1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " ' " " ' " ' . 'Jr' ' . . ' 1' " . " . . , , . I" . " r'fl."fIi. ! ' 1 , . . . . . . . ; . . , . ' _ ! "I" " ' . .rV. . " ; . . . ' ' . ' ! I" . , . . . . , J , . . " . ' i. : "j" ' _ " ' G ' : ' , 'T " : : . TIlE 1 ' 1r."n : , " 1I ' " ' ' " " . " . : O"W" ; , . . . , . - . - . -r - - : OJfAIlA DAII.i1 : ] [ Br JJ'UID.AY , 1AOI 29 , lSn . : ' ' ; . . . o , I o nlRClAL AND FINANCIAL - Wheat Waa Dun bu Fim the Greater Prl of the ( e8ion , - 1Y WEATHER A - SEROUS , QUESllON ildl Is I l'rc411cte(1 for 'rhl 1'nrt ot thc Wcit This % Afternoon , " 'hlcl 1ad a 1'cllllncy to COlplrnte notcr 61htr' CHICAGO , March 23.-Wheat wn dull lo- dRY , but firm the ) Ircnler part DC the seR- 1101 on the dry wenther. May casel , % e lower. Mny corn dosed % 1 ! ewer : lity ORtS , gained . I.e ! , and provisions finished nt i nithccH. ! The dry weather nlmell A rlols apct ! I In the eyeH DC many ot the slwrtf tn whent nL the 8tlrt , anti theft nervousness kd to "omn liberal covering ot the oveiiIs. 'rhne 'lu'e seleIl oC May wheat nt the cIoe ot the market yesterday lt G5 le , hut thli morning nlJo'h' woulll sel IL for le9s than C' I' . anti there were plent ot buyers nt thnt. 'j'he limit 01 price beyond which ( lie Ihortf were not IndInd to go . rxepl u1).n further ( ompllslcl , wns 800n raI hed iL & : , % ( ' , 11,1 hnvlll ) 111 that tOI' I whl ) , they reCucll 10 dlmb any higher nt that time. The weather bureou here sent out early In. thnaton at what mJAht he exPected oC the eliments 111 to Frllny night nuts there WOI le rain rreiliction. The 1lal ! servIce Ieo- 1ie nL New York anti , St. Loull , hOlc\er. wlrel here that there would be rain In the wet. commencing Friday itftirneon. The latter 11'rUcton created n lels In"lou. inooti to Fupplnlt the earlier fever oC the mool Rhort , Bnt the price droppel bock for 0 mmncnt to [ rm r ( % e to ( ' : e. "part tram the weather there was nothing In the market news to serlOlsly disturb the market. The receIpts ot Mlnnropols ala ! DulUth were 215 cars against 2.1 cars It year Ilgo. 'j'll tbtnl r" ' lllltl nt Ilrhnlry mnrl'lil amountet th 220.0 liLt. . coinpaicil , with rI.O 1m. on the correspolllnl ( lay the year heture. The oxtiort cU'itrnnces were equal In wheat and eXlJrt ( ( ( (1\Unl Inl lour to clll'anct : ; . ; . ( . , oC which \ 22I.OJ hu. WOR In the Ilmpe or whent. The Foreign news was inconsequential . 1.lvellOol Wit ! quoteel n tril ! higher and Porls and Berlin I shade lowl'r. A New York 1111Iteh ) said that advices Cram Argentine were to the effect that the crop' of that country Jloll been dinjagct1 hy min. May wheat dropped to Glifl ) about halt on hoUr tram the close Covering purchases amounting to Ierhaps I.O.J / . . mnle , hy Pal'drld/e , calsel a recovery tram the last named quotation . nOd the ! ntest trading was at w1c. The corn mat ket was dull and without any very noteworthy features . The primary i- mary market recelllls today , amounted to 160.0 1)0 ) . . against : st.OO 1m. / year ab" . The advance price for July delvery , os omparrd : with MI ' , which his been In progress for n few dl8. Indicates that the longs are covering their later deals. May corn opened . at ii ' } , c . and the early Irmnels In whiut hell.ed . 8uhtnln It nt or close to the opening quototlon for some tm , but sUhe'llnt ' wealwess In wheat caused 0 corresponding feeling In corn and the price . declined 10 from 4Ge. to 4Cc ahout tort- fve minutes from \ the close. The latest trading was ot 4c. ( traeln/ Oats / well fairly active. There was good lu111 enriy . and prlce8 were nrmer. Later , however . orders were evidently allied up 110(1 with n slack demall and the weaker feeling then prevolllg In corn the Btrni'tii gave way to 1 decline. The low- est prIce oC the ( day nevcitheieps. did not reach below 'Ct rday's last quotation. May Iold between 9e and 29e , and closed lt 2e. JUly ranged from 2J c to 2 e , and rested ot : I. 'rho Ilrlll'lpal feature to the market was the urgent demand for cash stuff for shipment. The provision market was strong. It opel"l higher on the hog receipts proving - ing to be 10.OO less than hal been estimated - mated and on the expectation that 15.0 ; will he about the sIze oC tomor- row's run. Today's reeelpis were 20.0 hend. Sellers were timid and shorts rather more inclined 10 buy than to Increase their lines. May pork opmed at 12.r0. sold ni high os $12.80. ( ) and closed /t $12.15 bId-12 ½ C higher. May lard opened ot $7.10 , os against $6.97',2 ) ot the close ) 'esterda ) ' , and closed with sellers ot $ j.02. ! Ribs opened up 15e. and advanced 74c more , closing with 0 net gain oC 17 c. Estimated reeipts for tomorrow : Wheat 30. cars ; corn . lCO cars ; oats 107 cars ; hogs . 1G.O head. The leading futures ronced ns follows : : xi.ti.oI3. ! I Op l. I nhh. I Lov. I Clo" \VI , i.No.2 . i1nrcli. . . . . M * l4 % 63 , & 4 Morh. r4 /-4 r3 14 . ln ) . . . . . . r l ; ; ! , . rM - IU [ M' July..t0fl J I"JU IO . rl' Corn No. 2. . March . . . 4M (1 4cUH : : ( [ ( May . . . . . 41H ( 41H ( 46.t ! 40 ' July. . . . . . . . 40H ( " ( 4U * 40 40 ' . , 4l Oats No. :2 : : : : Nay . . . . . 2\ ) " 20' ( : UUI < H 20) ' Jutie . . . . . 20g ! : H ) 211' ) 204 July . . . . 20 } 20J 28@U 28U I Iork ncr bbl lorle ) . . . . . . . 12 fO 12 CO 12 .0 12.5 I July. . . . . 12 073 12 70 12 O 12 112t4 Laid.100 lbs Lml.l00lba . . . . . 7 10 7 10 7 0234 7 On , .JuIv. . . . . 7 25 7 25 7 21 7 2 \ ' 2\1' Short Said Ribs- . . . . . . 7 :11 : 7 :7H 7 31 7 :7k . : nba- . . . . 0 22 ! I ( :5 0 22H B : O July. . . . . . . 6 4U 0 fO 0 37 l 4 [ _ Sellt. . . . . . I tIG . _ 6U5 _ _ _ 0 15 07 Cash quotations werp ns follows : tolows V1..OUlt-StthIy. , unchanged. WIIUAT-No. 2 sprIng . 5TtiGthc ! : No. 3 sprIng nominal ; No.2 ret , & 1tj'/c : . COflN-No. 2. 4'c : N ' . 3 ) 'elow. 4 'c. OATS-No. 2. 2\'c \ : No. 2 whIte . 32G.2c : No. 3 white. 3nat32\ic. \ IYI -No 2. ,51t' . flAtLi3Y-No. 2. 63c : No. 3. l Hl:3c : : No.4. 4Saii9c. I.'IAX mgp-No. 1. $1.3 : . 'rMO'1 \ t4fllI-l'rlrue. : $ : .2IL0. PIOVIHIONHMlrl parle. per 1'11. U2.37' @ 12.tO. Lnrl. , 1"1 10 lbs. . $ I ShOt } ribs shIes ! 100'1) ( ) . $ G. 1G.2. flry salted shoulders IboXo ( ) . L'rI e : s5)rt : Clear . ! de. Ilex J ) . $3.4tJ6.50. ' , , . \ \VllI5KY-Listlllers' Onlshe,1 goods . leI cal. . .1.20. 81JaA1s-cut lont. unchnngcl . tOday The : Colowlng Were the receipt and shlpmenll - Articles. I Recetpt. 311ilfllCfltA. Flour , . . . . . = . . . . . . . . llu - sooa Whenl. bi . . . . . . = .1111(1 ( C.IO . ( ) Com , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.UIU . ( ) 47,000 Oats. bl. . . . . . . . . . . . , .I.UUU 47,0.51 lfo bl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : .IUU II.UII ( Dnrlc ) ' . bu. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.UOO 11.000 "ho Prollc3 o'echaugo toitav tan butter nar kct WIlSlcadYI crt'alnory , I020c ; lry. 801Mc. , Eggs . Or. ) ) ; l 'cUc. , NiV YUIlC U : N.tU , , 11IUT. ' " Closing QnotulOI' : ; 01 ; ; th3 1 > 1111111:1 Co- : 101tel unit Stll'lel. NEW YOltIl March : i.-1'I.OUI-HeeclpI8. 18. : bbls. : oAport , o bIds. : eales 12.30 p11"a. ; quiet ; bu'el frIghtened oft \y decline In wheat : wlnlcr wlieats , . wheli. especially 11leolel. Southern 10ur , titill. Ciy mi patents. $ .o 1.15 : ely mill cleat s , $3.233.30 : winter patents . 12.5)013.15 ; winter strilghIs $2.3S012.85 : winter extras . $ l.90@ % t : winter low gri c. . U.HU2.15i 2.tltfs.a bakers , 12.00013.60 : lrlng ; low graCes , * l.701l.lIO : siring extras . $ l.8t2.35 ; COllon to tall extra 'I.Mf2.U : good to choice $2.t002.o. Rye hour Irm : sales , 2) bbla , : HUI..rlm' . U.UU3.I'J ' ) : fancy , 13.10013.2i ) . illIckWlle.lt liLur. ' lalk t dull . ) llL1'KVll1'j'.Flrn ( lt 4201c . tOlN : M\.lul : yellow western U.O@I.I : IlnlulYWlnc , 12.75 : sales , 2.0no acka. nYINDlllal . : cur lots , f.e : lout loatis 50 te.lAIUI Y-ulet : western . Co ; two'I'we.l. Ilnle GG1c . l7\INY MAI.-Flrmly ) iell : western , 70@12c : he\l wepler No. 3 we.ler. CS0170c : slx . rowel . 731 0. \ \ lllAT-ltecelpls . non : cXI.orll 156,70) tiu. : sales . lbt(5,000 ( lu. futures. Sp.et nOllnnl : No.3 red . In lOe on,1 el \lor. 00c : shoot. CHc : t. o. b. I , C2\c : No. I northern . C.e .Mh'ercllj .No. I hn"l. 7Oe .1lh'cr , OI.lunl OpCfleJ t ltiuu'r on dry at'ather nail steady cables but Imwl' 01 11' ) \'nlher .Iendy \ul dccllne.t . tcaiLly . under bear talk which although ontnulch,1 ty Pt ( 'unIons. P""I"I 10 sap hull cnIgy . In 11(1.1 ( afternoon l'aritrldgu aohl a hul Chlcll" ' . ( UI tier w"nlc lag Ihe I that let II the . tlC" lt lnn late cables. hut 1 haul ia ' , thai rally left Ihl narkrO ! \ Inwer lu le I'Rtai : raly red. Mure.1 : , ( 'losl' ul G : May , G00jsi ) % 3.12c. .10" . CU\kc . \ : JIUP. G0GGO % c. CIOMl'.1 GI..t , .1(11) GHHIGI 5lGc . elated 610 : August 01t151t4c'rloeed Clt4c : )4i'tniher ) , 61tGH l' , eosetI . 61lj closel He cembel' . (3 ! ' flOe . closed 645cc. < l'lN-I.'III . 2J.m \u. Gt.c : exports & .lo hu. : Holu. IW.O ) bu . CUluru. 31.0 bu. spot . SPOt murlet Irregular ; No. 2 . G60 nominal . II elevator : .Ieanwr mIxed . 6H.c. Ol.thno featuleheM all day , with nnnu" ( mUlln : rallied . Celluu'l" wIth wheat nnI co..1 leI ) ; Muy , wr.(51e. closed ( cosl'l "c ? . . ; July , WUMc. cl"d Sic : SeVlember closed 51.t. OATHecelpll. 5. ( ) hu. : exports . . .0u. . ; sales , 76.0 ho. futures . GtO(0 ( hu. . :1'1. : Sljt Irl , No.2. 33\163"ej \ ; : . r. iellVrii'd . 3HH $ atel No. 3 , 3 . : No. 2 vIilte , 3H31 . c : No. 3 whie , l63c. Olittons rUlel dull , but 1olcrlely steady , closIng \0 lower : March closed' 3c ! , : Al'rl closed 33\ \ ; : May . 33\HJ33c , closed ,33e : JUly closed ( Ic . . ' JA Y-I'lrll . ; > hll'plnl. c6c. : good to choice , 'Ot5c. 101ISIa"y : slate. common to . choIce , olJ. afTel ; ( 'settle coast 011. 35(3c ; ISleS. ' tOnic ; Lou- . don mil ket lIrhil. UI\I I-1'lrll ; wet uled New Oilcan. . 8e- lected , t lu 6S lbs. , Ltl6c ; iluonog Ayre dry , 77c. 2) ( ci 1 lbs. . 1(3 . 0 ; ' xl. dry. U to 3 ) Ib > , J,1ATUlm-rml ; hemlock sole , luenoe Au . light 10 tIc&I \ ' ) ' w"lM II. . l6tc1c. ) lS % VOOl.-Stead ) ' ; dome.to ( tloees . SS(3Sc : pulled . I1ItOVZSZON14-Iheef . tirm : family. * 10.500312,00 : I'HO\IS10NIIeef. 1 Im C&ml 10. ra n.o etra mer . 1l.0)UL00 : t'eof ham. $ ; ciIY. extra IndIa 1. lI.ulftU.Q lul meats . INly ; pickle bellIes , ' 'ti7e : l > kle shoulders . 6\0 \ ; .Iekle h&ams . 7 OSe. \ . I.rd. hlll.r ; western . ea cloiscd It $ LIQ IcL1:1 ; closed It S.2 ? nmh1l ; ) J ) ' . ' . .10 " "n11In ! hC flNl , 1tm ; cnl nl. . : .10 ; C'D..cJtl4. r\ { : ( e . Icln,1 , nml ; Pk . % > lb : . ; flC me' . " t3.5e315 ; Clunl" . 013 ; PhMI Il lt. ' iNg13.50. 1 : ll'TrHI"ltm.Iel : .1(1) ' , 6UliC ; te , ' crrt cretdery. i2f2Ic ' ' to . . e CrfI'ljel' 12f21cI ; W''INn nehory 70112e ; l" flew . . tc . ; state ( lairy , 1041Ie ; "llte " H12c / t'l nl\ llhmn-nuJ : t'lc. Ilrlc , HII ! . _ s1ah1 tttl2e ; Iart , skrn ! . 2Sc' full skIms , 3t4tj. . 'tSe'Cul Hit. IOOS--I"lm'j : ; StSte nni \ I'NI8)'I'nnln. 12'fj ' 12" ; \ .I.ln , fresh 1e ! ; southern , IWII i ( ; rM'"lpl. a.Tr tkg. TAI.lQiV-lllgler : cIty . 4el : country. 41c. l'tT1tOLflt'M-emlflah I : closed U.IS bId : S'shington. IIM. , n nomInal ; 't'ashlngton . In 1)111k $ I.tOl : refined , New Yoilc . * 7.101 : S'lhllolcl' . ! I'n ' nn ] In\m 1 c , 'M ' ; 1'hlnlclrhlo ! nM Unl- I'MI' ! TnJlk \ .U . . StOHIN-Steady : alrnlne , Ctllnnn to go . 1l.50t1i.2' . < TtJ1tl'N'Tth'1-Stctu1y ' : . 3fN $ ! c. HICE-I"lrm ; doinetlc , Call 10 extrht . . " 66e ; Jnpnn 4IH1 ! c. MOr.Assis-.rIrm : New Orleans , OOfl kettle . good 10 ehoIcp 3tI'e. Ofe oSt. Nt-SlealIy : CalIfornia . $2i5t.50Vcst : In.lln. $ 3.50114.00. :1'T.lh : < l'h : Iron , Seol.h , $ l9.&O01O.0O : Amer. Icon f9.IQI2n. CJ'cr. steady ; { kera' prlce- . p r : echnnKa ) price $ * .3(5.I3. lAnd . fut.t : "rok rs' prIce , U. < : : exelinorl' I.rlct. . $3.1U3.15. \ 'rho . Stenily : plrll . * l3.9O(3l1.O ; plaIts . Ilulcl. Ipler , nrm ; .lomlMlc. t3.12 ½ \ ( (3.2'l : solos nn .lnlJl. t tons AprIl tIlt , $3.0 ; 2 tons AprIl tin . 113.92' . orrOSIrm OI.Qliet and tcad'i prime cr1511' . \.ry Orni . owIng to , prCI"k nnt 2c leaI ) ' obtaInable : some holllls a'kIflg den more than Ihl , ; n".1 01 the CR01" I11'lnl. hlw , ecer . n.t Hlrlell' prIme ; prIme erle. 22',4c ! : prIme summer yellow , 2CfGI c. oMAhA lHNIltU. MtltlCIT. COllltOI or Tradeanit Quotations Oi Hnl'ln Riot I'flh1e3' Produce , EOnBllt Joz. , 1007iOc. ! lUTTI.I-Illcl stock . 4fCe ; rommon to faIr 7(3ie ! : tall 10 hOOd IUI tr ) ' , IUIc ; choice 10 fancy . 13f11e ; gathered creamery . IC : sel'nrnlol erellery , l1U18c. ( I.I"I 10ULTI\-I'nl. , COlic : mlet1 . tel ; ucll" . 7(7 , .e : tuilceys . So : heavy toms 7c : geese .c. .c.I1 : : SrO 10ULTI\-Chiekens. fair . C1Ge : choie large CI'17c ; choice small . SSc ' : tur. keys . faIr 10 good . D410e : choice heavy , 10 ( 10c ! : choice small . 101Ulle ' : ducks fair to good . 1 tjOcl : fancy ) ' , lull dressed billie : geese . fair 10 good 7t c : fancy , full , lrossnl , 1O511c. GMl-llIue wIng toOl . tier 110z. , 'l.tO : green \ lug hoot 111 eloz. . $1.21.0 : luekB , mlx'l , per ,10z. , . $ \12j ; c"I'a''lcIIS. * 4.00013.00 : mnllrdl .11 red lu'a.le . 1. . J.J. I.Ui YJ.I.Chllce fat , 70 10 100 ILs. , are quoted nl ifGI ! . e : large anti ( onl'I" 3Q4c. CltlI0fl-\\'Iseonsln : : ' full cr"al. Young Amen. eons . 13c : twIns . 12c \ : Nebraska and lowe , full crrLIn le : Nebraska AI.I Iowa . part 11lms. 7 ( Re : 1.lmIJIcr. No. I. lie : brIck . No. I , le ; $ wlrs . No.1. lc . ll.t'-I.ttlaiitl : , hay . f9 ; mIdland $ S.W ; lowland 18 ; re straw t.G : color makes the prIce 01 hay . Light .hal" ' " sell the besl. Only tal' grades brIng top prices. 1IJONHler doz. . * 1(0111 I 20. VlGtT.I11.li4 . rOTA'rOES-Wester stock . ear lots 75cl : small lois SOc. Ol\ ! \S-lanl pkleed , navy , $ : Limn L"n. per lb . r,1 e. ONIONS-n orders . U. o I0 : per bid. , $ CA1llhAGl-.On orders . 2t4c. CglI IY-Cnlnrlll. , SOcfJ 11.00. s'gin' l'o'rATot-aootl 1.0. . U.5 ; lCnn- sR. $ 2.0002.23 ; Cecil $ ! .2 : 2.S0. IIIIUTS-1''r . . . 1'I':1 -I'r hii. . $1.50. CAltltOTS-l'er , $ 0i.So. CAUI1Fi.OWlflt-Pcr crate ot n doz. and half or Iwo 1107. . * 2.25. I1OltHllt,1)Islt-rer lb , COlIc. l'A1tSIl'S-l'er ititl. . $2. Ci7e. lttY1'AllAUAS-I't' lb. 1c. I'AlUt.1O'-l'cr doz. bunches . 3:0 TilItNlh'S-i'er . . . . 1IJNI'SI'cr 1.11. . $1.50. S1'INACII-l'er bbl. . . . SI'INACI-I'cr LII. $3.50. vitul'r3. PJfli-W'lnter NellI . none. Ndll. 10nl. At'1'1.VS-CIiolce etocle $ 5.00115.50 : box ep- 01- $ tles . $2. bhil. CltANflEflflllS-Jersey , fancy $1.WI12.0 per TlOllCAL FflUITS. OflANCl1S-florldas . per box ; 2 : CnltOnla flodinads. $ ) .15014.0O : fancy n\ala. $3.5)5j3.75 ; W to 12G si0 ' ; ' $ 3.25. 13.61i3.75 BANANAS-Cholec stock . $ 2.00112.50 per hunch. 1.1' : IONS-Mc"lnn. sizes :0 to 360. choIce . $3.50 : fancy . * 3.15(31.00. MISCSLLANgOUS. OYSTClS-fedllm. per cnn. iCe : horseshoes Son : exlm 8Uulardo. 21c : extra selects . 2e : coin- lany selects . 26c : New YOlle counts 300 : bulks . standard I'e' gal. , * .30. . F'IGH-Fancy , 140315c ; choice 121Ic : CalIfornia , bags . 7e. SIONgY-New York lCc : dnlk. lc ; California . 15101Cc. M.IIE SYfltJr'-Gallon jugs . per doz. . $2 : , llxlr ! nJ. cans . $3. ' NOJT5O.-Alniontls . Ie : ] ng1Isli walnuts . sort. NUTSAInon < . : EnIRh wnlnul. sr- sh.lel. , 12c ; standards . 10c : lllberta . Sijoc : Drozl nuts 8c. RAUEn ICnAUT-Cholce whIte . per \bl , $ j.60 : plr hnlf 111. * 1.00(33.23. ] INCI IUA1-I'nncy. In half bbls. , per lb. . 55c : 10' nl. kegs 6c : condensed per case oC 3 doz. pkgs . f2.6) ! . CIDgit-Puno juce : per bbl. . $ ; : ' half bhl. . $3. HIDES AND TALLO\V. . HIDER-No. 1 green h II es. 6c ; No. 2 green hIdes . 4c : No. I green ,1.1 hIdes Cc : No. 2 green salted hIdes 5c ; No. 1 green salted bides 25 (0 to lbs. . Cc : 61c 3 green salted h II es. 25 to 40 Ibs. . Sttc : No : I veal colt . 8 10 15 lbs. Sc : No 2 veal calf 8 to 15 lb. . Cc : No 1 dry hInt hilee , 71 : No. 2 dry ( lint IiIde . Cc : No. 1 dry sall. hIdes . Ge 1 part cured hides , ' ,2e ocr lb. less than fully cured. S2liEt' PEITS-Orern salted . eneh. : fCOc ; glm salted shearlingi ( short wooleJ . early skIns ) . each . Cftl5e : dry shearlncs I hol.t weld caily skins ) . No. I. each . 6 tOlOc : dry 8hearlns ( : , I' w0lle,1 erl ) ' skIns ) . No.2. utehi . : : ! Ilr flInt . , Kansas anti Nlhmskn butcher wool pelts . per li. l . actual weight CfCe : .Ir flint Knnsas anti Nebraska mUlrln wool 1.01. per Il , . . actual weIght 4iGc : dry flInt ( . .ole1t1. , butcher w .1 pelts . per lb. . actual weIKlt. : 41G'c : ely flint Colomdo lurrln wrl pelts. ocr lb. , actual welhl. 410Cc. TAI.IOW AND GnrASE-Tnlow. No. 1. 4'Oc : tallow . No. . 2 4c : grease whie A. 3t\,0 \ ; gr ase. whIte 1. 3c : grease ) 'elow. 3e ; , ( . . . . clark . 2Wi13c ; 011 batter . 2(32c ; beeswax , prIme 1.q20c : rough yellow. 2c. 2f2Ic FullS. l'IIS-lpar. blank . No. 1 large . $ ( ) OOI2.o ; h"nl' . brown . No. I laige $ ZO.(2j 00 ; No I me- dlum . $16 : No. I emaIl . $12 : h ( . browi : . year- $2 hugs . No.1 large $ 10.00012.00 : No. I medIum. $8 ; No.1 small . SG : bear brown . cubtt . , No. 1 . large . 11 : No 1 mrllm. $ : : No I small . . $3 : badger ' ! No. I medIum . $ : : No. I small . * 8.001010.0) : hcar. hlnrl. yc. . I n 1' . No. I large . 812.000315,00 : : . 1 ritedlum ! . $01 ; No. I small . $ : bear , 11."t. cubs . No. I lal'lp. t.ons.o : No. I mcdlum. f 5.5036.00 : No. I small . $ : lenr . hlnl . Montana an,1 olG. itictuntalu No. I large . $ lR.000120.00 : No. 1 medium . SH : No.1 small . $0 : bear black . : lonlnna eAI'- hings . 2'o I laige . 112 : No. I medIum . $ S ; No. I smnl $ : : IWII' . itineb . Montana cubs . No. I large . fG.50 ; : o. I medIum $ L : : No. I small , $3 ; bear . .Ih'cl tip . No. 1 large $ : : No. Hmol . llum . $2 : No.1 small . $8 : bear sIlver tip . yearlings . lings . No. I large Ill ; No , I medIum $8 : No. 1 small. $5 : hear sliver tip cubs . No. 1 large. 11.00101.50 : No. 1 medIum. GOc : No. 1 itiflaul . toe : helter . No. I 1011" . IS : No.1 medium . fG : No. I small . $ : fox silver . a. 10 color accordIng - cordIng to beauty , , No. I large , SIlO : No 1 me- diem . fC : No. 1 small. Ir : tox. silver pale according to beauty . No I lot-ge $ : : No. 1 IT'llum. $30 : No. 1 small . $ : : fox cross . No. 1 inige n ; No. 1 medium . $3 : No I small . $2 ; ro" . 1.1 , No. I large . $1.50 : No 1 amnI. . $1.23 : No I small . $ : Cox. gray. No.1 lare. 7e ; No. 1 medium tOe : No I small . tOo : Cox ! kIts , No. I large tOo : No. I meihlum , . .c : No. I small . lIe ; 1)'nX. No. I lorge. U : No I medIum 12 : No. I entaIl . 11.50 : marten No. I lang . $2 : No. I me. ilIum . $ .W : No. 1 . amll . $ : mink No.1 large , C65c ; No 1 medium 40e : No. I 81al. 3:0 ; mInk dark No.1 large Cc : No.1 ml'lum. 40c : No. I small . 30c : mountain lion. perfect head and feet No. 1 laige $1.012.0 : Imperfect skins. 16.00fJ.o : No. 1 snmll . $ ; : Otto ) . pale . No. I laige . $ : No. 1 medium f : : No. 1 autall . $1 h ; rarcoon. No. I large 60t70c ; No 1 nwlum. Wc : No. I large . LOc6f.o : skunk , black easel . liar. ! lar. row i.tnipcti . No. I large . toe ; No I medIum . 400. No. I smul. 2c : skunk br.nd striped , No. 1 large . 2125e : volverlne No. I huge. SI : Nn. 1 medIum ' . $ : No. I small . $2 : wolf mountain . No. 1 Inrce. $ : No. I nieitiuiu . $2 : No. I .m'll. ntO ; wolf itralrle. No. I large . GSOjlOc ; No. I m.lum. , GOe ; No. I sijiall . tc : leane , "er skIn No. 1 Inl ! . $5.03G.00 : No. 1 mCI I m. II.M : No. 1 hhllall . U : beaver kits. No. I Itijat' . $2 : No. I medIum. $1.50 ; No. I .ia 1 , 70 : nlskll . win. ter . No. I large , SIIOc ; No. I ICllm. Del No. 1 small . 7c : muskrats . fall . No I large . 4lC : No. I medium 70 ; . No. I ontatl . Cc : musk- rut k1 . : ( 3e. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IIllloro Miirket . IAI,1IMOI . March 2.-I"I,0It-Dul. un. changed ; wc.lell SUler , $2,00lj2.l'l : wLler exIrIL . $2.tr:6 : western famIly , $2.05(12.R5 : winter .G5(2. whent "all'nl , $3.lfi3,25 ) : 'I.rlnl I.alenl . $ $3.601 3.7 ( specIal bionIc higher ) : sl.rlol wlic'tit alrlhl . 33.25013.50 : leCelits , . H.5j7lls. . : Hhll" ( . mcnta. 18.2 \hla , : stIes . 4W b\la. \11A'r-Dul : 1'01. tnonhhi , \"rl antI May , G\'CIG\C : steamer No 2 le.l. t7fj573Oc : le- ' . . \ . bu. leek . . hu. 7W5H celptn 3.22u. : 421.01 ; sales 21. 0) bu : out:1er : vtient II sample , G8G2c : southern wheal on grade . tSlt6lc . COIN-Iul : ' pol. month nnd' April . 5u1rOtc : May . 50'4ti5Jc : steamer , inlseti. 4tOiiic : . Ie. celpia . . 21.8.1 ! lu. ; idiipniente , 1.43 lu : stock 3S4.:1 b. ; soles . 4.1 > \ . : southern whl" . 4J5J iM.c : .lllrn ) ' .low. 49tj(3tOc . v OA'Fi4-teady : No. 2 whIte wl.lem. 37G2Se : No. 2 Ilx .I. 4\c : stock , 191.10u. . 31Ulc 1Ylnoel'c ; No.2. 6iOSe ' : receipts . 1.1:2 1m. ; "tock. 10.1101 bq. 13.50. IIAY-Steiuly ; gent ! to choice tImothy . 113.0003 ImAIN 1"m IITSulel : a\'alabll role scarce , unchanged. Jhlrolol _ WhClt J"rkl't lINN AI'OLIS. March 23.-VIIESAT-Islarcli . 2.-WIEAT-llareh. &t4c : May , t4 \i&o : July. tst(50C:4e' \ ; Seittein. ! ) llel- her . ; % o. 01 track : No. I Itard. 6'H.r ' : No I northern 59t0c \ : No. : harti . 60cIJ\.c \ : cosc , steady : receipts . Ill cat- . 1"I.lI-Slcad ) ' : l"t patents U.:183U ; see- enl I'nlcnl . 3.Odf3lt ; lust cl"or. 1152.3J. 1'0101:1 tlulChll.In. . ImllIN. March 23.-Ixehange on l.nlon. eIght days sight , 2 anarks n ofy. . IONUON , March : -The htaik at England's rate ot dll'unl remains unchanged lt : I'cr Cold. 1.ONION . March : -The amount ot bullion gene Into the Hank uC EnKlanl al tluuc today was fU.o. l'AnlS. March -Three per cent r.nl. I0 ( 16 to for for check tile account . . Izxehange oa London , 10C l.ONION March : . -oIJ * Is l ( IUoled $ al liusno. AIres today at 2e,40 ) : lt Madrid . 7. \ : at 1llln. : : , ; al HI. l' ' tioburg . LI ; lt Athens . 'T : lt ltouw. 1.9 : at'ienna . 10. LONDON. March 20.-Tle weely .Inlement , oC the Hunk uC Eaalond Issued tcday shows the < following clllgU its clpurrd wIth ( lie previous account ; ' 'ulI n.re. dee\'e , uI.m ; clru- . 1 Inlon , InetfMc. ltS.M : bullion . Increase . rC1 , ' 0 1 other IHuMtea. ( UI.O : other deposits. In- tren ( n,58.0 publIc deposlis . lepal (350- O < ; nee ! " .en'e. ilecri20T,0) ; government securitIes , tlnehangeti . The prtPQrlhm of the hank o In lnfd'l reserve tl Inbll ) ' . which lael week was GUt per cent , I' now 8S.r ' pr cent. ! ' . \Js. March : S.-The weekly . tntcme.it of U'I lrnk tC Frnnt JO"t $ slay ( shows the follow- laM e"'llAe ! as compared wIth the previous RC' count : Notes In circulatIon , Inerc"pl. 4,300,000f ; treasury flecouflis . Increase 2.IS.0r : gold In hand 1.crcnp. I3l75,000E ; bl1 discounted . In- toot. clnoc , C2.Z5.0t : sl\'er In hand Ilecrrne , : i5.- STOCUS AU 11014119 - 8ecurt lea Were ComlarftvlT ( lull but svecultitloii . ( lenortilly 1"Irm 1'ICllllol "n. ( enernlT NEW YOIOK . market ! March 2i.-The stock was comparatively dull today . but the speculatIon was generally firm In tone. Outside oC the coal shares the fluctuations werc narrow anti Ih ( * tml. log was unlnt restnl. At the opening prices wete n shade lower nail maria n fractional r. action . but the temper ot Ipeeuiaton quickly changed . anti the tendency was upward untIl after 1 o'cock. when I rail on the cultIsts broke Delaware ' I.ckawnnnl 23 , per cent anti the others or lie group to ! _ per cent 1I8n Electric ot New York fell art 2 leI cent nfl the general lIst I Fmal fraction. Betore noon Iho pressure on the market was iemuvul . Lack. . nwnnn" ral'lnl 1)0 nail New Jersey Central Ii ! lien cent while Lake Shore ad\'nnce 1'4 per cent and most ot the other stocks male I 1t : Inpr'emNII. During the afternoon 'Plc1Uon was less nc' ( lye . hut Illcl' were veil maIntaIned . though Iho gains vcre slight. The " .Inl on the , iay lunge front \i \ 11 I' Ier cent the later In 1)I- tilling trust reeellI. New 1'nclln,1 , 1"le a gain ot IIi Ier , cent ; i.iike Shore . Chicago & 1'n.l. : era IllinoIs preferred In,1 National Hneh I per CCIII . MelMllollnl Traction I"lle 41"1 \ " COOt on the sale oC 10) shor. gllon gl"drlo ot New Yoik 3 ocr cent on lie ( sale at 1.0) ) shares . wli IL final rally ot I pot cent. Uolnwnl' . Iaeknwnnn'l ' & \S'stern m'Hle ' n net loss oC 2 ocr crnl. A few other shares declIned n entail Irne- lon , The market In the nnni dealings WS.r ) ' duli . hul closed fit I dy lirni. 10nl. I \HI' quiet , but II th 1111 ) lIt in. The sales were 81,151,0th ) . TII 1'\llnl l'tiiit's London cllkMrl i'ityit : Ot the deennle ( lila week In ( lie hank at .1) gnl' land's c(11 anti bullion ( SIO represents net Illo1l. for Ih , ' wecic . Ihe detaIl beIng 1'1.0 II IJr l'OUIIt ' : ; ( ' IOI ) ) were Imlur.1 tll 1':1)111. : lStso ( 11'11 ( he contInent . 101.01 trol 10InI. 11,000 ' Irul Aulrlln. alll [ it5.J < . porleI 10 South AmerIca Mont of the bar gold to' o ! < cei'eti I. Irom Ilrls. nail It bears signs oC hclng eagles melted into lairs by lie Innll at I.'rnc , ' . The Increase II oilier securities Is dle 10 mnrkel borrwln . lt the end at tIle qlarler' . require- lenl" Moot ot I. however 11B gone 10 swell other ilClWSItS. This rore.hmll" ' easy alone ) ' ahead . and for thIs reason cense ) 1110 rl.el shalI ) ' . The stock markets w"r" irregular today. AllIerheans were lower In s'mpall : with lie ( decline In sellIng. The followIng were the closing quotations on the leading stocks oC Ihe New York exchange today : XThlitmmoii . . . . . . , ortIrvestern. . . . 01 AdatiisExpress. . . 14 N. W. old. . . . . . 137 1:7 AlIen . T. II . . . . . : is N. Y. G'.llrnl. . . \4i : Am. Exlress. . . 12 N. V. .0N . 1. . . . : \ I" allmor & OhIo tt % ontarIo & W. . . . Il Canada Pacific 3)4 ) Oregon 1il' . . . . . . . . 30 Canad , g WrI ( ; : : t Oregon : : Nay : : : : : : : : 18 I Centrllnollc. . 1 ! ( o. S. I. , , U. N. . 5 ! Ches. & OhIo. . . . . 1714 1 > lclOo Mail. . . . . i : ' ChIcago Aiton. . . 140 1' . I ) . , I E. . . . . . 4 C. . It. & Q. . . . . . 7 : ' Pittburg. . . . . . 1M ChIcago Gas. . . . . . 'Z1t l'ulliiian J'nlnco. 15Sl ' i Iullln 111' Consolidated Gas . 13(00 ( Iladhu : . . . . . . . : C.C. C. &St. r. . . 37 Il. G. W. . . . . . . 1:1ff Colo. Coal & Iron. . 51 It. O. W. pf1. . . . 87 Colon Oil Cart. . . Clf Hock Island. . . . 04 * ( laiawarrl& 1111. 127 St. Paul . . . . . . . 575 ( Del. , Jaek,1 . . 110 10 pld. . . . . . 1 tn D. & n. O. \Id. . . : Itf St. P.&Oinaiia. . . 81 \ J : D.&C. } ' . Co. . . . IH do ula . . . . . . 10- " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - Edo. . . . . . . \ ( Southern PacIfic. . 17(4 \ do nfd. . . . . . . lR' Sugar Itelinery. , . 10C ) Fort Wayne. . . . . lt4 Touti. Coal : & Iron. 15l. G. Northern ufd. . . 103 Texa , Paclno. . . . 11 t C. & ) . J. nl'I. . . 031 ' .eO Cout. 11,1. \ 10c1lntValey. . 21 > Union Pacific. . . . 10)4 111011 Ceutr.il . . 17 U. S EXIrs s. . . 40 St. I' . .t Duluth . . 25 IV. Sl. I. & P . . . ti1 ! , K.I T. phI. . . . . . 2404 do pI , . . . . . . . . : I Luke } rlo.I Wo 1 lH ( Vo1ls Fargo lOx. . . 105 Wels 1x. do pfti. . . . . . . . 7H ! Icrern UnIon . 88)4 LakoSitoro. . . . . . . 137J4 Wheollnge ! I. . E. 1t ) Lal Trlst. . . . . . 314 ; Wheeln&L pi. . . . . . 4214 Loultllo & ! N. . . tlU . I.&SI.L. . . . . . 4:1 I. I N. A. . . . . . 7 D. ' I G. . . . . . . 1(114 ManhiattaaCon . . . 101G. \ . E. . . . . . . . . . HI' t ! , MeitiUliiR&C. . . . . 10 N. r , . . . . . . . . . : 11" ( ) Mlehllnl Cent. . . 024 C. F. &I , . . . . . . . 24 Missouri PacIflo . 2 : ! ( do pfd. . . . . . . 10 . 10 Mobile &Ohiio . 17 11. 10 'r. o. . . . . . 114 NamihyliloCirat . . 70 T. A. A. & N. M. . Ii ! NatlonalCor.ago . C T. St. L , & K. C. . 21 & clopid. . . . . . . , II ( do pi. L . . . . . . lU ) N.J. Central . . . . Oil S It . R. . . . . . . . 1l' ) N. / 'V.ptn. . . . 1J ) dopfd. . . . . . . . a : "orlhm. . Go. . . 494 Am. Tab. Co. . . . . . O.H' Northorapacifle . 4 do pOt. . . . . . . . lOt No. Pac. pfd. . . . . 18U St. 1' . .1. & 1. . 100 U.l' . D. & 0. . . . The total sales oC slacks today wcre 158.C4 tony shares . including : American Sugar . Z.10 : Alchl- son . 8.2:0 : ; BurlIngton . 7.tOI ) ; Distin centiilvntts . 38.600 : General Electric 6.300 ; Ioulsvlc & Nush- vIlla , 3.000 ; New Jersey Central 12.2(1 : New York & New ICnland. 3d ORRe.ment paid. 7.8 : headIng . 20.80 : M. Paul . 6.3 : SlIver certtficate , 20.0 : Southern flailroai . 7,100. New York loney lttarkaF. NEW YOnK. March 28.-MONEY ON CALL.- Easy . nl 1' par cent : lastloan . 15 ! : closed. 311 . I'IIME MIlIOCANTILII ' ' ' . ' , . 1.IIME :1 ICANTlE l'AI'rUC-41J5' per cenl. PAI'.n-15\ STI JLING gXClANOF.Qllet and sit-'atly wIth actual huslnesa In Lnnlers' bIlls nt $4,894(3 ! 1.89'for , demand and $4.1t1034.SSii for sixty da'I ; I.ed rates . 81.01(34.89 and $4.S9'comhnerclal ; bIlls . $ I.87014.87t5. SILVEl CIIItTiFICATES-O4OI6I ½ . OOVI INIENT 10NDSSlenely - : sate bonds without movement : railroad bonds . firm. Closing , quotatIon. on bonds were a. follows : U. S 4u , rg. . now. tU U. . . it. H. 71. . . 11454 U.S.4HcoIV.lew.120 D..cGRLG. 4' . . . . 82)4 U.S. ( is. reg. . . . . lCU 1rlo 21h. . . . . . . . ! O : ( II. S. 51.eoup. . . 15X U. I. & S..A. ( s. . . 0 ( ( U. S. Is . rec. . . . 11 114 0. II. . " S. A. 7s. US U. S. 4s.cOup. . . . 12 ) ' n,1 T. C. [ . . . 100 U.S. : s. reg. . . . . 1'5 ' do Os. . . . . . . . 101 PttcIhIctL9 01 'U ; . 100 M. K. & T. lsl 4s . 8214 Ala. tas ls A. . . . . lUG rio : & 4. . . . 4. . . . HI l"t AII. CIS ' Ii . . . . loll ' Mlllal UnIon 0. . 101 Ala. Cl.tss 0. . . . \5 ( N. J. C. Gon. 58. . . IlH Alu. Cflrroucy. . . 05 ( No. Puc. 1ls. . . 11434 1. ' . New Can. 4s. 0.t5 ( 102,1 . . . . . . . . 54104 Mlsiolrl Us. . . . . lot ) N. W. Consols..134 : N. C. ( Is. . ls. . . . . . . 127 do S. 6' . Deb. I.J. 10814 N. C. ls. 41 . . . . . . 100 Il. O. WoSI. IsI . tlH S. C. nonfund . . . . II St P.Col.olljS. 124 Teiiii. liOV ROt ( is . HHl do C.I P. W 5s. 11214 Tcnn. nov let 1s . lIlt 5t [ , . . . 1.Mrao. 5 . 'M ! . . . . . . . . . 00 . , . 1.lrhl.5. . 'retiti old Or. . . . ( SI. . 1.1 S.t G.ii.ll : 1U5 Vn. 00111110. . . . tR" Tox. Po. 1813. . . 17' ( do deferred . . . I do 211. . . . . . . 21114 to 2i Atchison 4. . . . 07 U. 0' . IsIJ at ' J. . 10H ; rio : A. . . . . 2U ) WoIShor" 4 , . . . 10M Canada So. : , l. . . 11:1 : So. It 11 . . - . . . . 88 C. P. 1ls at 'U ; . 101 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lo.ton Stock Ottot.'ittoni. BOSTON. ldnrchi 2S.-Cn lonns. 34105 per cent : time loan I. . : .1 per conl. Cloin : prlco3 for tmo .llelts.bu ala utlmlnln : HharOJI : . AT. &S 2' . . . . 1 n-I W. Elee. vOl. . . . . 5214 Am. Sugar. . . . . . 10934 WIs. Ccnlrnl. . . . rZ ! /rma. Sugar p50 . . 1:1 ) Fitchburg lift ) . . . 85 Hav State ( SirS . . . 7 Hen. } : h. nfd. . . . 15 Del'folelhone. . 10414 Illher pftl. . . . . . 14 noslon&Any. 2II AlehlBJn 2ds. . . lU" Doalon &Maiuo. . . 105 AtchIson 48. . . . 01)34 do Iltd. . . . . . . ll2 Now lnglnnl : lie. . 20834 O. Ii. .it Q. . . . . . 7:3)4 : Hen. Electric Se . . Sit Fitchburg. . . . . . 12J WIs Cent. lists . . 82 ( en. Electric . . . 31' Alolez Miling Co 21 IllinoIs 8Ieol. . . ( : Atlantic. . . . . . . J Mlxlcan Central. . li IlOst'in . . Montana 3734 ! : :7H N. Y. . . N. R. . . . . : IU Inlo.t Boston . . 034 Old Colony. . . . . . 180(4 ( Caitmtact 2r leel : . 2RI Ore' . Short Line. . . r Cullennlal. . . . . . /0 ( tubber . . . . . . . . 40 ; t 1.rlnleln. . . . . . 1 San Dlllo . . . . . 44 ltearwirgo. . . . . . H UnIon PacIfic. . . . .I sel.ola. . . . . . . . 21 VcstEu.l . . . . . . 01 Quincy. . . . . . . 100 Wl'81 End pttl . . . . R7U 'Pauuirick. . . . . . . lal We'itlngii.IOleo . . :1:1 Wolveriiie. . . : . . . 4U Stilt I'ralel co ; 1111 : H roe It Qlohlon _ . SAN FltANCISCO. March ) R..Tho olclni ilos- ' inc tolowSI quolatols : lur 1111nl sock today wort ls Aba . . . . . . . . . 2n little & Norcross. . 131) ) A\.hnCon. . . . . :7 .Iu'itlco. . . . . . . 1:0 JI Aiilc'h. . . . . . . . . :7 1lllncky Con . . . 4 Ulichcl. . . . . . . 42 Lady Wash Con . 2 llCht . \ Ilolciror . . H : : Mexican. . . . . . . . I\ : 10di0 Con . . . . . . 1:1 : Slotmo. . . . . . . . . . ' \ lliditotm. . . . . . . . . : I ( Mount IMablo. . . . 10 111"1' Coil. . . . . IH Oeehleltal Cois . . 13 ( 'atettotita . . . . . . I Ollhlr. . . . . . . 111 Ciialit'iigu Con. . . 4 : O\.enll. . . . . 17 CliolIlir. . . . . . . . . M 101081. . . . . . . . r2 Connrl.nce. . . . . 1-1 Savniro. . . . . . . . 17 : Coil. ( bit & VS. . . 2711 SIerra Nevada . . . HI Con . lnalienlai . . . I Union Con . . . . . 51 Crown i'olilt . . . . 42 Yellow Jacket. . . 10 ! ou.\ Curry. . . 41 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Slver bit tlmrn3Ue. : ( $ Mexican doillr3 , 52143i Sc. Drafts . sight , 71e : taloraptitc lao. lfi . 1,0111 , " tHee Uuoltln. r.ONPO , March 28.- p. m. cloliitt1 Cam , . l'acihlo . . . . : 1s14 S.t.Paui C(1111 . . . 54(04 1:110. : . . . . . . . . . 1 ' 14 . Y. Central . . . 14734 ' 1rl02'18. . . . . . . 13 / Imlnsylvlnla. . . M ! Ill . Cmu.I. . . . . HUI Itoahhiig. : . . . . . I" ( Mexlcauortiintry : . IH Mcii Cml. nlw-H. II ( S " > dlv. 1.\1 HILVIlt-29i40 per ounce. Money wits waned % and bid ulI to 2 per cent , but elo"'l easier 'Ihl ratio ot dIscount In ( lie open market for short ( ' ills was I 1.16 per cent ; tor three monUm bIlls . 155 \ her Cent I. Now York IIII ; U 10tltol" . NFW YORK . March 8.-Tho CoUowlni nr3 the clostllUllnt qthoratlo4s : . : ltalwcr . . . . . . . IO Ont'RrlO. . . . . . H6U Cholor. . . . . . . . . 40 Opliir . . . . . . 161 ( Crown 1 > 0111. . . . 3. I'lymolll. . , . 20 Con. Cal. . ' Va . . 215 QuIcksIlver. . . . . 250 Deadwood. . . . . . 41 Qulekslvor. 10 ptl. . . lr:5 2rU UOIII Curry. . 4. Slerrl _ ovad1. . 70 halo .k Norerosa . 110 SIndar , , . . . . 216 hiUlllUstak3 . . . .11.0 Union Con. . . . . . fO 'Mexlcal" ' . . . . . 01 Yellow Jaeleot. . . 6U Illalel,1 1010. BAITJllE. March . -Clelrlngs. .1.m.02 ; balances . I2T.6. 11nADI I.lnA. March 20-Clearings , ' 10.- U3.bil : blanc , ' . $1,458,515. . HT. , 1.lr18. 1/rh % 8.-Clearlnls. n.6H.1G * : 1"1 _ &iicts. 1b.1 : Money , LtG per c.nt. New York . exchuinge , ISa l.rnlul . hl < \ ASIINO''ON , March : . 'fodIY' . statement ot the conditIon oC the treasury .hows ; Avail. G.6IG. IL" cash baiaiice. U8.OG.OI : gulL reserve Avnl. , , CllAOO , March 28.-Cloarlogs. $ UG 600. New York exchange. Soc I'remlum' sterilat 8 . voided rires , $4.b35b4.tIO. : . 4(3j ( ' ' ' CUl In call IIL SUO ( vcr cent 01 tIme. .all O IAIA LIVE STOCI 1 1ARLET ( - - Beef Stem Were oortrw that They Were Lost in ; RfPcna , TRADE IN hOGS V \ ) s SLOW ALL DAY - In the Enil the 1'cniutWro JlpU : < ll nail ! rive Uolnr. " . Touched by the Top AnhnalaTlrcl' ( larltet UiichinigL'd. I - l' . The receIpts tOllny were 62G cattle , 2.371 hogs and Ci6 sheep , I ' tgnhlll 1.91 cattle , I 2218 hogs anti 139s1100A ) on Tlur8l1ny or lost I week. . Owing to th04 light reclllts most ; everything was higher both cattle and hogs. The 1ecelllls for the week thls far ore 7.20 cattle , 12,30 hogs nml 7i sheep Of agaInst 8.01 cattle , 11,201 hogs and 1.72 sheep for the slime lerlol last week. The receipts tram the Ill-st " oC the year up to the present date show I loss oC d.7G cattle , again gain at SP,030 hogs . I loss of 21.(7 sheel RH ! n loss at 628 horses and mules lS corn- porel ! with 1891. CATT1.1There ' ; wer only twenty-three fresh 10lds oC cattle In today. There were so fel beef steers that they were practically - Leal ' lost In the yards and there were noL enough to make Il mnrket. One bunch oC eorn-te,1 , ! natives brollht $ : . ( and apart part oC n load at heavIer Cattle went ot $ . .GD.S'lmnt few beef steers there were 10 li n Ute hlghet There were Ibout half n 110zm loads oC cows and heltels II the ) 'fll'i.l8 multi the market - Itet was II'm 01 anything good . Two bunches at heltel's 1.6 ililt brought $1.65 . llt there were no good COWl to speak ot. Stockers nul feeders were II moderate 8U\II' and prices were about steel ' . itep- resentatl\e sales : lmw ( STI3IIIOS. No At' Pr . No. Av. Pr. 3..IOr $1 00 . D..I2 SI 10 22..12 6 P 2 : . 2.\30 400 1..91 $ 60 . .12r1 f 25 8. . 502 4 0 : D..I2 S 00 30..1302 r 5 1. . 525 420 24 . . .1160 510 7..1m 5 GJ 5.,114 425 CO\ . 1..10.0 12 : 1. . 620 2 i. 1..i000 . 32 1..10 : I. . . 70j I 3 : I. . 970 2 r 1..110 3 23 4. . O3 150 1.\0 2 1. ) . .142 325 1. . . OSO 160 7. . 57 275 1..13 : ) : 2 : 2. . CG I Ih ; 7. . . 57 275 1..10r0 325 6. . SSS I 75 1. . D30 275 1,107' . ) 3:3 1..101 2. . 8..O 11 : 2. . r2 2.5 5..1(1 32 : 1. . no 180 1..13S 27 : 1. . 030 32 : 2. . .10S5 30 2..1:40 27 : I. . D81 3 25 1..10 210 3..10IG 2 DO 9. . . 064 335 9. . 821 2 10 J.I0) . 300 ( 11. . . GI 303 ) . . .l050 2 I : 3..17 300 1..1& 37 ; 2. . D60 2 25 18. . 9)5 3 0 1. .12 3 75 1.,1120 . 2 : : 1..1000 . 310 2..12r 4 00 2. . 715 223 I. . S70 310 8..lt3. W 5..108 22 nrIFlms. 2. . lOt 1.5 D. . sG 240 3. . 8r 375 1. . 630 1.5 3..743 . 2 : I. . hOO 3 s 1. . 8 : 20 6. . 601 2 CO 10..10 ' ) 4 C : I. . 6iO 20 1. . . 4 ( ' 375 flu . I ,8. 1,1130 . 1 25 2..1211 240 1. . 750 2 CO 1..ll0 ( ) : 0 3..H33 . 245 1..15 ( ) 2 05 1. : . oio 210 1..1140 . 2 r 1. . 8S 2 Ci 1..120 22r 1..lTlO . 2 ( 1. . OIl ! < 270 1..IS0 231 1..10 . . & 2 G 1..13GO 275 7..I3t 23 . CAI.ym . 2. . . l5 20 < 2. . 30 240 1. . :10 27 : I. . 294) 20 3. . 3t3 260 I. . :0) 30 6..395 . . 2 0 STOCI\EnS AND FIigDflItS. 1. . . 240 16 . . 728 3 : 13. . 7G 345 0..d1 . 2 ro 10. . 630 32 15. . . 013 36 4. . 512 270 17. . . 613 32 9. . 795 3 C5 5. . . 40S 2o ! ) 4. . C.O 330 7. . 7U 3 G 25 , . , . 593 3 03 I. . 875 3 35 2. . 010 3 DO 2t : : : , . . . & : ; 315 S3 WESTL'RNS. No. Av. 1'1. * u No' . .v. Pr . I lul..IO 20 'I I' - bull..1540 210 7 Itills..1510 . 230 cow. . . . 1,20 260 1 cow. . . . no 32 f' 5 , cows..1001 . . 3 2 15 1..I.rs. 528 340 8 slcrs.\2 cows..l01 4,0 \ 13 stecrs..IW2 4 10 . 9 steers. . . .1127 4 5) COLOtADp. Johl i\erson. 2 6tocs..l0 5 210 1 ,2 feelers. . 0.5 410 ) ULKElS ANt SPIiNG EnS. 1 I and c. . . . 2200 "l$1e'anii c. . . . 250 I e an,1 c. . . . . 2 00 l\c and c. . . . 320 11008-There were about thlrllhree loads ethos hogs on sale this mornIng. )1he ) ) market opened Very slow anti \ retclno \ business was done until he provision market opened. Buyera and sellers both apPl'nrll tn bp uncertaIn ns to the course oC values and wQ dlnckwall about doing much until other marieIs were hear Crom. mnrJCI ) The trade was plow qil"iidy , but In the end he hogs were all so1d"Seiierii : " generally were quoting I 5c advance . but ( Home oC Ihe buyers claimed that their , llrov < .cst hem more than that . takIng thc quality hi : consideratIon. The advance was nol sulclenl 10 put the market back where It was'TueslYr whcr$5 was touched ly the top hoc' , IcllresenlnUvc , lales ; No. Av. Sh. Pr. , No ASh. . Pr. 2..l/ . . $4 55 34..22(1 . . ( . . U 80 2 . . . . .IC : : ; . . $ r. G..28 . . 4 fO 5 . . . . . 181 . . 470 30..233 . . 48 63..1 1 20 470 7..2IG . . 18 ; I2..IS3 . . 470 7..21G . . 4 8 : 87..17G 80 47 ; 78..2Z . . 4 8r 7..1h9 . . .7 : 6..278 . . 4 R 1..20 . . 4 75 68..264 . . . 120 4 8 : 3..10 . . 4.5 lC8..1 6 40 4 EC : . . . . . .215 lGO 4 75 6 . . . .20 40 4 S : 32..240 . SO 41r 7..2. 80 48 : 19..21 SI 4 SO EG.:17 ) 120 4 85 70..2 0 4 SO : . . . . . . . 4 S3 / . . . . 216 40 480 72..216 . . . . 4 Sr S2..19t 40 1 SO . 68..213 . . . 121 48 15..24 . . 4 00 .8..24 < ' SO 4 DO 6 < . . . .221 40 4 SO C9..2:2 . . 40 G7..23 . . 4 SO CO..24) . . 4 90 7D..210 6 480 57..259 . . . . 4 DJ . . . . . 40 4 5(3 ( 61..267 . . . SO 490 75..205 . . lC 4 ! 63..201) . . . . . 49 : 53..227 . 10 4 80 28. . . . .26J 40 4 D5 lIS AND 12011011. . 4. . . . . CG . . 240. 1.101. . 425 3. . . . 3G . . 30 . . . . . . : . . 431 3..243 . . 30 17..l8 . . 4 40 I . . , . . . 10' ' ) . . 3 93 40..IGI 40 4 45 1..161 ) . . 410 51115EV-TIter ( were plenty oC sheep In the yttrium . and some .cholec lambs sold ns high as f .2. ' 1. market did not how any materIal ChRnIH' . Fair 10 choice natIves are quotable nt 13 50(01.70 : faIr 10 good WI.tpr. nt $300031.50 : C3mlnon and stock sheep 2.50Qi3JiO : good 13 choIce tal vo sales 40 ( 10 : l00.lb. lambs , ' 3.2 : ' 5. : Ielre.en- No \Vt. Pr. 05 natIve lambs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H * 5 11. ChICAGO LIVI hTOOI ( . tInder Oood l8uylng the CRte Market ISo- "mo Very flrm CIIICAGO . March 28.-Lees than 9.0 cattle arrived today , and under gnarl buying for IX.I anti shIppIng account the market rl'gnlne,1 some oC the Ormness It lost on 'Veelnesday. I did nol , however recover any considerable port oC that declIne at from SOc to SOc. ShippIng and dreRse,1 ' beet steers were quoted ot from $1.15 to $6.53 : cows halters and bulls at Com U.75 to $3. and Texan cattle nt from $2 to $1.40 , the outsIde figure for choice ted steers . The hog market was much Ormer. Receipts ! dropped off 10 22,0 henrI . anti the IndIcations being for small supplies for the remainder oC , tim . week buyers took hold wlh renei'eii con. flilence. 'rho best ot the heavy weights wenl nl Cram $ .2 10 Sj.2 anti thin choice oC the lMhl curls brought Crom U.S. tat $1.90. There was nol much trailing nt these Ilrces . but the bulk 01 the trading was at better than $1.70. averages 00 more than 20 bbs. f.ulng Irlnclloly at from " .0 10 $ j.I : . oral train $1.70 10 $1.80 being Popular I.rlces for 160 10 200.lb. hog . The sheep market was without radical change I waa lelh'I , antI nlhouh I ell not e'lnre luch at strength there viis no e'clle.'hlo exporters thIn not buy nenlly lS freely oa on \'nI8IIY there was del"ll for e\'el'ylhlnl that hind an ) ' l"sh , Poor sluff . Was neglected . anti several lots ot ( hint eOlt was left In sller . ' luends. QuotatIons range from 13. : 10 $5 tOI' sheep antI fl1.m $ .75 to S6 for lamnbti. $ leeclpt8 ( : Cattle , > .0 beau : calves . .0 head : hog . 2.0 hend : sheep . .10,0 hend. SC Iouln 1.lVi Huek. 'f' ST. LOtuS. March J2.4CATTLE-neeelpls. 2.SO heall : * hilpmnents 10 ) , end ; market firm. . active anti ' sme salt's III.her : expoit native .Ie.ra. 15.75j6.25 : good Id'tlhlee ' bhllpln . $ r.2 : @ 6.15 : fair II inetilum. Umi ) .I ) ; heavy hiutchiers . 1.515.0 ; macilium. (4.010t4C' ) : light weIghts . J. ; tH.2 : ecilera . $ $3.2Sgt. ; tock" . $ 2.00613c0 ( ; C\a , $2.000t3.0 : Ccel 'cJod , steers U.Jfr.o : grass 'r"X'l ' steers $2.7Slotwa. ; . U.75f13.0IJ. I tOOS-ltecelpts . . 3.70 .Ji'ilil \ : .hll.mln' . ' . 2.20 head : lurkel active nne ) N 1'1111 ; hel\'Y , U. & ( 6.O : mlxl'l. IUVtO : Ihhl.HU1.75 Oi HII I I I-ntcll.IH. 30 hw"I : hlpmenl . 10 hl'n' market ilrm . wh ; i demon 1011 'Iy excee I. lag Ihe supply ; nalh' ' 4lhixS.I , . 84.40j4B5 ; . outlm. 'w .ler $3.2 tlt.O ; lambs I , * 4.75(35.75. . rol1" CIty I o "Incc. ! KANSAS CITY March : -CATflnecelpts. 4,100 hCel ; hllnwnl . 1,300 tll'al , : larlle steady In strung ; Texas steerS , $4.Vflt5.23 : Texas cows $ .2(13.2 : ; heeC steers . . $ l.0rfG.25 : natIve caive * 1.40(34.15 ; , stockers otid. reed ' . 'G.25 $ .2(5.0J : bulls , 12 , T5f4..0. . . , 100HIl'elpls. G.WJ helll ) : shlllenl . G head' market .Irunger : LulK ot wait's . 84.60(34.75 ; heavies . 14.65414.85 : hackers , $ 4.50(31.55 U.&JH.71 : $4,554f4.75 : lights . 14,20(34,70 ; Yorkers . $ I.60(34.70 ; pigs. .156U. . ShIhIl3l'-ltecelpts. % .3 bead j shipments , 70 hen ; market .lealy. Stock II SIght . Ihecord oC at the four . necr receipts principal mar- kets for Thursday , March 2. 1850 : Cattle . Ifogs. * 3hieeli. South Omaha . . . . . . . . . 626 2.3H boG ChIcago . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O 8M 10.M Knitters City . . . . . . . . . . 4.8.05 G.CO 2.m lit . Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.SO a,7o fOl - - - Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,26 21.0a 13.0 New York 1,1. Sleek Market NI3\V' YQI < March 2.-I I VI Bnec.IIII. . 1s head ; none on s.ile ; I urt"n cables quote Aimlitrican alcer at 1611I o : rerlgeral , r beef , 23' . * 2 10t4 C. .lOc. ' )8l01II' AN ) I..A5l118-'Ilecelpts . 7.0 head ; 01 sale , 3.7bcodj ; tarl ) actIve ; sheep , ste.ody ; lsmmnbs , ahnlle hIgher ; sheep , I'OM to good . 81.00(3 & .2 : lambs . common In prime H.2 fu.l. HOasneel" . . 3.01 ) head ; firm lt $ { . z .hcrllonl Shnr.tehs . fl\E1POI. . Mntclt 2.--WlilIAT--1)pet . nrehWItATJI. steady : demand poor ' No. 2 red wInter. h hid : No. 2 red * prln 1001\ \ No. 1 hard ManItoba . 1 t'ill ; No 1 laltornln , r , Futures "Ienc,1 quiet , lint . steady , with ler nn,1 dIstant 11011. lens Lj1) higher : clolel firm : Match ' 11 higher nfl otlml'r monthS . l,4i3 ' higher ; lu.lnc11 nbout equnll ) dlatrlbuttl : 2tlarcli 41 08 ; April 4a D'\\lj Illay and June , . 81id : July , 'S hibit , : 11\S. \ 11 101. lOINpt stonily , : Amerenn hiihxcil . new , \ 2il. Prmturcs t.ena1 ' 01 m and Inchnnlel from 'ellenlny' closIng prices . hut lallr ad' \.nCe nlul CIOM.l alrnlly , with Match tin- changerS and other : mouths 1 $ ' \ hllher ; lu'mlneiou hewl..1 : on ent' llcthhtIonsl : Mardi Apmil. May nn\ , . ) unp. t. ChtI : Jul . 4. 3,1 , : August I. Is i 3'1,1. ' $ , 1'I.OUH-I.'lrm ; lemnnll moderle : Ht. Louis fancy winter CR. l'lO'lSlONf.1aeon , stonily ; tie'ttiamul moler. nh ; Cuntterlnnt cut , 21 to 3) ) lbs. . ltS short ribs , 28 Its , , Ols ; Icing clear , light , 3i tim 45 il's. , ( Is ( .1 ; long clear , li000T lb . . , Ils' short clear hak , light , IS lhis. , , s ; short clear 1011)0108 , hleav ) ' 55 lbs. , 2S Coil clear bellls , 14 tO 18 IllS. , 55 , , Gt , Sbmtilili-m , square , 12 ( ii it Its. , Ils. llams , p1mm t t ill , 14 Ii , 16 his. , 42i. hlcf , extra I hurt , macas , Ion ; irhmiie litess , t3's. t'ork , irimile miles , ; , fine W'eslerli , 57mm 9d ( Orlille iil + 'tliuiii , 885 Oil. l.nl'tl , sicaihy ; prime WeSiemIl , 23i4 3d ; retinal , lii 111115. 56 Ii ) , ( 'II Uh14l.2-4)teniis' : mlt'nmnnul 1n.itlerflte finest . % mnerlcnn , Willie , Ils Ci ; ilnest American , colored , 51s. l1tTTi0lt-llti5t tlalted States , ISsI good , SOs. Ttitl'lINThNl.-Sjhnlis ( , ISo. 11OSIN-Cmiimon stocks cIintmstl. COTTON 5111011 Ohi-1.lverpoul refined , if's 0.1. 1.114510111) Ohi.-lfls 9,1. l'l'Tlt0I.ltM-im'ihmiel , 614.1. ltIClhtl(1gltTOlt lIl1h0'-1"ore quartets , 4)011 ) hind nilarhels. ( ' 61 , IlOPS-At London ( PacIfic t'oasi ) 2 lOs , hit. Iiii is , ieii , . . , t. ST. 1,05119 , March 23.-Vt'll lI.T-0trong anti hIgher eam-ly , whit an advance of ' .4ti1ie , fcl lotveti Ii ) ' a declIne tf % e , whlclm stalLed iirt. it ) selhimig , Titer , ' r'ns a meneIon simhji"timm"ntl ) ' . hilt at ( him' close h.tmyr'is were i-Ice below ) ester- day ; No. 2 red , cash , 54t0c bId ; Slay , 50)4c lhil ; July , SIi,06031c 1111 , CORN-Firni : lIe stip at tIle opelitlig ; later wenkenel , solti olt 3c front ( lie ( op. reciO'err'l 14c. antI closed 34c Iehow yester.iny ; No. 2 mIxed Cilol ) , Ili4c ; Slay , b2'sc ' ; dIlly , 43)30. OATS-Slay % e up earI' , tleclinttl 5O7'4o , tins. lag at yesterday's flilals ; June choeil olcails' ; shut low ; No. 2 , cash , be asked ; Stay , 3)030 bid ; .bune , 30c btl ; , I1YIO-No. 2 , offereti east SIde at tOe , but no bitI. IIllAN-I5te1' , quIet , with light otferlngs ; lie offerei for east lrnek , COIIN SiiAI-$2.104f2.15. II.AX Sl4'l-Qtht't ( , $1.39. CLO\'Ilt 8l1l-lettrr ; choice , * 1.304)5.40. ) TIMOTIIV b'IIfll-$4.751(5.0) . 11. \-Imihl , elisS' 01 , tlrle , chlolca to extra fancy , * 8.5)1010.50 , thIs mule ; tllliotily , fair to choIce , 1S.r.OUlO.75 , ent truck. \'ll 1SiC\-l.23 , dIstillers' linlehied goods. lltT'I'TEIt-Stea.ly ; fancy llglns , lIe ; sepa mitt ' ' ' lStmIOe ( 'rt'ltlner5' , , ICGGS-lllghmer ; fresh , I004e , I 'it1)'lSl0Ni3-.I'oi k , stirnilani mess , jobbing , $12.55. 1.nmal , lirinlO titeitmn , $6.93 : choice , * 6.53. lry salt meats , tiixeii shitmliher , S. , ; lenis , 86.2 , ; this , 86.17's ; shorts , $6.50. ltacon , lsxeil i.lioul' , ier. 86 ; lungs , $ Ii,7ti ; rile , , * 6.S7 ; shorts , $7. 1.l6Al-Qulet nt 82,9214 , itl'HI.Tl.Il-Qtmli.t , wIth snle at $3.03. 1ttCfiul'TS-Fioimr , 4,0) ) IbIs. ; wheat , 4,003 liii , ; corn , 13,0)0 lii. ; onto , 23,01) lii , SlII1'MOIN'I'S-S'lour , 6,000 Ibbt. ; wheat , 2,00' ) Ira , ; corn , 4,00' ) bu. ; CatS , Coo' ) bu. infft.i , Slmiricer. N10Y0111c , Marehi 2t.-.COF'1rll3Optlono ' ) ICfleil slenihy anti tlncijanged to I ) liehnts decline muil giniitmril I ) ' stca.ileil up tiuring tlto day o.l local buying In ( I.e fact' of featureless c.atdes ; closeti mttitl' , 5(310 lIollits Iltivanco' ; sales , 6.250 Ii.mgs , iiiciutiing : Sinreli , $15.43 : April , 815.15 ; Sliry , $ l4.0Ottl1.'J5 ; .lune , $14.55 ; .1tml' , 0l4.OStfiLOO ; September , $11.75 ; lecembr , $11.h ) . Set eoffee , Rio. quIet but 1mm ; No. 7. 1G)3c ; nmlltl quiet ; Cori1o'a , $ iI.501319.00 ; sales , 1,000 baga Maracalhin , p. t.SANTOS SANTOS , Sialeli 23.-F'im'm ; at'eraee Santos , $16.50 : rcce'ilts , 12,000 bags ; tnck , 241,0) ) i.igs. lIAMlltlto ? , STarch 25--QuIet ; pig. an. Vance ; sales , 6,00' ) iiag. RIO 1111 JANflIltu , Morel , 21.-QuIet ; No. 7 Itlo , $16.40 ; exeliangi' , 9)3.1 . ; receipts. 6,00' ) bags ; clenred fir time tolled StaH's , 1,0th ) hugs ; cle'areil for Europe , acne : stock. 111.00) ) bags , IIAVltII , March 20.-rOFl'flr.-Oiene.i , steiiiy at 0401' , f ativanee ; mit 12 in. steady , , unchangel ; at a I. mu. , stcaii' , unehmnngvtt to ! ,4f .lecline ; close , ! sen.i' tit unchanged to ,3f not advance for the day ; sales , 14,000 tinge. \'oni 51'snc5. ! LONDON' , March 23.-There was a good oclec- Lion at the wool auctIon stiles today and the liriceH svorn wc'hl tnalninined. AmerIca was a hmeary buyer. _ TIm liuniber of bales offered was 13.597. of which 87. ) were vltttdrawmi , Tue tlilm'l serIes will open AprIl 3) and July 2 , whili 400,000 bales lhntIted to tue freshi arrIvals in ascIi , Sales In , letail : New South W.Ocs , 2.236 hales ; scoured , Od(3Is 2',4i1 ; greasy , 40d. Queensland , 334 bijies : crone ) ' . 5116331) . 1'Xtorla , 7.665 I'ahes ' ; scoured , 7il(32s list ; gleasy , I.1451s Id. Suth Aus- tralla , 1,956 bali's ; scoured , S40071s ! t4d ; greasy , 45403104,1. New 7.t'aland , )23 bales ; scoured , IOtl(3 Is 11) ; greasy , 614(391 , Cape of Gail hope anti Natal , 2,097 bales ; scoured , S1(3Is 31 ; greasy , 44037h4t1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Toledo Grain lhmrrker. TOLEDO , March 28.-WIIEAT-Steadier ; No. 2 cash , lilareli and Slay , tIc ; July , m,40 COlON-Dull but steady ; No. 2 mIxed , 43c ; May , 44P,4e nomInal ; No. 3 mIxed , 43c. OATS-Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 314c ; No. 2 whIte , 33c. ItYl'-Duil : cnIi , rIo. - CLOVIIIS 516111)-Dull ; prime cash and March , $5.60. 1L1ICEIl'Ti-Flaur , 500 bIds. ; wheat , 31.000 bu. ; corn , 25.000 1w , ; oats , 1,000 bu. ; clover seed , 204) bags. S1111'SIJINTS-Flour , 1,00 bbls , ; wheat , 16,000 bu , ; corn , 2,000 bu , ; oats , 500 bu. ; clover seed , 623 bng. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Slhiwisul.'eo Slmsrlcotii , SttLtVAUlCEE , 'March 28.-.S'l I ISAT-Iligher ; No. 2 sining & 6 ; Na. 1 northern , 6434c ; May , Sic. CORN-Scarce anti ( trot : No. 3 , 40'tc. OATH-Firm ; No. 2 white , 22),4c ; No. 3 whIte , 32013'tc. ' . ltAltLEY-Noniinally firma ; No. 2 , 521.4c ; sample , tO4ir.3c. 1tYF-Steai13' ; No. I , 5504 ° . PILOVISIONS-Firmer , Pork , $12.30. Lard , $6.95. ILCCIOIPTS-Flour , 2 000 hibhs. ; wheat , 18,9) ) b'i. ; barley , 10,40) mi. .SlIll'MIINTS-Fiour , 5,500 lb's. ; lnrey , 4,8 0 bu. S'tigitr . % tarlcet. NIlOs' YORK , Maceli 2t.-SL'GATL-Rnw , firm ; subs , 751) tens Slusovirdo , 89 test , at 2 Il-ICc ; 1,712 bags Muscovanlo , 05 test , 2 Il-ICc ; 830 bags nloiasscs luger , 89 test , 2 7.1Cc ; reilneJ , quiet ; No. 6 , 3 9.l66J3c : No. 7 , 3 7.16403c ; No. 8 , 3 5-1CC)3,4c ! ; No. 9 , 3O103 7-Icc : No. It , 3'/(33 7.1Cc ; No. 11 , 334(13 7-ICe ; No. 12 , 3 I1.l60ti3c ; No. 13 , Ic ; off A. 3314t3e ; mnuit ( A , 4 3-I6(310.c ; sand. ( arol A , 3 I3-l6(34c ; comifectlonezs' A. I 13.lCIjIc ; Cut loaf , 4 9.lCOJlc ; crimeheti. 4 9-I6104c ; pow. tiered , 4 3-16(34c ; gm'anulatcd , 3 JOi-160j414c ; cube , 1 3.16034e , ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Innqirs ( lty Ihmirkets. KANSAS CITY , Stnrct 2S.Wll1IAT-QtmIet ; No. 2 lined ; SPff154c ; No. 3 red , tSc ; i-ejected , SIc. COIIN-Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 436J431c ; No. 2 white , tOe. OATS-Firm ; No. 2 mIxed , 2S14c ; No. 2 white , 32c. ILYII-F'irm ; No. 2 , t'Sc. 1"LAX-Duil at $1.00. I Oltitit 3iurknt. N0V YO1t1 , March 28.-COTTON-QuIet ; mid- riling , C 1-ICc ; net receipts , 253 herbs : gross , 1,581 Itales ; forwarded , 152 bolt's ; sales , 229 hales , all spimiers ; stock , 210,452 bales ; total today , lieS receipts , 20,196 bales ; exlrts to Great llritnin , 1,663 hale's ; to France , 6,534) bales ; to ( lie contl- nent. 3,750 bales ; stock , 025,668 bales. Ihmilut II 0'hieat iliirlcot. DULUTH , March 28.-WIIOIAT-fluil and Inactive - active ( army ; No. 1 hiitm'.i. cash. 615c ; Match , 0033o ; Stay , 6134c ; July , 621,4c ; No , 1 northern , cash , 60c ; March , CQc ; Stay , C0c ; July , 6l',4ci lteptemnber , & 914e ; No. 2 northern , cash , Sic ; No , 3. SIc ; rejected , SIc. To urrto'e : No , 1 hiatt ) , C1'c ; No. 1 northern , G0e. 'l'rl.co ' 1meiit Market , HAN FIIANCISCO , March It-\\'IIIIAT- Stoutly ; lecemnhir , 5313c ; Slay , 850 ; cleared , 127- 711 centais wheat. ' 11111 ltlIALTY S1AI(1416'r , INSTRUMENTS placed on record MardI 28 , 1895 : WARUANTY IlIIIDS. Ifermnnn ICnuntzu it ) lit St lluoihin , let 11 , block 23 , 1ountze I'lace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,410 Paul hanson to St St Drown , lot 8 , biock 2 , UnIon l'iace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 13 11 ( hutton and husbanil to Iii Oil Ileuwn , Iota 7 nfl 8 , block 9 , lots 13 , 23 antI 2i , biock 12 , lot 7 , block 6 , lola 1 and 2 , block 7 , Nomthi Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,210) N' 1' Falter antI ovife to F' 11 l'atswms , a 4 lot $3 , Neisomi's with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,12 John liaker ant wife to C 51 WrIght , e 14 lot 3. block 19 , Ontahint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,500 Ottiatia anti Florence Lmmnd antI Ttust cam- liany to Peter O'ltouritc , e 3 acres of no ne cc' 19.15-Il . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 ICil l'hielan antI wife tn 1'I Casslily , lot 18 , block 3 , MissourI Avenue Italic . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 QUIT CLAIM 1)17111)5 , \Valnut 11111 SavIngs aol lnvt'smnent ( cam. , PanS to H 1) Otierrer , lots 5 , 0 8 , 17 , 18 anil 19 , black 5 , lot 8 , block 9 , lot 9 , block 10 , lots 4 , 14 antI 15 , bloek 17 , lots I. 2 , 5 nail 8. hiock 18 , lot 5 , block 21 , lots 3 , 7. 9. II , 14. 15 , 13 ttmiI 20. black 22. lots 2 , 1 , 7 , 8 , 15 , 18 amid 20 , block 23 , , Valnut 11111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I St H Hilkwortii to 'r ii Hhlkwonthm , w ' 4 lot 16. Godfrey's arId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 13 1 Ittiyner and wife to SI U Smith , lot 16 , block 3V 1. tCeiby' 1st add to hioutii Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3 13 51 Itniilhi to Si Si itayaer , samoa . . . . . . . . . . 3 Eu h'hielan ant wife (0 lIt Cassid' , lots 17 26 , 'iT ( intl 20 , block 1. lois 14 , 15 , 15 an 21 , block 2 , MIssourI Avenue park , . , , . , . , 1 0)11101)5. Sheriff to .0 A Ilanscomn , o 04 lot 3 , 1100k 102 , lot 8 , block 331 , lot 6 , block 58 , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,835 SpecIal master to L V harris , e 14 lot 8 , biock 2 , l'iuidock I'iact , . , , , . , . . , . , . . . , , , , , . . 1,4,0 Total amount of transfer8 , , , . , , . . , . . . . , , . 8)2,231 - A 8PECIALTY CRA8 MILLET AND CANE CLOVER. TiMOTHY. a-5 cmX.IW , l1101'l4613 Olulon Ave. . lOsasas Lily. Uc CONDEIN 'filE POLICE IIILL Regarded as (5 ( Monftco to thu Property Intcrets of Oinan , MORE PROTESTS BY PROPERlY OWNERS Cimnrcimlli.ltnssi4t Ptilit'o CohltililqNinlt 18111 Itoumidly Conticlitmi at hmy llemiponsi- Lie Cltiseiis-flovermtor lImit. coiili Urged to Veto it. 'l'lic Ctiurchlll-ltttsscli 11011CC comtnission bIll now ill the linittis of ( lov rtlar hlolcolnb for alproal , or rejection Is alt assault upon the Interests of Qinalm property owners , who are taxed to maintain the Police Slit ! lIre do- ltartrnent8. StIcOl citizens al'C not slow to t'xiirooss opinions of tIme measure SIlt ! to urge upon Governor llolcomb the general deiimand for its veto. Tim consensus of public 01)181011 on the subject lIUt be gained by is iitrtaal of the following tiiterries's : Thomas Soo'obt-I filfl stoutly ollptecd to aflo. bIll ( hot will take from thit' chief execu- tire tlmo vower to aplloint PolIce COinnIls- RIOlIefs for Omaha. It lilakes no difference whether tIme governor happens to be a popu. lIst , ( helnocrat. or rephililicali , tfltt present law constititlimg ( a lire and iioilce COInmIlissiOn is emInently soutid. It tiiay be that a ellatlge is nc-cried In ( lie 1)eraoflflt'l of the police board , but if so that matter can be safely entrusted to Gra-ernor llohcomub , This city is rcpubll- cali , the governor Is a poptihlat-tItus' liD will be ( rca to selcct the best lilell for a nonpar- tlsall boald. It is till 'roamg to exclude time mayor traIn the bo.trd , and time Pr000sItloll tIhat only electors 81(1111 ( ho appoInted to the posItion of chief Is absurd. We moist , above all , preserve tic ! ! 10m11ariSafl ( character of the Pollee board-no one part ) ' can be perhilltted to dolnhiiatc It. I 1(111 ( a Illehuiber of the re- publlcan state central commIttee and was at lteadqtmnrtcrs Illucil of thi time during the cahillinlgn. Our great effort \o'ns to elect Majors , 11111) , of course , hind lie been elected tlmls 1l1.atlvlsed police comnniisslou bIll would not have bt'ca thought of. Its provlslotis Ivero never mentIoned during time CalillialgIl. It was conceived by misguided republicans after Majors' defeat , It is a miserable make. shift. I give Governor Ilohcomb credit for possessIng semiso elIotIgIl to veto it. lion , George W. Linlnger-I am strongly OpItosed to this bill becoinlllg a law , and I lt1OSt certainly (11111k ( lie governor ought to veto it , lIe owes It to the people of Oiiuahia , vhio were largely Instrumental In electing hilui , to do this. ThIosI legislators who have voted and \o'orkcd for this bill Ilave 511111)15' been digging their political graves. A. P. Itector-I have already asked Car- ernor ilohcolnb by telegraph to veto thIs bill , and have also been Instrumental in aslcng ! the Commercial club to do tim samiuo thing , which It did by unalilmnous cotiseilt. The Intent - tent of the measure Is vIcIous and Inimical to all of Onualia's business Interests , and should be checked at any hazard. It calcu- hates to Ilut the two departmemits in qulestOon Into the same conditIon that has been In operation iii the city of New York for years , nail from which ( lint city has but brIefly escaped. Tile bill Is obnoxious in all aspects alIt ! should be vetoed wIthout quibble or delay - lay , SHOULD DO IT QUICK. Charles T. Weller , President of the Cohn- morcial Club-The bill as presented Is cer- talnly wofully faulty and I would regret ox- ccedlngly to see it beconlo a law. There mIght be 501110 changes in the present system , but they are ( on' , and it Is Infinitely , inex- presslbly liiettor tItan the measure ( lint now awaits the approval or disapproval of Car- ernor Holcomb. He should veto it unhesltat- Ingly. It would certainly be an Incalculably bad thing for the City of Omaha to have it become a law , John E. Wilbur-I think the governor ought to and will veto this bIll , The statement that It was an Issue In the late campaign Is all both. If Majors bad been elected we would never have heard anything about It. Judge Lake-I thlink unquestIonably that the governor should veto this measure. It lacks a. single redeeratag feature. \v , I. Kierstead-I certainly believe that - the bill should be vetoed. I was a member of the city Council when the first charter which provided for a tlro atId police corn- missIon was formulated. At that tIme the committee of citizens carefully conMldered every phase of tIlls matter , collecting a vast amount of Information from other cIties , and It was the unanimous opinIon ( hat ( lie ap. poInting pourer shomid be placed In the hands of the governor. I bolleve ( lint these op. pointments have been generally satisfactory to tile large majority of business men and property owners , and the law should be left as it is. It Is easy to see that the real oh. ject of ( he billis to turn the fire and police departments over to time control of secret organization whIch Imas sprung up since that charter was formulated , There can be 110 question but that whieliever ally religious or polItIcal organization obtaIns control of such a department' It means corruption cliii the prostitutIomi of ( lie public Interests to tile ends of a few tiziscrupulous leadera. Luther Drake-I am clecdedly ! oppose'I to this bill ; there are no symptoms of good to ha detected in it. I think the appolntive power should remain In the hands of the governor , and his veto wolmld be endorged by ever legitimate business alan in Omaha , Norman A , Kuimu-The Douglas delegation has simply tried to hog It over the people. Veto ! Veto ! ! Is my cry. Henry I'undt-Governor Ilolcomb will cer- talnly veto ( hue bill. There was no call for changing. the present law 'tvhlchi has been hmighmly satisfactory ( ( lie cItIzens of this city and the legislature should keep hands off. J. A. Creigluton-Governor Ilolcomb , as time frielld of Omaha should veto It. 3 , L. llralldels-Thle governor should veto that measure. Charles Karbachi-I am opposed to the bill. bill.Ucary Ucary Brown-Veto ! Vetoh ! Veto ! ! ! and three cheers for Ilohcomnb if lie does it. Frank llmrnlan-I want to see It vetoed good ant ! hard. lCd Robertson-Veto would be popular. II. J. I'enfold-As a business man 01111 Citizen , I declare in favor of a veto. \v. A. Paxton-I'vo got too many Interests Involved to say flIUCh , but really It Is a C S I 7 - . Tue business mnen of Omaha are sitting around , vlmen two of theta could have gone tiown there and fixer ! time timIng in a few hours. J. F. Larlincr-I am fornlnst the bill anti for a veto. George II. Payne-As a business uman I say veto time bill. I diii not vote for Governor Ilolcoinb , btit I believe lie has time interests of Omaha at heart and will kill ( lie ineasuire. DOUGLAS DELFGATI0N IIYPNOTIZEI ) , A. Meyer-I cannot understand wily ( lie amen sent to tue legislature as representa tires of the peovlo seem to be liylillotlzeil into doIng just ( ho opposite to what theIr constituents want , Of course , I vnnt to see ( lie polIce collimIlIsslon bIll kIllerl , W , A. Ij. Gibbon-Unless ( ho bIll Is vetoer ! business interests iihi suffer in tIle end as sure as fatd. U. S. Wilcox-Time more I thInk of It ( lie THE GREATEST PURIFIER s.&s FOR THE BLOOD. , . r , IARG IN No matter what bookiat a blM-'Ctlbhhtoll ) 'Olm Imlay hive T ' rr'ail sinmIti tar olmrs wimleim R4&DIN NEW amid CoMl'LlI'FI' . It IXPLA INE D biomis , Ii's trite airtl will ( racil ) 'OtI souimethilmic. liii 501110 Whiwtt jill I cormi beloru the big sirtmig iii vammee , AJSPCUAS'l' e. ( .0. , 1.1.1 , mt.utiti llldg Chi1c30. - - - - - - - - ' , - -I flrnmt'r I CIII comtvlneoi't ' tIit tlmOl-C is some. thliig back of It all of a polItical nature , SlIt ! I certlnIy hope LI SInO It 'ioed. William (1. Maul-Time thIng Is cli wrong , traIn Incelitlon tO contuiutnatloii , Thmo got- 0511cr IiiLtiltI cerniiul3' ( veto ( iio bill mmd not ho leng Lm'jti ( It. C.V. . Lynlon'Oflialla'S fire anti police at. lairs are iii goat ! hmatitlq alit ! shiouhi ! ho let alone , 'flue governor will be extending the nlglmt lisa' ! of iuhIowsImli to Omaha when lie vetoes thu ( till Iti qumertion , Alfl'ed Millard--"fho governor wIll make 110 lnIstako vhc1i lie puts his foot IlPOhI thIs PerilIcloils liii I , J , Ii. Kltchiell-Thme hIll thIctIld ho vetoed. Br , George 14. MIllet -fly all liloaIis Guy- ernor lholcoinb owes It to ( hIs coniniunlty. to protect the iOSlIlO't Im.ttrcsts and veto the bill. bill.Judge Judge Deane-I thilIlk the governor 8hotilni veto this bIll by all means. I look ulpoil it as a 'ery vieotus ! Ineasuro , limtving originator ! In an overwealuilug delro to curtaIl tIme pro. rogatives of tue gn'ermmor because ho does not seem to mtgree with a luunority of a ear- lain elelnent In time legislature. There Is behInd - hInd it still another feature that is more to lie deplore. ! than all aloe , and that is to make ( ho fire , tud 11011CC coiiiuumlssiomu a political OilgliO ! for geti imIg Into oflico a cortmilmt class of ward iieclers nOil tiioe wIlling to assIst in carryIng out a mIClilOtabIo uolicy Ill rchlg OtIs clIches , which wealth ho mnoot dlsaotrous in its resultses , Ililc'ed ; Goverimor Ilolcomb slioumht ! vote thIs bill after but lIttle consitlora. tion. tion.A. A. P. Timkey-I hiloSt aincerely hello timat ( lie bIll 'Ihl lc 'ctotl. It Is anttlgoiIIstIo to 1110 best Imiterests of ( Iso city , chIll Is op. posed by 'Jo 11cr cent of time bucihiess men and taxllayers , Jtitlgo Wakoley-Tho fire aimd lOhlco depart- Ihleilts of Omimalia are properly conlttuted lInOv and I toe no IlCCoIRit3' for a clmmtngo In the law , Time Practical rosulhts of the prolent systeiml hiavo been ulmtquahlflotliy good aimd sat- lsfrtctory to time People. The governor's veto Is only a Ilattmral expectation. C. N , lucks-I do not thInk ChIef ltetichl ougimt to ho ( histul-heti , anti If titis laoo' call- temp ates thttt it sltouild i.e vetoed , niid vetoeti hard , TOO MUCh POLtTlC NOW. Thomas Kiipatrlcho-I have always thought that the ahillollitIlig Power was in tIme right hiahids , nm ! that ( ho miiayor slioald always have a voice on tue board , 0(151 ( I wish intleeti thimut our hilayer iiad at all tulle i110r0 authority , rather ( halt less , so that 1(0 ( liilglit be hmelti lilOre tC spoiislblo for the comitrel 111111 nuamiagemmient of ( he cIty. It seemims to mae that our liresent lmlaor has beemu very attentive to all of lila tiutles , alIt ! hits done all lie ossibhy could to give us a good govermiment. If I tin- derstamud ( lie new law murlghmt , I miii * Inchhnetl to tiilmik that eve might get a board ( lint ovotild be In mary ovays objectionable. Thio fire anti 1)011cc board shook ! at mill ( lines be free train POlitiCs , They should be ap- Itolnteti W'lthioUt regard to theIr loiltics , theIr religion or their socIal standlmug , atit ! should be comiscqlientiy free to appoint good boll Ss'Ithout any regard to party liohitics. Wo have all over ( ho country far too much poll- tIcs connectet ! with city government , and when we have aiiy departure Irons that tulle , as In ( lie present caoo , ( lien we ought to be thankful and adhere to what we have grate- fully. For these reasons and many others I hope timat Governor Ilolcomb v1ll veto thQ bIll. ' I 'I N. B. Falconer-1 don't know much about the bIll , but I would be sorry to see fledell removed. In any opInion he Is ( lie best fire chIef we hlave ever bad. TIme legislators get Ill ) bills that we people don't know anythiimmg about , I thInk there Is seine trIckery about It. You newspaier fellows understalid thieso questions , but we ordimaary people cannot be expected to fathom ( lie motives of some of our rural legIslators. I believe we ought (0 ( be satisfied to leave timings as they were before ( lie introductlomi of this bIll. John Merritt , l'roprletor of ( lie Arcade Hotel-I ani Oliposed to the bill. I believe in letting vehl enough alone. Thomas SwIft-I thmink it is an imposItion upon time people , and that ( boy had better let the commission alone. I thInk titat those vho voted for time bill ought to be ashialmled tbat they did so. A. Stlger of Icelley , Stlger & Co.ayn opposed to the bill if It nicans time lettIng out of Retell from our fire department , I thInk ( lie governor ought to veto It. Joseph Hayden-I thiinlc ( lie ciy council and the mnayor ought to run Omaha on a kind of home rule plan. I don't think that we ought to allow Sam SmIth , or anybody else from Kalamazoo to dictate to us how we ought to inamlage our munIcIpal mffairs. I think the governor ought to veto the bIll. I Felt as Thoilgil Rats Were Gnawing at Ihc Coats of My Stonach , Thomas Dc Quincey , the author ; Mr. Ad- . dington , an English under-secretary of state , , ann ! ( Ito Dean of Carlisle have all left thIn epresslon on record in their wrIt- lmigs. They were all sufferers from chronlo imimilgostlon or eiispepsia , of whIch the Itor- rihile sensatIon they timua describe is a symptom. It imi catiset ] by the action on ( lie coats of ( he stomach of poisonous prIncIples set free hy the decomposition of foor. Thlo same lIaisons emlter ( Ito blood nmtd In ( line produce gout , rhculnatlsm , asthma , bron- chltis , sIck lieadmtche , nervous II'ostrntion. and many other iocah and organic troubles-- generally wrongly treated us Separate ant distinct dIseases. Other signs of Indigestion and dlmpepsla are a iientvinem's and distress after eating , bad taste In the Inouth , dryness of tile skimi , variable appetIte Ilatulency , broken sleep , bad dreams and nIghtmares , bilhiousness , fatigue and weariness without litbor , etc. , etc. 'l'hie body Is like a sepulchre amid ( lie food lies putriti and rottemi withIn it. Hence the deadly poleomts ( hint bite and kilmow like hungry rats. The best of nil renlelIea Is the Shaker Digestive Cordial , tilseovered mInt ! Itreparect by that lionemtt PeoPle whiomn we all have heard of hail respect. It contains the hieni- immg virtues'of Inountnlml herbs , cultlyated by' the Shakers only. Taken' as directed by (11cm tIle Cordial expels the poisons trans the bloml and by tomhlmlg and rIghting the ltomachm prevents the formatIon of more , . It will drive out these "knawing rats" anti scatter mull the other miserable effects of that one disease-indionestlon or dyipepsla , To make sure whether tiii remetly suIts your case try a small ten.cent bottle , sold almost nil druggists , Inexpensive. . (3 . ' 0LS- . - thur InexpensIve simleboards this year are very popular. We have never had suds beauIful ( patterns In ( lie ranks of the cheap boat tl. Here , for example , Is a dIstinctIvely hIgh grade ilesigri : It has tile carved top , iiammg- bIg slleive3 , tiuted lillIars wIth carved calm. hale , oyerlmnlmgihig front , carved base antI all ( lie proof llisrkil of a moat expensIve model , Yet we are able to offer It us one of eug lowest priced boards. leow persons are awake to the significance of tIme present low prices on fine furnIture. TIIIIY ( MNNOT 2311 iUImLICA'rEr ) NRX1I S1'ASONI 'they are only PoSsIble this year because of tile large stock whIlchm nceumtm- lateti durIng last year's depressIon , ovhien ( lie best worklmmen were kept at work , aliliougit thiere was ao mmiarket for ( lie pro. duct. duct.Vhmy not choose tillS sprIng as a good tIme (0 chmango your old-fashioned sldebosrdt Chas. Shiveriok & Co , , Fiiriiiture , Curtaiiis And Upholstery . 120J.1208 ( . . IOtJGLAS ST