Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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, - 8 TIlE 01fAILDAIJ.JY ] 1EEIFlUDAY : , .APIILL 5 , 189S. .
- - - - - - - - - - -
! CorJlcr IS/It awlDJ/tglas Sr ' ets.
I ill Stacks of Spring - Sacks-More
of them than all the clothing stocks in
, the city COITI1)ifled. 'vVe manufacture
all our own goods and don't put in any
fancy frills in the way of price , simply
because \ve know them to be goocl-
$7.95 , $10 , $12 , $ L5 buy good enough
I I for anybody and just now this Satur-
, day you get more honest cloth and
I better workmanship { than at any { time
; in the history of the clothing business.
_ _ _ _ _ - . '
The best $7.95 worth of
clothes you over bought
in life-an honest
your II !
weave and a nobby ef- t : ,
feet in a gray oxford ,
he iot- You should ask . . . / m
10\ \ It tomorrow. . / m
,1/ !
I I $ / /
$10.09 \ , j
. \ . \ ,
This price for an absolutely - \ I
ly all wool cheviot suit
of a guaranteed make \
in either blue or black \
-one of our latest sellers -
ors and one that never \ j
fails to give excellent :
satisfaotion. ' - :
i . II I'1 1
' $ .
M $12.00
/.I Tomorrow , $12 buy fancy
_ .
t _ . worsted suits in a number -
I- ber of oustom-made fab.
\ , to $18
rios equal any
r . . suit we have ever sold. I
. S
" . $15.00
. It's a faot that $15 this seu-
sonwill buy a suit equal
I to any goods we former.
' , Ill . . ly retailed for $20 to $22.
. Better than any so-call-
ed cheap custom-made
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ clothing at any price. I
I - _ I
Boys' Spring Sttits- -y
, j
All tile 2ll'ce ) suits that wc car
Vied Ol'l'r fmlll Inst tat'OIl , hOllte $3 . 50
7 , ' . . . . .
us good as $ gu Sahl1'lla.r : lit. . II I I
A 1)g Jot of II'W hJuc ) 111111 gray I
che\'lot ( ) 'lllcce , t'ultt' You often $1 . 9 5 :
. , . . . . . . .
pay1 ( , but 1I0W they are I ,
Nl'w ( sJII'III ) cOlllhlllntloll ) suit/-
very SIlIUl'lll1 ( flIJI)1)y ) . . . . and . . . - hal'll . . . . . wCllrer/- . . . . . . . . $2 9 5
Dressy COlllhlllntloll Sult/-thc
hnllc ) of other t1l'I1ItH't Ilt\lst $4 50
thlllg 111 IO\\'II-SlIlul'lln . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ 'J _ _ _ P _ : ± _ _ _
If you bUY tomorrow yon'/ avoid the Easter rush
. , S \
4 1 ? = : : . _ _ _ - - =
r --t3th AND FARNA1\l.-
. , Q URE to give satisfaction with the goods of
------.J our own make. 1Fe guarallttc ii.Vc keep
your suit in repair for six months after you buy it.
\Vc show as fine a stock aft there is in Omaha , and
the balance of the week and during the Lenten Hol.
idays we are holding a special sale on mack Goods
lJO ) ' " Counrmatlon Suits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,75
' Men's Dlnclt Clay Cheviot and Worsted -
S Suits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6' 7-
. ' Men'lI Prlnco Albert Sult . reeiit cut . . . . . . $ . O.Q : ! !
; Of cOIJl'ijl ! We hutc l ntIei ' stjc in t\bUlHlnl1ce \ , which wc will
I be shut to show IInd gunrnntce flw ijlx I1lcnths. Spring Over
c I coats and Furnishing Coed
" C1othin aiid Shoe HOUse
LEqUity lath nud Furnaw .
_ .
_ - - . - _
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
, . . -r-------- . . . S
- - - - - - -
: -i : ; ; . 'T"
Whnt They Saw About St. Paul's Church
Before it Was Burned ,
Thought mica ; Were lIellll Sailed UII-
n lIjon 1.l\ter TnkcI " 1.01llt from
1'mrsomimo-1.IgImta , ! nlld : lien 111
the Church-Stnle ltelt
The bearing } of the pnrtles chnrge < < with ,
setting fire to St Palll's church vas contln-
uCII yestertlay aternoon. ( The state pre.
sented all the evidence It hnd , the testimony
of Its last witness closing time atternoon's
Ilroceeillngs. Adjournment was taken until
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. At that
time the defense will commence to introduce
its evidence , It I Is salll that nil the eight
lIetenllanls will In placed } on the stand , ntlll
that In ullllltlen Ihuo are about ! ten onlCr
witnesses , Il Is expected that the hearing
of the evidence will consume two halt da ) ' ) ; ,
The state plncell its strongest witnesses ou
the stand yesterday afternoon , Jut ! the testimony -
mon ) ' was not by any means as strong as was
expected , 'fhese witnesses were the memJers !
ot the Christynial < family , who IIvcII next door
to the church ullll whose leuse was Jurncd !
down at the tame tlmc.
' 1"10 first witness on the stand yesterday
afternoon was DelEctlvo lIa'es. lie was
prcsont at a conversation that Dc\tctlve \
lIudson I had with one ot the defendants whom
ho pointed out as Casper Starzak hudson
tailed to Identlf tie man on the preceding
tiny when he was on the stallll. Despite obJections -
jectlons all the part ct Judge D1lllwln ! , hayes
continued , testifying that Starzalt ' 11111 said I
that at the time of the fire he was pla 'lng on I
a piano In the Ilrlest's alJRrtments. Starzalt
had gl\'en lIudson the names ot all the men
who were In the church lit the time.
hudson was recalled to the stllllll This
time ho succeellol In identifying Starzak as
the man who 'l1ud given him the Information
and Ilolnled him out. lie repeated HayeM'
tetlmonr , sa'lng that he hall laken down a
statement from Starzale and also frcm tep-
towslcl , Jut ! the latter ho vas unable to
Ilolnt out among the defendants , and thl
portion of the evidence was not allowell.
Joseph Siltz testified that on tire night before ! -
fore Ihe lire he had met u man whom he
thought was Jacob ! Cz rwlnskl , one ot the
lIeftllllants , Jut ! whom he could not fully
Identify . going Into the churchyard with un
oil cau
I Mrs. Kate Chrlstynlak , who was considered
one of the most Important witnesses , was then
I placed un the stand. She lestllled that be-
fore the church was burned ! everything inside
I hall been remonll She salll that for a
week after the riot she had heard IIC)11Ie ) ) iiI -
sille of the church cleaning np everything
nail Packing ! ; them away In boxes. On the
Saturday night before the fire , about ! G o'clock
In the evening a wagon drove up to the east
door of the parsonage and took away several
boxes. She also testified that during several
nights before ! the lire there was a great deal
ot yelling and other noise Inside the church ,
so loud that she was timiabie to sleep. She
was unable ! to tell anything about the wagon
except that It wus small and was drawn by !
two horses.
At the conclusion at her testimony she
was considerably wOIleed up , and for several
minutes she cried and Indulged In n soliloquy
In Polish. In which she salll that It she was
not afraid of being punlsh.ed by GoJ she would
IcllI Priest Karmlnsld
On cross-examlnutlon she said that she
did not know whether those Inside ot the
church were packing UII or not , Jut ! It
sounded ns If boxes ! were being nailed up I
I She IUlll not seen anyone pacltlng up. On
the night of the fire she said that she saw
several men passIng through the church
with a lighted lamp Among the men she
salll ! she recognized ! John Kewulewslcl , Inda
I anti Priest Karmlnlskl , but none at the other
defelHlants The wagon that she saw on
Saturday night she said stopped In the rear
at the parsonage across the street and the
boxes were carried over to It. She testified
that she was In bed when the fire started
and was told of It by her son. When she
I went out the fire was In the beltry There
was n crowd ot pcople present , Jut ! she did
not recognize any at U em ,
Judge Baldwin asked her If she had not
I told Frank Novak the ( lay after time fire that
I she woulll say nothing of how the fire started
until she had obtained her Insurance Simon
I Notzel was also said to be present at the I
conversation Irs. Chrlst'nlal denied that
she knew Novak or made the remal'I She
also denlell that she was present at any
meeting nt which nrrllllgements were made
for setting fire to the church or that she had
knowledge ! of the meeting.
Mr. Chrlstynlal was then placed all the
stand and testified along the same lines. He
also said that there was packing done In the
church , bllt on cross examination salll that he
had only heanl noises like those made In
nailing ill boxes lie had seen the light In
the church on the night at the fire anti had
also recognized lade , Kowalewsld allll
Iarmlnlskl but no one else. lie
saw nothing taken out ot time
church. The witness was SUPllosel1 to have
seen tour men carrying things out of the
building , but failed to testify to this
Stunllaus Chrlstynlal , the son , corrobor-
ated the testimony or his parents to some
extent , but his testimony developed nothing
I.Ulganl1l 'Vho l'm'lIl.h Irons on 'hlch
Lawyers 'J'hrh'o timid Grow 1',1.
at Pennsylvania and !
The Finance company ) an :
A. L. Patrick are dislllltants over an at-
tachnHnt for $ IGS2 levied by ! the former ,
Patrick alleges notes and deeds were do-
livered on till claim. Time cOll1pany replies ,
In II plelIl1nl just flied , that It was deceived ,
liS to the nature anti vahmme at tIme transtl"rs ,
charging Patrick with lIIulllng conveyances
a few dll's before ! his failure and with trans-
fercing ! $40,000 ( at 11rOIlerty ) to get It out of
the \ \ ay at creditors
1I11halovltch , Fletcher & Co" , have flied a
suit for f3t : ! for goods they claim to have
wid to John HilEY. Time plaintiffs seek to
have cl'rtaln conve'ances lu enlse's ) addition - ,
tlon set aside liS lIIulle without consideration
The election suit or John lonvulln against
Olllcer Richard Marnell la on trial before
Judge 1I011ewell. Five thonsaml dollars Is
this all10unt at damages at stale. On NOl'em-
her 7 , lSU3 , It apllears that Marnell was
watching time polls lit Thlrleenth amid Pacific
streets. lie Ileslrell to make an arrest ot
an obstreperous person , but Ionvalln opposed -
posed time idea , whereat ho also wall taleen
Into custody Konvulln claims time arrest
was without warrant or authority ; that his
reputation was damaged mind that he was !
badly ! treated In Jail ,
Judge Ambrose gave a Iwarlng to time ' ! in.
Junction suit of tIme Amnel icon DIstrict Telo
graph coml1any against time New York IHe
Insurllnco company , nH object ! er the suit
being to restrain time latter company from
shnttlng the legl'allh company out of the
use ot time wiring In the New York Life LJUIIII.
Ing. A dispute exists liS to what , It ammy ,
agreements were lI1allo with reterence 10 the
use at about ! tort.tour call boxes
A jury In Judge Ferguson's court has been
unravelling the case ot Edward I . \ . Heblnson
against time Omaha National bank Robinson
Is a Massachusetts dealer In jewelry lie
claims that ho sent $ GtO worth cf gold ' chains &
out 10 llholm I & I'rlckson , just before ! their
failure several years ago with the under-
stalllllng that a selection was to he mallo ot
suitable chains and the balance : IIhll(1ed ( back
The firm cued and the bank took possession
cf tht challis , among other stock , to make
good certain debts alllounting to $2 ,000.
J , II , I.ongacro recovered n nrdlct for
' ST.50 trom time Security AJJtract ! company
I on account at an abstract given on land ,
I I against which It appeared later an unknow" !
I lien Wll8 In existence . Ihollgh the tithe had
'II been certltl'd 10 as gOOI } ,
Charles F , ItAlnt\ ! , ! ! ' : ' , as lsmlssed his eulL
against B. D. Mercer , brought tc' reCOver
' 1.149 for work done on speclncatlona. I
I'erry Droa were grllllted I1n Injunction
against I' . head to restrain time colectlon at a
flnall Judgment rendered at the last term ot
ICarl' Clover hoot vIi purify your blood ,
clear your complexlcn , regulate your bowels
and make your heal ! clear 11& a bell ; 25 , SOc
IIn\1 \ UQO ,
In l'lncc of Bon".nlrR''c lttc You" lut
on lr1'I'e * .
Getting our goods lodlteet : from our own
tailor ! , we know thefrl""orth amid cnn KUnr-
anteG them In even partIculAr. They are
nil brand ! new nnti . mUdl more valuable than
other goods In this city on that nccount
Wo keep your suit In U'Ipalr ) for six months
after you buy II. ,
Fine cheviot and sslntere suits , dark and }
light effects , serge IInl'll : $5 ,
Nice dark J11l0 ! and black cheviot anti unfinished -
finished worsted suits , lacks antI cutaways ,
A good pair of % ! for 75c.
A good Fedora hat for [ 71ic.
Plno IInlbrlggan underwear French neck ,
1111 [ nnlsl } , pearl buttons , 2lic each.
Three styles double Jreastell ! chlhlren's
suits , 4 to 14 , $ t.3r .
Elegant all woo ? children's IlouJle ! breasted
suits , 4 to 14 , for $2
Wilson IIros white shirts , open front or
Jack ! , 75c ench
1'Ino nccktles 2lic I'nl'h.
Elegant j / line of susIlll ; lOc pair.
Ien's Imls nail , congress / all solid shoes , $1.
Just Jeglnnlng ! at 13th and Farnam.
Till : Ulttl'.C'l' Soil ! [ 'IIEItN IWUrl1
nl' Hock 1,1'1 , HhortHt I.tne nutS Fatnt
' 1IIun ,
To nil points 111 iCamisas Oklahoma , Indian
Territory , Texas IIIIlI all points In southern
California. Only one night out to all points
or Texas "The Texas 1.lmllt'Iaves \ Omaha
at 5:15 : a. m daily except SlIllIlay , lal1lllllJ
passengers at 1111 Points In Texas 12 hours In
advance ot nil other lines , Through tourist
cars via I't. Worth and EI Paso to Los An-
geles For full particulars , maptl , folders
ete" , call nt or alhlre.s Hock Island ticket
olllce , IG02 Farnain st
ClIAS. KENNEDY , G. N. W. 1' . A.
A 1'01" . tmIv.mimtimgi's.
Offered . hy the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway , time short line to Chicago. A
clean train , made UII and started from Omaha
Baggage ! checked from residence to destination -
then , Elegant train service and courteous
emplo'es. Entire train lighted by ! electricity
and heated by ! steam , with eleclrlc light In
every erth. Finest dIning car service In
the west , with meals served "a la c3rte "
Time Flyer leaves at G p. m , dally from Union
City Ticket Ol11ce , 1504 FJrnam street. C.
S. Carrier , city ticket agent.
A " nelll"'lt I Clollrll. : I , ii" . ror Ilt1lllh. . .
A public ! meeting of the citizens will be !
held In time council chambers ! , city hall , on
Thursday evening , April 4 , at S o'clock , to
lake Into consideration the new plnn ot re-
lict hmy work , known as the "Detroit scheme , "
whereby the vacant : lots In the outslc1rts of
our city can be utilized for cultivation by !
the poor , In raising food : for themselves
Your 11resence Is very t'arneslly requeslc"
Yours truly , JOHN LAUGIlIAND ,
. _ -
l' ! < 'URIUlt to 'I'n\c
The Northwestern line fast vestlJulel1 ! Chicago -
cage train that glides [ ; east tram the Union
. Depot every afternoon at 5:4r : and Into Chl-
cage : at S:45 : next morning , with supper amid
la carte Jrealdast ! Every part of the train h
Other eastern trains at 11:05 : a. m , and .1 1
p. m dally-gooll , too
City ticket omce , 1 tOI Parnam street.
- - - - - -
The deaf pupils from the Institute will as-
slat In an entertainment at Central U. H.
church , Twenty-fourth amid DJl1g > , Friday
evening , April Ii , at , S o'clocl" , Excellent pro-
gram. Admission 25 cents.
. ttl'lIl1"II"J'r"wellu \ l\1..n
The rates at the Lincoln hotel , Liimcln have
been reduced 10 $2 to $350.
. .
Attuked by l'uounoouln In : rDW'yo'iJr on
liar Viiy.toi'imrope. )
\Vorll' was received In this city yestrday
announcing time death ot Irs. Gilbert ! H. , Col-
Ins at the Hotel Melrose In New York CIt ) ' ,
With her daughter , Miss Nettle , Mrs. Collins -
lins left Omaha seine four weeks ago , Intending -
tending to sail for Europe early this month
to spend a year or more aJroad ! nroute J
to New York , Mrs. Collins contracted n se- I
vera cold , whIch developed Into pneumonIa ,
eventually causing her "eath 1
Mrs Collins came to Omaha In ISG5 and
made her home herB after that time , though
since the death at her husband , which occurred -
curred some fltte-cn years ago , she has spnnt
much ot her tuna traveling In Europe.
L1St Sunday 1I1r. J. S. Col1lns of this city ,
who was a brother ! of the late Gilbert 11.
Colllus , received II lelegram to the effect that
Mrs. Collins was dangerously ! 111. He at once
left for New York and was with her when
she died The remains will reach here next
Monday , amid It Is likely that the funeral will I
be ! helll hue followIng day. Services will bs
at Trimuity cathedral , of wllicb Mrs. Collins
W1S a member ! , with the interment In I'I'0S-
pect 11111 cemetery.
1"lrst I'rncllco ( : 1110 to lie l'ut Up Next
" , .tnrdny tfteruoori
Managers lcVlltie and Howe are on the
hustle these days from early morn till late
at night , getting thIngs In shape for the op n-
Ing ot the base bali se1son ! next Saturday.
Ou that day time first exhibition game of
the season takes _ nlace. the nllyers : slimed he- _
m _ . , , .
lug split up Into two teams , timid they will be
IllIted against each other under the stie of
the Vets against the Colts , It will be an Interesting -
teresting game unquestionably , as It wHl at-
ford time cranks nn opportunity to get a line
on all time plarers at one tlmt' The pla'ers
are getting In now , In twos amI threes , and by !
Ihls evening time entire outfit will he
here. So far liutcimison Bear , Pace , Miles : ,
81ag10 , Dwyer and Whalen have reported , and
y'cstcrday afternoon Ulrich , Schaffer , lam'by
and lIulln arrived , amid I.ohman and lIahz are
expected this morning. 'l'hey are II likely .
gentlemanly loolelng lot at 111ly'rs : , allll are all
anxious for time opu'ng day Yesterday alte -
1I00n all t"10S0 " who have reported were jut at
the grounds i mmii imgi mug In I their first prei i mum i ,
lIary wtrle , with Cuplaln Walsh acting ns
coach ,
1'0 I'rr'rn fir time l\lmIHlry.
There was II farewell meeting nt the
Peolllo's church last ulght for Altred Trenerry
and 'fholllas SmlthsOll , wllO slurt today
for New York for the llurpose at atlelllllng
Dr A. n , Simpson's school , Ihere to prepare
themselves more thorotlJhly ; for the work of
the mllllslry 'i'hey will go IJY way ot Co.
lumJus ! , 0" , to meet Colonel Bird , formerly
at this city , who Is much Interested In their
PreParation allll future worle.
These young men1arc both mell1Jerli ! ot time
l'eoplo'8 church , and have been very active ,
In that church and In mlbslon work through I
out time city _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
I'lnoit fur l1"ulIlIl : linrblllce
William H , 11111 was'yulerday fined $5 and
costs for hauling b'ttrhage. Ills case was
tried several days ago.- Time CJbe will be ap-
Ilealell to time district - court. ns a test ot the
new garbage onllnanC # ! i' hlch does not ollow
anyone to haul garbagedn the city or within
three miles ot Its .l\lOlIs \ , wh.ther for hum
own use or Irom his , : own premises , except
MacDonll : flail \ claims that he was hauling
time garbage ! to his farD near the north city
limits. _
Ouno to Chlc:11 : tn ( lot I'mmtry ,
Uelecth'o Dunn went to Chicago 'ester.
day after Andrew Petry , who hall beemm arrested -
rested In that city. ) J'ttry Is wanted here for
burglary ! at the reillcnce at Mrs. Stokes
Nineteenth amI mmell I streets , when over
flOO worth ot articles were taken , anti at the
house of A. N. Jewett 504 South Twt'nt-
eighth street , where $190 worth ot property
vas slolen Jewell swore 10 the papers on
[ which Petry will be ! brought ! back ,
I Will 110111" Hlckenl " - I'c.llv. '
The Young eollle'li society of the First
Unl'rsallst church , corner Nineteenth and !
113ncrol streets , w\l\ \ \ give another of their
enjoyable socials In the church parlors this
evening. It will \ \ be a Dlc\eens \ testlvJI. Theme
In IIltfndanct' arc expected to represent one
pC Ulckens' characters All exclieiit musical
program has been lrehmar'J. ; ! ice erea.n anti
calw wIll be seyd . All re rdl1l1y JII\'lted
o be present.
( himarged with , It"tlne : Stolen Money from"
Verdant Clluntrrml\n
"Jlltllo" ; Julius S. Cooley , he with the
n Wln ! ; hnlr , who played the star part In
hamlet wltb I1Il1ch eclat several years age , I
111 this city , was yesterday Inomlnlollsly ,
lraEsed to jail by IJc-tective - Savage , ; 011 tile' '
charge or having committed petit Inrcen ' . ,
The complainant Is a verdant Swede \ , Gus I
Oloson , who arrived In time city three days
ago from Wnshlngton cOllnt ) ' . I
OilS has been ! In Ihls country only two
months and the greater IHIrl of that tllIIO' he
has spent ) on a big ! ! tarm. Abollt n week
ago his " ) 'ob" ran out ntlll lie came to this
city to look for another , On his arrival he :
hUll $15 safely ! stowed away In his pocket.
Accorlilng to his story , 'cline-day afternoon I
he was proceeding along North Sixteenth
street near IJoulas ! iookimmg ! for a "yob , "
striking time passersby to tell hllll of [ some
)1osltlon ) Several ot Ihem lllrectNI hIm 10
t'mlllo'ment agencies , but hI' . failed to get ' I
an'thln from thf.'m ' Finally lame one I
told him to 110 ullstalrs In a bulllling mar
the coruer of time streets mentioned to au
other employment burenll , amid Gns went.
TIm "JlIllge" overheard this conversation and
when Ins ren)111carel1 ) emi time sidewalk ho cc-
co tell imimim EO Gus smmys. The judge Ills-
covered what Otis was looking ! for amid Gu
says that ( he told him that lie wOlIlll get him
"a yob ! for ten della " aus consentt'd to
this anti UII1I1l,1 I over the bill , amid then I hue
says thnt the "jl1llge" saw thllt he tool a $5
Jill ! , antI wantl'l that , too But Otis tolel
him that he wanted that Jill ! to buy ! some
clolhes with , as all he hall was on his Jack ! ,
aud he refllsell to part with It. Fiimnliy the
jllllge consentell to get him the " ) ' 0J for Lou
thai in. "
Gus declares thnt he was taken nrollllil to
II hal dozen liver ) ' baruis ! , but that In none
or them was his coml'anlon able ! to get ' \
positIon for hIm. lIe says that Cuolty dill a
good deal ot tallelllJ , Jilt ! that It IIItI nOI
ccm to have the desired effect , At last his
companion told him that he would see hi's
Jrother ! about time " ) 'oh" amid left imimmi Gus
thought over the mueLLer , amid the more he
thought the nearer ho Clme , to the conclllsion
thot ho hull been worked for a sucker. So
this mOrl1ln i g he visit I ell time 1OIlce station t i
amid unJosome,1 ! , himself to the )1ollco ) amid
Detective Savage In partlclliar.
\\'hlle Gns WIIS very verllant , he was sharp
enough to remimemuber the description at time
lIIan to whom ho hall \l1I1ed over his coin.
lIe gave a gooll llescrlptlon to time detective ,
who IIlIIlIelllalely jumll j d to I the t conclusion
that tlw lIIan was none other thun the fa-
mcus "JIHlge" Coole ) ' , Savage ! ; tool Gums with
hllll , anll In front of the New York Life
J1I1IlIng ! , time "jullgo" was strllling along with
1I0wing locks and a long overcoat when the
detectlvc nabJell ! him. Gus swore by all
that was holy that ho was the lIIan who got
his "ten della , " and the Jllllge went to Jail ,
Cooll' hall only $1 on his person when he
was Eearchell at time station lie salll that
ho hllll no Illea on what charge he was ar-
restell , and that "It was an ontrae ! ; " lie
lweII' nothing about army transactllfn with a
Swede , In tact he hall hover seen Gus ! Je-
tore It was a disgrace mill Home one would
have to suffer. limit the "julge" ! was cool In
manner and took the "outrage" with a smll-
imig ! face.
Not so with the verdant Swelle from " 'ash ,
Ington cOllnt ) ' . Dctectll'e Savage hUll to
keep patting him on the Jack ! contlnuall
allli telling him Ihat his "ten dolla" was all
right In order to leeep him from cr'lng
Dy the loss of the $10 he has $5 anml ! a
L'llt ; of old working clothes left Cooiey was
charged with petit larcen ) ' .
Ch..rged.lth 11..1111 : TOll 1""nll11with
J'rotwrt Not 1I1 lq Owa.
The 1I1Journ ! fanmily , as usual , hall a repre-
sentat1\e : In time criminal section of the district -
trict court yesterday . .
For some terms past the Milbourns have
not failed In this particular. Each : succeeding
term they have had some court business , If
nothing more than chicken stEaling The po-
lice succeeded In getting representation this
term In the shap2 of a criminal action against
WtIllam : llIIbourn The 1IIJourn ! who was
Ihls time put on trial , on n charge of stealing
a top buggy ! , Is a halt brother of Madison
l\11IJourn ! ,
According to the story testified to by the
stat , Milbourn , In company with Prank
Jones , who , by the way , has since dlsalJ-
peared , slipped out to the barn of Buller W.
hunter at Thfrl- lxth and OhIo streets , the
night at Febrtmary 1. They hitched UII a gray
horse to the vehicle and drove toward Sarpy
county , covering twenty-two miles before daylight -
light , Arriving at IlIngo's ranch. tltey Immediately -
diately swapped for another LHIgy ! which
seemed to please time travelers better ! , getting
In addition a saddle and $2 In money.
Search was made for the missing buggy !
A. E. Shockley of Omaha was a similar loser
about this time and had been scouring ! tIme
country when he lit \ UpJII II trail indicating : the
location of a considerable store or propErty
at Ringo's ranch Word was passed to the
detectives and a search was mad , revealing
the location of three buggies , ten sets of
harness and one wagon. .
A large delegation of J\1I1Journ's ! relatives
WHO In court yesterday to testify to his good
character AIrs , Belts was produced and
she swore that 1I111Journ ! , In comllllny wIth
friends from Fremont hall pla'ell high five
for three consecutive nights at her house , east :
of Council Bluffs , at the very time the state
charges Milbourn with riding art In other
peoplo's uggles.
- .
'J'Ivo .Uen Who Uo the Slack l'orch
H"nlluJ ltot
There are two men In the city who appear
to bo maldng it very systematic serIes ot
Vlblts to tIme residences of tIme city , pIcking
up any little trophies or mementos hat t they
mil ) ' be ! able ! to discover lying aJout. ! \\'ednes-
day afternoon one ot these men was noticed
by 'Ilrs. : John G. TIpton , stalHllng on the
rear porch of her resldenco at G31 Daven-
hart street. Mrs 1'lIltoll aslee,1 , 111m whllt
he was doing there , anll ho answerell that IIC
was slmlll looking about ! and talelng In the
beauty of the scenery. Irs. 'rlpton thought
It II little strange that he would be ! on a
back Jlorch to 110 that , and she told hIm tu
leal'o lie hnmelilatelY cumlJeu over time
fence Into the ymmrth at Josiah \ \ ' , CraIg , who
lives next door , In a few minutes after he
left , 'lIra : TI1110n mlswd a pair or overshoes
that had been 1)'lng on time porch , and at
that lIIoment , catching bight of time man , she
ordered him to retul'n Ihem , Time talking
uttractell time attention ot tIme people In
Craig's all,1 , also In Dr. Wilson's house at
2G39 Davenport , uilli Ihey discovered that
time mnn had IJeen viewing time scenery tram
their back 110rchea also , for at each place
several pairs at rubbers ! were gone 'fhe
man was ImmelIl1tel , pursued , and because
he 11111 not want tu get Into Irouble , ho gave
up time half-doz pairs ot rubbers Ihat he
had taken , He then ran 10 a wagon , on the
seat at which another man was silting , and
jumJllng III , the two Irove ( o IT. 'fhey were
pursued by a crowll at boys as tar as the
gas works , under time meventh street \'Ia-
duct , but there time trail was lost , \\'il-
neases say that the vehlclo was flllell with
n large quantity ot I1rtlcles ot nil 1lnda , ,
showing that the men had heen viewing time
Hellery from time hack porches at olher
residences besides these nueritioned
Time "oIIlUon.
or meillclnal agents Is gradually relegating
time oldtlme IHrbs , pills , draullIta ; and \ , < , getable - [
table extracts to tile rear nnll brln/Ing / Into ,
generlll use the Illenfant and effective liquid
laxative , Syrup or I"lg3 1'0 get the true
remely , Bee that It Is manutactured by Limo
California Fig Syrup Co enly. For sale by
all leading dl'ugglsts
1 \11 1'le'6'11'lIh III" I simnumii : .
The congregation of the FIrst United Pres.
byterlan church heM Its annual meeting In the i
lecture room ot time church Wedimesday el'en- !
lng Heport ! ot the various organizations '
shmoweml time congregation to be In a 1I0urlbhlng
rondltlon Fort ) ' new nameb ha\'o been added
10 the roll ot membershllJ Ilurlng time ycar
The Inaburer's report bhowcd the pastor's
salary . time quota to the hearth \ ot the church
and current eXIICnEC8 for the I abt year all
paid , which Is a condition lIIost gralltylng
to time Iaktor and ! imiemumbera ! of time congregation -
lion ,
The elEction ot trustees resulted III the
choice otJr \ , J. 11. Vance , W (1. lire , ItoJ !
ert Muir anti , \ \ ' . T ( raham ] The church
enjoys the lllsllaclion ot hllvlng its property
clear of all dt ! Jts. Time pastor , II e I' . L , I ,
hawk , expresses holmes ot accomll1l6hlng
greater \vork during the coming year Ihan for
any year lu the blltor ot the cOllgregation.
- . . - . . - - - -
- I t
Its the cnrdlnnl pleasure of 1\ rig ht doer to bo eulogized for corn -
mercinl Btrnl htforwnrdnoss.
Como around some spare time , say some evening , when
opened or closctl-mnttcrs not-nmillotcn to the praise about our
clothing from the hundreds who inspect our stock by referring to ho
snmplco in our show windows.
Its n constnnt anti \mnnimo\lR verdict of rocommomlntlon. The
person who seeks honest mndo clothing for the leost possible cost , is . .
the customer wo soolt-Buy co-buy nlwnys.
A show whitlow-os rulo-roprcsellls much or little , tlepel1lls
on the style of business carried on back of It . A sample III the window -
dow nllll n complete line in stodt rCllrosonts 111\1ch A sample In n ' I
window for n bait anti catch represents little
'Tis of n minor interest to us how the custom of the ItrCSollt do-
catlo is , nt nIl nllponrmlceB , it is nIl in the show , but precious little in
stock. However the case , wo'll speak of ourBelvos. . -
You'll find in our show window suits from $5 , OOIp to $ h1 , a 0
Each suit with its price and recommend ns plain ns possible : Every
one of 'om is in stock , marked nt time same price and ill every way
the snme. Find it otherwise and wo'l1 agree to forfeit $1000 to nllY
charitable institution you choose to nl\l1\o.
. , .
- -
Postal Card us for the newest Spring ' 95 Catalogue.
Free Postpaid.
- _ - _ " " _ _ _ _ _ - , . S _ r _ . . I j
- - - - - - - - - - - -
& . . .444 144 44..4444444.4. . .
; THE NEvV ; .
; Department Store. :
; To the Firemm and Patl'o1JICIl of Omaha- :
, III making a direct bid for your valued palm- ,
, nagc for our .iVei Jig Furniture , Ca-ei and .Ilousc .
; FuiniszingDcpameizl Store we desire to explain the , - - ' ;
, methods adopted to govern the sales , :
; 1st. Every articlc J , 3ll. Our price ) ;
; shown you by our : will be just the ,
, salespeople will be same whether you :
c just as they rep. , ( ' pay CASh H or buy' ' - , ' -
, . . ,
; resent it 1 in every . , on our EASY , PAY- ) ;
, case. ' y- MENT PLAN t
, ,
, - ' - ,
; . * \ ' ' 4th. Every arti- :
; 211(1. ( The price . .
, X\ cle purchased of ,
! made you on any \ : ' S . ' !
; , : _ . , us pro\'e _ ; 1
article IS glllfdn-
I , / ' '
' & ' \ . . satisfactort'lf otb- ,
, teed to be the low- k" " , ,
' . erwise Money
- '
, est possible to t ob. I ) &t'\ '
, , : , ; " . . . - will b are- t
I tarn in Omaha. kC : : _ _ , S _ , , _ .5 funded. :
, \Vith these resolutions bused on honorable business principles ,
I hope to receive n lbm'al ! shl\l'o of , 'OUl' IU.VOl'S Complete HOllse Fill' ,
, imishe rs-Fiirimittirc , Cat.pcfs , DI'apcries , Stoves , CI'ocker ' , etc.
011I' neW Baby Carringe Cntalogue is now ieiidy IIIl will be ;
, semat on application.
, p I _ . AND t
, 12.11-1213 GA : PETCO ;
I FARNAM S't uj-ii ;
s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I , I ' i alimmervou. ThIu Famous 'iiea.tisWuoit Muwryu4)i.suf cures qulcki. mimmmm i'crmnncnti t'ower ' . '
is S headache . , wiuKefumimeis , Lost " 'lttiiiy , IIIIUU1 cmiils- .
, . , , . , . . .
.10IIIOfll drel1wI hUllutenci' WUHlllilltll.ua60'
. , - . . . od oplot09. uy 'oulhf..1 100 mie'rvc crrnri t..nlcII..d ur "ceno. bI..1 Iialidc , Iulltuln : ' , , 1)taktt. ) no
. , , . tbo palo und puny strong aril l'hnul' , BR'I.y corrll'd 111
.t ' teotlloekot. til perboxi6fort5. 1I111111111'ropolll ' .
. "r&tonIIl1uroutjo . : toournor mooney rofum"I. \'rltoui .
, fr. . . . . . . "nenl "uol < . 90ulod 1III11n'rul'I'I'rllb ' t"stl.
" 4 n. . . Ith nH : . . . . . . . . . . . . .DH. mnonmmuiumanttnnanrmntrer.'reiiceaNoc/ur-eIrromriua . / .
, .
HollO. JI(1L'ar ' or Imitation" Bold b1 our rmsents , oroddrc9s , Nerve Meed C. . . Muooulo 'l'cruplo , ( 'IoIt''IrOo
gels In Omaha II' 6.D.umu .5. ldcC9DDell KUlu. . Co anl1 b.7 Vtck.ra A Uerchant , Dru"fllia.
- ,
. . . . . . . - - . . . . . . '
; : ; ; ; :
" 456" " 456" " 456" 1
To Retail Dealers of Cigars ; : : :
1'0 Introduce our null' hl'nnl1 " .IIiG" witluotit expense of
traveling wUI sClHl you the
0111111111 lIl1y I nee for ( a months (1 rntlH i'
'Vlth cacti thouSIll111 ' ' ' ' . 'l'hoso - '
Cig'III'S Jul'ohu'c(1. ) ( cigars P
11I'0 without doubt thu IIncst tjOO : clg'UI' " In the imuutt'leot - I
UUMf/\NTlHn ! 1'0 liB l'IIIST CLASS. I
A tl'lnl ot'doi' will convince 'Otl.
1'01'11115 ao Iluj't-2 ! ) JCI' cent (01' cash
DUFFY & CO. , Outaha , Net J
, , , aa.9.asa.w..maiJ N1& I _ _ _
. - . - - I
- - - - - - -
Q. A Cure That Cures
Q is the kind 1110st people desirc. Such ' .
D [ 1 a cure is H ipm1s 'fabules , but not a
o cum for everything. They arc for
o liver and stomach disorders and one
o tabule gives relief.
D lpanl TDbulul , Sold \Jy \ drUillltl . , or t" mall . tt . '
the Pllee ( e'ule a bozl I. aenl 0 tnl 1II".n.
O Cbunleal Compny. No , ' 0 I > pruce lit. . tI" York.
_ _