'E _ $ . - ; .7 ; I , _ - . G - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TilE 01\tAITA DAILY JJBm : ' Li1V11)AY , 1\IAUOII 28 , 189i' ) . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it : COMMERClAL : ANI D ) Fl ANCIAL - Dry Weather Was Again tbo Ruling . Futuo in Wheat Ycsterday. CORN OPENED EASY AND SOLD UP lATE - : , O.tl ' era ( cnult , QuIet "nl : " , After IRlng Holll Higher All 1a1. Clolod i Stently- Iflitizeis hi I'rovl- , Ions 1nlrl ) Oood. CHICAGO , Moreh 27.-Thc dry wenlher was lgnin the ruling 1"luence In wheat today . The mnrllet ruled Irm , but only fecurel the modest gain or from ' . 'e to % 0 In the cnL BnRlness In corn nnl oats wns Illclc , and no change In lulel took plnce. l'rovlslons wur firm . but lost all they gained early In the day , and cosel about us on the day beCore. Wheat waR generally firm , mainly on the dry weather. The EIlsh markets were : remarkably Itenl ! . considering the weak- neBS here ) 'ostll'II ) ' . LIverpool opened n Illde lower but closed with the loss re- covered. Pnl's ! at the openIng wus wihout tlotcworthy cliaiige but Berln caIne In . with 1 marks declIne. : lunenpol9 and Duluth receipts were 318 cars , against 163 I a yen ago . and 2S1 n week ngo. prlmnry market receipts altogether were 7 , ! ( bu. . osnlnst 315 , ( bu. on Welle6luy oC laid : . , week and 2O bu. 01 the coresllolllng day oC the year befure. XI101.t : clelrRnces from the \ Atlantic seaboard amounted In wheat and hour to G.W ) bU. . oC which 12.O ; 1m. was wheat. Sme oC the heavy ahO.ts , uton them 1cnni. LInn Ihlll\ \ < nd 1osrciiilw. { : , covered freely . and there ' WIS nlso good buying on long nccount. In the Inst half of the session a rtport by , ' : ' of New Yorlc , lresumlhl ) ' emanatng from the " 'I hlnJtol I 4\Jrleulurnl bureau , gave the reports ' concerning the European crOl19 for l"ctrunr $ ' . and 11 they were very \mCn\olhl , ' . hath lit regard to th 11amu"e bile to crOIlS If Flnco and Etigland J . and 1 great reduction In the area sown to wheat and , r'c In Ittisi'Iii . the market kept UII the /1'mnep which chamcterlzell the tratle In the forenoon. ' 1he opening Price tlule May Wi from Glie to we to Ge traigIit ; . and aflr touching 5ie for nn Inatant I ginclually advanced GI\e lu und ranged between that nnll 65o during the grenter part ; of the time. The price near the end was about mhlwuy between the 4 top Inc bottom of the 11.IY' " rnnge. At the close GI'e wns hll ( for .I ) ' . , Corn opened rather enider . but took henrt from the strezlFtlI oC whent. and ruled above ye Itrel1th closing price , except Corn n little time It the start , when I sold . It 46c for Mn ) ' . The range for the day was from 4Gc to 46ic and It closed nt .IG ½ e bids The recelllts ! Inspected were 131 cars , of whIch thlrly.nloe cars were of contract quality. The estimate for tomorrow's re- ceipts Is for ( lilly 105 cars 0\1 that WIS one of the strengthening influences oC the dny. OfferllgB were very limited whenever . I dClnlHl sprung up. The trade was small . ? and easily ! Inlucnccl by quIte moderate Oats were generally qulot and May . after having sold higher all lay closed steall . Interest was principally centered In Jul ) ' . Buying wus quite good and the tone firmer . 1ny ranged between 29)c ant 29c to 291hcI closing lt the latter price. July ranged S from 29'e to 29c ! and from 2Sfc to 2ge. S The mslnes In provisions was fairly good , and the tendency . was In the main S upward after nn easy opening. 1.lberl offerings - terlng on the hard Sllots prevented any improvement , nlll In the main prices were very little changed compared with those 11le clHllcl1 compurel wih at 'cster.lay. May porlt rose Cram $12.30 , . nt the start to $12J2y. ; . and Closed at nnt $12.32. May lard rose ( rom to $7.2. but reacted to and closed nt $ .D7 ½ . May ribs G.07Y. advanced from G.1O at the opelllg to $6.2 anti closet It $ G.12. \ S Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat 32 cars : carl , 103 cars : oats . 10 cars : hogs 8O.OO henl. , ' S. The h'ndlnlr futures ranged ns tolows : : AticimpdII. I ! th. I Low. I Con lit . No. 2 : Mnrh. . . GH : G4" 13" 64 S 11. . . . . G4U ; < r51J t4H 66" ; , July . . . . 00) ) ( 601@17 6 ( 60j S Corn 10.2. .5 Jdarch . . . . 4/ " olH 4fj 4ti4 , Mny. . . : ; . . 463 41" 4GU 4614 July . . . . . 40H ( . \1 464 4614 OithNO. . . . . 5 May. . . . . 2D' 20" 20" 20 % - Juno . . . , 20 , I .201 20J 20Ji S Iol'k July per . . . bbl . . . 2SH , 20I4 . ! 281 2RH Mny. . . . . 12 SO 12 Im : 12 so 12321 S . July. . . . . 12 10 12 II 12 10 12 10 Laid . 100 lt,5 . May. . . . . . 700 707" 0 0714 6 02 % i .5 July. . . . . 7 15 7 22" 7 Oil ! 7 1214 S Bcpl. . . . . . 7 271 7 321 7 27 > 7 2714 S Short RlbB- S , May. . . . . fl10 ' 1 21 0 10 6 12" S July. . . . . . 0 23 I 371 0 25 I 27\ S 5 - Sept . . . . . 0 40 0 GO ) I ( 40 - t 42" Cuh quotntlon9 were ns tOlo--- S ' , 1.t.OUH-Wlnlel patents $2,5Otj2S : spring pat- I enls. $3.1OQ2.1 : ; winter straights . $2.2.62.ZO : S spring straights . f2.101/2.b5i' / bakers . S1.r42.25. SS WIIF1AT-No. 2 spring . I 'H GIc : No. 3 sprIng ; nomlnll : No.2 red t.1i5tc. ! ; COHN-No. 2. 4\ \ .I : c ; No. 3 yellow , 44'.3 4Hc. ! : QATSNo 2. \te ; ; 2o. 2 whIte . 12t12c ; 5 ; No. 3 whiio . 3HHf32c. : nYI -No. 2. ti4c. : S 1IAItLFY-5lc : No 3. 4S N2' ; , e : No. 4 . 46e. S 4 I.'I.AX HI ID-Nn. I. n.42. . TIIOT11Y HI.mD. Prime , $ . . . TIIOTlY $5.251.30. S I'ILOVISIONS-Mces porle. jwr bbl. . SI2.30@12.30. .5 L\nl. per 100 lb. . fG.DO. Hhol t ribs . sldcs. 100M. $6. IG.I0 ; dry salted .houhlerH. boxed . \ ( % : L chart clear aides . boxed . i6.3O1jG.3. S $ WHISKY-DlsHlerl' . finished goods . per gal. , S $1G. /I tolo\lng were the reeelpIs and shipments S - tOday : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Articies. Itecoipta. ShhnnenlK. - - - - - - - - - - - - Flour b\ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.00t ) S Whenl. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . 4.0UO H.OO S Coru. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.000 41.UOO ) Oats. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15R.010 20r.OUI , S 11)0 ha..1'2.0)0 . . . . . . ! ( ) 4.tl ) i S - harley. tin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.000 11.000 , On the Proilno Oohana lodw thin butter mar - kowa"stoady : creamery . 1020c ; dairy , @ 1Sc. igs. flan . ; l@IH l. ; NV YUlt ( ) NtltAL nAIUU : , CJoln Onot"tlun on the I'clneipst Comm - , , m lltul mind Stallle. NEW YOlK , March 27.-FLOUI-Recelpt. li.- , . V 400 bIJIs ; eXI'PJs. .2) bbI8. ; sales . 21.2I. ) plgm , . , 1flrlecl duli . with bIds lQUIGr below ) . .Ierdly'l 57 ' clo.lng. Joll.r nol prlsslng ealea owing In light S spot suppite. City , mi ) 'ateflts. $ ( Qfl.l : city Inl clears , 83.2j3.1O : winter I'atenl. ' 2.SXf3.15 : ? winter straights . $ :3 ; 2.85 ; winter extras . $1. % @ 2.4 ; winter low gnuies . 1.72.15 ; Mlnnlsull l1 bakers . S2.003.G : spring low gri.s , U.75I.o : ; ( S .srlnl extras . $ .S/.3 / : common 10 fair cilIa . $1.OtJ2.40 : good 10 , ehote $ .IVfII.9U. Iye flour . S firm : sales . ! . hbl. ; suiorline. $ .5Zf3.1u : 10ur. . . S $3.1013.20. luek\llnt hour. market dull. ' ' . ' . : 1 ItCKWJl A'r-l.'lrm It 49t1c. 49f.c. COHN MI AI.Iul : y low w .ter. $1,001J1.12 ; lnlll'wllc. t2.75 : sales 2.0 siick . S n\ . -N mlnll : car lots , lc : boat 101 d. . @ S , iIAI11.Fi'-Quiet : we.ter. G : : hvo.rwcd , state 60cl61c. t lAiUI ( MAI.T-I"lrmIY Iirhi ' ' western , 'OU72e : No.3we.ler. C(7Oc : six-rowed . 73fl'7L. ' : . WIUJAT-lh.el'ts. G.G ho. ; OXImlB . 4).SO ) S ) ) U. : sniell . 3.Q0.OJ hu. futures un.1 4).0 ) tm. eiot z. ' IINlt market dull : No. 2 ied lu stow " ' 11 do- valor W'c : aikat . 61c ; t. o. h. . LiY.c ulh"I : No.1 norlher. Glho Ilelh'I'r"Il : No. i G21e . 7O'c ! . , d lh'ere. Oploua opemmet1 .I'udy alIt ) advanced ) r on dry weather talk unit Inter mo\1 lip .111'1) ' : on reports of dlmago onll Inner late . L'"Le. In the into afternoon rlna were predicted tO' , l'UI.11. IUll hits . wlh some rumors of 1IIIcUly In a. 'Val street h081' . led 10 leth'o deuiingmi . which broke mires r"1lly to this cloing , .how- . InJ only \ 40 net advance ; Nt ) . 2 red March cc'ed ! at GO'CI : May . 66 3-lGdCOe. clowt1 at cle G'e MIY. G G'c. clo.1 II , GOe1 : June closed ot 6e \ : July 6 9.161j61 3.IGe , closed n G"c : August . GI61. . 9.'GtGI Cltc ; September 6IHIGI ic. closed II GinI : Ueemhl' , 635tj644. choKed II 63e. , . L'lN-ll.elpl. \ . 7,2) bu : exports , 10 bu. : p sales . 18 . .O la.a . futures "n.1 6.0 lam. spot S Illt mark t dull : Nu. 2. I6)o Mmlnll : sl'mel' i 'yellow , . tic In .Iel'alor. UI > lonl ol'rlel Ilmer , on light receiptmi : udvnlee,1 later on slll esti. 1.1. mates for toumoiTow hut fInally partially reacted S with Wheat rinsing UI % 0 net advance : Mmiy . IlitiCc . eio.e.1 al Cic : July . C114i1c. cl"1 [ t tli4c HL'ptembel' 11.16U & . 1 Il : , 7-lCU&I1c . cl" nl I1e . S OATH-Iteceipts , 2,30 Iu. : export. . none ; Bales. 0.0 i'u. 11"1. Ilot markel steady : No " Ulc ; No : : Illh'ere. 31 e : No.3. 32c : No. : While . al ; Nn. . 3 white . 36e \ ; Imck. whie Western 33/1. . OpUOIU dull and featureless . Without a sale all dl ) ' : March closet ) al 3114e ; . closed .lh1i closed II a4c. lt S3\e ; May closed I : 3\c \ ; Jut ) ' ' IA < 1-1"111 ; shipping ' . &OtJ5c ; good to Choice S 'Or 101IBleadn ; state . common 10 choice , old . 161" : I"clno coast . old . 3\Hlc \ ; 1(51 . 6blo ; Len. don Ilrk.tn1. /n1. hlIlES-Firii , wet salted New . Illt S-lrlrl ; .nlld Orleans Se. II- lected . 4 to t lbs. . 5tG : luenol Ayers. dry . U 10 U lb. . 1UI3 c ; Texas . dry % 4 10 3 ) 161'0 -S ' l.FATlllt-1lrm ' hemlock sole , lueno , Aires . light to heavy "tli It. 16tjltc. . 15m4c. VOOl.-Bteatl ) ' ; 101.lloeece. . 1Ul0 ; pulled . l'UO\'JSIONH-leet. nrl ; tmmmniiy . . . : $0.661.0 eXlra mess 1.(8.Oi bfef humus . U $ : cIty . extra IIIIu 111055. 16.0nl8o. t'ul Immeati. 1'1 , , ilckied beilie. 6(61''i ; pIckled shoulders , 514c ; pickled hlll' . soc. l.r" . Wllk I Wt.ter II'.I1 closed lt S.W1.2tlltl. ; 25 tierces lt n.\ : \1) 6e ; t.I. leo U"lc"a ; )111'h. n. J nominal ; n/ntl ) , lower , continent . n.l , vales. PS . ' ) tieiei ; eumimpouni. c I'ok. finn ; rates. % 0 , LIds , ; new IflCs $ . U3.6CJU.75i ; faintly . US ; .holl S clm'r . SIUOlla5. ctr. CU1 t $ Pulet : large . 5al el : small . GaUc part skimim. , : imUe ; full skims. l'Uttc ; ' aaS-l"lrli ; slate Inl l'rnn.)1vlnl. ( 12VIt . "e."r hey ) , , ) tc ; lulh"rn. ltl\ \ ; receipts . S lUIS l'k. , II'11'lIt-\'eitern detry. ItJIS' western ' ' ' - " dllr : creamS - S e LZtf2lc . ; W\'II"rl ttory , TUUe ; CIIn tie ; a ' . . S . . . , " " . . . _ - _ " , . ' -S- - - - - - - = = - Imitation rNnmty , Dff : slide dairy. 100ac. 81AI. c.'nl r ) ' , new . 211. T.tT.l.ow-itlgher ; city . 4e ; country . 4e. l'I TlOI.l l'-Nomlnal , closed n.t bId , Walhlnllon , Llll. $7 nomlMI : Washington . In bulk St ! : reflned . New York 170 : l'hihs4vi. "hla In" hhaltimore . U.05 , I'hlladelphlft anti lal- , , Imorl tn bulk . $ I..S. RosIN-Stel"n I. ; strained , common to good , I $ I.GM 16 . Tt'ltl'lNT1Nl-Stindy . 2C636c. . ItCI--lr0 domestc , fair to extra 4(6e : Japan . 4'6uf4 % . JAIRI. r l. MOI..RRIJS , . 'lrm : NeW Orleans open kettle. good 10 . choice . 2361Sc. OIANORSlen ehlep. : ' ; California , U.5636 ; JA- Vane 82.10(14.00. M : TALRIIJ Iron no : Scotch $ ) .0 J0.0h ( ; .lnerican 19.6. Copper. steady ; brokerx' ; .rIee , U.37\ : exchange price . $ l3.W9.40. a'li strong : l.roherv' price $3.01 ; exchange ltlCC. $3.12t4(13.lS. Tln , \nlq straits . $11.05 : 1lntrl. ! quiet. Ppelter . domPltc , U.II . Raes 0' 'cluing , ' . 2 : hanS March tIn . $1.10 ; 10 lon , September , * 13.801 : 2.0 $9.35. . April copper . U.3 ; 1.j lL. . May copper COTON fH ! : rO Ol.lltt : primp crude 23f , 240 ; off eMulel 21(2Ie ' : prime summer ) 'Ilow. 26 % I (127e ; yellow mlter grades , 24(12Sc ; prime summer . I mer white . Ue nominal ' oMAhA . S"H\L 1I\ttET. Condition or Tradonnil Quotations on t IAln Inl' ' IIRley ( 'roance. rOOler dox. . 10UI0\ \ . - IIUTTIMI-Cuiled stock , HIGc ; common to fair 1i1W : fair 10 good country . 1612 ; choice to fancy . 131c : gathered creamery . IC : separator creamery . 17(11Cc. I.1V11 POUI.Tltt'-ltens . CCJlc ; mixed , 6c : ducks . 7Cj7c ; tuikeys 5e ; heavy ( Oats . 1c : geese 7c. DIflitw POUI.TRY-Chlekens. fair 6(10&c1 ! : choice large . CHic ! : choice emol , SS\'c \ : tur. keys fair 10 good D'UQ \ ; choice heavy . 10@ lOc : choice small . 10t.I(1llcI : ,1uck . fair to good . 'USc ; fancy . full dl cled , 10tlc ; geese . fall 10 good. iflbc : fn ' . full . . go. fancy tul llreMed. 101c. (7.Ml-iJitio wing teal , per doz. . .tO : green wing teal , per doz. , flOCfJI0 : t1tmck . mixed per 1'01. ' 11.0(12 : : .25il.r . $ .01.0 : ; mnlalds ' 111 red heeds. S2 OlJ.O. \'HAI.Chnlce tat , iO 10 10 lb. , are quoted nt : \ 0j64c ! : lnre and coarse . . ltjlc. Cli hi8I-\'lseonsimi ( till cream < Voting Amerl cnne. lIe , twinv. 12e : Nebraska and lu\n , full . lie . . 51(1mB , Nebrn.lla clenfli lc ; and lown part 811m. ' t1l Rc : l.hnIJurIC' No. I. Ic : brlcll. No. I , Icl Swl. . . No. I. I lIe I1A-t1plan(1 hay , $9 : mIdland . $ .r ; lowland. $ : rye straw . I .o : color makes time puce on hl\ ' . 1.Ihl shades sell the h st. Only top glndrs bring lop prIce. 1'ItIEONS-I'er doz. . $ l.C06j1.20. V fO ; : 1A l.gS. POTATOES-\Vestem'n stock . cnr.lols. i5e : small lot . . SOc. OLD U : ANSHalll 1lcletLI , navy , 1 ; Lima hl'An. per lb. . 5e. OIONH-n orders 81.10(11.10 ; per bLI. , $3. CAliIiAt1i-n orders 2 'I. r1 1.1 . IY-Cllollll. MdHI.o. s\I.wr : 1'OTATOI14-looi stock , $2.10 : I'on. ass. . $2.00712,1 : see I. 1 $2.2tj2.0. 1.I'TSler : bbl. . St. .2Hi2. . CA "lTSPer IJbi. . $ .r.o. CAULIFI.OWCIt-l'er chute of a doz. and halt or t \n 1101. $ .25. HOIRlmAU I-1cr lb. , Ct7J7c. 1.\ H NI'Slo'l bbl . * 2. Rt"rAIACASler Ih. . 1tc. ! I'AItShEY-I'er don. hunches 3 : " TtlItNll'S-l'er co7. . , $ .r. SPINACH-Per bhi. I..1UTH . $3.10. IDA RRWlnler N.lj.non" . AlPI.I S-Cholce stock , $ : .ot5.t ; box op- pies $2. bbl. CItANIJEItRICS-Jersey , fancy $1.r $ 12.o per TflO1'ICAI. FHUITS. ORANOES-I'lurldns. per box $3 : California Recliands . J3.i5fH.0 ; fancy nn\'lls , 3.50(13.7& : 00 10 12G sIze. $ .2. IIANANAI4-Clmolce stock $ 2.00012.50 per bunch. LI ION - Me..lnnH. sizes 3. ' lo 3G. choice $3.50 ; fancy . $3.oa4.o. MISC1LL.ANEOL'S. OYSTERSMedium. per can . lCc : horseshoes , ) : extra stanlards. 21c : extra selects. 2c : com. p.UY . selects . . 2G ; New VOile counts 30c : bulks. standard . per gal. . $ .30. FIGS-F'ancy . U@15c : choice 1il c ; Caltfornia . bags 7c. HONEY-Ncw York , 16c : dak Uc ; California . 15fGI. MAPLE SYRUP-Gallon jugs per doz. . $12 : Ilixby . 5 gal. cans 13. .NUTSAlmond. lc : English 'nlnuts. soft- ! he1ied . 12c : standards . 10c : 1be.I. . 8Oc ; Brazil nuts Se. SAUEH KRAUT-Choice white . per bbl. . $5.10 ' ; per half tiLl. . 83.00(13.25. IINCE MEAT-Fancy . In half bids. . per lb. . 5'c : 10-gal. kegs . G : condensed per case of 3 doz. pkgs. , $2.5. CIIJER-l'ure jUc" ! . per bbl. . U : haI bbl. . $3. HIES AND TALLOW. hIDES-No. 1 hides 5c No. 2 HIDESNo. green hldl8. : green liides 4c : No. I green salted hIdes. G : No. 2 , grcn salted bides . 54c ! : No. 1 green salted hides . 2 to 40 lb. . Cc : No. 2 green salted hide. 25 to 40 lb. . & 'c : No. 1 veal calf . 8 to 15 Ibs. Se ; No. 2 veal calf 8 to 15 lb. . Gc ; No. 1 dry Ont hides hlde.\ 7c : No. 2 dry flint hides 6c ; No. I dry .nlc , \ hides Ge : put cure hides , ½ c per lb. less than funeur"i Ye 1IthiPELTS-Ureen - salted . each . 2qOe : green sale < shearlng" ( short woled early skIns ) . each. "H5c ; dry ahoarlings ( short woled early skins ) . No. I. each I(2lOc : dry shenrlngs ( short woole cathy skins ) ; No.2. each 5c : dry flint Kansas In < Nebraska butcher wool pelts . Per lb. , actual Weight . 5(1Cc ; dry flint Kansas and Nehl'Mlel murnln wool Ilels. per lb. , actual \\'ollhl. 4fGc ; iry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts. per lb. . actual weight . 4(26c : dry flint Glorao murrain wool l1els. 466\e lb. . actual w.IRht. H Ge. 5 TALLOW AND GHEASC-Talow. No. 1. 1c : tallow , No. 2 4c : grease white A. 3OJ4Pc ; grease . whlo D. 3c : grense. yellow . 3 : grease dark 2H13c ! ; old buiter 2f2c ; beeswax , prime 17(120c : rough yellow , 2c. . FURS. FURSIeal. black . No. I large. $20.08J25.00 ; bear brown. No. 1 large 120. ( ( 2 ; 0 : No. I mc- Ulum nG : No. 1 email. 112 : bear , brown yearlings - lings . No. 1 large. SI0.olI2.o : No. 1 mlum , $ S ; No. 1 small . SG : benr. bmown. eubo. ' No. 1 Inrge. S7 : No. 1 medium S ; : No. 1 small . S3 : balger , No. I medium $1 : : No. I small . i8.0O1Ol0.01 : bear black . yeamiings. No. 1 large $12.00llf15.C.O : No. 1 medium $0 : No 1 small . $ : bear . ' black . cubs , No. 1 large $ r.olS.O ; No. 1 medium . S.oaG.o ; No. I small . $1 : bear. hlnk. Montana and Hocky mountain. No. 1 large $ I8.000J20.0ONo. ; 1 ntedium $1 : Nn. 1 small . $0 ; bear biaclr : Montana year- lings. No. I laige. S12 : No. I medium $ S ; No.1 small $3 : bear . black Montana cubs . No. I large . fG.r : No. 1 medium. . : . C : No. 1 small , 1 : bear silver tip. No. 1 large. $ : v : No.1 mc- dium 12 : No. l small . $ : bear , 1\'er' tip . year- hogs . No. 1 large SI : No. 1 mediunt U : No. I small. $3 : bear sliver tip . cubs No 1 large 1. ,00ffl.10 ; No. 1 medium. G , } : No. 1 small. tO : l.h.r. No. I large . SS : 'No. J medium. 16 ; No. 1 small . U : fox silver , ns to color IC' cording 10 beauty No. 1 large . $00 : No. 1 mc- Utumit SGO : No. l' small . $10 : fox sl\'er. pale according to beauty No. 1 large $50 : No. 1 medium. $10 j No. I small . no ; fox . cross . No. 1 large , $ : NO. I medium. $ : No. 1 small . S2 : fox , ' red . No. 1 large $1.50 : No. 1 medium. $ .2 ; I No. 1 small . $ : fox gray. No.1 large. lSc ; No. 1 medium . Wc ; No. 1 gny. . fO : fox ! kits . . No. I large . leo : No. 1 medium , fc : No. I small . 30c : lynx < No. 1 large $3 : No. 1 medIum . 12 ; No. 1 small , * .W : morten. No. I large S2 : No. 1 me. diuni . $1.60 ; No. 1 mall . $ : mink , Ni. I large . G0iCSc : No. 1 medium . 40c : No. I small. 3c , mink danl . No. S Inrge. lIe : No. I medium 40c ; No. 1 small . 300 : mountain lion. perfect head amid feet No. I large . $ .osno Imperfect skins 88,00(17.00 ; No. 1 small . S5 : 011cm , pate No. I large ; $7 ; No. I medium. $ : No. 1 small , U : rcoon. $ No. t large ( 7O : No.1 medIum Me : No. 1 IlrR" . &Oc(112.60 : sit nil. black . eased . nlr- row striped No. 1 large fOe : No. 1 medium. 4Cc. No. 1 smitall . lIe : skunk broad striped . No. 1 large 2 ) t2c : wolverine . No.1 large . $1 : No. 1 medium f : No. 1 small . $2 : volt . mountain . No. 1 large $ : No 1 medium . S2 : No. 1 8ml. n.t ; wolr.'rlr" \ . No. 1 large CI(290c : No. I medium . Coo : No. 1 small . fO : beaver per skin , No. 1 large. S'.OIG.o : No. 1 metliumn . $4.1) : No. 1 small . $2 : be1\'er lulls. No. 1 large S2 ; No. I neuhium . $1.50 : No. 1 small . 1 : : muskrats . win- ( or . No 1 large . 800lOo : No. 1 medium. ; DCI No. 1 small . 7e : mu.krnl. ( all . No. I large . 4Gc : No. 1 medium 1c : No. 1 small , Gc ; muskrat . rat kits , 2(130 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cur" " Slarset . NI\V YORK . March % 1.-OFI"I E-pened . nl 5 10 10 , ) ' . ' ( options ) steady Iolnls nI'lnce. wih light local toying old " IUelVlrl further nlvlne ! < l on absence ot orrenings . lud closed fIrm lt 15 10 2 10lnlB net nllvln ( , : sales 1.2 liags , Including : March . Sl .3(54' ; April. $5 : May . $ U ( rl.V : June $46(10 : July UU1 (11.8 ( : Sel"mber. 114.70 ; Ocioler $1.5. Spot coffee , , IUo. Ilulll : Nu. 1. IGo : mild. quiet : Con- dma 1B1f19c : .11.S. 1.0 bags antes . P. t. . 1.6 1lf Ilmcnlbo . I. lIAVhtlO . March 27.-COFFI310--Unchanged : nl 1lt larch : -CI'I'I'I'Unehnnled 13 ; . barely steady . \chnngL'd : nl 3 P. m. un. changed : closed barely steady atH net ad- \'lnCt for time day ; sales . ] 3.0 bams. H.\NTOS. Inrch 27.-Flrml : geol average San- tOM. nG : receipts 1.0 bags : stock % 2.0 has ! lAMIUIO , Ilreh 27.-Unchlngel t : \ , I > tg. decline ; sales . 1.0 In" . . ItlO III'S JtN111tO 2.lurchi 27.-Steadr No , 7 ' ' ' Il . Ol t : exchmuage. I 0'9 tlrc : : e'lr : ; , 4,004 $ bags ; : cleared for ' . United $ tlutes. 3.00) bag : cleared for 1'urpl. : none ; stock , 1.0 bags. STOCltS ASU JNU . There Vmts I I'qulilustlimg or Long AceounU In' h > llle , l".tfrr , ) . . NBW yom" , March -There was R lquidat- Ing oC long accounts on the $ tock exchange today and some selling for the short account . with the mull that mu lower range of \'ulu. wits c.tubl.he on the day's IrnMct:8 , ranging front ' lu 3 per ( : . At the opening time market - k"l wl moderately active , and . lS I rule , the first Prices , vro below the closing prices of ycaherday exccptiOn . being .Delaware 4 Lta- Wllna , which was UI' \ . Per cent , and New ln.lund und SU.'luehlnl & 'e.tem preferred . which were , Ilr cent higher A sharp veiling movement set In under Iho ; Influence of which the enl shares broke 31 Ior cent . lell\lr , I.klwlnno 2l. I'er cent , IM'Int 1 % 'er vent and lelavaro & Iluihuon which had ' . , unl lel'\I'ur. & lull.on ( u4va.nced 1 per c < nt ) 14 per ( ( nt. nICe The pressure on these stocks wnl due tn I re- pI't that there wni some hitch In Iho negotla- lon8 between the coal carryIng companIes. nail tomorrow were fiultless of re.ul. 'hu general market tel off lu 1 Per e.nl. the latter hocking Valey antI Pll.bur. CIncinnati . Chi- AgO & BI. Louis preferred. The lower figures brught buyers Into the mommrku't. mind Utoae I.ur- chases infused t"mporlr strength Inl : tte a"culll1 nod 0 recovery ranging UI' to I" per celt took ; .luce . Ihe later II Itemuling. While matlll" ttumit und Canadian 1'llfr rose l'ch , I per cent. I ' CI were fairly well hell up to 1 o'chwk. anti . ' during the hour following the market was Irregular tn narrow ltuctuationu. In the lol hour. however . 11 I\UV" s.lll/ 10vem.nt was In progress and under the I.der.hll' ot Oenlrl liectrtc . Bay Sial" Ou ; Delaware Si Ilutlmmon. . Whlioi & ) Lke 1rte preferred . Onlol 1m r _ i _ t "i- " - ' : ' ; _ ' - ' _ ! " " " ' : ; ptTement and Bending . A reaction o 'I to 1 % per csnt hook ilaee , the market cThiflg tvCflk 'al or near lh cloying ' fl'ureS of the day before . 'nlru Compared with tt.e nnnl quolnlons of .ler 'Isy . today's most important 11..u neal ) New Jersey Crnlrnl. 3 Imprtnnt : DAY State ORB And Wheeling I Lake Ier Ere preferred 1" per Cefut : NatiOnal l.n.l. Iper cent : Southern pnclno preferred . 1" per ( cent ; Uellwir k lu,180n. MIssouri l'nNnc and l'ittvburg . CIncinnati . Chi- Cio & St. Louis . preferred "nIl Oregon Improve- meat 1 per cent . Sac ) heading nail l.ul'le ! ! & Nn.hvl. 4 per Cent and the grangers . ' 4 10 , per cent Rome few 8 lArs recorded frcU"nl ! 1'lnces an the day Ind Canadiln l'aeiflc 111'0 ' 1 gain of I per cent. The chief cause of IOlns depressIon In the general list ' 'ns thti- unflvor- able rumors regarding the eonferencc or the coal cArr'lnl . maul , . The I\.tnlng PO.I's London cntle says : The 1 c. ( In gold exported today 10 Mouth Amer- lea practically completes the operations con nelCt with the recent II.ut of Chilean treasury bills , but more gold mAY go tn the same dlrec- lon In payment for I"uluce. 10 I Is unllerstOl Ihnl the shipment of gold 10 the Unlcl States erectell to go today ! heM , 'eerrlll. prob- nbly on the hardening of exchange. The tlnll a'nu1icato . I. understood 10 be buying gold tn I. mace and 1o. ( thus bought may 10 sent 10 America on Saturday Lit this I. nol definitely settled , there Ielnl no urgent ha.te for Imml- Ilatl further supplies of gold In Anictica . Tie stock market were irregular to < n ) ' . Ccu.nsols . have risen In anticipation of cheaper money next month All the sliver securities were firm . Amer- leans Well Irregular nail generally .lul on profit inking. Inllnls were exceptionally better. Canada l'iuclflcs were lIst on gloJm allcl la- tonl on tie coming report , There wnl less ncllly ! In bond speculation today anti lower quotations were registered for the speculative 155110 , . The lel.lnA securities wer hutost active nnl this movemOnt therein wnR Irrl'ulnr. The aggregate Inles of the shares aJ ! wns SHG.O out of n total for the ulity of S. I.- 000. QuIte 1 few of the Inncllo mortgages mnllo RUbltnltnl gains . Incllln/ 1.\1.1111 & Nashville firsts . Nlsh\'III. Flnldn & Shelel firsts . 4 Per cent ; Nashville . Florida & /rls. 11011 1 Nlshvle. & Simeilleld St. cent . , seconds . 1 per < cent : Peorll Decntur & t\'anB\'lo seconds 2 per cent ; Oregon NIVlIton collateral trust Is . It's per eelt ; New "ork & New lnmrshlr < lnrtofl . debenture certificates. 1" Per Cent and Union I\'nlell firsts . improvement 10naiR IMls. Is . RI. l.uil. "lnilll & Terre haute seconds h"lronteeLl nnll VirginIa Midland generals . t 111 cent 1)eclines : ! lenlnJ11 Incomes anuS Northern Pacific nnll Montana Ir.ls..1 per cenl : New Jersey Central 11.ls eetv'rtibles oC 1902 sll nl Ill . against 12t on January 24. The following were the closing quotations on the lending stocks of the New York exchange today 1 . Atchison. . . . . . . lh Northwestern. . . . UO ) ( i Atlanta Express . . 13 'N W. ofil. . . . . . 137 Allen T. 11 . . . . IH : 'N Y. Ccnlral. . . 1 14 Ani. Expr"A. . . 12 'N. Y. &N. E. . . 3M. lalHlor &OltIo 61H Ontario & W. . . . 10 % Canada pnel/o. . 371 Oregon Inip. . . . . 1014 Canada Southern. . 40" " Oregon Nay . . . . 10 Cenlrnll'lcle. . 17" O. S. I I U. N. . 154 Ght.s. & Ohio. . . . 17)4 1'lelnc Mail. . . . 221 Cittcao Alton. . . . 171 I' . D. . ! Mal. . . . . . . 414 C. . It. & Q. . . . . . 7.Pltsbnr. . . . . . . 1l Chicago Gas. . . . . . 'l14 I'nllman Pnlneo. 167 Consoldnle,1 fins 1:1 : Itcading. . . . . . . . In : , Ienlllur. C.C. C. &SI. I. . . . 3i It. G. \ . . . . . . . II Colo. Coal & Iron. . : i I. G. W. cud. . . . . :7 Coton Oil Cent. . . 21 Hock Island. . . . on : ( lelawaru& 1111. 1:7 St. l'auii . . . . . . 111" Del. I , rk..1 W. . lOt do pM. . . . . . 11.14 13. & It. 0. pM. . . : % 5t. P. & 013h3. . 31 S D. . C. F. Co. . . . . ll do tin . . . . . . . 101 1110. . . . . . . . 034 Sonthorn Paellc. 17H do pr'I. . . . . . II\4 \ 1 S.gar liellite r.y . . . boll 'FortVuuyno. . . . l14Tenn. . CO'II & Iron II\ r . Northern OIL . 10:1 Texas I'alfic . . . 1114 O. & E. I. ufl. . . . Di T. 0 pMI/c. . . \i nockln : Valoy. . 21 ) Union Pcl/e. . . 1004 Illinois Comttr.ut. . . 8714 U. S Expross. . . . 40 St. 1' . . ' Duluttu . . . 871 IV. SL L. .i I' . . . U K. T. IM.:1 ito niul. . " . . . . . lH I Lake : Erlo & West 10' ( Wel 1"lrlo Jh.115' - do pfd. . . . . . 7m \eMorn Union . 8H' ' ( Lake Shor. . . . . . 130 Whoehng & . B. 17 LeadTnmtst. . . . . . 3U , ( . do phil. . . . I . . . . (2 Louls\.lo&N. . 11 M.&SI.L. . . . . . . 20 :0 I , . & N. A. . . . . . . 7 D. . ' 11. G. . . . . 1 184 ManhuattanCon. . . lOOM G. E. . . . . . . . . . as . Memitniuts&C. . . 10 } N. L. . . . . . . . . . 31 ) Michigan Cent . . (2 ! O. F. & L. . . . . . . : l Missouri Pacitle . 23 do Ilf't. . . . . . . . tO Moblo &Oltlo 17" IL &T. 0 . . . . . . Hi 'Nnshvtllo Chat . 70 T. A. A. & N. M. . . : NnUonal Corjao 514 T. St. L. & Ie. 1. . . 1 dopfLI. . . . . . I 'uloplut. & . . . . . . 7 N.J. C.mlr.'I. . . 0:104 : s. it. R. . . . . . . . 1 lA 2. & \.pfo. . . . 13 do prll. . . . . . . . 3314 North \m. Go. . . 0" Am. To ! 00. . . . . 0.1 NortiientPactlbc . 334 do pfd. . . . . . . lOS No.pnc pfd. . . . 11 SI. P. . 11. .I 1. . 100 . ' . . . U.P. D. & 0. . . 0 C bid. The total sales of stocks today were 24.GD shares including : American Sugar ] S.lo : Alchl- son. f.20 : Ituniington . 4.40 : Delaware & hudson 3.0 : DIstilling & Cattle Feeding certlhleates . 9,900 : Oencrl llectric 9.40 : LuIR11 & Nashville - ville . 3.6 : Missouri l'acitic. 4.30 : New York Central. 3.8 : New Yell & New England . thIrd assessment paid D.6o ; Northwestern . .2JO ) ; nnd- lag 71.G : Rock Island 4.20 : SI. Paul . 1C.mO ; Southern railroad , 1.80 : Wheeling & Lake Erie 3.G.New _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ New Yorl Ionoy : IRr.et : NEW YORK Much 27.-MONEY ON CAL1. Iasy ; 2(124 per cent : last loan 2 per cent : closed 3 per cen I. PRIME MEnCANTILE 1ApEH-161 $ psr cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-Firm . with actual busiess In bankers his nt $4.S9ul.8954 ! for demand _ . and _ $4. ! & 14.S ' _ for _ sixty days : posted rates . 14.51 ½ ( C4.19 u $ 4.2QJ4.90 ½ ! : commerCial bills . $ .8DWi .S7. < { . SILVER CEI1TIFICATES-4414(64e . CERTIFICATES\Gtc. GOVEHNlENT DONDSSlenlly : state bonds . . dull and unchanged : railroad bonds . Weak. Closing quotations on bonas wer' ' a. follow. : U. S 4B . roe. . D3W. IU\ 'Ii. & It. G" 7B. . . 115 U. S.4scoup.new. 120 % D. k R. G.4 , . : . . . . 52 % : : U. S. Cs. ret. . . . . l:01 ln1a 211 , . . . . . . . . . I 1. ( S. r.COU. . . . 1M , G. II. k S. A. Us . . . 17 U. S 4e . tog. . . . . 111 % 'G. IL & S. A. 7B. _ 03 U. S. 4s.00np. . . . 111 on. k T. C. I. . . 106 'U.S. : s..r. & . . . . 111 ) 'do ii , . . . . . . . . lOu ) 'Paclne Us of 'U5. 100 M. Ie. .b T. lot 4s. 8214 Ala. Class A. . . . 105 "od 4" . ll . . . . IH 'Aln. Class II. . . . 1011 'Mulual Uulol 0. . IOU 'Als. Class C. . . \5 N. J. C. Con. Os . . 12 % 'Aln. Currency . . 01 No. Puo. : IS19. . . 14 La. New Oon 4s. O.i d02d9 . . . . . . . 8014 'Mlssourl Us. . . . 100 N. ST. Consola. . . . 13 % 'N C. Us. . tB. . . . . 127 do S. F. Dab. 55 . 121114 ' N. C. 19. . . . . . . 100 I O. Wesl. Isl , . 121' S.O.nonfnnd . . . ll HI P.OonsoI17B. 125 Tonn. new sat Os R.H' do C. & P. W I' . 11214 "renn. new SOl ls lOt ) ! J L. & I.M.Ga. 5 . 77 . Tonn. old ( Is. . . . UO St. L. ' . ' 03 : . I. . 1044 Va. Centuries. . . . IRH Tax P3C. lal' . . 87 dodeforred..7 do 2di. . . . . . . . . . . 2451 Atchison 4s. : : : : : : i30 " U. I' . iat3 r 'tid : : : : 1oo : U do 2d A. . . . . . l\J ) West Shor 4s. . . 10l , Canada So. 2d's. . . 10n' : So. I I. , . . . . . 8714 , C. P. lstsot ' 05. . 10014 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S bid. _ _ _ _ _ _ Boston Stock Juotitlon DOSTON. March 27.-0:1 loan CU t3r coat : titan 10anK. 453 per cont. C1011n ; trlC33 for BtOCIBbOtilB and Ilnln : ahar3' : A. 'r. & 9. FSl4WeattmlglLl,3leo . . alh % Am. Sugar. . . . . . 100\ W. Ele. pfd. . . . . al' 121 Ahn Sugar p10 . . 14 Wla. Conlral. . . . . . a' flay State Ga9. . . 7t len Bloc. Ir..OIOS , Iiclllolephone . . ] 14l AthlsJn 2da . . . . 1U" , lioston&Albauy . 200 % Atchison 4s. . . . 0(114 ( " 4s.I" D09ton k Matue . . 165 New England OB. ( 109 " do pfd. . . . . . 15214 Gon. Electric I. . . 1m C.I.&Q. . . . . . . 1621 Wis. Cenl. lets . 814 ! Fitchburg. . . . . . . 7:1 : Atlantic. . . . . . . 10 . i 000. ElectrIc . . . . 3r % DOBtn' Montana 371 Illnois Steel . . . 43 Dull & ' Doson.i Mexican Central . H Cnhnnel ii heels. . 285 N. Y. N. E. . : . . : I" Centennial. lecl . . . : .10a\O 2BI Old Colony. . . . 171' FranklIn. . . . . . 11 Ore. Short Llno. . 501 Ifeartstrgo. . . . . . 8 ubber. . . . . . . . 40't Oacool . . . . . . . 21 Union Pacific. . . . 101 , Qutiucy . . . . . . . . . . 100 WoR En I. . . . . 614 ! .I'marack. . . . . . 131 Vest End pM. . . . . 87" Wolvorlne. . . . . . 41 8. , " Franol.o Mining .ioo : Quot"Uon. SAN FRANCJSOO. March 27..The onctaeos - log Quotations for mining stocks today were In follows : . AHa . . . . . . . . 23 Gould k Curry. . . 47 AlphimuCon . . . . . 8 lalo & Norcrosa . 41 Ami008. . . . . . . . . 21 JustIce. . . . . . . 11 Ueleher. . . . . . 31 Kentucky COtt . . . 4 leBt & Belabor . . l3 Moxlclun . . . . . . . RI ! edie Con. . . . . . ISO Mount DIablo. . . . 10 In10n. . . . . . . 20 Oecldon1 Con . . 1 Rnlwlr ) Coo. . . . . . 18 Ophair. . . . . . . . 110 Camocionia. . . . . . 1 ) 10to.I. . . . . . . . 12 ChmolIir . . . . . . . . 01 Sa\.alo. . . . . . : o ConfIdence . . . . . 121 Sorplol. . . . . . I Con ell & Vu . . 211 Sierra Nevada . . . 71 Comi . Imuperial . . . . 1 Union Con. . . . . . 10 Crown PoInt . . . . 3H Yellow JackeL. . G4 I xchqner. . . . . : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Silver bins 04c1114o . Moxlean dolard , 621458 Ge. Drafts . slht 7o : tloraphtc. lOc. Now York 1111n : Qitustatiuns. ' NEW YOlt , March 27.-The folowlD : are the olosingutinimmy quolaton81 : llulwer. . . . . . . . 15 Ont3rho. : . . . . . . 10l Chiolor. . . . . . . . . 41 OpIum . . . . . . 111 ( Crown Point. . . . . 35 l'lyloulh. . . . 20 Con. Ca' . , h Va . . :10 Quicksilver . . . IJ D.awoOI. . . . . . 41 do pt. . . . . 1411 Gould " Curry , . , Il Siorn N.V3d , . . 71 hale & Norcross . 100 RI.ln.larJ . . . . . . . 241) UOlostak , , , . . , . 1850 Union Con , , , . , , . 50 : . . . .1110 . . 10 2doxicamt. . . . . . . HO Yellow Ja3ul. . I ; Loudon ! ionl ( Juotmatlouhl. IONDON , 2.150011 27.- p. ntcosin : : Caii . Pacific . . . . 1 St. I'aut cOn. , , . 5051 Irlu . . . . . . . . . . . . H N. . y , Ccuitrai. . . . . IH % . : rl.ds. . . . . . tid4 1.Innsylvaula. . . 6 : Ill. Comitral. . . . . . 8904 itonuting . . . . . . I" Moxteanonutinmury. 111 Mex. Cen. ucw4. . 02 HAlt SJ4VBI-\ \ per ounce. ) Y-n. l'eI cent Ier The rate of dl."unt In the open market for short bills I. H' per celt ; three month tAils , h per cent 11 . Financial Notes , IIAI.TlMOItlI. March 27-Clearings , $2,014t'16 : balances , $ U.31. S NIIV YOI' . March 27.-Ciearings , $ BIS35t57 ; - $1.33. balances . .8.538. I'll ILADELI'IIIA , March 27-Clearings , $ . ' 0- H. ; balances . $ .OI.GS2 - $ 8T. LOtus. March : : - arllga. $3,409,110 ; hal- sore . . $384,901. Money . 5iG lien cent , Hew York exchange . SIc premium b I'er WASIINaTON. March 27-Today's btltemenl of the condition ot Ihe . ' condlion tlelsur 8h'lvl A\'II- GO ) 1.1 ; cash balance . $ G.o" . % i gOI" 1' < re. ; : , - CIIICAUO. MiIch 27-Clearings. S2.G1.0. New York exchange . SOc pretniunt . 8terlnl , ex change . posted . * 4.89(14.004. ! Money 4HII per cent on cal and (6 leI cent 01 lime . I'lrel ; . a' " 'nl,1 % r.lr , . AMSrBI > M. larch Z-Slver'l ) quoted nt 6 " "ldns , Ier kilo . quott S 11 lLIN. March 27.-Exchange on Lqndon . eight days sight. 2 alrks U I'fg. IAIIS , March 27.-Thn' per cent rentos . 10f 214o for the account : uchan" . on Lon4on , 25f : Cu chek I. < S % L.OHION. Mordl t.-old Is quoled I : Iuel" Aires lt Sn.2J : Madrid Sue ) ' ilL I'elelburl 6 ; Athens . 7. Itorne . 1 t5 ; VIenna , 103 , . ; : - U ( IiIA LIVE S - UCl MARKET Receipt of All ortAnima1s Oontinuo LIght and Fr : _ tGo Lower FED STt ( RS DROP . 1f . f FUllY A DIME J.tght Itccelpt , or C vsnub IIUers hold tccellls CiTlflll ) ' ' the I'rlen 8ttRll Open Slow , " . , on R Ten C nJR \ ' hut End iiti 1) ' , WEIJ7DAY . March 27. The receipts today elr h"tl tDA l.w2 cattle . . .20 hogs and \ 31 s h ns ngulnst I.GI0 cattle . ,7G9 hogs and Ifs sheep 01)VetliCs. - day oC last weelc. The receipts for the week thns tar are 6,0,0 cattle . 9.9 hogs and 6.82 sheep , ns against Gl&3 cattle . I1DSG hogs antI 1,35 sheep In the II'st hllt oC hat week. CATTIE-There , was quite n Iprlnklng oC corn fed native steers In the yards today . In additIon to n trin nnll some smaller bunches at hay fed westerns. For the first time In n long while the market received n bnckset toda ) ' . The most desirable corn Cea cattle Boll fully 10e lower. Ohe bunch with some heifers brought $ .24 , whic wns tile best price paId. On $ hay fed cattle salesmen claImed . that the buyers wanted to take off 20c. ) There were nbout six lents or cows and heifers and with such light receipts prices remained about atead ) ' . A few heatS oC helCers sold nt S4.7G all $0. nail some cows nt $ .75 and $ .G. but there were no full lands that were very good. Stockers ant feeders were In pretty fair supply and under the Innuelce cf n good demand - mum ) the mnrket was strong. Representa- lve snIts : DEEP STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pro No. Av. Pr I. . 4U 13 0 ] O.Q.S $5 00 13..131 15 II Q 2..12 350 t. . 710 041 2'.IZ93 ' 5 GG 1. . N1 425 2..120 I 0 r 21.14i0 . 5 ' 5 1..1040 4 ro 2..1 Q 10 21..13G 5 ( S 1. . 'IQ 4 GO l13.l037 53) ' ) 49.hhll . 5 80 2..13 : S 0 31 . . . .59 54G 9..IS3 5 S covs 0. . A1 I ro I. . 710 2 z 1..10 3 z 1. . . DCO 1 W 1..1'0 22 8. . Dl 330 1..88 1 G .1..13fO 2 z 3. . D9Q 330 t. . P20 I r I. . 990 235 1..102 3. 3. . ; 21 165 3..1(5) 2 fO 1..10 : ; 3 r 1..10 1 's 4. . S05 240 2..1M 3 m I. . . 9S0 1'5 1. . 90) 2 ro ' 1.1214) : 75 I. . 830 15 I. . 8M 2 M 12..IOG9 3 S : 2. . . 82) 1 75 2..102 2 GO 1..129) . ) 40 4..81 20 1..10 ! ' ) 2 i5 2..H0 4 z 1.Or 20 4. . . P I 0' ) 3..143 42 : 30 I. . D70 ( ) 20 8. . P 310 I..l010 . 4 z I. . 8& 20 5. . . 9il 32) 2..15 4 i5 t. . 'W a 15 0.03 32j ltEIh'EItS. 7. . . 39 1 r.o 2. . W 230 L . . 60 2 's 3. . 68 I 9 ' 1. . . 50 2 25 ] 5. . SO 315 1. . . tO 29 9. . . 4:4 230 ] . . . 550 3 55 1. . 542 215 5. . rR 2:0 ( . I. . 'o : R5 2. . S'O 22 5. . ros 235 2..1010 4 4 hltthLS. 1..10 215 1..170 240 1..1G 2 c 1..12GO 2 : : I. . 'DO 2 50 1..IG 251 1..IGO 22 1. . . S50 ' 2 ro 1.ll5) . . 275 I 2..IGO 22 I. . nl ' ) 2 r 1..136' : 0 ' 1. . . 930 2 2 1. .10 2 W 1..1750 : 20 1 . . .1210 . 23 : 1.)22) 2 rl 1..13 . 3 i : I. . . ] 270 2.40 :40 CAI.VBS. 8. . 34 20 3. . 31i 2 85 1.:0 40 1. . . 3GO ' 2 r 1. . . 330 2 DJ 1. . . )10 f G 3. . 33G 210 4. . . 227 30' ) t. . 1'2 4 r. 2. . 285 22' 4. . 12 32 . 1. . 130 4 r . , 2. . . 3M 22' 1. . . 10 32 ; 1. . 2J 4 ' ( 3. . 29Q 2 r. 1. . . ] 2 3 t 1. . 110 0 1. . . 2G ' 2 r t. . . 15' ) 3 Wi. . . I ! , 50 IV 7. . 33S 2,5 t. . 12 3 i5 1. . 20 I 0 2. . Do 2 75 I. . 10.40 1. . IGO 5 0 1.:0 275 1. . 11 . 40) STOCKEHS AND ! 1.'EEDERS. 1. . iEO : : ; 2. . 5I'2& G. . GD 32 ' z 1. . 610 22 : 1. . . D2:2 c 3. . ' 9 320 4 . . - 617 2 33 15. . . . 5.15 2 5 12. . . . 52 325 t : : : g 2 g L : : fllr.J 45 t : : m 325 6. . G40 ' 240 3. . 8 2 I 2. . IS 7 340 8. . GG 240 3. . . ' 9J92 75 L. . . 'G 3 40 1. . 760 250 S. . . 4-2 , IS. . . 'G7 340 1. . 730 2 10 4. . 40 .3 00 1. . . 930 3 50 2. . 51 2 65 13. . . GA.3 ] 1 1. . 78 3 ro i..3il 265 15. . 4G 3 tl ' 88. . . sn 3 55 S. . DGI 2 G ; 10. . 191 ' ' 15 27. . SI 3 60 3. . ' 0 2 t 3. . 610 ' 3 : 1. . 'o 3 i5 . WES' WYOMING. No. Av. Pro No . ' ' \ Pro 1 bul..Ho $24'- ; .a feeders. . . SSG $3 G 10 cow. . . . . D8S 3 40 10 Steers . . . . 1323 0 c Batch. 10 feeders..IOGO 43 , ' fecerB..I0 l'j Reader & Nelson. ' 13 steers..1000 ' . 42 52.1eer..lGS , 4 70 . t \ IJ. : 1Cm9Bwo. , . r ' . ' ! 1 steer.3DO. 4.,30 _ ; steer ------1113 430 'E. Crilnirine. 3 fcer..190 30 2 fecdensihl&l . ) 42 2 fceders. . .108S 3,80 2fecders. ! .1073 4 2 . , COLOI1ADO ' . . t slng..128J:2 W 1 row..1030 : . . 32i 1 stag..1320 32 19 teedera. . ns 42 MONTANA. . 1 feeder. . . . E' 280 6steers..1060 4 35 3 cows. . . . . 973 3 75 2 steers. . . . D40 0 3 24 feeders. . . D45 40 IDAHO. 12.leers.030 0 3 ; 2 cows. . . . i80 1 75 1 helter. . . . 12 2 i5 1 heifer. . . . 60 2 25 2G te"ler. . . 61 3 15 3 calves. . . . 30 215 1 steer..1040 . 0)5 HOOS'rhere were about forty-live fresh loads of hogs on sole this morning. In addition 10 that number there were nbout.1 thousand hogs carried over from y sterday Including spcull- tors' stuff and all. The fresh receipts were considerably swelled by 8 hend received by Hammond from KansaS City . The ' quality ot the hogs offered lon ) ' was fully os good n. ) 'e.ter. day'B rim. There were I good many lIght hogs hut at the same time Ih.r were Mme right good heavy londs. Advices from all directions tills , mornng : were unfavorable to thc pelting interest . morn tere.t and the buyers started out bidding 103 I and In some en.e ISo lower. Salesmen were , very backward about maktng' the concession asked and the market was \'er slow and tlraggy. Toward the close the provisIon market looked up and the buyers and sellers came together on ' n basis of a hOc decline. Although the Inule was i slow the pens were..clellred before midday Rei" rcsntnth'o sales : - No A\ ' . Sh. Pr. No . A\ SIt 1'1. D1..H3 40 $4 45 - 31..24 . . J4 75 15' ) . . . : .143 8 44' 67..2 lG 475 0..13 . . . . . 450 ' 77 . . . . . 217 12 475 . . . . . SO 4 55 16..201 8 4 1 : G. . . . . ] ! . . 4 r.5 7..221 SO 475 . . . . . . . 4 r 1..2 . , 4 75' 115..142 12 4 ro 41..28 : 80 4 7 : 15..12 S. . . . 18 . . 4 55 15. . . . .21 s 0 75 $2..176 40 55 65 . . . . . 232 . 160 47 : 0..18 . . 0 c ' . . . . . . . 4 SO .GS. . . . . % SO 0 GO G..2 12 0 80 42..171 . . 4 GO rG..a IG ' 4 80 100..152 . . . . G 46..273 S'4 if O 0 . . . . . . . . ] 460 76--------217 . . . 4 SO ' . . . . % . 76..21 . 3..13 . . GO Ct..268 . : 12 480 H..IG5 SO 0 46 139..26. . 4 P U..17 . . G2\ \ 30..22. . 480 9i..13 . . 0 t G1..2Gl . . 4 SO G..186 . . 0.6 0 G2..24 . . 4 SO 28..IS3 . . 40 4 c 18 . . . . . ' 40 4 SO 5. . . . . . .204) . . 70 7..21 8 4 SI 3..22 . . . 0 70 G6..2 . . 4 824 \ 74 . . . . 19' ) 40 0 70 44 . . . . .2r .7 10 4 2\r \ 5 . . . . . : . . 4 70 ' . . . . .249 80 4 S : 2 . . . . . 200 . . 4 50 & , . . .2a ; 40 4 ! 2..25 . . 4.0 (4..2u15 . 40 48 88..15 . . 4 70 C . . . . .2G5 . . 4 S5 ' 1' ' ) , . . . . . . .260 . . . 4 85 81.- . . . ISO 32' ) 4 iO G..261 . 0 11 IS..2'1 . ' 8 4 75 12 . . . . . 216 . . 4 8. 6..246 10 . i5 65 . . . . . .237 . . 485 82. . . .21D 15 4 ' 75 S1. . . .2H 12) 4 F5 S . . . " .2- . . 4.15 1:1..21 : 240 48 ; 13..IF . . . 475 77 . . . . . 227 . . 4' ) 12 . . . . . 210 . . 4 75 . 16..45 . . 0 0 i2..2Q . . t'o G..2 . . 49. BIOIS AND CULLS. 2..270 . . . . . 0 0 I'IGH. 2. . . . . S . . 30 . 11R. 1..13 . . 42j 15. . . . 12 . . 30 104..138 40 430 6..18 . . 30 . . . . . ] 80 4 4Q I . . . . 130 . . 4 0 , 6..14 . . 440 ] 1..10 . . 4 2 ShISlll'-The market was strong and the ret SIUEl-The cell > l. were all , uruld. Fair tQ cholc , plth'eD are Iluolible II t3.f.OtIl.C4 , : air tQ good w"'rna It $3.001114.r50 ; common Inlloll sheep. 12.Wf3.o : $ ( f.o choice f 10 1Q-ii1. Inmh. $3.ZI6(5.5O. ' eale. : . prelnlnlh'o . -S 5J5 .t \ 't I'r. No :1 \\j ; PI. 343 ' western wethers . . . - . . ' . . . . . . 122 U 40 , . > I. S bt. Louis 1.lvo ; ! $ tn1 5laret . ST. LOUI1I . March ATLI3-hte&pts. . I.S ) head ; shIpments . 600 he1l market sleluy to hOc lower ; I lot of 1,650-lb. filc\'t ) steers Bold It IG.05 ; good r 10 lot shippc \ , . 15.2(6.70i ; fair lu medium * 4.606(5.00 : heavy .1.utchmuinm . 81.24615.21 : mneullum luutciieni' . $4.0061485L : light weights . n.t 1. m"lum ; feeders . $3.25(14.hl : ) toekers 82.006(1.01 . ; cows * .0U3.r ; f.1 ' .1' slel'r. $1.0d6(4.5 ; . . $ . . . ' . . 81.71613.00. grass Texas .Ie.r. 12'5ft4.9' cw. S.1r 3.o. lIOciS-hleveipts. 5,704. , .t"l : sitlprnents 20' ) head : market lU20 i4wei't hl8'y , $1.&t5.o : mixed . 84.60404.85 : light . 41.2,0614.80. BIIEEI'-lteceipts : ] .I\b" \ III ; shipments . none : market I'-IltIP.1 : \ ' " mIxed . f.lot4.t : loulh- we.ler. * 3.25614.15 : IUI" 't.15'6.o. ' : York lAvi'm'Hluvk ' Market. NliV' YOm' . 1Iarch ! 7. ' : I VJ-nlcelpts. 1.5 heed ; on sale . 45 t ; market openel Iclh' " lt I general aulvancotol 10@15c ; eo.el O\ with advance loot ; 10lio II.eIS. \ 'ery per :0 : wih . 84.00615.55 : chotue . 16. OG.i5 ; oxen n. ( ( mllum. UU : bulls. $ t.tf5.o : dry cows , $ .w ( l.n. Durpenn cables quote American steers lt 1154(5 12c l h' , . dressed weights ; rerlgelltor beef , } . ' IlilElIl' AND LAMIIIIelpls. D.4r hcll ; . .o HIIIW . < oa ale : market , quIet . ; ignitus , inferior 10 chrMe. I & . 25CiG.23. 100HIec"lpU.Jli head ; market flint lt $4:5.2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ block In ilighit . Record of receipts of tht four principal mil- keI Wednesday , MArch' 2. Hi5 : ) Uattle. 110g. . Sbeel South Omaha . . . . , , . , . . . . 1,552 4.2 319 Chicago . . " . . . " , , . . . . .14 2.0) 15.11 l'an.nl CI . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10 7'O .3 lot . Louis . , ) . . . . . e. . . . . . . . 1.5 ( 5.10 - 1.1)0 Totals . . . . " . . . " . . .2. : 15,450 : ) 1111.1. City - ' a.l. " ; U. , KANSAS CITY Mach 2.-iTI.E-Uecelptl 6,10 h"w ; sltiptuentim , : ,1 - l\elj \ ; market 6i100 . , . , . " ' : r -.r' - ' ' ' - - L1Z 'r' " .r'i" . . - loWer ; TUI steer , . 53.1414(1.21 ; Tuu rows . U.M (3S , beef steers $3 i f6.t : nlve cows . 51.55(5 ( 6. : . . stockers and tee-dots . $2.IStfI.63 ; bulls . 12&1 100Snecelpt . 7GO head : shipments . 10 hen" ; market 10lS lower , bulk of vales . U ! ' 4.5 ; : heavies. U.OUS ; psekera . 54.11(14.887 : : noised . * 4.6)6(4.55 : lIghts . " I.4fJ4.63l : orker" ( $ .r .4t4.6j $ f4 c : rlls 83.10(14.40. Sn . JI'-R ( < elpts. 4.8 bend : sbipments . Of ) head ; m"k t slow , but Itrady. \lpmenls. CIJOAnO IL'l3 STOCII. Al R Consequence or the Larger Supply the . Tone \RI Weaker. . ChICAGO . March 21.-The run of rattle was liberal 1011) ' . As 1 consequence of the hanger supply ' there wnB R "uch weaker tone 10 thc mnrk'et. The bids of buyers were oh'where from ISo to : off from yesterday's quotations. with average reductions of from Sa to 15e. The best sold nroun.t 1t2. and t6.M was about the outside quotation . Common 10 light steers cu' to haul AI hum " .15 10 H.G. and the bulk of the drems tb beet nail shIpping Srl chlngeLI hamS , lt from 11.75 tn $6. flood butcet' ) stock ! WM nt mor thAn lOc lower ant common stock showed scarcely ) honRc. Thc cato market was lower than last week. The best grades were quotNl nt $5.25. Texas cattle were In mod- Crate flat lvs. supply . but IrecA'lr In . ) sympathy with The weak feeling that erpPtl alit lt the close ot tIle hog market ) 'eslerLtlY was stilt In evidence tolny. Conlnr"1 with Tuesdu"s o""n- lag prices . ale " 811) ell / rlluclon , of lIe. Therns freer hu'lng later and n steadier feel- Inl ohlnllt < . hil , 10 Part of time mnotning's 1os was recoveme'l. TOil Alel were nl $4 for losorl < l light nail best l hll and nl f5 for 11lme heav ) ' . Sales were principally al front $4.10 to $4.90 for I' ' Ire tn 200-It , . hogs and nl 1.80 10 $5.10 for : he'av' weights , No important change tvas noted in thin sheep sOul Inmh , market , 1(0th t'CFC active antI about steady , tIme difference , if any , being in buyers' favor , tue increase in reecipus tending to soften Prices. Choice sliCe ; , Itere ultioteul itt front $4.60 In $4.55 liflil choice lambs miround * 1.715. I'rnnt thu-sn ilgures tunIcs ran ulown to from 83 to $3.23 fur comnion sheep unit to front $3.75 to $4 for thin lanthe. fleCeipt , Cattle , 14,000 hendl calven , 100 ltead hogs , 28ovo head : eulteep , 15,000 hteaul , $ % 'ISSTERN 1.tCK iNn IIOUSLI OUTIUT. Moderitte lleiutctlomi iii the Number of hogs Hilled I.it5t % % 'celc. CINCINNATI , March 27.-Special ( Telegram- Tomorrow's l'rice Current will sa5' : h'acking operations have been moderately reduceS time past veelc , the total for the Ivest showing 230,000 hogs , comnpnreut witlt 305,0)0 the prececiling veek and 220,000 a year ago , mitaking a total of hl25,00 since March 1 , agaInst 900,000 a year mugo. I'rotni. h5ent places cornliamo as follows : I'LACiS. I 1595. . Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ) 30).0'O Kansa , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .465,00) 152.0) ) Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . uc.o'o lot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.030 Chnclnnitti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 21,010 IndIanapolis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2',0O Milwaukee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' ) 3),010 Ce'lar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' ) ) 11,00' ) St. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19,000 . , 21.00' ) Sioux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42,0' ) 21,000 Ottumwa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,000 St. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . ) 12.030 Nebraskztcity. . . . . . . . . . , , , . . . . , 15,000 12,04)0 St. I.umhls ( hsuier.sl 5L'ir'o' . ST. LOUIS , March 27.-WIEAT-ljnsettled , rather nervous during forenoon , with hiciut titul- log , influences icing lather diversified ; mutronic tone finally devclopeh on dry whenther on' tintS crop reports , auletunces of front 54c to ! c front the lunvest Iwing ninie , buit the mamket turatul weak late. uleclineul % c and closed with lutt9'er % O above yesteruhay ; No. 2 reuh , cash , & 454e : May , 113(551t4c : Jul5' , t.44c. ( 'OltN-Quiet , firm. witlt advance early of e , witielt was not maininineul , later eased off urn decline in lvhient anti closed time sante as yester- ulay ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 42'(14bc ; May , 43c hi. ; July. 41(214c bid. OATiO-Dimhi , unsettled with corn , % (21C au ) . Vance for Mmmy being bid enni' , but litter offered 150 below this. Spot , irregular : No. 2 cash , 30c ; May , 30t4c ; June. bOo blil. ItYU-No. 2 , offered , east side , at Gee , but no bids. lIliAN-Dull anuS scarce ; SOc for sacked. eo5t track. CORN MEAL-$2.15$12.20 , 1"LAX ilEal-Qulet , $1.38. CLOVER SE1l-Easier : choice , * 3.20(29.30. TIMoThY SEl.D-$1.7156(3.00 hAY-In light demand ; best grades scarce and firm ; prnirle , choice to fancy. $ O.50lh,00 for tltin side ; timothy. prime to strictly choice , $8.2' ) (210.73. hIUTTER-h'irmer ; fancy Elgin , 21'(122c : sep. arator creamery , ll(1lOc. EGOS-higher ; fresh , O1SC , WIIISKY-2"Irm ; $1.25 for distillers' finished goouls. LEAD-Strong , in root ) demand , 12.924(12.93. SPEI.TER-F'irm ; $3.05. I'ROVISIONS-I'orhc , standard mess , Jobbing , $1.50. Lard. prime steam , $6.80 : choice , $ r.02L4. Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders , $4,574 ; lomtgs , nibs , 88.3714 ; sltortmu , $6.20. hiacon , boxed sitttl- tIers. $5,574 ; longs , $6.78 : ribs , $6,874 ; shorts , $7 , RECI'1IPTS-Fiotur , 3,004) tAil , , ; wheat , 1,000 bu. : corn. 18,00' ) bit. ; oats. 3,000 bu. S. ShIIl'MENT8-1.inur , 4,000 luLls. ; wheat , 16,030 4)U. 7 corn , 13.000 ha : ; oats , 7,000 bu. 1.lverpool Mirtuetis. , LIVIIEPOOr. . , Mnrch 27.5VItA'j'"pot .teady , demand poor ; No. 2 red winter , lti Oil ; No. 2 rel muning , Is 214,1 : , N. 2 hutril Manitoba , 6 214d : 2o. 1 Cflhifornia , Is ; futures opened firm , wIth near and distant Positions % d lower , closed steady with June ' 4th lower and other months Unchanged front b'esterulay's closIng primes ; bust. itess heaviest on middle positions ; Starch , 4a SuI ; April , 4 , 854d ; Slay , Is Oil ; June , Ia Di ; July , 1 914,1. CORN-Quiet ; demand fair ; futures opened quiet , with near nail distant positIons % ul lower ; quiet , with near nnd distant positions % tl lower ; nail oIlier months unchanged from yesterday's close ; business heaviest on early positions ; Marchi , Is 2d ; April. 4 , 24d ; Mny Is 240 ; June , 4 2ul ; July , 1 254ul ; August , Is huh , FLOUR-I"irmn , ulenuand moderate ; lIt , I.ouis Cane ) ' winter , Cs. 1'ItOVISIONS-flacon , steady ; , lemand mailer- ate : Cumberlanul cut. 28 to 53 lbs. 11s ; short tilts , 28 lbs. , 34s ; long clear , light. 50 to 45 lbs. , bIn Cd ; long clear , heavy , 51 lbs. , 33s ; short clear lack , light. IS lbs. , 34s ; short clear m'ddles ' , heavy. 55 lbs. , 32s Gd ; clear bellies , 34 to 16 lbs. , 355 Cd , Shoulders , square , 32 to 18 lbs. , hIs. lluums , short chit , h4 ho 36. lbs. , 42.1. Beef , exirn hndlst mess , SOs ; prime ntess , Gos. I'ork , prime mesa , fIne western. & 7s Dil ; prime me'Iium. ISa 90. Lard , steady ; prime western , 35s 3d ; refined , in pails. 36s 3d. CIIEESE-Stenuly ; , lemand moderate ; finest American , white , 49s Gd ; fInest American , colored , Iha. Iha.IJUTTICICFinest IJUTTICIC-Finest United States , 75s : good. lOs. TIII6PENTINE-Sptrits , 23s. ROSIN-Common stocks exhausted. COTTON 81ED OIL-Liverpool refined , 16s 90. LINSEED OIL-20m , 90. ' PhiTito LEtJM-Reilneul , 654u1. hlI'FRIGEItATOIt HSEF-Fore quarters , 43d : hin,1 quarters , 6'l. 3101'S-At London ( Pacific coast ) 2 bOa. lhgnltinitiro .ilaricet. BALTIMORE , March 27.-FLOIIR-Duhl , on- changeul : western super. 82.006(2,10 ; western extra. 82.2052,10 ; western family. $2.6501215 : win- her wheat patent. 3.(13.25 : mprlmtmt patemtt , * 3.60(2 3.72. ( special brands higher ) ; spring wheat stnLightiu , 83.25(13.50 ; receipts , 14,136 bids. ; shipment - mont , , 6.761 lubls. ; sales , 150 Itihs , WIIIIAT-Firrn ; spot , month. April and Stay , G1'/sGlc ; steamer , No. 2 neil , 277(1b8c : receipts. 4,423 bu. ; stock , 491,348 huu , ; sales. 10,00) bu. : southern wheat , by sample , 6061'62c ; soutlterit wheat , on grade' , &R)4i6l54c. COltl'-tlteauly : spot , month and April. t,0t4(2 &O'4c ; May , ru) ½ Crrioc : stemimer mixed , 4S6(49e : receipts , 46,957 bu. ; southtemn white corn , 494(1 f.IP/e. OATS-Firm : Na. 2 white , western , 37(13734c ; No. 2 mixed , 256335c ; receipts , 6,672 ha , Vool Shiurket , LONDON' , March 27-There was a good gen- cml selection offered at tile tyonl auction vales unIt competition was brisk. American inhyers bought nenhly 1,000 hales. 'fhie nuhitber of hales offi'reul were 14,633 , of which 2.00 bales tverc wittm. drawn. Soles In detail : New ilouhim'ales , 533 bales ; scoured , 66hld : m.-reaay , h(1Vuh , Vie- lana , 1,355 bales ; sCouhell , 5dllIs 940 ; greasy , 44(1100. Queenmulunui , 3,64)6 bales ; scotmrel , Sul(2 35 lit ; greasy , 116(174th. South Australia. 5,119 lumules scoured , 44(1ls ld ; greasy , 2614'6ul , West Auetraiiu , 731 bales ; scoured , 461841 , New /ealand. 3,451 iunles scoured. 5d(1ls 'ii : greasy , Itt24i4d , Cape uuf Oixul 1101,0 and Natal , hiS bales ; scoured , 64u1(1)s Oil ; greay , 454(1541 , i"uhi5uur Market. NE\V YOItK , Starch 27-fitiGAtt-Itaw , firm ; sales , 9.850 lungs Cumlta cenirifugal , 01 test , 3c ; 5,45' ) bags ( umhutt cemttriugmmi , 24e : in tmrunl to Canada , 300 bugs : MOiLissei tUgttr1 89 test , 2 7-lIe ; 4,040) bags Cuba Slolamusu'a sthgmr 89 test , I 13-ICc anil f ; 41u6 huhtuls. Siumeovaili. 1,3 test , 2 Il-ICc : re- mined , quiet ; Na. C , I 9-lChI54e : No. 7 , 3T-36143e : No. 8 , 3 1.16613140 ; No. 0 , . 'J1I613 7.1Cc ; No. II , 3m'6(3 7.4Cc ; No. II. 34413 7-ICc ; No. 12 , 3 11.16CC 414c ; No. hI. Ic ; , uf A. 354(52Ge ! ; io'tutiul A. 4 3.16 (14c ; stanularl A. 3 13-IGOmIc ; conf'cticumt'rs' A , 3 l3.hC6(1c cut lomuf , I t.I6tj4c ; crumslieil , 4 9.1685 4301 howlered. 4 3.1611454o ; gmnnulated , 3 15-16(1 4'tc ; cubes , 4 3-hC(10c. 9lhltvuhhtceus llturket4. MILWAIJKEIO. March 27.-WIiT-Firm ( No , 2 spring , f.G'hc ' ; No. I itonthiern. 64c ; Stay , lie. COltN-lhlgiter ; No. 3. 4G'c. OATS-liigltot' ; No , 2 white , 3211c ; No.3 white , 3t'rIhe. IiAItLEY-Quiet ; No 2 , 82c ; sample , 22(1 & . ltYlO-No. I , 55c. I'ltQVIllONhI-Lowi'r : pork , $12.20. Lard $6.00. ltSCIOh l.T8lriour , 3,900 luu , ; tt'beat , hG,1Z53 ha , ; barley , 5.60' ) bu , HllIl.Ml3STHlrlour , 4,30) bu. ; wheat , none ; barley , none , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( luiiiith IS hitsuit 5)aricet. DULUTh. Marchi 27.-WIIFAT-Closed i(1u4c hhgiuer : large sales of cash tim rniiis. Cash 2.tarcim , No , 1 hard , G054c : No. I norihmern , G0c lId ; Slay , No. 1 northern , G4)c luhul ; July , Na , 1 northern , 61to l.iui ; ilejutemuituer , No. 1 northern , lO'.c ; receipts - ceipts , 81,100 bu , _ 1Gimtsmus City limirkots. KANSAS CITY. March 27-WIIIIAT-Quiet ; 5o. 4 hard , Sic ; No , I red lIe ; rejected , S1 , COHN-Firm ; No. 3 ntixed , 134(143e ; No , 2 ! ; No. mixed , 2SS(1ISc ; No. 2 whie ; Ole , _ _ _ _ _ _ SIlmmhlVullliiS tS'heu t Slmtrkvt. SI5SNlA7'O1.1S , Starch 27.-Vl1 IOAT-Marchi , 8.8 % ' ; May , t2'.lc ; July , 1954c ; ilehutemnl'cr , & 154e ; on irack , , No. 1. hard G0Sc : Na. 1 northern , i3'c ; No , 2 northern , 1 % c : meceituts , 171 cars. lrl.cm , 81 ItSult 'lurker , SAN FflANCI14CO March 27-WIIIIAT- i3teudy lJeeelpber , iIc ; May , S'Thc. 1IL\VAUIEE'S \ ( ' 11EAVY LOSS names Spread So Thipidly liromen Word helpless for a Time. MILLION DOLLARS IN PROPERTY BURNED MagnIficent lItthlilings Demitroyeil In a t'ew hours its tilt , lIet Part of tue City- l'lmitiklntomt Estate Liut : lit Ituilus. MZLWAU1EI ! , March 27-Lower Grand avenue , where ( ho hteart of the whole9ale and retail conmierco of the west side titrobs , Is In ruins , as the result of thto enious coitila- gratiott s'ltlcht raged there in the early morn. lag hours. Some of the leatlilhg lncrCalltllo institutions of uIilwatlko9 tire nothing bult piles of brokeit brick , The fire is ( Ito Inost tilsiustrous since tlto Third ward confingra. tion of October 28 , 1S02 , and the Ios wIll roach to nearly $1,000,000 , It furltisimeil a Inagnificellt slteCLacle for the thotisands that hineti the avenue anti % 'ntcileul it front surroundIng - roundIng buildiitgs , There were , iiowc'er , very luckily , no fatalities. The following are the latest eztilntttes of losses : I'Ianklnton estate , buliul logs.235,0.0 h4tnulauer & Co. , wltohesutle dr ) ' gOouis 100,000 Ilenedict & Cu. , clotlititg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,00' ' ) Y. M. C. A. building. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215,000 Iloehel & lleihthtnrt , alt store. . . . . . 20.000 F' . Ilopleilhson Ilinith , ImaintiiiS8. . . . . . hltXJO lIon Marcite. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1l,000 Columbia Clotllihig COlthlthlY. ( . . . . . . . . . f'.OJO Tanner & Co. , ( tlrniture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 Rattling & W'nntliold company , clotht- 11)1.2 . . . , . . , . , , . , . , . , , , . , , . . , , , , . . , . , . . , 80,000 Schhlitz Ibrewiiig cuhupally , buIlding. , 8,000 \Vilhiam Ilaliman , buildittg. . . . . . . . . . . . 9,00) Ocetipants of Ilallinnit & Scltlltz building. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rooo Mathews Bros. , building. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 James MOt'galt company , dry goods , 2,0th ) Otiter loseg about. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,005) Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , INSURANCE CAI3I1IED flY LOSEIU3. Piankinton estate , llhourance on thte 'l'ttniter bui liii ing , * 02,1' ' ) ; oht t Ito Lattdutur building , $42,500' l"ourtlt street httiluliitg ( saveul ) , $3),0th ) ) , atiil Library htiiiding ( damaged ) , $90,005) , it total of . , .u. . . $269,000 Mattitews lIros. , on building. . . . . . . . .172,05)0 Morgait & Co. , on stock , ditlittuged. . . 331,000 itetteulict & Co. , toek. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70,16)0 Columbia Clothing company , stock. 8,500 htoebel & Iteinhartit , Pictures. . . . . . . . 18,00) Laitdaur & cc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175,0th ) Davtdeon , btmilding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000 IlarlitigViiittbolul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2'5,00o Young Mel's Christian association. 215.000 lleneubict & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40tO0 ) ThIther company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8),000 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $074,000 SPREAD IS VERY ItAI'IDLY. Before 1 o'clock the flames hind crossed Fourth street aihul was feeding on tlte Y. M. C. A. butlidlog and twettty mintites later the two upper floors of the library buhldihtg were a seething 111aM of fire. About thte time the department under Cltlef Foley's direction had begun Its svork to save the library altO the three or four clothliig and dry goods stores it cotttalns ( lie fury of the blaze had spent Itself on tltc south 1ule of the avehtuo , having reduced the Piankluton estate's block , oc- ctipietl by LandauciCo. . and Tanner & Co. , to ashes. There was now the surrounding - ing property on the west side of Fourth street near ( lie Y. M. C. A. building and firebrands - brands scattered broadcast by ( Ito flames in ( lie upper portion of the library block. It was only by riesper- ate work that the library was saved and at. 2 o'clock the Morgan store had been saved front damage except the upper iloor. The firebrands leaped across the avenue , ruining the art. store of Roebel & Reinltar ( , two little saloons and sonic cheap raIn- shackle buildings. The public library building at the northwest corner of Grand avenue and Fourth was saved by hard work. TIte loss on the building is believed - lieved to be confined ( a ( lie fotlh'th and fifth floors , occupied by the Meyers business col- leg and the Germ nia society. The buildIng - Ing Is owned by the Phankiaton estate. On the fourth floor of tile buiidng $ arc the roonts of the Germanla society. In one room Is the library , containing about 1,000 books. Water and smoke did great damage here. The Foster building at the outltwest cot- nor of Grand avenue and Fourth street con- tamed fourteen or fifteen suites , all of whicit svere occttpied by families. Many of ( he cc- cupants owe ( heir lives to Luke McCoemnlelc , a clerIc in the postomce , Passing ( lie burn. lug building during ( lie fiercest of ( he fire iii' ( he' Tanner building ha ran upttairs and aroused ( lie sleepers. There was barely titne to escape before the building caught fire. BUILDINGS THAT WERE BURNED. Tile buildings owned by the l'laitkinton estae were ( he large brick sruCturO ccv- ering half a block , occupied by Latidauer & Co. , wholesale dry goods deaiers , corner Grand avenue and Fourth street , and the Tanner company , furniture , adjoining Landauer & Co. to the east , the building In the rear of Landauer & Co. , occupied by ( he Reliance Storage coinpalty and ( lie library building at. the northwest coriter of Fourtht street and Grand avenue. The estate will suffer a loss of about $200,000 on the build- lags occupied by Landauer & Co. , Tanner & Co. and the Reliance Storage company , whiclu vero practically destroyed , The Insurance on ( bent was estiinateil last. night. at 80 per cent , which makes the loss to the Insurance companies $200,000 on that structurq alone. Max Landauer & Co. said the stock carried at present by his firm was valued at $400- 000 and lie , too , usually carried about 80 per cen ( , which would make the actual loss or tile firm $320,000. The fIrm is constitued by Max Landauer , Adolph Landauez- and A. , J. Michelbachier. The Tanner company's loss Is said to be about $100,000 , though no member of the company could be found o give an accurate estinlate. It was timotight ( lie ftirItituro stock was insured for about 75 per ceilt of ( he value. The Davidson estate , located between the Pianicinton building , which was occupied by the Tanner company , and the Jiintthiowts buIlding , in which the retail house of Mon. gait & Co. Is located , was destroyed. TIte structure was otto of frante with a veneer of brick , so ( ho fire underwriters say , antI was worth $20,000 at the outside. The insurance was salt ) to foot up to about $15,000. Ijartling & Womboid had just received a large consignment of spring goods anti the entira ( ock as well as the bulifllthg was lost completely. With ( lie new goods the stock was worth $00,000 or more , no one of ( Ito firm says. The Insurance was about $70,000 , _ _ _ _ -0 _ _ _ _ L'imoierti itnloot Juups at l'ort irtlusr. LONDON , March 27.-Dispatches received here from Shanghai say that there were ( hiry-elghmt cases cf cholera in one day aincng the Japane'se troops at l'ort A.rthuur , p P.onltu 1Slmsrhnts , PhOItIA , March 27-COIIN-h"lrm ; No. 2 , 441cc' No. 3. die. uArho-Quiet ; No. 2 bilte , 3l613le ; No. 1 wimile , 1Gti3le , ltvi'-Searce : No , 2. 14fi144e. W'JllSl6Y-Firnt ; finished goods , 81,23 , ltst.'ii VfH-Vhiat , ) , t00 hut , ; coin. 16.000 hu , ; oltis. 21.901) hull. ; mwe , nomie ; tutirle' , 4,90' ' ) him. I1l1II'2.ll1NT8-\'lIcat. 3,800 ha , ; piunmi 600 huu. ; oats , 6,200 bu. ; rye , none ; bailey , 2,60) Lu , Note York luiy io miii Market. Nlb\V 'i'OhtK. Sltmrch 27-There was moore ) uud. , ness tlolmtg in brown anti hlleachnul 'cattotim , . tick- ingb , souihtemn hultiids. rmuhmtluric niutslins nut kid flnlshe'i cambrk'mi ititul the tuttle tf tue market is not emily sicuuiit , but oliure imuquiries aru mhevel. oping cl'e'ry hour. For seasisiable speclimliiea ( hero Wan ( huitt wmmntlng ilu'ntanul usual to tue t'iose of thin lust quarter of thu year , l'rintimmg clotims were sInging , mit 24o hOd for Slay and Juno anti sales of 10,000 pieces. - - ( 'ottous Market. NEW YOltit , Starch 27.-COTTON-Quiet ; mId. tIling , 0 I-ICc ; net receipts , none ; gross , 6,231 bales ; t'xl'uuria to the continent , 13' ' ) tales : for' warded , 1SC hales : aIc's , 125 bales , all siuinners ; stock , 803.885 bales. Tutel bOa ) ' : Net receipts , 15,445 bales ; exrucfrts to Great linilain. 4.2.41 i'zmhuia ; to the continent , 7,7)3 humulem. ; stock. 910,850 bales. _ A SPECIALTY MILLET AND CANE CLOVER. TIMOTHY. a' . ci- . ii6l4l2 tlniuuo Ave. , Kaithal City , Ifa - - - - - - WriiInu to EXPCGtaUL _ , . . , , . 5 Stsny Intrnsi femdics are btiig , t.hullltuil , 6h SOul ghibly silethiset profesltmiSto Mhtohtmi ' Lnitor , Iesicus L'sins C' , ) or ChIld-birth , a ( 'IC , , flflil wIth hi'snulir/sul ineovililnnj $ ft , 'ehi. 512 , hit , mnenurimeiimypi ( , Vomntoii vehtie should 'us iCti Sny isotushi 1hit prepsrslton aintefl t'mrStll26STllUtI4 llStIiltIttS wilinol 541 prepare the lOitem for ( 'hihl.hirthi cit Ihe (5 $ COhitrftT , , iuhffrhhOl , 'emvuiiu mit this Iliac lumay us Inirerhihierhifi' . We earnestly ss srwAhtc ui ; ( if till Suchil thor cannot , fit this critical i'erloul. do uuimy 90851510 good , saul tblr tue ! f insy ; 50t0 fatal It is only by per istont xx. TritNAl. tresintoiti while Ite4nft , thus reisx- 0 $ log sflul snfienhhlg CII the' psets. that the hour $ eu Chlli ilrth Ii robbeul of ii. iemorJ iultt no vAt rohneuIy on caiih iices thtu but " Stfl Ii- : * isit's PIIIEN1) . ' For forthor informa. tiohi ahltes 'rite llrdfleiul lieguistor Co. , Athinta , Us. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES fly puirchasirig goods maa at the following Nebraska factories , It you cannot find what 3'Otl vent , COInnttlniClita With the manutac. , eri as to what dealers handle their oouls : Ji.IfZS , fltlIlT..iI' A.'I ) : i'li IX1. . BEi1IS OMA1I1 BAG GO , Mtunufncturerr of all kinds of cotton & burial bsgs , cotton Soar sacks & twIn. a specIalty. S 6l'l641S 11. lIih..t , Ji151i ICP.I 8 2' J'Uh ) , ? ' ! .fUll. 3'J.t.4T , WM. PRESTON & CO. Manufacturer , of Preston's California Fhake. Sickle brand usIf nqising flour & ) 'east. Do you Use Preston' , besl flour ? 1Z21 ii'RIzrIs , O1AHA IIREIVINfi ASSOCIATION. Cat lend shIpments made in our own retnigeratol cars. Iflue Ribbon , Elite Export , Vienna 1xport , and 1"amiiy Export , delivered to all part. of city , I CAJfIf1.4I F.AJi'ltIt'(5 , FROST & IIARIUS. Carriage & Wsgon Sinkers , Carriage , , bttggie phactons & wagon. always on hand & made 1 * order , 1113-15 hhmurney-st , , Omaha. S COI"l1t : , sznis , 11.4 KXO I ci II'IEZf. CONSOLIDATED COFFEE CO. , Coftce . Itonister , . Spice Grinders , Manufacture ( ; et.ifluin flaking Powder ant ) German tIry hog Yeast , 3414 and 1418 hlamney-mut , , Omulta : , Nob. PLC ) 1111. S. F , CILMAN , Manufacturer of Cold Medal Thour , C. E. Black , Manager , Omaha , 2"UR.VITUJtI P4 UTIftI4 , - - OIAI1AUPllOLSTERING CO Manufacturer. of pnror furniture , loungei , din. lag table. & folding beds. 28th ave. , floyd te SaltIer streets. Ivs 1JJ5,4NCJ ( . . - uIiSN LIFE INSURANCE CO. Over one million dollars go out of Nebraska every ) car for no better insurance titan ts furnished - nished by the Union Life of Omaha. Agents wanted in every town in Nebraska. IU1 ( .INI ) COII , . SOUril OMAIA IC A9 C'ALCO. Domestic & steam coal. We have the best , ( if. flee 1661 Parnam-at , ! relephone : Office 373 , yard 1766. ,7. l. Doe , gen'l manager. I ' IRON IJ'OIUS , 5- INDUSTRIAL IRON IVORKS. Manufacturing & repairing of all kinds of in , . chtnery ; engines , pt'mps , elevators , 'printin presses , ltangers , shaftIng & couplings. 1401- howard-ut , , Omaha. I ' PIIOENIX FOUNDRY CO. Fire hydrants , water & gas pipe , specIal , ; boiler front , & fittings , street fl'y car wheels , Arch ! . c " tectural Iron work. . Office 307 8. 16th-st. . Omaha. S PAXTON & VIERLINti IRON WORKS. M'I'r's of Architectural Iron Work. General Foundry , Machine and Blacksmith Work , En. gineers & Contractor , for Fireproof Duildings. 0211cc and Works , U. P. By , di So. 17th Street , 5' Omaha. .IIANUPdOTIJRE.V ( ' CIlbLltiSr'l. : TIIEMERCEIt CilEIIIICAL COMPAHY Manufacturers 0' fluid extractu , elixir , , .yrups & wino. . compressed triturate. , hypodermic tablets - lets , pills a. scientific medical royalties. Omaha. Uit'TRR.SJ , CO1'i , CJCIIL'l. L. C DOUP , Manufacturer Mattresses , Spring Beds ; Jobbsp Feathers and I'illawa , North 14th and Nicholas St. . . Omaha. S 71113 NONI'iUlI2Ii. FilE NONPAREIL MACARONI , VERMICILAL S and Noodle factory , 10. 10. cot. 16th nail Webster , Successors to ( Ito German-American , Ask for our good , . They arc the best. Il'IG lIT hi4 TWI , P11110 MER VIU1. " DISTRICT TELEGRAPH. The only perfect protection to property. Exam. in. it. Best thing on earth , Reduces insurance rate , . 1304 Doulas-et , -I C ) ViJtA : LI ; } ' 4 CTUICIKS. 1EAT1ICIi-1iOCIIDRYGDSCO - , Manufacturer , & Jobbers of the ceiebrated Duck. skin brand shirts. pants , overalls & duck cloth. ing. 3101.3-5 llarney.st , Factory East Omaha. S ILTZ-NEV1NS CD , Manufacturers of men's & boys' clothing , pant ; shirts & overalla.202'2l2S.llth..t , I , . , J'lI'It .IIOXJ4. Manufacturer. ef all kinds paper bo'es , shelf boxes sauumple eases , mailing tubes , ete , wed. ding cake & fauucy candy boxes , druggist 4 jewelr boxes. 1208.10 Jones-st. , Omaha , (0111112' 1'lUTOflhIf'j , J , II , LYANS---IIEIIRASKA SHIRT CO. Exclusive custom shin taihori 1511 Famnam strc't. Telephone SOS. S - - : : _ _ - : : . _ _ _ _ SOS.:1 . I.ITJCII"JJl ) I'il J'INU JtItiWC , ' hENRY BOLLII , OIAIIAEB ) , , Factory in Louisville , Cass Co Quality of bric * Jtiamanteed to be a. goc.o as any lnapufaciure3 cuumtbldo of thIs mm'ato. henry hahn. Teeth Without Plates BAILEY , 1 ' . - . - ' DENIUI , Ji Fasten 11100k , IA _ 10th aud F.urnauiu Sti. To ! , ( )26:8 : , Full Ret Tec'ilm.5 00 I Silver Fhlllnzs , , , , , $1 00 II , , , , , , 7 60 I Puru Colt ) 1C1iimts S3 OJ Thin i'batu , . , . , , , , , 10 0) I Gold L'rowmis-2'Jk , $1 I'aimtlcuss llxtract'n SOc j Siridgo Tooth-tooth U U , ) Tooth Out In Morntrig , New Teeth Same Day M No matter what booklet on . . 4 1. xi Ulua3Iiiaiioi loll mmiy have , aSS read aciutl ( Or ciii's whichi ii 1" NIIW alit ) COMl'L14'rfl. 11 clearly uxplaimie in argi ti EXPLAINLD siohlll. It's true mind alit ( Cacti oa somrmstthitmtg , liii 501110 Wheat at&t I coru belont thu big sprimiy a . Vance. .A1IIIOQAbT CO.,222Tr4uers , iilg $ Cimlcato. 'Sc ,