V" " " ? ' ' ' ' _ _ . . . _ r' ' ' " " , . . . . , . , , , , , . . , , . , , , , ' t - 1 . 'I. .i 8 TilE OMAHA DAILY JUnEI SATURDAY , APRIL G , 189. -I. ' . OROII1h11G lUNG t & CO _ - , w " Spccil11 Confirmation enlo in the Ohildren's ' Depa.rtment. BOY'S CONFIRMATION SUITS $4.00 Two "I'cclnl II11rlnl1l8 for the llrll for 8nturllny ; III the i'urulshhlg ( IIOIh j -Al8o n Orlucl Sillo f ot Ilalw F , ° l ; Only ono day between now amt . confirmation - tion Sunday and wc offer you thIs as your ' last chance a special sale of confirmation t suits for the boys. Wo have enough to last till wo close at 10 at III/ht and will give you the beat bargains you have ever obtained - tained In this city. Very stylish confirmation slllts , In short . pant patterns , ages Ii to Iii , block and blue . black diagonal cheviots , are $ too Saturday. lJIack diagonal cohfirmnatlon suits , short pant , ages Ii to 15 , double breasted arc $5.00. Double breasted . genuine clay worsted short pant confirmation suits are only $ G.OO. The very best short pant conflrmlltlon suit , obtainable , In genuine clay worsted , single or double breasted , for $7r.0. Long pant confirmation suits , ages 13 te 18 years , In single breasted black cheviots ot the low price of $5,00. I Long pant confirmation suits , block dlago- M cal cheviots , ages II to 18 , at $8,50. Time clay worsted confirmation suits that F wo sell for $10.00 Saturday , long ; pant styles hI beyond . all doubt the finest and most fashionable suit concqltlon ever produced For $12.liO we'll give you a Thlbet black cheviot stilt , In long pants , ages H to 18 years , a decided . 1 bargain ! ; and very dressy BOYS' III.Ut : OVIItALLS . 50C. Every boy should have a pair of the blue g- ounce l I'verett : denim two-threall. double and . twist , overalls for 1i0c : good to play to work 111 : have patent elastic suspellllerR and are strong and . well node : 1i0c Is the Ilrlce. limN'S 117ItNISIIINGS AND IIATS Very hue / French halhrlg"an , eSl1eclall high grade underwear , GOc each. Extra good percalE ! shirts , with two col- lars and II pair of cuffs for $1.00 , The "StetFon special , " the best hat on earth , Is $1.50. The "Browning King special , " our own particular pet a hat that's worth a dollar more , Is $3.liO.BItOWNING. hiltO\VNING mNG & CO. . . S. W. Cor 15th and Douglas. p - ThrnnGh SI'rvl. t The Nickel Plate road , ( N. Y. C. & Sl. I T. H , It. ) the favorite line between Chicago , and the east along the south shore or Lake i BrIe , being the shortest line to Cleveland anti \ BurCalo , offers a splendid through car service to all classes of passengers. Magi - niflcent 'ugner sleepers and dining ! ; I m car dally on through trains to New York and Boston For reservations of sleeping car space and further Information , address J. Y. Calahan general agent , 199 Clark street , Chicago , III -s- l'It'uMu"t tit 'IUo The Northwestern line fast vestlbulell Chicago - cage train that glides cast from the Union Depot every afternoon at 5,45 : and Into Cltl- cage at 8:45 : next morning , with supper and la carte brealdast. Every part of the traIn ! Is RIGHT. Other eastern trains at 11:05 : a. m. and 4 . , p. m. dally-goOlI , too. City ticket office , HOI Farnlm : street. . ( ' 0"10 ' " 111 ace the IInhlrM. I The ladles of the Creehe board will he glllil , . to receive all friends oC that Institution on Saturday evening , fran 7 to 10. I Light refreshments oC coffee and sand- i - . wlches wl11 he served for 10 cents , the pro- ; " coeds to bo devoted to the recent renovation I made In the house. ' ! . ' Citllforntn. ' ' It you wanl to get there ' comfortably , , , cheaply qulellly , call at the Durllngton's fJ city ticket office 1324 Farnam street , and : : ask for Information about our personally con- \ . , , . ! ' ducted excursions. + . They leave every Thtlrsda morning , - - - : , Free bicycle riding school at Columbus . , Buggy company's . . . ; A. O. U. W. GRAND LODGE. r- Supreme Court Inters 1\11 Order III Clue . \\'orlllflell Cu..e. . At LIncoln yesterday the supreme court r issued an order In the case of Gray against Lal1\ln \ , acting grand muster of the Ancient Order of United \\'orkmen. i This Is the case wherein one faction of the order Is fighting the other In an attempt 10 , postpone the holding of the grand lodge , - which Is called to- convene on May 14. On , the aPllllcatlon ot Lontln the hearing was postponed and a bond In the sum of $1,000 . . filed This action postpones the holding of the grand lodge , unless the case can bo dls- . posed of In the meantll11e. " In the lower courts the Ancient Order or , United workmen asked for a mallllamus com- l'el1lng the plaintiff to issue a call for a , meeting oC the grand lodge , which I"afllin had refused to 1I0. The district court granted the aplllcatlon , and Lafllln- appealed. , . , "There are no longer Pyrenees " Napoleon t. . There would 110 longer be alum baking powders It consumers did not extend them IJatronage. , : . , 4 ! ) dJ5OUaUi..1113V1''J. I , 1IIIss Marie Burroughs the beautiful and f talented actress whose success on the road ' ; tills season ns a star has been most gratlry- l lng , plays a two nIghts' ) engagement al s' Boyd's theater , commencing Monday night , ' In Pinero's masterpiece , "TI\ \ Profllgllte , " , which luau . Its Initial production In this coun- , try a few weeks lIaele. Like "The Second , Mrs. 'funquernr , " It Is looked . upon as a purpose - pose play , althollgh , while 'Ir. Pinero has , drawn a nightly lesson Crolll modern lire , his first alai has been to \\\"lto a strong ! and Interesting - teresting Illay. Ito hall succeeded In his effort - tort , judging ! Crolll the reports of the success IIf the ploy In other large tildes Miss Uur- roughs filllis In the role oC the loving , trusting - Ing wire , ono with which she Is In full sym- 11athy. The sale nf scats will open this r. morning at 9 o'cloell , Miss Marie Jansen will appear at the Boyd on the last three evenings of next week , with I matinee Saturday , In her famous character or I , Trlxlo ] lIazl'lInero , the lealllng role In Glen \IacUonough's ! hrlllIant and slleeessful roar oily . , " 1 ellllonlco'li I t Six " During her whole career Mss Jansen never hall 1\ part otter suited to her nor cite In which she dlspla's her yarlotl talents to batter advatago lIer " piquant personality lends luster to the shinIng - lug surronnlllngs oC the piece , allli her dash ] , vim and grace title a most favorable 111I. f l1resslon. A superb company I\sshts her In f Presenting the lively- comedy ( , which Is sure to receive an enthusiastic greeting from the , ; ' I'ublle of this city , where the piny has never been seen ' 1'0 drive dull rare away , to pass tltuo pleasantly to take the wrinkles out of one's face , a visit to 0Imonlco'6 ut Hlx' , Is II prescription thllt beats a spring tattle Prof. Sherman Is to appear at O"II's some ' time In May with his delightful entertainment - : mont "Tableaux Pilantasma'hutch ' consists oC "Living Pictures" dissolving one Into an- , . , other In 1\ most wonderful ViI ) ' . Those par Uclllnllng In tire tableaux will be of OnH\ba's . " ! tIlUt meade , " ' ! 1 " 'fhe IIIIIIIulY tableaux one oC the Interest. , . lag features of the evening , will bu taken 11) one of Omahll'lI crack mllltnry companies , whllo the muslo accompanying the display \ ' , soma rellglous & some comic , will bl1 furnished nlsbed by our best talon Snclu p ! program cannot help but be entertaining In the high. ellt degree . , Not Uecltlclt'hut In )11 with 1lIer. : The state has taken no action liS yet In : " record to the Imer cunbezzlenieut caS0. To prosecute the suit two courses remain open , one being to alllleal from the ruling of Judge Scott , quashing lIe : Indictment on a technicality - cality , and Iho other Is to tile a new case hy Inrormutton In police ! court. County Attorney Daldrlgl3 bas been engaged ! In 11 trial before JUdge Dumo and bad not yet IlclermlneJ what course would be Pursued In the matter when asked ! In reference to It. So Car liS the n , ; state 18 concerted lie believed that he coulll 'On all points show good ! Ne edellt 'COI' tbs " forlu followell . . ' ' ; i'J - = : : . , - ' Ins CAPTURE NOr OERTAIN IJctcetlIIn.lnl : n IJlmcnlt Time In Getting - ting I'osses.lon o. n l'rlAllner. . Detective Rolland . oC New York Is flailing . It no easy matter to get potseuton of the person of Harry ] L. Davis , the man who was arrested hero several days ago on a New York warrant , chargIng him with larceny In the 8-COIIiI dogret' Holland made pltca- tlon to Governor Holcomh for requisition papers se\'erall1ays ogo. Attorney Gurley , 10 behalf of Davis , opposed the granting oC the Papers on the grounds that Davis was simply wanted In Nell' York cn the collection of a civil Ileht. The case was heard Thursda by Governor Ilolcomb anti he refused to grant the papers on the showing , but gave 1I0lland one week In which to obtain further e\'hlence. There were two points on which the governor - ernor WAS In doullt. In the first place It Is a question whether the 'rime was committed In New York or In New Jersey. ThG defendant - fentlant alleges that its was In New Jersey at tile time that he made the false statement on which he Is charged with fraudulently obtaining ; Ioods. As ho obtained . the goods from a New York firm , he ! Is amenable to the laws of that state for the offense , If he h captured therein but If he left after com- mitting the crime the point Is raised that he Is II fugitive ; front justice from the state of Noll' Jersey , amid not from the state or New York and that therefore , he can not be taken back to New York Again , the l1efelulant claIms that the bill of goods which he obtained on the statement and ) which Is mentioned In the II\tllctment , was settled II few days after the debt was In- currell. It Is not denied that he obtained other bills or goods . on the strength of the statement , but these , It Is argued , are not ml'ntlonell In the Itllllctment. On these two points the governor wishes the detective to make a better showing be- fore he grants the rClJulslllou pallers In the meantime Davis will be held In the county jail. No effort will he made by his attorney to get him out , art agreement to that effect havIng been matle. . Strict observance of hygienic laws Insures helllthy vigor of bruin and body . Price's Cream Baking Powder as an IIItI Is intlispens- able -p - - lIulllllhre ) ' Still III Bvhlrlleo. Three cheeks , , supposed to he the handl- work uC h' . llanphrey the young lingllsh- I mon who did U'indsor Kemp & Co for several hllluired dollars appeared . ' at the local hanks yesterday , Payment was refused In each Instance. w II.\YIJIS IIItOS. Grm't 'nttlrll , y IIorlulll "Ir. SPECIAL BALE 01. GENTS' PUnNISH- INOS. 100 dozen men's line slllt leek scarfs new patterns , worth 25c , 50c and 75c , your choice tomorrow for 10c. Special , for one day only , 100 dozen men's fast black cotton sox , Hermsdorrr dye , worth 25c . go at 9c a paIr. A case of men's light weIght jersey ribbed underwear 25c , worth 40c. \Ien's : fancy laundered shirts 25c , reduced ( rain 50c. 100 down mascot shirts , laundered , liOc , worth $1.00. Our $1.50 fancy percale laundered shirts reduced ) to 100. 100 dozen men's washable sea grass ties iSe worth 25e. 'len's unlaundered . shIrts , double back and front 39c , worth 50c. \len's : white hemstitched handkerchiefs 10c. 12'hc and 15c , special value. A lot of men's fancy suspenders , regular 50e quality go lit 25c. A lot of 26-lneh umbrellas , worth $2,50 and $3.00 , go at $ \.fi0. Thousands came , where hundreds were ex- pEcted. Thc popular sales continue In our cloak and suit department. During Saturday and Easter week we will sell : A ; well made spring wrapper at 39c , worth 75c. ' , A ladles' jacket at $3.35 , sold by other dealers at 5OO. A handsolllo cape ( rimmed with satin rib- bop lace and figured braid , well worth $5.00 , at $3.D5. . A cloth mackintosh , brown or tan plaids , former price $5.00 , now $2,19. i 300 ladles' slll waists , special job , worth from $3,00 to $1i.OO , lit $1.39. SATURDAY NIGHT BARGAINS , 7:30 : TO I 9:30. : Silk floss , 10c dozen regular price 40c , for ' two hours only at lOc a dozm. Ladles' washable belts 25c ; ties to match , 15c ; line silk Windsor ties 15c. STAMPED : GOODS. Pure linen doylle , 2c ; stamped duck goods , 6c ; large stamped duck for centel piece , 10c : beautiful tinted table cover , 19c. 4 packages needles , 1-1 darning needles , 5 hat and vall pins , and SO pins all for 5c. , NEW BOOKS CHEAP : 5,000 on sale ' Saturday , every title under the sun , biggest bargains ever offered , a 25c book for 7c. ' GASOLINE STOVES For tomorrow , 2-hurner gasoline stoves , $1.90. 4-lnch wide burner , single all stoves 25c. ' 100 other different llinds of oil and gaso. ' line stoves at corresponding prices Tomorrow - row Is stove day DRUGS. : : ' Moth balls , Se a pound : packing camphor , 20c ; gUIII camphor 65c : sassafras bark , 25c. DIstilled extract Witch Hazel , JOe ! a gallon. Insect powder , 39c a pound : sulphur , lie : copera , 5c. _ . \'arr.er'lI Safe Cure , Hic ! ; Klckapoo India Sagwa , 70c ; Castorla 23c ; Carter's Little Liver Pills 14c ; Duffy's Malt , for medicinal purposes , Ole ! ; Garfield tell , ISc. Special perfume sale Saturday at 10e an ounce ; all popular 'odorss Bring your bottles . tles 25 pounds graulated sugar , $1.00 : 27 pounds of coarse granulated sugar , $1.00 : finest tomato - mate ever eaten , 8 6c ! ; best sugar , corn pack- aged , 8e ; good tomatoes , G'hc ; good corn , 5c : salmon , 10c ; condensed milk , 10c : large pall jelly , 2ge ; best laundry . soap , 3c : largo pall syrup , 65c ; large raisins , 5e : soda crackers . ers , 3c. TEAS AND COPI EES-AII regular liOc leas , any kind , Saturday 33e : Java and Mocha - cha coffee , 27c , sold cverywhero for 35c : Golden HIll coffee , 4 f pounds for $1.00 ; malted ) coffee 15c. Country butter , 7e ; creamery , 17c ; WIsconsin - sin rull cream cheese , 7c : Cuney Swiss cheese 10c : fancy brick cheese , 10c ; salt and pickle pork , Gc : all sizes sugar cured hams , 10c ; sugar bacon , 8mlc and 9mfc ! ; Callrornla hams , 7c. HAYDEN BnOS. . - Opening of bicycle department oC Columbus Buggy company : tonight. . -p - - - A row Allv Ulfnll'S , Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee \ & SL Paul rllllway , tlaa short line to Chicago. A dean train made UI' and started free Omaha , , Baggage rherlted rrolll residence to dp.sllna- I tlon. Elegant train service and courteous emIJlo'es. ntlro I train lighted hy electricity and healed by steam , with electric light In ! every berth Finest dinIng car bEn'lce In the west with meals served "a la carte. " I 'l'he Flyer leaves at 6 p m , daily from Union Depot City Ticket Olllee , 1501 Farnam street. C S. Carrier , city ticket agent .r N el 1 e > e m _ _ _ _ _ ingi g Cares Co1rls , COllgl , COli- : Cllres Scrofula r Gelle",1 - l sUlIIltfonIJrollclitJs , , Pt T l1IlitJ- , Loss of : - IcshAnnemirl , g mlAr1111'ulutonary COllllllllllts 'I es mug n111irasfiaA Discnscs VI. Drinking in the buoyant ozone the sufferers from lung troubles it to relllrn to the disease-weakelled ( r r * of the mountains , sweet with the need not brave the dangers of long system thc nutriment which is so r6 odor of spruce and hemlock , ma\1y \ journeys in thc winter tinge to se- richly supplied by the palatable Vlm V a pilgrim in search of the fountain cure all the great benefits to be Emulsion of Pure Cod curativeYl VI of health , has found surcease from secured from a season spent in these through which these great curative m anxious thoughts and the goal for great storehouses of healing. Ozo' agents are introducelt into the sys-I which he searched. But not all mulsion brings all these great heal- tcm Science never produced a . who should go ' to the mountains , tug properties to your very door grander remedy for all forms of m > .01' who could be benef ted hy a It is made of Cod Liver Oil , Ozone lung troubles than O'LOn11tJLSION 9) / sojourn in the piney woods could go and Guaiacol. Guaiacol is a 1'1'0There is nothing new or untried (1 if they would And if they could , duct of the pine tree , and not only about it. Each ingredient , is a s ) not all seasons would be filled for has a marked healing effect upon standard rcmcdy in itself , and lungVl such a sojoUl11 The rigors of the the diseased lung tissue , but has been successfully prcscribed in lung ' ) climate in those regions make it the added virtue of destroying the troubles for years by physicians. I V unpleasant if not impossible to live very germs of the disease This Only the combination is new , and : V there in winter , the very season germ.dcstroying quality is a : factor Ozomulsion is to.day more popular when weak lungs need their help in the successful treatmcnt of lung than Cod Liver Oil or Guaiacol m I most But thanks to the progress- trouble which cannot be over - esti - has ever been with physicians in m 1 ive science of medicine , which has matcd. The ozone supplies an extra their regular practice , among conVlm Vlm I I (1 caught the ozone of the mountains , amount of oxygen which acts pow- sUl11ptive or scrofulous patients , 01'1 ( distilled the healing odors of the erfully on the blood , revivifying those suffering from any form of pine forest , and holds them captive and purifying il , and making it wasting diseasc. It is up to disapYd , ill the emlllsified oil from the fresh able 10 burn lip and carry off the thoroughly reliable , never disap- I / liver of the Norwegian cod fish , worn-out tissues , and also enables points , and is always sure. rg. , , ) IT IS [ THE KIND PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE lOll SIIIy In" "UT , lWmss. ( In T. A. , SZOCUM co" , ISI Pearl Street , New York City. ' . . . , . . , . . . . . , , , . . ' j Tlo1n , pa' women got p1ur.p and beantIful on OZO.1fU1S1Ot' l l For Sale by KUHN & CO , 15th and Douglas Streets , Omaha. - - -fi ( # e e e e Uta e a'f $ , Royal , has the highest leavening power of any powder examined , and is pure and wholesome. No other powder gave results so satisfactory . FLOYD DAVIS , M. 5. , Ph D. , 'iJ . ' fat r . ' . Chemist oJ Iowa State Board of Health. > W"c : : . , = : c : : c : 3 ' r. : > Mc : : C adLat3rfa ! < If.a . . " . . . . . . . " " Ala _ . . . .vr' ' ' . . . . . . " " , , , , " " " " . , ' 1\/111 t"'lIltUut I'mllllnl " TUIII"'u \ , / ( : One cup 1lllloca , soaked over night , ono quart milk , yclks four eggs , whites of two , one cupful sugar , two lablcflloonruls grated cOcoauu i Jalll ! ollehahOllr. \ . Make Crost. log or whites two eggs , three tubledlloun- full ! sugar , two tablespoonfuls grated cocoa- nut ; spread over pudding when baked . , Set ! III 001until 1\ light brown I - Sl'lInl'o ( 'nko. Two cupfuls sugar , seven eggs , one CUll flour , one teaspoonful : Hoyal Uaklng Powder , a 1)lnoh salt , one teaspoonful loyal Extract I.emon , Whll sugar and eggs together until thick and whit ; add flour , sifted with now lIer , und salt and the extract ; mix together II.ICkly ! ; bake I tt tin JII1\I1.wlllt \ buttered paper , In hot OYeU tbirtyfivg minutes I GARDENS OUT OF VACANT LOTS "Uct'lIlt J'lnll" Set 1111 Feet nt n Sleeting : \1..lrral ) ' tIt rr"nnn. The Agricultural Commission of Omaha was formally brought into existence at a meeting held In the mayor's office yesterday afternoon. If Its plans do not ) miscarry It will bo the means of transferring ! hundreds of vacant and unsightly city lots Into bloom- log gardens durIng the present season an I thereby establish 1\ means of support for the poor who CUll obtain no other employment and would otherwise be a burden on the various I ous public and private charities. At yesterday's meeting there were present Mayor Bemis , who acted as chairman , John Hush and Secretary Laughla\1(1 ( of the Associated - sociated Charities : ' 1. E. l\lcGlnn and ( L. Wilson of the St. Vincent Ile Paul society , Moritz : Meyer and Samuel Katz of the lIe- brew Benevolent society County Commissioner - sioner Williams and Councilman 1Cment. The greater part of the discussion was of a desultory . tory character , and the only thing really accomplished was the organlzltlon. : Mayor Bemis was elected President of the commission . slon amid Mr. McGInn secretary. An execu- tive committee was appointed consistIng of two members from each benevolent organiza- tion. These consist or 'lessrs. McGinn and Wilson of the St. Vincent de Paul society , Messrs. Laughla\1(1 ( and 'Vlley of the Asso- elated Charities and President J. F . Bran- deis and Mr. Moritz : Meyer : of the Hebrew Benevolent soclely. The committee will have full charge- of the affairs of the commission I and Is provided with power to act according to Its own Ideas. Tire question of financIal assistance was discussed to some extent and an effort wa made to secure some sort of assurance Cram Commissioner'lIIlamB that the county board would provide thc $1,500 which will be needed for seeds , tools and other things essential to the objects of the commission. That gentleman was not disposed to commit - mit himself , however , and the most that he could do was to promise that the request or the commission should be honored with the most serIous consideration or the holly which he represented. It ] was suggested by Mr. McGinn that most of the seeds that IVoull be , necessary might he obtained through the Department of Agriculture , and Secretory Morton will probably be communicated with for that purpose. It was the general opinion that no time should be lost In prosecuting time plan of the commission , and all persons who wIsh to a\1111 themselves of the opportunity to support . port themselves by farming on city lots are requested to notify the committee. The meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the presl ent. DOUGLAS COU > ' 'l'V 'ILL 1'i ' OT AID , llalnnec lIellll 011 the 1Vrong SIde , Cnnnot 1'u\o 110111 of Ietrolt l'l"n. Promoters oC time cIty garden enterprise , which Is beIng Inaugurate for the purpose ot aiding till poor of Ommaha may as well count on carrying out their undertaking without . out time finunclal aid or Douglas county , for II cannot be had. "Thero Is an Insuperable . . dllllculty In the way . . says Jlllige Stenberg "Douglas county has run out oC funds amid will have absolutely no money In the general full after the meeting of next Saturda . I thlnlt { a sound charitable organization , lie- qualnted with the needs or the poor , and with II good superintendent lit the hellll , should tal13 hold or the enterprise anti fee that time work Is properly done allll the fields kept tilled. It can be made a success , but \l \ Is out of the queatlon ( for the county to tlo auytiihtg " Inqlliry its to the actual condition oC the county , IInanclally , reveals the fact that there remains but $910 In the general runll aVllllaJlo ! from time IS93 and 1891 levy. nllls at time Saturday meeting will eat up ( this sum , The board still Las In a special cash fund , made Ull or collections from various sources , $18,875.60. Time board , 'Ir. Stenberg says , will religiously guard this amount to pay the salaries of county oiilcers until the middle - tile or July , when thll new levy Is ova liable. It takes an average oC $1,500 per month to pay these salarlea. All bills after limo Sat- urday meeting will bo allowed liS usual , but not Ilaid until July. This Includes bills for charily store goods , wItness rees and jurors rees , etc. , heretofore palll out oC limo general Cunll. In other words , the county will do u credit business for a time. It costs on an average about $20,000 a moonlit to run the " ' " " " " " ' " ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' " " , , ' ' ' ' ' - - ' - ' - - - - 1'10 No I. Thlel1 cupfuls sifted flour , onehalea \ - spoonful Ho'al nailing Powder , large plush salt , one cupful cream , one-halt cupful butter - ter 8m \ lour , salt and powder together , add the cream : mix into sll1oolh , rather firma paste : flour \ the board , roll It out thin : spread . the butter tit It evenly , fold In three ; roll out thin , allll fold In three ; repeat twIce more , antI use - . - . - - - - l'ulIO No I. Three cupfuls sifted flour , one. halt lea spoonful Royal Baking I'owder large pinch sail . one cupful cream onc-halt cupful butter . ter Slit four ( , salt and powder together : add the cream ; mix Into smooth , rather firma paste ; flour the board , roll It out thin j spread the butler on In evenly , old In three ; roll - county , so that there will , It Is estlmgtetl , bo , a shortage of about $10.000 al the first meet- I ing or the fiscal 'car. While these arc the cold facts In the case members of the board say there Is no need for alarm. In rears past there has always been a tleficlt , but for the last ( few years It has been actually growing less On July 1. 1soi : I , the board had $ fi ,430 outstanding warrants to meet more than will be clue this 'ear. In fact , In view of the heavy drain for charity , members consider the showing good. Among other extra Items or expense was one for $3.000 , the cost of Judge Scott's grand jury which he so roundly roasted. Still the board Is not out of mone ) ' . In the road null bridge fund there Is available S0ll10 $20,000 lit the present tLme , but none of this amount can be used for general ( eXllenses. . Columbus Special-best $ GO wheel In Om- aha-at Columbus " ' Buggy cOll1pan"s. _ p Nil 'h'UII:1I ' tll Now Yurl and Ioeton The "throngh service offered the traveling public ( by the Nickel Plate " road ( N. Y. C. & St. I. . n. It ) . Is unstmrpatsed . The perfect passenger service or this road with the well known excellence DC the West Shore and Fitchburg roads recommends Itself to the traveling public. Wagner palace cars and dIning cars daily on through trains to New York und Boston. For additional Infarma- tlon se : your \ local ticket agent or adtlress J. Y. Calahan general agent , 199 Clark street , Chicago , III. I . . ( hieIgo luck ( Island C I'oclllc Ity. Change of time Sunday . April 7 : TraIns Nes. 2.I and 6 , eastbound , will leave as for- lIIerlr , viz , III 11 u. m. . 4:30 : ( ) p. 111. und G:25 : \I. III. Trains front the cast arrive Omaha /:35 ! / : a. . 1:35 : \I. 111. and 5:55I. : . 111. Trains for time west leave Omaha at 1:40 : p. m. , Den- ver limited , G p. m. , Texas expres. Arrive frolll the west Deliver limited , lit 4 p. m. . Texas express 10:50 : a. m. Passengers can ' now leave Chicago at G p. m , on a Cast ves- ' tlbuled train with dining car and 'buffet : sleepers and arrive In Omaha at 9:35 : a. 111. I Passengers for Lincoln leave Omaha at 1:40 : I and 6I. . m. CHAS. KENNEDY , ' G. N . -W. P. A. Ticket office , IG02 Farnam street . Tu the'I'ravrllnr , I'uhlle. Before purchasing tickets to points east of Chicago first ascertain the rate to that point over the Nickel Plate road City ticket office , 199 Clark street Chicago , III. y NEBRASKA SOLDIERS' MUSIC. 1IC1l1'lIt Coucert UIII halt by First Infantry tloulIl 1/11. / . Evening. The First Infantry blind , Nebraska Na- tional guards , will give a grand benefit covert - ert anti bull this evening In Turner hull. Mr. Hermllil Schunke the leader , will be assisted by the Oll1aha Sgengerbund , under the lre/torshlp / ) of Charles Peterson ! \Ir. Franz Adelmann will execute several violin solos and Mr. W. T. Marshall will preside at the piano , The following Is the prcgrnm In detail : \Iurch-Flrst : Infantry , dedicated to Colollel John ] 1' ' . Pratt of the First HeglmclIl , Nchmslm Nutlonlll Ouar.ls . . . . . . . .Composel ! . Ity I'm of. Hermun Shuulce ! Ovel tllre-I.'est U.btlvul ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . . .Leutner By the Bund. Clllrionet Solo-I.a Homllullllllllu. . , . . .l1l1l1nl Uulllo l' . lluebuer Song-Der l.etzte butts ( Time Last l "re- well ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Dl'cygert OllJalm Suenm.'erbund IIre-Hohemlnll GIrL. . . . . " . . . . . . . Ball'e Ity the ] Huntl. Concert Homalltlllue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gollunl \11' : , J'rnnz.11'111I111111. . hush Der KUllst ( Success toI't ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacob Hauerwelll , JI' Ol't'hestra. _ .1mVnerlher See ( UII the 'oerlhel' J.alee ) II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Omuha Sarngerbtnmd ----p See Ow celehrate.1 . Spallling bicycle at the Columbus Buggy company's ' T- J1IL1) . nONNg\'II.I.g-lIIrs. Ellith Gillmore Itan- lIevllll . April 3 , III. Chlculo , III the OtJl Yt'Uof her age , stepsister ! uf Mrs Iv. . Lee of Oml1ha. O'JI' I I"I-'rhe ; remains ot .frs. : : Margaret : : O'Keeft' will urrll'u fr"111 Chicago tatm' day morning amid It' tnllen to SI. Peter ! church where qulrnl mass will he celebrated - ebmtell ut half pust : 10 o'olocll. unernl will tulle piece Sunday afternoon ut 3 o'eloel from tanner residence ! 707 South ' 1"lI'olltlIll1tll'cnut' . Jllterment lit Holy 5ellulchro cemetery . - - - _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - " out thill , and Cold In three ; .epeat twice ) more , and use . . . . - - - + - 1'll8to No. J. Thl'c cupfuls sifted flour / , one-half lea spoonful Itoyul Baklllg Powder , large pinch salt , one cUllru ) cream , one-half cuprlll butter . ter sin ! lour . salt and powder together ; add the ( cream ; mix Into smooth , rather linn paste ; hour time board , roll It out thin ; spread the butter on In ! evenly Cold III three ; roll out thin , and Cold III three ; repeat twIce more , and use . _ One cupful flour , one-haIr teaspoonful Royal Baking Powder , pinch salt , two eggs , one cupful milk , one tablesponlul sweet oil Sift flour , salt and powder together , add the oil , eggs beaten ant ! milk j mix hltq patter ! II for s.ldllle cakes and \ use iii directed , STOOD BY THE FIRST WIE'E. : . .lulll1o ; 1I""tor Settles the Coutrnvorsy Over I I ho.Inlo ( "r IIurrlsuu Ituluuer Judge Baxter rendered his recision yesterday In time suit growing out of the contest over the estate of Harrison Bllckner. The suit has proven Interesting because there were two wives In the case . each claiming to have a legal claim on Harrlson's l"State. The history of the family dates back to the days of the war , when Bllcllller and his first wife were slaves In the sOllth. About 18G2 Bllckner Induced the since \felvlna : Bucmer ) to run away with . him front the south , both going to Kansas- They were married just about the time of Prlce's ralll Into Missouri III 18G2. and soon otter a daughter was horn. She was christened : \Iar ) ' , Soon aftEr Buckuer appears to have started north on a steamboat dually landing In Omaha In 18G5. Matters ran along and Buckner cut II swell " figure , according - cording to all accounts In the colored so- ciety of the river town , makIng numerous impressions ' , for there was nothing more than a rumor In cIrculation to the effect that he was mnrrled. 'l'hls was sufficient , apparently . , 10 prevent Buckner from doing an.thlng matrlmonlall , however until 1873. A letter was thEn brought from the south which Duckner had read to his Crlends. It statEd that u rClcrt ) was In circulation In Arkanp.:1s that Buckner's wife was lIead. Soon litter Bucllller and Mrs. : Mamma Buckner of Omaha married , living In this state nearly to time time ot his death , two years ago , when the 11IIsband , who bad been for twenty years a government emphoye fell out ot a window and received fatal Injuries. II appeared that time second marriage was consummated In due form or law and no ono would have questioned Its legality had not Bucllller himself , several years ago , heard that IIC had a daughter living In the south. lie was at once overcome wIth an eager desire to look upon her face and wrote n letter Imploring her to vIsit him , anti . IC need be , bring her mother along , that his declining years might be cheered with the reminiscences at early days Mrs. Buckner and her daughter , Mrs Mary A. Harvey , were not slow In accepting the Invitation and soon lalllletl In Omaha when It hecame a to- mlliar sight to see the two Mrs Duelmers III pleasant converse , and no 111 will seemed to exIst between them - Judge Baxter has granted Mrs. Harvey the admInistration upon the estate of her father , shutting out lIIrs. Bucknl'r 'No. 2 from shar- Ing In the proceeds of Omaha lands worth several thousands of dollars. - - - - Note change In Rock Island trains In effect Sunday , April 7. --p - - Atnrnr's : lire Not HatiAllrll. The attorneys In the damage suit of W. D. Armour against the Chicago , St. Paul , 1IlInne- apolls & Omaha Railway company are pre paring to have a legal tilt , although the case has Itself been tried and settled by a jury. A verdict for $1 was rellllere IIlalllst time I company $17,500 having been asked as dam- ages. The railroad company has made IIn application to the court to have this jUllg- meat confirmed , Iroresslng ) itself satisfied with the resilit. On the other hand . ) " ' Ar- mour's attorneys have asked for a new trial and allege thlll If they were entitled to $1 It ought to have been saute thousanlls. Ar- mour Is the man who was caught between II train of cars 011 Grace street . The Spallllng heads the list for $95. : ; See It at the Columbus Buggy eontpauy's , w" t"yt'I " > al } CYf1t it"l ) a t Cj { ) ! # f LlGKf W M 1ij 4 Or Debilitated Women Should Use 4 t : yEvery Ingredient BRflDfIE'D'C t\ ; \ ' : C ! ) possesses ) ; supcrb ) tJ ti ! flyronto prolertles , - ai : i ( ! ; ' ! Ind "Ierts a won' FEMfli.E" Ihy llertullnlluencoln tonIng up IItlll RRGUL flTOR C y stronglhenln her , , , SYII\l'IU \ by driving through time ) ! roper . , , ulllmpurltles health nntlstrength , I are guaranteed : to result rrom Its use 9 My wire who wo. bcdr"I.n ' for elchteen , mnnltu.lterming . tIIUllllUoU'S aesal a II" : V. ( & } . ; LAlnll 1M two nuonlhr II iclllllir ] / well.- : : : : -J. 9 , JOIINtlON , Mal.crn , Ark i ) 6ot4 by.1Ilrunhu 11",00 I"rOIII. . . y lUIIFIEI.U IIEUUI.A'roll CO.AIlanta,0o. ' tltrlf tiIl ; : ) C ; + G)4'J ! ' , CiQit WOOtZieor ' t 1O And rews' Office Desks $ EST IN THE WORLD NOTHINGAiJOUT EXCEPTTIIEIR THEM OUTftUEIlP PRICE TH1S DESK { .i ; W Others Proportknaty low jI1 " " ° OUR SPECIALTY ( j ) ij BANK AND OFFICE FIXTURES : r : , Typewriter 5 \ ( . Chair . ' Adjuttabioeoalxepringback ; AH.A@RE\VS&CO. \ : 216 Wabash Ave , CIIICAGO I . ' , I - - - - - - Seasonable l1derwear. . LIGHT AND l\\EDIUl\\ \ \ . . , There will be a skirmish for light weight underwear very " foon- ' \Velre prepared-Come along if there is million of you 2 reasons why we advise you to buy here , firt , because we carry no job lots nor second qualtties second , because ' we buy and sell tremendous quantities I The logic of these reasons drifts to advantages to the con- sumer 'Tis reasonable to common sense , that 100 cases of . . L underwear , which could be contracted direct from the mills , are bought cheaper than a few cases from an agent and likely another profit for the so-ca.lled wholesaler . . . 2 profits is quite a burden on small morclmndsio-is it not ? " Balbriggan underwear , ( first quality ) 25c. Egyptian fibre underwear , ( first quality ) 35c. I l\Iattled Nile underwear : , first ( quality ) 45c. 12 thread balbriggan underwear , ( first quality ) 450. - f a Lisle thread underwear , ( first quality ) 75c. I I Derby ribbed yarn underwear , ( first quality ) 750. , , Now add two profits ( avoidable ) and a scale of larger pro \ fit than we command , and you'll readily see how much male the same qualities would have to cost elsewhere. I _ . rr e t Evenings till 8. , . - - - ---1 - - - - - - - - - , _ _ , - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - " ® BOSTON STOJ6. - . We bought from Stctzcl & Co. their entire stock of Reliable Gasoline „ " > e Stores at SOc on the dollar < . This 1 1 "fit stove is sold elsewhere for $28.00 aid - . is worth it. - 4t I t c. . Price this , Week Only : . . - . . . . I.f I " ' r r „ . t SIG rlDQ 4 a , .i i. - . , -.o ; r v i , I .v ° II ' 4 . -c . u , , .i.a { i + c } e r ! vgJ The Reliables hare a worldwide reputation. We have them in all sizes. Small ones to stand on top of low Cook Stove , and prices are from $2.00 to $16.00 , . . , * : We carry the largest variety ' . ' of Baby Carriages in the ci y. This season is the parents' par- I ' I adise in priccs- Lnat J'CIU'S' $10.00 turriaGc now . $5.O ( ) ( ) . . , ' I . , II 8.00 II " . . fI.OO 1 II " 6. uO" II. . a.oo BOSTON STORE N' W. Horner (6thH ? : uo rae : 16th ( and Douglas Sisl } Rugs from - . the Oriel1t. . - . 1 . I \ " ) . V.fe have some good fortune to 1 share Our rug buyer had first pick I from the largest importation 01' fine rugs since the new tariff Many , 'f , ' rare pieces in the lot , including B 0 k 0 hra s , Sherva ns. Khiva , Ghiordes , Carabaughs , also some . . ' " 1 handsome K.is ulims suitable for table covers , , Room ' I Dining Rugs. The nerd English Cashgar and , " S Ispehan rugs have been much re- duced in cash by the tariff change , in all sizes up to 12xH3 feet 9x12 feet $18.00 each Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co , x. _ "j .