Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1895, Image 1

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- J ? srr.AJn.JISUED TT.T1' ' 1 ( , . , . .
tTUNE 1Q71
. , 1H 1871. OMAIIA : , ) j"'IUDAY : MOnNIN , AP111T t. , iSOth " ' .
. ' SINGL1 } COPY j"'lVE OBNrrs. '
- :
Determined Effo1t to Ormh the Revolution
in ILS Incipioncy.
- ,
; ' hlrty-TI.n ThllllNRml ) ! Armed lIlen of . \11
lJndN Wilt Soon 10 In' the "Iellt
. - ' \'RII the nrhrh-\"hRt ) the
. \ 110101181"1111. .
( FpeIn Coltonlence , to Ih" AI"tlnlt,1 1'ii. )
HAVANA , April I.-AI .taybreak this
morning 1 batnlon or the Spnnlsh troops :
marrhet out from the lortres or Cabana . i
, which lies westward on the hll ) abov ! Iorro I
cat1o . They wco lel 10 the railway from I
'hlch ) trains travel south across the 1 lant t.
Datnlmnno ) 1 Is to Ihnl port that the gnvt
ernmenl troops are behlg lorwarlcl to the
eastern Ilslrlct ! 01 Cuba , and when the
. battalion clroute today shall have rea8hel
Santafo .Ie . Cuba nil thc troops newly ar-
: , ; ' rlvell from Spain will have been moblzll ) ( at
. . . I that point When . fill are here there wi
be a fralll re , 'w anti then the hunt for the i
Insurgents wit ? begIn , Meanwhile the or-
ganizaton OIl / tl troops by commands Is I
beIng lrectel ( /
' There will/be two grant divisions anll two
brlgalles In / each .1 lslon ! , Time first tlvl-
slon will b , .
wi b/comninnimde.I hy General La C1ian
bro , new / miiary governor or Matizanillo .
This w'J ' bo the base 01 operations antI tom
the Ir.-ent ) he wi be extiecteti to lreserve I
, - ( Iulu.'or make battle malml time rebels In
c the districts or Principe ) Neuvates , Teunas ,
, I 1Iyali and 1,0sslblyart of Hol ulu , Within
. this territory , chiefly In Principe Gamaauey ,
1 lS It lay be referred to , omo of the hitter -
, cst business of the Inst rebellion tack idace
' The eOlmand that make UII time two , bri
"a lIes or ( enerll I. i _ Chambros' Ilvlslon arc :
The Sixth company or the Second batalun
of artillery , tIme First Equal or Hernan Corti'C I
tin Infantry ) ' reglmmment 01 gtierrilLt . the
Second all Fifth I batalons or Spain , an itt .
. fantry regiment from tIme regular army of ;
: ' Cuba , Fourth battalion front Spain 111 ca ,
. - , I company or volunteers trout Santa Catalne !
to Gnaso.
General Salcedo will cotman < the secont ,
dIvision , which wil bo constituted of these
troops ; The second Slllllron Hernan Cortes ,
the crack Spanish regiment Isabella Gat-
olea , the First 1 mil the Thlrl IHtalons 01
, Scam ; fuerrla ( se\arto company voltt CI I-
teers ) train the batDlon 01 Calz , and a regIment -
. ' Iment of Infantry front the province of )
Havana ,
, . General Salelo wi have 111s force of Oh ) -
! crtonn at Santago de Cuba and his lorces
, ! are exPected to IHt tuwn any rebellon In I
\ tim districts or Jlguanl Cuba , Guantanamo ,
1 Darco and ' the Iaster Ilart of Holguin ! ,
, . . _
Thpsnn !
\n rnI1 n " wlh t'h ' "pnn 1.
ihicated - , vIlI i number ; ; ; " ol ; ; ilit ; over " 4,000
men , At the Ilalaco of the governor general
the wrier was teday Informed that 1 len the
. troops that are now expected to cOle from
SpaIn shal have arrived thre wilt bo avail-
' able against the rebellion about 32,000 1en ,
. Thil number covers troops already arrived
here the standing army 01 Cuba and nil
volunteers and guerrillas. The last named
are not the guerrillas from the United States ,
but are separto companies enlIsted for a
- defnlo time and purlJsc , Hegullr army
omcers 011 men zero to be assigned ameng
these troops to dri amid load them In battle.
. These omclrs receive for this service $30 per
month and the men receive $25
- There are cries of 21mlaton from the
preS of this city because It seems likely that
i the government may accept the otTer of
; . Patriotic citizens of Santiago de Cuba ! wash
time clothes el santo 3.000 troops at that
point , who lay now indulge In laundry servo
ices as 2,000 new unlrorms have been < received
from Spain. Time papers here demaml that
. time government shall wash Its own ciotiming
' anti not leave It to be done privately , though
4' patrIotically ,
h : \Vhmlle waiting time arrIval
Whie waltn ! or the troops I
leaving here today time forces now In the
. disturbed districts yesterday began searching
. In the challplral for Instmrrcctloniste .
1'1 WAS 0. GLOHY
An Interesting bit of IIWS Caine Irom
: Santiago do Cuba. A cale
Santngo dl correspondent , writin
March : , states that he has been wrllng :
Into the Alanca afair and he , looltng , :
statement thai the AWanca was lmaiied , dls.
played the Amerian fag a tl nol that of
. gnflalll , as rewrtpt ( by time commander or
the Condo da Venadlto.
On Saturday last time government here
freely announced Ihat the rebel chler
p Maceo had sale,1 Irom Costa Itic I
_ cn the Atlas Hca
i\la line steamer Dleronback anll i
that he had not arrived on the soil ,
. arrl'c < s01 at Cub ,
On the saute evening there was litformatiom ;
. In Havana thai Macco has effected a landing
anti Is now on Cuban soil :
sol along 101-
' . lowers.
. . 'Phe lanll lnes el telegraph westward on the
Island are In a wretched '
coomlhtion. The '
. condIton goV-
emInent frankly states that there Is serious
Interrupton , There is cunimmmnlcatiomm
limo by calmie , I the latl lines , which along I
. lave not been su hutch needed In peace , ar Ii
flOW vital and must bo fixed , !
vlllllnd These hhmmes
sall , to be strung on trees whereever are
( pas-
slhlo IIHI the neclls or beer amid other bottle
In S
have bottes
used as Insnlators ,
ThPo arc
times whe beleve the Sllanlb'l government Ima .
. . Ilall sums that Were
. tlat sUosed to
- , ' maintain these lnes , ( ) I
Time autonoml t party here
favors such n re- I
laton betwcen ) Cuba ; anll Sllaln as Is
to Englall tl her coioimles. InilopclHlenee I SliStmllme 1
Is .
not .leslrc.I , A meetimmg 01 IL
nwetng Ilarly
held yetcriiay to deplore time rebellion mtnd
offer taken aid to Spain Time same acton has Inll b'el to
by time
: IntLnomlstl of .
' Pnrl'o
'fho Ice
resolutons emhOI'lng these vlell hal'
been rorwarted to Hafaol Iarla ; tAberI
: , the
Cuban ieamier 01 the 1.lberl
lealieI party In 81)aln
, I I\NISI TitOt ) I' : , \lg UISBI : ii xn .
ful'-or : Int nut II 1'Ihl t iii . In"olllou _
ml 1.1 " "II 111,11 I , with 'hol.
d TAMI'A , Jla , . April 4-A letter receivemi
by a : Iromhlnl Cuban hero rrom a f'Cel'ell friemmd
In central Cuba , uimmler date trlell
ullier .llte or March 2 ,
elates that time ronservalvo pnrty it Is
said , want tia , I
thl annoxaton or Cuba to the
United Stlles , This Is the last account.
. At Slntlgo there arc 10,00 imien with time
4 . . Rbmrgemlts . wlh
.lr."lrslnts. ThlY feht the Spanish tlOOPS
. every day In ncagllents llf two , three
Dr four hOllrs' firing , A great number or
time Spanish troupe 1110 como over to Iho
Cubans , mmd . besides that , limp-
. Int. bealles tIN' may go on
. I In this WI , for I'aln has no '
, ' ) mooney ) to 1'1) ' '
'r time url ) anti neClssly will obihgo thmenm
, to dlsert time SpanIhm hlg , wil oblgo thel
; , ' 'hl AtmiomIIm1 fleet Is around the shore
. ' & ' IUII 11 tht' Spanish men-ol-war are at
110rt on count at time
hattie " that
tle has oh-
j . f , ready tnken posses lon or time peollle. h:8 limit :
: . 'Ii thl Is . lnt
" bJ enough. They ) thlnl the Amerl-
calI must sooth sonme moore vcssels Imero
10ro hlro
, gi't , immore lrotc'ctlon
il . I\ I IlrotectOI to Cubans who
, , are
. '
,1 ( Amlt'len cllzcns , The people hero tire
remedy for time conicet. lre
All wo
) eontcst Al wammt frolic
i . . YOI ( Is 10 scull armmms . uimcmunhtion anti Walt
: , . arls. almunlion ali plenty
' at , , .
pUIler \s a Postscript there Is I added
j , ; that for , . :0,000 : the wrier can buy 10,000
stimuli Hrllnrton rlfls ,
. . MAIithl ) ) , Avrii 1.-Marshal
\ ' , MAUII ; NI larhI1 Martinez do
P. CJI101 has started for CUbl where ho will
' , , . ISIUIO "upromo niihltary comma nil. TIle
( I ChamLer or tevullcs today ' .
naputes totay appro\'t.1 Ihe (
\ II'ollobed reforms of time penal eod . as ap.
I ' f I , , Illcahlo to Cuba anti pro\ldlnG time toast t
; severe Imelmallies for the
' promoters at the
. , "
.1kv . ' . : 10\lent favoring separation Irem Hllaln
' .7 : . ' time cnblnol council imeimi
r t \ counci hell tommy time
premier , Senor CJno\'u dl CallJho , real 1
h Ibpateh from 11\'ana slllllg ( that ,
time . .
. thl insurgent leader who lu\lct : reccutly itt
Cuba1 hrd taught I hattie with recenty II .
. Illt tloopS In - whIch . lie was worsted.
Ilrhul hell ; Tel \"Iulu the Vi'n
IrA \'J : ' " 'N : , , IIJ. , April 4-Th jury lu the
] /1'131 case fCI' the lul'ler le C.V. . Moor
lt Cedar ( 'ity , Fl'bruurr 27. & 1\)01"1
( etnr ely 1StI. 1 etimrimed
. . verdict ( . ' . , 1&:1 etlrcd 1 L
Vdle' .nd JI.t the' p.Itmtithimcept at
m , ' hI' nnrl. 14 , Ihe lenl ) ulaqt !
EXI'IIWJUJ ! SiII1'.i Ill 1. FUll IJUB.t's'S ' .
1. itrgely . \tende.1 nll lnthuNlnRlc : Ioot-
Inl lt , JRrl' Ol"III.
J'CISONVILI } , ria" , April 4-Thc spirit
om f war rose high here tonight at the bh mnss
meetn ! In behal or the Cuban cause Cubans
tram far ant wile were there , and on time
stao were prominent citizens ot Jacksonvie ,
Gonza1es De nela , , secretar of the Cuban
evolutionary society or ew York , was first
i ntroduced. "The . "
Introlucel new revoluton 11M begun ,
sll he. "I lust enl , In tim freedom or the
Islant i or else the belligerents nail their
ehltren musl go to the scaffold , J this
struilo falls It wi be the raul or ) 'OU
Americans , for why 11,1 you teach lS the
lesson l or liberty ? J we do nol succeed
yours will be the great crime or not having
flven succor , Americans wil not fail us ,
From every hl111 comes al ! Iolnrs ) are
pouring In , Inll wlh these dollars rifles and
rlfes 11
bulels have heen bought American Imble <
opinion Is saying : Let Cuba II her fight .
have h lair Ilia ) ' , ' Wo have the stakes " fght
The speaker then said Impressively : "La-
Iles nll Gentemen : : I thank yetI
lor this receimtiomm. I may be the
lasl l time I shall ' ' '
tme shal see 'ou. The ;
rortunls of my country mccoy take me to the (
fel f ! :1) de,1th I tony meet there , but I I I
imail take
s to .
my country it or
shal I message en.
couragement amid love from our Irlells In
Alimerica "
Shouts or wild delIght greeted hilt last t
I'ernanilno FIllrelo eqllalnel the situ -
aton In thcso words : "Tho old mother
country , titter trying 10 ecure a loan rrom
nglanll I and l"raimce has rllet , She sny
alto wi send 100,000 len against Cuba , Ilt
Cubans Imow , anll ' .
you know , that she can
not get the mon ' to send them She IIs
sent General Cllnll03. her ablest t statesman : ,
I to Cuba , alll ) when that fails what then ? "
A eOlmltee of five , appointed by the I
chalrmal amid comllosell of Americans Ilroml-
font In 1"lorhla , Ir ) sentel the rolowlng reso-
lmmtloims , whIch : were 1101lted wih great enthusiasm -
Hesuh-ell , That It Is the sense of the
Auuerht'an ' ltz"n here IsHemhled : Flrt
' 'hn they 11 st heartily syn1athlze with
tIme . CUhl1 ; Imlrlot > II thtlr .lealreH and ef-
fortH to frN' Cuba from for"ln control timid
oltlin for time peeple uf that IHla111 the
right of sclf-o\'erlnclt su luch Ilrlzed
IJ ' .
11) 11.
S.eolll , That I 11 time dimly of till lovers of
free , mneilc'ami itmetitittions "to
AIHI'lcan to
Instiutons express m'ymfl-
I'ath with the qlllrefscil m : ) ( ICOl)1 ) amid their
miesii'e , o Il'l' thom frel' peoile Ilt ,
' 'hlrl\ That we urge upon the legislature '
of the slate of Florida the duty to formally :
by resolutol eXlr"ss the sYllath ) forlly :1
whul" to frle I.opl . Culm of FlorIda wih the ro'cment I
I onrth , 'hat we Ire lpon our federal
o"crnmont time tut of proniptiy recognlz-
) prompt rconlz-
. ) !
lu ! al IJellgoreuts the Clbll patriots mmnd
of tioimig ni In Its power 10 proclre the
recoIllon Icy time Sitlish Jo\ernlent of
time Ireellnl 01 the Isla nIl of Cuba.
Fifth. That we eal 1101 all Alel'lcan citizens -
izens who Aympathlzo wih Cuban patriotIsm -
Ism to mule known their A'mpathleH In
order flint their moral support may be given
to 1 ? tOil ) ca use ,
After further speeches , marked by enthus-
Iasm , the nipi.t liar alJourned. ,
- - -
IUUT ! ( ' 1 B CUI.UlUIAX 1tlliEI.S.
UI'ornmelt 'roop' limmliiro : Great ilmttI-
8h1J nefnrl' tim " J'llnl ( , Ilati Ic.
IHpeelnl ( ( ol-rtsponll'nee of the A.oentcd Prees , )
COLON , Colombia March . .
, 27.-The fohlosv-
Ing arc the details or the battle fought on
: larch 1 : In the department or Santander
an < which , according to the official repor1s ,
Is said to ha"e termInated the rebellion In I
the republc or Colombia :
"lIANGA QU March 22-From Febru-
ar y 23. on which date our forces started Irom
Port Naciommal . up to the 15th instant the
date on wlleh the bate at Enclbo took :
pla ce . they hacl to march on root and haIl I
na ked about 300 tithes through mountalnou .
and rugged places and over tracts or land I
where 1 was excessively cold , time tempera -
turo being so low that our soldiers could 1
scarce ! endure it. or the 3,001 soldIers who
startel1 from Porto
Naclonl only 1,500 al" -
rh'e < at nelso I , the missing ones havIng
abanl0ned their arms anti ammunition . 'he
re bis had 200 men II good positions , and
General Royce the
) , commander of the gor -
ornment lorces. Ilowlng that they vouhi I
shorty be reinforced by 2,000 men , deter
mined to attack before the relnrorcement a
Irrlvet , Conse'l1enty he opened fire Ipon : at
the ' enemy at 5 a. m , on larch 15 . and by
7 o'clock the government troops hall alread ) : '
taken the '
enemy's posilon and Immdlately :
captlred the town 01 Enciso. The rebels
were compeled to retreat and went towar.1 1
Ihe mountains , amI Erotic ambush ) they caused
tOlrlbl havoc among our lorces By 'I
clock In the afternoon , after a desperte :
slruggle on both sIdes
, theIr last positioim S
w ere captured auth time
eaptlre < 3n < revolutolists were
rOltell ,
"Among the dead are , Colonels Vleeo and
Regnla Clcln , lerreros and Captain Ordene7
a. 111 as about 300 soldiers. The enemy's
loss was heavy. and they had a large number
or woundel General Reyes says that aft r
the battle he had only 800 01 hIs troops , afor an
that between micad and wOlndld he hall lost
700 inca. The 'I
mel enemy was well armed wit I
it eimm.thgton , Mouser and Winchester wlh .
" \hen the battle was over , General Slt-
tl :
lerel appeared wih 2,000 men from Ierlaca
anll threatened an attache .
thretenll ataelt upon Ihe goverm
tmm etmt lorces. General
melt Heyes took
lp a po-
silon alHI awaited time onslalHht , but In the :
ni eammthmmme General Mateims'
meantme Matels' forces appeared
: ml comlleled the rehels to surrenller
"Un < ouhtelly ! Ihls ( trIumph has secure the
Ileace of the republc , " <
IXI'I'I I X' ; IX aiiXi : It ) .
l'nU".en ff "Sa lit 'r'rool' Senic II LI 1mev-
nln 1.1 I iIiprtom , . ' . ( l'ull"018.
G\INESTO , Tex , AIrl 4-A letter 10
the t News rrom i'residlo , ' 'lX" , on time ltio
Gl'nnllo h , toils or an Ilclpl"nt Insurn'eton
among the MexIcan fanatics , The trouble 1
which has been brewing among the Mexicans
iS i Iho horllI' over time person Imown as
Saint 'erel. who' claIms pOwer to Ilerlorm
im uiraciemi . broke out AgaIn Ihls week. Falnt
Toesl has been deelarell \ ) ' many to he a
man , 111 ; therefore I fraud , the more Ignorant
or time 1lexllanl beIng greatly stirred
about the tootler. The greaty strred up
which took place at Mulatto has rll'olnton ,
at Ojlnnngo ( PresIdio tel Korte ) , Mox. The
prIsoners taken at Mulatto were Incarcerated
In t Jail , ' < rceratE
j81 at Ojlnango The hunchback leather or
tl " ca I a l's' Iart , y .Iemlllll < Iho I sun enmier ( I
or f the ' .
o 1l'leoncr. , mind upon beIng refused he
cf ciii word to Ojlnnngo that h" would use :
IorIo to obtain Ihem Time hunchback started ,
with aim armlll force or 1&0 men. The author-
iies t , heal'lng or his Pllroach ) , started a force
. torct
tu t meel hll , and In time light which ensued ,
which was kept nil unll dark , eight were ye-
110rtO I dead on hoth stiles antI svvt'cul
woun < l ! Time aUlhorlles retfJIt,1 , 10
Ojlll/1 I / aUII Ihe t hlnclbael , reins I imed omit.
sllo ( the \nlR or the Ily , Ihrenllnlng remallell Olt. for
Ihree t mia ) t' , and Ojnango Is In I btato 01
sleg" , The wommmemm an.1 ciciidrcn
wOlen rfn immive crossed
chl h8\e
< \
the t Rio Granule Into Texas for Sarll Today
fifty gens IlarmL1 wi concentrate ) Ojln.
nngn amid by tommmorrow
1111 ) tOlorrow troops Irol Chlhulhua
will bc Oi the bceno of . action - .
- -
11IJ' J.1TIiI JlllJE 1./d.\'O l'Fll ) .
iigiire ' II lie I Jectul uf GI'orlor , un I
( ii liar 'IUo ( , UII'II. (
1h10\'I nr ) 'l'I , . \prl 4-Fulowlnl art
time elhlnl l ul'es on the stnte rlector , :
Fur thou vi 101 -i.iilItt , republi'mmn , : .r2 ;
1.11lllhl , llemurnl , ilEml : i.iltt'a I'm-
I nll ) lM"JI'ut Li : ; mlmt ( io'ornor-Allen
1.lllh'lnt UO"orlor-Alen , rolllhlcal ;
? 5 31 ; mi flier , .lemol'tt I , lJblileU'1 1 ; 1111.
111) ' . 1t5G ( ,
$ ( 't'i''inl ) ' at Stutc-himmnett
republican ,
: ( S : titCCIIC . < emoerlt , 1t,21 ii ; rlPItleon
' , . IlnnlU'1
Ilu"II ) lUl.
, \1(110) ' Uenernl- ( ) ubolB , m'cputiiieaim , 21-
812' ' ' lepublran :1-
3'1 11'011'1 , dcmoctl , l,6H ; ilulmeis' plu-
inhity I . $ ,4i1. PU.
ib'imm'rai Tm'caemmmer-Clarlc . ropulmiieap. 21. J .
; Perry , tI I . repUllcan : .
1 I ' . , 1 . : " 10tTat. i3,2.d : ( 'llrk's Illuml.
'J'he I , littlicans elected * ' .
pul-lrnl ceetfll ) memo
hr "K of the I""uh' and th demmocmtts three .
In Iho I huusn I liii ' < lloerats Ihrle. .
Il' i'epiiblieaims hu\'e six ty. I
lelu lcanl )
j I'CII tfmhl'll Inll the dellocrolR ( live. '
Al the tOI\11 and Clties'iroting etc . Ii.
CCU voted " 1e. " cllu votng 01 1.
Oapturo of Bill Cook Failed to Put 1 Stop
to the Industr
Viva Men Juh1 UI' R Hock bR111 ! Iprcs .
At : Ihlllht II UIIRhUIR RII
itceuro Three tlllr",1
htFNNESSEY . Okl" , April 4.-The Rock
Isl311 train was robbed last night at Dover ,
The robbery occurred al 11:50 : , lwenly rods
west or Dover Train No 1 was held up hy
five mountell men , who orllerel the bagn e'
man to C'en the , door 01 the baggage car.
lie refused and limo robber fired twcl't m
shots throlgh the door , woullns the bnigage
lan In the wrist , The robbers then broke
open time door wlh I sledge hut did not
succeed In fettn ! any IllInler Irol the i
baKale , They 'IIrrlelly Ilrocl'lel through m
time smoker nnll one tiny coach , seclrlng about L
' 300 In immcmmey rrol tim IIssengers , In nil .
million to the $300 In cash the robbers alec
obtained front tImely victms In the day coach I
and smok six revolvers anll a number
I of f
watches tutu rlmmgs. The passengers In the
sllellCrs Were not Ilsturbell , The robhlrs
were last seen Irom the train going west I
Irol Dover all mOlntl , the heather being
upon a metlesome gray horse A Iesso
started from Klngf her , time next station , In
purslit 01 the baI11 : ; , staten
hnru I"urlher "M , detal ! _ state d. . ' that two 01 the rob
. . u "uu"'cu ll" 5 V Just as the train
elglC . , ( LU , , ,
was leaving Dover , aimd , the
! alll covlrln engineer -
gineer and hiremmtaim , commmnmancieul theta
anl treman cOllanll1 thel to stop
at a certain Ilolnt aholt 200 yards front the
water tnnk. The engineer , a little exciteii ,
wnt about
onc-fourth of
a mile before
mie slop-
plug antI narrowly cscape(1
! escapel losing his 11e
II consoquencc One robber tired at him ,
just the I itch scm , hll I a 11 the hal 1 guI img through
window CClluctor James Mack .
not having hear the shot , startet to find
out what was wrong nnil was covered as
he approaehel the engine a 11 was told to
clmb Into the engIne. They robbed him
and wee then Joined by others who hall
como UII to the train A dlmalll was made
for Express Messenger Jones to open his
door TIlls was refused and a fusilade fol-
iovccl . In whIch the messenger was wounded
In the wrist. lie attempted to escape trout
the opposite sile of the car , bil was call-
tlred by a guard on that side alll matle to
crawl tinder the trin , An atempt was
then made to open the cafe . hut nothln
could bf lane , Then they proceedell to rob m
the plssengers as already statedVhen
the Iraln arrived at Kingtishmer . Sheriff :
Bnrchett and timmited States larshal Mudser
Unied S
: : lalsen
01 E Heno Were notified and carried to the c
scene ot the holdup by a special train. They
lounl fI the trail about lour miles vest 01 r
I ) over , where the Clmarron river had been m
crossed a 11 are still lolowlng It. < They
have positve identification or the robbers ,
b itt they are supposed to bo led hy Did C
< Dck
V eager , an outlaw who has headluarters ] In
Che'enne county I the posse comes ui ]
with the robbers a fight will probab1y occur
At daylight this morning a carload or men
amI horses was maimed to Dover from EI I
Reno and limo country Is being scoured by
deplty mrshal and < etectl'es , scolrel Dotoetve
Suton 01 Wichia , Knn" , has also gone to 1
tie scene
TOPEKA , April .I-Iessenger JV , Jones I ,
ono or the trainmen
who was wounded In
Ihe t Hoclt Islan robbery , gives this
count : < ) ac-
"When the train was brought to a stand-
s till I opened the door or the express car
to see what was up , At that Instant I
SlW' beven len rise up from the grass In a
Ite l ravine along the trck , One or the
robbcrs shol tOIl to me : 'TalI your head
hack or I'l shoot It OIL' I lost mme home
In i getting head inside
gelng my Insile the car. I
slammed the door and locked It. Then the
rebbrs opened fire on the car , at least 100
bullets perleratl" It I was sitting on
a mal sack with my WInchester across my
Imees l when I was struck In the left wrist
and leI by ! bullet. :1) arm foil hump at
my side Then time robbers smasht1 In
the door and worked fully an imour trying to
open the sara I allng In this , they all
went back ) Ind robbed the passengers. al
" \\'hiio they were In my car come one
carrying a lantern appeared 5010 distance
front time car. One 01 the robbers said :
'Watch me limit that lght out. ' Then he
fired In the dlrectol or the light and I
disappeared at onco. Another robber said :
'We'l shol the Hock Island people they
can be held UII as welt as other roads ' "
110 roach , tonight offered a reward or $1,000
for the arrest and convIcton of each or the
WIChITA , ICan. . April -I.atc tonight
word was receIved tram the territory that
the posse had come UII with time Heel Island
train robbers and that In a fight that 101-
lowed one lan WIS kIlled 111 several
woundet , Names are not clven antI I Is
not likely that further particulars can be
secured tonight. The leaders or time robbery .
It Is now learld , were Chal'les Bali and
Zyp Wyatt of Inlals : , Payne county . ) They
were recognized by ex-Unied States Inrshal
Unities , who was I passenger on time Imln ,
They were formerly prIsoners In his custody '
and greeted ! m courleously. 'rho others ;
were evidently local timieves trout lCimmgtimmimer , ,
, evldent thlel'ts
The delay caused lit. fun rohhprs Klngtsher . ;
open ( the - express el : gave cnl passengers ' II I
o IIorlumiity ) to stowaway 11art h or theIr valuables -
ables , What they hanled 10 the robbers I
' was ' slch amounts as they chose to give imp ,
'I'ho negro IJorler wal ; rorcell 10 carry a sinai I
sacl ( Ind go In alvaneo , 01 time baumdlts ,
Baiy Iwpt with hll to see that everbolly )
"lhlpC1 In" 1111 W'al t helll his rife reall )
to t shoot tummy one who claret ! to Interlere )
The Eagle tonight rleeve,1 ! , Ilosllve Inlor-
maton that "S'I\a , " limo man I'eporttd kliel I
along the train robbers In time fight near
I Honnesse tonIght , Is In FortVortim , Tcx ,
A raiway cOI1luctor talid wih him at Fur
Worth a few imotmrs before time trmmlut
fal hOlrs trlin wa : mu
l'obbel , at Dover , nearly 200 Iles from thieve ,
A special 10 lime Eagle I from Iennessoy al
Ihlnlght m says that time Ilenl robber has been I
Ilentfecl I posHlvely as Rattlesnake ll , a
notorious i outlaw . antI not "Sylva. "
. , ami. "SI'a.
, ' ) ' \ ' / 'UON1 r ( . ' , ' ' / " 2'lf.V OIl/ /
Reerel/rT Carl , . Will Ito Vrceumt "Iul
" ) . , ' , . ,
"Ih'or IU1101
l1 : IPIIS , April 4-A sound money move
10nt was started here 10day which Is iikel I'
to ( be far reachlul In Its resull , \t t I
Ilrgel l ) ' Itlllled 1letnl of com mitelS tram
Iho t Cotton , Ierchant and l.umbermen'l
e xeiuungems , the Maumufacturerci' ns oelaton
In the Young Ien's flimsiness
< Ilslne league , Ihe
f ollowing resolutions .
folowing I'csolnlons were adopted :
Itesuived , That ii cons'entlomt -
Ic ul'ed 1 conventon Is hereby
"aUN 10 assemble at uieuumpmmis , T nn" , oim
' I'imtirsciay , May 20 , 1195. to be C0111081'11 " ( 01
delegates chosl'n by the Ileolliu ot time satutim-
"I Itnlel & who hel v In time necessiy ot a
"ounll ali staple currency ant better bmuilc.
In i ! fuellllS In order to fully restore IlHI
In l time future 10 maintain Prosperity
lice Ileo\I ( ant t ) this elli the co-operation Imong
at 11 cOllerclal I , maui u fact uirlmi g , mmgricul-
turmmi aitci Industrial
tlrl lnt organizatioummi mmmc sreit
/ "tll' n-operation organlzatol'r Izens 11 ' , 11 m
hortb i ) ' earilmeti ) In\II'11
A ,
conlnltee of fifteen to carry out the
obje'ts contemmtimlateml waR . ,
< conlIIJlale.1 milcpoint.-d. Time
meell , ! was nl\lresslll by ConsresKlan appolnl. l'at-
1\lson ) , wh" nlslrell time lellng that Seere-
tilt' ) ' of the 'Jreablr ) ' Carlisle woulll 'isht
time city In May for hue Ilrllose of \Isl
lug Ilmmtmutcial II cIS'
Inl Inlnclal questions before this coum'eum.
lIon . imuid tutu time ' 'Ol'en.
lon. In thll mOl'cnwnt hat the hearty
t'nt1orseumtnt ( lresllent Clevland ,
/"I . SdllOI , ot . T.rrllsto . Cruim ; , .
GALENA . Kan" , Apri 4.-Ilostomi Mills ,
the scenl or the kilng of the Cox brothers
by Newton Wallers , and his subslquent sui
tIde , IK icthil hI '
ltl I lever ot excitement ,
Today Ievl hUnker , the man on exclemenl
" 'IItIS was emJlo , has bcole who.e insane
) t Inlne
front the llw"k caused by time terrIble trng.
edies 'rhe murderer' mother hal also be.
come became a raving knlwn , maniac silce her son's crime
11 . ,11 : .11J'IEJ fl % . A. ' BlOLIIlAN }
1Ick""tor Utrel'ol . " , hIAblet ,
itltlon in II. ' .
dltu" II I. lqumtpni'ul'
SAN JOSE , C31 , April 4-Tho director at
time Lick observatory ) ' tOday received a teic-
gram which announces that lion. 1 lwrl
Crossley , Intel ) ' n member or Parliament for
Halifax , I nglnnl , proposes to present to the
Lick observatory ) ' hIs get lote root reflecting -
InE telescope , with its dante and tIlt Is nllp-
ratlJ , : Ir , Crossle3r , himself an enthusiastIc
antatetir astronomer , makes
amatllr no contlton to
his gift except that his telescope , whcn set
111 on Mount Hamilon I , shal bo called the
Crossle retctor. and that tue expenses or
transllortaton or the Instrument and ulouuw
rrom l nKlnnl to Calrornla elmati be bore
by the Americans. Time splendid ) Instrumlnl
which : Ir , Crossley offers Is we\ known to ;
astronomers , I was mll 1) ' : lr , A. A ,
Common ot Ionllon and for the iitagmtiflcemml
Ilhotographs ; made with It : Ir. Common re-
calved the golll medal or Ihe Hoynl AstronomIcal . :
teal socle ) I Is / great compliment to the ) ,
Lick ehse\ntory that : Ir. Crosslc has se-
lectell It to receive this gir and I Is n Ilrae-
Icnl recogniion 01 the fact that Calornla Is m
th" ideal clmate for maKing nstronOmlc11 eli
servatons , as hs bn fully shown by the :
eXI'erlenel' ' or the 11H seven years ,
Time nt\lton or this great reflector 10 the
eluh"n nt 01 the Lick observatory , which I
; mlready 110SSebr ! the great three root ye .
hector , makEs time Instrumental outfl or Iount rt. t
Hamiton decidedly superIor 10 that 01 any
obserlator ) ' now exlstn . The cost 01 die
nit Dii ii I big the I rcfector 111 dome In gnglanl ,
ot trnsllortng them to Cnlornla , ( only the
most hnllorlant Ilaris of the frame work of
the donl wil be required here ) , and of erectIng -
lug the cOllllete uppartus at Mounl hlammm -
Ion wi he abolt $ & , CO , This sum lam- bl
mled br ' subscrlllton In America herore : lr ,
accellted Crossle"s generous eler can be defniely : I
A hIL'm'u . ' , I'IcIfCICIiLS' I - ) ' ,
lllSa .1'UIWHIU.S' IIUTI llSR.
On" Irllr , ' nlt , , \r'I'Nt , Ils uther fur
l"rll,1111 I I lt C Iltaet"r ,
SAN I"HANCISCO , April 4-The row In
tl Spreelllls lamlr hiI reachell a some-
what iotmsmttiommal stage. " "
bensatonal StlHC. Young "Gus"
Sreelwls flied a complaint In the superior
court today charging his rather
wih slan-
d er. The
charge grows out 01 the stilts
reeent ) begun by time two younger Sllreellels
brut hers
against their lather all their two
ohler brothers to reCOver valuable stock
In t the Sreelels hawaiian stoe
( lawalan sugar tnmmminesms
and the Oceanic ' .
SIC3mshlp compan The
suit Involving the Oceanic )
Sielmshhl commm-
im aumy was recently brought by Gus COl'
) recenty brolght Srecllels ,
who Instituted maitchanums (
Insttulell mandaml proceedings to
cmpel the directors 01 tic commipammy to
tie cOlpany
cal an annual uneetimig . lie allgd that
by refusing to do bO they were Ieepll
him i out of reimresenjatlon on the boarmi of
rLpreseltaton boarl
11 rectors After thIs slit hall been flied
Claus fed
Spreellels , In a newspaper Interview ,
salt some very rough thIngs about his
younger orme. lie practically charged Gu
with the elbezzlement or $250,000 In IS91.
while manalng time Sllreckels sugar refinery
' refner
In PhiadelphIa , The lather nlso charged
that the fult aginst the OcanIc SteamshIp -
shIp company was simply "a Illece 01 blacl
mal , " by which the younger brothers were
trying to heal him Olt of 2000000. Time
lather further alleged that Gus Iwd wasted I
his " l mane ) ' , would soon je a bankrupt anti I
"wouhl 11robably die In "
the .
gller. As a I
result of all this alleged .miefamnatlon ,
al aleged deamaton youmm i
Srecltls claims that his reputation ) ouni I
prospects h have heen damaged many timoim -
sands or d l mliars. ' In his complaint he reo
cites that hp has . been I
has' , ben dapiaged
to the , extent of $2OOQOOg" bt that it Is
not money which he wants. , 'e tmpefrm ) i'
sues for tul $300 lam geBi ; thoet'
as his iesire II to clCar 'Ilnself or the
charges which his father 71as so pubiici f
mnde against hIm. ' fublcly
( I"E ( OIIO.\ . CUUIJIIL lJWIU'1'lf.
Ulstllul.hel Cllzcns Grot Site JX.t'ln _
federate Irnder It I"O ! : " Ciy ,
KANSAS CITY , April -NeJrly 3,000
'an people , . Including 200 veteraDs , both federahe'a
and confederates , IlmerOUi arlY oleers
and civilians 01 prominence , partIcipated In
tile reception tendered General John 11. GOI'-
den , the noted Georgian contederate , at the
Coates house . '
tonight. General Gonion's pur-
POSe In cOllng to Kansas City Is to lecture
for the benefit or veteran COl'
patty A , anti the veterans or both armies
jolne < In honorIng hIm lie arrived early
this evenIng , and was met at the depot
by a reception committee , beaded by Mayor :
DavIs Eighty members mf veteran
Eghty company -
pony A and 100 lemberl of the ex-Con.
federate association , with Miss Nannle Davl
and Miss Anna ShelbY teadlng the way on C
two magnifcent white horw s , _ escorted tin
party to time Coates house. The reception < , ,
which lasted from 5:30 : tl 11:00. : was a
brilliant success Among Ihose present were
many who served with distinction In both
the northern and southern armies The )
Included Governor William J. Stone , Major $
William Warner , past gu'auId commander or :
the Granll Army or 1hc Ieplble ; Colon 1 u
H. 'r. Van Horne , General Jo 0. Shelby ,
General I"ranlle Askew , Major T. A. ibid .
wIn , U. S. A. ; General Milton Moore , Gen
ral George n. Netteton , General H. I" .
Deval alHI General J. A. " 'Iekhal , Tomorrow -
morrow General Gordon will be a guest or I
the Daughters of the
Confederacy , who bave
arrangell another reception for him In
the evenIng he still lecture at the Al ltorlul
on "The Lest Days of . the , Confederacy < . "
Kl.l 1 Jll"l ; LITJL.I'i'IO.V , , SITTT.II ) .
luhlcra of time l'r11131'ly U" Nut to .tp .
, H'II flol time Ir""t flwlsl , " " , ,
lEN'Efliril , i-Time fnmous " ' 00,1 ,
heirs Ilgalon humus been settled amid IhQ
Illalnlftl have 1010 Into possession ot nut I
Ilterlst In milinI prollelt ) ' In Asrln valued '
nt * 10OO I was claimed that \ \ ' . J.
Wood , a poor Canllan wima , loeatel time
Eininmt mine , was dellllel of his Interest
itt fliRt Irop rt ) ' , At the lme or his death
he dish not knol how valuahle It was tend
lime heIrs slgnet IWI ) ' Ilh' clalnl to I fur
nlmoKt nothlnl \'imcit they Ilscrcl what
they hall clone time ) ' conslled attorneys multI
stilt ' wnl Imeguum In the pnle.1 ' States courl nnl
'hey oblalnel1 a Jutmnlt for a tne.thlrll
interest In the glmu mine anti lor $ )9,000 : I
hum c'aimim. 1 wns timougimi ' that 'the ' llefendants
1\Ill nl"II'11 " I from IhlA I deision , hit thu I ly
thl'y ngut'ed to settle the matter tnniy
tht mater wlholt
further IIalon and all the heIrs will ho
enriched , All time heirs ; exrept Clptaln
James . 0. \'ool of Chlcnr < hlvo , 1nlll time
cLnttlt and alrlement , CUlltaln'ool I.
entitled (1 ( to ahoul one twenty-ae'etmtim Interest
In the I lml mine auu.j hl" the privilege to
an IrlvlelO
( 'ml ' In rind sign WIU"lhe otlrs or enlorcu
hil l'loporlonnto ' "hdre of the judgment
No mullr whldl course hI takes the owners
wi not he emimarrassel , . therehy In the
hush clays at silver minIng tn Colorado 1111
when Aspen was In har hnlon ! days , be.
rOt the . depression at sliver ) , time unininmg
prollert Invol\tl In this litigation was esti.
Illtell 10 ho wurth from $ OO to $17,0 esl. )
Oul 0,0. 1 Is now said to be worth about $10-
coktdItu4r4 : : ( lOT .I1L ZL'II1 lU.\'El'
'Vmyo \ 0111 l'otOIWho 'Selpot nub I
( IIIIIII Ilu , , W"'y 'T'I"1 In.
G.gNWOOD SPRINGS . ( " , April 4.-
SherIff WIIO hal captured two memherl of
Iho gang that raided the Shiver Climb gain-
hlli room last week , securing , $ (15 ( , 'Jhe
Prisouters are Oliver JICO H and flub Moore ,
nelhel' at whom Is over 22 years or agm' ,
) Enr/ ag\
/llng cOlfronled wlh the cVllelee of their
gtuiit. ( lucy broke down
hlll 111 toll the oihicerum
how limey cmno on horHeblcl ( to olt'lt ,
I r their horses itt time ruce Irarl" met a
ronflllemto ' who ca10 In on the train , ac-
comlshc.1 their mlsilol and all Ilrocel.led
tolelhlr to the edge or time town , where
their eonfederate iCft I thl'l , lakln with
hIm the boodle , but mromntsing to meet them
al . \lnen Jlncton , 11rollslnl hoy. then thtm
theIr horses tend ' 1"111 hmonte , where they awalled their frJend , , who ncr
ca ins.
! ell $ turn l'miiiln : I Ut Trust IJ"t.
IiAKERSF11I.I ) , , ttat , Aprl 4.-A Irult
llcell Was recorded In the ' '
wal rceorllet county recOfder'/
olce tothmiy by the Southern J'acUlc coma /
pan , tmamusfem-ring nil its :
transftrlng al prop rty , Inclu'Ung
rln stock , In flits Il . l'lhel' ' coun'l i
time { entral Trust ( ' ot ' ' I.
Ih\ 1rust 'lpaIY New ) ' )1 ( ,
the consideration teJnl 580,0 ;
- , - - ' . _ _ _ _ n
Senator Hut of Wyoming Shoots William
Mine , 1 Prominent Otz ; n.
lult :111 Arltc , limit time 1'romnptmecsa of
Ono ( lumso the OIlier 1.ltto ,
Chlnto tn Use ills
( Ul ,
CASPlm , W'o , April .I.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram-I.ast ) eVlnlng abut 4 I o'clock Joel
.1. hurt shot and killed Wiiam Miiite. lurt
Is state senator from this
sela count ) , amid for
time least ) 'l'/r hns been maror of the town
01 Ca Plr , lie Is an ail-timer , and got
his start In life shilping antelollo meal Irom
Inwln8 to the eastlr markets. I
About fifteen years ago he enRaged In thy I
sheell buslnes on the rouge north or flaw-
Ins , \0" , and Irom the start he seemed
to hlve been successful , In ISIO he broufh1
his sheep ) over Ilto the Plate river vale ) '
munch soon afterward moyell her anl , ereetel ,
an elegant hOle , lie Is estmatell to be
worth close on to 200OOO lie Is a lan t
55 years 01 age , and rather tall ,
Last summer he was est tr'lnl to sel
his 1001 ChIts , and when he cale hOle in (
was told Ut his wlo had been seen al L
the sheep Clp 01llal : llne umler
questolahle crclnstonce . Inrt I accelltll
these stalements as true , anl left his vik ?
nnll fancily. Since that lme he has bell
cast 10elng shmeeim and returned to Casper
about two weeks ago
Wilam : llne was a 'oung Scotehlan ,
about 30 years old , all hanlloll shep Irem
I hurt on shares \'hen In town I iimrt's
house has always been the hOle of the
boys who had sheep on sharIS trout him , and
Mine , when In town , always stopped therl
Last ulght : lnc eamo In as usual mcmiii
put up his leone at the lurt bar Ihirt
I Is reported , had written him not to do
this , amid hall expressed hImself '
: very vigor-
ously on the suIjct ,
1 onm TIlE \\4itN1NG.
11ne i I I IrIored this t wlrnlng I , alll when be imp 10wI hurt was emi the bolt for
him. As Mime passed the Grand Centrll
hotel Hurt I stepped UII balm I umd him ami said :
"I want tu see your lace , " all at the semite
tinto commenced Irlng , Three bullets en-
tered the bOdy of 1111e , one pa slng thruh
his heart Mime was armed , but hal no
chance to defend lmiuumcelf .
: lrs , lurt Is a pleasant little woman or
40 , and has lots of warm frlenlls. Iany or ,
Cusller's best Citizens believed her Illoeentl
01 an ) ' wrong Intenlon , ald this Is probably !
the seulment or the majoriy of people here
There seems to be no proof that she eyen did
wroll , bust Is a much sinned aKallst 10lan ,
lurt , by reason cl his free trade Ideas , Is
ole ot the best known sheel' ' men In the
west He Is a prOlllent denmocrat ItI two
years ago came within a few votes of being
nomlnlted for governor , and last year could
have had the nontluatton for the asking. lic
Iomlnaton thesltn ! le C
Is a free wool man , never tires 01 talking :
abeut that subject ; Is a free-imearteci fellow , ,
and has lots 01 frIends By reason 01 his m
talk on free wool Ie has many bIter enemies I
among hIs felow wool raisers.
Ho was a great thorn In the side or the
catlemen when theymado their raid Into
J04nsqn ' county several years ago , and caused I
tite cattlemen more trouble In getting out 01 :
time scrape than any other man In the state ,
It was Ihrough him the state went dn- , .
un _ _ n , _
cratc two Ytrrs ago tpmn.
Publc sentment as to the kUling seems
ts o he wlh Hurt , and against him ! to an ) , '
serious charge against hits wile. Hurt's imoti -
lying Mine to keep away Irom his house
and Milnc'me refusing to do so accounts lor :
thIs state of feeilutg.
Everybody here
' reeln ! Eyeryboly seems
'to think a man ought to run his own home ,
" mid this feeling Is
leelng so strong that gencralh ) '
It i looks as Ir the puble justified hIs actiomm ,
hurt Is now In Jai , The prelminary acton
wi take place lomorrow.
1 Is alleged that abut a year ago hurt' mc
son , aged 10 .
years , vent home ole even
Ing t unexpectedly and found Mime sitting on : F
hIs i mother's lall.
I".uLSIPJID TIl' CITflS itICOflh'i , .
UCporlto : tc.1 . \dopte. ' tl SIUlllo
t Iln"lr. Iltl t tic , Country
SAN FRANCISCO , ApI-I 4.-Cutitomim Col-
lectOl' l \Vlse
has dlseoverel the I\ork of sOle
trior In his oilice . He learned today that
1010 une In time customs house has been fal-
Iltyln ! the reeo' < 1 there In order 10 fRCI _
ilte I the smuln ! of Chinese into the
country. A few weeks ago I Chinaman
.rrlvet lucre . presented his registration pa-
imers , which appeared to be nil
perl 11 right , Ind
was admited without much queslonlng , The
other day unother Chlnumln sought IIlm18.
sIan Gn n certificate beariuig the
cortfclte ! same lunr ,
Investglton proved that time second Chlnn-
Iln WIS the one ent\lt to It mind time first
ono hlil been smlII,1 In ' 1he Chlnalln
first lanlled ,
Irlt was alllrehelulell and I tti now
under arresl. A eJose Inspeeton < of Ul
custom house records show that the 1111tO.
graph of the original ( hinalln hud be"n
Illtn fll Ihe book and tlnt of the Chlna-
Inn who frutlulelty entered metubstitutech ,
By time use of acute time .lserepane substutell tll ,
agl's ( , f i the two me autO noles 01 other
clstlul"hlng feutures bel\en them were
alFO , In
lhlngell ( act time certificate 'zcs
I clllJletely 1111e. changed , _ Ko /Telt elrtlelio hal beel wal
OI'Ie'1NJ ' . 1)0,11\1 COfT UI.\/ : , '
Nelcm'uu iltul 57 ii ii lea I n IllorrNI.11 In I mu "ch"I"
of ill huh . S ' ' ,
lnl. 'III'rlll 111'11111"1 I
iA WI.INS , Wyo" , Apri 4-Hpoclal ( Tele.
Htm-An } exhort who rel'resents a Ne-
Iraslm sYltlalelt t I has 10nileil ( the 1 omiutl
and Iron IIIHII owned icy IluIC I Jllhouso ]
Itt Semlnoo , thirty miles northclFt , for $00e
1,00 , , clme In ) 'eKtenI ) ' , lie expressm'mi hint-
self lS wcl Illelsed wih Iho IIUIII ) ' and
'Iuanlty 01 coal He onlelO IL veltcll
ehaf Hunk to I dellth of Jo feet to cut the
several coal , 'eiits . whIch ) li to his , ' noun-
pie I cmi ly :11) ' : S , wh.'n lie Irst pannent of
K'JO ; II t lue , J I helevlll lucite Ihat Ihe
Norlhweblel tlroad II Inlll'cHlclI In time
purohlHe anti will extend its lute from Cems.
lne ( lS-
Per to Semlnoe the Present /eOHOn , as the ) '
Ilve no Ktell cual emi their hue In Vyomim.
tog , Ind time opening ot Ihlse Ile would
creale / large .Ielalli for time coal In cantt
emit " ' ) 'oling Ind western Nebrahkn ealt.
\J'IIIII 'nko8 Chnrt of I'ort.Jlley : , ,
( 'IIEVENNfl , April 4-Hpeclal-Gov.
llr' Y "prl - ( ) -
etor Blchnlll has appolnlell 'i'hiOnmuis 'J' .
Ucbb of Uufllo elslodiln of time Fort l'slc-
l < lnnlY mlllry I eservittimum. 'I'tvo msectiommmu
of lanll , 1IIIullng I el'\'Itln. t . haollsole 1wo seelonl
buUdlnjs , otileers' ' resimicittmmi 1111 ollr 11-
I'ruvenent ' , were eeded to tht slatu 01
\\omlng by the last congress. 'l'ime cus.
tOtlal IPIolnted I ) ' time Wlr delllrtment
Uiii ) thu alJnclonmlnt ot 11cKlnney mma a
mltlry Icost lust October ceul d bin II dU.
tlH ' \llrl 1. I Behb WIS nolled of hlH up-
plnlment hey telegrph r111 Instructed lp
IHSUle charge ot time remsei'vation at outce.
reservaton II
ThE next stile iegisiatttre wi probabl dc-
termlno whlt ' iimmitosltion will ho made at
the rCKervaton ,
" 'uh.d iia ' 1 hrolt wih A liulfe
CIg\I NN I . Wo , April 4-Slleelnl.- ( )
I.ouls KIHt I , a Mexican sllll ) herder In time
enmpioy of the Warren Live Slack comu-
plny , 1llIpted suicide last ntgimt at the
shl'ell catp Ihlrt.nve miles norlheast 01
Cho'enne lie IlaHhe,1 , his throat wRit a
pocke knlle , sevrin ! the windpipe wih 'Jh.
Injured Iln wns brought to time city and
placed tn the count ) ' huslilal.
- - ,
itlumoumieuits tt Ico"n ) ) mvmcuuuu'r' , Apri f ,
BOblon At Ciueenmstown-Arrlved-Catalonla , from :
At Soulhampton-Arrlve . CIOI [ New
York , larch 26 , for Bremen
At New York-Arrlvd-Nomadlc. trOn :
Liverpool ; hard , trom liremen .
At i.tverpool-Arrlvesb-Cataioola , tram I
Boston Russian Prince , trol Philadelphia .
At Naphes-Arrived-Fuida , from New
York ; Suevla , from New York
At iiatmtburi-Arrlved-l5hoenieIaui , iron
New York
- - -
COSJ11.11W S'HICS Ul ' JlUIIlIfIZ I' .
lnn Who \\A8 o ; I'mumel 01 , . " " the
UnroN ! Ono l'olllor
CAnUm.TON , :10" , April 4-The Taylor
jur ) Is still out , without any ImmNlnto prospect -
leech 01 its members comlll to nn agree'
melt lS to limo guilt or the accused In lice
murder ( ot time Iceks (111) ' , I Is learned
that the jur ) ' stmlis se\n for convicton ami
five nlalnst ,
At 1 :30 : nlls afternoon time jlry sent for
J , Ill 10 Itmmckcr anll the roremal , Wllall
I'reeman , notified him that the Jmmry couhl
not ngroe The jlllge ordered the sheen ! ! ! 10
retur the jmury to Its room /111 lock It lilt ,
There Is now ito oubl thnt ( the jur ) ' has
iueim tampered "Ih , Sllle ) ' Miller , prose-
cutng attorney or Carrel county , hns ye-
ceived a statement from Charls Drllimou ,
who was 01 the Pinch Irom which the Jur '
was chosen , vimleim Is , ' ' .
whlCh very .lmalng to the
derels ( Ilcllnson ) sWcar that 01 ! tht Ion- .
Ilny ' Ilght before the trlll iucgaut Jacob H ,
Wilams , cashier or the lallq or Tlnn , ' \il
to t hll I at his to rum hOlse a mmd said I imat I \ I , It : m
case lie t''as selected as a Juror , 1w vomilti L
atautci omit for itccituittmtl there would Ime liii : I
uuucemmey iii it for imimim , amid if ime voumId sime _
cotl lii hmatugiumg tlce jutry there woulti be gee i
immoutey Iii it. \\'Iiltauis said timat lie tm'omilc I
see timat time mmuoutcy was haiti. Time mmcxl ilay ,
iicktmmeomm says , its' was aiilmmoaclmetl by hilci i
Siitltii , a brotimr-tmt-Iav of ilarminy hinmicoim .
tm'iuo is noo' on the Jtmr ) ' , aumil Smimitlu inamit
tue entite pmopositiott hint imnil becum nimambo IC ) '
\\'iiilmmins. hicktmmsotm is one of time mmmosl 'I
reitmitalile uumcmt tim tIme county. There Is grea I
iitdlgimattomi Iii Carrel coumumty that a jmmrb Ip
cotmid be fomummd imere to tin numytimiumg buit con -
'lct time Timylors. No one lies time shiglmtos I ,
tlommlit of timeir guilt , anti time' only reasoum cx
lircased to nccotuumt for time hmmtutg jury is tha
sommme mmmeummbor of it ima been bribeci ,
Marshal 'Ilcoum of lirowmming says limo I
there Is tue greatest tumtitgmiattoum
inc bRim
nnd , , , nt'nr tbn , nn , , tin , . I , , tt.inl , ii , ,
jtmry is imol'ihmmg ' omit. Aslci'ti if Ime appre -
imrnmtemh mhmumiger fromum itmob vloicicce iii cas C
time jury sfmoulml fall to agree , hue Immiugimeti mmiii 1
shci : " \'ell , you ctmmm't tell vimat vtii imap -
Ile it. ' '
, ,
iiill says If Ito is acqtmttted ice will re '
tiirui to lirowiiimmg. Io yomm thmiumk ho wotultl ? :
tuas asked.
' ' \\eii , if Ito did lme vomulci host jtist as Ion g
its It ' ' wotmld ( nice us to ilmid a rope to Imaum g
JJ'1m.,7'.ElLj.tTlLt .1lI : % ' ( ) IUJ.I.1ZI.\'G .
Miit'ciimruit to I'igiit tiut , 1)resqutl thief Ummmi .
iii ii , ' at mit urtui ic
ChICAGO , .Apu'ii i.-'i'lme l'oct says it I 5
icarmied tromii sources iose to time fotlimtutiii C-
lionel that time cattle raiucem'ue of tite it
umre hemtchtmig every effort to tIme hmertectio it
of tin orgammizatiom , dturiuig the eoummtuig semi I.
ltOim to tikimt time thresmeed beef coummbtne. 'rim ' me
receutt umuivmiumee Iii the price of beef tmmc S
imtccituivti rat ii er thtum mu uimoiit lied them , Time y
ciatni tlmey are Only gt'ttimmg a. sumtmuli mmmi ci
wholly . lumtttleqtmiite mchviuntutgo from time at I-
.a mmcc I mm t ime Pu Ice tO COtlilti mflei'tt , t ii me con I-
iiii tuilcimig itmoot of it rmtuct leutvtng tlmeuui a
mnstgutimtcamit end of the galmt. CoLlIe ramsem !
are tuow mievottuig tlicmmtst'lves to tIme
coi i-
sicherntiuim of a uichmente for cstmmidislmlmus
tort : ro
Ri' Is mit Chmtcmmgo , Umnmm immt , S t. Lommiti , i.a tier mum
City , New York utitd otimci lOimits for ti e
smile of cattle for future tieiiveu'y , utumies I
be mtiutde tcccordhmtg to tecogmiked gradc
it umd d escrtptiontc. -
'fime' citiitn that tmntleu' existimtg ntethmoe is
they mmu'e abt'oltmtely itt tIme mercy of tI me
comnhine , betutg obliged to uccept whuatevu er
hirtee nitty he named for catlie emi mdrm'iV
at tlte maclcing centers , or go to the exideim ! tm
of carrying time stock atid at time end of ti to
cattIest selling at a heavier m'mtnuitice thit in
, 'otulcl imave been first tncuu'rcd , They argi IC
that they 0mm keep tlmeir stock ott Ii me
rau1gem cud forms citgnper thami at the 0th t
end of time line , uomtci hiatt they need a ;
contract to deliver titeir property at a f U-
tare date until Uje
satisfactory prices can 1 je
obtained. In order to insure ceumipotitid
in bidding tar "cattle futures" the uccimen
i's said to courupreimeild the establtuibtiment of
packing houses flni distributing depots ems
well as necessary ntrtcimiutery [ or limo me x-
i mortimtioit of time pn'othumct , no aim to get itt
t otmoit with Conmeummuers at home amid mubrort tl.
Tltis u.ort of thlumg immm becit tmmlieed of hut
d ii , tndethmmlto fa.simlomu for a good while , but
i s stated oum umhpttretttiy tite beuit of a i -
t hority that. tue lmittims aume now asectiuttim ; ,
aracttcabic' forumt , ea'itht inmittemmuce imetcoure ue
beiminfi time Pi'OlOsition. Evidently there ha
limit aieutd.
STOCK GIWhV'iIC. ' IN ( ' ' -
jO'I'I.T1O . \ .
c outli tttkotui uui'l , % ' ) 'utntumg Interests to I lt
Closely 6immtrIemt ,
blOT SPITINGS , S. I ) . , APrIl 4.-Specitm ( i. )
-The Full River Stock Growom'mm umssociatic : cii ,
wlticii wims receimtly organized , ittet itt tl mide
Ott ) ' totitmy for the nunioe of pcrfecttmmg I Ito
orgeutmization. 'J'hie object of time mmssoghctti Oh
is to imchvmtnce tiltI tutterestmi of tite umlo ek
guowems In limits part of South 1)aleottt a 11,1
\Vyountng unit to '
llm'oteet itre nientlit 'rum
agmtiitst Ctttli rustlers , frauds ammO awl In-
Only stock growers nrc eltgthle to inc Cmi.
lersitip , autd nmeuubems ate subject to
itldMesI'fleflt ! by time tmcmion of time exectuttve
out all mimics nod asses owmtecl , ttm ntttiltioui
Il ) time iutttuttion , ui'e The aaoclatiomm will
ismetme tL brani book iii couuJuitction with timt'
\\'esern Sotutit Dakota Stockutiemi's ttssoclmt-
tiomi , wlmtcii will coumtatn tIme bm'uumdi , of ccli
tue cattle of umhi the ' '
unentbem'um em' 1)0(11 ( or-
gmmnizations wlmlmihi mire on the \Vyomninc ,
.lontanu ummifi South lakotn rimuigeim. A
stuiutcilng reward of $200vmmuc ( diteresi for time
, tmett'ctton mmmi conviction of Ctittlo ummstlei's
ammd C' , Curtis of limits city wine appohmited
tutimplctor of hcrmtnd4.
'I'ite foiloving otitcet's were elect"d : l'resl.
mheumt , F. S. Cox ; 'tce Icteuctmleumt , Iti. N , i'tmr-
sonsV. ; . F' . i\'ytttt , mcecretuiry noci treutum-
umrer , 'Fimo cxecumtlvce cnuimuuiittm'e consists tef
I ) . h. hlaythen , fi. 1 , . i'terct' , i'ruul Miller , .1.
mi. Meseire. A , l , Mills , C' . it. tjveemm timid
ii. I. . i'ieI'ee ,
A tlttee dmt gum' rum I mm um tornm lma iututtemlmtliy
ieentIteti the gu'mm'/.Iumg . of timtem eoutmtry. A
gromi t tmtmuu ut I ty ( i I. % 'ti t me' It mm em fn I len mm mmd
ummucim of it i.moakeml Into tIme grotmuttl.
Full cr111 i lil m'L ui a immx , , ulu I it' .
SIOUX FALLS , S. I ) , , Almrll i.-Spciai. ( )
- J malice E'lgertomi yestermlay coutvmenci lii
t imlic Ott ) ' time regular April ternu of Ummitcil
S tcmtes circtmtt miutdh district courts , ilti aim.
nc ounced timmit this teu'imt m'otmlci lie taiccim imp
c uitirely with the trtuml of time crlmttimmul cumsea
U tmml mm 1 once ummijoti m'imeml I itt' ci u'c'ui I t cc ci it it m m III
J iii y ti 'l'imtm grmu umti j mu ry 'mms ueu'oruu I cc tim his
u nnmrnhutg. I'imere 'ero tie Vet'y imtjpot tautt
e riuitintmi eases to he tu'iefi , unost of thus at'-
e tuseil heitug offeumilerim mmgtmimmst the internal
m o'onite imwm4. :
ieptuiy United Stumtes Marshal lhiegoluaelr
a rrl'mol imtst eveumtntg train ioaclwood , immt' .
iu ug iii ciuutrge Scuieim-thie-Ilawk amid Strmmtghmt-
I lead , liotit mmeumteitced to oiuce year timid cmii.
ti ny lii time penttm'ntitmrY her couuiiiiicity 1mm
t he mnurmler of'iliiainm Fielder , a rarmeiu-
m uLti tviuo lived on time Chie'ommuie rivet' ,
'I'ime ( autneruc of hirule county nrc iioldiumg
n icetings with mm vit'w to reumeiming nut : mgree-
u nent liii to what duymm time 'mcter fi'outt thmut
u rteu'iaum svs'ils itt tlmttt count ) ' mnnhl lice misted
t o irrigate ( auiti Ittuids. 'i'imero tire probably
' Ifty mn'teislait wells iii litimie eoimuity timid
of ver 300 miles of irt'lgnutiomm ditches it'amting
f rom these wells ,
liinui'iilaht * , ' .umtvat 'ietu'ry ,
SIOt'x FALI. $ , S. D. , Aimril 4-fiiiieciai. )
-Judge Edgertoum of time United States court
i iaut been fou'unziily umotilied hunt mini enter of
t ilmetnisusal svhhi iio luau lit it few shmmyti Iii thu
cuse ( it SamimimelV , Alerton eugttimmst ( lie
i lomeistake ? mtiuuing cotalmany , 'lime criste tm'xts I
i it'gcmmm umoinetimluig aver tm yetdr imgo hey time
i tii lilouma it-c litm tiles' r a uid latcicer 01 ( 'Ii icmc g'e
to itcover $2.5t3OtA ) tea imius slmmtrsi ci' time otit
put of time "liigimiutitmi ? diume No. 2 , " being :
one of the Iiomnt'mctuike '
gi'ommp , far lIme P051
x iineteut years , mmliii also to u egimumi p ( ssuu's. .
m ilan of hIve.titlvty.veeouu'ia of that. enhmimu
viiicim Ailertoim clalmeti. 'rime etese
lcstlcomiemt tipoum t ii 0 I 00 t harm of I ii e Idmi I rm tIll :
at a former terun of time tJmtlt'd ( l4tmmtt' , I
cotirl , it n'i ' uiotv I t im stud Id t imat thi ii hclmm I ii t I ft Ir r
imas uiceitie'I timid hilts caUtes of adieu 1mm mmcl I
siuhhi dent , Ii umd uupoim I it it t ginuu ummi Ii o vl I
wititciraw time . ' ' !
suit. 'l'lmerc hiatt liceut isomut'
iihumi. timat time uttatter vas umettiemi by ;
mnoume ) ' coimsidermmtioum , hut ito definIte hi. .
tountatlon emma be secured out that hutolosI .
then ,
Stied ) hinrmirr Fomimust ) ,
110' ! ' Si'ItINOS , 13 , D , , April 4-Speciah. ( I
-A telegram m'aH received here today flour t
idgemont slating timid Clittylea Belle ) ' , I tI I
Isimeci ) herder , htitmh been foUnmi slead neat
Argentine. i'hmu deceased luaU been imertiliti ,
sheep for W. J , hfuirgietivea of lint Simriumg5
who tine a iargo rmaitcii near Mgeuttine. Suit :
urday Dailey weumi to s'orim on time iange ii i
intoxicated canditioti , whciceit wits tim C
last sceim or heard of hint ummtii lie Cdi
foutid In a diep canyon wihltouit coat ti r
vest. b'sturday itlui i3uodu ) ' umlgmt ) tIm
weather m'ns t'xctedinirly storuuiy anti It I
tbmougiut timid ime laid down in ii. tirunket Ft
btupor and died from exposuite 'flit , tie -
ceased leaves a wife autd several ueimildteii
who livu on a farm near i1iimneknmhla ,
One of Douglas Oounty's ' Senators l3rought
Up with a Round Turn ,
iiuunlly thumb Sliuticu' aummi l'rttmlnees
t Ii C : mi ' tm rm' 1 Se mit miii , lct ii ummi t imsi i'ro-
ece.llumg .tgcmluual hi liii .tri , ills.
tutissuteti icy the Semumite ,
LlNCOlN' , Ahcrhl i.-Specleul ( Telegramo.- )
Suemmator Cretums' of )
coulmmty is iti troti-
ide. lIe hmts : Imeen time subject of seumuttom'ieti
act lout ni i ml mm ) ' t odium '
) , mmimcl vl t cit I us' senate
auljommrmiech for tici'
eveumimmg recess thin ser-
geaumt-at-nrimmim vmts directed to hmrtotttcc ( Ito
lkmmglas commuuty Audio ut thmi' bar of time scum-
ate 1mm archer that h lutiglmt hma'e
ciii oppor-
Illicit ) ' to t'xplulmm : omiti or two timluigs , Time
trotmimle nil miroce over aim iuiumturtiuico bill
viticit lund becut referred ias ( Mmttmmiay to time
cotimiumitteo ott tumisceil.tuteuts . ''omis , 'rho
bill iii Iltucuitloti is Imotise roll
No. 246 , mu uutcas-
tire umiretitly liasSeti by time itommsme
, for tIme cut.
rageuiuo mm I of ut utmua I ii me I mmsti rtt mice comum.
Semua t or iimttl tczmy line I ii I ares I ed ii I iii eel f Itt
thu isihl amid far several
ilays ima immecut C0
deavoritig to hitdtmcui
Seumator Ct'oimt' to cmtll
time coimmiumitlee together , Crttumue relucatesily
Proummisedi to mice so , bitt huie lirommitses 'euit to
hdrotesi. Timts immorimiimg Semmuttor
hulmmlmmeml time ( mmci to thu somtumte
, mumich , after
telling iios' ( 'macto ieaml broken hilts l'romumisemm
o ften , uuio'emh I imrmt thu. Ctmmumummittee be so
s trmmdteth to rettirum time bill to time seiuate. Thua
um mottoim '
u'tt.s mu greed to mu on It i iiioimsly.
. , t '
mmcmii ( 'rtmmmt'
t ime imhil ngreoml to report.
' titter tihummuer. At nbouut
O'clock Semtttioi' l.iummhsmty tuuh'ereii another
s limtommmemut umimti '
umumj'osi that tIme '
ses'rtetary of
t ime
seumimle be
hmimmtrumetmecl to '
umottly L'rimo
t ite mmci iou of i ime sL'tmate 1mm tIme foremmoonm.
C rsmmmo was lcresemmt umiost of tint
btm um t ito lum hi umo a t t cii t form to tim , ' uceccuuel arterumoon , act ioui ,
tm f time
ceummito. Just
befitre tint
Seimate ad.
j ommrnn'sl for
( ice
ucumplim'r recess Scmmttlor bud-
S n ) ' oilereii timi' following : -
I uitOVe thmnt time cimtiiu'iimtmm , n1 the . .
t ' conuntit.
( 'L
Ott mumtcm'l I ii mm coumum
m lcunmi to rvttuu corporti ttort I cc' or-
ii to tim , '
i t tise m'ohh No. 2mm ; , tiittl tiimt iseuiiite thut' fantiuvtti .
'I ii ce ted
it tmitl citaht'tummtut to I umiutuoci I mi I ely hot I f3
of 11mm ? utctlomt
n uitl tiutit tim cast' uimuhci tmf thtiM body ,
u nmech iuttteiy ret ii i'mm eru itt hi ii mis hierciut irmilme to liii-
h im' be lmrutmgimt before tiumu om1erctl
i cy I iu e ucergect it Imt I i-me unmum t bar ) slm o of uv lImbs cm use seumitto '
i vuuy'
m shmommlti
aol he '
i'eumsuured for
t ite otthei's of limb ; hotly , comiteuutpt of
Timct imiotioum was agreed to
a ills-
s emiting vote , nimmi time .
s imurtcti omit to search for time uieumutor
l ) ouglets.Vimeii liii' imeutrite front
' comivemmeci at 8
o 'clock
Seumator Crmmmmte was iti lila
scat al-
, -
t hetmghm .
thin _
sergcnumt.atarmms hmail mint .
t urtmeti. '
W'hten time seumate
Immiti boom , cmmiieml
t o order
Semuator Crane
asked tue
t ieimt. It it iu'as trite thtat time sergeant-at.
a rms lmumch beeum ordered
to brimig iuiuum to ( he
bar of tue seitutle. President '
Plied that lie iummderstooet cmcit to liti time
cane. Cmauio ( lieu vnmmted to kimomv ummcher
wimat autlmority tito , wa
h mroceething , Time chair stated that time
geaimtatarmtts was acttmmg tinder a resolution
offered by Senator Lindsay. For ( urtimeut
inforntaiomm time presIding otllcer directed the
Semmtitor front Douglaa to
apply to the
. scm-
At 11:30 : toimighut , after tIme claiuuts bill Imad
been agreed to Semiumlor 4
Crane to
arose .
a. 4
questioum of imrivilegc' aumd finds tIme following
siatcinemit :
"ICiltier the rules of
a Corn-
is nhlowd to rctmimm
; atty lull m-eferrecl
for four days. Tithe bill s'as refem'reul to the
ott tuiscniiinmmeotmCm
tit e'enlmtg of .Aprhi 1. Tli corlmorrittoos next ovemming' on
I emitiemtvom'ueci to
get time cOmummilteo
to act. tupomi title hilt. Yesterday I Irled on
( hlmfereitt
to gst limo
mitittee corn-
together him orttet thttt time bhlh
lie u'eportemh. I
( tied
last mmtgiit 10 gOt. the
Coflititittee together. I tried to do
so thIn
niftommicotu. Tvo
ummeinbers of tite committee
mIre uaeunlersu ,
of time Coumliutittee
out clatma
uuttci out titat C3nttullttc'e timosmi tto
men have
1)053mm itt , '
'oric tifltti 10 amid 11 o'clock
umigimt. St'muatorn'ntson , l'op rmtmtl Haunt every
will bear rime out itu timemse statontemutm. , ' '
Senator Lindsay mcciii timat time wimolo nmat-
ter wae iii time imantime of ( lie SCulat. lie
asleed Senator Crane if ( lie bill lead iceen
tumrmmed. Senntor Crane said that it hiatt
mtot , touch ralsemi time lmoiuut of ortler flint the
cominnittee hail tite right to retmitmi ( ito bill
Sciuator 'refit saRi tlmat time seumato immimi
already exlireseed Itiseif icy orderiuug time bill
returned forthwith.
Crammo asicc'th for a ruuhing on lila point of
order. Time chair held that time schmitt , hmaut
mhisjcetiseti w'itim that rules arid titat Limo bill
miiiist , be retcirimeci forthwith ,
Timercumpoum Semmator Crammo edit flit' bill to
time mhmiic , Senator Lindsay timen suit ) tlmat
hme did runt desire to cast tin ) ' reflections upors
tile nceumator Train Doumgias , lie tlmereforo.
nekemi leave to witlmmiraw 111mm umtotioui nmamle
just before rcceee. Couiscumt vae given anti
time iuucldent closed ,
'rite semuate tommiglmt. belch a prolonged sos-
tSiOuI fur time immmnicoso of cOlmtiiietiiig a great
iumuumms of itcusiuues
thmat for teatime ieason or
idtiter itmus beemi tielmyuui : mmtuthi time last ma-
ittiiitt. Altiioumgim today was ( Ito sixty-eighth
tin ) ' of ( itt , aessicim ( ho
I. , , , . . . . . II. . . I , . general _ _ _ _ , , approprIation , . ,
. . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . t - ' - - - - -
m tot beteum Imasseil. 'rico gemmerni aimliropria"
h oit hilt was lessee-i itist as it comae froun
I it a ft ha itdO comim Iii i I tee , sri t ii imo opportu at ty '
f or commsieiorutiomc by time somuato iii couimnmiittee
o f tue tvitoie. .
Aimioumg tue bills % vhmichi are yet to be con-
es ttierei are tIme otis's cuireachy liasheti by time
i mocimse iuoviuuiuug for iim timmmiuliummeuit of tue
l trleouu contract Imeimi htyV. . ii. iorgaiu , tuG
[ till to carmy ( Ito mumaxiuuiumn rate casts to time
( Jolted States sumpremuto couirt , lime oieomnar-
g um vi no hill I '
i'ecoimmimtctu'leil by I ime gos'ertmou
e unmcl time cnn to estahilislm a mcoiitiers' iiommuo at
Milforil. All of Iimt'se hills are lcreasiutg
t iitoii titmi isoummite. 'L'ite itemiltc'tmtiary lobby
i tas btmemu especially mmctivo tonigimt , ant ) a
m , troimg effort is iceltug mtmucle to raIse time btll ,
i t. Its sure to force itself 111)0mm ) tue aemmate
before a final atljourummuent of (1w legisia-
t ore is reacimeti ,
TOOK lii' TIlE LEUAI liXh'ENSlr ) flILTi ,
it. was utuamriy unimlmuigimt witeru the senate ,
oum motion of Mcicesmuoui of Lancaster , went
l imb coiiummmittee tiC time wimole to consider'
limo imotiso imiil to pay time eximeimsea for'
t iefemumliuig tue iuuniImmmimn rate cause itt tue
federal courts , auth to provimle nteaums for
emrryiuug flue ease to thu supreme comirt of
time Ltitbted States , Time motion to hike up
the lttil was not agreed to unuuuluttoualy ,
Senators Graltauui , TeiTt , Steuiter , VrJguit.
hlemmuer cmiii liolbrteol voting against It ,
'I'imms lull provides , antotug otimer ilt'tuis , an
appropriation of $4,000 ho pay Jolmmt L.Vob -
etu'r for cat'rylng the case to time uuuprcuuue
Sloan offered an umentiuneiut providing
timat George ii , Ilasthumgs be associuteti with
Joimn L. Webster in hlto tnanageneiit , of time
caMs' ,
Grmuimnm inoveti that lime appropriation be
stricken out cmltegetmer ) , nitti tii senate set.- .
tiemi mlown for a long tlebzitc over ( ice letter -
ter aunendment , Tue frleimma ] of time Ore.
imaxmm tuuritrnmhinent psiummitted flint ( hwy deirec1
to htiit time bill , ( iraimant characterized tue
WhlOIC bill its ii euisaiesa. exiteritoent.
Wright otpoeii ( lie bill lmcilorieuuul ) ' , TCfTtI
ocpoeemh It , lie favore'i a rallrooci coununia-
muon electeti ii ) ' ( lie people , Watson , Pope ,
Cahmtum'eii miamI Crane suiiipoi it'd , ( hraisalti's
autmonduneimt was voted dc.mvn vigorousiy , TIm
( inestlon timeum caine up on Siocn'mu amend-
uncut to let George ii , hastings into time
cane , \Vatson wautterl to know it Stoan did
hot fear timcmt ltis elimeuttinteiit would kill time
bill , Sloan ( teougiut nest , lie iai4 it wa
omuiy a matter of right ( lmt hastings should
be taken Iritti time cRime ticauiss tie bad already -
ready diti so mmmcii eurk n lieu eass , jalu
further couutphlrateti flue cave by offerlumg an
auemt'mmthummt'lit to Siecaui'e aunepthnmemit , lIe
wanted the msuutoummt reduced to $ ? , I00. Tb
motion was rmuled out of order , and on