THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : JTHIDKY , Al'KIL 12 , 1895. THE OMAHA DAILY DUE. ' * COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , - - NO. 12 PEARL STREET Delivered hy catrlcr to any part ot the city. H. W. TILTON , Lessee. TnLKPHONCS Dutlncti office , No. i , "hlllor. No. U. M1.\OH MKZTW.MS. Groml , Council niuffH. E. P. Clarlt , prop. Maync Heal Estate agency , BSD Droailway. The district court grand Jury will make Its report this morutng. Lily Camp Aid society will meet Friday afternoon , April 12 , at Mrs. Williams. Ill Slutimian street. A full attendance Is do- sired. 1'ieparallonx are being made for a field day next Juno , to be given under the auspices of tlie Young Men's Christian association. The plan Is to offer prices of sufficient value to awaken great Interest In athletic circles. The funeral of W. O. Oliver took place yesterday afternoon Jrcm Ills residence , under the auspices of the Veteran rircmen a asso ciation , the members of which escorted the remains to the cemetery In full uniforms. : * Jacob Rogers headed the parade , carrying the banner. Ho has belonged to the associa tion for twenty-live years. Uoyal Amy and Wallace McKadden , who belonged to the first volunteer company ever organized In Council Uluffs , In 1854 , marched beside hltn , carrying the streamers. Tno deslrnble cottages for rent. Plenty of Insurauc ? . Mon'y money for farm loins. Fire loaned for local Investors on best of security. Special bargains In real estate. Lougee & Towle , 233 1'earl street. Vitltini : 'leiuli r . If you want new shoes , go to Sargent's. We will give you the HHCHTLAn T11ACIIKIIS' DISCOUNT nnd the nicest and cheapest shoes In tire city. Look In our show window , 413 Broadway. Marcus * flro sale of clothing Is still In progress. Have you had any of Its benefits yet ? A little money and the results will surprise you. Clothing , shoes , hats , furnish ing goods at prices dangerously near giving away ought to attract you , rr.ltftVX.tL I''HS- 3. Q. Anderson of the Council Bluffs Ice company went to Kansas City on business yesterday. Mrs. Foster , who left some time ago for Marysvllle , Mo. , Is back for a visit with Mrs. E , B. Mayne. Ilev. Dr. Askln went to Norfolk , Neb. , yes terday to deliver the address on the tenth anniversary of the Installation of the pastor of the Congregational church there , Ilev. Mr. Parker. Ho will return Saturday , so as to occupy his pulpit hero as usual Sunday. 1SUNMSON IIHOS. rnrpot , Ourtnln anil ling Pule. ICO rolls of China and Jap Jolntlcss matting at 12'fcc , IGc. 20c and 25c yard , fully 25 per cent lees than others ask. 4Gc and GOc cotton warp Jap matting at 29c and 35c yard. $3.98 Swiss embroidered lace curtains , $2.50 pair. $0.00 Swiss embroidered cui tains , $3.93 pair. $5.00 point De Spray lace curtains , ruffle edge , $3.49 pair. $10.00 brusscl net curtains , $0.50 pair. Nottingham lace curtains at 7Bc , $1.00 $1.48. $1 98 and $2.50 pair , a big saving to you by buying of us. SC-lncli dotted curtain Swiss , 12'/4c yard. Ct-inch point Do Spray net , 39c yard. 1,000 curtain hhades , on rollers , 15c each. $1.00 chenille curtain , dado and fringe tor nnd bottom , $2.9S pair. 20-Inch Gloria silk umbrellas , paragon frame , $1.00 each. Ladles' navy blue serge mackintoshes at $2.25 , $3.00 and $4.50 , special values. EASTER KID GLOVES. 4 , G and S-button length suede kid gloves all the now caster shades nnd black , at 95c pair , worth $1.25 and $1.50. Como In and sec them. BKNNISON BHOS. If you want new shoes , go to Sargent's. Wi will give you the REGULAR TEACHERS' DISCOUNT and the nicest and cheapest shoes In the city Look In our show window , 413 llroadway. H. M. Wtllliimion Sells the Standard and Domestic sewlni machines ; also agent for Standard In Omaha 100 South Main street. Mop ii nd Look At the finest display of diamonds , goli watches , new styles of Jewelry and Easte novelties In the city. It will pay you t Inspect our windows. C. B. Jacquemln t Co. , 27 South Main street. U hill IH In n Nii Everything , If applied to a Hardman Plane Gold by Mueller Piano and Organ company 103 Main street. The largest stock of books ever In th west Is now being sold at auction In th EUoman building. Trilby , $1.15 ; Ben Hui 88c ; Prince of India , $1.78 ; Marcella , $1.35 Tlio Manxman , 98c. Hay for salt , by the ton ur carload. W. A Wood , 520 Main street. ANOTiunt mi.i , OAHI : IN EQUITY Ten Ycnrn Old In It * Vurlnti * I'orms nil htlll I'ar from Sottlomont. Judge Smith yesterday heard the evldenc In a CFC which has bsen knocking about tli courts In ono form or another for the las ten years , and seems likely to bo old enoitg to vote before Its remains are finally lal under the sod. John lloano Is suing J. J Hamilton and H. Mendel for the purpose ( having a deed to some- property conveye by Hamilton to Mendel set nslilo on U ground that It was executed for the purpos of defrauding the former's creditors. All tl parties are from Neola. Hamilton was a | pointed administrator of the estate of Joli O'Urlen , the father of Nick O'Brien of th city. He failed to account for all the funi In his possession , and Tim Foley \v.z a ] I pointed to succeed him. lloano was one i tlio sureties on Hamilton's bond , and a su was commenced ten years ago against him collect tbo amount of the shortage. Tt matter was tried before Captain H. W. Hlgl ; as referee , and after a great deal of pulllr and hauling had been done the referee gai the now administrator a verdict for $300 ar divided the costs bctwcn the contestant making them about $2i,3 each. This iledaU made both parties mad , and the case w : taken to the supreme court. By this time tl : llnal disposition ot the case was made la May In the supreme court tlio total amoui ti of the Judgment against lloano had grow by the addition of costs and Interest , about $2,500 , and that was the amount Iloai had to disgorge. Ono cause of this grow . was the fact that at the time the cult w . , commenced the bond suddenly turned t mUsIng , Judge Smith , who at the time w ; merely an attorney In the ranks , and a reared for Foley , set forth the supposed co tents of the bond In his petition. Just befo fl the case was to be decided the missing boi came to light , and It was discovered to 1 lacking In the very essential feature of t ! name of the estate. The law case fell by t ! wayside and Smith commenced another actli In equity to have * th bond reformed by t Insertion of the name of the estate. A ft ' months ago the sureties on the bond ma good thn shortage , and now they are lookli to Hamilton to make tlum good , Hut Ham ton had deeded all his property to H , Mend a prominent merchant of Neola , before t action was begun , and now lloano.ants t conveyance set aside. The case was tried ai lubmltted to Judge * Smith yesterday. Vnen Baby was kick , wo gave her Castor ! * , Alien she. was a Child , btio cried for Castorlx When the became JlUa , she clung to Outoria. Vhen the bad Children , she gave them Castoria. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Interesting Pension Case on Trial in the Federal Court , MANY IOWA PEC FtE ARE INVOLVED W. It. nnd O. jr. flippy nnil MM , Jennie M. IMgliiRton Are Under Indictment nnd Will Ho Tried After A. A. Udclngton's line Is Dtapoied , The case of the United States against A. A. Edglngton of Avoca , which was put upon trial In the federal court yesterday after noon , promises to be one of unusual In'crcst ' , as some of the details of the stories told are quite sensational , and all the parties concerned are well known throughout the county. The Issues Involve W. II. Cuppy , his brother , O. M. Cuppy , and Mrs. Jennie M. Edglngton , the mother of the present defendant , each of whom Is under Indict ment and will have a trial after this cast- has been disposed of. Nearly the whole afternoon was taken up with examining the candidates for the Jury. Twenty-six men were called Into the box , and after cocral hours of hard work the following twelve were selected , several of whom were noticed wearing Grand Army buttons : J. M. Noah of Glcnwood , J. C. Schockley of Sidney , Thomas Thompson of Illverton , William Arbuckle of Vllllsca , Phillip Shim- bergcr of Dcnlson , J. D. Jones and Charles McDowell of Clarlnda , Lou S.troud of Glen- wood , Warren Hough of Crescent , E. A. Boles of Missouri Valley , George Hart of Clarlnda and C. M. Cadtle of Yorkto n. STATEMENT OF THE CASE. After a short recess District Attorney Fullen made his opening statement to the Jury , which. In brief , was as follows : Jan uary 4 , 1893 , Jennie M. Edglngton filed a claim for a pension as the widow of Francis M. Edlngton , who enllsteJ In the Thirty-fifth Iowa regiment of volunteers , company F , at Onawa , Mtiscatlne county , la. Her husband never served In that company , but another man Is drawing a pension today under the name of Francis M. Edglngton , and he be longed to the company and regiment men tioned. Avlngton Edglngton , the defendant , visited the office of a claim agent at Avoca , William H. Coon , and said that he didn't know what his father's name was , but he thought his mother was entitled to a pension. He took home some of the records with him to ascer tain what company his father served In. He brought them back , saying he had discovered that Francis M. Edglngton was his father , und that ho was burled January 26 , 18S6 , In LeMars , Mo. , and that he attended the funeral. He put these statements In the form of nn affidavit and had It sent off to Washing ton , along with his mother's application for a pension. The aflldavlt also contained the statement that his father had frequently talked to him about his war experiences and mentioned belonging to company F. As a matter of fact , the district attorney said , the young man was not at the funeral , and his father's name was not Francis M. Edglngton as the testimony would show , OTHKIl SIDE OF THE STOHY. Smith McPherson made the opening state ment for the defense. He admitted that he would be unable , probably , to show In what regiment the defendant's father served , and , asserted that the young man had done as Is done by men every day In the year signed an aflldavlt In support of a pension . claim when ho really had no personal knowl edge as to the main facts contained In It. The father , he said , went away from home In 18C1 and returned In the fall of the same year with his army uniform on , saying that ho had been In the battle where General Lyon was killed. The defense would not dis pute that Francis M. Edglngton , or Maurice F. Edglngton , as the prosecution called him was In company F. , The defendant would not be able to tel what his father's name was , and before th defense had cone Into Its side of the cast sixty minutes the reason for this would b made apparent. Ho sometimes signed hi name M , F. Edglngton and sometimes F. M Edglngton , nnd he also used other and entire ! different names. He was of a roving dlspo sltlon , end would be gone for years at tlmo without any of the members of hi family knowing where ho was. In Januar of 18SS a gentleman was taken 111 on a trail ig near La Mars , Mo. , and was taken from th' i. train and kept for several days , when h died. A day or two later he was burled , am four months later A. A. Edglngton recelvei a letter from a gentleman of Lo Mars notl tying him of the fact of the death and stat Ing that It might be his father. IDENTIFIED THE BODY. & He went down , had the body dug up , ani Identified It as that of his father. Some o the contents of the aflldavlt were not strict ! . true , but there were no material variation from the facts. He wound up with a remar calculated to bring him In touch with the ol soldiers who were on the Jury. "Wo have no right to say that because pension claim Is Invalid It Is fraudulent , " sal he ; "wo expect to make such a strong show Ing before \\c get through with this case tha every ono of you will say that If you wer . sitting In that rhalr In Washington Instead o Hoko Smith this woman would get her pen sion. " Everything Indicates that there will be hot contest over the Issues Involved In th ease. There were numerous verbal rows be > tween the attorneys yesterday , and the mos Intense feeling Is manifest. District Attorne Fullen , his assistant , Thomas E. Casady , an he Spec'al ' Tension Agent E. C. Drown are looV st Ing after the prosecution , while the defense I represented by Smith McPherson , Fremon .Id Henjamln , J. J. Shea and L. T. Genung. .IdA. A. NOVII.TIIS A.of of ed At thn Ilnstnn Store. he Great kid glove sale Friday and Saturday. lllg lot colored kid gloves ( not damage. ! ) , regular $1.00 glove , at 25c a pair. he $1.75 quality , colored Mousquetalrcs , to g ip- nt 75c. iphn "Saxon Ileauty" kid gloves , regular $ ! . quality , at 7&c a pair. ils A new line of glaced kid gloves , worth $1 2. ids to go at S9c a pair. ip- Wo are sole agents for the celebrated Foi ipof tcr , Paul & . Co. and Trefousse kid glove New assortments Just received. alt Deautlful line of ladles' laundered shli to waists jii sale this week. he See values offered at 75c , $1.00 an3 $1.25 , ht UMBRELLAS. Largest stock of umbrellas In the city. ng (1.50 quality Corolo bilk umbrella on sa ve at $1.00. nd $3.00 pure silk umbrella on sale at $1.05. Is.on $3.50 quality gent's umbrella for $2.23. on Sco line of ladles' umbrellas our at $4.5 50 as worth $7.00. $7.00.GENTS' he GENTS' NECKWEAR. ist A new line of Tarton plaids , In Tecks ar ml Four-In Hands , at Me. FOWLBH , DICK & WALKER. to 401105 Uroadway , me Council Blurts , la. 'til as Notice to Vlmtlng Tetirhera. up You ari Invited to examine garment's shi -ns window. .13 llroadway. and see the new she ip- for Easter. Wo will give 311- ALL VISITING TEACHEHS 10 TEH CCN Dre DISCOUNT. md Sargent sells the nicest and cheapest she be In the city. the * ' ' Ierk'ii 1'iiliico Orooerjr the Ion Is the newest and nicest thing In tow the Goods clean and new , prices just right , d 'ew livery prompt , COO llroadway. ule mid rlcturr * nt Cont. Ing To make room for new goods. Chapmar ill- New Art Store , 17 Main street. lei , the Special Kuilur Sale , the Children's school hats , 25c , EOc and 1 md Miss Hagsdule , 10 Pearl street. Ice Nice , clean reservoir Ice. cheap. Mi holland , 5 Ilaldnln block. Telephone 186. Dr. Laugcl , office 110 5th ive. ; tel. ISO. Dninntlo Trouble ! . Lltrlo Martin has been living with li huibond , Ed Martin , near the Northweste roundhouse until within the past few daj Martin was not aflllcteu withthe.wo habit himself , but had a pleasant way ruitllnK around and getting wishing f his wife to do , Urns enabling ; the family live pastably well. The other day Martin went oft and took his child with him , going to the residence of his father , on Avenue C. Mrs. Martin went to the house and finding the child out In the yard , took It awny , but was discovered by lier mother-in-law , who gave chase and caught her before she had gone far. The husband ran out and grabbed Mrs. Martin by the hands and took the child away from her , old man Martin helping. Yesterday young Mrs. Martin filed Informa tion against her parents-in-law and her hutbnnd. _ Sprclnl Snle Men' * U'hlto Milrt Tomorrow. Wilson Uros. ' open front shirt , former price , Jl.r.O ; will sell for $1. Wilson llron. ' open back shirt , former price , $1.50 ; will sell for $1. Wilson Uros. ' open back shirt , former price , $1 ; will sell for 75e. A large variety of shirts , from broken lots , former prices , $1.25 , $1.50 ; well sell for C5c. A good line at 60c. MKTCALF UIIOS. To Vltltlni ; 'Icttrhrrs. Go hear Frank O. Carpenter , the noted cor respondent and traveler , In his Illustrated talks on "Corea , the Hermit Nation , " to night , and "China In 1891 , " Saturday even ing , at the Broadway church. You can Inter est your schools with what you see and hear. Ask our teachers regarding them. Admission , 50 cents. Seats reserved without extra charge at Hart's Jewelry store , 415 Broadway. . s. M. Carries the largest stock of high grade bicy cles of any dealer In the west. Also has the best equipped repair shop In the west. 10G South Main street ; telephone , 202. I'ruhk U , Ciirprntcr Tonlclil "Corea , the Hermit Nation , " llroadway church. Admission 60 cents. Reserve your seats without extra charge at Hart's , 415 Uroadway. _ SCHOOL Ti\ciuits IN Iiitercfttlni ; Kxrrclxcs In Connection with tlio oiithwoitorn ARsnclittlon. The opening session of the Southwestern lown Teachers' association was held last evening at the Presbyterian church , which was filled to Its full seating capacity by the 500 or more teachers who are so far In at tendance , together with those from the city who are Interested In educational matters. The attendance so far Is In excess of that anticipated. All the hotels In the city lira overrun with guests , and many private fam ilies have thrown open their dcors. The program last evening was a very Interesting one. Dr. Stephen 1'helps delivered an ad dress of welcome , to which a response was made by President W. M. Ileardshear of the Iowa college ! at Grlnnell. This was followed by an address by Hon. Henry Sabln , state superintendent of public Instruction. He made nn earnest plea for n. more practlca" education , which should reach not nlcno the mind of the pupil , but his soul as well. "The school house , " said he , "should be the rallying point of every good cause. Why should $14,000,000 worth of property lie Idle during four months of the year ? The library , the debating fcchool and the museun Should find place within the walls of the school house. High school buildings arc now being built with large audience rooms , suit able for lectures on university extension and other educational movements. "There has been too much of a tendency to fill the head of the pupil with facts , wlthou cultivating lofty endeavors In the line o : character. He should be taught that then , Is a nobility of callous hands , and that It 1 : as lofty a calling to have a trade and per form It well as to paint a picture or hohl an olllce. The only aristocracy in America Is the aristocracy of character. It Is not the ? amount of knowledge a man has , but his power of application that counts. When the time comes that no reference Is to made In the school room to God as creator or to , man as an Immortal being , the designs of tha worst foes of free education will be realized. " . This morning there will be a session In the ° 1'rcsbyterlan achurch at 9 o'clock. In the afternoon at 2 o'clock there will be meetings In the Bloomer building , the Presbyterian church , the Baptist church and the Congregational gational church , with good speakers nt each place. At 4:30 : It Is the intention to give the visitors a drive about the city , and Superln- . tendent Sawyer desires that all citizens who have vehicles and are so disposed shall have < them at tha Bloomer building at that hour jjj < for the use of the teachers. This evening Is ! Superintendent A. P. Marble of the Omaha city schools will deliver an address at the Presbyterian church on heating and ventila ; tion. Th public Is cordially Invited to at tend all the meetings of the association. i : \\f llnvo < .ot it Mire Thing , ; It Is the Insurance gasoline stove , the only gasoline stove made that a child can play ' with and do no harm. It takes care of Itself ; can be blown out. left open or turned on , and there Is no possible way for the gasoline to Ignite or explode. No smell or odor , no dripping of gasoline , no burning your house down or burning your wife or mother-in-law to death. No misery , no fu nerals , no deaths or use for an undertaker If you use the Insurance gaspllne steve , as It is absolutely safe. If you don't believe It ask any of our competitors , then ask them tc ; blow out their stove and leave It open for ten rk ! minutes , then apply a match to the stove as we do with ours and see what will hap pen , but be sure to be a quarter of a mile away before he lights the match , as there U sure to b ° an explosion ; then wo would not ' get to sell you an Insurance stove , as there would he a funeral next day , BROWN'S C. 0. P. . Sole Agents. Tlio InMiriinco Ouftollnv Steve , Introduced by P. C. De Vol In 1891 , and sold by him this season. Absolutely safe. Can't explode. No danger. Be sure you get he the "Insurance. " est P. C. DE VOL. 504 Broadway. st ey Tuotlco to Visiting Truclicri. idk You arc lnvlte.1 to examine Sargent's shoe k- window , 413 Broadway , and see the new shoos kIs Is for Easter. Wo will give nt ALL VISITING TEACHERS 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT. Sargent sells the nicest and cheapest shoes In the city. _ Dedication. A concert will be given next Tuesday evenIng - Ing , April 1C , at the Latter Day Saints' church , on Pierce street , west of Glen avenue go Their new pipe organ , which has been It course of construction for several weeks past 50 Is to bo dedicated , with J. II. Slmms as organ. 1st. The Dudley Buck quartet will assist Ir the program. _ riowcrn forI it ir. We have a fine lot of Easter lilies , colorei hyacinths , double white violets , and man ] other plants In bloom. Also a nice uubort Irt ment of cut flowers. Come and see them Visitors arc welcome. J. F. Wllcox , florists 1132 East Pierce street. _ Tomor ow ws will give a leiu lfu % E.s er II 3 lie with every boys' suit sold for $1.75 or more METCALF BROS. Notice to VUltlng ; You are Invited to examine Sargent's shoi ) window , 413 llroadway , and see the new shoe : for Easter. We will give nd ALL VISITING TEACHERS 10 PER CEN1 DISCOUNT. Sargent sells the nicest and cheapest shoe : In the city. _ _ _ _ _ _ Do you know where to buy a bicycle ? A Cole's. Waverly , Westminster , Eclipse am other well known lines. IOC es VUIHjj Tuaoherf. S'T If you want new shoes , go to Sargent's. W will give you the REGULAR TEACHERS' DISCOUNT and the nicest and cheapest shoes In the city Look In our show window , 413 Broadway. 1 inter I.lll < " Je All kinds of plants and flowers. J. n. Me Pherson , green houses 1250 E. Pierce si Telephone 244 , night or day. n's Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that gooi laundry , " and Is located at 724 Broadway If In doubt about this try It ana be convinced Don't forget name nnd number. Tel. 107. II. Tomorrow we\\l 1 give a beiutlful Easter 111 with every boy ' suit sold for $1.75 or mon METCALF BROS. Evans' Laundry Co. , 520 Pearl ; tel. 290 ehlrts , collars , cuffs , fine work a specialty. Room for rent , one or two gentlemen. Cot tler ner Willow avenue and Sixth etieet. Appl to N. M. Pusey. ern Qai cooking cloves for rent and for salt C. B. Gas company , offer Dr. Parson * , over Schneider's , 541 B'wj forte to Davis , drug , paint , glass -nan. 200 IVway. George Bpeais , a Pullman Porter , Killed Instantly in lowalr WOULD NOT BE EJECTED Fr ) < M THE TRAIN i i Shot at the Conductor nnd lilt tlio Other Ainu Captured n Short Distniico from tlio cciij ( of tlir Crime. CENTEUVILLE , la. , April 11. ( Special Telegram. ) A negro tramp shot and Instantly killed George Spsars , porter of a Pullman sleeper , at Allerton , Wayne county , twenty five miles from this city , at an early hour this morning. The tramp was seen In this city last night and Is a heavy set , hard looking customer and Is a stranger here. The city marshal of Ccntervllle spotted him as a suspicious character and ordered him to leave town. This he promised to do and he was seen to get on a Rock Island fast train going southwest , which leaves here at 4 a. m. m.When When the train was entering Allerton the conductor caught him , as the fellow was stealing a ride , and with the porter attempted to put him off. The fellow drew a revolver and shot at the conductor , but missed him , killing the porter Instantly , and then Jumped from the train and escaped In the darkness. The olHcers were quickly on his trail and the city marshal caught him at Llnevlllc , Wayne county , this afternoon. The sheriff at once took him to Trenton , Mo. , for safe keeping , as ho was threatened by a mob. IOWA Hicruiii.ic.vN I.IA IIIS : MLII- McmhorH of the Main Central Committee ( iiithrr at I > f < Mttltip * . DBS MOINL'S , April 11. ( Special Tele gram. ) A considerable numb3r of republican loaders arc on the ground to attend the meeting of the republican state central com mittee , which meets here tomorrow for the purpos ? of fixing the date for the state con ventlon. Among those present are Colone Ormsby of Emmetsburg and Secretary eState State McFarland , who are candidates for the nomination for governor. Ex-Senator Harlai also has a representative here at work It his Interest. Chairman Illythe Is expected to arrive some time during the night or lu the morning. Those here say the convention date will probably be about Juno 25. so as not to Interfere with the National Republlcat league convention June 19 , at Cleveland , 0. Icnvii StrlUo iirowlng hrrliiitfl. OTTU.MWA , la. , April ll.-(9peelnl ( Tele gram. ) The coal mining strike nt Cincin nati grows more critical every moment. J. T. ' Ilcynolds , chairman of the executive board of the mine workers , who represent the miners who are determined that the Cincinnati miners shall not work nt the reduced rates , reports that the Cincinnati miners held n meeting and determined they would continue at work nl all hazards. The vlsltliit ? miners from Conteryllle , Mystic , Jerome nnd other points who are at Cincin nati have determined to May there nnd bring the men out. They sent word to their fellow workmen nt C'entervllle for all to come to Cincinnati nnd bring something to eat with them. They propose to camp out , nnd are determined that the Cincinnati men s-hall not work at the i educed rate of wages. The situation \ strious. nnd Is liable to become critical nt any moment. CI5NTI3RVILLE. la. , April'fl. The sher iff has telegraphed for company H , Second regiment , and It Is now on Its way to Cincinnati. The miners there were all nt work today , and an effoit wfll be made to keep them out In the morning- , hence the call for the mllltla. Ilriivv liiiliift In Solitiui | trrn Jcnvn. BURLINGTON. la. , April 11. Frcpuent heavy rains all day have further Improved the condition of farm lanlls for seeding. The prospects were never betUr than now. < > 11114 uf Inirn Mc\v . The contractor has commenced laying the brick paving In Waterloo. The Corn Bell Editorial association meets at Ida Grove May 21 and 22. The poslofllce at Pulaskl was robbed of $75 and the Jewelry sloro In connection relieved of $100. The Baptist Young People's union of north western Iowa held a meeting at Cedar Falls with fifty delegates. Edwin W. Severance , until recently a prom inent farmer of Blackhawk county , was killed In a runaway at Worthlngton , Minn. Fritz Jesse , a Clinton boy aged 11 , was shot In the abdomen by Samuel Mewheartct while prowling around the letter's hen house. Mrs. P. J. Sturgis , aged C4 , wife , of one of the best known physicians In northern Iowa died at West Union. She went to Fayctte county In 1852. Mrs. Clara Howard , widow of Stephen Howard , who was killed near Waterloo by Charles Adams , wh.o was sentenced to four years for the crime last week , has brought suit against him for $5,000 damages for the killing of her husband. Alberta Satla , proprietor of the Satla house nnd a resident of Marshalltown since the close of the civil war , a member of the Twenty-third Iowa Infantry , and one of tin most active politicians In the county. Is deai after a brief Illness , of dropsy and varloui . complications. Engineers and firemen on the Burllngtor road claim there appears a specter on thi road near Albla every night. They lmv < seen It walking the track and swinging : lantern. Ono man declared It is In the fonr of a woman whose husband was killed on tin railroad some time ago. The moans of tin woman can be heard for several rods , bu she has not yet succeeded In stopping anj trains with her spectral lantern. Many rail road men look upon the- ghost as a hoodoi and predict an accident at that point soonei or later. ' Will C3lvn An Irrigation I'srurnlon. , Everything Is quiet In local passenger clr ; cles , and the anticipated friction over the re cent disturbance In rates from the Mlssour river westward has not yet manifested Itself The Union Pacific has Inaugurated somethlni new In the excursion line and will on Aprl 15 run an "Irrigation excursion" from Omah to western Nebraska points , making a $ round trip rate to points as far west a North Platte and $5 as far west as Sterling Cripo for Diiinorcwt Mixtiln. Kirs. E. H. Shlnrock , superintendent De merest contest work In Douglas county , an nounces : , "Since In the dispensation of nn all wls Providence Mr. W. Jennings Demorest ha been called to. Ills ete'rn l reward ; nut o respect nnd affection let tvery Demon's o medal In Douglas county Be1 draped In crap for the period of thirty days. " lllsliopn Cannot lloldil'ropnrtjr In Trint. LANSING , Mich. , April" 11. The Bennt today took from the table and passed th Jamison bill , repealing thfl law under whlc Roman Catholic bishops can hold churc property In trust. U Jiml but one dissent Inn vote. i T Knlllng .Mil a IJeBtrnypil tijrire. . COLUMBIA , Pa. , Aj rl ) il. The Susqu < hanna Rolling mill , the , largest In this sec tlon of the state , bnrned' today. Losi $50.000 ; partly Insured. ' ' Beecham's pills arc for bilious ness , bilious headache , dyspep sia , heartburn , torpid liverdiz- , ziness sick headachebad , , taste in the mouth , coated tongue , loss of appetitcsallow skinetc. , when caused by constipation ; and constipation is the most r- frequent cause of all of them. Go by the book. Pills 10 $ and . a box. Book free at your druggist's or write B.J7. Allen Co. , . 365 Canal St. , New York. Annatl itlet uior * thia 6.COOOCCboi t. OAf.lJIL1HC \ \ IS 31UHB SUIIOUKV . Strain of the Terrible DUclonnre * li Hi Murk on tha Mnn. LONDON , April 11. An Immense throng was gathered outside and Inside * of the Bow street police station when Oscar WIIJo and Alfred Taylor were brought from the prison at an early hour In a blick marla In order to be examined on remand , on the charge of having committed serious misdemeanors. The court opened at 11 o'clock with both prisoners n the dock. Wilde looked haggard and worn and It was noticed that he has greatly changed since he appeared on the witness stand of the Old Bailey to prosecute his cult for libel against the marquis of Queensberry , the collapse of which action In such an un expected and sensational manner led to his arrest. Wilde today was much more sub dued , although he smiled once or twice at certain questions which were put to him. But he seemed to realize the gravity of tin situation In which he found himself. Ho was dressed as faultlessly as ever , carrying a shining silk hat In his hand and displaying on his ungloved lingers many sparkling gems. Taylor , Wilde's fellow prisoner , bshaved In the came cncerlngly Indifferent manner n when arraigned last week , and was evidently not as desply Impressed with the seriousness of the charges brought against him as was Wilde. Sir Edward Clarke again appeared for Wlldo and two lawyers octtd as counsel for Taylor. The prisoners are evidently mak ing a desperate fight. Their lawyers today delayed the proceedings In every possible way , and the examination of the accused promises to bo a protracted affair. Taylor's lawyers said that ho would recall one of the witnesses who were examined last Saturday , as Taylor was not represented by counsel upon that occasion , Charles Parker , the 19-year-old witness who was examined on Saturday last , was again placed In the witness box today. He was subjected to cross-examination by Sir Edward Clarke , but his testimony was not shaken. The other witnesses of Saturday were not present In court , but by consent of counsel for the prosecution , who promised to produce them later on , the proceedings were continued , and Mr , C. F. Gill , who acted as prosecutor for the Treasury de partment , and who , Incidentally , was Edward M. Carson's Junior counsel In the defense of the marquis of Queensberry , placed on the stand a man named Fred Atkins , 20 years of age , and described as a variety singer. At kins , In reply to questions put to him by Mr. Gill , said that Wilde took him to Paris In 1893. Further testimony furnished by the same witness was similar 10 that given by young men nnd boys who have been previously examined In the case. He added that Wlldo gave him a silver cigarette case and money. Asked If he did any writing for Wilde , witness replied : "Yes , I wrote some thing about 'A Woman of No Importance. ' " Edward Shelby was then called. He was formerly In ths employ of Elkln and Mat thews , and said that In 1891 Wilde called at the latter' store , and thus witness made the prisoner's acquaintance. Shelby related how Wilde's attentions flattered htm , and told how Wilde gave him copies of his works with tender Inscriptions , took him to thea ters' to the prlnco of Wale's club , and to other resorts. After Shelby's evidence was all In a num ber of disreputable lodging house keepere from Chelsea , the dlttrlc * of London In which WIUlo's homo Is tltualcd , and several strv * nuts testified to Wlldo's visits In thftc houses In company with youths. The * pro prietor of the Hotel Albcrnurle testified as to how he became fusplcloiu of Wilde , and finally Issued a writ for a week's bill In order to prevent htm from returning to that establishment. Testimony was presented shotting that the relations which existed between Wlldo and Shelly were brought to the a'.tcntltm of the lattcr's employers , and Shelly was discharged. After the police had presented evidence con cerning his arrest Wlldc and Taylor wcie re- tr.anded for a week , ball being refused , Trnnrmre , \ l ( for 1'rro Coltiiicr. NASHVILLE , Tcnn. , April ll.-The senate today adopted a Joint resolution asking congress - gross to enact n free coinage law at a ratio of 10 to 1. 1.n I'nrtly Cloudy mid Cooler with Nortli\vr t \Vliiiln In NctiriMkn. WASHINGTON , April ll.-The forecast for Friday Is : For Nebraska Paitly cloudy ; cooler ; northwest winds. For Iowa Showers ; wanner In the eastern portion ; colder In the western ; vatlable winds. For Missouri Showers In the northeast ; fair In the western portion ; warmer In the northeastern nnd cooler In the extreme west ern portion ; variable winds ; mostly bouth- erly. erly.For For South Dakota Partly cloudy ; cooler In the southern poitlon ; north winds. For Kansas Partly cloudj ; cooler ; winds shifting to northwest.'il Itcronl. OFFICE OF THE WKATHEU 11OHKAU , OMAHA , April 11. Omaha record of tem perature and rainfall , compared with the coriespondlng day of the p.iHt _ four yrura : Maximum temperature . . . 7.1 Ki si 17 Minimum temperature . . . . 60 29 4 Jl Average temperature 12II 01 40 Precipitation W .IH ) .CJ .15 Condition of Umpcrntme and precipitation at Omaha for the day nnd since March 1 , ISM : Normal temperature RO Excess for the day 12 Normal precipitation , 10 inch Dollelency for the day 10 Inch Total precipitation since March 1. . 2.0S Inches Deficiency since March 1 11 Inch ItcporU from Other Ntiitton * nt II 1 * . M. "T" Indicates trace of rain. t. . A. WELSH. Observer. For J One of the Famous i ; Animal ExtractSo i * * prepared Under the Formula Of DR. WILLAM A. HAMMOND. For the Treatment of . Sterility , Nervous Prostration Congestion of the Ovaries , , tration , due to Ovarian Neuralgia , Amenorrhoea , Chlorosis , Irrltabilllty , Derangements. Hysteria , etc. Stanbcrry , Mo. , May 15 , 1894. Columbia Co. , Wash. , I ) . C. "A highly Intelligent lady , ? te 26 , affected with sterility , due according to my opinion , Stnnberry , Mo. , Feb. C , 1893 to defective nutrition of the ovaries , had noi Columbia Chemical Co. , Wash. , D. C. met etrusted for live months. I put her on GentlemenIf : von will remember , I re Ovarlne , five minims , once a day. Menses ported a case In May lost In which I hart established free , noraml as to quality am used the Ovarlne. Permit me to say that quantity , In three weeks. I shall contlnui the patient whom I treated with the Ovarlm the Ovarlne until the patient becomes preg Is now In tlio last stages of pregnancy nant , and shall then make further report. " and Is the happiest woman In the state. I am , etc. , ( Signed ) Dr. Houston. ( Signed ) E. Houston. M. D. Price , two drachms $1.00. Dose , 5 drops. Columbia Chemical Co. , Washington , D. C. Intending Purchasers : EARLY OHIO SEED POTATOES , Guaranteed Northern Grown Council Bluffs and Vicinity Imported Thousands of Dollars Wort ? of Potatoss During the Past Season. Buy Good Soad and Wo Wil Export Instead of Import. Writs for prices or call on DUQUI3TTI3 < CO. , 211 and 213 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la. f 24,000 POUNDS ifl B * OF SOUTHERN LEAD BB vms the amount of our first Sprinp order for strictly pure St Louis Load. Wo are headquarters for everything- the Driiii B Paint and Glass lino. Our Motto- : * " ' 'HOW GOOD , NOT HOW CHEAP , " DAVIS. < f WUolc.tifc ' ' ) ' and " Kctail. ai"llaSH ] Ma" ' IlroadwuywOUULlI N' ° 20 ( > DlUIIS Cleaning and Dyeing of Garments an Goods of livery Description. Sclioudsuck'H Twin City ly Works , Cor. Avenue A and 2Jt ( St. , Council Hluirs. Office , 1521 I'm mini St. , Omaha. Send for Price List , Yen , \vo sell Ranter Cnrils. Now , 1S05 Master Cnnta. r.C.'HW . ' Knster Curtis. Some Ktister Curtis for 2e. ICustor Cards ! ! c , Do , lOc. Kaster Cards up to 7m * . Tlio only up-to-dato Kaster Cards In tlu > city. Sunday Is Kastor , you know. A. HOSPK , Jr. Mutlc ntiit Art , 1513 P.niRins. PAINLESS DENTISTRY. BAILEY , THE DENTI ST 3d floor I'axton Illock. Hth.U'nnmm. Tel 10 3 Lul : > Mteniltnt. Gorman Spoken. Teeth cxtmrtcil without imln imtlcnt remainIng - Ing conscious Clicuiest local 'nnaeslhettc ever ili co\t'rfd. 'Ihnusnnds pountlini ; Its praise. Used li > no otlirr dentist In thin imit of the t'nltcil Slutes. All denial oicr.itton lit lowest retuB 13 j i lira \i'iiricnct' ' . Seven > cars In Omnlia , When Buying Fruit Trees , Buy the best. A minute lost can never be recovered , and It's a calamity to lose several years , which so many Iowa and Nebraska people * have done v/hen they hnvo bought foreign crown , unaccllmatcd fruit trees. MENEUAY imOTHEUS. THE CUESCENT NU11SEHY. Were born on the lands where their nurse , ry stock Is grown , and years of patient , lutcllgcnt experiment have taught them the be&t varieties for this climate. Consequently their home grown stock Is ns hardy as tha forest trees. They have n very latgo stock : for the spring delivery nnd every tree li warranted true to name. Ot chard , Vlnyard , Lawn , Parking Trees and Ornamental stock Make no mistake In your ordois. Send in your list of wants for prices. We can please you In prices nnd stock. References : Council Uluffs Hanks , Council Bluffs Department Omaha Hce , nnd prominent business men. Nurseries six miles north of Council Biffs. P. O. Address , MENI3RAY BTIO9. , , Crescent. Iowa. CEO. P. SANFOHD , A. W. IUEKMAN , President. Cashier. of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa- Capital , - - $100,000 Profits , . . . 12,000 On of tli eldest bnnki In the etato ot lowiu We > ollclt your Luslntsi anil collection * . W' pay Q per cent on time deposit ! . Wo will b riloaic-d to tee and itrve you. MESSMORE & CLUMUNT , BROKERS GRAIN , PROVISIONS , STOCKS , BO3i ! llroadway , Grain linndled In car luaillotx. Tel. 203. COUNCIL ULUFJ-S , IOWA. Special Notices-Council CHIMNHY8 CLKANni ) ; VAULTS CI.UANED. ij llulke , nt W H. Ilomer'a , MS Ilroaihvny , SAa:2oowAaor OADS , n. Uurke. at lluinei's , C3S HroacUvay. 1XK HUNT , HOUSi : . NO. 023 UUOAUWAY , with bcven roumu , also four ruuiiia luljolninc nt CL'l Uroadwny ; good chance for either iirhuto family. buarJIng house ur lestuuiunt. U. W. , Jnckstm. , rivu Acuns oAiinnN LAND , WITH i.Aiian two-story house , for run. Odvll'B Heal Estate Kxchnnge. FIIUIT PAIIM AND ( J A KHUN LAND TOTl Fate cheap unit un taey tc-una. Uny & HUBS. S3 1'ciirl bin ft. , TO HUNT , A SCVKN-nOOM HOUSi : . 321 1'AIUC roit itnNT-i IIAVI : SIWHHAL rmsr-CLASs modern IIOIIHVB. Dr. B. I. Wooduury , corner llluft and .Story streets. NOTICE. Sealed proposals will be received by the State Printing Hoard at the olllco of the Secretary of Mate nt any time bcfora \\cdncwlny. May 1 , IS'jr , at 2 o'clock p. m. . tor pi luting nnd binding two thousand ; (2,000) ( eoples of the senate Journals , ona thousand (1,000) ) copies of the house journals and live thousand ( D.OOO ) copies or the scs- blon laws of Ifc'jn. Senate and house jottrnalH to be printed on book paper , two pounds per quire , super royal octavo form , standard brevier type , leaded with six to pica leads between tha lines , and the pases shall he twenty-six pica cms In width and forty-two pica cms in length of printed matter , without un necessary blanks , broken pagct , or para graphs , blanks between proceedings of each day , between different session of the came day , and between heads and subheads , not to exceed ono brevier line. The binding shall be In the same style nnd quality no the hotihe journals of 1681. Session laws to be printed on book paper , two poundH per quire , small pica type , panes to be same size and form as the law * of 1SS5 , with marginal notes and Index , bound In full sheep. I'rojiosals will alho be received nt tha samu time and place for printing the su preme court reiwrts and court calendars , anil for furnishing all blanks , blank book * and circulars , Including revenue blanks re quired by the olllcers of the executive de partment of the state for u period of two years from date of contract. Samples and estimates of kinds nnd qual tlty of supplies to bs furnished can bo seen at the otllce of the secretary of xtnte. Proposals must Htiito for what price the hliMcT will furnish all books In this class per page , nnd for all blanks and circulars per hundted. For the printing of one hundred thousand ( IMo < 0) ) vouchers for the use of all of tha departments of the state In the disburse' mi'iit of I'tiivli tn be divided Into twcntv (20) ( ) or more forms , samples of which , t i * Kfther with the amount required of cacJi form , are on Illi' In the olllce of the secre tary of state. Said vouchers tire nil to bo printed and delivered to the olllco of the auditor of public accounts at the Capitol building , Lincoln , on or before the IStli day of May , 1KI5. The printing of these vouchers to be a separate and distinct class of work from any or all of ihe other worlc herein advertised for. Each i > n > i > osal must be accompanied by a bond In the sum of jn.OOU.OO , with two or more sureties , conditional that the bidder will , In case of award , within five days after notice , enter Into contract to do tha work. Xlds to be marked , "Proposals for Public Printing , " care secretary of state. id ( ialley and page proof for lawn and journals must bu furnished to thn proper olllcer , and nil work to be delivered In good order , free of cost , at the olllce of the sec retary of state , within ninety days from re the date of contract. th Illght to reject nnd or nil bids reserved. thr J. A. PIPEH , Secrctry of State. J. H. UAUTLEY , State Print- 1 State Treasurer , Ing Hoard. ' EUOENI'J MOOUE , Auditor Public Accounts. ' 'I. . A :