Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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p- - , TllE ! OMAHA : DAILY ] 3EJ : tU.HSDAY : { APIUTJ .1 1 , 18m . r ;
nOl\ring of the Notorious Molter Begun in
London Oourt.
. t
J"Ulf CrfIch i.1itn 10 n IIhl , 1 > llyatnJ
1lllo..hll of the : IIMIIT ff Uorh"l
I UraT nt the Old BRler
II I&OftLOtI. (
LONDO . ApiEvcry Inch available
of the Old laley was occupied this moring
When the I1rqlu8 of Quecnberry lurrcldred , !
4 to bAll Irul the libel stilt brought aglnst
, him by Oscar Wldo was opcnoJ ) before
Jlstco Collins. Oscar Wilde chargcs the
marquis of ( with IILICI lea\-
Iuecnberry wih lbl by Icavfiui
Ing. on Ifebruay 28 la.t , an unco\'erefl card
at the I\borrarlo cub en which WI written
a vile cilithel. 01 this charge Mr. Wide
caused the arrest of the
marquis. who , later
nt the Marlborough Slrlet Polce ' station ,
WU 1lacod , under ! I,5O bail. The niIIl of
the old court room were crowiet with law-
, ers , AdmlLslun was obtaIned by ticket
enl ) and the ! herl lu charge showed the
rellrosentath'o of the Asoelatct press a
plo of allpleatons a foot high , many of
thorn hellC from well Imown p ople. '
j Ililors w cro current II L.ciifflon yesterday
thut Oear'Ihio had '
! Wlllo hac 111l11' & left the city
11 older to avoid being 1)'esent ) II court to-
da ' , and
reports were also current that a
& starllJ e"ullent ! would arlle toduy"
Jlt built these rumors were sot lt rest by
'S the arrl'81 In court or both the principals to
the Bull 'he marlllls , who \\uru a shabby
overcoat , was placed , on the docket nOd LLU - :
Iwerod to the Iiidlctnent. , , 11- ,
. ll Illctmelt by 1Ieadlng , first , '
hot guilty , and condly. that the libel wns ,
true and that I was plllslwl ) for the public i
goo II. (
II.'ho marquis peele , ] unconcerned . 111 re-
III'II to the 11estons put to hIm ho spol
( jui'tly nOd celrl ) ' . (
: Sir Fdvztrd Clarke .
, gdw/rd , formerly solicitor gen-
oral , In opening the case , said that the card ,
lef at the Allemnrlo club for M'r. Wldo
was one of the visiting cards of the marquis
. of Qlenlsberry and It was 111n this that
the libel waK wrtttfttI. Continuing e01lsel I
. ald that the
gravest lSuel had been raised ,
¼ ns the d feldunt itt his p1cadIng alleged I
) pleUll/S ale/ed
\ that the plalulf hud for some time solIcited I
persons ] lmci to commit Imlecent ofTotises ,
Certain leters ndfresblI by the 1)lalntf to )
, Lord Alfred D01glas , second SOl of the ,
. marllis of Queelsberr ) ' , "ero brought to I
.z. the 1lnlnll , by a mnn who uld ho was II I I
. I iIStrcS ant Idr. Wilde gave him ! 20 wih I
L which 10 pa : ) his passage to A lerlcn An
S other letter was hamllll to Mr. Beerbohm I
I Treo. the actor who gave I to the plaIntiff . I
3 4 . . , . . Counsel then
COllsel thel recounted the facts alreat1
, l - known In tile Case . showIng that Mr alrem1) .
' 'I ' who had recently returned from Algiers :
l ' drO'o 11 to the A Iblrmarle cub at about ( I
, II tu. on I"obruar 28 ali 01 entering tilt
club was handetl ( ( '
. nn envelope by the hat I
IJorter. Sidney \Vrlght , who Fall that the
marlluls of hnd
Qneensbor desired him to
. , hand It to Mr. \\'llde. 'ho exact words
Were , "I.ord Quoensberr ,
) tile , sir .
, to hanL this to you when you caiie 10 to the
cub , " Inside the envelope plalntlI ) found a
card on the lacle of which was the date
. 1.4 d3O : , 18 , 2 , 'U5. and 01 lie card was writtet
certain roul epithets , which formed the basIs ,
of the suit
Oscar Wide was then called and he Ian
gUhly arose from the solicitor's table , where
, leas seated and entered the witness box.
t The plaintiff was faultossly drcssed In a
I black frock coat and carried his gloves In his
hands , showing hIs fingers to be covered wIth
rIngs Ho was very pole. hut was ! eemlngly
composed. Wilde spoke with his customary ,
dmwl. leaning his arms upon the rl of the
wHnlss box and replying dIstinctly to th 0
questions addressed to him The Jur - .
which was composed of very Intelligent
Inlelgent men
or ehlory ] alJpearlce , mainly prosperous ,
, - r tradesmen , eyed him with curiosity. The
. witness said that upon arrIving lt his house
'I Q fo\ months ere ho found two geittleino a
ii wnltng In the library . One of them was I ,
JI the marquis of Queensberr and the other
t . one was unknown to the Plaintiff. The
' former said : "Sit down. " I replieC I :
town. repled
C " QueeI berry , I wIll not allow any ono
¶ 1 to talk that way In m ) house. I SUIJPOSO
you have como to apollgic. Is I posslblo .
( , that you accuse your eon and me or solelY 1"
He replied : " 1 don't ly It , but you look
. I flee It and appear lIke H. "
" Counsel for the plaIntIff , then asked the
I witness about the man to whom ho had gIven '
S 20 with which to pay his passage 10 Amer-
. , Ica. \'Itness said : "The Inn told toe he 1
I hail been offered ! G for the bettor anti I
F advIsed him to Immedlalely accept I , But
. \ , I fna1y gave hIm' ' the money Iu order 10 ro- ,
, I Jlevo his Ils tress and he gave me the leHer. "
t The document referred to was here pri ) -
dlced In court and was handed to Justli
t , Colin ! . The letter reCerrid to the Justc :
'I' ' re1 lips" of Lord Alfred Dougln and U
, C wrler addressed hIm as "My own boy" and
I , ' asked " \'h ) ' are you alone In London ? "
The letter was sIgned "WIth undying love ,
Oscar . "
: - , ; ' Counsel , In eXlllalnlng this better said that
.l S might seem extravagant to those who
I . . "ere In the habit of writIng comlercal ,
. I letters , but , he added , It was "mere poetry , "
' ft Interest In the case was Increased when
. : - Sir Elwarl Clark upon finishing the dIre et
" I cxamlnaton of hIs clIent , turned the later
i over to Mr. E. Ii. Carson . Q. c cOllel for
, the marquis of Queensberr for cross-oxaml-
i f nation. Mr. Carson began the presentaton
II i ! or the case for the marquIs by reading pas-
I sages ( runt "Dorian Gray . " one of Oscar
\ I I \VIIdo's no\el oC modern lIfe . to show that :
the atit bar Ullhc.1 sodomy , the plalnUI fol lot ' r -
1' log counsel with a copy or the book and
I , laughing at Mr. Carson's InsinuatIon. Iii r .
. I Carol , addressing the plalnlt. said : "I /o
. - you thInk that the descrIption of ' ) orlan
t I Grny : gl\n % on pa\o 6. Is ( a 10ral one ? "
"Yes " replIed \1110. "just what an arlst
- I would notice In a beautiful persona Il ) "
, "Dlii you ever adore madly , as dlscrlhed In
t 'Dorian Gray : any lerEOI , of the mlle sex
younger tion. than yourelf ? " was tw next qUO s.
In reply Wlilo ( sahl : "I took the idea from
Shaicctpeare'S Sonnets "
During thIs porlon of the proceedings the '
marquis of Queenslerry followed his counsel
wIth 1\ copy of " 1orlan Gray" In his hunds
I. with sceinitig enjoyment.
: seemllNjoyment.
. Wide toslfed to the fuel that the ( lan
4 ; to whom he gave ! 20 on receipt of the leter
' In which ho IUll referred 10 the "roso red
4 4' 11115" of J.orl Alfred loliglas. ) which amollt
< % vas cacti to iai his passage to America was
I iiaiiici G 0011 ,
k I llalC Jeplylng to oIlier questions put to him by
, ? dr . Carson . Wilie said that ] , enl Alred
was ulrel' poetell a 111 he aldell , that he
1mll "uml'lng lovo" for Lord Alfred , who ho
clahnel , \I'US his best frlenl , 'lw winess
. - ionled havIng inisconibucteti himself vI Liii
. - couletl huvlnl miseolllucle hll wlh
I \Voo&1. 'ho laler , ho added , was Inlroluo ] eu 1
. ' J to him \y Ionl % Alfred , who abled him 10
1 befrIend the Inn , Wlhl6 ! anti Well , It
1 _ . was also shown by the examinaton , address
.t , s. ' each oilier by theIr Christian nalUl ,
4 I , _ 1'\I.lS AllOti'I' illS /OO S.
. I was det'eioleti 11urlnl the cress-examina-
'I. ' , , ton of Wlhlo that In writing he did lot
-3 conceIve himself 10 produce morality or Im- I
moralty , lie hall no purlo e In tlo mater ;
and wau concerned mercl' with leral ore ,
beauty , wit and motion. its rarely thou \
. , of 1U'thln ho wrote as true ; Indeed ho
might say ne'cr In regard to "loriau Grai ) , ' , "
Sir gllwlnl Clarke objected to Mi- , Carson
t , _ cross.exuniliiliig his clIent on that no\el as
, ,
1 & , - \ It iii Ltipincott's
. . V. I IPlleael1 II 1.llplncoU's maglzlnes ant
4.1 not 11 I was publIshed In l utlaOIIl I I a
: thereupon .telped from the witness box a 111
. whispered a few words to his counsel aCer
. ' whIch Sir llward 1 Clarke wlhdrcw his ob ,
'fhe cross-examinatIon was very severe anl
brought out the great difference In the a\es
of Oscar Wlllu and l.rl Alfred Douglas ( the I
former was born lu lSGG and the latter In
3&70) ) , huw ( lie two lad \'IIEI various towns ,
' together , stopped at the Savoy hotel togelher '
' 4 ant how Lord Alfred's visIted \Vlide's clia 'in.
tl - -p \ers In St. Jamos' pac ] ! which the 'IaIti tiff
maintains In addition to his house at 1G
'ie street , S. W. Mr. Caron then drl\w
out Mr. Wldo'l 011nlons regarding bite ra-
toro In general to whIch hue of croa.ex-
amlnaton hI made many stuart respon sea
In the lame line as In his plays .
"Tho Interpretation of lY works Iloes not
' concern site . " aaktVtido. . "I do not care ,
.1 ! ' . tupponc for what the PhlKtnes thi Ink
ahul 110 , "
: Jlt 11r. Carson severely repressed the I
:1. :
. , . .
ICTltT of the wItness and began the more
serI ous phase Df the crou.emlnllon bT
qlolollnl Mr. Wide about him Intimacy
with 1 newsboy , 1 relr of ago. belonging to
WorthlnK and brought out are. fact that (
\ \ ' Iibe took the boy t ! I hotel In Drlghton.
Why Ild you seek the b"a society ! "
nsked Mr. Carson. "Was It for an Intel-
lectul treat ? "
" Oh , he was a brl/l" careless , amusIng
crenture : ' replIed the wItness ,
M Ir , Carson here produced a .lver elga-
rete case n handsome cane and a book which
' \'lde admited he had given to the new.boy
The crota-examlnattan then touched upon
WI itiei'a relatIons Iwlth various boys arts
len anti the questions Put to the witness
were so poInted ss to he unprintable. Wines -
nes s , however , elphaUcaly denied that he
hall l done anything Improper , , but ho " 'a
troubled and confused and frequently drank
" 'aIel. In fact hE seemed ready to faint
ant i / chair was Illneed Inside the witness
&anll 'n lls ! U ! ! T''n"holt ' the 11""lnn-
log of plaintiff the marquis of Queeliberry
sto -ui facing 11m and did let take his eyes
off he I man.
The Crt'-csllnntlon of ' \'lde was tint
fnIshed when the court adjourned nt [ p. m.
AOld large crowd of people assembled about the
courl Old halley In order to see Wlle leave the
ChamllaJ1 ns a restorer has no equal
Co ok's bxtra I Dry Imperial Is Ilre , delIcious
all sparkling. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C _ _ _ _ _ _
I. Ut.dZK . TAX , Ulj'UUM. j'UUII'.W : IN.
Tru"Ur , Otibclzsls . Surprided nt ( Ito I : 'sllyih
Whldl I :1"y 18 CUI I ecteit.
W ASINGTO : AprIl 3-Tho Income tax
returns are coining In far beyond the ex-
Ilectaton of the ollicials . To save tIme and
a\'old complIcations the collectors were In-
slructcl to classify and send In the ( returns ;
on the 10th or caeh 10nth , and therefore 10 :
ports have been received oC a date later , :
than March 10 Nevertheless as many as I
10.000 returns ha\'e already been rece\etl
and are now being \erlfed and recorded I ,
Is esllatcl that returns lade to the ccl- ,
leelor prior to Iarch 10 represent at least
$ $ ,500.000 In Ileole tax aud that the actual ,
amouut returned Apri 1 wIll aggregate $ i5-
000,00. , I Is not CXbeCtCtl that the rcturls ;
to any consIderable lumber would be lade
be fore the Gth or 10lh oC April . five das i
tis fore the tune limit expires , and hence
the shoIlul so far made I exceedIngly
gratfying to those having the mater In
charge , Another mater of congratulation
Is that little Illculy Is beIng experienced
b ) taxpayers ) In fillIng out tint Ilanks , So I
rar little or 10 dllculy bias been encoun-
te rod and all thIngs consIdered the work oC
colectng the lax Is ! 'lnl forward with I
\'ery lIttle friction. I Is expected that at t
least $20,000.000 In Income tax will have i
beel collected by June 1. the close of the iI
fIs cal 'ear.
The ofcials do not express any doubts I
that the supreme court will sustain nil or
the Important features of the law If al the I
entre act as I stands all are pushing the I ,
work as rapidly al Is consIstent with ac- :
wr . _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
\I.'UN 'UUJi TiE 0\1 OJ OI'FJCE' I I
- I
l' ontiutister Geloral II se1 lti'tircs In Favol I
of JI Stteccor.
WASI11NGTO AprIl 3-Conlrary to cx-
Ilectatons lIon. WIlliam L. WIieon took the
oath of ofce as postmaster general today
Chler JustIce Puler appeared at the 1ost-
ofco departmEnt at 1 o'clode end adminIs-
te red the oath In the presence or the prIn -
cl pal officials or the denartmeut Mr Ills S
sel receives the emplo'es oC the department
thIs afternoon and ends his 0lela1 labors ,
to day.
Mrs. Fuller , wife of the chIef justice , and
MIs Wilson , daughter of the new postmaster
renerl , were prment at the ceremony. Mr
Ussel and Mr. Wilson conferred for a short
tmo and saw some of the heads of bureaus I-
Then Postmaster Dayton of New York Introduced -
troduced John N. 1rsons. president of the ,
l.etter Carriers associatIon of New Vent ] " : ,
amI the latter ] on behalf or carriers presented
the retiring postmastcr general wIth an engrossed , -
grossed copy of resolutions passed by the
commending the : dmlnlstraton of his ofce I ,
the enforcement of the eight-hour law and
hIs extension of the civil service laws :
Secretary Greslam sent Mr. Dssel n !
hlclmry walking stick whIch he had himsel '
cut and trImmed from the grounds or tie
president's summer home at ' \oodley r ,
Shorty after these preliminaries the eat I-
Illo'es of the dEpartment were introduced to
M r. Wilson and said goodby to Inlrolueed lr. nssel.
: t lr. WIlson vIIi enter the active dlschargo
of his dutIes tomorrow Mr. Dlssel leaves
for New York tonight 10 attend to some prl I-
r ate busiiiess .
The National As ocalon of Letter Carriers ,
tlrolh t Secretary VIctory , presentcd Mi F. .
/lssel with on engrossed set of resolution Is
Jlasstd by the associatIon commending the
at1mlllstmton or : fr. Bssel , and oSllclal I
as regarded the letter carriers.
First AssIstant Postmaster General Jones
has returned from a short visIt to IllInoIs.
C"I In'teo 01 Tht t.Ide.
WAShINGTON , April 3-'he subject of
the t practice of medicine In the United '
States by Canadian medical students who
h ave failed to Imss the examination ii -
Illrd to admIt them to practice In the
pl\'ln ! ot Ontario Is brought to the at- t
teltol of the State department by I rellrt :
f rent Consul ' 'wlchel at Kingston . Cal -
lula , The consul says that during the yen tr
181 10 students were graduated ! front 'e/r IC
mcthcal ! \aIents wer rrduatod flom te
college. Of these
meccll cell thesl lifty-thiree passed
thl eXlmlnnton requIred by the medical
coulcl of the government before being al-
lowed l 10 praelee Iii ( lnull The olher
fort-seven. he thinks probably went to I
the United States . where the alluuton '
from the medical college hermits them to I
practcu In most at the states without fur-
her exulina lon.
SlullmU'olt ! ' the s.I''CI ff nl.MhAII.
WAShINGTON , April 3-The preslilnt
b ins suspended his action al the Ilroceed-
Inl8 I lal sentience oC dismissal of the nvn
COllt inertial lu the case oC Comlander
l.'redrlcle n SmIth . retired , In view oC i
the fact that thl olcer , by power oC alto r-
ne ) ' , dated Mnrh ) : . hail , placed the ( entli re
1111gelent uf hIs financIal ufruirs In the
han i < ls of hl > hrthel. General aIalrs JOHlllh Smllh
of ilaitgor . lUe. , giviitg liliti full '
JullOI. 11e" glvllg hll fiIuthorlt )
tn unllrtalt tint dlsehar/I of his Iiiiancl iii
oclaton ! 'I'he 11'lctcll effects Inllclal
Pf'shl'lt'lcton I II to rutHl1 In him the
Ilower I to give the sentence elect at iii
lme herulCer should tIle oilIcCr fail alY
fulfill lila Ilromises. oleer fal
HIOI' : olhlll ( 01 IorrIsuui'ai . % Iuraler .
WASIIING'l'ON , "llrl a.-Senor Homero ,
the Mexican minister , Is II receipt of I
report from the governor oC the state of
Moxlco dated Oi the /tltlll that the
uuthOllte ( : of Cordovit , t uterti' which tow lit
H G , MorrIson. an Amerlcal citizen for-
mnerly . Ietrolt Mlch"
) Illrl. " , WIIS reported
. t
have 1 l'c.1 I ' robbed a nit nlml'lcl by band It S .
nro l without the sl/htlst IIIormntol aiuo lit
tile IUIIIOSe ! murder of Mr. .Morrison . who
Icel11 to tie ullmoWI to thel 'I'he pu Ii-
Ilaht'uI I ItulelenR that 10rlIsol hnr bl'en
rubbed IUd lurdtrcu UI'O declared to be
baseless , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
iolu'e I o'I " the I'iiiia t I Itoird.
WASiING'ON , April t.-Tlie preside at
hUl " , stleteu1 under the II'O\'lslonl oC the
Mllh' ) ' ch'l I nllrO\rlnlol ) 11. the t Colowlll I
persons ns II i boa Id to Investigate 1111 report -
port " 1'01 ' the feasIbilIty , Ilerlalcll'U itt iii
eXllelsu ot the Nlcarolual 1'llnl 01 lie
route proposl"1 by the cottatritetloti cu Ii-
. cOlslrctul COI-
patty ' : J.'rol the ann ) Major " 'llal
, " , low , corps or emlneenl ; ( rout the iitt \ ' ) ' ,
( 'U OtHIR ' cor\s 1 ( 'I' . iituII 1 cot t . civil etigi net ;
( rout e'l\1 lire , Alfred N.ul , . civi Chh'uju el/Ineel
memhl'l' or the Anleilcan '
Amellcal locet ) oC ch'l '
1 IIIICCII _ _ _ _ _ _ _
MIII'rl'\ ' ( 'it uiio hue k for 111'ulr. I I .
" ' , \SIINl1ON , Aunt -Tho Pnled
Stltl's ship Aloticterey , which was ol\llred
to Ploceod trout ' llulc Island to ( alno ,
Peru hits hilt u tk 10 1Ia'e , , lslnofl from
than Ilhlo IJu ) ' . 01 lie ( Jowel' Caiiorr
. 'ouat. I Is SUPlls"1 ( hilt 111 Calfornia stcerlll ,
HI'ur has de\'elopcd polite Imperfections . ald
Ihlt II'S tleelet wIse ' 10 correct thll
IJeforc lea\'lng hUlo waterl
Whl I'ura 111 l'relht'
" 'ASIING'ONllrl 3-1'here Is a d It-
felelc between Iho Ntih' 11epartlelt ) alt
the Cratilits , builders : of the MllneapolH , ,
relative to the payment of ( lrluln Ixl'elses '
atteuiding tint It liii trill of that
R\eldlng tllll 11111 vessel lz nit
) 'Clr , and the accounts II dispute hanl ,
leel referred to II board for adjustment , as
Ilrovltl' by the contract.
110'18111 ; J rrlIIIf1 i'Iins .
' \ ' ASIING'ON , 1\lrl 3.-The Irrigton
board , rmllosell oC live olcers of the In- I
terior and live olcel ot the Agrlculurl
departmelt ( met today and discussed a p1 alt
for irilgation , As yet the vians are men I Iy
tentative , but I Is thought before congrl ss
leets 1011 feasible plan wi be ready to
submit as Groundwolk , renl )
flats anti cockroaches agree that one fre
hunch of Stearu' Eleclrlc Pat Is fatal ; 2Gc.
Prelminary Hearing oC Patto Ohargeaas
with Setting Tire to St Paul's Ohurch.
Whlt Tholo Invo . to Stay \ho Irachfd the
J'lro ( 'Irt-"rmntl 11R7 Ito Sworn
OUL 01 81\10 ChnrJo for Meets-
bore of Opposing I'art"
The preliminary hearing of the eIght Poles
arreste for the burnIng of the Polish Catho-
lie church at Sheele was begun yesterday
aft ernoon In /olco court. The orlglual cornwi
plaint , In which thD len were charged with
ars on . In setting tire to the ( church belonging
\\'llal Chok/ and of the "alue of ' 50
\as amended The now complaInt cnlalnel
two counts , one for arson In ettlg fire to I
the church belonging tD William Choka and ,
the other for arson In setting lire to the ( ,
church belonging 10 the congregation of St
Pa ul's church. The hearing continued until ,
( i o'elocle , when ndjournlent was tllen untIl
thi l afernoon at 2 o'clock.
The first witness for the state was Nicholas I
Cit erek. who swore 10 tie complaint against
the cefcnlants , The tate was rlllresented I
by Assistant Coutity AtDrney Day and the
defeniants by JUdge Baldwin
Cherek testfed that he noticed the fire ,
about 9:30 : o'clock from his hous , which was I
two blocks north of the church. lie saw
fames Issuing from the windows or
the belfry near lie ( cornice , 'here i
did nut appear to be much smole I
and what hero was was dark colorpd
le immedIately went to the ( church and near
the fence east of I ho saw Frank lanwasld
and a woman , who he did not know , but
thought he could recognIze her If he Ghoull
see her again , near five bureau d..wers
that contained vestutents. Hanwaskl was
the secretary of the St. Paul's Bene\olent
assolatol When he came near the church
he could ace that the fro had extended to
th e roof. 'fhero was no fire lear the groulll
the lowest point that the James reached al
that lmo ( being the root lie staled until
the church hurne completely to the ( grount
The bultlnr burned very rapidly , the roar
faiing In withIn a half hour train the time
that he first lotced ito fire. Shortly after
he arrived he heard an explosion In the front
of the church which caused the 11ames to
blrst out from the front The nol e of the
explosion sounded to hIm lIke that ( made by
the burtng of 0 tn cal ,
On cross-exlmlnalun. Cberek sold that lls ]
atenton was attracted to the fire by two
Pipe stol shots lie could see the cast anti north
par lens of the church Cram his house , but
noL the south or west portioris . There were
only a dozen people on tim cast sldc of the
ch urch . not ? of this number hc only notced
R ativaskl . the woman , and John Bttletz. lie
went around to the west side of the building
In a short Iliac. where the house owned by
the Christynlak family was burIng , There
were more people there but he did not recogb
nlze ally of them lie did not remember
seeIng any of the defendants about.'hen
he was rnnning to thc church he saw Joseph ! .
Inda on the platform II front of Czerwlns1t.s
saloon , and lie seemed to be much excited
but he did not notice where ho went.
Delng asked as to why he said the explo-
sion that ho heard sounded leo that made
by the bursting of a tin can , he answered
that l lIe could not tell. lie never had heard
a Un can explode before. He /aid that he
c ould not explain In English what the explo-
SIOI sounded lc , bnt when he tried to ex-
p lain In Polsh he reiterated hIl statement ,
that the explosIon sounded Iko the burstIng
of a tIn can or drawer but he did not ad- ,
vance any reason for sayIng 5
I Corry A. Wols was the next witness. Ho
said that he was playing cards at the house ,
oC J. M. Yerga and was about to go home
when ho saw flouted Issuing from the clrcu-
'Iar wIndow In front or the tower aleout
t wenty fet trim the grount ) lie ran to the
church a 11 heard two Pistol shots. \'hen ;
he arrh'ei tleN were no people around the
church and bo went to the west side to
help the Chrlst'llak family to get their
gods out of their house.
Some little after he arrived he heard a ,
number of cartridges explode , but did net
see or hear lie explosion In front of the
church that Cherek testified to The fames
that Issued from the church did not differ
from those ho had seen at other tires. He .
was sure that there were no fames In the
body of the church There was no lire on the
west sIde of the church until the fame :
burned down from the top The cross-exam-
Inaton l developed nothing new.
Charles Moran lived two blocks south of
the church. He testied that he saw names I
Issuing from the church just below tluo belfry .
and some twenty feet above the ( ground. The
fre was all In front and there wa little or
It. , ' \hen be nrrlVd at the church there I
wcrl two men there whom he dId not know
On cross-examhlilol ho sleteJ that he sa I
boys carrying a number of drawers from the i
rear door of the church north on T\ent-
ninth street. This WIS twenty or twentY-fn i
Ilnutes after he arrived
Wllul hamIlton testified that bo notlcc-c I
the ( lire from ths I - . nlcE
lre issuIng belfrylie lved I
three blocks northeast
bloels of the church lii t
Immellalely I fired two shots from his le
volver t attract the nlenlon of the People ,
Ho mn to the church all when he arrh'ed 1
here were five or six people there whom t
ho I did not know He noticed that the lamu , S
were Isllng frm the circular window and
were gradually spreading back along thereof
roof , but there was nothing pecular abolt
the fames , They were a ltle below tin 1
roof when he reached the church , Ho saw
Ihree t or four people coinIng out of the rear
11001 of the ( church with bundles of clothing
In i n their arms.
Mounted Ofcer B'rne& noticed the fro
soverl blocks away ant turned In ( the alanuti ,
le l then rode toward the church , About two
b locks north of the building ho met le\eral lh , l
mon i carrylug a trunle and two swortla. A i
block behind he let two other len and ( I
PrIest I\armlnskl. bareheaded and In hI .
shirt sleevos. The ! ater were carrying i
hUlllos , When ho arrived nt the church
the t whole front of the buiding was lu I
f laities . which were within six feet oC Ihe
Gus Nelson teslfod that he first saw the
fames f Issuing from the tower halt way in Cu
tween the tOil anll bottom of the ( luldlng ,
lie did not go to the fire.
J. l Yerla hal gene to the ( burnIng cbureh
wltb Wels , and his testlnou ) was similar to
that of Wels , lie bahl , howe\er , Ihat ho saw '
unities Issuing from the first floor squat e
wlllows on tie est side. There seemed to
bo a great volume or lame , seemet
The state attempted to put the members
of the ( Chrlst'nlal lamly on the stand but
as they were unalJle to speak ] the nglhh i
language and there were 10 Interpreters
present , their testimony was not heart "
Their testImony Is consIdered tbe ( most Im i-
portant of all i Ito wlnesscs ,
Detective Iudson I was then ( placed on the
sland JUdge Baldwin ( made al objection 10 I
receiving his testimony , saying that lie Ito ii
a "holy horror" against deteclh'es' test -
mOIIY. as was very uncertain.
I wa'ery uncertall The dc-
lect\es had been working for coO\ICtol , and ( i
their testmon ) wouJ be prejudicial. The
objectIon was overrule
hudson said that he hall oblulned the
names of the men lu the church from one ef
the defendants , Starzak
BeIng asked Ir he I :
could point out the man among ( Ito uiefein I.
ants he said he could not. Iolntn out one
of the men ho said he thought that It was
he but he \ \ IS not willing to swear to \ I
This part of the testhnon ) ' was therefore
rulet out
II1son continued and said that he tale.1
wlh the priest just before lila arrest at the I
station. lie asked Karmlnskl what ho .
statol le Karmllskl kite a
about the fire , ant at first he & unwilng (
to say anythIng about It. Finally } { armlnlkl
said that ( lie first that ho and hIs compnlons
knew about It was when they ( heard the pl8tol
liOts , They then rushed from his apar t-
ments into lie ( holy of lie church and four itt .
It full or flames and lmoke , which appeari l
to bo coming from scone boxes In the frolt
part of the buIlding. Flames also scented to
ho coming In Cram the 1eelet
weft window -
dew , In the front , which w a 5
broken , and irons whIch ( lie contents wa
the boxes 1eemed to have been set on fir 'a ' ,
lie said all the doors of the church were
t htr locke " Thl , mpversation took place
two dars ) after the uSe.
Adjournment " 'al IIMdn at the conclusIon
ofwo 11I , on'l leslllllY"1 A little war at
words then oeclrre atn'een the counsel
ant i Judge lierlin. 'I nl latter ( bought that
as the defendants wrr1lrrestcd on another
cmplaInt and the 0lJL911e was hot dismissed ,
Ihe defendants sought to furnIsh additional
bonds , The frt c mplalnt contained one
count nail the second " complaInt conlnilell
tw o . and he therefor ( .arf"ell that two bonds
ought 10 be furnlsh ! ' Judo Baldwin op-
Ilosell this , clnhnlng that the second coot-
ida int was an alen m nt of the first , and
sid that the bonds on which the defendants
were releasEd una the nut charge
were slfclent to. 'rclease them under
tutee second. AssIstant Courtly Attorney Day
yIelded took the , sale stand and Judge Berka Innl ) '
Il given out quIetly by the frIends of the
accusel , that the hearing of their frIends ,
whether they arc discharged or bound o\'er.
\1 not end the trolble , They say that they
ha\o hal , detectives working on the case
sInce the lire and that the ) have dIscovered
slfelent'hlence to warrant thcl In swear-
Inr out complaints against members or the
Scannel party. This evidence the - are keel .
Ing quIet , but they say that ns noon as thin
Illcsent h , trouble Is settled In Ilolee court they
wil file complailts ,
I Is said that on ( lie nIght or the ( fro a
? tl rs . Adam Cetera , \ u hose husband Is a Inem-
ber of the Scannel part , was loolllg at the
fir e from the Ilorch of her house anti that
whie standing there she shelled out that
she Intended to tel who set nl'e 10 the
chlrch , I Is claimed that her husband then
hu rried her Into the house , '
hlrrlell riot gIvIng her on
opportuniy to sa ) 10re , I Is Illcrstood
that ( this cal \o proven by several witnesses .
I Is also claImed that on the night before the
fir e a womnl toll the wife of
Joe Czprwlnskl , who Is of lie
lir lest's part ) that the church and
Cz erwiuislci's snloon would be burned . togchcl' ( anl
In D short time. That this Inrormaton was
held to have some weight Is evIdenced 1) the
ract that Czerwilskl 111ldltel - removed
hl s family from . their .aprlmentl ) above the
sa loon anu lOOK Ilem 1 a nclghbor's house ,
le has also had a couple or lEn In titus saloon
I\'ory night as watchmen
Another Ilolnt In the evidence Is a remark
made m by a nina tinder the Inluclee of Iqu ! r.
le Is claimed 10 have wild a couple or days
be fore lie ( lire that the chlrch woul soon he
In ashes. This 1al'S nnme Is Imown and I
Is understood that he Is being watched
Ilmnlnl ot Survivors .111 Jlflalol of Cite
Nitil'iinl Park.
The second annual reullol of the survIvors
of the battle of Shioh begins 01 the famous
hattfel 10morrow , April I. 1 and contnues
untl Tuesday . Members of both armIes will
p articipate. The occasion will be specially
memorble m because It marks the completion ,
oC U'angcmenls for the acquIsItIon of the
battefell by lie ( national go\'ermenl Con-
g ross reccuitlitasseil ! the Shioh bill for the
purchase or the bntlelel'l ' for a great na-
tonal t memorial park ] , lute Gettysburg anll
Chlclmal a , lacli regiment , battery and
organlzatol that took part II the bale will
ho well represelted to assist In larllnl lie (
\arlous positons their respective cmmal s
held ! durllg lie ( battle , unit to assist the
Shioh commission In locating l spots for 10n-
1ments and tablets to he erected emi the bat- ,
tl oIickl. Almost all tile leading officers who
are survivors of lint , battle wi he Ilreselt ,
Ind greet their old c mrles on thIs fatuous ,
b attlefield. The entIre
battefeld. Chleltmalga cornd
mlsslou wi be riressuit
Ecitcht organlznton has prepared a marker
wih the number of the regiment and this I
Ilscrlton : "The - regIment held this I
1862. p oltIon " from S a. ni. tIll 2 p. m. , April 6 ,
Among the generals and organIzations that
w ill be present are General Low Walac ' .
Geleral B. lxi. Prentiss . General R J.
glesby General Joseph Wheeler General I
E . C. 'Valhal , General William D Date
Senator Isham G lihirnIs . General J. I ,
Chalmers , Colonel WI10m Preston Johnson ,
: lajor able Breckeuinitlge . Colonel A. C.
\'aterhouse. Colonel ' I. . ) . Iturnsey . General I
Hlekenlooper and CofoUl1 Cornelus Cadle ;
thl Chickamauga cpniml slon . cmpoed of
Glleral J. S. Fulertoli , A. P. Stewart H. Y.
Boynton and Major Frnk C. Smith of Ihe I
United States arm ) ; the eun'l.lng mEmbers I
of Crocler's Iowa lirlgade " the Nebraska I
S hllohu association and the omcers anti members -
h ers of the Shlol Battlefield associaton ! ,
The rapid work oC lmo artlorug the veler-
ans Is shown 11 the fact that of the four
arl ) ' commanders-Grant of the Army of tIn :
T ennessee . Buel of the ( Ohio and Johnston ; ,
and Beaurogard of the ( lU slsslpIJI-onl ) ' one , i
General Itueli . remlns. I
General liuDhi .
1 lots just been appointed one
of urea commissioners to establish the pant .
Ils colleagues are Cornelus Cadle \ and i
Hobert 1' . Leone ) ' .
The secretary of the ( Shioh Dalefeld I
a ssochtttloii . Colonel E. T. Lee oC MontIcello .
11 , . has the lales and postomce addresses !
c over 12,000 or the survivors of that baWu . .
! batle
who wore the blue while James Wiiams.
the assIstant secretary , ol Savannah 'enn , .
has thousands of names of those ( who wore
the gray. The great majority Df all these
have sIgnIfied their Intention of aHendlng
the reunion on the fold of the first great
btle oC the war Caught In the west Then
were organizations In this battle represent
Inl i twenty-one states In the union , The
govcrnor oC till these states have been In-
vled to bo present anti participate In the
reunIon. Thc reunIon exercises will be held
at the headquarters of the ( Shloh Daliefeid II
a ssocIatIon . at ito Old Shioh church on the
b attlefiolti. Addrcsaes will bo delivered
balefeid. Aldrcsse wi ielvered hIS
the ( leading men of the ( Army of the Tennessee S
see , the Ohio arid the Mississippi , which hat'a
secnred the passage of the bIll by coiugresa ,
The nlltlro\rloton calls for $75,000 for estab- :
lshing h the panic and $20,00 for thc dedIc -
lon t , which Is to take place In dedlcj-
'ho troops included In this great aS6elaton ! ;
are i the armies of the Tennessee. comlllled I
b y General Grant ; the Army of Ohio commanded -
manded m , by General n. I G. hitch . and the
Army of Mississippi . commande by General i
Albert Sidney Johnston and General ' , '
Genolal 1 G. T.
Beauregard. There are hurled on this battle :
fell 4.000 cnfederate dead , besides , ] many batte- f
the t union dead who were never found and
were not removed to the laUonal cemeter I '
here )
There are burled In the NatIonal cemetery
at Pltsburg Landing , Tenn , . almost 4.000 '
union m dead besIdes the great 11mber that
were taken north by theIr Crlends and boric
In I tim cemeteries at hionio or who died at
the varIous hospitals and were blrlel , II the
natIonal cemeteries In the ( norlh The correct -
reel figures will show a loss of kIlled . anll I
wOllled ant died of wounts of not less than
The troops engaged In this hale wore the
fewer or the y'ourug volunteer army of the
north foil , sOlth , , General Grant hal In the (
five dlvlslols at J'Jshurl handing 37:3
uncut IncludIng the ul sllrle'l cummantJa or
lie cavalry ) anti artillery of which ho hl I 1
11t ) pieces Generals , Johnston all lleuuri
gard had 1,41 I I lel\ \ with twenty balerles
of arller ) 'fhe maforlty of these were four
gun batteries , malci : about el/hty Piece ,
On tim second iha ) ' G IIP'al Law Walace Ir-
rlve,1 , wIth his dlv ltn. numberln/ 7.561
mel arid twelve Illeces of I rl 1(1' makln/
a total of General Grant' army or the Tel-
nessee of 4IS'J9 men , General D. I C. Buol , i
arrIved with the of the itrid .
urrlvel wlh army Ohio Indlbout
20,000 of these took Part ' in the battle . iuial it-
hi/ a grln,1 , total of' ' 114,3(3 ( men who took
Part In bib ( great baIq. J
NuteN rrul Ih/ll / . rid Cunrt.
Hophla I" . BOi nett his been Ippolnted ,
Illmlnlstratrlx for t e.late of G. A. ltd it .
lel . ' ,
The hank : or ( reslonl has su(11 the Canal
htMl COI\nls lon corpjt4uIy for $ ( ) 01 ac.
bhll't ( 'ount oC , drafts Ilra\/n'ltr Pi'Ineiit of hOg
! !
The jur ) ' retured a verdict In favor or
Sal Prilee for I return If sOle hiouseho' ' iii
Property Morse tnlel under . Ilroees b ) ' I. . D ,
-p .
I'unlli . , the 1.lcI\'IIII' . harnesS ,
Marila ) night two sets o double hUI'I1S8 ,
1 set oC single hares and a ludic s/ldlo
were stolen front the barn of I.Ieulelant
Quo' ) ' , 123 South Twenty-litli . ( a\'eIU . 'fhe
prolierty was value liy the owner lt 3 ( ,
'Fhie mater was reported to the lllle : , JW ,
yestertluly j ttet\e Savage . UII Dempey
IccoV red the prollert 1111 arc conhldu'nt , of
call1Urll1 the thle\18 , J was conlII'lt -
ceale umber 0 Pile oC fISH In the lel/hhor- :
hoot oC the lU.Jurl J.u'lfe ' round hioue
lard Tlmo aoeial .
The Patrlot Daughter oC America wi
give a "Poverty" or "Hanl 'j'\n " canl
/arty at the residence of Mrs. _ \tiuia A.
Heins. 81 South Nineteenth street ' this
evening , to whleh all 111111' aunt f'nlen ' Is
are cordially Inv\et Hefreshmentl w
dotles h1" wi and be worn Jlrl/lS , Iwanle . WorkIng I
- - _ . . - .
. . . -
- - - - - - - - - - . -
- ,
Wait for It. ;
Watch for It. .
Facts about the Doings that ,
\Ve'l do Saturday
vVil appear in toioi'row's PP' I
- .n - - - . .J'
Not One Crumb of Comfort Loft for the
Democrat in Ohicag
F rank l.n"ler thl Only Man Sa'ed from
the 'rccle , tutu lie Ban hlh'J'ellcnt-
Ch'n Service Ih'tnll CarrIed
wih 1 'ho011. ) .
CHICAGO , April 3-Tho republIcans
smashed all ebclon records In Chlcage.
Complete returns gIve George n. Swift , the
re publican canlhlato for mayor , I Illuraly
of 4,10. the largest ever Imown here In 1
slmlnr contest. The ch'l service law was
carried b ) the large majority of 45,670. The
other candidates on the republican ticket
were all elected , although Trlle , the demo-
cratc candidate for city ntorne ) ran nearly
2 O.OOO ahead of his ticket. The republicans
ulso made n clean sweep of the town offices ,
south , north anti west and In the annexed
dlstrlcls , Hyde Park and Lake View , while
In the Town of Lake the stock yards district ,
one of the supposed democratc strongholds ] .
the t republican landslide was romarlable.
The election gives . the republicans complete i ,
control of the city' councIl . which wi now
contain fifty republican aldermen and only
eighteen democrats
Dr. Holmes , the people's party candidate
for mayor receh'el 1.000 votes , a few less I
than t hal as many votes as wore pole by
the third party last fall.
Mr. WenteI declined to discuss the result , ,
except to sa ) : " \ldenlY the people did not
want another democratIc mayor at thIs time. '
Maor Hopkins , democrat , was apparently
not surprised o\er the result.'e have p
crrled eh'l service. " ho said wIth a twinkle I '
In i his eye when asked what he thought
of the result Chlrman Peabody oC the
d emocratIc commIttee said : "Instead oC
democatc commlteo sali corn-
Ing i to Mr. Weuuer's ( support , I thInk ] the cm- for-
eign bOr citizens want It understood that
they t arc Americans and for that reason they
rather resented lie claims set up as to their
p rejadlcea. "
Mayor-elect SwIft said : "it Is a source
of great satisfaction to Jmo\ that thc people
of Chicago have outgrown a campaign of
vifcaton and appeals to race prejudice "
Unusual Interest was taken In the resultu ;
In f the ward contests whikii were resuls a L
plctureslle feature of the camupalgii. lartn , t
Maddeu , republIcan. the vice president of the
Western Stone company defeated Attorney S
F rank \\'aler. democrat for aldermanic
honors In the silk-stocking Fourth ward.
Noble A. Judab republIcan . I another
notable winner for a stat In the cIty council. . .
"IUnky Dhmik" Kenlo went down with the ;
other democrats , his successful rl'ol bulni I
Pltrlel Gleason , repubilcan. "Duck" Mc-
urthiy republca I , won In a stock yardt
Ilstrlet , the greatest surprise of time election . ,
Abut the only non-repuluhican ' who
, s squecze In was ex-Congressman Frank Jaw-
h er' , independent . who. owIng to a quarrel i
between republican factions. captured a scat I
as an alderman by an exceedingly narrow
i nargimi. Mayor-elect Swift has decided to
s\polnt , Mr. 0 D. Wetherel ( as city con
t i-oiler . Mr. Wetherdl has held this IJosl-
ton t on one or two former occasions notabl -
under t the democratic slmlnlstralon of layer )
Harrison , and adminIstered the office with
p -
Caurht II Chicago for Olmh" Burglaries .
Andrew Petry , alas Charles Perry , was
nrrested In Chicago ) 'elterla ) ' DI Informa-
ton received from this citylie II wautel1
for two bur/larleR hero which the polco
claim that ho did within tire past two
weeks'hon ho was arresle,1 , stolen prall-
'orty ' belonging to JII. 8tol'IR. Nlneteelth
anti r'rmel ( streets . and A. N. Jowett . [
South 'fwenl-elihth street. was found In
hll h possesslol , The tnrrglary lt Jewel' "
ocurrel un the 19th of llrh timid thllt of
: lli Stokes last Sulmla ) ' . Tint stolen IlrOII-
elt ) couslst of live ( ell rings , In open
glass nnll . two gold wtutclmes the latter the
property of Jr , Jlwet. An olclr tell
prouably i bit Icnt todl ) to ChIcago to brIng
l'etry back 10 this ( city . .
I'oliciu ItcheS A."CI"lol , % 'J'rustpr . .
At the annual ] meeting oC tIme Metropolal
Polee HeleC as oclllon yesterday after -
noon Secretur Doole ' read -
) Dootey his annual re-
[ lrt , whIch shower the londliun of the
funds to he as follows : Total receIpts 10 t
April I , $0UI , : ( ltfiluurtSements r'cel\tl , ( ;
balance on liamid . $ S.7G7.1 ,
Hen'n trustees were then elected for the
ensuIng ) 'llr , Those elected ni-c Sigwai' '
Jlclunan , Halter . lel' anti 1)ooley . Silwru'l Dllol. :
Blldwin amid Cook wlle n tIe far the other
two pileea and the tie will he , ] eclcet between -
tween Ihe three contestants I ) lot
- - -
Irohlll hi 1"llor ff 101 , Cnmllnnr.
Judge Sanhorn yesterday ter \ deere
In federal court In favor of the Holly Mont .
Cacturlug : ' In the Suit which
curpan ) sui that
cor/lorton / lostltell against the reccl\erK
oC the American ' \ 'aterorls connptuuy , \ elf
this ( I ) ' , 'rhe orler fhorlzel 1011Ial . 10-
c lvlrs to Ila ) ' ( lie Iol ) ' JalUflCUrlol :
( Olllln ) ' fUI' certain maehlnel ) ' which th"
water worl'l 101Ian ) ' contracted for ' 'ho
snit In\'ol\es a large , claim
- p -
111'1(1 'l'tmkln'ir . ( tire. nf his iliutiltim. . .
FHml > ( ' iSRUIl fl . April 3-'hough
Prince Jsmurcle Is enJo'llg good health . ci ( Sis
It maier of l'lelaut ' < l he will not holll nn i ) '
ICOlltl.I : ( lila weel
Q c * , ' .
" MOTHERS' . S .
I n scentfkaly prepared liniment
and imat'rnless ; C\'CI'Y Ingredient 18 of
recognized value and In constnt use
\y the zuiedical profession. ! I shorwns
labor , lessens pain , llmluishes danger
to lo ot Mother tumid Child , Dook" ' 1'0
Mothers" ulo free , containing \alu.
ebb luformaton and voluntary tostt.
Ilt1 Espress . Dr Mall. "n rolpt "f price ,
I vr . bold Iy Al Drulgbl
DUAUFULlULUOC : ) : ro . Atlanta , ( a
, , . ' 1
t I
1L1 ; . . .
ThIs extraordinary Rejuvenator Is the mol
\mmlerfllI'co\'cry 01 Limo age . I lots been
cntose.1 hy lie ( lcllnsclentto men orEtimope
mitt Acrlea HUop .
. DIryan IS
. . - IlclyIgo ? -
Jurynn stops
, ; . , Y" \t \ , Prematureness t , . - ,
: - ' . ) ; fl orho dLchlre ) . . ,1- " . ' . . , j 1
, . _ , '
, , .
. " Cres 4" - , . . .i
xrioox . :
ConstIpation , Dlzzle . Falling Senstons
Nen'ous Twlchlll of the 'tycs arid oUter I.Uls.
Strengthens , tlvlgorte ! In,1 tones the entire
sstem. Judysl cure Debility , Nervousriets ,
} .mlsloas. and o\'olopc and restores weak
organs. l'atmms In the back , Juices ly lay 01
endorsements. night are stopped qulck ) Over 2.0 Private '
l'nematurotuestroncans Impotency In tbo frt
stago. I isa Fymptum oCcmllalYeakle s and
barrenness. I care be stopped fn 20 das by the
use of liuidvart. ) ) I
TIme ne\1 discovery 1 was made b the Rpcdal.
1sts oCheold famous ludsul Iodlcall l.
tnto. I Is the strongest vllzer mnde. I II
very powerful , but harmlC Sold Cor i1.CO a
pa kngoor 11 paclisges for fd.OO ( plaIn eaied
boxes ) . Vr1ttcn gututrantee given tar a cure. It
I you buyiia hoxesand are itot entirely cured ,
I ix mom wilt bet sent to you free of all charges.
Send forcirculars nuid tcstlmoniala. .Adthcra
1032 MAIUET ST. ,
a PiUs
Always Reliable , Purely Vegetable.
Perfectly tasteless. elegantly coaled , pUnga ,
r 55ulaie , purity , cleanse end strengthen. li/iD-
WAY'S l'lI.l43 for the cure of nit Oijuordeis of
t he Stomach , l3owcia , Kidneys. lJladder , Ncr-
t Utu Diseases , Dizziness , Vertigo , Costiveness ,
i 'imea.
a nd All Disorders of the Liver.
Obecrve the following symptoms , resulting from
d iseases of tue digestive organs : ConstipatIon , in.
t vtrd piles , fuiinieas of tuiood In cilia fiend. acid.
I tT cC the stomaciu. nausea , tucnrttturnt , iltettuat
o r food , fullness or wcrgitt oC bs stomach , sour
e rtictations , stiutting or fluttering of the heart.
c hatting or eurCocating sensation , when In a
h ying posture , dimomiess of vision. dOts or Webs
b efore Ut. sijiit , fever ane dull pain In Cite lieoi ,
ui eicteney or perspiration , ythIot'riss of lute skmn
eyes , pain iii the ande chest , hint. . , and
a uddt'n ltuiiio or ileat. burning in ( Ii. , itesh.
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