Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1895, Image 1

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    t , ' "
t' "r - : , THE OMAHA , , DAILY BEE. . .J . I
. rAnLISliIDD - , . . . , ' { .
. TUNE In 1871. ' ' , , .
OU..iUIA : SATURDAY onNQil'G : APIUL H lS9G. SINGT.JJD cory InV.m G.IN''S. .
Two Euidlngo Wrecked by an Explosion nt
New OrleanB
. .
Numher of JUlet Not Ye Ielnlely
' . . Jtlowl-Two Lllo ( hlllrtu JI1O 1\
lllrlculuu8 ; INCIIIC-\'cclk"o
Toul Fire I , iiuu ' iIItLuIy.
NEW OIEANS , April G-A terrible ex-
- . , Jloslon occurrell at the corer of Decalur )
and Ursulno strcets this morning about 2
o'clock. Salathc'l Ihlll ) chandler'l shop all
the adjoining laloon , the 1 lsherlan's Exchange -
change were completely demolished. Fire
11011 out Irnmetflately.
The eXllloslon occurell In the ship cluant
dlell store , In which a quantity of powdcr
111 shot have always heen kept on hnl11
The front and side wals of the two huld-
. . ' . hugs were entirely lllown down , but the
" , rear llrttons were left taiudhuig . showing
that the exploslun had occurred In the front
Ilart of the building.
The bulling was near the lower enl of
the French larket and was selarted , fro I
I by a narrow street. TIle explosion was a L
butt 0110. I started the neighborhood and I
whn the dust had clenrel away the Isher-
men and women who had already put In I
I their appearance at the markets saw befon'
them a heap of .1ubrl where there ha I
formeraly stood n barroom and the grocery .
, - , Then little tongues of haute began to shoot L
up from the debris and hy this tune the onlookers -
lookers had recovered from the Hhock and
bt about to think of some means of rescue
. for the unrortunates whum they knew were
Imprisoned In that smokln mass of hrlclc
r' . . . ali timbers. An alarm or fire was lounded
\ nll lon the departin.uit IS on the street
1 , The department did quick and efectve won C
In saving the adjoining bultdlngs.
'ho number of dead Is l"thnated at fifteen
At least half a dozen who were sleepIng In the
buildings at the tle are burled beneath
_ _ " , the ( debris and It Is I feared that they have
I been either crushed to death or burned to a
char. 'he nales of those known to bt deai LI
arc :
Ih1tS. SAI.ATlm.
The following are among those who are
missing :
, - . . . MIKE mi.
- . .
The folowln were Injured :
. Llllo J. Salathe , aged G years , badly )
Eddie Salathe ,1 years old . bruised.
Charles Relss driver , jaw fractured.
I. Vahlendi . sll fractured.
TOI Anderson colored , slightly Injnred.
At the hour of ! the explosion the street In I
front was heglnnlng to 11 Ull with larltet
people. A numher of
wagons were on Decatur -
catur street and on the sidewalks and In I
the markets smal knots or men were gel I-
thug out their goods and trading for their
daily supplies. Their occupation was cut
short by a mume" sound that como from
across the street anti as they Instnctvely
. ' ; turned expecting nu explosion . the wals
- I lifted and came down with a crash on al
Thin force of the explosion was ternibhi
Drivers were hurled frol % their vehlelcs
auld the wares on the market stands were
blown to the four winds.
The explosion , as near ns thn mark
Ileople ) coulll judge , occurred about 2:0 : i ; ,
. Salathe and his wife and baby were Itlilci l.
His bedroom was directly ever the Ilowder ) ,
, One of his children emerged from the ruins
In his night othes alter the engines hal
been at work on the flames about fIve minutes -
utes , to the great surprIse of every one.
) The explosion was causOI hy powder storell : t
In the grocery which was blown to ptec S.
The French rnirIcet was Just hieing opened
. - - and the men who seU ) ) fish anti OPOflid
1 were unloading their wagons. Some of the In
ha.1 gone Into the saloon to drink and the
barkeeper , Felix Hgand , amI five or six people
, who were drinking there , were burled under
the debrIs.
Splinters . bricks pieces of tmber an
other material were scattered on tie ( market , I
I damagIng that aIHI the windows of Sam a- ,
. sin's tobacco factory adjoining. More thun :
J1 yS' six leu who were In the streets were
slightly Injured by flying ! particles.
; " - The cause of the explosion Is unknown ,
t. The owner of the grocery store , where n.ft
. occurrell , was Charles 1' . Salathe. lie Ice pt
. " , n large quantity of 1101 der. which hc solll to
) tslluen ) and hunters , Charles Salathe , the
_ . grocery man , Is lost In the ruIns together
. . wleh his wife , a IO.months-old baby , thrt
sen'ants I clerIc and an orphan boy.
3 . 'Iwo ' of the chidren of thin grocer werp
miraculously Favell. One. a little girl named
LIhlie . was fount In the debris In a dllerent
\ t part of the ruIns tram her brother EddIe ,
, Hath chlhlren were slght ! scratched. They
were not burled under the t ruIns although
, they were sleeping In dlfrerlnt parts or the '
. i ' building. ! Edtiio was Inc Ia ] t.oom , vhul lie
, . : . _ . . ? , . : _ : " . , t. whie
, , " ' IUI'I' ' " , IIII' " U."I II" 111 ono , \ ere
sleeping In lice reel In fronl. Lillie was L
I pulled out from ! elweln sauna timbers by
j agnerel. No sounl18 could be heard from thc
I wOlllell Illler the Ilelris a 111 the SUPJ1081-
lon Is that they are dead , 'he bodies or
1 1 Salatho anti his wlo were recovered about
4:15. :
Charles Heiss of Howml I : ant r.afu'ete
} streets , a I'olorrll man WIS serlOlsly
S. \ \ "unlled ly lt'hutg lmhers alHI was carried I
l to the t htospi tel \ In I nn nuid ucla utce.
i1 The frntc cries of excited women acid I
d chidren 1111 the breathlehs agony of men I
I who 8urrounllrd the frlghUnl heono bggarc .
. - tiescrbptlotl. 11'01110 ran to nud fro , so much I
. out of thoh' Wll that they catch ! . nut give in .
I ; tcllent ; nnswers to Inquh'le.s.
ArchbIshop JanSel aitti I a nnmh of his I
clergy were among the Irt on the r'ne. ,
The eXllloslon was dIstInctly ! heard lit the
. . diocesan louse only a few hlocltl ala ' . a 'II I
they hastn to the scene to rinl r wlat
Rasl8auce they couhl ,
The saloon 13 known as the " 1 ! sicrl , a's :
. Exrhangc" antI was flclL lu memorl" . of tbc I
1 , .henlere Callmiia storm. I WIS th2ro Ihat : I
I funny : of the . rescued matte their hraIUar ( r t
? : iIni. \ they were brought to the ' ,
1 \ 1Ihpy WCr' I ) I ,11 It I
I : , was poicular resort of the
: . peolll' wa 1 . very Ilolulr l ilng :
AI daylight thIs morning the wrlc of re
I. ' moving the ruins began. C'rovds of u1COiii ! '
hung aNuml the spot \ anll Iho 1 " 11 co \ were ;
, , . COII'elell to ISC force to kIP d hl'l asay .
I . _ - At 8 n'cloelc the workmen clme ceros tlc :
mangled bOlly of Ieltx. I Ilgaud , the bartend r.
he was lying Untll'r a 110 of thither In Ihe
. . . front hart of thc lal03n , Un WIS lead ' \ dir :
taken out. 1en Ilnutes later Inother lodl' . )
.1 was foulI near where Ig.111 was lylig ,
: . The body was IdentIfied its that of Jams ,
, . Identlell lS ( 1,1- :
. . , warlb. out cml1lo'e of n nh slan,1 , In the
market. ltwardui : hiatt been '
R h11 ; seen five minutes :
d before tht exploslo/ and the fact thai his :
' " - . boi ) WIS found In Iho ruins was a enirprise
. I was subseIUentr ascertained that ho hal I
pntrred the saloon ci. few minutes
. I pe\IJls to
the OXlllollon with a bukel of shirhiuips.
' : ' At ( o'clock lbs 'orkmen whIle workini ;
. orotund In the ruins hard a n worklnj luI'1
' alli upon ralbllg settle heavy timbers found
) i'a black and tan nursing several lupJllrs , I . ) I
. , of tile Inlmals "I're olive antI when I s 'I'd ' /.11
ttp Ieenld tn r alz\ their shtualton. Three tutu -
I :1 : tIred llular and a 'lualt1y of jPwelr ) ' liar . ;
.i also been reconre . )
; WOIK 01 , ' EhllI I , tOUI.lTS ) I Pot : S.
4 : : White the polIce ar Incluell ti 1.10 Ihat
the eXllloslon W ; the rl' ul ! tf 11 accithuul a
4' , .5 i , number of people resIding II I he vicinity tt
the wrcllrd buidings are of sum entirely ihuf ,
. ' foment opinion. They state openly that tht' , '
- utJ'fl1 ! was 11 atCinlt 10 kill thl utta : i
. Duulrl wlo hufill . lal
'I. . lch I mnhr.seulous tsiaii. '
loulet hi I 1"relpIIII , two pnrl ag )
I bet and killed ouu of flue wealthubst Ihehiauu
111le - Ol 11& wulhlcst Julals
4ciln ' ulueu In tb , '
"al'S II ythuhty q. Ue : l rDch
market. This mon was Artsttle Bale
stracl , who ran a bar room In the nelhbor-
hem od as well as a fish anti game stand In lhe
market. 10uiet anti Balestracl were atone
ono tIme good iruends. , They were In the
ra loon business together. Ihouhot's wife
came between them and net only broke up
the huslness arrangements , hut caused a
deadly enmity hElween the two men. The
deW contracted a lalson wih Inletracl ,
which , upon reaching the cars of Ioulet ,
caused him to leave ! his wife Bai' rael
v oiiitl eonsellenty taunt Boule wlh his dishonor -
honor , but was always surrounded by friends
wh/n ilcutuig so. The Italian aha threatened
to kill the renehman r , and those who were
wel acquainted with the men expected a
tragcll ) at alY tIme. I came one nIght
two t YEars ago. Time two len met In the
Jrneh market and after having words Bale-
st racl. who was carryIng a cane , , drew from
it c sheath a large sword with which he attacked -
tacked Boulet The Inter drw a revolver ,
Irell anti kilell the ItalIan. The trial 10
Ruld In Boulet's acuittnl. Ever since
then Ilotuiet has
tui 101let heen looked upon ns a
marked man. Ills friends tried to per-
sualle him to heave the city . but hue refused.
I. ast night he occupied a room In ! the bar-
room on the seconll floor , nI11 It Is bele\'e,1
that t t he explosion wns for the simple
purlloso of killing him. That he t
escaped Is Icolwd ufon as a nmlracle. Bale-
strael was a leader In the ItalIan colony.
Ho l was a lan of great Influence nut ' ! just :
the sort of al Inllvllul to be at the head of ;
a Mafia crganiaticn.
A PrIvate watchman who was stanlng , op-
poslo the market . when len by
an Associated
Assoelatel press reporter this u
morn u II saId that the
ui ! sall fimsl L
Intmaton i he hall or the exploson ! was when I
ht l heard a rumbllg n ice , folowe by n sheet
of ilame nail then
lame ni eXllloslon. This con
mission IloekEd him clown and he was stunnell
ror fully five mInutes. He sall that he ballet I
to t Fee any ant running frel the &lore .u111 I
b levc thc cXllloslon was an accident.
Mr. a. H , Witty , collector Icclllt. Preleh
market , was stnndiuig on the corner opposlti
the t opposie
saloon when the explosion took place
: l' . Wity was In the habit of going to the (
saloon oren during the evening to chat with
the t barkeeper whom he Imew very vell. ant 1
lalle across from the morket to
the t corner when titci Ixnloslon oecurrcd. He
s aId It was aeeompanlef by a terrific sound .
npparently hai smothered , lS Ir blown up
from the bottom of the
tl botom buiding. The l'llleo
trlmblell t ald then went ill ) wIth 0 tre-
mellolS conviulsion. throwing parts of the
huldlng hIgh Into the aIr , tearln the 11 rsu -
Ino l Street wal down , part of the Decatur
street wal antI leaving the greater part of
the t wal standIng In the rear of the buhttjtnr ; .
, Mr. Wity says It went 1 ( Iw a mighty I
lash and the explosion was followed by a
big blaze that welt high Into the all and
then I suIts bled somewhat"
The pcolle ! iii the
II two buildings were as
follows : C. P. .Saiathe . over the grocer ) '
store , with his wife and four chIldren , two
of whom were saved ; Felix ltlgaud. the barkeeper -
keeper , au IS-rear-ol boy , who Is missing ,
EmIl hioulet who slept over the saloon '
and who escaped , Joseph Grlnaldl and Mu C
: lle
Din . frequenters of the salool , who were
supposed to be In there at the time and who
are missing.
One of the survivors was Emi Doulet t.
He " toils his experience among failIng bricks 3 :
"I was asleep on the second floor or the
saloon In the corer room. I was awakenell
hy the ceiling falling on me. I tel you I
was seared. At first I thought It was a
dream but I sean found that It was nol. t
when I found I could not move. I lay stl
for what seemed to me n long tme , when I
heard some one crying : 'Oh my God , my
chid ! ' I dil not knoW what had happenet
I could hear talking . but I eoulll not make
myself heard Several times I called out as
loud as I could. While r was lying there I
tried to think what It was that had hal J-
pened. I was dark and I could not sec nn ( - '
thing. I knew that It was thc ceiling that :
hal fallen and that was all. I
"After a while I tried to moyo and found
that by cramping myself Into I small a
space as possible I could breathe casIo
Then I heard Ramo one walkIng over me. I
called out antI hc answered me He provcd
to he a friend of mine named " 'lle Moms
\hn ho heard me ho told mo not to be I
afraid and that he would get me out In fve
minutes. Then lie weat away , hut soon came
back with some friends and they started
digging n hole over me.
"The ) worked fast and It did not tnlle
long to make a large enough hole to pull me
through. I do not remember much mnor 0 ,
for the straIn was so great tlat I was almost
uleolclous when they got mae out at td
limelight mae over to this saloon. I am not
hurt except for .1 few scratches.
"I leow that Mr. Salathe kept some powder !
on hand In hIs store , but I do Dot know ho \v
mueh. I cannot Imagine how the ( powder
came to eXlllod Some people say that It :
was not powder that exploded , but I don i't
know or anything else In the house that
could have caused the ( wreck. I am ( -
lain that I was the only person on the second
floor of the saloon. I don't know how many
persons were sleeping In the second story
of the grocery.
"Downstairs In the saloon was Vol lx
Rigacitl . tile barkeeper. r am certain Felx I
Is burled In the ruins. I think his bet I ) '
wIll be found In the front part of the liouc Le .
I believe that thiro are a number of persons :
burlell In the ruins or the saloon because It
Is the custom of a great many to core Into
the saloon about 12 o'eoclt ] 1111 sleep there ,
I have seen as many ns ten and fifteen the !
at one time. There Is no telling how mat ly
perFons are hilled , and no one wi be able
snrched. to know " tIll after the ruins are thoroughly
: . 10nlet dill not show the erects of his
rongh experlenco to any extenl. lie was
mInus his shoes and hat and was dressed In
a flannel shirt anti trousers Ills face anti ,
shirt were rul or fine 1)lnster dust and on the
hick : at otto of his hands WIS a Scratch
about two Inches bug the only perceptible
mark of Injur perceplble
I . mlo CiiattarJ. n legro boy , who was
IIII\'ln ! a WIIOI , had I larrow ( scale anti
shivered lS he relalell I , lie was anl
Drury street anll hall stoppell his horse
almos Imlellatlly In front of the ( saloon
while In welt In aM got n match from the
harlteeller ill ? hall just receIved ( the match
from the hallls or the barkeeper nnd
wlldlg toward his horse when the buIlding WIS
was blown uI ) . He was so frlghtenell that
his Irs Impulse wns to jnmp on his wagon
nnll drive his her o oil , wlich he tIlti . the
animal need I ng no mu mgi lug. Fort tuna 1111. for I
the ( negro the walba . which were blown out !
toward Decatur street did not reach 10 where I
his horse and his wagon stood . or ho would I
have hel Injured or klell together "Ith
his horse. As It vas . when the walls came
down the horse wals
WS frlghlened and ran orf
some distance. The boy looked back at of
house and saw a terrIble sight The focuses
Wlr bursting out from the I.ouse . lames (
hrls or every Illnd was scaitered all the
vicimsity. Hundretis tcatercll al o\r
or crab that'erc
'Ielnly. lundrN ) were hilled
lp lu the ( grocery tore wore sca\erC on ( the
oltsldl' _ _ . _ _
111" ; ; rIrJ1 : ) : . ir.s 11 CO.U1'L.IJ.'T. .
Qlt..msl.'rry ; ( 'Iuiercl 11 II Is 1-lrlll ! its lie
I.ef tlo Cuu\ : I leo . .
ronox1111 5--The lIbel suit of Oscar
\Viltio ogainst the
Wlilo Dgallt marlluls or QuepnsbHry
amo to a slllen Ilrmlnaton yesterday by
Iho wlh'lrawal ' of the ( comattlaint anti under
Inslruetons from the judge the jury ) ' re-
lurnll a verdict that the statements made
hy thl larqllls wpre true and were made II
thu Iublo Intrest. I
I.ater In Iho day WilIe was arrested on u
huargo tor which hal could nut he givers
' I 11Inl un omelal arralClment anti he was
locl.cI ) nil In the flow street slatlon. '
- - - -
UI'I'I.n : ! 'I' . ' ' ' ; " I'JI' : ! sit ' 1(1 Sl'.tiN .
' Iullrll : i'wsptt'sr ; l'ubiiits 11 Ulllal
: oln 111 i I ho .smiuijutt .
MADUII ) . , \Itril 5-The Corresponltnca
today the fol'ow ' lug clmclal note :
"WI arc In a position 10 declare that I ht
altlh of Ihe Pnled Stale towar Spain
In C tlhlnc c"m'ernlng ( 'uba , Ii all other '
< lU"bl' ' I inspired by sincere unl10 \ > 'al
fl ( eldsblll , ae hal always been the case In the
tlaf sod IU I will continue lu the ' future , "
F . Adams Oolvin Commits Suicide on Au-
count of Disappointment In Love ,
t. vn " ! , R I.otter ) IRcrlhtlg 11 AInir of the
heart wIth : lIs . I"to ElrJ-Chl
iiAody to : I.lcll Cnlh'o-
Whnt : lei Inrly : Says.
1 Adams Coh'ln , n newspaper man well I
klown In Nebraska all rccent'y editor of the d
Columbus Telegram , commltell suicide nt the I
residence or Mr. lcCann , GI7 South Twent- .
eighth noon. street . nt 3 o'clocl ) yesterday arer-
Dsappointment In love was the cause. le ,
had hocus having al interview wIth : lss I
Kate h Early of Columbus , who had Innly tie .
d ined to hecomo his wife , and at Its conclusion -
hon he placed the muzzle of a revolver
agalnsl his right car mil fired. The build I
went directly through his head anti he was
.Iead n few mom on Is after failing.
I was his first Inipuulse . when the coil
versaton was over to leave the house for
he arose anti started toward thus micor. lit
turnell back , however , all was nbolt to ad -
dress Miss Early when he appeared to bo
seized with a faintng fit. Miss Early brought
him I n glass of water and he seemell to re .
vi'e i , but he requested that she bring him an-
other glass of water She went Into the
klehen to draw It from the hydrant ant I
whlo doing so she heard the shot She
Unused nHI caw Coh'ln railing wih out
stretehell tiantlus . surrounded hy I wreath of f
s imioke . \\'Itii screams she led from the
hOlso h to the residence next door amid amid
hysterIcal weellng , she told what hall hap
The police were notified . and In a short
tmo Deteet\'e ) Hlze all Detectve Dempsey ;
were there. The hotly was lying In the center -
ter t or the front room of the house , the lien
II l a pool of bOOI ] ! I was still warm. The
revolver was lying under the might arm.
The coroner was smunnuoneti and on his am .
rival the clothes of the dead man were
s earched. A smal amount of money wns
found nail a large number of letters. Ono
was addressed to the coroner or the county ru
another to lie ( Omaha 1eleal ( colege , a
third toV. . 'r. Coivimi . Ir'lon , Neb. , and
auother to I , . Chrlstofersol , Columhus , Neb ,
Another and a larger letter was .Iscovere tl
aduiressed to The hoe. These letters . together t-
gether wih a book containIng newspaper
clippIngs , were found Inside the COlt be-
twecn the vest and coat but In no pocicei
I was thought that they slipped out of a
back pocket of his trousers. The body was
taken 10 the morgue.
\ Colvin was about to leave the lions
Miss Early said that he appeared to be se'zed
with a fainting lt , but It Is thought that this
swooning was due to a dose of polson that he
had tallen. In his letter to the coroner he
stated that I was unnecessary to hell an It -
luest over his hotly saying that "polson did
Its deadly work " In one or his vest pockets
was found a small package containing a
white powder , which I Is thought may be
a polson of settle kind but It has not been
testeti In a smll hand satehol ) that was
found lying beside the body , anti which cot I-
talne toilet articles. was also found a sma 11
bottle containing a clear liquid which smal
hotte lquid , It Is
thought may bo polson.
Chief Detective Hayes broke the seals an id
opened oil the letters save the one addressed
to the edItor of The 13cc. This he gave to I I
Caroler Maul , who delivered It to The Be e .
The letter to tw coroner was as fohlow : :
"Plclso see to It that the letters you find In-
sIde my coat are sent to those persons to I
whom they belong. Don't send any telegrams -
grams to relatives of mine. I would only r
put them to unnecessary expense In making I
a trip to On'.ahia Them Is no need of holdIng I-
Ing an Inquest. Poison did Its fatal won C .
Turn my hotly over to the proprietors of the u
Omaha Medical college. I have consfgnel It
to them. ( " A postscript nslted that his sma II ,
har1 satchel be sent to his brother , ' smal . .
The letter 10 the Omaha Medical eolege
consigned the ( body to that institution for
dissectIon purposes , telling them to get what ,
benefit they could from using It In etiucatir ig
the students A request was made clucatng
cloth In ! be sent to W. T. Colvin.
To W. T. Colvin , a brother the deeease
said that he had
ordered his trunk and am Li-
oIlier suit or clothes sent to him , which ho i
was to have for his own use. TIl leter
urged him not to grieve over his brother
departure. anti state that a letter had b unsent
sent to The flee "which explains I all , "
The letter contained an enclosurc or 100
shares In the
Hock Island Gold MinIng company -
pany and $5 , which was to be used In paying
soma small debts.
The letter 10 L. Chrlsloferson contained a
$10 LIII . which was to be expended In payln ig
four debts. Inetnuuetlons !
delts. 1Itructons were given to set ud
his trunk to his hrother. The letter scnl
follows : "Don't say anything abut what I
told you In confidence. You know what I
mean. "
Colvln's letter addressed to The UN l'led
tim Successive joyS and
sorrows of his courtship ( -
ship wih Miss Early from the tme of the (
first . meeting In Columhus a year age down
1 tue tiny of the tragedy. 'rho gist of his
story Is that the lad encQuracd his
! mitten-
) ! aten-
tons ( for nearly a year 111 then told iuiumi
she hind marrlpd or would soon marry another.
Extracts from a numher of lien letters 10 him
are ciliated ( In which are found averments of
undrlng u love and a fond henrt's ( hovotlomi.
There were olwr letters Of mar recent date ,
gave evidence of
I change of heart ,
alli finally ono whIch announced that the
lady hall deehlell to
mnrry n gentleman
sldlnK In Iansas , anti that the weddhmig . once 1-
Ilell I for AprIl , had been postponell tilt May
nexl. tl lay
The posthumous letter coneludes as follows :
( olumbus It vtts conceded by leuIly everybody In
( hint we Were to he Ilsarrttul.
Many Jolted me about It mil Ilralsell mnrrl.1
hll ! ito WIre In may seisetiomi. My huslness
l'IOSIeets wro never hrlghter nor more
. ' '
Ilromlsln 'rwo splendhl Ojthortunitles '
wihin my grasp . hoes Ol'llorlunltes
could Hrsp. VO'S aumy one think I
lldlrC the disclosure oC the genuine
1II1h conncte itis our ' Ienulne
wih '
woull have Ieslllll t In I the cOU'tShl1 ( / t
. nulol
me. wnlclnH frur a business stanllpolnt.
I woulll have heen lowered , out at sight In
( lie estImation at nil 1) ' frlent . I could
not Itunll such u dlsast'us revelatIon. Some
Ihlnk I
laity cuuilnititteti this crIme
eIImltel1 with
feelnl ot lenlh.h glee , but such a u
Ilnuplon Is n very fulRe one After mature
delbertion durIng the vast Cew (11)'s , I
fully dl'chlell In do as m ) ' justillahito
hnl resmuhteil. I i led to justlahle wronl
rl'sllel. atiushhihhate the ,
toM CVI-
uiciiWu of , nnnlhlate e\l-
.Iene\ Iure love that I svmuc ito . '
( lnlll ! to. I went t vhs it I uig . 10 I I a.lhlllnl to
dlvl lily Ilnd h ) ' renewing nt-nltell
antI I forming new uIualnlnnces , All my
efforts 1110\(11 to he of no iivtmtl . Al "The
' nvul.
pra'erl of the wicked uvisiletli naught. "
' u""leh
'roo truel (
I muy strIke some ns m'atiier peculiar
mUlr hint (
I ' , pel'ulnr i
clnsllne,1 my hotly to the lurohurletors ' of
the Omahl ll'lIcul college l'roJrlelors the
Ilfscelnl iooun. Htutl'nlS unuistt have . ,
mlt prac.
tCl' , and the suhjelt I furnish them will
glvo time Ihoull less hideous Inhor 10 wil ,
turin , 1111 also lnuisit I come ' 'SliOttetI" , Corhise 11cr-
clr. to rest " I n little whIle fOle "Slotell" ( "slell COIIO
Ne\'er before was I bullied In any deter.
mined uumdertahcimug , Dlrln ( this may grout. '
cst I efort In h lre. I I I couhl not rued the I b'ell- ' ( .
lug imuiel % vluotly . 1'(11) :
111 Inll whol unjust doCeat As u mnt-
ten uf 11'ldlnl a Iulston of Justce , who .
dhl tills worun belong tu ? She ivan my h _
trothell Inll Icne\\ me 1 thol8unll tlme bet-
I'r I thln t shl' tI lit Jlllwel , \'hy tmc ! he t
tult'J her ( tons me ? laHt e''eniumg ' ut 4
ti'iujclc . tt'huc'n I II rh'e,1 at l'\'enl'l ' In I
Ounitha MIss Early sus thu-nii it , ' .
:1 ) WUI Ih-r. tlwet inc
I I I'ro 1) < I 11.1 bier to 1 North 'L'mvcnty. :
eighth , sheet. whl"'e 'llent
I'IIhth 111Iot. remained , i'Ith the ( i
Cxcq'lol ' ot going tAUt 10 eat wih unIt i
late hum tile " , 'onln ! Only rcicneed unl
from h"r grasp It this hour II puttint .
forth Jl'rruhau slrenjttm . 'rhen I putnl '
10 the : llrchulla hotel , whlre I ' 11(1' I
iuCd. The ( acts halve just .
\ed. ( falt hl\o been brlet )
' 1'0 1) ; ' friends I feel safe In ventuI'lng th"
mmssen tou thut thus 11 nun , Instancwhln
\ whln
tile unexl1elCli ) hnpJltl"1 I succeufulh'
fldl'U\'on.1 10 exhibIt tinperturblhity U/1 /
to hits ( llltcal tim .
1mI.U.IS COf."U ,
' ' After tli ( IpUer ( ( hint hal been addressed 10 I
'he Dto was read Miss Early was alke CQg-
cernlng the ( contents , ant rall : "I never ,
thought that : II Colvin , 'auldvle nn'thng
or the klnl about me or my relations wIth
h im. I cannot understand it. ) 'fhe statement
th at I was rarrl secreJly tt Mr. Bardwel
Is fais , . and I emphatIcally deny It. I Is
true that I have been engaged to Mr. larll-
ivk ell for the last ten month , and Mr. Colyln
ivq \ It from the time that "e became nc-
q uuaiustc'd. I have always considered him a
s cry dear friemiul . hul nevr loktd upon him
as a lover. lie has wlntcl ale to break my
t'ngaement anti marry him. but I have re-
fnsed. ( m I think lint ( lIe lust have written
that I letter for revenge. lint I can harll
btlev ! that. ( as It was entirely foreIgn to ) I
nature. I would rather think hint he was
.lemtute hut I nm really to contradIct any
elntement that he made to the effect that I
was In love wih ( him or aetlo toward him as
a lo\'er. I repeat that ( I thought of him only
as ary clear friend1 anI wIth whom I
have h rend the SllD bevies and engagHI In L
other amiumisemuemits.
"As to his statement that r wrote to him
that I Inlellll ( to marry Mr. larllwcl agahmi I
I remember nothing about It. I do lot thllk
I did , \ause I have never been 10 married to
: II liartiwehi . hut the worl , 'again' unighil
hi ave slppell In my leter , No , I have htn
engagfd to Mr. Bardweli . ant Mr. Colvin i
k new It all the thnc. "
Friends of Miss Early say that becaus !
ColvIn was much Infatuated with her thcy (
urgel mil her unit to see him , but she nlowell
him l to cal upon her. MIss Early lives hi
CClumbus , but since the ( later part of last t
month m sue has been visitiuig the '
. sil visitng family of r
Be.rnanl I lcCnnn. They say that she was to
hl\o h ben married to DarIlwel the coring
month. She was In the cIty . t buy her wed :
c ling clothes This fae ( . they claim , math 3
Cel\ln desperate. lie ha'd ) ( threaten to t (
commit suicIde before If Miss Early dill not I
marr ) ' huimn ;
Colvin came to the ( ely Thursday aferon
wIlls :1 nllpolntment to see Miss Early , who
met h him at the ( depot , going from there ( to
? leCann's resldenec , where he remained untl ( I
evening amI called again yesterday nOOl ,
At hoth of theee calls Miss Early says that
he l atemptel to persuade her to marry him ,
n ail appenrell to be very deepomident over her
r fusal to .10 so.
Calvin was about 30 years old and \ery
well known throughout the state In news
Ilaper r cIrcles. He was not only a wrier , but
also a praclcal printer. About two year a
age he maim a job printing Quiet ! In thIs cIty .
10 h sold out and wcnt to Bryton and stnrted i
a paper there. He then ( went 10 Ord where
he h worked on the Journal. From there he
went to Columbus nbout a year ago and was
city edior of the Telegram I was anl this
( hue that lie became acquaInted wIth Miss
garly. About six weells ago he went to Uan-
lOlhhu Ia. . where he started the Upglster.
lie , ran It for a month and then ( sold It to
A. W. Jackson who was formerly on thc Ord
Jommrnal. Alter the sale hl" went back to
Ord at limo In\laton of Bore capitalists to
wrIte up an IrrigatIon enterprIse. Be completed -
pleted this work a few hays ago. ills friends
speak hIghly of his character . They say that
II l was nn Industrious ali sober man anti was
very wel lIked.
Coroner Maul has decided to hold no In-
quest. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _
/ .11I.V 7'IE IJWU1'1 cuuxrris. .
HCI\ . Fall of Snow , lal and Sleet II the
IrYll 8"0101 of Nebr.'m ,
NORTH PLATTE . Ncb. . April 5.-eSpeclal (
Telegram.-A ) heavy dust storm prevailed
hero yesterday , changing this morning 10 a
rlglng blizzard. The wind blows vIolently
from the northwest and a hieivy fall of snow
Is promised by present fmidicatlons. The temperature -
perature Is stIll moderate , ut It Is hourly
hecomlng colder Should , , tie cold become
severe stocc on tim ramigowIlh sutferu-con. . '
ot\J sure..con.
slderaby. ] , n's
IPEHIAI" , Neb. . April 15-Speclal { Tol- I
egram-A ) heavy snow" and rain has bsen
fallIng since 1 o'cloclt this , morning. Five
Inches of snow now covers lie ( groumid , with
no appearance of the ( stomn abating. This
star" abatng.
Is the first moisture of " conseqnence In
Chase counly thIs spring The people are
greatly encouraged amid seeding will be
pushed with energy from now on There Is
quite a large acreage already In.
VENANGO Neb. , April 5.-Speelal { Tele-
gram.-About ) six Inches of snow has fallen
slncc 2 o'clock. I Is still snowing.
IUNIIAR Neb. , April 5.-Speelal.-TImo ( )
heaviest rain In two yeurs fell here this
evening , accompanied hy hal as large as
hazel nuts. Fall wheat aI11 rye , whIle beat
quito bath are not destroyed.
NEBIIASICA CITY . April G.-eSpecial ( 'Tel- '
egram.-The ) heaviest rain for years fell here
this afternoon , continuing steadily for an
hiour I was accompanied ' by heavy buall .
many of the ( stones being IS large as wal-
nuts. Many windows were bryken .
DENILEMAN , Neb. . br\lten. Apri G.-Speclal (
Ttsiegranmi.-It ) has been swrmlg hero oIl
afternoon , wih no signs of abang. Wet
slushy snow lies from three to four Inches
deep on tll ( ground , wMch will wet dowl
from twelve to fourteen InchEs , end prdct'ca'ly
Insures a wheat crop The people are greatly
encourage with the prosPfcts for a good
crop this season. '
OGArLALA , Neh. , April 5.-eSpeclal ( Tele-
gnm.-Slx ) Inches of snow has fallen here
slnco noon tOllay. This will put the ground
In flue conditon for plowing and pianting.
( J.II , IN . . i'.ti' - TII3'iJ'LTfl - - TIl CUILI N. . .
Thlnk8 this Countryshucutcl iteconlzo Them
, - Rfln aN l'os.iblO. ' ;
\VASIlINGTOr . AprIl 5.-Spealdng of the (
mass meeting hell In Jacksonvlo last night
und Ito ( resolutions adopted Senator Cal of
lorhla today said : "I have frequently In-
trodueC In the ( Senate resolutions reqnestng
the presIdent of the Unle ( Stales to }
ncgotalons wIth Spain looking 10 the lode-
pcndenee ( of Cuba on the ( basIs of In Issue or
bonds 10 Spain froI Cuba as componsaton ,
these bonds to bc ' gUlrnteed to any rea-
sonnblo extent by the Ullell Stales. See-
omly , I have called tie atenton of lice State
department to lie ( condltol of affaIrs In Cuba
anti urgch actIon In line with the rcsolutons Cula
referrell to , and I shall r new these ( recom-
mendatons whenever opportunIty offers . At
prebent the Cubans halO not ( tablshed ( any
Provlslomial government that wo could recog-
nize , but the moment tIY ) dp organize one
that seems to ( have a reasonable chance of. .
perlancn I shall strongly urge thic'lr ' . '
million shaltrongly tllr recog-
nllon as belgerents ;
"Nine-tenths ( of the
peeplb oI Cuba are In
favor at hilepcndence , amid must / of thcl are
In favor of nnnexatol to Ilo Unled States.
Cuba otTers erie of the fest rarleets for us
In the ( world. I Is one ' of th" richest , omit
under prol1er saniary otj vII be one of the
hcalhlest countries to ho found . an'wherc and
would b a perfect 1'rde Ir ) f under our con-
trol ( , 0
"The Cubans are duragoous , bright unll
qulclc-wlled antI [ lake eJcelQot chiIuerms. In
spite or the absence of publIc Ihols In Cuba
the people have
managE- to kcp themselves
very high In the scale of Ilteligenco and
Itowledge. They pay an nl11ual trlbuto ( of
over $2OOOOO to SpaIn , enolgh ' to maintain
the army that Is to be UI 10 try and crush
cnce. them. ( " 1 earnestly Iopo ( Ithelr IIdel'end- '
* _ - _ _ . .
IHI H.IIU.\'T J'LOPr.ictj'Ijts - .1 ' .1 In TEll .
j'rnIcuor Smih and I tim . . JfcCHllculldy
I'tnr. arm the hnlJ ( uI.
EDGIIMONT , S. D. , April 5.-tipeclal ( 'fel I
egruni.-h'rof. :1 , Smih , wh , hal charge oC r
the metl1urglcl1 deplrmenl of the ( Stull
School of Mines It Hlp1 CIty , ami Dr ,
' )
M'GI'c\IIly. president of the instituilomi ,
care 10 Etg lent today and Insttuton < :
tune In the Int lest ot u' smelter for Edge -
, ' smeler lge-
mont 'fhe
'rhl proCessr very thoroughly re-
\'iewecl the entire subject of lead smeltint I
< R agaInst p 'tilc. After explaining thin
system 11 < Ihowlnp the various comblna .
tiimmus nles al' ) ' . hI Stated ( lint a suneltei ;
fur Eilpemoiit
I'dllmol bculcllt the city ant I
also the entIre lhllIs . aa evel'thlng was con
t rln/ here ( tie main line to Montana , Idaho
anti Utah hunebing the door ,
< IHIln/ thl
Dr. ' I'W I '
'ii'Uihiyctmddy spoke ot the benefIts ot :
the School . ot Mines al a developer ! f thl
country / II offered the heT'ie oC the in -
slhlton ( f.r any plant that were at bonelt
to the whole country Hon. Thumas Bruit _
hey . preside of the Edgenwnt compuisy .
) tu&mont COlpun )
Ild Francis C. Gruhle were present urn i
addressed the ( mestlng , which ( was u most
cnthUbasto umie. Time cnspnllS ot ovlnlon
WII greatly In favor of the InHI ( r. Mr
liradley and wlfu left for ( lot ut
Drldler Ind lef or lot 81 I hi 11.
. ;
lock in tht State House Stopped While I
Lawmaking 0023 Swiftly Along
HulO imeglos ContllouR Session Early : In
the Iornhlg UI"I Ir' , ( :1INuro
, \fer : l t'iismlro to 1 11,1 "oto
le"l.lo the : luorl ) . .
IINCOrN , , \prl i-Siecial.-In ( ) the
house this mornIng the followIng senate flies
on third reading were Passed :
No. 31. Iro\llng for the ll\lslon or
countes Into three districts for election of
co.rllssloners . , G9 to S.
No. 371 , 11ro\llng for the nllllralselent
or f cducatonal ( Innds now under lease , lS 10 S.
No. 131 , althorlzlng cities of the second
class to contract Ind levy ) ' taxes for the
mnlntennco l of street lIghtIng plants ) , 64
to t Ii , without the emergency clatmse .
Long after the hour at which was mate
the slleelal order for conslderton of the (
qlestlon of electng six trustees of the Inatl-
tute for the hlllnd at Nebraska
Blnd lt Nebrlska City the (
Benlte entered the rellresentatve hal In n
hody , Lieutenant Governor Moore reached
the speaker's desk , nut , assisted by Speaker
Hclards l , Ilreshied o\er the dellbematlomis.
First Assistant Clerk of the House larrlson
calcd time roll or the house ; Secretary of
the Senate Sedgwik performed the same
omee for the senatc. Lieutenant Go\ernor
Moore slated that the Joint session had been
caled for the IJllose ot elcclng six
trlstees t of the ( Nebraska institute for the
h ihlimul.
At this junelure Inrrr rose anti mo\ed a
cal of the house. Iarrlson trlell to get a
ruling on a poInt of order aalnst Bany.
The hatter ] real he ( houBe rules to the effect
that a cal of the house was always In order
prior to n Joint con\enton ( of the senate
and house. Senator Wltson satd that no
rules had been adopted governIng Joint bes-
stone during the ( present session of the legislature -
lature l ami Lieutenant Governor Moore sus-
Inl.,1 thn .nnn'n rr" > n'n"
. - . . . . . . . _ .w. . _ u , v'v" .
Secretary Sedgwik then reall thc follow-
Ing lIst of trustees , which hat been selected
by the ( house and senate conference com-
mitee ( :
W. S. Wilson , Ooe county , nnt larch I ,
1(101 ( ; O. Horrze , Otoe unti ! lrch 4 , 101 ;
I. S. 1 Fiske. Gage , until larch t. 1899 ; 1) . W.
Crane , Keith , untIl March 1 . 1899 ; Webster
Eaton Lancaster , until March 4. 1897 ; Fred
E. McKeeby . Webster , until March 4. IS'J7. '
Howard of Sanity moored aa an amelllment
the folowlng list : Frank DrIefemidcirf . BUl-
ler county ; James Hughes , Colax ; James
Klstenson , Nuckols ; James Malon , Dodge ;
'hGlas SullIvan , jr. . Dakota ; John Speedle ,
Then Barry demanded to know why the
prerogatIve or Governor Holomb had been
Infrlnell upon In the manner In which this
extraordinary proceeding was being con-
ducted. Senator \'atson. to whom the ques-
ton was addressed said that ho disliked to
post the genteman from Greeley on law
points , especially as there was no fee In
sight. But he would be good latured and
do so. He then descrIbed the process by
which the trustees were to be selected In
' cnfOrmit with what ho'undoratoolLlQ. . b c ,
law. Barry read from the consttUton 10 the
contrary , bllt the ItUe ( constitutional point
was brushed aside ant ) before Howard's
amendment could be voted on the prevIous
questIon was demanded and carried by 07
to H.
Barry said that he ullersiood there was a
minority report a 11 asked to have It read.
I.leuten nt Governor Moore said there was
none before the Joint conventIon , and the roll
call was taken on the report of the conference -
enco conimnlttee. and It was adopted by I
vote of 87 to 22.
As Howard rose for recognitIon there were
a numher of motons to adjourn , hut the lieu-
tenant governor accepted and read the following -
lowing resoluton :
I move hunt ( the thlnlts ur this jInt eon-
\enlon be tenderd lresl1ent Moore for
his kindness and cOlrtesy to the ltmbers ,
slh an exhibition of futrncs helng In refreshing -
freshing contrast with treatment sometimes
nceorlled gentemen on this hoot by presld-
Ing omcers.
Howard moved Ihe ( adopton of the refolu-
( ton . luner was on his legs In nn Instant
to ( move that the motion be tabled , hut
LIeutenant Go\'eror Moore steered the joint
conventIon away from this shoal by rulng
that ( the motIon to adjour was the first
fueston In order and the Joint con\enton
Imme lately ( dissolved
MeanwhIle Barry through the courtesy of
President Moore , had secured the privilege of
having his protest against the entire proceedings -
ceedings of the Joint convention spreal upon I
ice ( record.
Housc moved that the house concur In the
senate's amendments to his deposItory bIll ,
hOlso roll No. 522. These amendments exempt -
empt the state treasurer ( from till the lire. )
visions of the ( alII state ( deposItory han' vlr-
t aly repealing ( hue deposItory law so far lS
tHat oleial Is comucerrtecm lucre was a des-
iterate effort emi the ( part of the majoriy to
carry these amnentlunents But there wcre a
number afraid of their constuents , The
house did not concur In the senate ammiemid-
ments by a vote of 45 to 36.
Here nro ths nnmes of those of the ( house
who voted to repeal the depository law In
so far as It affects the ( state treasurer wih
those opposed :
Alan , ( C'ramtult l.amhor.
heck , ( 'rots' . M'el' .
Brch' , 11) ' . ,
lirochmnn . 1"IHz. Mumer ,
I irownehi . lalrlr\'e. 10lJln.on ,
lureh , Ilnrkson . 1011,1) , ' .
lure ( locige ) . larr ! . . Rouse ;
I iturnut I iuirrteon . Hcti Iekuulantz .
( ( anca8lel ( ) . . " 'nl ' . , Hp'oclr. <
< aml"el. Jenkins , Sutton ( Pawnee ) ,
( III.nn. John.lon Wait .
( hallmln , ( ) oullas ) , Mr HI'
Cule. /aul.
Athh ) ' , lorst , 1ticbardi.on .
harry . JloW111. Ittekettuc ,
lenal ] , luI , lohr'rt .
itruikaw . John.lm ( , Jctheulner ( : ol. ,
tiiiiIie . ( Nemnha ; ) , . ; cott .
train , 1.0nghor.l. Shook ,
Casper , IlnIIMI , HI"ann ,
Cituice . Mel..IMen. Siuuitim .
Cnnuway , II'Nlt. :'runafl ,
C'ooiu'y , Ihc'lcku'r. Puler .
a\'le. , Sulou'hurumiaa , Sutton
fcrl1tey , OrIon Iuullas I ) .
Orlllh t , 'erkins Thoma.
c-c tit tine . Pohlman ) , \ I I on son ,
I ( tiller , 1'mllllon. 'urt-U ( ) ,
liurte . Iholls ,
Absenl or not votIng-
lianon . Illgucluss . Tlnm (
Becher , Iln . . " 'rber
lIce . JoflelS , 'V \ ' hider .
lenetlcl , Juitlul . . Ink IJohn"on ) .
lelane ) Me 11111. ? llk Slier- (
loam . Merrlclc. man-l .
lo\'lk , Hlarkman ,
House roil No. 632 , the ( general appropria-
ton ( 1,1 for expenses of lie state Instutons
and departuumcnts wih the senate amendments -
meats , was then tubrlted 10 the Iiouse.
These Imendmenls practically restored all
cuts matte by the ( house and Increased
numher of items. The house refused to con-
cur. an.1 the bill was carrIed to the west
end or the caplol With a request that the
senate recede from its ampndmenls This
house concurred In the senate' ( amendments
to house roll No. 631. lie ( general salary list.
AI I I :30 : a tal ( janItor . accomrlnle by a
tall ladder , marched Into the house and
stopped lice big clock The housc was then
In contnuous session , and the speaker an-
nouncell that no moton 10 lake a recess would ]
b enlertalned , but If any ono wished to raid
a lunch counter Ice could do so hitborunahly.
No further busIness was transacted for nearly
two huours. ooley of Can ranged himself
alongsIde harrIson , who was holding down
Ihl ( peaker's chair In his absence. and led
the llging. The repertoIre embraced "Murch '
Ing Through Georgia " "Jahn llrown's Body , "
" "merlea" and "Beans for Dreakfut. "
The Incident QI Itaward's reloluUQQ tlank-
Ing I l'reshlent Moore for his fairness /11
courtesy to the nilmiorlly lint
minoriy , Inslnlatng It
was In shari' conlrast wIth the cuplomnr
Ireatment ( reei'll nt the ( halls of Speaker
Ichards , was time occnslon of a lte side
Interlullo I between Secretary of the Scnnto
Sedwlck nHI First As.lstnnt Clerk Hnrrlson.
After rlson Sedgwick Mhl : hai ( road the rrolllon lIar-
" \\'h ) ' Ilhln't ) 'OU % suppress It ? \Vo never
\0 ncvr
read "ch thin " In hre. "
" ' ' ! .
"Can't " helll what ) ' 01 do. " reptcll Sedg- '
wIck "the I'rlsldent ' asked me to real It anti
I mild 80. "
But harrison was right. Throughout the (
entIre session 1 has been eustomar . by order
of SIIakr Hlchall , to slllprlSS by direct
order lurotess resolutons anll Imiotiotis matte
l ) ' members of time Ilnorl ) . motons sleh
wert In any way Inconnlent to Ihl best Interests -
crests ( of the lajorl ) of seremity-two.
hut as I hulhlozer 1 was IlustrntciI otter
ILneh that ( larrlson I could gIve Ichar.1 earths :
.ir ml spalles. howard '
mo\'ell when
< < lowar < , selat (
tile 356 ) was prescnte.I , ( hint the hour for
ii thjomirmimu emit bin \ I mug nrrh'el mme mmsot len was
In order blt omie to adjonrn. Harison re- '
rusell tu etutertaimm ( lie mttuggestlomi of Ilotvnntl ,
nutti iurocceuieml ivitli ( liii readusug of ( he bill.
harry rose ( o a aumestlous of privIlege , limit
I larrison rclmisctl ( a lIsten to hilmu. Then
Illlbtmsterimig followed. 'rime bill was Pope's ,
to lurovitie fur ( lit' ehicculthoml of chullilreum
cousilned iii poonimotmecs and for tIme maymmiemst
of exhtcmmses thereof.
Timon the demmuocruits and
lrdcpeuimhemmte mc'-
ftmsed to vote. Chtnpiuinms uimoved a call of
( hue hotuse. Barry otijcctetl. TIme call uro-
ceeded nuid Clmapmnamu niored that : time call
ho ruilceul , All timeso unotsomis were enter-
taineul by llumrnhsoui msmmtl declareml carried
Wttlmetit eveii sumluiultticmg ) them to s'oto. 'h'Imeuu
( hue detnocmats uumsd imitichientlemmts began to
sumilt Iii thmelr ( emits mtuitl refused to vote. Tics
enforcc'itieust of rmmlo 19 was tleiminmiuietl , hummt
( Ito reenicltrammts siuiul that so long as thmc ;
simealcer Igmioreul ( hiemui liii' ) ' wmmmil lgmmoro tIme ,
speaker , \\'lmeus aim attempt ivuts unaihe te I
coimipel ( hicimi to vote howard rose numd
said ( lint as ( Ito hour of atijotmmnmumomtt haul
arriveil hue isioved that tIme hmoumse ito noi .
adjomurmi due mIle. I lamnittoim ntis in ( bit I
ehteahcer's cimusir mini his brother ivas at ( Itt
ulclc of time rentlimmg vicrk , The fonimmer
cahul :
"The motion of time gemmthemnams frouui Sarpy ,
is out of order , Vs'e have ito ( line for amm .
tumonlce ) work , amid tnay as iveil have It
smunherstood now as at nmiy other ( line. I 1
ieftica to entertaIn ( hue mnottous to auljommmn. ' ,
' 'Ihtct I servo usotlce oct tIme speaker iurc
I emmu , ' ' reid led lla my , ' ' t ins t youm en uimiol
mmsonkey iiIt ii time sum imrctn e con rt . ' '
. "lJie : scrgeamut-a-arms iulll preserve or .
" "Tuio sergeant-nt-arms always lireserres
order , I call for the emifereemuent of ( hue
rule excluding those miot imsemimbers of the
huoumse or state oiiieers from ( ice Ilocmr , " re-
torteul llnrry.
"TIme sergeamut-at-murmns will see that the
rtmio Is ettforceti. "
Senate Ille 85G was then pasod , nimml No.
222 , Noycs' bill for divisloms of counties Immto
school distrIcts , amid over whIch time whulelcer-
puchhhmig ehuieOtlO occmurnt'ul in lice m.enmate , WaS
talceti imp.Vhicim Casper's umamneas called
Ice rose mind informued the spenlwr tlmat use
rules \t'ere now Iii force , that ( bce hiommr for
nrljourmiineuit lund beets liassed , that tIme
record was muncie up anti tlmat the chief of
police hmatl Jmcst as niucls control over the
house as ( lie sergeamit-at-arunut. Only
thIrty-eight voted for ( hue bill , ailfi hiarrisomm
declareil it lost.
Tins secretary of time senate anmiommnced that
time senate hail appointed comiference coin-
mmmlttes on homiso rolls 522 antI 632 , and no-
quested that the hcotmse do lilcewise. Speaker ,
Ittclmards oppointed commIttees as fohlow : :
On 522 , Ruimuse , Brady amid Bacon ; 632 , Crow
Jslhlos and Harrison ,
. house roll No. 87 , with senate amend-
monte , was reported , and tile house refuseul ]
to concur thereIn. Thus was Dempsey's bill
to punish rerons for cattle stealIng and pur. .
cliashmig cattle known to hiavo been stolen.
The followIng house rolls , with senate
numsenilumsemits , irene comicmlrrel In : No. 340
to facilitate the givimmg of bonds by state ,
oliiciale ammul etimer otiicers ; No. 2S3 , to pro. ,
rule for free nteuitlansce ( at isuimlIc high I
At 3 o'clock htltodes moved tIme poInt at ,
order ( lint the hioir for simm die athjoumnnuent .
havIng arrived a call of ( ho hiommse , which I
wait lunch on Imomuse molt No , 310 , was not iii I
' 'I atom keepIng lImo tIme , ' ' replIed ( hit ,
"lImit time speaker is miot timelteoper of thuc '
house , " said you hiousen.
Vams liomiscum amid ltitothes were luoth glvecL I
( lie colil stare , amid the grhnuui continmued.
The foilowluig billie irene passed :
Semiate file 100 , provIding ( lint coimnt ,
jictiges many gramit authority to ndmlnlstrn. .
( ore amid gt4auilauss of feeble-unlmided chciltiremi I
to mortgage real estate.
No. 253 , reiatlmmg to hethmig of contracts fou
time orectiomi antI repaIrs of bridges.
The secretary of the cemsate announced thai t
( hat hotly huitul receded from Its amemmdmnentm i
to house roll No. SI , imroviuhlng for tIme huh -
islinietit of cattle tiileveim amid receivers o : I
stolen cattle. 'FIche amsimouncensemut was greet -
oil by a burst of applause. Whmems semiate fihi i
174 was reached the slsoalcer tuald that fihiI
( lie bIll coneermmeil Omaha it woumhti be cutI I
aside untIl ( hue Omtiahma ulelegatlous mnamie somuil Li
suhiow of proservlmig orulor. Thuen lie warunet I
up and dcelareul Ii at no more bIlls would lii
read , bmit , on thin contrary , wommid be torts U ) I
If order i'as not restored ,
' 'Ioee thIs house ivhsli to dIsgrace Its maui -
hnn,1 ft iliti intut u1n' ? ' ' un hmouiteu1.
A m'euuiblance of peace huas'Iuig beets secured ,
he aelceil ( ho clerIc to proceed with time roll
call on No. 171 , a joInt resolutIon mmuemnorlal-
izimug comlgrcsii to convey Fort Onsahia to No-
brashca for time Itmurposo of comirertiumg it lisle I
i t commiping gmouncuh for tIme Nebraska Natlommal
Omsant , mud it walt tsassch.
Seutate file 132 , to regulate the orgaulizatlon I
anti operatIouu of umiutmial insicrumnce as.
utoclations , encountered a snag In muot so. .
curing enoumglm votes , amiul at 4 o'clock ii , ni
Caiuu clemmiantied a call of ( lie house. limit
there appeareul to lie iso power to force ( hut i
provisioul , amiih tiio miommuamiti was wlthmdrawms , ,
'l'Iue bill failed 10 55ii with ( hue emergency ,
claure , amcih was hut on passage svlhiout ( It , ,
amid huasscul , Si ) to 1.
Mc'anwhilhe ( lie two 'ferns , lienton anti I
Majors , were busily cmmgaged cmi ( hue Iloci .
lolubylmig in ( lie interest of ( Ice claim bills ,
despIte ( Ice reccict order of the speaker clear.
lug time liner of all but misemalmers , Ileumiom I
was tmlter Jenleimma 01' 'rhunyor , anti Majors hiat ] I
Shioohc by tue ear for tens or tlftecmm minutes .
Title was at 4 :30 : P. Il.
Chapman in ( Ice speaker's chair cahleul fem
the ( birth reading of Senate file 1St. to mc
apportion the state iusto jutilhcial tiltrlets ,
Ithuodes urmoveil tlmmut ( lie hiommee muiljoumn , 0th ] I
Cimapmnan ignored hun with im stony bolt .
at lice gallery. 1(011 ( call praceetlcd , tiuut
Mattison umuniho a sleecli white it w'amu it i
lirogrees , declarhmsg Ilucut on ummimeustiucment IC I
( lie bIll had iteenu mumiiuggleul lii wlthmommt hiavhum ( .
hmecn massecl iipomm its coununlteo ( of tIme a hick
Mattisoim Is a rcpubhicam , but he huappemuet I
( a ho iii favor of fairimeas aucul wits , entice .
qitently , as Coinhuletely ignored mmmi tluouugls itt i
hmatl been one of lice lOPPleRt of pops. Nc )
atemctiomi ( whuaicver wait haul to Maison'i ( ( (
cogent remmiurlcs , antI time lull was driver I
tlurouglu rough ahioti over all ohujections , lIarrI p
deunammtietl a verification of ( ice roll c.ill , omit I
Munger celted for ii call of ( Ice itouse. Ilnrry'u S
miemmiantl wius Ignored , aucti Chiapimman orileret I
lImo sergeant-at-ariums 10 close tIme doors.
'Fonu Majors at ( lila ( line had Moeiurussaus of I
In erie corner pouring lamigmuage Into lila eai r
wills all time fervor of ( lie probeastomual lobby -
1st. 'I'hie call of lice house procerulcul israid i 1
babel of confusion , caused hiy Chmapmmman'i a
gavel antI the lists of the mumluiorily hteatluui I
on thueir desks , Majors was playing hula ex .
nulemaberahuip of ( ho house for ill It wortl I
In securing thmo prlrIleea of ( hue floor.
At 5:10 : a icmrge anti beautiful boijuet o
amid lilies was brought In by a am oI
presented to llenetllct from tito ladies o I
the ' 'simile nmutl Llmicolul W'omusems'a Clirlstlau I
Temusperance ' umilon , " In aluprcclalan ( of iii : S
efforts 'in behalf of liii. ago' of consent lill I
( lien pending and likely to pass Ia the senate p.
'fhe alteaker ( luen ujnnmouimit'cul thmat aeaati a
file 1I1 , humivlug receIved 68 otes , bad passem
witbi time emnergeney clause ,
After senate file ) S4 , the judicial reap -
porilonmnent bIll , liadimussed , thue imqmine tool Ii
( Cqgtlnut'iI VIthi '
on l'aEe , )
- . .
Tveiity-rotirth Zesson of the Nebmska
Legislaturd P08103 Into History ,
Session Rti1e , Pariliunentary niitl Statiit
Law antt Dcccnoy Alike IgnoctL
MI Sorts of Trokery Resorted to in Passing
All ? ulauiior of ItlcaSflrcs ,
Cituckut Stoilpetl 'tmiit the Ittiur for 1'Itua %
ttijoumiiuuuui'mut A mmli cmi , iilli. i liii ittmslm
f l.ittt mutkhuig liemlem'turuiuutly Ittit
, Eaierg'tIctthl3' l'roce'odt'I ,
cml Telegmnni.-Thme ) Tvcumiy.fommrtlm sesslomi of
limo Nebraska legisluitmmre Is immalchumg a tics-
iterate effort to IhisIcim Its work toisigiut. It Its
biohiumlarly believed ( Imat ( lie sessiomi emuulc'tl at
today , auth to carry ouit tlmat imisluressiota
the clocks In ( hie
Iiotise amiti semuae Italic ivents
mutOppomi before the liaisda lund lund an npmor-
tmimmiiy to get tmgvthier 1mm froum ( of 11w flguura
12. Evemu ( Ice eldest legislatIve huislilimme camimiot
romtseummiie'i ithuen scemiu.'s of such mitten tilutre-
garil of ulehiliermuttomi have beemi witimesseil on
( hit' cieslmig thut' of the sessIon. 110th ltommses
hmnve accommtpiisimetl an imuumiemmiuo aniottmit of'
work ; limit the ii ark huts bcemm ncconsplltulmcd
Imi a umiamiumer ( lint Is umioro tunis tllscrcdialji (
to time lutrti' : commtroliimmg ( lie mmuujorly ( lit both
hiommre.s. lIllis of gm nvest imsmportnmmcc Intro
bcemt hiuirrieul through without the slightest
OhihlOC tmimmtty for comisitlera I lou I mu cciii mu I ( I Co
of limo wluole , 'I'hie stmmmmthlmlg rmmlcs itavo' beert
hiomioreul icsoro In time lireumeit thiaus iii ( hi' ob-
servamice , Ilills Intro been Iuassd that huavcs
never bcemt reported ( rein stamuding comnmiml- (
( cc's. Time gcimeu'al fllct buss licomm eoumverteti
I lila a C ii Iii ese lutuzzle a itul bil lus t a Iemm oumt at
maumdommi uiiiui forced to ut titirti rrutlimig. : l'ro-
11050(1 nuneumul itt elm I 5 to iii I I tu hit roulmmeeul I mu t tu a
immierests of linivate Immuiivlultcnis lmai'o beert
lurluite-ul 1mm atIvamice nnti ndoptcmi wltlcoumt read-
hug. The whole day line hwemm it bug drawn
omtt struggle betweeii imidlvltlmmcml ummeuimhmers to
lftSS their own luille by ammy hocus pocus pro-
ccedimmg that iummggests itself.
At 11 o'clock tonIght Govcrtmor I Ioiejmiii , hiatt
received froni 11w joimmt coummuuuitee ( cm enrolled.
amid emmgrossctl bills twenty-three bIlls ( lint
lmmtl : beemi ltasetl sluice ucoon. As mnamiy more.
ivere Itt ( ho itamsuls of ( tie coisferunce enmisrult-
tees or Iii ( ice enrohlhimg rooms. Ncimic of time
appropriathoim bills had reached ( lie gJvemno
at 11 o'clock.
Scemies at ( hue state bmotmsc' ( oiiglmt ! are niost
remiunnlcculule. An inimnenso crowti of visItors.
paclcs tIme gaiIery The lobbieti are ftmhl to
overflowIng. CorrIdors swami with mets
minti hsoy. College yells , singing , tIme niuslo
produmectl by moomithi orgoums , the popping cit
hutiPer bags , the crIes anti yells of the boys5
cocmmbhute to prouluco a situatIon boniehing
resemnhillmig hhuuntlotnonlmmin. The house Itself
itt hiarilly icmore than me crowl of school boys
OiS a lanlc.i'nste baskets , bcolce , hamnphl-
lets usual ( Ice general refuse of a lcgislativG
seeclomi were thrown across tli hall , anti tlso
ulignity or tlc speaker severely rmiflletl by
( hue antics of ( ho muentimers who lmeghn to
renllzo that their legIslative career Is enthed ,
In ( lie semiate there luave , beemi , no oxhclblthon
of hiiiumnlty , hut atm iuiimmienso aniummnt of bumal-
nese hiatt beets traimsacted with ( lie utmost
difllcuilty. Every roll call hcati banns tel-
loweu ( by a call of ( lie hmommse , anti Senator
Snmltii sized UI ) ( lie situation by smiggestln
( hat IC ( hue echoic woulil tmiljourmm to (1mG (
basement ( lie mnemisbcrs coumith b lmiiiuceml to
remaIn witim tIme senate ,
ThIs rensumrk irmis nhmpreclated by all whuts
itahipemied to bison' that liquId refreshmonts.
wei'o beIng served to msulmnerous places In tlu
regiomme benieahu ( lie second floor of ( hue capl.
ml. /it mnidimigiut the crowds had thuinuied out
limit lIttle , tiriul limo comifuusloms was as utiarked.
as ever. 1303'S with ( rays beantumg lmmnchm anit
bottles of beer irene hurryIng timroumgiu thus
cornltlors to the comusmnitteo rooms Iii tiuts
thuird story , TIme several conferemice commit-
(055 ( were swcatiumg ever ( heIr efforts to
reiuohi miii agreemmient ever Lice bills upon
whIch the hiousemi had cllragrecd. Both liomisets
were still 1)astuiumg bills as if ( ice very exlstenets
.f ( hue State govcrmummment depended upous lists
lairs that ivoro helrmg so hurriedly ground
omit. At mitlulumiglit time clerics ltcui just fIn-
isicod time eimrOllmmum'nt of ( ho first of ( lie cup-
hmrotmriatlomu ijllle , ( hue ouie providing for ( hits
hmayhimeat of salamlee of ( lie iate ofhicera ,
sunerlictemimlents. etc. Earlier In ( hm venimi
ieuiutlor Urnne tttmimouisceth to ( lie icetsue that.
t iio Omisahia charter haul beemi umiutilatetl In
( Ice euirolllmug commmumslteee. ( lie asiced thucut a
eoiiuiiIttee ) be seimt to Imivestlgatm , . 'flue corn-
uutitteo finislietl Its researclmes shortly otter
mmmiuimiiglut omuth tllacoverctl ( lint tue charter had
hit'eim correelly oturohlemi.
Thits lcnumte wimilcoti oust toniglst on tIme soy-
emmty-flrcst Jotmutial ulay of its tiemfti'umi , AlL
( hcmomtgii the tixcithiug hours precedhicg uilmuo ciI
mmtijomu ru umment ( Ii a mnomitthon y lunch liecic pu ncu- (
ated by sltasmiiodic cmtackmt of time humilIty mmua-
j on ty on tim a imatmul fmc I of t hi o mu I mierii y. I 1mm-
nlsoii of i lull muucul Spealcer itlehcumuulmm tunic fulL
chimrgo ; of the huommee ( wItty mtmcml ruin It to smut
t lie masel tea. Al I hutmtmo anti Parliut macnt uryl 1
rules were lhurowmi to lice wlmculti , No oum was
reeogmiized iiso reeolutiomme or mmuottamis wcro
1cm amsy Wa ) ' mtuiuuguruletic ( to mitts taste of
either licirnisomi or ltielmnrmlts. Ohmapummans of
Salute , who at tiuites mILieu umomputh Iii thu
speaker's elmimir , loamieui valuable itmtslstmimice in
ext lii gum isic trig I Ii 0 in I muon I y. Not hi I tug was
eomscealoul. No ottemumpt wits mmmdci to epol.
otizo : for muommio of tIme rankest ruihimmgs over
tumade Ims mice rations lireceding seeslouuus of
( lie Neicmaska logisiatmire. I'Icey himitl hits
liot'or is msil t Ic ey sir im mug ( hi it I as Ii u mi uiu erclfully
'I'hce fimual wlmidmip wits , hcowcver , mimi It mmiucit
mmececsmtrily have been , of moore iucurimuontous
amid syhmilsathct'lo ( clmarcicter , htemnolulonis ( of
respect amid ( hiamiks ivoro freely Passed by
uiianlmnomue votes , amid mmmi era of gotiul follow.
ship amid hiomslcoumuune rirevalleul gemierahly ,
\'OUNI ) UI' IN IhhO'l' ,
To Its utmnost cajiacily time gallery w'ai
crowdetl ems ( his , ( hue first amid last night's
sessloim of ( hue house. 'fime foyer below was
fIlIal wIth ( hose who commhul secure stand-
lag room only. limIng time simmgimmg Incldetutal
to the closIng services lialier ivails , bill flle
mmliii waste bacicets were flung wIldly aroumul
( lie rooni , amid this contlnueul umiiI ( time 5cr. mnaho a sally ugaitcat thus of.
fCnIerS ( , The huousus ( hilts evening ( rancueted
more business in tiu samno lemughu ( of ( limits
( han ever before In Its three mmsontlms' hcls-
tory , There nero nmimuuerous coimfererico corn-
mnlttees running back and forth between
lIce imoue arid eemmae , auid a imitrriber of snags
nero struck. One Its hiarttcular i'uis the
Omuihua charter bill , wlmlcim thu seimato de-
imiuintleil to have retmirneti troncu this novernor's
chico ( or correction. Omiet of ( lie et'miutational
luicidemuts of ( hue uulght was time hiresenhmution
hiy ottleers of the A. P. A. of ii bouquet ol
Itowers , lwarlumg aim A. I' , A , imiblemn , to
AIlaiu , , of Douglas tic a testlmnomuful to tics
amuthior" of huomuse roll 13 , thus Omulalma FIre
timid PolIce Conirmilsslon bill , All mlhagulse
wall ( hurowmm off , amid ( lie It. I' , A. , repra.
eerctcd ii > - ( lie secretary of the local Iiacoln
truer , anti ( ttiC Of ( Ice state orgartisners ot
thus socIety , practically took under Its prc-
( octlutg wIng Allan of Douglas.
IIIUNI'CIIN 011011) IN TIlE CEi4Afl ,
I.lNCOL.N , Nehi.ulirll G-Slueclal ( Tole'
gmamn.-llc'tweemm ) I arid 2 o'clock hula morn-
lug time accrues in thuo hmmneim rectum In this
basciucat. tiE the capitol reaembtvdValiurtk