Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1895, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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Delvr by clTler to IY pat at the cu.
I n. W T1LTO1 Lcssco.
't , p"ONE-nualnea omee . No. 4 : nigh
dltor , Ne 2
l1.Wl , tFJT1ONH.
Orand Council flluff8. E. F Clark , prop.
& 39 Droadway.
Mayne neat Estate agency , 139
The entertainment given In the Grand
krmy hal last evening for the benefit at
the Women's Relief corps wa a brilliant BUC-
Bishop Worthington presided at the conflr-
tuation exercises at St. paut's church Friday
evening. A class ot twelve was admitted
Into full membership.
The federal grand jury passed a act ot
resolutions yesterday giving their Imprcs.
reolutons to the condition at things at the
Iowa School for tim Deat.
The regular meeting at Star chapter No.
47. n. A. M. . will be held tomorrow night.
Al companions are requested to be present
for business at Importance.
V Yesterday was the last day for the pay-
mont of taxes , and the county treasurer's
ofce was thronged all day long with property
owners , all eager to drop their coins into the
. slot.
slot.Hev. . E. J. Dabccck will preach his fare.
well sermon at st. Paul's church this morn-
Ing. The choir wi sing "Tho Sun Shall De
No Mora Thy Light ly Day , " by Woollward ,
8S the anthem
C dharles E. Daker aged 27 , at New Orleans ,
. and Leonora E. Oales at Monmouth , Iii . ,
BJed 26 , were granted a .license to wed by
the county cleric yesterday , and the knot was
, tied by Justice Vlen.
led ly Justce
Through the courtesy or the Ganymede
Wheel club , an opportunity will bo given the
young men at the city to meet the Wisconsin
Musical club at the Ganymedes' rooms , In
the Grand hotel , this afternoon , at 3 o'clock.
W. J. Jamison , C. D. HandleU , J. C. Ilofi.
"mayer and John Oliver had an Impromptu
shooting match Friday afternoon , which re-
suIted In Jamison's scoring elghty-ehht
' points and landlett clghy-two , out at a
possible 100 , at 200 yards.
Leonard , the G-month-ohl 30n ot Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Wlhlng. died Friday afternoon
at the family residence , near Canning Cut ,
' after an Illness ot three days. The funeral
will take place this morning at 1 o'clock
from the Crescent Methodist church.
The topic at Rev. Dr. Askin's sunday night
address at the Congregational church tonight -
night promises to be or special Interest to the
physicians , as he Intends , In treating at
Oliver Wendel Holmes , to give prominence
to the physician , as wel as to the wrier ,
. . Lee , the 4-year-old son at Mr. and Mrs.
T. J. Shugart , died yesterday afternoon of
3 o'cloclt , ot scarlet fever , aCer 1 nine days'
Illness. The remains will leave the residence -
Iness. wi
denco In Mornlngsldo this afternoon at 3
o'clock for Walnut lull cemetery , where
services wi be held at 3:30. :
Complaints are coming In on account at
thi neglect at tim city authorities to set
that the hal burned buildings on Lower
Broadway are not torn down. Soma at the
ruins have been standing there for months ,
and chunks rot oft and fall away narrowly
escaping the heads of passersby.
A meeting or the park commissioners Is to
V b3 held tomorrow evening , at which the an-
nual report at the outgoing president A.
C. Graham , will b read. The question at
V who will be the president at the new board
will also be discussed. L. A. Casper has
been accused of a yearning to aso how the
presidential shoo would nt him.
During ' the week the tolowing local phy-
clans will lecture from 1 to 12 a. m. at
the Women's Christian association hospital
: , Chritan associaton hospial :
Dr. Jennings , "Medical Nursing , " April 1 ; Dr.
Watermen , "Therapeutics , " April 2 ; ! Dr. Du-
stow , "Obstetrical Nursing " April 4 ; Dr.
: r , Thomas , "Feeding and Nursing , " April 5 ; Dr.
: Montgomery , "Oeneral Nursing , " April G.
The members at Etchetah council No.3 ,
Degree of Pocahontas , will entertain their
fr friends next Thursday ' evenIng at Grand
. Army at the Republic hall Friends at the
, council who are not supplied with Invitations
; may obtain them tram any member. DancIng -
; Ing , games and progressive high five will be
; . the order of the evening.
' The Ministerial association has appointed
a committee ot arranglments for the coming
union evangelistic meet gs to be conducted
by Rev. Mr. Pierson avery pastor in the
4 city , together with one representative at his
V : . church. Every pastor , and such additional
person as his church may choose , Is asked to
attend 1 very Important meeting at this com-
V.L . mileo at the First Presbyterian church
Monday , April I , promptly at 7 p. m.
A judgment was Issued from Justice Walk-
; V er's court yesterday against George Fauble ,
W. Doolthol and F. Carley , and Constable
Autrey undertook to make 1 levy on a boat
belonging to Fauble , which lay In the river.
: He left the boat In charge at John Anderson ,
VV and while ho was gone for a few minutes
Anderson had a collision with Jim Fauble
He now carries his nose In a sling , but de-
cares aublo didn't do it. Autrey has , the
' . boat.
. O. J. Willow ef New York Is In the city ,
representing the Wlzart Telephone company ,
J and Is registered at the Grand. He has put
In operation 1 lno of telephones tram room
. 213 at the hotel , to the ofce , with a view to
J. ' showing what his Instruments can do. lie
4 has hopes at interesting the people at Council
I Bluffs to an extent that wi enable him
V to put In a line , selling the instruments to
the patrons , instead of renting them , I is
iT1 now the case.
* Harry hathaway , the 10-year-old lon ot
! p the late J. J , Hathaway , and Luther , the
I D-year-old son at Dr. O. W. Gordon , were
. ' out hunting yesterday forenoon with a little
" target rlne. In clhnblng through a barbed
wire fence the gun was discharged and the
bullet p3852(1 througl young Hathaway's
; hand from side to side He went to the
, residence at Dr. Gordon , who made an ex-
, aminatlon . but was unable to find that any
bones had been broken.
: . V William Smih and Ale Adair spent Friday -
V % day night In Omaha making a round.up of
the saloons and had a tIght In which a most
enjoyable time was hall. They came back to
this side at the river and were on heir way
back to Omaha after another dose at the
c same kind when AdaIr begun to wave a
revolver around In the air , to the great con-
i Iteralon at the other passengers In the
tf motor. One of the stockholders at the road
happened to be on board and ordered the
. conductor to put him off. Doth he all his
companion were turned over to Oflicars Eas-
c dale and Weir , and at the Jai were slated
with drunkenness , .agrancy and carrying
v concealed weapons.
. . Wo have over $300,000 to loan upon Improved -
av. proved Iowa forms. Farmers desiring loans
can lave money by dealing direct with us"
V thereby saving agent's commission. We do ,
not loan on wlil lands , nor In Nebraska.
Lougee & Towle , 235 Pearl street
I'.lfIfSONt I. Jl .VT LO.- ,
N. M. Little Is on the sick list .
Aaron Lyman Is sick with the at
t ; , Aarn Ilck grip this
. ' Grand hotel
V Mrs. M. E. Amy Is very sick at her home ,
; V 23 South Sixth Btreet.
' Mrs , Grace d'Urro and her neice , Miss
Anita Bierwlrth. have returned tram a win-
ter's trip to California ,
Mrs. J' , L. London , Mrs. Rev , Howard , Mrs.
Y. Williams and Miss 010 Doughty formed a
* , party of Oenwood ladies who como up last
evening to attend Mrs. Davis' mllnery : open.
c The regular monthly meeting ot the Wo
, : men's Christian association will bo held on
tomorrow aternoon , April I , at 2:30 : o'clock ,
at the home ot Mrs. Sarah D. HQher , 239 Vine
street Each memb is requested to be pres- .
VV ent.
'V J. J , Stork was In the city yesterday vigorously -
oUBly denying the reports that he had lately
been sick nigh unto death. Ho' let last
evening to spend Sun.Jay with .hls wife at
Cola where she il spending the winter for
V her healh ,
V Dc N. D. Lawrence and wife have returned
from a visit ot five months 10 Coronado
Beach , near San Diego , Cal. , and other wut-
ern points. During the whole trip they had
V not a disagreeable day 'fhe thermometer
V die not register below 47 degreC above zero ,
; i r " ! ud thl temperature did not get high enough
r I a Uuomtorlable : ,
Fred Strankhoener Blew Hi Read Oft with
a Shotgn ,
hail Been Conlh1ered Weak.Minded for
Some Time and the Act CnusN1 Little
Surprise-his Urother Killed Himself -
self with the Same Gun ,
A young farmer at Plumer settlement
named Fred Strankhoener , committed suicide
Friday evening near his home. He went to
the home ot IWlam Burke about nightfall
and got n shotgun which had been loaned to
Durko several lays before. He then went to
the house at another neighbor , Chris Hanson .
len , and gave him a note telling him to
read It to his , Strankboener's ' , mother and
sisters. Hansen went 'over to the young
man's house , suspecting nothing , and was
ahout to tear open the note when he heard
the report ot a gun outsldo. lie ran out and
found Strankhoener lying on the ground
dead , with the rIght side at his face horribly 1 '
mutilated . He had put the butt at the gun
on ll ground and the muzzle against his
head , and then touched oft the trigger with a
forked stick.
When Burke opened the note he found that
It contained a request for a good coffin , some
flowers and a hearse , and named the pal
bearers whom he wished to bear his remains
away to their last resting place. He gave
no Idea as to his motive In committing the i
Iced He has been considered weak-mlmled '
for some time past , and ccmes by lls insanity -
sanity naturally , his father and sister having
been afflicted with the lame malally. An
older brother committed suicide nine years
ago , using the same weapon , the old
muzzle-lodlng shotgun , which has been In
the family for years.
A year or so ago the young man started
on 1 trip to Germany. He was riding In a
train on the Michigan Central road when he
sUddenly was seized with a fancy t"lt some
one was after him to take his hifo. He
rushed out at the car and jumped off while
the trnln was going at full speed. He was
badly bruhed by his fall and wandered about
the country In a halt-daze condition for
several days before he was able to give an
account at himself and be put on a train
bound for , home. lIe was 25 years old at
the limo ot his death.
The coroner went ot to Plumer settlement
ycsterday , but after making an investigation
decided that an Inquest was unnecessary , as
It was evidently a case at suicIde. The
funeral wi take place this afternoon at 1
o'clock at 'ils late residence In Plumer set-
tlement. _ _ _ _ _ _
BOSTON bruisE .
April Sale neglns Monday .
Wo cal attention to the extremely low
prices made on desirable merchandise In the
following departments :
A beautiful line or cloth capes In black ,
navy , brown , tan , mode , etc. , worth $ 3.50 ,
on sale at $2.25.
Heavy black silk cape Vandyke trimming
full sweep , well worth $7.50. our price $5.00.
We place on sale Monday a big line at
black French Serges at nearly hal the former
prices ; see values offered at SIc , 39c , 50e ,
62c and 67c a yard.
We have just reeeivell 1 new line ot 52-In.
novelty dress goods , goods that were bought
to sell for $1.60 a yard , the price for Mon-
dy 89c a yard.
! 500 dozen initial and embroidered hem-
stitched handkerchiefs at just hal price.
2 for 5c.
For Monday we offer 1 26-ln. corolo silk
umbrella , paragon frame natural wood bandies -
dies , worth $150. at $1.00.
10,000 yards now embroideries just received
on which we have made some very low prices
to start the season.
A big lot ot embroidery and Insertions ,
worth from lOc to 25c a yard , In one lot at
6e a yard. See special value at lOc , 12c !
and 15c a yard .
See our line of cream , ecru and buttercup
laces.Dack silk laces at the new prices. See
values offered at 25e , 33c and SOc a yard.
Council Bluffs , Ia.
Judge Woolson Disposes or the honey
Inmo Case In thu. 1'odor.,1 Court. )
Judge Woolson decided the $40,000 dam-
age case at 'V. O. D. Honey against the
Burlington Railway company yesterday morn-
tug , by taking It away tram the jury and
giving the railway company 1 verdict for
costs , on the ground that Mrs. Honey had
sustained the personal Injuries which gave
rise to the case by her own contributory
The next cue tOVbO tried was that ot John
Swift and E. H. Dume , administrator , against
the Chicago & Northwestern railway. A 9-
year-ld son ot Swift was killed near his
home In Dunlap tour years ago while he
wn playing about the traclt. The plaintiffs
originally sued separately , demanding $10,000
damages each , but they are united now In
one case. Doth the lad's parents testified i
yesterday as to the particulars at the ac- :
cldcnt The track where the boy was play-
lug was straight , which they claim Is an
indication that the accident was duo to the '
carelessness ot the employes of the road.
The boy crosse the track , saw the train
coming , and , apparently becoming bewildered ,
turned around and ran back again , falling
In front or the engine and being run over.
They sue for what they allege he would
have been able to ear after arrlvng at the
ago ot 21. In mitigation at damages the
company will try to prove that the boy
was weak minded.
Jack Walters at Rnggold county and Wl-
lam Currie and John Oldham or Monroe
county entered pleas ot guilty to the charge
ot violating the revenue laws
Judge Woolson received a telegram an-
flouncing the death at the mother of JUdge
Dabb at Mount Pleasant , and left for that
Illace on the afternoon train lie will return -
turn Monday to reopen court
We have Got us ! ure ' 1'lg.
I Is the Insurance gasoline stove , the only
gasoline stove made that a child can play
with and do no harm I takes care at
itself ; can be blown out , left open or turned
on , and there Is no pesllble way for the
gasoline to ignite or exphode. No smell or
odor , no dripping at gasoline , no burning
your house down or burning your wife or
mother.ln-Iaw to death No misery , no f U-
nerals , no deaths or use for an undertaker
I you use the insurance gasoline stove , as It
Is absolutely safe. I you don't believe I aslc
any at our competitors , then ask them to
blowout their steve and leave It open for ten
minutes. then apply a match to the stove
as we do with ours and lee what wi hap-
pen , but b lure to be a quarter at a mile
away before he lights the match , as there II
lure to be on explosion ; then we would not
got to sell you on Insurance stove , as there
would he a funeral next day.
DROWN'S C. O. D. , Sale Acents.
The Insurance ( JAlolne Stove ,
Introduced by P. 0 , ne Vol In 1894 , and
laid by him this season Absolutely lare.
Can't explode No danger , De sure yon get
" . "
the "Insurance
I' , C. DE VOL 104 Broadway
l'rerocious Youngster .
A lady living on one of the principal resi-
deuce streets ot the city has a 4-'ear-old son
who lisa an abnormal capacity for learning
scripture texts and and springing them on
his friends at all sorts of times. lie frequently -
Quenty adorns his conversation with choice
bits of sermonizing , which cause his grove
and dignified elders to predict great things
for him. But he occsloualy surprises them.
The last time there was enough snow on the
ground to tempt 1 small boy ho ventured
out on the hillside with a sled and ran
across a neighbor who kindly offered te pull
him up the lull. The offer wu accepted , and
. . - - ' . _ " . ' 1 ' . , , .
. ' , ' . ' . ,
. the little fellow cambered upon the sled
ho remarked to the man at the other end
Ian I
of the string , "Jsn't this beautiful snow ,
Uncle B7 God makes this snow come down
for fee little boys like me. Say , Uncle 5- ,
did you ever sea me slide down that there
bill ? I can go down like the very deviL"
"Uncle Stol the story al a recent
dinner party where the mother of the little
Sunday school boy was present , and there
was only ono In the dinner party who failed
to appreciate the joke
lISN1W : Mitt ! .
hue Vnlosudng % SRlo.
Sale begins Monday morning , April 1 .
100 pIeces standard dress prints , 2c yard.
3G-lnch unbleached L L muslin , 2.e yard.
Fruit at the Loom and genuine Lnsdale
muslin , Gc yard .
1,000 yards at halt wool cha1el , IOn yard.
All our Imported French all wool cbiles
during sale , 29c yard , worth 60c.
40.lnch all wool French serge , In navy and
black , 3lc yard , worth 60c.
4G.lnch French serge , In navy and black ,
going at SOc yard
$ quality 40.lnch novelty black goods , wo
will sell becuse 'we want money , atl9c yard.
760 novelty back goods at SOc 'ard.
20 and 24.lnch plain China silks , In black ,
cream , navy , brown and gold , 2lc yard .
200 pure silk veiling . In navy , cream , bInds
and brown , at lc yard.
Another big ribbon sale , all silk ribbons ,
Nos 7 , 0 , 12 and 16 , In black and alt colors ,
worth 20c to SIc , at lOc yard.
6 pieces at genuine real hair cloth , 39c
Nobblest line of ladles' capes and chl-
uhen's jackets In the city. Figure with us
before you buy. Como In Monday.
Council Bluffs . :
I'edoral Court Ltkely to Instruct him on
\VhBt Uo Can Send In tim Mail.
There Is one humble searcher after truth
at the present session at the United States i
court , and he has brilliant prospects at learn- I ,
Ing more about truth In the next few months
than he has ever learned before. lie yearned
for domestic joys , and sized up a widow In
another town as his Ideal at all a wife should
be. lie accordingly took his pen In hand and
dropped her a few lines to let her know the
tender state at his feelings , and asked her to
marry him. Strange to say , his scented mis-
sive failed to arouse a corresponding state at
mind In the object at his affections , and no
answer came. Several more letters followed
the first , but the writer ( lid not even receive
a note to let him know that his application
hall even been placed on file. Then he gath-
ered aU his wits together and wrote 1 last
letter , In which he informed his erstwhile
Diana that she was the homeliest old hag In
christendom , and that he would not marry
her to lave her neck. He accompanied these
statements with a lot at others , which would
not look well In print , but which loft no
doubt that the writer was very mad. Uncle
Sam got hold at the letter , and the writer at ,
the letter Is now awaiting the acton at the
grand jury on the charge at mailing obscene
literature. In telling the story at his troubles
to 1 friend yesterday , he remarked : "I ailus
beam tell that the mails was Intended to be
used for a ( eler to write to his friends , but
sence I got up here I swan If I can tel what
a teler ought to put Into 1 letter , and what
he ought to leave out " The grand jury is
considering his case now.
llrlct , turt > ln "ud Hug Sale.
45c quality linen warp matting . 29c yard
400 quality Japanese matting . 23c yard.
AU wool Ingrain carpet , 59c and 65c yard.
Body Brussels , Wion , velvet and mo-
queUes , at $1 yard
Mouete rugs , size 27 by G3 , at $2.68.
Japanese velvet rugs size 27 by 63. at $1.98.
Smyrna rugs , size 21 by 11 , at $1.48.
Smyrna rugs , size 26 by 63 , at $ .98.
Smyrna rugs , size 30 by 70 , at $2.48.
Smyrna rugs , size 36 by 81 , at $3.68.
Felt curtain shades , wih fixtures , 16c.
Opaque curtain , shades , with fixtures , 29c
and 39c. .
3G-lnch dotde curtain swiss , 120 'ard. I.
Council Bluffs.
Marcus' fire sale Is drawing the crowds.
The stock consists at men's and boys' cloth-
Ing , gents' furnishing goods , boots and shoes ,
hats and caps trunks and vaUses. The goods
are slightly damaged by smoke , but not an
article is offered that Is not worth two or
three times the prIce asked. Open evenings.
Marchln for 111 Itranson.
William H. Dranson , jr. , of Missouri Valley
was in the city yesterday looking for his
adopted daughter , aged 17 years. She let
home Friday and was traced to this city.
She stopped al the Union Pacific transfer
hotel that night. Mr. Dranson stated that
she had no reason , so far as ho knew , for
wanting a change at residence. She left no
word , and as she had never said anything to
indicate that she expected to leave her
friends are at a loss to explain her actions.
He wanted to perslde her to go back home
It possible , or at least to take some money
and fit herself OUt with the proper clothing
In case she intended stay bere.
Mrs. E. J. Davis concluded her millinery
display lat evening , and was the recipient
of many compliments , many of the crowds at
ladles enthusiastically assurng ! her that It
was nol only the event at the millinery sea-
son , but the finest display of the many that
have taken , place In this vicinity this season. .
The display will b kept Intact for several
days and 536 Broadway will continue to be a ,
Ilupular place with the ladles.
The P. O. D. at A. , will give a social for
the benefit at the 'Voman's Christian associa-
ton hospital at the P. O. D. at A. hull , over
10 Main street , Tuesday evening , April 2.
An amusing feature for the young people will
b3 a young ladys to take their pictures , for
the smal sum at 10 cents. Everybody c-
dlaly invited .
( 'hargod with Countorfolting .
OIcer Slead picked up a man going by the
name of Jeff Stewart yesterday on Seventh
avenue. The proprietor at the Emmet house
and Sankey Doysen , who keeps a saloon on
Sixteenth avenue , claimed that he had tried
to pass a counterfeit dollar at each of their
places. He succeeded with Doysen. le at
fIrst denied that he had tried to pass the
stuff , but afterwards admitted 10 the officer
that he had. lie claimed to bo tram Sioux
City. In his possession were found paper
bearing the lames at Jeff , James and WU-
ham Stewart. lie was bound over to the fed-
oral grand jury , _ _ _ _ _ _
Mrs. Albin Huster will have her spring
millinery display on Thursday , Friday and
Saturday , April 4 , I and G. Ladles , come
out and see the finest stock at new goods In '
the city. sn Broadway
Council Bluffs horse market. Auction sale
every Friday afternoon at Ilel's barn. Bring
In your horses I you wont them sold
Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that good
laundry , " and Is located at 724 Droadway.
I In doubt about this try I and be convinced .
Don't target name and number. Tel. 157.
Don't forget the Waverly Is the best high
grade bicycle out. Our 21-lb. Eclipse road-
ster is up to ( date Full line bicycle supplies
at Cole & Cole's , 4 Main street .
DecCrMtol u. ,
Encampment No. 8 , Union Veteran Legion .
wi hold decoration services at Walnut Hi
cemetery on Decoration day , May 30 , for the
purpose ot commemorating the heroic deeds
and memories and strewing flowers on the
gravel of the soldier dead. All military and
civic organizations and all old soldiers and
citizens are cordially Invited to
citzens eordlaly participate
with us on this occasion.
W. II. SPERA , Adjutant
O. ANSON , Colonel
Seed potatoes . northern grown , Early Ohio ,
Early ROle , Burbank and sweet potatoes ,
onion sets ; special price on large lots. J. n.
Snyder , wholesale fruits , Council Bluffs , Ia
First-class storage room. Rate , $1.50 per
month , J. R. Snyder , wholesale fruit and
produce , Council Bluffs , Ia.
Where i'ews Are Yree. '
First Presbyterian , corer of Willow avenue -
nue and Seventh street , Rev , Stephen Phelps , '
pator-I'reachlng by the pastor at 10:30 : a.
m. and 7:30 : p. m ,
Droadway Methodist , Ii , F , Dudley , pal-
torPreaching at 10:30 : a. m. ; Sunday school
and class meeting at lZ m. ; Epwortb league
at 6:30 : p. m. Dr , Rees will speak at 130 ; In
: r : .
the Interest ot the 'hystian home ot Coun-
ci Bluffs. I I hlttan I :
Second Presbyterla ' - ' reaehlnl at 10:30 : a.
m. and 7:30 : p. m. by 11ev. henry Coker ; Sabbath -
bath school , 12 m. : Y6 Wg I'eoplo's Society ot
Christian Endeavor , 7. m ,
Congrogational-drhthg lubject. "A
Vision ot GlorlfiedflLulnanity. " Evening ,
"The Saint Luke ot the Nineteenth Country ,
or Oliver Wendell 101i . "
Reorganized Church ! Jesus Christ at Letter .
ter Day Saints , on l'ce ! street , three doors
west ot Gen avenue-Preaching at 10:30 : a.
m. and 7:30 : p. m. : Sunday school nt 12 m. :
Z. H. I. society at C P t. Evening subject ,
"Evolution , \VheeDlil Man Come Prom ? "
T. W. Williams , mipitcr.
St. John's English 'utberan church , James'
hall , 1 Pearl street , ' ne\ : O. W. Snyder ,
pastor-Services at 11.a . . and 7:20 . .
11. a. m. : p. m. :
Sunday school at 9:45 : a. m. ; young people's
meeting at 6:30 : p. m.
FrRnk n. C1111Pnlor.
Spent months In the far east last year. lie
, can give the belt Idea at the Japanes.Chlnese
war that can bs found anywhere. Hear him ,
Broadway church , April 10 , 12 and 13. Course
tickets , $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8nn",1 Morning.
Pot at baked beans and brown bread , 30
cents C. D. Itandlett .
Dr. Parsons , over Schneider's , IU B'wy.
Tel. 216. )
Davis , drug , paint glass man 200 B'way
Tribune pictures framed for 39 cents ; mat ,
g1ass ' , screweyes , and wire. Chapman's
new store , 17 Main street ,
Chrllt" " lmn. therting ,
At the Broadway Methodist church this
evening there will be a mass meeting In the
Interests at the Christian home. I'repara-
lens have been made for a most interesting
time. Hev. W. H. 1. flees , formerly pastor
at the church , will occupy the pulpit and de-
liver n lecture on the subject at "Charity. "
No admission tee Is to be charged , and the :
purpose at the promotors' the affair Is I
simply to awaken I new enthusiasm among ,
the friends at the institution. Dr. flees has i
always been on enthusiastic friend at the '
Home , and when he resided here was a frequent - I
quent visitor , his calls being looked forward ,
t : with pleasure by young and old alike. In
his endeavors to help the cause at charity
this evening he will be assisted by Superintendent -
tendent Sawyer of the city schools , Superin-
tendent Rothert of the school for the deaf ,
F. H. Keys , president at the Young Men's
Christian association , and D. C. Bloomer.
J. J' . Wilcox will put In Bare handsome feral
decorations. The church should be filled to
its utmost capacity with the friends at the
cause of charity.
Owing to my Inability to meet the demands
at the exceedingly low prices In the past ten
days I have decided by urgent requests to
hold the sale open one week longer. Come
one and all and take advantage of the low
prices. My mete Is to sell. W. H. MUlin ,
21 South Main street
Tickets to the Carpenter lecture will be on
sale at Bushnell' Draccett & Hart's jewelry
store. Course , $ ; slnglo , 50 cents.
Evans' Laurdr Co. , 520 Pearl ; tel 290 ;
shirts , collars , cuts , fine work a specialty.
Oas heating stovel tor rent and for sale at
Council Bluffs Gas company's office.
J.V. . McPherson' fioiIst . Cut fowers and
plants. Design work aspecialty. Telephone
244. 1281 East Pierce . Council Bluffs.
Meal tickets good tot 21 meal " wly $
each , at Hotel Inman " '
Dr. Laugel , ofrd1 ( ' 5th : ve. ; teL 180.
' , . , ' u'
City Omchals and \Vt'er ' Works Company
each nutinderstandlng. ,
The special commitee appointed nt the
last meeting of the city council to report
upon the recommendahpn ot the mayor that
some measure should IPo taken by 'yhlch ,
When niw hydrants ' . wce ordered . thel coun- ,
cl 'hd { lt1 to ' hotlflid . rthie.tjftnalns
that were to be laid by the water'works
company , met In the city ball V yesterday
afternoon. There were present Councilmen '
Howehl , . Dechel , Prince and Jacobsen , City
Engineer Rosewater , , City Attorney Connel
and , SuperIntendent Hunt and Receiver Bier- .
bower of the water works company. Mayor
Demls' and Fire Chief Redel were afterward '
called iii' and nearly three hour " \Y re scent
, ip I discussIng several V phase at the . Wa er
main prblem. : "
The proceeding were lengthened by along
long discussion , In which the maters growIng -
ing , out at the former council investigation
were threshed over and some rather heated
arguments had. City Engineer Rosewater ,
supported the poslUon at the mayor that a
large percentage at the 10 miles at mains
now In operation consisted ot six-Inch plpo.
Mr. Hunt branched off Into n general discussion -
cuss Ion at the water works question , il
which he claimed that there was propor-
tonately no more . ihix-inchi pipe In' Omaha
than there was In Philadelphia and other
cites , and after a long winded discussion
along this line the committee reached the
question at hand It was finally decided
that 1 report should be submitted providing
for regulations by which all ordinances 10.
eating additional hydrants should be accompanied -
panied by a statement from the water works
company mains. showing the Ilze of tIm connecting
In regard to the ordinances for hydrants
on Half Howard street which were vetoed
by the mayor at the time when the sug-
gestion was offered In regard to an understanding .
standing abut the mains , It' was found that
there had been some misunderstanding , ana
that the contemplated main was an eight-
Inch pipe , with connections at both end.
' The Maple street difficulty was settled by
the agreement t locate one additional hy-
drant. In this case the water company
was abut to place the hydrants In the mid-
dIe at the blocks In order to make thor
400 fCt apart , al provided for In its con-
tract. Dy putting In the additional hydrant
this difficulty Is avoided.
Affairs or tim Grossed hleef and Canning
Couupauiy Hotttpd Up
SIOUX CITY , March 30.-Special 'rele-
gram-Asslgnee ) Taylor of the Sioux City
Dressed Beet and Canning company flied
his final report oC the company's affairs
today. The claims 'against the estate
Te 'agalnlt aGGregated
Gregated $8.0 of which $ . , O were held
by the Credits COlmutaton company oC
this city The repo4 way approved and a
dividend at 5 pell . , entV ordered . The receiver -
cclver will be dlschqrgqd and the company'B
business finally cloelP \ next weelt .
The case ot thel.tatl against J. J. Leis ,
formerly the iocaIicoru'cspoiident of the Chi. ,
cage Sunday Hun , against whom tn indIctment - !
lent Is pendIng Jtorhlttemptng to extort ,
money from . \tl lhrt at Dakota City , '
Neb'l will come ujt'l the dlstcict court :
. distrct
Monday mornlngn..1 1 '
'rhe case against ' ' . V1JF ! . Bevlngt : , tinder .
Indictment for obtjtnipg money tram the
county by also pretenses during his term
l county atornly 1thur . ) 'elr ago will ;
come up next Tucsdl ) . BevinGton ) is one
oC the mOlt promlnenteiuttorneys In the , 'Iy
and was county I alaney at Woodlury
county for live ygarauiu1 a Great deal oC ,
interest Is felt in.his , case
Local attorneys . 0tetested In the fnmous
Wheeler-James Ltf county land case have
just completed the dctals at n settlement
by which the oldll und most extensive
litigation In the IIAI will be terminated.
Thin case was begm ulortly , after the de'atti
vlorty afer dlath
of 1" . ii. James , I'W llhY New York mu.
road man , a numbe\ or years ago Ihorly
before he died Jamel gave a deed to several
thousand acres at Lyon county land to a
ward named Arthur O. Wheeler .u the
same time he gave his wlte a mortgage
tor $10.0 on the hind . I Is supposed that
he was unwilling to pay taxes which were
then very high In that port oi Iowa , on so :
large a tract at land , but left her the mortgage - ,
gage to enable her to secure the title to It I
It she chose to do eo later on . Mrs. James I
did subsequently foreclose on the land anti 'I '
bId I In at sheriff's sale Some time ago
'heeler commenced proceedings to set
aside the foreclosure on the ground at technical .
Ilcal Informalles and was meeting with
SUch goo succeBS that the defense decided
to compromise. Wheeler Is to get tour eec-
tions ot the land valued .
tonl at $2.0 a see-
ton , In consideration at his surrendering nil
title to the balance. al
Your Counts Against is flank hiobbor.
A1)EL , Ia. , March 3O-Special ( 'relegram. )
-'fhe grand jury returned this morninG
four Indictments against Charles \V Craw-
ford , the young bank robber three ot the '
counts being for assault with Intent to
commit murder and one for robbery , Craw-
ford will be arraigned on Mondar ,
Six Hundred Minera Meet at O.nterio
t Dscuss WagEs
Doth Shies Get Together and Agree Upon
ft Basis b ) Which R Disastrous
love 1l"y I'ollbl ) lie
l'raventcd ,
CENTERVILLE , Ia. , March 30.-(8peclal (
Telegram.-Slx ) hundred miners , representIng -
Ing 3,000 employed In this district , met
today , and after a carer\l all day's discussion .
sian decided unanimously to demand the
scale agreed to by their representatives and
tIme operators In session at Olumwa last
night. Wherever this scale Is accepted the
miners will work , but the attitude at the
operators In this district , except the White-
breast and Dock Coal companies Is such
that 1 strike Is enevlable , and on Monday
at least 2,000 miners wilt walk out.
The agreement reached between the miners
and operators at Olumwa was unanimously
endorsed as follows :
In n joint meeting ot Iowa coal operators ,
with the miner executive committee of Iowa
I Is resolved that the scale at mining
wakes from AudI I , 1& ) : ; . to . \prl I , 1896 ,
shall bo the same ns the so-cnlell 1893 scale
for mining and $2 scale for day wages , wih
the usual differentials , with the same Ilrlces
for powder and smlthlng , except that In
the Des Moines district the scale shnl be
8 cents per ton ot 2,0 pounds screened
coal for the six summer months and 0
cents per ton for the six winter months ,
except also thnt all operators In the Ap-
pan lose district shall have the privilege of
putting In track scales In loading their coal
under the same conditions as operators now
having trclt scales , and all parties agree
to maintain such scale as tar I prctcal ) '
possible but no operator shall reduce wages
nor shall the miners at any time demand
an Increase of wages ot mining except after
ncton by the executive committees of
operators attached that they will upon the
written request of their emplo'es deduct
from their earnings the sum oC $1 per
month from the first money eared by them
and pay the same over to the treasurer ,
whem they may select.
It Is further resolved that I Is the intention -
ton of the partIes here to deal fairly with
their men and that they stand ready to
redress any wrongs. This agreement Is intended -
tended to cover the period until April 1.
18G. subject to the conditions hereinbefore
This was signed by the Whlebreast Fuel
company , Centervl0 Dock Coal company ,
Wapelo Coal company , and the Smoky 1101-
low Coal company , and for the mine workers
by the executive board , John \V. Reynolds ,
president ; J. T. Charkson Julius Freman ,
secretary and treasurer , Thomas J. Cavan-
This agreement was forwarded today to all
the operators In the state with the hope
that all would sign and thus avoid the strike
which was virtually backed by the operators
at all the big mines , will involve serious
complications tram which It will take years
to recover. Missouri miners were also represented -
seated and the strike will enter Into that
state. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
10rrlb10 Discovery ot R Clinton P lccmnl
II August 8"'lnSOI'1 Ilonie .
CLINTON , Ia. , March 30.-Spocial ( Tele-
gram.-Suminoned by two small '
grm.-Summoned smal boys cry-
lug with hunger , saying they could not
wake theIr lather Policeman POlng burst
In the door to the upper room ot August
Swanson's house , when I horrible sight met
his eyes. On a piece ot plank on th bed
lay the bloody corpse of Albert , 7-'ear-old
son of Swanson , the head completely severed -
ered from the body by a sharp hatchet
which lay there. Ordinarily father and
, children slept together. Last nIght the
children said their - father forced them 10'
sleep downstairs . and went up , taking Al-
bert with him. After barrIng the door on
the Inside the murderer jumped from an
open window and escaped. lie had been In
an Insane asylum before The recent death
of his wife and hack ot work It Is be-
hievcd . crazed him. Many believe he has
drowned hlmselt. Though peculiar at thnes.
he was not consIdered dangerous. PrevIous
to his ImprIsonment In the asylum several
year ago he had attempted to commit Bul-
clde , by cutting his throat. His two remain-
Ing children are August and Victor , aged 9
and 3 respectively . Why ' he singled out
that particular child for destruction Is un-
Search Is being made for the murderer ,
but thus tar he has eluded detection. No
Inquest has yet been held .
Swindled Jow.s Merchants .
ANITA , Ia. , March 30.-Special.-A ) well
dressed young man giving his name as Ed
Wilson and claiming to be working for
Perry & Hunter , county bridge builders .
, presented a check for $16 and got the cash
at the J. C. Voorhees Hardware company.
He then went to the King Hardware company -
pany and purchased spikes , hinges , etc. , to
the amount of $5 and presented a check
for $14.50 . getting the balance In cash He
next tried Latg Bros. ' general store and
offered I check , which . they would not ac-
cept. Each check was made payable to
Ed Wison , signed by I'erry & Hunter. A
man doIng the same game on the Guthrie
Center bridge contractor was arrested yes-
terday und lodged In jai ut that place.
A bucket shop was opened up here tOday
In the Johnson building.
Diphtheria Is raging In the family ot
Mrs. N. Holton , three miles east at town.
Two chidren have died and two more are
DeserltHt Bt tRio 4itar.
CRESTON , 10. , March 30-Bpeclal ( Tele-
grm.-'Vor ) has just been received that
Miss Eva Morgan , daughter at highlY re-
spcted parents at Band Creek township ,
has suffered considerable embarrassment.
Robert Llnevle and Miss Morgan were to
have been married and the preparations
were complete. The wedding feast had
been prepared guests arrived , the bride
properly atrei anll the minister waiting to
te the nuptial knot , but the groom failed
to appear. ACer anxiously waiting for
some time after the appointed hour , the
weltlng was indefInitely postponed ( the
guests departed und the bride disrobed herself -
self at her wedding garments. lilies Mor-
gan's coolness was remarlmble. The day
aler the wedding she come to Creston and
returned thlumarlage license to the county
cleric and asked for the dollar which the
license cost and returned home. Llnevle
has not returned.
Rends 111 Title Chair .
FORT DODGE , In , March 30.-Special (
Telegram.-After ) two days of high cast
winds It began raining this afternoon and Is
comIng down steadily , with every prospect
at a long storm. The question ot title to
Owl luke , whIch was drained tor farms
Bore time ago by George 1. Pearsonl and [ I
then claimed as homesteads by squatters
as n meandering body o water was settled
today by President Cleveland signing ( a cer-
ttcate ot transfer from the government to
the state of Iowa. 'rliis state has already
transferred I to Humboldt county , from
which Penrsons holds tithe. This makes his
ownership pertect. Two thousand seven
hundred acres were Involved and the case
has attracted general attention .
'ioux City Muups Commits Huicide.
SIOUX CITY , March SO.-(8peclal ( 'rele.
grain-Wiiliam ) Bush , a young man 21
year old , committed suicide here today by
taking morphine. lie was found on the
street by the police this morning and was
at fIrst supposel to be suffering with de-
lrium tremens. Bush Is the son of wealthy
parents and was well educated , but was
addicted to the morphine habit and hits
recently been frequently arrested for va-
grncy and petty thieving.
Indlden for 11..1 Voting.
OTTUMWA , In , March 3O.-Speciai ( Tele.
gram.-Ten Indictments were returned by
the grand jury today against young men
for illegal voting at the last election. The
republicans claim that the Fourth ward
was colonized against him and Jlrocured
what they allege te he certain proof , which
will ponvlct those indicted About twenty
more are expected to follow.
Tow 110)11's tetV " 'uuuturo.
SIOUX CITY , March 30-Speclal 'fele.
gram.-T , I" . lloyd , who came here a short
time ago from Omaha to take charge or
the Peavey Grand opera house , has resigned
his position and expects to leave In a short
time for Orand Itniultis , where he has an
offer of the lease at Powers' opera house
lloyd's rlatons with the owners ot the
Sioux City house have been very JIJeasant.
loolln" harsh for Iuvcrur
CRESTON , Ia. , March 30.-There was a
conventon of harsh clubs of southwestern
Iowa In this city tonight Prominent re-
JJu1lcans from all over southern Iowa were
present and canvassed Senator Harsh's Sue
They Are Leading Signs of Catarrhal Disease.
Efcient hnd Inexpcnsl\c Treatment Ofered by 118 , Copeland & Shep
hl'd-Tnc l1urcst llcdhlncs Irec to All.
Greater numbers at people surer from the Night 8\erls7
malign poisons ot catarrh Any ot '
mnlgn , as tram other hemorrhage lungs V
subtle chronic I I maladies I 1 , without any correct Bwelnl at limbs ?
or definite Idea at the nature of their nIfiic- B\er ttiiy cOlsumpton In family ?
arlcCopelali and Shepnrll system ot treAt-
ton , The following symptoms have been menl , while least expensive , 18 the meal
carefully arranged to enable many suffer- efficient known moa
ers to understand what It Is that ails them. 'ffl Tfl1O'j' .
Many diseases known under various specific Is It clear TlUOAT.
names are really ot a catarrhnl origin and Dry anti parched 7
nattire Every part of the mucuous memo Jnlamed ?
brane , the nose , throat , eyes , ears , head ' T.ckling sensation ?
lungs , stomach , liver , bowels ' . Swollen ?
! lver , kidneys and An ) ' ulcers ?
bladder , are Subject to disease and blight hacking cough ?
by catarrh The proper 'courso for sufferers : Itcous droll Into the throat ?
Is tIlls : Head these lymptols carefully over Cnn ) 'ou hawk It up7
mark those I that apply to your case and Choke ' when lying , down
nl)1 voiceV hoarse and husky ,
bring this with you to Dra , Copelanti and Copeland anti Hhiepard system of treat.
IlhepnrdIf ) 'oti live away from the city send uncut , while least expensive , is thi mos3
them by mail anti ask for mail treatment , efficient known.
In either instance , and whether by mail or 'I'IIE SToM4cII ,
office treatnient , the patient may be assured Appetite good ?
of the speediest relief and cure possible to AllY distress after meals ?
enlightened medicine , yams ?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sharp or dull ?
Any bloating or belching ?
A FEW QUESTIONS heidi iiii food or gas ?
S Any heaviness ?
To facilitate a. "search of the system for Ilenrtburn7 Soremiess ? V
catarrh , " here are a few simple questions ,
Vomuuitumig of food ?
answers to any or all of which may be ien- Frequent nausea ?
oiled -
opposite and brought lucrsonnliy to Breath offensive ?
Di's , Copeland anti Shepard or mailed by Tongume coated ?
those living at a distance , In either case tlnntt'ing sensation ? V
the applicant may feel assured of receiving I'aliiltntion of heart ? V
the speediest relief amid cure possible to tIm Ilati tnsto in imiouth ?
lresent resources of medical science , Coielsuitl and Shiepard system of treat.
'I'ILE hEAD. uncut , while least expensive , is the most
efficient known ,
Do you have headache ?
' '
In what part ? 'I'IIE BOVELS. V
Shmmtrp or dull ? Regular ?
Spells of dizziness ? V Constipated ?
Spells of drowsiness 7 Loose ?
Tenderness of head ? Any cramps ?
Face Pale or flushed ? Sharp or ( lull pains ? ,
Face yeliow ? Any bloating ? '
Any blotches ? V Dime cntiinrtics ?
Copeland anti Shepard system of treatment Bowels easily moved ?
while least expensive , is the most . efficient Coimeland amid Shieparti system of treat.
known. mneiit , while least expensive , is the most
THE NOSE , efficient known ,
Stopped up ? . 'I'IIE KIDNEYS ,
Scaie forni ? Pains in back ?
Dry ? Sharp or itching ?
Watery discharge ? hack weak ?
Mucotis discharge ? Backward or forward ? Urinate often ?
Discharge offensive ? Burn in urinating ?
Sense of smell inijaired ? Color ?
Bleed easily ? Are you feverish ?
Nose ever Injured by blows ? Skin harsh ?
Copeland and Shuepard system of treatment Eyelids puffed ?
while least expensive , is the most efficient hands and feet swell ?
known , Copeland and Shepart ! system of treat.
TILE EARS. ment , while least expensive , is the mos
eillcient known.
Noise in the .
ears ? V
Any buzzing sounds ? .
Earache ? . Are you nert'ous or irritable ?
Do they itch ? Tired easily ?
Discharge ? TIred mornings ?
Hoarimmg impaired ? Cold hand3 and feet ?
Copeiand and Shepard system of treatment Soreness Just below the ribs ?
while least expensive , is the most ellicient In right or left side ?
known. Bones ache ?
TILE EYES. Have chills ?
Take cold easily ?
Inflamed ? Any rheumatism ?
Lids sore ? Joints swell ?
Watery ? Strength easily exhausted ?
Smarting or burning ? V Face , hands or tongue pale ?
Lids feel dry ? Any eruption on body ?
Aching pains ? Where ?
Vision impaired ? Does it itch ?
Specks before the eyes ? Small watery pimples ?
Does reading hurt them ? Had scrofula ?
Do you wenr glasses ? Copeland and Shepard system of treat.
Copeland and Shepard system of treatment uncut , while least expensive , is the mbst
while least expensive , is the most efficient eihlcient known.
Any pains or soreness ?
In what part ? TIme cost of a. full course of treatment
Sharp or aching pains ? by Dra. Copeland and Shepard is a hitUe
When ? fee per month , whether the requisite pe-
Are they constant ? nod be three months or three weeks. Thi $
Any tightness of lungs ? fee includes all medicines anti the constant
Difficult breathing ? and watchful care of all patients to a finmil' -
Any asthma ? . cure. Trial _ treatment _ _ _ _ given _ _ free. _
Wheezing In chest ?
Shortness of breath ? ,
Cough up mucous ? ROOMS 311 AND 312 NEW YORK LU1'1
Of what color ? BUILDING , OMAHA , NEIl.
Cough nights ? ' Office Hours-S to 11 a. m. ; 2 to 5 p. in. . EVe.
When most annoying ? nlngs-Wednesdays and Saturdays only ,
Sheep well ? 6 to 8. Sunday-b to 12 m. V
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - .4-
V -a
-Guaranteed Northern Grown-
Council Bluffs and Vicinity Imported Thousands of' Dollars WortI
of Potatoes During the Past Season. Buy Good Sa3d 'and We Win
Export Instead of Import. Write for prices or call on
2 1 1 and 2 1 3 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Ta.
Cleaning and Dyeing of armcnt and
Goods of Every ilascription ,
Scliocdsttck's 'rvIii City Dyc C
DYE WORKS. Works , Cop , Avcmieze A and 20th
St. , Council BiuffH , Offeec , 1521 Far.
5151111 St. , Omaha ,
. Send for l'rice List ,
_ _ _ _ _
Dohany's Theater.
Manager , wrcasurer.
One Night Only. Monday , April 1.
Given by the
Glee , Banjo and
M andolin Clubs
Admission , itc , tOe and Re , flax seats , $1.00.
On Halo Ilaturday morning , U o'clock ,
bernatorlal prospects , TIme Centuary climb
of Creaton , composed of itO prominent citi.
zenmi , pasned resolutions tonight comnmomida-
tory of llai'shi tuuid his candidacy , harsh's
forces are vorking energetically anti present -
ent irospecis are favorable ( or hint securing
time delegations of uuouthits'estern Iowa , 'rho
various harsh clubs in the different counties
participated in tonigiit's meeting ,
florauigott Over llouigion ,
CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia. , March 30.-Specal ( !
Telegram.-Iuirs ) , Mamie Miller , a young
married woman living near 'rodd'lJie , wai
found by her husband thIs unornimig hang-
lug from a rafter in the kitchen , It is sup-
huosed ebue had become deranged over to-
ligious matters. _ _ _ _ _ _
Gohilcus Yedduuig Celebrated ,
SIOUX CITY , March 80.-Wpeciai Tele.
gram.-Mr. ) iind Mrs. Ii , A. Jundt of this
city celebrated their golden wedding today ,
Jandt is one of the olulest and Wealthiest
jobbers in the city and law lived here since
a ehiou-t time after bui marriage ,
Car hnslueetor hilled ,
CLINTON , ha , , March 30.-Speclai 'fete-
gram.-Charleis ) Moritz Hansen , a car Inspector -
specter , aged 28 , was struck by a stvilch
engine in the Northwestern yards 11Cr IhIs
morning and instantly killed. his Iiu
terribly mangled ,
housa I'oituflico hlobbed
CORNING , Ia , , March 30.--Bpecial ( Tele-
graun.-The postolhice at Brooks was robbed
last night. 'L'lme thieves secured but 45 cents ,
Joseph Arthur's store utnd the Burhingtoa
depot were entered , but nothing taken.
When BuyingV
Fruit Trees , j
Buy the best.
A minute lost can never be recover.d ,
and it's a calamity to hose several years.
which so many Iowa and Nebraska people
have done when they have bought foreign
grown , unaccllmated fruit trees.
Vero born on tIme hands wIere their aura. .
ry stock is grown , and years of patient ,
inteilgent experiment have taught tItian tIme
best varieties for thil climate , Consequently'
their home grown stock is as hardy as the
forest trees. They have a very large stock fl
for this spring delivery and every tree is ,
Warranted true to name , Orchard , Vinyar
Lawn , Parking Trees and O miamnental tocl
Make no mnistalce In your orders. Send us
your list of wants for vrices , We can please
you in Prices an(1 stock. References : Council
Bluffs Banks , Council Blurts Department
Omaha lice , and prominent business men ,
Nurseries six miles north of Council DIrts.
P. 0. Address ,
Crescent. Iowa.
Special Noticos-Oouncil Bluffs
126 liurke , at W. H. hloomsi's , 533 liroadway ,
salt , cheap and ) 5517 terms , Day & hiss , V
l'earl street ,
nistietl ; fine lawn ; good barn , and on paves
street , It. P. Ofllcer , 13 Main street ,
Ilurke , i homer's , 038 flroadwy ,
l'OR RUNT , hiOUSI6 , 140. 623 } iltOAlWAY ,
with seycus rooms ; also four rooms adjoining
at 521 liroaLiway ; good chunce for either privet.
faintly. boarding house or restaurant , Ii. W.
Jackson ,
FOlt ltl6NT STOItlI 1IUILDJNU , 101 4TltS'j' .
_ _ _ _ _ _
t1o luku ; lift. collar with my names stsmpiel
on. l.iteral reward If returned to bai M avenue ,
jj6.l1.caunpbeli. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
LANI ) Foil hlitHi ; NO IIIONT ; AliOUT 20
acres of new land ; will reliC ( rye to parties who
will terra hue seine , sesiori at 1001. Apply t , ,
jenardl6u'erctt , thuff. , I. .
Foil ] ( SNT , li'1v16.ltoOM COTTAGI6 O :
h'lerc btreCt , between l'ark and Glen avenue. .
v. Beebe.
gold chain , pearl bali charm , Saturday stcr.
noon en Mum street , between Broadway sa4 4-
ICeil hotel. The la4y who was seen to pick II
up will ylecsu return Io ii. . cmos ,