- - - - - - - - - : - . . - - - _ FJ'JIE OMAhA DAILY flEE : .1 'URDA Y , AI'R1J.J 4J,189. 'T SPBGIAL NOT1QaA Ah..rUA"m..ntA for 11..0. C'OIO'OIlA nlll hft nktll ulltil 12130 Po III. tar the eveiiltIj nnd 1111111 H I" : n. for the nlorlllll' nllli Sunda7 edit lOll . AllrlcIii . III l rC'qurotlll n lll1uh"f'HI rJlC'rk , 'nll III" IIIIAwefA ntlclrro.rtl 10 n 1IIlIlIllI'rr.d . Irtl'r . II .ro or ' 10 1"r. . 4tn " "tro M' oclh..utl "II ho crlh'nfe" ) " 10" I r'CllltOI or Iho dlrk ouly. IILleo , J J.2e 1 "url. unit II rrtoll , 1c ii " oril Iler4:1tler. Jothlll 1.le.n fur Irll . tll ) 21c for Irol Iiiirttun. 1 he10 , , "h.rtO.lell 1101 lUl (018ecu' : the'y ' . - - - - - - - - - - - - - SITUATIONS WANTED - . . . . . . - - - - - - : - - - ' - - - - - L OOUI OIUMAN : ' ; Ifll. WANTH l'I.\'I. : ron Ilhl h"up\nrk 11 I1UII" . 811 .M A-M$12 , . : $ . ' . - WATl1) : . 'JSITION AS 1U.t ) fIK . OU IfIK . mAn'.r ' In I lntrzll n1'lcIlnn1i' , or , .xdtllve . 7 1In(4 ( or rlulhlof. ) ! f.n"f'l .ho. . m"lhllJ. .1) . , . nr Jr'NI. 'xlusil" , ; fully fl'rlInn.1 thr .u.ln. . . ; I& ) ' ' , rs or eo ' , Jrh.nr . AI I.r. , " . . . . . l'nll. fl100 . L . 51. Ihlo .111 . 0. ! A - II 7. m - I.A'H . (1ItK .NI ) iTEN- ; : 'tmKm ( IgrllpIlr. . PIlht ' ) ' .1. " ' 1.,111" , " In Jp'111 ' & , fli.n work ; " Wri . I.r own ) typewlitr nol , enn 01" I . ) . 11"f' lo",1 , I r.rtnce , Adilt e$3 I. l C3 . 1' ' . IIS 7. . # ANTED-.MALE HJL1' . IAI.IIAI \ W1111U.Y I TO I.IVI' 1mN ; UIel'I"ce : : lt necessay. A 1(1) ' 151G 10uln. . _ . ( - fl-2S - - - . \30 WANTII-nOOl : T ( 'I.H . rOA1'MAIC:1 , . ' .a.I ) ' , " ork. II.'llry I.IIUI. tailor. W.sl _ I'olnl. _ , Neb. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-31 \VAN1'111) . 11X1'IJtI11N'It ) ) : GOODS Xllm1NI'lm Ilt f BllIlllflIfl. \e"nl.on I flIOL , Cuunr,1 , 111. . 6 I-M : WN"I'I-m I'I : " - HTmWOIAIiI { ; 1 for atlorfley'R ole. 1IN" . 11t I : w"tle. hn'l h"U'M , 1 . . 11,1 , 01111 " 1111' . I .llon l'ella .nl Ir FLI- ? I.r " tnl I ) ' . ung 11)11 ) II with om " ' n.'wI'1 " "r YOUI' lmn wlh .am" " ! b 1 ' .kkl"'lllg Iireterr.il. A.\ress . I. l G1 I. . ' nlol' . I - ; - I.\N WITI A 10IHI. : ANI : ; WAG- .n whn .an . .1 , ca " , i'ntertng lul general " ( .lr- , log. 102 1.'lrnm .1. \-3 5 G A ( ' 1 . "i : 1rtA ( h : I : MONI.\ : M 'I1 I ; si : , ( . the II.t .Ix wek o.llnl .1.h ilter' . flll WI" Rid larl ; or th , ' 1m. I ; I , lol.t "I' I h ) ' 01" , ItO Inl n" Inlo the Iloh WI.her hu-II" I . ; no .nn'a.lnl ; 0'11.1 . ni lY WI.h"I' " " lt hoiii. ' . l"rr"l.t Mlsflrt"n ; . very In" ldl4 . ! nnlh"r ; " very rnmly WaniR flnP ; I wil ! 1"k , ' $1. { ' ) thl" ) 'el r eiiny ' ; I can . " .1 Int ill y "ur .1.hes In I 1Ilnll" ' ; IU1) ' "le I'ln lak. ) , $ . 10 t $12 I a < a ) ' . For rh''llao ; Wlfte to 11011 CllY HI.h1.llr' ) ' ci ) . S. 1"hlalII'e. wtle , . I Inl : . I . 111.11. " Il.I , I ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-rII _ _ _ _ I , w.\Nnm. 0001) 11'1 IIHIN : iH ; M.\N. . 11.1..llnllll . the 1lllrlll' . or hll. I I .r. t. tiiko rhnue or rt"Anl' , Y. . nntl \llln to h" Pst llOlfl ( ' CllltitI . AIIM"H. ( ha iiII' . . . . \ 'rLYlil' i . ' P. . II-Mtt C'V W ANTED- FErIALE HELP. FJI''r CI.\HH GIII ) 01 SCANINA'AN Y. " ' . 1"m. Ulce ICU CapItol ltvtntie. Tel. 12fl. C-.2J . \ IS" 1o\n GIU. IN H TA1. 1.'ttIt.Y ; Nt" _ 1'fly . iIflie. - - C/l 21 Iolth - - ISlh - - - st. ( -31-r , . , ' - \VANTflI : ) . SIX 1X1'IlUIN1'II : ) IINlN WAN1'JI. rO"1 ! I.IH ; ZtII.0 1.XPIIINCI' ' ) \/lh.r. : I/INf I ' % 'IflItio.V _ hiot.i. ! . Iliiiiihii. . _ N(1) ' , _ ( : -\13t \ % 'ANTIIIflth.N I 'n ( ) 'l'It.\Vtt I. ON S\I.11V \ tl IIII.olnl , ( 1g'ulo % ( fn'el ) ' nll"rlol' Inc cr . . l'orMotVoihH . . ' , . . h1rIl. 1:0"1. ( W./IH. Anti \.IIr. ( ' -M411 C'l W\ThD GaOl t11tr . Fen ( flNIItAL IHFIAI. hOlo"\II k In .iiia1I ( " 111' w ! hell t ehihidreli . .lal ( 'oJ".1 . , II.'r'rctl ; . .rel'nl'e. 'c'III"I I. I SIC . I. : I l\t. t-I ) 7. ' IhY h)0IICIl h'IIt . h'I " htSh' ( 'I.\SH W.\IT- nOO\nmPI.I. 1"IIH'I' lCSSH . . fII I'.nlull ! 11' , r or . : .1.11 houH" .J wOII k. City ItiiIo'iIuit : 111"1. I 101 - 1 Jlrll. ( FOR RENT-HOUSES. . I.'SIS. . I" . K. DABLI/G. ji.ItntIt . IhI.Ot'K. 1)-I2 IIUSH [ IN AIL IAITH 0 [ ' 1F CITY. ' 11 ; O. I. ' Davl" COII'an ) ' . 1:0 : : Fulnain. D-16 10UHI ; S : IIFNAwA & CO. . 103 N. 11 bT. I-12 . HOtJsEALLACC. . ltOWNLK. . . 16 D-I2 & Doug r Post lt11T,24I3 CA 1'1'01. A \ NI' : . 1 moiii. mo < el. The U. . . Da\'ls coiIiI . any. ( , _ _ _ _ _ _ D-I2 OIEflN 7.nOOM 10USE NEAn PAnKo AI- lily 1309 8. 2lh street. D-MI0 - - - - - - - - H. n COIo CO. LAnOEST LIST IN OMAHA t-MGs1 D-:16SI CIOII ST : fDmN 8.nOO IIICK m SI- d'n.o In Omaha. : ) ; Sherwood avenue. C. A. . Starr , GIS N. Y. 1.lre Id ; I-MC 6 - - - - p 10ItflINT. C.I001 FLAT. INQUlB 1919 ) , ; " "lie Ieet. D-13 : OHmN 10-ROOM 1OUSI . lEHT I.OCATI : ; , In cIty for I.t.eass rmesV. . 1' . Clark 2211 houglas. J-I8- . CIOJJ 8-itOOM MODERN IhItICK ItESI . , iteiice . central. COt MODHIN ' 2d st. mUCI , . . lESI. . ' S'.irr , MS N. . .rl $3a.oD.3 r\ ) OIhlCN 12.ICOOM hOUSE ; STEAM mAT , )0D 1.lOmI lOUSI E'I'AM rUII.h.d nr Inrull.he.l : term ot ) 'e. , , Ad dies,4 K 51. lee ole" , D-li9 - - - - - - - 3101)EISNS-ICOOMBOUSE : . NEAR 1101 ochool. Inquire 2GIG Capitol n\.nu. . O-M310 S. 101 ImNT. 5.ltOOMCOTTAGh. ON " 11 ol h1e ot 22(1 ltret north or Clark .I cel. S . 111)11th. t InquIre room 214. FIrst NAtl,11 B/lk 1 bldg. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) - : 15 1Oht 1tlNT. FI.ATS . \ .T . lrOI lN'r. I.'I.\T : ' NUITmAST COlt ncr 11h nntl , Ilwnnl olr""tH ; newly " "pen'.1 nli l'alntl.I. I null IC I 0031. . l'lrst Nll'Ial 1& & . ; Hlnle IJhll. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - . . - 1-3 : ) 1 : - 'IOOM CUTTG : . rEnlEcT ltEl'A1ltCFN - IAII. 1. trly located. , 1O.room Iluse. Iod'm Impr.\ . ' fliehhlh4. Inquire . i:2 N. _ 19th . sl'ect. _ 1)-h3J5 - fOG AND 2OS FAit.AM HTl I 'I' . \ .w. M. ltagt'rii ' _ 1323 I Farnain iticet. 1)-C23 . . ' . I , IBOOM .IOI" . : . . liTI1' : : . - l-3l.M2' 1-31 .r12' - l'I.IUHAN'r ImT CmMOIEIN .l1OO d > : . house : nice lawn . burii. Inqliro 2G3 Pierce sl - _ _ _ _ _ D-31 . \ t FOIl ImNT. 4 1O.ItOOM llltlCl lhO15iU1. X01 ! ; . 10.IIOM . tWI 101I II ehhi. Irsl rlOS I "lalr. 31s , In I lL11Ihihhil. MO/ ' ( lhlati ; N. ) . :3 ) So. 25th ! n\'e. . 11.1"ln ; Na I1 % " S. , . 2'1 et. . . 7 room . . I , der ; 312 I Mlall I ; IS . 2i II 1 1'111".1. 5 111" ; Nn. 42 , ) 1.lr 1 I h I I u whr.l. ! /UOI. . $ l2.ll ) IW" Irho. ; 25-i uom lirik II' . " ' "II'r cIty ; Nu 2:123 : ltcIhlc. i 1011" ! 11,1'11 ; lulll. : . No 21 I.uelst. lulrr ; Ni' . 1311 N. 251. ' Ii I . , . rOOIIS ; 4 " " ) 'm' . ollice IJ' 1"111. ; 1.1. . Id I . . ' . ICth & ) ' No. 2253 l.octIt . . . ; : ' .4 l 1)'Mlo. ; 213 1..I.t at. . 10.1" " . . . , ' tilde han ' Tlust Comlan ! I-35 6. - , r IIENT. : 7 - -10r { ' 1 1l011hlN ) ; i1 \ ; \ C'j j : : block . MG 1u. 131h. l-377 1'1 ' . , 1.IIOOMIIOIE. 1 . : lrWlt 21 111'0\1 _ I _ ST. L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . 'Ol Il/'r. ' rlN.InOM : h1l'Hl. ( : - ; AN ) Wunlwolh.Ith h i h Ilth'r 10"'IIWIIH :111 ; tl'rS. I , NI . $2 ) hir Ihiohl I hh. Johl . \ . I.m I grehi. IOS 1'm I I , , n hlude. .j I-Ah15 j 7 . TWO HI.'gN-Iii1llm ; - coTTAc.5E - . . wi Ill har. . , $2.1.00 ) etehl. 2.iC-25 12 I ) iv'hhja . ri lIt riVet. IP. I . 1119I'nl. I I 91 N. 2ilh h15 ' 1/.pl..rl . .i \ l ) S. , 1'01 1111" NI\I : II\N.'OM 1llm. 111.1 1- iI gall IQ-ol h.u. . . ' "Olel . " ' 001 huu.o I'I.J. nl'\ ' \ P , hal hi. hire S. 10111 hou. . hIlt tIhhVelhleflCL ' . . hii Ilro II. . . I' 1. 81'1 . 11 1'.I'.III'nn's. . ' . . ZO5 . . . . . f , hlk'hhic N. Y. IMl. 1.- 116 r. f I 1 : Ou - - - - ' - HN - - .bHED ROOMS - - - . I'I.I - - A"N" - 100 1 111 I 1OIJO 1-5.5 - - - - - VIy . lfli4hltAlh.E ) : ! hlIN1' 10m ( WI'1N &hklVt. & :12 H .Ih .1. I'U3 1 : . FIIQNT IIO I. WI'I'1-\ i\ ' ; 2101)1111 ? . G1 H. :511 aVe. . -nJ 7' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t1. . . : NICI' : F11IINIHIIImhiOO2lgI'Oltblchhi : - rp . , . - , ' . 'I'INIHII.:1 ! ) II ' 100MH Ilh. FOi 1-3:0" : LI'JIT : - . m ' NIHmI : 100 IH , W. 210111511 N It _ eonvI'nknCeL . 21QI 1..1 nab. - 1:3.3 : 6' lt'1tN1Sh1F7U . ' 110021. IIATII. n rIN11 131 l ) " l'hIrnhhlh. 1- 3i.S I' I ; } - - ' - , 4 1r . .i " , . FOi J NT. 1''INI IUU ltOCJ2hS. 61 J 3G H. 1311 - - _ Uh I HED _ ? 1 AN'B _ _ ARD. _ . . : DI HI thIl.I5 100MR . 'iNIIIOAIII ) IN I'll I'ahl Ciihihhl - ) Till N. 191h. 10,11 - : % PI f. ; i , -1'los'r l > I $ . TAULI ' : 14OAIII ) . 15 - II ; l.ULI' .i' . . cilago. ; M' . . Churchil' . . ULI'Ii . I j iOloo 'j.- ' - . , . R -fia , loml : . ' . "lh I I 1111.1 : 1 In I l Irh'ule , rlll1' . lLtercnIe. { I ! 14 " 3. . r 1'llltl ( tr ( I. - - - - - - - - 17-.M31t : - - _ . _ 7. _ . rOl IN1. : Nh5V1'I.V I'PINIII1n UOOI 1 r1 wlh t&aid alllllo for Iwo 21 ) lalloMI : 1 ! . . , _ ' .1/e"l. 1--M1C7 10' I . _ - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ . _ 1"--MSI' - . SiJ.l.t'IHtlU Hl"I'1 11htthT 1100 iI \ ' " I wlh b.tiI Ill Ilh'uto I.lnl ) . la:1 I ( ) , . . & : . IlU11 , . . _ _ _ _ _ .3',7 ' G. - .J . iOW , -\\IIUO.\UII \ : : : . : \UUL ) ! - $ " TIIII. : : - . ; ; S Ol ] tENT-Tjxt _ o JtND tiiiiciT Ed - . 1. " I' rOB I N' " " 111 : M'OUtlh' ' Il'I.I'I : .3. 'a , - . . PIG 1.'urul ; 'Ued.l. . Iu IJI& h. I Hrc ; . . 1 / hirtlf C'II.11a ront. NIIIle IINU h , I. . ; . lug h1Iuhes1 ; waler "I .I I'Jor . 1. ell Al " l . I " . ' _ _ I'\ ! - n t I. "lre ! ! ! ot The 11e * ' . & I- 0" 4e : . VIVO HTOIt11i3 : , ADJOININCI - COltN11lt i El : ) AN - I . . 1."lwn'lh ; "I Int a < " * Ii .1'llrol J , . . . . . ! . " (1.lu. . . locOlut' . Inquire on 11'.mo : , ' . , . . J-I ; ; 11. - : - - ft II11NT , 1 1lti1' Cl.AS3i1't)1t i ) ' - AN - 1) I . .I.'I . ' " I' ' lIt brIck .I"h' l'ul ' < : II IOJ5 I 1. . . . ; I ! Ct I . 01 l hhabl I , f"r . ni ) lmI , % .e tuini.r i . In. I 'p , Quh r .ln 31. 1.'lut Nalonal lall , l1Ih. . I % _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I-n I. 1:1 : 1'ilt II11NT : * " 'iltST , . . ' ' . 1')1f 1"JS'r . I\ lh1tl1 ' 51011 ft RI"I.nhnl , lOll . . ( IIlt'J' : ' ' t'flW ' . 1 31 Iqrt 1aUad 1Jh1IC l ; . 1-1 I . . . - - - - - - - - - - AGENTS WAN''ED. AO NTI WAN1'1.U- : IAt.Y. NI'\ IN\'I : N. tion . f IAI , :7 . cents. 2 10 6 91.1 In . hOle : .lille rrN 11o11.hw' I Malcin ClncInnitl . n. . . ' .7-2.1413 C' " Thlfl N \ JIt'ATIO : ' " tH Tim 210141' ISI : . ful orhnnl ' , k e \ ' fl r lhl.h ,1 11.1",1 ot nlonl" wAnl.I to . .1 ( to .chonl 11" " The ILam"n,1 , I.lhn I'lh. ( . . M'nn"JMinn. I ' I ' . - . , - - - - - - An : . ! A (001 TIIINI. 1'rSlh11S 1111.:1.1' : ' cling. I hl" " I 11 tie lP\ Ill .nt "p'olvlni lPJAI J1.1'lp rake . egg nl,1 , Sill tuner. S"mlp I ) hnRlh. : } e Agents . .llnl III I".r day. ( n. 11. I :11'kd. lnll'rhl , M < s. .1- Mj : 7. WANTED-TO RINT. Wl.\T A CAIJT1l15111115 : l'OI 1lOh'7ES ; n. , Want ) ' 01' " rented 1.1 them wIll J. 11. PAlmle.o I , " block. K-M2i , . \ : ) t W.\NT TO I111NT A S1lA1b FIIt21 I Co ( TO 4 nre . ) ( , hw 10 city : bottom Inn.1 refrrrn1. Abhres I. H. Ihee. K-M3r 7' HMAI.I , 1lO1'4h J' : on 11OTTAOE : W 6 011 ? rOI . With fair COflVChhiCflC . . . . \lhTcrs 01t Ih.'oflIe. , . \-3 ; : - - - - - - - - - - S TOItIS : IOI 1 IN g.\STIN NI1IIt.MhA tilt western , Iowa lawn or IQQ lnhahlhantq or nrnre ; Ir.t rhlh . . 1..nl".I ; nr \ Ill I" ) ' .1"1 < . I grol . . . . , , . . 1..aUln. old cheap tar cMh. A1Ires I.ork 1. , U. 1rl'ntnn. ' , . t-21h1I 7'P STORAGE. S TOItAOE. FItANl5WC1tS. 1U IIAI1N11Y. M-132 II EST : R1OlAOJ lht'lI.IINO IN 0:10 I A. P. R. I\ ' . lon .1 wRrehou.e ; hou.eho1lo . .t"r : < 1".1 - mt. - . . 11l3lOl5 1 I.avenwo.lh. < M-131 < - - 1'0\1.:1 STOlm DUINO SUM nI. TEl. . 17 ? . 1207 Dougla. Omaha Stove Iepalr M-322 W'ko. . - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - WAN''ED-TO DU' . \\\NTlm. IAND\ 1111151) III1IVINO IANDII Ilm tl\'IN ' , " ; He.I , ) ; goo < 1.po.llon ; w'lghl. 1.10 lbi. I. 46. lIce . NI3 : S' \1'ANTlm. , 1\TIII : T15.'t2l. ABOUT 1.0.t. 4 0" r ) 'OArl .ll ; good travelerii C. J. ICehil' . . Plnl.nee. Nv1 N-M3S i. - - - - - - - \ \NT1 5t ) TO lIlly ! J.\lll. : SIIOP ; OYI fLit 1"lrlllr. price . ell' hock . I. , 43. Nor.'i folk Neh. N.-UI 7' \ \I'ANTI. : ! TO lIllY A SI"'ONI.IANI m. orl' ; 11"1 tIC hloh 61111 , ' . Itt I'err..t ; ( nrh'r , nil ror . " . . . I I.arl or In.1 ch""I' or caihi. 1. e. \ \ J"a. . ' . 1111' N-:19 6. I WANT 1.'IHT CI.\SR Fht15ilt MhI.Cht cow. I , . , . . C. . W. i1avldge . . , " , ' , " :11.11 . 1,1 25th . avcnue. N-:13S3 6. FOR SALt-HORSESWAOONSETC IAII , , TEAII FOR HAI.g : ONE HI'AN 01. 7ulu " fl ! h age htoiseil. thoroughly broken 10 city < 1\11 : . f..I' , . . , we .af' I IIIIU Ire 1001 31. 1'hit National Ilihik buildIng. 1'-M303 7 I.'lat Nnlonll h11k . hul < 1133 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fun H.\.I'-I'INI SAIDI.t ANI DI\INa liii i.e. oOUI11 In,1 gentle . 7 ) i' . ell ; will lake gen . hamloel ICOM IUI 15 Ial 11) ' . L 1'-353-7 50. rae Bee. . 1-:3-7 - - - - - - - - - - - "Ol S'AI.E-l TOP mOGI hhl''lCIlOAItD ant I hiore che.hli. 411 South 21h itvi. ' - - . ' 1'-33- FOR SALE-lSCELLAlW US HOO & C1IhCl11N FENCEVhItE. . BtTTlm elf1 I.'INCI I chealcr than wooll. . . J. I.ell' , . 11CC S. 11h. Q-2lCSt I May16 n _ Q- : : \ WIOIA ! r.\NOI. ll\I ! POH'I' OICG. % N5. \\'oOllllle IruH. 1 17 1 H. 17th. Q-131 1.\lDWOOD COMIIINATION 1 100 AND chicken fence. Clius. H. Lee. 9th Intl \00 1)ounla.s. ; Q-I3 ; 1.\ l HlY I"O SAI.11. 3,1 , CiVi. 2 1'1'\:18. COY- lhite ou tIlt ; c.tlbl > h < mi : , " " ' ; nIl 0' part : rhCII' . AplI John 1ljndeon , Violence . N'h. . . Q-76 A2\ II\NO , CABINI'r OIAND t.'lItIGIIT. FOIl Bale lt I great bargaIn. . . Sunl'nh , , ' . , 131 : ) . ( -1d9t2' _ I)0tlgIfl it. ) --t3 _ 1.'OI SALFS.SIX HHAlmS 0' Tit POKHOK 7.apalu ! rlnlnl ; I'n. . or will trade for r.11 "slate. Geo. Llcbeiknechit rale Omaha Prilt. Ing CO. Q-I 6-6' FOrt SAI.U. H1CONt.IIAND : . I.AtNDIrIA - rhln.ry. rhel ( ' ; leittrIh1g laundry machinery I "peclal } ' . 815 N. lath sl. Q-3.4 C' _ 1.01 SAI.11 . llnHHIT PIANO AIIO,1 NI W. " , 'ry cheap ( by cuttIng at once itt 2212 I 1'iir0aii . . . stre't. - Q-3.0 - - 6. 5 100M > SINGLE 011 r'N St'ITE.I'\lt'I'IES I without rhlhh'n ; do for huu.'k""I , ; lent < ! . chiiap. 1701 e.pllol . ave. Q-39"- ; CLAIRVOYANTS MIU DR. II. WAnlr N. C1.AIIIVO't'ANT. nn- liable huslness .c"dllm. 81h year nl 19 N. IClh. S-131 MADAME 10IAINg. :21 N. 15TH. FLA'r A. . S-'ilSOC . All' M m. CLAYTON CLAIRVOYANT C.\n .ulcr. 1.-11. cn,1 hike tin Ol"n heel Tell . your missIon on "ntellng. 403 N. 1lh ! t. . S-3.16. M. BBAGE. ATHS. ETCL MADAM SMITH. 52 S. 13TH 2D FJ.OOI HOO ( 3 ; magnetIc . vapor , alcohol. steam. aulplorlne nut .e" butIi. T-M225 6' NIWI.Y 1"1'11 : HATH PARLORS : TlIm- : Ish aol electrIc b.tha for ladles unil I.'nl" . . < < hh11'fl. Madame lowel. 3 : S. 151h T-M393 sl. . 2,1 , 100. : MASSAGE , MADAME IlISIINAICO . 1:1 nOJOn 7 slr ( I. . T-13j8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TURKISH BATHS. 1l'\0HI HATIS ; ONIXPLACIC IN CITI CIT\ "xolu.I'el for hiilles. . Suite 109,10 Bee hhi1t. I > 135 - PERSON AL. . - - - - - - I. II\AS , 1'L.OUiST.PLANTftCIJTFI.OWEItS . Ititnhluel . ball. rCBlh'nre and grave , e"colllon , . - ISI.1'hiiton itieet. Trleplione ! i6. U-I:6 M\SS.\Or m.IX'HO TII.nIAL : lNIWI : "hlrl.dl.t : m. 10st , 3h9'.1 H. 16th U-131 t. 111 11 Ibl1d.1i : 11P1'Eiti.YCOItSET : . : ! Am ' 10 ; older front l.a.u , , UO 1.'llal ti-eet. U-13S \'IA\I eo . 316 It 111,1)0. ; IIEAI.TIt HOOK t'e ; home I.e..tml'nt. lady attendant. 11-159 6 I7hEIfiiNT1Y ' : : 'INIHIFn I A IN 1':1 ; Pf I3 cent . for 10 days only nt Cownn'M , G31 - llronltvny. , - - CouncIl lhhutfs. U-I. ) - I'INI m.\SR FOIJN'lAIN I OI Y AID ( 'HI'At. : . 307 North 121h .I eel. U-M2H. . MONEY TO IOAI -1EAL ESTATE. - ANTIOY J.OAN TRUST ( ' 0. . 3J N. Y. . 1.11111 honOR nl low rates fur choice s eurl ) In N.- . Iraskt l > all Ion a farms or Omaha cl ) ' lrCty tV-Ill - rONI.r TO 10AN ON IMl'lt0'11h ) 0)1,1 t real . .Iale. lhlelhlian . I.u\e & Co. , i'aitan W-I42 , hIhi I , [ . MONJY TO I.OAN Nr JOWI H1' n\TI'H. : Till ; ; O. F. /1'ls Co. 1 : : 1'lr'1 st. W-113 . . . . . . \-13 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VI'IY : I.OW INrlS : : AIJ ON GOOD I.OANO . . W. . S'lulc. . 248 lee 1,11g. W-I44 - - - - - - - - CI'Y LOANS. ' C. A. S1'AI1. 515 N. y W-115 , Liii . : : ; . - IONI'0 : LO.N ON IMI'llOVllI ) OMAI1 ' : IONI'\ 1lnO\I / OIAIA prvell 1' . 11lelly , T"ot , coml'an ' , 102 Varnaii . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " -IG LOANS ON UIIIOYI : & 1IUIMI'ltOVt-StI CITY pmherty. \ 1''rar Smlh 6 Co. , l2:9 : , I"orlar W-I . 2ItJNI7Y TO WAN ON il'IA Ith7.l : , ESTATI Li - 1 ( II G I'Crenl. . \V. I. 2.lelllc. 1st I Nal. w-In S . _ - - - - - - - CI'J'Y IO.\NH. $ MO.O TO tM.o.OI1' $ ' ) ) J\'IK1' - - : - ratthi I'owrl & Pate , ' , hit luor , N. 1' . tV-Il I. ld1 ) y \-13 jjj 1IMl1. 1O.fl1 llON..i'hl)1i . . FOi H'I.I 101.00J JO ; .I"I ) r.\HTmt IN- VCMt0ItI ' naihie. . who hll.t n.oney 10 II\oRt. luu Chhlhhtlld. Full hal ' . I Icu Ire " 1 , . cull I.Ful I'a.lrlil's " etluet. II' I \.h. ' . , ' Iln''I > , ) Co. . 10 \\al 11" . . N. Y. . W-1l951 1 ' 2S' - - - - - - llNEY 'ro LOAN--OHA'rTf . M iy i Te ) IAAh''ON11CItNLTUUI7.VIANOI ) ' - - : ; hv.rt.llono. . tr. nt lniei rates II rl S ; nu'lu",1 or good" . : .tlcl ) , 'ollllenlal , ) ' ) athiOUhil. \'an lily ' Iw 101 tIC lt aiS' tme or In an ) athiOUhil.OMIt1IA 2IOltTO.t(111 ( LOAN CO. . ( su. IClh HI. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x-m _ _ _ - 110m\ TO I.AN ON 10IHIWLD I'IhtN. . . lure . hhttti.th. lort'e.i. \ 1430115 nr Oil ) ' 1'11NI. I\ltl cl > atrl f'cII ! ) ' ut low".1 1".1,11 ! IntCL whi h I " li . 'ln lOY lick lt any 11. t and In Iny lhhihIbUnt. FIPBI.I'l' I.O.\N OU.\H'\"I' ( ' 0 " . lol \\'lhn.1 Mvd : N-Ill ; -i . IIAI)1)OCIC ' , - 310021 - l n.\WH ltl.OC1 l : X-I : : SiIONI7Y : TO 1.0\N \ ON l'iJltNrrrll11AN I - ) 1".n"8. . I.'re Terry . 4:0 unlace "luck X-tS1 - Bh1INESS ClIACES , - - * S.6O.0) ' . ' , : ONIS OP TILE lIES ? 111 5- . iO7 : ; tal.lRII.1 iitttiIlartuu . ; . wih all Ih" Ll.st Ill i. lr""I'I'I" ; In elI'Ilrl ) ' . Irlm. I'Ul ' ki'l I. \ IIM'r 1111 " ' .1(1 " "Ihs. wIth Ihe IA"sl ( 'a.h "me" : tuctleQ lit thL cll' ) . it Ildelilli cltan ' f , , . Lrarlc ( 1h.lln ; $ , ' 1Ieclalll II 'IIII'e I"J : "Ir , ; rraou I fir selling. aolng lisle "h'c."lo IlallrltlurlnJ bhhIdnelil. vIiI glv.i ti. ' mOllh . ij wi Jlv" II.t Ir I"jue.lw. , \rIOU JIiut.4oii C ICI.clr t. IJ.lnnlo , salhltarlulo . lIoU3tua. u"ol 1 xo. 1..111 . . . bulolng. . Y M ' )6.Al ) : I.I'1.6) MtN'h'lt.Y I UUAhl\T12I1il. . . 2IFU. CO ? - r111 ' \nl r..I..ltalh.r ' In . Ullul\ \ ( > r m CIty lit tll'nl. ) Muot have t..w 111,1 , , . dola. .nil 10 I'U ) ' hr ; uuiSs " ' 1 d"I"er ) ' , UI'I' 01"1 . ir . . ! " curcd. 1" los Viohl. Manic bl.ll New . _ y. ' U. Y-I : S S. 1 : Ut BAI.UD IIENT . lt11ST.\t'lt.NT. FI \ 1t1 I ' , Itt , 75.naii ' hut nl . 25-r J'I ' h In . all 1"IX te. al \ alel I. 'h. lnsollI , (1111Cc . iSIS l'J&lu.T -Jllj 7. BUSINESS OHANOES , ContInneI . CI.AN STOCK OJ' MDSI. IJOUOIIT . SOLI or exchinged for IAntl. It you want 10 go e I fO laiD or Ret out at bl.tneM write ID " ' We may hale "hRt ) 'nl " 'lnl. 11. O. McGee . 10 Mnn 01. Council IltUtTe . IR. \ - I0'RU iioUlo I.rK. : \ t-J T klnet'eeopei' male . $ .r.O ' In three monlha. WrIte " 1lsn Klnelo"CIIO Co. . . room 3JS. 8h.I ) ' block . OhnRhia . Neb. " -M6 WANTI.I 1\I1NI. : WITH MOM1l CASI T engage In real eolnte buo. ; ran gIve good refer- .nIAI" . . \ lIrcgs 1. 43.ee. . 'V-313-12' - - - < teo" . . . - \-31.t2. non ! 2t.N. WI1I $1 ( ( ) ( CASt ! . WAN1lm In e""II.h..1 , IAnlfRl1 In bloln(8. , 1'llr large 1".01. . nlh' I"tle . "hn wi In'eot .I 11'01 n.I,1 In II0w.r ; In uoh full Ahuwlo will ho ln.ulC. Address L 53 , [ leo ollice. ! malc. ' < < otle. Y-:167 1.01 1 ? HM.I. : WINJiUn hIOTISI. . .l'UNIHlml 1'"clrRly the enl ) ' lute ) In NI'wllnn . 1111. II'nl.uhthn I 2 .111. Wi I lie MI.I Rt n h\1111 ) or " ' 1".1 to ft guoil man. ( rRI,1 .rhny iiiret * I ! nwet. g. lan. . 'rmy . nt I.nll.vl. Juo' ' Ir" , . the river. 1,1pnllhl , , 'I1n. I. the Tight " . ) .lll."o far Cull . lall.'ula' I ' " L&iii let ' Ille HakinI , ( ' 0. . 1"11111. I . 1) ' . YMH1. POl\I.I : . A - \ 11l2ItY NI. : ' ' . ' : i- jot ) olel' In "R.t.rn N hrokl ; geol hloln , ' ' ; h"MI ton a : half rnoh. A\ " . . I. m. I B.o. \ IH 12 - - - - - - - - - - - - P A1ITN'Eht W.\NT : ) WITH EIUIIT TO I1N : :1 mOIT 10 twelve thnlRntl , II rloh or 1'nerl l.rII1I. in fibre nfl wlloleailo I luinhier referviiee4 II Rln.e 1111 < lle Illher ; l'r"n'noe 1' ( ItiIr.l. _ I. BC , _ 1te. V-MIST 5' . . 1'01 HAI.I . BANIll'l. HTOI' Im.tR : SI I. ( . ) .Ir"k for $ ( ( ) ; h 'U r.h. hnlatwo Ohio ) " 'lr. I. 6. " "f 10 , ' , Ohflahiii.ShilIS' I _ _ _ - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ 0 IAII.HS 1.1 H.\LI : . t'Ill\ : . 11\1.\ I IN- teret In hither . hIal. .Iolnl , L1IX ) hURII" " . S.I ) .h"l. \ ' . / h'e. , . " b 61. I'ale ot omaha 1. ' , ' , I. . . - h. I \ Vriltcr. ' V-Mill 7. 'OI EXCHANGE \ V1I.t . TI.\I : C1.1,1 I.\N ! 101 0001 uN. I rlmher.1 NntAI city ProPerty. No third elas ' or UIIII"o' el ' ' I.rol.rl < n.llered. S. eIS' . 11''lrt ) lulllhre , ) ' , D2S New YOlk I.le.Z Z- IG3.A 16. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I"\IM AN ! ) CITY I'ItO1flItTV I"OH 1IANI ( ANI 11011':1Y IANK atoclcs. ' \1 (1'lon. . 405 N. . Y. . 1.Ife. . Z-0J 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'i 10 11X'I1.N(111-2tl ) AeimS Olt. . LAN ! for I stock or clothing unit ( 'nt. rurlshlnf ! . lO ) acre , , uIII'r rlHl\lol nlt all tinier foiiCe : lu Inclmhrnc , ; located In the \esl tnlll grow- In I ! e"ullY Inlwi \ PrncI lice ( iii 5t Ii log ; 1.lc& . 16.0.0 ; wi lAke hart I..h. AiltIreMi \ lieu. W. Ilk" . care Icnl1' . King ' Co. . Chlrll" . . 1. . Z-I.G. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I.'on HAI.g OH TI1AIfl. A $ j. ( ) ( ) STOCK 01" general merchoniis fir cn.lel Nchmoln or W"1 baa Cal m . or Omaha or South Omaha lirl.crt ) . A".Is" K IS . Omaha lice.ZM6)I Z-M6J WANTI'\ : A 11011511 : IN ISXCItANOIS FOIl 10HSI. piano or organ. . \ . I1-iie . Jr. , 1513 Z-21502-AI 1)ouglae. 1 - - - 1.'OI hXCITAN0E-A : . : noon ! IA YNG Ilt'St- 11.q r"r .Iull ) In iiiiiail plitre ; rt'nsohl for pell- lug . have other liusines. . \llr. < < I'esR I. : i. 10. Rcl- 7-391 WAWr 10 "nA\1 COlNcn , In.UFi's city . .al estate Iul 1 stock o clothing nit ) ohoco. Adtlrfs J. P. lniig. : A\or. In. Z-ICOi \ VANTFh-'rO : EXCIIANGIS A NIiAItl.Y NIW IXCIANG luehOlrl , for I iia no. ae" Mlneh. NI'AII.Y 210 Ho. Ilh sl. . " - - - Z3.1. - - - - - - - - FOi 1111.01 : 0:1\11\ I I 110'1.lY. I ONE . \,1 1111'.1 ( aria . 161) a"le9. In 111 coUiity. N'lllnla. rl a. ; hot ( .11 ' ( rot trltl I li.iaiid. - FOB SALE.-RIAL ESTATE. - - - - - - - - - EXC1I.N0IS ANn SAII'S : CITY l'ltOl'ISIITY Curios. melchln"I . . GAr\ln CI'IY II0a. . 110'gnTY . . . - . - - - - - J1:5 : . - - - - - - - - - - 'U ISXCIIANhS I FOH lMlqtO\'lSl ) I'IIOPEIITY ' 1I'10\'lm PIOI'ITY -WI' nit tide tigeiits for 1 tract "r .1 1 flies wihin t four titl lea or the 1. I U. that I waR iu ' - l'ha.I',1 , II ISH fir $ .It ol".t ra.h. OWlrl IU'- i.th1 l. I 10 I 1111e I for liniroveil I ' 1roperty hut iviIi 1 ' ' 11''II r\ wi gI'e Ii Ito al Inron" I In fhl one.Vc Im\ ' liii- other ti'iii t of aliut , ' . tl'u.1 fr uluut the Fan' value thai the it.hieI. ) Vflul Is I. I rail' , . Iaiiil. Ilcinc.iii- O\lel' . wlnlH trh' for f.h rot lant1"1"1' h.'r . good Ir'.a ! . urflnt' ' Omahn I I. t iii ht"1 1".I'111 ' In lie country tUtla ) ' . Cull itiih He' 1'lnlf' CII II. ' . 111111) ' 1191 t'Ohflui.1ii ) Fole I 11 Inl . l I7O. l'nrni . . 1"llnal HI. 11 E-2J39 I IAI1GAINS . HALlS : Oil 'rHA\ : IN CITY 1101. - . "tes . - - ( intl - farms. Jno. N. 1"r.nzer. opp. lIE-IS 1' . ) O. KOIJNTZI : 1'l.AClSIIAItGAINS . FOi HAI.I' on change. J J. Gibson . 31 let NnL'l hank. IIIC-SSS.A21 C.I1EAT IAIGAIN IN I.'AIM ANt ) G.\lt N lands near Omaha . In 10. 20. 40. 80 or 16" " acre tracts : long Ile. I easy terhits ; 'V Ill taIe sumo traule. , 1.11 Jt once antI .erure n g",1 home tinS slop paying r"nt. 943 N. Y. Llrl' II tl 0. . l115-M251 I flAIIGAINS . 110(1511. ( LOTS AND I.'AIMS : cole or tm < e. F. K. Dall ! la.ker m-lG block. A1ISTI1ACTS. TIII3IJYI1ON ICEED COSIIP\NV. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lIE-ill AditS. One 10 lIve acres four mile , ot I' . 0. ' mIle ( ruin hiavel etreet $17.00. Your own terms. I ) ' 01 want hIgher prIces 1 > I1OME4. ice hllC It for yell. 3n N. 2.1 street . 10ME $1.1'1.01 ' ; $ I0).O ) melt : hal- ane" monthly palmefits. without Interesl. SI2 S. 38th J1)menIH. . . 1,60O.OU ; make your own terms. ' 1919 S. 2Jh , slreet. G rooms. large lot Plvell' ' etreet U.6.OJ ; ) 'oUr UWI terms 2623 PatrIck a\nue. . U.30.O : ; . ) H."utrlly .hltle 101. one bloce west or 2Hh. , sOllh chile or : lnn < or.ll. 6600.0) ) . i 25t1 An" StaulItlIhig. SOxIZO . $ iOJ.O. S.V. . corner 261h nnll Ercklne , $ .0).0. I G3 ( f'ct. south rronl. IJ\'ed . Ircl. 2611 ant Url.ol. $ [ )0.0) . lememler we never offer anythIng hut genuine ! III'S i IXCHANO : : : \'ti have n complete list nr.r ) . .IRIahle property for oxehiatigi' . C. C. Trox,1 has charge of our exrhnng. Aol for him. U. 15. CLI CO. . McI'ale Hd , lIE-SIll ' ) C HI3'1 FOIl S.\.I -AT hAl. ? VALUE . NICE C.I\H lot CICnn 11111. 1 > loc from car : will take blele awl , pln'I'r woik na hart ' lillY. 1. 50 . r"e II' ' . 1111-351. ? P'HAU : . TEN ' llOHlltAlhI.11 : n RII'mCI lots In Corner ; will bell II hair actual vlile ; ; near Inotir. A < ee Dr. J. H. hevric's. I.'ro. lent , Neli itE-M330 ' 7 - - - - - - CIOCgHT IllIA'I : J.\NIS I Nil : . hi'nslm. 3 II"H rlom U. 1. H I ) ' . . clu : la.y t i'ihii.9. Now Is the t t line 10 eCLr" gil ( I"Jm" . Success sue. Ch'al excusl"IH " II lands Api I i 15. 63.5) ) lun,1 trip. See 0' n'I'III..q ' ' 1' AIII . Ci.trkcon 1.'llsl Nat . bank bulitling I . Oiiiaha. ltl7-M421 1 It-rU I \\'JLI. TI1AIIII : 11011 O2tAlA I'ltOl1l.OIITY . ONI , Tll l'iOt OI\A IIOIBITY. /0..1 hold . . .111nlno,1 , Iloln"H" , . In I'ountry Iiwn . ( ollla lon bOO . on t' ii. & f. n. I. rUI'I ) ' -n\t 111'H eai.t u Council 1 I I I. . In. J. : _ i A. . ! l.o"ln'l. 5S 1'uwn , 1101 , . ltll-M421 7 . \.10 hAVE A CI'STMI OI'NINe : 40'Ims ' \'Ims or , 'h.I , ' , ' In Ill , JUnl . "LthWI'81 ) Ir ( cl ) ' fl iiiii . . es . lit'etliflY ildiltit iit . for hull , , , . . , 1"'l'lnl nllnll'.1 " 1'1 ' f\I who t.lca 10 .wl I . . ) 01' 21) ( ( ci " 'I , . to , .n\'lral I lall ncr. who wil hut I. h.lanro : o his haul . Into HIII frl Injollhl"s , anti , rultvate nzini . ' for him Oi stilihy \ HlpLlnl,1 ulitoutil. U8 mi ) ' he al/.I. . : If suit ' wl.h tl t hlltgIlc I cii I I itiitl I sco lao. . )1' cll " . I" lUrks. 30 . N. Y. 1.lf , ' lilIg. 1 -Mni C. HOTELS _ _ _ hOTEl , 1.\I\I.m. 13'1NI JONES 5TH. 7. " 001. nt $1.54) lhir tliiy. S.W ( tny. r reels lt $ .O Ier , ilo' . , . Hl'rlal rates 10 commeclol Irlv le'e. Hem nut ton t . d hy , ek 01 11)0(11 ( Ii. 1'rnll , 1I I < I.h. I tllAlr. 11 AA I oH I' ( EUItOiJ0.tN ) . N. W. COIl 111 and Dodge. 10015 by day Dr week 1 S . BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION \OW TO OUT A 1102110 Ol ilECt'IIIS nOOD ! Int'si 01 "vlngH. AI'Ily , to Olohl I. . & ii . Aa.'it , lQI lee bidK . O.1' , Nutlnlur , Sec. 113 \ R.\ JlI - - ; . : & - Ii : AHH'- i'A 1 7 . 6. 7 , 8 1"1' cent alien . I. 2 . 3 years ohl. nl"Ia . retletmable. 1701 1'arnant It. . ) r.'ecmoble. 101 I.'uram NRllner , Sec. Ill I . - o - - - . _ _ - STEAMSHIPS . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TO lnOPI . O,7I'H : ' 'Ol'IS. 1.wr.\1 : 101 . . , Select Iarll. . . selnl-htiiirithty. ! 1rlqlntl'nl l It . ct. . oil "olh" . 1 , > , 1 Ctipiin0 . "R"PUll. < 0 1. . " . tn'I' . M.nlhl ) ' Uzett. , wih , bills ' . ( , ' it. t1z ; & Sons ( ( /.e . ) . 3loCogut' I HI'"uhlnl. ' 1:1I.IIO ) .tr'CI. Mt'J ' 145'S COAl. . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1) . 1' . MOUN1' IA6 IEO\I ( IllS - COAl _ _ olro ! tl : 8. ICIt. . hJrotn . block. - - 16 Tit IFKT Ii ' \II flm.\IIH1' : . NO 8MOn : i . No , "utOlllll ot Ihe ItetVyumnlaj ; , ( 'oal t ( j. .lel\'o"1 .1 U ci ' think or it 1 ; . I \ou I"'c 10 la ) ' that for .Ir . ) . Imvk ) ' r".I. U StIll tire iiiht'lecti'iI 1 In the fuel quectiuli U.e Illrl'I'1 i ' . ' cIMI. 16)7 ' ) l'tniani 811'1. queilun . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IOST 1.051' . ON IGTI H1lmT. IT\mN : : DOIIO- 11M nhi1 f lilcago . inlolt fur .wrle "al f. itt - till ti 10 l9S N. 11h .Ircd. ricelte rt11 d.I. 1- 11) 7' - - TAKEN UP. - TAICN - - - A0 \ 10IHI' : 01' AnOI'T SI 1.115. , AT W. lurl"I ) ) Ill III 1lrk. . IU' $ S. _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ ) - ELEOTIUOAL SUPPLIES 1l1.LOCTIIICAI. l NGNtnl ! ANn CONTIMC tots fur "I.cl.lc light tint ! 11101cr 1lgoI. , and iii lahgne 1lndo or dectl(11 ronlluclon. gne mttor Western 1.I.c. < : IrlII 5uply Co. . UI 10\ad II. Ill . - 2 MATHEMATHICAL INSTRUMEN''S ' AL\A J . OIO\I : 1\IJmS : AND All - cliItL-cl ' . .UIII' . . 31S H. 1511 Street. Omaha 1m , - - - I POULTRY UPPLIEB. - - w. C AUT & co. . : $ , 1:1 HJAU - - - 'I' - : - - - - - 41wLI,1i , - - . , . I _ _ _ _ _ . . . * . , A - . No OTHER SOAP DOES ! WORK SOWELL e ONE TRIAL Will PRDVE THIS. - i'd" ! i8lrTIll N.Ki1RBAt'K ' COMPANYChIC - - - - - - - - - - - - , CYCLES I 2 1. 0. .YA , 402 N. 15Th. 16) I : . ( u . _ _ _ _ _ _ V lCTO1tIilCYCIIii4.Tl1l1 F12'ESTOI' , \ I.L I bicycles. Omaha Ile'cle Co. , 323 N. 16th ctiec't ' 01(01'1 161 - - - - b''I.m.INO. 1'1.1 I.IICII A % ' . \ TCII.tVI5i4T. W.\TtI. WIS1. er Electrical I HUI'II ) ' Co. , 1513 I 10wa. e . tieet. 162 - - - - - - - - - - - S Ill . : TIlE VlHIhll.I1 IIAIJ. 1 'mNtS nN lelav Sledl ! Will larul . Ill-u. , 1 : N. IStli . ' 'COl.UMIIIA" 1 ! : . I'INIHT : 11XA2tI'It7Ol : ? light antI 1111111 grub bIcycle construction. Vttt. hl"ycl. lhl hllh II"le . const.uclon.1. 1.'le Ulckry & Co. . 10 Douglas [ .1. , flgents , 163 m.MINOTON I : ANI gAOLI : . CHORS OlIN CO . , 16 H. 15th .Iroel. : -71 r. . \ IBANI . & . . WIOI.I SAI.g . \NI 1111. loll hlccln. 116 1.1111 sheet ; bicycles Plll . on eac y 11)'nl'nl. 163 M1.NTELSORATES AND 'ILES. \000 : ANTIIR , OU.\TI'H. : TII.flS : ron I'mn Places . \'I'olbule" In\ , \ large Ino'R : write for catalogue. Mllol Itogers & Soiis 0aiia. 61 0lal'r . - - - - - - UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS SI'ANKON.IEN , liOI CUllING . "EI. . IGI ILeo. f. I' 11UItll0T. Pt'N"IAI. ] n CT01 . \NI elh"lmcr , 161 ChIcago .1. telephone 90. 16j : I O. rIAI'I. . UNIJIT""nn ESIIIAI.Mfl or . 11 1.1111 et. . lelolhone , 22 : . 166 C. W. l"IU : UNDIOI1TAICIOII . 613 S. 16TII ' ' ' ? CARPENTERS AND BUUDERS. c. 10. I 1IOIUI.I. . IAPII HANOING. HOlSI : Hlln liallitlng ' . hrlcl woi . 1 tlas1ering > ' ; off. It. I. limIter blk. ; tel 7 : ; ahaI 221 Izar.l ; te'IS , SHADE TREES : , FRUITS . SH1UBS. F' . It. \itTI. P. o'ox 3 ) 1- O2lA1IA ; 3111) 0:131D . _ houoe wont D. & D. InstitUte. 21916-ASS' \ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EMPLOYM.ENI' OFFICE. CANADIAN gIILOyrnT BUm.\U 1111. lov"d 10 1:22 : Douala ; mile and female hclii M l7O-A1l - : O-AI CON TRACTORS. CONTJACTORS. IICI WOItIC. 811)15VAI.tcs . CELLAl hours. eto. 301 S. lelh street. Tel 40. A. IClawit . ; 21305-All' MUSIC A.'J A'NI - ) - ' IJANGUAGE. 0. F' . GlCL.LENIIECI : K. ANJOST AND OLTITAI1 teacher. 191 Cess sl. Ot'\B 1 PRC ? ESION AL HJAU'I' IGTI & Ma3 CI1ICAIIO. -AI2. SHORTHAND A.l TYPE WRITING. . VAN SNT'S , SCHOOl. OJ BIO 1IANI N. rns : . LIfe Omaha. . Ask for cIrcular. 16 DINTAL COLLEGE , OMAHA COI.I.BOg DENTAl , 511140 11l11 . I.'IIEI' InUrnll\l"'J ; dentistry nl cObl. 161h & Ca" 17 e. PAWNBROKERS. If MAUOWITZ LOANS r.IONI Y. 418 N. IC ST. 3i8 - DENTI:3TS. - 011. i'AUL . JJ1 NTIST. 2020 nUll" ST. I O DRESSMJ [ N G , 1"ASflIONAIILI DIIIOSS3IAI'SING . SA"ISI.\I' lion gUlllllnl"eel. Mra. a. E. \Clnll. 112 South tlth st..eel. 30a 1 _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BUSINESS NOTICES. - - - - - - DA\IAGI Mllmons ImSILVEltED.9 N. 16. m - - - - - - - - - LOT FOil CIIUIlCII. The trustees oC the P"oplc's church desire 10 communicate with those who have lols I for sale which would be suitable for a church building . . SaId lot must hI' wllhln L lIve or six hlockK of present location , 18th I , and CallCQrnlll KlreelK. CHAHLgS . SAVIDGE , Chairman /lnanl of ' 1'rustcel . A. : SVLAIITY , Secretary. MI I l2t . RAIL \V \ A Y TIME CARD - - - - - - , Leaves IlIlJIlLIN01'ON10. . . , OlllllhlUnlpn UllOtjQtil& Mason Slsj / Uhldt.t 101..1IJ.env. ) ; . . i0aIiros. , . . . . . . 'Jiiiiil J5j)1II.1JIk. ; : . 111118. Mont. .3c 'Ulet HIIII. J.x 410lhil ; 4Sj'III..lJ.nvcr ; ' J.x\lrcu. . . . . . . 4IlIj)1I\ ; I G,4pinNebrntiitii 1.0",1 ( exc , p1 und.y ) . 7 :4jJIII : I al1l..Llllculn ; . Jucal ( sxce1l1 Hunrl.IYI..U2J.llu ) 24ililn. . . .t"atit Mall ( for 1.lnCIJlnl ) U..lly. . Lel\\'u"jCHWAOO ; IIUItI.INGTON & Q.J .Tlrn OihtithU.l1.jflItiIlJCltt.Jt ! _ , IOU , & IIIIoOn . t6iojtJiiioIi ! l _ 4 ; II'/IJ. . . . . .C.lleugo VestIbule . . . . . . . i.ilaiii ) ; : . . .In. . . . . . .Chlello JX\lI'C : S. . . . . , . :15pm : I 7:5OjJlJl..Cltlrul/o : and 131. Loull I.x\l'.e. : . H'JU"m ; ' 11:35am..collie : . Junction Local . . . 6:10pm ; . . . . . . . . . Fast MaU. . . . . . . . . 2tJ1JlII : LeaH''lCII1CAao. MJJ.--'i. ' : ' ! ' . 1'ttJ1.i'it rite _ 2LhIaILinioli ! I Ih'pot. _ 10th e 1'\ll1/M / \ . G\I ; > m..Clllcag. ( l.lml\ed. . . . . . 30nln ; \I - - :10"11I. : - .cltlc.tgo - . Exprej ( CX. Hull. ' . . . 6:00jJIII : . ' - - - - - - ive\CIIIC\t10 \ & , . ' \ ' ' ' : m. ; ; Omaha Unl" Iloput , lulls I ! tt . ll\boll Sts. / 9m..hll. \I : O..m. . . . . .hutelll , Jxll"o. . . . . . . . ; Ollln 4001Im. ; . . . . . \'ustlhllild Llmlted . . . . . V:40'1I : Lam. . . . . ,110. V..UtY 1.0c.11. . . . . .I I:3 : ) Im ! 't"m.Omahn _ C jcol"l' Special > . . . . . ! 2J11I1I ; Leave. CIIICAtJO , lh .1. . IACLFIC . Arm . . Omahl\ Union U , j'ol. ii& 101",11 FIC./AI"lIVi.i / : , P.Mi1' " . II : 00om. AtlantIc 10xhilats Iyx 5unday . ; . :2 : pm..Nh1)t l xprl' ' . . . . . . . . 6011111 VLOam ; : 4z.JIIIII..Cltlcag" ; Vutlbulell 1llIlltutT. . 1Oj\lm ; 1ialpiii.Okiaitomo : J : " , , 4tAC . ; : c. . 300).hl'.lOpan ; ' Wr.S-f. - . _ _ _ _ _ _ 6i ; I\III. kfai iIl"1."x . 161 . tex. ( 14unllhpgn ' ' E : l'.lI ' . . : . . . . . C"IOI" [ . I1Hea. _ . . . . I"L : III c.c - - / - --C. , H'r i' . J & ( . - lArelves . .Oml\h _ Depot , Uth AnJ.bsltr , ! lit , , maIia V'2.am..Nelru.kn ' l'3es&nkr & ( daily . ) . . S.I PIII t30pln,810ux ; City 1'"l'rc" : ( ex. Hun. ) .1I.5"nm 6:10IIID. : . . . .HI. 1'1\0 1.tnhe 1. . . . . 1035.1111 ; 1.eayepIl' -I { & \\I.i. : . : i' . ' l\rrj ; _ ( ) fliallAjflL'p1ttim ! _ , 1I jVII'le ! Si. . I Onuiii4 . 21 ; 1'1II. . .1..1 1 Mall and 115lress. . . . , 4:5 : pm 2:10"m.ex. : ( Hat. ) Wjlo. I : . . Cu. 2lon. ) . 4'11111 ' 5:05am. ; .No'tolk Exiirti * ( ex. SUnda : . .1 :3)aln : ) ) & 'I ' prn..Ht. l'auIlOxlleso. . . . ' . : : ' : , iic' K. C. : 1'J. . & C. 11. - lArrives _ Omah..IUnlon ! ! . ! . ! Depol , 10lh & Masoo 8:5.1 : / Omah.l . "TW : m-- . . .i'all.1I8City 'IJ..prej. ) . ' Ttujij : I 1)liltlfl.iC.C. ; . - Nighl Ex.1" U.1.'j'iaii , . 61)aiii ; i. a" . - Mit11fiUitt ( PAC11'1C.flVZ. - thntihalepo } . l14hi anll WebstL.rHtJiilahla ) ! . , 10'40"m. ' . . . . . .1. 1.oul Ix\lreu. . . . . . 60'lam ; ' PlOi'm : . . . . . .131. Loula Ixp'eu. . . . . . 8Olprr ; . - bt\C'plII. . - . - .Nebraska Local ( cx. llunj . . . : O J"1Il - - -r---L-- ' - - - . - 'r-- - - - I. ' i\'f" SiOUX CITY & l'ACII"ICArrIVU - : Omal.ll I _ lkput ilIb and IV"b.lIr till. /ArrIVU- / 6IOpm.- : : . . . .81. I'aul Limited..10 : llumr I . Ltoalu I IU I X ' CI'1'i'aCJIl1C Arrlv. . . OnialuijUnton D.8tot . itlt 1 Ii MII.Jjj1l Htll. I Omaha .GrL..In. : . . . .l $ iou City l.a..n"r.-.10J3 6 ' : ; jIO. - . . . ! . : . . .bt.Iu1 , lAiallr4. . . , . . .1:3 : " " L"u 1 j''CJJI'Jc'I\riJ''I8' ; Oman UII" " ' U'J . IGIII & 2Jooti ta.J Uiniia ) : " 'lIIn. . . . . < l\lIl y 11.press. : . . . . . , . rL 1II I 2:0pni . . . .O\"ertantl . Jo'lnr. . ' " . 6I5"Q ; ,2V\lUl.JJcA'tce ' it I trtetn.b'g Ex. ( n , Hun ) , :4.t.n ; : 'pm..I.acln. Ixp. . . . . .IO ; 11I $ : hltan..i'.t , Iall. . . . . . . . . . . ! ; I..n MtvuV.UMII \ fljtl1tVY JArrlc Omaha Uul < 11 lJrllOl. SItu & fla."n SlsIOiiahia / PItl..lft : , - LouIs - Cannon nail , ; . ; -U3jPii ; ; - - - - - - DOCTOR SEARLES I t & EARLES _ \ . ' ' . Chrome If , \ ' t ) ! ; 'r ' ' : ' lH } Ner\'ous , I' f\\i.I\ , \ " " if' ' \ ' 11' III ( l'rlvtll [ , \1f tl \ ' i.,11 \ DlSC1S ' ' 'Itli.tT.il 1N1' BY ) IA1" Cnll.nttnUnlll.'roll Wo cure Catarrh , all eUsoaso3 of the Nos . Throat , Chest , Stomach , Liver , Dlood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Fo- male Weaknesses Lost Mrtiio0d and ALL PR.VATE DISEASES OF MEN. \ 1'11r.mN AllIS VICTIIIlS TO NJH\'OU:3 Uebllily or Exhnusllon. 'nsUul'rlllmos. . . 111' v \"olunll\r Los.es. with Early IJI'e..y m ) 'oung . IIn.1 mh\tlle aged ; lacg or \"Im. "II ' T nnd weuk. clll'.1 11Iellllltlllcly In lI"prollchlnll old IIgo. All yh'ld relllilly 10 our new treatment for loss Dt "lIal "Iowrr. Cult or I1I1Ilrt'R wllb stamp for rlreuln. . tree hook and recehta. fl r Searles and Scarl35 14113 larnain 1 . 14J . , i n. ouuLtL. u11U UtjLLItli Ohilalia 1 Neb . FO" A LIMITED TIME katherr A t-IANDSOME 0 odet Pocket : FREE Case 1t , .c.\\c TOP \0 J'\-C\.t'\T ? poS3.S : . ' lGS . rp.'t't'KcM PIPER fCR UEIPjlpLUG TOBACCO CHAMPAGNE FLAVOR The merlcan Tobacco Co NEW YORK. - THE GREAT _ J jJ4 I - - - - This extraordinary Rejuvenator Is the mod wonderful discovery or tile l.le. It hits bccu eudolscd by the leadlut8clonlllicmen ofEulO\'O and Mucric Uuc1"n IS , FiJ [ ? ? VtJgo. 'I Ihlti.n Iops 4 / ' ' \ Prematureness , ; ' J onh.HHChargo . , . i i { . , 'f" . _ k hIti14iiayS. . ' , , ; 1- . 0rj Cures " . ' /1. > ' . : . . ! 1IJU'ORD LOST ; Al'TEI\ IANI-IOOD Constipation , Dlulnel8 ) , Jo'lIl1hll : Sensations , NervOus 'l'wlteh.IIK or the ayes allli other 1"Ut. 6trenltlwos , tllvlgorull's niitt tones 1\.0 enUlo Halem Jludy.m cures IJutJlllly ) , NervoUbllelS , Emissions. a\lt Cel'elol'rs ' 11I\11 reslores weak urganM. I'rolls In thd back , lolses ly , lay 01 highs are ttiphted quickly. Ov'r 2,000 , 1'l"Il'nlo ' cndorsemen18. l'gcniatureIlcsSIneand Impotency In the first 8tnllo. 1 I Is a YlUl'toll\fMIIIIIIILI % VCflkllCONaHll tJarrcnucltS 11 CUlt tJo owiipod In20 days by the weofllucJYl.n. The new disCOVery WAS male . by the MJ1C.cIRI. lets of tlio uttt . fl1mQ\ls 1I11dl"lI MOIUeaI IIIIU. tllto It i'm I the sironJc5t vitAlizer made. 111. very powerful , but hllrmlcf.'I. 601 1 for 1I.00 a package or paekpgcl fur ' 5.IJ ( plain /ienlc,1 , boxes ) . Wrlttcn V\la'ant.ee given for n cure It yet ) buy six \JOIICS .11\11 are not entIrely etteod elX more will "A senl 10 ) 011 free of all charges , Send for clrculufIIlllll tC5t1moolul1i. Address HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE , 1032 M.tRKE'I' ST" , "SAN I FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA. . . _ H ti ! Ei ! I Our record at actuhib ana unaenlabla "ureo Dt 6YJ'JlILIS la I'henomenlli. We furnish all mtll. lelnu tree and eradicate the poison 'rllm Ihl I I.ttln In VO d8 , . . CUre cuaranteed. Roun , 8:50 : ta 6,80 ; W4neday. and SitUr- 'ay' . t. P. m. TIIEJ PINSMOOJi REMEDY 110. . 1lJ New York Life Utxiaaa Ntb. - _ _ _ _ _ . . . : W , oQd I\.e mrirrelnue Yr''CI1 . . 11.11I.01 CALTItOB f. . . .1Ie 1\ I , , M E 1.lIai KlUruul ' ' CA TUO' will I , ' 1i1 CII' . . . , , . . . . ' ' Wi' r : ill.obsrp k Um..I" . (0 ( , ,8E . - 'IJlU' : I'p3u'n'sl.irrIeii.Yuricyee mit ? r' . lad JlIl..TIIIIII'.t"jll , . , \ $ 1 'A ' L ( ( Iuigaidpas'JtaIioJigJ . , , 1 Add. . . YON MOH : . : l CD. . . L e ' tltl. AacrIt& Asoit. : tk' . a. f . - l . I'E 'J Lawyers and 601lC1toQl' ( StIES & Co'l 1100 Uulldfng , OMAUA , Neb. Advice 1'R1E HATES FRO I AND TO RiVERA Representatives or MipsoUli Valley Cornti mcronl : Clubs Discuss the Mn ler , - - OCCASION IS COMPlAINT PROM KEARNF.V 1'1'11111111 front that I'olnt , tn Ito It.I.I,1 lI..ror"lh" I " ' 11I1e'rolnlll I tOIUIII'f"1I : tUIU' 1II1..lnn - o\\I"I"lInllO I i , 'i's hie" . \ ro Ihiili . or OIlJ.'tioll ) , A cOnfcrcnco bctwecn ColnItlIdIalIaI'j Ult ot till' Omaha Commercial club ) , COntiliSsIOlIer ! Mllhol1l' o if the Sioux City oclallon ! , 1Ir. Grlmll of the Ime orgailiza' 11011 anll \'anl.1I1.\lnl'ham I . ( if ! thIn Iansas City Commercial club was ht'I,1 In Omaha ) 'Cd- teftlay. The conft'rencc \ as said 10 he In thc Inleresls 01 llIssolirl river rates :11\11 a re- slstanee 10 the petition of , \ . A. Ollstln of learncy rocolltly 1111..1 . 111\11 referred , 10 the Interstalc Commerce commission. The I'ctl- tlon at Mr. Hustln In substance nlatrs that schrlulcs ( of rates ntHI charges which nlonl1 or to ether. or wht'n 1IIIIt'll , to rates catntt- IIshe.1 . by other Couriers , as the ( .lse lIIay lit' . cOllntUute total nr throuh ) rates of char e for the rontlnllroun trannportnllon of tllrlluh shipments ot freights 10 Kearur Irom Chl- so sc agu . 81. Iouls , st. Paul New York onll olher olnts I > sUllall'd on or near the MIs- s iselpil river alhl lu the terrItory 'ast of limb rh'l'r ore based IIIJOn rates Cf frOm Mill poInts ( of shlllml'nt 10 Omaha au.1 . other olUls ( on or near the llIssnurl rll'er so hat t total chargen for shell Iransllorlatlon I 10 ti i { e.1ritey arc either the slim 01 es- lahllshclI rates tlJ ahid from MIssourI tt rlvcr points or are mljustL'(1 ( with rl'fer'uer to t such eslahllshctl rates 10 an.1 from MIssourI rIver polnls ) ( ; that tollli or t ltroughi rates to Iearncy anll 1111' mannl'r anti metholn , by which the flItmc are mn.lr. . suhj'ct shlllers ) , III ore hiati t s , tI Ile.llcrs manufacturers - facturers ; anti persons tloing huslncss al that place I1n.1 . their customers an.l tIle cIty ) 01't Ir I Cearnr'y as n locallly , 10 IIn.lu . anti UII' rcasollable prrJu\lrc ( and tllsadl'olllaL' atHI constitute I till fi 110 l\u.1 . unl'l'asonahle prl'fcn'ne ) anll advantage 10 Omaha aud other MIsM sOllrl rIver IJolnts 1 Ihal I : the total or Ihrough t rates of charges arc tlhireasOhlIllt'i or'h anti i IInjust JoJ Ihemselves ! IIIHI relatively III comlmrlson with rates eharl'.1 11t1l1 servIce renderrd In the Iransllortallan of similar frl'hhts to Omaha and sail lllssollrl river points h or either of them ; that the lolal : or t Ihrouh rates afford 10 Ihe ( .Iefendllnls not l nnl ) ' an IInlul , ) ' greater 2'lm liS a whole for such trnnsllOrlatlon ( 10 Iearne limn Is charged . under said schc.lllics . for service ren.lt're.1 . . In 'nrrylng lIke Freights frem tin'S same alorua'd poInts 10 Omaha and other MtkUth ; r'r Ilolhits lint such rates tlo t b also r"rr"C'lt n greater rate per Ion per mile 1 for a.r. longer distance 10 learnt' than In I aITordd hy rates In force on lute tramc for the less dlstnnc Irom saul Ilolnts 01 shlpmt'nt to said MissourI rIver 1olitts. It Is also charge ! that the Ilrac- ( Ice of .lell'llllants III nslng points on or near the Missouri rIver as basing PoInts for the 11\II'posl' of arrlvlll al 111111 fixing charges on freights carried across the r Iver . so blunt such charges arc comtJlnation : rates or are nlljusted with refercllce to local ratrs to anti from snch river lolnts. Inslelld .o t liehitg stabllshed with duo regard to the .od d llstance carrIed . anti service rendere.l. . Is one which the defendants ha\'o adoJtC'd ( antI followed for their own CoIlvelIlence which Is I not forced hy condit Ions beyond theIr cOl'lrol , and whleh Is In derogation of the public i Interest alit . In vlohillon of the pro- \'Islons of the act 10 regulate commerce ; hat t when carrIers receIve freight for trunsportnllon tt as II contlnuolls shipment over their conduetel roads nilll forward the same to destination at one total charge without den'allll of charges and actual reshlillnent at an ) ' Interitteihlate point It Is the legal duty to charge and collect only such rates of' compensatIon as are reasonable and just In t mseh'es for the serlllee relllierell altll In due reasonable and just relation to rates In force on like tTalllc to other points reached over any portion of the line of connected roads ; that the right of connecting carriers to make or refraIn from malting through Jelnt larlITs rates anti charges cannot haw- fnlly operate 10 gIve one locality the benefit of such joint rates and charges and deny snch ) benefIt to other localities. If the latter lire thereby subjected to unreasonable , unjust or IIIllluly prejudicial charges : nor can a single carrier give low hllllvllinal tariff rates I to one point anti refuse to enter Into reason- able Joint or throllgh rates to another iiohrIt If hy so doing the latter Is subjected to un- reasonable and Improperly adjusted rates nnd charges I that the metholl of rate malelnl does subject Kenrney and Its Inhahllanls to ; unreasonahle nod nnJnst charges and nnllue prejl1l1lc In tile manner above descrlhell. That freIght rates In force from Chicago and ! saId other points of shipment 10 Omaha al1l1 other MIssouri river Ilolnts are unJllst 011(1 IInrellsouable and otherwise unlawflll 11I1IIer Iho act to regulate commerce. While the confllalnt Is brought primarily against lie ( raIlroads , wholesale houses antI jobbers at Missouri river points are Intcl'eslell In lie decision anti arc organizing 10 com"at It. when It comes up for lie conslderotloll of the Interstnte Commerce commission In this city next 01011111. S When so many People are taleln\ and Ile- rh'lng benelll from 1I00.l's . Sarsaparilla , why don't you try It yourself It Is highly roe- on\lnended. - - - PORT U'UItTll If.I1.'IU.VU. IJ.INIC . 1".f11.o . Oily U"llOoltory 1.'nllll 10 Ohrlt JIll leers ) hut I'r"IIII"'A ' In I'IIY lii ' ) ' 011. FOHT WOn'rH , Tex . April i.-Tht City Nutlonal Imllk of thlll city tallell 10 olon III doors tetley On Its door wm Iloated Ihls notice : "This IJunk has lttlslioiided hay. ' mcnl by orlll'l' or th hoard of dIrectors . J\II tll'p'1HllorK 1\111 he 1IIIId In full " 'Ihls hank WUI the deposItory or City 'rreuHIII'CI' foIs'r , who has city flllldl 10 hit allV.llnt of H/ ) .IMJ on Ileposll 1 Ihere , hub thl : .Iitl ti ) t I'l'rl'ent ' nil I I eltJ' t WI\II'unl.-I lt'i rig lIal It 1 tOllt ) ' . ' i'hie2' wore 111I hi In I full I I 1I unolher ha n Ic . wlll'r IIrl'ang-"lIIenls ; hal hel'n made. , . 'J'he city hellOs I 1 s InclUlI Inltlns IUIIII > 1\11\1 hand Interest fUll' ' J-Iser was tllt'eelo ! In tll , hanlt. 1111 term aK city IreaJlurL'I' tx ' pires 011 tIle \1Ih. \ lint h" will hlIoahl , ! to t IUI n over fllll.l . 10 Ills su1 ' eesor. 'I'he hllnle III Ii Iso rrloIIII I , t ! ' ) for the CUll II (5' ( II'CII ul''r lint Knlghl ( ii of ' I 'y Itt 11116. 'l'hll hUIII uric 11 cUllltnl ) nr f301(0'1. with ) a 1311 rId luH of $ Cttuow ) . On 'Iureh Ii IUKt Ih , ' inu Ill \ IIn.1 . tll I ruunl" of the I hnnl IC ii fltOti II tel 10 I $ " 1S. . 000 ; 1I1'IUSItK. I I $32lQ'l ) ; ) t'vd , In I hOI'I'UWl'll man ) , fl j.OW ; . total I'-SOIJrl'I'I , ft' ' : ' . ( lJ. 'nil' ( 'xlwl ( 'ii tile of the 1 HIIpen lon III I not ye I I'C- port oil , hnl I It I Is I stil t oil Ihal I I Ihe I bu till 111111 larg-o slatu : 1111.1 . cOllnty soclu\ tle/loslt . till suih . lOll wltiulruwlIl I of which woultl IJI'lJhutJlr I result In I It IIU I'nslull. A REMARKABLE CURE A Cllse uf Piles uf Eight ell Yeal'n' Stll IIlIi 111- . - Curlul by Lhll I'y ' ru iii Iii 1'1111 I (7 ii ru . 'J'hcllJ are Illcntr of IIl1i ethIcs whteh(11'0 relIef anti fOIl"'I'1I1e cure n mllli Cate of plies. but Ihel'e Is only 0110 which can II do . I'llcd ' upun with t cert a I nt ) ' to clnc olutlno1te t lohug.stantllng cases , 011(1 ( ( haL Is the h'yratiil ; i I'hle Cure. Ehudorsohilents 311(1 ( testlIlloltials arc recive tliilly (10111 IluClI anti WOlulc.hi t'hiot integrIt y antI relIabIlIty iire above 'IIICSILIOII dId In I hI cor'nectlolt a letter recetveil frOm jtev. Jas. I Vesthruok ( if ilotvii. Mliii , may lie of ill terest to [ 'lie ' sufferers s'iIo iiavo sougIi 1 ; vain for a cure. lie says : I huvu uceil ( ho I'yi'iiitlj l'iIe Cure pilti liuow t list IL Is sli ( bitt Is elulineti for Ii. hitd : hehl IrQuubhtct.h t'jthi lilieS ilIfirli or less to r l.ictit oIUtd1iu yclra apti I iaii tilcil Otill rc'inedies1 lut lilies gLOw ti'urao 0111 shout tell II1QItlIS ) iIO misoil ( ho i''I'UhltI Pile It vo alrnos lilsiant relIef an ti I lulyp tVell f0e Jroin lilies ver eillce.-hbol t1P' l. Weshiroot , 'rue l'dIIlehiy PQ0ll1 tr uct eqIllily well I II every 101111 of phlos , bijIhi , ltIenihJg , lh10trUc lug or Itchiltig. It Ihlopo till pain ahiticat Iii 1- medIately , allays llritatlohl and fOillOvc'a cat I- stIpUtloll ailul aity OhIO 'vlio has 5ui1freiI ll It , annoyance and p5111 of rectal troluble stIll Oh 5. predate ( lie excelisat rebuits which invarlabi y follow the Brat application of tltc i'yrailtld. 'j'hio PrainId I'Iie ' ( lure I. 1uretiar.l . by Ii to PyramId lrug ) Co. , AIblon , Mlclu. . and ( I r sale by driiglsIs everywhere. ' 1o sizes , o Ct8. and 1 , Soul by alt tlrugist8 , N EW OMAHA BASE BALL TEAM ] A ll Meittliori , with 'three' lisceillons ftepor for Se'iecin' hlilty. Tue entire Oninlwm. bai'e ball tenill , with tiIt n' e'i'eptiolt of 1)arby. I Iuiilit nIttI I.ohtnttn , It ave rePortett to ManiigoMt'Vlttle aitti % v ere lit the' park yesterday nftet'noolt fol tl ucir first conec.rtti prn'tlt'e. 'i'lioy are n li kely lookitig lot of yintttg itthhotes. anti tiid ll sIgns 111)1st ) tall or tltey t III give a imini. id e of Very cIegnult ball lhIaIhig this ceasolt , ( 'aptitlit'fllShl dlt'Iilel tip tlii' hit yester- ih i 1' ttrhI Oust ) I Ii to I s'i' I en tttc , a hiil 'veip In st litothier's Still Of tli'ttt slioweil till In ( I II I itl ftO lit , coitsll cr1 tig I hi I' tvite their I i i I I ii ) I tttirk I oget her. Sitalle r , L ' Ii li'ii , I 'ice , I I lIt ' 'ii i5itiit , I lii isz. I ) Oli ' telly it itil Slii gIti s itiveit up eShet'I8 ily t'el I . Hlt : ghi' I Li sIl tizt'lle. nhii thit' lties lilt Iltolile I lie hot lIt Il lS territory lite ttll't'iiIl ) ' lull i.oioh as : tt lii's. hit se'ttiil , Is s1lftt'tlut Iroitu ott lIt. j ureil uliigi'r ; ut I II h t' it i"ltl ii ) 't'ii II I I I lie Ii ylliltOlll , ( ) L a i'itttllllg gontl Iltumi. Vector- ml iiy % % 'lt5 I hu c. Il rst I Ilium' t it1 Sen 'Ott ( i tIter I ) u'er UI'V hlttlelt Ito ih luitil a hiili : In t hi dr hlf ailtis , it 11th II S I hey tvet' , ' so ntt't htt t jided : f rent their long j&tmi i'iiey luert' , only I htdtihgeii I i i tutoiieriit o esi'rclse. V mi bib it li a l'CiI Ilt Iiti Is to ill Il to r hit.sl I Itilt a I mthitii't . itltit C x iti lilt cii ti ) highs of (1 t'itil I egs el gIti sic ovine. V I lit It I I It Ic lIrtI C t I cc 111111 lii ) I it'ks't : JOe o'1lh Im Ilg S 11(1111 iS hh'tV h , ' I he IlliuhtIng t'hIildtlol1 g il lull' wi I h H I , , ' , lieS 1 I"rliItt y. I inn- ll L'II > , htittsz ithtti ( 'trtilht tlt' , % ittc'iters , 11 1111k' It 11110 Itttlilt'iiMlult. .ill itit' ii ) gl'fttt f ettle nttd ts'Ihl exert tlicntselvcs tO ; Ivtt ( ) nttlta : I Ill' lht'li , 'll t of stiiti' t'X t rtt gitoil t luiM 5015011. 'I'illiil r.v thte 'etc t'Ihl ( 'ii ' lil ltt'hh ilgtitist : tli" ( uhtc , 'ltlt 'uilslt lit l Ilt' hit'itiI of the \'ts arid iCliiliTor 115 idIot f or I lit ( 'oh I S. 'i'hie lii 1 I i I iv Ui ii Ill r lit t 1111 ii . It I lii liti 'I ( it iiiitt y il'S t I I itt , it It I le I him , ' et . 1 5 % ' II I ciiov up I it t It dr tlI''I 11111. Ii lht it i.e tt'li I I t tv I tlt t' 'tI t rlinnil llgth , ii ltd t thu hili t'CttPst II II 'I ' i ilt't t iest tIll I 1Oitit ever t'Ol ii li ii lilt ( ) liIihhiht h.ilI fIeld. rltt' two teattis mvlli fiti' cacit titiuc.r as I n ! liii' it , tV It It I lie [ It 1110115 J utksolt I I tishei I vtirhtIn the tc4lstcr : \ 'etS l'n'ltiifli ' ( , iht. l 'OCt' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 'ttt'lt . . . . . . . . . . . 1 111157. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 'Itt'Ii . . . . . . . . . . lhinllelly It I lIltChiII'Oll. . . . . . . . . . . First . . . . . . . . . . . . 5111116cr : t Illt' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ° t'tilitl . . . . . . . . . . . . lMvyt'r 1 1 ll'lcli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'I'll I i'il . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a ittii \ t'itlsit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shirt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ihear S itu gli'\l Itlil lii . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3a gnu C urltish. . . . . . . . . . . . . I tight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ituIsslu I ) oh.t ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I .u ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . I .ulllflnll 'l'he ) .flltle wIll l ) cttictl : at 3 o'clock s liitrp. Tiirm'i TIed miii i'ltiiiglit Scar. ' . , . I 'A ' 1' EI1SON' , N. .1 . , A lull 3.-'l'llt' gl'anhi A iia'rlca II lultilthlelip fur hSl)7 entleil a t t1 I Ilarit p irk thIs afternoon lit 1111 e.t'ttlti iiiilsh , t it roe ineit ht'l li tIed for II 1st lhliiL'l' . III ii I tt t Iit'h i' t it en t sII bl islit st rl Ighi t . 'I'll eSil t hu ret' i'I It thy ith e t It. ' 1111 rst' ii ! $ )2O. ) 'l'hicy 1 0'C Fritiuk tShics : of ? iihii'l'iitoi'li , N J. . t htluty-two ) iil'dS ; .1. . . . It. IOillutt ut I'CaIu- M i's t'It5' , thlrty-tltree yltrds , itod. (1 , A. t lt'siicr of I'Itishuu'g. i'll. , Lwt'hIty-hIve yiiriis. 'h ilL' itut'lh shot off for the ltot1or of first i ihii'e , 1 % ! esner v I Ii It I ng t lit' tIe , kIl Iltig telt s t rtthi hi t hirils , Ii ott l thit'rt'foi't' crt'il I 1 ci . s. I t Ii lit'ili g I lie s' I n mtei of I in' Ii it itillt'a p. \ Vhilie tlte bIg htitiillit'nl , WItS. goIng tli 0)1 ) tIll ) t uorl hi gm'otu Ii 1 a , I It I I igliha 11th cu et'pstttlccs , % ii IcIt VtS al it lieu yes t t'itla y , va c un liitet1 , tllti t ho 1 ( I t a hteut hey hit lid Ira p siittt nit t hit'vct gi'otiiidc. 'I'hi. ' I I lgliliuilti sweep- s tithcs reicteil Iii Ftti1'ottI , ( ' 11105 , I ilggiitiiitit , sl l lu'eit'i'r , Iti1iray.V. . lii'nnet ( lUll iMelcey g et t I ng ii 1st litOul y ; rol'on ' 21 oliet I , iel I eu , S lhilltsou , S S'et'li'a ltd y It' , Si'tlii Itt Ulit ! ' FIe.hiin It Se'OIIli II nilV Ii I t t' lu nIt 71 orfey , hh'itllitg tIlt' thiirtl uri".e. 1'lte hs.ltlthct'uliiy l iii II ii I t'ltl ) tii'oltcht 1 out so iii i' giotl tIll out Iiie h ull t he fohltiv itig ii'tt dlv itled $1111) ) : ( aptitIit \ lnlteyleIlot , I ilhilpiir , I .t'roy , 1.Iltthiiiiy. S ohil itt Ituili Stveciiey , Soulte till ii ititiiied S SVe'IbsttllteM are to be ticcitheti tomiiruw. (1 il fI , nil it It lii I ii V I gui mm 21 ii t cli nil , CIIICAC.0 , Alirli 13.-Ytitilig ( SElifo itiiit " lIil" I.iivhgmti' have beeiu tiiatclieih to lIght f Ifteen ititiitt1 Itt. tilt' Athletic chub In llroolt- l 'lt Lit JllrlI IS. 'l'ite lnlttcli mvait ttlntlt' to- dt ay , ( .rhiTo's licki't' ; * tvlu'ltig tile itreposl- t ioil ft ann New York 111111 Stiit Fltzpatrlclc l teeeptlutg It het'u In behiutif of J.tcvlgiie. GrilTo nhiil 1.ivighi : ISlet III thIs city two y ears ngo , tvhtell 1.nvlgnc was thiotiglit to i lave a little the hest ci' It. Vitlcol ( Itently t , , l'liI0. O'lIoIthtel. I'ITTIIIIUItG. J\lItli 13.--.loiin A. 'i'oole , rep- r eseuithiig Tout 0'Itourlte. today tit'iiosltetl a. 3Ok ) forfeIt with thut' spurtlitg edItol' of ( Ito l ) lsliatcl ) alitI offered to nlatclt Joe \'ulcoLt u gitluIst Steve O'Doiiiteli. 'l'hue tcrln16 ttISl f or a 11111011 ilgltt for $2,13'YI a itlik. tiiiiicr t015 r ules , tit ntiy tliuie , 11011 Itt [ iii ) ' place.VaI - c ot t Is a lightt weIght alit ? O'Ioniici Is a. i ietvywelgiit. _ . . _ Ct'iiit Iowers Iii , , iii'it lt'eird. IOWA CITY. Ill. , AprIl 5.-J0l1lt \ ' Cruni of tile State UnIversIty of Iowa bloke tile statO record of 0:11) : I-S fur ii IOd-ylit'd dash by defeatinur Jitmes CohIlits. tluc CllltiilliIOfl , I t litl : teLl r ti 1' Eitgha itti , I II 0110. Cruu in vIl I go to New \'cirk to tflke purt In thit' 2lottilavett luiCCt. I te iitaiie H. iluic t'eCOl'd In tIle CIII- ciago coIltests last sutnnier. I'olIce Fcriiitt thu ltynmt-Vllket liolit , ChICAGO , APrIl l.-Tile eIght rotind contest - test wlulcht wits to have takeit Place to. night lietweeht Toiutitiy Ryan of Citicago ahiti Jack \ViIlce of St. 1.oulls dlii not Rita- terlitlize. Citlef of Pohlce llrenhiall Issued alt order lit thin afteritoon stoppIng tlt colt- test. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ thilcato tt.tenccitt "eIrlvor , to Now York. C'IIICACIO. Ali'Il 6.--Thie Cliletigo ciub ho. released Catchier Sehirlver to New Vot'Ir otto heath trout tlliStIinEt itt Ottawa , O'I'TAWA , ICan. . April 1.-Parvii ! Iferr , see of Dr. F' . C. llerr , dieti yestortlay from sniall. pox. Ills father atteiiihi'tI ' the IllOn Itussol , who dIed here several ti'eiks ago Witil ( ito disease. One other CISC Itill thlseovered yesterday - terday meritIng. All vhio have berut Ill olsy way E-xposed are' chiller ktriet (4ulrolltIlte. The CentennIal itotel , where 1tusel took utielt , is ( luarantllled. _ _ _ p _ _ _ ElItirs , Fouutit l'ea.t. SE.tT'J'i.lilislt. : . , Alu'II 5.-Il , II. ] 1hi. i iot'it , 1)111 llfigi itg ( i1 I toe of t It to Post-hi ( clii- geitcer Itild 1)rcsldehlt of tIle Seattle Gilaritit- tee , Loan lOut ! Trust Cotillillly , WI1M fount ] . ( I 1111(1 I ti II is 1st t II tu h bIt is IiIOrit I 1116 , ] ) eatht % % lO4 iliac to ntttitrnl gooses. SI'IIING 111 El. ! ) , III. Alirli 5.tInJor LuI Soil t Ii ( ' 1' , tugetl 175 VlliS fotihi ii den ii I n beil ( Ii I it niorhulllg. 1 te was for nuttay yeats nitiiu.g- l uig 0(11(01' Ut the lillilols Sttttc lteglster. 1.1111.1 11111 l'ltSSVhI I Is hCOllt , Ilc.liiiiii. IJONION , AprIl 5.-'I'hio IrIsh lurid bill paseuI Its soitd reatilllg ill blue Ilotito ut Cohilhitoill today , - - _ 4' _ _ _ _ lI'C4 1'1IlIt 1i'OflJUilT. i'.ilr mmiI , ltilltu.'r Exti lmt In Iiio lCxlreput. EtisI era I'o rt of N.'irnskti. W'\SliJNG'J'ON , Atoll 5.-Thu forecast ( ill' f'ktturtlity is : 101 Nellu'luutlcit-VaIr ; wllrin'r , CXCCJ ) ( caller lit the extreiuuti enaterit liortluht ; II0l'thl winds. For Sotitlt Dakotlt-I'nlr ; woriflel' iii the Siest pro iior I I oil ; halt lIlvel t % s'lili Is. For lijIvIt 111111 ithIsstthrl-ShlovL'rs or sitow II hll'rIeil , fol I i esved tI urillg Ha t ti nut y by fat r ; niuclt coitler ; northwest lVihidiO , Fur Iunste-luli' : : .1111 . lug HutlurhIlly ; coliler Ill till ) suiiitIie1ts1 Y1tl'illt'l' Ill hue t.tXtlthhiil Ve8tt.'ril 1)1)1 ) 11011 ltot'i Invest whim. 1 . ( i'l I Ii I. t'u'ih , , OFFlCiIi OF' TIII' tVEATIIEII 11U11E611. OM Al IA , April 5.-OutlUihlI i'ct'orl of teiti. liertlt ii ru it nil ral II to I I , cuhnpu l'l'tt v it Ii I lu a CO1leipOhlIihiS day o1 tile ? . MilXilliIhIt ) tt'hulhieratilrt' . . . . ' 17 68 75 4'l ' 'thlnhlillirfl tithlielhtttiIt' . . . . . 131 21) ) .19 711 4verag teinlill'ttttlrO. . . . . . 1,13 'II 62 40 I'reclliltlttlOii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t ) , ( J (3' ( ' ) .07 Co luil I I I oIl of tetilIL'J'iI Ill 10 II lull precljil t ii I ion at Oiitttia for lIla dasy uiiil iulluv0 Iurcl , L I W.4 : Ntii'jtUI tdfll hel attl ro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 41) ) i'lxcrss toi' the (1111' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2t Norniul IircehIultrltlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i itich. DcllhefleS' fur tue ( lily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V.3 IIlC'Ii 'l'olnI IirLeiIIltuitiOtI hillel , liuii'cii I . .1.11 IIICIICH jL'IIL.iieitCy sImILe Mltrc'i ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hiichm Jiujiti'ls ( ruin 6)1 li.r HtittulI ; I III If 1' , il , _ I 1 sTATlOxc. V o. . NTATC OP SY4Tllihl4. " . Oittaba , . . . . . . . . , 631 77 .1117 Clotitly , ? jurle t 10t144. I'i It ) , ? tI 5iIQWiil $ V.ileuitliiu. . . . . . . . . . . . . III ) I ) 'I' ( Ilotuily , t.uIeao. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . till 41 4 ' 1' U1otuty , SI. 1.Qiu1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . fIll 78 .1)0 ( 'lumuily , l1atil . . . . . . . . . . . . . lit ) tIll .00 ClotuJy , Ha iou port. . . . . . . . . . . 1311 1113 ' tutu Cina r. ltt7. . . . . . . . ( hI 74 .t)0 ) 6' ipiilI.j ii I'lliUit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HO Ill .00 'tlluar. ' Utuitur utu 4 .11.3 ( : ici1dy , 5Jt Lati Oily. . . . . . i4 : I .1)1) ) ) Okiiiil' , 4 hhisIllatcIe. . . . . . . . . . . . 1111 48 .22 lluiInluti , ' . VihIeeiI ; , , . , . , . pI ) lIl III JLiIIn' , Citfycilulu..s . iiil 1' Clultily , 11(9 ( , City. . . . . . . . . . 7311 IlK 1)11 ) riQluiy : , ltapitlflly ( . . . . . . . . III ) , tpi .VQtlloIlcly , lVuitWi. _ . fill 17(1 .LiQliJIoiud/ , ' 01" iliJIcatig triitio of rilllt , JJ. /0 VA0X.l ! , Ol.tserycr. . _ 4 _ - Sufferers Iroiti coughs , sere throat , etc. , sIivuIti " ' ' ' ' try "JirOlVIl's jirtlIclIlal 'h'rocItei1 dilphill bud surereuieiy , SpW only In PrIce 25 CelltL - - . ' . - - - - - - - -