Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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' G - 1 TIlE OMAMA DAiLY nHE : 1\r1tDNl \ ; SDAY , .APRIL . . 10 , i ccir.
Pair Weather and Easy Cables Resultcl ( in
an Easy Market.
: neccll1l of tlill ! CcreAI 'crn I.IllIt bUt the
VnmAIIII "All ( 'ruportlooRtcly Light
-Unt ' 'ero 1,1113clve nOt
FroIaoIIB "ero Htrong
. -
ChICAGO April 9.-Falr wCthcr 1m\ \
, enlY cblc ! Iesllcd In an ensy mnrket to-
: dny , MlY cosing Yo tower Ibeml cenr'
nnccs and gooll cash demnl11 prc\ntng
further ceIIne. Corn closed % 0 lower for
Mny aliti l1) ont lost ' ; 40. Ilovlslons
scored good nilvances.
Wheat opened wenk. Thc cables relpcted
) clterdn"s ( nslcr feelng ! herc. The crowl\ \ I
Lad wheat for sale at GI % o for May nt the !
opening and In thc course of un hour It
workell down 10 from llre % to laoIe. I
. showed no 811ns of recovering until the
clenrnccs from New YOII were found to I
nmount to the equl\alcnt of 35I(1O ( bu. In I
whent anll 10utogcther. \ . A recovery to I
11 then took place. Brndstreet's visible
DUlllly Itatement rlpol.teJ a lecr\ase Ii'I I
; wheat stocks on both skies of the Hocdes I
In this country of 2,1 IO bit. . anti un In.
crease In anl afloat for guroJe of 381,0 bu. I
- making n nt leclens of 1,810.0 hu. In the
world's toe1c. No chan In here
" change ! the prIce 1
: occurred hnltllltely , afer the nnnounce
ment. The : lnnelpoli and Dululh recolpts
. today : were 2J5 cars . ugallt 3i3 1 ) 'el\1 ngJ.
- , 011 the AtlantIc port dearnceM uf whtat
. 0111 ( Hour ngcrcglLtI 332.(1 ( ' bU. The contt. .
' nental demand for wheat ) Is saId to he very '
. much Iii cxcesS of the ( gnglsl IIUIhase9 ) I
, , ehIPIC,1 , from the BaiIe ; and ntiIry olhel
ports la3t WOCIC the Unltell Innllom tnkIn ,
) (1.O hu nntt the coutnental countries I
. , 2.40.0 bu. . anti the rcspcct\e proportons I
of the shIpments of .he Week ] prl\lou9 were :
. To the Unlell 1Ing.Iorn. 400,000 bu. ; to thc
. contInent , 1.810.0 bit. 'l'he prIce touched Ic
nhout ) mhhlrn ( nut . remalnlt frm
. nt around GI1r. whIch wal hle nt the clo5e .
Corn ollenel weal and a heavy feolng
; prevnled ( throughout the seeHion. The re-
cell1e were light . hut the IIIn1nil was Ire :
- pOltonatel' light nlso. 'lhe numher of car :
loads Insperl'lt here was lIt. May openell ( I
; nt 4Gfc PeUr ( $ . I loon hecamoer ) ' wealt
. and In the course of nn hour or so Ilollnell I
' to from 4'c to .151 c. Some recovery then
. commenceti awl lurlng the Inst half hour
' commencel aue !
4c wns the ruling price. I cose,1 , nt l : .e.
Oats were fairly active. The maltet 1'11ell
. easier unllel' free Blllng hy longs. : Iny
. etartel at 2c. Bold at 2 1.-C. , Ieclnel I to
2Sc . sold again at 29c all - closell nt from
28c to 29c. July ranged from 2i".c to 27c , .
coelng nt from 2ic to 2i .c. 'rol\Y's re . -
ceillts were 217 cars , of which 12 grder '
Provisions opened about the closing prle\
af the day before hut Roan evelopell an
- amount of strength that made the shorts
. climb. From $ Il" ) at the opening for : Iuy :
pork It rose In the cOlrse of un hour tu
$12.30 and elosel at $12.2il ½ . May 1111 Itarle,1
nt $ G.87 ! and ndvanced , $7.02hlch \ was
the closing quotation. May ribs opened at
, ' : olene.1
$ G.22rose \ ' to $ G.m : and closed at $ G.35. '
Hog receillts were only ] 2.00. the l1ht re-
. cell'ls ' and lIberal 1u'lnl by Armour gl'lng
the market Its sharp npturn. EstImated re-
cellts for tomorrow. \'heat. 7 cars ; cor ,
, ( cars ; oats. 12 cars ; hogs ] 9.10 head.
. The leadIng tutnres ranged . as follows :
, AitlcJcsj I Opeil I U1hi. IL I . I Ch1 .
, \VheI .No.2
AIhl . . . . 14$8 t4. ; $ , ' 6
' l.rJ. r. l4 l451
} lly. . . . lh ' M t4W'f ! 14h
July , . . . [ ; OWi1l'I \ ' [ 35G [ r
Sept . . . . 07 > 57Hi Ii [ 7 ' 6
. Corn No. 2. .
AIrJ. . . . 4 " . \ 4 ' 45 45
. Nnr . . . . 4t ( 411'4 4M' 41 $ I
.1 July . . . . 4 ( ( ) 40 f 4tf ( 40 6
, Sept . . . . 4IJ 414t 40 % 41
.J ; CatsNo. 2. . . J
Nay . . . . 20 291 RH 2S7Q2
: 2SWi20
Juti . . . . 2UI ( 2111' : R1' ' 281 H
July . . . . 2iH 27H :7" 2i4'3b '
Pork per bbl
111) POl . . . . 1 00 12 30 1 DO 1227 ' ' ! 4 .
L' . Jil } ' . . . . . 12 03 12 47 1205 . 12 42 !
J.- LritdJOOIba : .1
' Llld.l00lbs Mly. . . . . . 0,024 ( , 7 021 G 924 702i ! !
July. . , . . . . 702' 7 17" 7 02" 7 17 *
. . Sept . . . . 7 17" 7 :1 : 7 Ii" 7 SO
Short 1iny..0 lUbi- . . 22\ n ( 31j G 221.4 037h
: . July..0 . . 32 1 47J , 1 32 ! ' 1 4 ' 4 I
Sept. . . . . . . 1 I 47 1 00 ( 1 471 0 UO ( .
- - -
, ' ( q\i wens follows :
In.OUI-Wlnter I'ntenls , $ 2.iOj2SO : wlnler
$2.12.S0 .
itraights. $ ; oprlng pal nl. $ 3.1Ot13.5'l ' ;
sprIng strnJ/hu. $2.10U2.8 .
t WIUMT-No. 2 sprlng,5ST . ! HiGOC ; No.3 sprln :
i , ? 3c : No. 2 reh . l1c.
4 . CORN-No.2. t..c : No.3 yellow . 43'.1lllc ,
- . OATt-No. 2. : c : No. 2 while. 32\33e ; No.3
: . wiit. : l2L4I32.c.
. RYl -Nn. 2. 6iC.
) DAHLgY-No. 2. [ 2:3e : No. 3. 4S3c ; No.4.
, momlnnl. tSi:3c
. /t l"I.AX SEED-No.1. $1.8.
, TIMOTHY StiD-i'rhiie. f5.tO.
' CI.O\'EI StilD..4I.O4)tJ0.35.
SEm-J :
' P1tOVISlONl-.tee5 10111 , per bhl. . $ . 121H
12.Sa ; . 1.nrl pOI 10 ) 1"1. . . 16.92t4t13.0. Hlwrt .
. ribs . loote. $0. 0"G.35 : try sled # houliIi .5.
.p boxed . $ .2$5.37H ; shorl clear sIdes. bose d .
' 5.Ma5.IJ.
WIUSKY-DIsllers' ( finished goois per ga I. .
< el.
rt SUGARS-Cut loaf , unchiangeti.
. . today The : tolowlng were the receipts anc5 shipmelis (
tony .
r' Articles . 'Receipts. ShIpment .8.
. - - - - - - - - - -
: Flour. bbs. . . . . . . . . . . 12.000 8.UOO
When\ bu. . . . . . . . . . . . H.IUU 1(3.0(1 ( ( Ito
Corn bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4U.OUI 1.011 17.uIO
Oats. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107.0UO 151,0 !
. Jyo 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.110 ( lll.UII 4.001 : :
Unrle ) ) bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.UOO ! ) . :1.OIl
the Prolleo , otehlnlO loday tim butLer ma rOn -
: ket was ! hml : ) ulehau/od : ercaincry . IO 1 ' Ue , ;
. dairy. (61to. ( 1'lla.ll.ady.lohalro < : 11@IHic. I !
, , ' , CheeJ. 8tealy. \lehllo : < ; croantur' I . . 1 . @IO"c.
. . NtYUIU { . .U.UtIUH' .
, , Closing UUJt.ntun . , on tim lnoltl"l : COIn' I
. . moiitol IUll SI'pl" . . ,
. . . NEW YORK April 9.-PI.OUHHecelpls. 23.SO (
. bbls. ; eXlJrt" . .6.9) ) tbls. , . : sale . 1 .IJJ ) pki :0.
. Mnrkel"Ily active and fairly steady ; , :0.x -
porten showing some tateret ; closed
stedy : cIty mOb clears . $3.2.6ja.4O : city 011 p : It.
. 4 elts. $ . \JU5 : wlnleralclis. : . $2.S')1i3.15 ' ) ; wIn !
stratglstn. . $2.lStjS.8o : 1 IlncHln Patents. .15@
3.75. winter exlras. $ l.'J.5f2.2) ; MInnesota , $ rs .
, U'M@3.G ' : win ( IeI low .t2.3J , $1.I.fll.W ; .prlnl
eitrn . * 1.81(42.10. lye Uolw . ( Ira ! ; snles. 3
. bbls. : tsuperblne , 1O1i.1O : fancy , $ .10iJl. : 30.
. . Iluckwho.1 hour. nominal.
. . IIUCICV.IUAT-NofllbtttIi 1 43tJe.
- CORN 11 Al.nul ) : yellow western. $ t.03i. 12 ;
. ] rnd'wlne. ) $27 : ; Ble" . iO bbl8. lOfl.12
, ' 6e. 1tYl-Nonbnal ; car lots Ic ; 10ut loads. & .O
. 1tUClWhlbAT-flu11 ; lSfZ55c.
. 1)Alt1.0Y-Venk ; f55e. o to arrive ; SIc
Ipoti't'U "laic. .
alot\\1 Ge.
JAlt.I Y MAr.1'-Jul ; western. 7052e : Ix-
ruwld , 73t175c. iOfi2e
W'1Il5AT-1.eelltM , 9.9 IUd ; epoIts . 1C3. . 1
bu. : SII' " , 2.10.11J ) 1m. utun' . 50.010 ) 1m. SI' 01 .
HI.II. ; dul IIIT slIghtly , 'asler wih ( { ulur..s. spot dU'
log nominal ; N. . : : red store 11.1 11011101. ( J"c S ;
. .lolt , el"c ; r. o. b. , 62\\c \ ; No. 1 hard GSa 011'
tion.'i opened quiet nn.1 . rul 1 g'nHnly l'as\'r (
ttnde"r " slack t lort intete3t. the 1IHnpl.lnlnl , ]
( lbl'8. thin wl llwr In,1 " ' 1111 pr08p.1 Inl i tO.
. . Benc" or "pculnlon : co..1 ,1\1 nl .leelbne ; Nu.
I roth MIY. 6OOc. ) , ! cioi.iI rmc ) , ; Jutr. GP ) , p
. C2 ½ 0. cl,1 G2c ! ; Jul ) ' . GOliar.c ' elo..11 6d1.c ) ;
. ; August. Gij6lth' \ . cloet'd 6l'e ieiteiiiter . 6i
AUlust. GlCIIH11 GI.o ; Hpt.rl > tlt "
GIc ' , . l'lo.ct tIISe ; December , G\tCte , O\ , ,
CliN-ltect'ipts . 1',40) I u. : eXIoL none : sa : Cs .
410.b bu. ! to es . 21. ( ' ) hu. .pot Hpo' ' . clttlI Lad
Ijellyt Bh1uner mIxed . , & 5l\c \ ; N'I. 3 Ihll ) .
. . C014c. Oplonl (1..1.1 wmk Ind nlh ' 1 dul. yelow.
cilbog ttittter UflsatiSfUCiO7 cahibes
. clalnl UII.r unslslclol' cl"l s 111 wC81er
l'r'WUI.I ; clo..1 blat ; Mi ) ' . &OC(51'e ! ' . rio : soti
. . CT.O : July [ \5lc \ { , , l'loscd & ! 3 . : tepterlr co ! ,
. ttjUe . closed & lo
i OAFi-lUeipts. M.m 1m. ; eXIIrls. 40d hu. I ;
sales. 22.0 1m. fUlures 51.0J bu. \ .0 Spol i ,
weaker wlh cons : No . 2. S1t633e ; No.2. .Ie"
I" 01.1 , 31Hi'c : No. 3. 32.c ! : 1.f3e whie. 361 .c ;
No. 3 vhite. 3ic : track white. e'I' . 0 Ji'
ton" . dull Id ft'atUrelcss. dlelnlnl with : ( 01 .
. . : clOlnl . nomln3 ; April 3610 naked : May . , Mc. 1
hAY-Steeds" shll > plnl. $5.OOt5.&O ; good to
. choice. $6ot .w.
1101'S-Quiet and steady ; sllle , lom'11 10
chutee. old. SttTc laeblle
3Ce ; l'nclu coasts , old . 3tj \ ic ;
London market iirm. 3\iie
115I)0S-itrtn ; wet salted New Orleans . Be.
- . ) ectod. .S to &G Ib8. G ' ; 1uen08 \'r's. dr ) ' . sc
to 21 lbs. 33i133jc ; Tens. .11) ' , 24 to 3 Iba. , 11 ' 2 .
, 1UAr1i1it-lstlvtg : ; IWllock eole Slur ties
- Ayrc4. light 10 he , , ) ' , 16UIS"
' 1911:4e. : : IUUI ; domestic lteece. 16(2e ; I'uled ,
, , 1'ltO\'JSIONS-lhef. 111 1 fancy , 111.001 ; 13 .00 ;
' elm hIeSS. 17.PiS.&O1 ; beef hams , $1 U.ofI3.0 .Ob I .r ;
city . extra India . mess , $11.UJO1C.W. Cut 1"ltl ,
firm ; 1.lrkl.t t.I" . . $ & 8144 ; pIckled 8huul. :
tiers. $ .i5G.U ) ; pickled hams S8.754J0.13. I.\rd. ,
- . Strut ; well"I'n stun , cl"H 1 I 11.2 Wkcl ; so . ics.
lionel ; relne < ( Inn ; continent. $7.65 : soles. COO
te" . ' Pork. quiet and sl'a ; new Jel. . 1 lJ .
, (1.151 : ( ami ! , U3.C ; short cleur. m" . & . $3.2
. JU''f H-qulel : western ol' . 75til3ol WI . .
em eTcatucry 1lt2c ; Western factory 7tbl' '
'n'un\I' lltk wter 3e ;
1 1:1ns. : :1 : Illalll l''aIH'Y , 8lt j ; Itulu
dnlry. 1OU19o , StILtO ' ' , H\e
lo I9 lalu Iramll' 1SO SOc.
. ( :
ClI1ll6l.-1)uIl ; state iargs' . & ' ,
I (1"81' Uuli tla\e larl" btili'jc : far icy .
8DI2c , Ilf skims , \H180 \ ; full ( &t I\e ' : ,
: lUaB-Weak ; state aol lennsylvanla. ( is
GGSWk Ilalo nld l'ell ylmnll. l31
. ll ; we.ler t.e"h , U\Wj \ ; southeni . 10'IU.oj ;
rl"IIIt. 2.3.406 pk" " (
, TALIO'-Hleady , cIty ( $ Per p11g. ) , 4 bc . ;
country , ( lkis. free ) , 4v. . us 10 quality. I
I'kSTltOl.lil'SdFirtit , lnl , 1 closed nt 1 .45 ;
, ' \"ohlnglon. M.h. . IS nominal ; \ Vashingtnzi. .t
Mt'i'.AZ.13-1ig InJ quIet 8colch. . . ) .
:1 l'AI.-lil ; ; 110.1.01111)
AtnurIcon. $9.t.01112.ou. ' l-'I'Pc . $1W(2.0j I
, l'ro. ' . .3i \ i (2w' lu . . ILtStS0.45. ' brken 1..a.
- steady : brk'rs' l'rlcl. U. ' . ; , 3..0t " pr Ice .
I * L0'ZIU3.1O. ' 'n , steady , etmlts. $13.9)ttIl ' ) osi ;
plates. say. Slller , quIet but tinner. , U')1'13 tir.
lnneI dvmeslr.
aUI.Z. Sc 0' 'Cbll " . 1b tea Ua. lit.
' . m1k.5. % nomInal 10 . . ' .
J k \ 'Ut Imtj ; Nlny lork 10.1.0 ; 1'1111111.
. , .
- - - -
" . . .
Itn , nn.1 JllhTr ' . $ ; 1'littadelphila and haiti.
r"r . In bulk U. ' 5. nlll.
a IOSIN-Uld . ; &U1\lne ! , commOn to & 0 h1.2 ! '
TUB'I.'rINJ : . Nnmlnnll I 31 ' .CC8ie.
St 1 ( 'i-srket : , t a.t : ; . ; dQm 31H12c. : tQ extra ,
, . . I. 0 _ '
n.tfr"Ci JIIn. 4U < 7 < .
! otASI. : - i Ncw Orleans open kettle .
goo d In r"nle . .3S <
OIANtm ! " (211 .3\ : elcc California . 13,0031
a.c'c.l Indian , $ .0 13. r'J. 1.00
elu ding , r".nlob . $4 ; APr11. J1.9. ; : : [ . S.S ;
Mn y . 113.11 . pshtets' option to double nt 413.1.0.
COTON ( HI'I. : Ol.Qlic but steady ; prime
cru de . : f2""i oft crttte , . 22e0 ; prime summer yet.
low . 2'\2ic ' ; art lummer ) 'elv\ , hCcl ; yellow
- blter grades . 201 Irlme lununer white . 31a
03.11 OIIn.\L : M.t i1.K1T.
COldllon of Trade nn.1 UUotntual on
Mnllo nOd t'titicy I'roduc"
Thl high price ot meats Is causing nn Un-
usu ally Inrle consumption o eggs and Is I hollling
the mluket about steady lot spIte of the efforts of
sloln/o mon 10 break It. This appears to be the
Ituntol at other market tolnta na welt ns he I.e.
Chlng < I'iociuce , obsen.u that novel before In
Iho history ot the bU8Ino l. In Chlclgo nt least ,
haa Ileru been such I .leman,1 from consumerB
for fresh eggs. TIl cnlm community nppenrCI
10 bo c"l hungr I may have been heeauso
e/s \ero mlHle I luxury . hy the high Prices
which ruled erly In the year . hut * the net reo
ma " ins tbL T.e0lle wanted .
1"lns tUl 1..oJlo wnllll eggs , and that they
l\ve IC , \ lti'ing 110. II.y
Tlo ' 1eculul"IR , nll tstnluge people have hem
10oltll1 11 wih Iroe\ , lolUIO whiehc 1..01'1 , nIl
Iho ' 'KK" they so lune,1 , to chuclt aw.y In et 'I" ' " .
'he . rlrllelllur $ IIIl ! 110 nol care how libby 'gKA ,
1'.I'le 1"1. In fict. : I" mOle tlC3' ( 'nt the bet ter
Inr , tIn tu . 11'0'Ilnl the ( } ' trill Ill them In Ihe
rnl niter blip slo'nc 10l'81S hlve gOltt'I their
cl ! iiIgc' oUt ot 111cm. lInt II l .n'"nt 9 mlny :
eg go In I the I spring them . .
111 8prlnl 111110 ' III B to .1 wl.le ! or
e'wl"y When II Is must heeded.
i o IhllQ I Ito s h..n 1 Inl'ul hl"lnl I "Ir upon
Ih.R tart ' tf , p\cllnlols , 10lh II Chleagj and \ In
Iho eoi I. Qilot , tt lou s :
fli(1S-I'er doz. . lic.
' ' '
I ; : '
111"IH-I'nellln" , sloell. 5Cc : common 10 '
Cnl' u . iQ/8 / ; faIr 10 " 00.1 country . 10111c ; COOler '
to Inne ' . . .
nary 1311.e.Ihred : cH'aleIY. ICe ; sepa
111,1 ereumer . 1fI ISo. .
1 , i\.li IOl'I.THY-leM. lifIS GIWio ' ; mtxol. Ge ; ; i
du ekq . 7ttSc ; turkeys 5gc \ ; heavy tome ie : ; i
/ ese . 7l3c. I
GA3hIIlitto wing teal I. lIeI i1o/ . 1i.0 ; grerl I
wllg Ieai \1 doz . $ i.2lJl1.&Q ; ducks. tnlxeil Ier
ibo r. . . $ .OIJI ' 13 : ; $1.2:11:0 $ l.u'JLLS.Ot ' ; muilaid , I
nnl l 1",1 t , hendR , $2.t.Oij 3.111. ' $1.Ul.O'J mllulds
"IMI.Cholco rut iO 10 100 Ii's. . arc quoted I
lit 6llili \ huge In . eflatlie 3171c.
CIJ'"HI-Wls'onsln : : , full 3fle. Young Amerl.
.nu ( ' . lie : twIns , . 13tc ; : elmskl cleal. YOU"I luwl. ( till I
CI"'UI. i le I : Nebra situ 1111 I own . Illr < skhltis . tll
s. ; 1.Iiiiturgvr , N , . . I , lIe " .
. 1.lnllr/er lc ; brick . So. 1. 11c ;
.St ' .IS. " . No.1. 15e. : le
Y-UIland . tiny . 4 ; mIdland . $ S.M ; lowland . ,
$6 ; rye OI."W. $ ; & O ; colol makes the Price < I
hn ) ' . I.lglit shnle ! cell th" bell. Only tUI' grades I
brlll 1"1 hIt Ices.
plo IXN-j'er duo. , l1.OOij1,2. . ) .
P01'A1'IS-'eRlerl stock , car lots i5e ; snial I
111. . 1. 'J. ' ) : ' . "mal
; 1rl' Ho"e seell 1)0(010CC ( . II ; ltrl ) '
Ohio sreI , $ h.3)1 ' ; Norlhe'l ' Iall ly Ohio seed lrl . . ,
UI.I IH\NHlaol 1 > lekel , n.I ) ' . f2.20 ; Lima
! eans. 1'1 Ih. . . 5hc.
$3 OIOS-n . . ord.'rs yellow per 001. , $3 ; red .
C.\nn.\G8-0n ortiers . 32 \ % \ " .
I.gHY-CanCornln. ; . &u"ilu.w.
n\'iti' : I'Ol'ATOEiI-.Oood stuck $2.0
I01A1'01HOoul : Kan -
ca B . 52.IU$72.2 $ . ; seed $2.23. $2.:0 I\an-
llOl'i'-l'ei' bbl. . 6l.0.
t'AltUYL'S-I'er ! bbl. . $1.50.
t'At'l.iFLOWlIt-i'er : crate of a doz. anti hal I
or two doz. . $2.23. : Illr
10HSI $ HAI81-ler lb. . G ic
IAIS:1'H-lcl I.hl. . . f2.
IIUT.tIIAGAS-Per lb. . 1'tc.
P.ltSL.UV-1'er doz. bunches , 35c.
TUHN1'Nlcr 107. . . $1.50.
HPINACl-ler hhl. ) . $3JX)3.CO.
WATIH CRTh1S-I'er IG-'It. case $1.63ij1.73.
IAI > Slr H-ler tloz. . 3U40" . $
G1tllN ON1ONS-l'er doz. bunches 20i723c.
LFT't'UC-1'cr doz. . 5311i0e. 2e.
AHIAIAGUS-Cllolla. per lb. . 12tc. !
I'lll lL.\'l er ilOz. . i [ hOc.
There have been n good many reports In Ihe ,
l ally pnl.ers . 10ho elToct thai the nl" Icot crop or i
Calol nla Is I ( allure \hls Beacon. The exIerl
enc ot tOlner ) ' 'als hns taught the \ade 10
luke these reports of crop ilI'aster 1 In CaitfornI , a
wlh n gloat hlA glnln ot nlbowance. The Call .
{ ornla 1"rult Uruwer ulowllc" Cal.
ptesnts the situation
lrl Unwer
Iles.nls a S
( olows : I Is ni oIl year Wlh a\rlcols. but 15 I t
Is too early 10 do 101 e tItan form \ general Ide I I , ,
lS 10 the OtilpUt. New orchards will come Inlo I
wil core
b eatIng antI ) 'ounl orchards will furnIsh In in .
Clense < ) yield while old orchards will pro'c sh ) '
b eaters ot . < wil lrve
SeIne No
Iell saienlelcs. doubt the crop or
nltrlots \ Ill lull tar short of early Inlicalon. crp ' .
y .et . Wo Ctnsidr It cafe to predIct I fair crop h\ ,
n early all ceettone except II and about Vacavili
&eclons 0
nnll 5ii'iitt . e"eel nll abul Vaea\'l
legnllng lie ( outlook for prunes on the Pa '
< le Coast II lest mal 1.11011' prnes are almost Il'
rurmly cheerful.
ehcrlul. or course Il I. proper to nnuw
( or the 1 isibility ot or ,
> "lhlly EOlelhlng radical happen
Ing beur the { roiL Is matured and gatlmered . bUl
fi ! m time present PoInt . or view thc outlook . Is al II
hat could lie desIred for a good outolt . ni
STUAWIEflitlliS-I'cr. pt. . 40e.
API'LUS-Clmotee stpck . $ 5.50 ; box apples $2
'fnOllcJL I"JUTS.
OI1ANGES-F'aney WashIngton navels . boo .
'Yashllgiol nnlels. per :
$ 3 .224j3.5O : alley \ , bx.
$3.2U3.10 alleyVnslmlngton ' nn'els. per box I 6 '
a nil 112 size. $3 cimolee \ ' . .
; cimolee'ai.liington '
I choic , navels , ret : I.
/ 11\'ls
Inr m sizes $3.2 ; cholco 'nshlngton navels. ; I G
nn,1 12 sIzes $3 ; ( oneS' seedlings . na\els. .
oc aIC so.lln/s. per box $3.7 I ;
choie seellnl . per ' Pox. $2.50t'3.G'J ' ; choice seed
II1s. per box . 2. SIze , $2.23tj2.35.
1.1 : IONS-I "lr ( 'le ' ' lemons. 30 sIze $1 I ;
slrlel ) ' choIce lemon. 30 sIze 13.73 ; e"lr ( mine ) '
l emons . 3CO size $3.75 ; strictly choice lemon , 1 .
: GO sIze $ .50. slrlcly
BANANAS-Cholco shipping I
stock per bunch ,
fl.7r1 .C.
OYSTERS-Medlnm. per cnn . iCe ; horseshoe
30c ; extl'a standards. Sic ; extra sclecte. 2c : con 1.
pal $ } ' celects . 30c : New York counts , SIc : ; bulks , ,
stan < nnl. per . 111 , 11.36.
FISleaIC ) . ISe ; choIce . 1313 ; CaIlfornI : a .
{ Calfornil.
b egs . 7e.
1 15WG" ) IONFY-New York lCc ; dart ! : . 1e ; Cnlrorla ,
:1\'I.E SYItUP-Gahlon jugs . per doz. . $1 . ;
U " ) ' . 5 gal. cans $3. $2
MAPI.E SUGAII-l'er lb. . 96710a .
NUTS-Almonds. lIe : Englsh Walnuts , SOC t- ,
8heled. lIe ; standards . lOc ; ilIbt . 5j2c ; Drnzl sr- ,
n uts . Sc :
DATESIn GO to bOES. &c per lb. ; fnrJ
d ates . tIc Per lb.
HAUEH KIAUT-Cholco whl" . per bbl. , $5.3 ;
per hail b"I. . $3.
: nNCI' MFAT-Faney . In half hbls. . 1'11 lb I. .
[ % o ; 10-gal. kegs . O ; condensed . per case or 3
d oz. 11mg5. . $2.CO.
CIDLlt-iure juIce , per bbl. , $ ; halt bbl. . $3.
l.lvorl,00L .
1.10 < Jllrkcts.
IVI RlOOL. April D.-WILIL\T-Spot quiet ;
< en111 TOlemle ; N' . 2 ret ) winter . . . 9,1 , ; N 0.
red spring [ K 2d ; No. I iiarth . : llnllul" . SB 3d ;
: . 1 Calitornia . 4s SItS. I.'utures opened " iIi ill
with near and distant \ oslll'sI \ lower . eosc1 ; .111
slclly wlh ' \Ir\ unchanged nn,1 , other mont ] is
lId lower : \ I a"oll equally distribute it.
'quoly Ihlrlbul..I.
' \IJrl. 44 0jli ; 11ay , 4s 9,1 ; June 4s 0" ; Jul 3' .
b 911 \ : ; . \ Uh'ISI. .Is C1tl I H'pleml"r. 4s 50.1. ,
COHN-Hpol 'Iulellerlrul ; mlxe.1 new . 45
2Yh. 1'ulurel , "pcnl,1 quiet anti Unchuange ci .
close Ilulet wllMny ' , II , lower and olher
monlhs m 1\11 \ lower ; hn.I.1ss hClvlrsl on ear 1) '
108110nA : .Ai'rii. 4s 31,1 ; 1iny . 4s 2\I \ : June .Is
21 ; , , ( JUly . , 4. 3dtugust : . .s 3\,0 \ ; ! Septttnmbc ' r .
FLOUI1-Firml ; demand mertc ; lIt Louis
( ane ) ' I1IIter . 5s 9.
110VI810NSJnrr : quiet ; . .lcman pe ' ;
Cumbcllnml cut 28 to : lOs . 34s ; shot < ribs. : 2 !
Ib8. 33s Gd ; long ch'al' I/hl. 38 to 4 IbR. . 3 ;
long clear heavy . 55 IbA. , 33. ; short clear 32 , : :
Ihhl. I 18 lbs. . . : s . GI ; thorl dcii r cenr . hCI\ ' y .
5 Ihs. , 32A Co : I.II cell' . 1 10 10 I"s. . 35. ] .
Shoulders . . 'Iulre. $ 13 lu 18 li'q . 20s. hIatus . slnrl .
emit . 1 10 IG I"s. . 4. . Beef , c"lm India m'g , ,
ilIa ; prln" mess . ( J . . 10 k. Puma I < _ . Ii Iit'r. 1.65 9 < : mriiunu . & 3s 9.1. Lard . In. ;
1'1110 ' we.h'r. 3h M ; " 1111.1. II jia ' ho . < . dul
CUEI'SI-2ulc ! : ; < emllli nio.l.'rate . ; iltu st
jtmmmerlt'In , white . 43s Gd ; Inest , American Inlsl
ored I. 51s.
lItJ'S'Tfllt-Vitmet . : . Slatted States . 70s ; good ' . &m s.
COTON SI I.J OiI-Ltverpool refined . IS8.
IlNHiiliI I O 01.31s Oil.
I'IIO.I'IM-I'ln { ( , I. 7'11. '
l'WIONro1'lore'uarler8. ) . 4\\,1 \ , i ;
hLHlqulrl'rs. 6'.lit. '
1101'S-Itt I.enbon ( ( lrllo roast ) . l2 Iflic
'l'iiu receipts or wimeat ilurbng the ,
1ho reeelll" wllnt llrln" IHst ( lit ' e
days lean wer 4.0 cemmtals . InelulnG 03,000 , \mer-
'fho rlcclptl Ir AmerIcan corn during tIme Ilnsl
tIir.'o .II.A ' . % 'i'iU 21,00' } rentals.
\\'ealier. warm and dr ) ' .
\111 Miurkat .
I'll ILADIiI.1'hIlprbl 9.-Wool contlnu led
thud lul . teaily today ) ' ; Ohio , 1..nns.I.nnl/ conlnue(1
W".l VirginIa . XX nnll above . 174&hCc ; X mil )
nhI IG I1c ( : melum. billIe ; quarter blc . id .
2lfc ; cmmol , 1744 ISo ; New YOIll , Miclilgm en .
Wlocol.ln. etc. . XX. 31f2e : l\ehhnn. . l ;
X. I : { ICe ; m"llm. 19f : ; quarter bloods ) , . 3'f ' l
21elll.,1 ; co11111 Inll iielmttne. . One . 5.'t112 ' do ;
coarse . 2lfI3Ie ; uawIslI.i I. m..lum. l fllo Wfc : !
m..lum. IrIIO I , : bra ItIt'ml . 16(110 : ; ulwloh , 1 ( Ill slut
Inil lrl"ht. ) Itime . lflldlum. ; . 1361 lIe ; (1lht lw I
m"clum , 16\1c ; romirite. 15IG ; unwalh.,1 ! , ( , m1 Iarll
" 101'1. ) light . tine. S11hle ; heaII. . tte ; 00- l
iliutti . 13fl : ; fine nH ( lul , IhIjI2c ; czxuse 1@ Il
130 ; terrItory /orlhwl'stlr lIght , mIne. bb 1'
10 ; heavy. lne . , 7ge $ ; tine mIxed lOc ; 'Iunrler
blood . 1:1 ISo ; ( 'oarst. 1110 l2c.
1105'l'ONtpril 9.-The . Ion" ot tIle IMlon wol
market . II tt.'' tumid wIth a .I"crelse ,
\.olumc ot Irh' In i'ntmipnrls-'n ' ' " ' 111 ( the l'relo\a I ! <
w.k. lrl ( ' 1 til time Ipllng descriptions unH
Ohio a'hl lennl.I'alln Icecls. No. I. 1 iSo ; X ' ' 11
X anti ab'c. 15\1cl XX IUld XX anti aba \ , ,
IG\c : Sttichigiin X. 14"c ; l\chlgan X. No. 1 :
18u ; New Yo,1 New 11111.1110 $ Inll Vermolt ' I
X , 10 : Texas worth tlJcll1 10'lum. SIc ; e .
Ol , . Sic ; tine t.llorll wools . special nor 1ec. ( .
e'n hoc ; mlldlo 4uiIeC'al . Cc ; On'go/ wools ra st.
"r { aIr . 8e. . chol" , ' . lO ; A\stmlM woc 'Ia .
sro\rc baste . combings super Ue : czunbln ) ; s .
10. ( 3ej ; n\ergo. 3j ; lrle . Sic ; Queenslaml
coiimbInKs . 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
hutton \nrket ,
NI2' om.l\NS. AprIl 9.-TN-Flrmi :
inithdlbng . 5 la.IO : low ml.1Inl. - 7.3k ; it itu1
odluu ) 60 \ : net r'II'la. ' 15,1.03 1llls 1.1Gi ; 10 .
U.UI 1llesj ; exporls. euastwise . 8,122 bull ; wlls ] ,
5,7W blles ; stuck. 3N.9oS hues. I .
SAN1'S. April O.-luad tiantos . .
9.-J"II average Balto. , $15 .10.
Itcce'ipts Alrl 1)'S. 1. ( . ) ' ) bugs ; stock 15.80. )
bugs : cl..1 { ruin SInos .1'rl 8. steams Jutp
Ih 'rh' . : .11 blp .
lAUUiU , April 9.-Dul , ulchanl" . 3 5 I , g.
al"Ilce ; sales . 5.0 ) bags . Ife.
She ) 1m JANhIItO : APril 9.-Wcak ; No. 7 1 Ito.
15iOj ; exchange , 9\.0 \ ; Icohlta , two days. Ro. . ?
lemgs ; clemre'ml for the I'nled States. 10.0 1.\ ;
viemmrc4 . . tor 1'U"II : . none ; stock . 28iOo < b1" ;
. 11.0
l.I.lf.1 tor lila Apri 1. steamship Turkish 1'111" tu $ '
5 l , . _ _ _ _ _ _ "
lu"ur lh'rkct
NI3W YOJ\ , April -HUOAn-Rnw , fl , i-rn :
lall.I > ri 8. 8.M ' bass elntrlugn. VB lel. fr : \0 " . and to 1. : tons eentrlui a1 ,
I twt. tor ahilpnmeol. at 2 7-SIc. April V. nlrlrug
I tist . In 5xcrt a 2 1.le. C And t. , 2,3U bl ,
11 port , 5 ] , at 1 lHe c Md t. i s rnn I ! - ,
. _
- - _
quI ( No.6. a 9.i$3e' $ No.7. 5 7.1631514e ; No.
8. . 3 " .I&m\c' \ Na I. ! 3t4U3 1.161 37.1Cf3c SI $
a 7.1Cc : No. Ii 3 l.lf4fIt4c' No. 18. 3c' 1 A. 3 %
031.c ; mould . \ . 4 3.164t44c : standard or , I 13.14
(40 ; confectioners' A I h1.lGlc ; cut loot . 4 1.16
IH cl ; enistiod . 4 9-16'cJI'c ' , powI1re4 . I 3-l 31
6'1 powlrcl.
& ! : Oi ; Ernaulated , 3 35.3$4fl04. (
Imn.U ltc 15.16il\c ; cul2ea , 4 3'IGil e.
. .j. . -
Seeurlt , Even IIUor Ye8teronT Titan
on MOOdS ) ' . but the Tent % 'sm bru
NrW011 \ AprIl n.-The stock market was
eve n . limiter today ( lion ' ' .
.lller teeny lmn ) 'cslelln ) The tone or
the , hllngs was , however flrmer anti
mOAt at the shares traded In shilw advances on
the en ) ' . There are I large number ot shares
which arc lower than at the close of yesterday
In.1 l they Include the grangers . most ot the coal.
ers and some of the leading industrials. A fIrm
tone prevailed nt the opening , blt the volume of
bu SIntM Wal I/ht antI the trnllnl Ron became
Irr egular. The coolers continued , strong . Del.
conlnue,1 1el.
aw are & Ild , ( ' selling tip 1 her cent and New
Jere } ' Ccntrl ! 6 Per cenl. On tIme other hand ,
bui gar ansi : nnhnlnn fell ot 5 per remit anti ,
other shares n smaller turn. After mttldla3' the
peculnlon became dul nn.1 there was but little
mU'.euent In limo Usual actIVe stocks Thc Ille
kot ' gradually became henv . and nbnut 1:20 :
o'c lock 1 l-t'mmetioii ot ( run 5 10 ' , % per cent hicl ,
been recoruleI the .
Inter In 2dnntmattnn. Stllmi'e-
ou enli \ the mnrke recovered Its tIme . but nlnln .
hic ' canie' Irrl/llnr. clo"lnR dull nnll about Blen y.
' 'ho I'rlncllnl ' ( n.I'nnccs In the /1'11 list enl } ' .
nt closing 1/lrl' are : Nflonnl / Linseed I . J , per
ccnl : ) ' . % ' ( ' - & Ilo Olnlhle preferred < , 7 . 1'1
cent ; 111)ber. I..lher preferreil Ir"Cerrcd and Long
li 1 lnn,1 Traction . % bIer cenl. The SI/ar l.nR
( i-n ell 'nal except In Loulsvlh'e-N'w l Albany . whle1 !
hrol.e I'.i \eI cent. Manhnlnn and 1ellwlre.
I.acknwannn & 'esteri are , town , Per cent
nn,1 . the /'nn/era 1' to ' . Per cenl. < There
WIA 1mol rntc Imnlnt of trading In IoncI
IOln } ' . htmL lIce speculation . was hrceulnr. Thc
n"Rlejnle enll W"I.O $ .181.000. (
The l.onlon value cC the Uvt'nlng ' Poet says :
The slnet ' Inrkels 0 grttu.i 1 today \ . ' IMI SoUth
. \ Im'rlrnn" . which
whih wcr" lInt on the Times t.le-
rms In.lcnI111 n 5utuiepvCt or War between ( 'lull
111 Arl nlne. oulh AmerIcan Ilnuutuelal (11 ,
hank Inhouoca here , lscrelt tie Illnclnl .CI"I . . \1
lonUno stocks mcre : 10 3 poInts latter Amcr-
I'ana Icato hc'n good . lit wcre weak nt the
, 'Iose on selling In New York. Flatness In Ateh-
Ison11 the 1"1111' on 111\ ' ) ' sales ( rm New
YOI ( . The reomlnlznlon scheme Is expected
I\er ) ' momenl. heavy pnreel8 or sterling bills
kept ntr'lnl lc' I , the miunlls and are \1''lcomed
1110 because 1 or the dearth of n suplly , ot genbu
Irl hills.
The following were the ciosbng quotations
on the lending stocks of the New TacIt cxrtm
chan e today :
AlehI80n. . . . , . . . I" Norltiuvostortu . . . . 1011 *
Ad numuuu F.xpreuIdu. . . 143 : . orIWIAlorl.Il
Al ton I.A T. It r. . . . : : : ; N. : Y. \ ! \Iiri \ : . : : : ; ttIS4 :
Ai ji. ExpreAs. . . . 11 N. Y. .N. B. ] . . . 3if'
Inllloro . . Ohio. l. " OntarIo . . W. . . . 11 S
Ca nada laelle. . . Cl4 ! Oregon hap . . . . . H
Calnln , ioultluu'rmi , . ( ) ? " Oregon Na\ . . . . . . 17
Celll.alllollc. . 17 o. ( . I. k U. N. . I ) (
Ci tes. , . OhIo . . . ] if ! PacifIc Mall. . . . . 22
Chle/ro Altoit. . . . 141 1' . D.\ Mll. . . . . . 4
C. . 13 . & Q. . . . . . 71 % II"bur : . . . . . . . 130
Chlcalo 1us. . . . ' 1 Inlllnn l1alaco . 133
Co iioildatt't1 Gas. 1:2 : lteitmIitu . . . . . . . . 12"
C. . C. . C. &St. I. . . :7 ,1. , G. IV . . . . . . .
Co la. Coal . . Irun. . 5\ it . G. W. pfd. . . . . 11
Coton Ol Con. . . 2MS Iloek Islamud. . . . Ol
i ) olawaru , it flail. . 12M. I SI. laul . . . . . . '
D el. . I.aek.\ V. ' . . . 1/8' do Ptd. . . . . . lt /7 (
D. . . It. O. old. . . . 38" SI. I' . 3m Oimialm't . . :19 :
I ) . &C. F . Co. . . . . 146 do pro Olall. . . . . . . . 107"
t r1o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
griD. . . . . . . tl Sotitlmerrm l'acllic. . 31301
110 pr,1 . . . . . I Sugar r Inclle. . . . ] ( 1'
P ort Wayne. . . . 1M ) Teimut. Coal . "Iron. 17h
C . Northern old . IOU TexlR l'aatttc . . . . (1St (
C. & B. 1 nr < . . . . t)4t l T. . 0 Cent. 1 > 10. I
h ocking'alley. . . 21156 Union I'acltlc. . . . ' 1 HC
Blnola CCltrlHH \ U. S. Express. . . 41 .
St 1'.1 Duluth . . . 2 : IV. 8 . 1. . & 1' . . . . '
IC , ! T. 11d. . . . . . 2 I ( do L . ! . . . . . 1156
Lnko Erie . \Vo'ut 175 & Wells Faro E'c . . 104
do pCI. . . . . . . . 17& Wels We&ler Union. ' S7
L akeshuoru. . . . . 137 . % VhieclmumgL , E. 1138
LldTru8t. . . . . 311 ! WheelulJ. dOIII. . . 1 . . . lH
LoulK'lo .Sm N. . I. M. . ! St. L. . . . . . 4 (
I. . ' N. A. . . . . . O'fU.&lt.O. . . . . . . I
Mlnhulll Comi. . . 1 lOla G. E. . . . . . . . . 3 "
Me111118. C. . . . 1 N. L. . . . . . . . 23
Mlchllnn Cent. . . 17 C. F. . .1. . . . . . . 21
: rssourllIelno. 23J' do pItt. , . . , . . . . U5 '
Mohlo . $ e Ohio . Il n. &T . C . . . . . . 142
Slah'lo Chmkt. , . . 70 ) T. A. A. & N. M. . 12 1
Nntonnt Cordage. 61& T. SI. I. .1 IC. C. . 1
dopfd. . . . . . . 10 % dopfd. . . . . . . . 10
N . .1. Cenlra\ . . . 93S 8. 10 . pIl. . . . . . . . . I 151
N. & \V. p10. . . . IHf : dOI'r'I. . . . . . 1"
Norlh .1. Co. . . 5 % Am. Tob. Co. . . . . . . ; "
Northern PacifIc. . 4" 110 pfd. . . . . . . . 108
N o.j'nc. ptd. . . . . 1756 St. I' . 2 ! ! . & 1. . 101
U. 1. D. . . 0. . . 4 ,
The total sales or stocks today , were H2.SiO
shnr" ' . Including : American . .
IndUlnAmerlcnn Sugar 23,00 ; Atch-
1501. 7.30 ; hlurlington. 13.21 : Chlea o ( Sac. 5.100 ; :
Dlblllnl lc ; Clllef"edlnJ certltiralcs . 130JO ) ; Gen-
eral l j2lectric 9iOO : LouisvIlle & Nashville . 3.3J ;
N ew .Iersey Central 4,000 : Nurlh AmerIcan . G. . ! ) ;
Ilwll. . 4,5'O ) ; Hl. lnul. 7,00) ; sIlver certIfIcates .
.0.0 ; Western Union . 3,000. certlcales.
. Nol YOIll . \uIOY : Uurkot
NDW YOflI . Api 9.-MONflY ON CAI.T
I1 ity at 2113 per cent ; last loan 216 ! per cent ;
d0ed. 2\ \ per cent.
STUT1LINO XCHANG -A shade easIer. 'lth
aelunl business lu bankers bills n\ $4.1.355I214.SD ] \
for demand and nt U.88\4.SS' for sIxty days ;
1 > 51.1 rates , i1.CetJ4,89l \ % and i&COti4.O0' ! ; corn
merenl bIlls. U.87 . !
HH.Vgn CEnTn'IC.\ESCG % G7" .
COVItNitFNT ) lor7US-Slendy. State bonds .
d uli. Inl/nll bonds Ile/unl. ] <
ClosIng quotations on bonds were as follows :
U.8 48. reg. . new . 1:1 D. & it. G. 7s. . . 1155 6 -
I ) . 8.49 coupncw 1201 D. . " It. G. 4s. . . lM
U . 8. AM. rag. . . . . IM ( ErIe 2dm. . . . . . . ! 10 !
U . S. 6s.cuup. . . 11354 G. H. ls. . A. SB . . (12' ' , 4
& :
UU .S. 4s. reg. . . . 11lf G. H. & S. A. 7s . 9R
UU . S. 4s.coup. . . 112 H. , lm . . C. 58. . . 1OIP
U .S. 25. ret' . . . . . 15 do ( Is. . . . . . . 00 )
laelle Us 01 ' 0' . 10 M. K..I T. 1st 48. 83 :
Alrl. ' ta s A. . ' . 11/ ) % doI 4R. . . . . . 065
AlaCa8 B. . . . lUl Mulult Union tie . 12 \
A la. Class C. . . . lit N. J. C. Geu. 3. . . 112
A la. Currency. . . 10 No. Pita. icut'u. . . . 1i4
r.a. New Con. 48. 15 d021lA . . . . . . 14 IB
MIA80url 68. . . . . 10 N. W. ConsoIA. . . 138
N .c. Us. ( . . . . . 121 iSo S. P. Deb. 6s . IOU
N . C. 4R. . . . . . . 101 n. 10 . We ' l. 1st ls. . IIO Ins 6
S . C. nOl fund. . . . 1 ! SL p.COlsoI87a. 1214. '
Teun. new set Os 84 % do c. , % P. W Si . lid '
'renn. now set 6s. 101) ) ! St L. & I.Mflomm. 5 . 12
Tenn.oldla. . . . UO . L.&I.M.nen.l. . . . . . 1U5 6
Vn. Centuries . . . 6(1St ( Tex Poe. .Gen.t. Its. . . 1(73 6
dodeferred. . . . 7 d02.s. . . . . . 24)9
Alehlson 4A. . . . OK\ 11. 1' . lll . ' 01 140. . 104
do 2t1 A. . . . . . 204 ! Weet Shore 4s. . . 10 n (
C anada So. 2ds . . 10294 SO. It I. . . . . . 87
C. I' . IsIs or ' 11.3. . 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
108tol 'tuok Ilnntnlon I.
DOSTON. A\rl II-Cal lo ns. 313(4 I par cent :
110 t 10anR. SISII ! PCI cenl. Cosln\ ! prices tor
atocks. bO'ld ' and mlnll > etmara'u : .
A.T. & . t' . . . . . . 1)4 ) W. Elee. lltt. ) . . . . 1.15 !
Am. Su/lr. . . . . 1021t Wis. Cenlral . . . . 35 4
Am SUJlr prd. . 9H ; Gen. ElOc. nfct. . . . 66
layRlfeGas. I . . .1 I Alehls.l : dA. . . . 2016
lelrolcphonc. l . 180 G , ' Eleclrle 3s. . 6
Boalon h &Mulno. , . 111(1VIuu. . Ceuit. 18t8. . 871
0.1.1. . . . . . . 7 AtlantIc. . . . . . . it I I )
'lehblrg. . . . . . 121 ) l3OIii & Montana 31)3 ) 6
Gen. 1loctrtc. . . . : : i " Ihllo . . ilouton. . . IH 6
IllnotA Stool. . . . 474 ! Calmuinet.'e liecla . 282
Mexican Central . Hh CentennIal. . . . . 00 )
S. Y. . . N. \ . . . . . 3716 FranklIn. . . . . . . . 11
Od Colon } . . . . 79'1 ' ICcnrs.r/o. . . . . . 1
Or" Short LIne. . 0 % Osceol't. . / . . . . . . 2i !
l tubber. . . . . . . . . 3i' Qulmicy . . . . . . . 103 .6
UnIon PacifIc. . . . 1 ) ( .1mnaraek. . . . . . 12H
VesFhud . . . . . 0.1.olverlne. . . . . . 4\ ]
ICblhllh.Elec. . 33 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
Su , l'r.ncl.oo ; lllns Swot : ( juotuttlon .
SAN PItANCISCO. April O..Tho omclal e103' ,
Colow8 Ilg i ' 1I0lnlon8 : for 1111ul stOck8 today were as
Alta . . . . . . . . . . . 26 lalo & Norcroeia. . 123 -
AllIhaCon . . . . . . I Julia. . & . . . . . . . . . 12'
AI\1e8 . . . . . . . 20 JmlsllCo. . . . . . . 10
liclctuer. . . . . . . . IH MexI"nl. . . . . . . H2
ibet . . hialchmcr. . . 12 llotmo. . . . . . . . . . 25
Bolo Coum. . . . . . . 135 Mount 1)lahio. ) . . . 21) )
Iltihilomu. . . . . . . . 20 Ocoilellli Comm . . :1
lulwor Comm. . . . . . IH ) Ophlr. . . . . . . . 111(1 (
CII.'lonln. . . . . . 11 ) O'.ennun. . . . . 10
Chllenlo Con. . . . 4 : 10IAI. . . . . . . . 1,6
tjimoiiar. . . . . . . . . /r Savaro. . . . . . . . . II
COIleneo. . . . . . 1:5 Scor.lun. . . . . . . 4
Con enl , tmi Vn. . . 270 ( Sh'rrl Navada. . . . 31
Con. Imperlnl. . . 1 Slver 11111 . . . . . it
Crown Iullt . . . . 31 Union Can. . . . . . :
Gould . .1. Curry. . . . 4H Yellow Jacket. . . 5/
Slvor blr8. tldlt'407c . Mexican dollars , 64
OlSIc. Drals. Bight , 7Ho ; tolo/raphlo. dolars Iu. t
Now lci'ork MlnilQ'UtaUonl. ' .
NJW Y01C , April ! -'fho { OIOIVII ; arc the :
closing umUnlii ci 'luotallo : 1
Iiulmvtir. . . . . . . . IH tuIrl , . . . . . 901) -
Choior. . . . . . . . . . . . . 31) ) Oplite. . . . . . . . . . . OII (
Crom'mi r i'oltut. : : : : : : m : : \ l'lyunotitli. I : : : : : . ' : : 2) ) )
Cun. Ca' ' . . . Ta. . . 211 Quicksilver..2'O
lol\lwoo'I. . . . . . 41 ! Qulelslver. .1011'1. ' . . . 1.11
Gould .im Curry. . 41 ) Sierra NOVlll" . . 73
halo . . Norcros . 120 ) Standard , . . . . . . 11
10nW lakQ. . . .IH51 Yellow Jleku . . , 210
OluxIcauu. . . . . . . 75 - -
3.nnilon ! Hook tjuuuluttlon3.
LONDON , April D.-l p. m. clomlnirm
Call. I'\clo . . . . . 4iT ' st ' galcOn. \ . . . , , . 6(1 ( '
Orb. . . . . . . . . . . UH& ( N. } central . . . . . 81 ! 6
JrI02'IA. . . . . . 03 % 1'llnsylvloll. . 1.2 i.t
11. C.nlrll. . . . . . . Oll ) lelIIII. . . . . . I : 1 ; ,6
Moxlclnu lnary. III ( Max Con. new 48. 00 L _ .
BAIt BIL"I B-30\.1 \ per ounce.
MONI Y1"1 \ vflt .
'rime nile o it .ltount In Iho ) open market ( I ror
hort and 11' rnonthms' bills 19 13.16 per cent
1'llllc\1 Jutol
hIOSTON. Al'rl 9.-ClearIngs , U'.i8jf" ; bn ! .
armees . $1,117,315.
UAI.TIM0m. April D.-ClearIngs , $2.224.79 ;
balances , 1391,001.
NEW 1 B\ April 5.-Clearings , $9.m.16 ;
balances , $ $ .33.3 ] , :
I'hllt.AIlhl'IIIA . AprIl 9.-Cmrng $ ll,23 B , .
7 : ; bIUIcS , $ ,45.13 $1.23
I.ONDON. April 9..Tho amount ot bulon ]
gone Into the Bank ot lgland on balance Ind lay
II USO. tdy
W A8\NOTON , April D.-TOns statem * ut
of tIm treasury shows avaIlable ) cash balut mc
'I G.28 , : ; gold reserve. 50,00.1.G5. Inlanoe
CIICA < O , April 9.-ClearIngs . ul.m.o. New
York exchange. i5c premIum. SterlIng , 1)05 ; It'd
rates $1.O046i4.59. Money , 5'6 per celt In l'o\ ' ;
p cal
6 per cent UI tIme . .
l'orel\1 l'tnancutr.lrs. , .
LONION. April I.-oh Is quoted today nl
luenol ) . \ ) ' ' & lt 261 ; Mndrld. 1 ; Lisbon . < N , ' ;
III. I. tcrburg , ! ; A\h'ns , 17j ; 101" Llabn. .3i % ; 2' .
comma , 103.
IBm.IN , April S.-The weekly atnlem.'nt ot
the SinIteriul ibatmit ot .
llperlnl lulk Oennany ahowa the tol. I
lowIng changes a compared s'Ith the , '
clallls a cmpald wih pre'loul
account : Csh In hand , decl'8ae ' . .2.0 marks ] ;
tr"a.ur notes. decreure . 180.1 marks ; Olh1 s .
cuettlea . d-rWe 1.:6.0 nUrls ; Poles In ell
culuton , d eaa : marks.
. . .
- - - - - -
- .
- - -
- :
- .
OA'\ ' \ IAIA LIVE1OC1i ' . , , . ' . f MARKET
. ,
Cat tle Recciph InctMO Slightly Over the
Supply fo Hpst Week
, - t
1'Ic nty ot ret CntUc't : iito R Market but
the lelnnd 'IY.sOI.Iiuulteul-lIoga
Onln In : uh ) cn full
Loa \1 \ I'rlce.
TUISDAY . AprIl 9.
' ' ' TUI'SDAY. Api
Tolay's receipts ) nUIIere ,8i7 cattle .
4,7 01 tc.
hORS and no sheep ns ngalnst 1,403
ca ttle . ,381 hogs 111 42 sheep ) 'csterday f0
ant 1,015 cattle , 4,420 hogs nll 1.195 sheep on
Tucsdny of last
wcek. Hccelpts for the two
dn's foot up 3.30 cattle . 6.\ hogs Inl 42
sh eep . ni agaInst 2,21 cattle . G.O hogs and
2.8H sheep Monday nl\l Tuesday of last
we ek.
C ATTLl--Thicp0 . Were sOle pretty good
cor.fel steers 01 the market today and
quie 1 showing of hay.fell westerns There
wer . In fAct , enough desirable cattle hero
to make I good market . but the trade was
1\r from eat fal'lory to sale len. ' 1he' '
Iu'es wel'c \el ) Inlifel'ent anl the market '
on steers wus very draggy. Salesmen did ( 'I
not appear nnxlous to sel , nt lie prices bid
ali d buyers dId not I
011 Iu dil seem to care whether
the ' got the cattle or not . I
catte 10t.
The market on cows anti mixed butcher
01 nHI ! !
stoclt wns ful ) ' RtrHI ) ' . The demand being
gOOl , the 11cRIrabie cows /11 ( heifers were
soon PIcked UII nt prices smitisfttctory to the
sel lers. A IHU1h of cows nnd htlfcrs sold
ut ' ' $ l.Cj anti sOle Irel ) ' fall COWI heiers . RolI .
) :
] I
here '
here1'ere ( hURt
{ ) a good many stockers
nnl feelers In the ) 'ardH today nod though
bUers '
) were not quito so anxious us on
some dave of late they cleaned UII a good
! hare ot the oferlngs. Prices have been
rln UII so hIgh tiurlng the intst few days
lurllJ )
that IHst Ia's
at '
some buyers arc Inelllical to hang back
1111 wait for further de\'elopments. Such
cate nR solti today brought about ,
Roli brol Ibout steil
irl ces. Hepleecltntvc sales : )
2o Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1..13 $3 10 1. . too H 1'1. 1I.I2l9 $3 P. )
( 13..131
s. . . .1127 3 ir. 1. . . . ; (
8..12 : J. . .00 6. , . . 1)96 ) 11 15 I
1. . 910 ' 3 r 63..10 4 33 t..99 . , , , . ) r :
: . .
1..10 : . 3 i5 H..H J 4 30 9..111) . . r 25
3..IG 40 37. . . ' 4:0 21..125 [ [
1. . 830 12 : 1. . FH ! 3' ' ) 1..l000 00
1. . 70 ' 1 25 3. . .103' ' } 230 1..100 . . . ! 30
3. . , SiC ) 1 40 ( I. . 900 2 23 2..115d . . ) : 23
r. . i2 1 G ) 1. . .llTO 2 t : : . .lro . ' 33.
1..910 1 W 3..11 ) 2 t. 1..10' . . 23
1..70 1 i : 8. . .S.c' 2" " 2 6' ' ) 1. . . .1230 33
1. . 970 175 3..10:0 2 r 1..12:0 . . 340
3..SG ' 17 : 4. . . 9)2 ' 2t t' . . > 45
1. . no 175 1..lor. 2 p3 3..1010 ! 3 In
I. . ItO 155 3. . srG . r 0..10 . 3 ro
1. . . .lOIS 1 'JO 1..130 2 .0 ii. . . : 375
3. . 70 2 ( ) 1. . CM 2 C : l..i(0f . ( ) 4 00
1. . . 9M 2 Q ) 1. . 7iO 2 60 1..1f0. . . ! 0
] . . . 81 ) 2 ( 6. . 015 2 i5 1. . 1.59 4 0
1..1010 2 15 4. . . 8 : 37 : 1. . SOO 400
3. . . 9 : 23' 1..940 27 ; 1..10iO 4 23
1. . nil : 3i 11. . . . 003 2 so 41..1072 43
1. . S21 ' 23. 1..110 280 2.1fl21) . . 4 1.4
1..170 23i 1..10J ) 30 . . .103 ( 4 30
1..I2 } 2 23 7..1098 300 : 1..100. ) . . r
4. . .1S2 23 5..103 30 c
1 . . GO ! 20 1. l1U'lmS. . :70 2.0 1. . . iiO 300
2. . [ ! } 23i 8. . rM 240 7. . . 711 30
1. . 8:1 2 3j : ; . 2. : 2..S il ISO
1. . no 2 2 : ; 2.\.t ] ) 273
2..13 ) 210 l..hS4O 2 3 ! ) 1..h440 Il 00
1. . 1. ! I ! 23 ; 1..3l30 250 ] . . .110 . 30
2..1290 2 : eu I 1..13t } 2 r.o . . .11 I 23
2..10 . ? 235 1..150.2 r [ 1..IICo 1..1020 . 33
2..131 2 H 1..1310 . 2 C' ' ) 1..IG3' ' } 37 : ;
2..10 3.0 ' 1..13 } 20) 1..ICJ. 0 :
BT. .
1. . 5G 260 S'i'SqS. .
5. . 310 1 i : 1'1:1 ,30 1. . 9 : i 430
1. . 70 20 1. . 2R 30 ; 1. . 10 .5
2. . 3T 22. 3. . 110 4 00 2. . . 120 4 !
1. . 250 2 to 1. . . .J104 00 2. . 13 4 f )
1. . 91 30 1. . 10 .0 0 2. . : 4 55
1. . 10 3 ( ( ' 3..1 :13 : 4 2 : 1. . 2C 50)
2. . DO STOCKEIS 3 ( ' 3. . . ANlb 140 4 FCFIDI2flS. ! r. . lo 16 [ 0
1. . r0 2 50 8. . . 2813 25 21. . . 62-4 3 50
1. . 480 ! 2'i5 H. . . 620 320 1. . G2 3 r
4. . r. 3'1 i8. . . 500 330 33. , . r : ) 3 [
1- ] .t . c 30 37. . . 4 J (3331. ( ' U : . : . 03 3 T
2 . . . iO 30 1. . 60 3 : 8. . . 908 31.
3. . G 3. . . .1 < :2/ : 3. . 990 I 73
9. . 7GO ' " 3 : 11. . . R > 340 ) . 2G. . . 9j3 37 .
7 . , . r.7 : ; 3Q'L1C1)r'3 ) 4Q. 9O.'S70 : 3 SO' ; '
1. . 8iO 321 tm. . ; 763 3.5 6. . ( . 833 3 Sl'
I. . 60 ' 3,3 , I2..t. 0 3. : 5. . . . 8 ) 31.5
1. . .7' . 33 l. . . . 670 3.5 1. . S 353
12. . 37 , 3. : : . . Gl 3 CO &i.t. ! / 88 3 s (
1 c and c.8 ] 00 1 c and . . . . . . ; 6 0
1 mlker. . . . . . . . 18 0 1 c antI e.2 . . . . . 5
I springer. . . . . 27 ! 1 e nr.d e. . . . . . . 3 0 0
IWGSThe receipts ot hogs today numberci
. tOI .
Alxl.thloos. . a large gain over } numbn. 'oleld'Y.
w hen '
n onl'
onl' S\.elecn fresh loads were In Ihe
) 'llls. Time number ut cars here tony WIA
II entIcally the 110 ns 01 Tue.ln ) ' of lust wlt
The a\emge quality or time hlgs Inca ) ' was ver 1'
( a ir . though us I 111,1 or fact the proportioi a
00.1. . heavy hUla was not 1 prprton n
) ' "rI'rloy , when the receipts were 50 mule ) m
I/hler. The market olenpd tic lower armS , In
ome ClsR hogs slc perhaps 10e lower. Th I'
1",10 WW about n" active cia could be e"prt.
on I day when prices were lower and the hulk
or hogs sll In good season. There wn a littf .
Alr/er feelIng toward the close of thu maclie-I
The best heavy hOS old nt $5 mintS a large lure .
u InrJe 1110.
\11101 or the lbclmt anti medIum weight hogs nt
$ to U.S. TOII"s declIne puts time mlrkel
huck just where It was at the close ot host wee' .
Ihe advance ot yesterday being losl. Almost a
Ihe buyers were figuring theIr droves as comb
"enIMh'o in g about sales the : sameas on Slturn } ' . flepre
N o. Am' Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. rr.
6 . . . . .150 . . $4 1 io : 94..2 . . $4 SO
92..139 . . 4 G : 7G..3 . . $ 8
85 . . . . .1135 .0 .6 ; 7..3 fO 4 SO
2. . . . .320 ' " 4 G : 57..200 80. 1.0
C2..1CI . . .71 86..11.0 . 1.0
i8..14 W 470 1..2 . . .80
G..ln 1 : .70 IG..303 . . 4 W
2 . . . . .160 . . .70 8..27 . , SO
1. . . . : S. 70 78 . . . . . 201 . 40 48 \ 16
4 . . . .177 . . 4 75 79..3 ' 120 . 82I4. !
(0..20 80 4 i ; O. . . . I.O 482' I , ;
83.:1 IGO 41.i S2..2tC : . 82 "
55 . . . . 218 160 4 i. 62..30 80 82H
i9..198 240 .13 5 . : . . . NO . . 48
4I 4..19 . . .1 : " . . . . . : 80. S
I . . . . . 171 . . .7 : .2..28 . , . R' s
3..21 I .0.75 18..21 80 . 85
78..1 7 2.0 475 69..2.0 . S. . :
G4.:1 r 475 38..20t 160 . :
7..198 40.7 : . . . . . lG . . 4 85
G.22 40 t 7 : 6 . . . . . 250 . . .85
8 . . . . . r 47 : 1..2CO . . 4 8 :
52..219 m .75 18..212 1 0. 85
7..27 10 4 i : : [ . . . . . O. . :
5 5..19 1 : t 7 : 1..30 IGO 4 85
8..17 S 4 75 i3..238 . . 4 85
S8..1 4 .0.15 . 84 . . . . . 212 . . 481
4 7 . . . . . : .0.17' M..2H 520 .8
7G..191 .0 T' G3..36. . 4 :
7 . . . . . . . . 8 91. . . . . : ' 2.q 4 1.5
73..3' 360 . W 84..31 1.0 .85
1..183 5 . . 4 1.0 3 $ . . . . . 19 * . & . 4 85
73.m : 40. so 1)4 ) . . . . . 211 : O .8'
1..210 . . . SO G. . . . 232 . . 4 fIt )
4 9 . . . . . .2' .15 120 . 50 13..2 . . 490
78..204 7 . 40. S Cl . . . . . 212 to 4 DO
71..IUg 1 . . .80 G5..28 40 490
I . . . . . : . . 4 SO 3 . . . . . 416 . . .90
5..322 1 : 4 fO 1.9 . . . . . 315 . . 4 U21.
85..1 JO 8 4 ItO 40 . . . . Iii . . 4 01
75..23 ( I r 45 . . . . . 331 . . .93
89..23 I S. i } & . . . . . . . . 50
5. . . . . : m . . 4 S CC . . . . .3 G & 5 0
1..0 . . 335 1'108.
1. . . . . ( .1. . . 32 : 7 . . . . . 112 40 t 25
13..10 3 . . .10 . . . . . .10 : . . .25
1 5 . . . . . lit . . 4 ' ' 61 . . . . . 131 . . 4 30
SI1IOEI'-Thut're- WCI _ no 5h.\ lucre 10 muke n
nuu ket antI . prlce W'I ) ) nomlnllY AI < lly. Fair
10 I choice natives ate uiuiotimitIl . , at Crlm $ .50 10
$ .c. rnlr 10 goad wIii'tCnm II CrOiii . $3 $ U. . !
common ( mOlt stodl Hhl"II' ( ruin $2.W 10 $3. ! geode
lu choice to tu 10.1. . I/hs ( torn 13. : 10 $ . 1000 .
Iiul.n , : tt ! y. , .lvo Stoclr
I\ANSA8 CITS' , Aprl,9.-ATI.EHecelpls. )
7. .000 ) ) ; shilpnien ( . . ffl 11'111. closIng \I''uk. 10
fl5c lower ; fexns sp5r ! $ , $44 5.35 ; Texmcs
BrrrS 1PXI.
OWI. f2. WiI3. . ; he" 8ecrs ( . 44.00116.33 ; natIve
cows , 11.506(4.75 : idiOtJlCCtS l anti ( eedeus , $3. 0@
4.15 : hulls. 12.25614.1.11. e . , eelels
10GNlecelpIH. 120Q ' head ; Bhlpmrnl ) . 300
hend' h market closing . " tmIk. 5fllOo Inw"r ; hulk 3
sales : U.70IM. ) ; Iceavt's , U.7f5.0I'nckers. ; 41.7031
f .l : iliIx'tl $1.G5fH 5. . Ilus ! ( . $4.I51j4.90 : ' $10@ .
$ .80iHW ) : pIgs . , 44,10014 ta. U5f
Hlll1Cl'lteceIItm'lQ0' : ' t head
HIICI-Heceh > s. .m heal ; shIpments 70
head h , malkot 11cm. .0 J
Itecord or rerelpt4o . lmo four
Jecord . our prIncipal marc
. prlncpll
kels for Tuesday . AiJl ' 1 f ( 1&9. : iaI
Cattle . hogs. She'p.
8ull Omaha. . . . . l..24 , . . Cntte. . Hog. , . .
Chle""l . . . . . . . .1/,11. . 1.7 ) 13.0 1 , ( ) CI ) . . . . ; . l'i ; . . 1.01 12.O 4.J
11 I.uls.I. , . . _ ! . ! J - 6.3' ( 70
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.01 ; 30.CQI 1.iO
New York 1.110 tuck Ilarkuut .
Nli\S' YOm" , April NVI.S-nec"lpIA. . 115
held ; none on said : I ur"eal cables quote AreI 15
icon steerS at 124513.e' . dressed .
ICI allCI lt IZrI3. dreled weights ; refriger-
abc t'er. 91(6510c i : exports today . 416 beeves.
HI1mI AN 1 r.AMUSlcclpts. % head : on
sale . 3..0 : hla.l : mark l. lImit . ely Z cal sold .
100NII'ell'ls ' , ,31 head ; market slendy at
$ . . 3f 6 G. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II
It . Louis 1.lvo stock.
RT. I\IS. April 9.-CATTLIS-Itccelpts . 2ioo
, .2
head ; shIpments. lW head ; market on nllh'e
163- ) 6S Dearborn-st" ChlciO ,
t5 Wail-st. , New Vork 70 State'lt. , oatot
SChOOL ciy . COtTY and B 0 N D r
' ' ! : 1R11GUORADE :
13ou.gbI 111 Bold Venspga@ona. Bolgtca
wfta oral etmn ; expoit 14.03075.25
'J trn steers :
goO d In choice . $3.40t5.9l uprt ; 10 rnemiiam . 4.0631
6. : ; lCht ) , * 4.00444.65 ; feeders . s.OtHO . , $ , ' .
U.OCO : Mme nice helrers of 600 hut average
bro ught IG.2 : ( TtO steer , $4.00I11..255 : . grass
Tex as steers , U.OI.0 ; C" . , . $ .06.2 K/S
I i OflS.-ltecclpts , 6,3 , head I ,2.of3.M. . nccne ;
. nee
mnrke ncil'/ naIl qualIty better5 : heavy $5.10@
I. 2 ; 11..I. $4.5S135.lOl : l&hl. $ * .i5fi . :
S lilIKI'-flecetpttu . 70 lc'ndl ) ! : shipments , , fond :
mlrket scarce and strong : native range . $4.SOSt
50 ; I lot or choice ) 'eatlnls ot 10 mnl" . brought
$5.65j ; culls . $ .0 1 _
Alt hough ItecelpsWcrn : South There WI1
NoIRlro In I'rlces ,
C hICAGO . April . 9.-Alhol/h only abltit 3. (
cAt tle were receIved hOI e today I , them was no
nll\nne" In prices , I b"lnl n dull mnrket. Inl s
wcro on I basIs of from $4.75 to C.2S tor medium
towit choice steers weighIng tror 1,10 to 1.rM ) lbs. .
wit h transactions largely lt from $5 \0 \ $ G. und
ext ra bee'os n'ernllll lt to 1,670 lb. wcr
'lomlnnl nt fmm $6.25 to $6.60. A great many tnt
ste ers nvrn/lnl between 1,3 : anti 1.45 lbs. have
bee n soUl within the last few days around 30.
whlo Sl"ers no lien' , icr . hut smoother anti inure
Cho lc' . have lcll , PICked II' nlUll $ G.10 to 1110 G.25.
( ws sold nt from to $ .SO. largely at trom
U. i5 to . : 75.
log receipts ,1.1 not rmch 13.0 ) head nnl ,
prlees ntc about steady nt yeatru-IiIty'ts t nit-
' nces . the best being qlllh 1 nt $ LIII wIth tIme
buI lt of ( lie sales wi
at frotmi $5 to 15.25. The lUtist
str iking feature or tIme market Is a growIng u1'
nua mul for IoIce , lIght. lu'gm , and mitt Increasitig
ten dency to holy Imigher Id-ire-C for sieli tiroves ,
At the huresent tlimum tlit're is a difference of 1'c '
tie r lot ) lIe' , letween the lest lIght amid the
bes t Imeavy , % uluereas a year ago the difference
% v8 g tituly Soc. tIm elmolcest lietiv' seliiumg at ( hut
tIm e at $5.35 nod tIme lest light itt 83.23.
O nly ( ml.otmt 7,001) sheep amid Inlul's ' % vire recciveti
ted ay. ChoICe 50.11' . ( 'olorad.j ( cii lzuiuubs were
sel lIng ft $6.10 , 0011 eaics % 'eretmimihe from IhIs
Ilg uro mull the Vut3' , lou'ti to $4.93 for uilco ) enr-
lbn gs. Sheep ate sellIng icnthlI' at ( raIn II to
$1. 0 : , inferIor to uueIiurn at trtiuuu $2. 40 to $3.90.
Itt ( lst ( if tim Shledl cotuhuug ( ox staid are lv'st-
ert is , hut mm ( Clv choice miatit'rs sell now nnt then
iur oumni , $5. f4ftrfimg latnits tu eighulmmg a little over
10 ibis. sell ( or $7 Per 100 llc.
I teehpts : Catlp. ) I. ) ) Imea , ) ; enlcus , 1,1.00 head ;
hu gs , I'JtlQi ) Imetul ; sheet , , 7l.IOt ) head ,
St. 1.otil (
S T. LOt'li. , APril 0.-WI Ii'AT-OpefleIl lfllle
lin t-er , hiovercil nromml lIme figure menelini ( or it
thti mo and 81111 off OiiiC ( or Mny anti .luly cc-
Itle etI'Cl3'1 lmtttr ( iii i.e-tIer itimyhag i-coded 54lL3e $ ,
clo sIng u Ill ; sellers at ( Sc for May antI ' e lIr
.1tm i' louver tluamt ) 'estelIuuy's elose ; No. 2 rei ,
cas h , 5l7'e Sda ) ' , 5ie ; July , 3Ollc.
( 'OIIN-leelint'iI % c eari' ott weak markets
el ewhim'e , rectvered butt liltie , closing 06lCc le-
lot s' 3u'ltteriltuy's final sales ; No. 2 rnixm'th , cashm ,
42 ( 50 hiltl ; Slimly , 42'c blil ; July , l3c asked ; Sop-
tem nlcer , 1le bid.
O ATH-\'eak ; nitci' selling off ISo , 211115- reacted ,
clo sing t63114c lower than yu'terllny br .lufle ; No.
2 , cash , Illie ; 211113' , 5'c ' ; Jumne , 20tj2U7c ; July ,
l tYil-Flrin : Na. 2 oilereul , camt Icie , ot COo.
I litA N-I lull a iiil low'r : east traclc , 6955c.
C ORN IIUAL-12lO$12.15.
F lAX Slll1)-QuIet ; $ h.N.
U llAss 800t)8-Slemttiy ; clover , poor to choice ,
57r , oOjs..5 ; tImothy , 11.75036,00.
l tAY-Stenihy ( or iowP soul. ' : firm for better ;
Pra IrIe , lritne to crlclly ( lmolce , $ S.0fl3.Ot ) , thIs
alti e ; timothy , primuic to fair , 59.1.03311.25 , mast
tru ck.
I 1UTTI3I1-i'irnu ; fancy Elgin , SIcI separator
crc nm'Iy , 17311Cc.
I UG-i.ammer ; frIa. 9'4e. '
\ 'l 1)81ST-Lower ; $1.23 for dIstIllers' fInIshed
go otts ,
L I2AD-Steaciy 12.8516.
S t'EI.Tfllt-tull ; 13.03.
I 'IOVIS'lONS-l'ortc , higher ; shantlaril mess ,
job bIng. $12.35. Larch , lulgIler ; inline steam , $6.75 ;
elm uice. 06.90. 1)ry salt meals , ho'ced slmotmhilerm ,
15 ; longs. 46.3716 ; hug , P.SO : etm' > rts , 66.6215.
lia con , boxed shoumhlers , * 3 ; longs , $6.75 ; rih ,
$6. S70 : slmorts , 57.1254.
I tEClOII'TS-Flour , 3,0(10 lhtIs. , : wheat , 7,000 bu. ;
cor n , 6,001) bit. : oats , 14,01)1) liu ,
S lhII'MINTS-i"lour , 7.004) iclils. ; wheat , 13,000
liu . ; corn , 123,000 but , I 0dB , 2,000 ha ,
.ttccuniuhmttloiu of ( lralti Stocks ,
NI0'IV ' YORK , April 9.-SpecIal cable anti ide'
gra phIc minces to Urmuistm cet's. coverIng principal
l'Cu lflts tf accumulation In ( lie UnIted 8tnte.
Cu tuadn aol tIurupe- , together wIth ( he supply
aI keit for lSurclta from nIl iiuuiees , IndIcate thic
fol lowing ehmu'ges in available stncls hn't Sat
ur day , as eoiuiptred with hUe preceding Saturday : :
Av ailable cutlIply , United States and Canada , :
ea st of the Itoelcy maunlalng : Wheat , de-ctcae , ,
2.3 10.000 bu. ; United States , j'aclflc coast , wheat
in cr' , 116.00) tmu. : total decreasein wheat
st ocks , botlm cortats , ' 2,194,0. ) ha. : afloat , ( or mind Ir t
I2t miijpe- , Wheat , mere-mime , 364,0)1) bu. ; total , le
cr ease. wnrlYs available Wheat , 1,810,000 titi. .
V nIte.l States and Cmiuadmu , east of the ltock .
m ountains , corn , ule-crane. ' , 573.000 bu , ;
St ates antI Canada , cast ol the hiocky tnountculns
oa ts. uleercase , 579,80) bu , LendIng 'Iecremusom o : 'r
av ailable wheat stocks last week not reported ii I
tlt e itillala ) visible supply Include the following :
40 4,000 bu. In northwestern Interior elevators
1.0 .00. ) ho. in Chicago private elevators ; 31,00
hu . at Onmaha ; 31,00) ) Iu , mit Newport News , am
110 ,000 bu. nt i'ort huron. The only correspond .
In g Increases were few In nunmber , time moor a
lto trtlilo being ' 24,000 bu. in MIlwaukee pth'nt
el evators : 111.000 bu. each at Ogthensburg ant
F ulton , N. Y.
hlaitlnioro Grain "Ihitrlcet.
DALTIMORIS , Aprl 9.-FLOUR-Dull am 0
tmn chmmngeI , : western superfine , 52.00312.30 ;
w estern exlra , 12.11)312.50 ; vtner ( wheat huateuls
$3 .OOTS,23 ; spring WIme-at mttrnlglmts , 13.33513,30 ; cc :
ce lpts. 12,150 hibis , . ; shIpments , 107 bbls , ; sales 1 ,
27 5
wIlhoAr-stencly ; spot and month , 6155 bid ;
lt a' . CO6)TIc ) ; July , SO3169c.
COJIN-Quiet : spot , month and May , 803150'hc .
st tvuuer mIxed , 48314Sc ; receIpts , 19,974. hu.
sl eek , 397,531 hcii. ; sales , 26,8)0 ha. ; southern whit C
603151c ; southern yellow , 503151o.
OATS-Steady ; ( air demand ; No , 2 white west .
tur n , 3714c asked : No. 2 mIxed , 3j3l',4c ; receipt
Oil. 1 Mccli. 165,374 lou.
11Y12-Quiet : No. 2 , 51.015Cc ; stock , 19,320 ito.
11/mY-Firm ; good to choice timothy , 513.005
13 .50.
( IItAIN FIOIOIGIITS-Qulet , unchanged ,
IIU'FrlOlt-Quiet ; fancy creamery , lie ; ( one 5'
i mItation , l6t17c : fancy ladle , 113115c ; itood lallt
lI e ; store packed , 81310c.
UGGS-Steaiiy ; fresh , 12lc.
NEW TOflIC. AprIl 0.-CO VFEI2-Optboxi Is
ar pe-neil stecucly' at uneluaageci to S Points .iecilni u ;
r uled moilenitely active wIth narrow changes p a
lo cal trailing ; cboocti flurn ut net Uncimanged to
P oints declIne ; sales , 2' > bags. includIng : Aprt
8h 4.454511.5Q ; May , $ h4..t5ii4.20 ; .bune. 014.303114.2) )
J uly , SI4.503114.O ; September , $ I1.Ol1.00 ; Ocu a.
h er , 514.103111.15 ; November , 514,10 : Ic'cetnbe r ,
01 4.003115.00. Siuot coffee , Itto , qiml't ; No. 7 , $16.51 ?
tn tlci , qul't ; ( Joi'tthvmi , $ hl.5031i9.0O ; sates , 23,2
l oge 11tamcaibca and 2(0 brigs La ( iuayara , p. r
\ Varoliotmse deliveries from New 'mi one 'eaterda 1' ,
r , ss logs ; New 'ork stock today. 190,168 boon I ,
U nIted SlateS slack. 223,147 , ltmigs ; afloat ( or ti is
tt t tmribted States , 237,000 Itags ; tolal vilble for U
t lniteti Slates , 462,141 bags , against 470,208 bami
la st year.
I IA VItli April DFFl0t--Opere4 stend 0' .
u acluangeti , at 12 m. . dull mummtl unchanged ; at
IId . m. dull , 1Sf decline ; cllt.9e.1 dull at 56f at a
d ecline ( or the day ; wies , 19,00) bags.
'J'ldIlO ( irolmu Market.
TOLJ2DO , APril 9.-WJ117AT-Sleaclv ; No. 3 ,
c ash ( mdi April , I5tmc ; 2dmi' , 5755c ; July , 675431
5 7c ; Ammgust , 1.7c ; Septc'ummher , &i'lc.
CORN-Dull , , 'asiem' : No. 2 amixed , d5',6c , nsm-
Im iul : 1.1mm ) ' . 4Cc ; No. 3 yellow , 4Cc.
ovr5-Steatly ; No , I mixed , Sic ; No. 3 whIte ,
S Ic.
IIYJI-Duli : cash. S3c.
CI.OVilt S lEl-Acttve , higher ; prIme , cash ,
$ 5.83 : April. 65.70.
1tflCbl 1"l'H-\\'Iieat. 10,500 btm. : corn , 30,06) , Icu , ;
o ats , 3,000 bit. ; clover see. ) , Ill bags.
HllIl'MICN'r14-1"lour , 3,1.00 bhtls. ; wheat , 33,50' )
li ii , ; corn , 22,000 bu. ; oats , 1,500 too , ; clover seeti ,
lu Ol ) bags. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Shlhwmtuuiceo 0hmr1cot ,
MIL11 % 1515 013. April 9.-1VIIIOAT-liasier : No ,
2 siuring , 67140 ; No , I northern , GSc ; 2.iay , & 716c ,
COIIN-tectcly-No. 5 , 4Cc.
OA'l'hl-Scatco anI flitn ; No , I whIte , 1235c ;
N 'u. 3 muitile32c. .
ltAittIY-Ntnubaul1 No. 2 , & 2c ; sample , 456jiIc.
itYll-lligmer ) ; No. 1 , Sic.
l'tOVISIONS-lligimer : pork , $12.05 ; lard. $6.80.
lthX'Iiil"l'tC-Fit.ur , 3,0)0 ibs. ; uu heat , 24,5(0 bu ,
b arley. 10,4(8) ( hcti.
lihIlIlMENTi4ld1our , 14.80' ) Iclls , ; bailey , 800
b u , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1ttttsits City 3lmerkets.
KANSAS CITY. April 9.-WIIIAT-F'Irmer ;
No. 2 1mar11 , & 4'.4c ; No , I red , &Sl4tjStc , rejected ,
S Ic.
COItN-No. 2 mIxed , steady , lie ; 'No , 2 whIte ,
t 4.lo lower , 43'.50343c.
OA'I'H-'imisler ; No , 2 mnlxeil , 2852J25c ; No. 2
whIte , 33c.
ltFCIlI'TH-Whmeat , 6,000 hiu. ; corn , 8,00) bu. ;
o ats. 9.004 Icu.
i4hIhl'lIlNTIC-Whueat , 50,000 ho. ; corn and oats ,
n one , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
New YorIc Dry 6noiltu Market ,
N1i'1 % ' YOitlC. April $ . -Agents have advnncel
Amnoskocug iCA tlckimmgs 53c ; 1lerllr'y No , 60
c amnlcrics , ' 4c. or to 755e' Cottons , l'ho and htock.
, lalo G'lnclu c.'uinlrica. ' 4o le-r yanl. 'I'iuo Sl.t
d , ' , nantl team Irre'gular , but. a nutuiher 01 ltnpor-
t ant huyent Icok a good UUtuntiiy of hamown ,
Ii I ticacimecl and colored cottons , l'm'intel ( mibtics
i n moderate requt'st. l'riating cloths active , vilh
s ales of 00.500 hit'ceB , Cl sumuatem , at. I 9-Icc ( jot
c ontummcls , and small sales of odds ,
flultithm Viiemit titurket.
DhJI.UTII , April 9.-\ViIii.tT-1..ower No. S
hmtrul , cash and April , 00lc ; Slay , G15c , July ,
C S',5c ' ; No. I northern , ecuilil iimni April , & )55c' ;
Slay , GCc ; July. CI5&c : fCelltE'Inber , 1.91e ; No. 2 :
nurilenu , cash , &Gc ; No , 3 , (4c ( ; rejected , &tIc
t o arrive , No. 1 bitt-tI , SO3c ; No. 1 northern , C056c.
Jt1lniieistuhI IVhmeat Marhemil ,
MINNIOAVOLIS , April tI.-W1l5AT-flepresst'ti ;
April , &bc ; Slay. 50t3c : July , & 'J'c ; bOeltemijer ,
& 754c ; on track , No. 1 1mar11. 60o ; No. 1 nttlh'
era , 39c ; No. 4 nortimern , & 0c. 1'lour , atcaci' ;
h eat ltatt'tItS , * 3.1503340 : bCconA patents , $ Z.8Y (
3.11 ; first cleajs , 12.15112.30.
I'eorlms 'tltirimiets ,
pl3OItIA , April 61.-CORN-QuIet ; No. 2. 4554 ; ;
Na. 3 , 45.
OATS-Weak' No , 2 whIte
, 31313155 ; No. S
white' , 3011307.
ltYC-'Scarcc ; No. I choIce. SOc bid.
WlIlRlCY-hlleady ; finished goads , 31.23.
'I'rlmco 'lmeIsI ( juatuetbona ,
SAN PitA SC1SCO , Apt-Il 9.-WI ILSAT-ISasy S
1)ecemmiber , 1(5560 ; eei'u1 , 75,441 ctmtuls ,
iIatehmeitcr ' ( eztlles.
MANClilOSTlill , Altril 9.-CIOIum ) , , firm , wIth um I
felt detnmtml. Yurns , quIet but ( Irma.
Oil Ilarhiri ,
SAVANNAh , Aprh $ 9.-.I3PII1STS-Fhrm. 2755C ] ;
alea , 4.1.0 bids.
Weekly Summary of the Agcit1tura1
Situation In Nebraska ,
Vnriuu Wentlmer of March nuitl ( lemitlo ilains
of April 13(1 tue OSork-Wititer
' . 'hemit. Is l'oor-Sprimig Out.
look l1xccllclut.
LTCOte , AprIl 0-Speclai.-Wcnthcr ( )
c rep bulletIn No. 1 from ( lie Ncbraska slit-
( Ion says :
The season opens rather carl' , 'lth less
t linn tI'e html tiliti prCc'lillmUlon , SItice ( he 1st
o f inhitlur ) ' , tIle LieileIehiC5' rItIlgIhug [ ruin less
t hinti htalf all inch Ill ( lii ) western Ilart of thug
s tate to lit'ttrly ItIl itmch ill the northeastern
n tid Iwo Incii In ( hue SIutlmeasel'n ,
A cneral 01(111 over the stitte tlto last week
I n 3' t'brumtr ) ' , ( ollovetl t' dry tuhiul tory WmLi'Iit
% VeltthIt'l' the Imust of' March , mIt tile grotilitl
i ii gootl condition utlici niatle emit ly SCCt1thg
I )0S)1Iblc.
lurlng ( lie lhrst half of the past week hot ,
r iry ti'cathsr i'tthi high t'ihltlO irevmLiIeui over
1 110 state. DtsrImig ( lie , last immiif gentle raIns
fell in nil itoetlomm5 , hueltylest lit tlo north-
e astern hIOl'tIon , auth ( liChen sotltlmwesttvnrd
t oward time umuttidle of' ( ho Statt' , Over this
area teoni tIVO to three ( Holmes foil ; It wmus
l ent In tlmtm uttlthmeasteriu itnul in the 5011(11-
\ 'eStetIi sections , where less thuuthl half an
I nch feli ,
1' alt wheat generally sttffered CCvcrclS'
flout ( lie i'murin 'etttlmer nlnl high WItitI8
wlllch lurc''mulleti at tIle leglnnlng , of ( lie
l IhofIth. In the extt't'nie sotmtluu'nmutcrti our-
t itihi of ( lie tmtto it hi gnuei'itily iii gamud con.
u lltloti bllt ( il-tImer vcst iu1tti' : holds of It
are kilieti and have been liOWeh t1) , \'hlIiO
l ti the euttthavestrrn see'tlomt it Is generally
tClaoi'tCtI its alniost a eoiiplete : fmtiltiYe. ityc ,
o il hue cofltral' ' , lInil COIflI ) through gencrmuily
l ii gnarl condItIon mud ( lie I'ecellt rains nu e
briligiimg It fortvnrd finely , as tvelh its tile
wheat which hits sttrvivoul the winter.
Seeding Is well nuivanecul 5 Iliost of the
vheat Is In til C ground , tthl ( I , itt t he dotit lu-
e m part of the mutmtt. hutost of ( lie oats , i'lmIle
I n the nul'thierll oart nbout half of the oats
have beetu sovti.
Tlact , , Was souuuo ulamage tionc by the high
wltido utucoverimnl smainll gl'aln thmmtt hail 1,1013
s un'tl , btit In general time cotnputrcatlt'ely dry
C otmilItiuli of tile seeti bed when most of thu
gt raIn wai 0''ll , followed by a thoroltgli sat-
t ituutiola ft'omn u'ecetut rulius , lia\'c' llfforded the
t miust favorable conditions 1)osCIble for tluo
s umuitll grmtlu ,
In Inan ) ' collntles there s'Ihl be it sniniler
a creage timnn ustlal of suuahl gt'tlti , alit ! an
i ncu'cnsetl ncrenge of col'ha on aCcoUnt of
s carcIty of 1l'edvhmu'tt : atari oats.
Stock getaerahly seems to have caIne
t ht'ouglt time t'Inter iii faIr condition , UI-
t hoilghm In sotuic localitIes fartn horses nrc
n ot as vigorous as could be desired for tIle
s prIng work.
A3ICICOtS are In blossotu In ( Ito southeast-
C tll corner of tIme stnte.
Followitig is the otmmnary of reports by
c ounties :
Ilutler-Wimeat and nearly all tile oats
s own ; a decrease In acreage of both over
l ast your ; moisture suhhlcient. to start crops ,
b ut more rairt needed to 5fllt ( lie ground in
good conditisu ,
Cass-Sprlng wheat comIng up nicely ; oats
nearly all sown ; wInter wheat comnlg out all
r ight , but not much sown ; rye looks splendId ;
grass starting nicely ; farmers well up wttlt
t heir work , some plowIng for corn ; ground In
goo(1 ( condItIon.
Clay-Grass and pastlIre lookilig green ; rye
growIng rapidly ; alfalfa growIng nIcely ; pok
tatoes three-foltrtims planted ; wheat Is coin-
l ag out and wIll sooii cover time ground ; oats
conaing up.
Fiilmuaore-Whueat generally In bad condia
tlon ; oats comIng up faIrly well.
Gage-Some oats well up ; lmeat In fine
condition ; ground In gootl elmape ; farni work :
well advaticed.
Hanillton-1tye in fair condition ; winter
wheat considerably Injured ; cats nearly all ]
SOWfl and sotuic tip and looking fine ; sense
grottud plowed for corn ; ground in fair con
Jefferson-Most of tIme winter wheat all
right , but some killed by dry weather ; oat : I
all sown and conilng up soimiewbat Irregular
Johnson-Frosts from the' 2d to tlme 13th ,
but doing no damage ; wheat and oats about
all ill and doing well ; fall wheat bolts ex .
ceedlngiy well ; grass growing rapidly.
Lancaster-Eecetlt rains , altlmougii light
have put tIme ground In fine condition and
tue small grain Is coIning up vehl.
Nornahia-Grass amid graIn coming or
finely ; large acreage of oats sown ; rer
little spring wheat or barley ; plowing 101
corn begun ; aprIcots In full bloom.
Nuclcolls-A large acreage of oats sosvr
and a few have commenced plowing for corn
at least 50 per cent of the fall wheat will b
plowed up ; etock of all kinds has corn !
through in good condition.
Otoe-Wlnter wheat and rye , where put It
early In the fall , look unusually well ; srnoi
graIn In and In good condition ; grass ii
pastUres starting nicely.
pawnee-Srnnli gralit all sown , In fine con
(11(1011 before thu rain anti coming up nicely
vlnter wheat antI rye look fInely ; comnionco
preparing ground for corn.
Polls-Seeding ne-any done ; rye looks well
wheat poor : ground in splendId condition U ] ;
brIng tip oats.
Sauntlers-Soli In good condition for seemi
hug and etmiali grain nearly ali In ; fall whiea
has suffered froimi 111gb vlnuls atuul some tvll
be plowed tinder ; rye looks all right.
SawarlI-Ali sprIng seeding about finished
grass looks green ; fruit trees coming out
wInter wheat mostly kIlled and much sprlni
wheat sown ; tarnscrs generally plowing 10
Tlmayer-Oats mostly In and coming ui ;
but not quIte an average acreage ; sornewha
injured by high winds ; winter wheat rnostl :
killed , hut ' 'Jmat Is alive is mloing well ,
Webster-Large acreage or oats beint.
sown ; some potatoes planted ; grass mutarting
York-Winter wheat looks poor on account
of high winds ; rye doing faIrly well ; ilowlng
for corn coinmenceti ; grass beginning to start
and trees budding ,
Antelope-Ground In good condition and
good progress miiado in scedlag ; rye slid grass
comIng forward nicely.
Cellar-Seeding mostly ( lone ; rye green ;
will be an locreased acreage of corn , owIng to
scarcity of Slnail grain iced ,
Cumlng-Wheat nearly all in and oats half
soiva ; grotlfld In best possible conditIon ; rye
greatly Improved ,
Dixon-SinaI ! grain moslhy sown and plow-
lag for corn begun ; in excellent condition ,
Iloelge-Sniall grain mostly sown ; wheat is
COllilbIg unevenly froni lack of moisture.
Iiouglas-\'eek % favorable for crops ; ground
In good condItion.
hJolt-LittlO farm work done as yet ; grass
maskIng a good start ; grnuiid in good condi.
Mmtdlson-Neariy all time sniall grain is
sown nail SOUSe of tile wheat edIting UI )
nicely ; rye in good condition ; ground being
IUt in condition for CDIII ,
I1atte-/tbout hmaif time usual acreage of
stuinll grain will ho sown ; soil Ill flue cotmdi-
( ion ,
Sarpy-firounl in excellent conthltion ;
tail grain looks itch ; oats atid spritig wheat
mieariy all planted ; about mimi average acre-
ate ; consitleralmlo alfalfa vlIl be putt In.
Stanton-Seecliimg weli advanced ; ground
iii eplenuhid CotlIiitiOll.
WashIngton-Ground In
perfect conditiol )
( or scediig ; srnaii grain about all ill and
itiatty plowing for Corn ,
fluffalo-Most of tIme slmiail grain sown and
a larger acreage than usual , \Viner ( wheat
hot U good crop , Ityo never looked better ,
Grass coming on linely ,
Custer-Wheat damaged 30 per cent. Ityc
never looked letter at. this date. Spring
wheat about half sown.
Dawson-Winter wheat mostly killed and
will be put into otlmer crops ; rye Is nearly
oil right ; grass better than usual at this
tune ; slnail graIn conilng up vell ; ninny
fartners are short of seed and feed ; horses ill
poor condition ( or hard work ; no unusual
loss of cattle so far ,
chreeley-Ground Iii flrzt.class conthltion ;
wheat hooks well ; a large acreage of oats
hiowarul-Crops growing slowly ; rye looks
well ; hIgh wInds three days In time truck ,
Merrlck-Ground In good cctmdltion for
a- . - . x'ziw ,
1600-11)31 ) iJelon Aye. . 0111 , 112
r -
s eedIngs grass luas alreatly starlet ) , so ' \
c attle eat but l'.ttio 110) ' ,
lterinan--SinitiI acresge of wboat , arid
o ats svilI be scuwn On account of lack of
Atlatns-Wintcr wiit'itt badly damaged by1 s
h igh w'Intis In some plates ; groond In fine
c onditIon.
cc Chmtse-Aboiht 4) ) ) per cent of the wheat.
c rep PItt iti ( lie grounli itt fair coitdltloU
w inter si'heat Injureil ily high trinds , but r - I ;
ceo nt rmtins tvlll probably bring It out all right. ,
Gosper-Ihigh wintls have blown grain'
o ut of the grotllltl spring wheat is startiihg
al l rIght : 'lnter whuemit nearly a total taihthre.
Fratsklin-Puily 76 per cebit of time winter
lv lleat has 'veeti killed either by throuth or ,
Im igil wlntls. 1yo Is Ill faith ) ' good condItIon
A nti a inrger acreage than usual. Uttis-
s prIng teheat has been sown , utost fsrrncra t
a re seedltig oats or plowing for corn.
F'rontler-Soino Wlmt'at sown and a llttlo
cow inIng up. 111gb t'ltidm imavo Injuretl th
w heat.
h0tirtins-l ° arnsers iu'o done considerable '
se t'tlitug ; many fields of winter wlmeat are-
lo eking green that were tlmouglmt ticad ,
llnrlan-Sprlng scediitg nearly nil done ;
w inter truest nearly all dead ; rye doing Inoel-
e ratciy veil ; soil In gooti condition ,
hlitciieock-Farmners sowIng iuhteat , but not.
a large acreage ; too dry anti nuany hot able
to orocuro sc-ed vlteat. ,
Kearney-Styc is growing , but Is small for
th is tIthe of the year ; W'lmtlltt litany all
It I I leil.
Llncoin-Grottiiul In good COllthltiOfl and
fa t'nuers can mioi' go to work , ,
l1iielisC3ooml rains thIlrIlsg time WOek iinva
l1 e1Ile1 grass aliti taUt time grothndl In good
c oIhtl I ( loll ,
1'crkhiis-eeding very backward , as little
s ecti Is to be lmatl ; soil In fair condition ,
hiox lliltte-Furnsers busy sowing wltrat , but
a creage ovili be less than last ycmtr.
Cherry-Nothing olallteth of all ) ' accounL
Ciieyenne-Not enough lmlOlsttlrO yet to start
s mall grain ; lmigim winds lmave blowus seed out
o f ( he grolmlid. '
1)asres-Somne sisiall '
grain sown and coming
ti ll Ill dime shape.
iCeya Patio-Considerable seeding folio , but
mn uell of tue 1vlmeat SOWII blown mit by ltigit
w inds ; Whit'itt onc-tlmird muihil oats Quo-quarter
o f last year's acreage.
Sherlthami-Orountl in good condition and
s eeding tu'ell Illllcr ) t'ay , I
SIoux CIty , Io.-Thmc Imetivy rains of the latt
th ree tlays lmt\'e : pitt time ground in good condt-
( l ell for crolus ,
Yaiikton , S. D.-Grotlhld In splendid con-
ti ltbon. A very faIr acreage of wimeat will b
S OWII thIs year. W'Iieat sproutiilg s'ell.
w i. . EltiY IlLS 140 % ' 01 , ' ( JlOI' C0551)iT10763
W lntr WIit'mlt ! Shows StInlo lniprnvonuont-
SccdltI,7 l'rogresslmit. 1muvIritIIy , -
WASIIINCITON , AlurIi 9.-Tho weather ha-
r eau , In its weekly revIew of tIme weather
c rep ccndltlons for the week ended April 8 ,
s ays : Upon the whole the wool : has been
v ery favorable. Corn plalmtirig has lrogrossd ,
r apidly under favorable comitlitions Ill the
s outhermi states , tt'huere a largo proportion ot
li mo crop Is in tIme ground , anti 601110 tas come
tI p. PreparatIons for ccrn planting lmttve beers r
m ade in the unlddle Atlantic states and llant- ) p
I ng has begun In MIssouri and Kansas , Winter
w heat has greatly inuprove4 rluring tim treek
i n Illinois , and Is in good condition In Michi-
g nu and casterli ICalmsas , htmL less favorable
r eports arc receIved frommi dlitmllosota and \VIs ,
c onalti , where It Is reported as badly wInter
k Illed ; In Nebraska ( ho crop has suffered
f rom droutla afll hIgh wInd. SprIng wheat.
I s veIi advanced in Minnesota anti Scuth Pa-
k ota , and wimile 801110 seedliug bait been done
I tu North Dakota , ( lie vork has bach retarded '
b y ( lie dry weather , Oat seethIng Is progres-
ing rapidly iii Ohio OhIO nearly ( ho entire
a crcago of ( liii crop has been aowui ill liii' .
n ols , Iowa and Missouri , anti seeding Is welL
a tlvanced in South Dakota. The general out-
l oolc fcr fruIt Is very favorable , no serIous
d amage having beeti done by frost. 11am Is
b adly tieedeul in Okiullomut almil more would b
b enefIcIal In Missouri and North Dakota ,
T o Settle the Alitalca llouttuhmiry Qitoatlon.
SAN FRANCISCO , April 0.-The Unltej
S tates survey steamer I'atterson wIll sail
f or Al6skaultext Saturday. She will have
o n board Edward Dickens of tile coast amid.
g eodetIc survey and will go to Fort Wranl
t o settle tile boundary question between ( be
United States and lIrItisIm Colmtmbia ,
Read 'what the World'3
Fair Judges said when granting -
ing the Highest Award to
Plug .
4' A bright , sweet navy
plug chewing tobacco , coti. . . . .
taming finest quality of Bur-
icy Leaf. Has a fine , rich
flavor and excellent chewing
qualitiescombining , all points
necessaryto rate this product
of the highest order of
excellence in its class , "
Everybody who tries Ci.x. . .
MAX PLUG says it's the best '
For sale everywhere.
' 11w-i-a- SPECULATE
EVEN ! I'iiats tIme till.
THOUCHON of our tree bock.
THE WRONG SIDE " which ouf.
lines it system.
trailing to
around adt'et fluctuatIons gal
so of time rimarket
11MUS * 11(1 ' 10 120 A lAY wbllo comnpmmrimtlve ret. amjc
ulurily and safety ,
1Vo lmmvo many customers alrcarly woukint oat
tlmis plan who are highly ile'mc.seiJ. It Is worth
your while to write tamtin. . bo..ltiei atl otis
complete lItatelimeilt Lf trlmnsmictions tflhmtio feC
thorn , simowing 410 t.rollts miclually tootle ( or ( Iuonj
every day ittud no losses wlmaii'ver , Timers is
nothing lliiic ) or Iliscretionary about tIlts. 1Yl&ec
you utmderstand thu plan you alrnmciy give your
order on a lthmnte0 blank and we liuefl CatTy Out
time necessary Imoomemiction lviIhout further In- '
atructlcna or utlutmtion frogS you , rettortiri $ nil .
trades tinIly us moatho anti ttnylng Itrohlts as yota
may durire. WrIte for limo btohtlet and lilts.
( rations. lieferences turnlshmed ,
Vttleottno & Go , , It , Ill Traders llldr , thmlcage.
- - -
- -
Alt DruggIot. ' ,
- - -
- -
Notice lologtuviters ,
On and alter April 15 , iSSu , uIl dogs no
Weiurliug the proper dog tuu ( or ( lie yep 0
1405 vlil lie subject to be tu.een up mind 1tn4
pountlecl by lilt : ( lOg pougmdtuaster , and tllQ
tiog pounthmaster Is aulborizeti to comngnenco
catchln31 and IlapoutItlIng doa not wearIng -
Ing theproper lags on time 15th day o $ . '
.Aprhi , l0pa , .I15EC1iEIt 11iO1I ,
City Clerk
. , udlotM&1i3&g
'C' ' ' -