROVISIONS Higher. Pork , J12.3) . Lard. t7.
RECEIPTS Flour , 2,100 bbls. ; wheat , SG.OOO
bu , ; bailey , l.&o bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 4,000 bu. ; barley , none.
Nugur .Market *
NEW YORK , April 11. SUGAR Raw. firm :
sales , 2.C46 bags centrifugal , 06 test , ul So ; C.7CO
bags centrifugal , 95 test , at 2 3-lCo c. and f. ;
83 hhds. nnd 300 bbls. Muscovado. 89 test , at
2 ll-16o : refined , quiet : No. C , 3 9-lGS3ic ; No. 7 ,
3 7-163ic : No. 8. 3 S-lGijS'.ic ' ; No. 9. 3 > i < 33 7-16c ;
No. 11 , 3'i 3 7-lCc ; No. 12 , 3 l-16ff3V4c ; No. 13 ,
3o ; on A , 3i63ic ! ; mould A. 4 3-lCJf4c ; standard
A , 3 13-lliff4c ; confectloncis' A. 3 13-16@4c ; cut
loaf , 4 9-16fI4Ho ; crushed , 4 9-16W44c ; powdered.
4 3-lCO45ic ; granulated , 3 15-lGJf4',4c ; cubes , 4 3-1C
Cotton .Uarkat.
NEW ORLEANS , April 11. COTTON Firm ;
middling , 5'ic ; low middling. SVie ; good ordi
nary. 5 3-lGc ; net receipts , 498 bales ; gross. 701
hales ; exports , to Oreat Britain. VS.MS bales ; to
France , 11,932 bales ; coastwise , 4,253 bales ; sales ,
3cmi ) bales ; stock , 2C9.3S3 bales.
NEW YORK , April 11. COTTON Firm ; mid
dling , C9-16c : receipts , none ; gross receipts ,
2.C37 bales ; exports , to Great Britain , 4,237 bales ;
to the continent , 1.430 bales ; forwarded , 847
bales ; sales , 1,843 bales ; spinners , 647 bales.
Now York Dry Goods M irkct.
NEW YORK , April H.-Succeedlng ft large
business done In brown nnd blenched cottons
the lust three weeks , there was not the demand
made nor Ihe grinds on hand or In slKht to be
sold , and as a consequence the tnne of the mar
ket Is strong at the new prices. Colored cottons
have had more attention , and some good sales
arc reported. Prtntlnc cloths have been In Im
proved demand , and nearly 100,000 pieces were
bold nt 254c for sixty-four squares , epot and
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Dtiluth Whcnt Market.
DULUTII , April 11. WHEAT No. 1 hard ,
cnsh nnd April , CO'ic ; May , 60c ; July , Cl'tc ;
No. 1 northern , cash and April , 5DT c ; May. COc ;
July , CO'/ac ; September , 59c ; No. 2 noithern , cash ,
SfiVic ; No. 3 , S3'ic ; rejected , SD'.JC. To arrive ;
No. 1 hard , CO'.jc ; No. 1 northern , COc.
Minneapolis Whont Market ,
April , 6SJc ; May , 5S5if5Si,4c ; July , 69'ic ; Sep
tember , 67V4c. On track : No. 1 hard , COVlc ; No.
1 northern , SS' c ; No. 2 northern , SS'ic. Flour ,
steady for first patents nt J3.15 ; second patents ,
J2.90G3.15 ; first clears , J2.15a2.30.
Kinxas Cltv .Murketn.
KANSAS CITY , April 11. WHEAT Firm ; No.
2 hard , filVjilSSc ; No. 2 led , 6Cc ; rejected , 62c.
CORN No. 2 mixed , UJTVic higher at 424 ! 43c ;
No. 2 white , 4314C.
OATS Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 29:9'ic ' ; No. 2
white , S3'ic. _ (
'Frisco Wneat Oiiotatlons.
Decemlicr , 93'ic ; May , tOTic ; cleared , 7'J.OOO
centals. _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
1'orolKii Flimnclulffalrs. .
BERLIN , April 11. Exchange on London ,
days' sight , 20 inaiks KVj pfe.
IX3NDON , April 11. The Stock exchange will
be closed tomorrow , Saturday and Monday In
celebration of the Easter holidays.
LONDON , April 11. Gold Is quoted at Buenos
Ayres today at 260.50 ; Madrid , 900 ; Lisbon , S3.25H ;
St. Petersburg. SO ; Athens. 77 ; Rome. 105.30 ;
Vienna , 103. The Bank of England's rate of
discount remains unchanged at 2 per cent.
PARIS , April 11. Three per cent rentes. 102f
95c for the account. Exchange on London. 25f
26 40 for checks. The weekly statement of the
Bank of France Issued today dhows the ftlow -
Ing changes as compared with the previous ac
count : Notes In cl ulatlon , Increase , 15,700,000f ;
gold In hand , decreiu-e , 10 , 75ooof ; treasury ac
counts , current , decrease , 75,000f ; discounted bills
Increase , 60,800,000f ; silver In hand , decrease ,
LONDON. April 11. The weekly statement of
the Bank of England , Issued today , shows the
following changes , as compared with the previous
account : Total reserve , decrease , (1,234.000 ; clr
dilution , Increase , 1193,000 ; bullion , decrease ,
J1.000.C64 ; other securities , decrease , 2.C15.000 ;
other deposits , decrease , { .71.000 ; public deposits ,
decrease , IS.SSO.O'JO ' , notes reserved , decrease
1SC3UOO ; government securities , decrease , fl.OCK )
The proportion of the Bank of England's rrservi
to llaUllty , which last week was 65.94 per c-nt.
Is now C8.2G per cent. The amount of bullion
gone Into the Bank of England on balance today
was 35,000.
riuiinclill Nates.
BOSTON. April 11. Clearings , J15,946S9I ; bal
ances , J2.5C7.62i ) .
BALTIMORE , April 11. Clearings , J2.173.409
Inlonces , J323.019 ,
NEW YORK , April 11. Clearings , J83,135C73
balances. JS.341,437.
PHILADELPHIA. April ll.-Clearlngs , til.
23J.WX ) ; balances , tl.7t7SI3.
ST. LOUIS. April 11. Clearings , Jl,150.638 ; bal
finces , 1693,234. Money. 5fr6 per cent. New
York exchange , Jl premium bid.
WAHHINGTON , April 11. Today's statemeni
of the condition of the treasury shows : Avail
nbt ! > cash balance , il&0S74,3(2 ; gold reserve , JW , .
CIIICAQO , April 11. Clearings. J13.52I.OW
New York exclmnge. SOSj90o premium. SterlltiB
paHtc l rates , J4.90' < 04.89. Money , en call , 60
per'cent ; on time , 6 per cent.
llellevo They Ilnvo Mnoro's Murderer ,
DENVER , April 11. A dispatch was re
ctlved today from the chief of police a
I'ocatello , Idaho , BaylUK that James Me.
Donald , an ex-convict , said to be the mur
ilcrer of Detective Al Moore In this city
has been arrested there. A detective lefr
for I'ocutello tonight with a requisition foi
the prisoner. Moore WHH shot on the even
ln f of March 2U by one of three 8uppo ei
hurKlars whom he hnd arrested and who
broke away from him while he waa taking
them to the police station.
yiK cornr nru.Ain.
Ktihl nsulnst Pierce county. Urror from
'lercc county. Itcvorsi d nnd rNriHndoil with
nstrtictlons. Oiilnlon by Commissioner Ha-
All parties to ft Joint Juilgmciit arc ncc-
pesnry parties to n petition In error Ilicd
lere by one of their number to reverse It ,
mt this rtilu docs not require that nil i > ur-
ties to n suit In which a judgment has been
rendered should bd inailo purtles to the
error proceedings Instituted here for n re
view of such judgment. Only the parties
who arc liable on or bound by the Juila-
inent me necessary partita to the proceed-
" In error hcic ,
IPBII ! notion cannot be referred except
> > consent of parties , ns a litigant cannot
DO deprived of his constitutional rl lit to it
lury for the trial of Issues of fact made
by the pleadings In a lo nl action. .Mills
against Miller , 3 Neb. , S7 , followed.
3. To recover public moneys collected nnd
embezzled by him , I'leroo county brought
an action imalnst Its defaulting rmmty
treasurer nml all the sureties on Ills two
olllcl.ll bonds the treasurer bavins been
elected for two lenns the yunlli-M on said
bonds beliiK different persons. The petition
alleged that the cx-trca.Miror was Insolvent ,
and that the county was unablu to prosecute
nn action at law on either of said bonds , be
cause the books ami records kept by the
treasurer did not disclose when the defalca
tion complained of occurred , and there was
no evidence known to the county by which
It could prove , In an action at law , whether
such defalcation occurred during the tn-as-
urer'B llrst or second term of olllce. The
; > rayer of the petition wns for an accounting
In equity. Held : (1) ( ) That the averments
of the petition made out a cause of action
In favor of the county upon contracts for
the payment of money only unltu umbered
by any collateral agreements , contrncts , or
securities whatever. (2) ( ) That the action was
one legal In Us nature. (3) ( ) That the f.icts
averred In the petition were not sulllelenl to
entitle the county to equitable relief. (4) ( )
That the county would not bo permitted to
make use of a state of facts brought about
by the neglect of the legal duties of Us
county board to deprive the sureties on
their treasurer's olllclal bond of their con
stitutional right to a Jury trial. (5) ( ) That the
sureties on the treasurer's bnnd were en
titled to a Jury for the trial of the Issues of
fact made by the plcadln M.
Rochester Ixian nnd Hanking company et
al against the Liberty Insurance company
Krror from Douglas county. Rovers"il and
remanded. Opinion by Commissioner Hngan.
An Insurance contract piovldod Unit the
P3llcy should u > veld If the Interest of the Insured -
sured In the premises was other than uncon
ditional and sole ownership ; It the Insured
premises bu or become vacant or unoccupied
and so remain for ten days ; that In case of a
lire the Insured should furnl.ih tlu > Insurer
proof of loss , lu a suit upon such p ilicy
the Insurer Interposed the defense that the
Insured did not furnish proof of loss as re-
cpjlrcd by the Itollcy. (1) ( ) An allldavlt made
by the Insured and furnished to the In
surer containing certain statements cone rn-
Ing the ( Ho , set out In the opinion nnd held
lo substantially comply with the provision
of the policy requiring the Insured to fur
nish the Insurer proof of loss. (2) ( ) That the
Insurance company , by refusing to pay the
loss and defending the action on the ground
that the policy In suit was not In force nt
the date of the loss , thereby waived the
furnishing to It of any proof of loss what
ever. Dwelling House Insurance company
ngalnst Mrewster , fil N. W. , 740 , and cases
there cited , followed.
2. A second defense of the Insurer was
that the Insured , nt the date of the Issuance
of the policy , was not the sole and uncondi
tional owner of the tn Rural real estate.
Held : (1) ( ) That this Issue was one of fact
for determination by the jury , and the dis
trict court erred In not submitting them.
(2) ( ) If , by a loss , the holder of an Interest In
> roperty Is deprived of the ixissesslon , en-
! oyincnt , or prollt thereof , or n security or
leu resting thereon , or other certain bene
fits growing out of or depending UK > n such
property , he has an Insurable Interest there
in. German Insurance company ngalnst
Hyman. 34 Neb. , 701 , followed. (3) ( ) It seems
that where a jwllcy Is Issued to one who
holds the legal title to real estate , where
no Inquiries arc made as to whether any
other person Is Interested In such property ,
and no representations nrc made by the In
sured further than that he Is the owner of
the premises , that it Is not n defense to
the Insurance company , In an action on
such policy , that the Insured , though hold
ing the legal title to the promises , wns a
mere trustee for an undisclosed beneficiary.
3. The third defense of the Insurance com
pany wns that the Insured property , at the
time of the Issuing of the policy In suit ,
was vacant , nnd nt the dale of the tire had
been vacant and unoccupied for ten days.
The Insured admitted the facts of the de
fense , but pleaded In avoidance thereof
that the Insurer Issued the policy In suit
with actual knowledge of the fact that the
Insured property was then vacant nnd un
occupied. Held : (1) ( ) That the provision In
the policy rendering1 It void In case the In
sured property was at ths dale of the
policy or should afterward become vacant
or unoccupied was Inserted therein for the
benefit of the Insurer. (2) ( ) That the exist
ence of the vacancy at the date of the ISHU-
ance of the policy did not render the policy
In suit void , but voidable at the election of
the Insurer. (3) ( ) That as the Insurer Issued
the policy In sull wllh actual knowledge
of the fact that the Insured premises were
at the time vacant nnd unoccupied. It Is
now estopped from alleging such vacancy
as a defense to an acllon on the policy. (4) ( )
That the knowledge of the agent of the In
surance company that the properly Insured
wns vncanl at the date of the Issuance of
the policy In suit was the knowledge of the
Kelber ngalnst Boyd. Appeal from Cass
county. Opinion by Commissioner Ilagan.
The mellon of appellee lo slrike from Ihe
files of this court the transcript Illed herein
sustained , because It appears :
1. That the appellant hus not brought to
this court and Aled here a cert Ilicd tran
script of Ihe proceedings In the district
court as the fame appear of record In the
ofllco of the clerk of said court.
2. That the certificate of the clerk of the
district court attached to the record brought
here has been materially allured since It
was made , with the evident Intention of
misleading nnd deceiving this court.
lOllsworlh against McDowell. Error from
Jefferson county. Hcversed and remanded.
Oj > lulon by Commissioner Kagnn.
lly the terms of a written contract be
tween Champlln and Tsclmnnen the former
agreed to sell and convoy certain real es
tate to the latter on his making rcrtaln
payments. The contract provided that
Tschnnnen's failure to make any one of the
payments at Us maturity should entitle
Champlln to the Immediate possession of
the real estate.
Tsclmnnen took possession of the prstnlscs
and built a frame house thereon , In which
he and his family took up their residence.
Tschnnncn made default In the payments
promised. At a time when Tschnnnen was
absent from home , but while his family nnd
household goods vere In Ihe house , Champ
lln caused a workman to go upon the prem
ises , without the knowledge or consent of
Tschannen , nnd erect a foundation urder
the house. Tsclmnnon then sold the house
to his mother-in-law , then residing with
him therein , and she removed It to an ad
joining lot , and with her family watt resid
ing therein when Champlln replcvlntd the
house and caused the sheriff to remove It
back to the lot on which It was originally
erected , the mother-in-law and family re
maining therein during and after ' the
transit. Held : (1) ( That Champlln , In caus
ing the workman to go upon the premises
and put a foundation under the house , did
not by such net acquire possession of said
house. (2) ) That by nald net Champlln vas
guilty of trespass , nnd whatever possession
of the house he acquired thereby wns
wrongful. (3) ( ) That possession of property
obtained by trespass cannot be made the
basis of nn action of replevin for the pos
session of such properly. (4) ( ) That Tsclmn-
nen's default In making the payments prom
ised did not authorize Champlln to retake
possession of the premises with force nnd
arms. (5) ( ) That the provision In Ihe con
tract that If Tschannen made default In his
paymenls Champlln should be entitled to
take Immediate possession of the premises
meant no more than that such default
should confer a right of action on Champ
lln for the possession of the premises. ( U )
That the relation of vendor and vendee cre
ated between Champlln nnd Tschannen by
the contract was not changed by Tsclmn-
ncn's default Into that of landlord and
tenant. (7) ( ) That at the time Champlln
brought this suit he had no such possessory
rights to the property replevlnod as would
enable him to maintain an action of tres
pass against Tschannen's vendee for her In
terference with such properly , und there
fore ho could not maintain this action.
Humes ngalnst Hale. ICrror from Madison
county. Hcversed and remanded. Opinion
by Justice Harrison.
The power of a district court to vacate or
modify Its own judgments after the term at
which they were rendered , Is limited to
the grounds for granting such relief enum
erated In section C02 of the code of civil
City of Hastings against Hnnsen. Krror
from Adams county. Reversed and action
dismissed. Opinion by Commissioner Hapan.
What tlie boundaries of n municipal cor
poration ore , where they nre , and whether
a particular piece of territory lies within
or without the corporate llmlls of a munici
pality , all are matters for Judicial detcrmln-
atlon : but the power to create municipal
corporations nnd the power to enlarge or
restrict their Ixninilarlea Is a legislative one.
2. In the absence of express statutory
authority the courts of this state pomega
no lurisdlctlon to disconnect by decree any
JGr. . I > 3n3P2P 3LmD ,
1100UUI Union AT . . K ni * City. Ma
nut of the territory of n municipal corpora-
Ion at the suit of the owner of such lerrU
3. HrcUon lot , chapter xlv. Compiled Bint *
lies 1S93 , cjiiMrucd and held that the pro-
. Isloiii of mild section nre not applicable to
cities of the first class havlnic It * * than
CuQ Inhabitants.
The Omaha Kite Insurance Company
against Here A Story. Krror from Adama
county. Alllrmed. Opinion by ComtnlJ-
Bloner Itvan.
The refusal to give nn Instruction re
quested cannot be reviewed In the nbsenca
of an exception.
2. The assignment that the verdict la
'iot ' sustained by the evidence cannot bo
considered , where from the bill of excep
tions It appears without question that
thorcfrom hus been omitted evidence which
nay be Important.
3. The ruling sustaining nn objection tea
a question cannot be reviewed where there
was made no tender of evidence which
nn answer , If permit led , would disclose.
4. It was not error to overrule a motion
: o strike out portion * of n petition where , by
reason of such ruling , It docs not appear
that the moving party wns prejudiced.
5. Courts very propetly refuse alflnn-
atlvely tn direct what language must bo
employed In drafting pleadings.
Omaha Street Hallway Company against
linker. Krior from Douglas county. He-
versed. Oiilnlon by Commissioner Ryan ,
The evidence In this case consldeied , and
found not to sustain the verdict upon
which Judgment wns rendered.
Cniiilcutnrd Clpvnlmul'i IVnalnn I'.illry.
SPHINOKIlCt.D , III. , April 11. lUprcsent-
atlvc Fltzmlller's resolution condem.iliiR' the
Cleveland administration for Its polloy hi
ilcallng with pensions to old t-oldlers ctuna
up us a special order In the house today niut
was adopted on a strict party vote.
Kvery book which falls In
your way anil nn ntrjjrn-
m ted case of mental dys
pepsia Is sure to result
The wise reader will se
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