- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . . . r t : : : , ' " I J > " J' . " 'I , _ _ _ _ > 2 . l.'IIID OJ\AITA DAIJ..Y "u . , _ BH1D , _ : 'VBDNBSOA Y. A PH IT. . :1. : ' 1 Rmi. - UNEARTHING [ : TIlE SCA1)M1 ) Youth Arrested for Writing E'currilom Letters to Prominent People. hAS BEEN GOING UN FOR fOUR YEARS - " . - Count Von 10170 " 'n nl ( ) ln Thlo tller ! . \rrd fur I'II ! this , \lthlr or the I.eten hil % Via ' \C"111l II 01 Ilk Trial. ATOA . I'risli April 2-A youth who . .1'a8 about 10 join Ihl army has been nrrestet here on the charge at helng ) the author ot I , lie series ot atioirnous compromising let. 1101)mous I ters adlresse" to \'arlou : mllbcrs ot the hnllerlal C3mly , lurlnK rcc2nl ears , The I arrest ot this young mal , brlng3 , to rnInJ . : , the Von lot1o .scariilal which turlshel , P08' sill for thousanh ot tongues. Count \on Kolzo was the royal court chanberlatIi and the 8callial In \ hlch ho was the Ilrlwlpal ! figure shook lerln society to ls tOUI"II- tlon. Is arrest In June IS I , was tile re- stilt at four ) .trs ot IHlce litve.tgatloti. ) Jrlng that Ilerioll ( memheu or ( lie hlghesl Gorman arlslocracyI'erp II recelill or anon- ymous leler mil Ilostal car < 3. making vie Ileuonal accnsatons agalnsl Ihrl. their rel- atives or Crlends. In a number ot cnses Irreparable - . reparable wrong was 10no , : Some or the reclplcnl or the "htderonR f rnlsIveB IllacNI ) thlm II the hnnls , oC the po- lice . nn(1 IR a reuit Count Von Kotze was arreste' ' le Protested his lhhthOeefleo. al. though Ihe lroC , against him WIS scellngl ) oVorwhoitIhIhlg. , \ler his arrest It was tholhl that Ihl era or scandalous anonymous - mous letters hall ien brought 10 a close. I was not. liowuver. and letters making nil sorts ot outrageous : charges contnlell to h t ) ( ( received IH hetore. These last lenlolcll lelterl'were In the saute handwrlll ! as the prevIous ) ole . and Clllther 11'llrlls resulted II VOI lCotze'H hloeelce % hlllg Iraly es- tahl8hCI. ( 1111 01 : lnleh 10 last he was ac- quitted or nil the charges hy a military trtliunil _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mil. ( ar.AliToNI ; ' . l'UL1'SIII'II. : : ne.lnrls Iln I I 1.nI , ' Wil I I I "CIII Ic'lt t lie :1m : I II IisIIe S"nkll . I.INCOI.N , EI/IlJ. : April 2Mr. an ] Irs. Gladstone . who have heel on a \'hlt to their sOI-ln-la\ Hev. Edwart \Vicksham . for Rome days Ilnsl. drove to Iho railway station today In al open carriage In spite oC the cold alt rain 01 their way 10 Ilawardon. Mrs Oallslole ( was 11reented with a bouquet on behalf or the local Women's 1.lb- oral association alll with al addre3s alluding II eulogistic terms to her devotion nld help- ! tulnes to her h4sbald. Replying to the all- dress Mrs. Gladstone sl1 that they . oWed her nolhlng. but nil 10 her husball . Mr. Gladstone . when his wire lied finished speaking. fal I speakll that lie must ad II ' ! his thanks to those oC lrs. Giahtonc . although ho Was Ilslnclnell 10 interfere with her remarlls. "The fact ls . " 11 said ladles are : now taking much to public speech anti IC : they persevere and beep steadily at I they wilt beat the mon. " , Ci1A'ItGIG : : h.ANI ) WITI :1 H.II : . Fralce Ilu,1Y , ( rlll - 11.lnll for Ihe 111- : I&O tl Olt Ir Ic'r 'rral ; llrl" ) ) . PAHIS , Apri 2.-As an indication ot Ihe strained relations between England and I Frahice . the laln and other newspallcrs 1 : persist In insInuating thaI the collision ou t MllCh 30 off Mcsshia . In the IslJnd of Sicily . between two British steamers the Alvah sin ; - , t the .l3rlftjchuru. } , h\f \ ) tter chartered by Ihp ' oel\cb \ gove lnlnt' as , a lrnsort to talle : , . trpolls and munitions ot war 10 the Island of , Madgtcar. was , . due to England's malIce , mdat' ' L3.'flISIL : onpWo ot such ctian Hhouli . . bit lrouhto ac. ount. Tim . acton , as. cabled tile ' Assoclatct Jlres. ; ' at the time. wtr . wili I and the 13riiilburn . \I'hlcl ' Brlllilurn.I'hlcl } \oS (1 ) her wa ) ' . .ro'm ) 1'0110n to the Islalid ori1e gascr whh French troops anti ijiunitions munitons ot war 01 board 1 : was slrlously damaged . but succeeded In lulllg the harbor of Messina. . I I t J'AN' , TEJ5LS - AIJ TOO ST1ttNGENJ. . Hhc Is itSiItij Tois Mitch of 31cr ' Aslln/ 01 luch ] cr COICllcl'll . . "oe a ' thin 11.1,0 of 1'ze. ST. PFTERSBUItG April 2.-A telegram received here train a Chinese source says thaI the bad weather , the slelmess among the . Japanese troops and the overflow of the rivers have rendered a contllunec ot the : y ! ' war eXlremely dlfficuit. I Is added that this produced a favorable erect upon the I ' peace negotiatIons . but the hopes for a , speed conclusion of iace are weakened h I ) ) ' ' . thin Japanese demand for a cerslol or a part ! of Manchuria a war Indemnity o 700,000.000 I : . yen ald lJeldlng full Ilaymell of thin Indenid : . nly ( hunt 1ellng bo occupied by tim Jaale e , 1 troops. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . " 'Jln" " 1 % guIlt ' 1wkH IlsI"rolc. . DEll.IN. Apri 2.-'lw text of Emperor . , WIllIahn'M dIspatch to 1rllco Bsmarck II i ' . 18 folows : 1 : . . "Your Serene IIhness : May I today . aM 01 Mnrch G. at the held of ) I Ipresenta- tive . . lve Ieluchm.'nt of my army . olce more mo\ . . , deeply mo\'cll , express the thank ) of my house nnd the 1) thunlll of the Germal nation ; - for nil you have done unit your laton bClcleclt labor for the fatherlumni . GOII bless and , ; L . render . hlllP ) ' tbe c\'ellnJ pt the lIfe of the 4. mal who will ever remain the pride or tlii ) Germnn peOIle. YoUi gratefully . " \ , , " In receIving the prefilent \YUII II" - . tag , last evening. ! Ihl' emperor rcotell him ; ' vltii the most fliendly eortrteny. and I wih tlen ! ! Io"rl' ) Inll cx- pressed the wh.h that l'nrllument . under ' larllmelt. . his direction . mlHht work vlnniy anll un"I'- w. netlul ! . 'ho receptIon only lasted a few : moments. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( :1111,1 ) * I..IU J. I I 1ft & llt I 1lltllll. t : 0'1"1.\ " 'A. 011. AIII -At the last ses- .c don uf I'arllacnettt the Ilon Purlamlnt customs dlty 01 L books Wil chllJed ) ( rUn ) I : per cent all I ' . \ 'isiotClU lu G CltS I puUtid . with UI 111- 4 l. 101111 12l \ Ilel' cent 01 reprints of I tiltInl I BIIlh _ _ c003'ElOItetl t'oriu4. , \ ! : ; elatine s'as ttttuelinil ' . , - ! wal \aUM IllICh'II. ; . d- . 1011'\1'1' , Illvllll ) ) that /I : lalIh 7 , 1S . . : 16 : thll Idlltonll duty of I2l. ! " Il'l' cent on I'e- . - prlntH ; of COII'lnhl'll ' wnll , thould cease 10 c. 11 colec\ " . fO that the law tOlllY Is ' . cllllel ) to this exll'lt. anti the protectiot : Irorllr,1 ( , to ( HrltHh lulhllS or prtecton I I . . works hits eened . ' ' . . 111 I'elfed. 'JhIM duty haH he..n ) 1 t dublols IOU' ' " ) oC Ilcome I to I the I on t lint ! U en I . . . : . : but Its wlhllmwal wi douhths eontrlhute . to the < ontl\'ol'J ) ' 10W going 01 In gnHllnl1 ) I over the subject of Coit.itla'n right 10 control - t.rolthis clubs or lell llton. Ilih ' laHfnr Jllol nu , 11.1 ' , lO 111"1' . ' . ItU1NOS YlmS , April 2.A te.lorl I : - judge las ordered : the Sal.l . government to I deliver Jabe Spcnc I' lalfol' . wh080 eAtrn- dlton thl 1llteh 10\elllcnt ties hel'l try : log to obtain. to the British ingatlon II liii S Iatol thll : el ) ' . I telegram from Aata announce 14 t that the court wIll turn 1111UI' c.iver to , . ; the tellHl1 authorIties tomorrow. A quleld thiI'CatH tin trnssUilo he1'1 18 \1'1 4 taken to LOlIun , to I nl\I'CI' the t charge - 4 , against hll In cl'nnlCIOI vith the eQlhiini eat wih at the I.tberatol' % % cloll ii LtberatciUuliIiig 111clll society UIII nilel , cOtt'eEfls. the ( tlIlUt'tl of which ruined thou . Inull ot Ilel'soUI who hall hlestell hid t : d"- . 11 In the dIfferent coitceins. At t the th'H ! of his lJht ( ruin I\nlhmd Balfour won . a wal ? inetottet' ot 1)lrlalont , , - - - - ' - . ( COIJ1'N . .11.VJ TI-R H' IIU11 1. I .t. . I CERTIFICATE. : . .z . . \IUtlpatng ( the night at the Subscriber to larllillite In THE . OMAHA BEE'S I FQEE BOOK DISTRIBUTION WEDNl5DA ; , Ar-l a. , . . Olm fEHTWIATI' : , with five t conll ; tu cuter 110111lulln / ; and clerical exIeJlsS. ' ! ntte the subacri- : lulstrl- , . heeled bei- to tlOI one \olulo ' (1lll'r ( catniogue over ) . I' catnlllue the Omaha flo Vre.l3or'hc - I 1 tloht . Rend coin : no 1111118. , AUDlt'SS Dl6trlhl- ) : Ptblhtler The Olnll nee , I"Hm JJOOK C lAn''AmN' ' I Omnll * , Neb. & . _ _ - . . . . ' - : : r 11c.un' TU .UI'I'Il' n.'WIJ IJ CMSl. Iqllnlio : I'lro 1181rRneo , Cumln AWRIS Ihootnn or th" , UomiuiIslonrm . NI\ : YOl K. April 2.-Tho directors or the 1''ulahle : Iulual Fire Insurance cor- ) oraton met today. The meeting lasted O\'lr three hours and was helll hehlll closet , doors Preshlmt : . IC Knox was In the chair. antI ! dlrcclors present were : C. C. Shaune , Hobtrl ( lair . G. W. Bnle ) ' . John \luhlord . S. Ii. I Dohbln , liugit S. Mclougall . Elliott I. . Butler . James S. Sllnner. McDougll. . I. Valton . J.S' . Elsolt and Alexander E. Bacon. At the Ionellslon ot the meeting two resolutions . whIch the directors hl" alopll , . were distributed to the mnhers ? or tIme Ilresp 'ho nut resolution read : Heolvel. Phat Mr A. real . Alting . ex 1lmoel ft lie ronlan ' . he InslrnNe,1 to roofer wlh the sllperintentlent or insumamlee lw > rllllllent In3ulnle all infom itt thaI olllnl thnl it 1M the ermine I I1'nse of the hOII'11 ) or directors of the EquItable : ' J'clulahll Mutual Fire Insurnnl' corporation ' that the eOtIJI ) ' await the ulecislumi twit report Ilellslol Inlt fl'OI th u. HUllerlnten.1111 . or II I ' uralle rPfort , ah"le ) thlr"h ) amid Imt It wi 111Ie gRill ' tiny Ienelenc Iii I' cash h or the tOllmn ) ' i licieney. f In his JucglmCit there he any tIe- The second resolution . for which all the uhircctors follows : save : Ir. Shlune voted reads lS Hlsol'II , Tlml this hoarll reafllrm Ite conJllencl In I : : tr. 3. H. 1 5k I a tier 111 hereby ls .prCSRes to him their thanks for th. . nil. clt'nl way 11 whlph h" hl ' ( olllucled the ulcellltng or Ihe I ( omlll y. ,1'1'1-'J.nxl IJIJ' > ] lI , Ji1'f. g"Irrt111'0 : Rim 11111110" : or thu Hom- , 'ch' IIJ."tu I , ' Ilto I t . \l ha . \,1"1111. I I N W YORK Apri : -W. H. P.iric M. I ) . , , t assIstant Ilreclor ot the hospital blcterlo- : . 10plcal laharalor or the Board ot Hlalh ot : this city , has gIven ont the following slate. meats as 10 the death of Bertha :1 Valentne i of Brooklyn , which was supposed at first 10 I halo been caused hy un InjectIon or amiti . loxlne : " 11 view or the 8ullel dealh which I rccenty occurred In Brooklyn after ( lie ad - Ilnlstralon of Behrlng's amitt.toxine. I al- tailell from Mtssrs Schnlzeberg amid Koechel , the American ugenls for the remedy 110 I vIals or the nnti.toxino rrom the sale lot I as that which was ' . . eml\lo'ell by 1)r. Kort- right II the case aludell to. I IUle sub- . , mited holh ) vials 10 Ihorough tests by In- Joctn ! excessive doses Inlo ulnea II s and rabid t S wihout I prorl lid Ii g In I time an I tmuuis any deleterious effects whalever. SIlclnens ] anllu front bet h vials were also suhmlted to haclerlo- logical tests and were tound 10 be absolutely trce trol lIving germs of any kind. " 'hese results . taken together with the tact t that the New York . Nel City hoard of llcalh las elploYIt the sale Ilnl ot atith- tex ine In a considerable number of cases wi tit emily the best or results . leads mo 10 ox the eXIJrlSS opinion that the untorlunale re- suls which followed I ! Idmlnlslratol In the case referred to clnnot he attributed In an y way to the anl-Ioxlne which was etat piO ' Cdl . " ) _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ IlUI,111S0 MUCh 1'0.11.\0 J.ISJ ) < 'lllnI11 : llkllJ II envy Iln.llel'tll ! Ilt lAne tl m hut 1Inl , ' . ClIEYENNl . April -Slleclal ( Tele- gr ammi.-Tiiero ) Is every indication that a lumber - ber or large Irrlgalon entelprlsel wi be starled W'omlng durllg thl coming sum- mo or. Capitalists appear 10 be rend ' Capltalsls ready 10 ad- vance nionoy 10 conslruct IrrIgatng worlls Inler the urovlslonl or the law passed by the last 'late lelslature ncceplng the 1,000- OOO-acre donaton trom the government. St ate nglneer lead wan sututnotted StOm : to Omaha by telegraph today to summonel tithi olcers of the Shoshone I.anll consul , wlh Irrlaton co itiiat ) ) } ' . or which Colonel W. 1'- . Cody ! ( Duf- falo Bi ) Is at Ihe heall. In reference to the constructIon of large irrigation works on the Shoshone river In the lug Her basin II the tie rthermi part o'yomlug. ! . ' ' Time cOlcpalY was recently organize" with wih a capital stock of 2000000. Application was tuatlo to the state lade land board for lant boarl a per- mil to construct the irrigation works and hu e hoard instructed Ir.lgalon 011 . Ile hoare Inslruced Italo engineer 10 cx- amino the plals and specifications tor time same ulid report , us soon as PraOticabe. The ) ir lgatioti ITlgnUon company has engaged a corps or ollneers 1Dd Englnoer ! eat said ! that lie iv ouiul ' woull probabl accompalY the SUT'e'ol's amid contraclors to the basll Ho said that thIs ' \IS the largest enterprise of the kind thaI has been utmdertakeit tn the uldertaken state for years. :1ead morrow. will arrive Iii Omaha 01 No. 8 to- m1'm . 'nylur Nlt In Ialttr : of Heinl I.ynclied CARROliLTON Mo. . April " 2.-SherIff 2.-Sherlf Slnnley today receIved tolny a teitgrtint from GOI'crnol'Y. . J. Stone tolsram lea.l : "Do Y 'OU "pPI'ellll mol vIolence agaInst the ' 'fa'lol's ful , " II Iny contngenc ) " ? 1 , ISO : . advIse Sheriff Stnnlev reimliefi ' : "Apprehenll reple'l no tr ' ouble now. \11 ad\'IHe fully Jater " 'rt opinion Is so strong now tha the ver- dlct wIt ! be for conviction that , tIme talk ( or that lob violence has Ilulete1 ! down. There Is no ) doubt imotvever that a ver hict of ac- II 'ullll lnnlerOli woull pich Inlame , tie pnblc , perhaps IC- MILAN . Mo. . . lll.AN. April 2.-Jn tle event the Jur ) returns a verdict ot guilty against time ' ' ! llt lSalnst 'l'aylors the people of thIs city Ind Lynn county will cIrculate a petition wi . which will petton. doubtess he slglel ! by every citizen In thIs v lciiiity , nsktrtg Govermmor ) citzen Vlclll vp aslllnj Goveror Stone to order n pnblc execnton or the 'fl'lors. and the Ileople reel eOlndent thaI the governor tviii grnt tl request. goveror wil \\'hen the court met after SUPP I' Prose , cnlnl Atore ) ' Hre"lwhln made the cto- - Inl /ecch of the trIal amid mare wenl to ; ant the jury at 9:30 . ) It : tonight. I Is not expected i 1 verdict wi b render"d before immornimig . A IlmOI' I'elehed here from time country . car led hy 1 messenger to one If tIme nttor. nl''S. that two Illbels of Ihe Jury atar- hal ) h fn hrlhed. ! 'fhe attorney who I'eceh'ell I ' thll h rumor nays It Is prhably hot far from 'the I I t trut It. e - - - 'I hlll , ! o ilm , ( hovi'rmmmmim'mmt , ttruk . II" O\'rlnllt Irok. Illh. 51' , LOUIS April 2.-ArchbIshop I.lln saId I In m rcgatd t the l'e/nle cuttIng down by conHre/ I of ' amproprintions for Catholic appropriatons Catholc Indlnn I s & 'hioohs : " 1 think the government has I I.rollen ( tiltim. Time ! ovelnmllt . ralh. ' Catholcs estnlIIshel In - clm Hehool , us did the Protestant delom- 1- Inaton" . II thl' I'c'ues ; ot the govctnmnetml . ta' govclnlell. which imro tim isi'ml to t malntall I the sChoolH It I r Ihl' I ch it m ( 'ties Illt I t t lie in. "Cllholles Illt ! I 101 schools Inll hall 10le t IIIIIIM ! Iln the othel' . hrcausl' 01' I'oille I IU 1'0 moore 10no ) ' for time Inttianu t itumi uliui time Illall Pmutestants . lmn 1111 Il0testnnts. Ot cottmse . the Cnlholc8 t i wer cmi ii I led tl Inlel COUI/I. nl1Ilr"llrl- ntln" . nod Ir the ) ' . sot i00,0iai amimi others i ) tiI ! $ l)0,0) ( ) . the lea/OI wnl $0,001 hl 1\1 roull , 11 1 11dm' . devotion to the wall Ic and their iiher . . . thel' Iber. 11) t _ - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ ' 1Iot"1 ' Ihl t I I u 'I , .hnoul I'urllel. LOnA [ N I' . 0. \ o. ' \llrl 2-The fires woo Hllrted u Ilst night 11 the bIg steel 11 or f the t Johlson COllmn ) nt this ilnee the eOlsl'Ultol of which was Ilelll . nine lunthl m ugo. 'l'hls wal11111' I hlt of Jim U bll rUlacC : whll.h Is to commvert imb from 1 1110 i le8scmer steel . A large crowd was In IleIHlunl'c. mJ m l I I timid ex.ongrslan ' 01 wnt I , . J ' olmmmnotm. the Johllon. Ilresilenl at the commulumimmy . aplIld i time motel , . 'I'he test was 'OIII\ SiiCCt'sM : f umi . ten Il/ of steel belm pourell ont IIClI' flo\ ! \ the t blast this ' . - 101'nlll. Thu mmmncitlmmem'y vIl i be let Iu 1lnee tilt 1001 11 Ilchll'I' , wi , iii the r mal\llr of time Illant Illt 10sRlhh' oller.llon. nlt I Illrmlc C''lpnl\ , \tlrl"l nit ' ' . SIOUX 1.\.1.1. R. D. I , April 2.-'I'hel' WitS n IUrlJrl81 In the circui court tOlla V when Atolne ) ' 1.ltl'rdl ' . rllrelOltnl hit ) I JOnc tllo Jlllnlf l'Olllan ) ' or the lilac k hum , noltell the 10UI.t that thin case or AII'ltol ) IKaln91 time i tumistentake t0intaml ' 110111tlll ( l'omIJI ; 5' WIM to ho ii is mu IssOul. , 'hll1t th" I tict 10 tm 11tlOl bruut"itt by Hall I W. Ahiomlumi of ChlmHo to m'kovcr $2U1O ) ( Alellun thl Homestulo I cohimluam ) ) ' for nit uhirgt'd Interest eOIan ni all'll'll In tim 0' I Ilolcltulte. igli lu nil ? ul lnll cOlllun . ) I hmnch or the I ' 1Ii rim . t rrrstnul r'r , I ii fa " lit lottie . . CH. ; WOlLS\'U.I.l . IoU " ' \11'1 2.-To- lay Flora IItuli . Mrs. Samuel Wool\'et' aim I \ Charles Y\'ol\'el. imr SOl , weru arreete ii for time lur.ler ot time Intlnt child of Miss HulL ' 'ho chUt lllaplleared chid la:1 "L'tteeda ) ' tutu last nhht ; COI I' Barcus anti Di : I.cech mldo I 111111ht search 11 Craw- ford's woods 'hu grAve ot the elmild WMI chid talmud co\ercd With leaves nt the toot cf a bluff. bluff.I. - . I. It I iumim emits fr Ioal I UI I.al l1 , S mm i " nor . CLI'gl.AND. . \'gl.AND. AprIl 2.-Contracts co\'er- lug nlouI 1,000.V0J ton ot ore br lake : trelght. 10 ho movell ( roam time he'll or ) I.alo Huperlol' . , to run sip to Novllbpr 1. were closed ) .tltcIIa ) ' lit EO eemts . UI tn I lutn nhout ) 1.0\ ) ) ton ot ore tn ho eimips ui ( mcmii the heuII of , hohllllell flom 111 Jake SuperIor hau : Jeln cov..rctl UII tie ; IIIXOI rate Is Cstauiiiuiiie iI , at i0 cents . wlmlcdt Is lime eSllhl i celtl. II ale UI was paIL last . ytlr. _ _ _ . _ _ _ Int ( or 'l'tiu 'frlnls 1'/:0" / " . . 'll.AN'rGa. . , . \Ilrl 2.JullNcwm:1 : ' of the t'ntcII Stile 'lstrlct court fet U me tll' hUI/lnl branch uf the Worle cotmsptu'ac ! ' ' IIIU 4psii. tur . \11'1 8 and the mlll'I' COlsPI'all'l ; - ' - - - . - - - - - - - SETTLED ) THEIR DIFFICULTY . Long Standing Dsputo letween Mexico ana ! GUtcmaln ett1ed. - REOCING : IN TiE CITY OF MEICO ( 00(111 N'H"I of thc Signing of time , \/ree- ICll Olv(1 nl-Ixael : T"rl Not Immtms'mm-Guatettmtila Wi1'110 - /17c amid Pay Unll"I . CIT' OP 1uIEXICO April 2.-Tho Guate- mnla boundary Iueslon II settiod. Presl- "pnt Daz imas tormaly signed with time Gualemalan minister the olcial ! document whleh prelollel the threalelcl , open rU11- tnro belweel LImo two countries ant con- I grlulatons are heard on alt skIes for the slantl lalIn hy the presimlemit I orolgl 11 _ Isler lscal BII others responsible II 1 lmo tul of dalPcr 10 Ihe ( utttiomi's sarel ) ' . The olcial Inrormalol or time Gualcmalan uiueation ' "lS gI'emt last night In time presl- dent's meMgo at time opening or the sevcn- leenth sessIon of time nalonal 'congress. I II underslooJ that Guatemala will soon tllder Mexico duo apology for time Insults offered this republic nll will pay full In- Ilelnlly for losses Inflicted uon Mexican lumher cnmp owners at \gua Asual. WASIINOTON , April 2.-I rom unofclal nth'lces reaching Washingtn time general terms or time agreEment by which war be- Iween lexlci and GU31emaia was avoided , are sUhHtanlal ) kmmown. Mexico's dcmands were In the forum ot nn'lltmatum sent by Secre- tory arlscal on Novembtr :7. embracing the following Ilolnls : I. Mexico asks aatlsfactton for Injuries : s3tsractlon re- ceh'e,1 , Iy the invasIon ot her territory and for time \'px3tons of which terrlory ant Mexicans tultng wood In tIme forests or Ages Azul. Egymo , San NIcholas and San Pedro amid the lexlcan reRldenls . of Ayul1 have been the ohject 2. Mexico , lema tHis a pecuniary Indemnl for the (1mages usbmineu1. ) 3. Mexico lemands Illlmnly for time ox- Ilensps or the moblzalon ot her troops In suitable places for publc securly on the front her. . . MexIco asks that time labors ot the boundary conmmlsshotm In accordance with the treaty ot 1882. b speedily cODcluded , said ! treaty not being open to discussion. ! It Is understood that $2,000.000 was time amount of the Indemnl ) ' Ilemafle,1 , by Mex- l eo. Also that she Insists on Oualemala's 11Jmlsslng her surveyor getmerni who has been takIng part In the houldar ) ' troubles. On January 20 Guatemala answered the t mittmmatunm. ( I was PaCIfIC In tone but ,111 not t con celie Mexico's right to a territory delgnatell In the ultmatm nor the right rlpht or a fixed cash Indemnity. The final nego- tlalons are n compromIse between tile 11t- matum und reilly. I Is believed that Mexico ! - Ice has agreed to arbitrate thin amount or cash 1\lemnl ) ' , Insleae of exaclng the .000.000 Ilst clahnel Senor Itonmero the Iexcan ) minister , has been Ilept advIsed of the mmegotiatiotms . hit nelhor he nor Senor Arriaga the Ouate- malan mlnlslcr tire yet In a position to make publIc the exact terms on whIch war was averled President Dlaz has announced Ihat the terms w0111 bo communlcaled 10 congress laler. The peace agreement Is re- gardell as of far reachIng Imprtanco to the Centrl American states which have expected - pected for time last six months to he plunged Into a bloody struggle. Time Mexican army and navy Ilayo been preparing for the con ) filet anti calculalons have been male as to where the troOllS would be lanled In Guale- mala. Time Mexican army numbers 34S13 ota ) a peace footing. with 16,000 avalLblo on a war footitmg. The Guatetnaiumi ' army numbers - bers 3.000 on 1 peace footing. The sette- ment how effected puts an end to activc t \\'ar Ilreparat.lons. aclle ,11'1. Or.l"r. ' ,1'OV1"Shlp. . . BUENOS . AYRES ; ' April 2.-1t1s 'nm'ord. that the Chiian government 'Is" placing nn m . order II Englan'l ' for I new Irolclad war ship of 6.00 ' - tons. . lU . 12.lIIiNIw. . ' Whie tIme characterizatons outside thnl of lephLto by John GrIEhiths al DO'd's last night could hardly be called superIor 10 those ssen before In this city Grlmths himself Invests tile part or 1Iphisto In "Paust" with wlh a strength that places him In slrenlth a high rank In his proCession. Although hE could hardly be said 10 represent the character In a dlstioc- t\'ely origInal itmanner throughout the phay trequenly he was tar uplrlor to other Illayers l seen In Ihe same character In Ihls c Ity. lie speaks his lines wih a spirIt es- peclaly of Rarcnl and humor that seem 10 nl In wIth the IdEa conveyed 10 the reader or the poem and which heretofore coes not seem to have been coomprehmended comprehendel by ether actors that have COIS 10 Otnaima The other members of tbe cOlllany were g oed . but were by no leans exceptiomial. Georjo D. I Bolter who took exceplonal. F I aust appeared to bo suIerlng trom a cold that Interterer with the remiditlon or his I relllioa l ines . Miss lealrlce Dauncourt lS MarT g mmerlte . only at tmel seemed 10 be able to raise her part above . ' . . ledlocrfy. W. C. Cun- Ilngham , as Vaictmtine . spclle the few limmea that he has In the IJlay as tvell . If 10t bet- t er . than his cotmmpanioims. Time singing was I very good. The scenery Ill not differ mima. t onally from that Iller la- telaly tror or various previous repre- sentatons seen here. . 19:11'I " ' "rrlc.Ih"ut IC. At the home or John Hogan . 120 Cask / , S treet . a mutual admiration society does I not t exist hogan Is the stell-ruther or two I y 0111 men , Wimo he claims. wIll nol work . , , a mid he hus been comnlueiieti to . \ supluom't them ' 18 t wel al hiM vife . tie got tired / of doln 'I this Ind quit tvork .1e . ! mom ! hl tlCI vi I I memna im ! ; wil hle i its long us the boys du. Hogan remull I I I haul hllor last mmtglmt . timid his wlro II thou ht best to have hll locked up . whmict I \ vita 1101)0. ) ) whici IFR.1 TII11tPO1tIJSSZ . . Ilcro met ii ! CIOIClnu8 Inll ( Joel or II Soul I- 11'1 Nsbrtka. WASJ1INU'I'ON , Allrl 2.Tle / ; forecast for \ Vetlnesulay Is : For Nohrlsla-Increaslng cloudiness : Iool r itt the southern Ilorton : vurlulll wlndM. For II\a amid Aiissouril"airvarmer ; . ex- edit In tIle extreme western porton : van- able tvlmmds . ior I South Dukola-I"alr : cooler ; tvesteriy winds . ! F'om' " Knmtsiun-I'artly 110111) ' : cooler II the weRtcr porlon : varlabl tvliais. 1,1" ' : I I icord. , OFlelc1 OF TiE \iI.'iItIt I3UItEAU 0M4\ its , . \ ) rHOnlhu record ot tel imnrmtttrn ; amid rainfall . Ilrature nld rlntal. clmpared with time wih l'orIISIILlllnJ duty at the lust tour years : iso : ; . 1891. ltaJ . 1S92. : ! axlnum tenitmaraturo . . f5 : G 1&3. 169. 7 \ lnllnl tempertulo , . . 30 . 35 43 as . \1 < ' 1111 temupr'rattlre..12 ( II ) 60 3 Irecllllltion . . . . . . . . . ( ' ,0 i ,0 G .0 ( ( ollton , or temperature Inll imreclPitmutlon ut Onlha for the day und Jreclllnlon , I ' .j : NIIIul tu'timimenittimrc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 J1'filenev fur time Ia ) . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 3 01111 jlreclplat1 . . . . . . . . . , OJ Inch ) ' tor the , . . . . . . . . . . . . lffhIllc ) or 'lay . . . . . ' . . .0 Ileh 'rQtal 111'elllltltol IIICO' March 1 . .1.11 IncItes Iellciency since March 1. . . . . 1.1lll'heH . . , lulHrU rrum Oth"r Stations At HI' . JI. % > ' . . . . . ; : ; ! ' ' STATIoNs. ' . a F "TAn or 8 , C t : i W t Tl1 II. : 3 LL ; : . . . . . = = - Ill - tnt - ' Clear. - Norh 11110. . . . . 6'1 n .00 t Pamtcloittiy. \.ul"nln" . . . . . . . 4H 14 .151 larttloll ) CIIIt''o : . . . . . . . . :1 : I : id .11 Clear . Si . I.O\I . . . . . . :1 :1 .01) ' Cloudy. Sm. I'mum. . . . . . . . . 40 10 . Oi ( CulLy. ta\'cnPrl. . , . . . . , Il 41 . .11 ClJr ) ' . 1'lh'U ' , CI ) . . . . . :4 rui .1)0 ) Cli ( . t.n\.ur. . . . . . . . . ' :01 I .00 I'mrIcleuidy. ( 'sit 1.41Cc City. . . . : ! .001'rleonLy. IH ' . I \11 l"llu " ' t1 , .00 ' . 1 lUtluid City Ciy" . . . . . , .in Gil : .Oim ( Irielolll ) ' . lielemii . . . . . . . . . . 4 Ii 41' ' ll ' IMtcloI . ) Cleutmarek. . . . . . . . . . GO 69 .iJum Cear. . . Sl Vlncanl . . , . . . .11 ! ( : j . .01 ) ) Ch'll. . Chc.uJuO. . . . . . . . .1 I 1,1 ! , .10 . I l'.i ri : ciomuty . MI , Coy , . . . . . . . Cl ll , .11 . ! ileam' : clolily. , Gal Y'htOlI. . . . . . . OIl ) 40 I , .1.CI'ar Iler , . - - . ' .Fl , llt-II of mimi. : I.'J \ I.I , Olsen'cr , - - - - ( 'n'hler 'J'lrolly 'fimnii lit iii I " i imo ru. ST. t'\UI. , April . 2.-A V.'inorma Mimmim , special to time 1110neer-Pres says ; Oeorg N. Scott , who for lour years has held the I ' - - - - ' ----'i : : 'hIl position cf ! . eishler ( at nCerlou h for time MissiSsiimpIdI.eglng company Is reporlC11 tG be S0.00 .kjrt. lie has been In the employ . ploy or the omlllny for fifteen ) 'lnrl anti the first or Iifl"month ! resigned , his position , nh'lng mis'mm , : rOI aim intentIon ot engaging In I real estaUqlJslnp s nt Denver. An expert ! ecounlalt" now e gnged on the books nnd the ; ( ' ] or time shortage Is unknown - ' known , ' 7qq ! In 'a position to know , how- ever , conrim"the , report .1 tlr . LCENSE $ ; , W \ ' AS A BIG \VINNER \ . , ,1 I" " ' . ( Chntnuet trom First Page , ) ' clerk. U1f4lines : : ; : nero entirety IKnorcll. Colonel JU : colel\n will be lie ( next immayor. STlJAll',4Fhe ) village eleclol resulell In the tolowlhF Ilenonl helng ! 1Clell : Bert Shearer , :1 W. Miller . James J. Slmerry . John P. lalphl chit harry Shonk. As before I II a high license hoarl\ StJTTo-At thme ehem'ilon SUTOAt Ihe municipal elolllon Will- ' Inm Griess was elected nUlyor by Iwo \1- orl ) Councimen , First ward A. l. I I'yer ; : $ ecotmd . Jake lender , Boarll or Edttcatiomm . Toby Spleke amid Wllal Tholpson. A large nlmhtr of I Iles \'clell for school once s. The municipal ticket Is for high lIcense . TlmU ISI I-But one tcl ' 1 was Illt ( tip 1u' the voters here Ihls II year nld tIme Issue ot lcense or no Icenso was voted directly upon. resulllJ ( In a victory for \celse by limIt nr- teen mmtajorlty. The cIty Is u8ualy strong \ cense. Ticket elected as follows : hi. T. Warll , mayor ; George Scott . clerIc ; J. . M. Davis . treasurer ; W , T. 1unlap. cIty ott- glnear 5V. , ' el ) el- ; ltlhllol , Iwlce jn'go ; g. S. Grist and G. D. Bennett , members school boar ; g. S. Grist connelman First ward : J. P. Saummders Second ward ; W. H. Cum- mmmlimgs Third ward. TOBAS-Beclon was closely contested here tothay , ( lie Issue being license or no license. Thl high license elected A. luViulto , \\hle A. MeJfol ) and C.V. . Ntmtmenmaker s'lmile J. P. Llpllincol and .John Krl1 tied A. whie an" M. U. Carter. UIXSSES-Thie Inlro lcense ticket was elected hy fifteen majdrly : C. A. Ch3pln , H. IIersVllhlatn 1)ay g. I. Hhotes alli H. G. Ilckinson. UNION-The clecton passoll oft quietly lo"a ' . Those elected for trustees wereV. : ) . 11. Crawford , r puhlcan ; .Iohn Kenned , lem- erat ; .eorge Leach , rlpublcan ; G. ) . Rose relHblcan : : George Saxon. democrat Clerk. J. C. . Frammk detnocrat. Trcasumror henry r ; : Wolf rcpubhlcn. Trustees are tvr Ic nse. VA LI.EY -Tho newly electe" boar" ot trustees Is for license. This breaks ( hue Irouth 'car. , anti Valley wIlt halo a saloon this \VAIIOO-Thue city eleclon passed oft quietly tOllay. Two tickets nero In the nell , nonpartlsal amid 11oJJulsl g\'ery man on the miottpartlsao or citizens' ticket nonpartsan cllzons' tleklt was elected . Dr. . . ' J. S. WI" was eieted mayor electel by a large majorl ) No Important Issues were hroushl out In the campal1 except a small fight on proitlbhtloum . butt lIcense carrlel1 the . da ) \\.EiI'ING WATgH-The city ofllct'rs elected IClbr were : Prnl Gorder ) "emocrt , mayor ; Theodore Schiafl'er . rdYpumbhtcamt . clerk ; rank HIII"arl. democrat. treasurer : council- moan First warl. C. A. Oahlwln : counci- . . : I Clark ; Tlmhrd W. A. Davis and Tom Jame- scam. I Is' general thought tile council Ilands three for Iceuse al" Ihrce agalmmst with a wet mayor. School hOJrd , II. M. Cong- Ion and lJh Hatnour. WESTON-The ' followIng , trustees were : elected to4'S' 011 the cItizens' ticket : C. Ii. I I Lii iibriulge . It. I f. Di it tmk . I.'rank Hallie. I Jamc Kaclrel . Jranl , Bartek. They are for l _ cense. I ! I \'ILflEI-TIl'o inembers or time old board bord of E\ \ ; ' 'A. ' ' N. Dotison Frank Janommelm F' . J. Samhi4k . , ) . A. \\'hld anti Juhn Zwonecke . were clected wiLimout olmpositIotm. wlllut OIJposllon. They favor . , licemmse. ' " . m \\'J.COXAt ( the village election held here today theipeopie's Imrlj ticket was electel\ The now boa'tliot. trustees Is . 1Ja tlOr trusll1 II as follows : lt . P. . David . I.nJ. 1cKaj. C. E. Davenport ( I. W. Tlln311 an iJ. H. Hyatt . all DC whom are hi favor oT ' i1hte : of'lirnse ' \ 'ISIDE2'he'lage election resule" In time eleQtlon jof the regular nominees on the ollzel&.llcrL. Edward Cttihen . Frank Tracy \Vllar ; .Heyer. jr. . FrAnk "elble . anti , G. , hI 1qlzer. ! . This probably - mtieatiu Lye saion.Btead ? . ot ODe amid ' a meah 1' the ; Ic ll il'charged. ' : I'erythlng . passed off 'nleln t WOOD IUVER-The village election passed off 'cry Iulel ) ' . But one ticket was In the ne' anti a very ' light vole was cast Mi favor ilcemise. T. J. . . . Al Icensl Sipout W. T. Spelts . S. A : Sherrerd. Jess" 1rlpr,1 ; , nni Spels. U' lUchl1 were ( lie ; - trustees' - ' : - elected. i . . . . . 1'I.tU > t ( r'l1 EiEj1'JCh ) lAYoit. OlO of tie \'nrlncst COllcstl In Ltumcutn's l'utttlcttt htur.v. IlNCOLN . April . . ' Apri 2.-Special.-Frank ( ) Graham Is eleclUI mayor by 1.38 pluralIty and Lincoln rlllblcans are bur Ins red fire and growing hoarse hourly. II every ' one or time seven wards or the city the republcan ti cket made a . The lcket sweep only real spirIted COl test was 11 tIle Sixth ward . which Gra , ham h carrlM by enl two votes over his demo- crlc OphmOmleiif JU"ge J. B. Broad ) ' . The republicans effected a COUll In hue ( morning hy calltlrln ! nearly every 11blc eOI'eyance. xcept street cars. and ornamented - mented with . Graham placards hey pled 011ergelcal ) helween the various . voting places antI the resIdences or ( lie eleclors The "vesl ( imocket . " which was banked on heuvly hy democrats and the Civic Federa- I t ioti. failed 10 materialize. All party lines . were abandoned II thc fight today and ler- ! ocrats were 11rlrOlS wearllg Graham adges while lot a few well ll0wl repub- li cans sporte" lint Broody In8lgnla. There was a heavy "eCecton ( from Iroaly among thin populists anti worlcinmgmemi. This I ul issuitisfactlomi hates back to dlssalsraclon the time or ( hue i Indellnllent i cotiverition . which failed to lame u candldale for the head oC the ticket end talNI also 10 ofclaly endorse JUdge Broally. The Colowlng Is the ( ticket elected hy varyllg pluralities : 1Ia'or. l"rnlt Graham : cly clerk John W. Dowen ; city treasurer , 11rln S. Allln : memhers l the eclle ; b oard . Ichanl S. Crimmittu Haney O. Val ; . c .cemeler trn8tee. 10lanii 1. I Ollloy ; cotmmm - eOUI- c ilmnett . First tsarui Thomas Drupar ; Secoimmh . , James Parker : 'hlrd. n. S. Yoummmg ; Fomurtlm I . , E . S. hawley : Fiftim . Johl GelRter ; Sixtim E , n , Guthrie ; Scvenmtlm hi. I ) . l w.n Qunl : EiECTiON AT M'UTU itt.tiI4t. l iciiumhllc.smuui mind Ieu.crutts , bharc 1111 11 e. I ld lulIlrah J"llllll- lit H"MIII fr J lnIUII . \ u'sturtIuuy , Time regular spring ejection was heh yes1 terday. t Two republcan ant two Ilemocrulc coulclmen were letell In the First ward M. p. Ilismmcltarti . relHb- i . l lean , was elected hy fifty votes over lila 01'- ) potiemmt ! ) r. Emmeor the Ilemocrtc candidate. The First ward al the last election went ro- publcan i IW 200 lajorl ) . . glRor made a marti i light /111 / reluc , time majort : tiO ) votes. 'fhl Secoll ward was the ground tor time hlrltt l nglI ( . Four candltatrs were In the t field. , f/fm'l ' J. 1"rn ; II , democrnt , car- ned off time Ir ) f' Ilt liyluod . repuhlcan , was the choice II the Third wlnl , ) The dcmocrdlc caldllates , ' ' O'Connor a lt Olson. were badly hl'nten. In the l'Vlfl1 l : Mullaly . domnocrat . hal a wal , away" J Theoto.m coulclmen by wanls was : Plrst \'uitti-.Eitsor. . 359 ; iliatichturui . .j 112. Secolll . \'arul-iworak . 13 i ; Frtmtmelo. ! 325 ; Ku\un. 8 : \.a1I. l { 228 , 'fhlrdlrc - - lylalc , 215 ; O'Connor , 96 ; OS01. 163 J 'ourlh \\"mh-lulal ) 129 : \\'Ilulm. 79. Time totalnVol on councimen vas : First st'rd . 801 : S"olll ward. GH : 'fhlrd ward. ! 474 : Fourthm4wunh ; . 208. : wnrl. .FQr menj'\r ' ot the Board of Educatlomm 1 A. . W Bahcoek , Arthur N. llucaton Claude I. "flIt were elected Shrl'er three- year term' ; tdseplm AnIer60n , for the two- term and S'alter J. year Slate anc Wuler for the one- year term. The ful vote for members or the Board ot gducalOI was : Allhon o W. iiabcoclc . mletmm- ocrat 984 ; Josell1 } II. lollet . uicinocruit . 917 ; Arthur N. Shriver. republican . 1.17 ; Jotmit J. O'Hourkl. lenmocrat 89 ; Claull I. . ' Johl . relmublicsmm. IOU8 ; 1101 Tlmonmas rel'uhlcal ' , 731 : Joseph Anmimiraomm . by petulant . 77 : Iouls lioffitmami . rrllblcan , 612 ; hoary MIchel del oeral. 670j Mlchuel J. Murph , ulemmuocrist I 731 ; \ \ 'aiter J. ihate ly petition , ) 1.025. 'akl I mill Jogetlier I was a 'ery lulH elEcUon. Abolt 100 ladies . \'olld. The ttul vole fell coumsimi ridy } below thaI Cel consll ) belol of last year , but ti Is accounted for II t hack of Interest. xcellt I In time Second amid Third warll there was no psrlcllar nght on couimciiiimen . The outb'Jtl ccAimmcl'nnen are Morgaim . Con- ley and 1lutsky. Tie fiction ot two deimmo- tulo touncln1n glv s the democrats lemo. mmma- 30rly mayor In the council . whim a republCn for - JH'ItIIiIi IN .1 - , r. IOIFIS .S.I IOX. , C. . \ . . UI , hoot" U. V , ' . Thorn RII 'hcn 1lr's nt the ' . lnicnulut lrlrnch fr Ills " 'irtIumm. ST IOUS. April 2.-Tho saloon or Louis CeIi. . candidate for the house or delegate , nt TIenty-nrel situ Wnhlnlol a\nuo. was time Scenic or R murder about noon tOlla ) ' . Goto " ' . Thorn a "ntehman cmplo'e,1 at time Malison race track nlHI who lived In this city . was fatally sluot1huy C. A. Un ) ' . Thorn was tlkel to time city imospital . where I wal said ho couM not live moru Ihal a few imommrs DIY was arrested atHI loeke" lp at time Chlslnnt street statiomi. Thorn was In Celia's enloomi . known as " "The Place " wih some trleld ! . whel lay ) emmterei. Immediate afterward the shool- Ing b l11 I. lay and Thor 'aeh hired nov . 11\ era ) slmot . hut Thorl mimissed . Two hulell from IJny's pistol enterell Thorn's left breast al'shouller ' \ and ho fell to time noor. Day rai omit of the trent door. lmistol In halli. ( ald Went over to the Slcldl's ) Salller ) ' cOlllal1s plaeo ncros thp street where he stoo behild time tnllor the door. Aero crol II ot Tiuorti's trlenls \ folawo.1 n1l man ) ' IllstolR were mlruttmm. , lay began shoolng alli pllllel , his reloh'lr. hut lilt 10 one Ills lire Was returtmetl. blt wlthoul ulaninge. . Ia ) ' thl retreated 1110 the Sickles Ilama/e. hUlhlup and rUlllng Ullstalrs secreted iuimtiself. lie I rellined In I hhllg I ( I Inll I Olcers Sulels alli Ward arrived all Illace.1 hll under Irre 1 At lie ( or tim _ scene shoollJ I was 11 Posslhle 10 gel detaIls or the affair . 'i'liotnas TnIe clahnml to be 11 eye wlne s. lie was 'ery tirummtk. lie salt lay enlorel , the siloon drunk alt loolllg for trouble. lie stood , hy n Ilost to u.tenuiy himself mtmmd ! hlmsel anl lien "Ihoul Provocation IrNI point bllnil itt Thor nld ran out or time saloon ) ' Iay was crazy Irunl . ho saul mml shot Inllscrlrlnalcl' at ever- hld titter crossing Iho street 10 the Sickles place. 'he following was said 10 be the other RIIt of tIme story and moore probable. This morlnJ I)4y ) went 10 the Four Courls to swear out a warrnl agaitist'iilhsmn Wurl for rraullulent votuimg. The warrant was given to IEPUty Sheriff Huppert 10 serve. Day went wlh him 10 Idenllfy tIme lan wnnled. \ \ 'artivas : In Celia'g salon with Thorn and several ot hers. Whel ly ) antI the onler aJllleared ) time crowd jUllled on 1)5)vhlo nret In self defense. wih the result as stateul , , state\ ' 'hor who has a wlCe . nll three chlhlrPIL I I 33 years ohl ( nn" hiss itad ( hue rejmutatiomm ; ; of being a desperate lan when drunk. Ito was a hlrd woriling fellow amid made his living honeslly. malc flay Is rather a fine looking fellow of Iler- haps 28 years of age. the was well dressed and Self perfectly sober whel arrested. Whie ( lie officers were I'ullng Day In time hoollnl wagon Fred Swalnm a labor mugita- tor . atempled to immterfero . anti In his ex- clement drew and fourished a revolver lie was also put II time wagn and ( alien to the statiotu . 1tihl'l.ItLtCtr's ; ; JI\II mints : \ O1N4. Sntlrclo . .1 istle nr :1"hl/11 1 leclCI by I'"rtv ' i' Ito nlct Ilnrnll\ I I I ' . iETIIOIT. APrIl 2.-Today's reports of yes- terta"s elEcton show a steady Increase In the rellublc:1 : majoriy for juslce of time SUllreme court and regents of time university. I Is now bele\'el that Moore ! . republican , Is elected supreme justice by 40.000 . hut 10 little Interest II taken that little effort Is being lale , In 10St or tile counles to obtaIn coin- pletl relurn8. . 'he main Interest centers In tIme Third con- gresslonal dIstrict . cOlslstng or lcahamnazoo Eaton Caliiouim Branch and Ilsdale coun- ties. The latent returns here indIcate time election of Mime I . repumblicaim . by trom 1.000 10 1.300 maJorl ) ' over ToultI candidate or the four other parlles. Julus Caesar Burrows won In this district In 188t hy over 12,000. The repuhlcans have hell their own . general - craB ) ' slucalcing 11 lie city anl township elections. EXTRA M' ; SIS I'on iiIISSOUIII. Governor Stone Illdy to hAnc ii l'roehunn- thin to Din f , . INlatnrH. JEFFERSON CITY Mo. . April 2.-Gov. er.lor Stone has authorIzed the statement to ho made Ihat he will ! SSIO I proclalaloa tomorrow convenlnj time. legislature In extrA session ahoul the 23d Inst. ThE subjects to he mistimed In his cal for legIslation are : The enactment of fellow servant election end registration laws , and leglslaton to suppress corrupt lobhles. .1.solrl i'otItIlaum 1'clll'o.1 , hitsammo. I KANSAS CITY April 2.-A special to a local paper from \\ashlngton. D. C. , says : General Oliver I' . Goodilg , formerly a notel Missouri politician. hut a famIlIar figure In Washington for several months was yester- lay declared to bo InEano In time district court. ( boding brought hImself into notoriety - ety hy writIng a book In which ho dlscu sea an alleged far-reaching aleged conspIracy agaInst hlmsef. ! tIme agalnlt central fig- ure ot which were hits torler political friends In MIssourI . All manner or dire and dreadful thllls nero charged up to these alleged conspirators , who ho said . were not only plotllg to put hIm out of the wa1. but also Incidentaly to remove frol thIs mundane sphere livers other people of note. Senntors Vest and Cockrel were charged wlh all manler ot crimes. Cooraslo' : % . I.D/I.lulro . tI3nurn4. DENVEH. April 2.-The Colorado legsla- turo closed a nInety dnys' lesslon after mid. night after hlVll1 ben almost continually at worlt slnco Sunday moring. A large nUI- her of bis were rushed through during the coshl ! hours. 010 of the most Important measurel sent to the governor Is one by Cresslnjhal , provl"lnl a bounty of $1 a ( atm on beet sugar raIsed In the ( slate. Nearly mull the measures passel , are Imurely ! local . "Iutnn nl Inlnkc. I ( 'oh , . 10LYOKE. Colo. , April 2.-Soclal ( Tehe- ! ram.-'he ) lullclpal electoll lucid here I ella ( ) resulted II hue clecton ot C. n. lar- mmman . assistant superiltenllclt or the local I Ile ot the B. & :1. : , fur ma'or and I I. EllIott . G. B. Weir G. W. Shulel' . C. J. Sialer and l.'ranll 10yt for truslees. The . I new hoard Is noitimartiusan. tI I tie Illnr".1 IIU111UIAI'S. . MEMI3IIIS Allrl 2.-Elecilomma In the ciis oC time first l class were held thl'oughout Am ' - 1lmas t01a ) At LIttle Rock the IIIIP [ . crtlc ticket , headed hy J. A.'ooulsotm for mmayor m wa/ elected 1 light vote huhlJ umoilnul . Inost 1 of the cites there was Ilractcal ) ' 10 contest , or tIme Issues were purely local. CItiTeIls' 'J''kctno ' \'llnnr. . I1UTCI1INSON . Kin.prl 2.Moyar'Imt - cenut . heallnJ the ( citizens' ticket , was I'e- elected hy l \ajorly. . Ind tour out ot tim aldermen 01 thaI ticlet were i'uccessfmii . 'fho vote was the heaviest alt the olctol the 101est itt time elty'a history The womul took nn active part. } "utnl h'ct"m how II Chlcu. I ChICAGO . Apri 2.-During a poliical I ; row ul n 10rth ( side Ilolng place ' late thll ( uteToon Patrick ! alon vas fatally shot hy his coulll , Jack ialtotm. 'fhe murdered man ulemptor to slab his slayer before ho was shot. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /llcl I " ImI It . I' reps mitt g ler i I 11mm llu , ' . NI'm'CASTI.I' , Colo. , April 2.-Wluiio Mrs , Thomas Jones was lrL'ilarimug her ballot at : the )011 toduy I alma ( iii mm toil arid tel. I hurstng I a bloollos ' ld. troth tlo ( effects ot which shun , lld II a tel hours . . EItieiii' .J..lctIN u \ i'lmuner. STBH.I NO , Ian. . April 2.-TIme electol here resulted II t he choice of ho I citizen S ticket by a majorIty on the a\erago of 1,5 . ( vents 1.1 I m II I Ily Hup.hl"111 I i ul I 'EUIIIIII. 'FOl'iIK4 \ , April 2.-/le / entire republcan ticket . helled , hy O. A. Fellows for \ayor , II elected by over - a tlo.thlnhlotu. S . Jtn\'mrlis m uf " "I got ii & \ 1.lh.1'1.1 . I i. ' At York-Arrln"I-Iron Prints Froth rich \Vhihueilim , fronmm Nuttuies 1ulirmlster , Wlhllm frm Naple ; : lnlstor May bach . trom larhur , At ' . Glbrmuitar-Arnivotl-Fuids , from Now York Al Nol York-4 \ rrlved-Ile'riin , from Southampton. At New 'ork-Arrlvec1-FtirneasIa , trom t ( ugow. . : At Moviilc-Arrived -Oregon. Crom Von . luau , , vIa halifax for t.lverplol. . \ . Iiostont-A rnlved-l1avonla , from J.I\'er- pool.Al Al Bal Francisco-Arrived-City of Rio do Jaiteiro trout hang Iong and Yokohuma , Ueparted-Austrull. for Honolulu . . At Queenstowxm-Arrim'cd-Majestic. from 1. York TO BE DRY TWELVE \ MONTHS _ _ _ _ ( Conlnuc,1 , - rrom . - - First 1 - I'age - . ) cll1 < nl' nail Ileole'1 S. 10ag. lleollle's. t umid John itmmox ' ' UII Johl lelox. citIzcmms' ammtl 1)001110's , Sortl e ioctett village trustees. Water tuotais , imeltig t ime malti Issue , were defeaIeml by a 'oto of ; 9 to 33. CITY-TIme tickt umoumuinateil by a citiseims mmmaes maccling was clectett today. A. 3. ithomles. mmmayor ; C. 0. llmmmnphmrey , clerk , h i , C''an horn , treastmrerVlhliamum ; \'ities. e itghmteor ; John 'hmaley , imolice judge ; J. M. I lavc'r. coummcllmmirmn First ward ; Joimmmston , Second ward ; A. heaver , A. l' . hiasater , A. I . , lhmurrington atmul F. S. MeMaster , mtmenubers o f lioutrul of Fiiiication. 155N1)ER-At the city electIon today timere vere two reiutibiiciutms eumfi tiure of time lire- i tien's ticket elected. Tue fight was red hot. Cutrry , Famusler amid \'arritigtomt at tIme lire- m mi'mm's ticket ammul Rarely mimi ! Kelso , rcpmmb i icatms. were elected mis coumneiitmmen. PliU-Aftcr ( tue imirmat hotly comitesteul village ehectioti ever hmelul loire , A. 1' . CaPt. cart , I ) . lomiovamm , 1) . .iitck , W. W. Mmmruiis anit Joltut Scott were eloetcul trustees. This us a teiu forwumrml for ttmwtm lmtmprovemnotuts. Thuc're are imo saitiomis mind licemmec u'as hot ott hustie. ONB iitiOrltATtC OASIS. PIATI'SMtj1'l I-The tlemmmocra ts well mtighm chosumetl tip time lulatter 1mm tumtiay'ms city rice- tiotm. 'A' . 3. \\'Imttn , C. 1) ) . Urinies , C. 1' . i'trmmmelee , .Joluum Gutselme mmmiii J. A. Ilarwick were elected to time council ( mmii the various wartis , Ii ) ' mmmuiJorities rnmmgiimg frotti tiuree to eighty. All flue tire ulemmiocrots , 7'imu lolht. ical eonmplexicmm of time commmmcii for ( Ito next } 't'mir will be eight ult'mmmocnats and Us o iii- imtmblieatts , For time eluool tmomrd , C. I ) . Ctimmi- tim I mis , tlemmm ocrmm t , antI .i . i. I toot , repu ( ml I ra mm , % t'oro ( ' ( ' ( ' ( , time latter huavimmg it majority of 120 over Mrs. Stoutenboromuglm , time tietmmocratlc latI ) ' emutmtlimhmtte. ienuocm'uits are joiiifyitug to- mmighmt over timcir viettiry , viuiehm Ii ( lii' toast etululimieto atm ) ' part ) ' hta scored imm ( hits city for ummttmy ; yearn , lli ( ) CI.OUI-lmi toula"mu election i'otter , relmUtmilcami catutlitlate for muinyor , was dmi- fe'mtetl ii ) ' hiemutly ott time Chtlzumis' ticket. All tIme rest of time r.pumbiicaui ticket tms elected. SCIl U'm'ihlt.-'I'Ime ric'ctiomu % as a Cotuiliete t'frtory for time reptmhuicatus. Time uuutc'essfmmi ctidlmiati were : Morris Palmer , mayor ; V. Ii. Lovejemy , clerk ; ii. Mick , treasurer E. l. , . , , , , , , . , , , . , , , , , . ; rn. , , , , , ' 1.- . ) , , , ( ' . , .i. , , , J mitlge ; colt much iii C hi , li . T. I to it nut mm , First v.mrd ; IV. M. llratifanti , Second ; Frmuiuk Ciurastli , lemug terumm ; George iuimhuammm to liii vncatmcy , 'h'hmirul ; mnenmiers of time m.ciuool boarul , .ioimim ii.trnohtl anti C. ' .V , lirutmesky. SilNFV-'l'hie village elmictiomm passeuh nit very quietl3' 'l'imo out hoard of truistees. comi- slsmimug of Julius Netib.tumer , A. i'eane , J. W. Nciammieis , i\utgtmst Gratitmimmian amid Joltn 0. linker , i'ere tmmmmtmuimmlommsi3' elected. Thmere ts'ns no specIal Issume , time desIre of taximmt'ers lmeitmg for ecotiunmy ammul low taxattoim , SYI1AC ( 'SE-Time ' ciectioum imasel oh ! ( lUietil' toils ' ( liii ' ) , omml' olmimositiotm to tile ret- election of time old board of trustels hoummg cii thu vater works qutesthon aummi they faileti to rumstle emmoitgim votes to oust tit old imaanih. The full Vole chatitis as ( choirs : N. A. 1)umtf , ill ; 3. 11. Areas , tt9 George Vt' . McKee. 23 ; M. C. Joyce , SD ; lion. A.Vait , SI ; C. J. 'A'iliimmmmis ' , 56 : F. A , flouter , 05 ; Ir. ) G. Ii. Littiehlehtl , 53 ; C. E. Cultoim , 13 , ( lie llrat five ii atmiel 1)01 tug c i cci eth. \AliNTil--'l'Iuo resumit of ( lie 'ery i)0000futi village election was tIme re-election of tile saune boarul as servoul for time nest year , 'iz : l. . Sparks , 1' . C. Ilormmh ) ' , I ) . S. LU1iWl , Josephu iilurieigim , C. hi , Cormmeii. \VA'I'EllI.OO-L. W. Ietmtomm , J. C. Itob- iuion , J. 5 , Nesbit , T. 1) . Todd ammO Will Myers lucre elected village trustees for ( hue castling year. This boaruh is abomtt evenly tlividetl cit tIme llcommse question. WAVIM1LYS WAIIM FIGhT. \'AVEitbY-One of tIle imottest contests IVOS ivitnessemi In time village election today for mnamiy years , resuithng to tiuc elctetiomm of thie citizens' ticket , Imeatleti b' Aiva Simmitlu , is'itii a good round majority. Aliumnat time euutire vohe was 1)011011. Time jail botud was glveit time cold shuotmldcr-142 votes agaitmiut and 1 for It. % 'AYNlI-Considerable iimterest was taketu in time lectloiu lucre today , owing to a con- test. for ( hue mnayonalty and a coimtest for couincilmneii In time First anti Secommd wards. T. W. Moran ' , ( Ito citlzeims' candiulale , tie- footed F , M. Skocn , ithtition candiclmmte , by forty-two votes. Frctt Volpp was elected couticihmnan Iii tIme First s'anmi , Atmgust l'iponstock In ( ho Second anul I ) . C. Main in time Timirti. Natiuan Cluaco was elected eherk , F. L. Neoly treasurer and A , T. Witteu' oollce \VEST POINT-At the municipal election today I ) . C. Glftert , rcpmiblican , was elcetemi nmayor : Harry Miller , reimubilcan , city clerk ; Fred \V. itlelcimor , democrat , tncastlnor ; coutm- cilomati. First ward , Joteph Jerumman , uietnob crat ; Secoimni ward , Martini Id. Ken , repub- hicami ; Timirti ward , WIlliam Macic , republican. License was not an leslie. WYMORII-Ehection luasseml off qutietly today - day amid a large vote was polled. lr. Hobbs was elected mayor by a large immajonity ; Murdoclo , coummcllman First ward ; Ed Ryan , Second wand ; It. I ) . Wilcox , Third ward ; Jamnes M. Iburmuluatu , city tmeasurer ; tltvtn amid Pimilbrick , re.eiectetl oil time school board. YORK-At time city election hmeimi at tiuis place today Kiiulow , republican. was elected over Baggy for timayor by ii mnajorlty of 133. It ) time F'ourtht ward Reisinger , republican , anti Ztnlnmvrnian both received ( hue saimue miumber of votes for coummciiinamm , Both shOes claim a victory In this warti , owing to the illegal scratcimiimg of tickets. However , It viIh be counted a draw. New l'itrty Gutulmig itettuly for litmitoosa , I'ITTSIIUItG , April 2.-Time committee of 0110 lutimmdrenl of ( Ito mmew national party mnict in I'ittsbung today and niecided ( list time mmational executivu coiimtmmittce imhiali hue forimmed by rcimresentathomt of two iiuemm ammmi two womnemi fruam each state , For time btate conimnittees ( Ito repreiemmtatioii mtiuall be the same for cacti icgiimlatts'o distrIct. A call was immade for $70,000 for mmmttiommai OSlCOSCS ) aitd i2,000 ( or ( Ito local work. iemuolutionms ( isere imatseul settitig forth time aimmus of time party ammd asking eachi state to namime mheiegates for time tmationiai coimvention in Mmtrchu , 1896 , The Place ( If luolmling it luas miot been muammmnd , Fuisloumiuuis ( ) .mi ) ' Cmuitiircl \'iCili'l's % , April 2-TIuo online repubileani ticket , vithm time excolutloit of oume councilimuatu , ciecteml by amu estitmiateti mumajority 01 8 00 over a fusion of tienmocrats , iuepmmilam ( a mmii nrohu liii tioumlats , Not tililim ) ' V.'OiiJ Cmi votnml , The 1-Jealihand Vigor of'an individual depends upon thc quantity and quality of the Blood.Vhen the tissues have been at work there are thrown into the blood waste products , and if these be not eliminated , but ( through any cause ) de. tamed in the blood they infiti. cnce nutrition and function and finally produce organic disease , In cases of Scrofula , Scurvy , Eczema , Skiii and Blood Dis. eases , Pimles and Sores of all kinds , the effects of Car- dine , the Extract of the Heart of the Ox ( Hammond ) , arc Inarvellous. Thousands of woiiclerftil cures arc being daily effected by it , Sold everywhere at One Dollar per bottle. Send stamp for book. ColumbIa Chemical Company , 139 wASHNIOTON , 0. C IWZIN & CO. , AQ1NTH FOE OMAhA. j -5 11 .r-nru : 71 vE1 Ti1' ( An AfflictedChild PanfuI Snit Rheum Covora Her Head Happy tnd Healthy Slnco TaidnU Flood'a Saranparlila "C. 1 , llooii & ( 'o. , Lowell , Mass U My little thommglmter , Birdie , miew two and one' half years dm1 , iota tucomi a great sufferer from aht mhuetimmu Mmmcc euhmowas about two mmmootits old , A very imaimmiul cruilutioim coicreti imt'k , ears and onliro scalp. I eotituiin'uI lmiuytirittns nmtd tried mommy meutietlies , hmtmt s Itimnu t. avail , ummutti a iriond Recommended Hood'o Sarsaparillmt. hlefcmre time first bottle was takcn tluo cruiptinit Itati uIiSalluOftrOd , anti umow fleas tatnaitta , while tIm ciuhld'ui gomieral hucmilh.i.m Ia r11ooDs Sarsaparila CURES tnttclt Improved. I hucartily recoitimnemmul iTood' t4mnsitimitrltla Iii melt mummtfmmnimig front thIs disease. ' Ill Its. l.mzzta lIt'n..Li tmoI'f. , AtohIseii , lansas. Hood'a P1113 etlre liver fits , contipUo buiouutmmcsit , Ituuumttiicc. sick trnamlaohe , tudigostioL - . : ' / 3 Yale's L a Fre ekia. Death to Preckles. Mine. M. . Yale was recently asked the question "which of her discoveries she considered the most wonderful , " Hcr reply - ply was as follows : La Freckla , because it unmasked my own face from a filthy mass of freckles ai'd crave me the b eautiful rose leaf complexion w hich you see and whthh has b een admired by the people of e very nation , Before's I dis- c overed La Freckla I was a f reckled face individual dis- g usted with my own appear- a nce. Today I am the envy o f every woman who looks a m y skin. La Freckla will remove any c ase of freckles in existence a nd leave the skin as trans. p arent as crystal. One or two a pplications removes tan and s unburn. It takes from three t o nine days to destroy every t race of freckles. It is the only r emedy known to the world t hat do this , Now is the time t o use La Frcclda , as it s trengthens the skin , removes a nd prevents freckles and sun- b urn. i per bottle. Sold by a ll druggists oi' MM1O. M. YALl , Temple of Beauty , 14U ti tiite-st. , Chicago. w. Lm DOLICLAS $ E COE I3THEOEZT. J NJ nT FOF A KING. , , C. 0 T D OVAN , ' , rRCNCHS.DIAMKLLWCALF. - , "I. . i 439FlNECAiflkaMc % 3.PPOLICE,3SOLEZ $ , . ip$2WORKlNG. $ , . . S. . , , EXTRA riu. _ 2. $ iz BUYSScHOOLSKOEa LADI. . . , . - bWOCKTOa'tAJ $ , OverOno MillIon People weartho WI L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All ourslioes are equally &ntlsfactory Time ) ' give ( ho best value for the money. Tlmry equal custom Shoes In etylo and III. ' 'I IuIr wearing quuilitlcl are imnaurpissed. Time pricca ore unlform-.aeampcd on cola , Prenu fi to Zi munci nter oilier mflgikce , us . -mutr dealer cailnot 5,1 n'y ! yati 'o can , Sr'i' by AW. J3owmanCo , , N. lGthSt. c.J. Carison , (218 ( N. 24th S w. w , Fisher , Parker anti Leavenworth St. J.Newman , 424 6. 13th St. Kelley , StIe'er & Co , . Farnam aricil5thSt. . , T.S. Cressey1 2509 N St. , South Omaha. _ _ A I1 U ia M1N'J. ' , B OYD' Tmtoadii'.Weu1uommcIty APRIL 2 and 3. TW'O NIGilT ONLY , MR5 EDWARD A HU1CH , Preentiimg MR. JOH1 GRIFFITH , As HEPHISTO Iti Gesithme'a Inomnortal Drtmmuitio i'om , " FAUST19' " Cita of seatS will open Moouay mornie jjjrgcea,4