- . = - - - - - - --i - . - - - - - - . - - - - - ' - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . , , . _ . i I THE OAnA DAY IJEE : S-DA Y , a [ AROH 31 , 1805. n L . QUIET ON TilE RESERVATIN Report tht tbo Shorf Was a Prsoner Created Much Excitement . - hAD MADE ARRANGMHITS TO RESCUE HIM - Jenr of the Officer from the Agency 8luMlly I'utl 11 YIII tn Conflicting Jtumor- floe Not Think Tronble Will flesult. FENDER , Neb. . March 30.-(8pecl& ( Tele- gram.-Tho ) trouble ! on the Wlnnebago reser- vaton over the lournoy Cattle company leues for a time today assumed a bloody as- pect. Sherif Muln went out on the reservation lat night and returned thIs morning wlh a white man unler arrest , who assisted the Indian p lce In eJeclng a s.Uler , and at cnco returnell to the agency to arrest the Indian police . for whom he hns warrant. A report reached here at I o'clock that the ahert and his deputy were locke up at the agency Jai , ard that a large company of Indians was guarding them The report created Intense excitement here , and talk of getting up a company to go to their rescuE was heard throughout the town. At 7:30 : p. m. the sheriff returned from the reservation , without the Indians he went t after . but says they were secrete and could not be found. lie says that the deputy Vetted States marshal , rep3rted to have gone there to SWEar In more men , did not show up at 'Vlnnebagc toilay but Is somewhere on the reservation serving notices on lessees to 4cate. lie says. however , that Captain Deck advised him not to attempt to arrest any of the Indians , and also that Deck threatened to arrest him , but did not do so. The Indians were receiving their weekly Issue of beef and four , and almost the whole tribe of Wlnnebago were at the agency to day , but he claims that there were no signs of any trouble , and seems to be of the liii - pression that nil the talk of Deck Intending to eect lessees by force Is gamlpon , and that had he found the men he was In search of ho would have arrested them without . wihout any re. ! slstaneo from Captain Dec ] ( . Everything Is I quiet , here now since the sheriff's return. NO TROUDLE ANTICIPATED. WASHINGTON . March 30.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Tho ofcials of the Indian office do not anticipate ] ' any trouble as a result : 0f f the probable enforcement 'of the order of ) JUdge Sanbor for the eviction of the 275 settlers from the Wlnnebago reservatIon by United States Marshal White of Omabi They all agree that the acton of the Floui nay Land company In leasing the land from , the Indian and In subleasing It to the se L- ' tIers Is Illegal , and the ousting of the setters - ' tiers will be only the logical result of the legal proceedings which have been had In I the courts The office has for seine th 10 saro tme been endeavoring to get the settlers of the res rvnton , not because the officials desire to oppose the settlers , but for the reason , that they deem all of the act of the lam ] company In taking the land and again leasing It have been In violation of the law. The department's Intention Is to have I so arranged that the setters can lease the land direct from the IndIans thereby giving the later an opportunity to receive the thec of the transaction. profs A cal has been male ] upon the Indian bu- reau for additional police Protection. addiional polce protecton. ActIng Commissioner Smith received the foilowing from Captain Deck , the agent , folowing : DAKOTA CITY , Neb. , March 29.-I request - quest authority to employ temporarily one captain or police and sixteen policemen ad- Ilce - dittonal. ] at usual rates , to eject Illegal resi- dents of Flournoy company , under advice of United States district atorne ) ' . alvlce not to Interfere with previous request for troops. wih Captain Deck was immediately wired to use his own Judgment In .tho matter and employ all the additional .ho necessary. le has had considerable difficulty since ho assumed - sumed charge of the reservation . but It Is believed he wilt settle the controversy with- wih. out resort to arms. 4t ST. PAUL. March 30.-Judge Sanborn of , the United States circuit court was asltel\ as to the telegram from Omaha to the elect that ho ordered an eviction of evicton the settlers . setters on Wlnnebago Indian reserva- resera- tion , and answered " ton : "I have made no such order. The telegram from Omaha Is a mis- take. I have however , made an order show cause upon the petition of the governt , ment for / mandatory injunctIon forbidding c white men who have Intruded In the reser- vaton under leases from the Indians from longer occupying the reservation. This order requires these white men to appear at Omaha on April 22 , In the United States circuit court and show cause why a mandad tory injunction should not issue Those In possession of tracts of land on the reserval ton are not disturbed In their possession or In their fanning operations by the order. " United States Marshal White said that If ho was Instructed to enforce the orders of . the United States court at any time In the ' future with rotation to the Winnebago . wih relaton Wlnnebgo reer- vatlon trouble he valon would do so at any cost and that there would only be ono sequel to resistance and that was trouble. If it 's I I I definitely settled that the injunction Is permanent - font and the settiers . . setters must go then he proposed - posed to servo the paper and do his duty I necessary troops would be called upon to I put them off I his men could not do It. II I Is generally anticipated at the federal build - fog that , a great deal of trouble Is brewing ; a over the affair. EXETER SChOOL ENTEITAINMYNT. . rle.'ol Ezercisel b. the First und Hccond l'rIInlery VC'artmeut. EXETER ' , Neb. . March 30.-Speclal.- ( ) The first and second primary departments of the Exeter High school gave one of the best exhibitions . entirely by lte folks , ever wit. nessed In this place. Every recitation . dla- logsio or other exerclso went off like clock work. Especial praise Is due the class In gymnastics from Mrs. MclCinnon's room for the tIne display of drill work In that line . and Miss Morgan's boys In the Little Len Faunteroy drill deserve much credit. The exorcise however. that caled down the house wee the nightcap drili . by eight lte girls from Miss Morgan's room , rom W. W. Parish came In from Iowa yesterday : to attend to some business matters and look maters up old friends. James Dolan or lllanola was In town this 'eelc looking after business Interests and ytsltng his friend , W. II. Taylor. MTS. F. I. Russell and children of Norfolk are visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs , . O. A. Dlcltl , this wecl Mrs. C. II , luests has her mother Mrs E. Holngsworth of Do Witt , visiting wit Ii her this week Mrs. Warren Woods and daughter of Denver I. ver are visiting friends and relatives here . relatves this week. hb.Tho The Young People's Society of Christian Christan Endeavor of the Congregational church held their regular monthly and annual hell meetings at the parsonage 1.'rllay evening. Reports were made by the chairmen , of the several committees. . The officers elected for the years 1895.96 were : President . o. C. Smith ; vice president , Wilam McGhie : secretary - retary , Mils , Mary Lewis : treasurer , T. S. Dlouch ; chairman look out cosunaittee . Mrs. O. O. Smith ; prayer meeting committee . Miss 1lss Mary Dorlanl : missionary , Miss Olive Wal- lace ; flewer . Miss Ida Taylor : Sunday school , MI18 Lln Luck ; music , O. O. Smith ; social , Miss Kate Knox , and sunshine , Mils Ruth Rogers. The business meeting was foiiowed by an exceedingly pleasant social. folowed I Richard Cosgrove of Lincoln II spending a tow days with his brother Michael at this I place Mrs. J. W. laney went to Lincoln this week to receive llls t'eel treatment for her eyes. The Womao's Christian Tenaperanco union Telileranco , wi ' sere dinner and supper at their ball Tuesday. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hal 8011 Mortgaged I'rollely. OXFORD Neb. , March . t 30.-6peclal ( Tele- gram.-Edward ) ' Marco Marc or Drady Island was arrested hero today upon the charge of dii- posing of mortgaged prpnty. lie will be taken "ac to Lincoln county for wi . lug "lle.le ur lists. JUNIATA , Neb. . March O.-Specia1.-- ( . Farmers have ben busy the pat week sed- " ' ag. There Wi be but lte wheat sown , bet the largest acreage or oats will bo own for years , several farmers putting out a much n 20 acres each. The crop will consist mostly of oats and corn this year. The ground never worked nicer. I Is Just like a garden. All needed la rain and a big crop Is assured. LIT ELY WEEK - AT rA"Nlm CITT. Man y Social Functons nlY larked the Last Six Xayi. P AWNEE CITY , 'Neb. , March 30.- ( Speclal.-The ) coming city election Is not causing much excitement In PAwnee. There Is only one ticket In the field . that being tbe one nominated by the citizens' meeting lat Friday night Another ticket was placed In the field , but feld all the nominees have refused - fused to run for office. The excavation for Dave Hazel's new brick bul(1ng Is finished and the stone work has been . consinenced . The building wi be a fine two .itory one and wi add greatly to the apP earance of the street north greaty public publc slluarC. The frame building which was taken from the lot hu been placed on a splendid loc ation In East I'awneo and Is being turned Into a beautiful cottage. This has been a week of festivity In Paw- nee City. Monday night 11ev. H. N. DunnIng anll ( l wife of the Firt Presbyterian church were 'Poflnded" 1 In 1 royal manner at . the par sonage. Also , on the same night , a pleasant surprise was given In honor of Mayor A. J. Rhodes , the occasion being his fty.ath birthday anniversary. On Tuesday night the - combina- nigh Siddons-Murry - combin- ton held the boards at the opera house. One of the largest audiences of the season greeted the rise of the curtain. The entertainment was quIto a dlsapolntment to those present , Mr s. Scot Siddons not giving the satisfaction that was expected. The entertaInment bUl'eau has one more date which wilt complete - pie to their engagements. Wednesday : sight Miss Dernlce DeMing entertalnel n number of her young friends at her home In a delghtul manner , the event being In honor of i.r sixteenth birth- : da ) ' . Friday night Elba Wright , the female ! Im personator . appeared at the First Presbyterian - ter lan church under the auspIces of the I La ttIce' Aid society. socety. The students of the public school nnd i academy have ben enjoying a week's vaca- ton this week , preparatory to taking up the spring studies. The military band Is making preparation ! I for giving ana of Its splendid concerts next t Saturday night , April G. District court convenes In this city Mon - ciy 1on- lay ( , April 1. Quito a number at cases are on tIle docket The 111gb school will give Its annual declamatory - clamatory contest at the opera house Tues day night. The harry Nichols block will soon be a b buiding of beauty. New plate glass front aS have been placed anti Mr. Nichols Intends having one of the finest store blocks In southeaern Nebraska. The building wi bo ready for occupancy about April 9. . Editors F. S. and J. N. Hassler , nnd ' County Treasurer C. F. Nye arc at Lake Dgelow , Mo , catching the tInny tribe. They : w ill return home Tuesday , provided they succeed yi i ceed In capturing to their hearts' content. John Harder , who ( lied on the 12th Inst . was a member of the Ancient Order of United W 'orltmen of this city and carried Insurance : In l that order for $2,000. Mrs. Harder received : - ceived . a draft Wednesday of this week for that amount. Mr. Els\\'orth L. McClaughry and Miss Cora M. Welder were married on Wednesday - day evening at the homo of the bride's father , six miles northwest of the city . Rev. J. I. Presson of the Methodist Episcopal chur'eh officiating. Doth bride and groom arc well and favorably known here. Superintendent H. M. of the 1 [ Drayton pubt lc schools spent a few days hunting and fshing In Iowa. A. K. Goudy. ex-state superintendent , was i vlslUng numerous friends here a few days I this week. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J0lSE TItlES GETS SEVEN YEAlb Frank Jonu , Who Stole I FI\mcl. . Team I bent to the l'cutuoUary. LINCOLN , March 30-Speclnl.-Sever ( ) I years In the penitentiary was the sentenc - ' pronounced to-day 'by Judge Holmes against Frank Jones convicted of stealing Farmer Dunn's team. ' The stiff sentence grew out of the acton of Jones In pErjuring himself on the witness stand and In causing Christ L M cclii ? , his pal , to do the same Jones , 'wbo ' I Is i an ex-convict , Is also wanted In Frankln I county for horse stealing. He took his sen tence - stoically. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I Is quite lkely that Geerge Wasblngton Davis , the alleged wrecker of the Rock Island train , will be retried at the May term of tin district court Philip Manger bas fed a motion asking that t Mrs. Olive A. Harrington give securiy : for costs. Mrs. HarrIngton , lS the next f riend of her handsome trlenl daughtEr , Is suing Manger for breach at promise , and asks hevy : I d amages. Manger says the plaintiff ] has remove - move to Gage county , and has no properly : lable l to execution. The Miington divorce case has been decided - cided by Judge Tibbetta. Tibbets. A decrEe has been granted Mrs. Kate MIlngton , and she has been given the custody of the children. I IJ I provided , however that the father , Charlea lnlngton , shall visit the children at his pleasure , and shall have the right to direct their education. This order of the court may : tel of a1mony asked for by Mrs. Miington be modified upon a proper showing. The mat will not b passed upon until Monday. Miss Grace Huntington of the Marie Jansen : company had stolen from her trunk In a dressing room of the Lansing theater lat night a handsome green sik costume , value at $2 [ . The gown belonged to her value ge wardrobe. The police are on the trail of the thief. Robert Verse . while returning from Raymond - mend last night was thrown from his horse and his neck broken. Coroner Winnett 'was i summoned. but did not deem an Inquest net . . ' esanry. Last evening Judge Dundy left for Dead- wood. He was accompanied by United States Marshal Pemler of South Dakota and Clerk Pender of the circuit court. Dr. Finnoy who recently suffered ampu- tation of a fet from the elects of an accidental - dental shot has so far recovered as to bo able to attend a consultation of physicians at York. Dud Clark , convicted of horse stealing , was taken to the penitentiary today to serve out his sentence Seed Greta for hamilton County Farmer , . AURORA Neb. , March 30.-Speclal.-The ( ) county commlsaleners have appropriated out : of the general fund about $6,000 to be used for seed and feed for destitute farmers In I this county. S.herl McConaughy was made the county agent In the matter , and will fu r- nlsh : supplies under order of the county central - tral relief committee , taking notes payable after the harvest. This will probably pu ill hamIlton county through all right , as there Is not a large number who will need help. The district declamatory contest comes if ? at 1.000 the tckets opera hnVA house hPPI here Rnl April n"hl.lo 6. 41. Nearly 0 n. . . . . . . - . . . - _ un - - . - - _ _ . , y at hastings , York , Grand Island and . . other . . . points In the dlslrlct. Mrs. Harry Dodd returned from California Thursday. Caloria Ir Elbert O'lul of 1cCok has located In Aurora. lie . Is n 11lyslclan and oculist of oculst some note. J. F. Detz was down to Omaha yesterday to visit the headquarters of the Dicta Lumber company Warren Dunn and wife of Omaha were In the city yesterday , on their way home from Custer City. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " 'oUII Ve.d hi a k'leii HASTINGS Neb. . March 30.-Speclal ( Telegram.-Thoml ) Id. White . a prominent farmer living south of this city . In Denver townshlll , was found dead In a ild near Wallace . some dls- tanc from his home this morning. The coroners Inquest disclosed the fact that death resulted from apoplexy. White left borne to attend prayer mltng last evening and was stricken when near his destination . Ho leaves a wife and several chidren. detnaton. l'l"tn'ow ' dchoo' Exercises . PLAINVIEW . Neb. , Mardi 30.-Speclal.- ( ) The graduatng exercises of the clan of 1895 of the PlaIn view Uel school look place at , the opera house here tonight. The class can- I listed of five girls and three boys. The ora- tons and essays were wel rendered and a large crowd . probably the largest ever auem- bled In the opera house witneascd the dad . . wlneucd eer- cse. ELEVEN BROUGHT TO THE BAR Alogea Sayer of Frank Phillips Ar- riged at Telramah . . - All WAIVE A - PRELIMINARY hEARING I fl ail rromptty . Purnllscd for Al 01 the , Accused-Hilling Grew Out of nl.- lutell Title to Accretion Lmi -Ils tory or , the Crime . , - i TEICAMAII . Neb. , March 30.-Speclal ( Tclegram.-James ) 1' Dan , Robert Light , David Deaer and James liothweli . as prin- cipals , and John Gi , Peter Kessler , U. E. J ohnson . R. T. Pound L. J. Pound , D. K. Johhson and W. G. Snodgass , 8S acces- s orles . were this afternoon arraigned before County JUdge Dickinson , charged with the I murder of Robert Philps Oi February 8 , , 1895. Preliminary examination was waived I by the defendant and the principals were i , hel In the sum of ,600 each and the nc- cesorles In the sum of $ &O0 each , to appear at district court County Attorney Sears wIll b assIsted In the t prosecution of the case by H. Ii. Dowel I of Oakland Neb. , and Mel C Jay of Dakota City. Deavcr will be defended by Judge I Davis of iiialr . S. II. Cochran of Logan and I n. Wale Olls of Tekamah. and the other ten defendants wi bo defended by Gulls I alone. Many people were In town 1any and were I i . considerably excited. Bail was promptly furnished - nished by the accused. I Is thought these cases iiext. will be brought to trial week afer QUARRELED OVER LAND. The crime with which the mn are chnrged i was commled on the night or I'ebruary 8 , 1895. There had been 0 long feud over the possession of accretion lands along the Mis - sourl , which had been , the occasion otsllootini shootng : scraps before but this was the first kIllIng . Five miles east of Teknmah Is a tract at accre- ton land , the title for which Is now In contest In court Willie the litigants were leg11y Ee- tlng the dispute 0 young German by the name of Fred Lass and companions placed an 8dO hut on skids and dress It onto the tile - puted land , aiming thereby to hold the land by right of possession. On the night In ques- : lon J. P. Dann and four associates went to the cabin to chase the land jumper off , and found him surrounded by a trio of pals at card Illaylng. A quarrel ensued , and the outsiders - elders began firing Into the building . Robrt PhillIps , an Inmate , sought to escape , and was shot In the breast , from the effects of which he die the following day. He lived to say Dann shot him. Doth fact9S are hard citzens , and whie Phillips was not implicated In the trouble over the land his reputation reputaton was none of the bzst. About three years ago a man was sent to the penitentary for shoQtnJ nolhpr nlmnRI : on the same spot. Phillips left a - , ; and - - several small children . J Phillips was burled In Oakland the follow- folow- Ing i Sunday , and his alleged naurderer James P. Dann , was promptly arrested and lOdged In I the Burt county Jai at this place. it was the t prevailing opinion that Dann was an iii- strument of more prominent characters In the background , and that - many are inapll- cated indirectly In the shootIng. At the Impl- of the shooting the four squatters entrenched In i the cabin were armed with revolvers and shotgns awaIting tile midnight assault of which they had been forewarned. The as- saiants were ambushed at long range with wih Wlrchesters , and had secured the surrender of the squatters , who had come out of the i hut with hands up , when Phillips was shot d own. DLANN GOT OFF EASY. Dlann. the accused murderer , was released i I b cause It was thought the state had no juris. 'dlclon ' , In the matter. The point of Jurlsdlc- jurls. : ion Is the result of a survey of tile grounds ' which was alleged to have been within the I ! Iuwa boundary at the time of the government survey. None of this river accretion land I lays tax. and the court decisions on conflict. . Ing l points at Issue have added but little light ] on the question. lte 1ght On another tract of accretion land twelve I miles northeast of Tekamah I dispute arose I over the ownership , when one 'VIs Wilson i ' struck an antagonIst with a heavy club and beat him Into insensibility the following Mon Insensibity - folowing day evening. 1on- On Holman's Island , a tract of several I hundred acres , cut off tram Iowa and owned i Iby I. N. Holman , about fifteen miles north or near Decatur , on the east , a free fist fght : t and sluggIng match took place a week or so previous , In which a young man by the name : of Stevens was so hammered up that he has , since died , and no efforts have been made toward prosecution . The Island Is regularly : surveyed Iowa lands , under the jurisdibtioi of Iowa , and pays taxes Into Manana county's : treasury , yet It lies on this side of the present - cot river channel. nO'DCOUNTY PEOPLEAiIE INDON.\NT - eports that They Are Mixed Up 10 the I I 10iton Cue I MIstke. ' BUTTE , Neb. , March 30.-Speclal.-Com ( ) _ mont upon Ue means used to compel ono Hunt to disclose his connection with connecton wih the lynching of Mrs. Helen does Boyd county : people and its officers an injustice. The murder - der or lynching was not committed In this county , but the first reports sent to the daly : press were from Butte. Boyd county cii- acne would hardly degrade themselves undo any provocation by committing so foul a crime and the aspersion cast Upon Its official 5 Is resented by every fair-minded person In I the county. The methods employed by the farmers of Keya Paha county In the neighborhood of where the crime was committed are justifle by the fact that the county officers Justlell county whose duty I Is to attend to sue ii maters have as yet taken no steps to at ! - cure the arrest of the parties suspected of , the crime , although circumstantial evidenc enough has been presented to convict them twice over The trouble with Keya Paha county Is that they are fearful : that the conviction of the murderers : - ers would be too costly for the county. and they prefer to let the matter mater drop until the : people In the vicinity of the murderers tale the law Into their own hands and hang Iho men without Judge or Jury. The Dee correspondent visited a number : of ranches In the neighborhood , and aU were outspoken In condemnation of the acton of i County Attorney Lear In advising Justce : , Rhodes not to issue a warrant on the evidence I- dence produced. Hhodea said that the matter - : ter would likely drag along until the old ] vigilant committee , which a Sprlngvlew se : a- satonalst In an Interview with a 'Vorld- Herald reporter said no longer existed , but which Is known to have boon actively engaged recently . would como down some night and put the men beyond reach of dilatory H-- . diatory Ju 5- The statement of this gentleman that the vigilant and ant.vlglant issue was dead In that county ahows that ho knows no more about the mater than lie does or the HeRon case . The enmity between the two factions factons has not been so open as It was some years ago , but the vigIlantes still maintain their organization , because of the numerous depre- datons committed by the cattle thieves , who are seldom ' convicted I they are brought to the bar of justice. Olle"ns Isruggise Arrested ORLEANS , Neb , March 30.-Special.- ( ) Deputy SherJ Dow today arrested H. T. Ferguson , Orleans druggist for selling liquor without a license. Over a wagonload of Ii- quors was found In Ferguson's possession. ' ergson's posse810n. Ferguson pleaded not guilty , and will be wi bund over till district court He Is out on ball . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ heath or Cirs . ii. V. Wood. AURORA March 30.-Speclal.-Mrs. ( ) Ii . O. Wed , wife of Roy Mr. Wed , an old- I. time resident of this county , was burled yes- terday She died sUddenly of pneumonia. Her age was 76 years She leaves an aged husband and a large family of - famiy grown-up children. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jeforson County' . 15.11sf UJlumllloD. FAInURY , Neb. . March 30.-Speclal.- ( ) A meeting was held In the county corIla- .Ioer , ' room yesterday1 lt which the follow- I Ing relief committee wn a ! ! 1lell , under the ple revisions of the law recently ' nacted by the legslature : Sid Mackey , CI ktlr , ( Andrews and John Nlder county commi1eiers . and L. U. Durke , Joseph Sabuek , GiHTurner II. U. Tat , C. C. DOYle and S. . M.)3ahiy. ) A few applcatons were filed for setd'ind . . teed. ' BTnONO rLE.Fun TH1 ( : O.UES nUD. - II" Jlockman of Stella 'IJres that It 1 ( Made the Btate Flower. From lao earliest hlsl , y mankind has ' made use of fewer and 'folage as emblem. The Greek athlete was prouder of his wreath of olive or laurel than ht wou1 have been ot a circlet of gold. Mal of the gods and godllesses had their sacrtd flowers . Modern cites and nations have often , formally . or merely by popular sentiment . adopted certain L fl ewers or plants to represent the peculiar , trais of their people SO \VO have England , the queen of nations , choosing the rose , the I queen of flowers. The Emerald Isle Is known I everywhere by " ( lie little green shamrock. " . The sturdy Scotch love their hearty thiste , , wearIng above Us rough coat the regal color France has her royal lilies and her modest L violet , which stirs yet the hard heart of the almlrer of Napoleon Anti so the list grows . This Is but natural. As fewer are the poetry of nature , so the poetic instincts of : f all mankind turn to them for sympathy and 1 expression A national fewer for this country has been much discussed of late years. But so far : no formal acton has been taken by congress In the meantme why should not each state adept Its peculiar emblem ? There Is not much of poetry or sentiment In a ribbon : badge with the ( label "Nebraka. " How much more satisfactory to pin on your lapel a I bright blossom and so be recognized every where as ( ho . son of one of the granlest states In thIs grand union of ours. Our legislature Is now considering a reso- I luton favoring the golden rod as our stat fewer , and. I believe , In passing I they would make a wise choice. The violet Is I vell known over the state blt that ( Is already - ready Interwoven with the history of aide countries. The sunflower Is brave. bright and handsome , even If plebeIan and somewhat L what over-bah but that belongs to our sister state , Kansas. Probably there Is only one rival to the golden rod , its close associate , tim purple aster. But for many reasons , notably : ably uniformity of color , the golden rod Is I preferable. There Is probably not a nook or corer of the state where one or more of the numerous species are not found I ? Is a native . and only a true native should t IC our representative. I has a long season , though poets have always I- ways associated It with late autumn. The finest of specimens are found In August , and the latest flowers brighten sheltered places laIc In October. Its courage under hardship i- ship Is admirable , and nothing could beth 'r represent the hardy endurance of Nebraska ; pioneers. I Is both beautiful and graceful so much I that If It grew only In green houses the rich would be ready to spend their gold for But now Ils free to the poorest , bloomIng - Ing In every dooryard and orchard , along I every village and suburban street. The golden rod Is admirably adapted to decorative purposes , both Indoors and ou it . I keeps its freshness for days ] after cuttin . and even dries well. \\hlchls 0 rare not ) c1 qualy among flowers. ; . - , : - Its color Is the most beautiful In nature the color of the sunshlhe , the color of our King Corn . the color of god ] , most precious of metals. Yet no onb ca\ accuse golden rod of being a monometalst , for much of the foliage shows decedly a silvery cast , for surely the gold and tliq green are kept on , a parit. . I I ! : - I Another good point I. that rarely does It become a troublososne . weed , so Nebraslta ladles l need not be shocked by hearing their Joslahs growl about ' : h.avn' ! _ trouble enough p ullin' the dunn things put of their own i medders. " , 4 In appearance the many species so closely resemble one another that ' all may recognize i t readily ' after ' seeing Ibne' speclnaen Probably - ably the'spe'cles most of worthy adoptIon Is the Soidago Serotna , rcommended by Pri f. I 3essey { , j , ' . . 1. , ' 1' I may be objected thatth. . foweha , nb history. Dut neither havowe-comirattve 'y. Let the new fewer and the new state Iii rIc names and fates , and In another twenty-fl ye I years both will bo' looked upon with more : respect' than iiow. I would be easy to find ,000 Nebraskans sufcienty Interested In this mater to sign a request to the "powers that be" that henceforth the state be represented by Lady Golden 'Rod.- - IDA BROCKMAN . , Stella , Neb. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . EVANbELICAL CmU"EUESCE 0L0310 2. Ist or Ministers and TheIr Locations for ' Cite En'iuliig Ye"r. SUTTON , Neb. , March 30.-Speclal ( 'Fe . gram.-Tl ) third and , last day's session leof the Evangelical conference opened this me : nav Ins i , Bishop Bowman presiding. The folio uv- Ing i Is a list of the pastors and the stations to which they were assigned for the ensul sag year : Fremont district , H. ZOhl , presiding elder : Louisville. A. Fiscier , ; Elmwood , F. E. Martin ; Stanton , G. Flscper ; Fremont , A. Strauss ; Wahoo W. II. ' Alhouse ; Washing- ton , F. Dackemeyer ; 'Swanton , E. Marks ; Omaha , Marcy street , F. H. Beckman ; Omaha , Sprague street Ii. Piper ; Madison , C. Stock ; Knox , Fuehrer ; Oakdaie L. Id. l. lehl ; Atkinson , A. Kersten ; Hastings dis- trict A. Drenschle , presiding elder ; Hastings , F. H. Doescher ; Grand Island Hastngs . . Scuiuhizky ; Sutton . A. Wichman ; Clay Cen- tar , F. Reutlnger ; lelord , A. Lalpply ; North Loup , C. W. Doler ; South Loup F. C. Yenny ; Orleans. H. G. Goetz ; Culbert- son , H. Jockens ; Southwest , A. Hanke ; IA- roy , F. Ostertag ; Denver , S. L. 'Velgert. L- The next annual conference will bo held at Talbata Washington county wi TEAChERS' JIEE''INO - ADJOURNS . Southeastern EducutoD,1 Associaton Com pieces Its lulllel at' itcatrlc'e . BEATRICE , March 30.-Spclal ( Tele- gram.-TIl ) Southeast Nebraska Educational association adjourned its annual meeting In this city at noon today. Tile forenoon wee taken up with the presentation of papers upon subjects appropriate to the occasion and a spirited discussion tbereof. The commit on awards reported that Pawnee county had the largest percentage of attendance and w'as entitled to the $30 banner. The following officers were elected for the corIng year : PresIdent , J. W. Dinsmore of Humboldt yeJr ; vice president , 'V. Sterb3ch ; secretary , Anna Leger , Beatrice ; executive committee . S. P. commitee. I\rlst , Sterling ; B. II. Morgan . Nebraska , City . A motion wasmaqi during the session to omit the next annhiit1s1eoting , but I was prompty voted down : One interesting feati I . of the meeting ' tlr meetng was the superior solo \Wk done by Prof. Heritage of Fremont.i . IT 1 meeting Is looked upon as one of the mot j\\\frestng \ antI prolt _ able ones ever held by..l ! ! , association. Uurllara linh , hi ' a"rlC11 Siuro. FAIRFIELD . Neb. ' , ; -alph 30.-Spcal. ( ! ) Arnold Dros. ' clothing .llpre was burlarlzed Thursday night. 'Find night thieves effected an en- trance through the t8 ntnt , tumbled a lot of clothing down thd 'elar , and apparently apparenty sorted It over at thir leisure and selected what was wanted. Te"aise took a lot of jewelry such as cell Tteylalso buttons , the COInl cuf bulons value of all amountng \ J. 'probablY ; 00. . hellOIng uoiHn lt Syrtseusr. SYRACUSE , Neb. . . . March 30-Speciai- ( ) A building boom , buiding iaruiiivSyracuse. A new grit mill II to be built to cost ' 20.000 , an elevator to cost $5OQO , one or two brick store buildings to cost from U.OOO to ' 3.00. with a fair chance of an entire brick block , two stories : besides thll there t Is to bo one or two 5,000 residences built . and several cheaper ones. Narrow I soaps of I hey . BEATRICE , Neb" March . . DEATICE " , 30.-Bpeclal ( Tele- gram.-As the Union Pacific freight train : was coming south last evening , Fred . the 1- year-old son of J. M. Chalon , living two mites north of this city was struck by the : enb-ne. . causing I dislocation of his left elbow. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Arrested UD Om.ha ln lhe. NEBRASKA CITY March 30.-Speelal.- ( ! ) The police last evening arrested a nego known as the "Aco of Diamonds " who Is wanted at Omaha for grand larceny , He resisted arrelt. Omaha officers will arrive Omola wi this eveniog for the prisoner. - BIG IRRIGATION ENTERPRISE - Wheeler Oounty's Long Ditch thlt Will Insure Bountiful Orops S IXTEEN THOUSAND ACRES UNDR IT Buffalo and Valley Cnlltu Also Coming Jorwl\11 With Istenet"e Work1- JfrlCr Will lie Ilulcl'ellcnt . ot Ualnral In the .uturc. ORD larch 29-Speclal-By ) the first of June next a big irrigating ditch Is to be In working order which will furnish water to a large number of farmer In the rlckson , Clear Creek and Cedar valleys. About 16,000 acres of rich soil Is accessible to easy overla few from this ditch , of which more than fit- teen miles Is already completed. The head works of the canal arc at Erickson , In Wheeler county and I Is being buIlt by the Nebraska Irrigation Power compan . of which 1. II. Babcock Is president ; A. S. Uowal , secretary and A. Uowan general land agent , , backed by some eastern capitalists. These I men secured the right of way In a southeasterly - easterly direction for twent.seven miles , passing through Greley county to the Done I county hue The land to hI penetrated by the canal Is I as prolific as any In the entire stato. The enterprise will necessarily enhnnce the "alue of lanti One year ago the projectors of this I thisI company began to quietly talk over the I prospects of putting In a ditch from Eric son , a few miles down the Cedar river , but the "scheme" promised to be such a decided - cited success It was soon agreed by the few stockholders that a survey to the Doane county line b run. This was dOle flooffiI luch happy satisfaction . Ericson Is situated at the terminus of the North Loup branch of the ( D. & Id. , fivu mIles Cram the west all three mIles from the south line of Wheeler county , on the Cedar river a couple of miles below the confluence of the Big antI Little Cedar nv - ers. Just above the town a half mie the river , In its slnuosl ) . , Is surrounded with i perpendicular banks on one sIde and high : land emi the other , so as to form a naturl lake of 220 acres , which will be fled with ii water averaging eight feet In depth as soon as the dam Is closed up and the water can fill this great basin. The dam Is 300 feet long , 120 feet wide at tile bottom and eigh teen feet wide 01 top , anti Is made from clay : I that Is as adhesive as cement. The headgate Is I twenty feet In width : , waste gate thirty feet wide , ant the "slide drop" of fourteen feet Is I also thirty feet wide wIth a small fume attached - ached to supply forty-horse power for a mill which will soon be erected . the machinery ' - cry having been purchased some ( line agc This immense lake could supply motve power for all the factorIes there wi ever be demand for In Central Nebraska. Trot Ericson to the end of the ditch there Is a fall of seven and on-hal feet to the mik i . Eleven miles from Ericson , near Clear creek C , there are three natural basins co\'erlng twenty acres each , which will be filled wih storage water to be used In the event that something occurs to keep the few of water from reaching this olnt. The civil engineem Ing work Is tinder time supervision of W. J. ; 1cEathron , assisted by R. Ii. Lawrenci both of Omaha. As soon as the water begins to fill the ditch I Is within reach of sol that can be easiy overflowed. There will not be one foot of fumlng along this ditch. The cit i- zens at Ericson and between Spaulding and beyond the later town feel jubilant over the outlook ] for a profitable return on their future . labor. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II.VE MANY lUUGATINO DITCllt ! : Farmer ! In the Vicinity or KClrney Wil Not Uoplnd Upon Inl08 this Year. KEARNEY , Neb. , March 30.-SpclaI- ( ) The , State Irrigation association conventlo Irrigaton associaton conventon , which met here last December Is begInning to show resuls : alrea y. The " Farmers' Mutual Irrigaton company Is digging a ditch fro rn ' the long bridge over the Plate river , south of town , cast through Center and into Gbbon townships t , and have seven miles already con a- p leted ] . The positive irrigating capacity of the d itch Is sufficient for at least 12,000 acres of land. l , They struck the "underfiow . " and In some place there Is an abundance of water In i the ditch now. During the summer m onths . when Irrigation Is most nestled , there w ill be tour feet of water 1 the canal , and It i Is believed that the farmers along the route can have all the water they need. ' O. C. Frank , who lives southwest of tow a few miles , has been filling a large reservoir t his winter by using a windmill . Ills reservoir - voir Is 200 fet across , and was made by I scraping out the dirt about eighteen Inches anl making a bank four feat high. Its thIn ! ks he wi have no trouble to Irrigate thirty-fl ye acres from I this summer. Ills well Is tw nty feet deep , although he struck water at six - feet and he Is using a twelve-foot who el. Smih , who lives eight miles cast of tOwn . and A. Freeze are also irrigating with pumps anl so far have met with very goo success. The public schools closed pUblc close yesterday for a week's vacation. It Is rumored that the I Iroquois club , a club composed entirely of young men , has chalenged the Buffalo club to a game of , base bali , to be played on Decoration day. Company A , Second regiment , Nebraska National Guard , has received an invitation to attend the Interstate drill and encampment to b held at Memphis , but owing to the hard h times I wilt bo impossible for them to accpt. Chief of Police Anderson has fed a complaint - plaint In county court against Ira D. Marston , president , and James Galoway , porter of the Buffalo club , for selling liquor wIthout a l cense. The club has a government license lcense permitting It to dispense liquors tram the original packages to its own members , but the chief takEs the ground that this Is not sufficient for them to do as he understands they have been doing. The case Is set for next Monday Mr. and 11s , C. O. Gow , who leave for Norfolk next week , were tendered 0 farewel I reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Finch last . Wednesday evening by the members - bers of the Young Peoplo's Society of Curie' tan Endeavor local union , Mr. Gow having been president of the society. NOITU LOUI' IltitItiaTlON FIIOJIECTS FArmcra Iakln ! COltracts by Which They Will lave I'lrlty or 'Vater. NORTH LOUP Neb. , March 30.-Speelal. ( ) -Ex.Audlor H. A. Babcock of Lincoln Is i In the city tOday making arrangements with t u the North Loup Irrigation and Improvement company to have water supple to certain lands In the valley of which he Is the ownos le expressed himself as being highly pleased to see the actual operation of irrigation on land In the ( locality where be had been a pioneer and a homesteader In time days of grasshoppers and Indian scares , and ( Is of the opinion that a new era Is dawning for the farmers of the Loup valley. Engineer ROhrbough of Omaha , engineer of the North Loup Irrigation and Improve- si lent company , who has been In the employ of the Union Stock Yards company during the t cold season , arrived yesterday and wil ruumo his duties In lie field lt once Some of f the more Important laterals have not yet b eon permanently surveyed , and the company contemplate a considerable extension , running I Into i Greeley county , as soon as arrangements can bo made for that purpose. No seed grin of any kind has yet ben ditributed for the destitute of this IDely : and the question of how and where It is l to be obtained II one of growing importanc C. Though the subsoil Is not moist In any considerable - siderable depth , time surface Is In excelent conditon , and I It should prove that any f ail to obtain seed to utilize land so promisIng - Ing i and fertile It will b a proper cause tor deep and general regret aura the Teacher lor Siaucler. WILDER Neb . March 30.-Speclal.- ( ) Henry T A. Kepler , a well known citizen of Dorchester In this county 8 next friend of t hla 10.year-old son , Jay , has commenced I ofI al action against I'rof. Simon n , Sell . principal cf the schools at that place and 11Is LIzzie Deilord . one of the lady teachers . for slander , laying the damages at $5,000. The Ilnnder complained of II that on February 28. In the I presence of witnesses . they accused the boy Jar or writing 11 ob'cen note to one or the Itrl l pupils and affixing thereto time name of another boy. The Incident happened nt the Do rchester schoh , and the school board Is st anding by the teachers. t l'lsrce l'nrsgraphi. PIERCE , Neb. , March 30.-Spectal.-C. ( ) B.old Dlck of Omaha was shaking hands , 'lh . old -time friends here 01 Friday and Satur- day.The The contract for the constrmmctinn or the ( cnstructon $5 ,000 opera house will be awarded Monday . and work will bo commenced ns soon as poeIt sib io . There promises to be considerable strife I on Tuesday In the election . Only one ticket L Is In the fIeld , but several candidates are LI I on by petItIon. The ladies of the Methodist t thl Ep\ropnl church are arranging to give a bonnet anti apron sole Friday evening for the benefit of thl church , P. Woollal , who has rcshle(1 ( In this ( ciy for some time , will leave shortly for JoYl1 co unty . where he expects to make his future home , ha'lng llrchnsed several tracts of : InlHI II that count : ) . . Sherif Little took henry J Javllon to ( the penitentiary at LIncoln Tuesllny. Iaviii . son was seltencCl lt the recelt tcrm ( of f court for stealing hogs. The charity bal at time Jlnmonll house l"tIm niday 1Ight was not very largely attended , the receipts being barely elough 10 pay ex- Pe n rca . One at the leading social events of the : season waR the reception at ICelper's hal hal Prlday night In honor of Miss I.ela Zalin 1 Cards , dancing and other amusements fur nished enjo'ment for the eveuuing. Mrs. HV. . herman returned to her home In Nlckersol Friday , after a wee's , 'Islt wih relatives In the cl ) . . Jlrtlr 'rlnl Intcrrnptcd . FAIDURY , Neb . March 30.-Speelal ( T elt'gramn.-ThmIa ) Is the second tiny of the trial of tin Williams murder case , anti I I was brought to a sudden stop by time hines is o f the prisoner , W'ihiinmns. ho vas remove d fr om the court room , anti upon time state I. m esmt of aim attending halm'sician ( lint ho wa S t oo Ill to ho In court no ailjournrnesat we is h ad until Monday morning. W'lihiarns is ant I- f ering ( rain heart complaint , and the cxclt : - n aent of time trial was too much for him. Ti : 0 j ury is in charge of time ball ! ! pending a I- j omrnmncnt. One of time jurors was to ha 'e ' b een married tomorrow. I'rlk I ouuuty I.itlgistioui. OSCEOLA , Ncb. , March 30-Spcclal.- ( ) - D istrict court hmas been grinding out casc 'S f or the whole of ( lie week. The most notab 0 w as one against time Omaha Elevator con I- p any. by Peterson & Co. of title city , a su It f or damages on the sale of grain. l'eterson & C o. sued the elevator comiapamay for $ i,5h 10 d amages and recovered $372. It took about halt an hour for the judge I h ear the evitlenco anti grant a divorce L D r. Ii. Id. Mills frommu his wife Jenmile oma ii ie g round of adultery , aimul one tc Mary McPea ut f rom lien husband Penley A , , on time grout id o f desertion and extreme cruelty. - WILL RUN ON TIlE SAME BASE I , - L ibrary noarta Decides to aasko 140 Itodut ! - Lion In Its Expuntllturos. At time meeting of time public lIbrary boa : rd l ast evening time conamlttee appointed to I ma- q uire into time finances of time library and to d evise ways and means of keeping tue e x- p enditures for time ensuing year witimin LI lIe r esources of time library fund presented in a - j onity and minority reports. 'Flue naajorl ty report , signed by Mr. Wallace and Mr. i'E 'r- ' hue , was adopted , reconmnaemidimag that rio change be made in the present conduct rioof t he library , and that the money available be drawn upon as needed until February of no xt year , when a new levy would be made. 'F hue rejected minority report , signed by Mr. Em It- water , protested against the proposed claan go of the lIbrary fiscal year as hi reality contem mm- plating usIng a year's levy in seven month is. t suggested. economnies in the salary roll at ad book purchases that ouid enable time llbra ry to meet oil demands until June , 1826 , with ho resources at hand , but his proposal of m e- treneimment failed to secure support from be other members of ( lie board. 'VFhO board was notified by Miss Popplet on that slw had yesterday transmitted to lie mayor her resign3tton s a director of be Omaha public library and no longer cc ii- sidered herself competent to act in an offic ial capacity. Time bond of Mary L. Hibbard as custodi ante of the Byron Reed collection was referred to the city council for approval. The Reed c Dl- iection of coins is flow in the library buiidim ig , but it will take some weeks yet before I lie specmens wIhi be properly orrcmngei for pub lie inspection. The second part of the general catalogi ue , subtitled "Finding List of Juvenile FictIon In the Omaha Public Library. " Is in press. a nfl vIil be ready for distrIbution time comi ng veelc It is a pamnpimiet of some sever ity pages , and wilt be placed on sale at time pr ice of 10 cents. It contains a classified list of books for children's reading. Time librarian , Miss Allen , is still at Ti c- Aria. , and will take advantage of I : he extended heave of absence granted her by I lime board a wocic ago , Sue is expected to re- summac control of the library about May 1. 11111 for ittu inlerstiste I'itrk. ST. PAUL , Marcia 30.-A matter of ci anW s iderable Interest caine up In the house toSh d ay in a tmnatmimnous favorable report on I lime b Ill establIshing ama interstate pant at I the tib alleis of the St. Croix , a utimiiar measi ire b eing before ( he Wisconsin legislature. ' 1 he p reposed park conits of 260 acres on b : Aim s ides of time lit. Croix river. at what is ci o e ldered one of time most beautiful Spots n atural scenery in America. PJIIWON4L J'4 1t.f Gil IPIIS , L. P. Judd of Cedar Rapids Is at time im illw l ard. U. B. SchneIder of Fremont is at the It liico l ard. Matt Daugherty of Ogalaila Is at tIme Iii er- c hants. C. A. Dana and wife of Detroit are at the Dolione. Mrs. Ida Id. Pernino of Chicago is at tile Delione , C. A. Irish of Aberdeen , S. D. , is at Delione. B. U. Carpenter and wife of Fremont at the Arcatlo. i : : Barker C. G. guest. Eakin of Crawforclsvhlie , md , , I F. C. Cowden of Rivorton , Ia. , lies re tcred at the Millard. J. 0. Sharpe , proprietor of time Ord hE Ord , is at the Dellone. RothiWbil , a stockmnan of Norfohli stoimping at time Paxton. C. D. Ilarrington Is registered at Barker train Beatrice. J. C. Tetts and vlfo of Carroll , Ta. , I registered at the I'axton , N. C. Barnes and J , Id , Jilhict , railroad licitors , are at time Millard. C , Ij. hover and vIfe of Papihhion I registered at tue Merchuamits. George A. Kellogg' of Missouri Vahle : registered at ( hue Mercimants. Mr. anti Mm , J , H. Ilungerortl of Clii have registered at ( lie l'axtomm , I-i. B , Ilughies of hiebron has placed signature on ( lie l'nxton blotter. J , Ii , Edmiston of Lincoln , the stah ell inspector , lieN registered at time I'axton. w , H. Terry of St. Louis is at the chants , and proposes ( Li locate in Omaha. Julius Meyer returned last night fran n an extended trip tlmrouhu time southern stat ea. Mnong the commercial men at time Iii mrker over Sunday are : V. F. Green , Co uncil Bluffs ; Id. Greenbaum , J , W , Ellis. Clmk 'a 0' 0 , T , Brown , New York ; C. V. liarrlni c b on , ' Beatrice ; \V. C. Price , St. Louis , At time Mercer : Charles Lacey Pu umb Chicago ; \V. Ii , W. flees , Cincinnati ; J I . N Gadd , Des Moines ; C , H. Oanssexm , St. L ou , 5 : , 1. . 13. Kilbourne , Chicago ; Guy W. Co lImit , Cincinnati ; ( I. It , Beach , Denver ; V. ' ' 11. Fetzer , Ottumwa ; A. F. Galloway , Ne ugh ; U. H. hail , Chicago ; S. It , Munnaugh , i'ort- ismifil I. . . Sciulisky , New' York ; C. Am .4' mr Morse , St. Louis ; B. F. Scbiumnaciuer , Jul11- waukee ; J. D. Plimpemu , A , U. Wagner , Mm- nespolis , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nebrussiesius at the Hotels. At the Millard-Anna Ilowland , F'retm lent ; ' ' . Ager , Lincoln , At the Arcade-J. 'F , liouck , J'Iaim , I ew , ' B. It , lice , Cambridge. At the Dehlone-Olhin Berg , Blair ; I' ' Wimite Creinhuton' If. Fl. Babcock A. I aw son , drd ; 1' , ' . hurrelh , irenmommi. At the Merchants-P. II. Morgan Cc hum. bus ; A. ' Heaver , 'I'ecumniteh H. / . I inihti- bury , l'apiliion ; IL. 'IN , 11113 , N'ontia I'la ( to. T O SAVE CARLETON'S ' NECK ' 1 M other of Qothmnn's ' Slayer Working to Prevent iler eon's ' Execution , P ETITION 01' SLVERAL THOUSAND NAMES It Will lie rreientcti to the Cluvernor and Ciemmieney ltequeett'tl cii Theory that AU Dodge toummity Enors the Cocmtlemummcd juan , FILEMON'l' , March 30-Special.-Sherift ( ) M ilhiken today received from Clerk Campbell o f time Nebraska supreme court the uleathi w arrant of Chmarlcta C. Carleton , convicted of ti me murder of August Gothummann hear this c ity In June , 1S93 , The docunient recites b riefly time proccetiluiga in time case , nmmtl notes - ha tes that tIme findings of the district court a ro 1mm all rerpects confirumieti. Time date of ti me execution is fixed for Friday , AprIl 20 , b etween the hours of 10 a. iii , antI 4 l. mu , T imc docnnicumt bears the seal of the supreme c ourt antI the signattfres of Chief Justice N orvai anti Clerk Camnimbehl , Efforts to secure signers to the petition to t ime governor to commute Canletomi's sentence t o imnlarisonrnent for life mire still going on. M rs. W'ood , Carleton's mother , is accepting t he namnes of nil vlmo will sign , miumil she line a imionster petition , bearing 2,000 to 3,000 s ignatures. She ilas scemi all iiio jurymen w ho tried the case , but lies secured time sig. m matures of but two of thttiii , Thio Imiftuenco o f others will be brought to bear on the jurors who have retimseti to sIgn. The latter part of m mext week Govenimor liolcomb uuill be inter- v iewed and asked to fix a elate for a hearing o f the petitioners , viio nak to hinvo the tleath s entence comnmntiteti to life imupnisonmalent. Somne Frenmont attorneys express the opinion t hat the governor viil refuse to interfere , on t ime ground that if time case warrants inter- f erence it should have been tione by ( lie mu- l ) reme court , Others believe tIme governor will e ommmnauto time sontemice. MANDAMUS GI1ANTED. Judge Marshall today handed down his tie. cision in tIme celebrated Ceumtral cut-oft drainage - age ditch , which hits created mme end of comma- h mhications for tile last year. in time first place , ( lie county board of sumpervlsors , on petition of proprty owners , decided to calico ( lie constructiomi of a tirainage c.imimtl west of Ames across ( lie Platte bottom , to drain the l ow lands in that sectiom immto ( hue Imiatte river and prevent overflows of tile valley land below - low tlmat point. Time line of time canal was surveyed , and aasessmmieuits of cocte mmiade upon the lands to be beneilteci. But simbiequently the county board sought to reccmmskier the former action , and mnanilamuus proceetlinga were Instituted to colnlei time board to pro- cecil with time work. Tills Case has bon pend- . lug for sonic timime , and was flnahly decided by Judge Marshall today , he finding against time coumity board , anti grantimmg the nuan- damns to commapel tilat body to itroceed with tile construction of the ditch. Large imiteresta are involved , and the case is an immaportant one to land owners in the Platte valley for several mimiles on each side of the ditciu. T. S. Davis , a market gardener , living tsvo miles vest of tlnu city , met with a severe loss Friday morning. Ills barn was con. sunaecl by fire , together with other outbulld- . image. The loss is estimated at $500 , ant ) there was mao insmmrammce. There was a large crowd present last night. at time Young Men's Ciiristian assciatton rooms , the prumacipil attraction belmig time "War' Talk" by Tohin W. Golf. Time Irma quartet sang several songs that were iii keeping with time subject. Time entertainment was emijoyeil' greatly by all in attendance. The Bachelor Girls' Music clulm was photographed - graphed in a body yesterday. It is saul some , of time members contemplate matrimony , and it was desired to secure a plcttmro of time entire club bEfore time ranks ore broken , The club will be entertaIned by Mts. Ray Nyc. next Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 : , ' in honor of 'Miss ' 'Woods. The Levee woolen mills werb started up. : . yesterday , preparatory to commencing to run. at full capacity on April 1. ( ) rti Notes mtmiti l'orsonals. ORD , Net , , , March 30.-Speclnl.-Mr. ( ) 3 , . F. Dover , a farmer , lost hula barn and contents - tents and a fine span of mimics by fire. Loss about $600. Insurance $300. j , Adams Colvln was here on his way to. Erickson to inspect time Nebraska Irrigation. and Power conapany's ditch in the interest of capitalists who imave mooney to invest. The weatlmer here has been very fine for tIme past week and the farnaurs have been. very busy putting in crops. George Millard , who lately bought the lice Hive stock of A. P. Jensen , has packed up imis goods and viii ship them to Sheldon1 Mo. , where lie expects to begin business again. Raymond Case was married to Miss Jennio. Blessing of this county , Tumey will make their future home in Victor , Ia. Kit Carson mind Miss Ella Millard , botb pr omnhmment in socIety hero , was married W ednesday. They will naaico their home in Sh eldon , Mo , 'Flue lecture of Rev. B. A. Russell on "Utah an d time Mormons" was very interesting. Mr. Armstrong received 51 from friends in Pennsylvania for time benefit of the droutie su fferers , Mayor clara lies left for Iowa and Ilhinole to solicit grain for Valley county. Captain J. C. Ord of tile Twenty-fifth in. em ntry sent 40 to be expended in a proper m anner for time benefit of time old soldicre w ho need it , The money was raIsed by a en tertainment given by time soldiers of the co mpany of which imo was captain. Jsa'utlngti l'apors ConsiIidistod. HASTINGS , Nob. , March 30.-Special.--- ( ) . Ti me Daily Republican has purchased the out. n t and franchise of the hastings Daily ant $ W eekly Nebraskan anti the two papers ar co nsolidated , "Uncle" Isaac LeDioyt is (4 ( a lto editorial charge , - . . - -"t _ . -----z : F : ) ' 1 When my little girl was one momtim old , shm tail a scab form on lien face , It ItSPt slircadlu , ummtll iiiti completely covered troum head to. toot. 'then she bad hulls , $ lmoiiad ( ortyon bet imeati at one lime , sntl nuorl on lien body , When six mamontlis old itie did mmot 'cough seven pound. , pound amid a hail less thiami at birth : . Thea het skimu started to dry up mind got so hiel , alma could nO slit bar eyes to bieep , but lay with them belt open , About hue timime , I started using ( ha. COrIuCICA itsnmnir' . smut n oaevmontate woe complee4' car. . " ! , 'the doctor end dntg bills. were over onum.Ine I t.lolfer , , time Ctirwmu. bill was slot snore than flee dollars , My dm114 is now strommg , Imoaltimy , and large a. any child. of her age ( see iiwto. ) . end It Is all owig LOCUTJCIIILA. Yours with a Mother's llieaslng Mao ; . GF.O. Ii , TUCKER , Jit. , , 632 Walker St. , Milwaukee , WI. . , _ _ _ _ _ _ Sold throughout the world , 1'oiz Pace axa Cur.s. Coup. , 1101. i'ropa , , Boston , "All abou 'be liiocd , 6kb , Scalp , sad flair , " mailed tic. , hlaby Blemishes , falling hair , end red , rougb , bonds prevented sod cured by Cullcur Soap , a-4.'cT ; WOMEN FULL OF PAN8 r Plod lo Oulcurs Antt.P&tm ala. , . i tar iuit.uut sod grateful joust , I lh is the lint sod eely iJ&ia.klhiaL . : ' - txaiithcma iutog , , _