Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1895, Editorial Sheet, Page 11, Image 11

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TilE 01\AHA DAIJ.Y nEE : r , V ? 5 Y [ A Y f IT 31 lS f P !
. RUllA , ARCI , { . 11
I Omaha's ' Ohancos l the Ban riol This
8oason ,
'ho UnlveAly Club - 'ho SprIng Fowl
Shooting-The Trolcf nfll [ 'nccr
Ini R Uret Url.t of l.ocnl
Sporlng Matter. .
lIE balmy spring
' ? - weather of the past
w . two weeks lIas hat :
n most exhIlaratIng
ut . elect upon the local
base bal fans , and ] ,
Ii , whIle they are all
.i ; extremely anxious
4 : Vf for the opening of
' the season , they are
c. hapllY ant ] wi
patenty await the
an momentons days That the management .
has aucceeded tn signing an aggregation of ,
very fat talent seemB to be the general Impression -
pression , but of course nothing can be posithe
tvely known ] on this score . unt the boys
have been seen In practice a few times . Of
audi men ns Captain Walsh , El Hutchinson , ,
Grasshopper Urich , Charles Schaffer . Dly
Huln and George Darby nothing but th m
very best article of the game Is expected and I
I Is the strength of the new material that
yet remains anywise problematical. The last L
year's record made by all these men , how
ever , Is exceedingly encouraging and under
the intelligent tutelage of Joe Walsh and D\e
Rowe It Is but natural to expect the do .
velopment of nothing short of a high degree
of efcieny on the part of most of these
I may be that Omaha wl bo BO fortunate
ns to find
fnd several embryonic stars :
among her untried forces. She hus
- done this before , notably under the
memorable regime of Uncle Dck
McCormick. There was Kid Nichols , , Tom
Lovett , Dad Clark , Jack Crooks , Litti C
CooneyJhnmy Canavan and many others , who
Blnce those days , at one time or another , have
lerched upon the topmost rung of base hal II
fame , and I Is said that history never hal
to repeat Itself. The new men Captain
Walsh has secured to assist him In battlin g
for the coveted pennant were the cream of
the various ranks In which they fgUred durIng -
Ing the past season , and there Is good
reason to believe that , In a measure , they
wilt plug up many of the holes that existed
In the team last year. Fans should not be
too sanguine , however , but at the same time
they may rest assured that Captain Walsh
wilt get the best work possible out of the
new recruits , as well as out of the older
players. " "
Many "promising youngsters" an"
"rising stars ' who have made decided hi : ta
on Podunkvle and Hardscrabble fields. his
V proved excruciatingly Inadequate when It
came down to enterIng upon the real thing
In 1 championship race. But We wi wai I.
and , pray and hope for the best.
In order that the local fans
may once more have the
r opportunIty to size :
up the team that will represent them on the I
fold of acton this year the personnel Is once
more given. On the pitchers' slab will be I
seen John Eagan , George Carrlsh , Louis NapOleon -
pOleon Dalsz , Joe Hussle , Frank , Donnely
and George Darby , an even half dozen. In
this batch are two or three weU known me fl .
notably Darby , Donnely and Carrlsh , and . It
V Is but reafonable to expect that auf of the
other three at least one capable man v ill
be ( level ope. Eagan Is a St. Louis boy ,
who has cut a prominent figure over there
during the past two years In amateur Cl Ic-
cles. He was signed by Manager Rowe on
the recommendation of Long John Healy , the
. Egyptian. Ho Is said to have wonderful
speed . good control of the bal all the
J.stamina . necessary to go the route at least
every other day. Joe Hussle comes from
Kansas City , and Is said to be the double of
New York's famous twirler. He Is highly
spoken of by no less a personage than Ralph
Stout , 1 , local magnate of blessed memory ,
now the efficIent cIty editor of the Kansas
' : City Star Hussle weighs 200 pounds and
stands six feet one In his stocking feet , when
he 1 lucky enough to have a pair on. He
has the speed of a Krup gun , an eye like an
V eagle , and something le a halt bushel of
V extra curve slants , shoots and dro pa.
: nalsz was with Lincoln the later part of last I
'sorson , and whie he failed to distnguish
himself with any special eclat. he has been
pitchIng great bal out In California during
' the last winter and Manager McVlte , who
V Is nothing when not sanguIne declare he
will shine with the brightest of the big
luminaries In the association. For ba ch-
stops there Is Rust Pace , a bIg Californi an .
who Is saId to be a second Chancy Dennet
behind the plate , and a hitter from the Vi 217
center of the city of Itersvle , and ver .
Wlalen , from the high altitude lands of
Montana. Whalen Is unquestionably a good
one , a fact amply proven by his record. He
throws like a shot and as unerringly as a
sharp shooter , stops everything that comes
wIthin a half dozen yards of him and hits I
up among the three hundred boys. So far
thes are the catchers signed , but Rowe Is
still negotiating with one or two good men ,
wih a fair prospect of securing at least one
of them. On frst will be Eddie Hutcblnson ,
& or "Old Hutch " as he was facetiously dub boil
, ' _ by the bleachers last tall. That ho will not
' . be found wanting In an position off the
. slab Is fully guaranteed by the t
admirable work which marked his play at
the close of the past season. Edward M es
will garll the second cushion lie Is a
young blood and comes from the Eastern
league As to his real ability but lte : ; Is
known. Ho Is well spoken of , however , and
wi be given a fair trial before condemi wd.
'At short Joe Walsh will be seen , and that I I
the Inflammatory haired old vet will agaIn
arouse the enthusiasm of 1888 and 1889 , oes
wihout enying. lie played the best bal 10e : m
lila life for Sioux City last year up to the '
Um be wreched his knee , and now that ho
has fully recovere < 1 from the Injury It Is but
fair to presume that he will give us I sample
of the same kind of work the coining eea sol .
"Orauhopper" UlrIch on third requires no
extendc'd eulogy lie Is a clever , foxy player
In any position from catcher to field . nail
wIll be one of the cards of the ou itfit .
Oeorgle Is one at the ( best run getters In the
business and will land on first base by baal ,
or crook twice to any other playpr's enc (
during the entire season . Charlie Schafer ,
the lad with the ( prominent probosls and the
melodious jaw wi stack UII In left deli I In
n fashIon that has seldom been seen In thla (
neck 0' woolls. Shaf comes from n tam oily
of bal players , the ( ohl "Orator" of Des
Moines being his grandfather , and he don't
know anything else 10 w1 be another
favorite. Johnny Siagio hails from the
} uter and comes with the most flatte ring
endorsements of any of the new men WI huM.
I' lull writes that ho Is a phenom pure and
simple , and l3uclcenburger of lat year's 1 ' 1itts.
burgs Ilronounces him the equal of any f lder
dIscovered In a decade. Dnck writes me
from St. Luis that ( Omaha wl be lucky to t
hold ) Slaglo through the season lie II ; a
fast man and will have a National league
value before the season Is very old. I [ hilly
luln , who played , third for Minneapolis Bly
year , will bl II rIght field. Minneapls le ox.
penanced bal player and there Is but I little
chance for bun to fall below the high csU-
mate put. on him UpBiies the above enumerated -
merated list lhrre are M. l. Dwyer and Frank
Dear on the salary hit . both fielders and
both good men. Dwyer collies from the
northwest , while Dear Is an ell timer .
Speaking of Mr. Dear reminds mo of a lit-
tIe story that used to be told on him a decade -
cafe or two ago , when he first made his
debut on the diamond. Fraimle , II wi be
Inferred , tl no sprIng chicken. He was 19
years of ago sere twenty year ago and
bus seen a great man ) ' ups and down , Ilrln. '
dply downs In the national game. Dear
II 1 I follower of the Ingersol belief , and
while he bal every respect for Rn Omnipotent
I/wer , 1e does not atempt or pretend to
11uro Bald Io\er Into any tangible el cape .
le thinks that man was put onto this earth
t hoe his own row Irespectye of Prey idea.
Ual or fephtstopbelean iimfluences . During
.an off season In base bal Bear wu worklug
Qn a ranch out In Wyoming. One day ,
while making lila way through the moun.
talus , be met a bear , The ferocious brute
was right In hIs path and behind him was
a yawning abyss thousands of feet deep
28 turn hack "a to pluQ&e to ternl1
upon the jlggell $ rocks below , amid to ad.
Vance WI death In even 1 mora horrible
shape at the teeth and claw of the boar.
Hero Wil a time , thought Mr. Dear , to lest
the efeCcy of prayer , but after n mo-
nient' s reflection upon the theory to which
he hall 10 long clung he changed his mind
nd rcsoh'cd to follow out the precepts of
his early education . And that was to fight
his own battles. So . pulling hi knife , ho
fut glanced at the bear and then upwards
toward the empyrean of heaven , And cx-
claimed :
"Oh , lord I nil J ask of you Is to keep hands
off , Help neither me nor lie brute In front
of m e . keep quiet and say nothing , and
Il how you one of the - bear
fKht you''e ever had the luck to witness "
That t was the human bear that came out
on tem p IB fully attested by the fact that he
will be hero Tuesday next ready to don
( lie white alil red of - time Walsh famiy ,
Huln. m Darby Pace , Hutchinson , Urich and :
lalsz have been playing bal all winter In. .
Dixon , Ca ! , and all report that they are In
txcelent shape and anxious for the openingY.
of the championship season. AB the whole
team Is expected to report on or about next
Mend ay . advance money to pay the traveling
expenses of the above sextete was for-
ward ed to Dixon emi Tuesday last by Treasurer -
urer lcVllo , and they are all expected to I
arrive here not later than Thursday or
Friday next.
From the above It will be recognized that
It takes money to get ready for the ball
eason , ns well as to carry a team through c
the summer , and the friends nail patrons of F
the game will do the nice thing to respond
ns g graclouB and liberally as possible when
calell upon The management Is desirous of
disposing of 100 admission books , which they rr
thin k will be sufcient to get the players al I
here , put the park In good shape and perfect
all arrangements for the beginning ef the (
pln'llg senson These books contain tickets ,
with coupons for reserved seats , for twenty
two games , and are sole at $10 each , giving
purchnsers the benefit ot I considerable cc -
duct ion on the regular price of single ad-
miss ions . Messrs. Rowe and lcVltle have
been on the street with these books for
several Ilays and , It Is gratifying to note ,
have met with much encouragement In the
way of ready sales. Out of the 100 books
which they 11m to sell they have gotten rid
of seventy and by Tuesday or " 'ednesday
next hope to have closed - out the full quota.
Carpenters will be put to work on the
grounds this week and all contemplated ire .
Ilrovements pushed forward with all possible
expe dition. The fences , grandstand and club
house are all to be
al repaired , and some
changes made In and about the bleachers soniid
box office. The grandstand Is to bo enlarged
by the addition of 100 ) scats , which wIll be
reser"ed exclusively for ladles and their
esco rts. The right field bleachers are also to I
be lengthened l and heightened , and alogether
arrangements made for the accomrnodattc ; rm
of fully 1,000 more people. accommodaton
The regular championship season opens up
hero on Thursday , May 2 , with Quincy , but
before that ( line the fans will be affordi d
an abundant
opportunity to see the new
team line up. The exhibition season commences -
mences on Saturday , April 6 , with lilian e-
ape lls , which team will also play here Sunday -
day , the 7th. On the 10th and 11h the team
wi l be split up Into two nines , the vets
Illtted against the young bloods , and on the I
12th , 13th and 1th St. Joe will be here. ( ) n
the 19th. 20th and 21st the Kansas O
We stern League team will measure strength
with Captain Walsh's lads and on the 23d
24h and 2lth Duckerlno Ebright and his I
clodhoppers from Lincoln will hoe a little corn
out at the Charles Street park. After this
series of games the Omahas wIll go to Kan ,
sas City , St. Joe and Lincoln , gettIng ba ck .
aher o on the evening of May I , In prime
fet tle , It : Is hoped , for the Important bat : tie
that Is to take place on the following alti cr-
noon with QuIncy , when the champIonship
jourey will be set out upon.
FORT NIODHAHA , Neb" , March 2G.- To
the Sporting Editor of The Dee : The Fort
Niobrara Base Dal club has organized for
the season and on and after April 25 wi be
prepared to argue the merits of the natiom al
game wIth clubs In the vicInity of our pla cc.
'Ve wi have a first-class club , fully u ni-
termed , and solicIt correspondence.
J. L. CORDY , Cor. Secretary
ACKSONVILLE Ill. , March 25-To the I
Sprtng Editor of The Dee : The prospects
for base bal In Jacksonville durIng the I
season of 1895 are very flattering , In faet ,
more so than they have ever been befc ire .
The citizens ot the town have determined
that they will support base bal In spite of
everything else and the committee which was
sent out some time ago had no trouble In ob
ta ming persons to sign the subscription Ii S i
for various sums ot money for this fund. lst
new park has been arranged near where the
old park was and Is abut 700 feet squ tro.
This vill be provIded with two
wi wih grandstanls
and bleachers and will be capable of acke
commodatng' ' largo crowds Jacksonville will
not allow Sunday games to be played In the
city , but an arrangement has been made
Whereby all Sunday schedule game will be
played at Springfield . and the probabili ties
are that our Sunday attendance will be
larger than any other In the wi Ion .
Manaler Ayd2lot has taken his time to sign
tile team and It Is safe to say that the men
he has contracted for to play with Jacki ionte
vie are the finest that could be had for the
m oney. He has taken special care to get
gopd batters and the majority of them have
hattng averages above the 400 mark ; they
also have splendid
records In their various
positons end It Is safe to say that Jackc iono
vie will not be near the bottom at the
windup of the season The following Is the
personnel of the team :
hey S. Johnson and Frank S. Belt , ca tcbh
ers ; I" S. Caplnger , Carl Schwartz , Charles
Kneppr , Thorpe , O'Cnnor. pitchers : J. I S.
Aydelot , manager and first base ; David lii.r
lawley , second base : William L. Deveney ,
short stop ; Thomas McGuirk , third base : :
Wilam Zeiss , right field ; Robert S. White ,
mlddlo field ; left fleldtobo - flied. ,
Pitcher Diy Hart , so says lien Mull ord ,
r ecently knocked the ball Mulord
recenty bal over the fence of
the bal grounds In Savannah scoring the
longest l hit ever mode I
on that ( diamond ( old
gag ) . The Cincinnati boy Is receiving much
raise In his work with Pittsburg . . .
Whoa Bill Krtlg Is at time head of time
Galesburs , Ill. , team
I. , and Ed Smartwooll
has been promised a "sit" on the Nati :
L eague's umpire staff . Natonal
Di McVltle will again act as ground
keeper at the Charles street park li Is a
brother of Manager McVlt 's , and a good
man for thb ( place
Eddie Jorltelel , once the prIde of the Gate I
C ity . will play In Terre Haute's outfield this
s easomi .
Larry Twichel , once with Omaha , Is said
to t be the only manager In the country who
signed all his players without a con : t ot
a dvance money which Is all the ( more m
strange when It Is distinctly remembered
that Larry was once one of the indiviC iuals
who Ilomanded about nil that was coming to
him In advance. lie Is wIth Milwaukee .
hilly Inusman , who has been wih a bout
every hail team aI
bal ever organized , wi again I
cover frt base for Kansas City this so : muon .
Pitcher Beam , who was with the Western
association last year , Is thought extremely
well of In Phiadelphia , but here he wasn't
worth his weIght In old rags.
The Western league opens its season on
May 1 with St. Paul at Kansas City . MI lane-
Ciy. : lnne.
apcls at Mlwaul < ce. Toledo at Detroit and
Grand Rapids at IndIanapolis. -
Catcher Dugdale the ex.s nator and V old
Wester Peoria team association , Iliayer , will manuge I the
Norfolk Is 10 have enclosed grounds /nd a
strong leml-llrofesllonal team
Dig Ed Cartrlght II captaining the Wash.
Ingtons. i
Among time players who have once wore a
LIncoln uniorm may be mentoned : Jake
leckley , wbo will guar first base for I itts.
burg ( hii Jesse Pits.
ths year : Uurkett , who will pay
lef l field for Cleveland ; Ehret , who ts wi : gncl
with St. Louis : Ha'mond of the Detrolts ( ;
float of the Indianapolis club ; Johnson of the
SerantonB ; Dave Howe of Omaha ; Jack Rowe I
of Buffalo ; Moehler of Des Moines ; I ) arn-
brough of the Interstate league , who i'i ill be
remembered al having pitched a seven teen.
Inning game against the Minmmeapoiis club :
Lookabaugb of Doomtngton ; Wilson If : New
York : Rogers of Scranton : Lawrenc U of
Memphis ; Hart of Iltsburg : McOreevy ' of
Quincy : McKibben of Des Moines ; Hal is at
O/raha , and Stafford pf the New ( Yorks.-
Ltncoln Courier
- .
Jack Crooks , at third , has shown up In
splendid form In the WaBhln&tOI team
practc games and If Captain Joyce Is not !
very careful ho will not be missed this year I
Crook arm Is strong and lie has his eye on
the bal from the jump. ' 1 Is claimed for
him that he Is fully equal to his ' 91 and ' 92
"W hite Wings" Tebeal baa again caught
on wih Brother Patsy I3oltvar's Cleveland
Spide rs.
George Shock , another old westerner now
with Brooklyn , Is said to be one of the best
general utility men In the proresslon.
Jacksonvie has made arrangements to play
her Sunday games at Springfield and the
prospects are good for tremendous crowds , aB
that IB the only professional bal the Illinois
capial will get to see.
Cap tain Frank Motz of the UooslerS was
Iresented with n bat nine fet long br his
Akron admirers before ho left for Indianapo-
The Eastern league has secured all the oh
Western league umpires-Tim Hurst , John
W. Gafney , Herman Doescher and Choly
Snyd er. By the way who besides Jack lies-
hell and Montana Ward , are going to umpire
for us this season 7
U S. Ferguson of Tecumsh Is tryIng to
organize a base bal league for southeaster
Nebraska and want all Interested In the V
game to correspond with him.
Preston , who guarded thlrll for St. Joe last
seaso n . Is putting up a fine game for the V
Louisvie colonels.
WhlslerllJs or ( tim , % ctmeoi . I ,
T LAST the time of I
, hm ' year Is approaching
. when every man and
- I . woman who has a
_ ; bicycle want to f ) r
, ' from the hot and
8 i I dusty city to the (
, country In order to
, I , get n bit ef pure ,
. r' I I t fresh air
- ,
, . t Most of Omaha's
, / 1
/ , ) , cyclists are shut up [
, \j \ 1 In an ofce or con
- _ 1\ \ fIned to n salesroom
_ for six long dats
elurlng the week and thus have evenings and
Sun days only to get their recreation. There
are about seven good wagon roads leading
out of Omaha that are avaIlable to the cycltsi .
lie may arise early on n pleasant Sunday
morning , don his bicycle clothes , pump up his
tire , see that the necessary repair outfit Is I
safely In lls- tool bag all start out. I he
wishes to spend the entire day In thO country
one or the most pleasant runs he can take Is i
via Council Bluffs to Gienwooml. Leving
Omaha , he crosses the Douglas street wagon
bridge , follows the cedar block pavement to I
the first street west of the Council Buls
pumping staten , and turning south one block ,
he follows the dirt road running parallel with
Bro adway. Here he fInds this much beter
riding than the block pnvement ' \ llch him Is
becme almost unrldeablo within the last
year or so , on account of the holes and ruts
causetl by heavy traffic. Following this road
straight cast he arrives at Daylss park ] ,
Counci Bluffs. Here turning south for a few
blo cks . then east , to the tot of the Bluffs , he I
fin ds himself al the main road leading past :
the Deaf and Dumb institute : straight on for
a couple of miles he comes to a fork In lle I
road , followIng the one whIch turns to the
right , he spins along the foot ot high bluls
covered In the summer with wild flowers and
grases of all kinds , from which the gent Ic
breezes carry a delicious odor to him. So t
far he has traveled about eleven miles , and
has encountered but few small hilts. Now Ito
approaches some quite steep ones coming to
where the road forks , he fellows the ono
to his left , and after about two miles' rIde .
he arrives at Ole top of the bluffs . along.
crwh ese base he has just been riding Here
a pretty sight greets his eye , the scenery
Is beautiful. He looks down over the green
fie lds and sees the "Big Muddy" wInding I its .
way toward the gulf . He Is now opposite' '
Bclevue college , Eplnnlng on he finds the rad
quie level for 1. mile or so , when he. begins
to descend the steepest Inclnl on tie rom id ,
knewn as Pony Creek hill , and using Ine' romioi ,
as a brake , down It he shoots his momentum' '
crrying him hal way up the ' hill that les
before him on the other side. After climbi rmg
this he agaIn comes upon almost level road
and Is within about 'tour miles of nomd. .
I ho wIshes to quench Ills thirst , he stops
at a farm ouse , and water never tasted as' '
geed as the cool , fresh cup full he gets from I
the well. He mounts , and Is off again , passes
by many orchards which later In the seam Ion '
are usually laden wIth delicious fruit. Gb ? n- :
wood Is reached , and hastening to the hotel
he washes himself and prepares for dinn er. .
And such an appetite as he has : tIme wairess :
st ares at him In amazement as he cleans up :
everything In sight. Hght 10 e I ceans say
If a man has lost his appetite this wi help : ; I
him find It quicker than all the tonics or i apcl
petzers he can take. Dinner fnhslmed . die I ! .
wheelman contributes 60 cents to the ice ( el
keeper for the food he has kept from 10tel. ng.
Afer nesting long enough for his meal to set-
tie he prepl03 to start 10mtwa d T1ere V ar
two different roads . to choase from , be Ides the
one he came over , vlz. , the bottom road , vIa
P acific Junction , or the telephone road. Tae
latter Is usualy preferable as It Is traveled
more and Is In better condition . There are ,
however h , no his on the bottom road , which
Is a point In its favor. Deciding to tko the
telephone road he goes east from the hotel
two blocks , north three thence cast to the
frt fork , takIng the one to the lot V , 'e passes
the Williams place , which , It he stops to
view , will see one of the finest fruit farms I In
the west. LeavIng this , he follows tile I line
ot telephone poles 'rime road winds arom lne
' Iround
'neath 1 very bower ot vegetation. He stops
to o ret a few minutes In the shade , start ing
en again , he soon comes to the road startng whlc' :
he came over In the morning. Council .131i Lifts
Is nol wihin four miles , where he arrives a
bit later and wIthin fifteen minutes he
reaches the Douglas street pavement , and his
cyclometer shows that he has traveled a Li aC-
ton over miles. This Is one of the
most popular long runs around Omaha .
Lieutenant Melon piloted a party of
Tourists down to Delevuo last Sunday.
Captain Dahl of the Ganymede Wheel club ,
cross time Dg Muddy lead a dozen of his
clubmates up to MissourI '
Valley last Frli
ci ,
It i being the first called club run t'rlday
The CUahy ] Cycling club spent last Sue day
at Otenwood , Ia. Messrs.
Oenwood II. lessrs. lynes and Cu LuCy
of the Tourists accompanied them CUley
tandem. t The two Johns made the old bird
hump h herself on the way back.
Captain Smith of the Tourist Wheelmen
has made his appointment ot subal tern
o illcers and Issued his first run subalern
season. The run care Is the neatest thing I
In 1 the way of a run card wo have seen. It
Is i gotten up In the shaps of a folder , con-
taining t an open invitation to wlmeelmuem Ito
turn out with the club , road rules and other
ltte l bits of information , and an Inserted
carl bearIng a list of club tours for the
nmontim the whole tied In
ted one corner sill tim a
neat bow of cherry , white and black ribbon 1 ,
the club's colors. Time runs for
April are as
talows : April 7. Delevue , 22 miles , start
8 :30 : a. m. : April 14 , Hennington , 36 ma :1,05 : ,
start 8:30 : a. m. ; April 21. Fort Calhoun , 36
miles , start 8:30 : a. m. : April 28 , Glenim 00 ,
la. , 60 mattes , start 7:30 : a. m. . \1 runs start m
from the "pumll house " or , tn other sri mr s .
Randall's Cafe , 161 CapiOl avenue , A
register will bo kept at this place also an
air pUmp and other tools Bulletin boards
will be IJlaced In the restaurant and cycle ;
stores , giving Information concerning the
rnns. All unattached
Al unalaehcll wluelmen are espe : ial
Invited to turn out with the club. The runs
will be for health and recreation and new
riders need not be afraid to tackle them ,
Tile officers appointed are : Alex Melton . first
lieutenant ; David Harding second iicutei ant .
and Charlie Pegau for bugler. The bugle vilj
be used on the runs this season and Cii wi
Is time boy that can get the music out Charle I.
A number of applications for membem raiitm
were accepted at the business memberhll
meetIng of r the
TourIsts held Thursday evening , March 28.
Time board of ofcers appointed W. 2i1'
Uarnum , F. A. Heninger and Louis Flescher
as a memberhip committee - ,
The Ganymede Wheel club and the TourIst
Wbeelmen attended the Turner Wheel club
socIal In a body wearIng their respective club
color upon tIme lapels of respectve . The
Iowa boys turned out thirty-five and the
Tourists twenty-eight. The badges worn by
the Tourists were very pretty , the work of
Meurl. Hynes , Adams and Walker , the club's
entertainment committee , und consisted of a
large rosetta and double bow , with slreamers
ot cherry , white and black ribbon the whole
fastened with a brownie stick pin.
Luis Fleacher the Twelfth street bicycle
bllder , Is getting his tou en.pound road
wheel Into hape. 1 Is fouf uty and hu
many good points. n'f ( ,
Dr F. N. Conner went io"'Paton ' , Neb
last wek to slaughter ducks"dhI1 geese. The
doctor I an enthusiastic iunt as well as
wheel man . IWnt a wel a
I 4 I Pt
X , A. Zimmerman has , at ptcl Houben ,
the F renchman's chalenge ; > o . ride a bicycle
race 1 will bo remeberC' HJiH r ( 10ubn dl' '
tented Zimmy early In thme'se ' i80n last year.
Zimmerman wilL begin traIning at once And
will s ail for France earlyin I APri.
Eng land has adopted the ' ) rod rim this
. ' '
year. The English 'cy Hng' papers con-
demnCl It last year They 'tsd sat down on
the two class rule , but are gradually drifting
toward I. V erltng
No ladles are allowed to rldo on the pub-
10 Btrets of St. Petersburg , Ruuln Deter
come to America , glrlB.
An ordinance has been passed by the Hack-
ensack , N. Y. , authorites providing that ( no
bicyce shal be ridden inside the city limits
at a speed exceeding eIght miles per hour.
I would not be n bad idea for our city counV V
cl to pass an ordinance prohibiting some of V
these would.b "scorchers" riding through
the business timorotmglmfares at
bulnes thoroughares a break-neck
speed and endangering the people's lives who ;
travere the streets on foot. No 'cyclist
Bhould ever attempt to travel at the ( rate of
over twelve miles an hour In the business I
porti on of Omaha.
Motor 'cycles arc becoming quite popllar
In the t cast.
The manufacturers of them i
claIm a sped of twenty mites per hour
Motor carriages are also being used a great t
deal In France' . The time' Is approacimini
when there wi be but little tmse approachlnr .
An Indiana bicycle company claim that ,
they cannot get enough wood for theIr wOOll
rims to supply the demiiand
Perhaps some of f
our Omaha ltmmbcrrnenmigimt hell them oui .
M r. J. August
Doyle , treasurer ottb C
Turner Wheel club of this city , has coin !
pile d a list of the popular runs from Omaha
by wheel , which are as ( olows : Anchor
Mill s , 10 miles : Delevue , 12 mies : Denning-
ton , 1 miles ; Blair , 26 mlcs : Courtand ;
beach , 3 mIles .
mies : Council Bluffs , 6 milec ! :
Crescent City , 13.mles ; Cofman Staten mies , I'F i
mile s ; Calhoun 17 mlesl Century Post (6 ( I
mile s north of Tel < mah ) , 10 miles ; Ilkhmorr .
18 miles ; Elk City , 22 miles ; I lorencc , 7
mile s ; Fremont , 37 miles ; menwood , 24 mile : i'
Hon ey Creek , 20 mies : Jrvlngton , 9 mile : : :
Iruse's 11 , 10 mils ; Little Sioux , 60 mies : :
Man awa , 8 miles : Mynster ' Springs , 10 mile : : :
Mill ard , 13 miles : Missouri Valley , 28 mies : :
Mal s'enn , 36 mIles ; Neola , 30 miles : Nobles
Lal e , 9 miles : Papllon , 12 miles ; NobliB. -
mouth , 22 miles : Ruser's Park , 4 mile : 5' ;
lied Oak 50 miles : South Omaha , 6 mile : : :
Sarpy Mills , 7 miles ; Springfield , 20 mile : : ;
Sliv er City , 20 mites
Slver mies : Tekamah , 45 mile : s ;
Und erwood , 17 miles : Weston , 10 mile : s ;
Waterloo , 20 mattes. mies
M r. W. M. Reeve of Denver , Colo. , Is
trying to raise a fund whereby he may be I
enabled to place In one hospital In every
latg city of the United States a free bed for ,
the benefit of Injured wheclmcn , called the I
Denver Wheel club free ben , and has started I
to raise It by the almost inpractlable chain
leter scheme , which Is for : three people , to
each of which Mr. Reeve , will send a copy of
, his letter , they In turn to ; each make three
copies , change the date and send them to
three of their friends , and so on. Each
person who receives a leUer Is asked to send
10 cents to the Denver Wheel club , sri ma
endorses the scheme. In col elton the Idea
may be worthy and ben\volent , but the I
means to the end are decidedly childish and
the end itself Is unnecessary. ,
Chairman Odeon - of tll I League of American -
can Wheel men racing b9ard. has appointed
S. HV Rowland , Marengo , ' Ia. , and F. D.
Thral , Otawa , Ia. , ofcial handicappers ci
Iowa , Nebraska and New MexIco. li : Ir .
Gid eon's acton In appointing ! two Iowa men
has been severely criticized by Nebraska
, league members. They feel that they shot id
be entitled , to one handIcapper In their eta te .
There are a number of men I this city who
Imow nearly every ' cacingunamm. In this secti on
, , and Wimo have had mocperlence ! secton
either of the
new men who' havel : been ap-
poi nted. A petition will be sent to the racing
board and I I fails to receive the proper II
att ention the renewals will be
atenton wi few In 1' e-
braska next month. I
10nth. _ I
The Omaha Wheel club held a special meetIng -
Ing last week , at which tie constitution and
bylaws were revIsed. The election of oflic era
! lecton
takes place Tuesday evening. Applicatic ins
ar e steadily pouring tn and by April 16 they
expect the membership to reach the century
m ark.
Walter Sanger , one of AmerIca's fastest
class D men , Is just recoverIng from an atGr
tack of typhoid fever. His physician states ,
however , hat le will be able to race this
se ason.
That South Dakota legislature which passed
a bill prohibiting bicycle rIding on Decorat ion
day Is sadly In need of common ser iso .
Every holiday In the calander Is celebrated
by a portion of the omplnly In a differ eat
manner from the exact purpose for which
the day was originally set aside
originaly , and , as his I
Is 1 free country , any such absurd law as the
one noted Is bound to
- prove Inoperative .
John S. Johnson the bicyclist , was arrested
In Syracuse , N. Y. , Thursday , on a warrant
sworn out by a firm of bicycle
frm manufacturer : !
who have
a contract with Johnson and his
manager for the coming season Johnson
has just decided to turn professional In order
to race with .Houbln In France , . In alle geel
vIolaton at the existing contract alege
President Wiison of the League of American -
can Wheel men says that the league will not
establsh this year a third class for wi m1
men 01 the cash prIze basis , but lie thought
the change might bo
made In another
c ) un-
t ry. The cash prize association d"1 not seem
to be doing so wel , amid he dl 10t think
they would conduct races tide SL..4n . The
new president predicts that this will be the
most successful In the '
successul year heague'miThist ony .
Is reported that there are thirty-six different -
ferent bills pending before the New York
leglslaturo l governing cycling on the blgh- I
w ays.
The Ullv"nly Climb.
DurIng the past month the board of dl Irect
te era ot the University club has been busiy
engage In time performance of some very V
efcient work with the design of putting V the
new club upon a solid basis The results
already accomplished Indicate that the basis l
has l been made about as solid as one c ould
well wish Time grounds occupied by the
Young Men's Christian association for the
past two years a an athletic park have I
been leased for a termt ot' ' three years . and a
deal has just been closed with time associm otion
whose lease Ixplres tomorrow , wlJreby associaton
s ells outrIght to the Untvortly club all of Its
Improvements i just as : thly stand. The
owner of these grounds ! wantell more rent
than t time Young Men'l 'Christian assocli atton
felt It could pay , and a-itsvaa able to make
arrangements for an 'ex olenty sitt mated
piece ot ground nearerl the center of town ( It
was willing to dispose ofifta Improvements
for a reasonable , .
reasonabll flgurol 'hefe grounds I arc
situated upon the North 'Omaha ' boulevard ,
the most pOlular drlvWIY In the city . and
are without doubt the fnes athletic ground
In the west For the present no material
alterations wIll be mSdjJ'elther In grand
sta/l or bath rooms , bltt/tQlt year the grand
stand will bo entirely j'ojno4eled and Co .
entrely tl/04eled BQ cn.
structed that the
grllt1 lnd , club , loker
and dressing rees wJ ) ) ) all , be comprIsed In
one building , somnewiqsimpilar \ \ to the plan
now In use on the g ups of the Detroit
Athletic ' club As GnUI a possible the
track' will be extended so as to melee IVt I Vt OX
acty one-quarter mile , and such other 1m-
IJro\ments will b made as are neceslary to
put evertbng In first class sbape.
The intention Is to have a field day thIs
fall , which shall be open to all amateurs , and
every effort will be made by the club to : put .
a team Into the contell which will keep most I
of the prizes at home.
Doth baseball and football teams wi be
maintained from the start The ham mebahl
team will contain practically the sane ! player
a the old Young Men's Christian assocl lation
team of lat season , wIth ' two , and pos aibly ,
three places to liii.
Negotiations have ben going on for two
er three months with all thl western I cal-
leges , and the prospect are that a number
of the leading western college teams will
b brought here this Iprlng.
Time great drawing card , however , wi b
on Decoration dar , when Stsgg , the famoul
Yale picher , will b here wIth his team from
the t Uniyoralty ot '
Unlverly ChIcaGo tor two g sines.
Among the best player Slag hu are Henry
Clark of this city anl Drown , formerly of
Omaha , but now of ChIcago ,
Clark , under Stagg's experienced coaching ,
has deTloped into one of the best amateur
pitch ers In the west and will probably be In
the bx for this game Although no effort
whatever has as yet been made to push the
membrlhp already over fifty or our most
substantal business and professional men
have Joined the club and heartily assisted I
In IB efforts to establish 1 popular athletic V
and social organization , which will put all
legiti mate amateur sports In Omaha upon a
piano which they should occupy. During
the next two months a thorough canvas will I
bo made of the city , ln the meantmo If
an'oM wants to know more about the club I
a let ter addressed to 94 New York Lie
build ing will elicit any desired information.
On , hirer , Lake nul Marai , .
OHE'S the pity , but L
RS was predicted In I
these columns In a I
lengthy article 5ev
oral weeks ago the
: ; . wild fowl shootng In
Nebraska this sllrlng
has ben a most dIe. :
. mal and Incontncnt
failure . On accolnt
of a scarcity of foci V
1/ antI water-anl flell
. 9 essential to the
. , . . . 'll. esscntal 0
\ ; : , : 'I , ' d' \ ( other - the birds
' ; '
. either took another
\ - , , ti route north or few
. - . - over here wihout
iYn stopping. Of coimrsi
fr. . " '
t" there was some
shooln , but In time main time sport was
the poorest that was ever known In this great
game country. In the delightful companion- I
shll of Mr. Charlie Metz and Will Simeral I ;
I ) ut In a week at Ed. Ilaimmilterm's ranch
In Deuel county's san I his , but met wit I
littl else than
lte disappointment , In so far as
the shooting was concerned Still we had a
n\st glorious and beneficial outng , met with
many interesting features anent life In that
weary waste at sand and buffalo grass , and
all o f which I wl take pleasure In recountin
In another week. Mr. Ilamniltoim Insisted V
that the birds had not come In , and would
surely be along later , but this J ( loulmtc d
exceelingly , as the weather was as sultr :
as June and the general conditons of sulry mI
rare region Were such as furnish no groun Is
for a hope of anything better than gounds :
pen anced. Lamt evening I recel"e the ( following i -
lowing brief note from my 011 host :
LAKESI , March 28.-I rlend Sandy : We
had a good flight of red heats and canvasbacks -
backs yesterday. There must have hee in
50,0 00 birds on Crescent lalle and I now ben
for good simeoting. Omaha sportsmen would
now be safe , so 1 believe , In coming out. I .
_ _ :
CLAHICS , Neb. , March 27-To the SportIng -
Ing Editor of The Dee : More sportsmen Srmoni'e
for the first time been disappointed In their
spring shootng of ducks and geese this ycar :
than ever berore. Not a single good "ku "
has been made on the Plate In this vicini
during the sprIng fight this year and already
the birds have entirely deserted the Plate.
Colonel Richmond , Captain Hoyt and other
local l sportsmen made extensive lwepanatio :
as early as March 1 to entertain visltii
hunters and slaughter the wid fowl on their
usual favorite roosts on the Platte. No feed
In the fields and no water In the creeks and
canyons , together with the fact that the river
was early lined wih tents and doted over
wIt h blinds , caused the wild fowl to move on m
to better and more peaceful feeding ground , .
The recpton of the goose or duck un-
fortunate enough to bend Its fight along the
course of the historic Plate might well be 1
compared to that tendered the federal gu U-
beats when they tried to run by the batten ea
at VIcksburg. Ten camps , equipped with
about twenty-five blinds , were located on i
the Plate wIthIn eight miles , traveling cast
from Carks , so that you wi readily understand -
stand that It would be Indeed a weary amI :
thirsty fowl that would dare venture to rest
on the bars or sip of the waters of the Platte
In that vichmmity. Of course some of the
campers were out for fun and necreati on
and the shooting was only the nominal ebb ct.
One party of five I observed occupying u
bli nd . In which they bad a large jug , which
{ suppose contained theIr ammunition , and
they were enjoyIng a social game of cards ,
occasionaly dropping a poor hand to take ni
nt some sky-scraping geese or mora
frequenty at the jug.
A quart flask was found by Joe Wells , near
Columbus , containing the following mcssage : :
ON TIE PLATTE RIVER , East of Carks ,
Marcb , 22 , 1895.-To the finder of this leter :
I am alone , abandoned on a sandbar In the I
Platte , surrounded by three feet of swif ;
running water , which glides over ten feet of
quick santi. I wlsb that I had one of Sandy
Griswold's articles on the beautes of nature ,
as they are presented during a spring shoot.
The sky some way fails to reveal the beautes : ;
he so vividly represents and the cloud torr 'ma- '
tons have been overlooked ; the cry of the
alarmed wild fowl Is not properly adjusted
to the music of the wInd and wave. Already :
{ feel the exhiaratng and elevating tnf enc
of my surroundings , In every joint and m
si new. Sandy , I have been victimized by
ycur poetIc imagination. Yet , perhaps , If I I
had at hand one of those articles It might
deceIve me again and reconcile me to my sad
fa te. Nature Is beautiful In her place but
hereafer she can have her place and I Ii
take Goodie Drucker's for mine. Defer I
start out again for 1 goose hunt , should I
escape alive this time , I will take a Ii ( tie
proper training , by pushing a loaded hand :
cart across the Saham. Save my life by
replenishing this fasl < ! 1
Drop It Into the north channel of the Plate
from the Clarks bridge. Don't drop It In
unti after dark , I shall look out for it. Put
a floater on I. Hopefully ,
All time camps , with the exception of Colonel
R icimmond's . have broken up. JACK Ii 1.
GREAT BEND , Kan. , March 27.-To the
S porting Editor ot The Dee : The fght of
the festive feathered fowl has come and gone ,
and by this I refer to geee and ducl < s. Their
sojourn here was briefer this year than any
formcr season known , 10 I am told by the
suprannuated local sports , men who once
enjoye hunting , but are to old now to par-
ti cipata. Game generally tarried here quite
a while , the surrounding country affording
good foraging ali the Cheyenne bottoms cx-
c eilent trysting grounds for them These bottoms -
toms t arC sixteen miles long and seven miles
wide , Including mora territory than J at first
supposed , As plentiful as I bave seen game
there , huntng Is not as satisfactory as J
have experienced In the northwest If bag
alone Is considerEd , but It Is more exciting
and replete with amusing Incidents. excitng
most successful and at Limo same time enjoy-
able method Is for a party of two , with a
Igbt l buggy and gentle team , but one that Is
trainEd to the sport and when necessary can
run a lightning gait , to "mosey" around time
b ottommi. The driver , whim the lines over his
lef l arm and his gun ready for acton , guides
the team until we are wihin shootng dis-
( once. After the ( frt shot the team will
stampede and felow the game and all you
have h to do Is to pump It Into them. I you
are fortunately ont on a windy day and successful -
cessful In driving the game against time wind
b y working thIs strategy you can oren get
right under thermm I durIng the ehasl you
run Into a chuck hole and Ire unceremoniously -
monlously dumped In a heap Into a pool of
water , this ( adds zest to the sport , providing
you nor the horses are hurt , Last Saturday
M. George Mrthal and myself rode over
there for a couple of hours' bunt and a more
oxhlaratng time I never have had As we
care to the blur overlooking the expansive
valley , here and there we could leo bunches
of whie brant scatterell promiscuously with
bunches or Canadas and black brants. " 'I V
consumed a little time chasing a large dir-
ablel Canada , but his wings were all rIght
and he eluded us , A flock of whIte brant lit
a quarter of a mile from us and to them we
started Allowing the team to saunter along
slowly and keeping our guns out of sIght
we . as It were edged around them , approacim-
Ing nearer all limo time. I whispered to
George to taco team to game but they
were on to the trick and Immolutely
arose. Tht horse knew their business and
the race commenced , wo firing as they ran-
only a bag of four , we simoull have killed a
dozen , as there were 600 or 800 in the flock ,
Don you believe in time charmed life of s
wimite goose ? We poured four loads into one ,
apparently filling It si'itb lead , but it comm.
teinptuoualy sailed away , About dusk , on ow
return , we notIced what I opined was a wild
swan on time west lake , and suclm it prov4 tc
be. We rude up to ( lie cast shore and tiier4
being no cover I got out and dropped flat
upon time ground , My friend i'noeeede
around the lake to thmeopposito bimore , when
the swan had takeim refupe. It then stiere
straigimt for imme. About ceventy yards off i
aro9 , but a lucky shot fetched It , It , i.e m
fine s pecimen , the largest I have seen , weigh-
ing t wenty-four and one-half poimnmls sail a
perfe ct tiesuty. I shipped it to a taxidcrnilst
and w ill have it macmated , I have never seen
game as wild as it Is this spring. None of
our b ags have been large , not ovem' eight or
( en a t ft time. J , II. LOWIIEY.
Th e sporting editorof The Omaha lice
gave our old friend , Tom Coleman , a great
write -up iii Sunday's edition , telling of the
big s uccess Toni had in early days iii bagging
wild geese , ducks and other ganme. From a
descr iption given of the country about Mr.
Cole man's place it will no doubt give Meadow
a bo om , and will be visited by hundreds of I
Oma ima sportsmen-Springflelml Monitor ,
Th e fourth annual tournament , under thm i
man agement of Central City's well known I
shot , A , C. Conner , will bo held in that cty ( I
next Tuesday antI Wednesday , April 2 and 3 I
Expe rts svlll be handicapped 90 tier ccimt I
Ther e will be ten cvemmts each day , all at L
artifi cial targets , and on tIme thmlrii tIny , cc I
the program declares , at 10,000 wild cci i
on t he Platte. No one is barrett mmmiii Aimmonl -
can association rules will govern. 'flint Mr ,
Conn er will give nil visiting sportammien C L
gran d goomi timne is amply gminramiterd bi
lila s vork in this line in ilast years.
Co lonel Shepherd's camp still stands on ( lii ,
flowi ng Platte , svcst of Ashland , htmL up P )
date the party has lmml but meagre shooting
mmotw thmstnntltng ( ( lie proverbial luck of ( him _ :
cohom mel himself. In time unity are llowani i
Clar ke , Stockton lletim , Charles Thonupeon , J ,
Iunmommt , , ? , A. Smmmnlcnlamiii and Jim S .
Simme ad ,
h ugh McCaffrey , T. C. flnimnner and \Vll .
llama ihtmslmnian have returned from a. week' a
outi ng near 'l'ekaimmnim. Tlmey baggemi flfteoi ml
neil hmeatis , 1 canvasback and 1 hooded mcr .
gan zer.
L ONG PINE , Nob. , Munch 2-To tim C
Spo rtIng Editor of Time lIce : Long Pin C
trnmm t are still growing. Tiio latest is a
raimm bow , caught today , weighmimig seven an il
one- half pounmls amid measuring in anti
twe nty.fommr inches , sviiltim six immchme. I
was cnptimreml at time Chautauqua grotmmmcis b
G. F. Eanley , who reports him as very gain C
and mnaklmmg a strong pull cmi time lime.
F. W'hmehhenmoy.
vltli Itom" cliii Qmiivir ,
P enlmaps It is thio charming costume , on I It
many be time opportunity to display to bim , V
adv antage a graceful figmuic , but whatever tic a
Cince ntive , Dianas of ( lila end of time cemitimr y
are becomIng as enthimslastic and as sicille ( I
in use of lxmsv and arrow as belles of dde n
( lam es. Tennis and croquet anti lmand-ball I-
siny s have timeir devotees ; archery is not n fl-
plnc ing any one of these sports , although
Is being played more and mmmoro each yea . .
At Lenox , for instance , where the lawims cmi V e
spa cious and velvety as any in England ( I
gen ie of archery is one of the Principal a
( mac lions each sumnmer. There Is always a
tar get tournament during August and Sc : I 3-
'ji ' [ , \Ii \ ,
j I I
I ' I I
' ( e mber , with a costly bit of silver for I Ihe
tro phy. An archery outfit is comparativ ely
In expensive , although of course , one may
an y sum to time origInal cost , There are ,
ins tance , bows and arrosvs Inlaid with moth
of- pearl , monograms In silver or any 0th
lik e extravagance , but for a club time wh ole
ou tfit can be bought for a very ( ow dolls re.
QuestloimB emitS jtiiswcrc.
WINSIDE , Nob. , March 22.-To the pc nt-
in g Editor of The Bee : To decide a bet
YO U tell me by return mall what constitu
a "ramps" in a game of pin pool-A.
H ughes.
Ans.-Down the four white pins only a
si ngle stroke.
WASHBURN , Ill. , March 24.-To
S porting Editor of The Bee : Can you
how or svhene i can get time buck nummmt
of The 13cc , containing the acouimL of y
sh ooting expedition with Ed V. Ilamil
at his ranch ? I timink some of the pat
da te back to May 4 , 1804. Ed sent mc
ti me only copies he could fmmd. I would
el der it aim especial favor If you would a
to me , or inform mc , where I can obt
th e desired coples.-S. I. Mundeil ,
Ans.-Am sorry , but ( hey are out of pr int
WYMORE , Nob. , March 2G.-To the Sp art-
in g Editor of Time Bee : l'ieaso answer fol-
lo wing questIons thmromigh sporting ccliii nns
o f flea : (1)Vitim ( ) what club is McKib aim
pl aying this year ; also Whitehihi ? (2) ( ) L lace
- Ser
Spo or play with Lincoln this yesr71i. ,4
ila rmoim.
A mms.-(1) ( ) McKtblmcn with Des Momnes I
Wh itehmill with Detroit. (2) ( ) Yes.
B ROKEN 130W , Neb , , March 10.-To the
So rting Editor of Time heel Please answer
time following in tIme sporting colimmns of Them
he el In playing time guano of cards called V
"pi tch or cimmctm , " of II lmoimits , A is 10 anil
bid s 2 , ii is 8 or 9 , for that matter , and an
dea ler hfls last bid , raises A's bid to 3 , and
ma ke. time trump himmoni1s amid imoitic ace ,
jac k , ten anti four suiet ; A holds the queen
ant i tray , tanking low , and chaimims out in the
ord er , hlghi , low , jack , game , being 10. Now
ple ase answer as to svhmo wins thm game , cmiii
is not the game of pitch siniply a modUiemi
ga nie of seven.tmp anyhow7-Commennt ( Header
of time Bee.
Ans.-l ( ) As played hero the titthiler goes
emi t it he scores time number of points biul ,
(2) ( ) Yes.
GI1EENWOOD , Nob. , March 20.-To time
Sp orting Editor of Time lice : \'til you please
inf orm me ( brought your Sumumilay limo wimero
tim e holed jockey , Iretl 'Faral's , nililress is or
wh ere lie is libel ) ' to ho 1mm tIme next thirty
da ye-Wmn , IL , a Reader of Time lice.
Anc.-New Onieamms ,
OMAhA , March 24.-To the Sportismg Eiii'
to r of Time Boo : Please state iii time sporting
co lmimns of TIme lIce tIme exact length of time
( hi nt Joimn L. Sullivan lmeiih the title of cimamn-
1:1 : 0mm of time world , This syill decide a bet ,
na il oblidgo-A leader ,
Atis.-Temm years.
COUNCIl4 IILUFPS , March 21-To tim
Sp orimig Editor of Thio lice : Please let mae
ln ioiv through imext '
Suimmulay's Bee silint commi- '
ima ny timnmis omit time heat shells for shotgun.
N o , 10 gauge , nn1 nlso sUmmit is about limo V
ri ght size shot for thimcks7-Joecphi Dniceback.
imims.-.Peters CartrIdge coimmpaiiy , Cimicimu-
an ti. Flies amid sixes.
SU\\'Mtl ) , Nob. , March 2G.-To limo Sport-
lu g hditor of Time flee : Let mao kmiow iii
ime xt Stumnlay'a liemm what ( ho record is amiti
lo ngest distance mm base ball imas been tlmm'own. V
- lrammk II , Ahmtun , 4
Amms.-Ono hmumniltetl amid tlmirt3'-flve yards ,
011 0 foot amid smevemi amid one-half incites , Jolimi
hi atfiehil , at llrookiymm , October IG , 1872. lii
C rane iii said to intro timrou'n a base ball 135
ya rds 1 toot mmicml mcii , at Cincimunati , V
Oci ctober 12 , 1SSI , but lhmtflehtl's throw is ac-
ci pted as ( lie iegitimiinte record ,
COUNCIL IiLtT11S , Miurchi 20-To the
S mortlmmg Editor of Time lice : licnee let mime
k now through next Sunday's lice huois' mmmnim
ki nds of legimormi chickens there are mmmiii
im amimo them. lly doing so you ssill settle us
uil spute.-A. Ii' . 1' .
Ans.-NIne ,
To macn playing five-imp , A Is 1 nail B is 3.
Ii stands time cards and catches A's jack , i
mim ahmes the game ; A line jack niommo ; 11 has
a ce alone ; B is 3 , A is 4 , s'hio goes omit ?
4'imms.-Five.uii Is a mmciv one on mmmc. It it
is five-point seven-up amid 11 nmakes high , how ,
h e surely goes out.
ilL/till , March 2S.-To time Sporting Editor
o f Time lice : l'icaso state in Sunday's Bee
wfi hichm wimis time following gammie of uloumble high
fit ve : A hmas ill points , Ii 39 ; II mimakes ( ho
fis rump and mnalces nil but time jack ; which
s vins-Iteader of The lice.
Itepairimig ft Unitlgc 1MO0 Years OkI.
It line taken two years to partly rebuild a
b ridge at flenmo which , It. is stated , dates
fs rommm time ( line of time Emimperor Adrian , an an-
fmm ertion whmiciu Is in strict consommanco svith
mm many other renmankabho features
mmi distinguish-
mmt i ng time Eternal City. It does not appear
t imat time necessity for time partial reconstruc-
( ion arose from amiy absolute sm'mimit of repair V V
It I n tlmo ancient structure itself , but was duo
t o thin nosy conditions to which ( ho brIdge
was subjected in consequence of tIme works
u ndertaken in connection with time immiprove-
m acnt of the Ittver Tiber. These included
t ime better regulation of the coumrsn of time
r iver , a widening of time chiannel and a rais-
i ng of both banks. TIme result was that at V
0l mb end the mipproachi to time brIdge was be-
l ow tIme level of time newly raised bank. V
Onlginahiy the structure consisted of thmreo
principal arches of fifty-aix feet span each
a nd three ammiahier once of twelve feet , The
l atter were for the purpose of nllowlimg for V
t he passage of floods , and have. how been replaced -
placed by a pair of arcimes of the came span
as that of timoso first built , wimlcim brings the
roadway of time bridge almost on a level. The
structure as it now stands line flye elegant
and symmetrical arches or equal span.V In V
lnct , it It were not for the difference In tlnh
of time old and Var masonry , it would be
almost Impossible to distinguish the handl-
work of today froni timat of nearly 1,800 years
ago. . -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
402 N. 16th St. , Oiiialum , Nob. V
We want energetic younw men in nh parta Of
time country to sell our PoPular line of Immgh end
meuhlimm grade WIIOO1SI We can malta right prices V
and you can manko money , heap us a card , V
? 4.
o. Daxin , 402 N. lGUm street , Ommmuiia. Nib.
? ' . , .
& . ; 11)i ) When met ott tieD road rldiug V
I' '
' , - V V'l '
7HV BICYCLE BEGT ' "You iieo them eycr'ywbiero. " V
. _ _ ; V
IIAVfl YOU feasted your eyes
upon time beauty and gi'aco of the
William Lyle Dickey & Co. ,
1403 Douglas Sttect5 Sole Agent , V
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , - - -
Intending Pitrchasers V
of Bycicles
nhmonltl nls'ays coimulder qunlity tinti ptco
-not duly iu'iee , call imhmow you tine
( liittllty ttilI ( give you Price US low ati tlio
We are Sole Agents for Victor Bicycles
Also IMPERItLS , FOWLERS aud JIONARCIJ. Victor Sporllimg Goocl .
Hicyoles Repaired.
823 N , lGth St , , OMtILtt.
Our RldIii School OOllS AptU lat , ttt the Coilseimni.