. - . . - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - , - - - : - - . : : - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - 'J'nE ! OMAllA : DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY APRTT.J 3 1895. r ; - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --I - - - - - - - - - - \ RIChARDS ACTED TilE CZAR 1l' 1- " Refuseel to Allow the - Rcord : : of the Body to I l' Do ReM } , I 7 SI'EM < ER OVERRULED TIlE HOUSE RULES I - \ 'J t'rntct I'loel AnlMt II" AltocraHc Ac- tll , hut It Utl No Oood-HI to Ulst Ilrnn I'R .fI-SRI"r7 Ill _ Sent to Contcvticc. LINCOLN , April 2.-Speclll ( Telerram.- : ) speaker nchlrlts again demonslrated today his oblly to override the minority DC the house by sheer force of numbers and reckless . . ! gnorlnl ; oC all rules DC the house anti pula- : men lor , practice. When the clerk hat coin menced to read the jOlrnal the usual luolon / "ns made to ienri the rul : and "hpcnse . with the rpa lng. Barry objected to this , \ . calell for the rending to Ilroceet In full and quoted , the house rule , which provides that 'JJh shal be the course unless nnanhnols . consent Is secured for dispensing with the Tetllng. The speaker ruled him out DC order \ _ 'I Harry appealed rrom the decision of [ the lleaker , hut the later was sustained hy the ] luse Iy n strict party vote. . Barry then asked permission to file a I Irolest and have It recorded , II the Joural. % 'Ihe speaker told him to write It out and sell It UI' . and ho would look at it. flarry's . object was to ascertain what the Journal showed oC the queer proceedings had 'eslor. day concerning the Umaha Ore and ' I'olcl commissIon hIll . , house 101 13U. 1lovard ' esterllay iak . two or three telling points .galnst ) iticliards . but It was thought douht- fill I any l' ' f hIs 1101lts or cider or protests 'were spread , upon , the recorda or the house. I OMAHA CANAL 11.1. MAY PASS. 1 ' The Omaha cri1 bill. senate me 181 , was , In ronluilee of lh whole. recommended , tOday for It S1 c. One ( ( C the most Important atenllmfnt , 311011t.1 waa striking out the word 'irrigatlon" In every 1lace , where . H " occurred , In the bill. The Icasure Provides Is authoriaed to that any county In the state authorlzcl Issue bonds 10 the amount of not to exceed . 1 10 per celt of the assesJe valuation or the county for the purpose of constructing a .anal through the county for navigation , .e water power and all other l'UfIOSes ' except ) irrigation. h ' . Senate file 13 , Popc's bill to provide for t the sale oC roc,1 , and MUIS In a IHrc state to , prevent adlleraton and providing ! for a pure teed commission was Imocked out The pro- , s. - visions of the tti.fatel measure were almost Identical with United States Senator Pad. Ienlcal ) dk's pure food , bill , which at one time / createll considerable Interest In congress. The house passed Cole's Immigration bill . today ) , but It was a long tune doing H. There J. . - . "rp two " , I. of the house and then I failed & 0' , of ' - ' passage - - wlththo - ; - emergency anl clause. This I measure ! In the Interest of . .1.V. . Johnson , nt present one or the three secretaries of the Board of 'lal10rtat0I. who 13 I supposed to - IlarO serious Intentela oC resIgnIng In favor If (1V. . Merrill . who hnB licen promised the I posItion. The bill Irovlles that ( the governor 'I Eecretary of stale and commlssloncr ! of public ¶ . lands nod buildings shal comprise the Stale t Board of Immigration. with power to appoint 1 secretary at an nnnual salary of $2,000. . . . This ecretary. In reality. will be the hoard . ; ' ann his duties wi COllJrlle the collectIng i and distribution oC stntlatcs calculated to In- 1 . duce Immigration. In addItion to this the t I , eecrstary Is empowered to examine hotels I aol ! tOllglng houses for the purpose DC In- ! t .peclng fire escapee lie Is also authorIzed to Inspect fnctorles and workshops In regard to child labor , fro e3calea , ete. , pertainIng to the health and safety oC artisans or em- ; plo'es and pot laws governIng the eame . and D fine of $50 Is Imposed ou owner oC such factorIes I the lame are torn down or de- stroyed. Itroye. Itroye.HOUTIN HOUTIN OF THE ? MORNING. 'Vhtn the clerk hal commenced reading . . tlo journal thIs. moring Chace moved that , ! - ( the rules bo suspended nnd the reading of ( J' I the journal ' .1splnsed with. Barry made the point oC order that It was the duty oC the clerk to proceed with the reading DC the cerk . journal unless It was dispensed with by una- ' Imous COlilleilt nnd quoted rule 1 of the house rules on the duty oC the speaker lS 1 folows : . He shal tule the chair every day pre- c - J escly It the hour to which the house shal have adjourned on tile precedIng day : shaH I i ImmedIately call the members to order . and I on the appearance of a luorum shaH cause , th journal cf the precedIng day to bo read { c Darry argued that It was the duty of the 1t , speaker to proceed In Iccordanc wih this l rule unless unanimous consest was gIven to - do otherwise. Speaker Ilchnrds ruled Barry t out oC order anti the later appealed from - the decision of the speaker . who was sus- I tallied by ! strict party vote. Darry asked . , leave to file a protest and have It recorded In . the journal. t ; "Pllt ' your protest In writing , sOlId It up 1 anll wo'l look at It , " was the Insolent reply or the speallr to the gentleman from Grelley. 1'he object of flurry's effort was to see bow ' , tar the clerk hal complIed wih the law In spreading Illon the records the protest or : the rank rul- . 1Iowartl filed yesterday against - l. Ing or U:3 speaker In Ignoring ills protest. p House roll No. 601. hy Judd , providing for the ejectment ot Contractor Dorgan from the penitentiary , was Ilasscd by 1 vote of 73 to 2. r 'j'he bIll authorIzes the approprIation or $35.000 frr the purpose of buying out Dor- - gall , the present Prison contractor and for , other necessary expenses incIdent thorelo. , Three appraisers of the contruclor's property ' c 1 are to bo appolntel , , one by the Board or < Public Lands alHl BuIldings , one by Dorgan , and ono by the overnor. ! Should Dorgan . I . ' fall to select his appraiser the other two ' are to proceed und allllriise ) ) the properly. , When Soderman's name was called he I asked to be excused from voting . a he lIe- . ileved there was a scholl concealed In the I levoll ,7 _ 1 bill. The speaker Inform him that no ono f . commenced. cotItti be excused after the roll cal had been I "In that case , " replied Soderman " 1 place l the whole responsibIlIty for this measure on " , (1II majority 1111 vote yea. " The following has on third readIng were 4 ? plRlell : t House roll No , 280 , by flee , providing for 1 ii cMlty bard If equalizatIon ot assesl' ' _ i 11011tS. ' p lon'o roll No. 462 . II House , provIding I t\lt counlY ISS08sori shall assess property I without reference 10 the assessment books or . I the precedIng year house roll No. 408 , by Barry . for the n"ler . / cr Iav\1 ) S. . lenyon , deputy sherIff of dtnto- . ' , lope count ) 'I louse roil No 161. hy larle , providing Corn n : Jlnmhlng Inspector In cIUI'1 ur tile metro. t I Ilolton ( class House roll No 39t. by Burns of Dodge , lrovldlrg for the election oC supreme judges 1ill regents ot the State unIversity . . house roil No. 268. by I I llis , 10 compel institutIons transactIng a hunkln buslnsss . to keel ) a lIst oC shareholders tor the Inspec- 1101) ) oC creditors or the Instluton. crlllors S t , lon roil No , 431. by McNit , providIng * hot , articles or Incorporation have been le.1 J . with cOlnly clerks us well as with the seers- tlry oC stalt' . , - house roil No. 461. ; hy Walt , providing for - - , ? ; ; ' ? the enforcement oC ( luaratIlIno lawl In cites anti vlagl's , , flotilla roll No 540 hy Cole , creating a ' . : ' board of lIllilligI allah anll deling Its dutIes . SI wlhent tie omergtHc ) clause . , ) Thl' house took . . a recess untIl 2 p. I. - ' , ' , ' .1 \ ; BmmO\ 1 01 MOhIihlNS'l'itFCiiiilt. : The following resolutIon was Introduced ' . b7 SnIU , In the uClrnoon 1111 alolltl'd , : . ' , , ? . Vllereae . Captain ' Gt'orC lohren. - t Ieher\ , ! t'll Mt. d.nl' AIIII 1. 2 .30 : p. Ill. " - J' lie was taken Ill In the hallway in'ur tilt \ , i door ot the senate gallery Inl tIled when . . , I cPIJolIo his Count 01 K l Street , Kml , ' Vilerells. ' 1he Ill'cl'asl',1 * , WOe nn . honore'l ' veteran of the rtheiiol , hn\lnl served wIth , - . ltStilCtIOll. nl\ ( \ . beIng tile Irat to tIle at hIlt Iklt ut duty 11 tillS legIslature . Ihere. , , foes he It Iesuh'ell. That WC . his ( omra es. nnll < - the melbert of tilts i)04y . du ilt'rt'lI ) ' OX. -1 I. t"HI our 5)'lllllfltily to the I'reaved ( altlhly , ' . l " unit to his cOlru ( l > of Iho UnuHI Army ot fv r. thL BIIIUll and < that n ( DII at this , token ti , - ' or respect be sent to tile \ IfS nnd children , , t4' of the declnld. ' . , , , , The Illeak r uunounced that the senlte , " . Illd returned huuse roIl No 61 , the allpro- + \ Jrlaton bIll for salaries or dll'arlment and . " , , state InstulJn ottlcers . wIth a iong lIst of ' : ' alnendineots Crow nlove that the house do not concur II the amend men Is. but that a commIttee bo appointed to confer wIth the senate and rellrt. There wa I demlnd it _ _ * . .tlat the Imelllenll b rean , and when 1 . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; " . the speaker had complied h" held that 1 fal- ore to concur II any one oC the amendments was 1 nonconcurrence with the entire bill . Crow's motIon prevailed and the speaker appointed - pointed I the houo conference commIttee Crow , Chaco and Von HOleen , The following senate files on third reading - Inl were paued' No. : , IITvhlng ' that nil warrants shal draw Interest fret lhe date oC their pre- sentation. talon. No. 281 , providIng for I canvass oC the vote on the constItutIonal amendments. No. 2iO , Joint resolutIon , providing that Nebraska shal In the Cutlro bo known ant " ' ' . " referred to as tile "Tree Planler's Slal1. HOlse roll No. 550 , with senate amendments - ments , pro\ltlnl for the manner In which the constitutional amendments shaH he sub- mied to the people , was concurred In , and goes 10 the governor for his signature. . Senate me 60 . provIding for the appoIntment - ment of [ an extra baIlIff II the slllreme court , was defeated . I was Inlro'uced ' In the eeo- ate hy Caldwel , and It Is saId was Intended to provide a place for A. C. Wrhht , late reCording - Cording clerk In the office of Governor Crounse and now supply clerk oC the legis- lature. 'Davles mad successful fight on the measure and It went under. II commIttee of the whole the following bills were recolmenle,1 , , for passage : Senate file 139 , providIng for the 11estruc- ton or the Hnsslan thistle. No i7 , relatIng to contracts for the conditIonal . Iltonal pa'I , lease or hire oC railroad and street railway eluipment. No 15U , to authorize ciies oC more thnn 5,000 and less than 25,000 POlllaton to pro- yule for 11Ilc Ilarlls. No. 181 , enabling counties 10 Issno honll ( to construct and operate canal for nvha- tloo . water Ilower and all other purposes , ex- etilt Irrigation. No. 2:1. : providIng for placing words "u ) Petitloll" un election tickets. No 3i9. 1II0vllng that countIes niay vote bonds for brIdge purposes. No. 124. providIng for the pensioning oC firemen or paId Ore departments aCer a con- 1110U5 service of twenty.ono ) 'earl. and the widows 0111 orphans of Iremen who lose their lIes In the line of dtity The house then adjourned until 10 a. m. tomorrow. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i 1hNATI IUl'UFIUU : I'll LUl I\ 1 looal.rl fOl' I'rlvnto lIttle Take Up Iho Time of tll 11.1"11 , LINCOLN , April 2.-Speclal.-Tile ( ) senate conlnoncel Its daily grInd In the midst or considerable couruslon. The lobby was Unusually . usually large and a great deal ot buttonholIng . holIng was In progress. The senate Is being importuned every moment of the day to pass this hill or that bill for the benefit ot prIvate inIIVIdUlls ( Some or these bills provllo places for lew OillClllIS. Some euablo 111(11- vhllal8 to accDlplsh theIr Own prIvate ends , Few of thel are of Importance to the state at large. Tile collate has enough to do t It will confine Itself to tile worl1 of Imulng the appropriation bills. After tile reading of the Journal a number of reports from standing 1nmltees were receIved , Imong them being the following : house roll No. 208. providing for the proper defense or various suits commenced and now pending In 'he i federal court attacking the consttutonaliy ( of an act entitled "An act to regulate railroads . to classify ) freights to fx reasonable maximum rates 10 be charged for the transportation ef freights upon each at the railroads In the state of Nebraska , and to provide penalties for the violation of the act , " approved April 12 , 1893. all to appropriate - IJrlate funds to pay the expenses Including witness fees , court costs traveling expenses , printing and attorneys' fees already Incurred , und to be Incurred In connecton therewith. The committee on claims recommenlel that the bill be ad\'ancCI to thIrd reading and passed. , The committee on banks and currency recommended - . ommendel the passage or house roll No. 101 This Is the new bankIng law Introdnced In both houses. Each branch ot the legislature passed Its own bill , but ns amenled the honso bill was the most acceptable. Several senators - ators , however desIred to add one or two amenlments , and It was therefore made a special order for 3 o'clock. Wright made another effort to bring up the Lincoln charter. He moved that I be ordered - Iered engrossed for third reading. There I wore signs or protest and the senator withdrew . I ' drew his IllOtlOl ) . motol. The senate then read for the third time and passel , house roll No. 550. a bill tntro- duced by Davies , to amend the law defining the manner In which proposed amendments to the constitutIon may he voted upon. The gambling bill introduced early In the session by Hahn , anti which was 10 radically amended by tile senate last week , was read the third time and passcd. The senate then took a recess until 2 o'clock After recess the senate again resumed the order ef bis on third readIng. Senate file No. 80 , b ) Graham , to require and regulate the registratIon oC voters for election par- poses In cites oC he t metropolItan , first and secolul , class. was read the third time and anl passed. The banking net was then taken up and amended The amendments permit savings banks to loan 10ey upon second mort. ages on real estate and limits tie amount oC money the banks may loan to their own ofilcers. The bill was then ordered to Its third reading. HOI.COMB'S BILL 1tFPORTED. Holbrook from the commitee on manu- ractures and commerce reported back the bill Ilassod hy the house and known as the governor's oleomargarine bill , It being the measure Introduced by lcKeeby upon the recommendaton ot Governor 10lcomb. Tile commlteo recoinmende . that the bill be passed and I went 10 the general mo. The cleric of tile houbo reported that the house had refused to concur In the senate ( amendments to the salary appropriation bill , and was authorized upon , motion a conference committee Wright tlen renewed his effort to resurrect - rect the 1.lncoln charter. He again moved that It , be advanced to third reading without further consideration. lie admited that there was uow no prosJlect that the charter would pass the house. He only wanted to ,10 what he ( could to fulfill his oblIgations to his consttumts ( by securing Its Ilassage through the sennte. Ills motion precipitated the bamo controversy between himself , Mc- Kesson and Callwel that took place twice last weel Doth the later senators were anxious to add numerous amentlinents but In spite or their opposion tile sClah' . by a t Io.lhlrtls vote , ordered the bill elIgroseed for third reading. elgrosset 'rile senate then went Into committee or the whole anti conslderld a number or bills of minor Importance that had been reported by the sItting cotntnlttee . SIWIING COMMITTF1'S REPORT. 'File sifting commltee reported six senate his and eight house his wih ( tile recoiii- mendation that they lIe considered Immediately . diately . These are the last senate tiles thai wl be acted uJon at the present session None of them ( were or extreme Importance. The lIeutenant governor appointed as the senate conference commiteD 01 the salary appropriaton bill Senators Graham , Black and Cn h\n'l. The , house his ) reported today were read the first time . after which the senate went Into commllee of the whole to eOlsler ! , the his just reported hy the slrng commi lee. Senate tile 128 , by holbrook , to aulhorlze the business or life Insurance 01 the mutual asSestIlUcilt . co.olertve and natural premium plan , was tile frt bill on the list. After a ! long search the secretary of the senate was tIllable to find I and the commllee rosl.s I son as the committee rOle the bill was found . hut In lie ( reanthne a motion to adjourn had been carried , ' \NIIII Anolh.r I.U.f 111 , LINCOI.N , April 2-Special.-The ( ) slaml- log relief comlnHlees of the senate and house wtled on Governor Holomb today anti . on behalf of the relief commission , askl'll him to recommend another relief bill for 50000. The governor agreed to do this , I Is stated , by \ member or one of the commIttees . and wIll send In the recommendation to uorrow. , \s but three days remain or Ihe session this mO\e wi require Pretty close work 10 get such a leasuro legally conshlere'l ' Under the law the governor has tile right to recommend - ommend the ( IntroductIon oC a bill aCer the lermlnaton of the torIY-llaYlml. hut In order to be effective at this late day I would bo nlcesstry 10 Introlluce bills In duplicate In each houle anti elide them past each other , , iIack and forth , until ole of thel became \ law , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Arnlltlua fur H"t l rati . UUYLlm ( , Neb , April 2.-Speclal.- ( ) The county commlsslonera are at , I'ork under the provisions of house rol No 63. . to pro- curs feed and seed for farmers In this county wlo are In need Ilds Crom various grain dealers were being received by the board this ulornlDg. The bids offered to supply eeed earn I 48C to 60c , oats al :20 to 360 , flax , $1.6 ant wheat at not to e - . ccel 6e. Joseph Drsltes still lies In jaIl In default of tile $300 bond , under which he was placed by the county court lat Thursday , In con' sequence or I complaint made against him uy his wlCe. The complaint cited Ihat she had been bruised , beaten antI otherwise mal- IreatLI , And that her le had been threat- enlt end that site was In great fear thereof 'Iho judge placed him under $ S00 bonds Drantes Is so thorouRhly feared ant ills- liked br the people DC this vicinity that none or his neighbors will go on hIs bond , although - though he Is considered well off. nUlHS lUll 'HI CUllW.T TIlING , .Sellntn Concuu II Ihe IOU80 Srlcctol of R 1omi l < mhlcl for : eirnska. LINCOLN , April 2.-Speelal ( Telegram.- ) One oC the incIdents In the senate was the little debate between Senators Sprlchlr ant Sloan over the proposition to designate the golden rod as Nebraska's floral emblem. A Joint resolution friendly to the golden rot , has lInseed tile house , ant I came up In the senate for final passage. Senator Sllrecher sought to substitute the violet for the goldeti rod . and ill eUllllort of his motion male what Is hy unanimous consent conceded to be tile address DC the session. I had evidently been carefully prepared . and was a ! eloquenty eXllressel as It was beautrul In conception. Senator Sloan championed the ollel rot In nn argumenl worlhy oC comparIson , hut c\'I- denty delvered on the epur of the moment. The golden rod triumphed , In spite of the PoetiC . eloquence oC Senator Sllrecher. 1(11" ( " , of Jllkelll ( UonitnItteq. 1.1 NCO.N , April 2.-Special.-Tite ( ) bIlls for expenses Incurred by the senate coni- tIlittecS . on finance , ways and mea lS ant Ilublc lal11 anl buildIngs , when they \Is. Hel tile several state Instlutons , have been alowe by the senate and the Touchcrs drawn . Eight member or the commltco on puhlc lands 111 , bulhlngs traveled 1,051 : mies and drew pay for ten duy/ . The eight 11mbers ( were TefTt . Irtssler , Saunders Hnlhhuu , Smith , McKesson , Sloan all Mc- Keeby . anl each drew $135.10. 1'he amounts Irawn t)3 ' the member or the finance corn- mltee ranged from $ IS to $134.00. The vouchers wert drawn as follows : Graham , lrwl $13t.60 : 1jul10. $ i31.60 : hitchcock . $3t0 : Wright , $38 : Noyes , $123.10 : SteuCer , $102.40 : Calilwell . $12.10 ; Bauer , $13t.GO. Four IlIellbers ( . of the Soldiers' and Sailors' home commllle visIted that Instlluton and the voucher book .hows that Senators Cald- wel. Craham , Akers and Cross drew $21.80 each . tach. The his for the committee of three sella- hors who visited Eldyvlle for the purpose of making report ror ali agaInst the bondsmen - men for OIl Inspector Itmlston will add quite malerlaly to the junketing expenses or tile senate. May "ola for Alt nt (111cc . LINCOLN , April 2.-Special.-'lile ( ) senate this forenoon Passed a bIll which may materIally . rlaly assist In carrying the constitutional amendments to be submitted at the general electIon In 18UG. Under the present law each cnsttutonal amendment must be voted Ipon ( separately. Representative Davies ot Cass county offered a bIll which will enable the voter to vote for oil ot the IJrOposd amendments - ments by a single scratch of the pen. TIl bill provides that all or the constitutional amendments shal be prInted on a separate ballot , at tilt top oC which shall bf printed the \orls : "Amendmenls to the ConstItution-Yes- No" TIle voter may then vote for or against all the proposed amenlmenls by simply making a cross marl opposie tile words "yos" or " 110. " Tile populist senators voted against the bill. bi.Ule of Crtitio' III , Signed. LINCOLN , AprIl 2.-Spccial.---Governer ( ) Holcomb today Ilgnld senate file No. 19 , pro- vitling that In counties whose population exceeds - ceeds 70,000 county boards may employ ad- nl- dltonal counsel In civil matters . as the public interest may require. . Snrco'Nfll ) Ic.IMlml tile 'oiltlcre. OKINAGA , Mex. . Allrl ' 2.-Another con- Ict has occurred between tile authorities and tile followers of Saint Teresa Urrca , tile so.ca'led patron saInt of the MexIcans of this section . In a cunfct several days ago between the authories a 11 crowds that lockNI to see Teresa , three IlelHOnS wCI'e killeti. The Illell. ' aulhorltes dltelmlnet to 111,0 anothel' alempt to quell the excttt'- bent , and UI armed force wns sent to the HI0t where 'elISI was camped , wih orders tu capture I wooden image whIch dIe cur Cloth Her followers resisted the alemlltell capture , and In the fKht which folowed , five were Itled and three were injured She escaped , ali Is SUI'Iosed , to he Oi her way to hcr old home , . In Sonora , Mexico ' 'Ul.il.I'lIU JJln J. . Dr. Isaac M. Himes , dean or the faculty of the Western Reserve unl\erslr. Is dem ! , Governor Stone ot Missouri has approved ' a bill looking train robbery a capital of- tense. ' 'he miners In the Pltsbul dIstrIct have doehlod to ask the public for aid for the strikers. David M. Stone for rorty-one years ed- thor of the New York Journal of Commerce Is lietid A cold wave put In an appearance at Nashville yesterday the thermometer drop- Illng forty degrees. Superintendent Frlel of the cole company - pany denies that the rent of company hJuses has been raised. The jury II the Lane case at St. Louis has aClultpd hIm or the charge of li1Ur- lur- dering Patrick Noonan . The St. Louis court ot Ippeals has ullhe,1 ! , the right oC the School board to compel chidren to he vacclittted , . I.'rnz Yon Reel the diamond cutter tie- lalned at New Yolk by the ininligration olcials , has been released ImmIgrton A c'lonl sweJlt ovel' Bopne county , Kon- ttlcky . yes tenIa ) ' und wrecked nlmerous houses , but no one was kihitI. The " 'Inlow Gluss trUst will have a meet- Ing some time thus UloIltil . Rl I It Is pre- Ilcted the combinaton wil he dlssoh'ed. Nearly al ( the bchoolR In ' 1ennesHee ) 'IS- tei'day ! celebrated Ihe 10lh anniversary of the adllsllon of the state to the union Alms Williams ot Columbus , 0. . was ar- mllned 'lstordn ) ' on the ehnrge lt murder- InK tIer two children , und wah'ed examlna- lon , 'i'ile boilermakers' strIke 11 Clevelulll haK beln sel led In most of tile shup , and a slleI ) ' setelent In the other/ Is lliltiCi- / 'tilted ' . nnUc- Cnlllain Stiles of HI1rlwa ) ' , 11 , WIB shot nnd , wounded hy seriously / Iluurantno /'lld , itt refused to lllt when ordered to dO FO. Two trolley cars ( olldld at Cumlen , , N. J. , yesterday . nlli ( eight persons were 10re or less Mevelelr Injured , but none of them wil die. Tile Tennessee leglaluhlrt reconvened res- terla , ) ' . ' 1he report If tile COllultee to In. vestgult thl' gnhernatollal election Ii unx- lousl' awaited. 'rile SprccllelK sugar refinery It i'hlIailel- Ilhll elIot IIOWI ) yesterday ) ' fur un indt-tlnite Ilertol. , Two thuusand men WCle tilrt'l ) out of enlployrnent. ' 1ht Britsh brig , J.V. . Masters , Call lain MeNell , came Inlu Sun 1.'I'aneIFCO rester- < U ) ' . Durlnl the voyage n < emt'ntld sliior bhol the cupluln'e times , serIously wound. Ilg hlnf The hlavemoyer & iMiler ' ' Iu\'lmerer 1'111 Mugal' refinery In Irookl'n has hten shut du\n ( ot' a shell time 01 account of tht' 11110mlznlon or 111151 llt45. 1111 I I la rumored thllt I other t trust t liante wIll foilu' . John N. I"IHlle. speaker of tilO i'ennsyl- ) vanIa house In 1SI13 . vas elIot and seriously wounrl , Willie riding ( on un express train on tile Htldln ! r011. The hulet OXlrtss wal Ired through the cur window , 'Iht supreme . 'ourt ot Indiana has d'eithed , dlllel Iglinst g. P. le'nolds & Co. . t'ontretor. , wha RUtl tile L. I . N. , A. & C. road for prosY . pecl\'o prUtI on ContractS whih * Iros. RI\I , Ihen the construction thlrtafer aban- . dOI1d. Mayor StronG has sent I message 10 the Hoanl ot Aldermen settIng forlh the Ililali- Inan- clal CO 1\1 lon of lho el ) ' . He states the Iltl ' 11Imlnl8tllon udOlll1 every subterfuge . tue to avohl Issuing honls for the 1'SY- ' Ilnt ( ot el ) 1II1htellneRs to ( oret' It upon the present anI In the stIlt of Wiiam : I Hunk's helnl at Ihladellhll ugalnst tile Mutual Life Insurnce t'II'any or New York the corn- POll ) ' set nil tile defense that the decelst.1 was an embezzlel' und 1 hankrull , pnd 11- mediltel ) Iwrulo 10lmllng Hulclde took out the Insnrance to enable his heirs to Ilay Ul Ills debts. l x.Mllllter ThulRton ot hawaii arrived In Son Pranllsco yesterday lalal will Hal fur home on the steamer Arwn Saturla ) ' , Wllul B , Cornwall , I royalist sympa- ) thizer who has been accused of aiding tile late revolutIon , will tel on the lume steamer. le hal been % s'urIlell , the author- Ites wIll not permit warne,1 ,111. ' but he la determined to lake the attempt. . GRANT GOUN1X SEAT FIGHT nYlnnis and Whit ' rMfY Do Involved in fn An4t Isuo , LITIGATION THAT " UVIVE MANY YEARS : The e 'ho i'rovoketlijt ' Ionl Since head or Iclhlent , of iHI'f States-ltecoril I , 'ht.n.o Of . ( ! itO Trolhle ' 1- lost 1' I ' lro"d. - HYANNIS , Neb ; ; Atiril 2.-Slleclal ( Teie- gram.-The ) countrl ( t war between Whit- mal and hyannis I at while heat. A writ ha been issued Crom the sUllreme court to . the clerk of tile district court of Grant county to do somethln which tue clerk does not understand. The maler has been resting for about seven years amid all the Plaintiffs re- mo\e,1 trm the county some five years ago or are 11ead , and there Is no record oC the nastier that can be Count lu the county. Men all trms COllie UII [ rom Whlmau today to Iel : the records , but thy went back empl The records , were guarded b ) the sheriff and del' titles anti remain at hyannIs. An attorney or Thltord Is assisting the Whitman people but thl eld Is some dIstance off. : a\B = 'l\I-UIU : UII.U JIW\SI I 'lumnA Urnl'er uf I.11l00111 iflllC5 Ills SOl II nil Old " 'oi , LINCOLN , April 2.-Speelal ( Telegram.- ) The little 7'Ylar.old boy of Thomus Drller was .1rowne,1 , Itt a well at tile earlier uf 'enth all N streets this afternoon. The chili was playing with his brother , I year older , lear the wel , which hat a curbing only about eight inches high I Is 8ul'posel that he leaned over lost his balance and fell Ilto the tehl . which Is about thirty fet dccl ) . Drllor was one oC tile cnldlialls ( for aldermal In the First ward Judge Dundy rl'turnct rrom Deatwool yes- tertitly sulerlng from I severe coltl . ACer adjournIng the fed ral court unt AprIl 11 hl' departed for his bome In Olahu today to recruit. A jury In the district cOlrt has ,1ech111 , the hart ought Stratton wIll case ill favor ot the CoIlteStaIltS . Mrs. 1111 Mr. Gunder , the dauhltr unIt son.ln-Iaw or Irs. Zacheus Stratton . to whom . tile largest share of tile ilusbanti's Irol'ertas lVliiel. That the testator was lentaly unsound at the time the Will was 1IIIe Is l enl of the grounds or the ontest. In hits connecton a curious clrcumltance hne como to the knowledge or the Itorney for the dofellse. I came too late , hOlevlr , to submit to tile Jur ) ' . The ) ' have learn ell that the wi In l1spull Is a fie slnle or that or the late , Jales G. illalne . being copied from the statesluan's last will and testanlent 'erbatini . Oil I hc l'lnl. lt Wnlerluo. WATERLOO . Nel , "prl 2.-Speclal.-J. ( ) C. RobInson , Will Myers J. S. Nesbit and J. I. . Denton spent the day down on the Plate Ilunting. They bagged a few ducks amId SCale smal birds . ali report lots or geese , but very wl,1 Grain merchanls report hea\ ) orders for oats and corn for seeltltg pnflse3 [ rom the western portIons or the ( state. A number oC fea-niers here are going lo give "King" corn 'a' 'est and , try potatoes ) thIs ) 'ell. The" iive been two carloads In10rtel from the' ' . ' ler states for seed In the past m0011til. ' Tiis ( wil give the land 1 much nedel , rest It aving been run In corn for the past ten years. A bicycle factory' i' , the latest acquIsItion , It having heel stottcb two experts from Toledo O. At , frt ! the output wi be linaitetl. I : I ! [ , nee Ci ) ' \ ct'j4lIlIett1ry " \ ( : oiitest . I'AW'NRE CiTY / ' Nsb. , AI'rl ' 2.-Spoclal ( Telegram.-Thl ) anImal ' declamatory Contest at the High school was held tonlghl. There were eight conlestantsf Miss Ieda Miller car- ried off the honorD QC : thl . evening and will ' ' ' ° ' represent Pawnee' Cit Iml the southeastern Nebraska district atJhe contest at Platts- mouth Friday night , ,1iss Ada Post scured the first oratorical alil Miss MalHI hare the me al In tile humorist class. The winners were presented wlh beautiful gold macdais. District court convened here today with Judge A. S. Babcock presiding. One hundred and twenty.two cl'l and one criminal case comprIse the docllet. The Nebraska City dis- . trict conference oC the I'resb'terlan church with 100 delegates In attendance Is In Ielegates atendance les- stall herl. ITnrlnr , 'l'rittl "t 1'"lrhnry. FAIRBUIt' Neb. , April 2.-Special.- ( ) The testimony In tile case oC George S. ' \l- hams . charged wIth the murder oC Charles Sinlley . was all In last night alld the case was submItted to the jury this morning , The defense \ "tonaporary Insanity , " his attorneys claiming that Wiiams was In such a condion oC mind front the time or the light In the saloon . when he was knock down by Smiey , until after he had rol- lowed the later to the Hocl Island depot and shot him , thaI he was not responsible for his actions. The Jury In the Williams murder case has been out len hours with no sIgns of an agreement. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11IHII , , Ila.nlc emilio l'ln ) . INDIANOLA , Nob. , March 2.-Speclal.- ( ) Excavating for tile Masonic tompl cOIn- mencel this morning. The structure will bo a two.story brIck twent.fvo oct fronting on ( Main street slxtY'3lx feet deep anti thlrt.tour feet by fifty feet fronting on ) street. The aecond story will contain a ledge rom , hanquet roonl . otc. . to he used exclusively as a Masonic bali . The first story will contain a large store room , I wil cost $ ,000. Th brick for the bulling will bo male bare 'rho hoard or directors conslslts of lion . J. J. Lamborn , W. G. Black . S. H. Smith , G. W. Short and J. S. Philps.Il" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Il" ( ' nl' ' liRill lit " ' " 1"11 , . VALENTNR ! NEb. , April 2.-Speelal ( T.le- gram.-Haln ) began falling Sunday evelallig turning to heavy now during the night anti , lasting until Monday mason About three Inches or snow fell , mCsurlng nearly sn Inch oC actual rainfall , placng ! the soil In the finest condilon for seed grain . Farmers are feelIng Jublanl ( over tle sitllatioll. The pre rnt In- dicatons polnl to a large crop throughout lh's secton of the cOuntry , Ahll ! 1..NIIIIo . "arter _ . NORTH LOUP , Neh. . April 2.-Speclal.- ( ) I He\ James Lyle pastor or tile Methodist gplscopal cluleh or thIs place , who has been for several weeks II tile rasl soliciting grdln In,1 , stell for the rarmers , has Ielurned homo. Comrade lla'dn Strong , who went to solicit seed grain ' qlHler the auspices or ( auslJcos the Grand . , Army , o ( : the Republic PI'6t or this city , returned 1wIti one car or grain. airs . Mi'tzger nf Alirs : 1"(111) ' Ulrloc ! . AURORA , Neb. , , April 2.-Sllecal ( ! 'fda- mm.-Irs ) , Mete ' . "wie " or Harry Metz. ger of the Sun , vaU' severely burned last night by the oxpl6slq\ .t a kerosene lamp. Her clothing was se ablaze unll silo ran Into the street st'here OHrlls Whie rolled her on the ground , untIl the Ore ( was put out. her clothing was ' bUriel , from her person and she Is In a pI 'orl.na collllitiun. Tn 111.nr "Yi ( ) raut Coil tt t y , HYANNIS , Neb" , Apri 2.-Speclal ( Tele. graln.-\\ ) ' . W. AR. wito \ has the contract for the resurVEY or'r qt County , arrh.el at lyannls this week. ' , AI came t \ lIlt tcanu anti , men fully cqupped to begin the work al equillf 011cC. I will requlrl . ' out eight l0nlhi lo complete , the contract price for which will he about 8000. _ _ _ Illcr.llJ SUt ut 1'nterloo. W ATFI.OO. Neb , . A prl 2.-Speclal.-In ( ) the case ofV. . a. U. Alen agaltt ( .1. N. Mc- Dureo the justice reiaderetl Julgment , In favor of tile defentanl , The case will be appealed ' to the district court 'flils acton WItS brought b ) Allen to regain posbesslun ot the Rural Stock farm . l'lorco ito'sdy to Julhl OIl ( ipira . lloue , l'mHCE , Nab , April 2.-SlntCiaI.-ThlC ( ) , contract for the ulhlng of the new opera ' house II this city was awarded lat night to Herman & Uynold4 oC Norfolk for U,726. Other bids ranged from this amounl to about $6,000.'ork alely . will be commenced Imm l- . - - J , IWI TII s E71I MONEY Ir.f . 'tEYT. Jortounlent or the 8200,000 1und IU lln" " b7 thiti n.lef COlnllulon LINCOLN , April 2.-Special-After ( ) re- malnlnl II session for nearly 1 week the State HeloC commIssIon thus afternoon OnIhp,1 its work DC npportonlng nmong the several counties oC the state the 200.000 recently appointed , and the results were this aCerloon reporllt 10 the souate. In making the report Secretary l.udten says : I 801 . directed by the comlls lon to 1111 thus hxhlblt U" to our % 'ethtiS' l'eport I being the division ot tIle i2ttOl')0 ' rllprllrlltetl to I.rvhle aced and feed fol . the dlHtHlte fnrler1 In this State In liccortirtlice IVitil 110(150 roll 52t. As won neeorlnnee 1111 t'om- pletel the Iro.talng , the t'omlls"lon COla 1,1111 with pelton : ( hUh IUHt11re11 , the President 11 < secretary to Inl ( , ' he ( prolter > requisitIon on the nnillor In favor ol 11113 Several trasurer : or the cotlnties elUl1 to Itid.Ve ha\1 C011l1c11 wih connteH 1II'toI 3 laId nj'polntetl ' county relief conlmtssIoals In the np\olnle COUlt relc CU1111,1101S \ < , slxt.onl COUl lieI. In Ilro.raUIJ we ful- 10we,1 section 8. but In nrrl\lnJ lIt thc IlUtla- bel' or farmers In ' ' ' falmers laced the commlHHlnl'I'I'C eOlllelell to list tubles l.replre,1 , IhowllA ) tl Il'tual lulber ot Carmcl' In the so'eral t'OUuUeH' the 11mhpl' ot acres ilalIlru'eh Itlili Illnll'ovcll : the lie tuni miti tlalet' ) of fal'II'rs lilt showl b ) ' the records of the several cotmoty clel'kH : UH a turthpr help we Isl < tile lotu\ \ Vote elHt tn tile l3P'Ct'lli eOUIII' ! Ill 1bOl , IIHI nlso the Ilhool tllsns ot IS\ ! : tile illinibel' oC fllles 1'1'IorINI II heed , In the le\'lrll cOlntNI by their a e- sllet'Uvc . COUll ) ' rllpf cOll18110lS , ill \I vordnnee vtthi section Ii ; and fem tilt wih Ierton 1 nlt reptrts < lade ? b l ) ' mellhet oC the ( olmlllon III n l'l'511 or their VisitS to tile several I ' 'IHse several Iems In the a"Cpl'Ctt'e COUIUI'S 11'IIIYln ' for aid Wlrt' el'eful ) ' tnhulatell , Ill the cOllulsHlol believes u jUlt Inll equluhle cuncluslun as to the lulhl'l' or flrmC'K 1.1111) I ' heed I llg Heed nlHI feed II Klhl coutmties nnll tumble to ' nroeur' tile Hitilil' I'iitH rent'itetl. 1'he 1(1011ev ( wal rel1htt. 1111 IrOCUf' ! , ' tw 1111.orlonl\ \ uceortalCc mOlel I the IIHln K ot tha eomrllslul. pr'I'ate,1 , \cco.ln 10 the nurhe of fnrmel , In need of 11,1 , In thcll several cotilities . Huljolucll please ' 1\11 . : olntes Iml Imount of the $200.Wd thoU l tile ) ' wil recel VI' . Count ) ' , AIfltult. 1'ount . - - . . 1. , \dr . . . . mOIII.lOUIIii. ' ) 1 . . \lltl1le ( . . . . . 3,2,0 ) ! 33. Jefferson . . . . 7 ' ) 3. itittinem' . . . . . ltH ; H. 1"11 le ) ' . . . . G.a,1 , 4. Ilall" ) U\WI' . . . . . St ) 3I. " , 'lh . . . . . 3.l. 1 5. 10uI. , . . . . . 2.IUI 3 ( , 1'1 Iula . . 3'tiO 3.11 6. I lox lule I . . . 'W 37. litllltll I . . . . . \J 7 . lloyd . . . . . . 8,2',012S. Kllh.11 1101 . . . . . . 3,003 8. 11'\1 1 < . . . . . 2,1)0' ) ) 3 ? ' 1,11'II ( . . . . 3,0' ' ) P. I lIt ifalo . . . . . ( .701) I' ' ) . i.'tgtli : . . . . . I ,1' . ) Illfll. 1.0 al I 10. ( 'ltas . . . . . . . . . 2'"l)1 " ' II. I"UI' ; . . . . . . 1.)1 . 11 < 1111' I ) ' . . . . . 2,6,1 42. Itiel'iil'lltofl . . . , , 'H ' 12. l11)'ln . . . . 2. & ' ) ) 43 . ) tttllS'lt , . . . . 1.1'1 ' 1:1. : ( 'lit ) ' . . . . . . . I .0' ' " ) 44. ! tI rid , . . . . . 101 1. Cllt4tt'r . . . . . . 1 : . \ : . ) 1i. , UIC . . . . . 1.:1 15. IILSeS . . . . . "I . . . . . NtlCltlllt . . . . . HI 16. II\III . . . . C.3 , ) ) . H. 1.,1,111 , "I. . . . . C.OJI 17. leuel . . . . . . . 3.:00 IS IIe11" . . . . Gl' ) I , . DunI , ) ' . . . . . 3,000 ' 19 11..e . . . . . 0) ) 19. I Fmnl.ln . . . . 2 , 10' ! ' : O. " Ilule I . . . . . 0 : ' ) 2' ' ) . 11'1 I c. . . . C.30 ' ) : ,1. Iolk . . . . . . 1.\11 ' ) , . ' . . . . . . . . . . . , ' , ' . . 21 1.'UIIUI . . . . 4,100 .2. ltet 1 Wlol . 5,70) 4,10 1 2 : ( amileld . . . . I.M)1 ) ) 13 . J'xk ' . . . . . . 2.30- - ) 2 ; J. OQ"I'er ' < . . . . . 4.1 61. Hlh'II,111 . . . . . W ) 21. ( ; rt't'iey . . . . 0.50' ) o : : ; . ' , Ierrll . . . . Gem I ci 2. hail . . . . . . 4,00) ) 05. Hloux . . . . . . , Mi I 26. 1 ttLltllI toll . . . 2.1)5) ' ) ,7. Th"'e\ . . . . . .i'l 27. iltIrlan I . . . . . . . . 4,750 08.'tlIIe ) ' . . . . . . . . Os. : J ) , e. ; , : : : : : : : : g ) ) 5.1't'bster : ! : ' : : : : : : : g } ; ; I 2:1. : , 1 I ltClClCi ; ( . , . 6,70160. Wheeler . . . . 1,00) ' 30. ( IIClcocl lol . . . . . . . . l4.04J' ) UI. YOlk . . . . . . 1.3')0 ' 3,1001lr . . . ' . . " . 0.OJI61. Tile last weekly report ( rout tile State \ - Iet commission was ( sent In' to the senate this alter000ll . ns follows : IANCO1N. 111rch 20. 18 : -To the Honor- able Selute 'of the Legislature of Nebraska : \Ve beg leave to 1111 yell our l'hth : weekly leport In confirniIty with the 1'80. lulon ) lInseed hy I ) yOUr 1010llie 1d ) Feb- rUI1Y 1. IbO : . 'hls report covers the sillil- mentR made for the weel , calling llrch 28. 189 , together with the lemlzcl , clHh reo celptR , IlSiIl'S of donor or 11Irles to whom donors wilhed their munty credited . on our State relief books to ! .lhl'l wih thc I- Port of the dlstrlmton ur supplies I ) conn- ties , railroad , staten , date. consIgnee , all items . RO far aR practIcable . and thl atuni- 1.1 of the car In whIch they were shll\cII In Ihlton , as this Is our last report to yonr honorabl" hotly ( tile commlsslon In. II'uctet me lu report ' xhlhlt A , " the StIll- lIlieS ordered by the commlRslon slnco tile date of tile close of tills report , In,1 , "Ex- hlhlt I. " which eOllallR the distribution oC the $ O.OO appropriation In house roll No. 5 : . together wIth tie method used by the commission In ascertaining the needs or the people. Respectfully submitted . J.UTI n P. LUDDEN Secrelll'Y. CASh DONATIONS FnOl MAHCH 22 TO 25 { \SI JNCJ.URI'F. oo0. Grrman Theater club , icr Jo"eph IT . FlickTctltltn . 0..I I.G Jnlcrlahlm'\ll given at Prllccton , do. . feIl ' l' , Orion \ . . . . . . . . . . . . :0. . . 67.1. t'itiz"ns of itshop . Cat. . perV . A. 1117"n. Chalfall . . . l.hop. . . . . . . ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.0) Citizens of Portland. Ore. . pr 1. ' . K. ( Arnoli < . . . . Portnnl. . . . . . . . . . . . . pCI . . . . . . . 20.0) I.fnlli I , on ShllWlt I. l''lIlg. 1'1'1\1 , J'lkhor & Mis.ouri'ailey rnlrOll . . . . . 0.60 Hlfuull 01 ( shhlwnl 10 "III.tle I , Fr.- monl , Etkhlorn & Missouri'ailey loll- road . . . lkhol . , . . . . . . . 11..0url'a . . . . . . . . . I . . . lul. , . . . G. g GUlll 'ettooi 1.lel''I. Pn. . per , W' . " ' . hIrer . t'tlltent.bul g (10 cents In stamps lceI. ) . Calen.bul . . . . . . . I . . . (0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.C HI'fl,1 on frelgltt . H. & : I. n H. . . . . 5.41 AlelCililIlts echang , ' , lice 0. n. T.loigan . Jprchaal. . . , Ito . . . . . pCI . . . . . . . . ! . o'gun. . . . . . &l.C ) } It . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I C. Hnmphrc ) Boston 1T a 1. . . . . lOI.CO 'Ft'el' 1'all' Circle o t11 'H )11"h. u'ra . . ter 1'1. ' . NIICY It. Oluliingt' . itock- vI 1' . . Slth. . . . . 1llr . . ) . . I. . . . lulla . . . . . . . . . tco Citizens or W'omlng , N. Y. per O. 1 , . C. , \\111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.03 ' 'itlens of GeorgIa I'cr ' Governor Nurlhen , At"nll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206.51 Scho 1 clttldron , 11cr W' . A. hoer , Callens. burg chl'"n . . . . fer . . . . . . . . . . . Calens- . . . . . . 1.00 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .h1,0I3.Ot CASh 1)ISIJL'ItHEIIITNTS a"IIOM l n'fO JSI.ISgt : . 1./0 ; . ; n\ : Supplies . . . . . . . ' . JCI.lSIVC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,667.10 TransportatIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2DG3.n Salaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RIJ g1pels" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G9. ! 'fotnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $99.9. $ NOV A = XIOIS 'ro unTO SI < WOJl Ulrry 1. nnvl" wuillrigilt tile ne"ulsltnl of ( ) os'crzaor JUarlomi. LINCOLN , Allrl 2.-Speclal.-The ( ) attorney - ney for Harry I. Davis , now Iller arrest ill Oluha , charged wih grand larceny . hnd ( an Inlervlew wIth Governor Holcomh II regard - gard 10 tile case. A requisition from Governor - ernor Morton oC New York Is Iswel , , and tile object or the interview today was to se- euro I hearing on tie case. Governor 1101- comb set the hour for suoh ntiriase at 2 purll:3e p. Ill . 'rblursday. The attorney clahns that i can be shown Ilal the charg against Davis 15 trumlel UI for lie purpose oC collecting a civIl debt . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UN.eola Ilc Under Arrest. YORK , Neb . April 2.-Speclal.-Shleriff ( ) Hahn ot OBlcola arrived In thIs city tota ) and arrested Howarl Drouciler charged with illegitimate Iarentage. 1'he complaining wH- less formerly \\'el lt this place Her mother , who Is a wldol' , rtllls near Osce- ola , and Is well 10 do. 'roneher Is the En of Dave Droueher , late chleC or police or York , and who , In a disagreement with the ma'or In regard 10 010 of Ills orders , re- Colltly resgned ! tiiitt PoSitlolt. A Lose nlontils ago lroltcher ) left this city for parts tIll- lIlleWil. lie returiied but a few ( lays 1)rlor to 111,1 alret. After beIng COllflllell Iii tile 0011(11) ' jaIl over lltgblt , ile was tilts morning takeil to Osceola , In charge at Sheriff hahn , It Is tilougilt hiatt ilrouclicr call fIx up tile nlatter by nlarr'ing tito iliri. Iltllilllr IreItI.e $ , 1)tINLIAII , Neb , . AprIl 2.-Spociai.-Tilo ( ) pastoiflee at ihurlington has been discontinued permatlenll ) ' . Irali wheat is in fine condition since Sun- ilay's rain. Most of tilt ? farmers itave finisileti sowing oats. 'users Is a larger acreage thaio last year. Farmers of tills vicinity ilavo got tile poultry fever. It large number of them ilavo diapttsed of their old stock ammO are getting full-blooti fowls , or a better grade than tiley had before , Several say they received miore 1110110) ' for their iouitry this vhntor tllan tile ) ' ilid freln tileir daIries , butter being so eileap. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Falls ( 'ity Nols 811(1 l'urslnIlis. IALLS CITY , Nob. , April 2.-Special.- ( ) Yesterday George 1)11hz ) was kicked in ( lie side by a 1dec80 , breaking one rib and so- 'erely hurting ills arm. Mr. and Mrs. .J. hi. Harris were called to Dolt county today to attend the bedside of Mrs. Harris' 10111cr. Jutiges 'filonias and Vrank Martin , isq. , went to i'awiaee to attend court Monday. Mr. and Mrs. iiopp of Iawaoll visited with Mr. and Mrs , Joiin King Moladay. Guy Sullivan and Ilert Iteavis left for No. brasita City Monday to sPeild tile week's vacation. _ _ _ _ _ _ hIlaxtInuIll 111111) (055 Espeitsee , LINCOLN , April 2.-Specialj-'flle ( bIll providing for tile paylllont of tile expenses incurred by tile State Board of Transporla- lion in defending the lllutiCti0fl cult brought by 11143 railroad companies to enjoin the umax- ilnUllI rate law is In a icitIon where it wIlt 131155 the senate , It has already passe4 the - - - - * * * * : $ . What is Death ? Not niatiy folks speak dead languages nowadays ' and it's very hard to Imud out. Death is very foolish - . ish in some. cases. Lots of folks die every year that ' 3E could postpone it as vel1 as not if they'd use t little common sense. Are you getting all i'uu down ? Gel- ' 3T ' ting consuniptioii are you ? Doctor says you are in a : bad way , does he ? Do you \vant to die ? If you do , , ; . don't try our kind of nedicine. If you want to live , , tike Ozonizzlsion. It oily costs a dollar to tiy it. It 3o. can't hurt you There's not much in it but cod liver 3 : oil and guaiacol. The cloctot' lrobably gives you the common cod liver oil now. But this is ozoziizcd. 'i ; Flow's that done ? That's our secret. 'l'hat's what helps the cod liver oil and gualacol to go vheie it will . .c. dO the most good. Ti'y it , It viI1 make you hungry- 3k- things viI1 look better to you-you'll eat nioi'eyou'll . . * . get more Ilesh on your bones--you'll begin to build up - . . ' -you lllajr get better right away. If one bottle helps " you ever so little , you've shined in the right direction- ' try another. a , lruggtets sell Ozonatision , If yours ( itlla't etl to tIle ChleIfliStS who iaimt1 it ' . ( . -'I . A. SitH.'tltli Cti. , itt i'CIltl Street , New Vet Ii ity. . * OZOMULSION CURtiS Colds , C.ntgiis , ConAumption , . , . . lhronetills ( , Aettinma , and nil P11mb- - - - - - - - - - - - 0 : nary Coniptalnts ; fcrotula , ( Jemierul iebtiity , l.uas of Ileaii , 0 AnaemIa , and all 'sstIng llacases , Thin , itaic women get pluntp ' and beautiful (10 Ozornuision , 0 : - ' For Sale by Kititit Co. , Oiiinlia. eii ; ; Co. , FURNITURI3 Upholstery & Cttrtaiiis. 1206 aiid 1208 Douglas St. Omaha - - r-- " 456" " 456" " 456" To Retail Dealers of Cigars : I : To Inti'oduce our new brand ' ' 450" wIthout lX1)0t1SO of of traveling , 'o will Solid OU tim Oenetlin Dnhly Bee for 3 months Grntls 'With each thousand cigars purchased. Tiloso cigars arc IvitilOut doubt the finest $35.00 cigata in the inavlcot. OUAIANTEi3D TO 1113 PIflST CLASS. A ti'ial oi'der' will c0itvj you. Tot'ins 30 days-2 j)0L' CcItt lot' cash. DUFFY CO. Omaha Net . , , , . _ # ? w,4 _ _ _ _ _ _ . r "CUPIDENE" TltlsgregttVcgoftIo Vintlit'rthtepreacrip. , tvlll quickly curu'oll (11 till tier. Veils or dliasea itt 1110 gcllt'ratlI'o lirgill , . , stielt eq osL Manbooti , Inelloallia l'altls Ill thu illICIt , SelIliltIti , , ' EIliSSilIi , Nervt-Itli Ilebtilt ) ' I'Imples , 'Uitlitneaa to Marry , EXi1au5tlt 1)rititts , Varleocelo stud ConstIathon. I I stops all ioe'i by 0ev or milght. I' , rt'ents qntc'k- 5(61 0 duscltargi' , witici it flotcte'eIcpl losis to iitierlaatorrttsl anti B I'O R F AN 0 A FTE R itti ( ito horrors of Impotency , ( : ITIIsEN JI cleunt hhloityer , the kIdneys aliti tim tlrillary organs of eli impurities. ctTI.I nFal , .trengtilens amid restores 511)511 wetIlc organs. 'Flie ri'ason IqImiTerer' , , ir , , not cllteI by 1)octore is because ninety per cent are trnnhlp,1 'with Prostzst I I I. . ChJI'I DENE Is tIle only known renlHly to cure WitiloUt 511 oJ1t'rlsiluII , 0455) tt'sitmoni. alq. A writtnaglmarnntl'ogiyen alttt mItl'y returned if lx ttnxt'i cloci 110 $ cifoct a I'ermaueutcuro. ' i.OOa bo , six . .tr $5.00 , by mall , Send for yitamo circular anti testimoltlnha , Adtlrovt 1)AVL MEIICINE CO. , P 0. Itox 70 , Ban Franct'ieoCnl. br Thite ft/ & KUHN & CO. , OMAHA , NEBRASKA , FOR BALE BY GOODMAN DRUG CO. , " 'Fbi. Pamoqi Remedy cures quickly pormntlonti5 I : i 1111 acrylIcs dIseases , Week Men.ryjossoj . hiretmi l'olver , IilItlaChlO , SVuI&otulnuss , I.tsi VitalIty , Itildlliy ernie. sioiiovl1 direa'lle , illIllotolIc ) lImItS wnetiogdisuiutes cuss. Ott I.ty 31)lllhrIlt errors , , r czee..s.s , COIlIJItItS lao oplatci , Is it tier ye ten Ic flilul lileotI biatliler. Slakea ttiopalo anti Itun , ' Btroitg 1111.1 TIlIlOIP. EasIly carrIed in vest. Pocket. 151 l'er 11(11 ; (1 for S. ' , Ily ninth I.rlmmtll With a wrthtcn iznnraneo t4)CtlrO or 150007 roflindotL Write ui , rre. lnellett bck. settled ' 1nIn wrapper , with tech- I , , DII' . l'h ISV. ? h 01. ) h DAT , inortisis nail tiflfllelllj ( references. A'ort'ir ? rjtecozulfg. , 'I fn , , flf 'l" ( If frtltafinl. lOoil , by our nlmltii , oaddrcss i1erve ? 4eci Co. , ilIllionlo ' ) 'ernplo , ellII'llIO , . Solti In Omaha ba' Snerman & McConnelL Iub , . & C gaul b : Vfclters A Merchant , Druggtut& ilOIlSO anti has hecit orliered to a third read- lag In the senate. It will lirobally ha reachetl SOlllO $ ilalD tolnorroIv. As tile huh csmno from tile 110(180 ( it zslprollriatetl ; $21,640. 'file senate colnmnittee on cluimIls reconinielllei ( 110 amelldlalents tO 11119 1)111 (55 it came from tile ilotIse. luU'e41 ) Clillill ) I' Inllrlilling. CRAWFOIII ) , Neb , , April 2.-Speelal ( Teic- grani.-Yestertiay's ) report In 'l'llo lice of tim condition of 1)awes county does Ilot nphy to tial sectioit. 'rilero is 511.1 . httt hiecim iuriimg tile Past tllree weeks 1111 ulitintlaitce of rain anil snow , I"arniors are In a ilourishimig con. dition , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Icuttb of 5rc , II. II , ( 'tiriis , ShIiILliY , Neb , , April 2.-Spcclal.-Mrtj ( ) , hi. It. Curtis died last night of comsuiiap- tiOil. Silo has resided in i'ohIt couiity for tvehyo years. $3iio $ loaves a iluslialid and several cilillren. 1 hr llti,4 , ( I f .1 ott ii i ill rat Is r. NEBRASKA CITY , Neb , , April 2-Spe- ( clal Telogram.-Jouin ) Ilarstter , a resIlIent of tills county Iiaco 185 1 , died at lila raslilenc , , near this city today , aged 76 , . 01111 , (1 , A. 11 , Coiolay Ill ( eurgla , A'I'JiENS , April 2.-TIle Ohio colony Wilicil has located at Slathinin , a small town a tots' malice front Atlamata , is rapidly growing , Mr. 0. 5 , hIus'ez , an old Grand Army of till ) Ito- public Illall , the elliOt illover III the project says tilat this town Is to be colltrohlell by ox-umaioza sollhlers end tilat it building ( or a Gralli Army of tile htepublitt IlOst will 1)0 orecteti 80011. A miumnhier of large orchards awl villeyitrds hove been set out , Ilceehi or ( ilitrlc Ilsuili's 51)1110 IhullIlIrtI , 5' ! , . LOUIS , AprIl 2.-S ii. 11 , Clark , receiver - ceiver of tile Union I'aclflc railroad , Is III St. Louis. Air. Clark , to an Associated Iress reporter , denied ( bat lIe hIati lilly Intelitloll of returnhlig to tile iimanagenent : of tile Missouri I'acltlo raiiroaii as vice hlresidient itiad gozieral mnalmager , or that the questIon 11511 been dis- cumsed , - 1111111 llolll 1111 fronl i.ot tory 'nIlcI'ru , , ST. LOUIS , April 2-Tins iloatmalter geli- oral has notifIed tile St. lotiis llobtinaster to withhold all ilaflhl ( cola tue St. LouIs Mutual hood Investtiaent coitmpany , the Guaranty investment - vestment company anti (110 ItlllerlCail Mutuai Benefit society , WlllCii are colaductitlg lottery enterprises , slId tiieir malt znust b "held UI ) " according to law , Vlsl'oIlsitl JIlilk Cligoil. STEVENS I'OINT'ia. . , April 2-Tile Commercial bank closed Its doors yesterday , This liabilities are about $60,000 ; assets , $100 , . (100. ( Edinuiad Ihurr , the lireeldont of the bank , Is 0110 of tint owners of "U. 11. P. , " hiss famous Irottimig ilorse , 0001011 / SEARLES & SEAFLES Chroni ; , . ' . I'0 lvt icrvous1 S ( : t : P1vat [ \ , ' ' " : , i D1seass. 'i'1ti1tT.iEN'I' llV ? .liif. . , CllitlltlIttiflhl Lrrno Wocuro Catarrh , nil dtsousea , of the Nosu , Throat , Choot , Stomach , Ltvor , Blood , Sicita and Kidney DInoaao8 , 1o- lititlo Wuaknesaos , Lost 2flnnbood , and ALL PRIVATE DISEASES OF MEN. W'IIilc I1i0N AIthi ViC'l'IMS TO ? 'iilltVOtIh3 Debtltty or ixIzaustion , t'asltng Wraitneb , . iii- voluntary Loses. , Witla Esily ) ecny in young and initidle cacti , Iseg of VillI , vigor slId weak- coed prematurely in approaching oltl ugs. All ri.'id . readily to our new titsItlilent for loss of vtt'ti hewer. Call or adOres with stanlp for rircuiars , free book anti receipts. Di Searles audS 31r1 1411 % Fztrnttna , ' ) lllliiIt ! Te eth Without Plates / BAILEYJ . - - DENTIST. I , axtull lilock. Ititli :1110 FarIil)11 3ts. 2,0 , , Jff3S , Full SotTl'Cth..Ci 00 I SiI'er Flhltriiis.$1 011 ilcet 'foetti , . . , . , ' 1 110 I I'liro ( bid i1itllgl S hI ) 'flila l'lttte . . . . . 10 00 I Gold Crowitti'-2.1C , $0 l'allllebs Extract'u SUe i iirtdti 'fuOttl-LOQtiI ( I 0. ) Tooth Out In Morning , Now Tooth Same Day DUFF"S PURE MALT WHISKEYS All DrnggIti , ALiAflOtJ'Z't'lASUi0t ) EW FACES ills l'euturu. slId Pelnoy. lui flioulistle.ia 100 p. IgOk foe a elatup , Johull , Wuodburyilfldldht.N , Inventor of Wovdbur's t'acfal hosa , . 4