Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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- ' " - " ,
2 TIlE O'IAJTA : ! DAILY nJn f' rpIIUHSDAY ! ! , APIU fJ .1 , 1S9i.
, - . the veto because It ts I 11Irectol ! agalnsL 0
1Oe:18uro : under the OIJflltlons at which the
Jlroull city ot Omaha ! will he male , to pay
tribute to n dark lantern seereL political
society , unller which relgious liberty cannot
1e. I must sustain the veto , .Ir. Speaker .
becauee It deab a IJlow at bigotry and , blg'ts ;
blcauso I balo'o the \toNI measure II an in .
MIlL to a tree people. In that I Is l ehamilioned (
, chiefly by members ot an organization which
seel'l to overrule the constlutbn9 % ot our state ,
onll nation , both ot which sacr.t l0uments
dilare that In thll free Inl at ours citizen-
null ) Ihall nt be dEterlln 1 by any relglou9
teet. I believe this measure Is " ! , I } bee31se
I comes lrom bad hantt . There Is 1 no US9
denying that I Is i Iackell ( by the . \ . I' . A.
I was Introdured ( by a Inelh r who h'asls
alqbnce to the Ilnclplos ot that know
notbitig' eoclety. The hut 19 the ( boasleJ off -
spring ot Cunningham Ii. Srot anll George
" ' . Coveli. the hrlghtf ? shlnln ilghs ! In
the tnt ot bigotry at Omaha. two men In
thoroughly h111 that naught ot good niy emre
onato trcm such a sourc I do not nor does
. a fellow mcmber , sustain the veto hecJut I
, believe such a course will Inure to the t v ? ne.
fit ot my IJarty. I do . It. Mr. SpeJke. because .
cause I believe It to he right and may n
rlghtlcu ) Gall forbid that I shall ever sInk o
lo' ns t'J t Place IlartMnlsl alJve rleht. I
vote no. "
The closlnr elJlaolle ( ot the occasion brought
out In bold relief the usual slugger tactics at
the Illealtr. Illegally Ignoring the motion ot
Barry al,1 , howard . who rose to polnt9 of [
order . nnll privilege , he took 11:1 : the roll call
, Then he lieitated. Harry anti Howard con-
tnuell to delall , recognition.
"Anlounco the vote. announce the vote "
cries larrlson I of I lull. running tip In front
ot the deslt " , \nlounc ! ' It or some cue will
weaken and change his vote. Wc've only
, "
sot r2 (
Harry amI scott Itll"n111 , led , to b , iparul ,
huL the spenlr WIR nol to he toppcd by 1
little thing : 11 ( thnt
"I 1 will not recognize you until you helune
yoiirselr. " uid ltleliards . le I then anloulcell
the vote antI the Ituseli-Ciutirchili A. P. 4' .
bill hall becJlnc a law , ! o far as thc house
. . could make It so.
. 10W Till WOnK WAS flONli
AL 3:30 : ( the crowds In the lobby were so
dense that IL WISlh dlleul ) ' that mem-
hers could force their \HlY In and out of the
house. The senate hall early In the after-
noon Iiased over the governor's veto the bill
. ' j taking out ot his hands the designation at
' 1 the papers which shal Ilrllt the ProPosed
! ! amendments to the constitution. The an-
I nouncemcnt was greelld wlh cheers In the
house , and , a few minutes later the house
iu veto. also passed the bill ever the governor's
1 veto.Thi tact greatly excited n. W. Gibson ,
who had been hanging onto the tail of the
crowd lie Imagined that It was the fIre
.1 and police bill , nnd created much amuseh
i ! mont by running down the corridor at full
peed shoutng to : the olce at the attorney general
. "We got there ! We got there ! " at every
* junJ.
, Herman Timme who has been Ferlouly III.
was crrlell Into the house at :1:40 : : nnll was
gre ted with the cheers of the entire A. I' .
A. contingent.
. Just as the hands ot the big clock pointed
to .1 I o'clocl Hcllets ot Douglas moved that
, the veto message sent to the house last
. Monday afternoon he taken UI' for considora-
\Ion. The motion was agreed to by ulanl-
: f mons consent and the clerk proceeled to
; read thin messge In fthl.
1 While the reading of the message was In
L progress ( Iafes wore kept busy sU\\I'lng
\ \
, members with roll cahle. gvcryholy ( seemed
u ) anxious to Ileep indIvidual tab on tim re- :
sult. The opponents at the bill were es-
c pecialy watchful , ns there were numerous ; ,
rumors that the roll cal was to be jugglcd.
fli IEA1'Jm ON Tm PIs'rOTg. .
The reading ot the message was Istenej
. to with the closest attention . At the In-
, .Ei stant tile cleric had nulshml Hckets ol
Douglas was al his feet wIth a motion to
; jru the elect that the bill bo passel over the
u1 governor's veto.
, t , The roll cal commenced at once and pro-
ceedoj without Interruption untIl the
wihout Interrupton uIl lame
t of Cramb at Jefersol was rcached. 10
t arose andl made a lengthy explanation of
; I lila Vote. He claImed that time IJasgo of
; , A the bill over the governor's veto would cost : 1
Wo republican party thousands of Votes , I
He voted no , and was applaudcd.
c The trst rol cal ! showed but 48 votes In
& favor of passing the bill the
1 pasing bi over veto ,
4 While 26 had voted against. The secoll
roll cal then commenced.
i Chapman of SalIne voted no with a well
worded explanaton , wel
Cole of Hitchcock mode nn excited talk
which he explained why ho voted oye.
Howard won round after round ol ap-
. . 11au8 by his eloquent explanation of his
negatvo yote.
Johnston ol Douglas voted aye with n m
stump speech.
Monger at Lancaster voted aye wIth the
statement that the people at Omaha by , OOO : i .
voles last fall saId thor wanted thc law. I. ,
4 Jclwts voted are wIth a long speech .
: Ito read front an o'ltol'lal ' In an
Omaha pal1er which sold that a polcelln's
cub las held over the head of winesses
to prevent them from testifying before tbe
pending Investigation. JcJleUs ( snld thin
the same pohlcenman's cub prevented Omlha
from giving Tom Major .OOO majority last
Zahl. nckets also read Cunningham H.
Scott's r.cent letter and some of tie report
ot the grand jury.
The verification of roil cal showed 53 votes
for the motion to pass the bill over the vetc
MatIson changed his vote front no to aye t ,
and then ( Robinson ot I 'nCIler raised a
wIld cheer by casting the necessary six-
teth vote to pass the Pith over time veto.
nurko changed his vote trom no to aye ,
and the result was announced as 62 to 30.
Then ensued a scene of wildest coiituior .
Tom Majors sprang Into the center or the
aisle 0111 waved his hat at he lame tim
giving a will yehh. 'fh lobby jOlnel , , and
then 111 crowd began to slum ; "We'll unit g
' Jeff nvls to n sour apple tree. "
I"olowlng Is the vote In ! :
Allan. 1:1) : ' . M. rick.
Aiuby , ( irimihib. " ' ' .
iIcon . ' , rt"'I'I. ,
l'on. Inlnn'u\e ulllu'i .
lit'eiet , * , HOII..on \ , J\I/ .
itick iIarit . . 11 1 m kiuti.
11'nrlcr. I tnt rl , , " . 1.hllln. I k113.
I'manl. I tat It' . II I' hm"'J ' ,
I ii nil V. HlnlH. I 1 1 $ ; 18.
I1n'clwll , JCII" . . . nulll"ul 111 1 < ,
llrOln \ , .I"lkln I _ , 1. I ' ' . .
I ) turclu . Juhnhl 1 iciu lektha mmlx .
Ihll" ( i ( IOI ! ; , ' ) , 11''lhlH. ( I ' ) Hhnul' .
3111 i Its Jnhnolll ' HI''IC"I' .
IM'ICI t ICr ) , I : : "laha ; ) , Hul'l I
miii .1numu. .
.Inl" ( J"UII ) ,
( ' 1111'1.\ , .luI..I . . , Sit ( t I'll !
Clrl . I , 1.1111. (1IIIee C I ) ,
C"lp , I."nlnr. , , Tluiimmii " .
CnlnW ) ' . 1.nhtt4tu'rst. Thornis .
Cnolp , . tall"'n ' , " ' iluhr.
Crow , ) cl"n'hh'n ' , / 'I" ( Jehnolonl t ,
111'h'6 , Mclt , ? . . HI"ak.r - 2. :
Nn ) - .
. flarry , anal H hprton ,
] ' . ( itilluile , Holi , ) ' .
I r'.kn\ , 1111 i 3 lot hIeutner .
JIUII , , I "U t. HINIOI ,
Casper I ( award , tt llh. I I
1lulrl' , 111. I I 14iu.iu'rtnan , ,
( 'Ii trim : , u . : Ji viI.rr. $ uts'r.
( mlb , 11\ln nil 0 , \11 tous I n ,
1 > , 'mpoe ) ' . Orh' " . " ' 1 I.
FI'17 . 1 llllh'n , " ' 01-30.
h\"nt tI' not , oln -
) elaney . MnlImiI , " ' , ' ! er.
Ilmivhlle. Hhnt" , Zink.S.
iliggitis , Pcuutt.
HtSmm OVm ! TO TIlE SETE. '
AI soon as PossIble after the hotse had
pisseil the "iii over tIme veto Chief Clerk
Geddl hrrlf1 down the corridor 11 ; rt
potell Ihl tact to Ihl senate , Time big crowr
of , 'Islor followed ( and In n few muommiec itS
. tit senate lobby tutu caleryml Crush hE
-I . lull . while I large nlmlwr 111' " ndmluell to
tie floor tt the ient" TIme lrflry bad
. . . . . . -
- - - - - - - - -
O 'T COI" ' ( : . -i , .uX ( , Tl.B ; : ( J lW/1Jl
"telp3tni the
tt the " Sub.crlber to 1',1 teiliale In
TiE 01\AIr BEE'S
' 1IUSDA { Y , April - .
Ol3 CEn1'U'fC.\Tn with " " (
cents to cover Ilo tabt. multtl : nd
ahoricul xpensea. ciutliles lIme subcrj-
carlcil (
QXltnli'I. JU\ACI'j-
bar , to ant ) olulo { l'.ipr \l ' ! ) . ide-
belel ( mom the 111111,1'ntIO'H ! ( f
( lie Omaha ! Flee Joolt J1 ! llbIM I
tlon. Send \'olnl 11 bt ; rl 1. . tJL1j1JS ;
l'uhlsler Tie OUnln Hec , J
OU1d1 , Neh . I
S - - -
- - - - -
---r- -
' . . .
JUAt commenced the ral1ng ot time 1.lncon !
ch arter . emil he had an hour's Joh before him.
, \lor the reading , hal } .llrocecll ( for fltten
fli iiiui'4'q ' Mclcsson ot I.ancaster moved that
the further rending ot the charier be sitsov
I > elderl ( amI that the senate procl.1 . to the
conAII ral..n . ot the povtfor's message.
' . the champion ot the
Wright' thE charter . pro'
te stpd , . aM lht leute1ant governor held that
thl charter IusL be rend timrough. , \sslslant
A i rptary larber rcsllnet the reading anti
/rllnE1 th ! crowds In the lobby br pl"pplnr
tim lrty or forty page The charter was then
pU3eJ by the nEcessary votes antI leKesson
rt Imu essage. newel hIs melon to ( alec UIJ the governor's
Spr ( her rovc as an amendment that the
rosEago m bo made a specllll order for 10
o' cloclt tommiorrow. The yeas and nay' were
11mndrd amid time melon defeated [ by a vote
ot IS I to II four republican senators 1.lntl.
u ; ' , , Icltcby ! , Watson anll WrIght , voting
wih time I > pulsls to IotPOmie action. Thl
rol WAS then coiled on the motion to paSs
the bill over the veio. The bill was so IasNI ) 1
hy a vote ot 23 to 9. the vOtD In detail being
as foID\3 :
, \ ker3 , I holbrook . litithilutimi ,
/Ir".qlor. / 1'lr. : H'1'1tIPs ' ,
( aliweti. , l.tnM ) ' . Htcan .
I ' ramu' ' . ? .tl'lmli. ( ! mlh ,
( ' rois. .leteeby . ntcurer ! : .
Oroh.lm i , Mr"SIU , 'i'u'ftt ,
li tlin . Nyei. , \'right-3.
I Itchcnck I I , I ' ' ( ) , .
lart. < rawCotl iiireeimCr ,
Inl r. IJI . Hlc\lrl.
l'n"lrl. I .1eifria. t'ntSOii- .
Ahsent and excused-Ora
I XP ( .N.TIOS OlOTgS. .
Ot the above senators all the repuhlcan ' ,
except Blclt and Watson voted to pass the
hi over the yelo. These two \olIJ with the
s even hOPUliStS.
Akers l'xlJlalnet that he , 'olel ! are hecJus
a certain lobbyist whom he slId not name ,
had h workeJ four WNIs to ! cure the defeat
or f the bill.
Sloan staled that sInce the hogan
h e hal , fell that he was doing right In young
for f mimoasures alfeetimig the city of [ Omaha
alone when the three senators from Dougls
count ( ; wrrl unltnl In ullcrt cf these , meas-
u rea . At the last electon 1oulas cent ; had
hy magnIfcent majorltei elected a tolll ye-
IJblcan delegation 10 bahi brauches ot the
leglslaturo. l Time nine republcan represnta-
t\es t frol Douglas ] count ; . had favored alul
voted for the hUh under comusideratlon. TIme
t hree fn1tors from Doulas county were
unltel In support at the bil , and undr these
circumstances he felt that ( ho was Juftiiied In
voln ! aye.
Lindsay made a brief explanation ot his
vote. lie sail that when the bill was pJssed
originaly he hall voted against I. but since
ll governor vetoed I the general senlment
hld h made IL a Ilarly measure. lie was a re-
publcan above e\'er.thlng else whcnenr
arty lines were drawi
When th { announcelnL of the vote WaS
made i the lobby ! chcred.
10US' t ' lt'aSES llAY SF.tT1I : HILLS.
I.n wlalln"huuh ; ! Kept 'lrlll Swiftly
oil the " 'IIUI ! O'hl.
LINCOLN , April 3.-Spcclal.-Ricketts ( )
moved m this morning , by resolution , that the
chlet clerk bo aulhorlzell to prepare the
house i Journal for publication anti deposit
the t same In the olce at the secretary ot
tate and that a sufficient sum bo placed , at
his dIsposal from [ the money aPllrolJrlatel
tor incidental leglsl.t\o expenses for this (
I lurpome. Dee mO\d an amendment that the
rcsolulon ito over for ono day and It lirei
v atted.
The following his were passed :
Senate tile . 1 , authorizing the governor to
appoInt three commIssioners to act with a
lke l commission of Soulh ndllota In ascorF
talnlng the correct bJundary line between
hat Hate and Nebraska , EO far ns the same
ma m ) be the lute between Clay county In South
Dakota amid Dxon county II Nebraslta.
Senate file 124 , by Smimlth. to pension nre-
men i of palll Ire departments after a con-
Inuou ! .ervlce of [ twenty-on3 years and the
wIdows and orphans ot firemen who lose
their lives In the ( lIne of duty.
Senate file 77 , by Sloan relating to con-
tracts for the sale , least or hire of railroad
and street railway equIpment
Senate file No. 3i : , ' authorizing countIes .
townships. precincts , cities and vIllages 10
Issue bonds to old In the constrcton ot
wagon tel bridges across any boundary river
In the state.
Senate 00 231. provIding for the nomina-
ton ( of publc officers br certificate.
Senate file 159 empowering cities of the
seconl class at more than 6.000 and less than
26,000 inhabitants to purchase or own and I
Improve land for parks and public grounds
and to bond slch clUes for that purpose.
Senate file 181. by Dressler , the Omah :
canal bill . to cnablo counties to Isle bonds m
to construct and operate canals for naviga -
ton , water lower antI other purposes.
The governor's private secretary presetl
a message tram the ( xecltvo recommending
the passage oX an additIonal relief bill ap-
propriatng $50,000. lie also anmuommnced that
the governor hall signed senate file No. 40.
for the punIshment of daylight robbery br :
willfully and maliciously breaking Into
The house concurred In a joint resoiutiom
for the appointment ot a cOlmltee trom m
each holy to confer In regard to the aelectiom
at sIx trustees for the Instute selecton tht
Blind at Nehraslm : City.
The house then took a recess until 2 ,
p. m.
Cole at Hitchcock threw a torpedo Into
the house early thIs afternoon br movhumj
that house roll No 139 be mo\'lnl
taken up Immcrlalel ) ' for paS3ag . Cole Intended -
tad to say senate file No. 139 , as the
house roil ot that nnmhor 13 time Omaha
Flro and Police eommlslon bill , which had
heen made a SIJclal order , for 4 1 o'clocl ( .
Cole's loton was straightened out , anll
senate Oe No. 129 , for tie destructIon of the
BIssfan thistle , was pased.
The house lien ( wenl Into cOmmitee at the
whole 10 consider hii ! on general file.
Senate tile No.8 , provhlng for lulls of ex-
cellton In Courts lower than ( the dltrlcl
court . was I'eeolmellld for paMage. and
4S. for the :
Ilreservaton at gale u/I list .
aut G1 , for the Inerase of imiierlff'mm t IG. :
were ludennlely poslponel1 ) TIme coumumitte 0
ot the whole Ihen rose. Miles movel , that
Ito ( conunlttee's rporl on bNIte file (3
ho not concurred In , butt ( lint time PiP Oe I'e. I
committed , und called for limo yeas amid mmay 4.
lcs' iaton was losl. )
The clerk read a motIon from tIme governs r
In which ho dcchinel to gOHror
dcclned gIve lila Ilgnaturc
to senate fIle :35 , providIng that tle ( seen I'
tary ot state , IlsteJrl ot ttm3 /o\'ernor. sima Ii
lame time papers In which time eommstiluIioim ii
nlllllenls , .lal he Ilubl tie ! . constuton:1 I
passed lu limo senale over the "eto nnll fare ii
he saute "av In the house , by the taret : g
vote In detail :
,1.1 Cruonmb Miles .
, tslitty . (1'osi' ModI'lln ,
n.lln. I I ) i vies , Jln 4' ,
" I "cher , Iny. ( rl" " \ .
lel I . UrIIHI. I I 11'11.ln. I I ,
I ice. I Is I net eve . I 'uhi " .
luI1U\ (
Ih'w.le. I luI1U1.III"n. I I ni . .
Icr/ali ; Hlrl.NOI 1 I , Hll'h.\lfon I ; I .
11 i "h' . I " , 1'rl m . Huhllon Hcl" ,
Ih' i ( hlan , 1 Ii ri lion , 1..1 h' .
I hIPI , Itl. I I Ir.I" .
lurch I , , I i i mils. i't'imtritelamutz. ,
I tim ri. , ' . .1 imut'.s . lnpl"I\llz. ,
limit n. ( /o"e : ) , Jr/llhn , . " .
lImit mis I i..i U. J.n"H. I'en""r ,
cl.l"r , . .1 ' multi . iim I tnt '
( I lii . " : ' " 1' . 1111' ( I I > 'uKla ) ,
CUlp" , I. I.lmlvrn. fum ( tutu
Curi'n , . . l.aIIKlo/st : , tl'tssmmu'e fl ) ,
. . . '
CI.p : liixmsn. ' 1111" ; ,
Cispmmaifl , ie1'uulIeu . \'mit ,
ela znn :1\\el. "
. \
C' > i' . . ) ' ; i tm. WI\ "I . " ' .
1'umumi'tuj , Meirirk , Ztimk ( Jutmneiml .
C.ley . M ' ' . . llk . 1'.I.c' Johnli. . :
: ars- , ) , Hul , Prott.
Unl'I J ln.tun kmmmu : ii .
: ' 1llh.
( 'asluer. tNmnmla ( , ) , j..prman ,
) ell'Y , . 'l' ' \ ' kker . t11'r.
Fritz . ltu-tiultmcton . 'i'liomumas ,
I'rlz. 1 lltn 'lhOII"
\nl" " . luhsrtou . " , "nn InU fn ,
l1111ulp It4'msI. , j.Jlhl.utn.11 t--t.
lut or uol'tn -
Iehmumte ) Joiiuist'mi ) ex'oekmuan.
I lavijic. ( Ioimoiims ) , 'I'"h. > r ,
I I las jn' . ' 4 ' 1 , III . Ylul ,
lion mimi. 11 < , ' " ti4imr'rmnan- ' ) 0.
I'AEl ) hi1h1 ' . .
l'A 1J IOI.I DLl.
! cIeUI then IIDud list the imouxe 1011
up ) the , ' \fcal : mum dei at lime tl' , hOlrl ri all
Xo. 139 , the ( mmuIi 1 lr amid Polco conunh-
fl":1 : bi , "d\,1 , \ ) ' the t gOI'lm"r. Qud the
" 'I'I ( r/I"I fn ( niesag. Llll" alrnt:1 : wu :
111'n 10 tl e bn81 Jt , t the u'll writen Dnc
I o al I ( . Jtcnrn raised by ) the executive. 1 :
$1. $ .G Qu.&I l bad by I\I UtlI " egnrti Into
. 01 . 4' ( t h I.lrt I' rlhn 'jhll\ 1 : IhC lur Df . I iii .
r ilJ" ' Pr. Cr1 nt.l t't ( Int Poll l frU1 :
iusj'ty " J 'il : lie said IIit . wtmeu Uewr'm
'r ) 11 al t..tllu OCY.tlr
J' II ,1lbI'J , , ! 1e.tll he { fi i Ihat ) lie ( ecu I\ i
1 tl 'J' ' ' < bi h IT . .rotlI iIa l'rh'lfg 1 of Jr re.
ie4rxmt. 11 IVa not II tfUf ut ukln , aw& )
the privileges , all shell vole to sustain the
eta , There sere a numb of other peechr
oXllanator ) ' ot voles , and the roil was celledV
wih the result of G2 voles to :0 In favor or
overrlln time governor's 'eto.
The house lhen nlJourel1 until 10 n. m.
to morroW.
'l ' , 'Tm ! 'th. \ i ( hti h I.S1'R llOWIY.
Uro.ler Parlit the , Uny RI'llt II ! oltno
I ) t i in lur I ' et ,
lt : llor 11\"lrlnuer \
LINCOLN , APril 3.-Special.-Time ( ) sen.
nte commencel its work this morning In the
milst of considerable confusiomm The pressure
at the hobby was even ! greater than a was
) cslrla ) ' . I was only when n roll call was
In progress that a majoriy ( of the senators
scemell to 10 II'lng attention to the work
In hanll
The ' sifting commite ! rportel seventeen
11dltonai bills for Immediate commulmieratlon , .
ni l house rolls , numbered ns lolows : GO .
rOl 1 , Si , 284 , . 1r17 . 3tG. rOO , 120 l , 28 , 302 , 553 ,
( 10 , 232 , SO , 3G3 , 15 , G 12.
Pope lend thnt during the rest of tll
mw ssion all house bils be IllneCI on general
nl b Inlnodllloly after seeolHI reading , wIth-
out tiring referred to the standing commit-
te es. Tills moton was vigorously eombtel
by Dale OHI other IJIJlst ! . The vote on
the moton stood ( 1 to 12 , amid as Dale In-
Istcd i upon time application at the twothirds
rule b It wae lost.
WatSn offered n resoluton for the nllpolnt-
ment at I commlteo at three to ( .flflfu3y with
a like commitee from the house for the
purpose of arranging a joint com'enton
of time two houses at the legislature to elect
six trustEes for the State Institute for the
nllll at Nehraslm CI ) ' . The resolution was
ndoJol a11 the lieutenant goveror ap-
10lntld as mmhers at the commitee Semi'I'
ntors Watson , I.IHlsa ) ' and Jel'frics.
A specIal messare from time governor In
the tenor tollowlng was received :
To the 10noralll' I , the Il' lslntnle ot the
State of Nehrla : Thu nlmters of time
i ' chief commission havE advised , inc that
the funls lie retofom'e 1llll'oll'latell by 'OUI
honorable body , nnd milan tle ( voluntary
( ontrluutons by hne\'ollnt ls\JHell Juec-
Pf Ie nIl over time eouttr ' . l'ocl'I\ , \ h ) ' I Petit
101 time pUlpose , of SU\\I'hlg nicssar ) Irev
\'Islons for time destitute people of the 1II0nih
stJlclln Ilrtol ! of the state , are now
ahnost exImasmstci nnl , '
( 'X ( , thnt nnllss seine all-
,1tonal Ue 11rovlslons mime mnle hy 'Oit' ( hone
ol'ahh' holy the work ot 11'lllerln Isslst-
Ince to the worlhy nelh' over the state
h ; ' this commission wil soon censo. lor In-
fOlmed hy tIme ( 'onlllsslon tumid others who
Irl greatly Intelcsted In this matel" that
the work of furnishIng food , supplies to tll
.le 11Inte lust he contlnuel , for Hlyerl
weels hefore they will \e In a position to
assist themsetves. I Is I neCls"nr ) ' that
Ihls wOllt he continued In sent form until
tles tt , people are In I IOsltol to nsslst
thl'mSl'es In order that suffering ml ' he
m uvoitled . Afer consulaton wih , the re-
lef l cOlmlsllon alHI the cOlmlt cs on yeF
lef i nppolnte.1 II youmr honorhle hOLly . I
um 11\lsl',1 , that It wi require nn addi-
tlonal npproprlaton ) of $5100 to carry this
WOI'Jt to n Inll completion : thI'pforl. I
ui uggest to ' " Imonormible the
81est yotti honorble hody pro-
p riety of amending the /cneral alipropiltu-
ion hi 10 as to Inclll / the Item or ap-
propriaton i above rerclc,1 10. for dlsrllu-
ton undC' the law flu It now extts subject
tn I HU'h furth'r , rcslrietons or 101lcatons
al thp legIslature may deem proper.
I suhmlt hOI'cwlh a statement furnlshe.1
h I ) ' the relief commIssIon Of theIr receipts
aHl mhisbmmrac'meiito. JOy this stalenlnt It
will lie obser'i that enl ) ' $ iO0) ' ) of the
state mmiui uu'nprmt : t i on hUH heen I nlmmuled.
apllrnpraton InelHI.,1
SI.AS A. l01CO:1 I B. Governor.
I' xculve Chamber , .111 3. ISJ ;
Flnnncial showing of . the Nebraska ne-
let l commission Iarch 30 , 1655 . :
IIE'lti'TS. : ' :
nOIIpl flnds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21.nO.H .
Stul" ItJpn'prlalol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4tl.0'O ) '
Total . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fGI.9O.4
) tHIUm ; : lrN1H.
l'rplht on donatld and turchuMcoup , -
pnps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $31.5.1
Fl P'ur . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,712.50
J 'o\'lslons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.I'G.OI ' )
C 'ntl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.lZa.91
Olcc rxpenRCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.C&5.2\ \
' 1/I''ln1 'xenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131.5i
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fGI.r : iD
Bulance on hnnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22J.G2
The message was referred to the com-
mltoe on finance , ways and means.
On moUon ot Alters , pOOO extra copies. ot
lie irrigation bIll were ' ordered printed for
The senate then took up bis on third read.
Ing l and passed time Omaha charter amendments -
ments , the bill defning a legal newspaper
and the bill known as senate me No. 333.
provIding for the payment or the money
received In redempton of real estate sold
al lx sale to the owner at time certificate
Just before the neon recess the senate went
Into committee of the whole to conl" dr :
his In lImo sifting me. Senate file No. 128 ,
providIng for the gvernmenL ot mutual life
Insurance companies was read and then In- :
dennltely IJOstponed.
After the noon recess the senate by unnni.
momma vote concurred In the house amendments -
meats to the Omlla canal huh.
The bIll authorizing tIme secretary of state
to designate the newspapers In whIch the ;
imrOPOO2i1 nmendments to tIme consttuton t
shal be lmrummted instead ot permitting the
governor to do so , was taken up and passed
over the gOI'ernor's veto by a strict party
This senate lien resumed Ito order . at bis m
on thltl reading.
The first bill passed was house roll No. 101 ,
known as the state banking oct. I mnkes ;
n nlmber ot mltirlal amendments In the
IJresent law , the princIpal feature ot the new
law being the provision which relIeves the
lupreme court ot the burllen of the hnmensr
amount ot business occasioned by the ( talure
ot PanIcs At present the huprehle court list
oxcluslve jurisdicton over broken banks , ant
as there tire conHlanl ; ' from forty to sIxty
IUSllolIed blnl , II tIme court , at Imlsl one
third of time lmo at the supreme bench Is
taken UJ ( In this way. 'ho distrIct S
will have charge ot time worlt In time future .
Time 1.lneoln charter was rend the thin ,
timmmo amid vassc'd In spite ot delermlned
) splo a effort -
fort on the part ot a few Renters to 1,1 I.
After the considerton ot tie Omaha 1.1'0 ( I
amid Police commission bi the satiate ad-
joimrnem _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. \ 14h'luimmt'4 " 10JI".lor tlslmuis , ,
ASm.\ND. ) Neb. . Apri 3.-Specal.-I ( ! ) ,
was today announcfl that ( lustmJ51r T. J. ! ,
Picket t , Jr. J , had SEnt In I his I resgxmat : ion , to
tithe ( lace Iay t. Is \ net certain who hl S
successor wil bl , hut the premmimmulutiw n , Is i
hint ( Pnlmtttnettt. , Irs. ) r. flu Bee will receive tIme a-
Mr. sntl Mr. Plelet , leave tomorrow tor
lint Sprimugs S. n. I , In coach at hmealtim. Alt .
Ilelltt iavimmg Ileen contnell to his room fcr
tIme hast two monlh wih Inn3mlJlor rheu-
luaUcm. t
Ull'y hold 'miami and John Fletcher left this
immoriming for a two s'eeks' trip through low.t . ,
hoping 10 purchase some stock cattle for the ;
Nebraska marlet. ,
! e\ ' . W. a. McConnell retnrned Ilome lat t
eVE'nln from 0 utica monthw' , evangelSIC
tour throngh Iowa nnd hllhmmois.
Ihvld 1) 1f thIs morning for Omaha
on huslll In the Intetst at time ) ; an , SW-
mi I I I COl IJ.1 y. which Is hirelma ' II tug to I male ,
1'le vtry eXlonllvo JullrOVemlnts on its mull ' ,
located ellar Creek , In Cass caumuiy.
Last t I'enlng I very dellhtul 1mar11 Wil
given 10 lie young 1)001)10 lt AallJnd by Alai r-
1ln loulon pf this ( city. The cnlln . wal
pent In games llf nil sort , dancIng amid mum I- I
sic. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
\llt _ IIUII'I.H f , , :11.lelu , " l'luourutul.
YOm" , Neb . , April : . - ( SIcI91.-So:1 ) )
time dgO 1"'hl ) J. Iraclan , a coal dE'Jler
ot Ihs : Illace , eaurul 1. < ul H. Stel/er 10 I )3
arl1lcd , en the charge at tbtalnlng goods
unde talE IJretnaeb. After IJn ) ulelay , the
cue CBle to IrIJI. BrdllUUln alees Ilat
Steiger hd relrl5elel' , ' hlmulf to be Ihe
manujr nlld agent at the KanSJ8 Ply &
Omaha stock IJrm at 1.'llmorl county , and :
that h. hum I'urchascd ' fH'1 stating that I
WI for said CIan ) Mler the trial Iho
jury nturnd 1 nrlet aeuimmtthmmg Stelgfr ot
tlr ( c"an . 'l"tlay , , Stlrer tiled a suit aoatmi oft t
hirekeummi Ilr 5OO3 dJmsgu. Ho Illeg Ob
that 0) ua"ol 01 bllh : Lalee arrest sitU 11 I ,
prisonliol his naln anti credit IIIVI lecn ;
crut ) dauimaged , end that he had been Ii Ii.
Jured and iur rtd , otl ot iieae . Ild hal lii
ot body ' soil mind , \
: \1 Pcarl 1'0111. onp ot the leading yo'r ug
ladles of'orhe. . alll Townl I.awrene ) N p.
brbka City wef morrl'.1 . At this 1110cc this
mrnlnat the homo et time brde : , Timu .t- -
join WU Vlr ) ' qulot . only the hnle'Jlatt
frlenda sell rlat\u btllg IJrcunt. Mhl
lannls I the silter ot I' A. hlenuk , one at
tht taclnJ jewflert l'f the city end laB
for fOml tmo r n t rrllltnt : < f York } .
1"orl.I " .1 Ilk Illh' ' .
l"IUJO T. AprIl 3.-SNclal.-Wllam ( )
I Seger , In ehd mmuan . was arrut" > "s'er JIY
lD a .ll e ot breaking lute a car of coal ,
- - - - " ' -r : = = : : . _ '
- .
Ils prehIrniuiarernimuntion WS atJourn(1 to
this afternoon ! tumid ho was released on bali.
When the thlfEl ] for the trial l te he
could nol be 4uhumflhI , Ills bond was torfelteml.
ImIUN ' 111"'V ' _ \ \ ' 1Um.IU ; ! : ,
HOMII of JtrcIDlt" 1411 In SI\'ornl Nlhrul'R ,
'I'o.wuul nil ' 1'11"11) ' .
I"olowlng acq1 1 "lme special tellIrams reo
celved by The"\ft ) \ too late for Ilbleaton )
ye stermhay nHJnhJf ; , giving the result or
electon ! held O'l.TIE ' ! I1I ) ' :
A 1.10N-Thc 'decton 3'esteriay resulted
In the choice d'r. . P. 'nrln ' and W. W.
I.hl ot the Ibh ' c ticket , A. N. IlrrlR ,
C . 1. Shear and . William Welz 1 of time 1
lI cense ticket. The question ot saloons was
the only one at lesue. Both tickets contained
the h names of good business len ot tIme town.
ngll.gVUE-One ot the ( most hiter ! can-
tetedlnle electons here ended In the
electon of O. S. Ilmmrteiu " ' . W. Wnlace , " ' .
C . luel , J. 11 Atkinson nimmi , ! A. Wrlrht , nil
hut Wrlpht being on the progressive citizens'
orcenst ticket. The now hoard citizens'y
si dewalks . street Inmps and other Impro\e.
imi onts .
hUTTE4city elcton wa helll In Hute
y terday. 1'11 village board not having
given time required notcD a queer complca-
ton ( b will result and mich dissatisfaction Is
fe ared . Time ali voarll holds over In time
un oantlnmo.
1)hI4i4Eit-lliler elected the citizens' ticket
y 'eslerda . nnl , ( lie IndIcatons are that I Is
a no hlcemise b arll.
F4l.i2S CIT\-'hl city electon 'esterlay ,
was hotly commtmited I being the ItrnlRht reI
hm uibi lean tcket t agal mist time held or tIme clt-
? ' Utltt Time folo\lng Is the vote for
ma'or : George W' Marsh. repmmblican . 318 ;
F red le.mlen , cltzlns' . 31 1 ; mnjorlr , 7 :
fnr treasurer , g. Ii ) . Molts , republican. 410 :
1' . J. Gist , citizens' , 202 ; imiajorlty 208 ) : for
city clerlt J. II. Henry , reimmmttiieamu . 32G ; P.
M. Halser , citizeums' . 28 : ; immajortty . .I : for
connclmal In 1.'lrstarl , Sam Blcher , re-
pnblcan , received 103 votes ntI Ilrlm I
P iemmcem' , cltizemium' , 59. ( luehC' get tlumg there
hr tour immmujorlty. In time Second wlr,1 , J.
.1 ' 'lnner , r puhlcnn , got 130 votes and ' 1' .
I. ' . Suilmn , citizens' . 1r ; majority for 'ral-
ncr h , hIS. II the "hlr,1 , want for two-'ear
term t , J. J. 10rner , repnblll , received 10\ \
\otes , mil Charles At. ' \ls,1. cltizcna' . rO :
f or one-year term. El iCominedy , . rellllcal ,
reco'CI 97. anll 11,1 , Olives . cltizcmus' . 62. M.
\ v. ! ls80hnln. for IJolco 3udge anl John ,
' \ ' . Towhe for city engineer , wore on both
tckets , and lherefore elected. For . school
board. h " ' . n. ( 'rook , republIcan , received
3 42. J. C. Ymutsy 374. George H. Neal 219. T.
J . Spencer 252. '
1"OIT CAI OUN-Tho ticket onnouncel1
In i The lIce oC April 1 was elected without
any oppositlemu. The numher ot votes cast :
did not exceed thmirty there helng 10 excited !
lenL In the least . nor no ISRue. The omcers :
arc : Alnyor , hI. lUx , relJblcan : cIeri" P. '
F 'rahmimi . republican ; treasurer W. n. Coil . re-
IluIcan : polco judge . g. N Grenele : caun- '
c iinmaum. First word , Henry Price ; counciman
Second vard . J. It ! . 1rlller.
FULIBITON-'lho electon here was a
s till , biter l"ht from stat to Inlsh on the t
nll Issue. license or no Icen e , The no I .
Icenso l candidate for mayor was elected hr
a small majority , whie the license caml-
dates for aldermen were elected In two oi [
the three wards of the ( cll ) ' . Time lcense I
people have a working mnjoll ; . In the coun
cl , which slit gl\1 the city and schools ;
rcvenue for the , elwlJ ! year . Instead of
hootegglng throughput the city.
GIAND ] SI ANIThe only change In the i
electon results lS telegraphed last Ilght Is
In i the electon ofV. . L. Wllari as mEmber ;
or the hearth o EducatIon. In 1lac ot B. C.
Howard. Later rHurs showed Wilani to t
have h eight voles over Howard. The total vote i
cast was 1.1n ' . -
DAITLEY-ur present trlslees , vlz : S.
" ' . Clark . O. Fret , C.V. . HodgkIn. A. O.
Keys and W. F. Miller , havmanged am :
town t buslnes8 prllenty antI there was no
organlzH opposition to their re-election. They
are preparIng to erect a tower forty feet L
high it i to supporL I large tank and I windmi I
to fill It with water 10 be used as a protec-
ton agaInst fire and to bprlnkle Commercial I
HEMINGFOit-Vlago trustees elected :
Samuel Awitze ' ? . A. M. MIller . J. C. Pardons
w. 1 ( 1Termicai1 ! ' and Ell I. . Johnson. The
I sue at IceIse wits not voted upon.
JUNIATA-MunicIpal election was qumlet
the lightest vote , In years bIng polled. The
Iccl0 h ticket WlS elected without oppositon ;
as a result at the mute udmlnltraton or the
old council. The new board Is politically two
democrats and three rpublcans. as tolows :
O. R. Pahuner D. P. Smith , G. G. Vreeland .
A. H. Longjolm and W. F. Dlckmmtan.
NELSO -Eecton passed of quietly. There
were two tickets In the field. Time Independent -
emit ticket WIS for a Icemed saloon. The I
cItizens' tIcket was agaInst licensed saloon I
Three on the license ticket and two on the
cltzen ' ticket were electd. Nelson wi I
probably have a lIcensed saloon another year .
NORTH I.OUP-Tho election ) esterday :
pJsse,1 , off very quietly . there being but one
ticket In time field , to whIch there was \ut t
lte l opposition. 'rhe gentlemen who were
elected as a board at trustees were H. C .
Van Horn A. J. Goodrich , Judson Davie i ,
George Moore and Henry Thormmgate. I Is I
understood that ( It Is I strong ant-lcense
ORD , Neb. , April 3.-SpecI31 ( Telgram.- )
Llcensa or no license was the Issue In yester-
clay's election. hath on municipal and school
affairs. The following were electll : J. C LI
\orl. mnayor license ; uhlerman First ward I ,
E. E. Lloyd , no lIcense : A. L. Coonrod I ,
Seconl , ward nnd N. H. Mason Thlrl ( warl ,
license. Joseph Capron Rnd 11. A. Goodrich ,
license candidates , and M. Coomba no hicns ,
on school ticket. The day beIng fine , a greal
numb ot lathes , ( turned out to vote on the
school qmmestiomm.
SUNI1I CIEI1I-SI C. TO\51eo , F. C.I , I
Caulon , H. H. Ilmmdson U. I B. Young and 1 . ' .
K. Sprague were elected , village trtmstecm I.
Tie new board will he for license . Slver ,
Creel always goes wet nt about two to omit ) .
ovcn when Ihere Is a nght. 'fhls year on\
Guilt ticket was In the null , und the llectot
cached little Inlerest.
13'I'ItANG-'uimero was bmmt one ticket In tL !
nell hero for vIIJ ! ; trIHees. lIcense heln !
out at time que ton , the re hletls ot the
village ! : bel1 ) nearly ] nil 011110201 to a maloom 1.
Time otrers elected mire lS folowe : E. ( I
hears , O. W. Powel , n. W. Slmninmu 1'homls' '
. ' ' . Ii. Sammeu' . '
Mitomu and 1' I. Salel'
TALMAGE-At time Vllape election ( lieu 'O
were three tickets 11 time filed for tl\t OS , ali
. ' '
In favor at license. The tOlowll1 were
elected trlutErs : J. I. IJmlo ) , Ceorhe ( ] \ \ T .
Olhln. I. I . .1 . 1.lnthO t .IJnHI Cmuimm tim I mus . I'.r.nk
Ilrlq.arl ; lenry Br'l ' , clerIc : Wllal
lrel r. marhal : C. N. Wood , treasurer ; S. I
Balms street comnmiatlomer . I
'r IA I"-'ho Icels men tOI/ht de : I-
IJeralely , wlhant nut ) ' nlllarent cPimOsltion. t9 I :
huh 1 "utEloO sit the C iii. Tiuos e elects
were : James H. Force , ammlt-licermse , maror :
Scott Itoberts , aumli'ijcemise . niulermmuauu C. .
Scot 1ouert8 unl-IJc nse. aJerm'tj ; I"
Nicholson hl1 iIulemmse alterlln ! : It. I. I
Skimmer. hIgh licut- ) \ , clerIc ; Il. M. 101Jewdl 1
ant.lcense. traeurer . : W. E ( . Pralt , alit I-
llcemisc' . enllner : . . The ( ntlo olt-loflne
Hchoal hoar.1 . was el'lcd , wihout ethmpositlomu.
VAIPA [ ( AlSO-Time election 113Ksell olr (
uilmletiy. ' 'le Iluc J\as Icwse or no ilceuts .
The le use tilet.won Iwo 10 cue TI 'he
followIng were EI'Iel : H. K. Jehl on , " ' . J ,
C ller . , F. Whm'th . , ii. ius'Is ) and Wihlia lii .
GIOI. . ; '
" ) " 11-0 lt H\ I ' , .rUIII , , \nacl' ,
'rE1AMAH , fteb' . AIJrl 3.-(8 ( ( clal- )
R01' . John Wlll" i ( get Ibout SO ) earl , dim 'dl
at his home nm k"lah Ihls eveuulmug. 10 I
was 1 nalvo ot rylarmtl . und cnme 10 Burt
county . about Ii4l(1as ( a missionary for the :
Presbyterian ; h. lie was IIC at the
brigimtomt hhihie : ntents , Ilerhap3. of this (
age. I"r some ) J ar ; lie timid givcmm tip his l\ f
10 relgious Wdiljl ! t hum home hy hl180lf ,
lie h3 two son 'PJI , : a dauughtem' . mill IIHln ;
'fohtomnaim's best t cUlzcns. I Ilge(1 ( wife sur.
vIves hiuui slrrolQled br Illen ! ) ' . le leaves ;
cOtslllerable IJrOIJ .ty.
1II'Jtu'rl UIII , ( 'urh4uL I'r ,
II'uV1I.OCH . NIb. . April 3.-jSpeclaJ- ( )
IjJllhella amid ! scarlet foyer prevail Imes 'C .
New cases .re reporled lal ) ' . and there hUle
,1en , .evHal d\ta In Ihe had , few days. )
The Hoard cf Je.lh , lalntRln mind sja ir-
amitine. tin I Ihe ( counci nieetii lonlcht In
61 ell Ieuton to consIder the ( adabJI : )
ot closing tIme IJ\le : scimetoil.
1'IIh . ul "V. " ' , 'Jltn ' ' , ' .
S'rl AXG. NLb , APril / 0-Specisl-W. ( ) p
Delve , ! vln/ ant 11 from , to1. . died hit
umlgimt at J 1 1 0' ( " 11lh pal'JI's ! 'he d e.
c'11 haul lyn:1 JI thIs 'Ic.n tr throe year4. )
1'110 rumtaiUi wIll h' t ali"1 t , heather , I. 1 .
fur burial \ 1' I'R' ' a a I'it' and thir r'
morrle dsubt'n3. I. was ' 12 'ear3 of
I age ,
Grover Leoper of Agoc , Neb , Expermcnt
with Fntnl Effcct .
HrcurhJI ! R Jlt'hll ( .si rap to n Iafrr In
hut hinlume amid 111111 thin Other 1:11 :
. \rll11 lila , : ( ' (1 , 10 , ' 111.01t
nI lie leI ,
O'NEll1t4 . Neb. , April 2.-Special ( Telo-
g ramn.-t ' sad case of accidental hangIng
occlnell at , \gee. nbont tOlrleen miles north
at this city . this morning. Grover the 10-
y 'car-olll Eon of J. 'IV. t4rcimer ) . was tip stairs
atler some teed for time . chlclens. Alter
b ring ! one about tWOlt ) . mInutes the mother
collet 10 him to hurry UIJ. Not receiving , any
re\lr she went imp stairs amid tounll time her
hanging ft out n I'nfer , n hitching strait
A'OIII his neck.
TIme mother took lie hey down and . ent
afer Mr. ) .e\er , who was at a neigimbor's.
1'h ! hotly was hroupht Into this city thIs
afcrnoon amI time remains wil he taken to
Iowa I for Interment 'he coroner null shal
are both out ot the city and there will
\rohabl ) bo no Inquest hehl.
Mr. i4eeper says there Is no dOlbt lint I I
was uicciiemmtai. lie ba's that silce the
lynching of arrelt Scot time boy hall !
tholght t a great deal ahout I amid when lie
tounll hlHse\ lull ala I ru alone irohisIml'
lhought t he wOII.1 see It I w,1ulll hurt much
and , getting I10n tIme bcd. . ted the hlchln ,
slr.lp to the rafter , ntl'r first lmmving mallo a
nee ! ( b ) shi ItImi ! the I cnd throlh the swill I )
eye al the strait mnlIng Il a slip mioose
Afer 11111n/ / ; the noose arollil his lecl , he
i mu'ohmald ) jllpel off the bed the FiI noose
drwllA tlgimt. lie was n height Illa boy
au ! the larents arc distracted with grlet.
H i i. . ' 57. QUAI'hlll 2iTTOI1iI CI\OFI.
:10"(5 , lOots crib lUl' ' 111'Il Helnll
'I'Iie lr I I'ouil t unmis "t 1.1 n cal ul.
I.INCO.N , ' 111 2.--Spe-clat ( Telegram.- )
H I Is delnltel ) staled Ii a genteman with
tacllle for Jno\ing that Icsrs. Deweeso
III hall will retain nl'lt the same pOllen
with the Burlngton : : rcad whch ! Iher t suslalncl
d lurIng the lolme ot T. 11 Marquette. Al-
t hough Sentor ( anderlon Is duct ot the Ic-
gal depalment , the ( records w'l ' ho kept heri
as heretofore reports helng made tQ Mamider.
Hon. The legal ,1partment , of Kansas mil
Colorado will remain In slatl quo. I Is re-
Ilortpd I that N. K. Grlfg3 will b coml more
Ilslnl m ) atorley for the " ' ) cmlng amid 1 >
! eta divisions. amid remove to Sheridan. I."ur- .
ther t details . which have not yet lealted omit .
wer nrrlged at n confemenco held In nur-
Ington l on Monday.
Irs. Zncheus 13tratton . proponent at time
last l will an.1 tetamcnt ef her hushanll , to-
u lay filed a molou for a new tril The Stratton -
ton c1tale was valued al about $10,000 , smith
the will cut oft a son l11 daulhler with $ " 0
and $25 respecth'el the
anr ) Although now ta-
mons Instrument Is said to have \CU an
exact copy of time will ot James G. Baine ,
time jur"s verdict says It was not the list
wi of Zacheus Stratton , anti It Is arlnst
this verdIct that toda"R moton Is mlirected.
Charles n. Cowlcs of Linsummg . ithIclm . , has
written Chief of 101Cl ! Cooper asking for 11
formaton regarding time wherealouts or Amos
ConIes Jennlns. last herd of [ In Limmeolu .
TIme city directories for three ' '
The years past give
no cue to the missing man.
At the ames of the county clerIc this aler-
noon I was conceded tnt the I.'neaster
county Jai bowls ) loposlton had failed to
carry br at least 1,000 votas.
Mayor-elect Graham Is already besIeged by
a rapacious mob ) of place seekers. but de-
dares that ime bas made no pledges as yet.
Among the candidates for chief at police
are : Grant Eammigim . S. It ! . Melck , ex-sherif
of this county ; Job hathaway and Jesse
Moore. EnsIgn Is supposed to have a cinch
on the oUce It he desires H.
The funeral or harry Draper , the -year.
ohl Ion of Councilmmian-eiect Tom Draper will
taie ; place from the fatally resldeumce on
South 1'enth street , tomorrow atrn03n at
2 o'clock. The bor was killed br falling Into
an Iml d wel last evening.
Frank rtholomew , a trnvelng man who
resides at Fifteenth anti n streets , this city ,
was seriously Injure hy helng thrown from
a carriagE yesterday nferoon , whie on his
way to thc polls to volo. lie ares riding bE-
hl11 DIck Townley's high-stepping sorrls ,
when a sIngle-tree fel to the groimnul , , frlght-
Inlll the team. Bartholomew turned their
hends Into a lamp poet , hopln to save several -
eral ladles In a carriage In front hut the
tonlU3 ran agronnll and jerlel him over the
uizmshmhioard lie was thrown fully twenty feet
on a pavement amid It Is feared ho has sus-
tained Internal Injuries.
JIl.OO1)Y l'1U1'1 Al AI.I.t\NCE.
Two l'romimtuesmt , 1101 % 'otiiouIoii ' UnrlnJ /
lolrc II / Mttmooui ' .
ALLIANCE , Neb . April 3.-Speclal ( Tele-
gramn.-Troublo ) In the saloon of A. A.
Weatherspoon & Co culmlnatcd In the woundIng -
lug aL 1 o'clock thla morning at two promInent -
nent alI cltzen of Aliance ,
Nato lurL was Ihol thrcngh tIme Ihdolen hy
Wiiam Iough , but wH recover , as time
hulot 1IIIed t h rough I10vo lie I ahdomlnal I
CititY. Iough was strlclt over the head hy
Home ono amid a severe hut not danlerous
scalp wounl lnhllcteml . I tough 15 a memher
ot I ho fIrm ot Jquor dealerH , G. II. Detrich
& Co. , and I hart wits In tIme sonic hustness
hOle a few ) 'eers ago. As lear lS can be
leal'nfd several hurtles had : heen 111'lnkhll
11,1 this Is time result at 1 generai mclee.
:010 Ilx cr mole shots . were /red ultelher.
1onlh i Is In custody
( UII'ril l ' \llllrull'I,1111 I 111 I I 1"llrlt. ' ,
LINCOLN'drii ' 3.-Speclal ( Telegramim.- )
'he gener.11 I a itit repel mm t 10mm hii I I was reporlell to I
time senalo thl aferoon hy the commltel
on flmmnce way" alHI mmmeamms . Timers are I
lani nlmher of mumnentl mute ii tit . hut 10no at 1
raltcal ummmtuire. 1'ho house npJropljllln are
reducel , In man ; ' Instances anti ) IncrCsfl In a
few. 'ho two large sums amidai , were $12,000 $ )
fur a eoUae ; at time toidiora' lome at Gr.1IHI
IsialHI minI f12,000 for the purchase of .ooo )
copies \Vlteeler'x CcmlJrd ! iiatuitcis. 'I'h.
alllJrOprlaton for Iho h5oiuhlera' lomu I alllo,1 , ,
vItim time ( IXllress underltanllll that It ito I. i
10 ho slrleken cuI In case this hii to locate
a hrmeh Soitliers' 1ole ut Mlfonl Is passel. ,
'Iho ' nnance : olmitee Ild ) not alld un Ilend- )
lent appropriatIng on additonal $50,000 for
time relief of the droulh sufferers , IS recommended -
mended hy time gos'ermtor.
- - - -
Nnrlh su'irmslui 1'iiutftura : , .
NOitFOiIC , Neh. , AWI 3.-i3imuihai ( ! Tele-
gronm.-Tbmtii ) was thin first dJ"s sessl'n of time
Ilnth annual : meellJI ot limo Norlh Nebraska
1'eachers' asso laton , 'I'hme metng still con-
Inlo at the Ccxmuregatismia ! ; ) church In limit
city for thrl da's. Every I Iraln : today
brought In large dElfgalons at eacher ( .
among time arrivals hJjng Stale Hu"erlnlen.l-
emit Corlmett. At tonlght's Euslon time lIra-
gram Includd first . I recel/ton / at time Ox-
nar.1 hmotei at the C nrtHaton 1 church twp
olos : In German ly merllers at the Madison
Mannrclor , a 11 un addreb3 by Prof. 1'ustcr . .
I m who came In place ot Chancellor Cammfleld .
m the blur being detained at hem on account
cf mmlcimmmess. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CI" I u . (1111' th / rm gut g.i 1""frl. I i ,
NFIHASIA CITY , Apri : -Rpeelal- ( )
Fololln/ time misorljago recorul ( or Otos
ceunty for time mmioiitl of March , 16'J5 : Farms t
inotigagea I'mieml. $ G,57G.4O ; Iris-abel , $85 , . .
(1113(33 ( ; cIty , filed , $ ,702.17 ; releabed , $4.
011.10 ; cIt-mitt ) uimortgagoa filed , lU,514.77 ; re
haed. $13,01S28.
Time Otee Couimty Teciciters' aeseolatloma stIll I
JI1SC ( mit i3yaciioe Oh FI Iday and Saturday ci r
this SVLehc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ilumitlmugut I $ , ' , ' iui : .
11 4\S'I'iNGS Neb. , 'lurii 3.-SIecal-14a51 ( )
eveimitmg time iadtemu of time Congregattomma
church gave a very luleasazut eneraiuuuumcmi (
time 'oummmg Mcmi's ( 'lirimtimmmm ummoociahlor
reins To Ihmatings Military bammt.i fur .
nishmed mache for timu occosioum 'uito tiveum
imiusu irograuui was intercmmttumg Ice cretin m
amtd cams was served A neat suumu of 4miOiiCI
wise imotted by lime ladles
Ctmumries Kipp , Jolums I'Iclsemue , harry Jirewer
\'IIliuw MeKey , W , II. Miller , F. U , Car
Pahie's ' Oeer Oomouiid . Streogllieiis
Nervous OI1Hh1I.eIL
. j - ' - . t. ' .
.u '
- - - 4
k4 * ti : - . / h7 -
t &y
'w' ' ftqC /5 mu
. . . . . . . - - . : - . , , . . - , . $ t
" r'
Nervous exhaustion In chulitiremi Is worryIng
a great umuammy fathers and imuotimers timemit 'las-s.
\VhmIle time hmtmrr' miami hmustlo of mucmderim life
is bri iugl mmg mt eouistaim t ly- I uicri'asl mm g ot ia Imi
Ii lOim mrowim imien auth svommuen . there cer Imitimly
comumes to light time startling fact of a grow-
l ug tendemmey toward Imervotmsmmes among their
As these 1)05-s mmiii girls , ss'imemm either , lil
enter a life of nervcus strauim fully as exact-
timg as timrmt of today , it is mm wunuier ( lint
luareimts vIew with dIsmay timeam , etmrly imigmms
o ( mmervoums w'oakimoss , mutt auxiotmsiy seek
nellie means of umiahuuig time ymmumg 1)eUhtie )
stromug anti ss'eli again. TIme remmuedy is at
imaumtl I im every ci ty mm mu ii I anti i ii , \ mmtorhca.
It Is time remedy first ltrescriiietl by titat
greatest of nil modern otlimcatora , I'rot , ltl-
uvard 11 limelps ? ut. D. , 114. D. , of lmrt.
mumoutit college. I t it I'ain's celery c'nmhoimmmtl
\tiiicii l'rimicilsl Cuiiiii of Ness' I luvemi mimI
h'res. Cook of this Nattommiml Teachers' asso-
cimmtion imavo so s'eccmmtly recommmmmmetjoJ.
Countless payouts today give theIr cimlitlr'n
l'atno's celemy coutupoummd aitul see them grow
rohmmst aiim 'igorotus miay. ii' day before their
eyes till they are again restored to ( hue
perfect health that beloumgs to youth.
Physicians everywhere advise time use of ( lila
greatest of hilooti pturlflors amid imcrs'e foods.
Oume of time daimger signals of nervous ax-
huaustion ammiong youuig proithe Is tiuc lads of
desire for foot ! muiitl time capriclommsness of as-
petIte. % 'lmcn thmeir over-premmumeul nervous sys.
( emits have iieemm driveim to tIme point cm ? cx-
lmaustlon , their ( aces grow iale anti umlnchel ,
( heir spirits deciimme , timely botlie lost uer-
oeimIily In sveighmt and strength , they need
moore and niece some active means of sup-
imiyimmg time umerves and tissumes ts'itim better
nutrition , mind the vcltms s'itlt batter blood.
rutimers , George Jaimmes amid Johui II , Greeiu
are on time Platte camupimig out amid shmootimig
goose. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8ii'i ) GItItN l.aLl aSa n.m ULEI ) ] 1l2E.
Five liuummdveil Cars by Situ iSurilmi mtouu stud
1 flO Iy i Ii a 11111 ili I 'ti ci I ) c ,
Until the reports are compIled it is pretty
hard to determine tlto number of cars of
seed graimm ( ito Burlington amid Union Pacific
iuave Imanmileti free ( or tIme droulm-atrlcken (
districts of Nubraaka , htmL a representative -
sentativo of time flurhiuigton yesttrday
stated that tupproximnateiy ime tlmougimt time
miuunismar womulil reach at least 500 cites , timee
comssignmnemmta of seed ss'beat coimmhlug largely
froum Iiilmuols , Alluseturl axtil lossa. lie also
stateth timat i'enumsylvammia hail slgnlfieti its
hmitcmuIon ( to semmi twemmty-iive cars to the
districts umiust Iii mmeemI of need gralmi amid
voitumiteereti tIme imuornmatlomm [ ( lust mmumless these
ears store ( ortlmcomuming very soomm they wotmil
imot be mucedod. 'lui tIme western Imortiumum of
time state , ' ' said ite , "they have ummorua Set'lh
graIn already emu hiuiid titan they Intl a yetim'
ago , amid conthitions are suicim that ( lucy' s'h1i
not uuoed all timat immus beemu consigned to lime
smulTerera lmy re.msoml of time drotutim of l.mat
year. 'l'lmo gemmeromms ralmms of tIme last
few thaytu hmimyc iumsplremt time fam'mmmnrs ,
and with amu'thmluug 111cc favorable
iveathier Nimraslca tills year wIll lie a gardoxu
ahmmuumding lit plenty. It 1mm a feet , Imossever ,
iimat tIme rains of iO4tmurdmuy mind Sumuiny tailed
to extemiti thmrmsuoim coumutles commtrneneluug at
i'ttiaimms smith Immeimitltmig Frontier , IteilViihow ,
hharlaiu umutti othmera ruf time grommp ott ( hue tutlu ,
Withmimm a ramhiums or nhiommt 200 nitlcs the laud
Is st I I I ui ry uiuiti iioils rum hum ye ry bd i y. liii t Iii
time svest aimmi mmortimwest ( lie raumis luavo hiticim
glorious , iiromuaglng mm botimitcous htarvcml. "
Tim e I ! mm I ( jut Pucl lb Ii a s hi mm nti ioU a iProxl-
mmuatmily iSO cars of meed grimili imuimi will
camm ( I mm mb to hmmmmmtl I mm a I I ( Oittii gum mmucn is I mm t ii 0
way of miomusllomm fcr mirotmilu mutterers until
. \imeil 30 mini tiimi extend tlmmt time to hay 15 ,
to cover Cecil ebuliummisuita. TIme fmcigimt tlmupau'- (
multi t of limo Ummlomm i'ecthic hmoii irelared a
etateumoumt of cruim s'oummhiticmma iii ( lie tute of
Nebraska iitctu 15(39 amid bumt cite otimutr state
Iti the unIon mihuows tmicim a iiiiivemsat merlea of
good crops as uloeti ( hula stale. 'lIme record I
at fohiosra : 1600 , gooml crop ; I 570 , ( allmire ;
1871 , good crop ; 1872 , germ crop ; 1tu73. mimtrt
( 'roll ; 181 I , failure ; 1175 , gomul crop ; 187u ; , gel
crop ; 1S7. good croim ; 1878 , good cr01) ; 1819 ,
almort croim ; 1850 , te ; ° l eroim ; 1881 , gael crap ;
1882 , gosh emop ; hISS , goad crcp ; 1681 , good
crop ; ItS'S , good crciu ; ISSO , genii crocI :
1887 , short cr014 ; ISS8. good crcqm ; 1iS9 , gwl
crop ; 1850 , fjiiumre ; 1691. good m'moim , 1)J2 ) , ( air
cr011 ; 1533 , mImuyt ( , iiuro ,
0th ur'uu , , , ' nuu ri I'ruuut.uiIirig'i.
121 NCOLN , Aiuril 8.--tijmociai.--'i'iue ) cmi-
Imeemull , court met yest rtioy , imunauammt to ad.
A. ii. CoUrotlt , ( 'Si. , of lancaster , Jaimues
Lomlwlcim , Cli , Of Oust cc , Fiammic E. ileemlmlium ,
esti. , of Iimui'faio , ummul S. It. itmmmh. eem. . of
irituglas ) couuity were adnuiltei * tu lurartce. !
lens ogalmmst Itt bumt.oum , orlr ? to IhIe Iurofa ,
dimimasd : ; mtisi ; Jntmmuson ogaliust l'arrotte , er
thor to Ihle briefs , miinmmlseJ umiol ; Almlmio
agaluist Cathy , ormier to Ills Jjrlefs , disuumisbc-d
'rime Following cauasn were argmmel amsui cmli'
uuiittcd : Tumileys against leier , Nash against
Iim : k or. cmi immot I oum ; (38 mum luimeil miga I mmt I 'a rn a It ,
cmi mnotiomi ; Claris egainmt ( 'mulijm'toxi aimmi A
I. " I. Co. , on uimotion ; ( 'iols Pubtlahuiiii
comimuziumy mugalnat 3tate ilanic , aim mmutIouu
State agatrmst ilamuk of , Inawarthm , on uuii lomu
State umgaixmst I liii , on nmOIlc'iu ' ; lilgier uaimiat
Dker. eu umotlomm. :
Slate agaiuitt , Icyeus , leave to file CXCj ) '
tlouus ,
l4lmmmlsay against 13tstc. ntjliCatiOfl ) ) to sue. '
iinmd svumtcmuce doxmitI.udvncd. .
Tothay cuUm't hid Imuramiammi mu adioum' : 'un-xml
'lisa foilowiumg caused store argued amid mmiii
iuilttech : Fichihoff agalimet ilienbarry. omm imue
( len ; MerrIll against Willis. on rnmttu
Timounpeen agaimmet Nicholls. sin mmuoiien ; Jityamil L
ago I mist C mmmi mu hzmgima mu em , nu : 0th on ; I I a
agtmlimimt State , oum motion ; I4aiiiuu ashmmsl L
State , ex eel Gray. out aumotiomi.
.Jmutl 1)iuilsvry mit dItty i'c'umter ,
CLAY CENTl8. Nob. , tirIi -Spuda (
'I'elegrammu JJu1s Mvrriw , wimtj trait
shmort memutenCo lit lime coumy Jail , es"ap
last umughit by suawmlmg cal
Joimmu I1TJI'gI , wliii dris immg a I aumi of e'xt
lii a svaisOmm a few ummlles fruuum toap , still I
timyowim to tIme ground , sustaining a brivm
arm and other bruises ,
\'imen Pimio'ii celery couuupotinmi Is given t
0mb of times excitable , s'eak-norveI , sailoss'1
liC u-linus scrmiftiltmlm'm ytmttiug Iterstimma , tlu titot lmer' '
i oftemu ainmzemi mit ( hue u'imItiit' sultim ss'iiicli
I I rcstnreo , time stremigtiu , hmimlhmls up time stern
151'l vous tissmmm's smith rm'pimces the languor of it
uleiuleteul umervcmus system by tIme cl.mstlcity of
youtiufmul itealthm.
I'.miume's celery CommilmoUumtl muutmicea People well
-1101 omuly ts'orui ommt , emufeebieui umueuu anti
wommueim of timbre mmge , bmit young iermmmns
tt'iiuiuue slighter iumtvor.s have been ovou'taxcd
ly excitemmismut or litmumioderate syom-le withuotut
urtuisor Intei'vutlit for reat mmmi repair.
Paiuue's ccluu'y coimuimomuumti hIls ' it most
iimuitortaxmt inurt iim ( lit ) lives of timotmsauidii of
yoummg hicOPie iui cvcm' ' secloim ( of title cotmmmtry.
.tlmmuuy wlmoso imers'ums : systemmums Immiti beemi so
attumimulatoll as to immmflt timemmm uttu'riy for sttmtl' ,
It has uumathti vigorous smith strouu emmougim to
ably bear time burul.ui of couniimg years. It has
enabled tlmemmi tog menuim vigorous mmmcmi amuil
ssimiemm , cmuimahile of tioiuig time Imart of active.
St smug ummen auth wommiemu iii ( Ito world. Sir.
Jusunea ii. W'etzel , writing front hIs home In
New Ilerlin , Pemun , , says :
"Allow mite to speak a tesv wormls iii praise C
of Paiumu'mm celery coumipomumud , My younger
sister , wliosu lmictumre I u.omiti yomi. was subject
to imervorts attacks , aimtl , we tlmougimt. to iteat't
tromuhile.Vu tried iuummierommmm mncdieluies for
iui' ahlmmucumts , butt without much avail. Last
whiter 8ime hind a severe attack of umervous
trouble usiti. ' hmor eyes , xumi wo gave her
Pains's ceiey coummitoumid and she iimihrovcd
vemmt1ertuiiv upon It , timid sue iuti bach voii
ever since If these few words of uimsohiclteml
testimony caut hue of any beuuciil l)1cu5e us , .
( hmeuim as nm' unbiased aimU unprejudiced l. (
oimiiilomm. ' '
MciE ( ;
. -
% Yealmmiess and tuomires
Iiisuuditrio (
ltvory cure miuar5uuteCd.
Is produced by the Cu'ricun flupis when
all otimuma ( mull. i'huy cleaua tiio
I ocaip of irmlt.mtim. mwmuly , cm utted ,
I i _ ummmi bloti'huy hmtumoor. sti nimble ' I
I ' thin Itil r ( I , i ltcIe , amid deetroy unl. ' ' -
1 , cuouo'plc ' insects tvlmklu facti on
limo hair , mmmd iLlume .umccccd seimen
( ftc' le.t luluStictuml 4 iimul flu i Other
remncdtos ( till . 501,1 tbruuEhmomtt u Imi , 't'rit ,
; . .
' j ,
'i. ' Cures the etecta of
_ . _ A eeJt.nbmie , excesses ,
. emnissiomis. '
iioijlmltenui ) .
a. 1-3L V ° x ° !
. , . . : : ' c1
. - . . - - . fd 1tiA'1)JtFOCO. , and
Leavns mluJlLINl'rON& : ('
Oummaita IJmuiimi IJ-lloi , 141 Ii .u uiasmu , Sla . f ( ) uutulua
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1ixime . . . . . . . . . . .
4 ; amtumm. Uim. 1 I ills , Slum I. a i'mmgut amid. Us 4 1Jmtmis
4 ; . . . . . . . . . . . ) ' Fxpm esa. . . . . . . . . . . 4 l i"pmim
u ; : ismmmu . N ( ii mmsita jit 13u ' ) . 7 :4mmmti :
hl.muuu. : . l.tiuc4uu . I.o.u ( except Htmumd.u . . 11 :15.mmu :
2 : . . . . . , am all ( fur I .u imuimu ) Ii.ummy . . .
lusea lCite/uUO. 1uU1tIiNUj'oN ( JtAiiis
& _ . . ! _ UtmuI , 1JItm % . ,
4 ; itutii . . . . . . . . . . .Cmicsgo'estmiiuli , . . . . . . . . . . iO0.mmuj ) ;
S :5.l : . . . . . . . . . . . iiuu jiurrs. . . . . . . . . . . 4 ; Ilpmma
7 : .Jm'umm . .L' lift jig ) sumil tt Iuuis 1xitm ess. S : ) .mnu a
I I .lijmuu . . . . . . .l' imliIu' .1 Uuitiomi I4ueml. . . . . . . 6 ; lupmmt
l'att .SlmLl. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii4puu ;
l.lmm.I hit Umm tum lJepjt , 1 t Ii & 1 asuuu Sms. I . ( Ijimaims
6 , ) . . . . . . . . . . . , mu I .lmrulted. . . . . . . . . . 'j : I7 ,
1 1 : III I tI . , . ' 'ii I. g , lx1'ic ' t4. . iim Ii. ) . . , . C : Wpimu
I.imvea 1(111 hC4t (10 & NOIt'rl I tIgT'NTiiTvci
ljtimI : ut , I. ml .uu I ) L'iJt , 1 him C Simt.oii Qxum4ilmi
Ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii ismrss . . . , . , , , . . ,
4 CImuil . . . . , . , . , tL mt lu ci l.m ummi m ci . . . . . . . . . ij :4) : ) iua
I , : , .t umi . . . . . . . . . . St. ' . Vu lim'y i.oct I . . . . . . . . . . 1) ) : 'iaumu '
t:4t'm' : ' . . . . . . .Onuilu i (2lmlcagt efieuiai . . . . . . 2lii'mmm ;
i'.II'iiICGivLI , -
. ( Jitijli.m tuti um I .m-mju. iJmiu .M mIls.i ( Jummuiuxi
- - - - ,
1As'J _ _ _ _
IFWIIiI. . . ' . * ' ) ' ) . . 1ijiiim
S : . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jxpru's. . . . . . . . . . . . eri ) mmii
4 ; 2.mumuu . . . . . .I tell 5 , \5 Iimmcii hi ummi ci . . . . 2l5pmuo
11 : Jmmiu.Oim4IIuui.m , ix. : ( ( , SI e ; ; 3)pumi
tt'tb 'f ,
SlumumOimtatmouuma ; & 'J'exutt 1s. tuux. Raum. .11 3ipn
- ! liltmm , . . . . . . . . . , . , .t'ju I , Imimli thu : . . . . . . . . .4OJpumm
ll'aiil t2. , Hf. I' . , .51. t C , .
llmmOito Iopot. SItu iunl 55 ebatr flu. J Outulta
S :2mm : u.l . . . - Nbmuu ui mm I 'mu esuumger ( daily ) , . . S
4s'ipuuu. ; ' .itto&uX & (2110' ( Its. Sumu ) . .11 6uuu ,
_ _ _ ; . . . . . . . . . . . l'amui . ' . . . . . . . . . . :
- - - - - - - -
- - .
I.ruscs I I' . . It. , Ii lull ) . \ J'mrirss
Umtatail , \ etstL'i uius.j9u1)utm&s )
' . . . . . " . , dM11 simmd Ixurvaia. . . . . . 4:5ilumi :
5.lUpium 4.'X. SmJ % Vyq. Je l'IS Stutu. ) . . 45.a : , q
' .et.nm ; , . .tumfumt ; * Iu'z $ Od4 . , t:3)aun :
5m".I. ; l'ttul Jxiuufba . . , , , . . : " :3jmm
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
Liuses I 15 ( : . , h 'z' . . j. , ct ( b. II. lArrires
OmmaiuuuUuuium 3)'t , , 10th Oulnain Ss.lOrnaIua
oi'm tim : . .ICmiuu Cml y I i.iy lxpm eas. . . . .
I ; 45I'mn 1 s ' , t llmt l1x. s'i U. I . ' 41 MCII. 65).mri ;
2..mmt5 I 2.Jiii'UitI '
Ouuummlal , lkjou , , 15th html t'etuter mta.J ( ) inmtia
lO.4t.aumi..M. 1ouis ISSIrCh. . . . . . . . . . .
O.5OInI . . . . . . . . . .Sm. J.oule . . . . . . .
tlmtmi.Nru.l.a ! L4)tliIUX.HU1I.1. ( . . . . l'u'Ja : '
iii' ' it'N CiTY & h'Ci FI.b ( iAn vss
Uuialisl ) )61'.t. 1iiu imtmI lVel4sIrr OhS , I bmiu.mhta ,
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T55' shuim : ( diY & l'ACiliO iAi'rises
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1 : 'alum ' , tau Ill" . m as. . . . . . . . . . l'lSuium
il 1,1mm , , , . laet Slaul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4l9pn ;
I.ssmees ( 'AJ1a't4iJ i1411.WAY , lArri'
Iuutjtiii t'uulitu Ziuj'.i. im'ii ) k 2Jmmsoii Shs I Ouumslis
l.5Jiuux . . , , , , , iii. Louis Cauiummi , ; - ,