- _ - - - _ ; JJw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . - - - - - - - _ , _ . _ _ _ : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' - - - - - - - - _ -V---- - , , - . , . . - - , f - ' r. - ' - , , - - ' " - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - I - J 1'IIJ O r.AITA DAITJY lH rs. : MONDA y APUIfJ R. 18m ) . n \ TIlE OMAHA DAILY BEE. - r I OUNcnJ mU1"I I pFF L , . NO , 12 i I'1\IU4 . STImET Delh'ere t.y carrier to any roart 'ot the elt" I n. W. TILTON , Leee. 'FLrrJONFSnullh U ofce , No. 4 : nIght * dltor , No. 2 11. ' -m."Tl."S. . . t Grand , Council Duls , E. F. Clark , prop Mayne . Heal Estate agency 139 Droallway. The remains or Ialph Stevenson wl be taken to Burllgton this evening for burial. . - The regular ] monthly meeting rr , the 1 Oanymedo lng Wheel club will be helll this ( "en. . l1'arles NleholRon , ex.chler or .tho fro ce- 1. pertinent , expects to start out II the met bulneas In the near rutnre. 11 hall wi be back bare In a iny or 't two having secnred n $ .GO bond for an ( appeal to the supreme court. t Mrs . II. I. Levaloy died at 1 o'clock yes. Ac ttrcay , uged I ! yearl , at the Woman's 41 CI.rlstan association hospital. . J. Kelly. who lives nt the corner or Thirty- I c ffh street and . Heventh nvenne. WlS v slul . Il by thieves n night ur two ego , who st'jle all c\ the chickens hl hnl , jr' , . The little aon or Irs. ohleskl tiled last c I'rllay , or pnenmcnla , nt the Christian home. ) 'fhe fact of his having died was ordered IlPllressel1 at the undertaker's ( office icy the malinger or the hionie The relalnt were 4 burled yesterday. , . ' Council Camp No. 11. 1 Woollmen Cr the Worl ( ] , will meet tonlht In t.lelr hal on Mllle , h3ronvtty . at I ; ( 'C'llt ! , han' All melberl are expect':1 to 'Je pr"smt , , an I .5m memhers of lh , ' ort r vl , 11lg tic the ely hro tc cordially invited. : t J. T. Stewart and , Chorle9 (1rery ( : I nve 'r- - been al'llolnted by the Driving Park l srrla- ton as n committee to .10 to Ctuic.io . and -4' induce os many horsemen ns lsslhle to toke I Iart In the cunning meetng to be hell , In ' 4 June. Purses of from $1.000 to $2,000 n day t wi he offered , t the prcslmt Illans arc carS ned out. ! I3 I. C. Pomeroy , who Is eimargd wih dc- tl trlln two men named Sea"Jrs by ellng 4 ! thlm some of Nora Mlrphy's land south ot , Manawa for $200. when lIe hal , I' , claln whatever on time I place , W.1S urr ! ted at his . : . hOle In Aibrlght at n lao hou" Smtum ibm ) . I Ih ; I The olcers have broIl 'i'm hi' Irol " 1 for thc last two \I'oe1es . ! . The vymnaslnm caues In the Young 4 Men's Christian assocIation rooms are being wcl patronized The business men's clas \ orly : has four or five members so far . but the boys and young men's classes arc weE I . enough mlell to make up The Ilork of wel m ' Ilshlnl und fitting up the reels Is going UI m t nicely and about time middle or the weelt wi I ' Irohably be comleted , ] The ghost of Paul E. Seabrool bohlu,1 , UII I betore the hoard of Supervisors Satl11ay nl1 ( presented I compromise at the bill l\e. , snted by Slabmolt some ( line ago for as- . 1 ! lnt ! In enforcing time prohibitory Inw. He commenced n large batch of Injunction culs :1 : against saloon keepers It will be r\lcm- bored , several ears ago. and then loft : tOIl I very sllllell ) Ills compromlso wmla nc- ? CelJted and $ fOO wi be paid imini Two desirable cottages for rent Plenty or . money for farm loins. FIre Insurance. : loney loaned for local Investors on best or security I Special bargains In real estate. Lougee & Towle , 235 Pearl street. , - " ' 011"0 ( sot " "uro Tllug. \ I Is time Insurance gasoline Stove the only : tt , gasoline stovc made that a child can play : . 4 with and do no harm. I takes care at . Itself ; can be blown out , heft open or tured d on , and there Is no osble way for the 1 gasolno to Ignite or explode. No smell or 4 odor . no dripping or gasoline , no bnrnlng . your house down or burning your wife or 10ther-ln-law to death. No misery no ru- - ncrals. no deaths or use for an undertake v Ir you use the Insurance gasoline Stove as 1 I Is absolutely sare. U you don't believe H ask , . any or our competitors . then ask them tc blowout their stove and leave I open for ten : minutes then apply n match to the stove l as we do wIth ours and see what will happen I- r pen but be sure to be a quarter of a mie , 1 away before he lights the match , as there Is i , sure to b' an explosIon ; then wo would not y get to s'el you nn Insurance stove , as there would , ho a funeral next day. BROWN'S C. O. D. Sole Agent , Time Insurance ( lasaitne .tOVI. Introduced by P. C. Do yol In IS9 , and sold by him this season. Absolutely safe. , Can't explode. No danger. Dc sure you got 4 the "Insuranco. " , P. 0. DE VPI4 1304 Broadway i'iiisq. " .1 i. , 1i It.I (115. ! I'IIS. T. E. Casady has gone for n short vIsit In I 'L ' Molina , Iii. I ii. E. O'hlanley has gone to Chicago for a weel's vIsit. The little son or Dr. and Mrs. A. P. 101- clIit ] Is very Ill. ' Mr. ' , D 11. Cooley or Morgan Park Ill . , Is In the city , thc guest _ or her daughter. lrs , D. I. , floss has gone to Petersburi 1II. . for a month's visit wlh her relatves , 4 , . I. M. Treynor leaves today for Burlngton to attend the meetIng or the grand counci . ' i of the Royal Arcanum. . - Hov. Joseph Wels , for several years past : or White City , Ian. , Is vIsiting his Counc ii tl Bluffs frlendR lie has Counci JUtR le lately accepted a cal m to bOecomo time vaster ot the Baptst church .at Silver City. . A private letter from Hev. FLV. . Alen states that he IR getting settled In his new resilen e , lack Hock , a part or Butalo , N. Y. lie has charge or I mission or the Christian ' church there , and that Imrt ot Dulolo presents a wide field , It having b 0- conic lately n large manufacturing tstrlct J. 11. Purcell , until lately the business , manager or the Nonpareil , has been In Des MolnoH for several days past. The nature or , his . business Is not given out . but It Is r ii- morell that ho Is .flguring wIth time owners 11- or time EconomIst , a monthly publication publcaton or that place , looking to the lrchaso 1 or a half In i _ terest . The paper Is devoted , to the Interests Of building anti loan associations. Cmm rim cmi I dir ' \I'Iln'c''lt ' In I ( Pimmi ; ima . Almost th ! entire lower ( bar amid much or the gallery hns already been reserved nt DI. Crano's church In Omaha , where I.'rnle O. I Carpenter lectures. They apprecicito a gcol thing , Secure your seats nllprecato ror Wednesday , Friday and Saturday evenings at . Broadway clumrch I , Marcus' frp sale or clothIng Is still In progress. . have you had any or its boned yetT ? A little money and-tho results v lii surprise you. Clothing , ahoes , hats , funds ' I. lag goods at prlcel dangerously near givIng away ought to attract 'ou. \h.I' iii I Iii a ! amo 1 lverytimimcg If apllle to a Hardman I'iar do , soul by Mueller Piano and. Orgun company Ilano , 103 Main street 1 . "mart 1 ( . ) ' II 'I'rlubt. , A good deal or trouble has been cJuacd lately by boys Ind young men or the small mr 4 I size clambering 1n time Northwesterl train : I while they Ire In melon , rIding a hiti lIe distance , anti then dropping otT , only to repeat limo operalcn when another train i comnms along 111 the opposite . . comls OPoslo direction . 1\ good mlny IUterent styles oC mount a mmd i _ dlsUount have been Ic'lulrel , by them ant r show their sniartness . one of the IOSt Idol : mu- v lar Rlong time lore daring ones being to ' ' run at full speed toward a moving train ald I 'Jet on the platform without putting their * hulls on the guard rail. Hut the raliw icy i. , ; Iclals do not admire their smartness as la much a6 t hey muig im t . 0111 have lade lunnl'- oua complaints to the POlICe. ' As I corn me- quence , ld 1 Stennaon was arrested ' . 1 arreatld yesti .r- day morning anll occupies I sectcn or the cIty Jai , charged wlh JUlplng on anti oft a . rairoad train tel motion . lie wi ol I a ( trial In I'olce court thIs morning. I Mr. E. J. Scott's millinery , ladies , wi I suit your tutu and purses The attractic ins atractons Ire Just a. great 8 those that micade the openIng - d ' Ing last week so successrui . _ 1' Room for rent one or two gentlenien. Corner - ' , 1 mien Willow avenut and Sixth atreet. Apply , tD N. M. Pusey. ) lu.'n".1 ' I lu.ln..1 . PrIce on frances and art material cut to Ibe quick for the ptxt ten day. Chapman's NlW Art Store , 1 Main street Davi dlug , paInt , ilal man. :00 D'wa7. , . NEWS \ l F11o1 1 COUNCIL BLUFFS 'I' I ' ' nghwlymon Plying Tnelr Voaton on the II : Dou1a atro Bridge Dot,11 I I iRED MUELLER or CARROLL ROBBtD Iloe"11 i UOln hy Ono of Two lug JII , "hia CroB8hlt time iIrmige-htas ! . Herlol ! Wonull II the lold , Fred Mueller or Carrel wandered , into tIme waleI works power house on Lower Broad- ' \ny last elenlng ! about ! o'clock , and nn. nounce,1 , to time man In charge that he hal , been rCIbed. his face was covered with blood and he ' \as scarcely able to talk. What he did say was In a Germnn brogue , which was hardly Intelgible , but It was learnel that he came h ere n few 11ags ago to look for work Last cvcnlng he hall beemi to Omaha all I , wes on his way to this side or the river , ; when he was met about the mllle or the 10tor bridge hy two men , both or them large amid powerfully built , he said. Without /Ivlng him any warnIng as to their Inten- lens one or them pulet a big club or some khll and struck hIm I terrific blow on time heall. h 10 fell to the ground RII they IJunced upon him and robbed his pocleets or ni they contailed , about $110 ) In cash HaIr daze , he stlrtell imp [ town aud mminn' age,1 , to get as far as time water 'orks The patrol wagon wns sumlonetl 1111 hc was tlken to the Women's Christian Associatiomi Christan ossoclaton im ospltal. The bloo was streaming from a vreat gash II time middle or his forehead about four Inches bug antI reaching clear to Ion/ / cear the bono. I sectel , to have been male , wIth Il Ilece of Iron , alul considerable , anxiety was felt by time 11eoillc at thc hospital late last i evening for fear the results might be erious The Injured man was put under the Inluence i or opiates while the surgeons were p pertormlu nn operation , all appearances In. dlcnlell that his skull had been fractureil Ofcer Weir was sent to the meter bridge to ascertain who had crossed thc rIver tlulng : thc t evening Travel was light last , night ali It i II hopc,1 , that the Intormalon furnished by time tel beepers may throw sonic light upon time identity of the robbers. E\'l'J NU,1 tS. : At the II.tnn Slurp. Cnlnol l'ul ' . KID. GLOVES FOn TiE \VEEK. A complete assortment at I imnd 7-1101e : Saxon Beauty 1lt gloves , In all colors anl i sIzes ; also full line colored MOHluetalres In m ! t ill slzos. ( fere,1 , In one lot at 7lo a 11alr. These gloves have never sold ror lesl l than $ l.&O and $ ,71 a pair. A leI hue or glaecII kid gloves In black : nnd m inn large buttons and new stitching , worth $1.25 , to gt at 89c n pair. $1.25 quality white chamois gloves on sale at Sic a vair. A new lot of the celebrated Foster ant I Trefolsse kid gloves Just rccelved. SHtT WAISTS. & 0 dozen ladles' laundered shirt waists on sale this week. Examine values offereil at 71c. $1.25 ant $1.50. otered A new line of gents' neckwear just received - ceIved , including a beautiful line of Scotch m plaids In four-In.lmammds and tocks. heat 11cm' ' S lne of fOe ties In the city. U lH LLAS , A good quality corolo silk umbrella . with 1 natural wood handles , for $1.00 , worth $1.50. For $1.95 wo soil a pure silk umbrella that cannot be duplIcated at $2.50. Our regular $3,00 umbrella we offer this week at $2,25 $2.25.LADIES' LADIES' IIOSIEI1Y. A full regular made stocking. IermE lorr dye extra weight , for 20c a pair Ladles' heavy Ingrain hose that sold tor SUe , now 2fc a hair. A regular 3fe hose In black , tan and brown at 25c a pair. fOe quality lales' hose In tans and S at 35c , or 3 for $1,00 ant FOWLE . DICK & resarl'I' I - Council Duls , P. S-Easter opnlng Thursday evenicm - . Grand display ot spring novelties. F.D.&W. LETTI HS1I'TI N lY IIICIIMONII . 'rxt of the Dooumenh on Which the Feller.t 1miictmmcent'm Were ilnmecl. The case or the UnIted States against " ' . S , Hchmond , J. L Crawford and J. W. Mufy , charged with using the mails to defraud , Is i likely to core up In rederal court toda ) r . Their attorneys are expected to arrive today : at any rate , aut \1'1 make an effort , It Is i understood , to have the Indictment 'uashe , I that fails . n demurrer will be fed and the ! ; letters will bo Immtroduced ' leters vl bl Introduco' In order that the judge may decIde whether there Is any apparent - emit Inlenton 10 defraud evldence by them , I the demurrer Is o\rruled by JUdge Woo son , a moton will ho mod for the transfer or the case to Des Moimmes. The leters , themselves 1- selves , upon which the 11lctment ot itiel m. ! Heh- mend Is bascd written to L E. Hrlensteln of this city , will make interesting reading to I the many stockholders In time UnIon Bulitlin DUlhlng an'l given ' Loan : association here. They are here DES MOINES . In" , Oct 1. lS9i.-L. E , nrhlenlHeln , eH ! , Council I3lutT , Ia . : Denr Sir-I our favor of time Gth , atidrcssecj , to Iii . larnhll , hnH been handed lhlresscl by lu Ir. Crawrumtl . with instructions to to reply. i have leen very busy with other matter 8 , alul have bttemm unable to maters leol 'lable take the matter up beforu , mater this time boforl tme Heplylng to the same , howlver. will say that for varIous rensons n rather unexpecUI [ change was mnde at the illrectors' meetnH held a short tme ngo. Among them time rethnaton at MI' Bar- hill as secr'tan' . This malor was brought about voluntllly hy him I.'nmly rehi 1- tons , together with other reasons promptHi him to tender hIs resllnnton IS he dl ii. dlJ. which WllS duly conshlerel , amid accepU by time , dlrectorH. : I" Barnhil InVl nccoptet 11rlnellnl renHon for doimmg nn he tll , that WIR not congenial to him to le eeparau I l from his family ant dil not selara\ I visable to love them tram l.elr Preel location , nt least for the Pres2nt. Ire r materl of miler detul were Irescnt. lieRentId , taken. u'imi'retipon the acton above stited waH 1 WIR somewhat dlsuPIolnted In Mr. narn- hill's ability , to hammmilu the ijusimmeag. Whlo : ; wo felt Perfect ' conjll nee In his honest y. we fuum that he wind wholly icmcapable , ot Inealalle hRHIIIg the volume of busIness which , the (1on [ hiS , belnv Inexperienced In the emumi C , 1111 wo found that was very detllmentul In mnany cacms . mlny eIS\'S. J. I. Crwfort , with whom you mire prob- I ably [ aC'uaIUleol : , was elected his ituccesso 1 slml not uldertnle to IO Into detail , lS ri wait not present personaly nt thp mactm ig ot the hoanl , meetnl lot beIng one of their nun Ii. tmm'r. So far aH 1 cln so. eVlrythlnl nUI- going I10nl perteel ) ' satsflctorly anti ill leavl furthir Ilfolluton to he given ) 'OU b ) ' : lr , Clwtonl who wi Probably ) ' be In your city the emmry ! pint ot lext weel He Is absent now visiting imuarims amid I a iii assisting II time educe worlc during hIs Il- Iln I HI'ncc. 1 um contlilnt thnt wlll you meet Mr Crawford you will he well pleimsed . Mr. 100111n. the export ' uccountant , w ill protiibly bo through this week , Inl , from wi I , can SPt It 101nJ to give UI a very 100I al Iort , Mr. Crwtol'tl wi Ilroblbly be un C. parPI to J'resent ' It to you anti nnswer un ) ' further Illuriel [ whIch lay he nlllo , You rim truly. W. H. ltlChiMoNia , 1'S : MOiNES , Iii. . ) e , nll , \NU , N , hinIil.'nmmteimc , . , eH'I" ' , Counci Itluffs In. : ar 81r1 Imave I your tl\'Or ot the 5. . , anti note ( fuly the coimtentmd . I can Illure ant tim at I WIS very Hlnll to receive your advice that limIters Wl're lisumlnH better Hhlp LM Counci Burl than Itul been before. I re- nlzo us wel ns you or anyone that the dishonest agents , as YOI may be pleased to ( ni them , hlve dOle I gr'lt dell ot harm In Counci 111 rs , "he matter now , lmowev r . lS I , mmlermitmi nil I Is entrelY In the t alma r , ge of home locimi , Ihe 10cII honrt so that Ir ni icy . further Ilshonesty occurs on the plrt of the Igentl you will rCIIII' know whfre to In ) ' the blal ! There seels to be a great tIcal of tlslulstaclon yet , on account of hath i ΒΆ : llly cinch Sutton. but ( lint wil certain ' ' come to In pnll lt Iome thmmie . ' certaln\ olcorl whleh you sent nle certlinly shows time Interest which II tlken ly your mom ru- hers . 111 limit busnes II without doubt tn good 111115 when fntrlstell to Ihem. \s far lS Mr. Sutton Is concerned , ho his been nll'lsell tram the home olie repei it- edly , and ! , II fact. to ni letters whIch he has sent , lint ( all busiless must be Iloou di m _ rect through the local board , anti that mxiii. a\IPleUlons \ for certificates w"uld be recc Is- reeol- n zrl from him without Irst passing ! throuJh the hands ot the local secretur ) ' . : lr. Crawford advises mi that within the last few days several Ipplcalons ! tor eta ck have been received front Hutton , but that he leelnel , to Issue them , und forwarded the I 1111lcllo"l to Mr lu'ne for lnstructioi ? I Mr. Mlyne then says " 11 right Ilaue the c'ertittcaea' , " I will be done , and the bill be lent to him to attend to. I have look ed over the recent correspondence reai d- Inl Ibeite matters . and I Mr Sutton doel not ' unclerstantl II now plainly , I am nt I loss to know how he Can he mnlle to mmntierstanil ho w nail where Ilcl when he Is l to do ! busi- ' ne ! ! , Unless he hue I brick house fall on hIm , or 8"methlnl or that kind. Sutton ate one time wantel to organize a separate Ant Illtnct board , ant act In the cApacity ot alent for that bLAtl , but hIs proposition WIS Immediately turned down , nnll he was nlvlse that euch nn Irrngement could coull nt be made . I note what yeti say re/nrllng Mnmm . Pm-elf. few r . and In reply to the same will lay lint whie there has been conslilerahle ! corre- ! ponlenc , ! with her regarding the luttiilly t mnter , I cnnnot coo why the RIocllt shoul take upon itself the respnslhlty of pn'lng the MUn ' bills. As I understand I. they purchased shares at stock and , nl > pl ied the nllvance ' plell payment or admission few e on time l\rehnse 1\lce or a bill ot goods which Mmitimmflly bought. I seems also that she went In debt lt this store , ngree- in g to elthtir ' the bili ' the future Inl eiher I'a ) bil or va' ' ! sessnitnis personally on the stock until her Indebtedness was hiqimiilate(1. Now If she fnlel 10 tlo 10. anti without any gtiarnfl- te\ from the assoelnton , where does the lS- so ciatlon create ? lr8. ' soclnton ! any liability : I'relrer even took the Ilrecnuton to write to the homo ole asking If : Irs. Mmliii ) ' wns all rl ght Inl If the association woud : gimar- antee her hills , to whlrh she was very pro"erl' replied that luirs . : luly was Ict- in only an commission anti Inv ) as agcnt on , Inll that the assoclnton would stnn goomi for no bis which she contrnctll\ ! : trs , Irelrer his nlo wrlttn to the home ollc very threntenlnl letters , that unless these mat- ters mire adjusted nceorlng , to her own wuy hc woull 111\arenty Invoke ( ha di. \ hit' wrath ot her htmsbammtl . who appears to be In editor of a nevmmpmuper . anti \ that we might look for no enl of notoriety throl h the columns or his journal. 'fhls blur Hoes . .rv ery wel with sonic , but In this case Iho WIS very l\om\t ) ndvised lint the best ti ming , her hlshanll or an ) other editor cOl11 do before writing nay "Ianderols nrlcles for InihilCfltioi that he wel subtnntlte the f acts which hc imropoes to plnce before the liuhille , or there might be another chapO ter to this kind of bllne" ! I'imere II Ilso n com"lllnt ( rain Mr. E- . \\'hom , you \\1 rememuhmer sell n Ilnmonll rlnl to Mrs . : t un , extendIng them credit , for the same . on their promises to keq' UI' the PaYflients of their stack until the In- \ayments t . tlebtedness was lquidate\ This Ilrt ) 101 caims that Mr. Ctwfor1 miami , myself al' ! ue1 blm when we were In Council Burs tbat time compan would stanll good ! for time bil ThIs Is wholly ( nice , nit wIll bo bore out i)3 ) , ' : lr. Crawforml. , lulrs , lul ' brought his gentleman to time hotel , and Intrduced him tu tie . apparently for thr turpoqe , of s hewing us that ( he was sntslell with thm ! Irangcment which he hall lale , with them He l nmmmio clnlm of to for mllle : no looking us re- s\onllhlt. on this ICOIH , amid so ns' sured lS , however . It any of these IHrtes shoull come imere 1 can Issure ycu that I I wi ( remit them II the snme courteous mnn- ; ner that I would any other Ilerson. and If I can shol them the wisdom In carrlnV - al their Investments 1 shall be glad to ; do so. Hegnrdlul your comment al Mr. Craw- , ford not shnlnv his correfponlelce ! , cnn sa ) hat this Plan. ns being signed . Is sln11) ' ndoptll , ns n matter' oC convenience often - tmes mnl ) ' uf the letters being IUctat.tl I hy other emplo'es of the omirce . 111 In mnn ) cnses. Wiled havlnl helvy m'tls , It IR too I. l ate to get the letters out . b' fore he mn ) hnve ll l gone to his hem " .lh kind , regnrls , I remain yours truly . W , S , IlCIJOND , DES : IINES , 10. . April 7.-Speclal- ( ) The application whIch 'V S. Ichmond fed I In I the district court last week asking for n chanve of venne from Polk county for trial I on time charge embezzlement. was to have been argued yesterday. Argument on I has heen postponed Int next Sattmnmiay , . The contnuance was grantet at the request ot both parties to the state prOluton , It was ' aslwl for and granted on the vround that the attention at Hchmoml Is directed just t now to his defense In the federal court to the charve ot usIng the malls to defraud. This Indictment was brought hy the fed - erl grand jury at Council Duls , Judg't ' Wocwn ! set the trial for that place for next Tuesday. Time attorneys for Iticimniond . flexI ! also for Crawford and Mimifly . have applol : to the federal court to grant a change of venue . n transfer of trial , from the tederal 1 court nt CouncIl Bluffs to the federal court at Des Moines In May. This application will . aI course play on important rlrt In the resist ance the state wi malt' In time district court hero to a chanvo ot venue In the embezzle- mcnt cases against Itichniond . It wi be argued that It Hchmoll himself sought to have his trial transferred from Council fllutTc ; . where he Is not lcaown . to Des Moines , where he lIves . he has not sufcient ground to asl I- for a transfer at his trials for embezzlcment from Des Moines to some other district. Mrm d L 1. Ilchmond went on the bonds of her son . and ot J. I. Crawford In the teteral court , nmi Coonel : Gedley ! at Ds Mines wen t on Mufmy's hondo The three defendants are all Indignant at lie ( manner In which they , were treated by thl federal aimtimonities. Tber ! friends are likewise Indlgnnnt In the firs place objections are made to their arrest at 1 o'clock lt night ; obJfdons are made to the search ot Hlchmond's house for stolen books at 2 o'clock In the morning . and ob- jectons arc made to takIng the men to Court ci Bufs In the night lENNISON luOS. rorrhlt UtWI the I'rlee. 100 pieces new dress prints 3'c yard. 3G-lnch LL unblea mUlln , 3'c yard. 3G-lnch dotted curtain Swiss 12thc yard. DRESS GOODS AND SILK BARGAINS. 4-lnch all wool black crepon , 70c yard 40 to 4G-lnch black and navy all wopl l French values. serge , 3c , fOe and SOc yard Great I fO-IICh , our finest quality , black gloria sill C , SOc yard. China silk , all colors and black 25c yard. yard. Our $1.00 . novelty silks fer waIsts now 7lc ; Genuine real hall cloth , 49c yard 100 2G-lnch gloria silk umbrellas , Plragon ( mimic , at $1.00. worth $ l.fO , Ladlcs' laundered percale shirt waists at GOc , $1,00 and $1,25 Nobblest line In the cty.Our Our long waIst , SOc ; summer corset , 30c. All suit ribbons , all colors , Nos 7 , 9 , 12 , IG , worth 200 to 35c. nt lOc yart , 100 children's lace collars , worth iCe , at i 10 cccii 100 curtaIn shades , iSo each. 4fc quality lnen warp matting . 29c yard. Buy your calpeta , curtains and rugs ot us , Wo can save yeu money. Give us a loolt. DJNISON DUOS. WiLL 1'1 . \ IIC\O.I U\CB MEI1 r. ( nn1ncd. . ! ucort hi SocurlnJ Admlnilu tl thin Nllonlt CIrcuit I Is now pretty well sette,1 , that the Oanymco Wheel club will have a race tim is summer that will , I anything , eclipse last year's record. For several weeks past tley have bee pulling wires with a view to go I- tng Council Huts admitted to the natonal circuit , and Saturday night word was re- ceive' ' rrom the racing board of the I.eagu me of Amerlenn Wheelmen that the effort hal , been successrul. The mater or dates has not yet becn decided upon , but will be wihin the coming weot. ! One or the members or the racIng board at Chicago complimented tIme members or the club very highly on the success or last year 's meet , anll ald that there never had been a better list ot prizes offered at any tourna ment given In the country Time one drawback - back was time dIfculy oC seunlng crack riders. In the main time best riders would follow the circui. which Is so orranell as to avoid al conOlcts. Putting the Ganymedes Into the circuit 11ractealy Insures the ( be St rIders In time country beIng preset. I Is expected that there will be fully 100 entrlls this year , and there Is no reason why the t list or records broken laft year shoul not be cqimahietl . or even excelled . The leetn ; will last about two days , and $2,500 worth or prizes will probably be offered. . No lore monke'lng with experiments In gasoline stoves. The thne-trled , Quick Meal and Ielabh at Cole'sit Main street . vans' Lautdry Co" , 620 Pearl ; tel 29Jj ; Ehlrts , collars , cuts , One work a specIalty . Yes , time Eagle laundry Is "that good laundry " and Is located at 724 llroadwa I In doubt about this try It and be canvimict : Don't target name and number Tel 157 , Reserve seats without extra charge at lectures hart's , 416 Broadway , for the Catlenter Gas bestIng stoves for rent and for sale at Council Uuls Gu company's olce. I'lzmimuing II l n''rl.11 "l.ari , " There Is talk or plalnlng a reception or some sort tck Frank G , Carpenter , who Is to spend several days In Council luls anll Olahl this week lie will be entertaIned by George W. I.lnlnger or Omaha and Is to be tenderol I luncllon by the CommercIal club or that city. I lies been suggested that the Iuiercbmantb ! Jerchant. and Manufacturcrs associati elm aught perrorm a like courtesy toward him on be half or the people or Council Bluffs semo D\enlnR during the wt k. 'II . Br Patens , evet _ 4hnelder's , 64 n'wr Te l. 215. - - - Dr. Lugel , omco'4'ld&th . an. : tel. 180. ' r .1' RED lAI * p GIRLS. - Thor IR O Mn.t"m RI ) lrk tn the history ot the VorUi , Isn't I rather cUrl n . says the 1hllllel. \hla Times , that nearly all the women who hn'e been great entnl ! ! . to have their heads emi t oft have had neil hair ' ? I It be true that a woman Is at the , r6 . 1 . or al evi , Isn't I equaly true that she . \1 ; uSlal ) ' be found to bo ret headed ? Take half a score or the I\omen who haYc bqen.nt time bottom or most troublesy , Cntbetln " or Ilula , Joan or A rc . Elizabeth , Mary Queen or Scots , Anne Qr Austria l Empress Buenle NlnOlle l'in- dlell In their beds Bven In prehistoric tmes It appears that rel.halre,1 women made ni l the tronble. A rell.halred woman caused the fall or T roy . anti a red.halred womln brought to lrelanl , seven centuries or woe. The two historIc h abductions or the world were or rll- aired h , women , The Ilestrlcton or Troy anti the trials mimi , trlbuatons ] ! or he men or cll ! . Lucreta 10rgla. Beatrice CClcl : 01 or them had red hair , ana ve ' few or them Argus were cnusC1 by the rape . or the rcl- haired Helen , the hIghest type ot HOlmrlc b eauty . The faithlessness of helen . however , was but trifling In Hs consequences comparell wih tbat or Irs. O'lolrkl another red- haired spouse whose Infdlty plunge,1 a whcle natIon Into war and brought suffering and grief to nntot : generationo . In 170 two IrIsh chiefs , O'Itonrke Ind O'Dermot , Ivel lenr h each other \ peace and Criendshlll O 'liotmrke hall n beamitiftml - wife whose hall was a fiery I\eslan red. O'Dermot took a fancy to htr and finally carried her off. Wnr fololed between the O'ltoimrkes amid O'Dermots. In which the later got tIme worst ot H. Henry II. of l ngaII ] then offered to t n slt O'Dermot Ir ho amid hils 101- lower l wonld ncknowledg the Fugl11 Itlng as ' their liege lonl. They did I so This gave the l nlsh an excuse to InvRI ! Ireland , which they mIld . to help fight out the O 'itommrhce matter. And from the tiny of lenry l lI.'s Interrerence to help O'ienmnott to t retain pCHeEslon or another man's redin heade I wife Ireland hns been the victim of Envlsh Injustce , Ameug primiive miami , barbarous pcollles ret hall was generally retarded with favor , alhough uSEoelatcl with tie cruel and ter- rIble. The gals of savage and serni.civllizeI nntens have always been cruel anti mitre'l' Ilslllrlnl i deities . and their color was always red , lied In time old sagas and folk-lore symholzell blood . war , hntrc : anti among the t early nations I was associated with diviniy all pO\er. both priestly and royal The tabernacle of the Israelites was covered with skins dyed red ; the gods and Images of BgYIt anti Chalea werc palnte,1 , red , and to this day red Is one of the dIstnguishing colors , or the Ioman ponll ant his cardinals - But even amonp these people red hair was not In favor. The ancient Egyptians , for I nstance . were violently averbe to red hair , 011 their hatred was literally n burning 0 110 . for accordlnp to Dlodorous they annually went through the gre\sote ceremony at burning alive one red-headed maiden In the hope that they mIght In that way prevent thc color from becoming a common one among them In Spain there Is an equally strong preJu- dlo against red imair Their proverbs say as do other authorities , that the hall of the traitor Judas Iscarlot was red , In all SpanIsh - Ish i paintings Judps i Ilslngulslml from the other disciples by the fiery color ot his h ) mair . and among Spanish people the world over red hair Is comlonly known 8S "Judas hair " . Among savage tribes , however , red hair Is i usually held In great ' esteem. Some of the Alaskan women . for example , smelr their haIr and faces all , over daily wlh the red juice at the choke clmerry , which gives thcl a bloody corsaIr aspect Among the native New Zealanders Itura , or red , Is the sacred color , aht a reu-imaIred woman has a clear rod to heav mi. All the New Zrlall gods and Idols arc paInted red When a person dies hil house Is so ralnted , and the scraped bones of dead . chiefs are also palnte' ! a bright red and then wrapped In a red stained mat and place In I red box In a red grave over whlrh Is erected a red pot. Among most savage tribes , as among our own Indans. [ red signifies war and butchery , although along seine , notably the Sioux women red paint Is used only In love and courtship The IrIsh , In spite or Mrs O'nourllc's example - ample , ore very fond or rea-headed women. Arng them locks ot time most fiery hue have always been considered a lovely attribute or beauty. runs : And there Is al old IrIsh ditty . which Heigh for the nplle nnll ho for th , pMr : hut give me lime Irel ) ' girl with th..reo' Imnir At enl time , It Is said , the IrIsh . . peasantry managed to have hall of their own choosIng by wearing a small "bcrateh wig " usually mde out at red hair , on top or their natural hair. . I was a common thing tOr a peasant to wnlp off his wIg \hon a tlstngulshet vis. ItO cale Into his house , dust a chair with It fo his guest and then put It on his head avaln , Hed hair Is genera\ly \ regarded as IndicatIng - Ing a pugnacious or peculiar disposition. Althrtlpologlsts are Inclned to atrIbute cer- taln distnct natures to the color or hair. They have complied statistics anti observa- tons of the mental characteristics and moral Peculiarities ot people with the same features and same colored hair , and claim to bo able to reach valuable generalizations from them , They nssert that certain wel defined moral and social characteristcs are peculiar to red headed women : for jxample , they arc round to bo capable at greater cruelty than other women , ara more deceptive , more designing and more ambitious , they scheme and plot and will lore readily sell body anll soul to carry out some Idea that has for the time token possession o [ theta They are brighter and livelier than most womemm but at the same time are usually Indolent and domineer- ing ant ! are oren lazy to the point of per- send uncleanlness , They are more passIon- ate and excitable. AntI "red ' mair" In these days has become a wonderfully comprehensIve term. l'ormerly , finer distinctions were drawn than ue now , and certain shades or rell were much admired and micro eoreful ) ' dlstngulshel trout red proper ; but \ 1 woman Is a red.head anti attracts white horses , whether her locks bD a "fiery Milestan ! " " ole.amher " " "fery Mlosan , "polc.aniber , "burnished god ! , " or "brown In time shadow and gold In the sun " A reil-imeadeti eon In these days Is probably an unweicolo adllon , on his frat arrival , to any tamly ; and most readerl wil recall time story or the loblenln wio refused to let his seventh son associate with hIs other six , or with any or the guests or the family , but kept him locket up In his park like a wid animal , because his hair hllllJened to be red Hcl , hair hike everything else , hal its con- slnnt admirers , rmnmi , ! nt tmes It has even heen the raging rash 101. This has been so rrom earliest times. In Venice , during the lays ot time Ialnter TItan , red hair was II such high favor that the 10st favorite shale , or It took hum name , And hair or Titian red Is even now thought to beauty any heall. CurIous and tetliods Ievlces , are resorted to II order to get thIs p\culr shade and lus- ten 'ho hall fp9sed to the hotest rays or time sun for hours at a time , until It Is bleached Into the jlrpver shade. In Titian's rime , on the mornIng ) ) erorl a carnival bal , time beauties or Verlce ' could be seen sitting on housetops waltng \ patiently tor 011 Sol to do hIs wll\n. hair was frt soaked thoroughly In a wasH I made or block sul- phur Ilul all honey , and then ( hunt over time brim or a crownless straw hut to dry and bleach ' . Irownlng seems .to have ralen a victim to the charms or 'llali\ ! hair , and he says aome cbaractrlstclly rxtravalant thln1 about H. The rag ror rel hair lust Certainly - tainly have bean a ' lively one to have remained - mained In time atmosphere or Venice all these years , and long no\Igh \ to have fred the Inoglnaton ot Drowning oa It ba In "A 'Foccata ot amiluppi's" ho refers reminIscently to the theJh.lr % eomne'mm , with such hair. too- % 'Imat's "cI'ome or , Whlt' ( mill time tld Used to lmimng - and \IUI" Ihelr bosoms 7 'lIce HaullHoo Oi time 1' mmiii " . A wrier In the Overland Monthly has srl- ously proposed the Introducton or the ken - gaoo to this country to take the place or the now practically extinct buffalo as a rood sup ply on the western plains. I Is urged that ( the kanaro Is hardy , easily acclmated , do- mestcatE ! without dlfCUly , breeds rtadly ; In captivity , Is cheaplY maintaIned , ices a large Imount of exechnt : and very edlblo flesh , Is valulbb a a fur and leather producrr and can be cheaply and readily procured , EGG3 Fan THE LITTLE FOLKS - - I\en It they Vsnnnlflymm Them They , \ro Trenumires. Easter eggs , like Eaier bonnets , arc a lee- ennry part of the festivities , ant even the grown imp children find enjoyment In reeelv. Ing and Riving them as presenls. The chl- ten who 110 not look for the Roster hare to bring them tome wonderful tlllnty little git are few and far b2tween In these days , when so much Is done for cimilmiren . Time tone most simple oC lie ( aster eggs are , of course , the plain ted ones , anti nol that dyes have re ached , such a Pitch or perrecton , most gemg geons results can be obtained by a very simi all Investment or money . The chlten fnd Easter I morning Conies only second to Christmas , anti there Is the seine ilehighitfuti llelghtrul excItement In thinking how many and what colored eggs will bo fouml hidden away In all sorts or omit or the way plac 8. There Is n certain klHI or sugar egg nbsolltel' ummifit to eat anti not Iiantletmlariy attractive to rtcularl' atractve look at . but which Is excIel1nRly satisfactory accorlng to clmiltlren's ideas . I has a trans. Pa rent bit or glass at one side looking throlgh which can be seen Iualnt little liic. tim res oC flowers or niminials ThIs constitutes constltes lart and , parcel oC every wel broughtu cim ilti's Easter fndings , ) Easter gifts arc beginning be looked mil ton by ever ) one as chute ( the fitting thimig , anll ns the cgg selms to be an Easter emblem - blem , It Is i rather a pretty idea to put the gi ft , if It be a simmail In ' gir I smnl one , seine Ilet ) fancy device at thIs sort Gloves fit very nIcely Into porcelain eggS , nnd are always nn acceptable gift. Hnndomc china eggs filled , \ . itli flowers (10 ( lot b ) any manl go mugging _ beg/Ing. whlo the basket anti wicker work enl . fitted imp with nit manner or sewing Implements. t , Ielvht thc heart or many girls , Slver bonbonnleres are costly Easter gifts . bnt are extremely' hanlsome. , AmI wheu the ) ' are so male , that they can hold thlmhlo or emer ) ' , or wax or waxing iimreail are by no means to be tlosplseil . The larger silver eggs Ire lalle sometmes to hell sclrsora , thimble ant neele cases , antI arc emlnent scssors ) . slccessful In these clays or sewIng classes. 1.lke most other fashions , timirc Is rasses. I rencwal or nn old st'le. Our grammminmotimnm-a /rallmothrr hall h just such things to h01 theIr sowing mit emiIimt . The china eggs arc generally vcr ) ' hal1. some as regards time coloring nail ornamen- in g , but are useless flom any other stand- ) oint. They only bout wel when so fillemi , flel with flowers that the orlllnal shape Is dis- gulsel , As boubonnleres they arc vcr ) ' much In favor for Easter gUs , amI hold a great vreat many benboius a fact moro generally appre. generaly clatml by the receiver than by the giver The candy eggs II nouvat , chocolate , etc. , are very Iclclous to eat anl , most slngu. larly umnwhmolesonme . hut thIY arc 10W beIng made so that they are fled wih other cammily and the contents made so desirable that there Is not time sammie necessity for eatng the shel These last eggs Ir unfortunately can. shlered partcularly sulnble for chilI ron , and the chidren like thom. But anything I I much rIcher to eat tiuiuu the ' thal thmey arc H would be exceedingly - ceedingly difcult to Imaglno. Naturnl history gets somewhat nwanderlng about Easter timmie. The Easter hares who ere IIPI\sed } to lay the egg , anti who mire 80hl In great lumbers and made at every concell'able compositon , stand In the shop sldo b ) ' side with the ownlest of little chlcle- ens and ducks . each ant nil surroundct by very shape amid sIze of candy , glass amid chInn egg Fortunately time little people Into whose hands they fall . arc content to take the prety things as they are given them all do not bother their mind with these unsolvable - solvable problems. The confectioners find Easter a splendid - - - lme tmi t to exercise their taste In ftai tip mib ni sorts or pretty designs . anti , blue or II onhonnleres displayed are not only very e xpensive . but utremely beautCul , anti , \11 worth keeping alien the bonbons have sill ben eaten. Berlin stool work wonl seem to t bo nn ollcl mactam 101 to -ho.e for an Easter 1 b omibormnlere , on,1 rt one or lie ( hanc\emest or f the season Is mallt or it-of course In the slupe or al I g. ThIs , miNI with ( ha mos ! "penHlv or Prench cantiy' , makes ary a cceptable RUt , anl - Iccelltablo when the caulles sire gone the hex I veli worth h\lnR. Silver jorllnleres eg/.shalel. or , mllr. with an OUOIIt lt egg shape , and filled wth growllg plalb nrJ very .tunnlnv aster I gis , amid are one or the ulowablo I'resents -by allowable Is meant the sort of a thng n lan may sell to II woman to whom he II Iller obligations for hoimpilnulty' . 1'lowl1 anI candlrs tire always permlulble , but nt Easter 1 anl ChrlstmRs can bo sent In imanti. SOl0 lmolthers . the 'alue or which Is generally much greater than the ordinary young mal cal wel aorll . l liii immiec''s : t\ , Story . Chauncey 1 Del'ew has n new 8tor- one which ho won't tel the next tmo he goes to Chlr. ' o , lerl I Is : "Thero was once n prominent lan In Chicago who , like nil others out thmcre , h011 a t'ery txaltl ollnlon [ or his town lie tiled , cud when he reachel , his eternal home ho looked abnut hll with much surprise , and sl1 to the alellnnt Iho hml olenell time gate for hll , 'filially . thl tloes grlll credit In IIla\'cn. to Chlcgo. ' I expected \ SOlo change "The otelulant e'ell the Chicagoan n scc- 0111 amid then obecr'ctl "rhls Isn't huc'ai'en . , ' " - - - . Tlw t'mit lt Irelu' ' . New York Worhl : Mis. Ncvu'age-Oli . I am amost ] tlrcII to dlath , The New WOlan club his been In beslol nil day , Ilasing resolutons anti , drwlnv imp IICtllons dc- manlng a law rCRnlatn time price or brel Only thlnlel Three miollars' worth Ir four costs whe bakel Into breamtl $ : It's out- rageous1 Time halters mnst be malIc to feel the powcr ot the law. You shoull ha\ been at the lectnv Old , . ) ' - was too bnsy. " ' , " "What mining ? "ilaliiig bread . " "Ialtnv ! When Btlyi1tg Fruit Trees , Buy the best. A mlnnto lost cnn never be recovered , and It's a calamity to lese severl years , which so many Iowa amid Nebraska people have dune vlhen they have bouht foreign grown , unlcclmatell fruit trees. , llNElAY nlOTImnS , TIE CRESCENT NUHSEHY. Were born on the lunds where their r.um-se. ry stock II growmm . amid years or patcnt , IlteUgent cXlerlnlnt huve taught them the best varieties for this climate. COlsequenty their humc grown stoclt Is as linrity as the forest trees. 'ho have n 'ery large stock ) for the spring delivery nnd 'very tree 19 warranted true to namo. Orchard , Vinyard. Lawn . Parking Trees tumid Ornamcntal stock Make no mistake In nnt 'Olr orters , Hell us your list of wants for prices \Vo can please you tn prices Ind stock. References : Council Bluffs Hanks , Council Dllr ) Counci Omaha lice and promluont business men. Nurseries six miles north of CouncIl Illffs. P. O. Address , Counci Dts. MENEIA Y nlOs , . . Crescent . Iowa - - - - . . . - - - - , - . - , - - , - - - . What is . . - ' ' ' -'S' \ \ \ \ _ _ _ _ Castoria is Dr. Samuel PItcher's prescription for Infmts and Children. It contains neither Opium , lUOrl)11ine IOi other Narcotic substance. It is n harmless substitute for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Cater 011. It ; is Picasant. Its guarantee is thirty ycars' use by 1Iiious JUothers. Castorn clcstroys 'W eras and allays fcverislmcss. CastorJa prevents vomiting Sour Curd , cur.s DialrlHxm amid Wind Colic , Castoria relieves tcctlsliig troubles , cures constipation azid flutuloncy. Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stonciacit arni bowels , giving healthy and natlLraI sleep. Cass' toria 1:3 the Children's Pzuiacca-tlic Mother's LrIcnd , , Castoi'ia. . Catoria. . , ijastorfa Is an ecehieot medicine for chll. , m Castonia is so well a4nptd toclmiitlm-en that urea. Motimerslmamo rcpcatctliy told mme of Its rcomomenditosaulmerlortoeiiypnniption goomi effect upoim their clildnen. " koown to me , " Ba. 0. 0. Oao000 , IT. A. Ammcrmmtn , If. B , , Lu w eli , Mass. Ill So. Oxtorti St , liroolilyn . , , N. Y , . ' Costonia is tico lmcmtrerncdy for clmlldm-en of " Our pimysicitums Ia - the chmildren' depart. which I ama swqimalnted. I imopo time clay is not mcmmt bavo spoken lmighly 01' timelr cxpeni. tar distant when immothers will concider time real cam-c in tlmeir outbido priucticci witim Castonia , lntorestotthmeircimlldrcn , cntiimsocastoriain. aimd althmommgh wo ommly hare amimomig omr steadeftimovar1oumsquachcmmosnummswImiciiam immethlcat supplies 'mvlmzit icc know'mm as regmmla ? destroying their loved ones , by torcimmopItmm , products , yet wo am moo to confess the morphine , bOOthmimig cyrump anti othcr hurtful immcrlt of Castoria bag womi " to leoi wIth agents down their throats , thereby acadlug favor upon it. " them t.m Freniaturo graves. " UimTzD Ifoam'm'rth .ac Vmem'mzsmuny , Ba. .1. F. } ZmNCimiLO5 , Boston. llaaa Cotmway , Ark. ALamo C. Ssmtrm , Pies. , The Conthur Company , T Murray Street , Now York Oft7 , Intending Pttrchasers EARLY OHIO SFED POTATOES , p -Guaranteed Northern Grown- Council Bluffs and Vicinity Imported Thousands of Dollars WorU ofPotato3s During the Past Season. Buy- Good S9d an1 We Wil Export Instead of Import. Wrlt9 for prices or call on DUQULTTE Co. , 2 1 1. and 2 1 8 Broadway , Council B1ufft , Ia , - - - . - - . - - - - - - - - . - - Cleaning and Dyeing of Garinent3 am 4 Goo'is ol Every Description. U YE WORKS. Seb ocd sitch 's 'J's' ii City ly a " , Voi'Ics , ( ni' . A''eiitie A and 261j St. , Counall hiItIflH , O1iie , 152 1 . - . 1)1(111 SI , , OlutilIll. Send for Price _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ List , . - - - "CJPIDENE' ! 'lids great Vegetuhle Vi iLmmltzvrthe lircseritm m , will quickly cure tou of miii mmer. -ous or dt.mat'a at timmi gemmermittme m'rgmilig ' , immeii mi-m ( .ost Mmmmmlmnod , Instmmiila ' Pelmie iii ( ho IitwIt,5eumimmmii .EimEmmmltm , , , Nervmie , BFitilty , l'tmpie. , 'Ummfllrmes , IL' ) Marry , iximauaulmmg Prcimm , , , Varico.-pI aim1 Commati metiorm , 3 1 toj'm cli itmmim'i , by day or iitgimt , I' , it'ntim quirk. Zmmts discharge , wimkLm if lot clc'kcl , pails ti , Hi'prnmmmlcirrhmmi-s cmiii B E FO R i : AND A F71R eli thu horrimrmot Impotency. ( 'VS'S ieezui ; : CiemiJiaa iimtmlibsr , Umo kldneya nmmti the urinary orgaumsof all impurities , ClJI'IDErE , 'trengtlmona and restores email wecic orcmmna. 'i'iiu rm'mtsomI imiffer.'rt 1mm-i , mtot cmmrt'4 by Jiocioril ii itecumus. , ninety per ( 'eat rio trnuibb-mj with 'e-'alnhII , CUi'IIEN1-hu thnommiy knowli remcdy to cmmrowitimoulmimm vp.-ratlum. , gui. A myritt"fl gutmrimtmt.'e givetm amid money remmmrneil it six ismx's clot-s nI urcl a heruiatuscuro. 5.Oa bee , six fur by mnaU. benml for ymimtmciicuhar an'i ti-siimmmommtata. ' ' - 'CDAVC ) Ii 3ZEIICIiE CO. , I' . 0. Jiox 2075 , San l'ramcisco , , Cmii. ) br1e lit ! & KUhN & CO. , OMAHA , NEBRASKAFOR SALE BY GOODMAN DRUG cc I. , . - - - - - - - - - - - i : - - _ _ _ _ l3cccham's ILtI5 arc for bilious. ness , bilious hcadachcdyspcpd sia , licartbtirn torpid Iivcrdiz. , ziflcss sick headachcbad , , tasta in the mouth , coated tongue , loss ofallctittsallow skinctc , , whcii causcd by collstipat'lon ; and constilation is the most frequent cause ofall ofth..rn. Go by tile 1)00k. Pills io and 254 ii box. I3ook J'e Lit your druggist's or 'ritc 13. F. Allen Co , , ,365 Canni St. , New \'ori. Ammmmel , , sl , ' , mnr. , , I liii. . 0,101 Cd ha , pu. _ C.WPANOIEMIDI I . $ , The Good Saniaritan. 20 Years' Experknco , itlalilt : or 1)t8l.tSES fl ) ! MEN AN1) ' , 'flMIIN , l'ltlcil'ltll'l'It or TIIL \i'oitit ) ' . . lm Etth1tL IiSl'h. . SAit' OF ii EI)1UlNii , 1ktY- ( \ ( . 'tilin ) , t\ \ ' I treat time following Osonses : Cutarrim mit tium ik'miti , l'lmroat mutt Iummmge' 1)ls. caimc's or timc.m Ro muimd Emir , Fits omuti .Apopexy , liemirt hiscmuse , iitcm' Ctmtmi lilmutmt. K itimucy Corn- lmtmiiiii , Ncr'otiM JeJilttiMental Ic- 5mreatMiii , I.tH 0 * IiLitltotl SCISS. hiimil S'cmui&iuem-n4 , iimtbcte ) , lit itmlmt'B Ijis. ( -lust' , St . V it mis' lzumic' ' , I them m immimt is iii. l'imrahymmimm , I' into Swehtimimr , Scm-iitmmlcm , Ft'vemScii'mt , 'l'unm. ( cr14 russet Iitt1i * Sit isiute resiio'eeI 'ithiOiit ( lie kilile or ulrrs-itig is thom ) oflahooui. 'Oillitit " " 'itli her delicate or5LiitH restored to Itemmitli. ) ( ) ) $ curedititout trtiumtg , 14iCCiitl lI.tteiltioii giveec to 1rt-iitim isiuci ' . 'eiiercrui 1)tCIIHCI-I ofmtil . kisatimu. So Sc , 83oe1uw1cit for mliii. 'ciereni J)114Cm1d4c I ccmiiimflt cure itlmoimt 1ICreiir' , 'i'mpu i\'Oimmms ru'muoveml iii lieu or thiN-C hmothms ' . ' , or mme i'mi ' ) lli'cmmurrhoide or l'iles cured. 'l'mlOSti W'II ( ) ARE AllI.lCTitI ) viui a-c I ito muimmi Imutimdmetis of dollars 113' call' imig emu or mmsimug OR. 0. W. PANCIE'S I1ERBL MEDICINES. Time .iml' liii y.m I a 1mm ii w Ii cm c-mm mm t i' I I sm Immit all. .3 a mreml , % m I tim , , um I. mmcli i hg mm 'i Im'i't , , , Tlmomicm at. ii , i i 'tt mm imc' , , s'imi I , , i ( Jmiest ion liInmilc , Ni. I himimiCli , N , . . 2 br sm-ummcim. .Ali correspomiuit'mmco stricti ) ' coimlldentiai. ietiicimmu Sd.'imt by' oeiiress. Atiiirc-ss all hatters C. SV. 1ANGI.E , M. D. , 555 BnoAowAy , COUNCIL Bm.um'ps , ncloso IOu In stmummmle for m'c'iily' . WL.DouLAS 3 ILU % ' I3THCI3E5T. l 1FlTFOR'AKlNQ. .4rsultr.3. ! CO1DOVANy i - / FRENCK&cNAtICLLCD CALF. . . I 4$35Q FlNLCALF&lnoJio - . I , * 3.PP01CE,3SOLES ( , ; , $2$2.WORiciNGMN V , 2.I7.L BOYSCIIOOLSHOE& - - . . - ' 'L.DIIS. , , - - $ - : -i - 5NDFORCATALOG ' - - , : " - Over Ono Million People wear the w. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Sboe5 All our shoes are equally satisfactory - They give the best value 1amho money. They cquai custom hoe Iii tyIo and lit. 'rhalr mvearlng qualities era unsurpassed. r Time prices arc ur.iform--at.'impcd on oic. lrorn $ m t ? )3 rims-ed aver c.i".r -------mc. ' -"m'aIercannAt " ' ' 'olah- A.W. UowminCo. , N. 16th St. c.J' C arlon , 1218 N24th St. w. w , Fisher , Parker and Leavenworth St. J .Newman , 424 S. 13t'i ' St. Kelley , Stieer & Co. . Farnam and 15th St. T.S.Cressey , 2509 N St. , South . Omaha. GEO. P. SANFORD , A , W. RIEKMAN , President. 'asbier , First Nalio nal Bank of COUNCIL BLUFF3 , Iowa. Capital , - . $1ooool Protit , . - - 12,000 Oa , , mt tims oldest banks in tIme state of Iowa. Vo uoiicit your buuincee anti collectionu. WI pay S per cent on titus depoaitu. We will b. pleased to see and carve you. MEss1onE & CLEMINT , BROKEES GItLIN , PROVISIONS , STO0S , 503' , ' , liromculwsiy , ' 54 ( ; rain lummmmhiemi iii cmir loatl lots. Tel , 203. COhiNeil. liltJFFS , IOWA. - - - q1iit , i. lU I'hIHhI flCP Attmirmmeyi-mst-Limw , . . - , , I .10 I. sjm-imiiimuiiuu , l'rmtctmco iii this State miimtl Vetiarai Courts. itooim .fli.T-S. ) , Simugar Iliuck , ( .utmIiitii muir , I ouvu , S i,1Iisi IZIPI ttuiuU'm't.utcst.mm'J - j1i.V I IUI.U tIme Ftmmturesmimimi 1temao- . . , ama lIieizmiiiem , , 1mm 1k ) p. bmmijk fo , ' a l.liii U , % Vo.maiimry , l47 W.42t1 Ml. , N. V. ' I000tmkmr 'f Wmodbury'a i"mteiai tkaw. ' , 4 DIu1f V1I1MNEYI1 CiEANII ) ; VAULTS CLiANBD. ii burke , mit _ ' : : liomem538 ltratiway , ClNmlae3 ) FOIl 13ALE. 200VAQON LOADS. 13. hum-ito. at liomner'im , 1.38 I3mtadwtm' , i'oit xtinr , imotisit , No. sca JS1IOADSVAY. with em.'ven ruomims ; also four 1OOImms atijolnimm& at CII llrtadwmmy , good clmumncu for either priyam family , boarding house or restaurant , B. W. Jmmcksomi , FOIl ItENT , FIVE.ltOOM COJTACRI Oii 11cm-ce tmeet , betweemi l'arit anti Ulen mtveou-sd Iteebe , FOIl JIENT , A UOOi ) IIOUI3E ANI ) HTAIIi4J anti 2' ' ) acres mit garden iunI , 3 mnties ( ruin 11mm , city hlinlie. For lent ( em$7,51) mien month. Amiiiiy to LeotmajtI Eyuett , i'earl street , Ceua. cli lur1ii. F'Oit IIINT , A aoon lmOtJHlI , HTAllbE AND 4(3 11cm-es if land. 3 mile. froni time city limits , For rent for imiol her mnommuim. Apiy to J.eomu. aid Ilverett , ( .tmiuncti Itluffs , Ia , , Iolt ItiNT , S ACIII11 ON ltIiXlli H'FltmE'h. tao buiihirmg ) , Z' ' , acres an Lincoln avenue tempail limiuse mini pmizmbie ) , 2' ' ) acres aim Uj'i'er ltroamiwmiy ( good house. etc. ) , 1. , Tullefe , 103 I'eanl sheet. FIVE AC'itEH ( IAItIIEN LAN1) , Wi'tJI LAiIOU - iwo-emory house , for rent , ( .nivii'e Reel Estatu Exclmaimge , FittJi' ' FAIlS ! 1,111) OiuBiEU LAND YOit mmiii. cut-mu' soil tin easy 1cm-rims. h.iy & lIeu , ' 31 l'cari etrm-et. 'roiiiNiA : SIWEN-ItOOtl ItGtS. . 331 1'AItIC muvermue. . - - - . di 4 roil 1tEN'I'-i liA\'ii HE''ltAJ F'litsT.CLAaIII maodern imousc-i. icrIi , 1. S'uodtaury , cornet UIUIT mtnd thtury strtte.