. " - - - - - - . . . _ _ _ I : 1 t- THE 01tfAIIA DAILY nEE : 'vmJ1 : SDAY , APRIL 10 , 18011. n . . . p TIlE OMAHA DAIlY BEI 'r , COU-CIT.I iruzzs. OFFICE , . . NO. 12 t'EATlTa STHEET Delivered by cllfrler to nny part cit the dt , . , n. W. TILTON , Lczco. TErr.PItONES-DuincEa ofce , No. 4 : night , , L tltor. No 2 - - s , "I."UI .U""TIU."S , Grand , Council IThilts. E. F. Clark , prop. ' ! .layno ! Heal state agency , l39 nroallwny. , The veteran nre Ilellutmenl ) will meet this , evethg al 730 ; : al No. 3 hose house to make , arrangements to attend the funeral of the late Wllal Oliver. % . I 1. C. ClArk was put In jail last n'enlng , haySav tog rnlell to pay the floe hnlls upon him \ by Justeo Vlen for moving Inlo 1. I SheMo's house without prml lon. The remains or Amlrew Hill . the uickte . wi he buried this afternoon al 3 o'cloel from the resldenc" or his parents. HOg liroadway. , partment. ] IIU was at on time a member or the tire de- Buf City bilge No. 7. A. F. and A. M. , will meet In specIal communlcnton this evening for work In the third degree. All . ' master Iason are corllnaly invited to at- , tenll. J. 13. Atkins , Secretary. I The Oanymede Wheel club received a letter last evening from the racing board of the I League or American Wheclnen , stating that ) October 1 and 12 hall been selected as the dates for the racing meet to le given here under the league's ausplced. Thele date have not yet been accepted by the chlh. ali may be changed a few days either way. Articles or Incorporation were nell 3'ester. I ( lay by the Wizard Telephone an1 General Electrical company , with a capital stock or . $ ioo.ooc. The incorporators are Eli Brown , C. J. WIllow and .1. g. DeLee , all this iwr- paso Is to do a general tel lraphlc and tele- phone bttiness Including the manufacture i nnd ( repairing or instruments , and the opera. ton or tclellhon ) lines. . Two desirable cottages for rent. Plenty or mony tar farm 101ns. FIre Insurance. Money 10nn,1 , for local Investors on best or securIty , Speclll bargaIns In real estate. Lougee & Towle , 235 Pearl street. I'IT , . Your water rent totThy and save 5 per cent - , This Is your last ollportunly , Olee oper L , this evening. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ladles : Our new shoes are in . In.SAHOENT. , , _ _ _ _ _ SAHOENT. A great attraction-Crockweii's beautifu I atracton-Crol < el's bautrul , ' Easter window Ils\la ) ' . t' Marcus' fire sale or clothIng Is still In progress. have you had any or Its benefts yet 1 A little money and-the results will I surprise you. Clothing , shoes hints , furnish - , Ing goods at prices dangerously near giving I . " awny ought to attract ) 'ou. , t , - l'U.'U..l. 1'.1It.1Ifl.lI'1I.1. ' harvey Smith has gone to New Orleans le lve.James James Nicol has returned from a visIt to the Pacifc coast. Dr. and Mrs. Donal\ \ Macrae jr. , are the parents or a nine-pound baby boy. J.v. . Squire and family will leave next , month for an extended stay In Europe. ' * a \V. L. Reed a Des MoInes attorney . Is In the city. Ito Is one or Vp' . S. itichimond' - 4 r" attorneys. t. Mrs. G. E. Meyers heft lat evening for t Phiadelphia and will be joined , there later by her husband. . Mrs. hattie E. DeIay left last evening for a vIsit or ten days In Chicago accompanied by her son . Earle. II. 11 Lerert has been al\ancel to the , position or aslstant Instructor In the Doth- well School or Engraving In Omaha. : Ir. Seth M. Smith of Muorll and hIs daughter Mrs. Eva Culver or Emerson are In the city guests or Mrs. A. D. Moore. E. II. OJ el receIved a telegram yesterday I . afternoon announcing the death of , his father , , : In Staniford N. Y. 10 left tor the east last evening. . - . Rev. L.V. . flock who has just returned from the Iowa conference or the German Evangelical church , hell at Cedar Falls . will , . occupy the pulillt In this city for another ) . _ _ _ _ _ - iENN1StN ItitOS. L I'orcilDuwl the IrlccR. ' 100 pieces new dress prints 31Ac yard. 3Yc z 8G-lnch LL unbleach muslin , 3c yard. 3G.lnch dotted curtain SwIss. 12c yard. ( DRESS OOODS AND SILK DAHOAINS. 44-lneh all wool black crcpon , 79c yard. 40 to 4G-lnch black and navy all wool French serge 3c , lOc and Ic yard. Great 0 val ues. lO.lnch. our finest quality , black gloria silk , 8Gc yard. China silk . all color and hlack. 25c yard. I ; yard. Our $1.00 novelty silks tcr waits now 75c ' I Genuine real hair cloth , .lc yard. 100 G-Inch gloria silk umbrellas , Paragon frame al $1.00. worth $ l.fO. Ladies ' laundered percale shirt waists at * COo , .00 and $ .25. Nobblcst line In the . , cIty.Our Our long waist , lOc ; summer corset , 3c. / All silk ribbons all colors , Nos. 7 , : , 12 , 1G , worth 20c to 35c , at lOc yard. S 100 children's lace collars . worth lOc , ut p y - lc each. a lOO curtaIn shades , 15c each. 4lc quality linen warp 2uattlng. 29c yard. ' Buy your carpets curtains alll rugs of us. Wo can save ycu money. Give us a look. : DENNISON i3ilOS. 1'lo\vl'rR for Easter. , \Ve have a fine lot or FThster lilies , colored hyacinths , double white violets , and many other Illants ) In bloom. Also a nice < assort- ' ment of cut nowers. Como and see them. Visitors are welcome J. F' . Wilcox , florists , 132 East Pierce street. " i'ritnk n. Clrpenlrr 1otighmt. "Tho Japan or 18:4 , " magnifcent photo- I graphic 'Iews. Secure your seats at llr.rt's , , (15 Uroalway , In advance. I'IY Your water rent today and , save 5 11er cent. , 1 This Is your last opportunity. Olce alIen 1 .thls evening. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ladles : Our new shoes are In.SAHOENT , , _ _ _ _ _ SAHOENT , Think The , LRVU tiu . " ( 'ulrthln. . " 1' Superintendent C. C. Starkweather or the cj . . Detroit ) olce sent Chief Scanlan a telegram . P. yesterday In which ho intimates that he thinks he has "the fourth man" at tIme OrIs. weld bank robber gang , and he wants to know I there Is any ono here who can Iden. , t ) him Ir lie should be caught "The fourth I mun" was probably mixed UI In the robbery , , i but there Is less evidence against him than any or th" others and the local pOleo.o not think a cdse could bo made out agaInst him , , At the santo ( line they would like to get hold I . at him , for through him It Is possible they ) J night bo able to capture Itiley . the mising ! : 1 burglar Chief Armstrong or the Duluth po - lice force thinks the Orlswold gang I the p same one which operated all through that I . sectiOn ot the country not long ago I one member or limo gang can be located the rest I . would bo located as a muter at course sooner or later. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that good i laundry , " and Is located at 724 llroailway . I In doubt about this try It and 1e convhnced Don't forget name and number Tel. Ui7. flay for sale. by the ton or carhoad W. A. t 'ood. 520 Maui .treet. ; r' Another lot at those bays ' and cImildren' S overalls just received. MBTCAI.l DHOS. . . Ladles : Our new shoe are in . ' In.SAROENT. i' _ _ _ _ _ SARGENT , JlnrlAI" I4I'iIists , . . The following marriage lcenses were Isued by the county clerk yesterday ; Name and Address Age Chaotic Klnknld , Council Bluffs. . . . . . . . . , 2 I ; Ulurs. . . , Edith . \ndenln , Omnlm . . . . . . . . . . . " . . 2 : .j I rneBt Ahmlquist . Boone , 11. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 . r ' Hida carlson , Uoono Ia. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 C . Eugene Buckley , Shelb ' ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Annie . F. Hutgln , l'ltlwatlmle count . ' : Alrt.1 McMullen . Potawatamle county 21 . 1)eiia Miller , Putawatumle county. . . . 2 it \h"t I. I" . : .mo T . Everything. It applied to a Uadmln PIano , . Bold by Mueller l'luno and Organ company , ' 103 Main street. . Rom for rent , one or two gentlemen. Cur net Willow avenue and Sixth street Apply ; * . 1Q ' 7 , J. l'usef. . . ' & . ' - NEWS FRO I COUNCIL BLUFFS Richmond , Mufy and Crawford Sea a Ohance t Escape Trial MO TION. TO QUASH TIlE INDICTMENTS ne'm e SN UI Ih1t thol're enlmelt Are lUl ) In ! e\crll 1 : unt,1 I'nlnu- . Judge " 'olhon 'Rkcs time ; 11t. tcr Under , \d\ielclt. In the federal court yesterday morning I . the attorneys for Richmond . Iufy ali i Crawtord or the Unlen Building ali Savings association withdrew the plea oC not guI lty made several days ago by their clIents ali 1 flied nstead ( a motion to quash the Indictment , claiming that the Indictment fail ed to let forth the charge that the sche'le or the nUldlng and Savings association was In itself rraululent. , Judge Wolson set 7 :30 : o'clock In the evening as the time for bear- I tag argutntnts. IrKUmEts. S . F . Prouty or Des Moines spoke at the evening session In behalf or the men in- ihic ted on the charge at using United States mals to defraud the public , by holding out that the Union lulllng and Savings asso- cia tlon was In a shape to yield big Profits to its Patrons , when In tact Il was Insolvent and I Its promoters knew It to bo so. lie hell the Indictment to be defectIve , In that It fai led to charge that the letters were written In the furtherance era a scheme to defraud the imubhlcand the deten. dants should at most he charged wIth makIng - lug talse representations concerning a legiti- mate InstItutIon. Tithe he thought , was not In the Jurisdiction or the federal statute. In time second place , the Indlctlen t failed to set out the letters either In form , lubstance or purport. The defendants were not charged with mlsaproprlatng the funds of the con- cer n . or with the intent to do s. and they were not charged wIth mismanagement. They slmpl ) ' hell out to the ) ublc by means or correspondence the tact that the institution was solvent when It Is claimed net to have bee n . This sort or an offense might ho pun- Ishrd under the laws or the state , but not Ulder section 3MJ , { r time United States laws , under which the indictment was found . 1 ) ) strict Attorney I.'ulen followed wih an argument In which he com bat cd each or these olnts. , At the close or his remarks JUdge \oolson took the case under advise- ment and will probably render his decIsion thi s morning. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ moring.J'J l NO' J L'I'JES. At the no. ton Store Council 1lut. . KID GLOVES FOR THE WEEK. A complete assortment or 5 and 7-boolt Saxon Beauty kid gloves In alt colors and siz es ; also full line colored 10Quetalres In all sizes. offered In lot al oIered one at 7lc a pair. These gloves have never sold for less than $1lO and $1.75 a pair. A new line or glaced kid gloves In black ami tan . large buttons and new stitching , , worth $125 , to go at 8c a 11'lr. $1.25 quality white chamoIs gloves on sale . at 850 a ) air. A new lot or the celebrated Foster and . Tretousse kid gloves just received. SI2IRTVAISTS. . 50 dozen ladles' laundered shirt waists on sale this week. ExamIne values offered u al 75 c , $1.25 and $150. _ _ A new lIne or gents' neckwear lne just received - ceived , Including a beautiful line 01 Scotch plaIds In four.in-hmands and teeks. Best title at SOc ties In the city. UMBRELLAS. . A good quality corolo silk umbrella qualy.corolo silt umbrela , with natural wood handles , for $100. worth $1.50. For $1.95 we sell a pure silk umbrela that cannot be duplicated at $2.50. Our regular $3.00 umbrella we offer thIs week at $2.25. $2.25.LADES' HOSIERY. A full regular male stocking hlermslorf d'e , extra weight for 20c a pair. Ladles' heavy Ingrain hose that sold for SO c. now 2lc a pair. A regular 35c hose In black , tan and brown at 25e a pair. ' lOc qualIty ladies' hose In tans and browns at 35c. or 3 for $1.00. FOWLER , DICK & WALKER Council Bluffs. P. S.-Easter opening Thursday evening. Grand display of spring ) no\eltes. _ _ _ _ F. , D. & W. Easter Lities. All kinds of plants and nowers. J. R. Mc- Pherson. green houses 1250 E. PIerce st. Telephone 241 , night { day. l'IY Your water rent today and save I per cnt ThIs Is your last opportunIty. Office open this evening. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oas cookIng stoves for rent and for sale. C . D. Gas company. WANT t NUW lO\U . . - TO 1.4tIE IANAWA. l' aucigor Men itiIemivor ! ! ln 1'llelvlr to ( atvmniza 1 Hcholo ( limit J AJparenrY lel/ ) ( . A meeting or the Omaha & Council Durs I Halway ali Bridge company was heM yes- tereay t afternoon , at which the mater or r bulllnl a line to Manawa again came up. \ v. J. Davenport or tim Burlington and J. C . , M lchel or the Northwester railways were there to lend theIr influence to the plan. Mr . Davenprt I read some figures to show that L Ir an electrIc line had been In operation last year It would have ) aid well. As Is now generaly known the main cause or the hitch In i the Manawa railway project Is the dls- p ute between the company and Den Marks , the t former holding that Marks for the good I or the general public , should donate a strIp or ground In addItion to what ho has already g iven . for termInal Purposes whie Marks In _ isle on keepIng the strip or at least to ho ) vl all a fair money valuc. A majority at l east . at the directors at the Motor company were opposed to the plan yesterday , aiim ! ai I al anl at the arguments male by the railroad men were unuvalln . They decided not to make any move In time direction proposed . and the electrIc railway to Janawa seems to have gone glimmering , for this year , at any rate. The reason the railway men , are Interested In I time Is that Ir n project there were a hetter lne l or railway between the city and the : ; lake l the Sunday excursions which were run tram the neighboring towns to Council Bluff S Bufs ali Omaha would be more prontable. The excursion scheme was tried last year and paid the companies engaging In I very well , so veIl . Indeed , that they arc anxious ) to go on with a nnture which they took holder or at the outset with tear and tremblimi . The Kansas City road expects to run Its nrst excursion here June 2 , ali If everything turns t out well wi probably repeat the opera- ton a few limes durIng the season Time men who are interested , In Manawa's prosperiy are working In conjunction wIth the raIlways , and expect to make lp a list or ! llucements which will amid to the crowds that come. In turn , time railways have been helping the Manawa people In theIr efforts to t secure better transportation facilIties to t a 11 from the lalte. The ail steam cars wih theIr Irregular time schedule have 01. ways been a drawback to the success or lanawa as 1 Illeasuro resort. W. 1. , , tit 1 uro Tlmhmig . It Is the Insurance gasoline I gasolne stove , the only gasoline stove macle that a chid can play with and do no hermit I takes care at itself : can be blown out , let open or turned cn , and there Is no pOSlble way for the gasoline to Ignite at eXlllocle. No smell or odor , no drIpping at gasoline , mme buntIng our house down or burning your buring your wife or motber.ln.law to death , lo misery no funerals - nerals , no deaths or use for an undertsker Ir you use time Insurance gasolle stove , as It Is absolutely safe. I you don't believe It ask any or our competitors . then all them te blow out their stove and leave It open for ten minutes. then apply a match to the stove A we do with ours and see what will happen . pen but b sure to be a quarter ot a mniIe mie away before he lights tbs match , as there I. sure to b an explosIon ; then wo would not get to sell you an Insurance stove , s there would be a funeral next day i nnOWN'S C. O. D. Sole Agents. I ' Time lunrleo 011..110 ' tovr , Introduced by P. C. De Vol In 189f , and laId by him this fealon. . Absolutely late. ' Can't explode. No danger. no lure you get the 'In.urance. ' P. O. DE VOL. 504 Droadwa . ) , 1'1"nlnl for the Itisccs . The dIrectors ot the Union Driving park ) are working bard to make the running meet- : I tog . to be given this IUmller , I success. I Is to commence May 29 and last ten days , I thus taking In Decoration day and two Sat- urdays , each or which ought to see 1 big crowd In the grand stand PUrN to the I amount of between $ IoQ and $2,00 have been bung up for each day's races , and they are fully guaranteed so that there nred be no tear of the winner's going home without nt their stakes. TIme committees on the various features or the meeting have been appointed amI . are all hard at work. Secretary George p I , Wright has written to the various rail. w 'ays for reduced rates and expects to hear tram f them some time this week . ; . C\ /hol for Instcr : . Come and see them. Patent leather In razor needle , razor square . needle square opera and ( nodlo na opera All the toes and all the styles anll the colored shoes ore elegant-not a bug among them and all at medium prices Come and \ ( C our styles and shoes and prlcs and you wilt see why other dealer I h ave the advantage or specIal sales so often . I Shoe never were so pretty or s cheap as this year at _ _ _ _ _ _ SAHOENT'S. I''T Your water rent today and save 5 per cent. This Is i your last opportunity. Ofce open t his evening. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Remember the Easter supper at Broadway church , Thursday or this week at G p. m. Price 21 cen ts. ) Ladles : Our new shoes are In. In.SA - SA 10 NT. ( rldo . 11 sort h "cnlli 11 rN'I. The city council met as a comlteo or the whole yesterday morning and went to the corner or North Second street and Avenue B to Invest ate the advisability or reducing the grade along North Second street After 1001(11mg the round over they came to the conclusion that the problem was to dliii- cult for them and they referred It to the city engineer who will make a report at the meeting Ing. or the council next lollay even- As the street Is now Il Is Impassable north or Fletcher avenue. There I an ascent of eighteen feet to the hundred , between Fletcher I avenue mind Avenue E. and twelve to time hundred from B I to F. A grade was established sore time ago but to grale down to It wouhl require a cut or fifteen feet for a distance or several hundred reet. For teams to get to thl' houses located on the street north at Fletcher 1 avenue I Is necessary - sary to /0 up Oakland avenue and then across. To reduce the whole street to a ten per cent grade would require a cut of twenty-six feet at the upper end. Albough there would b great expense connected wih a move at thIs kind I sort oC time property owners arc said to be In favor or I. be- 10ving . that I would transform the adjacent . property ( Coin a wilderness Into some of the finest resIlence lots In the city. Only one property owner emi the street so tar has made any fight on the proposed cut Pcek'i , 1'"IRcn , Grocery Is the newest and nicest thing In town. Goods clean and new . prIces just right . de livery prompt , GOO Droadway. Hccl.1 tnMI'r ; 1Ilr. Cimiitiren's school hats , 25e. lOc and , $ Do you know where to buy a bicycle ? At Cole's. \Vaverly. Westminster Eclipse and I other well known lines. IceNice , clean reservoir Ice , cheap Ir ' contracted now. Muihohland . 5 BaldwIn blk. , , telephone 186. _ _ _ _ _ Ladies : Our new shoes are In.SARGENT. SARGENT. U' G. Olh'er . . fleisti. W. O. Oliver , one of the oldest residents or the city dIed yesterday of morning paralysis - lysis i or the throat aCer a long illness. He was horn In Kilmnamnock Scotland . March 25. 1&32 , and came to Council Bluffs In 1857 , leaving here shortly therearter for S t. Louis hut returning In 18G3 and remaining - maining hero ever since. During his bush- ness career here ho was a member of the frm or OIver & Graham and later or Oliver & Son Olver In 18G1 he married Miss Mary Farrell at S t. LouIs , who died about seven months a go. Six chIldren , Robert John , George , M argaret . Lizzie and Mamie . survive him. M llrg ret Is Mrs. Nushaum. Besides his Immediate - mediate family . ho leaves three brothers . John T. Oliver or this city George Oliver or G lasgow . Scotland , and H. C. Oliver , postmaster - master or Chuluota , Fla. One sister Mrs. A . C. Graham or Council Duls also survives - vives hIm. The funeral will b held tram the family rsidence , 317 East Washington avenue , Thursday afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock. Another lot at those hays' and children's overls just received. METCALF chldren's . FramnR 11(1 Pictures nt Cost. To make room for new goods. Chapman's New Art Store 17 Main str.eet. Ladles : Our new shoes are In.SAROENT. _ _ _ _ SAROENT. Evans' Lautdry Co. , 520 Pearl : tel 290 : s lmirts . collars , curs , fine work a specialty. JI"pect ' r Morm'er I'rumo"d. W. G. D. Mercer who bas len conntted with the United States Unied secret service for the past seven years , received notice last evening or a wel deserved promotion to the department at mal depredations . He has fled time position ho has hind to the entire satstacton of everyone excepting the army of crooks with whom he had to contend , and hIs experience has well fItted hll for tImework work be noW takes up. DavIa. drug . paint , glass man 200 D'way. Oas beating stoves for rent and for Bolo at Council Bluffs Gas company's office . Dr. Parsons , over Schnolder's , 54 B'wy. Br Laugel , omeo 40 5th ave. : tol. 180. - . _ - JJN.'iU a. C/I.lE."TS. Marie Jansen , sprightly , good humored anti attractive as ever , wIll be at the lloyd on Thursday , Friday and Saturday evenln s and Saturday mnatinee . In "D lmonlco's at Six , " the play which Introduced her to the public lat season as a star and In which she made such a pronounced hit. There can be no question that In this clever farce at Gen MncDonough's she Is afforded a splendid ( opportunity for limo display or her . versatility. The part or TrIxie ilazeimere the queen or the vaudeville . Is so peculIarly : well fitted for her that It seems pecularly no other actress could make or I what MIss Jansen does . The saucy , clever sayings I which come to her lot tall as happily tram her hips as though they were orIginated at the ummoment anti her songs are Interpolated In such a clever way as to gIve not the slightest impression or being forced The whole pertormance Is very refreshing and entrely free from coarseness The sale or scats will open tomorrow moring at 9 o'clock. : The Hanlons , with their best effort , "Tho New Superha , " will commence a live nights' engagement at noyd's thealr next Sunday evening , with I matinee on Wednesday . "Sujerba" Is interpreted ly an admirable cst and will no doubt draw big houses Time Schrade brothers Ire , with the com pany Charles Guyer , nonnle Oodwln , Blenore Carrel and Jean Mawson are also with time comany. . iI ' U'R.TJU j'UIEuAsr. I'ulr , with \urhlIlo Vlimds l'romhl1 for 2obraskmo. WASHINGTON , April D.-The forecast for Wednesday Is : For Nebraska and Kansas-Fair ; varIable winds. For Iowa and Mlssourl-I - : varIable wInds For South Dokotl-l alr : southeast winds. l.uoII lIcord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU , OMAHA , April 9.-Omnahma record ot tern- perture and rainfall . compare1l with the coml'artI cOrreHIOndllg ) day of the past tour years : hbb5 . Ib91. it3. 1tf. Maximum temperature . . 71 U 1&3. : 8 - Minimum temperature . . 45 3 G 20 Average temperature . . . . 58 39 46 2 Precipitation . . . . . . . . .0 [ .02 .0 ( .0 CondItion at temperature and lirecipltation at Omaha for the ) day and nndllreclplaton , Ib95 : Normal temperature . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 49 Excess tor the day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Nomu)1 prcclplatol . . . . . . . . .10 Inch Deficiency for the day. . . . . . . . . . .10 Inch Total precipitatIon slnee Munch 1. 2,08 Inlh. , I Deficiency since March 1. . . . . . . . % . 0 . t Inch . , IERITS OF TiE l 1 STRiKE Imporhnt Meeting of Representtives of Coal Operators aUiOumwa . - { 1 - POINTS FOR SEROUS - . " CONSIERATION Intet5t l or Eight : limnmmMsntI Men 111olv . 1 ) In the Conferrne - r.lon of )011,111 UI'hllf Not time Onl1 TtnttijIe. . -IL ' 4' -1' OTUtW A , Ia. , April D.-Speclal ( Tele- gratn.-A ) very important meeting or the minoriy representatives of the coal operators In the state was held here this afternoon. These so-called mlnorlly companIes el1110y 8.000 or the 12,000 miners In the state anti the meeting was for the 11urllose or making a statement of their side of the case. I Is exhaustl'e and gives In detail the history or the now ramous scale or 1893 and recites the reasons for time different differentials . The slatement treats caustically or the Centervllie district , where the Centervlc strike Is now 'on. It shows that miners I working for 75 'cents In the Wapelo alit ! Iahaska districts can earn more than In the Apl1anoso distrIct - trIct at $1. I shows that the big Increase In the output or coal since 1889 was In that distrIct and that It was o\'erproducton which then precipitated a ruinous competition be- tween the local operators amid which they one Were endeavoring to force upon the entire state entre Time companies represented today were the Wapelo Coal conmpany by Senator II. I , . I. \\'aterman ; \hlebreast Coal compan . Paul : . Morton : Centervile Ioclt COli coimmpany . II. C. Drake : Star mine , C. D. I ) Ives : Phillips Fuel comnpammy Henry PhIllIps . anti Smoky Ih11118. hollow Coal company. ane OPERATORS MAKE A STATE nNT. Concimmdlmig , the operators say : "The operators - atoms tanking this statement belIeve that wages and dIfferentials shoull be fixed with . reference to what miners can earn tinder . them , rather than for the purpose ot dl'ertlg cstablshed trade from one place to another. "The scale fixed b ' . by the Ottumwa agree. meat Is based emu that principle , allowIng for all other questions whIch may properly , be considered In connection . connecton. Considering the ' growth , at business In Apllano08e county amid what a miner can earn under the scale of ane t cents and $1 , the discrImination , I any Is In favor or Instead of against that district. . At 75 cents per ton and allowing for his daily working expenses a miner can ear more money per day In the thick veIns ot the middle dIstricts than he can at $1 per ton In Appanoose. $ "I will bear repeating that the whole trou- ble In time Important distrIcts Is blUer local I competton and personal enml ) ' among local I operators. The responsibility for among con- millions Is entirely local and business sagac- I ) ' and common fairness requires that they should be dealt with locally. The signers : hereof desire sincerely to protect the coal mIning communites at the state tram the Plblc calamity or competton among miners strh"lng to see' which can wori for an exist- once at the lowest svaes. Let such condition - lion or thing be stnrtep and It Is Impossible to see \\'hero \ It will elF' l'Olt AIUUCT1'U IllS ( . .ll.JFE. . J oimit harris Causes the , \rre.t of Ills lilotltet- . i.mms' ' ' lt , 101e. CEDAR RAPIDS , ta. , April 9.-Speclal Telegmam.-About ) a week .pri quIte 9.-Spclal n sen- saton was developed here In the elollement at John Harris with Georgia hoot ] . a . , ' wih pretty 15-'ear-old girl \ \'hen her parents leaTnellof the marrIage t hey locked her up In i room and would not nlow her husband tosee her Early this mornIng she was dllven tQ the depot In a closed carriage withiier- mother , and Miss Birdie Clark - I ' elativand the party started for Calforla : Harris . when he learned l "or miho' proceelng ! 'ha(1 a''wrrnt s worn out tor the arrest of Miss Clark on the charge'of ; abducton.and.he party , was placed thither arrest at Doane. An ofllcer was sent after them and the ) ' are expected back here late tonight. . flOONE In" April 9.-Speclal ( T2Iegram. ) -Miss Birdie Clark from Cedar Rapids was arrested by an Ames dicer on the noon train ; 'l'onlght Harris reached here to claim his , bride , hut was Outwitted by Miss oulwlted Clark and Mrs. Hood They had secured legal advice and got away from the oiilcer on . the plea of takIng a little ride about the clt ) . This was at 7 o'clock . and aleut 1 they have not returned to the hotel ; They arc thought to be In hiding In thc city , though they nay have gone to some other town and taken a train west to Los Angeles . ' ' Ls An/cles. their deetinatiomi. 'l'he young husband meanwhie has secured legal advice and has heen scouring the city nil evemming to find his WIE. but has failed. al evening brIde was n prisoner. She mild not 'ounl go to Caltorla with her mother , Imt to go hack to her lmusband The two women dId not allow her out or their sl/ht. claIming she was too young to know her own m111. The mother says that It she still Insists on going hack to HarrIs after 1 stl months' absence she will make no further objection . She says the girl Is only In the eIghth grade at grde the Cedar Rnples schools , Is but 15 years old . and that , 01. Homody commItted perjury In securIng a marriage license for timcnm Old ( 'oulcmpt Case Itevived . SIOUX CITY , April 9.-Speclal ( Tele- graun-O. C. Iram.- Tredway , a prominent SIoux City attorney , was arrested today under a contempt order issued against him two years ale by District JUdge VnnWngenen. Van\\a/enen. At the time the order was matle Tredwmty was nn atorney In the male oC TreewlY against I.'rm. and refused when called on caled to roluee , the books oC time Franz Brewing company then In hIs possession. 'fho court orlered hIm Imprisoned , for contempt until unt the order was complied with , but 'fredway appealed to the supreme court The lower court's decision was recently nll . .1.1 , and after some delay 1 warrant was Issued. Tredway was taken under It today and will wi have I hearing before Judge Gaynor Thurs- day. He claims the l olts were destroyed In n lire a year ago President Cuter 'he Iowa Telephone company Is In the . . y conCcrrlng with lttt wlh I" patrols with reference to the retImuction " rates to he made July 1. He reducton ( to give patrons the use or the tel Jltmes tree , lnes to malI a straight rellucton on all bistro- ments , or to make a moderate reduction on Instruments In private houses a smaller reo Iluction on those In business houses and 10 give the tel lines tree wihin a radius at fifty or 10 miles. Ifty An order was made today for the sale at the assets of the UnIon Loan and 'frost company on May 15. antI ot the estate ot D. ' 1. Hedges on lay G. The order vms malle on the applcaton ot time Crells Corn- mutation COmlal ) ' , whIch holds tl greater part oC the claIms against both estatcs. lies Alolnfa Jlv.r Ltlml Claltuti Isle , I DES MOINES , Ia. , April 9.-Speciah ( Tele. gram.-Dlspatches ) wets sent out from Des Moines yesterday nthh1pjnted here to the erect that records ot th' ) government hUII ohilce had been reco' reifroimi F. U . oUco ; lfrm G. Clark contaInIng the names , PI about [ persons who hud flied clnimn ' tDes ) Moines river lands prior to claim/ / dCslon agaInst the settlers In favor of , limp ! , Improvement com. patsy antI after the fjUahce r at the injtmnc- ton In the case upom Ih nJustce at which bills oC indemnity upol wtr pissed hy congress. I was stated that tICI , 500 claimants wouhl receive a portion at tie iqtleninity tram the Goyernment nil at. whIch IH said to be utterly unfounded -tR"e ) In position to know No rcorcls , time lane office were recovered from Iar" } . " COleH of names ot persons who ofered.tDlle ) claims on land ucter the decisIon rd'tfred to were secured tram him hy hiegisttrE'ans. The records ot thele offers mire not 11 existence , so tar as search revealH. T.he.elairns were received anti lee utter time de laion. Offers were frequently made to lug claims , ali I Is this list which has been "rfcovered" hy the gov. erriment TIme rlco\'ery means absolutely nothIng. I Is said on the part oC good land attorneys that the persons whose names are on this copy cannot hope to recover a cent indemnIty from lime government. Uu'rht ' or "onor irand i.odgea Meet. CEIAR RAPIDS , la. . CEIAH . April 9.-Speclal ( 'I'elegram.-A meetng or the Iowa b'lnll lodge at tie KnIghts of honor was hell here today Little at general Interest was transacted. 'fhe following olilcers were olcer elected und Inataled : Grand dictator 11. B. Hulbent Mmershmalitowmv grttnd vIce dietutor nUlhert1 .lrshallown' grnd J. C. Lewis . Burlng ! on : grand assistant dictator , 'p. J. Uplon , 7mlarshmmhltown' grund treasurer , Iii . Carmo. Kpokuk : grunt ! guide B. SI1llmun. Cedar Rapids : grand guardIan , A. Thomnpson Cedar RaPids' grand sentinel , C. n. Cogwel , Cedar Itaphis ; supreme reI" reentatve , C. hills , Ktukuk. I" , Elliott Cie Setthed. DEB MOINES . A'prl 9.-Speclal ( 'fele. gram.- ) . . decision was fed today by Judge Wade In the celebrated Elliott cclebratl nay Ellot calC at . Marengo . The decision hi In Plbllnnct that the Imialntlff Hlrk ( hints no legal title by flS ( ) Illalntl ( hll II the ward ttl the tate and subject to the orders or the courts. For the goot1 oC the child . Ir ltnv ilurke the chIld I ! the pan orn atiandonemi / aUlnlonl woman the court Is 10/th to flail such a conelus on , ' ilci chlll. ; ? jlllclal ) fixing a stigma on the The Illotl belIeve the child Is thlrs. bele\e chIli ( le Is attached to tmn anti the taml ) ' . The evidence or llut'ke's ' e Is titmntisfac. toe ' . Mrs. marriage II Inatltac. ) Ilurke al a wltle ! " , ShoWs titi- Iness tor the clstod ) ' or time child , ! The prellnlerlt(1 OC t\hlencf ra"orl the itlen- tly or Hay Elliott. The case b dllloled or on other grounds whIch It is mtumtmecessarv to discuss ' . The chilI Is I II IIUeCear > \ ots' care _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'wrtvl "rnn fur ! huntnt ) I IIn , DES : I0NI' : * . April 9.-Speclnl ( Tele- gm-atit.--At htmtiitmnoia . In . . latin ) ' , 'r i' . I'M- gerton Was sentenced to twelve years In thc pcnlentary ; for the Ihootn oC \'hIlie oC'lle Sanla ) ' last Sl'ptNnber. The ho ) ' Wl ! one at a numher who \\rp thtt'ovretl In Utiger- tots's melon 11th 011 werl shot nt ly him with fatal results. . ' Emigerton Is GO wih rClultl. gll..rton G 'enrs old ali has a wife and tour chlll'el. p SUIt4 hI'.S ( SUI'IW . 11.TTU1 I. IhI't. ' Season ( l n'11' Ihn ; : lrmll . ! "Itn "lh n 4mtlt'It-Imev ' "r .ihqt mir4' ImS MOINES . April 9.-The Iowa crop buletn I sull today says : The selson has opened about as early as In timc' average or the past ten 'ears. The soil has never been In better c01lton for Illowlng and seething . and tw work Is gcneral ) at an advanced stage. There has ben sufclent 10isture to facilitate farm operatons alcl not emmommghm to obstruct the work. The bule of sm:1 grain has been sown In the larger part of the state SOle m(1\lowI anti pastures slow time serl. oils effects or the exteldCI drolth , amid this wi probaliv result In plowing up a coti- sldertblc area ot grass lancls , to be planted In other crOI'S. ' 1..nurl 1..1.1. . Icl tavcreI COLUMIIIA . Mo. . A\rl -The weekly crop bmihlethmm or the Missouri buletl DCIartlent ) or Agriculure says : "Uurlng the tore parlor the week the weather was ! lie cool amid heavy frosts occurred l man localities , ) though very little damage Is reported ; but during the last three days time temlleralure was much higher anti the nmeatm temperature meal or the week was from two to three degrees delrees above the norlal throughout time state. The precllltaton was slightly In excess or the lolal II the north'st section . but In all other sectons there was a deilciemmcy. The rains were very benefcIal to wheat . oats and grasses hut much marc Is nelll In the central and northern comtimtles. On the whole the week was very favorable for Caroming - Inl oeratons. except In a few localities . and fairly ta\orablo for growing crops. Wheat came through the winter well , very lIttle being reported whmmter.lcilled wlnter-Illed , and Is generally In fine commditlomi. generaly \Vh"t TlrlluJ Or"fl In Imidiasimi. INDIANAPOLIS , APril -Tho Inllann weather bureau weekly crop bulletin Issued today says : Cell , dry weather continued durIng the greater part of March antI the season for tarm work anti crops were much retarded : hut tluing the last week of March and the first or Mmli higher temperature anl Irst Apri temprature pre- 'railed . , vaied. anti few local rains and snows were beneficial to crops and Cerium work. - - : -i _ : r : f II f Jf1 ! ! . f1 I ! : J From 1 hand oran to a piano . ; -cvcrJ.thlug , that's mnusieni wc cI1. ! , . . . . musial . . " 'o'.c been 21 ycaj's ' at thIs J'el' I ! ! dJRIINS nnd wc'.c found Il IUJ's to sell 1 pluno nt $ 1S5 that others sell foe $ :10. : lYe take $15 OWl antI $8 u month too. A. HOSPE , Jr. Music and Art , lain Douglas - - - - - - - . . - - I I" t . - ) DOCTOR _ ' SEARLES & SEARLES -.c : Chronic , Ncrvous , Private PrivtaDsclses. . . . . ' . TICIOAT.IENT BY MAlT. Consimltntlnui tm'oo We cure Catarrh , all disotsos : of the Nose , Throat , Cheat , Stomach , Liver , Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Fe. male Weaknossoo , Loat Manhood , and ALL PRtVATE DISEASES OF MEN. VEsK MIN AItE VICTIMS TO NEItVOUI Debility or Exlmauttofl , Vasttng'eatmness , In yoluntary I.ossoe , whttm Early bemy ma youth and middle aged ; lacg or vIm. vigor anti weak eneti prematurely in approaclmmng old age. Ai yield readmly to our new treatnmcat for loss 0 Vttai power , Cmiii or addree with stamp ioi clrculmmre , free book and recelpis. - Dr. I ) Searles and Seal as.l" Itlll : ' I , ENNYROYAL Cbtebeeter's English Diamond PILLS Urni. rE.NN'BY , , , . , , . . OrJgInid nml ( ) aly ( Ittnc. , . . . , . . . , ' - e. &iwsji , , rmmbme. , , . LAD.e , . "k . lmrugttd ( r CAkkter Jatmm. * pm. , , ! : , IA : , , , . { 11 mo Dr.td tn Ited isd ( OIJ n.ti5lo _ b. . .0.I.d . , ' f , , , , . . . : J : , 1. , o . ueothcr 'heedngeroui abatu. 4 . - Moolher."d."g"ou."b'lu. . , , . . - . lion , nd 1.,10" , ' Allr.nl".oreJ4r. ) . I Itu4PI CT : itteuih. I : t.imoniis . : : : I " ; , " e. r. for I.1tei"t'Itter. . 17 selur I ' Sisti. . , , OlO TuUmoDllb. . . . Jvpcr. . . CblebesterCLmIcelCo.MsdI.i ' .1"1' , B.ld h"1 L.1 niuggiw. 1'11141.1' . I NlM4ti4 I XTIATSerehrlne. tar Latin Car . dine for heart . O\'nrlne. clc. ii. All orugglala ( Whet1 Buying Fruit Trees , Buy tIle best A minute lost can never bD recovered and It'l a calamity to lose se\'erl years which so many Iowa and Nebraska people have done Vhen they have bought Corelgi n grown , unacclmated fruit trees. MENERA DROTHERS , TIE CRESCENT NUHSEBY. Were born on the lanes where their nurse ry stock II grown . and years ot patcnt L , IntoUsent experiment have taught them UII best varieties for this climate . Conselluenly their home grown stock Is as hardy as thl forest trces. They have u very lunge ltock for the sprIng delivery and every tree Is I warranted true to tiamno Orcimttrd Vinyard , lAwn , Parking Trees and Ornamental aloe , i Make no mIstake In your orders stck your list ot wants for I.rlcel. 'Ve can pleas you In prices and stock. References : Counc Bluffs llanits . Counci Bluffs Department Omaha nee , and prominent buslncRs mner . Nurseries six miles north ot Council Biffi . P , 0 . Address , Counci Drs. . MENERAY nROS. , Crescent Iowa ; l\ESSlIHE : & CI.EMENT , BROKERS GRAIN , PROVISIONS , STOOKS , lo3H DrldwlY , Grain bandlb In cr loa . Tel. 203. COUNtIL lLVPPS , IOWA , : L-'j ; ; } ' Distressing , Irritations . Irritatons kL of the , _ ofSKIN . , SKIN . ' -'V A " , t ' - " : ? ' : - Instnnty - . Rclcvct ; : ; 'f ' f I CUTIURA Distreing iriatons , Hching and scaly skin and scalp diseases , tor- tm ing and disfiguring humors - all are speediy cued by the ( CUT ! CURt REl\D ! . The cues daily eteced by them arc simply wOldcrfu1 No other rcmedics an w pure , swce gentle , speedy , and effective. They arc beyond all doubt thc greatest skin cues , blood puriers , and hUl0r rcmcdies of modcr times , and especially appeal to mothers and cltildreii . Ther use preserves , purifies , and beauti- lies thc skin , and restores the hair whcn all other rcmcdics fail. SoM thiommhtout Ihe worM. Pike , CUTICI'U , IhtOI t1UI . SO ; Ser sc. ; it5StL'itNi' , , $ lrie 1)f " IHI , . . , Mb < IIUI CORr. , Sole l'rolloslon. Mass. 1i "All aholl Ihe ) Skin ! ctp , a"1 hla'mr , " ( ( ! " lair . . , , . . . . . , . . pasts lao testimtmonmais 11.II.d t.c 10 city 1..le. Nervous In'I.nlly releve.1 by a Ctmth- . chris 1'11.111 becanse I vitat. fillS and lies time nerve force , . and hence " , CuCI I."OU' rains , \eaka. , . Weakness - uubn.u.adpaJlyd . _ _ - - - - - : _ _ --fl--I I aio V. flANFORD . A. W. nEKMAN , Prelldent Cashter. First Natioa1 Ban of COUNCIL BLUFFS , lown. Capital , . . $100,000 'i-ofits . . . , I'oIIS 12,000 One ( t Ihe oldest "Anb In the state of lowe. We solicit your business sad coliCctlon , . Iowa Cay S per cent on time Itpo.l. Ile.lonl bt pleased 10 eOfl4 ! you. wi , 1 le'e S SpciaI o1ics-ounciI t l - - - - - f CIIIMN1it'R CiENEfl : \'AUI.TR CI.IiANED . 1,1 : lhmmkc . at 'V. ' S. Iloitmer's . GS C1.tumt. \ . ii''llSt. , r WMIONLOADS. II. Imurk. . itt 10Ier'8. rS lronhis'a' . .Ot hilINi' . 10UtH. 2'O. 62 110AIWA ' . wllh seven rilS ; nice \ four reomas . nijThming' t" II 6:1 1rolI\I ) ' ; goo cnn ) c for R.tilnlnK Jackson f4imtiy . . o Illlg house ur te.luurlnl. clher lrl'llo . . r 1'IUNT.li ( ) ps Ai ) tiTAlmith - , antI : I n'mns , If Ralien itimid 3 : . Iron i city lttmilts. For for . . 1111. or tent $7.M I'cr himonth * Aptly 10 Ieonnrd Everett , Pearl . , Ionlh. . cl Itittit , . I.collr < Irl 1.nrl street , Coun. i'iiii- : . A GOOI IlOtISU . sTAiil.1 AND 4 , ' ad I eo or lanl. 3 11. . from Ih. STAI.n cl ilmmmlts. . I'or rent for BIG ) prr muonthu . Apply 10 I.eon. mittS - 1'\1.1. : - lounrl Blurs , In. r t-li : -s--"ml-li : m tiTitEEt' ( no btmtiitmmg ) . 2'fr . . HTlmT ncr.s tlo IIIIIII on 1.tncohm avenue ( small ! hOll" ' ant , , , timIle ) . 2 acres omm \'CIII ! IroAlwA ) ' ( co'-4i house . cte. ) . , I. . tV . 01 Ttmlley. , (13 ltArl olre.l. 110) - - FI'Li . .U'htlHUAihlUN iANI'iTI I mAitQi3 ' , . - . . . ' . Iwo.storl' h0180. for u-a nt Otii'ii'mt nlnl &llte _ ! I : tcitittmge. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ PlL'IT 1.'AI 1N ( (1AItDBN I\N ) I.'on paiti dIAInlli eli CIS ) ' tentHs j1 ) ' ) Hcu , 39 I'"rl etret. I I TOlti'NTASiI\'flN.ltOOM tt''nmtp. - ' : I0lS1 . st PARC ' volt 1.n'-I : iiAViiiOI'iiItAi 1 . FiIt5r.CiAS13 - Inh'll , hOI" % " . ) r. I : . \'lm\ . 'oohur ) ' . corer ! Ilur 11 < - HII ) ' streets. . - - - - - - - - - POl s'AiAfool , : ) H"l'ON.I.\NI ) HAIIITZ . ) vt I it hiew cli imeltt'r t In's mmmii , IU'ITY . . . ' . wlh 11cllchc'r tn' " IIHIuOI ri mmmcV. .1 8 , lice otmmco. l'oliel hlhtmiTmi. . \n : ) . , 'l' ' -OlI-A- : itl'1'Aim , sulolIItAN : . Im.'iiim 11 1 ho n No. I 1,1"111 : ammd \ m cii rceom. . . , nnl1 hhmCht4l'ti. \ ' . 1. I Ih.I.(11) 13 1101.twI ) ' : ' - - - - - - - . - - . _ _ , - MANHOOD RESTORED "CUPIDENE" I - - Thl , V _ % ' Irt , , Kcllhlo , . ' . ton or . r"molI.'rrlch 4imystcirttt . wiii 'IutiIzrrtlmeirescrtt 41 \ vomms or dt'ztses , or Ih , l'h'Lldal. . wi quickly cure \'llOr ttiI tier. " ' ' 1 "OIS 01"'I'C8 geml'ratmvo ore , " , , . . ouch , f.m.at 11 le. Insomll" l'tIii " In tbt , RCII'rllor'I" . , , n 1.lst 111hol . oat "llls Jiitissmmiq ; . , < - , . 1'ImjiesJntltmmcm Iln Jlck.ellnAI . [ 11"lnl' . , N.r\lls ) 'hll ) ' , l'lmllrl. Jrntts , nlllla .arry. J hal I , Jlrll" . Vnnleoc'ete , - Consit atlon . It stopi all Iosi tmy ' ! . V"rlccln , anti "id COISI/ulol. / ulol ll ) day or tmtgttt. I'm ' . " . e'ehtts CCa. ' 0 dlchArgp.hl h If ntjtcticemccj , Illht ' qulk. ( \hl I luldlrk"IIIrd8 ! 10 5pc'rmmmntrrtna BEFORE AND AFTER aihtiiaumorrnrof Impotency . ( ' ( lJ'5tEr4eleziuscctlmoltycr : anti , _ , FE kidneys mmmiii Cii , ' ' ) J lelUbCS tbel\'c < the . ) urinary ' all ( ' UI.lnJNJ : strengthens mimiti restores . mall weak . ) Orlnllo' wlll'UrIUes - ' - Timmi - ' , . , .mal orgAn. ' m-easom sun"r.r ' nrr not ctmtcd by itoetore , t'Mon l becatise nlnt PeostntlCi. . ' 101 < Jotnrs J b'rllie ninety per cent are trommtmleh with PE.IIUI. CUllUgNB Is thl known rpnl'Ilv , 10 ) ( trolblrl wlh emily cure without cia A wrlUro renlIy clre wlholl "n opm'rattoim . &ttto t'smttmmomtl. ' gimlimanirn givcn anti , , upc.rlion. l1 .1.0 : . I - . . box . . . . . six for ' IS.O. by tnait. ! encl money for roe rrllrn",1 : : circular I six nlcllrsthuonla , tmmee dors not ! c/tect R l'er1lnelt ' cure A.- ' . . J''ti54 ' lrnlcINI : ( 'o..r.O . DoZ1076Sanl.'rmtitclsco.Cal. . ' . , . 0.1.0. ' flr.c'p.t , : ' & KUhN & CO. . OMAHA NEBRASKA . FOR SALE ! ( GOODMAN ' , . DRUG CO. , I YOU ARE IN LUCI IF YOU AIm , A sunscmmm TO TIm lIED . FOR EVERY , . ' ' Hm. IIEGUriAR HMDEt 01 TillS PAPIIt IS INVITED ' pApmt IN\TlI D TO PARTICIPATE II TIE BEE'S . . . . , _ " -I ' . , MAMMOTH " : ' \ ' , ' , . ; ' " . ' . . . . . . FlEE BOOI ' I DISTRIBUTION nOOKS , OF ALL KINDS ABSOTUTETY FREE OF CHAnGE , T.Y ' ' FHEi O SAVING ON- FIVE CENTS PElt VOLUME TO DEFRAY ' ' EXPE SES. DElHAY POSTAGE AND CLElCAI A MILLION VOLUMES 1,150 TITLES. Ity I SEE ISSUE "FnEB OF TII nOOK ] 13Ei DISTRIBUTION , ON ' . CET'l'WIA'l'E PRINTED IN EYE. Or 'IE BE I'AUE : . : . _ _ . f CATALOGUE MAILED TO ANY ADDIIESS UPON . TAL I CARD HEQUE8l' ADDHESS. ADDltSS b - _ . " > , , , HECBPT . > _ _ _ " OF POI , . - The Omaha Bee , OUtaha , Nebraska. FREE BOOK DEPARTMENT. . 6 ; H , - - Intending Purchasers EARl OHIO SEED POTATOES -6iai'aiiteed Northern GroW1- Council Bluffs and Vicinity Imported Thousands of Dollari Worth Dlam ofPotatos During the Past Season , Buy Good Seed and , We WU Export Instead of Import , Write for prices or call on DUQUJTTE & CO. , 2 1 1 and 2 1 8 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Ta , AYIS1R GjA1itiGjSIHOUS E'erythuiimg In the Drug , Paint aimil Oil lute mit bottom ' , lsm'Iee Agents ( cm' ' hOOD'S .SARSAPACILI4A ! , ' ItmA INE'S OE1lILY COM I'OUND , P1 E1tOI'S : i RIl CI ES , ? ml ItS. YAI41'S TOILE'l' 1tImIEDIES. And all loaditig Imllulufactlll'es , living your lh'escrlistiolis ) to 118.'o vlhl aay you mozmey every time , Itegistoroti cIerl ( and registered Isroprieto ; 'IAII'4 ' ORDERS PIIOMI"I'LY FIf4I4lD. 200BROADWAYCOUNCILBLUFFS _ - - - - - - - - , - - - - Cleaning and Dyeing of Garments an Goods of Every Description , Sc1ioedsttck' ' ' 1''jI ) City Dys Works , Cor. Avcmiijim A and 2(11k St,5 Council liltitilo , OtI'ice , 1521 Vur. thRill St. , Oiuiijiii , a Send for Price List , . _ a , , . . . . , .