- - - , IL _ _ _ _ _ , _ , - - - - - - . _ I ' - = ; : ; ; : _ - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - . - _ - I TIlE OMAhA DAILY nID.I : 1lihIAY. APRIL . 1S. ft 1 Is . TUE OMAHA DAILY BEY. ! " COUNCIL , BI.U1'VS. ! , I OFFICE , . . NO. 12 PEAnL STnEET Dellverel ! by cnrtt to ttfl3 ' pnrt of thc city. n. w. T1 TO . I.usce. I. TIT.F.P1tONES-flunci ) Ore ! No. 43 : night ttltor , N" t3. ' . ntch : Iho I'RIIr Thlof , - I ; Some of the Council Dlufs rellers : ] of The ' . Dee have lum rat ) . annoyed of 13t ly having ! pnper stolen from where the carrer : ha left tllem Anyone causing the arrst . 8111 conviction cf any auch thief wi receIve ' " a reward of $ ; , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ; iii.r , .ijt . 'US : 7'1 uS. ' Ornnt , Council IJIuf1. E. F. Clark ' , prop. Mnyne neal Estate agency , G39 Uroadway. . ) Mrs. John Adams ( has seclrl a divorce J. from her hushaml on the ground of cruel nod Inhuman treatment. A marriage license was ISt1C(1 ( 'esterllay to Atiio luccuell , aged 31. of Uncon and Sivia IiorI , aged 18 , of I'ottawattamle : I . counl ) ' . 'Fonight the united Christan Endeavor locleles of the city will give I free social . lit the First Presbyterian chutch. All young I people ) wi be welcume. Unity Guild will meet this afternoon wIth Mrs. Watts . 18 North First street. 1"lleIHls . cordially Invlled. Ielleshments will be . /erved between I nod G. The G.year-oid son 01 J. S. Gretzer wa ! ! struck by a broken piece , of Illate thrown . ly , I compnnlon yctcrday and sustnlntl a n gash nn Inch or mora long In one chccle. v An order has bNn iscued hy the lepalt- , mont commander or the Granll Army of the ( Iepuhlc { , calling for the next annual I . encamllInt to be hell at Clinton , la. , : Iay 7 to ! , Inclusive. The meeting or the Good Government club m . announced to he helll at the city buiding has been posll'Jntl ' for two weeks on account L ( f the varIous committees not h:1lng tme to coml11elo theIr work. 1 . lans Christianson . aged rZ : years , Illed 01 consumption WellHSllay evenIng , arer an Illness of three monlhs. Thl funeral wi I take Place , Sunlay altlrnoon ! , from the I " 'omeu's Christian association itopital , at 2:30 : o'ctoclc. ' I Mrs. Alnn M. Pnlmer lectured In an nblo manner last e\'enlng at the Balltst church I ( n "Consclenco In Connection with Temper once. " Today from , I 10 4 \ :30 : Irs. Palmer rt ; desIres to talk 10 girls over 12. Mothers are Invited also. Free meetng tonIght. ' George V. ' . I.lpe , W. : . Shel1ard. W. A . 7' Ihhsmlth : and W. C. EsteJ went to Oakland . last evening with the remaIns of Wi Drake i I who died Wednesda evening. The funeral I 4 , _ wilt tale place today at Oakland under the ! auspice of the Masonic lodge of that place , , . The injunction case of the Hannibl & , St. Joe Halway company against John Fo . , a former justice of tim peaco. was con c chided In the district court yesterday morn , t Ing anti taken under alvlsoment. , ! No court ' was hell In the nHeroon on nccount of \ ! time Ileth of I A. : ller , who Is a reltve . 1 of 11s. Judge Smith. ! The social glvon last evening by the Degree . ( f Daughters of Pocahontas was a brilant c. . success. The atelllanco was very large , Among the special features were recitation S I by J. J. Jrlnoy anti , : Ir. Butler of Omnhl and songs by Mrs. Itoff. A large another 01 r $ Omaha people were among time guests. DancIng , - ; Ing concluded the Irogram. , ; 'liwo desirable cottages for renl. Plenty of ' money for farm 103ns. Fire Insurnc . "Ioney loaned for local Investors on lest of secnrlty , Spteal bargaIns In real estate. Lougeo & c Towle 235 Pearl street. Broadway Methodist church ladles wi / servo nn Easter supper In their church t parlors Thursday. April 11. Davia. ! drug . paint. glass man. 200 n'way. . . , 'ElSU.1 I'IU.t ( .Tlf.IP.IIS. Mrs. John M. Lane has returned from a vIsit to Chicago. Miss lnbel Taylor of Des Moines Is ox- pllod to arrive In the city today to attend i . United States court. 'V. H. M. Pusey has returned from Coma I bla , S. C. , wimero he went to look after his k claim agaInst Sellert Hef , Jr. ; t Mrs. Dr. William Edmundson of Denver 1 , Is In the cty , the guest of Mr. nnd Mr. . I , . I J. D. Edmundson on Fifth avenue. 'f T. J. Grlvgs of Spirit Lale the state \ ( flab commissioner , Is In the city for the to . purpose of looking after the ravages which : * , I Is claImed are being mate upon the lalcs / In thIs vicinity by seiners. g Nick O'Brien has not been able 10 leave his bed for a week past. lie was too aeth , .o . actve 'whon he became able to sit up , and Is no 'V t 11ylng the Ienalty. His friends still thin ( ? that he wil recover , however. Miss lary L. Tlnlcy of thIs cIty , who 1 raduatoll last evening at the Omaha Mcml i- cal college , his the honor of standing itt t the head of her class coming out wIth amy my gratis or 98 ) l per cent fur Limo entire three . years. M. \Vehhmnan. the jeweler , returned from Des Moines yesterday , where ho went to nt- ' tend tim annual meeting of the Jeweler 'I - assocIatIon. lie reports the meetIng to bo I the largest of the lehul held Ilo ever by the as- . - Boclatlon. , 11'N HI ( : IIU ) , . l New Ir.n ( - lmmmimti , . . Ne , Silu , . China silk , all colors and black , worth , I5c , at 2Gc yarl. Chenney Bros. ' I-Inch black China sil lie al'ls o\rywhero at 75c. Our prIce rOe ) 'all. All our $100 novelty new slul for wnlsts , S 75c ) all. : 7 ; ? rard. 500 qual ) white labulll wash silk , 35c 4 40 tt t ( 46 black and navy nil wool French serge at 39c , 50c and We yard . Black all wool crepon at 7ge yard , won lit $1.00. rooo yards of all slut ribbons , all colors and black . Nos. 7 , 9 , 12 amid 1i. worth 20e , 2lc , 30c nlll 3lo , nt 100 yard. All sl ( yelling , In navy and cream , woe : LIt 20c . nt le yard. 201 ' ) pieces new dress prints 3yc yard . I 36.lnoh 1.1. unbleaclwd muslin , 3c ! ) 'ard. I ,000 curtain shades , llc cacti . I . BG CI.O.\C SAl.I ) For three days all our Ino silk capes at ; nearly hal former prices. Wo got too imman y. They must bo sold. I $10.00 anll $12.00 sIlk capes , , with ribbn 1 Inll chifon collar. all lt $6.GO each. ' i ; $15.00 antI $18.00 stile caims lt $9.80 cac It . $5.00 embrohlll'll cloth capes , $3.GO one ii . $3.GO black , brown and navy capes , $2. 50 I , tach. tach.Buy P Buy your carpets , muatting . curtaIns ai 111 j:1 : m rugs of ns for cash BBNNISON IhitOS . , 1 The Illinois nulonHto refrigerator Is the , latest Iiupro'emnent. lon't tail to see I , at Cole & Cole , 4 MaIn street . l'lekl"cl"t II I 'I'rllbl. " "Slorm ' , " whose other names are Charles Warren and lolllh hardy . dried bock 10 lawn ) 'esterin ) hits ProfessIon Is picking Pockets , anti he was sent 10 the Ienllnta ' I from this city I couple of years ago for that I \ \ fort of a crltae . Before going out to see ( whnt he could Ilk up ! ho fortified himself I with several "dopes" of alone fence and wal 11 an orelie condItion when OUcer Weir . licked , him up on the streets When hla . Ilcket was searched at the city Jai among its conlenta was found a glass cutter . whIch p. indicated that he would Irebably have hall . what he I'anted before the night was over , If , I ' , ho had not ben put out of Ilanger. ' \ 'r 1 Oas heating stove for rent antI for solo at Counci lufl Gas company' olle , lU.erlmIIIHlnJ "J"h" ' icai ; 1 r.bortu , . Time men who have been working on ti lie ia- : . . . ovcrnn'nt r1raps on the river northwet . p or the cIty complaIn that Wilam N'ce- ' 4 wanger , the foreman , has been throwIng , Iho Council lutt II\n out of tlploYlent : In order to give work io Imparted workmen from St. Joseph Eight were laid off ' - t lerday , all b'Jt one of them with famuttim is , famies WhIle the six 51 Joe men who are partial ly ' "lng their idacca are all sIngle lJSrtaly I . ' , Ialn that the work they Were doing l ) , 31erely throwing rock In the river , and aoe not require any ski , so that there \ no excuse for tnelr belnc dlaerlmlnatl V 1&1111 NEWS \ fRm ( COUNCIL ILUFS ? Pus ytorinlS Met Lnt Evening t" Consider Dr , Phe1ps' ' Resignation , - - MUTUAL EXPLANATIONS END DIFFICULTY DlrCULTY Church Urelns tl \010 to Ir'lUIAt the J'rIAh'lery to Ser thin lollt\1s letwe.n It 1111 Its " 1 tor- 1:1110Ic : 1 11"lt olnlcll ) ' . The PresbyterIan church parlors were crowded 10 the doors last evenIng with memo bers of the church a 11 congregation , who hat come tl hear the slatement of ne , ' . Slephen Phelps ns to the reasons whIch 11rompted him to give In hIs resignatIon ate tlo close of the morning services last Sun. , da y. The meeting was preellet over hy leI I D r. Carpenl ot Shili.y. After a few pre lmInary exercises Dr. Phelps real a paper contnlnlng his reuons. tie stated that last week he was aPIJroachet by a member of Ihf ( church session , who told him that a stcton of the church hat become Ilssalsfed wih hIm , antI that the session had core to lim o conclusion that It mIght he the ( best way 01 keepIng the church harmonious for hIm 10 resl n. There seemed but one thIng for 11m to to , alll he mild It. lie supplementl the reading of the pal1er with a few remarks , In which ho saId that hIs slJepch n couple of Suntaya before , In whIch he hnt thrown out a hint as to his 1)lrpOSe , had not called forth any expression front time members ere IJ t seas ion . aim ml thIs t con flniii oil his SISIJlclon that his roslgnltlol would be ncccilted. J. H. Westcot , one of the melhors of the session , then mnd .1 long speech , In whch ! ho cnrefuly Ilsavowe < any dIssatisfactIon with \ l r. l'lielps' labors , anti then fished out a large roll of manuscrIpt nli Iend a series of re solutIons , In which mal ) ' ecimpllmucotary things wore sai ! wih reference 10 the Iloctor and he was eommendell to any church which might be In search of I pastor. C. 11. Judwn nske,1 Dr. Ihelps the name . of the man who had calel upon him but ] r. Ihelp9 Mid he hal' ngrHll not to mention it. : \ . \Vestcott , fInding himself In n somewhat embarassing Positloim. admItted ! , that ho wns L Lho man , amI then explaIned that ho wns L mel ely trying to preserve harmon ) ' . After a L hari cross-examinaton b ) Mr. Judson the i fact was discoverc1 ! that \'estrott had not heen called upon , by any one to request Dr. Phelps' resignation , that the session had I never held n meeting at which thl mater \I'ns discussed , hut that he had reasons for thInkIng that there was some dissatIsfaction , and had acted accordingly. Itemarks were made by several . whIch IndIcated - cated that none but the heartiest feelings of r frlendshlll exIsted amolg the memulrs for heir t ) , astor. The request of 1)n. Phelps for the church to unit with hIm In asking the presbytery to dissolve the pastoral relationt relatons wns denied , ant the resolutions Introduced by M Wcstcott were "oted down by imuptiention . O nly one member of the cimurclm Charles T , Olcer , caned to vote In favor of the imiotior moton a mid nearly every one In the room voted agllnst I. Dr. Ihells ( said that he had been misinformed as to the state 01 feelng and wIthdrew his resignation. NAt'O" O : ! O'l1rtA1VI ' 1) TUB TOILS . - - / Ulhlll mint ! I.oa" .uclntton 111'1 ( ath- . erctt In Iy hJimitod , . . .n'd Iy Unlell tatoa "ar.h"I. \v. S. Rchmolll , manager ; J. L. Crawford , secrctary , and J. " ' . : Iuly , formerly tlrector of the Union BuildIng anti Savings assocaton I , of Des Moines . arrived In the city ) 'estenlny morning In charge of United Slates deputy : marshals. They are charged with usIng the n malls to defraud. The mals case Is the outgrowth 1 of the failure of 4lme association. Winesses from all over southern Iowa were before the grand jury at this session and testifIed as to correspondence with the . three men , which re - sull In .thelr being confdenee1 out of various L. ous sums of money and the consequent indiel - Imlct- rents of the promoters. Hlchmond seemed very nervous when seen at the goverment I bulimitug. Asked for a statement of hIs side of the story , he declined to say anything ex- : ceptng that he had made arrangements for a bondsman and would leave for Des Moines en the afternoon Iraln. Crawford was a littI Ile more collected , hut equally reticent. Tha tllr.o men are Under bonds of 2,500 e3ch. Inch entered a plea of not guilty. Rich mond's t mother arrived at noon from Des Iolnes , anti was closeted wih Clerk Sten 1. milan for some time. She wnnted 10 sign ; the bon,1 of $ ,500 for the three men , but the cleric WIS . not wIlling to assume the res1)olisIbIlit' , not knowing her financial responslbllt fnancial cot 1 - tlitloim. I was Inaly arranged that the thrce men should go back 10 Des 1oines In tIme custody of Deputy Marshal Gray , and allow ClerIc Mason In that city to accept the bond If I should be gcoml. The IndIctments returned by the grand Jury Wednesday became public 11roperty yem I- tenilay itlciimnoimd Is ' Hlehmoll indIcted upon two counts , for having written 1. . . g. Brldon- stein of thIs city two letters . one October 1 1891 , limo other December 7. 1894. In I each of tune leters , It Is charged he mu 1- folIel1 parts of a scheme whereby pu r- chasers ot stock In the Union BuIlding anll Loan associatIon of Des Moines would malc large profits , rel1resentng that tIme com :1- : cern was In a solvent conditon a 111 woult pay large dividends very soon. At that timite . It Is alleged , he knew that time ass 0- clatun was Insolvent , and that It woo lii novel ho In a conditon to pay a divlmlen The hHlctmonls agaInst Crawford Ind : Iuley set forth the letter of October 1 and allege that the ) were concerned In the mailing of I. The Union Buiding and Savings associaton : , of whIch the accINI were officers . hall Is I headllnarters In Des MoInes and operate iii extensively In Iowa anti adjoining tatc .5. . Early I In November last the State BankIng board began a systematic examination of this nnd other associations and the resul was the placing of the concern's affairs In limo hallis of a receiver. At thIs time the assets of the association were reporteml to bo $150,000 $ anti time lahllles $17,000. relortell nn Impairment of 2IOOO. SInce the reedy or took charge dIscoveries of addItional bogus securIty have been imiamlO . anti the Inllcatons : are that nl time windup the assets will not realIze to exceed 20 lieI cent. Mlnngr lehmolll was regarded as the henl anl hOly and hoots of the concern. I :0 : Is npp.renty well to do , lIves In a $ OOOO house In Des : Moitues hells the lines oVer splrlel horses and Is the power behlnl the lulllng . und Lan Hecorl , publshell In Shortly after the appolnlment of n receiver for tIme Union I leman,1 was made on Ich , monll for certain books belonging 10 the as- Eoelaton , which ha,1 , ( limmampearcmi . These books wer supposed 10 contaIn some reco of shnly trnnsaclons which would enlghten recorl time receiver nnd the anxious stockimoimler a . Hchmond profeased Ignorance of their when abouts . a 111 when tholr producton was backell up by an order of the court h" did , not yield. On the ( . ) 'Iell. ontrary. his attItude con- \'lncel time court thnt ho was Innocent of ti me charge of maklug , away wih the books and ho was dismissed train CUSIOly. The faiure of the local courts 10 reach ' Manager Ichmunl doubtless prompted ti lie aPPeal 10 the felleral courla A large am mi- larlo nur. her of shnrts were hell by people ( In Courm ( Il Counci \ufs , tie Ilcstrents being secured hy I mranl of letters alll prlntell lIterature , DS well ns by I'eronal ' solicItation , The ovl- tent 1IIIIOSe of the proceelln/s Is to show that time Union was Insolvent long before the receIver watt apPolntell , thai the olcers were aware of Its condition a 11 that they are criminaly liable for using the snaIls In soIl Ic- Itlrmg busIness for nn insolvent InstItutIon . 11 hivquest . Miss SIJrlnk will contInue the milner ) ' Ils- play the rest ot hits week 19 South ain slret.ans' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : I Evans' I.urdry Co. , 520 Pearl : leI. 290 ; .htl ! ! , collars , cufT . One work a specialty . lrst-cla8 olorare room. Rate , $1.50 per month , J. H. Snyder , wholesale fruit and produce , Council Iuts , 10. JI.s lolur1l1 to liar Mother , JOllo harper who was pIckell up by the authorities Wedntsday , returned to her bore In Templelon , Carrel county , last evenhim I ; . } lrlng the day a telegram was reccl\d frem lice mother , Mrs. Lizie harper asking Marshal Canning to put her on board the train for home and to draw on the Bank of Templeton for funds to pay for the ticke , t . The marshal le lug afraId the GIrl ml&h ml 5. , " - . " . clde 10 gIve th.e conductor the po-by , declIell to accompany her and they left together at 6:30 : la ! ovenlng 6Jo Newt Stevens , the young man whcse room Josle' Hnrper claims to have occupied for three nll'lls this week claims that she h very much mistaken. According to the story ho tells , Josie , Clarence Sweet. Stevens alll xiSt young laly frIend of the Inter were In St evens' room , at the corner of Broadway nn,1 Sixth street last Sunlay evenIng play. loSt g high five untIl church ( line . Then St evens and his friend started for church an ti he aupposeml Sleet anti Josie oiu like- anwi suppsel 111 lke. wi se. That , ho claIms , Is time only tIme the girl was In 'ils reom. . HI'NISO = Imos. Nemy Jr S (001 , New Silks . China silk , all colors anti black worth 45c , al 25c yard. Chenney Bros. ' 24.lneh black China silk sels everywhere at 75c. Our price SOc yarml All our $ $1.00 novelty new silks for waists , 7Gc yard. tOo quality white Hnbulal wash silk , 35c ya rd. 40 to 46 black and navy nil wool French serge at 39c , SOc end r9c ) 'arll lack all wool crepon at 79c yard.Vortli $1 .00. GOOO yards of nih.sihk rtbbon . mill colors anll black Nos 7. 9. 12 and 16 , worth 20e , 25e , 30c and 3rc , nt 10c yard. . \1 silk yellIng , In navy and cream , worth 20e. at 5c yard. 200 pieces new dress prints , 3e yar < . 36.lnch 1.1. nnbleach muslIn , 31c yard. 1,000 curtaIn shalles , IGc each BO CLOAK SAI.I . For three clays all our ( Inc sIlk capes at early Iiall former 11rlces. We got tee many. They mammal be solml . $10.00 anll 12.00 silk capes , with ribbon alll , ! chiffon collar , all at $6.50 each. 15.00 antI $18.00 silk capes at $9.80 each. $5.00 elbroiderel cloth capes , $ 3.GO each. $ 3.50 black brown a 111 navy capes , $2.GO I each , Buy your carpets , maltng , curtaIns and rugs of us for cash. DENNISON DHOS. I. , \ . ; ller inmps 111 , , I. A. MIller , one of time ohest antI best lenown residents of Council Bluffs , dropped il cati nt 9:30 : a. in. ) 'csenlay mornIng - Ing on the steps of Fritz Uer- h ardi's barber shop In time Orlll hotel. lie hrll been ailing sInce Iwo weols ago . when he hind a severe attack of henrt lsease. Wednestay he felt o badly that he toll < Dr. L awrence . at whose house ho hall ben stayS Ing during the Iloctor's , trill to CalIfornia , that t he mild not thInk ho 1011 < ever get eell. This morning , as ho was \asslng the GranJ I hotcl on First avenue he sat down to rest on the steps leadIng Into the barber shop , nl1 a few mInutes later ho fell back on the i fl oor . He was picked UI ( and carrIed InsIde whore 110 only breathed a few times. The deceased leaves a wIfe and two chidren , : lss I.ur Miller and Frank V. MIller , t'IO i llt1 l : of Chicago. Miller was In the hard- w are busIness for a long tIme In CouncIl I lufs and inter In Omaha , being a hev } ' stockholder In the Omaha Hardware corn pan ) Ho was a stockholder ant member : of the board of dIrectors of the Citizens State hank of Council lhlufta. The coroner decide I hat DO Inquest was neces ary. ; The decensed was born 62 years age In Lancaster county , Pennsylvania , nnll was : marrlell In 'arsaw , Ind. . to Anna g. "nn l 'milt. He moved here with his famIly In 1868 1 , TIme funeral will take place from the I residence of his brothor-In-Iaw. I. C. Empkle , , 618 South Sixth street , under the auspices : or the : Masons the thne to bo announced later. l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jb''O = ITOI . , \prl Siio or nres 'lods-Speclal I'rhces on Ihack I"renoh Scrlc" . 40-lnch all wool . worth . al serge SOc. for 39c. 6ge I.'rench serge at GOo a yard. $ India twIll serge for 670 a 'ard. See the new black rayatne at $1 a yard. All wool and silk and WOJI crepJns at $1. and $ 1.39 n } 'atl. $ Now line of novelty dress gods , bough to s ell at $1.25 . on sale at 890 a yard. Beautful effects In checked suitlngs . new mixtures m and colorings at $1. worth $1.50. WALL PApgn. WALL PAPEIl. Largest assortment , lowest prices , all won c guaranteed. guaranteed.FOWLER FOWLER , DICK & WAJKE 1 , Council Bluffs. Quick Work itt llllctl : Jeff Stewart was Indicted yeslerday for al 1- temptIng to pass a counterfeIt dollar at Ihe Enimnet I house and at Soenle Boysen's saloom :1. : The crime was commited last Saturday . and today , In all probabIlity , ho wIll oome up for I a trial. Joseph Johnson was found guilty of boo t- legging yesterday ) ' , anll James Smlb , charged with the same offense , was acquitted. Ed Nash a burly colored man charged with sel. lug liquor wIthout a government , lcense , proved that be only bought It at the drg steno for another man. District Atorey I ulen moved that the case be taken from I the jury ant the defendant discharged ] , and Judge Woolson sustained the motion , tahiti ig occasion as he dId so to express his dlsbelel In the science of huntng bootleggers , as I Is now practIced , by Ieans of spies Importell I Into the various communities of the state , C. H. Butcher George Marsllal and Josi tim Gnlng were arraigned ant pleaded not gu1lt V. antI WillIam Ihodes entered a plea of guIlt ; V.V , G. H. Scott was admltet to practice In I tIme federal courts. , \Vo In"o ( lot 1uro 'liliig. ) I Is the Insurance gasoline stove the only gasoline stove mate that a chIld can play I with and do no harm. I tales care of Itself ; can be blown out . left open or tured on , and there Is no poslble way for the gasolno to ignite or explode. No smell or I oiler , no dripping of gasoline . no hurnlng your house town or burning your wife or mother-In-Inw to death. No misery , no funeral I - nerals , no deaths or use for an untertnker If you use the Insurance gasoline Stove i , as I Is absolutely Eafe. I you don't believe I asl ( any of our competitors , then nsle them te blowout their stove and leave It 011en for ten t ( mInutes. then apply a match to the stevens ns we do with our and see what wilt happen - pen , but be sure to be a quarter of I tnt Ic ' away before he Ilgimts the match , as there Is I sure 10 he an explosion ; then we welld not ' get to sell you nn Insurance stove , as there 'I would ho n funeral next day. I BHOWN'S C. O. D. Sole Agenls. The Inolrnnro On8ullo .Ho\ . introduced by P. C. Do Vol In 189t. and sold by him this season. Ahsolutely sat e. Can't explode No danger lie sure you get the "Insuranco " 1. _ C. DE VOL.501 Broadway. II.h..1 I UI.hW.MI t I Prices on frames anll art material cut to the ; i quIck for the next ten days. Chapman'a New' ' Art Store , 1 MaIn street Boston patent bicycle 113nts at Ielca\ flrc Is. Silly Ht'ur.Ulzu the I t'irtm lolt.rtm.u. ' J. L. Temilleton , the new fro cief , wi assume the dutes of his positon next Szttu r- tiny NothIng official has been saId as 10 what wi bo done when he tales tie place , but the opinion seems to prevail that there wi he a pretty general weeding out of democrnts In the deparlment Charles Graves , captain at time Lower 1roallway en- glno house wi be let out alll his place w Ill bo ! llld by the ap\lntment of J. W. , Aulrey , I The later resIgned the olce of constable amimi I.'rank Stevick 1\1 was appointed by the , to\ nshl\ trustees 10 take his 11lace. A large stock of books has been movd Into the Bleran building and wil bo sohl at auctIon In a few Ilays. At private smile time finest standard edition of Trilby sells Triby sels for $1.15. _ _ _ _ _ _ Whlr I Iu R 1 aiim , , ' Jverythlng. If awled to a Ialdman Piano , sold lr Mueller l'lano and Organ company , ] 03 Main slreel. Mrs. E. J. Scott's millinery , ladies , wi suit your tastes and purses The attractIons are just a. great as those that mode the openIng - lag last we'k so successful. Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "Ihat good laundry , " and Is located at 7 ilroadway . lroadway. I In doubt about thll tr ) I and bo convinced. Don't forget name and number Tel 157. Dr. Parons , over Schneider's , Sit D'W1 Tel 215. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dr. Lusel , ofre 410 5th _ ave. ; tel 180 , l.llu&tol Johhmco ilurned . LEXINGTON Neb. . AprIl 4.-Speclal.- ( ) The rtsldenco of J. L. Wynn burned this iunorning. Part of the household furniture was saved There was Insurance of $1,030 on the bouse . $ ,0:0 DHEW \ A lARD LiF ) BIRDS Surprsod Soma of the Crpkn the Great American nan iCp. Fl FTY.IGIIt MEN fACE , : .TIE . TRAPS Ten 10111" Shot Ol " 'iiea.Umc Match \Va . Called fur lime Ho'IlfTII111 : limed Slr"ljhr Seores-'I ) " : Oilier Events . \ho I.ef Uuihluishiemi . ILLAnn ) PAmC , PATERSON , N J. , Apri 4.-Seldom ever before has n live bird shoot brought together so many le\olees of Nhnro < as mild the granl Amerian hiaimdie.mp ' on these grounds 10In ) ' . In the Interst.tQ M fnnulncturers amid DenIers nssoclalon event Horace Whie of Syracuse , N. Y. , J. n. Elhi. son and J 11 TolnlHI 01 Phiadelphia faied 10 como to their marks when cale,1 at the end ( f the second room ! this 10rning anll were decared out ot tIme ruce. Thee scrtches lef fifty-eIght men In the fell when itef- ereo Jake I'emitz called the ' Iontz cale,1 event lt IOIG : a. ma. The weather was e\rrythlnl : that couh bo wlshe,1 , for There Were about I.GOO speclalurs Ilresent. Time blrlls were nearly al l blue rocks. Many of thom provell ' to Le \ ery tricky . and , as the score vIii h\ . not a few of them Innnged to evade bulhnr. . rels of many a crack gun. ' Ten men failed to grasp theIr 1Igeols In the lnt 101\1 ' and the Veteran amateur , CaptaIn Mommy , wlssel : his first two , which were ramplmi rJlmt frst 1111111 rf.ht qiuarJ t erors. Trn rounds were shot off when . tIme tme wns c.tlleml ali there were cloven men stnr.tl- Ing wIth straight scoros. These lere : Clnrl , Brewer , Bllgcrl , Thomas , I\lns , Meitm' . . Class , Aplnr , lictiry . mlott anti 1elsey. Three misses debarred a shooter Crum tlllng nny further hart In time imaim.llcmli nmmml at time ( anl lose of the Ila"s sPort there were Just Of- teen I ott lucky ones who hall 10 t st.HI dOl I. If- These who are now out of the gr311 hundl- cnl1 are : A. S. Wimlte . T. R. 11110 : . W. ' 1' , 1110rsol l , George WOlle , T , S. ell.ll. JV. . Hofman l , J. A. Jones I. ' . O. /10010. i'iiil l ) nly . Jr. , E. I I. . Post , \ E. hieimiwtt , P. 1'11 . S chwartz. Charles I.onnun , J. ii. Outlllor a mimi Il. S. Yllg. The haIIBc.\ shoot will be resimmmi.ii to- morrw morIng , and It may be possible < to fnish In time afternoon . When time sport was nllJol1 nc.l last even- Ing l the Sportsmen's hunmhicap left C\II- hln < : was unfimi- unfn- Ished. I There were fort-fuur 'ntrles , nnd when . the seventh ! rOIHI1 as complete t wenty men hUll tel for first place whit seven straight kills to theIr cremllt. .he wlh } then began tl shoot off "miss and out" and when there were emily seven left they I agreed ) to Ih'ldo the cash . which amounled to $220. Time llghlands stakes was then b'gun , but blt nt tIme cal ot time this evening six roulls had i been shot and tIme stakes wil be flnislmr'd tomorrow. There were furt-two entries for this t evont. , , . /J.UITS 0) Tll1ItUNNINl TIIACIcF . I"rloln itt 10010 1 \'hlt n 1110 Hnco II GI"t , TII" lt n"y listrh't. SAN I'nANCISCO , , , Apri I-This was n c lay of accllentK wlh the races. The big. : ge5t liuke of all : Marietta's lule al wits larleta's win lt i0 to 1 She was very lightly ' ; 111aYtl , 10 - evor. In the Ilrst ' Irst rmi'ie lleetwoul ran away } ' anti ! Soon gnolg ) , w\io \ Inllhe,1 sac o nil . was , dlsllualel : fpr 'ouln . Eght horses h started In the shieplm.'iiiase . anti enl ) - ' three hlnimhemJ. Douglass , refmused to . rflsed run anti Ialcolm , StoalHast , l.llg Sam a 11 Wlellol fell. Cianey , who Iede King Sam was badly } ' hurt. Three rl\ Wl'rl brlon ali ho was otherwise Injtmrmitj Summary : First race. six ftui'longs . innitleims selling fUJlong : FOHlen n , 9. 180m ( ( i tu 1) . won ; VII seln/ . ill. Taylor 12' ( to 1) ) . 'econd : ! tiOtifltmiir. 97. Shaw (0 ( to 1) ) . thlrl leconl 1hl : 1:15. : 3iiirley - : 1Ieet\vood Soon Enough , War Queen Inll , Constance M also ruin. ' : " ' Second mace . 1"0 and Mimlf furlongs . eeil . lag : Sea"I'la ' , ! I. t evalell8 fUllonls. ) , won ' ' 1011' Norunminihie . JI , Isdm' ( g'to t. second , ' 1ab ' , 88. ' BUrls CS to 1) ) , third. Time : IOJ : , . i lhllulo , rmlociesto . EXIertmelt geidlnp . Celturlon and Vulcan mstco rmmm. ; ' 1hl'd rco , pne mile , selling 11. : _ .lnriotmi. 21 I . Shephnrd ( ( Q to 1) ) , 101 ; Hear Ouard , lot , Slolne ( I to 5) ) , Iecoll ; Ilymly . 102 . GrUHn ; (7 ( to 5) ) . third. Time : 1:43. La : Gascon , Ionny B , 1ls5 Buckley and Sir Hchlrd allo ran. Fourth r/ce , 01'1 and I half furlongs . sell I- Ing : ilemnardo . 103 Jielni'lmiii ml . sel- Beplnlo. 101 Jelm'lch ( t to I ) won I ; May , pn y , 1m , I'Iggott ( ( I to B. ) econll ; Huutsman , 97. Llo1 (4 ( to 1) ) . third. Time ; 1ai. : xnmlner , CO1Iec , Oeorge J anu Carmel also ran. Fifth race. mile Intl n qumrter : . steeple chase : Gold Dust. 1:7. tunfurd (4 ( to I ) . won ; St. Jacob , 135 , Kllhl (4 ( to 1) ) , second ; Muttpec'r ) , 135. Cairns 13 ( to 1) ) , third. ' 1 : 2:20. : Iou/Iasl. relnlcolmn Stcallst , King Sam antI 'Iclelow Ilso ran Sixth met' . lIve I'um'iommgs . ' reI. 1\0 1'\olonls. soilng : Set al'hln. lOS . 1101 ( ( I to 1) ) . won : Alvance. 1\8. C Slomimici (20 ( to I ) , ecolll ; : lole H. 12. Car I t8 to 5) ) , third. Time : 1:02i4. : Joe Coton , Tom Clarke and Barelldln < ulso ran. i NASHYI.r l' ; , April I.-Flr lace , five - eighths at I tithe : Simon \ \ ' ( I to I ) won. i Wlsworth (5 ( to 1 secoll , Ietrollole ( I to ; 1) ) Ihlrd. ( ' 1lme : 1:0ii. : . SlcOHI race . one-hulf mile : Jlse ) ' 18 ( to 5) I ) won . Elena 03 ( to 5) ) second , lmn5) Humlr ( ( \ " 10 I ) third. 'lme : secont : ' 'hll1 mace , seven-elhlhH of I mile ; Addle . Buchunan ( even ) \VOn Eluator (5 ( to 1) ) sec : - unll , , 1/ ' . \Voi Ic (4 ( to 1 ) tlmlrl Tim : 1. .9'J. 1'ourth race , , seven-eIghths at I muiR' ; < n- the Iacs ( ( % to I ) worm , J.a , ' un Ii 10 I I ) s conl , gonel (2 ( to 1) ) third lime : 1- : : , Filth race four furlongs : Free t 2olntmp (2' ( ' , to 1 ) von . Excuse (2 ( i t I seconl , , Hondo (7 ( to I I ) thlnl. 'J'lne : U:4tl. ; : \ . LITTLE . HOCK , Apll i.-l'lrst rue-i I'X furlongs : MaggIe GI ) ' lG to I , ) wrlo I' \n- i chI Pope ' ' (8 to I I ) second , Jos pnile15 tl I ) third. Time : 1:16. Heeon,1 race . seven furonIS ) : The Iron master (4 ( to 5) ) won Jmp. perr ( ii to 5) ) ! 'ec- onll. Shield learel 18 to 1) ) ttl" t ! 'lr.I : 1 : :1 , . ThIrd race , the Boulless hantlcJl1. $1.201 ) ) guarantcemh one tithe : lenrUII /7 1 10 I . 10) ) won , Ducat (3 ( 10 1) ) second , Sister Mar V (3 ( to 2) ) timlrml ' 1111 ; 1 :12. : ourth race , four furlongs : Hen Eder ( to 5) won , Fred BIIT (3 to 1) ) socold , 1"lslj (0 to 1) ) thlnl , 'J'lme : OWI : , . 1"lfh race , one mIle : 1lutuK ( even ) wom :1 : . I't'tmper ( I i to 1 ) Iecold , Joe Murph ( even ) thlrl , 'rime : 1 :1214. : NJW Olt.I ANS , AprIl 4.-Flrst rae 1' . lIve furlongs ; 1IIuOl ( ( I to 1) ) won 111 John (5 ( to 2) ) second Anna McNatry (8 tt I ) third 'rime . ) : I : O2' ) 8eeolll race , leVel tl'longl : Ethel I , \ ' (20 ( to 1) ) V0ui. Artess (6 ( t 10 1 ) second , gU11 t8 to I ) third 'rlme : 1 :2'Jm,4. : 'rhlrll race , six furl"ngs : Buckeye (4 ( I to I 1 ) WOI , Anla K ( ( to 1) I ) secold , Bob Wi- son (21) ( to I ) third. Time : 1:16. : I.'ourlh race , haldlclp , One tulle ; Era I - while ( ( to 1) ) won , Iitmrrei'mm Blet (6 ( to I ) sec ll. Ether (5 ( to 1 I ) third Time : ] :42Ih. : Fifth race , seven fUIJonHs : 'rheoloro 1 t9 ( to 1) ) won , Senator Monel (3 ( to I I ) lecolll , Folly (2 ( 10 I ) third. ' 1lmo ; 1:2J : . . l.ull lIT , : LOUIS , April 4.-Results I " lt East Rt. i First race , three"luarterl of a mie I : Hockhl won. Lady I.hl r lecolJl , I.lle Lee liii rd. 'rime : 1 :21. : Second race' , threo-qUarterl of a I mie : iftmmuggler won , Monk Ovtrtun second , On ) ' x thuirml ' 1lme : I :21',4. : ' , ' 11111 racl' three-quarters of I mile : Do r- 'Ierer won. Micklejoiin lecond , Ohelsr thlrl rii. , Time : 1 :20m. : J. ! ourth I ence , one mile : , Jiberty 101 we : ri . Huss.11 Grey second , Sir Charles timlr LI. ' lnl 1h9' : ' . ! 19'1. Fifh race , three-flulr\crl \ ot I sail C : L Forela won , Frnhkle U second , Jeperln th ird . Time : li95i. : IR"1 : IRtchel I I'Rlr of 'It'ls , ' IANSAS ( IT\ April 4-'I'onln. Dixon , the "St. Inul 11,1 , , " anti OtarOar ncr : the "Omahn ) Itimi " tomlay eoiiiplt'tCel < am- rn/el1 Itl for n ( Iniii fight fI' aSide hOt oD f $ . ; ' ! elehk J. I fnlh , lermal of St. - lall , Dixon s bacKer . sending n drsmft for WI ' , % hmtc'hm was tlrollI I ) ' " " \f,1 i drlf ( lardner'u fl ie'tmer. I Is not uettlel whethel' 11mm' lIght \ \ ill le hell here or ettell t i'muul. DI""I Ilht feta nteI Gnrllntr In thlrtcen rOllJl when the ) ' ! let before but the Inter Is cOlldelt IOW ) that he cnn wimu. I.mm I Ig " ' time t lie I ' I its . uI omm hll" I . ( 'INCINNATI . Allrl 4-ln the WI' ( tllH Inteh tonight . cntth-as-cntch.rln. hetwl'en : IIX l.utbl'l of Sl Louts anti 1ollb ltvke . the fanner won hoth bOlt ! mind ) imintehm. i.ti . lmtbeg won the Irt bout him furl v-six mln- ti les. 1)tmtiln3' lrf.o'II n Sami ) "Inclsco rl'ferel' . 'rho contest leehlr * time I 'Ioulhl c Imllillomhill of the worll , the winner get- cti ting $250 ' nlll all rn'elpts. I'uro.o for llh , I imilcotti's t'nr. ! SIOtX l'AhI.S , S. D. . AIrl t-Spl'elnl. ) -The State Bonrll of Alrlclllt has tie- cllell to make nil l'I'ses for acing lt the ! tnte fair $100 . wih thl' exceptIon of thC : : : S class In which time ptire 11'1 he $ ' The I Hrolmll here are btlnl nlrHlgelt In good shnpe for the sIx nlnlal stale f.,111 which are to he hel here. - - - - I'"tII' t ly % % 'hmis tilt First IA WNI(11' ' \ ' , Neh. , Apri 4-SIeclnl ( T elegmamn.-Tmmbli' Hock's bail club 'eleJII-Tnbl ) ! ha1 l'll\ played the hure team tomImiy . rr ultlJ II n score ot 1 1ti to 9 In fa \01' of time Ilter , I was Ii ti ret gomime' of the seasomi. The wlnl hle\\ hnlcl , makIng Juu < pill ) ' lug nllost Iiilptms- s lbhe. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11"1(1" t 5 . \IIUlt I I omm mutt iii a mm C 1'0'1111(1. CIAII'IU.AIN. I S. n. , . \tll 4-(8peclal ( 'la 'eiegrnmsm-The ) South 1)iikotu 1"lrmen'l nssoclatun tins lice , III ell , to Ilsensl with the aim n mmmml tOllamlnt thlK y , 'nl hut In- ! tlll : wi hold IL coiiveiitioii itt Scotllnl JUle ii. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , t i l'til)3 ' . I'I'h'1 vi : Iii loollll'lt . t gal 1 : l' ; IIIIS. APrIl ' 4.-1ho simile of the 1\11 McCoy-laimimy Neellmnmim , tight before . thin latme l Athll'te chili 11 thlH cit } has beel ehllge,1 , tlOl1 , \11'1 11 to AIIII , 15. IUU.11-0 JIG .l"l' I.VT1IfIii ! TS. C mi lit I iii isis 1.001 Ih'cr 110 I IIIS ) ' 1.1 It Ic bmlh I 1.111. ) ( it ) ' . l flDGitONT S. D. , , \rl ' ! . -Speclll ( ' ( 'ci rgrmmms.I ) lOl 'rholls Brlll ) Ilrel- lelt of the I Etgemont comIHIU ) ' , ( \COIIU- 11 iml 1) I his \ Ce' , 111\'c,1 Ille Irom I Cal- I ' ' f onmsims. The ) ' were met this 1011111 b ) I'rlcls : C. Grnhl" ccrellr ' of the cIm- : ' . amid visit uf Imispectiomi of the do pan } alil 1 " Impel'ton cl was inmmml. 'rwelty teams WCI < fOIl1 nt orle ' hlol'I , , . Tlit wUII ( grallH fur time S'lllkatt ) ' Orl.le . block. I rock hulll/ , ; O. Is 111\ al'lroachlng ' , the secUII tory \ / . 111 time 11.11- i cy , I twcnty-ioomn hotel , Is 11 1011 } tot thl' t pla tererl. A \'Islt waH made , In the nferoln to the celelruted ce grlllstone quarries anti the lale ; ens'lne alt air cOl11reSrS WI'f' itSi'et'teth % , WOllt 01 the tnmmchi I tinny fur IHluflCIIII t ! ; the grindstones II . being I'apllly 111 hel : i anl I force of sIxty men 18 at \orl ( . 'rh ( ' ) made m preparton , ! to hILLY out about $9.0 fO' the ccmrnpmsmly's einployes. The future of the city Is IF8ur"11 h the plans turlsl11 I t ) ' these geltemen Ilurlnl their vmsit. A rl'ccpUonas tCItllCd the Visitars I. ) : the ltzelH ammO n lost emittmuhmisthc tle was hnl. ' 1he olilals exprossell them , el'cs as L 10le than 8ats(0,1 at the cl"s pl1ress anll m assured greatn ! 8. . - . Volelo 1lulll'"n8 , & Lit nrand I 1111415 OHAND nAlIDS. 1mllchi. , April 4-Only a low t of the 40 , Ieltgates to the meetIng of the Alcrlcan Republican College leasue arc here h as ) 'et. lrellnlnal' } ' to the leetlng a I sPirIted contest Is going on fur the presl- Ipnc } " . Presldcnt Cox teclns a Ie-eltctun and the aspirnts are L. \'lu11 uf Cht- cago. E. J. I lenmiiiig of : aclismiti mtiimi't' , D , : Ie\Vililnms of Kalamazoo. : Fred t B. Dehl'- : "iile of "ellont 18 suJeen or as the dark horse. ' 1he halotnJ bgius tomorrow after - noon. m Today \ \ ' ! tc\'olol to caucuHlng : ' 'el- morrow the regular esslonK wi open. ' 1he ; star event ho to le tInt banquet tomolrow imight . when Julius Caesar Burrows Inll Wlrler Miller of New York arc to be the . 11rllclpal Olltors. - . I'alr or Wellll& ' . Mr. John " - . lclchael of North Plato and Miss Hunstol of Omaha were marr 1 lt the residence of the hrhle's parents , Seventeenth - entoenth anti Ylnton streets , ' 1UClla ) ' . At the Castolar Street IrellHtorlan ) arsonageVedneeclay MI' Ernest O. Iount and . Miss Alvtna Summers of , thIs city wore marrIed. _ - _ _ . _ _ _ _ ( 'mtN' ' Coully ! lorllllo ltecord. PI.ATTSMOUTI AprIl i.-Spechah.-CaS ( ) county's mortgage record for March Is as follows : 1.'arl property flieml . $100.93.S6 ; re- lensed , 78292.06 ; town property fed , $3 , , : 843.67 ; released , $7,061.33 ; chatel mortgages fed , 8.60010 ; released , $11,062.30. I'"ht II'hl" with M"lo Mo" ) DENVER , AprIl 4.-'he grand jury has returned un Indictment agaInst Fish Com- mlsfloner \V. H. Cnl'ote for ahieged mal- flasance In oUce , lie Is ncelt , of having sisetl stlte funls to pay . a private debt. I'BATIJ U l'-OU1O.4ST. Sho'cr. , 1010"11 11 nellrclly Colder " 'tlthor-nrlhwl"t 1 l 11.1. . WASHINGTON , April 4.-The forecast for ! Is FrIday : 1.01 Nohmslm nnl South Dnlotn-Show- 11. probahly ; ( ehangInl to mellow lu.les ; tc- i cldemily , colder Friday evenIng ; high WIIls , ' . ' . shilftimig to nom'tliv.'est. nom'tliv.'est.'r shlftn : l For Iowa and , Mlssoumi-ShoWerS ; wanner 1"rldmmy. cell r In the western Jltlon FI'III } ' evening . uecldetl ) ' cohler ; highs southerly winds. For K/n ls-Clo\ly. ( wih showers . urotI ) ) - nh , ' changing to ! no\ hurries In the 'esl I- erl porton ; much coller 1"lllay eVlnln , ; high wllle , , shIning to nortlmwemetei I ) ' . J.IC:1 Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER I3U11EM . Ot AHA , April 4.-ORiiaiiiL recort or tem- perture : anti rainfall. eOlparld wIth , the ' day ot Chic last Cour } ° : ) .urs cUTes)10ndln lft ! Ib . IS91. IS93 : : , 159 i2 , axlmum temnpermsttmrm' ) . . 72 49 G7 Gt .Mtnhmiltiul tenllnistcmre ) . . H 40 42 41 ; Average tenilem'attmn' , . . . tAt 41 5\ \ rt , I'reclhmitntlomm . rtl'e . . . . . . . . .OJ 'i' . . ( H ) . : 1I'eclilltaUon of temperture Ull . preclPllaton nt Conditon Omuha for time day and slnco March 1 , Nom'zmial : tom 1ernturo . . . . . . . . . . . . . IG tOxcesa for time tiny. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . Normal precilItmttin . . . . . . . . . .09 Inch ) preelpltat.l . . . . . . . . .0 inch Deldency ) 'rotal lmmecilItatiofl since March 1.1.1 lucheK . Delolenc } ' since Mardi 1. . . . . . . . . .n Inch Reports from Other Siltol itt I t. . . \ , ' Oi . . . . -E te STATiONS. rS 5 i. t STATS or g wEATmuelt. . 5 : ! 3 0 IUTU F : i 7 _ _ - - - - - - - - - - Ommmaha. . . . . . . . . . ' 11 72 .110 dlomiiv. ! tonth& & l'hatto..7(1 ( 7K .O . ( ( ! t'mrt \ , cletimly. Norll'lal6. Valenlll. . . " . . . . 'ni 7 < . \.Irlcolt ) , ) ) Clitcamno. . Sti 1:2 : .00 Clt'nr. . . lhlcalo . . . . . GI /2 .10 ch'nl SI , ] ,011" . . . . . . . 1.71 / ( . tt ) ) : Clear. St. I'aimm. . . . . . . . . . 12 I , OOllalclol'I i ' ' , ijisvuum purl. . . . . . . . M ! II , lUlarteloUly , , Jlllhli Oily. . . . . . 71 ) 71 ; .00 Clnl'I ' ' . I delia. ' . Vly. . . . . . . , : t : IH : .oo t1ioimIt , ! . Detmver. . . . . . . . . . 1 ; 72 , IO'Colly ' , Soil Lake City. . . . . 'J2 62 .1)2 ) ( lmmi3Y. Snl .0211"1) Bismarck Oiy. . . . . . . 14 74 .OUI 1.11111011) 11 , VlneolH . . . . ame 71 .1ieea ) . Che 'ello , . . . . . . . . G2 IU .tl Iarlcllllly : 1111'1 lly. . . . . . . 6' mum 'I' Ciommmiy. Idiiimtd ' . (31 ty. . . . . . . . t : 70 .omu ! ClCimtIy. ( ualvt'metomi . . . . . . . u < GUIIClolll' . "T" Inmitcates Crimea of min. InlelllI ] . . A. WEISU , Olerver. i'I , I ii. ' ' : , BRAND . ( = ; gflo Collars & Cuffs AT YOUR . Outfitters. H YOU READ OUR ' 'AD"-wIIAT's TI ! E IMPRESSION ? YOU BUY OJR GOODS-whAT'S TIlE RESULT ? But let us mail you ( free ) our SOUVENI OF FASHIONSD Read I carofuly at your 1CILUI'o CLUI"1 CON & CO. . Mukers , Factories ; Troy N , Y. . ' . ' - , . . 'l'llH/ . I "Oll " lJMIIIU : , - Ullam t.rungdnmi 1Rkl0 , Ills If ( ( ht n hhtrlllo tf I I o It lII"r . MASON CITY . la. . April 4.-Special ( Tele. Rrnm.-Wllul l.ntsgmlomm , spclll agent nll colcclor of the nerlng harvester comitg \nn ) ' , Chicago , email agent oC the I\lelt ) . . ! nnil ( 'UI"I ' ) 10111In ) ' , New Yurko COl- mllod ! ullle on the norlhbounl Iowl Crn- rot t \sen/elo nt mmccii tOII' ) ' . JUlt ldorC the tt\ln emmmcreml enl'rl'l lllnl'ton he went lute i hiu . toilet 1',11. Ck'ueml ' , the .Inor nll ent I b uilct through hla hraln. ' ' hulnt throllh : 1 IL' was short $ H In hits . hil nClolntq with the Iiilehity l'om- wlh Iln i ) . anti \ lS tn m'oinpcmmmy Fllelt . \ dUimi'f wih :1' Wnle lf . 1 11n 11ols. . 1'01\11 ; to t lul11ton I I to Ix t him' Iller up. I" lel\11 a who nud one chl.I , l\lnl at Morocco , hid. wie tOl"I :11-1 ; ; I nun , h1Ci'tiitlli . DES MOINIS , ' \1111 4.-Spacial ( TelC- 4.-S\2cl:1 . ' \ mamn.-'I ) lie . g - grl.-'fhe following UI'rll ' ! conrt \l'l'l. \ terms were tiled tomlmiy Itobent . ' ' ' . 11'11 ) : Iulel B. 11)101. n11. 11ellnt ; , n\nst ( 1111 " 1)101 ( ' ass district. t 1 llslcll ; Sllte of luwl agatmist 1.aymmm.tn 1.1)'n\n Cal y . a hillel , llnt. 'lmn ci Ilalnst I . a lilt-limed ; 1I . \ \ U. Ioor , nllllt ( 'hmlemgo nII11'11 Islnnll I & 111'111' I lllway I I I l'hll'IJO cOlnllnlIJII.el. lul'k h iimmt5 Scot Illtrkt , Ilh used : Ielil8 hl'rl Igl m m flat ( 'h hcagm . : II\nllece & St. I Ilul I ll I I 1\1) ' 10111Ian ) ' . 11111.lnnt. I t lal Ia um ml tat nt , nlrmrl ; Cm'I8 u : ller I et Illas , is . n/alnst u G , : h'rllnn et ul. lellwlr. ) 11111111tl. trk.t I , Itrmetl : 2mhmsny S , I.'ool' Ig1118t : . littr. Ington I t \ \ ' ml t . r cuniJII i ) ' , ml iqwi ill lit 11' II'S I tloi mmm's II"trlct. I us I mm i'iimc'mt : IJprlnl1 I Jlllun I agnlnl m 11\11 . \ , Iynn 1111 J. 14. Ittch . tl- fenlant , \arnl'Y Urlhbll' , , Inl'n'en'I' H lkh. . J- 11'- , 1 11dm . n\11elnnt \ , Bl'ntul ) tlttilt't itiili mcmi : lu 1 I h I t immim Phircy nAnln I t Illtlllj , nllmrl I . l1111llnt. t Ilplelnson II hat tlkt t , allmrtl t ; .1 . , I ' 11h.'It I mign I mist t1 IV , " 'mlln. ump1el , .1 h . .1111une'oe ' 118U'lct. ii ill iiiim'tI ; . \I L't ul'IIe Ill''eltng I COllnny Ignlnt B. I :1 lhm'uvcr. 11111elnnt. i lalll distnhet . m-cvt'rsc'd ; gotl'Y.v el 1 I. I 1llllnntl. I I ahatn " t J ( meit' ! I I , : iig'ti In,1 , Maggie A. ' 'I'r ) ' . 2mlni bum II-trllt , nf- Irmr I I < ; I. I . I. I . 11')1111(1 I ) ) mt 5mm I mist { 'I t ) ' or I 'otunmiil luttl I % : , mmlheliiuiit . ! I 'ottmnvmittmt- mle t dltlit , nlllimnnl ; B. 1" . Miller . . llel. m iplic'Ihaiut. agnln CIty of \'t'istt'r ( 'I ty . Ilmltll i I I I must i-let , n ill i-i ii cml , ; UN'Ie ! 1. I 11 , tillhld'blimiit Iglll t I"ol\l ( mushy . FcoItmmk \ ttniei. , I muli-mmmihsseii , : Miidrt'ml . \ , 1 ltol ngnlnlt \ \ ' . S. I'm tpms 'i II'u. I I cit II. I uI11"lantl. \ lmt'llo ml limO 'llp\S ml f- lm Illcl l , ; . \mmitme Htrpl1 & \ SII , mimpm.lhiimutmm ' . nl'I1llnt Iglhlt m I Thomas 11 I I 11'1. I , . la\'ls I II"trit. 11111111 m , : H. J StUIII , app lalt , mugnliiat the t I1UI1rtl',1 I 'lwn ! of I 1'11 f"ld. ugailst 'l.I 'I1 ' tlltl'it. mmilhm'immeil ; I' . . \ , hIatt' ) ' . mmilit'lhLiiit . Iplllalt. aJallst L i . \lehol : Sm toni lii i'c' I miami r.i flee l'om- Lh lal h 1' , lllun "I Is I rio 0. mtIli nmmit' , I ; Bele I I Felt ciii mt m igmshimst lzm'a 1"eltmm , niImcllaimlhmuiiimmlen , t iitt'ht't. i everseml'imeelt ; I & \\'hlsoim slmttmti- 1 mm m'til i'iiig comsi.t iiY , almpt'llmi ml t , mu gzt I iist I 1 . .1. Stei-i-ott Ct itt , 'mhouimo ttlitti hot , rtvei'r'eml ; 1 ; , v. Ittmi'sm'li Ct uI mignlnst tthtihct mmiii t ownshmmp o Cievelaimsl CL tth , mmpp.h ut , DavIs district , i't'i'l'stmi. 1 : ii mm gc I Im'mt I C ii ii m'c Ii I' , , mm ft. remm cc ( I p , ii e MASON CiTY , ILl. , Almrll I.-Speclitl ( Tche- gm'ani.-Thmmr ) Des Molmies t'onft'nt'tmce of tIme 1't'auigclhcmi I elm itt-cit upm'mieii a C iiiee tIn ys' s t'ssiomi mi 1 No mu Sj mrlimgit t emi mm y , I llslia P 1)tmbs m it ( 'ii icmgo : 1ii.eimi I mig. Si c I ' ci ' ricim I ii 11th t % % 'etmti. ' himy tmmcuimhii' time are lmm''seli 1 . 'l'hme i tnihmi mit ion of mis I a haters , coushmlm-'nmm I iou o t ml Is- ti'ictmt atiid extetisitmit of mn-k occupiemi liii' vmithre tIny. 'l'iici i-eliot tie simoweil tiit liii'i l it flue contiilluii thmrommghiout tit iiistrtct. ' rim it 1)1 ) > 01 ii t immcim 0 of umii Ii t4tem-s tvU I be man do Sattirdmiy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , J. I. . l.cwh' ' ( iii Iimmrtt Itiic' . SIOUX CITY , Almi-il 4.-tHimecial Telegram. ) -J. l. Letvh8 , foriiit'nhy cori'eslonmleii , ( ft-omit here for the Sunmhny Smimi , was releasmril front J ail todhmly , tvhit'rmi lie has hieCit for somno thmime wnittmig ti-hat on it clint-ge of extorting 1 110003' ft-omit j tiec I 1int of iak tit City. Neh , . ' l'ii m _ . cotmim I ) ' ft It 0111 0) ' Cciii t'l immicil t liii 0 lie hiami l iii case ; ugnhimi't LewIs antI inoveii thit' tlis- mmmlssal of the I tmtl It' tineiit mi gmm hint Ii I am. 't e Beecliam's pills arc for biliousness - ness , bilious headache , dyspep. sia , heartburn , tOrpiI liverdiz- , ziness sick headachcbad , , taste in the mouth , coated tongue , loss ofappetitesallow , skinetc. , when caused by constipation ; and constipation is the most frequent cause ofall of them. Go by tile book. Pills 2o' and 5 $ a box. Book fi'ee at youz druggist's or Write B. F. Allen Co , , 365 Canal St , , New York. Animuiti , ic , mnoro ilium , Ct-CO ticOhox , , . Wheii Buying Fruit Trees , Buy the best. A. minute lost can never be recovered. and it's a calLmmimity to lose several years , whIch so man ) ' Iowa anti Nebraska people have done t'iien they have bought foreign groWii , umiacchhmnntcml fruit trees. MENEIIAY I3IIOTI1E1IS. TilE CRESCENT NUIISE1tY. \Vere born titi time htmiuds , where tiumiir nurse. ry stock Is gm'owii. : snu years of hLttient hmitellgent CXPt'nltmieflt have taught them the best vamim-'tles for Clubs climate. L'ons-qtieittl ) their hmotmie gI'oWIi stock is as hiarily isa the forest trees. Thmey have a very lamgo stocli : for the smi'ing delivery and every tree P u warrnnte,1 , true to name , Orchmarmi , Vinymird Lawn ParkIng 'Frees mumid Ornamneistal stocli : 2mlimhee no inhstmmlce 1mm your orders , Smnml um u your list of wants for Prices. IVO can liltase yOti iii prices anti stock. ReferenceS : Counci itluffs Binks , Cotirtcil Illuffs Depantoseni Omaha lIce. anti prominent hushnm-'amt men . Nurseries six miles north of Couticil l3lffs , Address , MENERAY BROS. , Crescent. Iowa. 1n .t'o'lq was leavIng lImo court room lie as 1c trc'Ptemi by the femlerni ntmthiotittes on ii c hnrgt' of edIting hlminor witliotit it govern. mm iCmil lIcense. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'sciiliiir r'tmieltmt , enr tc'imein , OElj\VEIN , 1mm. , Alirhl l.-ipc.eial ( Tele. g mmmimtruhe'ide ) of mi ucculhmmr Iuattmrc , cc. cA ult-ed todmuy a fev iuiilemt emmat of ttih city. A itmami iiiiiiCd linhei' , tm-imhte excavating a h ole for time ptmrpe'ute of siklng a botiller , tv eigliimig some tmimiit , was em'usiieml hmy time f allimmg of the' Stomie. lie' toy with hmoib le l egs bt-okvn miami lmh left ni-ni mnaluglemi sev. e rmil hioun' , wmmltiimg fomhelp. . No relief cciii- i ns , iii imts clesliate iuei cmii hits throat from e ar to ear With iv tltiil jackknIfe.Vlirll f ouinti hic vnme a t Ii I to Iii I I y Pica lii hug. I I lt 'ft hommie about I o'Clock. Not netunmiing f or slipper , the hireml milmiti 'eiit in quest oh h uh , hiimllimg , him mime demienlbcml. lie I'it'ctt 11 t 'lfe amiml two simimill ciiiitiremu , tiimstttirI Ith er , ItIitera , , SiotJx ( _ , l rvlmrhl 1.-SimCciiiI ( Telegram. ) - l'i'csitlemit Ers'lmi of tue Siotmx CII ) ' Ctimii- im mercial nsimot'tattoui left si'ithi Commitmilrsiommer ? dnhtnmiey toihisy fm-mr Omnnhimt 14,1 coitfer with c' umiiinittces of Omimmuiia immimi ICamismis City job- l' c'rtt td'ttii reft'm-etmee to is tic'iimtiiti of time' tituS- Im itwmm mmmcii of lVfli'ttC' ) ' for a remhmmctiomm Iii i t'lghtt rates lietweemi tue Missouri river I ) bltt multi interIor Nclirmtsktm. TIme reiiimc. t im-itt V. omilmi , If it verc grammtnml , be is imeriotust im lou' to time jiibbhimg hiiteress of th MIs- c umin t hvet' towmis. M c renim I I to I I immis . ( ' I , i.ml. MASON t'l'i' ' , In. Alilil 4.-I3pt'ctal ( Tele. g rmtiii.-'l'ime ) liit'icimiithle liosmee of .1. 1l. ( 'nrr - o f ltmimr'i'ot : ( t am ; t'lost'il hmy time sluenilt tlmime mm ftt't'mia-mi m-mlt two s I its of nttmicliiiiemit iilcti I my ( i m i-so mm , I 'ii he , Hm'ot C mZ Cmi. , L'imtca go. it mid - C hit''t'hster , ( 'ity ( ir(1m'tr ) ' c'lmmipuiy. Othee t' liu I tim S himt-ve hicemi tutu. I I cli V ) lLtmmu iiiimmn . It tin liii er of Orelmn ru , % - Ii hi ( mi t t m'miipt I ml g tmm multi from a mmmvi miu f ret gii I ti it I ii itt t'Icn t' I .iile t' , smm I [ t'm-esi tt bad iy t' rmmhm e , l foot , ii t'ecssi tmi t i mig nnipu tmt t Ion. I li ml ret , i'i t I' U I 1 titi . % Ii Joim mu cut. ' 'p ( 'ItES'l'ON , In.AlitIl 4.--Simeeiai ( Tele- g nmmmmi.'l'lme ) ( ' 1mm istlitit t'litirt'hmemt of scvci'ut ( o f limo coutitics of somtttmwctttnrmi Iowa closed i t t ii 1Pm' tb ) lm' mmii i'siouimi ry em.iim v'ii , t 10th itt I .m'mmtix h mum y. 'l'lit'i'et'it Ii Imi rgt' a ttt'mmmi- 1 111dm' iiiiii phmmmms vem ( ' Imminfectuth to exteiimt m nissitiim t % .ii . It imiiiuimg tlii tlt'iioiiiliiitticmit lit l istS nt'thoii. EflIt1ET h igtrtihlii I tue N.tmm llst'uvt'ry 1r ( 'imrIt , I ) ) S , , it it ml I ii im I gu' I Iii um , lr. limtrtzissrmii , who hums mimamlo tummy testit o f tlmci new slyuipcpsla ciure , Is very ciuthuslas- t ic Iii hIs lmriiso of this cccellemmt repama- t lomi. It is mitt a secret tiitemmt ummotilcine , b mmt is coimtposcml of tnirc iClishii ) , bismnithm. ( f t-tilt salts amtd vegetmtblo essences , mnmude Into i tIeLtelimIt tastIng tmublt'ts or lozeimgea mumimi sold ( my mlncmggists mit SOc hie'r lmacheage. uiimhct : tlio 0 01mb of Sttiart'um lyslimipsla ) Tmibieh , Dr. llarti.ntan states that Stuart's 1)ys- . i icuistit Titlihats cmlne slyapeps Ia nmimt weak s tmutnncims , because they l'oasess tue peculiar i mower of mhtgcstimig wlmmitmiver wimolesoimie food i s talcemt itito time stommmacim. They do tiot a ct aim time bowels 111cc cnthnrtics , but act e ntIrely eu time food , digestIng It thoroughly' a umd t3tihCil ) ' , gl'iimg the uttoimiaclm a clmaimce ( o - ar ett anti recover Its natmmral strcimgthi , tvhilch i t Imtvnnlmibly 'will tb after a course of Stuart's i ) vslmepsia Tablets. It your ( Irugghst hasn't t imeimi lii stock asic hIm to ormler a sninhi d tUailtitY froiii lmi wholesaler. ( 'ircmilars amumi testltnoimimmis sent free by a mhmimcssing Stuart ( ' 0 , , Marsimall , Micim. A. . IUEKMAN , President. t2ashier. First National Bank I of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa. Canital , - a $ ioo,00i : , C Profits , - - - 12,000 One of the oldest tanks in the slate of Iowa We soilctt your buimmiesi and collections. Ws tiny S tier cent on Sims depoalts. We will be pmeaicd to see anti serve you. M'sstoRi Sr CLEMENT , BIOKERS GRAiN , PROVISIONS , STOCKS , 5O3' ' liroaelway , Grain imanmhled Imi eir loamilotme. Tel. 203. COUNCIl. lhLUhiPH , hOWlS , ttiitl Iemheral Coiirlq. Itootmis : Jo.T-8. $ ) , Himugar Illogic , icuncmt limIt' , iut'i. SpciaINoc8s-llonciIOIiift Cii IMNflYSL'l.flANii ) ; VAUL.TH C1.i3Al.IED. IiitilJurke , cit \V.5. Iioimion'ts , 138 iiroadmm'ay. C1DEitS FOIL MAr.10 , 200VAGON LOADS. U. Burke. at. Itomimor's. 133 liroatlwny. Fob RFNT : , uioUHlO , No. CII JIIIOADSVAY. wIth seven nmmcimms ; also four noommis adjoinIng at ti2i llromudwilyL goomi chance for chimer pii'atu ( mimbly , bardbng imoUse or restaurant. U. W. JacImmomi. POJOIthONT. FIVII-I100M COTTAGI4 OX i'meicc idicet , betweemi l'umk amid Gica avenues. . FOIt itiNTt. . COOl ) 1101151-i N1) STfl1.1fl nnml 20 aenes of gammien land , 1 tithes from tiiu cmty limits. For neat for $7.10 per nmonth. .Atimiy to L.eonmmnd Everett. l'caU street , Coon. cii umiugs. RENT , A (1000 iIOtJI4fl , S'1'AIlh1I AND 41) aCm -i ( If land , S mitties tnmmni Cliii cm m y limits. For n'nt for 512,0) per imiontlm. Apply to Leon. JOvt'm ott. Council IlhutTs , Its. . F.o1t I1IONT , I AcitEil ON 1111)011 H'1'Itiol'3T ( flu bim 11,1 , ito ) . 2-O mmcm m's cmi 1I ncoi n itvenU tsimimmii itouimme mmmi mmtmitmie ) , 213 acmea on Upper IlrCitilWniP , tgool house , etc. ) . L. Vi. Tuhley , ba i'eal I , , im'eet , - "CUPIDENE" 4 MANHOOD RESTORED ThIs greaOVeetable Vitimilz"rthieprt'acuip. tIotmofitfmsiilomit Vrt'tiCiu 3miiyiciimii , will timlickly CUfO ' 0mm of csil ae- 'omlS or mii'mi'a'uciut of liii' gcmi'raimvo , l'rgi&miH , Imcui as Losi tlnimiic.od , I , imsoin mmia ' i'iliin lii thu Jimmeic , teniltmml i : uIibMsImmi5 , , Nurm'oiis isbuihly 1,1 immpim' , 'i' ntltmmess I" Marry , lcx bmiimttiiig I irmilmis , Vmerlm'oeie omit ! Comms1Iimtloii. : I S stOii miii i035C1 ii ) ' tln' emr imgIt. ? J'uevu'riis quit-Ic. ime M eI dimmeumarge mi'ImIcli If hot vuicmcpmi lenmIs to HpermmmmuUmrriiu'im anti F : ro n AND A rrin itll tile imornnr'tofitmii'Oteflcy. ' 'piJ'aIuii"45 : : cleatmscim umuilver , otto kidneys atmml CIte iiritiimm'y mirgitmisof alt Impurities. ( 'Ui'S hE"iI' , , trm'ngtienq ) nrmmh restores siiiaii wpimk tmigmumis. , si'mfl.'r'r sir , , imot ctitm'ii by ilm'lora hi ia-cause ninety per cent mire trniulmlt'mI with ) 't . e I III I I I . . ( ' 1'I'i lh'N F I ¶ time otmi y know ti , tii'"i V It , iii ro mm'im lieu I umm op"ratltmim , Ieee iu'si iinmaui. imIq. A mvrtlt"n gmiiirttmmet , gtveii atimi mtunuy roitmniieml If six , , tint's nol cifeci is lmoraiiuuvuml cure , 41.00 a ImO , id x for S 03 , iy nmahl , tctmmI ( 'mm rmminmo cii cimlar atmd tt-sthmziomimihm. Audremet ISA VOL III EIICRJJ1 CO. , 1' . 0. hiox 1075 , Sun lrritmictmco , ( 'al. .br Mte bi & KUhN & CO. , OMAHA , NEtlRASIA.FOlt HALE BY GOODMAN DRUG CO. , , _ _ _ _ - - - - - - Chas. Shiverick & Co. , FURNITURIE Upholstery & Curtains. 1206 and 1208 Douglas St. Omaht Intending Purchasers . . -1 - - - - $ EARLY OHIO SEED POTATOES. - -Gunranteed Nortlierii Grown- Councit Bluffs and Vicinity Imported Thousands of Dollars Worth of Potatoes During the Past Season. Buy Good Seed and We WI ) . Export Instead of Import. Write for prices or caR on DUQUETTE & CO. , 2 1 1 and 2 1 8 Broadway , Council Bluffu , Ta ,