Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1895, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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TllE OMAHA \ DAILY BDI4UNDAY , 1\rAROII \ 31 , 1895. G
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You need . , Clothes _ _ You them Easter Which i only 1
some Spring may want by g { weekhence l , }
. . .
.j 1
Come direct to Nicoll the Tailor ; , there is _ ever' , reason why you should : We have the largest choice of new low tarifl j
1895 W oplens in this city. [ Over 3,000 styles. ] . . . , : . m
. , . !
Under the new tariff \ve are making Suits or Overcoats to order $15 to $50 that formerly would have cost $20 to $60 ,
We are making pants to order $4 to $14 that formerly would . . have cost $5 to $18. .
. . .
We guarantee entire satisfaction or money refunded [ Perfect ' fitting-perfect made garments-from up-to-date. choice new fabrics. ] .
Do not confuse ' us wih the cheap . tailors that copy our methods and prices--they n < 3cessarily J . fail to give the value and satisfaction that we readily and safely guarantee.
Fancy-priced-credit . tailors traduce us--because we make as good cLothes at one-halt . their pri es.
I . . "
We prepare our working forces for several thousand extra . ' : orders to be execute ' the weeks before Easter so come withl \l
tIle assurance bf being . promptly and satisfactorily . . served at . . Price4 : , . .a decided saving to you. .
. , . . '
. . I , u\ .
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, n /fan/It . . 11'II" I . i n .AC1.JA : > 0
= : ; m. NICOLL T E TAILOR .
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S07 ; s. 15TfL : : , , , t0 : ' S. 1GTH. ;
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; - ' . . " r 207 SOUrp'Br.r'H ' . .1 . e ' , STREET. - ; > ; ; ,
Worst Storm in Years Raging Throughout
Colorado and Wyoming
Velocity of the Wind Was So Great that 1t
'Vas lIul1oslblo to Make Headway
Against it-Night Tralnll Into
3 , Denver Greatly DolllyecL
DENVER , March 30.-Colorado Is experiencing -
encing today tho' worst Bnow storm In many
months. A tremendous gale Is blowing from
the north , but It Is not coltl. As the Bnow
melts rapidly traffic will not bo seriously 1m.
Tim snow and wind storm continued ( all
IaY' with unabated tury. It Is the worst
storm since the memorable one ot March ,
1811 ! ! , which continued for three days. Heavy
thunder and vivid flashes or lightning ac-
compnnled the beginning or this storm , a
feature not usual at this season. The velocity -
+ locity ot the wind just before daybreak was
terrific , and but for the very wet snow ,
, which served to hold things In their places ,
much damage would no doubt have been
done. At 5:20 the wind was blowing at the
rate or torty-elght miles IIn hour , but It
. . . .
slowly decreased up to noon , when H registered - ,
teroo thirty-tour miles. A gable or the Columbine -
lumblno school house was blown out. Stones
welglllng thirty. live pOl\nds were blown over
thirty feet away , while heavy blocks lay piled
up over eighty feet front the building. The
tramway and cable companies lire having
great dlfllculty In moving. their cars , and
many or tbe street railway lines are blocked.
At G p. m. the snow was about a root deep In
this city , and It Is badly Ilrlrtoo. During the
early part or the day trains on the railroads
cast and \ west were running on time , but the
night tmlnK are considerably delayed , and If
the storm : continues much longer It general
blockade will OCI'.IIr. ,
The storm Is exceptlonlllly severe In west-
orn Colorado Observer Brandenburg rays
the storm will not abate until tonight , and
colder weather will rollow. The storm Is
rapidly advancing southeastward , and tomor-
row the indications are that Texas and the
cult states wlil i get a touch or It.
GLlmWOO [ ) SPRINGS Colo. , March 30.-
The weather at alenwood Springs , which ror
11 week or ten days had been very warm and
BPrlng-lIke , suddenly changed , and a cold
rain sot In , which continued till late In the
night , when It turned to avow It Is a very
hard storm , and It Is thought that many cat
tie that have struggled through the winter
wilt ; perish ,
CASTLE nOCK , Cole , March 30.-The
Worst snow and wind storm or the season I
hiss prevailed here since an early hour this '
morning. It la blowing at a terrllic rate and
allOW Is drifting badly , and should the storm
continue aa at present It wIll stop railway
OENTHAL CITY Colo. , March SO.-Elgh-
wen Inches or snow bas fallen here , truffle III
entirely suspended , and hardly II person Vl'l1-
tunes on the streets .
LEADVILLE , March SO.-The weather Is
very blustery and cold at this place Snow
has bien blowing In clouds all day
BBIGIITON Colo. , March 30 . - The storm Is
one of the worst ever known here. In many
places the snow has drifted five feet deep
Duslness ! : la entirely suspended , all It Is hn-
llOllalble to face the storm Fears are enter-
tAlnod that there will be great loss or stock ,
The snow I. very wet and sticks to every-
thing It touches.
OlmYENNE , Wyo. , Much 30.-(8peclal (
Tclegralll-A ) fierce mow storm , accona
panted by high winds , bas been In progress
herlt for twenty-rour houra. Passenger trains
on the Cheyenne & Northern and Cheyenne
&I : Burlington are tied UI ; ) and no
freight Is 1I\0'lng Oil the Union Paclfio main
line. Unless there Is a speedy cessation
'or the storm the losses ot IIvo stock will bo
Severe throughout southern 'V/omlng.
LUSK , Wyo March 30.-Spcclal ( Tele-
pjratu-Tha ) worst atOJ'IUo QI the .QUOD 1 > > -
gan yesterday with a warm rain. At mid-
night II strong wind from the northeast
sprung up , the rain changed to snow and a
blizzard set In 'whlch has lasted all day.
TonIght there arc no Indications or better
weather. The train from the east was two
hours late today and as the road west of
here Is blocked the train returned from this
point to Chadron , ieb. < Stock on the range
will suireI' The snow Is very wet and the
drifts from two to six feet deep.
CARPER , Wyo. , March 30.-(8peclal ( Tele-
gram.-Slnce yesterday noon n northeast
snow has prevailed here. At this time the
snow Is fourteen Inches deep. The absence
or wind Is remarkable and local sheep men
lire getting uneasy. Unless wind comes In
the next twenty-tour hours It- Is thought the
sheep range loss will bo considerable.
MASON CITY la. . March 30.-(8peclal (
Telegram.-A ) drizzling rain commenced at
4. p. m. Tile ground Is In good condition.
Some seeding has been done here.
ANITA , Ia. , MArch 30. ( Speclal.-A ) light
rain visited this vicinity today , the first for
some tlmo.
CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia. , MArch 30-(8peclal (
Telegram.-The ) long tlrouth Is broken ; rain
has been failing slowly all the afternoon , with
conditions of continuing for several hours.
CIIADRON Neb. , March O.-Speclal.- : : ( )
Much snow Is reported 110th north and west
from heru. About twelve Inches have fallen
In the section between Harrison Neb. , and
Casper , 'Vyo. , and about aye Inches between
Rapid City and Deatlwood. The cold wave Is
coming this way. Snow plows have been
sent west on the Elkhorn.
DUTTE. Neb. , March 30.-Speclal ( Telo-
gram.-A ) heavy downpour or rain made the
rcsldents or this county jubilant tonight.
Reports from other places show that the rain
Is general throughout this part of the coun-
IIIlhol Whitney Advocated the Clatms of
the 'Vom" . to Vote
SALT LAKE , March 30.-Woman suffrage
was again the leading question before the
constitutional convention today Bishop
Whitney ot Salt Lake was recognized and , .
made a strong speech In favor or the meas-
ure. hits remarks were well received and
clearly indicated ! what the final action ot the
convention would be. The speaker believed
that the suffrage movement was the march
or eternal IJro&resslon-ho believed It was
the voice ot God. Women were made for
something besides being mothers , wives ,
cooks and housekeepers. lie believed they
would be the levers In the hands or God for
raising UIJ the downtrodden race to Its ultl-
mate redemllt1on. liB had lie en an Immense
congregation , two-thirds of them women ,
raise their hands and vote 111r Roberts Into
n high ecclesiastical o1Occ. '
At the conclusion or Bishop \Vtdtney's .
speech Roberts was recognized : , and asked '
llerlllission to have the closing speech on
the questlou. He read a telegram from his
constituents saying that party pledge ! arc
sacred and must ha kept , that he must cease
opposlag wOlllan suffrage or rcalgn. It was
finally decided that Hoberta should make
the closing speech without limit or time ,
A vote on the question will be probably
bt reached on Monday
w tit Invrltll"Iu Alaska Goltt I"lohll
WASHINGTON , March 30.-Secrctar
Smith , upon the request at Dr. 'Valcolt ot
the geological survey , asked Secretary her-
Port and Flsh Commissioner McDonald for
tine use of such vessels as may be I\\'all-
able In Alaskan waters to IIslilat In the
transportation ot the men who are to go to
Alaska to lIIalte an examination or the gold
lIehlli. Dr. George F . Declter and Dr. WII-
111111I 11. Dale wm make the investigations
'fhe points to be covered lire Kadlllh island ,
lIngo island , the southwest portion ot the
Alaska peninsula , Cook'a Inlet and the Sltkll
region It Is stated by Director 'alcott
that there will be no time to examine the
Yukon river country this season It Is ex-
Ileetcd that the fish llIIlsalon steamer AI.
batross will be available for carrying . the
Investigators from one point to another ,
. .
: lIunlll1l11or1111 Join Illeaclo' SIlo81'ron.
ASlllNGTON , March 30 ; The United
States shll ( Montgomery , now at Mobile ,
lies been ordered to coal up and join Ad.
mlral Meadu's squadron at Colon or Port
Limon Costa lUca. WltlL this addition ,
Admiral "'s force will comprise seven
vessels ! u larger squadron ! ot modern war
ships than has been seen on the north At-
lanUc IltaUon for years Vail.
Ohange in Army Regulations Being Pct
Into Active Operation ,
Department Commanders 'VIII Uavo to
Look After Their Own Troops-In-
.pectors General to Look After
Districts In the Future
WASHINGTON ; March 30.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-Now ) that the order has been Issued
announcing the change of the work or the In-
specter general's department , the orders car-
rying Into effect the other alterations contemplated -
templated In the new army regulation will
be Issued by the adjutant general within a
short time. The regulations are now And
have . been for some time In the hands or
Secretary Lamont. This change In reference
to the Inspection work Is probably the most
extensive variation In the methods which
has ever occurred at one time In the revis-
Ing or the l"C'gIIlaUons. According to the general .
t'ral order Issued today those doing Inspection .
tlon duty will hereafter be entirely under
the orders of the secretary ot war and will
not bo subject to the orders or the depart-
ment commanders , as has been the case
hcrtorore. It Is ordered that the Inspectors
and acting inspectors will exerciSe II comprehensive -
prehensive and general observation within
their respective districts , over all that per-
talus to the lclency of the army ; the con-
dition and state ot supplies or all kinds ; ot
arms and equipments ; ot the expenditure or
pobllo property and moneys and the condition
ot accounts ot all disbursing officers or every
branch or the service ; or the conduct , dlbcl-
llIno ( and efficiency ot officers and troops ,
and report with strict Impartiality In regard -
gud to all Irregularities that may be dis-
From time to time they will make suggestions -
tlom as may appear to them practicable for
the cure or any detect that may como under
their observation.
All military posts and Important detachh
ments thererrom ; all depots of supplies , and
all arsenals , armories and other ordnance
. establishments will ba inspected annually
The inspection or accounts of disbursing
omcers will be limited as follows : (1) ( ) Ac-
counts covering disbursements or about
$25,000 nnnually : (2) ( ) accounts covering from
$25,000 to $76,000 , twice each year ; (3) ( ) accounts -
counts covering upwards or 76,000 , three
times each year.
In making their annual Inspections the
commanders of the various departments will
assure themselves by personal examination
and observation that all olllcers and men
under their control are lclent In the ! performance -
rormance or duty : that troops are thoroughly
drilled and instructed In their field duties
and tactical exercises ; that ( supplies ' arc
properly distributed ; that proper care Is
exercIsed In the purchllle and preservation
ot public property , and that strict economy
Is exercised In all publIc expenditures. In
their annual reports department commanders
will summarize the results ot these Inspec-
Adjutant General Uuggle5 today Issued an
order relieving Major John M , 11amllton ,
First cavalry , trom duty as acting Inspector
general , Department or the platte , to take
effect April 30. and directing him to report
to the commanding general , Department or
the Colorado , for assignment to a station :
Lieutenant Colonel William J. Volkmar , u.
alstant adjutant general ; Lieutenant Colonel
Theodore Schwan Jalatant adjutant gen.
oral ; Lieutenant Colonel EnD Miles Twentieth -
tieth infantry ; Major Camille O. C. Carr ,
Eighth cavalry , and Captain Jesse M. Lee ,
Ninth infantry , are also relieved ot Inspection -
tlon duty by todsy's order. These officers
are relieved trom duty In compliance with
the change ot method or inspection which
was adopted In the new regulations , the
general order for which III all follows :
In order that the Inspection service oC the
army and the public expenditures connected
with the military establishment may be
more effectively and economically per-
formed , Inspection districts arc hereby established -
tablished to be designated WI follows : The
North Atlantic , the South Atlantic ; the
Middle , the Northern the Southern and the
PAclllc. The limits ot the several districts
will be designated In general Instructions
to be given hereafter.
Colonel Robert P. Hughes inspector gen-
eral , ts assigned to the North Atlantic distract
tract and will take station In New York
Colonel George H. Durton Inspector gen-
eral , Is assigned to the Pacfflc { district , and
will take station In San Francisco , Cat.
LIeutenant Colonel Henry W. Lawton inspector -
specter general 18 assigned to the Southern
district , and will take station In Santa Fe ,
N. M. . .
Lieutenant Colonel Peter D. Venom Inspector .
specter general Is assigned to the Middle
district , and will take station In Chlco. \ .
Major Joseph 1' . Sanger And Major E. A.
Garlington Inspectors general , are assigned
to the South Atlantic district and will take
station In Washington , D. C.
Major Francis Moore , Fifth cavalry , Is assigned -
signed to the Northern district as acting
Inspector general , and will take station In
Denver , Colo. .
With the exception of Colonel Burton 1
these officers will I be , relieved tram their
present duties In season to Join their new
stations on the 30th ot Allrll 18 5. Colonel
Burton will be relieved on April 30 , 18115 ,
and will join his new station not later than
May 31 , 11195.
The Department ot the Platte will be em-
braced In the Northern" district and Its inspections -
Bpeetlons will be done . by Major Moore ,
stationed at Denver. Inspector General
Dreclcenrldgo and II number oC army officers
on duty tn the war department have recently
expressed It as their opinion that the department .
ment commanders will not find It dllllcult
to perform time new work or inspection , and
that General Drooke ot the Department
or the Platte will prove to bo especially apt
In his additional duties.
All clerks and messengers now on duty'
with the tlepartment inspectors will remaIn
at the respective department headquarters
until further orders
Intcre.tlna Uoo.tlon Concerning tine Selee-
tlnusln the Yllnktun U..lcrvl' '
WASHINGTON , March 30.-The land or-
flCJ will take occasion to remove all
"sooners" from the ceded lands ot the Yank-
ton Indian reservations uping the military
It It be necessary , bero.rqthe lands become
open to entry , A new 'questloll will nc )
doubt arise It the statelrendeavors " to malell
selections for the piir rose or ruifilllng Its
grant. Its selections' ' cannot be taken Ir
the lands , at the tInlhe \ , selections are
made , lire Occullled t'-settlers. It Is even
a doubtful question \t' \ time state call select
these lands U It Is allq'f.ed ; to do so by the
department It will ,118. . compelled to pay
$4.75 per acre for thq lands , the price which
the government paid tire " . Indians.
Very little trouble , la' anticipated \ by the
department \ III OIJenlog 1t1te Yankton lands ,
as It Is beJleved there will bil enough to
satisfy all the settlers Iwbo wish to pay that
price for wild land ' " m ,
i , I
lead . . IIuv1Vutl { , Dehts'
ASIIINGTON , r.ll1tdrA30.-'l'he president
hall approved the proceedings and sentence
of the court martial hi the calla of Ensign
1. Dodd , United States navy , who was
tried Washington on charges of scandalous .
lous conduct tending to the destruction of. .
good morals and sentenced to dismissal !
'l'hu ollicer Got Into trouble 118 time result
of failure to pay his debts.
Ltlt Out blxly-I'uur Vlorkl.
WASHINGTON , March 3O.-t3lxty.toul ; ;
clerks , mostly women Oil what Is known lIa
the bullion roll , were discharged today- ,
They were appointed under the Sherman
sliver purchasing act and when that act
was repealed It Is held these clerks could
not longer be legally employed
resident IS Ill Move tu Wuuclle'T on IIlunlll& ) ' .
WASHINGTON , March lO.-1'ho : president
has made all necessary arrangements to
remove to 'Voodle Monday : Ir the weather
is tavorabll It Is Ills purpose to make
frequent vlllltQ to the white house , coming
to town whenever the state or pUblic bua-
ness requires 1t.
Robbers Provide Themselves with Bioyoles
on Which to Make Their .
Sheriff Dognrc1 and One of the Two Robber -
bore Jtllled and the Fireman Seriously
'Vounclod-Sovcrlll Passengers
Lose Their Valuable.
SACnAMENTO March 30.-The north-
bound Oregon express was held up by two
men tour miles north of Wheattand about 2
o'clock this morning. Engineer Dowsber
was compelled to stop the train and go back
and open the express car. FAiling to secure
anything In the express car , the robbers
started to rob tine passengers In the ceach
and smoker. Sheri Dognrd or Tehama
county was on the train and opened fire on
the robbers In the smoker , killing one er
them , and was himself killed by another
robber. The fireman was shot In the neck
and one leg and Is thought to 00 seriously
Injured. A passenger named Sampson ot
Redding was struck on the head and cut.
Several passengers were robbed The dead
bodies were turned over to the coroner at
Mary&vllle. The dead robber bas not been
identified and no accurate description or the
lIIan who escaped has been secured.
It was evidently the Intention or the
robbers to escape on bicycles. The body or
Sheriff Dogard and that or the dead robber
were taken to Alar'svlllc , where It was discovered -
covered that limo robber was attired In 1\ full
and complete bicycle suit , over which he had
drawn a. pair at overalls. In the overalls ho
had improvised pcckets made or toweling , In
which were two big pilitois. The dead robber
Is known In the vicinity or Maryavllle , where
he had eaten several ! meals In a restaurant
during the put tow weeks lie Is over six
feet tall and weighs over 200 poundB. A.
Northcott , time fireman , has two bullets In
his body and may Ille.
The first Intimation that the engineer and
fireman had of the presence or robbers on
the train was when a man climbed over
from time blind baggage car allli commanded !
at the poInt or II pistol the train to be
atcppetl. The command was ISO earnest that
the brakes were aplilled. Then lire robber
caused time engineer and fireman to jump
from the train , and with another robber who
appeared to come tuna a hiding place III
the roadway , they compelled the fireman to
request that the express car ba openeJ. This
was done , but time robbers could find nothing
or value and tine combination or the sate was
not In the bands or the messengers The
robbers carried a bag mania from the leg or
an old pair or overalls tied at one end , All
they went through the first car , the smoker ,
they made the passengers , who were few III
number , put In their coin and valuables , the
fireman being the custodian , behind which
the robbers stooll The colored porter In the
tourist sleeper just beyond the day coach be-
came aware that a robbery was In progress
and knowing that Sheriff Bogard was In II
berth , called him , That he-role man wu In
his IIhoos and trousers III a minute and
arllled with his heavy revolvers started for
the door to the north lie crossed the 1111I.t-
form between the sleeper and the day coach
and as he entered the latter at the south door
tha robbers came In at the north ,
The sheriff stepped to one side , aimed and
fired. Ills bullet dropped the man nearest
him , but the second tailed 10 reach lie target
One ot the robbers must have seen Bogard
ender and on doing so jumped down and , run-
ning alongside or the car , entered and shot
him from the rear , The fatal wound Is In the
sherllr'lI back , just below the kidneys. When
the robber was shot be exelahn d , " 11111I 1 don
for " ' ! he other asked , "Are you killed , Ill 17"
and thereupon they hastily left time car , tell : ng
tko now thoroughly frightened trainmen and
passengers not to attempt 10 rollow. The
passengers were all thoroughlY aroused by this
time and there were a number who wanted
to go on and others who wanted to go back
Conductor Sbortrldgo secured a man to help
Engineer Dowser , and after halt an hour's
delay the train came on to Marysvllle , arriv-
Ing there about 2:30 : a. m. The dead robber
has been Identified by the night clerk at the
United Staes hotel III MaryBvlllo and by
! John J. Daisy , who occupies the same position -
I tlon lit the Golden Eagle hotel. The two
strangers arrived at time United States hotel
soon after the departure or the Oregon express
Monday morulng. They both bad bicycles and
stated that they had arrived on the train.
OOlclllis of the Southern Pacific company
had been expecting a holdup on the Oregon
division for a long time , and until night be-
tore last heavily armed guards have ridden
as far ns MarysvllIe on every night train.
Last night tire guards were not on and the
bandits Improved their opportunity. The detectives -
tectives for the railroad company and the
Wells - Fargo Express company are convinced
that the robbers came from San Francisco.
They have discovered two men who were In
MarysvllIo and Whentland for several days
before the robbery. They appeared there on
bicycles. Tba dead robber , who was over six
feat tall , and weighed about 200 pounds , was
known as S. McOulro. Ito claimed to be an
agent for a bicycle firm. The other robber
went under the name of J. Johnson. The !
railroad detectives are quite certain that both
ot the robbers were In lire employ of the
S uilicrll-P cliteuup- - ' " the - time ' of the big
strike In July last.
Fireman Nethercott , who was brought to
the hospital : hero with two bullets In his
body , will probably recover. They are all
but certAin , too , that these balldlls were participants -
tlclpant In the two recent train robberies
near Arcade , this county , and near Castle
Switch San Joaquin county
on.ll.v ll.1XEI lId YE GUYE ; TO SJI..ll.
No ElTort lIelng Made to Sustain Thoan
from Chicago to the Seaboard ,
CHICAGO , March lO.-Eastbound : rail rates
from Chltago have gone to smash ! Not time
slightest pretense ot malnlalnlng the agreed
rate ot 20 cents Is made by any ot the lines ,
and It was declared this afternoon that the
Grand Trunk had decided to put In a rate
01 12 cents front Chicago to the Atlantic seaboard -
board , The report staggered the Central Trat-
fie association IIms somewhat , but 8 request
for information resulted In the Oand Trunk
refusing either to storm or deny the report.
The reads ( rein now en will take all the grain
they can get at about whatever prIce they
can get
James G. Hulse , Parker Crittenden and
John M. lilli , all ot this city , hsvo Incor-
prated the InlE'rocem Electric company , wIth
: , a capital or $200,000,000. The company wall
formed to operate a. grain transportation elec-
tric railway , Invented by Mrs. M. E. easley ,
from New : Yorlc to Chicago , and finally to
tile Pacific coast , About $15,000 has already
been spent upon plans , and stock will be Is-
sued for the purpose or raising the required
funds for starling ! the work.
810 rur" 1'1..118.
The Commercial club ot Omalna Invites I
time ladies ot Nebraska to send suggestions
for II name for the autumnal festivities :
which are to he given during stale fair
week nt Omimha
There will be a grand parade ot the Mardi
Grall floats from New Orleans a retail mer-
chnntH' procession . arrival ot the king ,
grand coronation hall , etc.
'l'he title must he short , catchy and dh -
muted Communications must be In liy
April 10 addressed 10 J. 1' ' ; . Uti , secretary
or the Commercial club.
- - - + --r -
1t"lnlt"et , R Deputy Burfe10r.
WASHINGTON , March Secretary
Smith has approved the action ot the com-
mll ! . loner of the general land office In reinstalling .
stalling Deputy Mineral Surveyor Robert
Oortellskt , In Utah territory. Ire was HUll.
pende by the surveyor general or Ulllh
on charges of Inaccuracies In his worle. It
III held the surveyor general has no authority -
Ity to suspend deputy und can only rce-
ommelul such suspension to line com mill.
sloneI' for his action
1'lr..1 $ . Another C.'athullo Church
WASHINGTON , March 30.-Anothel' attempt -
tempt was etude today to fire a. Cathollo
church In Ihlll city. lame5 were tlilleov-
ered near the back stairs In the vestibule
or St. Mary's German Cathollo phurch , on
Fifth btreet , near the portion olllce , but
were clitlllgul6he with but little damage.
No arrests have yet been made. 11 was
only a. short time ago that attempts were
made to burn two other Catholic churches .
here ,
Side Attmotions During Fair Week to Be . O ; ,
Decided on This Evening , ; '
- .j
Issued:0 : ; "
Jllanlrellto Issued by ' tbo Canvassing Com- . I"
Jlllttee-Evor Business Mien Urged !
J ;
to Give His Support to the Enterprise : . .
-l\1ardl Oral Floats Cunning , '
' ,
, - . .
Tomorrow evening the business man and Ii' "
citizens will meet at the room of thE ) Com- ' ;
merclal club to perfect the arrangements for < . '
furnishing entertainment to tire visitors who d
decide to spend their evenings In this city ; ' ' .
during the week or time state fair Already : ( ! :
several nlcetlngs have boon hold and several . , ; ,
projects are well under way , though none
ot the plans have been tully completed. At + ,
the meeting tomorrow nIght It Is the In- "
tontlon to agree upon a line or action and 1
name committees to have charge ot the . "
details. , ' ,
At the last meeting held by the men who .
are pushing the entertainment scheme II. " ,
J. Penrold , Frank Wilcox And Walter Jar- J
dine were appointed a committee to canvass t ,
, J
tine situation and report. Yesterday these . " ,
gelltlemen Issued tire following manifesto : "I"
'Tbrough the agency ot the Commercial ' . , J ,
club ot Omaha , time state fair has been 10-
cited In this city for five years , and It
now devolves upon the business men to do . '
their t share In properly entertaining tile
visitors In a manner befitting our city
"It has been deemed best to give .a . series J
ot parades and street pageants l In the even-
ings ! ! or fair week under the Auspices of the
business men , and with that end In view WI
have secured an option upon floats and other
paraphernalia used at the Marlll Gras In
New Orleans , and which can be purchased
at a. very low figura. ! To attain this , WD
ask every bupllrss man In time city , from the
smallest to the largest , to contribute to the
entorlJrlso and put upon our streets a. series :
or novel enlertalnmenta that will Attract . ,
thousandll or people train our own and tire
adjoining elutes , anti whIch will show that
the people or this city are united In upllOld.
lug the interests and welfare or Omaha , and
making the name 'Omaha' a synonym rot :
commercial cnterlJrlso and progress
"Committees have been appointed to canvass -
vans the city and call upon every business
man , and WI ( mope that you will respond
liberally to the magnificent enterprise \ and
come to the 1IIl'elllll next Monday evening ,
April I , at the Commercial club roollls to
discuss the matter anti perfect an orgillllza-
lien , to which every business man In time
city Iii earnestly invited "
In speaking or the proposed features for
the evenings during the fair week , Mr Wilcox -
cox staled last night drat the opinion lIre-
valled that there should be some attractive
feature for every evening In the week , lie
thought that the merchants should Illuminate
the streets In front or their stores by laying
temporary gas matins and pulling up a sarlea '
or arches , In which there might be lights or
various colors , giving the principal streets
In time retail district all attractive appear-
Each night during the fair there should
be some attraction , he urped , One nIght
there might bo a trudel' display , while a
massing ot the military wOllld prove ot-
tractlve ' for another night , The Mardi Gras
feature , ho laid , wall a certainly , aI the . .
twenty floats used In the gnat Hex parade
at Now Orleans had been contracted for
and would be brought here
These floats will form a parade which
will be nearly two miles In length They
will be upon wagons and with the horses
which will 110 required each float will lake
up the street space or one entire block It
lint been suggested that between the floats
morcbants and firms ho allowed ' to put In
wagons , thus making a private display , but
thin Is ! mothlnlf that baa not ret been
agreed upon.
. . ' , ' ' , '
- - - - ' - ' "