Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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    - " - - - - - - 7r ; : -T-
r- - - - _ - - _ 'rUB OJ\IAl1A D.AU.JY ngl : 1"UIDAY , l\AU'II 29 , 18m ; . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :1 : _ _ \ . .
- - -
QrIc ) ; 1 : . NQ. 12 PIARtj STnEE:1 :
- - - - -
DtllTtrtd by unler to any put of the tit , .
t 11. W. TILTON , Leut
'rEI.r.t'ItONCS-Du.'nns ornet , No , (31 nlll1I
tdltor , No. : .J ,
- - "
MIXOll , U : < t'XW.vs.
Orand , Council fl1uft. E. F. Clark : , prop
Mfty : Rul Estate agency , 639 Broadway ,
\nrlln ; { lIushcs & Sons will open up ( hearIng
Iprlnbullillul / ( trndu ( with fifty men nt work ,
commencing / .tollllay
Unity Oulill ( will meet with Mba ArkwrIght ,
eorner Washington a\'cnuc and Scott street.
Helreshl1lcnts ) be served between 4 and 5.
John laherty was nrresle(1 last evening ,
for benllnnll / ! choking his wife , a ravorlte' '
trick 01 hiB. ITo IB charged with drunken-
ness and disturbing / the peace.
William 1.lbheclla , ngcll Gt years , lied at 3
o'clocl ycstcrdny morning. The funeral will
take place nt WII8hlngion avenue , hIs &
late ) residence , this artt'rnoon at 2 o'clock.
The Carpenter I'aper company ! hns secured
a jUl1nCT1t against the Nonpareil Printing
company for the lull amount 01 its claim ,
and Is i given possession of the wino aml
whisky 110 lonp ; In lIt1galion.
Jacob Sieln who lives at the corner 01
Avenue A and Twelfth slrcet , reports to the
police that r.ome time Wcdneslhy night Rome
one lugged ofT a big box Irom the rear 01 his
liouce containing eighteen dozen 01 empty
beer hottles
hurt City lodge No 71 , Ancient Free and (
Acccpted Masons , will meet In special corn-
munlcatlon this evening for work In the
Thlrl ! degree end ( hanjuet. ! All master
MQons are 'onIlally invited to ntteml. J. n.
AtklnR , Recrelary.
"The Evolution 01 Maim , " or "Where Did
Man Come From ? " Is Hev , T. W Wllllnms'
theme next Sunday evening at the Latter
Day 8allits' church , The subject wl1he \
con8hlured ( from a scientific as well ns n
theological standpoint , nllli deductions made
from the reasoning ot leading thinkers 011
both silleR 01 the question wIll bc given. All
c\'olullonlsts are Invited to attend
The Honey dlllnage suit occupied , ( the entire .
tire day yesterday In the United States court ,
nnd thc e\'hlence was not nil In at , the hour
- 01 evening alljournrnent. George and Onbe
Jolllison wlllillrew their former pleas ot not
m lIly amI Illellllell guilty to the charge 01
bootlcIU1lng. ; Fred DIxon , JUlllln Trever and
John 'Vlemeyer Illcnded not gllllly. The I
grallli jury made no report 'eslerday.
The telegram nnnouncing yesterday the
failure III Chicago 01 Malcolm & Wntterbur ,
stock brokers , stated that time firm hall n
branch In Council Bluffs , ns well as at many
other points In lo\'a. ! This Is a mlslnke.
They never hm an office here. The only
brokerage firm In the city Is Messmore &
Clement , who represent C. C. Viall & CII. ,
one 01 the oldest allll strongest firms on the
Chicago Board 01 Trado.
Burglars broke Into an outhouse In the
rear 01 J. F. Wise's rcsillence , 919 Fourth
avenue , Wednesday nlyht , broke Into a tool
chest and stole II chisel and six bltll. The
chest was tilled with valuable tools 01 all
kinds , hut as none of the rest were disturbed ,
It Is the theory 01 the police that the job
was done by parties who anticipated mnklng
a ralll on seine other place and were preparing -
paring themselves with the necessary up-
paratus. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Wo IiLve onr $300QOO to bun upon 1m.
proved Iowa [ arms , Farmers desiring lonns
can save money by dealing direct with us ,
thereby laving agent's commission. We do
not loan on wild lamh. nor In Nebraska.
Lougt'o & Towle , 235 Pearl strt'et.
j'EIl.'iU.Il 1'.tR. * ( JR.IPIIS.
L. T. Genung 01 Hastings Is In the city.
p Ed Hunter. postmaster ot Des Moines , was
In time city yesterday.
John Clark : has been called to New York
by a tclegram announcing the EIIdden death
of his fath'r.
Miss Louden 01 Fairfield , private secretary
of District Attorney ull'n , Is attending
' - United States court.
N.V. , Wells ' 01 Schuyler Neb. , president
ot the Omaha & Council Dlurt's Hallway and
Bridge ompany , " 1\'as'ln the city.
Mrs. W. W Donson of Dubuque Is In the
. city , the guest or her parents , Mr. allll Mrs.
' - George F. Wright , on South Sixth street.
George Duquetto who has been attending
school at Tuber college visited his relatives ,
In this city Wednesday , making the trip by ;
diaries E. Shelton , superintendent of the
'Durllngton city schools visited the schools
of Council Bluffs yesterday , time guest of
Superintendent II. " ' , Sawyer.
Charles A. Dune , who has been confined
tQ his bell for the loot sixteen weeks by
trouble In his limbs , was able to be about
time streets yesterday for the first time since
. , his Illness.
County Auditor J. M. Mntthews , who has
been kept. at home for several weeks by n
broken leg , Is ahlo to walk out with the aid
of crutches. lie visited the court house for
a few minutes \Veilimemday.
n''lh'r IL Serl01l8 .Tokl'
Some who arc quite prominent In social
and business circles are discussing the ques-
Uon as to whether woman has mON curiosity
than man. If you want to test the matter
clip out nil 01 this paragraph except the Imead-
big nnd the first line , and see if I others who
read the paper are not curious enough to try
and find out what has been clipped out. The
following paragraph Is the serious part ot the
joke , and It should be read cnrelully , but not
clipped out. It Is worthy 01 carellli con-
- 1Ilderntion. ! If your boy wears out his stockIngs -
Ings and pants at time knee and Insists on immediately -
mediately solllng his clean shirt waist , buy
hIm a pair of those overnlls for children
M tcalt Dros havq them for all ages , from
4 to 16 _
Whllt ii I In R riluno"
EverythIng II applied to a Hardman Piano ,
acid ! by Mueller 1'nno : and Organ company ,
103 : 'laln 1Itreet. !
For two hours 01 sollll enjoyment go to
the entertaInment nt the Western Iowa col.
loge , Friday evening , March 29. Twenty.five
conts. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
11011) for Uruoth t-IlITernr .
Charles Long 01 Washington township ,
Knox county , Neh. , Is In the city soliciting
aid for those In that county who have suI-
fel'ed a loss of crops for two years Iast. , lie
has several army comrades hero , who vouch
for his worthiness and has also crcllentlals
from the county oltlclnls lie Is not soliciting , .
for anything but seed \ corn , and hopes to be
abl10 secure a carload from here. Among
hla doeume'nts Is a certified l copy of time
0 rations rcoelvd during two weeks past. It
shows 3tiJ : lamllles , Including 1,861 persons ,
who have received a portion of these rations ,
and divided among them It amountcd to four !
and one-hall pounds of flour per week , one
ounce ot meat , lureD ounces of rice , allll two
ounces ot sugar , and other things In propor-
tlon The agricultural Irnplement men are 10
bo Interviewed today , In the hope that they
will help In wCllrlng se-eJ corn for those who
cannot otherwise secure a neN0i1 IUPIly for
this year. _ _ _ _ _ _
\\'u Ihvo liut IL pure 'I'hllll
It Is the Insurance gasoline stove , the only
gasoline stove made that a child can play
with and do no harm It takes care 01
itself ; can be blown out , lell open or turned
on , and there Is no 11o8llblo way for the
gasoline to Ignite or explode No smell or
odor , 110 dripping 01 gasoline , no bunting
your house down er burning your wife or to death No misery , no lu.
nerals , no deaths or use for an undertaker
II you use the Insurance gasolille Stove , as It
Is absolutely fafe. II you don't believe Il ask
any of our competitors , then ask them te ; !
blowout their stove and leave It open for ten
minutes then apply 8 match to time stove
ns we do with ours and lee what will hap.
veil , but be sure to 00 a Quarter 01 a mile
away before be lights the match , at there II
lure to be an CXllloslon ; then we would not
get to sell you an Insurance stove , III there
would be a luneral next day.
11HOWN'S O. 0 , I ) . . Sole Agent.
Seed potatoes corthern grown , Early Ohio ,
Early Uose , Durbank and sweet potatoes ,
onion sets : special price on large lots J. H.
Snyder , wholesale fruits , Council , Uiurrs , Ia ;
Gas heating stoves for rent Ind for nit t
Council Bluffs 0111 company' omce.
- - - - - - -
JOOO bu seed oats at T. IUsbtou's , : ! tOG W ,
. Broldw8v. :
, u.- . ,
Odd Fellows Figmlng ou the fUfchasc of
tbs Ogden hotel and Site ,
Dent that JIM nt'en Brewing for Many
Inya Ahont to ito CmulIlI\mnttll-
lItay JlrhlK n State 1I0mo
\0 limo City.
There Is a strong ! prospect that the Ogden
house will be purchn ell \1) time Odd Fellows !
oC the city III the near lulure. For Fomo
weeks negotiations have ' been In progress 1
hetweell limo O\\lIer 01 the house . O. 11'1
Simulls , and a committee from time various ,
lodges. The original purllose WItS 10 erect an
Odd Fellows' bulllllng on the site 01 the lInt
anleon , antI ( time Odd Fellows bought the lot aev-
oral years ago , InteHllng 10 put liP the building .
ingvhteii their nnnnc should be In proper
01 late It hns been found that the lot Just
west ot the lot already owned would be rc .
qulred , hilt the 0ner refused to sell It for
less than $10,000 , which \\as consllleretJ an
exorbitant price. The lOdge thereupon began
casting about for another location , and n
proposition has been received front MI'
Simons hy the terms of which the Mint will
be taken In part payment for the hotel The
exact terms 01 the proposition are not now
malIc nuhllc. A meeting 01 Odd Fellows Is
to be held tomorrow evening for the purpose
01 hearing the report of the committee , amid a
definite decision will probably be arrived at
then as to whether the pr.posltlon ) . shall b9 !
The bulllllng Is one 01 the strongest ! In the
city , It Is clallnel. xtenslve repairs wlll bo
reCJlllred shoulll the deal be consllmlllatctI ,
nll1 among theRe would bo the addition of
nnother story to the wing , whIch Is now
three stories In height , thus mnklng the entire .
tire blllllllng four storlM. There has been a
scheme on Coot for some time looking toward
the founding of a home for aged members ut
the order , and the local : Odd ( Fellows hope
that Council muffs will be chosen ns the site
for It , nlill that the grand lodge will take
the building , or a part 01 It , oft their hands.
It Ihls should not he done , however , they
will turn It Into omces or store rooms , as
may be thought besl.
I'or R Few nA111 S'oOffur time Felluwln
1.18t of Ilesirablo III"reh\I\I\l : \ , "t
(1 rvntty Itrtllleetl l'rlct's
Thompson's glove fitting corsets , that sold
from $1 to $1.71i , at 29c , range of sizes not
Jackson corset waists , former price $1 , re-
duced to 60c.
See extra values offered In bedspealls.
$1.60 crochet and $1,75 Marsell1es quilts reduced -
duced to $1.19 each. See show wlndew , 500
dozen hand embroidered antI Initial hand-
kerchiefs , worth 8c , reduced to 3c or 2 for .
5c.A new line 01 Irish point embroideries
Just received. See our prices.
Ladles' night gowns , worth from 45c to
65c. on sale a. 39c.
45c ladles' tucked skirts nt 25c each. See
show window display for other prices.
DIg lot of silk finished Foulnrd's figured
mulls and Swisses , worth from lOc to 15c ,
to close nt 5c a yard.
All sizes of chlliJren's light wool and cash-
mere hose. worth 25c. nt 12c a pair.
Council Dlurrs.
City Connell In Commltteo of the Whole
l.blen1 10 the 1.001'rumrnt. ' ! .
The cty : council met as a committee of time
whole yesterday afternoon. President 'Veils
ot the motor line , Superintendent W. S.
Dlmmock and George F. Wright were 011
hand for the purpose 01 having their say In
repl'to the demands made by time property
owners In the eastern part 01 the city for
hair 01 the Omaha trains to be run In their
direction. Mr Wright made a speech , In the
course of which ho read It Patttiofl ! which
was clrclllated by L. A. Casper and William
Sledentopf , In 1890 , In which the signers , all
residents of Pierce street , agreed to waive
nil claims for the cost or pavIng It the company -
pany would only run a continuous line from
Oak street to the river. Time offer was ac
cepted , but he mid , owing to the peculiar
management or President John T. Stewart
and Superintendent Stone , the cost of the
paving WitS allowed to be taxed up against
the company Instead of against the property
owners The first time ho or any of the
other stocleholders knew 01 the agreement
was about a year ago , when the company
was engaged In Its lIre.long scrap with the
city. He did not think the company ought
to bo held responsible for Its failure to do
what It never know It was obligated to do.
lie dragged an oft.told tale out of Its hiding
t11nco and informed the councIl that the company -
pany had never paid but one dividend since
It was organized and had to borrow time
money to do that. Or ; rntller he told time
council that he dId not expect he would bo
believed If he did tell such a story. The
new method ot running trains bad been
adopted because It would save the company
$5.000 a year , and ho thought It , ought to be
allowed to sland.
Superintendent Dlmmock said that ho and
Councilman lUsh ton stood at the corner of
Broadway and Pearl streets Wednesday
morning and watched to see how many 1)00.
plo change cars from time Omaha motors to
go up Droadway. There were not a dozen
In an hour , and a hall. No one stood on time
corner waiting for any car longer than two
minutes. The cars could not he sent up
Broadway without throwIng ! all time trains
011 time line out ot kilter and Inconveniencing
passengers In every part 01 the city. Now ,
ho saul < l , there was no walt longer than seven
mlllntes In the entire day , with one excop.
lion The prebent system enabled working
people and shoppers to avoid ( waits of more
than two or three minutes .almost all day
Ito offered any one $100 who could devise a
new schedule ot trains which woulll enable
time company to run Its trains up Broad way
without inconveniencing the patrons or the
rand , unless moro trains were put on. 110
Promised thnt when summer came and most
01 time traffic was In time direction ot alr'
amount park , all Omaha trains would be run
around the loop , excepting ! when a large
number wanted to go to tIme depots. Ito
claimed that In running one Olllalia train
lt 6 o'clock and all the trains alter 11:30 : p.
111. around time loop. time company hllli dls.
charged Its ohllgntlollli to the property' '
owners In the east elul of [ the city who had
signed the petition In 1890 referred to by
Mr. WrJght. The cO ' 'Pany had been coim-
tronted with time necessity of cutting down
expenses , and the question was , whether the
salaries 01 employes should bo cut or the
number of trains shoulll bo cut down The
latter plan was adopted , and he thought
limo company would bo upheld by every clt.
Izen who should candidly express his opnlon !
After limo matter had been discussed to the
entire satisfaction 01 everybody , on motion 01
Ahlerman Jlantow , time malleI' was deferred
until next Monday ovenlng's meeting
Marcus' fire sale Is drawing the crowds.
The stock consists 01 men's allli boys' cloth-
Ing , gents' lurnlshlng goods , boots and shoes ,
hats allll caps trunks and valises The goods
are slightly Ilall1aged by smoke , but not an
article Is altered that Is not worth two or
three times the price asked. Open evenings.
Hev. W. U n. Reese . D.D. , will lecture at
the Broadway Methodist church next Sunday
evening on ' 'Chsrlty , " with the Christian
hOllle as time central themt' Admission Iree.
\'u Ihe Eagle laundry II "that lood
laundry , " and Is located at 724 Droadway.
11 In oubt about this . try It and he convinced
Don' turget name and number Tel. 157 ,
1'0111111'11 lII..n' . Commcerl :
The Glee , Banjo and Mandolin clubs of time
Ulilverslty 01 Wisconsin will give a concert
at ohany's opera isoue next Monday e\en.
Ini : . Speaking 01 this large , aggregation ot
amateur musicians , the Milwaukee Sentinel
laYS :
Too often In writing or speaking . ot 1\ college -
lege concert one hils to exercise 1\ large
measure ot ehnrlt ) ' . Such I. not the case
with last nlslll'lI conc rt , 'l'he Willconsin
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - . - - , '
" --1'
" - (1. .
' - -
4Q1 ; , 403 , 405 BROA DW A y , - ;
- - III"J - . I , V _ _ _ _ _ ' - J.
\ctJ I :
C1 t ITo I
To clean up odd lines , we have taken particular pains in the various departments to make prices that will insure
quick sale. In some cases the quantity is limited and we advise an early visit , as at the iciiculously ) low prices V\'e now
offer. the merchandise quoted below is sure to merit quick attention from bargain seekel's. Spring goods arriving )
daily. Inspection mv Hed in the following lines : ,
' . . , ,
C ' ;
Laces , Novelty Dress Goods , Spring Capes , : " ' . " ,
Wash Goods , Dotted Swisses , Gloves and Shirt \Yaists ' :
. . '
Which were selected with the greatest care , and much more extensive than any previous season. .
At $2.26 , a beautiful line 01 clolll capes In
black ! : , Ilavy , browlI , tans and modes , worth
At $2.98 , black , navy and brown cloth !
capes , nicely trimmed with braids and rib.
bans , wOlll11 bo considered cheap at $1.00.
At $3,75 , black broadcloth double capes ,
trimmed with Vandyke point Ince and we1l
worth 500.
At $5.00 , heavy lallle sllle cape , Vandyke
Dourdon trimmed , lull sweep and would bo
cheap at $7.50
See exclusIve style capes at $7.IiO , $9.00 ,
$10.00 to $19.00.
See show window 11lsplay.
For this sale we offer two specIal numbers :
At ' 1.00 , 26.lnch umbrella , mal1e of goomi
quality : corola silk , natural wood handle , nnd
worth $1.50.
At $1.9 : ; . a benutllul quality ot pure sllll
serge , slllt cover , cord and tassel , best qllal.
Ity Paragon frames and well worth ' 2.75.
At 25c , nil wool suillngs In checks nail
mixtures , worth 39c.
At SOc , an elegant assortment 01 silk and
wool mixtures , fine check diagonals and light :
aol hugs .
At SIc , over 25 styles at English tweeds ,
In checks nnd mixtures , goods 62 inches wide
At 39c. bIg nssortment 01 Koechlln's fine
all wool chall1es , new desIgns anti colorings
An endless variety oC flnu novelty dress
goods In exclusive styles at $1.00 , $1.25 and
$1.50 a yard , goods Ifl'V
for less limn from $1.50 to $2.60.
Don't fall to see our neW' Mohair crepons ,
the Intest.
At $1.00 , a 46.lnch silk \ and wool mohnlr In
new effects ; also all wool : crepons.
'Ve place on sale a new lot ot fine French
scrges at prices thnt cannot be duplicated.
See value at SIc , 39c lOc , G2e and 6ic n
, .
. ' "
yard. . : ;
Ifl ; j
At 12tcwe offer an hnmenae nssortmellt
of benutllul wash goods , Including gingimammms
dncltlngs , percales , piques and the latest
novelty , time Jaconet Ducheue. These goods
must be seen to be appreclatel.
At ISo II beautlllli line 01 the silk taffeta
ginghams equal to time Imported goods.
At 2tie over tiO 111eces 01 imported zephyr
ginghams , big assortment 01 fine dlmltlt's
and a complete line or dotted Swisses In nil
time new tints and colorings
At SOc big line 01 fine Imporlel organdie
In beautiful tints , also a full line 01 the latest
wash goods and novelties , including the
corded madras , which comes In very Pretty
light , dainty pattt'rns.
We have made two prices on our entire
stock ot IIlaclt and cream lace fiollnclngs.
SOC and SOc a yard , former price front $2.00 $
to U.50 a yarl.
At 25c we otTer beantlful black DOllrllon
laces , just the right trimming for capes.
-Guaranteed Northern Grown-
Council Bluffs and Vicinity Imported Thousands of Dollars Worth '
of Potato During the Past S3ason. Buy Good Sead and We Will
Export Instead of Import. Writ for prices or call on
211 and 213 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Ia.
Cleaning 'and Dyeing of Garmcnh and
Go0t1s of Every D8sci'lption ,
Schocdsl\cl's Twin City Dye
IIF iiR1 'OI'Is , Cur. Avenuc A nnd 2mh (
St. , Connell Hluffs , Office , 1521 Fur-
num St , Omuha.
S Send for Price List ,
the names 01 Albert W. Huber , John oun
dram , George Hertle , Peter Asmus , Saenke
Dosen , Barney Johnnsen , Adam Kramer , Hoh. '
crt Liebig , Julius 1'0111 , J. E. Ahles , 1" . ltcimm-
hold , John Bruns Joseph ICehr , T. telnhold
and Marcus Sieck.
Dr. Parsons over Schneider's , 541 D'wy
Tel. 211i _ _ _ _ _ _
Davis , drug , paint glass man 200 D'way.
)0"1\ I'nrms ( 'om" III/h.
RED OAK , In , March 28.-Specla1. ( )
Never before \ ! In the history of this
county have so many farms changed hnnds
'at sueh mintisfmictorp prices as within the
Inst few months. l' allowing are the ligures
train Deeembcr 1 10 lIIarch 22 : Nllmher of
( arms . sOlcl , 13G ; total acres , 1G,41l ; total
amount paid , $7 U,421 ; average PrIce nor
acre , $15.70. fhll ! includes only \lrlee \ tide
salpII. Farms In the immediate vicinity oC
Ihlll city are held to he worth from $ G5 to
1100 per acre , according to loellllon and
qUII\lly. \ By leaving out a few large hut
poor snles , the average price per acre could
easily have been larJely itmereaseml 'rhe
only figures ut hand for comparison lire
those for 193. ! ! In that year the sale for
six months , nearly twice us long , were :
Acres sold , lGOOI : amount Imld , $ G5 ,358 :
verage price per acre , $1.32. ; )
JOWmI ThIef Cltuh : .
DES MOINES , March 28-Speclal ( Tele-
gram-Louls ) Siegel was arrested here today
for robbing \ his , A. Adler , at
Sheldon , Ia , ot watches and jewelry valued I
at $500 Time goods were found III the young
man's valise and ho confessed the crime. lIe
was lodged In Jail awaiting the arrival 01
oillcers Siegel's pnrents live In Marshall.
town , having gone lucre ( from this city reo
cently ,
111111\1\1111" , Easily I'rlghmtencii
BOONE , Ia. , March 28-Speclal ( Tele.
G'fllm-Alt ) ii . Tornblom , a liquor denier !
and druggist , was held up by two masked ! :
men at 11 o'cloclt last night In the 0111. I
skirts ! at the city. lie 11ulled a G'un und
flied three IIhots , frlghteolng the hllhway.
men nway. They are tholllht to be local
amateur who knew the hour Tornblorn
usually went home and waited for him.
Tried Co 1'0"011 " Whoto Jramlly ,
CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia" March S.-eSpeclal : ! (
TelcJram-Wllllnm ) Busier , 1\ German
1I'lnfnear \ Garrison , tried to poison his
nephew'lI family hy giving them ( a mixture
ot alcohol antI IItr'chnlnt' A boy drank 01
It and Is In a critical commditioxm BusIer III
In jail _ _ _ _ . _ _ _
When Baby was .le1 ; Wlf gave her Caaoria.
When the was a Child , 6110 cried for CAsIorlA.
When \ shim became Mls , she clung to Catonta
When the had ChllI."CDsho cavothem Caatcti
Insertions to mnteh nt 10c a yard
At lOc big lot of chlillren's lace allll cm-
bNldered collar , worth Irom 19c to SOc
At SOc a goad SOc gown.
Our SOc gowns woulll be cheap at 69c.
Sic gowns , worth [ rom $1,00 to $1.0. [ ;
At $1.25 we otter gowns worth from $2.00
to $2.60.
At 25e n big lat 01 drawers that sold Irom
Dc to 48c.
At 100 old lot of corset covers , sIzes Irom
38 to 42 , worth more thnn double
See values at 2tic.
At ' 1.00 , a big lot oC lace curtains In whlto
nllll ecru , lull 3)4k yards long , taped border
and well worth $1.50.
At $1.50 , a beautllul curtain , extra wide
and full length , would be considered cheap
at $2.25.
At $3.25 , fine net Irish poInt lace curtl\lns ,
In ecru only , a regular $5.00 curtain
At $6.10 , 20 PaIr heavy chenille portieres ,
extra size , reduced from $10.00.
. f'OWLi m : R , DICK & WALKER.j j
' m I ! \
G. Fowler , _ ] pick ' . G. w1a1ker } , A. WhieaWM : .1
= - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I , _ i , - , _ c- . . . . . . - _ _ .J ,
boys otter a better article than any which
has been heard here for several years ; The
people who think all college concerts arc
alike should have been at the Stadt timea-
tel' last night to notice the difference and
superiority oC 'Vlsconsln's performance
The Mandolin club deserves especial
prnlse. It Is easily the best that has visited
Milwaukee , und Its succcss was Instanta-
neous and complete.
The members of the clubs , forty In num-
her will arrive In the city , Sunday Among
them are lour vocal soloists who are said to
be excepllonally fine. It Is probable that
they will he Induced to sing at the evening
services at some oC time churches.
The clubs will be entertained at a recep-
Lion In Omaha by 1I1rs : Montgomery In the
afternoon , and It Is probable that they will
be given another reception In the evening ! :
after time concert at the home ot lIlrs. 1I0r.
ace Everett on Second avenue.
CommAndll ! MondRY , Atnll lqt ,
We shah begin the. biggest sale 01 fine dry
goods ever taken place In this city. This will !
not be a bankrupt or fire sale , but n genuine
unloading cash sale to raIse money. This '
lIale will continue until May 1. 'Vo are
compelled to make time sacrifice. Look out ,
for bargains , Prices and particulars given
'rrouhlo III time 'Vn.hln&toa Avenue School
Over Clmm . Cry. -
A terrIfic tempest In a teapot has been
raging at time Washington Avenue school
during the past thlrty.slx hours , and no
one knows yet whether or not halt time
pupils will he expelled for Indulging In a
largo and vociferous yell 01 time 0111 fashioned
sort. A new pin has just been received , and
while It was on the way time pupils spent a
great deal of time trying to decide upon a
yell which loull1 pThieriy IJxpress tbelr
leellngs at joy when It should arrive They
finally agreed upon a yell , and a frightful
yell It was. Tuesday the pins carne , and !
the yell was expelled from the lungs 01
several hundred boys and girls with an effect
which disturbed time devotions of the teachers .
ers In a woeful manner The next day the
announcement was made that something
dreadful woulll happen to any boy Or girl .
Ihat sprung that yell on the public again.
Jut It was much too good a yell to he lost ,
and so the following ddY , Instead of bringing
It out on the school rounds ! , time pupils
waite until they got down into time street
amid then let ! go of It all time way home.
Yesterday the laces 01 the teachers were
ominous frowns as they announced to their
pupils that time commands had been disobeyed ,
and then commenced an Inquisition for the
purpose of finding out who were time , d\&o. \
beillent ones. But little attention was paid
to arithmetic and grammar all day long ,
but there was a steady stream ot young '
hopefuls going into time principal's olllco
and corning out again after a searching ex.
amlnatlon. In time meantime the yell has
been completely stifled , 11\1) there Is a se-
rlous question as to whether It will over re-
gain Its breath
I 011111:0 III u.le.
The boys from limo Wisconsin university
are to be hero Monday , April I , coming by
the special ! cars , In which they live , move
and ha\'o their being In time afternoon a
reception Is given them In Ornaima and In
the evening they give a concert In Dollany's
opera house. They are winning much
praise , even the caustic Chicago critics join-
lug the applause. The Inter Ocean says Central
Music hall was completely filled and every
one was dellghled. Th Chicago llerald says
II was a most enjoyable eyenlng , and 'almost
every number was encored ,
Don't forget the Waverly Is time best high
grade bicycle out Our 21lb. Eclipse road-
ster Is up to date Full line bicycle supplies
at Cole & : Cole's41 _ Main street.
. losing 1)sys ) .
Friday and Saturday are the closing day
01 our great haif . price lIale. Come today
anll Saturday and get a picture or frame for
hall price. 11. L , Smith & : Co. , 45 Main at
Urler for time Wild C'at.
The first wild cat skin In many years was
brought In to the county auditor's ol1lce yea-
trrday by W. W , Potty and wall turned over
4' I.J'
, to the auditor In retuiti for ' the bounty offered -
tere(1 by the state.- His htshlp ! was captured
south at Manawa. .
Dlllpoto nil to Its Ownership IIrlOls Oil
R 4uccrLemai ,0"1 lIe"tI01l.
A dispute has arisen between Fred Wlttltc
and J. U. 'Young , two farmers of Crescent
township , over the possession of a farm ,
which seems likely to do a good deal oC damage -
age before It Is finally settled.
Wlttleo leased a farm from a man named
'Valker several years ago and built a house
and barn upon It , besIdes malting a number
of other Improvements. Alter he had fin-
tshed and was about to settle down with his
family to enjoy time results of his work
Young came In with a Claim to the ownership
of lImo property He b'ought a sut : ot eject-
meat against Wlllke In a Justice court In
Crescent township , after Wltllee had refused
to give the place up peaceably , and time suit
was to have been trIed yesterdny. I. N
FlIeklnger or this city went out to act as
WlllIee's attorney , but "hen the case was
called Young asked for a postponement until
afternoon , saying that ho would probably
dismiss time prbceodlngs. In tile afternoon
Wlttko and his attorney were on hand and
Young dismissed the case.
Whlla he was doing so Ills men were lIsly ! :
enga'gccl In tearing down time house and barn
and hauling off their remnlns In wngons.
When WlllIee and his family reached theIr
homo they found little ot tt halt , for time
lumber had been carted off hall a mile or
more front time larm. Wlllko Immelllatoly
lund a petition drawn up , claiming damages In
time sum of $10,000 from Young , and II was
filed In the district court just before locking
up time. Young Is a wealthy farmer and
good for the amount sued lor.
1\Irs. Albin Huster will hnve her spring
millinery display on Thursday , FrIday and
Saturday , April 4 , 5 and 6. Ladles , come ,
out and see tile finest stock of new goods In '
the city 321 Dronllway.
George S. Davis has just been delivering
to the physIcians the nt'ntest and most prac-
tical duplicate prescription book ever devised .
vIsed for time convenience of docors.
For sllle , nearly new , $150.00 "Daunlless"
bicycle , cheap for cash Also good Jersey
mule cow 201 Willow IIvenue.
Meal tickets good for 21 meal only $1
each , at hotel ) Inmcan
l\hrrl"I Imeemm.cs .
Time following marriage licEnses were Is-
sued by the county clef , yesterday :
Name nn(1 ( iBimiress . , ' Age.
George \V. Scott , Orbala . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Nora Moullon , Oma'imn.i ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1H
Lure Johnson I.urson , FOllawallumle Co 22
Mary SvendRon , I'oltllwallamle counly. . . 21 : : 1
Time In'Utllll O c1J olln. . Stove ,
Introduced by P. qJe Vol In 1894 , and
sold by him this euspui ' " , Absolutely safe
Can't explode No dAnger. De euro you get
the "Insurance , " " . l\
1' . C. DE "OL li04 Broadway
- . I Ii
Council Bluffs horse mmm'orket . Auction sale
every Friday arternoDn-n IClel's barn. Bring
In your horses II yoyypt. } , them sold.
Evans' Laur.dryp20 Pearl : tel 29:1 : ;
shirts , collars , cuffs , nhvork a specialty
Jv . McPherson , Pn\t , Cut flowers and
plants Deslrn worl'i . % i1 eclalty , Telephone
2U. 1281 East PIerce , to ; nell Dluffs.
Br Laugel , offire 410 6th ave. ; tel 180.
New 'l'r"utJullli ocl\lty ,
The action recently taken at the meeting 01
the grand lOdge ot Iowa and Nebraska ot the
l1nlled Orter ! Qf tha Treubund society
amounted practically to'a IIpllt np , and the
Iowa members ot the qrga1lzat/olJ ! / , It seems ,
are about to lake sep toward time foruna-
tlon 01 a similar society , wllh head barters
lit Council Dlutts. Articles. 01 Incorporation
were flied with time county recorder yester.
day by the "United Order 01 Treubundes 01
the Stale of Iowa ) , " and It Is the intention
ot the promoters to establish ! branches In
the other principal cities and towns of the
state. The trustees are L. IIl1rrlll , Fritz
IIllInachl : and Christian Schultz , In addl.
tlon to them , the roll of the society contains
SI'IS & BAINBRIDGE ) Attornn.I.I.'I'
umiiiij \ uinmmjuutivuu , Praetlco la thl State
IInd Iludoral COllrt' tOOIll' ' ! : a\JJ-7.8. \ , Sh utar :
Block , Council UIUIt'I , Jow"
Police Officer in Ottumwa Shot Down by
Liquor \ Orazed Miner ,
Other Officers NnrrO\vly A'crt H"uUnrl'ntu
-'holo IrulIIlly Turned on l.n"8 n"llre-
aellCnlh'os-I'rlHonor Sent tn Earl
l\1I,1I80n 10 voltl is Lyiiclmimmg.
OTTUMW , 10. , March 28.-Speclal ( Tele.
gram-A ) shocking tragedy was enacted late
last night , In which the most popular officer
on time police force wa ! instammtly IllIIecl ant )
time chief 01 police allll a second olllcer narrowly -
rowly escaped time same fate Fred I'leiz.
under Is a coal miner who has always had
such a contempt 01 law that he was con-
sldered an anarchist by his nolgimbora lie
hall always been quiet , however , and has
never made any trouble . A lamlly brawl
was 11reclpltatecl by 1'Ietzmeler whll under
limo Inllucnce of liquor , compelling his 13.
year.old daughter to drlnle beer. A nmur-
derolis fight with his wile was In progress
when Olllcer Graves arrived upon the scene
and knocking at time door called : "I red ,
whnt arc you doing there7"
I'letzmeler , inflamed by drInk , declared
ho would teach officers not to come into his
yard when they hall no busIness , and open-
lag time door deliberately shot limo oUlcer
through the head. When tile Patrol wagon
arrived wIth rolnlorcements a pitched battle
ensued. Mrs. I'letzmeler and her son , aged
17 , fighting the 0lllcer8' with chairs like de.
moos to keep limo husband frolll arrest.
l'letzmeler attemllted to shoot the chief of
police , but was thwarted by Officer JollIJHon ,
who In turn narrowly escaped being eliot In
time abdomen
Only the lateness of the tragedy averted
anotherlor 1'Ietzmeler would likely have been
lynched had the murder occurred when time
friends of time oUlcer could have learned oc
the deed 1'Ielzmeler was spirited away to
Fort Madison a lilt III safely locked In the
penitentiary to await his trial. The Ilead
officer Will connected wllh some of the oldest
and best families In the clly. .
600 dozen Inltlnl amid cmbrolclcrCll hom- l
stltchell hanllllel'chids at hnlt price , 2 lor Sc j
See special prices on flue linen hemstltche1 i
hnllll1terchlefs nt 20e , 25e nllll 330. 1
300 pieces new \'elllngs just receIved. See
time latest In chiffons , llfl\ssels net allll Tllx- ,
edo p1l11n nail figurcl1. Special assortment ab ,
2lic , SOc allll The a rnrl. . . ;
At 6'4c , 3 cases hleachell nnmeless muslin , , :
I'el worth 8c a ) ' : rl.
At 6c , 1 case short length In bleached
muslin , 10 to 20 yards , worth 9c I yard '
At ' 1.19 , 2 cases crochet and Marseilles
quil ( ! ! , worth $ and $1.75 1 :
At 4c , checlel and striped whlo goods ,
worth 7c.
See values otlrell at lOc , 1211a and 1ge.
At lOc , 9-4 unblenchel ( sheetng , worth 15Q
At 25c , a good sumler corset. , !
At 42e. a regular SOc snlmer corset
At 1i0c Jnclsonlsts , worth $1.00. i
At SIc , we offer Dr. Wnrner's misses' coIl "
set waists worth from SOc to 7tic. ' . , , , .
. - '
- - at - , ,
Dohany's Theater.
JOHN nOl . ANY , JOhN DOI\SY , .111. . ,
Manager . Treasurers
One Night Ony. ! Monday April 1. j
. .
Given by the
Glee , Banjo and
Ma11dolil Clubs
Aihmatmislon 7&c , Soc nail 25c. nJX , Brats , $1,0.
On * Sale Saturday morning , D o'clode
When Buyi11g
Fruit Trees ,
Buy the best.
A minute lost can never ho recovered ,
and It's I calamity to lose several years.
which so many Iowa and Nebraska people
have done when they hnvo bought foreign
crown , unnccllmatetI fruit trees ,
Were born on tle lands where their nurse. .
ry stock Is grown , and years ot \tent ,
Inlelgent experiment have tau lmL them limo
best varieties for hum climate. Consequently
their homu grown stock Is as hardy us the
forest trees 'fhey have n very large stock
for time spring , delivery und very tree is
wlrranlt'(1 true 10 name , Orchard , Vinyard ,
Lawn , I'arltnl 'rrees and Ornamental stock
Make no Ilslllee In your orders , Sund us
your list ot wants ! for prices. 'Ve can please
you In priers mind stock . Heterences.Councl :
Hluls Bunles Council Bluffs Department
Omaha Bee , and prominent business men
NurserIes six miles north ot Council DUs.
n . - . 0 Address ,
MENERA 131100. ,
Crescent. _ Iowa ,
President. Cashieff .
First National Bank
Capital , . . $100,000
1'1ul s , - . - 12,000
One of the oldest banks In the alat. of Iowa
We solicit your \u.lo. . and clectons , Y.
pay 6 per cent 01tm. . depoelti. We will b
plrata to see and serve 'OU.
Special S No1idlls-OolloiI 'Blufs
Id Burke , at W. 8 _ 10me ! ' . , ' 3 Broadway ,
- - - - - - - - - -
sale cU'lP maid aim easy terms. Day 4 hieaa fl
l'earl street. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
nllhe ; tine lawn ; gooll hum , mint , on paved
street It. I' . Oleer , IZ Main . . street (
- - - - - - -
Jurk ! ' . It 10mc.'s. 63 iiruadwmmy. .
1"01 ImN'r , 10tHI' : , riOt 623 110AUWAY ,
wil le\'en rola ; also tour rOIS adjoining
11 G2t JuUdwuy ; 100'1 ChIIC" for chimer lrlvllD
fatuity . \alling houae or restaurant sh , w
Jackson. .
FOil lIEN'S' , TO-li , , il tT ' ' .
_ Lougoo _ & Yo\e. ! _ _ _ _ : _ _ _ _ sT
dog Duke : has , .lur with my name stamped
. Ltlierah 10 (2) .
on I.lherl reward It returned : 2luveuue.
S ! I : . . Ii. Catmmliieli. _ _ . _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IANU 1"01 I.I'ARI : : NO ItiNT : AIOUT 20
acres of new led : trill rent tree 10 parties who
will fann time 8Ule , season ut lbl I : Apply to
Leonard _ ! : ' , Council itiuffs I . ! _ . _ _ ) _ _
WANTJm , Ihilli FOIl OilNhlitAia nOUSl
work. Zlrl J. I' . Davis , 1 Qulh mChl1
> trtet