- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . _ _ _ _ - - . - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ - - - - ; i . . - . : . . . . . - . . - . . . . . - - . . . , . . - . . - _ . _ , . . . . . iT , , _ . . . ' _ . - - - 2 TIlE OMAhA DAlLY ] itD : RA'L' PH DAY , APUIT.J ( , 1895. P' ' , , night In the nrocken trunken men reele1 ! about the hallway nnll ( Inncel on the lunch , tnhlel , Beer wn free ni wnter Clerk8 , janlor8 , hOI'o and 8ennto memherl were , mixed tip In fno grand carnival of 1accia nalal revelry The Joint committee on the clalm8 hii was at worl trying to reach an Olreement , I was Iurln this protrnctell ! , . : wait thnt the disgraceful rcnC occnrr In the celar , The usual oil room , which has I hen running all winter , Wa thronged. I f WI8 n wild ending or n 8tormy ! n8Ion , ; At 2:20 : I.ieuteint GonTor Moore teIe pIIon4I ? to the polce ! talon nslItig that a sqlad or len be lent to rlr the state houe I of the drunltI mob Twenty mlnntp later I the mob ler or Its own voltion , The beer , 1)1 I Illac,1 , out At 2 o'elocle In the mornlnl both houses 'toro Itl ( In sPMlon with 10 prospect or reachln/ a final aljourlnlt ' before morn- log. ' 11) Ilrlay was oleulonel by the dif- feully txperhncI hy thp conference coin- I ; mlteeA t1 the claIms approprIation bill In i . teaching , nn nlr ( lent The general np- I t , ' Ien , to I prl.Uon hi lied not ) 'ct en rellorted the gnrnrr , nnl thl clprks ) In the enrolling room wprstl husl ) ' cngalo.1 . In fnlshln ! ; UII the work of the day. One : cr the closing Incidents or the session Was the net Ion or the Ronnte In eXI1nln/ / from the records the vote of censure Ilassel ; ilon Senalor Stewart of Hawcs for his conduct - duct In the Ecnate Insl Tlmrsls , e\cnln ! The penator withdrew the Rlatorcnt he male at the time reflecting upon the action of tin'I I , , iergentiI-nt-arin. ' The utmaI re30hilonh thnnlell ! the 11ages , the Ilrlsllln ! omcers' ' a/1 the rellrescntat\e ! of the Ilress were I a/oltell and the ! Innte bettcd down to await the html Ilslollton or the lelslature ! Al 3 o'clock n. I the conference com- mlteo on the claims bill completed , Its I Iabors , although the clerks had nol fnlshl the comliaton of the rCllorl The enroll- lug comrltee al that hour sll hall ! mime ' hIlls to enroll , with of his enrol imo 11rospccl fnishing , ' for several hours 1.\S'l U01" ; - 111 I : b , \ rws l.t"I . IlmOllO Amnlll otUinll ! g.'t . . I.ei lii tliii . , . 1./III"tlol J'u..ed IJ. the In.I I . , . 1.INCO.N. Alrl , - ( . ) - - medlalely after the partal reading or the journal this moring the senate procellld to the halt or the house of representatives hal representatl'es to partcillale In the joint convention called by special resoluton for the purpose or electing six trustees of Limo Slate Institute tar the Illd aL Nebraslw. Clt ) ' . After the joint conlenton the senate returned and plunged headlong Into the turmoil amid confusion Incident to the last day or the sesalon. 2 Noyes moved that house roll No 642 be ordered to a third re dlng , This Is the oleomargarine lull passed IJY the house lt time recommendaton of time governor. In bUp- Port or his moton Iuyes said that accord- lug 10 his bet knowledge the rules or the f senuto had been adopted nol Car the purpose of obstructIng buslnoss , but to aid In Its tronsacton. lIe said that II' to the Ilresent lme lie had asked imo fa\or at the hand ! or the senate. Douglas county hal been glleu no place on the sifting commitee and had not complnlned ) The anI sifting com- mlee bal net seen lit to adlano time bIll Imd therefore lie asked this favor oC the senate" Sloan said thaI lie could se no good ] reason why the bill should be advanced. lIt m asserted that the legislature convened for q the purpose or legIslatIng Car the people out not acting as a sieve through whic the m governor might Itglslatt hitchcock hoped that the request of the senator from Douglas would he complld ' wllh The siftIng / commitee had ndvancel , 4 a great many bills. even goIng so far ns to advance bills still In the hauls or slandlng ' commllec3 anti not on the general fe , ' The motion 10 advance the oleomargarine bill to tmmelale third reading was agreed I to by a vole or :3 to I SI.OAI hOUND TO B AT IT. The bill was then read the third timni ) tmo and the sec1etary ordered to cal the roll , He was Interrupted by Sloan. who objecled t the further preceding on the bill on th a ground tiat the members or Ibo senate hal : i 4 not been supplied with prlnled copies ot the bl , I was dlsoov-rod that cOllies : : of the bill were not In the files on the desk : m axmcl were dIspatched to the house ad pages \ere dlsplclell 1 C ; bIll roam after a slfclnt number to sUlply the Benale The roll call was then corn menced. hut was again Interrupt by Sloan , ' Who moved that the bill bo recommItted to - the commlleto ot the whale for the purllose 0 amendIng I to make I conform to the recommnemulations 01 the ' c rccommenlatoas go\'cror" lclee y. who has been the champIon of the b'veruor's bi protested. and male a ' bre argument against the motion. He was followed by Sprecher and then Graham imiad male a talk on the other sile" lie wanted the bill recommitted. bi r'olmlted" hitchcock then brought the mater to n m crisis hy movIng the previous queston , I : was ordered In spite of the protest of Sloan wllo hall PrePared hlmel for an elaborate u argunwnt against the hi , Sloan sold that I f time enate wan led 10 go on record as tIC . siring to 11rovent his havIng an opporltnlt . to be heard he hoped the vote would ii ) unnmtlmous. 1n a sl.lrll . or conciliation Noyes asicIll that unanimous consent ho granted Sloan to make his argument. ar/Unent "Mr. Prestdcnt I decline to bD the object t- . ject ot the charity or this bad ) I declne to accept the offer of time distnguished senator from Douglas , " was time retort of Sloan. Soan.ho The roll cal was then for the third tim C commonceti. When the name of Sloan wit CS called he arose all as\'d leave to mlle In Cplanatlon of hisote. . -he leutenant governor stated that the Fenalor would bo . accorded time privilege of making ( brit ; sttemenl , whereupon , Sloan cormclrcll an 0C elaborate argument against the bi , He bad eontnllll for live or six mlnlle , when McKesson arose and enleredn 01.jecton. miu. He said Hint the senator was not maiming , an explanatcn , hut an argumenl. The 11am m- tenant governor held that the senator from Flmolo was perhaps exceolnl , time prlllee ; ctendNI to 1111 by time courtesy or tn. senalo. Sloan then concluded his argtmmnen Ite . anti , time roll cull was fnlahcd , 1he hi was luaed \ ) ' a vote of 19 to 10. the tim . tailed vote being as follows : Yeas- Alter , . lfahn . liunitit . rlh. iflack. , J iiLctmrick. Sitst'iter. , Ilck Ilchwek \11''Ier CaJwel , .itftrteii. Iliewart. ! J.r/Ie RII'urt Campbell . Mcl'chy , ? i'fIt. Onl" ' . IIc1cesson . Wmiir"ii , , 0(0/4 Cfl3siI. , I'LmTis'i : igtt-19. ) Nas- . : Bans-n , lol.lu" , Hnthlun , 1r. > lel' , 1.10lbu . 11"0 , Unte , MllChcU , Sllttcr-IO , Orhnm , Absllt-Gra ) Saunllet Ichr and Pop a , : .OOlm AND IllS SEClmTAHY. . . , ' 'McKelson ofered ( resoluton 10 the Ifocl that the committee on accounts unl , expenu :1- : Iures be hulrucled to pay W , I Price . the - ) . I'Th'ate secretary to the l"ullnllt governo r . from January : until Allrl 7. A tol'ornor. II tense disgust ol'Orljrlll the fare of Iho hiel Li- tenlnt go\eror , and , bringIng his gay rI dwn on the desk with n IIIP , lIe 10' marked that I Limo gentleman who made lhe mnetiomi would elates tim amount uvaruiod I ' m.oton 10uid illtl tlt wlliled 1) ; the private secretary It would UO paid ' 1 ' ) 1) the lieutenant governor. lie said time semis ) hall too much huslness to Irlnsact 'lthmom Lit drew cleallmig the In moton Ilrllnto , matters , Mel\l\son wIti Li- 7he alInI eotmltle reporlel twelve t more ' Iiouso tolls . with the rooormenllnton tim : : they be ImmediatelY considered , 1he lenale titan took np for third rlaling and passed house roll No , 4t , I bUt Ilro , . - - - - - : - fur cum'ON AIuNa TT.J ( J JWll'Rlt , CERTI FICATE. Altc/nlnJ the Hght ' / of time StmbcmiLwr to PlrUclllate In THE OMAHA BEE'S FREE BOO DISTRIBUTION - SATURDAY . . Aprl 6. ONE CER'.JIlC"o1'I wih five I cents to CO\"I' IJstnsc , iumutilimg tmmti mnlluJull clerical eXJlen6lx ( 'Jlllt : the luh crl- looted boy to ole volume time 111ntl.1 ( pup ' r catatogume Io\'r ) , tl- the Omuha Itt-c. l'lc.nt 1)immirihmu- lon , SOld r 011 ; no larJll ( \UIU' Jhltrlhu- : 1'lblrlcr 'Jt" Otllll Loti . t 'mm noO' DWARTm ' . Ontuhn , Nch. - - - , . - - - . - . vlln , that Union college of i.lnealn may Is. s till II pi 0 11 , A motion was then male , to take a recess tlnt 2 o'clock , but the lieutenant governor tu umggesteml , that In view of the fAct g\.ernr resoluton entlng the 8esslon nt 12 o'clock nO'Jn unit been adopted the motion was harily 11u u n 11roller one to cntertnln. Graham mo\ct that the Senate take n recess - cess for one hour Stewart oreroll ( R nn amcnllnenl to ( Irao h am's motion the following : . The time ha"lnJ arrlvell which wa. fnd I m ) time ( 'omit' m'vtmmp committee for Ilal imsi- JOUMlnnl ' I 10\ " hint time TIclt-fnurth 11"11(1 or' the Ntlrnslm senAte do now mtml. 11. jour sine .11 Orpha1 ralsel , the point of crder that the Joint j l'elolltOI 11rO\'hln { : for nn ndjournment line tlo nt noon today had never heln mlolted ! by the ! senate. and that the cords Iclll RO shol This statement wns seinea thh.r of n slrprlse t'l mal ) ' or lie t senator ; who have hllelell all along that the joint rr ollton hall Ilromllly hCln ndollted Stewnrt's motion to Uljouln dna tile was no ! agreed to , anti the senate then took a rIClSS for two honri Time house having rerused to cOlelr In the sClate nnendmnts to time general alplo- , lIMn l ! ion bi , thl lIeutenant gJI'eror np- , ' 1.0lnlcll l . os a conference cmrltlc \\'atson. G rai'amn nnd :11cslon , A conference corne mitee m on imoumr.e roll 10 , & 2 : . the bill repeal- tnl l time state dcpcslory nIl , WAS alto np- potnled , cOlslstng nr Cohllel , POI' awl Hathln , Immrlalcly alter recess Akers orpred a npolnlon ptrmltlg ) .enators to tike himunu's with lhel after ( bunt Irlourmont the Challs IsNI b ) them during the seMlon. providing the PaY the secretary of time stale the Price \hlch Lime state Ilaid for thrm The nsolu- tlon was adopted" The senate then I restirnemi the order of bills resumel nrter bils on thlrl , reading { , amid the following were l Ilnssld : house roll ro , 519 , Introdlcpd hy flair1 grove h ) rethliest . anti 11rol"ldlnl for thc imp- prqrlaton I , uf $2,000 for time pumrpso oC limp- Ils1111 Jbrary il l ; , additional shelving for the slate house rail 10. 492 , also IntroducCI by I Hslrgrole by requesl npproprlatlll GOO out of the library funll for the purpose or Imur- I ehlslnr the necessal' card ; In,1 , cases anti Irrnnlng a card catalogue for the sLate Ibrar l ) ' " 10use roil No 420. by Fritz of Thurston caumity , hrOvimiiiig for the ' ) Ilrol'ldlnl 111)'lent to la- 1\In coulmity time SII or $2,2I.O. overpaid to the state emi an erroleous assessmenl In lSBi lSSS , iss. 1890 10lbe roil No 500 , InlrOluced hy Craw uf Douglas , prolldln for a uniform system or vouchers far ISO for alt bursemenls or state runds amid to pro\lle for time alxlnG oC an oath or alrmaton thereto by the clallalt house rail No. 283. Inlro.llced . hy McNit oC 'eb'mter . providing for the free atend- ance at puhlc high schools WEISTlm GETS IllS FER The nexl bill talen tip was house roll No 208 , makIng an appropriation . to pay nIl expelses occasioned \ ) the Slate ( Board oC Tnwsorlaton In teCenlln ! the maximum rte law In the federal courts against the Injunctons \rou/ht by the railroad com- Parties a 11 Iim'Ovitllmmg hinds wIth which to 11) John I. , Webster for legal servIces tn carr111 the case to the supreme court of tIme United States. There wns stilt a little Ille light tn the opponents to time bill , anti Gra- hlm attempted once marc to hale the bIll I'pcommlted for time IJrllse of strIkIng out the section which 11rm'Iced for carrYing time case to time buprome court. lie fallen , how- ever , and the bill was passed by a vote or 2i to 2. The two senators votIng against the hii were Graham anll Botlr , the fonner I republican and the later a 10pulsl , Slrecher ( amid Stcwarl both populists , who \olet for the bill , explained that they were opposed ! to the amounts which the bill awarded to t J. L. Webster but they b le\II ( that the case should be finally doterlined In the UnltEd Slates suprcme court II order that time 1101110 might hale the question ns to ; hat consttutes reasonable rates settled fo al time. I'or thIs reason they \oted settel yea. Time net bIll was house roll No :8 , , providing for the eSlablshment by the state : or a branch Soldiers' home at Mhlford. II : was read the tiulrd 1lCord I : thlrl lme , but ns many sen. alors were ont ot the roam. I was clearly seen that the bi would fail unless inert votes could bo musterel , A cal or the house : wa ordered and the doors locked for I quar ler Dr an huur. At the end or Ibis time a : .ufcient number 01 votes had been galhered In and time bill was passed by a vote of 2l to 5 , the final roll call fnal rol cal showing as follows : Yeas- Aker , Halbrk nnthhun , mace , . leITries. Saunllcn , Bauer , i.in'le.iv. mian , Crne , Mlrhel , ImHh , , lal. a1ceehy 11 CIrc. nmhnm Mel' 9n , " ' 1190a . , liaimn. Nocs , I ) vrtgit-2i. : Hichcock , 10" " , WrJ/t-2 Na's- nres.ler , Cross . Stewart-5 CaitIweil. Sprecher When the roil cal was finloimemi. but be- tome time result hall been announced : , It was : Cecil by the friends of time bill that I lacked four votes ot halJng enough 10 carry the emergency clause Upon Ibis fact becomtng known Senators Sleuer , Imilteimell . Black alit Alters changed their voles from no to aye , once. thus permItting the hilt to go Into effect at t Time senate then passed house roil No I. 455 , by Ely : or Nemaha coumity , n ' bill for nn act to levy a tax to create a special fund for the purpose of erecting a court house and other county buildings. Time bill pro Ildps briefly as to110ws : Whenever I shal hI telmtd necessar to erect n CJl't house , jai or other Imubli a IJblc Coult } ' lulhIn , . In any county In this slate. the Honrd of Counly Commissioner : la ' , anti upon the Jletton of not leIs thal omme-fourthi at the legal voters of saP I colmnty , ns shn by the count. \n ) poll books of the last pme'Ioum4 election , shaH submit to the ) eo"l\ ot salll county , to be voted upon \ at a 111elal l'letll rnllel 1) ' the Board of County . ( ommlslolers for that purpose. n 1 lrimosithomi ' 10 vote ti. pr.'poslton n flleclul annual tux for thnt 11f101 of nol to ( 'xceell I t mills on the dollar valuatIon oC the taxalJe property In ahl county . for n term not 10 exceed fly e ' } /art" MUTUAL INSURANCE hILL. PASSJ D , The next bill was house roil No 24i r the mUlnal insurance hi which was time occasion : D time little exhlhlton of fesilmig 11el\eel : time senate auth Crane n11 yesterday a 11 last cvenmimig . The bill was IIsed wIthout furthcr trouhla I authorizes . limo tormalon of fre , 1hhtning armti . ; ant c.clone mutual Insurance coni Ilnlls , the salient Point of the bIll being I cCjtlned In the ro/ollng paragraph : An ) ' Innu r ot'oron . not ices / than Itt ) , -mu-lie own city or \.llaj ; ! I.roperl . } ' In the state 10rih Ht least $11.01hlch the ) ' dt ,0 - . .Iri to insure allllst 11amugL' I ) tire . light - amlng or storm , ' organize : llnH miiny nrlanlzo a mutual In- IHI'anet coumpmm ny 11Iel , Ileh restriction ml comflny restrictons and rul's a ! 10 manu/m'nt , or 118onlnl. lutes ot fame as time I ' ' lnc ( Ompan many see ft 10 adopL Another bill ) asld WAS house roll No. : H. Introducc by Ioblnson of Lancaster . , prolillng for Clue rlhmdlnJ ot $240 Ihlrl had been (1' : _ tlneusl ) imuld on state lands by ) Ialrl < t Ue , ' The eonferenro cOlmlte tint 1t ! ! roll No. : 1i22 Presented its . ' ; [ 11rlSenll ls rport. This IIS time houie IJI which amende" time county II - poslnry law , blthleh the senate mtnJtd fO IS to repeal IhD state depositor > - iams' . Time house ) this morning declined to concur In the senale aleldmenll , mmml the conference oommltee was IPIOlllnl ; , Time r.lmlteD consisted ot c Scuat'll ; 10/1 Caldwel und HathiJun Ind Iepresenlath'e IlouE . Uacon amid Iral ) J ! reconmnmmended Ihal time . rtcommendll lerJ'tt tie nol recc'tc frll 11 amnermdmimcemts. lu rceCe ST.tTF IHIOSITOHY I.A' STAilfllI ) . A niotin to the ' A moton Illopt flcolmendaton or the emieminrenee cormmmittee threw rnlerCnC ( commltt the sHate 1110 Its flxtenlh dEa110ck for the day , and a cal ot time hous ! ; vas ollerel , 'When the dooncr ( finally opt'ned the roil call was Iolpletl anti IIP commttee' " report adopted by the flol'we'ott tO to 7 : Yeas- - Yca- Alters , JIttrheocl " , guiu , I I I "hrc" 1 o I 111."r , i.ilm'tt'i0. Slnith , talduu : cii , ) Icivit'momm , tmcmtfer . ' Ciuim. . ) ecs. ' . I' ' : 'fdr. t .10. . . 1',11' , \\.lh"I nrnhur U.thbuf IVItr.hmt , 1/.1"n / , . " 1'tJn. Na.s- 1. rk , Pale 1'll.h"r , IHUU" . Jrrf" " , CiuertT 1 , I.mrmipIieii , < Ahnl and not rolol : CissIomd . Gra ) " , Uclhroole ' , 1.ehr amid Mitchell , mark was nil % only republIcan nator who voted against the rI'lal of lime tlte de- pOll , lor ) Irt , 'flie following resoluton \ & offered b' ) \lsO amid unanimously agreed to : ltauoIme.i , 'Jhat the thauks ot the senate lute hor'01j' ttltel''d tf Hon. n , Id. MOt'rt leul'llt govt'a-nor. tOl time lAnllt , 1m. I'artal ull ( OUr"oua laln r In w111rh he In1r'i l over Ih tllllrutons , anti for iiitm unlflm klllnF'U mind courtesy , Cowart1 nil H. members . 41 , I o'doCl. lime e"lto wlnt Into commlteo Pr time wimole1 wIth McKeuon ot Lancaster c onmmty In time chair Whcn McKeSson mac , ! the laotian ta go Into committee of the whole he aI1111) ' male the moton cover hcuae roll N o . 612 , one of the hils prepared 1) ' the cl aims committee of the house Bul R teen ; aa time senAtor from Latmeimaler : had 18lmed conlrol he , lreclcll the clerk to reati hous real ( re oil No & 60 TJlls bill hat 10 reference to n chlm l'ae1 upon by time imoumse , bnl the sonc ale hn.1 at last arrived at that hal I ) ' rrRl1 of f mind WhNI everything FoeB , Time bill was c lmc'erfmmlly If not , cllPrnl ) I carefully ! onrlderet II Is frtcularl' for the benefit or Atkinson , 101 C ounty . nl Provides thnt n count ) Immay ' bl tl'l.led . upon n majority \ote of the electors tn i lho eonnt I ) vail um ' g upon lhe t I.roposllon. I In- I sllall or rllnirln n 'wo-thlr ' , majorl ) as unlr th" pr/senl law. Th . conmimmit ten ! i'eeim o mmi ni crud ' mi t.1 lhe I hil I I d.1 . lIas ! . nrahl1 cplahlell that the maim \ho hnt been backI 11 l the hili hall e"ltclsell a bttl ferethmoumght nl.1 la Iht mnentmcnts IJrlntcd In nllnnce , 1.1mSI.'TINn IN LIIS. . The claims bil , No 012. was ngr"I' tn , wl'holt i reading Thln the cOl11tee pro- ( JP"c,1 , to pass Ipon hi alter hi wlhout i "llln thel th I ( slightest consloleralon , Time ) ' were considered U ) theIr nlnbcrs only 1111 10 enl on the floor hut tilt t ( men backing lhlm lurid I\'ln a relotl IIma or their lalnrl 'or ( ontlntn , The bIll nnnullg the Horlan ) im ! etmiemitlatY lease wal rocmmelHled for 11as- , e age . wihout reading or tlslllsslon , Alter a hair l hour's confusion the comnimmlttee . at 1:30 : , a rose , after having recolmentetl eight his for third re/lln rind paSMe AL this hour the Kenate was the /cene or uln' ; t iimmhescrlbablo conruslol Harll ) a s 'enator ' occupied his sent Thc aisles were tict wih men urKlng hurrlell consiliernlol or favorite measures. whie 1 score or Iore or thl mClbrrs of the house were crowding urolHI tim collators , trying to save their own \ ills from dhssohutiorm. The ibby vas packed , hut h the gallery was ell't ' ) ' , Thcrcas no opportnnlty for lobbying In the , aler ) Tht senl te then resnlell the I'assapc ' of IJls 1 , dlsposln of time folowilg : House roil No. 392 , by Conmaway or York , gll'lng to vii- l egos nod cites of time second clans Iho IU- thorl } ' to malc regulatons to prevent the Introtlclol I of contaglouR IHselFes , amid , to mall i quarantine lal\l tar that purpose and to onrorce the Sme wllhln five mils of the cl ) ali to create a board oC Iwalth to eon- nlsl of the maor city ph)5lclln , Ilresiient nr the council arid marshal ; hOUM roil No. , : its , by 10nrdlcl ( of Uou/Ias , to rIse the ego or eonselt ; hOI e roll No 4&7. b ) Wall or 001. nUlhorlzlng village hcards or trustees . to appolnl \I0ge clerk treasurer , attorney , overseer or streets marshal alt hoard oC henlh h conshtll ! oC three memhors , the lat- ter to servo wlthonl coml10lsalon ; house roll No 333 , by Hlckelts or Douglas , nmcudlng time marriage laws of the state so as to Ical- { Izo l marrlOgls between whie Iorsons ! and negroes ; house roil No 382. hy Ho,11) , or Otoe count ) giving county superintIt nts or pub- lc l instruction dl"lreton and pO\lr to nnnex to army existIng territory ammy terrier ) nol organized - Janlzor Into districts upon pettions signed by one-huH of the legal voter In the said Ilslrtct m and In the territory 11roposed to bl annexed , Time law ts intended to apply to the Missouri river enmities and \1 euahlE time snperlntendent or those countes to add to existing school districts lali left emi the Nebraska side h ) the eccentric wanderIngs of the 11 : llld ) GAVE AWAY TIE Flu\G. The senate al0pled the tuitial bennlal ! reso- lulon gIving away the senate lag to ! ole Grand J\rIY post In the state This year the lucky recipient was \Viiiianm Teclmseh Sherman post at Friend The sen9l" thou \ tool 1 recess for In hour and a halt. After recess the conruslon that was so ob- slructle to an intelligent lrnEcUon of husl- ness was renewed with Increased IntensJ } ' , An Immense crowd of vIsitors hall asspmhllJ to be In at the daath The scnatnrs made no pretense of an orderly nt'ntlon to busi- ness , but stood around In groups on time hoot . or the senate , all ambitiously engaged In hut t huslness of rolling logs for each olher. Watson - son Inauurated { the evening rIot by Ilovlnt : that bOlse roil No. 6:6 be ndmnrcl to a L thIrd radln , The motion was agraed to almost - most before the thoroughly dl ; organtved senate - ate knew what Is was dotng. Then Grahnm and Smith were on their feel with motons for the advancement of favorite meaSlres , but their motions were r\led out on the strength { r a resolution adapted before recess to the elect that no further bills be admneell until those already orllere:1 to third readln ; had been disposed o. Time senate then pro- ceelad to listen to the third reading ot house m roll No 611 the big claim bi" KNOCKED OUT IMIEACHED CLAIMS After the reading bad been Inlshr In a miraculously short tIme , considering Its great length , Graham moved that the bi bo recomltted for the specific purpose of striking out the items appropriating funds for time payment or $ 9,200 for the alleged expense - pease ofAlen , Hastings and Ilunipitroy the three Impeached olclnls , tar the payment to William E" Loose ot $500 for Its impeach ment expenses and for the payment of $2,618 to E. S. Dunl ) jr . for costs tn the maximum - mum rte case After a hail hours hot won c the Items wore strleln dut" house roil No G : , another big claims bill . la9 read the third tme , The engrosing committee relnrne house roll No 611 to time senate at 9:30 : , antI I wes : again read . the third three. On the first calling - Ing ot the roil but SE\enteen votes could be mustered In Its favor and n al of tIme bouse was orolered . Alter considerable urging ; twonl-t 10 senators were found to vote for limo bill , and time big claims hi , rrelghted whim an approprlalon or nearly $100.000 was sent lack 10 the house Iii which II originated fol COil currence In the amendments Crane male time announcement that he ham just examine ; the enrolled copy of the Omaha . charllr that hal been delivered to the gO\- ernol anti had discovered that It had been JJal1y mutilated In time enrolling room Some of time pages , he declared , ended In the middle - die of a sentence , with no connection ot the agea ImmecHately followIng ; some of the ] a/es sections had been Inllcaled , , and there were other Inaccuracies lie moved that the gov - croon he requctell to return the bill for cor- r cton , ThE motion was agreed to House roll No. 5CO was then pasCI , I provides for the dIvision or counte tlY a majorIty vote PENITENTIARY TRICK PI.A Ylm , Time next bill taken UII was hmrotluctls'e oC -ensatonal features , Ilad Ihe senate been working under uormal contllons , I was house ran No C07 , lulroducel by Judd of 1oono county , and has been generaly iii - ludell lo as the penttentnr } ' bi , As I passe the house the bill llr vldr for . the imurcimas 0 of time at the state permitentiar 11roJerly n eate penllmtlry : Vt owned by W. I Dargan : for Ibc onnullncni t oC the lease held by Dorgan ; for time conlrol or he I nlcnlary by time State Hoard of Public I.ands and luldlngs , No bill thal t has bren considered at time 110sent session hus basil juggled as this bill has ijeerm by : the combinaton which has controlled the . selato : , Inel time very first day or thE ycam . Last Ihhl time bias report,1 , back to tim 0 senate by the Itanln committee on stale's prlsan. with amendmEIE. This afernoon In the hurl.burl oC the commlteo of the ) ) whole the bill was reconmenled ] for passage 1'lhoul reading , No pretense or conslder - t10n wus malle Not unll the bi eam up COI fnal passsgo at 10:30 : toul/ht was tim C discovery made b ) the senators who had bee Colow1ng the \'olco of time reading .clerk that the standing commitee hal , suhsttutl1 In entirely new lull for the one panell b ) time housl Time bill substituted by time cccii mileI Is very malerlal ) ' different from thE original bill l'resentell ' by the house to the CImm.itC. IHO\ISIONS I\ICAl.1Y lili1iiiliN1 Time auhslutu annula the Doran eonlrael anll directs Sme ' thato noarlor PublIc Lands anti llumildimig4 'thln thirty dn1 after thc p SSJO of tTm 'aC to advertise for blls for pollosal tot , the leasing or time penitentiary labJr and ro 'M' ' 11amenl or null Ilenlentar ) ' ( xptrmses Ilelu.IM otflcers' salaries . hratl' or the t bumlidimmgliimumiimig ; / atll clothing convicts , ete , . bnlrll/s/1raflln timimes not to exceed 40 CCt al lmes cxceet cents . per 11a ) , 'flit' board II nice given au- thorl ) to rnmht1 ' a contract for 0 tcrl or not lees than" tWo year nor more than ten ) ' ear. Time htl e bill eontellllattl State control. DIII n\Itlbrlze.1 tle hoard tu lease time labor l of 111't1t10ts for a tlrm not to cx- Ipnd t be'olll , tht 'next ' session of the leglsla- tur I , ' , 'em cntntit n " ' ! lorouB protest t agruirmst time manner II witch ' time bill had becn shol'ed through t , witfl I timi ' wi" tic 011pCrlt11) for comicimlern- ton I on Is 11118 , He mo\ed that the hi ho m-oeomr.uiItetl recommi for the 111TISe or careful co onsideration. ills motion met with violent OProlton , all muller a great deal or conru- s Ion Wi ! voted dam ; n , TIme Sl'nate then passed the bi , Thl' bils defining thl boundaries of A r- t Ihnr Deul ) amid Grant counties were next tskcn t tip And /alse. , The clerk or the hoube rtlrted that hat . body 1111 refused 10 con- cur tn the Blnatc umc.ndmlnl to time claims b ills , 1111 n conference cOlmltl , consIstnG of f 1Ic\esson. lircecler amid Iathbun , was all- \olntll I After passing several al1ltonal ! hills , none of f them or un l frtant nature , the senate r mhortiy alter ' mhlnlht tndulgell In a splrlol , m liscusslon over two resohliluns coml.rehell- Ilg l time prepuraton or time ) Innte jonrnl for pUhllaton l , SllHn offered , one or time resolu- tons t , IlrothlhlIlut / Secretary ) ' Sedgwick he alowed 2OOO for CJmllln , thl jotmrnai he ! to cried his own nsslstsnts Llmmmismmy offered 1 oreret a smmbstitute . dllectn Secretary Sedgwlcle an,1 , 8 < colll Asslslnlt Sl'cretar Kehn tl pre- Vitro the Jonrnals all alowing thel $1,600 for the worl IHOlGIT OUT A SlNSATlON . Tofu offered on lmenlhuent cmutu lug time umounl to lOO , hut nterwnrll wlhdrow I On roll cal Litmus ny 'a suhsttute was mmduptemi but blore the rlSllt was alnOlcell a call ur the imommec was orden'II When the doers \ere opencl ngaln Ltndsa's substlute was declared ado/ltCI. lmncnemllmmtely after the result was announced - nounced Wright 'sprnng ' n sensaton by stunll- log up In the cattier or the aisle anti In n voice shalelnl with Indl/nnlon sahl that he had stood n great 11'al from the senule durIng - lug the senimmiomi but mitten the roll cal just laken hal , been lulshell he had 1lln all- preached by nn olclr uf the senate Inll called I lar , lie mo\ol thnt FIrst 1 Asslstnnl Secretary P. W. , harbor he Seertt t ) larher brought Il'forl the bar of the senute 0111 com lIe led to allologlzl Caldwel 101'/d lS nn amlllment that 0 commitee or three be alliloinlel to investi- gale" The amenhnlnt , pro\nlell , Wright objpcted to 1II'Ing Callwel on time commitee , The eommltee ns npilointtll con- blsted of lhinck , No'ls and Bauor. SENATE : GHACEFLLLY BACKI ) DO\N , The house halllg refused to concur In time senate amenlmlnts to time penlcntar ) ' lull , Hichcock mOled for the appolnlment oC I conference commitee , Telt objeeed , lie said ! lhnt the house hi wes all right as It slood The senate bIll was all wrong Time house bill contollllatell a complete change In the S5tpl uf lauallng the stale I'enlentar- ' . The Senate bill Ilro- imoCOIl to Ilerpeluate a sstem that hail he- come obnoxious to the II0oIIe , Hitchcock said that the state could not afford to undlrlake any dangerous experI- ments at time preot tinmo . Tefft mOlell as nl amendmenl to Hich- cock's meton UUt the senate do recede A roll cal O\ thel amenlmenl , was O"cred. anti before It I , . was comletelt the Ile\ltahle ell or the liomicewas orlercl , , \\hen the deere were opened , Limo roll cal was com- Illeted ) , and Teift's 'moton was declared car- meld by a vet of 17 to 8. Time senate there- fore receded froln its amendmlnls , amid one at time bIggest jabs of the session was leled , ' ! TIEI ) iTSflLF OUT. At 1 o'cocl the i senate hind settled dawn 10 a stead ) ' gait again nll renewed the order of his , ou their passage after several unlmporlant hills had been real , nl . ! passed with consllerahle dI cul ) " , Watson mo\ed Ihat In view , of the latenesg ot the hour postponed that uU bills Qot . P- , I , ted . upon b indelaltel - Sloan attempted to raise house roll No 80 , but the lenate had tired itself out at last and at five minutes after 1 o'clock the busIness of the senate came to an end to the accompanlmenl of a vigorous rommmmml of I rounl appluse , The senate Ihen lrll nothing to I do but to walt for the several conference commltcs to report , for the ( nrolng clerks lo catch up and for the Inal report of the joilt commltl showing that all bills passed had ben officially presenled to the governcr. During the lay the senale read the third lme and passed thlrl.elghl hills and was under cal or time house nearly as many times EXTRA PAY SNAP ICLLED , I . Watson moved that till or the senate em- ploes be paid for the days or the mnidminy rCess , Senator Teft oposel the resolution and \anled time senate 10 stand by the rules pre\lously adopted by the senall The senate - ate at once became Involved In an animate IEeusslon ! . over the questIon at ISEue , and time emplo.e8 glthered In 0 boly to enjoy time sluatln , They aplaudel vigorously all the senators who slke In their hehaH The 1 completion or the roll cal showed that the mOtion to pay the extra wages 10 the em- ployes had carried b ) a vote or 13 to JO or coure a cal of the house was ordered on motion or Smith of DOIEIIS , The Point InlolvC In 'ntson's motion to pay time Cllllo.es four days' extra pay was ono worth conslderlnl 'fhere were eIghty employes Inlercsted , al11 Ihey wanted $3 per day each , making a total or $960 'rwemmty cmplo'es had already beoim voted pay for full tIme. 110.'ln the doors were openell at 150 the roll call was cOlpletel , and Walson's motion was defeated b ) a vote ot 1G to 13. OLD SOLDEH ) G TS illS gXTHA kers then ofered a resolution to pay Janitor H. G. Knight for the thirteen Sun- da's at $3 per duy. Alter another hot discussIon , In which the old soldier argu- mcnt& predominated. Sloan said that II hind heen Informed hy the sereant.al-arms thud Inlht hall ) not 1)'en dlrcetel 10 report fer duty on Snl1as , I was therefore not u mnler of sentlelt , but or bumsinesmu , The moton Onnly prelnlel hy a vote oC 15 10 9. A vole of thank was tendered 10 Senalor John C. Watson , president pro tem At 2 o'cloclt a. m Wahon mOl'cd that n committee of two ho appointed 10 net with a lke commi Ice from time house 10 walt upon the . gOlernor 10 ascertain whtther he had any further communlc110n 10 lalee 1 time leglllalure , Senators Wltson amid Stewart were allpolnlc as such comnmmuittee. The committee appointed to \llt upon the ! ol'lrnor reported that the chle executive hall no further ( ommnnlcton to malt 10 the legislature , CAVil THANKS T VlmYBODY. On melon of Catphel , the thnnks or the 8alalo were tel \ redlo 1.leulenalt Goveror Moore for lila uuIorr courtesy toward every memtr of the str ( o nail for the fairness of hl8 rulings OIl , 'fr ) ' critical 1.0Inl. The resolulon was ' ? opJd b ) a rising vole lcIlehy vrerelmted n gracefully worded resoluton exteltlh the thanks of the senate to time reJrlsenlutve of the press who had relortoll mite Imroem1iflgs ot time session The pages came In 'rhr' ' mm vote of thanks , al J Crane ralsell a.lllll by mOl'lng a veto or , " . I iL . I N I . I , 1' ' ' : - ! t. ,1 _ _ _ _ _ - s \ , , , . _ _ - . ' . _ _ 4Z-.e' . /4 - . / C : : . . I. I- - - - - - - - - - - Spring 'fl 4 , # I ' _ " , I # ! i L i' Cleaning I .t ; , V0)1i ) - , Is at hanl : This fae : mClts : mtch to lVhilo Cleaning : yonilmiige . tie not time hotpst 1ioiisevife. 1 means mmimiiy ) : neglect rul' holy ht'alh-atunl ) : to imotit's toil. tw ) 'tcim'iiit'mmt of clnr" In i'liii'lm , hoU's of toi I I ICIII that II'g 'hi.'h yon , . , ' , 'he , ouly wa10 nt this iii h'l wa\ : put gooti 81ppl18 ( of ttremigtlt'ml1 he dc1mlnmlted. ' ) t11f 1 1'0011 , wil drnHndel1 helh ( 'OhItlitiOhl is to timk' Hood's , AmI yet this is i n litl when the ape- Sur8aput'ila ) to Ilt.iy your tuk . , ir life is )00' ) uli wotcn m'l Iwh' to - r - 10 lit'l'OttS , Si'Ol)1t'S , wak am1 ( trcd : , "H J OOd ' S an d I" I lccanse the blood is imllre , _ I , Let the itllriil.g be titiven out al1 Together Wi Master the ITrlnls ot ' the blood Cllchcl Ui 1. J\gomtrl ltvcn 1 01\ \ , House Cloanlng. fl S.e r'd on e. . . . . 01I I won indeed I 1 1 n and tend suffering I , mmitcla 1) flow iii n Iife-g'tvimmg Cnr'l'nt \ - Itl10 t. . 10I , - . hfc-gIVIg ! -onmmamm. I had hardly strength cnough to u\I'Y llrt of lime lnh' . 'J hen to horel. } drag myself Rround I could ' t hele will le healh , Rh'Cllth itl1 lmardiy 1 nimything lrsel , had ) that ' I tired feeling f vat . take Hood's SarRaparln o\"crr spring , , ; nS 1. nS A Coed Appetite. and was weak amid nervous. I was and It II the only medicine I use through 'rho " ' hrought to title ' wo time ) 'car. I enables mo to do mr house only true blood pUlilll 11romihrought condltol by contnual ) ' before limo running down in henlth for tvclvo ' celll ! and fnrm work all through the . nlJlty llfutl eople tola is I tWcl\o years , . Ilood's 1 Sm'sal : > u'in j and ( it is the anofmt rheumatism and neuralgia causing mo SUllor. I lwlped mo very lueh for . pai1ultatlon of time heart. I think Hood' lmroimmiIm'Imt lwcunsc it is the bcpt No End of Suffering palpiaton t1em1L will win muiti ' Snrsapnrln is the medicIne for o\er'one , mcrit hus , not mmmiv 111 only I in I Iclt wi was just the condition to invite the and all who take It will bo wltimout invio miever pimmeeti 1100rPm ! Sniaptril1rt at thc heud al wi no\er wihout : : , and this pl'elloOls Sm'snparin grip added to . my trotmblea. I if . I Imavo ' trol bits. hn\e also used Hood's 11lls rind they of mmii I. \ anl inmediciimt's , hut has practically Pis ' ' ul mcclcls IJ'actcllr . tried dIfferent remedies and worked 11d are time best I ever trlcd. " Mae. P. U , it blood c\er 1 g'ivuhm , as a purifier g , H i 1 pulfcr 11055C : waited patiently for a cure , but ' patienty ANDlmws , . sion of the whole fluid. 1 any DtEW8 South Woodstock , Conn. 11e11. stomach gave out and I seemed to bo conBe sure to get Hood's Sarsa1rla } , Spring Medicine Hood's Salsapm'iu : 1II'ifcs the blood. Unualy growing worse I thought every "Hood's Sarsapanilla gives mo strelgU SarMparla I 8hallls the lltie ) 111 makes : organ , every Igamcnt anti every muscle to do cxtr work that must be tone al that sl'cn"th which ovcrt'oumios iucr- In my iody was inure or less diseased. I this tme of time 'car. " 1ns , T. J O\'el'I'OICS . 1(1'- felt tblt If I did not get toilet I , " lot coon IVILLtAat , vous cxhamtll , mmntl gives , relet BUOI 'YILtAlS , Glmnn , 10ln unc should die I read so much about Hood's Nervous Prostration _ Refreshing Sioep. Saruruporilla that I resolved to . Prostraton SarsaparlR try it. i' I. "For man ' years 1 JIIIO been In pOOl I cures CI'PI' forum of diseusc which 'Vhel I hd taken one belle , I could cat health , wemck nervous acid dyspeptic . . . . welk ald : ' ner\OlS ' dYIJcptc has I 1 its I omlg'imt 1 time 1)100(1. 1 11 heartily without Indigeston , and a fol 1 had 1:0 : nllpet'lo nnd I was on the border take ' . Hood's Pills relieved 10 of troublesome or ' . 'I you Hood's Sni-saparlila ns it Ien'OU ! rotrtion. \ SUI'sapal'lla . ) 1 cOlsLpalol. I have how taken hive or taking Hood' acid It did metlicinc ! ! Sarsapar/ me sprilg metlcnc or to Piil'ify anti six bottles of Hood's pulfr Sarsmmpmmrllla and am , Sarsapria over so much good This whIter It doc cm"ieh your blood , you arc trying no cxin very much better health. Now not seem a though I am time same I per- pClimclt You will bo beimef'mtccl. My House donning ! ln , : y appetite Is greatly improved , 1 you II st felng ft'ol clfulu : , has come , but Hood's and I together will I 1m Jess nervous , nm stronger Bnd Ralt : . IhcUI 01' oilier el'nptonR , you Jlstel that trial. I feel so thalkful that Eat Heartily. may I'ely UOI a c'lli' , I yon arc ncrI am wel and hope my testimonial wi without distrws. . Such n condItion vat voLts , ' weak , ti'ce 011 discouraged , help other weak , tired I len.ous women. unknown to le before taking Hood loutts Sarinpila : will make )01 The wash tub is waiting for mo but mj' Sarsapanlila. My mnotimer aged 87. has . " strong , becfnsc it will mnn1o )011 blood courage amid strength are good. I am taken Hood's Snraparilha and I know i ' . ' 1)t11'e. Spt'iug Cletning : , whll nelves glad to write these few word in favor of bias done her lots of sood. Other friends - acid body have becl stI'engtheJct by Hood's SrsapariR , " Mn& HULE : have also been helped by It. " lus , a. C . Hood's Snl'saptrla , will lose its teTol'S , n15EERD , Tally , N. Y. CLAY , Barre Vcrmont. I Hood's ' Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prminently in the Public Eye Today. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N . - - - - - - - - - - - - thanlts to the lohby for its constant and watchful care over the senate" Ex-Sonathr Dabcocl or Douglas connty raised his hat and plauded accepted time motion. while the senate up- At 4 o'clock the report at the coferen commitee had not hlen pnesemmted. There was time mimic IlrOs/ect at ndJournment for at least three hours owing lo the immense - immense amount or work before the engrooslng amid enrollng clerks , . ' : 110 J'l , . 0 , TJle .ITU"tTJO.\ AlIS\ORTH. Neb.Aimril 2-mala lice : In The Omaha Dee of April 1 I notce an article 'ettng forth "Ihnt the outlook for sprIng sowing was very poor and thal very few tarmers are ntemlllng doing an'lhlng , " elc. Th2 article Is very flr from the truth and Is misleading II nearly every resplcL There are mme tUfners "dejected acid dls- conraled , " unless It Is thal class who never do mummy work , hut are always "Iooldlg for rain and prnylu to God Il will nol come " The writer has Ih'cl , II this 'lecton Dr No- hroslc for the past fourteen years , sll , at 10 tme dlrln , the monlh oC March of these years has the proslecl ! been its brIght or the soil In a bettor COIHllol , During tie /lst / 10nih we have hal rains and good 8nowfals , Seeclng Is going on nIcely , and I the acreage Is not up to the average It Is owing 10 the scarcU ) or sepd , and that enl ) The sol Is In splenlhl conditon , anti with the Ilresent coat ot snow Llat tell Saturday Illhl and Sunday time outlook Is now ox. ; ceeilngl ) brl/ht Farmers are feeling en- , eourafeI , , and seetllll 11 now he ralmifil ) ' I hushed until time end. In reSllonsl to time , In'lllry : "What Is time outlook for spring i sowing In Brown county ? " Jean olly ! 3) ' I coulll hardly he heter" T , J" SMITh ! , OInO : Noh" . AIrl , 2-I dlor lice : I bee h ) ' reports In your duly ot yesterday there were geol nuns till over the stale and nol one courtly missing , Time statement h an error The rain which Ilbled Omaha and time Iasleru hart of time state did not reach further wesl than Columbus to do any I good , alhough I dil lay Ihe dust . lt Grand IIlanl , , but timers It ended I'.rol Granlt ( Iland to North Plate there was nIt Ole IMtul of rai , loll. At thh place nol ono lrlnl.le . fell. A. 10m.OW , ( ( f the wrIter had reall The nee's Irlcle carefuly ho would ha\e dlseolerrd tlal Il said nlarl ) ' every coulty In the state. ) = . - . - . - - . 3 s a a 8 a ; I find the ROYAL BAKING POIER superior to all the others in al m respect I is purest and strongdJ 2 WALTER S. HAINES , : M. D. t Consulting Cheiiist , Chicago i Board of Health. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : : : : : : ' _ _ _ _ _ _ act ' "Q = "UJQ C nt ( 'ltKt One. haf cupful butter , one and one.hs ( Ullful augfll' . . three eggs , two and ole.hal cupfuls litter , one anti one-unit tCaponrula Heal Ib\lug Powder , onc.hal cup milk , ole CUllful Iu ) meats ot nuts preferred or lt 111UI , Hub the butter antI sugar tn n light . , 'IIJII crului ; udt , thp cggp. beaten a little . th1 mime 1o'lr. silted wlh the powder ; mix 'w/l time milk aul nut Into rather hiram bat- let . neil bake . In 1 papr hued tin In a , tend ) oven tblrt.f'c . mJlutes - , ( iramir Cake2em . I , One.balf cupful butter , two cupfuls sugar . five eggs , one pint four , one and onllaU teulloonruls Illy.l la1ln ! Powder one tea- Illoonful Royal Extract Orange , one cupful mmitlk . Hub the butter and begin to a cream : Q Q-Q = ' Q- ' add thl eggs , two at a time , beatng 1\'e' Ilnules between each IIIlt01 : add the flour . slted with the Ilowder ; time mik an,1 , extract ; mix Into a smoolh tine batter , put In a paper . hued cake tint and hake In a moderate oven thirty . mlnutC When cool cover the top wih the folowing preparation : Whip the whites ot three eggs 10 a dry froth ; then ) carefully mil In four cups lugar , the juice , grated rInd amid soft lulp , , free or white pith amid seeds , cf two sour . oraimgee. I'hll 1"ltn : , 11. I. I ( tn1 I h. siuiuml . ) ) Two cupfuls raisins , tuo cupCuts % currants , two cupfuls suet . onella cupful alnontB , blanchetl. two cupfuls flour . two cupfuls , grated Io'al sugar mumns Dr urlat , oema- half cupfUl each . c'tron , orange and lemon peel , eight egg-i , r' ' curEul sugar , one. hal cupful creuummi . one gill each wine and brandy I 'b"t e u , large pinch salt , one tablespoonful Royal I Extract I Nutmeg one teaspoonful ltOAl link. Io.al lak. Ing Powder ! ut In large bawl raisinmit , I seeded , currants , washmeti atuui Imickeml , suet , N Chopetl very line , aimonmlmm , cut tine , citron , ordtmge arid lemnon P'el $ . choped , Icinorm , sugar , wine. brandy acid creatmi , lastly ; amid flour , sIlted with powtler , mix all voll to- getimer ; put in large , well buttered inoultl ; I'b"t saucepan whim boilIng water to remmcim half up subs of mould , ateaoi thus five hours ; turn out on disim carefully ; servo witim Itoyui'ine Sauce. S ( lmtcohiml , , irsnmparrul , Icing , Melt three ounces fine chocolate with annali quantity of water iii iman over fire ( stirring ermstsntly ) Until it beeommmes soiL liiute thIs witim Dime-half a gill of syrup : work until perfectly smooth , Pbeu ad to boiled sugar , i u ARE . ' . - ' INLUCI < w You ARE A SUIISCRIIIER TO TIlE DElI. FOIL EVERY REGULAP. READKI 01" TillS PAPER IS INVITED TO I'ARTICIPATE IN TIlE BIlE'S Mammoth. . . Free Book Distribution ooics or ALL K1NIS AIISOLUTELY FitIlil OF CIIAILGE , HAVING ONLY FIVO CENTS VEIL VOLUME TO lIIFI1AY POST AGE AND CLEILICA14 EXI'ENSiIS , _ A Million Volumes , 1,150 fit1es , , q SEE "FItEE-flOOK DISTRIIIUT1O"I" CEitTiFJCTlI PRINTED IN IIVFRY ISSUE 011' TilE IIEE , ON 14\CIi 2 , 04'I'ALOGUII MfiILiii ) TO ANY ADIitESS UPON IIECEII"r ou POSTAL CARD 1UiQUiT : , ADDitES ! , B. ER A