_ _ _ _ 4J- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - TIlE OMAhA : DAILY JJRm WEINESDAY AlRTL 8 : I 1895. 3 . : . - . . = - = = - - - = : : : . = - - _ - - : : = : - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : , , - - - - - - - - - - = = - = - = - - - _ _ _ - _ _ 0 _ _ - - - : ' : " " - - - - - : = : - : : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - : TIm OMAHA DAILY BEy . . . COUCH , 1flUF'1S. 0FI.XcF ; ; - . NO. 12 I'gAnL STtUET . - - - - 1eIvtrtI : by t cnrrlH 10 In ' pllrl or the cl" . 11. W , TITON , Lc ee. Tr.t.Tl1IoNI.3-IIimius : / OOCCI No. 4 ; night , editor , No :3 . . . " - - - - ' - - - - i4. I . 'I.\Ul . 'WXlU.'S. , Orontl , Council flhtifs . E. I. Clark , prop ( Mayne Henl % Jslalo : ogency , .t : ! Urca w : ) ' . I John Jones 0111 L Newel ' were urreslel 'ast ' evening , the former for lsturbllg the ) pence an the Inter fur corrring conceal weapons. JUHhu C. WOI nH or Cortar.d . eb" and Anna Uerner 01 Llnloln ) werl' larleel yesterday - terday urerl00n lt the Kid hotel I'llurs ' [ I , ' by He , ' . Or. Jell Allii. Mrs. Charlotte stahl . who lI' brought In , . Itt week . front \llnut charged , with In- , ianIty . was taken I' Clarinda yesterdiy hy I Sheriff 1107ln ontl wife. L ; The boelr ur the neater foitnil In the river ; , SUUIAY' turns out tu have IJen thot ot Anton . ton Ila7ek 01 Omaha. I was bUlled In , 'alrvlew renwtery ) 'estetdl ' . ' The H. H. A. wil lutet with Irs. 1. ' . A. Sackl't , I ' ollh ItveItu' . helween Ninth and I Tenth tretts . this afternoon nt 2:0 : o'clocl" Business ull worl or importance. ImlortnnCi. ( Iur City bilge , No. 71 , A. F. : \,1 , A. M" , $ wil I nl l't In I s"eclal I COII1IUII II ICtI t Ion this , evening for wOII , In the Iccolnl , de ree. All . e. felow craft are cordially invited to attend . A' J. B. Aikins , ecrelary. : ; . The free nonsectarian gospel temperance meetllh" ! being held nightly at the lallUst chutch are very Interesting RII deserve ' \ n betH hou c. A luothers' leltnt ; Is to be - I held this afternoon rrom 3 to , 4 o'coc" , ant , . Idrs. Anita M. I Painter w1 llell' ' , i Irs , Thomas Green got a julLlent 01 $128 against A. I. 1Irlle : about two rears t' ago In the district court , hit has nel'er real- Iei1 l , anything from it. Yesterday hl hal . marlno brought before Jtlge \ ) ( Hmlh for the . , 1)lllse ' of ha\lng him ex.nllned as to his . ) . IlersolHl1 Ilroleny a 11 real estHte. ( I. J. Gal'lt 011 family were fount yester- ) day living In I" ace autl coutcutlent ) In a - . , l house bllolglng to g. I , Sheale at the ' ' ' and AVetint I corner or 'rhirty-fourthi street alt venUe ' , . C. They hUll not Ilale any rent and SheafI I i , , clalletl ) they hal been given 10 Permission , ' to live there. Clark was arrested and , hooked nt the city jai With breaking into alI entering n ( hvelilng . v. ii. Van , \ram wi have charge of the , g'llaslul ) ( classes II the Young Men's . 1 , Christan Is ucllOI , The husiless ) I 11) ( l'S ) 1 , classes arc to he ) Mondays , \Vednestiays , . anti 1"I'huys 1101 ) 6 to I I 1 , ; boys' classes ' ) \ I , ' 1leFliYs nlc 'lllrSlla1 from 4 : :0 : to 6:30 : ) .k i\ .al ! ] Halurllay forenoon , ant YOlng men's r . cluHcs Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sltunlays t i ; , ) trOll 7 :30 : to 8 : : \ l. In. ! ' The Ministerial nssoclaton has appointed subcommllees un finance , advertisement . . IIIUMIC . ushers IRle ' work anti , young lalHes' . - , - - - \\ork , In connecton With the revival meetns i , ' which are to coinlenee April : S tinder . the ' leadership , 01 Evangelist Pierson. A meetng or the association nn,1 ) , nIl the subcommltes wi he hell next Tusday evening nl 7:30 : ) o'clock at the Young Ien's Christian assoc- atlon . aton rooms. I A young lady who lives at the residence : or George D. Hex was passing nlong Main - - . , street , near Plth nvenue. Sunday evening , : - when she dropped her watch ! on the side- I wnl , . She noticed that It W'IS gone a minute . 4 after she hud lost I. and weat hIck to search : for it. A genteman who saw her asked what she was doing , amid on hclng told , said he . saw another ) 'oung lady pick the timepiece up. lie went after tier but failed to fnd I her. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t We have over $300.000 to loan upon Improved - proved Iowa farms. Farmers desiring loans can save money by dealing direct with us , thereby saving agent's coiiiinissloi. We 10 loan wild buds In Nebraska. not on wid Ilnds. nor Nebraslc. Lougee & Towle 235 Pearl street. Mrs. AlbIn Huster wl have her spring millinery display on Thursday Friday and , , " ' Saturday Apri 4. 5 an G. Ladles. comes , s L I \ : , i. . _ , out t : did see the nnlsL stock or new goods In 1 J , the city. 3 ? l3roaila'ay. PEItt4O..tL P4It.lGlilPIIS. ' , IHO.\.I . . Ol'l' IS. Lee All.wrti's father Is 1 nl his home cast or the city. ' Hev. T. 1\ ' . Williams left yesterday for InlelJellence , Mo. . 10 attend the conference or the Rcurgnnlzel Church of the Later Day . Saints. ( .1 Wi Nixon who formerly occupied the 4 position of collector for one of the local t banis. left yesterday for Spokane Pals , ant , , mn stay there ' * Mrs. Anna M. l'almner , who Is wel known t t In many stales amid Is lecturing In Ihe city on' temperance. Is thr guest or Mrs. Thomas ' r . Officer on Willow avenue. ; Omcer.l Wiow r , ChILL ) CUNfHIUVTIU TO ITS UITI t Judge " 'OOIKOI TilkeK , \nuth"r Iltrlj UII.ISutt ) C.II , , limo , ' "ry. , The jury at the federal court has proved to , be a us less luxury so far at time present term . or court , for not a verdict las ; been ren- 5.7 p. , . , dere by It In more than a week of CJnstant i ; ' ' 'trial work. Yesterday the Swif case against r F 1 the Chicago & Northwestern Railway company . came to the same end as Its predecessors ; being Iuken from the jury on a moton made 1 ' l ' by the defense The vlaintiff's attorneys obi - L i . . ' Ihls ' of with , jrcttd , to summa way dealing wih L It on the ground that the engineer showed negligence In not stopping when ho saw u bmal child playing by the track , which : ' ql would ] be as likely to run Into the train as \ t away from It In its confusion and rrlght : r ' 'In deciding the case against the rather : and administrator of the death child , Judge . \Voolson said the engineer had the right 10 assume that when the child ran oft the track , II would stay oft. lIe dll not lke to talk about little child being guilty ot - 4 ; a lte chid guity treEpnss- , : Ing on a cOlpan"s ' right ot way , but the fact remained that time con1any hall fenced , itself In for tIle l'upOse ' of protecting itself from tresllaKses , und trespassers took their 3 I own risks lie did not want to say anything whlrh woull heath trainmen to relax their vl lance to protect human lIfe , but he thought the engineer hall exercised thmo diii. gence In stopping hilt train when he 1111 and starting II \II again when II thought the danger was past , and he ordered the jury to brIng In a verdict In fa val or the defendant. P The trIal or criminal CUbes will commence ' this mornIng . nll It Is probable thaI bootlegging . . legging cases wi occupy the entire day , ' - tile ) ' being by far the principal ! article 01 q Ilet al every term of United States court. I Tue cases ofV. . Il. Cuppy , Jennie M. I J llng- ton amid ] A vln ton gln ( ton , 11 or Avoca , on , ' the . ) are or lefraulng , the /onrnment br putP.ng In lalse . pension claIms and making fJluo aflidavits In support or them , are es- pecialy assigned tor. trlul Allrl 10. , ( 'nrlOI , ( 'tmrtiilmm nlil litmir S"II " . 4ro quality lnen warp mating , 2e ) 'ard , I " . " , 400 quality Japanese mattng , 23e 'nrd. I' t , , . , Al wool Ingrain carpet . 5 Uo and G5c 'arll. 0 ' 10y lruselB , Witon , velvet and muD- " I. queUes , at $1 1 yard . , , . k Mouele rugs size 27 by G3 , at $2.G8. 0 Japanele velvet rue ? . size 27 br G3 , at $ $ .98 , . , , . Smyrna rugs , size 21 by 51. at $1.48. . . ' Sm'r.na rugs , size 26 'by G3 , at U8. .5 Smyrna rugs size 30 by 70 , nt $2.48 Smyrna , rugs , size 36 by 81 , at $3.G8. ; Felt curtain shat1. with fixtures / , 15c. . Opaque curtain shades , with fixtures , 29e anti 39c. - 3G.lnch dolde curtain swis 12c yar , ) , I' . NNISON nlOS" , , ; . ' , CouDcl Bluffs. , . .z ' . Evans' Laucdry Co. , 520 Pearl ; tel. 2i ; ' .j' . ' ' Ihlrts , colat cuts , _ lne work a specialty. I' . Dr Parsons over Schneider's , 64 D'wy I Tel. 215. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I' , "hurIRI" 1,1".nl" tl' . The following marriage licenses were Is- er lued by the county clerk yesterJay ; , t Nnme antI Adllre , . Age' . I \ HUI'f' Lee. Omlha. . . . . . . . , . . . . , AJI. . t Lull } 'tulor , Council Ilu/f. / . . . . . . . . . J . , L , ' Joshua C. W"rner , GaIn' county , Neb. . . 67 - : ) . 1.111115 homer . 1lncI8t.r count , Neb. . . , 4 Hlns 1hmln\lon. l'otuwutullc COUlty , 2 : ' ChrluUnu , Hlsluuel , J'ottuyattuniIe Co 2 ) I } rlr t.clus ltorage room . Hate , $1.50 per t month , J. H. Snyder wholesale fruit and . prouce , Council Bluffs . la , Oa beating stons ror rent amid for Bale at " tz Council Bluffs OaB C01pany'a otilee r 'i . , . - - - - , r ---i - r- f NEW FRml COGNCIL BLUFFS A. . 0. Graham Steps Down afl1 Out of the Park Board WM , ARND SELECTW FOR PRESIDENT In Htrll "Ir. UrRhRI l'rlnltcc I'Rlt. . Ihle IlV" " " If the i'ark S"lcm , Ih Ixtcnt : , 11"llr. 111 Cost tl time Ciy , At the regular monthly nleetllS or the park comlulslonets Ion < a ) . nigh Wilam ArJ was elected Ilresilent , . \ . C. Hardll ! , secretary anll I" , \ . Casper treasurer. lie- bra leaving the hoar A. C. Grahnm made his onnull report as president , nn.1 the hoard passed a set or cumllimeltary reo- lutols cxpresslnJ their hearty uppreclatol of his valuable efforts In lenutl'lng the I ' I'al ' k k'stem. I' . Grahnm's report Is n mosl valuable ole , and ] contains much of I'ermnnent ' lilt- torlral Intere Mr. Grahum Is pecularly CItilICd for the precentation of thcse facts e'ulpfct preEentatol cOlcerlng the lull ( liistor ) ' , a he has been al enthusiastic Ilorker for Ilarks trol their very bcgimiimlmig. .I fact , he IJ fairly cmi- titled 10 tunic I ni . the father ot the park system. ly his efforts the now heautlul Iolrlounl uarlc was securet\ \ for the city , the IJlrehnse being Inalo at a merely nomni- Hal SUI. about l.GOO , nt a time when op- I.ositul . \ us W huong that the park Was contellJtuously called ' 'Graliamim's brush. heal' ' ' ' II fact , whll ! the first wnrrants , wel'o drawn for Its Iurchale , , Mr. Urn ham hurlcdly jum\I"\ \ into an express wagon ali drove ut lull peell to get the walrnnts caslwJ before 11 Iljonclol coull be served , to stP , ) the Ilurchase. Coming Irol n man thus Intmatel ) associated wih the parl for ' the hlstor if the system years , history If growth , amid Inpro'oment Is I 01 peculnr vnluo and Interest. lie a's : "Tho park ) 'stel In ISi8 consisted or Bn'lss Park or a.Gi : nCll'S. I.artly . 11IJroved , IlBI Prospect park or 2.11 acres , nllnllrol'ed , In NOlelber , 18i9. \\'lla1 , , ' second mutlili- UOI was condemned , IWc also a few lots II Snow and Green's adaltiomi. General G. 1 10lgo , donateJ n few acres In the northwest corer or this park to con1leto the drive , which 15 known as IMoleuut. The cost of the condelnnton was about $1,600. This It now I'alrmount plrl , . "In tIm years ] 8/0 amid 1881 SprIng lake , conslstug or 42G acres , amid Carr lake be\- ent-tlo acres were securetl from the gen- erl overlment through the efforts oC the late ilou. \ V. I" . Sapp then member or con- gres , to whol thc citizens are iiidcbted fOl' these two parkE. In nddlton t the I above the park cUllulssloners have added , eighteen acres to Spring Lake park , and pal < for time same out of tIm glneml lund , alIt It Is now known as Lakollew park. They halo also a < ted thirty acres to Carr Inlle In lie same manner and It Is now known as ] sla\l park. "Grhul hark , six acres , and , Cook park , three acres , locnted In Morlngslde addi- ton ( , were donated to the city b ) 11. O. and J. E. 1 , ' . McGee , to whom the citizens arc IUlehled for their gemmerosity. ' 'Iiomi . Adlson Cochrn donated to the clly the Cochrn park which was namell afer him In honor oC the generous gift. 'ho nmount ot taxes levied for general park purposes has been as foloys : lRSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.3I.iG issi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l,450.2S Il : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no levy 1SS3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no levy its , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no levy 18S3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7G.:1 : 18 . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3C.S5.50 lbS7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Iill ) Ibl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'J.2,0.2l 1 188 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,120.S9 1":0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,726.11 Ib91 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,437.10 . 1892 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,327 189:1 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no levy iso ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.337. - - Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ : .080.81 "From this amount there should be deducted - ducted for umicollecteil ' and delinquent taxes $6.825.26. and also $5,000 paid to the cIty to hell ) I In Its uitlgatiomm . so that the net total for park purposes for fifteen years has beeu only H.265.5G. "This has been expended In building bridges cuttng entrances into 1 llrlount par ! , . buiding roads and lake In Fairnioun. . park , fountain mind walks In Baylss park salaries to park polcemen , and numerous other Improvements throughout the entire park system. 'ho hal mill levy was voted for three years to purchase and Improve n park In the western portion or the city , which amounted to $8,257.93 , or which $5H5.40 [ was exeplled In grading and Improving Cochran Ilark leaving a balance ot $2.312,63 emi hianil. "Tho following Is the amount or park property - erty now owned by the city , and the est- Inted value thereof : . Acres. 1'nlue. mlayhlss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3,67 3 5,00) 1:1I.s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 : , ( 0 Ir''ld 1'.llrl , lnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-I 1 ( ) . , , ) IHlanl Iarle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1')2 ' 6.0')0 ' ) I.nke View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 ' 59,00) ) nrnhal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5 0)1 ) Ck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 I , 0) : Cuchnm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 : - 12.(0) ) ) Total . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617.37 $23,5)O ) "A number of suits have been started against the city . Involving the title of the parks , but they have all resulted In favor or the City. The last c'f ' these park suits was turnd over 10 the city council and set. ted by them. This wns when lion. N. D. Lawrence was mayor . For sx ! years the puk . commissioners Iatl the park work 10 attend , to . besides the law stilts. The reason tel this I was that the city cJuncl changed three times , amid these city suits hnd no ono to look after them but the park commissioners. I do not wish h to bs untersto : ] that the mayor all city counci did nol render assistance In these stilts , for Ihcy were willing at mill times to helI the comummi issioners . but their ( term being only two years . new members In I were not famiar with the suits. The first suit was defended by Ilomi. Wilam Groneweg , ro lowell hy liomi. M. F. I Hohrer , lion . D. Macrae and 110mm . N. D. [ , awrence. 1 have not the bis of time city council for money expnmled ( In this litigation , hut think It amounle to about $12,000 10 $11,000. None or the city olcials are to blame for this but the city was bound , to protect ) her prOI'erty "The title to all your parks Is now ner- recto so that you are now ' In gotl condition to ( 50 emi ammil ' ] Ilprove the same , I at any time I can be of nny help I wi be pleased 10 render you any assistance In my power I wish to thank the gentlemen \ho ha"e worked with me for so many years without cOlpenslton for their valuable services , the 110mm . 1'hola8 Olcer , J , J. Urouvn J. W. Iereoy nnll S. U , Watsworth. They have always worked for the best Interests ot our park syatll , " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JIOS'iN t"IOnl , ' \Irl llll nf Irl'S n""lo-"I'cch.1 l'rlcea emi IIRCk "n'lch & .ermee . . 40-lnch all wool serge , worth SOc , for 39c. 6e I rench serge II We I yard , $ India ] twill serge for die a yard , Set the new black rayatne nt :1 : a yard , Al wool amid silk and wool crtpns : at $1 and $1.39 a yard . New line of novelty dres goods . bought to sell at $1.26. on sale ut SOc a yard . Beautiul elects In checked sUltngs , new mixtures amid colorings , at $1 , worth $150. W\L PAI'Elt.'ALL l\l. I. } , Largest assortment , lowest 11rlces , alt work guarau toed. guaranteel.FOWLE FOWLE , DICK & \VALlciR Council Ifluffs . Marcus' fire sale Is drawing the crowds. The stock consists of men's and boys' clothing - lng , gents' furnishing goods , boots and shoes , hltl and caps , trunks and valises. The goods arc slightly damaged by tmoko but not an artcle I offered thaI Is not worth two or three ( lines , the pre asked Open e"enlng6. " i .rklnK for time Ijnmmme , Time bail weather seemed to have but little effect to ( Iecreaso ] time size of the audience elect < that gathered at the Broadway Metiiodlst church Sunday evening to hear the lecture on the subject or chart ) . , delivered by ltev. Ir ) W. 1 , ii. Hel In the Interest of the Chri- tan home , The Platform was magnifcenty decorated with palS , ferns and hot house ilowers , the work of J. F. Wilcox , and was occupied by I number of promInent citizens who Ire gnol ) ' interested In time work of the home Dr , Heel was at his best , and those who In the past have been charmed by his ole- quenee heard him with apparent interest n ho outlnNI the work ot the institution and tM of Its early struggles and final success In obtaining R place among the Ierdlng charitable institutions ot the west . Uurlng time twelve years or lit existence . he said nearly 1,000 chIldren hall brn received anl , homes had been found for 600 of them In Christian families. They were kept nt atm expense ot Si& apiece IJer annum which in- I eludes the cost of all tM malY Improvements I thaI hove been made about the buidings aol , grouncls. Nol a death has occurred In the past seven years , exceIltng among those who were sick when received. Time paper pub- Ishell In the interests of the hOle has a clrcllation or 40.000 each week and has even nrouse.1 the sympathy and active help of IIOIIll' on the ether aide or the Atlantic. Twenhy-seven slates are now represented Olon/ its IUlate , ninny or them taken from the slums and given a good home under good Infuence ! . Fachi I year $20,000 Is received from outside towns II contributions ant ox- IIendcd ) In the support of the helpless little ones. lanes.Al Al the close or the address a collection was tallen and a harnlsome slm wits real- , IZe1 The lettn will ulllolbltly have time 'I ' effect of greatly stmulatng lie ( Interesl or the ( people or Council 11fs In thin work or Mnnager Lclcn and his corps ot assisants , (1 isA iiA.fl o\BUt ; . EUI.b WIUTI. I , IUI\o kmlh I > cciili's.tmiu'emtely to the Iver- : HI."Mt 111"1 : Judge South rendered a decision In the district court yesterday In the Injuncton suit of Leonard \cret I agailst the city . wblch sets at rest , for the 1mI ( being nt least , the ( Ileston ( 01 whether Grham mivemmume . for a distance of some 773 feet , Is to be 10 or slxt-slx feet wlde 11 18iO Thomns A , \Vallecr who oIned I large trlct or land south or alrmount park ! . executed a mort- gage for $16.000 11 t\or or A. S. Orosvenor , ! ulrdlan or Carrie e. Test , Seven years Ilter he conveyed the prcperty to his wife , now Irs. O. W , Gordon and she 11 ( mini conveyed n right 01 way to time city for an avenue 100 feel wile , to be IU0WI IS Waler avenue , a 111 later chCnged to Graham av- enue. TIme $15,000 mortgage was roreclose,1 , and a sheriff's deed ExecuttI , giving Carrie C. 'fest the title to the whole tract all aholshlng Graham avenue lS a public street 100 feet wide. I \'eret commenced Injulcton prcclus several years ago to restrain the city from Islng the south hal of Oraham a\enle , ud- Joining a three.ncre triangular 1'lece lying south 01 time park mind cnlme(1 10 have purchased - chased time strip from l. I n. hart . who do- , rl\ell his title Irom Carrie Test by deed I In his cclslou Jllige Smih holds that ( while I there dedication 01 was lt"er auy statutory dedicaton the street for highway pumruioses there wns n dedication according to the common law metholl , the owners ultcr the Test len havIng - Ing tacitly given .heir consent to the use of the highway . lie concludes . therefore , thaI the hlghl\ny Is there , and that It Is 100 feet wide notwIthstanding Mr. EI'ereU's claim. A decision was also rendered In the case or the Franklin Savings hank againt C J. Colby which grew out of enl of the trans- actons of J. F. Kl'1bal antI George hi , Chamll. Colby secured n loan of $8,000 from the Franklin Savings bank through Kimbal & Champ. When the time arrived for the loan to be paid off he wanted an cxtcnslon , but was Informed that he would have to pay of the old loC n a II gel a nt\\ ' one. lie scraped the mane ) ' together and paid Kim- bal time $8.000 , wherelllon Kimbal marl.ed the little word "satIsfied" on tb recirds and got the new loan for Colb ) Alter the Kimim- bal & Champ Investment compalY had gone to the wail time Franl"ln Savings banI peo- pie bobbed up with the announcement that they hail been hors\ol IEc. and the fact was developed that Jlmhal hal never paid them the $8,000. Judge Smith cecded the forecloro proceedings they brought In favor 01 the plaintiff ) 'ester < ay. In the suit or Peter C. Mier against rank Beck In which time planUr ! secured a julgment of $00 for false atachment , the defendant's JIIOtOI for a lew trial was over- ruled. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vo nine ( iot a ur" 'rhmimig. I Is the Insurnco gasoline stove the only gasoline stove made that n child can play with and do 10 harm. I takes care of Itself ; can be blown out , left open or turned on . anll there . . is no posaibie . way _ foru the gamohino to Ignite or expioue. NO smelt or odor . no dripping 01 gasoline . no burning your ' house down or burning your wife or mnother-imm-law' to death No misery no ru- nerals , no deaths or use for nn undertaker If you use the Snsumrance gsolue Stove as I Is absolutely safe. I you don't believe I ask any or our competitors . then ask them te blow Olt their stove and leave It open for ten minutes then apply a mntch to the stove as we co with ours and see what wi happen - pen , but be sure 10 be a quarter of a mie away before he lights the match . as there I sure 10 be an explosion ; then we would not get to sell you nn Imurance stove as there would be a funeral next day. DROWN'S C. O. D. Sole Agents. Time [ " rim ore UIMOIIO "to.'I , Introduced by P. C. Do Vol In 180t. and sold by him this season. Absolutely sle , Can'I exp10dc. No danger. De sure you get the "Insurance. " P. C. DE VO" 504 Droadway. it lot , ! r. , - Icm1 , , t ii . s "r" . Siefert lUst , jr. . who was brought all the WiY back tram Columbia , S. C. . to stand a trIal for passing forged rotes . Is not In so cecp trouble as li i had feared. Yesterday his father appeared In Justice Vlen's court and said that he had changed his mInd abut the $500 note his son had cshed by John Mackiand . an,1 , admitted that he had sllned it. lie said his son brought I to him In a hurry one day while he was In town and asked him 10 Elgn it . 1 was all over so soon that he really forgot that he hal enabled him son to borrow $500 of Maclelnlll on the strength of his name. He paid Iacl.land the $500 and Her was discharged , Whelhlr the story told br Rief , sr" Is a true one can only be ! uesel at , but I js thought thaI hie acton Indicates thaI all who have claims against the young man can have them fixed up by alplrlng to the ( proper party A 11" Millinery Ii.piay . Mrs. lnnle PfelCer's spring opening of millinery , hold emi Friday nnd Saturday last , was largely attendet by the ladles or COUl' cl luls und Ommiahms Time ladles were en- thusiastc In their praises of the beauty oC the hats partcllarly "Tho Trilby , " "The Uela Fox , " "Cleopatrl" and 'he Anna Gould. " Introduced only by her I Is mmeed- less to menton mmore as all Imow the large stock she carrIes. Yes the Eagle laundry Is "thaI good Inuncry , " and Is located al 724 Broadway. I In doubl about this ( try I and Le canvimmcemj Don't forget name nnl nmimmiber Tel 167 Time 1Inois mmtmtonmatic refrigerator II this latest Impro\'ement. on't fall to see I , at Cole & Cole , 4 Ialn street. Mi ) IIVh Ii , , lqmmets. , Mayor Cleaver and lreshlent B. I OJel or the Merchants' and Ianufucturers' as- socaton spent a good share or yesterday / afternoon circulatng around among the cii- sent looking . for $5 sUbEcrlpcns to ( a course cr five dinners . to be given at the Grand hotel during the ( coming year , for the IJurpst of arousing Interest In the commercal ! welfare of the ( ciy , They found tuu'enty-sevemm po' pIe who believed that the way to arouse men's enthusiasm Is through their appetites , amid the Irospecls , are now very laterJnl for tee list to be run up to four ( lames that miuni bel within the next few days A meeting of the association Is to bo held ( his evening at the council chamber , but there will be nothing to eat. The members ot the association will re- ceive no further mmotleo , hy cards or otherwise - wise , ot tonlght's meeting. \hll I II " :11" ' Everything , If applied to a lardman Pinna , sold by Mueler Iluno and Organ coml'an , 10 Muln street Owing to a recent accident Cox's Brownies will nol reach Council Uuls : un I W01n'stay _ See Chapman's art vlldows Wednesday evenIng - Ing , _ _ _ _ _ _ J. R. McPherson , florist , Cut flowers and plants Design work a specialty. Telepimone 2 U. 1281 Eat Pierce , Council Bluffs . Mu . E. J. Scott's miinery , ladiEs , wi suit your tastes and purses , The attractions are just Ii great as those that made the open- log last week so successful. Davis , drug paint , glass omen 200 U'way , Dr Lugel , omc no 5tl ave. ; tel 10 , Ul. " "UIT 0.\ ' nUll Rf1'IXG rJI.WJ ! 11 . , , ' 0.TIIC II'I'U . . , Todd boane 10u a'Aizammt hay' . Work at hay m.Trlct RAN FnANCISCO , ' A rl 2.-ToI1 Hlonne , thrCe winners out ot. rdur tount , Favorites . Ites won the first lo ! land the last race , . Summnrles : 1. ' 1 lrlt race five nn.1 \'hnJ ' furlongs . sell- \ sel. inmg : " 'hee of 1.'orfl. 1:1 : l1om t7 ( to 5) ) , won ; Duchess of MIIlnl 93. A. Iom (5 ( to II' ) Second : Hanfonll U5 , , HeInrichs ( G to 1) ) , Ilrd , 'rumime : 1t' : . , , Captain COlter , Venus foil , Term Nova. iIad tm. Second race , six fllrh ! ) itl.elnl : Nephew 12. Siolne (1 ( to 5) ) \ \ 11"llle G , 10l. 11 10 ( to 1) ) . second : f'isetmvood { . 93 , 1101 (6 ( to I ) , thIrd. TIle : l6. , 6tenlust < , Joe \\In. ( era , Bobulnk , lde I hector , Conna\ght , 'Icklow mind Adelnnt ' ulso I ran. Third race , seven furlongs : : lolie Hi 109 , Carr (3 ( to I ) , weir Jpe CotOl , 121 , SOI (6 to r i ) 1 secoltl : 1'h' J\e . 1.1)11 (5 ( to 1) ) . third 'Flume : 1:01. : Allvlnce , 'om Clarke , :1) ' Sweetheart , lla" ) lhhleton anti Slg also ran. ' Fourth race six ( lrlo's , selling : herons 06 , Slonle (4 ( to I ) , WOI ; 8rl\hlne , 109. Isom (6 ( tu 5) ) , econl , ; Wnrr o , \ lOOt ( lcAulle (12 ( . to 1) ) tlmirmi. Time : 1:1 : ; 1 lirnm Argo , (2 , % t Imetie's t.nst , Namller , Arelc , 1rllallla. ) Charmer , ( l'ltltlal , Sle Abbott . also i'escniior ran. , Sea \rl ' , NlnHarlL amid Iarleta Fifh rmice mule nld a half , hlrllle : The l.rk , 135. locknl 12 ( 10 1) ) . won : lIed 101 , . 131. HIIPm 19 ( to 5) ) . second ; April , 1 , < alls (8 ( to I ) third Tllr : 2I6't. : ' Mto , Iendo- chin 11,1 Bel Hllglr Ilsu rmmmi. Sixth rmuee . leVl1 flrlul s , sellg : Royal \ IIIH'h , 10 l3ioiumn' ( even ) , won ; Captain Hee , 10 , i'ivimn / ( G I to 5) ) , Ileold : : In\,11) , ' , 87 , Plgot (0 ( to 1) ) , third ' 1lme : 1 :2 : % . Hllls ! mind , ( Hco nlRO maim , NASII\'l bl.H . APrIl -At Cllberlall \ Iarlt tOlay time truck was flst Hcsults : First \ce , six fltlolgS : mnlU (4 ( to 1) ) won , Illie Cel U ( tu I ) ! sceotid 'fra 1 I' Ii ( tu 1) ) thlrl. ' 1lle : 1\ : : , Second i &tce . six 1IIIol s : Bi ) ' S (6 ( to 5) ) m'omm Virgimmiti' t5 ( to 1) ) ! ecoUI , leabOI ) 51 ( 5 wOII 1) ) third. ' 1Ul : 1 :17 : ' 1hl',1 , I'ace , ! evel . rurloligmi : S ! . .1luxll (1 ( to 2) ) womi . lel aH ( I tu 2) ) sleolll , Clrulor 1 ( tu 1 ) third. Time : 1 :2 : I.'llrth race one mile : Simian (5 ( to 1) ) won , .Juju (10 ( to 1 ) second , Lay 01 (7 ( to 2) ) third Time : (0 1:42i : \ . l"lfh nice , r011 fUllolgs : . \lanlla (3 ( to 1 ) I WOI , Wile Shnllun : 1,3 lo 1) ) secolll , Merry I timii'eh. ' 1 line 0 : I9 \ . Neil (3 ( In 2) ) lne : 1\ NEW OH 2lthl'd. ' } ! April 2.-T\cle hea\ ' ) ' . 1etmlts : HCluls \11 six furlolHs : liarguard (5 to 1) ) womm . Sir John (15 ( to 1) ) 11101,1 , Moqlol 1on. ( (1 ( In I ) third , Time : 1 :174 : \ . I ! 8"eolll race , ! evln flrlnns : Gnlen Brown (20 ( to 1) ) won , Artless (5 ( 10 1) ) secllt , Nlca- rugl 101 ( 1) ) tlmiril. . ' 111 : 1:12' : : 'hlnl race ole simile : Twciity-Timmce (0 to 1) ) WOI , ' 1en Sllllg (4 ( to 5) ) second , Jim Bel'y ( S tu 1) ) Ihlrt\ Time : 1 :16. : FOlrth race , hamlcnp. six furlonh' : 1.0mm Brook ( even ) \on , ( 'ass 15 ( to 1) ) S Lonf I Vanhrult tis lu 1) ) tlmirh. Time : lt : % . Fifth (5 live fulolgl : Adah Fey (0 to ; 1 ) won Hallo\l\1 I ( 10 1) ) secoll , Gleldale - . 'l'immiet lB , (5 to 2) ( hIm-il 1111 : : ST. LOUIS , Apl'l 2.-Hcsults at East ! t. LOlis : . First race timri'e-eighths . of a Ile : Miss [ l lyonon. . Pcp o. Day second , Caqlentel' Ihlr1' me : 0tS' : 2' , Ihlr\ Secnn.1 . race , llve-eigimtlms of a mile : 1,1 : Ga.tall won . Lelu 1. 8ecoml. Uncle Dave thlr,1. , TIme : 1:0'/ : " , ' 1hlrl race , tiiree-qmmartcrs of a mile : Snowball \on , :1 orlole i.ecommd . San : lilac third. 'l'me : 1IU\ : \ 111.1. I oulth race , ! mile amid 10 yards , : Mirabeatm won , St. Leo second , Momik O\el- Ion hlrd. I Tle : 1 :50. : Fifh race . thre -qualters of a Ile : ' hill cccommd 1)1112' Semmiclem'- Ohelslun , Bi Amp ! Bi ) Slndel- lanll tlmi ru. 'ri nie : 1:2) : ) . LITTIAO . 1tOCF April 2.-Flrst race . foul furlongs : HOIIII (4 ( 10 1) ) won. Kowalsk ( ( : 10 . 2) ) second , Aie (2 ( to 1) ) lhlnJ ' 1me : 0:51.Sc end race , six amid a half furlongs : Joc-o.Sol (5 to 2) ) womm Lucille . (6 ( t ; to 5) ) see- 011. Silva ( ( to 3) ) third. 'lme : 1:26. : 'l'hmim'ii race , the ' ] cnnIHHct Brewln company - pany 'lhlrl , selling stnkes li'J0 ( gtiarmmmteed : for 3.yemsr-oiils and ullwanl , s ' vln furlungs : Joe Iurphy (2 ( t" 1) ) WVI The Iron Master ( e"rn ) acond . UPIII , ( ( to 1) ) tlmlm'tl. Time : 1:31' : , . Fourth race , ilvo fnHonls : Dick lehan (6 ( to f ) wun , Little I ( I 10 1 ) e'ecnmii , 8nnta , Cruz (10 ( to 1) ) thlt'J' ' ' 1lme : 1,3' : . . Fifth (0 race , seven furlan/Is / : Phi us (2 ( to 5) ) won Dooze (5 ( 10 1 ) second , Josephine ( ( S to 1 ) third. Tijie : :1:30\ : : \ , . Comic V IIIH I , it S t.kei A : m ommn C , ' mmmcmi t a. N1.YOHK } , \prl 2.- . 'rime Coney Island Joclt ) : cue nnnounces.lhe . folowlnl stakes to close Audi 2 for' the June nHetng , 185 : For a-year-olds : tnd : upwarls-The Su- burhan lmmmnuiicmp Ott lc and n' ( uallel' , 5.(00 added ; the June , han . . lcap. omme cub- scrllll0n enttes the bntry 10 start for three imandicahma 'ne' " over the I ' uturl ) ' commrse . one ut iL mi' lul the other at enl mile and a fUllon .J\ ' guarnle el : Grns- ama naugural slake,11 seven furlongs on turf 1.rO HUarlt p. I ' . ' ' stakes 'seven fur- For 'J-yenr-olds-$5'itt Itnles seven long _ _ _ _ , . $20 ' uurileet ; "n Spen M , ' ltmnitt _ , , _ stales ' n , ' , 01" Ile 11 ) . IUnU"F ' . .vv IU''U I , , ' . ' slukes , Futurhty For 2-yemmr-olds---'Zepimyr I"uturl . , gumirmmmmteed Spring stakes Comm rae $ : ,00 h'lulnteel ; 8plInl Fumturtty course $20 ) ualnnteI , ; Jimmie stakes l " utull ) " coumrse . 2COO guaranteed : Vernal stakes , for iiliies . hive fimm'iommgs $2,0 guaranteed ; Daisy stakes , I\ ' furlongs - longs on turf , $1 , & ( guarnteel , ; J'ammsy Itales , six furlongs on turf $1,500 guaran- teed. teed.For the Ilutumn meetng , 189 : . For 2- 'enr0Is1llmn stakes Futurlt course , $3,0 ] guarnleec ; Flathu mitaltes seven furlongs $3.0 guarnlc d ; Great guaranteell. Eastern immmndicap . Futrly course . $ : .0 ( ) For 2-ycar-olda and upwardsFIht stakes , seven ltmrlonFs , $2.5,0 guaranleed. lullon/8 stmmkes . one For 3-yeur-oldISeptember stakel. mile und three furlongs . $ .50 guaranteed . In nil races If there be any slrplus from entries or subscriptions over time mlver- tiseil value It shnl be paid to the winner tHed unless slated by the conditons to go 10 the other horses In the T e. 'I sto 1'HHI"IIK In 'I'cxn. GATXF3STON Tex April 2.-Thomas Cavanaugh of D\ralo and Mike Thomn . lghtweight champion of Louisiana fouJht the stfest lifteeim-roummd 10 last IIht In Ihls city ever winessed In Texas the ! resul of which was In doubt unti the enl or the rourteenth round , when Thomas showel rounl signs of groggimmess and was completely knocked out In the sleceedlng round , 'fhomas was the aggressor II thersl three rounds , hut after that his wind / seemel 10 fal him , HOUSTON , 'rex . Apri I 2.-"I\1ly" 1 Dlsholl of HOlston anti Ed Woods of Den- ver fought seven bloody rounds In Riverside - side . ne'r Trinity , for $ a side. Time lht hind been scheduled to take Illace lt Trln- I ) ' , hut was stoppel h , ) the elmeriff. 'fhe men , accompanied hy referee ammO , FceollF , left the county , and fought In prlvute. \Vools was knocled out In the 8eventh round. _ _ _ _ _ _ Urn\llor. \ Wil Sur lie II h. Ng\ YanK , April 2.-'he third nnnlni r11 American : hanllcup , nt hive pigeon shootln will begin 01 'fhms- ( IlY morning nl " 'llarel'l pare ! , Pat- el'son , N. J. Amateur : nnll 1110' t'esstonal wing Ihols fl'vr nearly every' plnte In the union 11v elteletl , ' nlll In Interesllng eontcil Is 1001,1 , for. "Droim- ImarO' ' will not he heal',1 of In this 'Iar's sHot , iK time three hhhrst gulls wi score for time' lmmolmi'y . 'l'onmorntmw's tournlment wil eOlliFt of KWlel1stllel In which the "m4imoott'm's" wi try their ncrve amid get I Inc al Ihll' possibilities ! of success In the big even t . which wi heHln 'I'hm tm rmsiiiy ] : mmmcm- . Ing. I Ammiong those who have Ilrlaly , entered ( Among irize are C. F. 'l'imommmmumm 111 .J S , Sedan ot DmyeJ' . , Cole . and J. A. ltelhiott of Kansas lit ) . Over two dozen 1l10U eastern shots have hecome enroiied . I ( 'orIut t 1".I.t Wllt ; liiii . CIiammmcd ) . PITTSIIUIG ] ( , , \prl 2.-Jnmll J , Corbet , talking here today o the propose,1 , chnnJes In the boxing rules as all\ocltec IJY the Oi'mmmpit' club It NI'w OrlellR , .leelnrl,1 Illmself OllPORt,1 t making four-minute roUnds awl two-mllI ! , ' , rests. "There Is II nccepsl ) . . . Haill l1p "for Iny ) changeH , 111 none arc likely JO he mniile 'JII limes- ' ent ruleR wlre 1lopl..I , . hy unlvetml con- Fent , Incl nothing kmhi0C oC thlt cnn change them. I the Oiymmmpia' club IK Il0we,1 , to make changes , evry'luhi In thc eountr can do the came timing ! / mtmii , there woull be tll1///ln,1 no ) Ktlndnr < \ for boiammg / tournmmmnemits. I am oPPlse,1 , to I two-minut rest b culst I would give mm 'whlied mal too luch chance 10 recuperdte. " ZIIrI.r"U" I I " ; iJmi ! I 1"nnl , ChICAGO , April 2.he eight-rolll con- test between Owen Zeigler a 111 Jerome Quighoy both or PhIadelphia , before tie Triangle club last ' 1lght , was given to Zeigler nn a foul In"th fl"th round , I was ammybody's lght a8 far.a plain lghtng was concerned when time delilon was announced. , " - lo"H- 101" Ilcl Illrlp'lllld. ! n Irll" , CINCINNATL Aprl 2.-1ld 10gln and Charley Burs , Ightwllghts. fought I ten- rounl , glove tight before the Olympic club tolmighmt . 'fhme referee . decided It ) I draw , Jlailbuw )111 lit . .trol"llal lush. An entertainment was given lust night In Metropolitan hul for the helllt of the I.ailies' Musical society ot the First Congregational - gregatonal church , A prominent feature ot the Ilrogram WIS , the rainbow drill by sixteen - teen young ladles , who performed "llcult runeuver very srnceimlly , under thleat - ershlp o Mra. Wertz. 'he remainder ot the program. which waR quite lermgthmy con. slated of vocal and Inatrumentll music falc ) ' dancing , recitations . posIng anll lIving representations. The numbers were cot husi- statically received hy an Iudlnce which tilled the hul from doors to the stage. The entertaInment 1tmunclally . was very successful , . \ , - - I MULCT LAW CONSTITUTIONAL Iowa Supreme Oout Holds that the MeMure Was Properly Enlctd , LEGISLATIVE POWER NOT DHEGATD , IIStCO Rinne Jluent on the ( iroumnhl thRt Authnrl , I" Ohen tu : llnl"II'ItU" " to 1t1'llt ,111 Make LR\ . erR R Gencr,1 Icll.e , 1)1S MOINES , April 2.-Slleclal ( Tele- granm.--Time ) supremmmo court 01 Iowa } rendered a decision today sustaining ' time colmstitim- UmalY of the "mulcl" Inw Time opinion net delivered by Justice Deemcr , Juste Innn (11m ( ) dissenting. The came was cii- tlc < : State ' ex rei Davhl F. W'itter , ampi- lant , \s J. L. 1 Porlter antI \ V.V. . Moore , appele s , Polk county ; Spunler , jUllge. The court nOrls the ruln , of the court Imelow The court holds that ( tbero Is mme defect II tIme title or time law . that the act is I not n delegaton 01 legislative power nlr that It does 101 confer 01 cities rmmul \ locaht' ties any 1Jltlonlng , power. Judge Kinne tilt- selts on thl grounl , that In his opinion tIme act does delegate power 10 repeal and enart laws . mind Is therefore unconstntor 01. 'I'he court does hot sass upon the Incston or tIme sufclclCY or the statement or consenl. Auother mulcl law decision xmas that In the case or the State or Iowa against J , n. Matuer , et aI , appellants , from Mnhaska IHe- Irlct ( coumrt reversed In this else an Injunct n was granted against time operation of ! salon ulder tIme Inlct law , became the building II . whih II was operated was within 1ft ) feet or the property at persons who rofticed to consent to the saioomm's IOC.It0I , A tight board \lartllon \ had beel 111 across the 101. so that the hart at It II which the saloon was located was outsille the IU-Joot linmit. TIl salool part was 101 COIllcte , , In any way with the oilier hart . amid the saloon mud not USe the part l set off. 'fho second story las not parlllonell , but had ICHr been Used The surCle ! court holds ( lint In such cases emily time 1001. amid not time build- Ilg , must he fifty ( feet from the property - Irty of perons who object to the caloomm On time queston of whnt con tute3 n resilent Ireeholler , the court holds that It means residence In the town where the prop- erty Is located , not necessorly UpOI the property itself. OTlm DECISIONS. Other decisions led today were : State or Iowa against Sarah E. hiurgom' , appellammt . Scott district allmeel ; State If Iowa against I. Chapman , appellant . Appanoose district . reversed ; Stale of Iowa against Paul C. Akin , apiwiialmt . 101111 district , nfrmeel ; State of Iowa against James Lagrange . ap- pelant , Poweshiek district , aifirimmed'ilhiaimm ; Yezmger . ppeHanl , against time Atchison , To- peka & Sunta Fe Ialwa ) ' compan , Lee district . alnnd ; State or Iowa agmmimmst James Cafrer , appeiiaimt . Floyd district , nf- firmmmmd ; State or Iowa ugalnst 1'homas Kennedy - nedy , allelant ) , Sioux district , aOrmed ; State of 1011 against Andrew , Beal , uppel- laimt Iowa district , alrmed ; John It. Herring - I , ring agailst time Estate of HOllhl1 A. herring , dece.1sed , a 11 the First MethoclEt Episcopal cimurchm Ippelnnts , Delaware district re- versed. lOW\ 1 : lltCIA''S JN' n'\INI U. Cllnrtt ( 'Iuh oC :111' City HUlluet llm\ I'rommmmiieimt CIUzl'n' , MASON CITY , la. , April 2.-Speclal ( Tele- gmammm.-Eyes ) 01 10wanH arc upon the domo- crts or 1nson City today. The Clggett cub ot this city Is celehratlng Jeferson day with an elaborate hmrogrammm. \ time prominent democrts , of tIme state were invited , ammO mlny arc In attemmdammce. Governor Boles ac- 'cpted the Invitaton to be present but sent 1 letter ot regrets today on account of the serious illness of his sister. Two hundred guests sat down to the most elaborate ban- luet ever spread In this city at com"any A armory tonight. I hall been elaborately decorated. The moUe or the cub was conspicuously - splcuo sly dlspla.el. "Flrsl Americans Then Democrats. " After the banquet came toasts and re- sllonses. J. E. E. Markley read letters from Presilent Clevelnnd , Vice President Stevenson - son , Chairman Harrity and many dis- tnguished democrats of the ( state. Captain A. I. Sorter , jr. . was toastmaster. "The President of the United Stntes" was responded to by Hon. John Chiggett , this city ; "Thomas Jefferson , Ills Idea of Gov- eminent , " b ) Hon. John A. 1)ummcombe Fort Dodge ; "The Oemocratc Party Its Pust Achle\emenl ! . " Judge 1 J. Wade lawn City ; "Our Law Makers the Motive Which Guided Their Work In the Past and What Must Govern Their Conduct In the Future " 110mm. A. It. hoOd , Clarion ; "The Democratc Party , its Mission and Duty 10 the People " ex-Governor horace Boles of Waterloo : "Oangers to Our Republic . " 'hat Must Be Done to Preserve It , " liomi. D. C. FJklns , Eagle Grove ; "The HawaIan Question . or the \'oman In Poltcs. " Iloim. J. J. IImyamm Algola ; "Tho Young Man und Dcmmmocracy . " C. H. E. Jioariimomamm . 110rshaltoln ; "SIm- plciy or Jefferson , " 11. i Mallory , Hlmp- ton ; "The ClggeU Club , " lion. J. II. Mc- Conlolue , this city. Special trains were run rrom every 1lrec- ton ( and over 600 strangers were In time city for the occasiomm lOne JIIUUIIhuorl , , 111 Ron BOONE , Ia. . April 2.-Speelnl ( Tele- gram-I ) Johnson , I miner , went home drunk last night. Not Indlnl his wie , he Isked hIs 15-year-old son , lIenr3' . where she sm'as. Time boy refused to tel , Ind started to run , when the dlunleen , man : ] ule.l JL revolver nnll shot ut hmimn the bal mailing nn ugly /esh wound In the hilI. Johnson was 1t'ested amid lodged In Jail , 01 time charge or atempted murder Today he claims to havl ; mme recolecton of the affair - fair , except thlt he shot to frighten thc boy und did not lit end to hurt him. itmmti- ' ice Crloldo sit Bol. 1'/1111 / CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia , . April 2.-Simccimui ( Teiegmammm-1'ery ) saloan In hello Plnlne hl8 heel cloceil aim u result or n re\I'al meelnl being held there , mind n Civic J ed- ertcn , smith \ largo : mnemmmbership his IJeen fOlmll1 for the PUlllose ot enforcing the immoral law and lalools : wil not he allowed to oimeml lgnin , A crumi'mido will he commenced - menced against the whisky s"lnl Ilnll s'orrmm , und all huslness will lie hereafter Rusilellell ] on Slllu ) ' . 'Chero Iave been 500 con'eridna. lelrlyO : convel : Hul. ( IUlhll& lt Curull , ! CORNING la . April 2.-Specliml ( Tele- grummm.-The' ) general store of Scot & Ulg- Hal or this city was : entere 1 hy burglars last e\enlnl anll \ lot of clothing Ill.1 gemmtm * ' furnishing Hoods tnk l. An atempt Wl\ also mmtdo 10 emBer the shelmun clothln imoummee ' 1he bUlglnl hall begummu to cult out n pane ot the reur door whel they were evl- ' ( nigimtemmeii . 'lime oliicems timimmlc II'nt frlghlelPII away 'Jhe olcers Ihlll ( ) they have I clue. 11"11"\1 .t " c ' try 1'111. ( 'IIIAit nAIIDS. 1mm. , April 2.-Speclul ( 'Peegmmtnmm.-l ) ( edge A. Frank , smommem'al I merchant - chant sit'c'mmtr' . has fmiileil . smiths ilablil- ties of $12,000 , and assets . or $ ,00. - - - - 'urk " t Thll""M ; umt'eulmur nlpl" . CEDAR RAPIDS , In . April 2.-(8peclnl ( Teiegmnnm.-Whmiiu ) the prospector or the Cellar Rapids Furniture com plny was It EMINENT TESIIMONI1 itegindumm tIme Nuw litcou'nry ( or Cmmrliig i)3'speuIiui ( mmiii i , uiIIg.'stlumm , Dr. Ilartzman , who has made many tests of time mmcmv ehyspepsia cure , is very enthuslas- tie iii hit Imnmmise of thus excehlemmt prelmara. ( ion , It is nit a secret imatent mactheme , but Is comohmosed of pure Imepsln , bisnmuhm ( , fruit salts and vegetable essences , made into pleasant tastimmg tablets or lozenges and told by druggits at SOc iser package , under time mmamae of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. ir , Ilartznmafl states that Stuart's Dys- pelmsia Tablets cure dyspepsia amid weak stommiacims , because they vossess tue peculiar power of digesting whatever whmolesomnc food is taken Into time stomach. They do not act on time bowels like catimartict , but act entirely elm tIme food , digesting it. tborouglmly and quickly , giying the stomach a cimammcc to rout and recover its natural strength , which it invariably will do after a course of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. If your druggist imaan't thmemmm lou stock ask him to order a somalI quammtlty fromn lilt wholesaler , Cireulars and testinmonlals semmt free by addressing Stuart Co. , Marsimall , Mich. - - - dinner today mu thief entered tIme store , broke into time safe mud stole $170 iii emlhm nmmtl checks. I.mute lust ought m'oblmer mnmmsIil In time big Imlate glass mvinlow , ot time jewelry store of 0 , K. ? miarns'ek , amid stole elem'elm watches anti other Jewelry , ! 'mltim .tmmrlcr ( misc mit lIes Molmiri , 1)tS MOiNiS , April 2.-SIieClill ( Tele grntii.-In ) tlue ; iohlce cOurt this umormihmig tue case agnimmat Mrs. 1iIemm Seoville 1.elci'er , clmnm'getl vIthm commmlietty in time smmumrdcr of Michael Smmmith , for wimiclu Mrs. liettY $ mmiithm 1mm mmow svrvImmg mm life 5c'mmtOmmCC , was mlis- immissed , on mimotiomi of time iirosectititm , time matter will mmcmv be takemi before tIme grammd jtmry , as vli1 also tIme case of Cccii Stmmith emi wlmose eonfesiomm nmmd alleged letters a Imeracif mimmil AIm's. i.emlemcr to Mm's , Smmmhthm time arrests ivere imma'le. ' 'rime Oismmmissmul of tIme casio lOuiuy : Wmms lmmem'eI ) ' fornmmmh , nail mvlhl not uffeet time final remitmlt , llc'Iligtnn's ( no SIOUX CITY , AudI 2.Simeehtl ( Tt'le" grammi.-'l'ime eases agnimmat ex.CuumiltY Tiei'ii titer ' 1' . F' . llevingtoim , cimmurgeul with tIc- frmtumiliimgVootllnmmy eomimmty of large summit of mmiomiey ulumri mm g his ( cmiii of ohtict ? b5' im 'I- ' dutig m'Itmmesiu fee ( milk mmmiii iuroctmniumg time im I kmmvmm mmcc of nlk'gt'el sum iimiouis bills lot' e'tm'mu cem'ic'c , emummmc' mmii imm time district cotirt lmt're today. hio'immgttmmm cli'mmmuimmtlt'il that I ) , . be given ( lie cmmtirt' u'mimel : of lietit Jurors to draw his Jimmy fmolmm , mmmiii as tm'Cl'c' of the iiiulmCl wem'u' out on mituothmu'r ruse a cammtimm- tmnimee m'mus hlmmimlly gm'mumittd mmmmtll tommmonm'ow. 'hmot ii is ( : ummium miii , , , , CltiSTON , lit , Almrll 2-iSpecial Tcle- gmamn.-'roun ) hlohmmics , a youmng boy , luimiceil mm 22.calllmer revolvei' near time mmluhomiiemm of 0 1 is limit ( cmi , Ii is CoimmImit umiomi , a mmii ii red. himittomu's Iecom'cry is mlotmbtfuml. llolmmmes says lie uhithii't know it m'ns lomucled , Joimmm Gmt'gory of ( rec'imllelul , mm huorm'e thief , was semmtemmcecl to five years mit immmrul iruhor , 1mm tlme ilemuitemmtiarY at Fort Mnuilsomm. lie lifts served sentt'mmcemt on severul oecusiomms. : - DIED IN THE WILDEItNESS. Simort lii Ills dtectmmmmtu , , , 1rrit Itnoul Ruums Away , but I Ivertakt'mm by lt'nuii. For a smmmmmmber of years Fred B. hood no- sumlod imm this ciiy , working for time Cmmlahmy : l'acklmmg comempammy at Soumtim Omimaha imi time capacity of a bookkeeper , stenogmmmpmor ) amid oxumert accoummtammt , Sommmetimimmih mmmore timami two years ago hue acquired time drink habit amiui as a result lie lost lilt position. lIe no- mmmaimmeul 1mm Ommiahma a few mmmommtlms ammO tlmemm do- Parteh for time west , first goimmg to limitte , Mommt , , whore lie remmmnimmed sommmo immoimtims , after w'hmicim lie drifted out to time l'mmgct sotimmd eoummtmy. 1mm Oregon lie m'orhccd for ( lie hlapgeod Cammmuimmg commmpamuy for several mmmonthms almul last August lie went to Actomia , enterimug time eimmlmloy of a salmimon cmmmmn.mmg ! commhman3'vimere : lie rommiaimmeil umitil the early part of lecemmmber , whemm Imo sumdelemmly departed - parted , mmayimmg that lie was going to Waterford - ford , a few nmihes distaimt. After his do- Imartuiro it. was discovered timat. lie was short 1mm lilt accoummuts. A search Ion hula where- muboumts was immatlo , but imo trace of time malts- ing nmmumi could ho obtaumied. Yesterday Time lice received a tehegmanm frommm Astom'ia , stating ( lint Mommmlay mmlgiit time body of flood was foumnd anti ( lint It was stammdlmmg upright , heanimug agaInst a tree , him Beaver creek. Time remmiaimms were badly decommmpoeed , shmowlmig timmut time mmmamm hind diumml several weeks ago. Time Ideumtiilcatiomi was complete anti as there were mme mmmarks of 'u'ioiemmce to be discovered it Is smmppesed timat thmo mmman ulied frommm cold amml , exhaustion. itood's slmortmtge with time commmuammy for which lie haul worked aumotmmmted to emily a few lmummdrel dohiars , btmt it ms'as moore timan ime commhd hay. lie miami mmbommt 30 years of ago amid married , imis wife residimig sommmewhmcre iii time \vest. dtdmimmi aim jim , , I.am' of tgemmey The lecture roonm of time Young Memm'a Christian nssociatiomm was ihilt'l last evemming with law studemits amd mmttonmmeys , to hear Ismumtc Adams deliver lila Iectmmre uuon "l'ime Jamv of Agency. " Mr. Aulimmmms dealt witim him mcumbJect in ami entertaimming immanner , 1mm- temu'persimig hut discotmrue : with CCptoui4 illus- ( rations to bring out clearly the polmmts lie mmmdc , "Time average populatiomi of tIme New Yotk Life buildlmmg , " said hue , "is 600. This mmunmber of busumies p001)10 1mm macic up of mmttormmeys , brokers , insurance men and the like , They sure all exiumples of ngents. Time bmmlluiimmg itself - self Is manageui by agentmi acting for a cor- poration. All corporations do their bumsiness tumrough agents. Time government of the Ummited States is managed by agents. I give these iihustrmmtiomms to muhmomv tlmmmt tlmis law of agency Imeryades every department of life. "An agent is ammy person who in a mnatter of buslmuoss or 1mm time admimimmistration of af- fatra acts 1mm belmmthf of another person. So long as one acts on his own account he is not an agent , but tIme moment lie takes on a representutivo chmnm'mmcter and acts for imnothmer he beconmes an agent , " 'rho vanlous sumlahivisionc of the subject were enlarged upon , amid tIme relations of a imL'incilal to his agents pointed omit. Oppor- tuimity ( or mucking questions was givemm. Quaker OATS ' I A thing well begun is ' . half done. " The best half : _ of breakfast is Quaker 't Oats. Delicious ! Cheap ! ' - Sold only Its lb. Packages. Wheii Buying Fruit Trees , Buy the best. A minute lost can never be recdvereul , and it's a calmunnity to hmise several years , which so many lawn amid Nsbm'uuilsmt people have domme wimen ( lucy imave lmommgimt foreign grown , unmiechimnated fruit trees. MENEItAY IIItOTIIE11S , TilE CRESCENT NUIISE1tY. S'ere burn arm time lamuds where their nurse. my stock is gmown , and yeats of h'atient , iiitehigemmt expeilmnemmt have tmuugimt ( beam thu bebt varietIes ( or thuS c'hlrmmate , Coimsc'queflthy their home ( ioiVmm stock is mis Imanly us the forest trees. They hmuve a very large stock for time mciirimig delivery anui evemy tree is wamrmmnteml true to flume. Orchard , Vimmyard , I.awii , l'auking Trees amid Ornamental stock Make no miiluitake 1mm your orders , Scud us your list of wimmits for prices. We can lilease you in lirices mmml stock. Iteferences : Cummlmcil liluiTmi hunks , Council Iliults Departnmexmt Omnnhmmm Ilee , mind prominent bmmsimmess mcml , Nurseries six miles north of Council BIlls. P. 0. Address , MIINERAY 111105 , , Crescent , Iowa , - Beantynild Purity Go hand in hami. , _ ' 1'I1c } ' arc the fotlIRla- ' tion of health and ' ' . . happiness. , Health , because of ' pure blood ; - happiness , tCciU1SC of clear skill. 'l'hOtlSfllldS of useful lives have been einb'utterctl Ii > ' distressing htllllOrS. Cu'rlctiRt Risoi.vii' Is tlic greatest of skin jtlrifiers As vcll as blood purifiers. ] lccatisc of its pcctilcir action on the pores , It is SIICCCSSI11I ill preventing : h3tl Curing all forimis of Skin , SCfl11) , ahiti Blood humors , \'hicn the best plmysicinims fail , Etitiiely vegetable , safe , niuL pata- table , It C5lCCiahly flumilcals to mothers and children , 1lCCflttSt it acts so gently , yet cfcc. ( tively . Upon tttc skiit and blooti , as weil as the Liver , kidneys , and bowels , Its use at all tunes IliStIres a clear skin ahiti pure bloou , As vclI as sound bodily health. Sohi evemywiieme I'tiee , $ m , Po'rnms fltt'ti ASmD Litaum , Csu' . , Smile imps , flooou. ' 6 Itow to Cuue 51,1mm amid liked humors , " free. I Pacisi Itlemaltimet , fahing balm sni simmi. ph e baby i'memented b2' Cmmictmra Soap , Nervous Initantly sehievetl by a Cutl. cmmriu l'Itster , , becauie 'it , hal. Pahus Xhlid izcs the nerve forces , and hence cures mmemvoms psins , wcahmncu , Weakness and numbness. GIWIPANOLE , M1 D The Good Samaritan , 20 Years' ' Experience. IIEAIE1t Ol' I)1SEASES Ot ° MEN ANSI % 'OMEN. I'hIOl'IthiiTOht 01 ? 'OIt1.I5'm4 II lhiItdt 1. ilSi'1I't- SAltY OF M LIICIN1I , 4 % h&m ,1 . , ? ' \ / , ' I , * t ' ' ' 'us cktJJ&ki & I treat the following Dscases : Catamrlm of time lleal , 'I'tmroat miil Lummmgs' flit. eases of thu Eye amid 119r , File cmiii Apop'exy ' , llemmmt hlseaao , Liver Commmplmmummt , Kimimmoy Coin- I' phmuimmt , NcrvOuul4 DeIlli ( ' , hlIcmt&Ll DC- prernioii. I.omtms of Mmtsclsood f3ciss- Imsal SVestkmleHs , liuibu'tes ) , ilrigumt's liii- ease , St. Vltums' hmuimcc , htlmeummmmmtlsni. l'nralyicls , Whmmto SwolIimmc , Scrorumimi , Fever Simice , Tuus- ores SISSIL Flpstushzs hi 055(5 * 'tiIIIOS'Cd " 'Ilsout time kssifc or ( trs'v'hllg a drop ot'blood. Votstnn with Her dchtcntc orgnuei reustoreti to IsettItis. Itrbpuy cured without tL3)llllf , $ PecIal .tttCsltiOul gh'esa tes 1r5'iLtt nssil 'tsirtmsI HiMimsatieM mmmiv Vcstcm'cnl 1)Ici114c I euuumnot cure 'SVitIsist Mercury. Tmtpe SVorimms removeit 1mm twocmt' iimroo imourit , ormmo pay. llcwarrhoids or l'iica cured. TIIOSII W'IiO IItII AFFI.ICTJtO Will save lifo ttmmui imummdteds of dollars by call. lug on or imsiimg DR. 0. W. PANCLE'S HERBAL MEDICINES. Time emily i'1m3'sIeliimi wIn , cmos Cell whimutailt ft lersnmu witIuommluiaklimg mu question , 'rlmae ut ii dIatmiumee icemud ( or ( imcmctIo blmuimk , No. 1 for mmmcmi , Nc , . 2 for imoimmosm. A ii corrcspommulcnco atnietly coimlhdontlal , ledicimmo setmt by express. Address nil lottert to ( ; . v. ) 'ANGI.E , SIN. D. , 555 BROADWAY. Coucmi. BLUPF $ . neioto lOu in stammmims for reply. OEO. P. SANFORD , A. W. RIKMAN , President. 'asbier , First National Bank ' of COUNCIL. BLUFF3 , Iowa. Capital , - - sioooot : Profits , . - - 12,000 On , of time oldest banks In time .tate of Iowa. We .oltcit your butmnes , anl , collection. . W. 1ny 1. per cent on time deposits. We will b. pleased to see atmil ierv. you. MEss1onE & CLEM1NT , BROKERS GRAiN , PROVISIJNB ( , STOCKS , 5o3 Broadway , Graimi liammulleil lii cmr ioaiilotmi , Tel , 203 , COuNCIl , IiLIJFFS , IOWA. , lil' Z TIAINflPIIWP itttoruioys-it-Lmmiw oilmeJ U uamtuumuimu U1 l'rmeuitico iii thin Stmmto mmmiii ledeimtl Commm't , 1oiimm'i { :101-7-8-i : , Sumugar hilucic , Iummmt'mi iIiull' , iowa , SpcciaINo1os-GounciI llIuff ( 'mllMNllYS (11.IOANEI ) ; VAUO.'rhi Ci.flANED. 1)1 hlmmgkt' , mit 'm % ' , 14. ilomoer's , 1.31 lmroailway , CiNiiit $ FCi ( SAl.m , 200 S'AGOI'LOADh3 10. lmUildt' , ut homer's , 535 Ilmoaduvimy , FOR itlN'r , liOUSli , NO , G23 JSttOAlVAY , whim sevemi ro'imne ; also four roommis adjoimmiimg at 621 ltmoiudwimy ; gunul chiieflCo fur either private fammmiiy , Ijoamhlmmg imoubu or icetimurant , E , W. Jiucidmiomi , 1.01ff ; MY mhitOV'N , ANI ) WIIITII 1'OINTEIi dog 1)umke ; limit collar with mimy nimmime utmimnpeil 0mm. Ilbemmmi r"wam'i if returned to b2'J 24 avenue. C. 15. ii.C'umnipl.eii. 1.ANI ) I'OIt LIAiiS ; ; NO itiONT ; ABOUT 20 armes of new iami'l ; will ment free to i'artes ( who will ( mum in thu tutu , ' . seimwnm or issm , 'piy t Leonumrui iverett , Cuummcil , Bluffs , In. FOIL 11ENT , ICIVII.ISOOM cO'rrAaFi ON l'ierce trect , bc'tweetm Park and ( Bemi tvenueg , v. Ileebe , Foit ltlN'I' , A (1001) 110(355 ( AND STA1ILU is'mii 20 mucret at garmierm land , 3 imulhemi ( cool the city limits. For rent ( or $7P ) I'er niommtii. Aml'ly ti , Leonarut Everett , l'eaml street , Coon- cii lmlutfui. , FOR ItENT. A. (1001) 110(1511 , HTAlill1 AND 41) mmcl u's of lanil , 3 miles froia ( iii , cli I limits , For ment ( or * 12.0) ner rmmonth , Apply to Letmi w,1 Everett , Councii liluffil , Ia , I3AILY OHmSEFD POTATOIS. , ; -Guaraiiteed Nortlierii Grown- . Council Bluffs and Vicinity Imported Thousands of Dollars Worth of' Potatoes During the Past Season. Buy Good Seed and We Wi ] . Export Instead of import , Write for prices or call on DUQUJ.YTTE & CO. , 2 1 1. and 2 1. 3 Broadway , Council Bluffs Ia ,