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I The great mountain ciIn ) " In , whh l. , I t rushing Oreen river nurses Its many and . , vigorous tributaries IB t nn ore mass , Ilverso \ , In dctnl and ItnplldonB In total , writes a I , - :1 : Oreen Iver correspondent at the Henver 2ows. ; - : Somewhere In the teeming mineral bosom I of these mIghty monntalns there les n yet \ uncoverc,1 , 0 mammoth nurlfcrous tcposlt , ( : the hidden ( Parent ledges from which for un- toll Oles have heen grdualy wnshe,1 , down , the tine gold which now permeates the gravel tlodB and sand bars ot the Green river and ( nnl I Hs fnmly streams t The Green rIver gold pIncers reach from the town of Green Ilvcr up thc stream for a . tlstulco of ISO miles , the placer width , In- I . ' elulng , the area of the slope and an entire I. mountain range , nf all the tributary streams , are ale ! oll.hcarlng , Among these moun- t tall feeder of the Green river cnrrent , I . whose bottoms and , bars are af full of gold , i DI are those of the big river Itself , can be I mentioned the Gras Ventre , New Fork Iast ; , Fork , l'iney , I.a Parge . Big Sandy and Fon' I tenele rivers , and , Rock , heaver Twin , 1. I10rse Slate , Cottonwood , Gypsum , Jim , \I- , . -t'o. 10w. Pole all Boulder creek8. " This vast expanse of golden gravel sclnl- , I satIng sand will average , with suitable hand , melhol , ! for the sa\'lnl of gold , from $3 10 $ t t per lay , to the mAn , while the Introlueton , by \ ' . capital of the IAte1 improved appliances In . placer ruining coull ( not but produce fabulous rcsultR Announcement has recently been made of the Incorporation of a secInd com- . , l1ny for the purpose of railroad construction In lie Bear and White river valleys-this scc 'I end Iino to run from New Castle , Cola" , to t . Meeller. Colo" , and presumably , of course , 10 Green River , On the first of these new railroads-the rairoads-the . Colorado Wyoming & Great Northern to run from Grand Junction , Colo. , to Green IUver-worlt has already been commenced , .1' . ' and on the scconll , the Whlo River'alIey railroad , the work of fnal survey was 1)egUII ' : prl I ; p The Colorado , , Wyoming & Great Northern , I $ starting from Grand Junction , wi traverse . . the Colorado counties of Rio Banco , lCa I and ltoutt . arriving at Green River alter a' ' I passage of fifty miles through SWEtwaler , I county Wyoming the entire main hue being 1 210 ) miles long. From the main hue , about i. . . mIdway between Grand Junction and , Green River , will Issue a branch route , running to : ( Meeker and l'roro. Utah f I The region Is rich In al varieties of mln- ,7 crls , timber and sol and water for Irrlga- _ t t tlon flint agricultural purposes. In the later connection are fertile land tracts of ( rein 25- . pOO to 40.000 acres , which can be Irrigated , it a total cost or 10 edits per acre. I Immense deposits oC asphalum are already t in course of development , while on Vermiion creek , where the road enter W'omlng , Is one , ( - of the most extensive fields of coking coal f l < own In the world. ' The stock Interests are of large proportions , and value , the rlge being practically unlimited - / limited , luxurIantly grassed , and welt shel- 1' ter < t Time Uncompha and Ute Indian reserva- tions arc included In the region , and the . great Ashley vle ) In Utah , Is tributary. A SECOND TIEADWELL , . A California syndicate Is mal < ng prepara- , tons 10 develop Its recently purchased mining : ropertes In Alaska on a largo scale. says 1 Tacoma special to the San Francisco Chron- , 1cle. Alvlnza Hayward , a prollneut citizen , a , unI wealthy mine qwner of San Francisco. } r1.- . , nll , it. D Lane , a millionaire mine cwner of r' . o , C la\cras : county , Calornia. and chief owner , 1n time fatuous Angels Camp mines of.Callfor- 5iIa. are time projectors of the enterprise. t . Pi1ey went Into the Silver Del basin In the vicinity at Juneau , last year . and bought up a group of the richest locations. Mr. L:1e made several trips nerth In closing lp . the deals. With the opening of spring the company will begin work. , On the steamship AI-KI , which sails for , . 'Alaska. wi be sent a shipment of 300,000 ) feet of lumber from Port Dalteloy to be used . ( 1n constructing the necessary mine buildings. . ) This Is the largest lumber shipment ever 'i ' 'mado ' to Alaska. Mining men say the new 1t company's Properties arc god ones. They . Ire quartz mines , the ore being of a much ft hIgher grade than that c time Treadwel t mines As soon ns thc buIldings arc UI' large stamp mills will be erected. Mining men here say that the plant will be a larger one than that of the Teadwel company. These operations will provide work for a portion of the large number of men who have rushed to Alaska this spring 'to secure employment. CALIFORNIA OIL LANDS. t Oil development lit this vicinity Is an enterprise - r terprise assuming large proportoas , and the best evIdence of this fact Is n lease which has been taken of 2,500 acres at Whittier by Pennsylvania and New York. operator who will begin shortly to prospect the ground. Time lease I made by the Pickering Land and Water company .nys a Los Angeles special to the San Francisco Clmronicle and I Is given out that the easter operator are then ot surclent capital to make the enter- rlse a success If oil II there. Boring for al on the Behnont grounds will commence shortly . should the city count el not refuse permissIon. The company which Intends to undertake the work Is known to be closely associate with the . 1nlon Oil company. When the development of the wells around the Second Street , ef wels aroull Seconl park showed that the deposit there was of conshl. I erable Imllortance the Union Oil company tried to get control of that territory , but failed to do so I then started In to bar prices. but this also failed to have the desired . sired result. Now , It appears , the company Is going to try to ge . oil for itself lit this 8ect ion. There appears to bo no doubt that the prIce of nil will Improve as soon as arrangements shall bo completed for regular supply antI . Proof of this Is furnlshclI by the report that a contract hal been closed , with the Souther California Railway cOlpany to deliver 10 . that company 4rO barrels 0 day for two years , at time rate of $1 ppr harrel. This Is In spite ' k' of the fact that plenty of oil can be pur- chae,1 In Los Anleles today at 'rlces , rang- . lug from 65 cents to 85 celts per barrel , or even a little less when owners are hunl pushel. , Some of the material for n pipe line ltnsalready arrived , itid it Im iromnised that ! Ilromlsd _ ' , ! _ > , I . . once. worK un 111 CICrlTse will COlmlnce at OhSplm'SOI RRFiNhlLY . t ) The Casper Derrlcl gives the following particulars of the workings of the new re- tlnery which was recelty put In operation : ts } xport Carmun now has three clualtel of refuted oil In the large tanks at the Casper . refinery . They are heavy vale oil , engine ) oil ali car oil. . The distillate Is quite light colored , and . . ' wi burn fairly wel In Its I Ilresent con- cllion. and when the new apparatus Is put In for refining I we wil be able to get the ' finest Ilumlnalng oil right nt hioaie . ' 'ho , lubricants , which consttute 90 per , cent of Ill Slit Creek oil , are world beaters , Three string teams unload 55,000 pounds 'Jt of Salt Creek oil It the refnry each day , , u , s. , and on , the Ilrocee of refning Is going 6telll : ) , Time vah'o oil Is said to stand a nash test i at 336 degrees , amid wi 10\ Into the valves In 1 good deal colder weather than WI ever see In the banana belt. AN OUTLAW'S DEATH. Time bodies of Vincent Sure , time outlaw of ' San Miguel cOUlty , and his unfortunate wife . were found In an arroyo nea Las . Alamos I amid taken to 1.1 Vegas , where an Inquest ' was held and the identification of the bodies completed , altbough they had lain In the ! sands of the water . coursu for almost two -F ) "ear. The story of the life of Vincent Shiva h one long blood'larked tragedy , says he t Santa Fe Republican. For years he was the captain of the band of robbers and murderer m who terrorized San Miguel couuly. They were regularly organized and their principal buslnea was stealing atock with now and then a brutal ns.sasstuattoo. Their rendezvous . was 10 the mountains of Santa Fe and San 'I ' 1 MIguel counties. SIn ruled with an Iron hind , and ft IUlplclon of treachery In his band was speedily folow by assassination. The crowning act of Inflmy was the murder of his wife. One nIgh In May of JS93 ho lured her to a lonely spot near Los Alamos by the base promIse that the should see her brother ot whose death she knew nothing. I was easy work to make way with her and her warm body bleeding from a hal dozen knife wounds , , \a wrapped abut with her hUlhand's coat an,1 hid away In a shallow ra\'l by Slv and , his comrades. Then openIng his money belt heave gave rch one his bled money. The sight of the arch fiend's wealth brouh about the natural sequence ; he was shot through the heart a he stood over the open graVe. 11- thy robbing the two bodies the band dug a hole for Silva , covered both and left for the coyotes and storms to reveal the "dlp damnation of their taking ol " This Is the story the prisoners tell. A price was place upon the outlaw's head but no trace of him was ever found until his body was dragged out of the arroya sands which hall washed away , leaving It party eXfed , The woman's held was gone , hut her clolhlng identified tier I Thus closes the history of a man of whom It has been said "ho had , not one redeeming trait In his whole charactci " bRITISh COLUMnA MINImALS. Considerable excitement has prevailed ( lately over the discoverIes of n free milling gold lellge. or lodges , In Mineral Creek , Al- hornl district , and assays have been made hy various assayers , some results running very hllh amid others low , says the Victoria Col. onls\ This Is easily accounted for b ) the fact that In luch cases the discoverer Is temlJtcd to send , for assay that which looks best , amid consequently misleads himself and others. The gold fIeld may he I good , one or It may not , Surface indications , are always more or less misleading , and It Is the rule In lrltsh Columbia to find that aulphurets take the ldaco of free gold as , depth Is gained , In thlf conecton It was Saul that stamp Ills would he Immediately erected , The Iron ore found on some of the islands about 160 miles from Victoria resembles that of Cherry creek , near iCamloops . and Is equally as good , Judging from nppearance. Slllellll , sam Illes o [ Ieml.authracle coal have come In from Queen Charlotte Island , and represent seams thirty feet wide. The analysis Is quito up to the stRnlard and far above that of much of the hartl coal supplied sUllpled to consuml'rs The ash In the local coal sup piles for domestic purposes Is by no means light , the percentage ; being , I Is sail , between - tween 9 h antI 10 SOUTH DAKOTA CI AMEHlS , Prof. A. II. Whluton of the State Agri- cultural colcgo was roeenty Interviewed upon the situation of the dairy Interests In this state says an Aberdeen dispatch to the Sioux Pals Argus.Leader and cheerfully gave the Information that to his certain knowledge nt least forty creameries woull be ready to open up for business with the appearance of the new grass which from present Indications will not be very long lie has been very busy the past winter , havIng - tug addressed several hundred meetng upon this question , frequently talking three and four tmes a da ) ' . People were never more Interested upon this subject. Only I few las ng he found himself confronted with seven demands for his presence on a single day , and he gave this as nn iustraton of time way his time was occupied. Mr. Wheaton has also been a careful observer of the mar- Iels at the world on the dairy Interests and said that In his opinion good creamery but- ter would always demand , 20 cents and up- ' wlrd per pounI , whie the dairy arUcle was a drug on the marllet. CIPILE CREEK STHKE , Two feet ct Immensely rich are has been uncovered , In treu'ln ! on the Eclpse No. I , says the Cripple Creek Times. I will run at least $ IOOO per ton In carload lots at the point uncovered. There ate a few Inches of gouge along one of the walls which Is un- ( doubledl as rich as the famous scam found In the I'iko's Peak , and there Is a large body of It. 'Competent miners estImate Its value at $ cr $5 per pouniL Thl balance of the streak Is rich Quartz which shows free gold In every piece. Small chunks of It were faIrly covered with rusty gold on nil sides and seams of the yellow stuff ran right through thc ore. The Eclipse No. 1 Is located on the saddle between Battle mountain and huh hull , between - tween the Ida May and nue Ilird . I has been under bend ali lease for the past year by Palmer & Darrow. and they have spenl several thousand delars In searching for the ore chute 'whlch was known tl exist on the claim . l time rich feat Indlcatl'l. Some time ago Mr. Darrolv sol his Interest to his part- ner. A little rich ore was round emi the property tghteen months ago In sinking a shaft at the junction of several veins , but the fcrmatton was badly broken up all although - though the shaft was sunk to a depth of 10 feet anti drifts run along the line \'ehl In ! every direct on jmay could not be found. A few weeks ago work on time shaft was abandoned and trenching was commenced. At n depth or seven feel on one of t'e ' veIns wllch crsse(1 ( In the old shaft the rIch chute was fcund Another one also shows pay ore. LUCKY SHEEP HERDERS. Free gold has ben found In a lime spar In North Star district , situated about ten miles southwest of Milforti. Utah. says a 'Frisco dispatch to the Salt Lake TrJbune. The find was made by sheep boarders , said to bo In time employ of J. N. Erickson of Moumit Pleasant , to whom they sent samllles. The discover was made several weeks ago , but was kept very quiet by the finders until a few days ago. I Is said In Milford the find was made on Patented gound , a claim known ss the 'oodhouso mine , for which 40,000 vas refused some years ngo. The ore Is salll ) be very rich. A sack of It Is said to have been taken Into Ilford that was apparently hal gold. I Is thit3 general opinion that the Mount Pheasant parties wished to keep the fact of the discovery from becoming public untIl they could secure the patented property. All the vacant ground In time vicinity was located by them at once. This eold-bcarln rock Is the same IS that In Beaver Lake district , 0 lime spar. The two districts adjoin , and the distance be- twen the gold prospects Is not more than eight mies , AN EMBRYO MINING TO\VN. Ira D. Jeer has just returned from a trip to the Fourmlo placer country , where lie will manage a drug store which Is about to be started there , says the Cheyenne l.ader , The new town of Formie City which has already been created a Ilostotc . Is four miles Cram Dag \'yo , , and six mies front Dixon , Wo" , across the Coloralo line , antI south of the Little Snake rlyer laggs lies seventy miles southeast of Iawlna , In Car- bon coult ) . , and I reached from 1awlns on the north hy time old Thorburg trail. as well lS from Meeker , Steambcat Springs and other Ilolnts In that sectiomi of Colorado. secton . Time embryo city of I ourmle nt .prient consists ot one two-story log buiidlng. which will bo occupied by lugus & Co. of Hawlns wlb a stock of general merchandise , a one- story log building , which will bo occupied hy the Iawlns Drug collany , two log saloons - loons amid , half a dozen tents , At the work- Ings of ! the Hock SprIngs mp3ny anew $3.000 wlshlng plant Is baimig put In . to take the place of the old one , which didn't work satis- faetorly last year . About twenty-live men are now employed there. A party of len mOi headed by Mr. Giespie of the Molie Gibson mine Is on the spot loolllnl over the fell all inspecting the survey or a ditch to be taken out of Slater's Fork , The pro- 110sed ditch Is fly m\es In length. The party Is composed at three experts , the other - era being San Francisco and New York cap- italists . It Is said the 11arty Is relly : to 8pel,1 a half million dolan In developing work and completng the ditch Partlcs are now going In by way of Meeker alII Steamboat Springs , Colo" , and by way of Hawlns , on foot , horseback and stage xperleoced miners working II the \ulches where water can bo secured at this season of the year , are saul to b wahing out $5 to $2 0 day In gold with the old.fash- loned rockers When , \ch building begins many men wi be needed to complete the Ilroposcll big work II short order. CI . INT 1m3 AT cmml\ ' CREEK. The Cherry creek bool Is growing la pro- portons , and the people Interested II the locatons which have been made of late think they have opened up one of the greatest gold fields In the state The accumulaton of 'Ilropertes on the conglomerate reef goes al , says the Dem'er hielmublican . and some work Is beIng done 10 develop ul' the strata of cement which has recently been discovered and 1& claimed us the bource of the supply of Cherry creek's gold , Governor Waite , exSecretary McClees , Oerge W. Keler and others have formed a syndicate embracIng 840 acres Benuet & 11'ors , Ellis & connahl , Pr A. P. Camp- bell , the laybam & Smith Investment com- pan ) H. Y. Johnlton , David May , J. 11. Michel , secretary of the Bogart Mining , company a Cripple Creek , W. n , Cmttoo1 and ether control 440 aeru A patented ranch of J60 acres , with plenty of water for milling and town site all underlaId mlln ele purposes , ni underla\l by this deposit anti containing valuable pla- cers , has been purchased by a Denver sn- IHcate from the owner The following description of the formation was written by parties Interested In the Ils- coverles , who claim to have examined Into the subject treated : "Cherry creek IB the beach of I Jurassic sea , and held In bond by the I'ressuro of the ovorblnl strata , forming what the prospec- toe calls a cement deposit somewhat like the famous blue IMII of California , but differing very materially from the lead , ns It contains very little or n cay , but I composed largely of sicious mnler , "l'ractical mill men and competent mining men who have examined this gohl.benrlnl material say It 18 a near absolute free mi- lag ns can possibly he found In nature , and It will not change Its free milling qualities wih dcpth any more than will placer RoM change with depth , and hike placer deposits wilt In- crease wIth depth , In value. Al It Is like a great sponge fled with water and the water Percolating throngh It and by the Ipherlstolc motion Of the earth's crust the gohi ha\'lng greater hard stratum gravity " , would naturally settle to a The area of the strata , 09 shown by the meager development 80 tar done , Is Indicated to cover over twenty square Iles lying along the head of the creek In Douglas count ' . The cement ranges to $ Ii I ton In gold value and In quantities has been averaged at $4,25 and $6,60 n ton , which makes a goad milng PrOPosition } . ositon and allows some compArison of the now find to be made with some justice with the famous Trel\'ll of Alaska , and the lomestnko of Dakota , NE1IItASKA. Sarpy county teachers will meet nt Gretna on May 3 and 4. Gretmia's new Roman Catholic church wi be dedicated April 17 Joe 1 lnn or Columbus was thrown from his buggy and had his jaw broken Sutton OtitI < , Fellows will celebrate time anniversary - nlvorsar of their order on Apri 2G. 1.lghtnlng struck the High 8choel bullng , at Auburn , , hut only the belry was damaged - Curtis was visited last FrIday l , by n mlnia- lure whirlwind , but nD serious damage Is re- ported. Claus Slc\'er's 2-'ear-ohl daughter at Gretna upset a pot of hot coffee emi her- sel and was severely burned on the leg ! . Fire , which starlelln , a straw stack . caused the destruction or ranle I Itathmlmimn'.a barn at Ollel and three hors s were burned to leath , Grant Creamer , a Cass county farmer . had one of his leg broken b ) a team runnlnr away while he was breaking stalks wRit a railroad Iron. Prf. Fowler has been retained as superIntendent - Intendent of the hair Ichools for 0 turthcr tem of three years , at an advance In salary of $100 lier year. Seventy- persons were con\erted by He\'s. Throckmorton and Chappel In a series of revival meetings recently held at Loretto In Doone county. A. II. 10lmes. as Imubhisimer . and S. E. Good- wimm as manager , have started the Ilublcatol of the \'licoz Herald which claims to he Independent - dependent In polItics. John 1rnlles of Schller has been hell In $ s00 bal to appear April 20 to answer the complaint of his wife for threalenlng to commit bodily Injur on her. TIme thieves who stole Font hliil' horses at hiioomington have been landed In 1"10 penitentiary - tentar for another theft. ThlY were sent up for two and seven years respectively. Charle Kurtz , a German farmer 74 years of age fell from a fence In his fell near Lawrence whie Itemptlg to climb I anl broke his imeck He was lead when found. Fellers hires. of Table Rock Inv dis- solved parlnershlp , one oC the boys believing that farming In Nebraska Is a better paying emplo'lcnt than selling goods at cost price. Steve Franse of Cedar Creek broke nn ankle by I fall from his bicycle , at Weeping Water. Custer county's 2,400 applIcants for seed wi get from the state relief appropriatIon $5,83 apiece Curt Snyder , after loafing about the place for n couple of months stole a valuable horse nt Cedar aplds. traded It for a team at St. Edward . sold the team at Fullerton Fulerton for $ ! o anti , sldpped. \v. C. Miller has resllnel from his charge of time Beaver City Methodist , Protestant church In order to assist In the work of can- vassing for funds on behalf of the Metholist Pretestant university at Kansas City , Ian. Pearl Wallace . n Furnas county girl who advertised for a lmusband lIas received on amount of mal tha has astonished her DumlEs and letters have gone to her addrosl by the score. The local papers profess not to Imow anything about anyone of the name of Miss WaUace. Another old violin has turned up at Lynch. I La owned by A. Rodgers amid Is older than time others recently mentioned In these col- umns Mr. Rodgers received It as n present from Ireland twelve years ago. I bears the inscription , "Antonius Straduarlus Cremona , Fauebat mmmno 1690 " arne Mr. Frederick Pahdee bas died at his 110me near Talmage at the age of 87. In his younger days he served In the German army long before the Franco.Prusslan svar and then cam to this country all took part In the civil war serving as captain of the home Guards of St LouIs , where he was living nt the time the war broke out. LeI Ferbr , aged 13 months , felowed his mother down to the Aoway creek at Ponca when she went to get some water. Time little fellow fell In and was carrIed down by the current hUe body was rescued some distance lower by a worlnnan who responded tc the 10ther's frantic cries. All efforts to revive the child were fruiless , however In preparatIon for the inItiation of I new member Into the cub , the boys at Superior had wrapped the electrIc lght bulbs with cloth to make the lght dim. They left io room with the door locked for a timimo and returned - tmo turned to nnd that twe of the lamps hal burst and started a fire which threatened to burn down time buldln ! The ! ames were however , extnguished after little damage had been done John Wlhley. a Fillmore county farmer was returning home from a visit to n brother at Grafon when ho was started by Ilscov- eying Ore burnIng In the back or his buggy . I did not tale him a minute to uuhlch time horse , but hr the time he haiti done so the dry grass on the roadside ha,1 begun to Illaza lie use,1 his coat t ( extinguish the Ilamnos . and probably saved some adjoining Carm buildings from destructon , Ils buggy and everything In It were completely de- stroyed. Fi . S. Keneh and William Kpstenholtz , while huulng In Hal county , were nearly shot for geese themselves. They hal lain down neal' Dry creel amid placed a gunny sack ever them amid were waitIng for the birds to como alomig . Vat Boyle and rank Shoemaker , who were also huntng In tIme Mme region , came by , a11 seeing their foot covered with the sack , tired . tblnklng them to be ducks One bullet Ilas8e,1 , Ihrough time leg of Kestenhol 'B pants but , ld not Injure -eiher himself or his co/npanlon. / IOWA. Ono of A"nlr's citIzens has been caught tealng oil from time street lamps. During March the Des tolneR police force male 3tG arrests , Of that number 16 were for Intoxicaton , . Polk county has 12 mIles Of rairoad , The auditor has just heen notified that their as- sessed valuation Is I,3t9OOO , Arrangements are being made 10 hold a race meeting at Lemnars on JUly I , 2 , 3. 4 alll 5 , I Is expected tha $10,000 will be offered In lurses . The Grand Army of the Republic veterans oC many surrounding towns are prepJlng to attend the lecture In Dubuque by General 0 , O. 10wani on AI'rl 1 The executive commitee of the City I dl- tora' association of Iowa met at Otumwa and arranged a program for a meetng at Spirit Lake Juno 7 and 8. Four hundred subscribers have been secured - cured to the new tellllhone company In Dubuque , a number of them taldng from two 10 five Inatruments each , Dews carried the $2,600 propositIon for an addition to the school buiding by a vote of 101 to 41. Thirty-five women'oted , twenty- &e\'el for and eight against the proposition. Burglars broke open the front door of C. D. Stoue's store at Delbl , blew up the safe wih dynamite and stole mane ) ' , checks and gold anti silver watches to the \'alue of about $700 nOD.Nlr West Union a mal by the name Of Simpson dropped dead at Irush Creek from an apol'leclo stroke lie was at. work In the garden before dinner ate the noonday mea al usual and was apparently , In his usual health when 10 rtturnell to work Without warning imee'itoppled over , gave a gasp or two and was 4pm1. ' lie wu M years or age and it man Of \i' . Mrs. Mary Babb , \ 'llother of Judge W. I. Dabb , was found dtd'm bed at Mount t'leu- ant Apoplexy ia1t4m1'supposeil [ , cause . She was 75 yer or ag , lnd had bon 0 real- lent of Iowa since 186. child 01llarmer , mmamed Swain A young clld o \llarmer name , Ih'lnp near Merrlj , was burned to death , The child wits vlsl4ng with a married sister ! who lives near Reflm8ti. and the bouso burned , UI\ , cremmuating the child , I ' lIon . Levi Cotvl ! t bone submitted 10' amputation of the.gro.at to recently , made necessary by freezIng i\hlch occurred forty ) 'ear ago The . tl ' had appareht ) grown causing well , but the recent operalplw ) , began " to wither ala ) I he lives till tie.tl , or May , Alexander McMian , a Scotcrm.Iritimmnan of Sioux City , wilt bl 10 years cIlI S ' /\0 / Is nearly as chipper - per as the ordinary whllwer of iO , Ho raise a tamly at eleven chidren , two of whom are yet living In Caumada Wilam Goldshury , an old resident and cx- banker of Cherokee , was foul11 dead In hIs room over one of his store buildings . Ho had been dead fully a week , as the body was terribly decon1oeJ , The cause of his death Is SU\llsCI to have been heart failure. Interlst In the revival leetll s at Hello Plalne continues ' II.1hated , Ineluln , thirty converted at the close of the meeting 33 , rlngln ! from 15 to 60 years of age , have been converted All the saloons there are closed as I direct result of the me tngs , ' John Gregory was sentenced by JUdge Hen- derson at Oreenfeltl to five years for horse stealing. Gregory has already ( served three terms , being lu prisons for two , three and four years , respectively. ' 10 hired 1 team and failed to return I to time hiveryman. The nelnett creamery at Bennett , Cedar count ) north of Wlon , owned amid operated by a co-oeratlvo ( coimipaity , together with its contents , Inc\llnl 1,800 hounds of butter . was entirely consumed by fire. Time origin of the fire 18 uulwlln , Loss about $1,000 ; Insurance $1,00 \sslstnnt State Veterinarian 0. A. Johnson of Sioux City and Prof. W. B. Niles or the Agricultural college at Ames have bEn ex- Imlnlng some diseased cattle lear Otleboht. Out or a herd oC ttmnty-timre : longlng to \uncan Curry eight hea,1 were found to be allcted with tuberculosis. Irs. Jacob wcor a farmer's wife. residing - Ing near Foster . the other evening whie de- liriotis with the measles , being left alone , se- cured a revolver , placed It In her mouth , and shot herself , dying almost Instanty , She haul only been alone a few minute . She leaves a husband 111 three children. Wilam Flells , a wel lloln photographer of Lyons for the past thlrt.fve years Is dl'd , aged G8. lie was born In Lincoln- shire , England , In 1827 , coming to Iowa In 1852. le ! hal the distinction of being one or the oldest Woolmen , being a charter memher oC Pioneer camp No.1 , Modern 'ocdmen of America Hobert G. Llndvile , a prominent young Union county farmer , who had formerly borne an excelent reputation , was engage to bo marll' to Miss Eva Morgan of the same nelghborhool , All the arrangements had beemm made for tIme ceremonies last werk thl guests assemmibled the I1rson In readiness , but wh"n the lme arrived all looked In vain for the groum. lie had led , I was afterwards - wards learned that he had gone to Shun- non City and left for parts unknown Tm DAKOTAS Miner county has Loaned about 2GOOO bushels - els of seed grain to the farmers The Homestalle dnlng comlllny of the lacl hills has anhouneed the regular month- ly dividend of 25 Ic/nt per share aggregat- lug $31.250 , a total , to , tiate or 5131250. E.1. Weston , traveling freIght agent of the Chicago & NorthmWstern railway , Is look- log up cattle shipments for his road. Ito re- ports cattle scarce , ant predicts much higher prIces for the next anr ; years. The first pipe put down for sn artesian well at the Locke ht"Plcrre and abandoned at a depth of 800 feet baa been tapped for gas , anti It gives out j supply surclent to light the hotel 010cc. \ The Indians oC th Cheyenne agency will In a few days rcels'm3' a "a'ment on thei' lands from the goverment amounting to about $35,000. The hmummgers-omm around the reservation are all . gjmtherIng at the agency tp reap a harvests \ , :1 ; , " ' Commissioner or Irrigation Daldwln talks very encouragngly otlrteslan work In SOlth Dakota , lie reports applications for wells In several countes of the Jim river valley . and work In progress both toward location and sinking of wells In different portions of the state. ) About 500 pounds of the Holy Terror rock } , taken out time other day was so rich In gol& . that J was shipped direct to the mint from the Adams Express olcl at HI City. Parties who handled time ore say that one bucltetul was more gold than rock , and that It woull yield $10.000 The officials of the United States land office nt Pierre have received notice that at the suggestion of Senator Kyle 4,000 packages of garden seeds have heen forwarded to the land office _ for distributon , Similar quantities have Ueen forwarded to the land offIces at lmcll l. Chamberlain and Huron. The cOmmlssloncrs of Clark county have purchased 15,00 bushels of seed wheat and -100 bushels of aced corn . each applicant re- celving fifty bushels of wheat and not to exceed - ceed lour bushels or corn A note for the an'unt , secured by chattel mortgage on the crop t be raised , Is taken at the time the sled Is delivered. Heavy call dealers from the South Da- llta range have just returned from the scuthiwest where they went to purchase cat- tie . returning wihout investing . time prices rarglng from $18 to $20 for 2-year-olds This has raised the lirice of cattle In the vicInity of PIerre , and young cattle , which have becn going at very low figures for several years , are now good prollelty. Another rich strike has been reported to 'have been made In the vIcinity of Keystone , I was learned that parte brought In some samples of rock , amid from two vounmls , of the fame eleven p nnywelglts nnd cloven grains wore panned out I Is not known nt present just where the ore was founl , , but the fnders vouchsafed information that It was wihin two miles of Keystone camp. A farmer namell ICreil . who lives In Aurora county , Is lu Ilanrer of hmeimmg tlrre,1 and fe&therel by lila Indignant imeighmbora Some weeks ago KreJ wrote n "llul " letter for publication In Germanls , n German paper Ilrlntld at Milwaimleee . In which he stated that himself and family of fourteen persons were well nigh stlrvln , anti , asking assistance - ance from the readers of that paper. KreJ asked for a trunle or old clothing anti < a llo money to helfl limit through his dlJ- cnly , and In answer to his appeal he has received many contrlhutons , both In clothIng - I Ing anti In mnonmoy Some of hIs neighbors' ' acchlentaly noticed his 'appeal In the Mi , wauklO paper , and they at once exposed him lie IB a wehl-to.do farmer , who boughmt a farm and Iiall cash for I , has mme debts nt all and only a week ago sold $320 worth , . Y . ; . > 5 , - 'l'hmo 111110 lImit . inotlmt'r phmlyH , the t I mw thntlcljml I I wll 11 thO'lllR chtll to 1m of tw = liighim'st msmet'it It the 1\11111 , = oil which0 ouTt't' 11lclni In ihimuimiuimts this WCII. ) ) 11111 SIIII" J.'rlwt . , 23c. m A. IOSIE , Jr ! ! I Mud c amid Art , 1613 DOIIIII , . ) . , . . . . . . . . --------.s.---- i : ; : : 5 of fat steers , lie has n" a heed of forty cattle , 200 aheop , hogs And other property Ore assaying over $50 In gold ha been found In claims adjoining the Inter Ocean mine at Welcome City . There are large quantities of are In light and work wilt be pushe,1 lt once to determine the width of time ledge , A rich strike IB also reported to have been made on the Lucky Cuss mInIng property , situated two miles southeast of the I Holy Terror , In Tepee gulch. Brlle county now has eighteen complete Irttslan wells . which furnish the water for 300 miles of 1\'llg streams. There are also six wel drilling outfits nt work , cacti of which has contracts for nil the wells they will be able to sink during the coming anna- mer and fail , I Is csthnatCI that 10.000 aCles of hand In time county , Ir fOlml neces sary , wi be Irrigated this season The new artesian well In 10nla township lt Huron Is completed. I Is a 41.lnch ' bore , Is JOOO feet deep and flows 900 gallons her mlnut , and wi b used for Irrhatn . Time wol al the A. J. Ollen farm It Hitchcock Is also nearing coml11elon , A splendll low of water was rescued at n depth of 000 feet , but drilling wIll contnuo , as Mr Glddel l'ra- poses to Use the well for power anti irrigating purpOses. Chief Engineer Derry of the m1horn road has completed the work of locating four lrge ; reservoirs II the cattle country adjacent to hello Fourcime. The reservoirs are located Inside of timirty-flt'e mies of hello Fourchme between seven , eight fourteen amid thlrt.ne mites from town The capacity of the four wi be 1.600,000,000 galols when cOml\letel , TIme contracts for the work have been let mind work wi be commenced In fifteen days. co.OnADO , John 1.lnsey has sold a threo-slxtcelths interest - terest In time Trllmph mine , leal\'lo gold belt , to time Trhlmllh company for $12,000. All the.general offices oC the Plorenco & Cripple Creek railroad exccptllK the sUllerll- lellelt , , chief lnglncer , roadmlster anti trall dispatcher have been transferred to Dcnver. The Corl s Is the lame of 1 mine sluatel , near Olet , Cripple Creek district . which has sent over 100 tons of are to the Colorado Springs stamp mil In the past sixty ( das , which a\eragel $ S.G0 per ton. ) I E Nelson & Co" , lessees on the Colorado , Central mine nt Georgetnwmm In blastIng out time wal rock for a set of tmhers , exposel a streak of rub ' silver Itreal rumby ore ten inches In thickness running $700 to time ton The are which Is being taken from the Smuggler vein nt Telurlle Is richer at this time than for any time before In se\ernl years. nod thc entire capacity of the mill IN l being brought Ilto play to treat the SeCOII\ \ class. Time Colorallo Central mIne at Georgetown ha\ln ! settled Its litigation wih Nolan et al started Ul1 work alaln with a force of about fly mel , Additional men will be put to worl as the stopes are opened until the nlmher reaches 100 or more. Estimumates of time nlmbr of men at present - cot emplo'ed In the Aspen mines vary sommie- what and arc given h ) two managers of large 11ropertes as lmehimg GOO 01 wages and GOO on lenses This would make 1,200 men at work at an average of $2.50 per day , making 1 pay roil of $3,000 daily . aggregating $1,095,000 lald to laboring men In n year The Little Ellh , at the Union gulch divide , Leadvie , Is down fly feet , and shows n sixteen-foot vein In the granite , from which assays ha\e been taken yielding one anti , a hai ounces gold , twent-two ounces silver and 23 per cent lead , The owners expect the entire vein will , before Inog , be a pay proposItion. A bond and lease has been taken on the Forest King , located on Hch huh , two anti one-hal miles 10rth of Duncan , The ore In this property Is hemale Iron and hone ) ' . combed quartz , running from $ to to $140 per ton , and the pay streak averages about four- teen Inches. There Is a fifty-toot shaft amid 150 feet of tnnnel work on the Ilrop- orty. orty.The The Santa Fe artesian well at La Junta Is a pronounced success Al I lepth of 47 feet a large vein was struck In coarse gravel. The natural flow , forcing the water out of the tOil measured thirty-four gallons per minute und wih a pUlp It Is estmated thnt 100 gallons or more per minute can be secured TIme company will sink another well for emergenc cases nt once. The water Is very soft and as clear as crystal. The probability Is that the coke ovens to be erected at Durango the coming season wIll be sufficient In number to meet the cur- rent demand from all quarters , additional ovens to be built as the demand Increases. Evemmtually . says the Durango Herald , this will become one of the chief shipping points of the country for COll The great smeltng centers are all In the west , and time maier of freights alone are In the way of replacing the Pennslvanla with the Durango product and this maier will be easy of settement when It Is once understood that the Durango cannot bs excelled In the country. WYOMING. Floor Is $3 per hundrel at Rock Springs. Mrs. Thomas Hood near Casper Is an expert - pert hnntress. Sue shoot the heads off sage liens at 150 yards. She was the first to 1 < 1 R "ol and seclro the bounty under the new I A large farming colony Is being locale,1 At i Fort Laramle . I Llr.nllo enjoy the fQlel ) " that can como ; from four dance profe ! ot. : I.aramle raised $250 In erie duty for the ro- on lef of Red Canon stmfferere. The citizens of Rawlns will send between $300 and $600 to the sufferers at lied Canon Smo of thc old oil well drilling Illants near Casper are bellg used to sllk artesian wells near that place A dairy Is I to b startel nt Oenrock tCr slllll'lnl the towmms along the I'remont , Elk- horn & Missouri Valley road Ofcluls of the Union Pacific state that no attempt wIll h\ made to open the blrlng Ilnl : mine before the ht of Iay. Time 8011 works l cltel nt Johnstown are nol employing about tblrt men , RIII premise - iso to double the force Insilio of a month. A Tie Sllnl ranchlnn report tlmat a iulp- ment of her s he la\11 to the south neUe,1 him 80 little that ho ' 1 not make nnother shlpmcnt 'ery soon 'fhe latmgias Bulget , fears that there wi be a large : number uf grasshoppers In Con- sho\\ers \ \ \ ere coummty this year , ns they arc hAtching out In larnumhers. . ) The Cmtspor Del'rlck states that a new asbestos . bestts mile hs been discovered In Cooper mr.untaln that Promises to surpass nIl those lound lu the state imerotofore. There Is a Ilroslect , that there wilt be a large numb or cattle 111'hlloll anti unit on W'cmlng , ranges this ) 'ear , The Ilreslnt high 1IIIce has Il\n a boom to the business A site for the government brllg\ to he built across \III river hns Inal been set lected. I Is to ho Illace about n mie ) above Merritt's crosRln/ , A steer helen lng to North & Stone of vanston I was solI on time Chicago market for $ IOO.OS 1 wclshe,1 , 1,700 Iloulls when startll fror time ranch , but shrnk 10 pounls In transit State Mlno Inspector Thomas states that time malerlal datnare to the Hell Canou mluo from the x\loslou was not so great but that time mile could be o\enell again by thc Ildlle of lie t month , Ca\lemen \ seem 10 be of the olllnlon that the present prices on cattle will ronlnuo for sore lme , The ranges or this stnte amid of the Whole west have not been so bare of cat- the In many years a8 umow There Is every Indication that there will he a great deal of inoimey silent this yemmr In the Big I.aramle Placers nlar Owen , Albany coulty , Several Parties have reocho,1 bel- roce and the showing of goJI Is very flue. Just a coullle of mies from Rawlns mire IGO acres of lan1 of Ithograllhlng stone , twenty feet In thlcmess , anti the owners have sent some of the stone east to be tested , I Is considered to bl a very rich product . Prospectors on Casper mountain ha\'o mis- Covered anothr fine vein or asbestos filter. Thc lead 18 about nlnet-I wo feet front the surlace. Time tunnel Is now In IGO feet Experts 10nounco the fiber equal to the best grade of thc Product trout the Canadlal mines. I nTIme TIme Dillon coal mines , nbout three mies from ltawiimms . are helnG run to their utmot callacfty. A large force of men Is constantly emnpioyel iii taklmmg limo ' 'black dIamonds" front the mines. Time coal Is satti to tue as good as time famous itocIc Slmruiigs , and bunts exceetiimmgly well , Time Lander Clipper says timat a now strike hues been mantle lately that for richness cx- eels anytiming discovered In the Sweetwater country for years. The ore is black quartz , carrying large quantities of steel gray smil- phurets. carrylumg gold amid silver. Crumle tests umiade show that it will run over $100 per ton. There Seems to be no reasonable doubt nenmainimig thmnmt the discovery of a golti and silver hearing ledge in time vIcinity of lltmf- faho Is a valuable omme. Time roche imas been carefully tested in various ways anti , altimeugim the exact value can only ho nscertaimmed by furtimer assays time fact that it carries both gold and silver in paying quantities is already establisimed. TIme meanest man on record Is said to live at Rawhiums , says time Chmeyenmio Tribune. lie sold hmts soninlaonehalf interest in a comv , amid then refused to divide time milk , ummaintalning that lie sold only time frommt half. Time buyer was also requested to provide tIme feed time cow consummied , amid was coma- pulled to carry water to lien three times a day , Recently time cow hooked the old man , and he is suing the son-In-law for damn- ages , The Elkimorn Railroad company will begin in a few days a test of the coal trout time inez immine at Glen Rock , with a view of as- certalning its atlaptabihity for use for pro- mincing' steam for time locomotives. It is believed timat time coal can be used for time locomnotives 'mvitim thmo aught cimammgos in con- structlon of time engines , and if so thmo ox- Itemise for coal would be reduced to a more mmothimmg , as time maine is apparently immex- hmaustibie , Note change in Rock Island trains in effect Sunday , April 7. Every Woman is an Unbeliever. 4 : _ She can't believe , to begin wkh , . that Pearline / j/.hJi can do so much. She hears that everybody c- : . - is Using it ; finally she tries it. It does all , . she's heard of ; it saves all that she's been told , She takes comfort in using it , But ) \ _ , _ _ _ _ - " ' S that so niuch ,7\ I I She can't believe can be done safely. She consults those who have used it for years. She finds that Pearline has been tested and proved in a hundred ways ; that it's harmless - less to hands or fabric ; that it's as safe as good soap. Then She can't believe that she " \ ever did without - out it. She Iths less to do , she ge p more done-and it's all done better. Her - clothes last longer-they're not rubbed ' r to pieces. Her housework is easy ; her ' 't time is her own. She believes in Pearline , L and tells her friends about it-that's ( the _ _ _ _ \ - most effective kind of advertising ) . . Peddlers amid some unscrupulous grocers will tell you , " this B eira ; I. e Is as good as" or " tIme saumme as i'eaelinc , I'i"S I'ALSE- l'earhine is mmcver pcddicd , if your grocer semidmu you an imitation , be imonest-swdi ( bath 310 JAMES PYLE , New % 'oek , = IJD1 1EI0IE I 0 00 There Is Nothing "Just as Good as Ripans Tabuics D LI LI or headaches , biliousness and all D . . L U disorders of the stomach and liver . [ I - I- One Tabule gives i-c1ief n - L LI LI hitoan. Tabule. : Bold . by druagist. . . , or . by . mail . LI it mba price ( &O cent. a boil , I. .ent ii. 'ftm. RI. 1'ana Citeimmicsl Comuiy , O'Jo 10 lprmWe 't , , N , Y. LLJDLJjf I 0 EJLEILcD - - - - -I FEEP THE F1tE GOING t itimpin Vay to Prevent numili Elhs fromma ' ( irowing to Mititlty , Don't let time fire go omit , Winter is gone. to be aure , but there are mimany minys ira spnhmig When the winds are raw itnul chili , ttimti the hiommse would be a veritable tomb whtmotit ) a lire , Heel ) miii the vital fire in your body. Look omit for your digestion amid take prompt iiee of any depmirtumro fm-eta a state of health. A vagaboimil current of air many carry tlme seeds of Pimetimnonimt anti bm-omicimitis , but It. line no terrors for ft S'stclit thud hmaa been fortified with 1)tmffy's Pure Malt \Vhtiskey. Tiuia medicinal stinutmhaiit hirevents lithe colds from becoming big ones , It is a tommie nsuti nppetizer , warmnimmg time iOti9' timrotmgts anti through , anti protmmoting a hnhtim3' secretion - cretion of tile gastric iitiiii. It keeps omit colti tecmttmsi. it cimeckim tuiidtme 'nte , and u a gemmerni strcngiiiemmer , Long oxperiemmce hmas tatmghut time doctors that time colds so gemmcrai 1mm the tmneertain slirimmg timne nrc heat overeommie hmy em rlinlmlo stimimtilaumt. DumtTy's l'mmm-e ? dmmht Vhiskcy Is Iii every thrifty hmotisekeeper's mneilicino ime'ut.'lth all time 'igiinnce in thus world , it Is miext to imiuposalbie to keep clear of coiti-proiitmcinmg mugemicies. Iuffy'a l'umre Malt avCrts nil dmummger. lie suite , hio'c'er , that mmmi tlrtmggiett em- grocer gives you sonuctiming coiled "just its good , ' ' Immalst Illicit imaving ( hum' best , tue gemitmimme , time aimly mumetilctmimtl shmlskey him time mimarinet HThft" " FOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. 'A CUiEt Au ) m'mw.'ss-r.i Oolili , Coughs , Sore Throats , Influonzt , Brona cbits ! , Pneumonia , Bweuliuig of the Joiiit , Lumbago , Inflaininationi , RHEUMATISM , NEURALGIA , FROSThITES , CHILBLAINS , hEADACHE , TOOTUACIIE , ASTHMA , DIFFICULT BREATHING CURES TilE WOituT I'AIi'8 in fiomn one Ia twenty minutes. NOT ON1 ROUSt alter roadin ( till athertlsemmment ameetl aniomis e3UF1E15 WiT PAIN. lmmitmoy' , , ltoaIy hI'iloI ltm ii sumrn Cmmro for Ev.try l'muii ) , SlrnhIl , lirimtics , l'nins tim ( ho hack , eiien or I.immuims. it was ( Ii , , lInt. mmmiii is thin Diii ) ' I'itlN iE35 EiV. 'l'imnt Iimntanthy atopi ( he macat excruciating paifli , aiiaya tnflaniatlon , and cure. toagestloms. , whether of the Lungs. Stoumamch , liowel. , or otliot' innIa or oigmumm. by uno aPplIcation. A Imaif to a tm'aitpooimful to immiIt a tumbler ot water will in a tow minute , cure Craumtmts , ups.- imma , Sour utoimmacli lleartburn , Nervoimmne , SIeepmeness , Sick Ieadttche , 1)lnrriiea , DuieO- tery , Colic , Flalulency snd all Immtormutl pains. Timers Is not a reimmetlial agent in all time world that vIll cure Caver nSn nguo and all other Ma- iarlou. . ltiiioua anti other fever ! aidi'd by ItAD. WAY'H i'il.Llt , so quickly vi RADWAY8 liSA- Dy R1ul1lia' ; . DOCTOR _ \ SEARLES &SEARLES Chronic , , ilervoits , PIVa ( Discass. TIILtT.MENT isv 3l.tit Consuitmitloim Eroe Wo euro Catarrh , all diseases of the Nou , Throat , Cheat , Stomach , Liver , Blood , Skin and Kidney Disonsos , Female - male Weaknesses , Lost Manhood , and ALL PRiVATE DISEASES OF MEN. \VSAIC ZtIEN AtOll VICTIMS vo NEmiVOUS m Debility or Exhmaution , Watitlmmg Veakmmess , involuntary - voluntary Lo.se. , with Early 5jet.y in young amid nildtmie aged ; mciv at yin ; . , lcor and weak- emmm'd promnatuiely In approaching old age. , All yield readily to our new treatniemit for lea. of 'itni power. Call or admireS with stamp for circuiaru , free book and receipts. Hr Vn'irln' anti Ci i4lflJnmrnani an. , jua&e uuu uim.uuuoa Omiahii Neb k1 ITCHING - 'I Torturimig , diflguninm I \ - . amid emery CIR'CiL' $ ( If itching , bunmi , ) . lmmg , .tcniy , crumIc-d , nntl Immipiy , Bittim nnti enmh tiiescs , witim dm- ' , - thium , itmimi fimllimmg latin , relieved tiy a singio umppltnmtiomi , amid ipeediiy . - and ccumnommmiczmlly .uretl b' the Cu-viennA iisamcmmmLs , whmemm the , . _ _ ) ' best itimysicians fail. I Teeth Without Plates BAILEY , I , , , , , , , _ . , EHrisr. ' , I 1k. l'axtoii Ulook. iUtimauU Fanmvvn 5(1 14m11 Si'tTt'etii , , . . . * 3 0(1 ( I Silver Fihilmmmza.$1 , 00 Rest Tt'tim. . . . . . 7 50 I l'mmrts full l"iIlimtS $3 O 'rimlum l'into. . . . . . . . 11) ) 00 I GuStS tImii-JLc , i I l'imhiiie8tt } ixtracl'mm Situ lmrtuigo Ttuettu-tootim ml tiJ Teeth Out In Norning , New Teeth Same Day RAIL\VAY \ rqj\fl \ CARD -4 Leaves mmwLINQT0I-J & MO. mtuVSI. AnrIye Oiimaima UnIon ih'liot , lOtii & Mason umm , Qmtmmmha lOiiaimi. . . . . . . . . . . Uemmvvr 1xpreai. . . . . . . . . . . m:4aim , : 4ittin.Uuk. ; alum. , Ztioiit. S L'Uet i3mmd , kx ' : iop 4Rjimmi. : . . . . . . . . . . Diiyur ixprcaj. . . . . . . . . . . 4iptmi : G45itmmm.h'ebraska ; bicttl ( ma ctpn Hunday ) , 7:4tpme : Biiam..Limicuin : Local ( except Uunday,1lzma ; i4apmmmL"tmst ; Malt ( for Limmcoin ) thilly. . , . LVaesC11lL'AUO , liUlIJNOTON & 'QiMnhye. Omiiaimmt Ummimi iItot iUtim&Maatmmm Hi.f Umittlma ' : . , . . . . . . . . . . ( Vestibule..kr.oanj' : - miraam..Cimicugo : Rxpiess. ' , , , , . , , , , 4:19pm . 7bOiini.CliIcago : cad lit , Lout , Uxpreas , , BiQanm ) 11:11am : , , . . . , .l' .tctmio Juncticun LocaLc.GiOpia - ' . , , ' - , , . , . ' . , . Fast Math , . . , , . . . . ; i.eaved IC'iII\UO , ttliL. & ' H' ! ' , 1'AtLifini-tyes OtiiatiajmitQmi 1)citot. mutt , & Xmlasumm ttmsi-omnimlia , , . , . . , , . , , , Chmcmmgo . - - - - - - - - ; ' lllouiim : , , - .Cimic.iUciixpremia . - , ) , ; , - ; l.eavcsCIiJC00& NOItTI iWEH'F'7iXWjv' - : ( Jtiimtlm Uimiwi Ueitot , Rum & aiaaon umai mnaima' 11:05am : ia.termm 4tOummm : , , , , , , , , , 't' ctiimmi-d IiimmIleti , . . , . . , , , 9:40am : , . : ( . . . . . . . . . . . Valley Local , . . . , , . , . , 1Oaajtmmuc : - . : . . . . . . Chicago iuteelml . ' : . . . ,2iIpuui ; 1eaiIICAUOJt.I1'ACiFiC , Arri Omaha Union icitot. hum & i5um.imm 141 $ . Omimalia 4 EAST. _ : 11 : OUaimu.itl.tmmtic ixmtresa ( cx , tunmday , , & ; t.Opnij C : . . . . . . . . . . . . ixurL : m , . . . . . . . . . . . B:3tmmm : , . ' 4 : ' ) ummm. . , .Ciitctigo\'eitiintuett L.lumitmjl , . , . I :33miui : ' 'l'IIHT , - - 6Ppmn.Oxhmiimoumi4 : ( & Texitmi i- ( cx uumu,1ua5mtmmm ) ; - _ ! . ; t'jJmi ) . . . . . . . . , .Coluretim Ltmmmimed. . . . . . . . . . 4oopiti Jetica C , , ST. 1' , , at. & C , , lArrIvea Ommimmima Depotlithm _ \Vebateriit.Jomiimmiia VZaimi. : , .Nebmmbka i'umtemmger ( daily ) , , , , ( : lfpii1 4zummn. : .Uioux City ixprea.a ( cx. umi.ll.51aiim ) ! iLomieP . . . , . , - Paul L.tnmtted . . . . . . . . .iQ3Amnm ; Luavo.IF. , Ii. & i1OVAI.1It'ArrI.s ut. . J Omnaltmt . . . . . . aisil amid 1xmrea. , _ . , , , 4nLipiij Znlopnm.ex. ( i4at. ) Wyo. lie. tex , Mon. ) , . 4SOmtea : tt.U.ammm. , .Norulk lxmtrega ( ox. iunt1a5 ; , , iOZuamn : CiOpmmm..I. : i'jui Rapt . . . . . . . . . . . . ' : . i.avt-s I IC. C. . iii' , J , & C , H. lArrime , thmmatmajUniua Delict , 10th & Mmmmon i3..Omiiaimmo ; i'aiim..itmnus Cily 1)ay Rxiros ; , , , , , 6luitnm ; J sdamiin.K. : U. Nliit ; llx. via Li , 1 . 'h.'ran.Gr.3tmnm Leave. I ahiiiOUil i'A.iliC ( lAmrtvea Omimaimal letot , ShIm \Ysbatert3lu , JOmaha : , . . . . . . . . . . . Louis iiIrel . . . . . . . . . , GOani : . . . . . . . . . . . I.ouls Espies , . . . . . . . , , , 6Oitim ; ; . , & . ! ! ( -miimi..Nebmaika 1.oeai hex Hun. ) . . 1IOotiin j IitmiVB isuotix CITY I Omnai.n _ Depot , lauli amid % Vebter elm. . J Onmaimmi : . . . . . . , Paul Limited . , , . , , , , . , 10 liani J I.eave 1IIOUX C1'i'Y & i'ACiI'iO lArrivea Utniiim tJfllWm 1)1-pot , lithm & iiasn i3isJ Onmitlia j C5mmmm : , , , , , . . titoua City I'autemmer , , , , , , lOiprs : fllpm. . . . . . . . . 13 , . Paul Linitted..11:50pm : iTiJNioti'Acii-w. OmanniUnmon l't'miot. hum & iitmeoii Btl.jomaalma 1 I : ta'amn ' , , , , . , . . . , , ifemmiemey ixltruas , , .T , , . , , _ J 2OQimim : . . . . . . . . . . . . Overlmmmtti $ 'iyer . , , . , , , . , . . 5lipmii : 2tNipmn.lleateu & BtromnsiJ'F I. ( Cx. elan ) , ( :4pna : ( . . . . . . . . . . . ' i.Xiires , . . . . . . . . . . lOf..nmmm ; ; iIpmn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l-'ast Mali. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:00pm : . Iwivts I SYAISAIJiE ltAli.\VAY , ) Armiv OmnalialUmihita iJepot , 15th & Mason tHai Omimatia altpm ; . . , . , , . Ut. LouT. Cannon h5auh.,1i3fi