Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1895, Image 1

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ESTABLIS11ED JUNE 10 , 1871. OllfAllA , FRIDAY lr , 11ARCI 20 , 18m SINGLE COpy FIV.1 C l'S. i
Manitoba gisJatnro Will Adjourn Without -
out Passing on the School Question ,
SI .
OpInIons from rmlnenl COlwltnlonlt 1,1 'v-
erA Wilt 10 Scciire.I leforo the Ies-
I&turn lecunvcneA to T"ko
Action ni , the QtieiLtoii.
Actolol fnewton
WINNIPEG , Mnn. , March 2S.-Premler
Greenwny made an omclal slatement to the
Manitoba ( leKIRlature this afternoon on the I
separate or parochial Ichool 'Iueston , le I
commenced by sayIng that his go\'ernment
snw no reason whatever wilY It shouhl I
change Its loslton In regard to the schools I
of Manitoba-national schools for all and no I
separnto schools. The receipt of the message I
from Ottawa , with a copy of the remedial I
order made by the Dominion government ,
raised eonslltonal questons exceeding In IP : I
gravity nll Importance , to his mind , any
constitutional 'Iueston that has heretofore
nrlsen In 'Iny leglslatvo assembly In Can
ndn since the day when the Canndlan
provinces were confederalel. These ques-
tons affected not only the province of Manitoba -
toba , but every province , In the Dominion.
In view of these facta the government had
decided to asl that the leglsllture adjourn
until May ! In order that more ample
- -tIme may be given for full and delIberate
consIderation ot the whole matter.
The premler's remarks wore received with
cheers , and the motIon to adjourn will bo
agreed to tomorrow. The Catholics charge
that this Is an attempt to shIrk the Issue ,
hut It Is denied by the government They
say that the order from Ottawa Is an ml-
precedented one and must bo well weIghed
or there Is danger of a disruptIon of the
The \remler was asked by the AssocIated
press correspondent whether the Dominion
government Ioull he likely to take this proposed -
posed adjournment of the local house as I
refusal on the part of the province to act In
the mater of thE order. lie replied that no
such construction could bo put upon the ad-
' journment , Inasmuch as the provincial gov-
ernlent was taking the order Into consider-
athon. There was no , lllelhoOI that tile
Dominion government , having a clear three
weeks of sessIon before the provincIal house
meets again and sends Its answer , wIll act
In the matter before hearing rrom Manitoba.
Sir Charles Tuppcr's resignation and his
attitude on the school remedial ( order Is the
subject of much approving comment here.
The premier saId that his course was 1 sound
and honorable one alI was evidence also lf
profound polItical sagacity. Briefly stated ,
Sir Charles Tupper's contention was that the
Dominiongoverment &hould have gone to the
country on this Important question and
should not have called a session at all.
The government has already opened com-
munlcnlon wIth certain eminent constltu-
tonal lawyers and has submItted to them
for their advice some of the chief points
afectng the jurisdiction of the legislature.
Tiid Orange lOdge of Manitoba , In session
here today , adopted the following resolution : I
Resolved , That we view with the greatest
alarm the present state of affaIrs which :
exists between the Dominion and ManItoba. '
And We desIre to ( XP , ess our approval ct the
stand taken by our reprLselath'c In the
provIncIal legislature In Manitoba for our
S rights and lu'lvlescs , brooking no interference -
terence by the central government In our
edu atonal nlnlls ; and we cull upon all ,
Protestants to support no candidate for the '
) Iuu'e ot Commons or the Legislature who'
will not openly and unqualiledly pledge
hlmsely to determinedly ppse any nnd all
' 0 atfmpta toward the blenldng up of our '
public school system nuLl Imposing upon UI' '
and our children the accursed . system , .t ,
seParate schools.
Resolved , further , That on account of
Manitoba's central location In the chain ot
1nnltoba.s locaton tl
prpvlnces . which compose the Dominion , and
having naught to bind us to either save
relllon alI language and that inherited
desire to malntnln the connection between
Ule colonies of British AmerIca and the
notherhand , It must be aPparent to any
statesman , British ur Canadian , wllo' w1
endeavor to check Manitoba by illegal Interference -
terference , eIther In the management of its
sehooll or other Internal nrnlrl , by break-
Ing the central link of the chain , I must ,
naturally divide If , not endanger confeder-
, aton ,
The Orange grand lodge also adopted a
, resolution declarIng It was advisable that n
S < !
public con\'cnton , representative of al shades '
at relhlol &nd Political opinions , be hell In
) Wlpnllg at an early date to voIce the Fenl-
Sl me' ! ! of time electors 01 ' the maintenance or
the puhc ! , chools.
- - - -
, Sx OltA'r 1'itUII , 1:1 TIlE lAUII
l ' -
I 'floniiuiou 11nhtry Oi thl Hocln "lh
: it4 1 HI mell ChAnce , of Ireol,1I &
-P'TAWA , Ont. , March 28.-.There Is more
excitement In political cIrcles than at any
tIme since the news was received hero of tile
su4tien death nt Windsor caste of Sir , John
Thompson. That there are serious dIssensions -
sions In the cabinet goes without fa'lng.
There are two causes for this want of harmony -
S mony , One Is the recent passage of the
order In council recommending the Manitoba
government to grant remedial leJlslaton to
the Homan Catholic church minority . Tlc
: other Is thc decision of the cabinet to hold a
S senlon 0 [ I'ariianment before going to the
cquntry , Thl decision was bitterly op-
posed by lion . George Iroster , minister of I
flimance . I I announced that Mr Paterson , '
. the minister of mlta , has resigned his ) ort-
, folio owing to ill Imesitil. By many Iersons )
the plc'a of ILhealtl Is regarded as a mere
suhterfuge. Mr Patterson wi accept the
lieutenant gonrnorhlp of Manitoba ,
Then came rumors In quick succession of
a moore startling event I Is known that
SIr Charles 'I upper has telJlerc hIs resigna-
b' tion . He has not attended cabln meetngs
for the past three daB. ills rCslgnaton
Was brought about by two causes In the '
first lllace , his advlco that un Immedlato up-
peal should bu Ilade , to time country was disregarded -
regaled and his claim to head tile House of
Commons was denicd . I Is customary for
tile minister of Justce , which portfolio he
holds , to lead , but qwlng to his youth and the
3ealousy ot tile older memberK tt leadership
was given to : , Foster , mInister of ftnance .
The leader of the house haa tile frt claims
to the cmlershlll , and as Sir Mackenzie
now 1 la an olt man Sir Charles TU\\er Is
very anxious to have the right of succession .
In addition to theme definite facts , there Is
a very pronounced rumor to the erect that
lrlnanee Minister Foster and Mr. N. Carl ,
Walace , limo controller of customs , , will ale
resign. should tIlls prove true It means
that the French Catholics wIll have a ( C
Jlnderance of power In time cabinet n thing
that Ontario Will not agree to. These best
posted predict trouble for the Bowel cabinet.
ChICAGO. March S.-A dispatch from
, Winnipeg , Mani" , says : 'fhere was 1 de.
clded sensation at the close of the sitting
lat night when the government Innounced
that It would adjourn the legislature on Irrl-
day until May , This means that the remedial .
dial order cannot bo discussed before adJoul'n-
mont , Time government says ibis action Is
taken In order to gain time to consider the
legal points Involved , l'remlergat , leader
of the French 1oman Catholo party pro-
nounce It a 6cb-mo to force tile Dominion
govrnment to take Immedlal action. lie
thinks the house wrealljour from tmo
to limo \Ihollt discussion until time 10-
Ilnlol government makes some decIde ! ) move ,
The general 01111101 her\ ) Is that the Ilrescnt
conservative government la tot tering . The
rumor Is again revived that iiomm . Clarke Wallace -
lace , the comptroller of custom , , has ale resigned -
signed This would bring tile number Of rei-
' Ignltons to Ihree and the \en who are In
the secrets of the party say that I atmotild not
surprise them If under time clrcunutancea
lon , laekeuzle howell . the premier would %
& tesin
UTTl.U"IUl Im."T TO ! lCIt U , .
Main I'olnts In the Irll&nl4 Made by tile
I'ritIim ,
J'rlhh Coverllent
WAShINGTON , March 28.-The ultimatum
Issued by Great Irlnln to Nicaragua was
given out here last nIght , I Is addressed
to Senor Duros , minister ot Nicaragua , and
contains among other things the following
statement :
" 11cr majesty's government has fully con-
sidered voluminous documents enclosed
In your note of November 22 last , which you
have communicated to me In justification of
the proceedings of the Nicaraguan government -
mont In regard to Mr. latch , Irllhro -
consul , and certain other Drltsh subjects ,
who were arrested In August lat In the
Mosquito reservation , Imprisoned and ex-
pelel from Nicaragua , not only without any
Corm of trial , but without communication to
them of the charges against them , so as to
afford them an opportunity of absolving
tilemselves . Before proceeding to the ex-
alinatons made In those documents , I may
oblervo that alhough Minister latch was
not , strictly speaking , an olcer In her
majesty's consular service , I might have
bcen expected that the Nicaraguan nuthorl-
ties In time reserve , who carried on a correspondence -
respondence with him and made use oC his i
services In a consular capacity whenever and I
so long as It suited their convenIence to do I
10 , would , IS a matter of ordinary courtesy , '
have communicated with her majesty before
resorting to so extreme a measure ns the
arrest of that gentleman. "
The document then gives a historical re-
sumo of time situation practically as pub-
Ishe" In time English and American news-
papers during the last sIx months. Time
document says :
"With regard to the conduct of : .
Hatch , her majests government Is satisfied
Cram time report oC her majesty's naval of-
fcers that It was perfectly correct during
the time that he acted as BrItish pro-consul. "
Continuing . the 10cument says : "I do not
know that there arc any other points In the
document which you have communlcatell to
me of sufcient Importance to malta I neces-
sarr that I sl1eCluhy notice them. I have
emily to request that you will , without delay ,
Inform the Nlcaruan goverment that her
majesty's eovernment cannot admit that any
adequate or relahle evidence has been pro-
lucell to justify the arbitrary ant violent
acton taken against the queen's subjects
They held the Nicaraguan government re-
sl1nslhlo for these plceellngs and they
must require them to pay the sum ot 5OOO
on account oC their action In arresting , Imprisoning -
prisoning all expelling the British subjects.
Further , to cancel , unconLltlonaly , the decree -
creo of exile issued against them and to
agree to the constuton oC a commission
to assess time losses sustained by them In
their property or goods iL the reserve ,
owing to the acton or the Nicaraguan author-
Ities. Such commission to he composed oC
a British representatve , a Nicaraguan representative -
resentatve and a Jurist , not a citizen of
any American state , to be selected hr agree-
ment between time Nicaraguan governmenl
and the government of her majesty , and .
failing such agreement , by the president
of the Swiss republic. The finding of the
commission to be by a majority , the awards
to be final a 111 to be Ilald within three
mOlths oC the conclusion of their labors.
"Des Ides thee cases of Irltsh citIzens arrested -
rested In the Mosquito reserve , there are
others who have suffered at the hands of
the Nicaraguan authorltes , namely : Arthur
E. Sikes of Shefel < , England , who had been
working for a year In the Mosquito reserve
as an engineer and was serving In that capacity -
pacity on board the Buena Ventura when
01 the night , or , Jlly 30 II was forced , at
the point of the bayonet by Nicaraguan soldiers -
diers ; to get up steam and take a party of
them down the river to the Duefelds bluff ,
and was on arrival ther fortunately rel ased
ly time captain of thcUnled States steamship
Marblehcad : also Mr. Josea E. Gale a Jamaican -
maican settled on Great Corn Island , who ,
early In 1894 , was beaten with the fat of
n Sword tor refusing to perform military
'service and then made to Rcrve. There Is
the further unwarrantable seizure of the
British schooner Angela by the governor of
Corn Island and the detention of her owner
and crew. For thes outrages her majesty's
government must also huve satisfaction , and
they . require that the sum of ! 500 be pall
as indemunity.
"In < previous letters which I have ad-
dressed to you I have explained that her
majesty's goverment Is not prepared to
discuss any question with regard to the
treaty of Managua and the recent proceed-
Ings In the Mosquito reserve until this mat-
ter of time arrest and Imprisonment of Drltsh
subjects has been Ils posed of. So soon ai
these demands , which I hnve made In my
presellt note , shal have been satisfied I' '
shall be prepared to receive and consider
In a friendly spirit any representatons' on
these questo" which tile Nicaraguan gov-
ornament may desIre to make to her majesty's
"I nm , sir , with highest comlderaton , your
humble and obedient servant
Sir 1 , hvlr,1 Gray AdvuC5 tile COnltOn5 to
" ' .It for Authentolv'e"H ,
LONDON , : arch 28.-Tho Royal Nigro
company recently complalne1 to time govern-
mellt that two French pseudo exploring expo -
poditions hall Invaded territory In the Upper
Nile valley thnt Is under rltsh protection .
An acrimonious discussion of time matter en-
sned between the French nlll English imress
The question eamo before the House of Commons -
mons tonhht when Sir Edward Gray , parlla.
mentnry secretary of time foreign ofce ,
warned the 10usu against placing crelence
In mere rumors. Ho eounbeled waiting for :
'an oxplanlton fronb France , because any i
such advance ns that complained of by the
Royal Nigro company would be nn unfriendly -
friendly act , and , ho ndded , It \\as \\el
Imown to Franco thnt Great Britain would EO
regard I ,
Mr Henry Iabouehere , the radical leader ,
complalnell of Sir Edward Gray's mennelng
language , which ho said nmountel almost to
a quasi .leelaraUon of war agaInst France
Ht. lion . Joseph Chlmborlnln , the IbQral-
unionist leader , deelarell that ho approved 01
the statements mn'Je by Sir Edward .
Pro maismi Minister or Atrlclluro UI.ehuoH I
'hI Uov.rnml'nt'AII'II" , ,
BEHLIN , March S.-Durlng the debate on
time fodder and supply bill In the Prussian
Diet today , herr von lammersteln , the
Prlslan minister of agriculture , deelarell
that the Prussian government had become
convinced that COlntn ICanits's sehemo
for I grain monopoly was Incompatblo with
existng commercial treaties , all that I
would defeat its own object. Tile statement
caused exciement among time members of
the right. Herr von lammersteln also rc-
\e\ell wIth visor personal attacks macdo
upon him by time consen'ath'es ,
"If limo conservatives are dissatisfied with
time manner In which I discharge my du-
ties. " continued he , "I wi resign "
Thereupon so\'elal meinbcrs of the con-
scrvaUve party assured him that they had
no personal hostlty and thnt they had time
greatest estlem for him.
, I"I'A Suffering \lh" "ur l'rnzl' ,
LONDON , March S.-The Nagasaki amd :
Peking correspondents or the Times , In dls-
patchea Ilubllhet In that paper this morning ,
comment upon time war frenzy that pervades
the Japanese : llcople , and claim that tls
alows the wisdonm of the hlneae In having
wished to con1ul peaeo neotatons outside
of Japan 1011 IrftsllJndenls add tlat Gus-
ave ( Detrng und the \tler ( lnese Ileel en"
voys were attacked whie the ) ' were In Japan ,
though the a8aula upon them were less
acriua than the enl u on 1,1 Jung hang.
Time el\'O1 malntulnc , Ienc ! In regard to
the attack In order to Bold emblterlul the
Cubans in this Country Preparing to Aid in
the Strggle for Liberty.
ClaIm time Authorities In the Unlrl States
Cnnnot Stop Them n8 1,011 n8 8pnln
nenlll There II n State of ,
Insurrecton In Cuba ,
JACKSONVILLE , Irln. , March 28.-I Is
reported hero tonight that 1 amcret move-
ment Is on root to organize , equip and em-
bark direct from Jacksonville and 'ernan-
dma nn army oC 1 , OOO Cubans and negroes
for service In time insurrection In Cuba The
movement Is reported to bo mlnage < by time
Cuban revolutonits , The ground reported
to bo taken by the managers Is that ns the
Spanish ofcials Ierslstenty ) den ) ' that nn In-
surrecton exits In Cuba she cnnnot make
valid complaint nt Wlshlngton against a
lbusterlng expedition. The United States
eln and will recognize nll proceed against
filibustering I } , only wimen . Spaimm h gives . . _ formual I .
IULCO UIL an IsurreCLon eXI5LS Iuua
antI that an expediton leaving the United
States Is to aid the rebels alI thereby violate -
late time treaty between Spain and thIs government -
ernment , I may bo that the movement re-
Parted to bo secretly taking form here Is
merely nn alhlClous bluff to frighten Spain
Into nclmowledgng time insurrection , but
whether Il Is or Is not , conspicuous names
are identified with time enterprise.
Gonzales , lQuesadn of New York and
Colonel Irlgleredo Valdez Domlnlquez of
Tampa , who are leaders oC the movement ,
are reported to be wcalhy , aUI Ire con-
tributng large sums to the cause.
An Inluental citizen of Jacksonville , who
will bo a conspicuous member or tie legislature -
lature which meets next week at Tala-
hassee , Is familiar with all the secrets of
the clubs. He talked somewhat freely of
the expedition . i
"Solcitors are now at work throughout
Florida gathering money mind engaging men
to Join the expedition . " he said. "An attempt -
tempt will bo made after time meetng to organize -
ganize In army or 15.000 Cubans and ne-
groes. The army wi bo commanded hy nn
AmerIcan soldier , an ofcer of the Grand
Army . of the Republic . who las volunteered
for .the enterprise. The plan of the clnb Is
to charter fast steam vessels and embark
nt Jacksonville and Fernanmilna The expe-
diton will be prepared to ght as soon as It
leaves United States waters. It wlil
Unied ] w\ go
straight for n small Cuban port amI Join the
. "
Ilatllots. -
MADRID . March 28.-Telegrams received
here t01ay from Cuba state that General An-
tonio Muse together with twenty-six other
leaders of the insurrection movement In Cuba ,
Is about to form a provisional governnment.
This government , among other things , will
levy taxes to b devoted to meetng the expenses -
penses of a lbuslerlng expedition to the Is-
land. Four gunboats have been ordered to
prcceed to Cub to rlnforce : the feet there.
MADRID , March :8-The premIer , Senor
Canovas del Castillo , In an Interview to-
day , said : " ] Is useless to deny that the
sltuatcn of affairs In Cuba Is grave. nut
the government Is determlned to settle the
matter decisively this Ume. WithIn the next
six months 20.000 men will bo sent to Cuba
and , If necessary , 100.000 troops will be dls-
patched In order to occupy the entire dls-
turb2d territory. "
" 11 hH3rvo the Lmmr In time Future ,
LONDON , March : ! -The Standard's Ma-
dril correspondent telegraphs an Interview
wih Senor Cnnovns del Castillo , the Spanish
prIme minister , who said that the government
was satsfed wlh the attitude of the United
States In the Alanen afair and had ordered
time commanders of Spanish cruisers and the
colonial authorities to observe internatIonal
usages In regard to mariime acton vlth , a
view to avoiding a conflict with the United
States and other powers. .
Three lcrsons Killed II Uoljh& II n lior-
. ,
rlhlo ; IRnllI
HARMONY GROVE , March 28.-A horrible
catastrophe happened last evening near Apple
Valley. ' The large boiler at time Langston
saw n11 exploded with fearful results. Willie
god had just left the engine and was stand-
Ing near the saw when the holier exploded ,
and his body was cut entrely In two and
thrown several Ceet.
I John Lngston had finished rUng dinner
In a shanty fifty yards from the engine and
was sitting on his hunlt when the boiler
struck the shanty , tore one side away and
hurled Langston's body thirty yards through
limo nlr. Nearly every bone In his body was
broken and he was mangled almost beyond
" - 'ii " negro woman coolt In n shanty was
washing dishes when I was struck and was
instantly k\ed all thrown n considerable
distance through time woods. PIeces of her
clothln were found on trees twenty feet
above time ground
Ed Churchwel , hall his teeth knocked out
alll his lower jaw broken .
F . M. Langston , owner of tim plant , was
knocked down by the concussIon , but not
badly hurt
I. E. Brook , the sawyer , was gummlnr the
iW when the explosion occurred He Was
Imocked down and severely In3ured In the
face by limo saw's teeth , antI was still unconscious -
conscious nt 10 o'clocl last nIght.
Time explosion was terrific , and was heard
a distance ot five mle9 or more. The boiler
was hurled 15 yards up hl , striking the
ground and bounding up and down several
tmes , tearing down : trees hike I tornado.
J ; .ISI'mt. JW.UIj : ' U ! ' Tll IClTI .
higher Wea or the lnlnl\pl Th'l They
Jimmy " IDCI for " ( .Ir :
KANSAS CITY , March 28.-Commmmissiomer
A , J. Valaniinghnm Is In receipt oC a circular
from Chairman J , F. Goddanl of time Trunk
Line association Innounclng an advance In
rates , effective next Monday , on merchullse
from the Atlantic coast to the MississippI
river , when It Is destined for points In Mis-
semi , ArIzona , Arkansas , Colorado , Indian
territory , Iowa , Iansas , Louisiana Mexico '
New Mexico , Oahola. Texas , MeXlco'1
Wyoming The basis of the advance from
New York to time 1IssissIIIII river will be as I
follows : First class , 87 cents : second class , !
75 cents ; thlnl class , fg cents : fourth class '
H cents : frh class , 35 cents : sixth class , : ! :
cents 'fho proposed advance wi mumake 1
throngh rates to Iansas City and Missouri
rlvel' points higher than they have been for
I number of years . .
1IIIIns ; Iel 'l'r1 ii N"I URle ,
DOVEI1 , Del . Iareh 28.-'he higgins peo-
plo sprang a new candidate today In
Charles F Rchards of Ut'rgetown , but
the Adlcks supporters ref'ued to desert
their man untl he receh'ed the regular
'Iuotu ot votes In hath b.Iot9 that were
taken. I now seems as If the breach he-
tween these two factons IA 80 wide timut
they cnnnot be heuted. The two ballots
taken resulted a8 folows :
1lgstns. 2 ; Addlcks , I : Charles F , IUeh-
Ids1 7 : Massey . 4j ; Jdgley , 7 ; E. L. Mar-
tin , e. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
1tccugmmiz.i n ' ( llorRr1 ChRlrnml ,
ATLANTA , Ga , March 28-The police
board complication Beems to be smearing u
solution. Time board met today , end though
10 settlement was announced , there were
evidences that nn end Is In sight. Captain
Bngleh was recognlzel us the temporary
chullnRl , and the board IdJou\e until
Saturday , when the court 8hli hl\\e < passell
upon Mayor llngs right to preside over
thl board . I was anlouncelt that time mmsy
Police force wi be elected . Saturday . \
Ilullllrr".t'I1 Ut " "llllclrl
FEN''N , 1Ieh. , March 28.-As a result
of the II\eslguton of the elrculstanceB of
th ! deuth of Mrs Frank Annla , who was
'remutell In her hom\ ) 'crtella } ' , her hU8-
murder band lIes booms arrested on IUElllclon or the
BJl'IOrml .1 ! iisr nJ ' PJW TIWTEIJ ,
.Jullo Cnthvel Dient tromht.imo OpInions
.r Sanborn and TII"r ,
ST I.OUS , MarcH 2.-ldgl Cah1we\
today med a dissenting opinIon In the case
ot Mary Plnla'son against the Utica MinIng -
Ing all Milling company , which will attract
ntenlon In mining clfcles , ns well for
the boldness oC the optnloh expressed n8 for
the severity wih which he deals with the
majority .0Illnlon of JUdge Snnbor and
Tha'er. The point II'olVel 18 the . respon-
sibity of employers for _ ) he safety of em-
plo 'es. The plaintiff's I\usball \ hn,1 been :
killed by n falling rock that the foreman oC
the defendant company ( old him was not
Inn crouR. kIl
Judge Cahwel says : 'Tiie doctrine that
1 minIng Comlln ) ' can enl its em\loyes
Into the bowels of the ea\th to conluct \ its
mining oIlertons without making any pro-
vision for the proper Rpelflon and . Inspec-
tion or the mine for the'secullt ' ) all protection -
tection of the miners and the mine Is unsupported -
supported by authorlt , Is' opposed to sound
Ilhlc policy and Is cruel . and Inhumnn.
" ' court In
'fhe error or I majority of the
worlt In mine to
hikning the customary a
the sudden calling out of melt . to work after
IIJnt on the brink of a rnpl\t ) rising river , .
whose bank Is caving Inl \ save property
from destruction hy the floJ , Is too obvIous
to require iit4CtiSSiOfl Upon the law np-
Illcable to this case the. mnJorlty opinion
IS In direct II\I lmalPabhe'colmlllct with the
opinion of this court. " ,
Jmmdge Caldwel then discussed the reason-
Ing of the opInion , and fays that I Is "ns
false In logIc ns I II unfdullI In law. The
I propoliton , " he FU'R. "Is ui cogent statement
nf n niirpit' Imnllnnlve oa8e. H "
- - F" ti'r' 11OVAItIV1s4 : March :8.-The
St. Paul Railway company has summarily
dismIssed cleven engineer anti thirty-five
frelen from Its 11\lslon rUlnlng Into this
city because the men freluent saloons
whel off dnt ) . . 'hls Is 1m Iccorllance wlh
the recent determinaton lor the company
to discountenance the . Ilrl f . tce ,
lll'Ol r 01. It.IJWAl 1.lflNI.\ ,
l < rlllllon timotvS - } ' . While the
AtehlAlol ho\1 IU , ! InclelBl
CHICAGO , March : -The gross earnings
of the Burlington for the month of Peb-
mary were $2,060,550 . Q decrease of Gi,3t2
from the same month of last 'enr. Time
operating exepenses were $ I,4tIG , I decrease -
crease of $ ! S , ! ! Time ne eurlngs from
tralc over operating exp nsel were $ 0d-
381 , I decrease of $26Si23.c W'ith total ex-
pen es anti chnrJes ballieed against the
earnings for the month there Is a deficit
of 20S.GI9. t
Earnings of the Atchison system proper ,
exclutlhmmg himmes reporlell below . were for
excludlnJ thlll week In : Ialchf $ j:9.n9. : nn increase -
crease or $23.7 : for the 71onth to date ,
U.f2,75. In Increase I of staoo. ; The cn rn-
lags of the St. LoUis & San Irranclsco wel'e
for the week . i0Ig37 , a decrease of n09 :
the earnings for the month to date were
2'.40S , a decrease of $1.40. 'fhe earnings
of the Atlantic & Pacific wel'e for the week
$74,72G. nn Increase of 12,311 : for time month
10 date , $212.7j3. an Increase of $115 . The '
earings dae of the Colorado JUdland for the
week were , $30S9 , nn Increase or $2.177 : for ,
the month $ date , $ S5SG2un increase or
$7ISO. The earnings for tim Atchison St" -
team , ! nil hlimcs . were for the. week $739.1. I
an tel al lneI. 31,4G7 : for , te ' , month , $ 2,230-
700. nn increase of $74,214. :
70 meeting of western InC In relation
to the meetnA excursions , orginated by the
lilinots Central , resulted Inj' nothing. The
illinois Centrl wns practically told that It
could run the excursions It , It , so desired '
hut thnt the other roads , did not think It
just right. 'rhe excursions will run unless
stronger opposition develolls titan Uilt
shown todl ) ' . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _
T.IL1 ( [ IO.I"ST " 'O.U" " SUFJlllal .
Member Who Thouht Wyojlul Und lot-
tel Pattern Ar"r time ORder States.
SALT LAKE , March 2S.-'This has been
one of the most exciting and.ventftml days of
the constitutional conventIon'ZTh' ' woman '
suffrage question was again ! eoro the con-
venton In committee of . the \ole under the
ten minute rule. Hal n doze members gave
way to Roberts ( dtm. ) of , Dai's 'county , who
delivered a against thi measure. He
referred to the fact that , the r pot was designed -
signed from time Wyoming ' stat legislation , n
state that has I dark blotclmon its history ;
that cruelty at savagry ha\4 provalel there
In the wholesale murder of helpless forelgner
Not content with that , the committee had referred -
ferret to Colorado and Ka fas. Ho asked
why ' the constitutions of . Virginia and New
York were not polned .oit aqi models-states
that lund stood the test for ample than n hun-
dred years. Il warned the nvenlon tht
after the constitution vas ratied by the pea-
plo It would have to go to Washington , and
that the gentleman who wasfsh'en the high
honor Of presiding over the conventon might
not ho called on to produce { ls creemmtiais.
AgaIn , there was a feature dt , the silver ques-
ton at time capital. This feelng was not con-
fumed to Utah alone , but wan almost unIversal
throughout the coa t. . 1& appealed to the
\omanhood of Utah to withdrw the pellon
for suffrage. Thurman saul the Mormon
church was not In politics. 1t would leave
poltell parties alone If thou would. leave I
ahane. ,
I The question was still uUder discussion
when the conventon adjQlr .
1IA.lolarl'H Ordered 10 eny at home.
PITTSDUfO , March 28.-William P. Chal.
'fant and wife , who let imere'tss'o weeks ago
on their return trip to IChowliru , China , and
who were to have fnled o. March 25 on
the steamship China from San Franeilco ,
hnve been ordered by the rnbslon board to
remain In this country until muters have
become settel In Chinn. The , intelligence I
also comes flint the missionary station lt
Jehow lru hau been abandoned . and I United I
States gunboat his comuveyei the mIssion-
aries ( rom thnt point to Sllanghnl , where
they w1 remain tndefllteh' .
- .
Turn"1 Over tC 1'4lernl itmorlllcs. ; )
DENVEI1 , March 2.-Thej United , States
marshul has tll,11 charge of the lve prisoners -
oners at ColorRlo Sll'lrgs .chargell with
the train robbery on tlf FJ renee & Crip-
pie Creek rairoad 8atl'dn ) ' flighit . and they
will have I hen ring A"I'I 4 'on the chnrge
of huvlng nluel.1 Alexaner McArtimumr
custodian of the United Stlt l mal , anti
ha\lnl taken posseEslon of Iho ) math. This
brIngs the cage wihin the JUl1sdlclon of
the federal court
Shoplifter .Iw Not I'rathlny's . UInlW ! IVite ,
DENVEH , March 28.-1'he report that
AIrs Laura } bert , who vuai arrested In
this city on n charge of shqj\Ung , was
the runaway and , ,1.orcCl wlfe.of the senior
member or time /rl . of Ildley , Whel'1er &
Co. . of Kansas City and -ChlcIHo , la de-
dared to he erroneous. Ji'Jellls of Mr.
Dlwlt , Brn"e say that hI hus been mar-
rlell but once , anti that he tud hlB wife are
\\lnS happl ) togethel' .
Ihindls Get time Wlr.t ' limo Uenl ,
I.ITI.E HOCK , Ark. , 1fn\I at S.-Elrly
this morning three desperqdoel , Sal Mc- I
Wllnms , George Sanders und Sam Butler '
rode Into the town of 13mggmi Duter'l
BrSJt statone
nnnounced that ( they proposed to iiod np ,
the town. A lght between tJms bandits and
the citizens clued , In tl\ leWlllIs I
Ild Sunders were isliied. ' Butler escaped '
after being wounded The Ion , of time state
nsent Injured. , Mr , Morris : , was Ils . ; danterolal ) '
Staid Worklu 'VII It AOC"lli I Ueluotnn ,
l'I'l'TSI3UI1G , March \ : - ' resJdenl ; Gar-
hand of the Amnlsmated nllorll ' n will
go to Youngstown on tlturl 10 atend
the conference on the WiKO scale . The
Iron workers say there 18 n ( question but
thut the big reductions delllIeo by the
manuflcturel ' s will be rejectI , U. the Iron
maBters Insist upon the reduction there vihi
be a strIke II upn Shenungo anti Mahonlng
valleys that will affect about UO.O rnemm
loled time ( 'IUU ' \IIII' , Hllpt ,
UU'rE , Mont , March 28.-'n the United
States circuit court today before Judge
1)lowles the case of U. 1. Hnup ) ot the
Montana Mining , J.OII and Investment
company for using the mlls for I Bchelo
Ileged toe n lottery , was noiled sifter a
six days trial on Iotln ot the United
States Il0rne ) ' . 'rhll " " the ! th Indict-
ment found against Hault.
JIII.r \11 < I m. < muslim II I , JII ,
CIIEYENEE , March 2- ( pelal Tele-
gramTheomlng ) Wllrem\ court today
refused the application of riutrhs Iiouiter .
convicted cf munslaughter , to b2 admited
to bal sending IrOeeedlnb' In his allplca-
ton for I new trial.
Corn Smith , Aresod in This City Last
Night , Confesses to the Crime .
Cnnjht by I.ctcrs Sent to ler tether In i
I'rlsol for tile hcmmul-W'ns to S cure
Life Immsmmramiee-lowms Dc-
tectvo 18 Here
Cora Smith , formerly a resident of Des
Moines , but \ho hiss hived In this city since
last Sptember , was arrested last nigh on
infornmation received from Des Moines amid
hel for the crime of murder , ChieC Detective
G. W. McNutt arrIved from Des MoInes last
night just prior to the thnl the arrest was
nmado nnJ was with Detectives Savage and
Deulsey at the time of the arreSt
The Smih woman WS found In time Tre-
maine girls' house of prostitutIon , and shortly
after bing taken to time police stnton she
confess to having assited In mmmrderimsg her
father last Mn ) ' .
Mike Smith was limo ummurdered man's name ,
amid nrevlous to the last all succesul aI-
tempt to kill him by poisoning an alemllt
was made by simootimig. The bal Ilaslell
lhrough his heal just back of the eyes , amid
Cram the effects he was blinded. I was not
proven who fired this shot , and Smith could
not be led to believe that members Of his fam-
Iy were plottng to kill him , but Insisted that
I was I man who was nn enemy of imis
Not long after the shooting Incident poison
In smal doses WIS admlnlstercJ , from time
effects of which he , led last May The wife
and daughler were arrested , charged with the
crime , and In June the wife was convicted
oC murder all sentenced to life Imprisonment
In the Iowa penitentiary. Cora was discharged -
charged when taken before the police judge
for a hearing , and , after remaining In Des
; Iolnes for a short Limo , site came to Omaha
and entered a house on the ro\ % ' . ler associates -
eates noticed that something was contnualy
worrying her and that she coull not sleep , but
were not nwaro of time cause. After her
mother was sent to the penitentiary she began
writing to her , and In one of the letters she
told her mother how chic haul nsslstej In pols-
onlnl her fatimer all at the same time imsmpil-
ted her aunt , Irs. Ellen Leader. This let-
tlr fell Into the hands of the detectives , as . lid
all the correspondence following .
In her confession last night she said that
the polson which was used to kill her father
was purcllsed by her aunt Mrs. Lender .
111 that Irs. Leader administered s . vera :
doses , h'l time one which caused hrr tather'
, Ieath and tim last one given was by her own
hands. She expresser n willingness to re-
turn to Des Moines without requisition papers -
pers , Ind said that she would be glal1 to gt I
a chance to have her mother liberated. She i
said she was willIng to pay the penalty of :
her crime , and the thought that her mother
was serving a 1ethne sematenco for some-
thing she hall not done had preyed UPOI her
mind until she had become almost crazed
She will be taken to Des Moines this morn-
Ing. DetecUvo McNutt telegraphed to time
officers at Des Moines to arrest Mrs. Lea er.
Time object of the murder was for the purpose -
pose of getting the Insurance Which Smith
carried on his life. The amount was $6,000 ,
but after , the conviction of Mrs. Smith for
murder ' the Insurance companies refused to
pay the policies. . Smith was one of the oldest -
est , engineers on the Rock Island road. '
JU'STElr : : STILI .s , DEBI' "S EY ll.
Trial of the 1 > ID hon 1Iurdor Case las Not
Chmred Vp 'tho Cloul. ,
ST. JOSEPH , : . , March 28-Speclal.- ( )
EvidenceIn the mysterious Punshon murder -
der case has closed and It II now In the
hands of the ) < 1) ' . Tllo cab , In which the
young WOman wao Idi d was carrie Into
the court room amid has been viewed by the
jurors. .From the first to last the evidence
hns' been circumstantial and very conilict.
hug. TIle mystery ot the young woman'
death w1 not be entirely cleared up even
by tie verdict or the jur ) ' . She was shot
while riding In I cab wills her husband ,
and he was arrested the sanmo'nigimt charged
wHh her rnurler His defense hal always
been that she took n revolver from hIs
overcoat and shot hmerself . She was seated
on the right side ot the carrlnge , an,1 was
shot In the right termspio Whe the cub
drIver opened the door he round her lean-
immg back against the cushions and the reveler -
vol\er with which ) site hnd been shot on the
lap robe In front of her.
'unshonnd his young wIre had not been
living together for some time b fore the
tragedy , and lie had taken her away from
her mothcr's house the nlht before she
was kihied. After her death I smote was
found In her bosom dressed to her
mother amid brothers , In which /he said her
husbanll and hersel hud decided to die to-
getlmer The note was written wimihe Pun-
Ehon and his wife were at his mother's
hiommse1 I m'everal hours . , before they Iturt 11 , on
time Total rmue. I IS tie Ieory or the
state's alore ) ' that Puushon led his wife
to believe he would iiil 1 hlmsclf acer shootIng -
Ing her , and that the murder was comml-
tell ems account of Jealous , Pun hoa 11 31
years old aOI his wIfe was ; I. i ' 110) '
eloped from I'lattsburg unt were marl'ted
five years ago
SEBIS I l 8U.Ulr : 01' TI1 .110XJ11.
ff , J , % V. ; Omahn Fllhtnl
for n I'ortonn In Cllvlnnd "ourIA ,
CLEVELAND , Ialeh 28-Speclal ( 'rele-
grnrn-Jmmmtt ) as he was about to gmnt let-
ters ( of administrton to exShieniffViiiinims
H. Ryan today In the estate ot Elza Kale ,
Judge White of thc probate court Ilostponed
the appointment on application ot an nlol'-
ney pending the claim o Mrs. J. \V. Slhnel-
der of Omnahmn Mrs. Kane dropped dead on
the street a few week ago and heft property
which Is probably worth i5lXJ (
'l'homnas J. Green ( , 1 lcn E. Gl'een
of Clevellll , 1us'le Oreln or SI .
I.ouls , amI Catherine cCahle ot Ire-
land . nephew ni ] tmeices , applied to the
court for the appointment of itymmn , clalm-
immg thlt they were the nearest relalve .
1eanwhle ! : rum . Sehnehler's husband teit'-
gruphed his brother In this city that his
wlo waR the on\ hiving chl(1 ( of Mrs
Kane , and to secure some capable lawyer
to look after her interests. rime resident
heirs 1111 not said a word to the court
about : rl. Schneider unti today , when
they nleFe,1 , that she was only an Informal ) '
ullopted chlhl or oater thaugimter. Attorney
' 1lhlen has written her of this clllm of the
relatives . I Is likely tha on receipt o his
letter she wl cOle to Cleveland at once
! , 'lm' SLIIL'I'JJG , (1.111 ' :0.11'1 r } 'OI.lRIJ
l'rum.mimment lalrUul . I"n anti CIIIlt"lsh
lnld tl In" ,
KANSAS CITY , Murch 28-A local I'aper
says : 'J'he Williams Palace Sleeping CimV
company hns been orglnlzed wih a capital
stock of fOOOJ : , to Innufactlr In this
city I new car unequalled In point ot comfort -
fort , convenience and elegance by any
sleeping cur now In USE Time new car 18
the \1cnlon of I local railroad mUl , who
was formerly connected wlh the Missouri
l'aciihc and the Hock Island roads . The
leading harehoilers of the COIIaIY ) arc
eastern capitalists , who arc heaviy Inter-
epte,1 , In railroads anll railroad machinery ,
J. 0 , A. Ing und I. . Buchanan ot this
city are nlo stoelsiloiders. Time main
feature of the new car ts I berth which dls-
appeam's at the wi of the passenger Into
the W(1 of the cur , anti Is communed In n
space ot ammo anti sevemm-eigimthms lsmcimeu I
Mattresses of air are to be used , .
and all bed l'lothln/ can ims put
/ \ut
In lockers ulld.reath the seats oC each \ -
aluminum ( ion . 'fhe , berth8 wi be made of steel and
Women n ill Take on Their til ,
KANSAS CITY , March 28.-'he Nonpar-
tsan Womneum's Chrltan TemperanCe union
has mantle a decided stand on the hat relo\'al
proposition , The ol'ganlzton declares
against woman's hea < gear In cburch and al
public meetings . Here ore the resolutons
adopted at their reKtlar meeting tOday :
Whercns , We , thus .memhers of time } { an-
8as City union of the Nonpartisan Wonsen'mm
( 'imristinn 'feiiiperasmce union , believe In
ell:1 . rights to all and spedal privileges tu
Resolved , That we will hen'afer
OUI' hats at divine worship an.I all Indoor
lea1ln .
Tll.lCS .WIOll lIE1OI hP.iS M.f 11.
lothcr at thn : Inr.tnrerIY 'rhl Thinks
Stun WRS Illlt by n ManIac ' ,
MINNEArOLIS , March 2S.- lmo. Thl' ) bo-
leve ! that her daughter Amy , who met a
violent death In New York yesterday at the
hands of John Digelow , was mlllerell by a
imianiac. Mmnc . Thi today ) talked freely oC
her Ilnugher and Bgelow , Sue recarell : that
Dgelo\ Was nn old friend of the faml ) ' , lie i
knew Al ) ' , In fact , before she went on the
stage , having : met her In Minneapolis. It
Was known to the Thi famiy that Blgolo\
hnlt twice been confined In nn Insane as'lul
al,1 , Ime. Thi M ) 'S her .Iaughtcr often ex-
hsressed to Iler a rear oC Bigelow and his nt-
tentons to imer Igelow was very Ilch In
lore with time girl , blt she steadily rejected
his attemstions . ler ambiton was to succeed
on time stage and she had no desIre to mar ) ' .
"She went to New York to realize her am-
biton amid not to mnarry , " snhl time nsotimer
"I was Ilarty through Bigehow's Innuenco
that sue imnil obtained 1 plaeo iii time Drew
comumpany. "
NEV YOI1K , Marcis 28.-Timat time murder
of mtsy Thihl and time suicitlo of hmer slayer ,
Joimn hhigelow , were tue work of a mmsndmmmams
is mmsatho more certain by the atatemnemuts to-
tiny of John Iloidemm , arm iatimmmato friend of
lhigelotv iioiden says timust Ihigehow has been
insane at least five timsics witimlmm time Past ten
) 'earS , Tile last time imo was its a lunatic
as'lmmns vas in time fali of 1S02 , . wimcmm ito
SPent souse time in arm aayltmmmm at hlartforth ,
lie immis also been several times in liloolmshmlg-
dale. Ills insammity , ii : time belief of Ilohtien ,
is time nesmilt of a severe attack of hiommman
fever whmieim he coatracted wimen a 2-year-old
baby itt Rome , This fever is oftemm followed
by a weakening of the braimm , Wilicil brimmgs on
periodical attacks of insanity ,
An autopsy upon time body of hiigelov was
begumm today. In a note Iommnd on imis person
there was a iass for tile harlem opera imotmse
mmsatie out in time annmo of Miss TimIhl. it. was
dated Marcim 20. There was also an ideistiil.
cation card wimieit read : 'Gnbmg to New
York , March , 1887. height , 5 feet 10 inches.
Weight , 160 irnunds. hat , 7 % . Notify A. M.
Bigebow , 11 l'itme street. "
Timero was also a note reading : "My dan-
ing sweetheart Jack. Au revoir. AMY. "
A nunshor of pawn tickets were f'onnd in
imi pockets , Pimotograpimer Fink said this
mnornimmg that imo imath received teiegrammms fromss
time two sisters of the dead girl , who played
at Erie last mmighmt , statimmg that they were
starting for tlmis. city ,
MIDDtETON , N. Y. , March 2S.-Actor
John A. ihigelow. who nmtmrmhered Amy Thili ,
was commilneci in the state immsnne asyltmmmi from
January , 18S7 , to May , 1893.
'rime atmtopsy on Ihigeiow's remains slmowed
timat imo mmmtmst imave beets insane t'iten ile coin-
nmttted the deed. A ciot of blood was fommatl
betweeim.tho , skull and scalp on the opposite
side of time head from 'lmere time bullet. entered -
tered , and it hInd been timere for sonic tinme.
The atmtopsy omm time body ef Miss Tislhi simows
flint there hmad been no immmproper relations be-
tweemi imer anti hhigehow. Time statement that
a trmink foumimi iii Miss Thill's recta belonged
to iligeimav was denied today by Miss Leommara
Ilramhiey , en actress , wimo said timat the trmmmshc
belonged to 11cr. Miss Ihradlcy said site advised -
vised Amy to get rid of Iligeiow , as site was
afraid hmo would do sometiming mash. Ausy ,
sue said , tolmi imer timat site , too , was afraid
of flhgeion' . It was learned timat a friend hind
gone to one of time fammsily of time murderemi
girl and told of I3igehow's intemperate imabits
and urged that Amy be warned against hmins.
When Amy was toid of this Imer synspatimy
was aroused , Iligelow was out of employmemit
antI sue said she could not drive imini away.
The body of tIme murdered girl will be taken
to Minneapolis toniglmt.
MIDDLETON , N. Y. , March 28.-Aotor John
A. l3Igehow , wlmo murdered Amy Timihi , was
confined in time state immsano asylum Irons January -
uary , iso ? , to May , 1893.
mr4nE 11' LI YJCLY FOlt TJIR l'or.icR.
; irs : 1mm time Chicago htofonmsmatory Give
l'oari of Stsnzmmcrs ams Exi&IittIui ,
CHICAGO. March 28.-Three nmembers of
time board of the State h-Tome for Juvenile Offenders -
fenders we're given a practical illustration timle
evening of tIme insubordination wimich has
reigned among the inmates for several weeks
vast. Mrs. Charles Henrotin , Mrs. J. D. liar-
vey and Mrs. G. Iloit spent the afternoon at
tile imonmo and took supper witlm tile inmates.
Time thirty girls confined there took advantage
of the presence of the representatives of time
board of management to simow wimat timey
couid do in time way of rioting. They sue-
ceemled so well that thmey sismasimed smearhy all
the crockery in time Imouse , dismantled tite dining -
ing noons furniture , broke windows , threw
the commtents of the lmlmtry about time premises ,
hued limo air witim shoes , and then refused to
go to their roomns at time comisnmand of thu pa-
lice. It required tisree wagon heads of police-
mneum to quell time riot , mind it was found necessary -
essary to carry time nsajorlty of time gins to
timeir roomns by main strength and to leave
a poiiccmnamm 0i5 guard timrougisout time nigimt itt
time door of each room occupied by time girls.
Time outbreak was the resuit of a ameetlng
imelml by time girls in thu afternoon , wimen it
was decided to sisow their reseimtmnent for
partiality timey behieved to imavo booms showmm
one of their number. At time supper table the
girls were models of propriety and listened to
time remarks of Mrs. lienrotia and time other
mneimmbers of time board with attention , Timis
was calculated to simow timern time wrongfulness -
ness of immeubordlnation , During time riot Mrs.
ilenrotin and tue otimer ladies were forced to
remnmiin in time rooni amsd witness time riot , the
girls having locked the door ,
CONTR.s T1XO 1115 F.SI TIIEJI' $ hl'IL I.
Itummkor ( Nortimup's Homm Cillimtm Uumduo In-
fhitomieti % ' &s Used itmnmulmmst itilil ,
KANSAS CITY , Mrmrcim 28.-Mayer &
11011 have prepared a petition to brimsg mmtmht
1mm the llmtitetl States court at 'ropeka. to
brenic time will of time butte bmmumlcer , 11. M.
Nortimmup , 3'iie suit is brougimt by Miitomm
C. Nortimrup , the only lIving cimild of time
Imamulter , wimtm hIatt , ever since time death of'
huh' CollIer amId the opemmlmmg of the will ,
timreatemmt'd to commtest it , 'Iime action is
lmzmseti aim t lie ahiegmm t 10mm that tim e viii is in-
'mtiiti os its ( mice , tteeautte it violates time
law agumimmmmi iterpetmmlt ) ' imm imot granting hint
mmbsoiutc rigltts , multi also beemttimte its imro.
vitmlomss nrc intitfirmite mmlsd mmmmccgtalms , lime
estate Is vaimied mtt SC0,0)0. 'rime petltloum re-
intes tilat Banker Nortimrmmi'a mmminth was
utmsoumsii timroughm disease. 'lime mmumm imuheges
that wltiie itt tills coimmhltioms imis iatimer'mi
umminti 'us ioisommetl against hint by per-
eons vtto commtantiy ummd relmeutemiiy stated
to him tisat ills SOul was it mmpeustitimrit , it
imroiligata and immcapmmhle of mmmanagimmg itroim.
erty. Time statements mime brnmmtietl tie false.
Au time bi'mmeiicinnim'mu of Nurthmrtmp's will are
made hlartlea defntimmmit imm time suit , 'l'hmc'y
arts time Wynnulotte tribe of Indians , of
Whicil time dead maim's s'itc temme a immerniser ,
cmiii me'erai relim'ioiss umiti Imemmevuient asumu-
J.J1 IJ'lUS I'JtIh CitiNG i' 1.01.1 Ti US.
PoutIm I ) muk.ta dhlumisier , A ltvr Tryimg Both ,
htctllrns ( U 111.1 ttirsI f _ ( ) ' ( ,
REDFIEIl ) , 13 , D. , Ainreim 28-A sensation
will b cremtted in fioutim 1)akota ioliticai CII.
des by aim ' 'eImt wilicim occurred here today ,
This was lime appearance before time full
board of time Metimotlist cimurcim imere at imie
osn request of Orville S. Ilasfard , chmnirmnun
of time reptmWlcarm state cemltrai committee.
Jiasf'orth m't'Viewed imle vast life , coumfetseeti
backsultiimsg 1mm leavimsg tIme cimurehu for poll.
tics and begged to lie reimsutatett to fellow-
Imimil ) that hue mnigimt secure imis ( onumter imas-
torah cauling. lie lisle been a Imoutticuth leader
imere for sonIc years , lie vus ommce a muslim-
ister its good standing , but brent back lImb
time worlmi. lie imopes to get immtn time Imiis-
souri conforclmce. Ills reconversion is time
semlulultiOmm cut time tIny because of Imis Imast
pahiticul associations.
'Vuium'ns % ' .ii huoi. is. . Jo110 ,
KANSAS CITY , itlarcim 28.-During time
first timroe hays of Jumme Kansas CIty wili
be time meeting t'iace of nil limo turners be.
tween time MIsmmisshipI river nun ] time Rocky
Muuustailmm ( , m.mmmfi ftmmsi Omaha on the sIttitim
to IJttie Roche 0mm ihe aotithm. Turner sucie.
tieS ( roxn nil time vrimseIPai citic witimin list'
territomy mmutmsetl are coumming here in unitanims
'to utt.'nul time ilrm't western turusfemtt , 'i'Itu
raiiroamie buumve iiglcul 10 inuico us rate of
cult , fare fur time roummd liii' ' . and It is ox-
ltctemi tisat 1,000 turnous anti at least & .t0
gU ( ste siiIl be In time' city willie time turn.
feet is in prugremu Time local turners have
amrangetl all elaborate ; mrogrmmsn for time oem-
teutainmnemit of time ylslIor
Senator from Dawes County Precipitates
a Riot in the Chamber ,
Chairman's Authority and orgeant-nta
Arms' ' Musolo Were Alike Defied ,
Sorgcant-at-Arms Quelled urn by a ham-
flier Look in His Whiskers ,
Flglmtlmig hihonil Vmus Up , 1)tlt There % Vnsn'I
Emmmiumgiu tsf l'imummt mmmmml Titcy % 'ero
500mm Overpowered mutl Order
\'mls itestoncut ,
LINCOLN , March 2S.-Spechah ( Telcgrammm. )
-'rime senate vums tlmro\mm limb a scemso of the
wiitlest confimsioum at S o'clock tiuls aIterlmoomt
by aim CiisOdo wimicim resulted him a pensommat
emmcotmmmter betweeum Semmaton Stewnet unsil
Scrgeammt-at-Armmms Stewart , nnd mmearly pre-
chpitated a free fighmt between a nummmber of
semmmstors ammd bystanthens Time eveqt is
deeply deplored by all parties , btlt time COlt-
seumstms of opimmious , irrespective of Imarty Iimses ,
agrees timat tile sergeammt-nt-armns only iter-
fonummed his dtmty.
Thu conflict. tas entirely mmnexpected , nnt
it arose over so trivial a mustier timat it.
caummo like a claim of timmmmmder out of a clone
sky. For mnore thmamm two imourum timu semiatmS
imati been 1mm cemmmnmlttoe of thmo wimohe , witi
Senator 'rout of Case coummty in time cimair ,
One or two hula of imminor iimterest imad been
dlsposeti of , amid time comunsitte had takemm up
senate fIle No. 222 , a bill introtltmeed by SenatOr - '
atOr Noyes of 1)ammglas ) relatimsg to time iaiblia
scimoois of time state. Time dimctmsslomm of time
Imihl imath attracted but little attemstion , ai-
tlmoughm the sotumewitat intense reusserks fre-
quemitly ummatle lmy Semmator Stewart , vlmo was
time leading opponent of time hill , imath been
stmulleiemmt to attract a large mmumumher of vlsi-
tore , so that time galleries and time lobby
vere quite well hilbeth.
Time feature of time bill to wimicim Semmato
Stewart had booms objecting all throtmglm time
discussion vas time one llmsmitllsg time levy ,
wimicim scimoal districts mnigimt mmsake to IS
usslils. Time sommator fromsi Dawes hind mmmadu
a number of sitort svoeeites agaimist time pro-
visioum. It was aiso obusoxious to imimu hmecauso
the same sectiomm of tite bill provided that
thte consent of time commnty supenintemmdent
of pmmblic iumatruction simotmld be obtained before -
fore time hevy could be mmmade ,
After imo had spoken a nnussber of timed ' S
against the general provisions of time bill.
cacim tinso criticislumg to some extent time mo-
fives of the author of the bill4 iso latmnclmel
Into the invectlves timat precipitated tilecon-
test with the sergeant-at-arms. Ha declarel -
witim coastantiy increasing veimenmonce that. .
time bill imatl been drawmm In time interests of
the corporatlomss ; hint tIme corporatIons ooulml
easily control time superintendent of instrue-
tion. 1mm tones timat could be heard at the S
far end of time capitol , lie utaiji It. was time
most iniquitous mmmeasuro over offered to tlmo '
commsitheration of time legishature. lie was
continuimsg in timis strain wimen Senator Noycs
interrupteti with a pobmmt of order. Tile senator -
ator from Dawes continued his invective , re.
fusing all attention to the heavy pounding . S
of limo clmairman's gavel. Several timimes Oimair- - S
man Teift firmly called tIme angry semmator to
order. At a mnom3nt when Senator Stewart
seemed to pause am : tmmstant for breath Chair-
mmman Teftt. imsformed Imina flInt time senator
from Dommglaim county imad arisen to a point ot
"I don't care it he imas , " exciaimed Senator -
ator Stewart. "I don't care vhmo makes
points of order , " .
lie timen continued his tirade agatnst. the ,
bill in spite of time constant rapping of the' '
gavel. Seeing that time senator was not die-4
posed to obey time rules of the senate , Chair-
nman Teft. ? directed time sergeumnt-at-aruns to
do imis ditty aumd seat the senator front
The officer at once proceeded down time aisle
ammd laid ills itand ems the now timorougilly in-
fimriatod senator's shoulder , at time same time
quickly but firmly directing imiun to sit down , '
All of this timno time senator was denouncing
the bill under discussion.
He reftmsed to sit down and time sergeant- -
at-armns placed botim imands on his shoulders
amid endeavored to force imlm to his seat. In- '
stanthy Senator Stewart turned and chiumciicd
with the sergeant.nt-arma , overturning one
or two cilairs. S
The two men scuffled for a moment , anti it
seemed to be only a ntattor of an instant
wilen blows would Ito resorted to , hut time
sergeant-at-arms grasped the senator's long
chin wimiakors with imis right hand in so firm
a grasp titat time autimor of' time wimiskors was '
unable to uimuske any furtimer serious demon
stration. In the mneantlme time senators an
spectators had gntim mrcd iii a clrcho aroummd the
struggling moms. MI at ommee Senator JelTrIes
of Oreehey county , a populist , exeltethiy ci-
bowed Imis way timrommgim tbmo crowd to time center -
ter anti undertook to assammht time sergeant.
at-arms. Senators MclCeuby ammmh hiitclmcoc
at omice forced imlmum back to imis seat.
Ilantily hiati they douse so titan lale , an-
otimer 1mopuiist senator , fron liarhan county ,
sprang into time uneice anti grasped time act-
Senator Sloan of Filiunore
geant-at-aruns. ,
aitimougim mnuebm time smnnhier man , throw imim.
self upomm hoio , amttl with time amusistanco of
Senator Ilitcimcock forced imiun back to imis
cimair. No otimer popmmiist senator umsdemtooic .4 ,
to Interfere.
1mm the msmetmntime Somlator Stewart , imis facts
as vale mts death , anti time sergeant-at-anne
vore still locked 1mm eacim otimors' arnie , time
sergeamst all time timumo maiumtainhumg a thrum
grasp upon flue semsator'mm wimlakerum , Finally ,
i3emmator Stewart reiaxeml iui grasp , amsd tins
scrgeammt-met.armlsli forced imimmm clown to imis
seat , 'I'ite senate vas In time wlidest. con-
fim'mian , Lioutemsammt Governor Moore imati Ce-
sumumemi time gavel , umnti mis imo .11th so laie
nmovetl flint time senate aljommrul. Timere were
bouti simoutmm of "No , " "No , " from all parts or
time semsato Cilisinbor , end time unutian was
voted down , Timcro was good reasnmm to ho-
hove timat if limo henato iiaml atljomirmmetl wimiiit S
time ImiemIsIterul were 1mm tIme white imeat of pee-
sioui time scemmomm of violence woulml imavo boost
at once resummmed ,
Ortier iehmmg restored , Semmator Tefft ro-
imummmetl time chair anmi mnatims limIt following
statemnemmt ; "Time cimair deplores as mntmctm as
aumy senator on time iioor time ummusuisi scommu
which lIne just transimireml , 'rite senator froni
liottghas county hmatl risen to a poimmt of order
amid imad time righmt ummtler time rules goverumim ,
timis body to state timat imoirmt of order , Wimilo S
Ito was doing so time senator from Jawbs
had mme rigimt to continume hue remmsarks , Time , '
senator frouim lnwes was ommt of order ammi
was plainly viohating time rIde of time semmmtto
whmicii requires every senator to Immsmediatei
taimo imis seat tlimemm cailemi to order by timta
presiding oiiicer , lie persistently refused to
cemmme to order after having 1)00mm releatefii
ordered to do so by time cimalr. It was not
ummtit utter time senator front Dawes imaul fla.
greatly violated time rules of time senate tima 4
flue cimair ortlereti time r.ergeammt-at.aremmmm to
performmm his dtmty. 'rime clmtmir wishes it dis-
tinctiy understood tlmut ho will Insist upon.
time strict comnlmhiaumce with the rules govern-
iitg this cody. '
liSO , UT IN ( CN FRNiN 'IIJiF'1R. .
'rime conhheratioum of time lmihl tIllS then re.
sumned , anti after timu eommmmmmitteu of the wi.oto
had completed its toric ammd the llcuttumaist