, ' . ' " I , 4. , . ' . . , , ' , ' . t ' , I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ 'J IEE Q\f.AIIA ΒΆ : ! ; : DAILy.nTIE ! . FUIDAY , LrAnCIl 29 , 1895. _ governor WM again In the chair Senator Watson olerell the folowing : ' 'Vheea ! On the arernoon or March 2 , while the Ienalo In Commltle or the whole waI conRldHlnlenate file No , 222. Senator / Stewart of DaweR having the floor and .ls- cURRlng Inld fIle . Senator Noyes rose to n point or order and Senator Stewnrt reru"cd to obey the rules of this sennte when R ordered by Senator Tefft . who was In the cliatt . find perRlste.1 . In "peaklnr on thus defying the authority or this body . ! that the aargeant-at. rms was neclsarli' called . to enforce the order or the chair ; and 'Vheren . Senator Stewart declIned to recognize - ognize the serrennt-at.nrmR. and reslstel the enforcement of his authority hy dlspla . or ph'Rlcal force thus bringIng el nn In- neCeRar and 1111rnlned quarrel 01 the , floor of this senate nnll dl8grce upon this hody ; therefore he H lteolved . That thIs ! ( late deploreR the ' It , should reveal fact that any of I ! memhel' shal I such tlllenclR to lawlessnes as were here hroull to Ilht , ltosoI'eil That tllq Ienale hereby ex- yreRes It3 dlRapl.rovnl or the comlurt of pre1 I ! Senator Siewar and Judges him deservlnr of censure whIch I hereby IIIseR , Inl(89 ; the ! nator alologlze for his misconduct In open Iennte. Hesolvell , That the onduct of Hrgennt- nt-A rms Stewart he hereby comn1nlled ns PromPt and elcllt In nn emergency which might have resulted In ! erlous 11 I Il I ) ' , ' Senator Date nRId that the rc oltton be ' Inll over untIl tomorrow tinder the rules The Fennte Ron afterward Dllonrnel1 . Senator Stewart was seen hy The leD just ' nrer nllJonrnnent , hut ho declIned to make any statement as to his Intent'ons. ' SY Til I : IIiTIUN " : IIOtJI.I ) STtiI ) . iotutnr StO"rt tiil 1 Editor tndq Ulhnhl ! tmlnr , " tl" ! I. Inlor Irrhr"tnn % l.aw. JINCOI.N March 28.-Selal.-The ( ) Irrl ' aton bill . which han created so much oC a , . stir In the vicinity of North Platte , has already - - ready pitted both branches of the lCgllature , ' Tim senate 11asse1 Its own bill , No. 182 , ali * sent It 10 the hense. Thc house passed its own bill , No 43. and sent It to the aenate. The senale this morning , br a vote or 22 to " I ; . ordered the house bill to a thIrd reading over tIl protest of Senator laie who stated ? thaI people from the North Plate valley ' f' wanle to he heard In reference to certain of Its 'rovisions , - - , . ' TIe provision which seems to he obnoxious to some of the North Plate IJc'ple Is secton . . , 2,031 or the ConsolIdated Statutes anl Is a ! V. follows : ' No tract of land ohal he crossell br lore -I than one ditch , canal or lateral without the , written consnl nli reemenl or the owner J' , thercor , Ir the lirat ditch , clnnl or lateral , can he made to nnswer the purpose for ' which the second dich , canal O' lateral Is desired or Intentell , Senator Stewart who wIth Senator Allers , , Is looked upon as one or the best author- . Ites on IrrigatIon subjects In tile state , does nol share In the nlnrm lIe gives his rca- Eons for helevlng that the section quoted I ' should remain on the statute books br say- t : lug thaI lhe law contaIned In the b:1 : ordered ' to a third reading t01ay fully remedies - dies the allege ' ] Injusce of the rorong : provision. Section ao : of the bill now pent- log , and which wi go to the governor to' morrow. provides that all persns , companle3 or assocIatIons desirous of constructing a ditch 01' to enlarge any ditch , canal or other works heretofore constructed by any other person , company corporation or associatIon , ' and who shall he unable to agree with the owner anti claimants of nny lands necesry ' to he taken for the sie of any such works . thereof touching the - or any part compenm- ton and damages , shall bo entitled 10 cou- dcmn tim right or way over ali through the lands of others tar any and all such purposes. ' Senator Stewart contends that the provi- , slon taken with sectIon 2.034 or the present law wi give Nebraska nn Irrigation law : equal to that of Colorado whIch he considers ' the best or any state In the unIon. . On thIs subject A. Bartlett Woods clltor 'of the Oerlng Courier , the leadIng newspaper , In Scols Duf ( county and a gentleman who has given the , subjcct of irrigation much . . . local study . 'say : , ' . Admlttthg . for the sake of ar/ument. that the section should he repaled. how much ; better off will the l1blc be If the bill Is c . ' defeated ? The disputed secton will stIll he 'i. n statute. and the Irrigating Interests or the tate J' he deprived of the benefits of ; , 'i ' .wliat-Isunlversally conceded to be n god I- .nnil timely measure. Nothing Is to be - . . gained by the defeat or the bi , Nothing - can be hoped for by the opponents of secton : ,034 nt thIs session on account or the lale- L , . . ness of the date nt which they began their : active Caml1lgn. An opportunity for I molncaton : of the aceton was once open , earlier In the seslon , agreeable to both : Senator AllerR and nepresentatve Harris , 'which was then rejected , hut Is now urged 'ns n compromise As to thl merits of the S section . while there arc always two sides to . n contrO\'CrR , I Is to 1r be hailed that the public wi nol hastily form a conclusion The ' entire terrier } ' along the North Platte In - Cheyenne and Scots Duff counts , where . ' there Is the greatest development of Irri- , gaton , IR In"fvor of the section as It now ' 'stnnds The ' section IR Intended as n pro- tecton to the land owner to prevent n multiplicIty or canals across the lands and 'Ii I ; found In some for among the laws of - : every irrIgation state In the union But for this section lands would he subject to all ; the canals which the caprice and whims . mIght sUgest. Tinder the sectIon I Is hn- possible for lands to be cut Into lat irons I the orIginal canal cnn answer the same purpose. In order to 110lnt the moral It IR ' only necessary to inquire who It Is that _ ; usually almost Invnrllhly owns , the lands In the western part of this state ? , JUST .JOllKU TII UU.L TO IJ'l Dick Snilt1i' 1111 fur I'utting Capitol 01 \Vhr" " Intir'nu 11 jill. J.INCON. March 2S.-Spcclal.-When ( ) t. RepresenlalvC I.nmbor Introduced In the ; f house his now celebrated bill to local the state fair nt Lincoln S nltor SmIth of Doug- las county offered as a counter irritant n bill proposing ) to relocate the state capitol lt t HastIngs. This forenoon the house made a ; 34 monkey out of Laniborn's bi , and n ! soou , l lS the fact became known to the senate Sen- ' Itor Sheen , chaIrman of the con11ltee on ' 4 constitutional amendments 10 which Senator r' , Smith's bill had been referred reported It : ' back : to lie ( senate with the following rec- ' , ollcnlaton : \Vi' 1'Illlen < that len lte file No. 322 be ' amenllel In the commilpe or the whole RO , 'nl to suhml the 1I'O/.osllon / or capItol re- movnl to the vole of lha ( state ns follows : 1ilrll-Shnl , the state capitol he removed ? " SeCOfld-Siiaii it be lemo'ell to , Seeond-Shll I ht hastings , Adals county , GI'r/nl. / Seols Blur county : , , OCIIOVII . . 1 lmort coulityVooil ; W\'er. Jlal , count : Pawnee City , lu'\'nee county , nell Cloud , Wehsler county , Avoca. Caps county ; ; l"nlrbur . Jerel'SOI county : 1.'I'lend , Saline . cobOl } " ? - I hclng further provlle.l that ttiiy other , Place II the state may he suggested and - nchhlll In the list by any scnltor prior ; e to the nIJourm\11 , of the ) 11'esenl Irglsln- , ' t tore : Ilro\llcll thai metropolitan and cities of the first lnPi liavitig nlorI ' then 5d,000 tl Irst ta8" hll'lnlorl' ( ,0 Inlmhlnltl shal hI Ixllult from all the , benefls of this act : m\l provlle < further ( hUt IC 10 cl ( ' shul receive / majority oC 3 all votes cast the said capitol shall he re- monl 10 the cIty receiving the highest num r' bee of "ptes nail there remain fOl' a II'rh)1 of five years , nt the expiration of whIch tme I shal he ) removed for a slmlur * ileriod to thl city rcclllnl the next hhhNlt & ) ictilli- r ber 1111 10 on through the list of eanlidate cIties . , I 1lnH further I'rovhlell ' that no cIty shall . whie In IioS5eSi n , of saId calJI- Joss < g tel barter sell O' trtIlIifer Ihl lame or IIY 110rlln thcrrof , except to points or 11\ts : : ullslle of thIs state ; ro\'llet further that liD city shall be IICelel1 coml.Hcut tl , le. , l'elo fell capitol that hnR nol hlen Incor- IJomtctl for n honed ' of l'hhtllu ) "I'arl , 11m- ; s ' 11\11 further , that no change of locnton of alll (1J101 shul remoe or change the ! ' course 0 Sni creell or the MIssouri river ; ' 't end pro\'lded fm'twl. thnt wherlnR ( pII I cohn , ' cmcmenc Hem to exist thIs bill I /hal take effect Immellate\ upon Its iuas- . sage by the scnute , wih ur wIthout the concurrence ot the hOe ot representatives. : Senator Cross objected to thin report , 10 ' said that vairbury woull not tale the stab capital ns I gift If II had \ to submit to the Ivuomlny or a session oC the legislature i t. every two ) 'Clt Seater ' ' 1elt saId that A\oca. Ito Barkus . I was wiiIIn' , Senator Akeri protested , against the ' l eighteen Ylan clunso lie lalll that ( hoeing _ was enl - six years cli. Senator Sloan oXJhlne\1 that tlo present ' . legIslature would IRloubtcdl ) Ilx 18 l years Q the age or consent , ali thai with thl under- ' . etnndlng the committee did not reel hike . - recommending that the state capItal he ' - forced upon nsuy town that had not yet ' - readied the age of discretion , SEnlter Graham slll that Inasmuch I the - . , cIty of teatrlcl the I UIUtfll Queen or lice Du ! hl'not \ ben IncluJed In lice list of 'V candidates . hue cit I hIs duty to object \ further clnshllrltun of the report , I there ( ceo . wont over uutl tOI.rrow , . . . . , - . - - ' " - - - - - - - - - ! f : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . STOCK YARDS . TiE SENATE ; Regulatng Measures Pased by the HouEe Bent to the General FUe. EFfORT TO CHORE THEM OFF FAILED Commlteo , JrlJrlc,1 ThNn for Inlolllo l'o II'olrlelt. hut thai SrJRtorl Iefulel to COlcur II thin lbccoinnuentlatlon- Urlof Ucllte 01 thin :1Ucr. LINCOLN Mach 28.-Spechal.-ln ( ) the senate thll forenoon the stock yards bills nl- ready palsell In the house to regulate com- mIssions amt ( \ yard charges were placed on general file II spite of the earnest protest or , No'es. Many republican members voted to 1IIIce the bills on general no who will not vote to IJISS them shouhl they succeed In running the gauntlet of the sifting committee - tee and afterward of the committee of the whole , In other words . there Is a faint suspIcion - pIcion that I number of senators took advantage - vantage or tie opportunity to place them- solves Ill nn aPlarent attitude of favorIng the legislation contemplnted In the bills. I Is freely Ilrellet(11 thai the bis wi be eftectu- ally smothered by the sittings coinacittee. Hut there arc surprlses-evcn where un- hooked for The senate opened the real work of the morning session wih an attempt on the part or Speedier to resurrect the bill regulating the South Omaha stock yards lie moved that senate fIle No 12 , his own bill . bo mate aim order for special consideration at 2 o'clock. The bill Is on general file , hut so far his been ( \'erlooket by the Ilng committee. As soon n the full force antI effect of Sprecher's 10ton struck Gl'ahlm anti Pope they Imme- diatehy , raised the point of order thai Inasmuch n ! ) ' lullis nn eeui'rul file hnd II resolution 11' r..t time senatebeen . : i placed li- charge or the sifting committee It would require a two-thIrds majority to nice time bill In qle - ton out of the hnnts or thai committee and advance It for special consideraton , TII poInt of onlE was sustained and on roll cal Sprecher's moton to advance time bill was lost , eleven , senutors voting with the senator from Colax and sixteen against. But the stock ) 'a.ls bills were not so easily disposed of. A few moments hater Crane or the com- Ille on mlseelaneou ! corporations reported two bills which had already passed the house -house roll No 9. nxlng the charges to bc mnde by commission men , and house roil No :28. regulatIng blue stock ) yards lhemselves On house roil No. I the commItee reeom- mentll Indennlle poslponemenl OPlOSID CHANB'S nEPOHT Sprccher moved that the report be not con- curred In . hilt thaI the bill be sent to the general le , Caldwel or 1al county at once favored Sprecher's malon , Ito said the bill affected every 160-acre farm In Nebraska and that the people of the slate were deeply concerned. So Imllortant a musure should not be indefinitely - definitely postponed Noyes or Douglas county opposed Sprech- er's muton , lD said that It was a bill which affected his own constituents as well as time consttuenls of other senators I was . perhaps , trao , he said , that the bill affected - fected evcry 160-acro farm In the slate. But I was equally true that the entire state or Nebraska was deeply interested In the stock yards at South Omaha The men ownIng time stock yards had Invested an Immense sum of money , and they hall every reason to feel proud In the slccess they had achieved. On the other hand , the reports of the Kansas City Board of Trade revealed ' the fact that n very large proportion or the stock sol at the Kansas City 'stock yards was drwn from Nebraska The people of Nebraska should have more pride In their own stale and not attempt to still further embarrls a great locl Interest by passing hoslle legislation. The proprietors of tie South Omaha yards had spent large sums of , money ' and wore ' spending , iuoro money every year than they were receiving They were working to enhance the Interests of Limo state and wore asking no ravors. Noyes appealed to the senate ' nol to pas hostile legislation al time present time. Hitchcock said thaI he did not understand that the mere action of the senate In placIng - Ing the bill on the gen ral file wOlld work any Injury to the slack , yards He could see no reason for Indennlely postponing a mes- mire or 80 much Importance without giving the senate an opportunity to dIscuss I upon its merits. Cross said that he" was not In favor of striking nt any Nebraska industry but the bill In no way arectCI''the stock yards Interests - terests I waR aImed solely nl the concmls- slon mon-anolher association entirely. Every stock shipper jn the stat had an Interest - terest In seeIng that ' 11 charges made by time commission men were nol exorbitamlt. He hoped the bill would not be summlrly disposed of . as recommended by the committee - tee on miscellaneous corporations. Caldwehl saId thai wlullo he heartily Caldwel whie hearty con- curred In most of what had been saId by the senIor senator tram Douglas county ho knew I to bo a fact that while the South Omaha Stock Yards company had an Immense cap- ital ! , I _ stock ! , amounting , to _ $ 5OOOO.00. over one- namE Ol I was vaLer i was impossible to ship stock to those yards and sel to the packing houses wllhont paying direct trIbute to the commIssion mcn. Noyes closed the debate by time statement that ho believed time senate would be mllllng n serIous mistake In passing time bill under consideratIon. lie thought that II unler late In tIme session to take up the mater for discussion and therefore moved as a sub- sttule for Sprecher's mol n that the report of the conlmitteo . indefinItely postponing the ) bill bo concurred in . His substitute motion moton was defeated and time bill WIS deeatel bi went to the gen- oral file by time following vole : Yeas- Akers , Lhr , Snuitim , ilreuusler . 1 "I.son. fmlh 'jcft. Crane . ' , ' Clne. NOJ'eH Watson-Il. Hnhn , lope , \'llln-l. Nays- iliack , Graham . Slun.lers , lau.r , hitchcock , Sloan Caidweil. hluibrooi . . Sprecimer - wtl lolbroSprrcher. Cmnmmubeii. .TetTmleui , HtWIII , Crawford. I.IIII"IW. Rteurer , Cn , aluicluell. 'Vrlghl- ' ) . Dnl" Hathhun Absent-Gray and Mclceeh ' . - ) 1cleeb ) house roil No 328 , ale recommend for hulennlte postponelent , was , hy viva vcco vote , placed on general tile , PROViSIONS OF THE BILLS. House roil No 9 was Introduced by Rep- I'e entatve Suter IlolUIH , from Antelope count ' . It Is entitled "An ) I entte.1 act to fix cOlmls- slons for soing live stock In the state of Nebraska , and to provide a penalty for the violaton thereof. " I provIdes ns follows : l3eclou ( 1. It Steton I shah he unlawful for any IWl'son or I'ersons pelhlg live stock out of any stacie yards withIn the state of Ne- Iraslm to charge a greater commissIon for selling tile 1Ie thou the ( ohlovimug : See 2. For eiehllmmgeattle. . 40 cents Forelln / elln'atte. tier 11ad , and not to \'xee 'atte. per car. Iel < selhllf hogs , G cnlR l'el' 1I'1d , anti not to tXClpil $ ; per car for . single dtel , himd ' li ( I Per car for double de..le curs 1.01 soiling uuimeel ) , 1 cents IHr head , and nol to seling $ Iler car ror Ilnlo mlecl . amId H per ear l'om' double ' ' ler 10' < Ol blo declt 1':1'1. h3e. : Any pcnol who shah vIolate 1\1 ) ' of the ( pro\"Itlon $ oC this oct shah be IIcmc < guilt ) of mls ] tmelnor. amid Ullon convlrtnn ( hereof /hal I bl thlNI for the I .Irlt olfcnR mint less thll PJ nor monut than HO l ( for the SCCQIHI offense not Iom than $ Iou hoe lCre than $ X Iml for Iuch < 1 sub- sequent oenEt not less than $2 nor mome than $ ) . m011 house roll No , :28 : Is more comprehens'o In its Ilro\lslons. 1 was Introduced by Rep- resentat\o Jenilins. republcan , from Thayer COUlt . and peonies as folo\I' : Secton I. AI stock yards opened or l'r- guulze\ under time general corporation imiw \en corpQraton Ilw of thl state . 01 by HII(1111 charter , are imoreby dl'elare to be pmmbhic mularketme. UIC Hec , ) : . , \1 Ilel'jn . rUlllrnlonR publc IUrk(11. 0111- Jnnlcs ) dealing at IHICItocll yards shall 110 the /lme rights Ruth privliege-s with nfl other , al huerrns or corporations. and no lelOI corlJrlons. In lights or prlvlelel nranlell or conferred to or \1101 lIlly lerSOn or corporation either directly or imIdliccIhy shah be lon ellpl' \lrccl Imllleelfhal \lthhehl from In ' other lerlon , C0illlaI ) ) or corpolutioml . bee. 3. 'l'hero shall ba } lulclmt number ot competent lem'ons the ' 'letOml ' IIJllolnt\11 by gO\- l'l"IWr of time state for each stock yard , who ! hal hue Jive Ito\'lt inshiectors , who < Ihnl \ determIne wlat Etoole Is unli for mlrkt and have th same remo\ed , The said In- Ileclol' shah also .lltermlnu what are jdggy ] sows mild wimlem ore stags , Iml aimee nlow a dockage of 101 to excell fort } ' llUUmldS for . clrh "Igg sow anti nol to ex- reed tlxti' 111111 > ( or eam'lm stag. .AIR1 11 p"run3 ; exe\'pt thou IPJolntt1 unllr the 1.r\'I.lols . of hlR I section mire hereby pro- Illlell frotl acting 1 : ltuck Ilslectur , _ - , _ . . . . , - - . - : . . . : ; . And they shall receive as coftipeneatton the coiP Anm of 15 cents for eaOl car 'tns cted , and lJO more to be paid hy the shipper. Sec 4 , 1hal raid Inllwnn fu th'n- ers or proprietors ( or any stock 1'nrd wihin this state to chnre n grater price for ynemhing and welghlnF stock than , the following - lowing : For ) 'nrln" and weIghtIng ' cattle . 2 cents IJer head : for yarlln" and weigh- lag hog . 8 cents per beau ; for ynrdlng and weighing Rheep , I cent per head. Sec , G. I shall be unlawful for the own- ers or proprietors of any stock yards wihin thlg state to charge a greater price for grain anti lucy than the folowing : For ( orn , oats hay and all other graIns or feed . double the market price In village or city where such stock yards are located ; snhl Price to be governed b ' the market price on day of delivery of said grain feeder or ha ) ' . Sec. G. I "hnl be unlnwful for time own- erg or proprietors or ally stock yards within this state to sell or delver' nn than for the same less lln 2.0 Ilunlls of hnr for n ton of hull ) ' . Anti It shall be unlawful for amuy such owners or ProPrietors to Sell or deliver less than seventy Jounls of corn In the ear or fifty-six Pollilils ) or shelled . corn for n blshel , or . less than sixty Ilunlls of wimeat 01. thlrt-two hioumuds of oats for 1 pounls hitmiu ci. Sec. 7. I shah he Inlawrul for the own- ers or p'ol.rlelors of any stock ynrd wihin this state to prohibit the owners or any dead stock In such yards to RI to any per- lon to whom alll owner 11 ) ' desIre to sell the 8ame. Sec 8. Any person or IJC'SOns who shall violate nmiy or the ProvIsions or tills net chnl he deemed guilty " or a mlslemeanO' and on convlelon thereof shah be lne 1 sum not lesq than $51 ] nor more than $ IOror the lIst offense , and nol less tlnl $100 nor more than $200 for the second dlense ; for ench suhsequent offense not less than $200 nor more than $500. SilATIl 1'tSSt ' S Ft VR J10n. ii 1 l.LS. 11o"quroq that , \eet time Atm'nhtratlon nr Civil Matters In Nrhr kl" LINCOLN , March 28.-Speclal.-Thme ( ) sen- ale thIs forenoon read the third Lime amId passed fl've bills . all of them of consIderable hlportnnce and all extremely likely to puss time house They word lS follows : Senate file No. 44 , by Oraham of Gage coully , all act to Ilrovhlo for the Ilelllng or nn Incumbrance book In the ofce of the clerIc of the dIstrict court all to require the entry therein by time sheri or each levy or atachment or cxecuton , In order 10 bind subsequent vendees or Incumbrances. The bill provides : Section 1. That each clerk of the district court Is required to keep for the business of his oee a hook to be called the In- curh.nce book In which the sheriff shal enter a stntement of the levy or Iaeh nt- tnchment or execution on real estate ni imerelmiafter . hereinafer provlle Sec. 2. No levy of nl,1ehment or execu- Lion emi real estate shnl be notice to a subsequent - sequent vCldee or Incumbrncer In good faith , unless the sheriff shall have entere In a hook , which shal be kept In the olce of the cleric of the district court by such , cleric and cied the "iimciumbrnuuce bok , " 1 slntement that the land describing I , hns been 80 ntache or levIed on , the cause In I which I was so ulachel , timid when I was done , signed hy such shrlf Such book shah he open , as other Ilolts kept by such clerk , for public Inspecton , The second bl passed was senate flue No 36 : , by Bressler In general I prOvIdes that : SectIon 1. All county , precnct amid lown- Shill ) oiilcers may he chargd . tried nnil removed - moved from olce for olcial misdemeanors , In the manner /nd for the causes following : First-For hnblull or wilful neglect of duly. Second-For gross llartalt . Thlr -I or op pression Fourth-l extortion. FIh-l or corluplon , Slxth-Fol' wilful nmaladmninis- trton In oiiiee. Soventh-For convIction of . hnbltunl a felony. Eighth-For drunken- ne s. Sec. 2. The district courts of this state I shall have exclusive , original jurisdictIon to I hear and determine charges against county . I preclncl and township Ofiiecrs . ' The third bill. , was ( senate tile No. l8 , by' ' McKceby or Webster , r j an ICI validatIng cerllin defective conveyances of real eslate : I provides : Section 1. That all Instruments or writing relltng to the conveyance of real estate or of any Interest therein , made and executed - ecuted without n subscribing witness , and recorded In the proper records or the county wherein such real estate Is sItuate , prior to the 1st day of January , A D 18D , are hereby declared legal and val , and the record thereof effectunl to all Intents and purposes , tile same 'os 'r - such instruments bad been , executed \ .lth n competent subscribing - , scribing wItness ; providei3bisaet Iha.1 not extend nor appl provldes. action or 'proceed- lag now 11endlnS In any court of this state Sec 2. That all instruments of writing relating to the conveyance of real estate , ' or of any Interest tilerein made and ex- ecutcd hy a corporation . and recorded . In the proper records of the count wherein such real estate Is situate . prIor to the Is1 day of January , : A. D 1895. "re hereby de- cared la legal I and valid . and the record thereof effectual to ni Intents und purposes the same ns If such Instruments lIed been executed wih the ' .eorornte seal of such corporation attached ; provided , this net shal not extend nor apply to any action or proce.cdlllg now pending In any court of this state. Senate file No. 131 , by Sloan of Fillmore county Is n bill of considerable Importance to the smaller towns and cities of the state. U apples to cites of the second class havIng - Ing a population of less than 5,00 and en- chloe them to make contracts for lighting plants. It provIdes that these cities are nuthorlzed to make contracts with ahd authorize - thorize any person , company or association to erect and maintaIn gas or electric light works In saId city , and gIve such person . company , or association the exclusIve prIv- liege of furnishIng gas or electric lights to light the streets , lanes , and ales of said city for any length of time , not exceeding twenty-one years , and to levy a tax not exceeding - ceeding ( mills on the dollar In any one year for the purpose of paying time costs of Igbt- Ing the strobes lanes and alleys of said city. The last bIll passed was senate file No ! 356 , by Pope of Saline county , providing for ' the educaton of chidren confined In time ' poor houses amid for the payment of the ! X- pens thereof. The bill Is as follows : Section 1. That wnel'e children of sclmobi l age anti or sound mind shall he connned In nn ) ' 1001 house of this state , I ahal be the dULY of the count } ' hoar , where the same can he domle to make arrangements with the officers of the school district wherein said poor house Is located or with some school district adjacent . to have the children - 11ren so chlrgeable to the county attend school at Ruch time and place amid to have and receive such text hooks and instruction as m3imail be provided for other chidren attending - tending In Raid Rchool dIstrict. Sec 2. I 1111 he the duty or the count } ' hearth upon the report of the omeers of the school dIstrIct , wherein arrangements hlva been made for the el1uclton or the children conilneti In the poor imouse to draw a war- rant on the general fund of the county , paynhle to the treasurer or said school dIs- trlct : provided , however the county /hnl not he liable for more than Its proportionate share of the expenses for text books , fuel and teachers' wmmges. ( 'orrectlmig mm 1111' i . 'ritin , LINCOLN . March 28.-Special.-Governor ( ) Holcomb , while examining senate file No , 160 , which ha already been passed by both brnnches or the legislature and sent to the chler oxecmmtive . discovered tllt the tithe Is radically defective . The bill was Introduced by Senalor Holbrook of Dodge county and was designed to ellbio cites having a popu- laton of more than 5,000 Inhabiants , and less than 25,000 , to create hoards of park commlsslonts , to acquire land for parks , ant to levy a tax for Improving the same , The title doe nol refer to the Ilrovlslons of the bill deferring the duties or thc pak commls- slters. , fixing their compensaton and the levy of the tax to Improve the parks. At th3 suggeston or the govtrnor , Senator Hal- hrook movoII the selnto this afternoon to re- quest the chief executive to return the bill to the upper branch or the leglslalure In order that the tithe might b corrected , The melon - lon ( was agreell to Inl time ro\rlor In a brief special message COI1lled with limo re- 11Ullt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I.ti.a fr n l'armor hy t1rr. FALLS CITY , Neb . .March 28-(8peclal.- ( ) At time farm or Chancy NemYe9. sr. . who lives about thin ! mlel north or tills city , them was a large tIre yesterday eyenlng' abut 5 o'cloek , In which he lost about .000 worth $ or IlroJery , gralmm stock and farm ma- chmllmer ) ' . Ho lost twelve head of cattle , tour horses. led about 600 bushels of corn . stud 200 hushels ot wheqt.apd oats , t\ Is 1 wel- to-o farmer and time insurance . Is about $1.000 In Farmers' Mutual , ' Miss lllle Ryan of DawsOf alq down Wednesday and I visiting friends and rea- ] ' th'os " - : r A. Clmenon or Omaha vll * d her parents , Dr , and Mu ICeer ! . of thIs city . ' WeOkly : cubriisLan Iii Trouble , hASTINGS March 28-Spclal ( Telegram. ) -Tho Weekly Nebraskan was closed today by a mortgage or $2.000. held by the First National b.mtmk of this city , ) OMAHA hAVE THE FAIR Oontrot wi'Itlo State - Eoa of Agrioul-I turo Will Remain Invlolato. I ( ' LINCOLN 81f DEFEATED : IN TIE hOUSE Amende,1 In COlmltM or time " 'holD Till I ; ' % 'as4tssseengnlsahlo antI Then Cnst hate Outer lnrluJ'1 lT R Uecllio Vote . r. _ _ LINCOLN Mnrch 23-Special.-Timo ( ) bill 10 permanently locate the state fair at LIncoln Is as dead for the present sessIon as though It had failed for passage on thIrd reading. In committee of limo whole It was toJny slugged Into time realms or oblivion by time decisive vole of 65 to 5. As It transpired . the bill nt no tme had the slightest show of SUCCOsS. For awhie 11 Was used as n small club , but Its emcleney In this respect son eval.oratc and It b cle a laughlpg stock. I one thing more than an- ether was developed In the debate this mornIng - Ing It was the ( apparent settled convIcton that the Nebraska state fair should never be localetl perlnaner.tly at nny ciy , Iclemnbers expressed themsel's l opposed to this plan. They pointed to Iowa amId Illinois . where , the state fairs are permanently nxed. All Inter- est In thrEe Instntons lulls dIed out and rivalry between dlrenl cite has ceased At every session of their legislatures applc- tons are made for large approprIations. Time cItzens of thost stales are disinclined to make an ) ' great IndIvidual effort In behalf or what have brome state institutions . But this Is exactly what the Lancaster . Ilele- gaton was working for the establshment of nnother state Inslluton and anal her sink- hole for state money. Amendmenls submitted this morning provltell for another "bonrd " wih 81endanl under secretaries , and made large I\/ro/rlalons for their salaries. Ppr- haps th S imendments , which gave the whole case away , did IS much ns anything toward I defeating the m asure. Originally LimO bill , as drawn by LanIborn , provided that there should be held annually ut the capital of the stile ammO wihin two and one-half miles of the posteilice . a state fair of Nebraska , al such time of the year as time State Board of AgrIculure shah appoint. I WS also provIded that 120 acres or land shoull be donated , including a god mile race track and buidings , 'his was amedd , by general consent 10 read , "Simahi be held anmnmaiiy . commnclng In the year 1000 . " and providing that nothlnr should invalidate Omahn's presel contract i , with the Board or Agricimiture. NEARLY lULLED THE CHARTER DLL , The Omaha charter found a rocky read In the house today when I came up for final passnge I failed to carry with the emergency clause and at one time It seemed as If It would 11i1 to pass altogether. Rickett's amendment whIch knocked out the provisIon of Denedlcl's , whIch prevented dls- crlmlnnton In the pnrchnse of paving ma- tonal , was included In the bill as It passel today as were also the two nmenlments by Harte , which provide that the building and bier Inspectors shall be nppolnted by the mayor. Thojhll , . ns It passed , appeared to have but very few friends In any quarler The queston was finally asked on the floor durIng the long edge or the cal of the i hmoUse "Wh .aro so many voting against the Omnha charr . whIch Is purel n local mnat- terV' Ther(4 were a few votes against the bill given fa the reason hat the water sup- ply prolsloembraced territory twenty 'mies outsid4 t .lmlts or the city. There was general indifference mnnlfestel toward the bill durIng the entire time It was up for passage. House , roll NO'J602 , passed this afternoon . makes for . bcUerment of Nebraska tlbcUerment news- papers , and incrtases their value I provides that no newspaper shall be conslderel legal for the publtgtiap of legal notices and other official publlt ' S unless the same shall havealboll ihlei circulation of nt least"200 copies .eekly.ond shall have been pUbls1'i witimin the county for ihfty-two cons cutve weeks prIor to the publication of such no- tces , and be lrintedl'n whole ' or In part In an office maintained at the place of publics- tion. These provisions do not apply , how , over , In' counties wherein but one paper Is published . or In counties where no news- paper hls"been , published for a perIod of one year prior to time publication of such legal 'or other official notices . or In ountes where no news paper Is publshed havIng the , required - qulred 200 circulation. The bill passed wIth the emergency clause. t ADOPTED THE ADJOURNMENT nEPORT. The .olse committee on adjournment ' reported - ported time result of its conference with time senate committee . naming Friday , April 5 , at 12 m. l the hour agreed upon by the joint committee. Hhodes and Barry tried to amend by fixing on n day earlier . on ac- count or the present running train tme. which would cause an InconvenIence to many farmers living off the main lines of railway. Their efforts did not prevail , however , and Hailer' nloved that the rule against smoking be suspended during the remainder or the sessloiu hut the speaker again ruled arbi- traiy , and declared the motion out of order Van Honsen demurred , and Inquired If a mo- tion ! to SUSJend _ th rtles.w s not In , . order. He got no satSlclOn and time minority was agaIn squelched amid considerable ghoulsh glee A report was adopted commending Cona- way , chnlrman of the standIng relief COI- mltee , for his labors on behalf of relief legislation. , The house wont Into committee of the whole , with Cole In time chair , on time report or the sifting omnmitteo wiich had recom- mended house rolls Nos. 490 , 642 333. 410 stud l35. Time first , No 490 , was Lammuborn's lull to permanently locate time state fair at Lincoln Before any consideration had been given to the measure Van Hausen nlovod that the bill bo recommended for indefinite poslponement. Munger deprecated this motion . le said thaI the author of the bill , I.amborn , had a number of amendments to propose , one of them being to the effect that no Immediate ncton should be taken on fair location , hul that the measure should take effect In 1900 I Van Hausen said that as two mere sessions I of the legislature would ensue prior to ( list ' perIod , It would be well to postpone any legislation on the matter at present. Chace was In favor of the motion to indefinitely - definitely postpone. He believed that SOIO other cities than Lincoln shoull also bo afforded a chance to bid on location or the institution . t they could do better It would be to time advantage of time state. Benedict brought down , time honso hy read- log an extract from one or Sam Jones' ser- mons. In which the evangelist had salt : "If I conld ever jmp any respect for a glmbler , I would be for Ithe one who dldn'l squeal " The gentelin ( rom Lancaster ( ( urns ) had said thaI Ivthe fair were located perma- nenty at In.pln the people Of LIncoln coull Ilroceed to sin omit trees anti olherwlse dee orate the gr6untis . Why had time peOIle ) of LIncoln ; mevmrtthommgimt ! of this before ? The tact of the 'UJaler was , Lincoln hall , on a fair vote II time agricultural board . been beaten and Wsinow : squealing , Burch look hlglwr ground In his argument Jill 4 , - - - against time bIll. lie Mil that I provide for I location of the stale fall nt the ( aplal city of the slate. Sho'uld LImo capItal bo removed from Lincoln Limo fair would necessarily go wIth It. le believed that n recurring 10cc- ton once In five years added interest to Limo lair and increased the attendance. Mers wanted the fair nt Long IIno as first choice , Lincoln aecond Harrison was enthusiastic for Grand Island . That city was the natural home of time air , fair women mothers and dangters , fair men and the rlngtalell Mongolian phesuJt. , Grand Island was I place for time pursuIt of life , liberty antI the pursuIt of happiness The mayor of time cIty , Mr. OeI1e. . chIef clerk or tIme imomiso would sea that over ) ' \ 'isltor had all the liberty ho wanted . and would go out with time boys with I dark lantern I neces- sary , The fair should go to Grand Island , and hc hall an nmonllment to offer to blunt eect. He hopil the moton to postpone won11 not prevail. Suton oC Iourlas snlll thlt one objection which had been al1'ancell to nn Omnha hoes- ton was that It always milled when time fair WaS located timore. Were thnt true It would bo n gooll buslnes sPculaton tout It there fore\'er Ia could not understnnll wimy ally resident of any of the larger < tcs of the state SIIUII favor this bill , 1or Imimseif , were he a resident of any one of timenj , he would always want the opportunity to work for time Interest oC his city once In fIve years and try to securc for It the nlr. Thomns had always been of the opinion that the Rolemn contract entered Into with Omnha should be respected and lved up to Ho was glad to see that there was also n senlhncnt on the door which agreed with him , The amenllment which Imbor pro- posl , to allow time contract with Omnha to contnle smith locate It Iermanent ) ) In 1890 , indicated tluis. TIle first propositon Was to go lat ) hack on n contrcl , but It was ov- hlent the ) hOI thoughl bettor of It. Iunger's great plea for permanency was basell on the idea of erecting Irrigating , beet anti chicory plants on time grounds amId ius- tratng each year to farmer the progress or the age. I'ernuanency he argucl , was the main thing that shoull bo kept In \'Iew. LAMBORN STARTED A 110W. When Lambor11rtook to reaplulate the fures In the n(1 premium list he salll that Beneliet hall accused Crnmb of being a liar. Bnllet was on his feet In an Instant and 11enouneed the inslmmuation . lie had simply - ply repelled an attack on the commercial 11I.er of Omnha cltzen . Disorder followed time anlmaled colloquy between Lambor and Benedict following which a vote was taltn on Van Housn's moton to hHlelnlel ) ' post- pone the bill. I was defeated by a vole or ,15 to 35. Time bill was thln considered by sections. Barrimuoved an nmemlment to the first seton ton , making the date or permnnent location 1900. and providing . also , thai nOlhlng In the measure should invalIdate time existing contract wlh Omaha Thn n flood of othtr amelHhnnts fowed In on the clerk to Icale the faIr nt Long Iln ( Vniemmline , Grcelr Center amid Ornd Island. Apparently the Granl Island idea cnught the crowd That proposition . In the shape or an amendment IJ Harrison , carried by n veto or 44 to 38. Time house went wild and pandemonium - monium enjoyed quite a snccessrul Inllng , But In the end a mmuotlon to rceommend the moton bill In this shape for passage failed by a tie vote of 42 to 42. This made the Lancaster people feel geol , but their hilarity was short lived. Within the space of t\ minutes thy had time to think the matter over In nil its varIous lghts Ind shadows and were on their legs voting for Indennle postponemnt , I which prevailed hy 65 to I And thus the state fair bogIe mnn marche Inlo the hal and then marched out araln , The house then took a lay oft until 2 ar unl p. m ) iii.n the afternoon honse roll No. l60 COnIC . up on thIrd reading for passage. This Is time ' last bill considered yesterday In committee of : the whole amId recommended for paRsagl I I provides for divisIon or counties and location counles locaton of new county sats by n vote or a majority , instead of thretnrhs. of the voters , as Is now the law. The bill pissed by n vote or 66 to 2. House roll No 602 vas passed' ' with the emergency clause. This bill defines a legal newspaper , and provides that It musl have 200 circulation and have ben publshed for fifty-two successive weeks In the County , . . .VOTE ' : ON , TUE CHAnTER BILL. 'The Omaha charter , house roll No. 133 , then followed on third rending. After twenty-sIx votes hld been secured a cal of the house was demanded and song singing took the place of legislation for thirty min- utes. An attempt was made to raise the call , hut the necessary fifty-one votes were lacking. More dIsorder folowed and at last Benedict moved that further proceedings un- tier the cal be dispensed with , and II pre- c-ailed. The bill went to a vote , was lost with the emergency clause by 55 to 31 , and was carrIed wlthont the clause by the follow- log vote In detail : Yens- Allan . Crow Mel'nlden Ashby , Dlles. McNjtt Bacon , imy I , Merrlel . Barry , 'rUz. Myers Steelier . autmirie Muuuger. Beck , 1ah'hrOl'erJtn. . . use , harris , ohlmln , itenedlet. htumrrlson , iicketts . Bernard , Harte , Hnblngon , lirady . hinds , itoddy hirownell . Jenness . Rouse . Itureb .lenliiius Seluickedants Burke , Johnston Speimeer Cain ( Douglas ) . Sutton ( Douglas ) Compbel , Jones RuUon ( Pawnee ) Carlson , Judd , Timme , Chnr , Ifaup , " 'al , Chapman I"mbm Zink ( Johnson ) . " Colt. J.aoghur& . Mr. Spealel ' - 51. Cnawa ) ' , Nays- nrolmw , Johnslon Hothllutner . Cooley , ( NImnha ) , Hhlok , Crm" . lall8n. tissomm . Denlmuey Mclrtdl SmitIm . Goar. leVlcller , SOII"rmnn Grillith . Orion Sutor Haler , Remumlmugton . 'hOI18. Hal'II , . iiiwies. V'art . Higgins , Hcharlson , Weber , Huh ! , fohtrlsonllcI' - : Absent or not voting- Itroekimiimn . HnrlcRon , Scott , Bur8 ( Dodge ) . hoist , : llckman , Burs Howard , Van 10usen. ( Lancaster ) . Mll.'s . Zlnl lt" Casper 10111 juan , ( Simertulaml-14. ) Delaney . Time house then went Into committee of the whole to consller his reported by the sifting committee. house roll No. 642 , the bill prepared according to the specIal message bi Governor Holcomb returned wih his /1- nature attached to the antl-olconlargarlne atlched bill , came first , I provides that hnltllon butler may be manufactured for Ixport out Of buter the state. I was reeommencled for pasRage , and house roll No , 333 , by McNitt was next In line . rol bill enables ) olcers ammO agents of lunlclpaltes to go upon public hlghwn's and grade and otherwise Improve snch high- ways. The bi was rcommelllCI to pass. house roll No , 40 , by Becher. providing 10uso terms or olce of state oleel's here- after elected , was recomlmfnendetl to juass. I house roil No. 535 , by Sjmackmnamm. appro- priatiimg $500 for time relief of Cyrus F , Bake , simeriff of Nance commnty , Injured while do- fendiimg llrisommors from a mob , was recommnended to pass. 'rime commIttee of time whole then rose and bile report wail sublmlitted , Sutton of Pawnee moved that time report of time Comlllittee iii regard to time imitatlimil butter biil , Imouso roll No , 612 , be not comm- curreti In , but timat it be recomluienuleul for indefinite 1moatponememmt. Time mmmotlon did net prevail , 23 yeas , 58 nays. Time Imousit thieim adjourned until 10 o'clock a. ma. tommmorrtiv" . b--- - - -.5--ytu- - , - = = ; - - ; - - - - - - - - - ' - BRAND IJTI Collars & Cuffs 1 . - -4 Outfitters. Y 0 U RE A D 0 U R ' 'AD'whAT's ' TIIl IMPRESSION ? Y 0 U B U Y 0 U R G 0 0 DS - whAT's TIlE RESULT ? But let us mail you ( free ) our SOUVENIR o LASHIONSS itead it carefully at your loiuro , CLUIT'1'1 COON & CO. , Makers. Factories : Troy , N. Y , OUTCALT'S ' UNlUE DEFENSE Not Gtiilty of' Aisisting Mohhor , Because Absent When Crime Was Committcd , JUDGE DUNDY CONSIDERING TIlE CASE ivill ltem'crvo Ills flcciiumu 1111111 the Sn- PrellitI Court is liemird frolIc otu i'iimmta of Wiiit'it th&o Netraskn , tffmsir Is a l'usruiliei , LINCOLN , ) darclm' ' 28-Speclal ( Tehegramml. ) -Jumige lulmdy has takell time case of it , C. Ommtcault immuder umdvisenlent , AttormIcys Bmmrr ammd Vimeadomm closed timeir argmmnmemmts today OIl time mnotlomu to quash time immdictmmmcmmts against time ox-bank cashier. Attorney limier called Jimmlgo Duludy's attemmtion to the fact tiuitt eoiume of time COUmltS 1mm time illdictlmltllt ommubraco all Iliac of time offenses umamuleul ill SectIOll 5,209 of time Revised Statutes ummuier whulcim timeso himdictmmmeimts are drawll. \Vlmeadon followed with an objection to time worditug of time count charging tlmat Ommtcalt aided and abetted Mosimer lueforo time critie alleged sns comllmmlittcd , W'hmeaulemm cotmtemmuicl that limo tmle of law is that a persomm clmargcml witim niching atmd abettlmmg another umlilat lie acttmnhiy or comlstruetively present at thom timmle of time colmllmlissiomu of tIme crimmme , District Attorney Sawyer , rephyimmg to this objectiomu , referred to time case of Mrs. Suratt , charged with beimlg amm accessory before - fore time fact to time tncmrder of i'resldemmt Lincoln. Sawyer declared sime had been found gmmilty even thmoughm slum as absent Whiell time crllmlo was colulimmitted. W'lmcaulon immterpolumteml time objectiomm ( hint accessory he- fore tIme fact antI ami alder and abettor vere two separate 011(1 distinct offemlders , Sawyer adlnltted blunt a part of time comllmts were Imiul in time Ommtcaimlt irmdictnments for Imlultiphicity of offences charged iii one commnt. Time commrt said 1w wommid not rub 0mm time lmlotionS at timis billIe , but would vaIt for time suiiremume commrt's decislomma , whmlch lila ) ' Imare a direct bearing Oil timeso cases. LINCOLN LOCAL NOTES. Last Decemmlbor ilicimaril Ludwig was sent to time penitdmltiary for fommr ammd a imaif years for graimd larceny , Ills sentence has beelm conlmntmtetl arud lme imas been takemm to time Norfolk asyllmmml , hmavimmg become violemutly imlsamme. 1mm amlditlon to time political featmmres of time ciectiomu mlext Tuesday time taxpayers of time coumlty viii vote 0mm tIme qucstlomu of lssuimmg $90,000 wortlu of jail bonds. Time cIty scimools are umot in sesslomu timis iseek almd today a mmmminber of thou teacimers welmt to Beatrice to nttemmd time educatiommal meeting. AL time police station Mrs. Andersomm , a Swede woimlan , apiihlcd for imehp nmmtl was sent to time Home for time Friendless. Site came to Limmcoin to look for imer imusbamldhmo loft lmommmo imm Ommlalma simortl' after Cimrlstnlas to search lam' vorlc , and imas lmot been sluIce heard frommm. 1mm tlme district court today an amended letiiiOn'as filed imi tile Jasoum Miller estate case , ill wimicim Eva Ii. Lewis , his adopted dammgimter , is seekimg to enforce a ciaimn for $100,000. In Miller's will Mrs. Lewis was not remuiembored because silo preferred to marry imer sweetheart to devoting lmer lIfe as a missionary - sionary to India. V1LL DEFER TO COit I'LANrING. 'rrtai or time Scott I.ymmclihug ( miNe to Ito I'ut over a Coimplo ut Veok. BUTTE , Nob. , Marcim 28.-Special ( Tele- gram.-Simortiy ) after noon today Judge Kin- kaid of O'Neill arrived hi Butte. His lmres- once here , he said to Time Bee correspondent , \vas not a secret ; timat while imere lie wanted an expression of time people as to wimother or not It would be advisable to vostpone the trial of time case against time nmen-accused of time unurder of Barrett Scott until about May 25 , Time trial was set for May 7 , but this date does not meet tile approval of time farmers who will he summoned for time jury work and as witnesses , as it will be ill tile midst of corn planting , Time case will probably - ably conIc up between the 20th nail 25th day of May. _ _ _ _ _ _ Simm Wo Tat's I'oiltieal tngaolty. LEXINGTON , Neb. , Marcim 28.-Special. ( ) -A represermtative of aA Omnaima newspaper is in time city holding interviews with Sam Wo Tai , the ahieged candidate for mayor , time county clerk and attorneys. There no doubt will be an effort to rigiut time wrongs of the poor Ciminaman , amid the fact timat his petition for mayor was simply a blank paper will cut no figure. Sam Wo appears to elmjey time situation and imis nato- ricty imunenseiy , lie says the mayor only gets "Ihifty dolls year ; ploeceman lmo get fifty delia nmonth ; so wimen P iected mayor I pointa mnysiet pleeceman , " so it can be seen Sam is onto the ways of time politician. Umujor Sent to Jail , BUTTE , Nob. , March 28.-pecial ( Tele- gram.-The ) preliminary Imearing of D , M , Unger , on trial for larceny from his wife , was lucid today before County Judge Skuse. The accused was bound over in time sum of $150 to time May term of court , lie failed to secure bond sail was sent to jail. no ou KNOW WHAT IT lS' YOtl feel strangely tleprtu4ed : , 'emtlc , hPtiImlPS hmmtye 110 IllIC'tlte , iiiid w'ltli pa- culhii' : 1)flIllS ) tilrougliollt your boty. Per- Imitims some one will tell you you htmtvo time grIp , I'oi'hliips yeti lmmtve but time ChmmlIlC'eS mll'O you nt.'c sulferhimg froimm a di'rmingenieimt. of the greatest oi'gaims iii tiuc body. DO YOU KNOW 'i'JIIS GILEAT TltU'I'II ? MUOJI ThAT IS UA14EED GRIP IS SIMI'r41 St l12NiI'iI ENT or Til I' K ! DNEVS AND NO MAN OR WOMAN EIL hAD TIlE ( \VIIOSEKiINEYS ! , , W'l'iiE IN l5EltlJC't' OIIDEII , . TimONo , gtemlt olgnuis 01' limo lOly ( tiii'ow iifI tIme lOIhims of tIme boiiy.Ylien they imre ( lIlt of ormiot' tlioy citimimot do this auth but' reiiult Is , volsoils go limb ( lie hilooti fbI ( mlhie * rhiottimmatisimi , 1imIliitiiit : nimd oftt'im lim'uuIllOliiIl , 'l'hut'se lime ti'mithumm vimk'Iu imll ilm'ieh1ns u1llmhitnumil ( it : 114 titiiiuliii'd luhmi''m'smtlb' , tlmmlt tli'u'ft 114 hilt omom reliletly limots'uz to the woriti ( or dui'miimged klthuieys , aimtl that IsVtmt' - Imtm. , H Smife Ctiu'e. YU ( ) CAN'T AFlOitD ' 10 NELFCJ'11 : 'i'll ESl ] Tib ( J'i'I IS NOR TItl'h'Fi SUGiJSTIONS. E' P"EiLl.AtlOUTCflANti11Q IT 5 u U the 1'e.ttmmrui un'l ltemuuv. lug lllornihsa , in 1W p. txhuk fo a stamp , , Jnlin 11 , % Yo.dbui'y , 327 % id2tiSt.N , ' , inventor el % Yoodbury'ii L'mucimti 13tua&i. RUPTURE . . , PERMAfEUTLY l- ' 1TTflT'TORNO ' jUIthIJ PAY , , - tb PAY UNTIL CURED , - , WE rEna OU io aooo PATIINTS' ' - Write for Ilask References. . . EXAMINATION Ffl1E. No Operatloll. 1o { Detention from Busln6ss , SEND FOR CIRCULAR , THE 0. E , MILLER Co. , O7-308 N 1. LIfe Bldg. , OMAhA , lIED , Acceleration of the pulse with a feeling of fullness and distention in the head ; cxliii- cration of spirits ; increased urinary excretion ; augnienta. tioll of the cxpulsivc force of the bladdci' ; peristaltic action of the intcStLflCS ; increase of muscular strength and endu r - ance ; increased powcr of vision in elderly people , and increased appctitc and digcs- tive powers. All follow from the use of the Animal Extracts prepared under the formula of Dr. Win. A. Hammond. Dose , 5 drops. Price , One Dollar. Send stamp for book which tells all about these new medicinal agents. You should know. Columbia Clicnilcul Company , 530 WASHINOrON , 0. 0. K1IIIN & CO. , ACJENTS FOR OMAHA. DOCTOR SEARLES - & SEARLES - : Chronic , NC1 tcascs TItiLtT.1 ENT i5'l M Al I. . ConLmltatlOfl Lre We cure Uatarrh , nil diseases of the Nose , Throat , Ohoat , Stomach , Liver , Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , P0- male Wualcuossos , Lost Ilanhood , and ALL PRIVATE DISEASES OF MEN. WRMC MEN ARli VICTIMS TO N1IItVOUD DebIlity or ExhaustIon , Wasting Weakness. Imu' solummtary I.osses , whim Rutrly Decay in young aimd unithile aged : lueg of vinu , vigor and weak- nett prematurely in empmoacllmng old age. MI yield readIly to our now treatment for loss of ltal muower. Call or addres whIm stamup for "lreuisrm' . free booit minut receipts. 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Soldby A.W. owmanCo. , N. lGthSt. c.J , Carison , 1218 N. 24th St. w. w. Fisher , Parker and L eavenworth St. J.Newman , 424 S. 13th St. ' Kelley , Stlcer & Co. . Farriam and 15th St. T.8. Cressey , 2509 N St. , South 0 m au a. - - - - - - - AMUSIM INP , BOYD' Tonight au SaluL'day , Mar. 29-3D. Matinee flaturmisy , DE WOLF HOPPER And time largemt and best company lie huas yet lied , interlurtilmg ; time ftummulest , hurigmmest , Immust imiclodic and heist ef oil COMIC OPERAS , , iimtitie.lS DR. SYNTAX , A. Sumptuou. Spectacular l'roduction , 'I ' arne Great Gest. Full Chorus of 50 , Magnilicont Coslumimes , Superb Statue Rttin lmmtire fist iloor , $ i.O : lualcony , 750 and $1. gutitory. 2)c. ? utailnee ermeu ; Fuji hoer , io anti $1.50 ; bumlerjmmy IOu aim , ) lIe. ( ) Ri1'1'A1S ' ASSOCIATWN Friday , March 29th , TYPES PROM LIFE , ' by Group of Swarthy iiimldoos , Music , omug , Rich lrcss. Adzmilulos 2)o. -