Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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I ' 11111 : : OMAHA DAILY 13tE ; tl'In.USDAY' [
, - _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - = _ - _ - _ - - _ - . . . , . - . _ V _ _ _ _ _ . - _ - - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 1\AnOn 28 , 189. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ----------V--V-- d _ - - _ -
. .
Delnre ty ennler to cnT Ilrt 01 tIe tl , .
11. W. TILTON , Lcuee. I
'c.rIIONES-Due'nel omer No 4 : nlh
tlor _ , No U
I -
fl.l ; t 'TJO.'S.
Grand , Council fluff ! . E. F. Cllrk , prop.
Mayta neal Estate alenc" . G39 Drouw3Y : ]
Sheriff lazen IEI Ilat evenln for Fort
1tMIson wIth Limerick and flail In cliorge.
The nxt term of lhe dlslrlct court will
convelo Tut.llla , April 2 , with JUIlge Smih
on thd bellch.
W , H. Kemp expects to tnt out on the
road next week os bnllnes mnnager for
' Frank ( ] nannohla's petrified man. I
The sociable. which wes announced to be
heM at A. M. 1utchlnson'E Friday , March 29 ,
will be foslponel ] on account of the Iness or
Mrs. 1nlehlnson.
Another meeting of the Mlnlstcrlal nso-
clalon Is to be heM thIs afternoon to ur'
ther consider the adviabity of Imvlng 0
lerles at meeUngs under Evangelist Ploron.
. Mose Gray tklpped the chaIn gang aout n
V year ago , leaving 'ulte a balance or unlerved
time In hi ravor. Yesterdny he was pckoi !
lp by the oncers nnll w\ work on the
Itreeh with a chaIn and ball attachment.
The high schoo ] cadets have .electel ! crlm-
Ron nn their color for this year. An Inspec-
ton oC the cadets , will take IliacI at 4:90 :
o'clocl tomorrow afternoon at the groun"
Omnha. Tile inspecting ofcers will como from Fort
V ? rK. Anna M. Palmer , National FvanRe-
lst , wi begin a sErlu at 10pel tellHrance
meelnRo next Sunday In the Baptst church ,
corner First avenue and Sixth atreet. The
first will be a union mass mtetng at : p.
m. , to which general atem1ance Is requeatrl ,
An incendiary tried ( to malt way with the
Douquet 101Ee , formerly ustli as n hotel , at
the corner of Drojliway and Twenty-eighth
stre t. The fro was discovered at 3 o'clock
V yesterday morning end extnh'llshel' ' hy the
V lire department The damage Is estimated at
about $ ] 00.
rIo motion at lora Orate for n new trial
of the damage suit she commencd against
Jacob Neuma'er , whem she charged with
scUI liquor to her hUsb.n , was Hruled
' - by Judge Thorel before adjourning finally
and a judgment of costs was entend In favor
of the defendant.
L. Straycr wag -lscharled by Judge ? Ic.
ec , TUOlfly , m nng.with , ! . the unlerstnnl-
mg that tie SUIc be Tree Ham the oJlum of
drunkenness and vagrancy on condition of
his heaving town at once. Ycterday morn ,
log he turned lP again with n sorrowful
tale , -o the elect that these fellows In
Omaha drugged him and , got him drunk 0 :
purposo. Hc will serve a fine worth $15.70 ;
In Jail.
Constable ] Autrey served a writ at ouster
on Whetsone and Kirkondahi . the squatters
on Nor Mnrphy's land south at Manawa ,
V Tuesday c'cnlng. lie set eIght wagon loads
of goods out Into the street. The 1lrlen- :
dal family and the Whettones were allowed
to stay at the home of the later over night
on condition that they would all Iinck UI and
S leave peaceably In the mornIng. They loft ,
and Autre seized a skiff that belonged ' to
the outfit for costs.
'e 114"1 over $300.000 to loOn upon 1m.
pro"et Iowa fums. Farmers desiring loans
ear save money by dealing direct with u
V thereby raving agent's eommlsslon. \Vo do
not loan on wild land . nor In Nebraska.
Lugeo & Towle. 235 Pearl street.
Whlt Is I II a Name '
EverythIng. It applied to a Hardman Piano ,
! Old by' Mueller Plano : and Organ company
. ? V 103 Main dreet.
, T. M , Junkins of Red Oak Is .In the city.
George M. Christian of Orlnnel Is at the
Orand. :
Orand. M. , D. Bailey of " Dunlap V Is rggist " reil at ' the
. ; : . _ V " Cltr. .lars.hal 1ert : nardenbiook of Exlra
. . " :
V was In the ! city yestorday.
" Judge 3. W. Stokes at St. Joseph Is attending -
tending United States court.
x :
w. G. D. Mercer , postofco inspector , I
In daughter. te city , accompanied by his little
Mrs . ' John Cronin Is' very ilYwlth pneu-
monia at her home . , Twenty-third stre3t and
avenue D.
C. F. Chase at Atlantic and W. W. Oard-
nor ofAvoca , postmasters of theIr respectvo :
towns , were In the city yesterday.
' Dr. C. 4. Leach , deputy ccrk of the
VUnitd ' States court at Jeoltuk , Is In t'e :
M city , accompanIed by his son , tend ng
Judge I. n. TrImble of Keokuk who I
ai\endlng United States court , states that
his son , Frank , Is recovering from his recent
' Iness , but Is still suffering from a nervous
trouble , which compels him to rest awhile
Nick O'Drlen I recovering tpldly , and un ,
less all signs 'fail will be out among hIs
friends again In the near future Tuesday ,
he was strong enough to walk out the front
door and around the house without assist-
an o , and was as proud at his succcess as "a
boy with a pair ot red topped boots.
- -
MIrn Jtl dRI. ' Millinery 1111 :
Occurs tonight , and Will ba continued Friday
afternoon and avenlng. All are wocomo .
. - For sale , nearly new "Dauntess" ! bicycle
' cheap for cash. -Also good Jersey milk cow.
20hW10w avenue
For two hour ot solid enjoyment go to
the entertlnment at the Western Iowa col-
logos FrIday evening , March 20. Twonty.flvo
- -
Various C1ommltot. Named ald Inatruc-
tOI' Untn to 'Itirco or 'h"m. i
'rhe executve committee or the Good Government - ' .
ernment club held a meeting In the ofce
ot han & McCabe Tuesday evening , and UII-
JJ pointed the following committees :
Retrenchment and Heform-Alexnnder
Wood , chairman : F' . C. I.ouee , V. ' . C.
James. James McCabe nll Hobert Hnln.
Taxation and PUblo Expenditure-I . M.
Treynor chairman : Peter Smith \V. P.
lalter Iii. F. Hainer nod Victor . lennlngs.
Municipal Legisiation-Spencer Smith ,
V cbatrmnu ; J. C. Delnven , 'I' . J. Evans ,
11. \V. Jnl\er and John Danforth.
Law Enforcement and Moml ileform-
N. P , Iodge , chairman : II. A. Cole , \V. W
Wallace , \V. C. James Ind James Wlclt-
Judiciary-I. \V. floss C. M. han , \Y. S.
Maynej Emmet Tinley tutu J. J. Stewart.
l'rinting and E'lucatiou-S. H. \\'ntis.
worth , chairman ; JUI s McCabe \V. B.
lalnbrldge , Po n. Hi and Henry turing
Resolutons were adopted instru ting this
nrt three commltt'e s to leo' up c rain ; matters .
ter and report them at the uext meetng , a
week from Friday evening The taxation
commitee Is to InveUlsate the amount
levied for the school and city purposes dur-
, ing the , last lIve year , and make a rtate
mont of the present condition of the fund , .
The committee on retrenchment and re
ferns II to look up the COlt ot the various
city departments , ascertain tim number
and salaries ot the city o'foye : , '
how supplIes are purchased , and pad ! i
for . and what measures can bo de- ,
'led for cutting down expenles. The co- I
inltteo on moral ' reform , which II partIcularly -
larly wel qualifIed to do the work assigned
it , Is to find out whore the wine .oooms and
gambling houles are located , fInd out what
the proprietors are paylnK for the privIlege !
ot running If they can , and suggest any
feasible Ilroject that may occur to them ror
rpmqvlng some qt the vicious Insttutols
now existing to some moro appropriate
place. _ _ _ _ _ _
I Thl 'nlurl(1 Gasoline Stove , -
Introduced by P. C. De Yol In 189t , and
sold by bliss this reason Absolutely sal !
Can't explode. No danger Do sure you get
the "Insurance , "
I' . C. DE VOL , GOt Broadway
- - -
-J , W. McPherson . florist. Cut flowers and
plants , HeslgI work a peciahly. Telephone
24. 181 Eat I'Ierce , COlnel hhluffs. '
The Aberln , strictly first-class. Cuisine
unexcehled. Beautiful rooms. Sixth avenue
_ - nd Seventh street. Council Dul ,
-Dr. Lulel ; oIt no lth ave. ; tei1SOT
- - - - -
Oty Oouncl Fuluc the Career of Re-
tenchment Begun Monday ,
NOI" Ulvblon of 1.lbor IAdo tl the Once
fu thAt Two : (1 Wi ltredtr
] 0 the Work Three have
Done Hitherto .
Tim new council hs begun 'tho work or
I ctel1chmcnt 'auel reform , In spite of the
tact that the plaUorl contained no allusion
to Hat sort oC tIring , nnll ns the city clerk's
orce waa the fltt to feel the effect of the
new move , It h the second also I hM been
decided that two men Instead or three are to
Ilu Usa work ot this office . Heretofore the
clerIc and 0" deputy 11vc hind theIr tme
more or leis occupied , by the duties pertain-
log to the clerlt's once and the police court ,
while the second ] deputy hal , charge of the
superior court business at the court housc.
Now thin clerk I to ntenll . to all the busl-
Icn In the ofce nt the city building , while
hlJ eepuly will attend ! police court and spene
thu rest or Iris tlro at the cuurt house , thus
coln ! all the work formerly done by S.
I.obhnrt and pact of that or C. A. I"ox.
Whelher thIs scheme will work Is i still Ilrob-
lumatc , and lie croakers , particularly those
who had a hankerIng after loaves and fiShes ,
are rrco with their IIrolhccle ; that It wi
not last lung. Still , the council has decided
upon a cutting down or expenses all along
the line , and Ir they succeed In this endeavor
thin citizens at. large will give them a blcL-
sng. !
sng.N. . C. Phillips has selected Nat Sheln c I
deputy tty clerk . and both ot them will
11robabli assume their dutes next Monday 1
night , aCer their booths have heeen approved '
by the council. l'hilhhips and Shepard were
the lending candidates for the IJoslton ) or
clerk , ali most peolJlc thought that Shelarl
hall a pull \ Ich would give him OraL place.
But the prophet werc mhtnlen. The agree-
mont was that 8hollal1 vas to have the second -
end place In consl"rton or his Ir'cnd unitIng -
log with the other fellows on , Phillips for
first . Shepard attended police court 'ester-
day morning for the purpose of Indng ! out
how It would seem.
lU'I"US ; ( ) I I.
( 'or a Pew UIT" " 0 UI.r the 1'lluwln ,
J.lot of I > calrnhle 11lhll < 180 It
o ' ) ' ItiItiuit J'rlcr.
11'1 r . < I.e <
Thompson' glove fitting corset . that sold
complete. from $1 10 $1.75 , " at 2c , range of sIzes not
Jackson corset waists , former price $1 , reduced -
ueell to 60c.
See extra values olored In bedspcads.
$1.50 crochet anti $1.7 Marseilles quits reduced -
duced to $1.19 each. Sco show window , 600
dozen land embroidered , and initial ham1-
kerchiefs , worth 8e , reduced to 3c or 2 for
6c.A new line or Irish folnt embroiderIes
Just received. See our prices.
Ladles' night gowns , worth front 45e tu
65c. on sale a. 3Dc
45c ladles' tucked skirts nt 25c each. See
show window display for other prices.
Dig lot of silk finished Foulan\'s \ figured
muls and Swisses worth from lOc to lc ,
to close at 5e a yanl
All sizes or chlhlren's light wool and cashmere -
mere hose worth 25c. at 12 ½ c a pair.
. Council Bluffs.
conpun,1S ! OT ItEst'ONSIIJL.E .
Mrs . 1011 GelS No URm\C from the
Union l'oIt1o for nor Sun' . 1."th. '
Yesterday morning was occupied In 'the
United States court with the taking of testimony -
mony In the $5,000 damage suit ot Rosanna
Ben against the Union PacIfic Railway com-
pany growing out ot an accidenton the railWay -
way In which the plaintiff's Eon lost his le ,
A number et witnesses were Introduced by the : ,
plaintiff ] and a full . history at the accident was
given. When the plalnlUf's ato'rneYR rested '
theIr case the attorneys for the defense moved
that the jury be Instructed to bring In a ver-
diet for the defense on the ground that there
had been no evIdence Introduced Which would
show any responsibility ' on the part of the
company for thE accident. The court sus-
tamed the motion , and a verdict In favor of
the company was brought In accordngl ) . . .
TIm next case on the assignment was that
of W. O. D. Honey agaInst the Chicago , Dur-
hington & QuIncy , Railway company for Injuries -
juries to his wife at the depot , In ned Oak.
This case has had Ciullo a 1istory. Mrs.
Honey first sued for damages , but failed to
secure a verdict on the ground of contributory
nellgenco on 'her part. Then her husband
sued the company , and thee later tried to
have him knocked out on the grothad that his
wlte's negligence would bar him' from recovering -
ering damages. ThIs was 'a new point , and
Judge Shlras instructed the jury that the
woman's negligence would not act as a bar .
whereupon a verdict of $3,000 was given In
Honey's favor The company took the case
to the court at appeals , and about a year ago
Judge Shlras' decision was revered and the
case remanded for another trial. The jury
was empaneled last evening and the hearing
of evidence will be commenced this morning.
Thc following Indictments were returned
by the grand jury for violations ot the Inter-
teal revenue laws : William Hardwik of
Montgomery county , John Welmeyer at Gris-
void , Jesse Weston at Adams county , L. C.
Williams of Adams ' Ankrom Carr of
Adams county , John Odham at Heiman ,
lonr03 county , William Currie of Monroe
county , Harry Anderson at Monroe county.
Dr. A. H. Needles ot Audubon was arraigned -
raigned for bootlegging and entered a plea
ot not guihty. The same was done by George
and Gabe Johnson , who belonged to the gang
that shot Deputy United States Marsleal'Iray
nt Albla last fall , and by William lardwlck
and Samuel Hayworth. Ankrom Carr , L. C.
Wllms anti Jesse Weston pleaded guilty .
Thee trial of criminal cases wi be token up
next Monday. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
" 'f ( lave Uot 1 Pure Thlpeg .
It Is the Insurance gasoline stove , the only
gasoline stove made that a child can flay
with and do no harm I takes care or
itself ; can be blown out , heft open or turned
on , and there Is no IIosflblo way for the
gasoline to Ignite or explode . No smell or
odor , no dripping ot gasoline , no burning
your house down or burning your wlo or
motber.ln-Iaw to deaths No misery no tu-
nerals , no deaths or use for an undertaker
I you use the Insurance gasoline stove , as It
Is absolutely safe. I you don't believe I ask
any of our competitors , then ask them to
blowout their stove' and leave It open for ten
mlnules , then apply a match to the stove
a we do with ours and see what will hap-
pen , but be sure to bl a quarter of a mile
away before he lights the match , as there Is
sure hi b an explosion ; then we would not :
get to sell you an Insurance stove , as there
would he a tuneral next ( ilay
DROWN'S C. O. D. , Sale Agents.
CouncIl Bluffs here market Auction sale
every Friday afternoon at Kiel's barn Bring
In your horses If you want them sold.
A. IAU'rEY ,
Gas heating stoves for rent sad for ale tt
CouncIl Bluffs Gas conpany's office .
1.00 bu. seed oats at T. Rishton's , 2406 W.
Uroaday. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
:11" ,1 ss' . . . . . " . . . . .
The following marriage licenses were Is-
sued by the counly clerk yesterday :
Name antI address . Age.
lerrmnl Volkine. lotawatamle county 26
Anna Jeesch. lotawatamle county. . 21
James l.rlon , Monona county . . . . , . . r
Carrie . . Jensen , Council Uhufs . . . . . 49
1oth couples were rnarriedby , Justice Cook.
Marcus' fIre sale Is drawing the crowds.
The stock consIsts at men's and boys' cloth.
beg , gents' furnishing gods , boots and shoes ,
hat and caps. trunks and valises. Thl goods
ire slightly damaged by smoke , but not an
ariche Is offered that Is not worth two or
arlcle tmC the price asked. Open eveulugs.
union Avenue IIUUIrOC
The , jury appoInted to ! sei the damages
to ti" property owners along Union avenue
' wi m < ' Saturday at the court house for
the lurloae ot disposing of the claims ot
the on.relldent property owners The elgbl
weeks hiaye elapsed and all these claims
. ,
are now supposed 10 be In. There I. not
luoh probability that the amount awarded
the . . different the
non-residents will bo dllcent from
$ 1 lot that wu given the residents. Stl
there I enough uncertainty abut I to warrant .
rant the company In postponing any further
Improvements until acer the job has ben
done , and 10 far there Is no information
to b obtained , ] from thcm I to what their
future flans are. _
Ncy Oooh . \rrltnJ Illy ,
A nohby line of girls' jockey caps In navy ,
red and mixed colors 25e each
Ilefants' and cleildren's new bonnets In
white laln , trimmed In IrIsh point embroidery -
broidery , at 25c , 35c , 40c. SOc and Ole wide.
yard Beautiful , line of kal kal wash silks , 33c
' SOc white habutnl wash silk , 33c yard.
Nohby line of fancy silks for ladles.
Silk waists and trimming , was $1.09 , now
75e 'arl.
Nobhlest line of ladies' spring capes ever
brought to this city , at $3.0 , U.50 , $5.00 ,
$6.00 and $7.50 caeh.
Changeable silk velvet capes , silk lined
tllroughoul , Thursday $5.98 each.
liuy your carpets and mating of us. Cotton .
ton warp Japanese matting at 29c yard .
BENNISON . . nnos. .
You should see the broiler and roasting I
oven on the Reliable Cabinet gasoline stove.
WI have the regular Quick Meal generator ,
stoves antI the Junior for $2.1 for two
burnt.r stoves. Cole's , 4 MaIn st.
Rl\ ' . W. 11. 11. Reese , D.D. , will lecture al
the Broadway Methodist church next Sunday
evening on "Charity " with the Christian
homo a the central themE. Admission free.
i1iat End 1c8110lt8 Not SdlAledh the
I're'.oiet Intrrurban Motor Her , , !
The kick that Is being made by the residents -
dents at the easter part ot the city because
'of the acton of the motor company In dis-
continuing its Omoha trains on upper Droad-
way seems to be developing Inlo a question
of eeeatheemntics . Within the last few days
the rattles at the kickers have been swelled
b ) the addition at n large number of people
hiving cast of Pearl street , and the ordinance
introduced at the last acceding of the city
council to reduce the speeel of trains and the
large number ot names signed to thee petition
aSking for Its passage nre indications of the
Interest felt , considerIng the fact that It has
ben openly admitted that thee ordinance Is
IntEOled only as a club to force the company
10 go back to the old way at runnIng the
The east end people chains that the present
system Is a great Incom'enlcnce to them ,
particularly In stormy weather , compelling
them to wait around the corer of Broadway
and Pearl street for Omaha traIns , instead of
waiting In the stores of their friends up
street and buying gmdrops and cigars.
They aIm claim that they will lose a good
deal or the trade of their patrons who live
In the western part at the city. They assert
that there are more people who go to Omaha
every day from the eastern fart of the cIty , ,
than from the soettleern , and think the ma-
jority ought at least to heave equal facilities
with the mlnorlly.
I was In reference to these claims that
Superlnlendmt Dmmock took some at the
connclme : to the corner at Pearl street and
Broadway yesterday morning In order that
they might compare the crowds that stool
around the corner waiting for a car with
those that rode straight on without transrers.
Mr. Dmmock has stated from the first that I
If the present system did not accommodate
the greater part at the public a chang
would be made. The company docs not expect -
pact to wage a warfare wih thee public as In
times past . but Is open to conviction and
wants to bo reasonable Those who arcS
leading the opposition also Insist that they
want nothing but what Is right , and It now
looks as though an amicable ] settlement
would be reached within a few days.
\I ISo ci ( I'ORt MooUn ! . I
The assembly er teachers and school o111-
eels at Council Bluffs April 11 , 12 and 13 I
promises to be the largest gathering of the '
kind I thus far held In 1 the slate. Arrange-
ments are being inadq by' leich teachern are
granted the privilege of dismissing theIr
schools and attending the session at April 12.
This Is as It should be. Schools and teachers
will profit , as questions of vial concern to
all wi be discussed by the ablest men and
women In the profession. This county should
have a good attendance at the meeting .
Only TIiroe
That Is the number at days left ] at our
great half-price sale. Come and get ' your
frames and picture at just hal price before
our sale closes. H. L SMITH & CO. ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45 Main St.
Yes , the Eagle , laundry Is "that good
laundry " and Is located at 724 Droadw3)
If In doubt abet this try I and be convinced
Don't turget name and number Tel. 157.
Jrouaht " "D.118 home .
The body at Julius Green , the son at
Charles Green , was brought from Lincoln
yesterday to his home below Manawa , a mile
west at Pony creek. The funeral will take
place this afternoon at 1 o'coclc. The young
man was 18 years of 'ago. Ho was aUend-
Ing the Western Normal schoool at Lincoln
and was taking a plunge In the Suipleo-Saligee
Saniarium when ho got beyond his depth
and was drowned.
Seed potatoes , northern grown , Early Ohio ,
Early Rose , Burbank ant sweet potatoes ,
onion sets : special price on large lots J. R.
Snyder , wholesale fruits , Council Bluffs , 'Ia.
Evans' Laundry Co. , 520 Pearl ; tel. 20i ;
shirts , collars , cuffs , lIne work a specialty.
Meal tickets good for 21 meal , ely $4
each , at Hotel Inman.
Dr. Parsons , over Schenolder's 54 D'wy
Tel 215. _ _ _ _ _ _
Davia , drug , paint , glass man 200 D'way.
, F , h'E . SLEEl'JNf : ( Jilt ! JJEN JJUJNJU' .
lthor and Alothor tend lour Other EaCaie
Irons 'fhlr ttiiiz'ng 111"lln\
MINOT , N. D. , March 27.-Tho residence
of I ) . II. Christensen , a carpenter , was con-
sumed by fire last night. Five children ,
rangln In age from 3 to 16 years , perIshed In
! .
the dances.
The live children , burned were sleeping ] upstairs -
stairs The mother and fattier whIle four
other children escaped. One of the chi-
dren was badly burned , but will recover
Thee fIre Is supposed to have caught tram a
stove In the kitchen . ,
Jahttcl Match Caused tin Itx"lo.lon. 'I '
NEWCASTI.E , Pa , March 27.-John Pala-
vant , 0 boarder at the house at WIlliam
Lewis , walked Into thee cellar with a lghted
match when an elllosion took place which
wrecked the house and knocked him Insensi-
ble. lBs clothing caught fire and he was
fatally burned before being rescued by Lewis.
Mrs. Lewis and three chidren were thrown
to the floor by the force or the explosion and
badly Injured. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ilb , elicit 111 lurlt < to 1"'lh ' ,
WEST SUPIWIOR.Wls" , , March 27.-Au on
stove expoded : In the houfe of J. J' . Nelson
today , fatally burning a baby and a 15-year-
oM boy Mrs. Nelson and another son were
seriously burned.
" 'J "iTBJl. " ' 1'JLVIO. ' $ .
Veteran. of lieu JIullln ltmrmblrel ( by
lice Olnerlt Guverennee' .
WAShINGTON , ' March 27-Specinh.- ( )
Pensions granted , Issue oC March 14 , were :
, .
Nebraska : Orlglnal-I.ter Hnnagln , Cody ,
Cherry Helssue-Jannl S. More , Hayes
Center , 1n'es.
Iowa : Orlglnal-Oeorge M. linker ( deceased -
ceased ) , Leceox Taalor : Shermau U. } { Im-
berlin , 1 lrrJut , remont I ; Joseph Wields ,
hlamptose , J"rlnkln. Adehitloneil - Jacob
Hesser , Conrad Orove . Grundy ; James
Mooney , , Afton . 1lnlon. Renewal . and , In-
creuse-Charles Ii. Nichols. . Sac City , Sac.
South Dakota ; Orlglnal-.rhom C. Bent-
ley , Hot Springs , J.'al HIVerj ; , Thomas
Dixon , lint Springs , Fail Itiver . Arditional
-eorge Shannon , Lobber . , Saeeborn.
Ex.l'rcaleheet ; Iturr eon 1'11 l"cl1e1oc.
INDIANA l'OLlS , 1arel 2.-Ex-l > resldent
HarrIson returned to Richmond ibis afternoon -
noon to re-enter the 110rriBon will caseY lie
was forced to step out ot the case three
str\ Ilree
weeks ago on account at nn aUacl ot acute
bronchitis. He hal fully rec yered.
Board of Trade luIQdsen ' Entertin
MBB , Mnndet , i And ' Mcrcr ,
I " 'T
.J "
- C.
Local Pride nnl Crt dton In the Ser , .
ices nOle for theo ' R ' \e City lee the
Late Congress qyee Entheua- :
IRStO Udtsrniece . .
I. t'H
The banquet given 1Hr evening by the
Board ot Trade and 'cftlesrs or South Omaha
to ex.Senter Chnrle' " ii' ! Manderson and
Congresman David H. Mercer was a success - I
cess from every point of view '
Immediately after these two gentlemen
succeeded In getting a bill passed In congress .
to erect a public building In the Ingle City
the membrs ef thee Board of Trade met ali
arrange ] to give the gentlemen a banquet :
In order to show theta that South Omaha ap-
preclatM their efforts to build ] up the cl ) ' .
The lteeel hotel , whlro the banquet was
gl'en , was ablaze wih highet. Chinese lanterns
were hung upon the balconies , and the dinIng -
log room was hung w\l American Ilage
Arriving nt the lintel , the city'o guests were
escorted to the parlors , where the reception
committee met them , and they were Intro-
duced to those present Mr. Mercer heM up
his reputation as a handshaker , and poke a
pleasant word to every one. Senator Iander-
son held R little crowd In the center of the
parlor , and met for the first time man ) or
his rormer constituents. At exactly 10 o'clock
the invited guests entered the dining room ,
where covers were laId for 160. The tables
were tasty decorated wlh cut flowers , and
everything that an epicurean could desire
was provided I was n magnificent feast ,
and reflected great credit upon the committee
In charge of the entertainment and also upon
the mnnagers of the Heed heotel The menu
follows : _ _
l.onsommo itoyal
tonRommo .
Due Points on Teal hirtif al Sleehi. Tonst. Celer ) ' . Olives .
1 let at Lamb , Mint Snuce. Green Peas
Lobster SIII.
Oyster Pntes.
Pntes.Scnlollel Palatals on Lettuce .
Vienna Ibolls. I.IIht Dread. Ten Biscuits.
ln'onnlse or Chicken. CrlIerr ) ' Jel ) ' .
Slced UORnCle wih Cream Sauce
Saratoga Chips Asparngus.
Assorted Cnkes. Coffee. Chnrlote flusse
Hon Dons Neapoltalne Ice Creaen .
Salted Almonds.
Muscat. Punch Iboeesaieie. lnderla Porl
During the serving at the courses n male
quartet composed of J. C. Carley J. D.
Smith T. O. Hazelet and E. ' O. Hazel , sang
several selections , which were well received.
When the cigars had been lighted , Toast-
master \V. H. Alexander called upon Mayor
Johnon for the address of welcome. The
mayor saId :
In the name and In behalf of the citizens -
zens of South Omaha , I bid you a most
cordial welcome 'rhe occasion which cals
us together and the motive whIch Inspires
It Is but a tribute of rfqJlect and confidence
In our public servants , 'rpresentng us In
the national hnls of con ress. \Ve recog-
nize that thrbu/h their efforts our city has
received recognltonr In' the shape of I fub-
Ic building , which will add much to our
commercial importasece..Tleis Is the more
gratifying because 9f , Its departure from along
long settled custom at "Vnshlngton. I mean
by this that heretofore'appropriations from
the federal treasury fOI"n postoce building -
Ing have absolutely , faied ' when the building -
Ing proposed to be 'et'eeteel was contguous
to n commercIal center. ' To the respective '
gentlemen whom we1honor and by whom
we are honored this evening In their pres- 'I
ence at the banquet tUle , I can only say
that each and all , Qt , IS appreciate their
official worth and per.ppal friendship. You
will please cary , 'lt IOU to your homes
our best wishes fdr'your success In all
the pursuits of life. , JCJO
"Long may our I hel rts with tonlght's
memories be flecr t
"Ltkc the vase In.wblch roses once were
distilled. , .
distled. , 't.ob
\Ve may breult. , ; : hvq0.nlay hatter the
vase It we wi ; : : q"ray
"Dut the s en\ of the roses will hang
around I stl. " t. ' ,
Again a heartfelt welcome to Senator ,
Manderson and Congressman Mel'cer , our
guests tonight.
Colonel Alexander then Introduced Congressman -
man Mercer In a short , but pointed speech
Mr. Mercer was greeted with cheers , which
lasted for fully three minutes. He told of
his struggle to get a public buiding In South
Omaha , and of the efforts of representatives
of other cites larger than the Magic City
trying to get appropriations for public build-
ings. Evey remark at 1r : Mercer was
greeted wlh cheers.
In a neat speech the toastmaster Introduce
Hon. Charles F. Manderson , when when he I
arose was greeted lh prolonged cheers. Mr.
Manderson said be was please to meet so
many strangers , as the time was when 'he' :
knew almost every man , woman , child
and horse In Douglas county. The ex-sen3tor
sprung a little joke on Mayor Johnston which
caused a great uproar.
Smator 1anderon then' spoke at his work
In endeavoring to geL Uncle Sam 10 put his
seal ere the Magic City and erect a federal
building for the benefit of the town. "It
was . " said the senator , "lh'e determined work
of David H. Mereor that succeeded In .getn !
congress to pas the bill appropriating money
for a public building. ( Great applause and
cries at 'Our Dave. ' ) South Omaha has only
started In on Its ge'owtie. " In speaking
gowth. spCltng
about annexation the senator said tieat In
union there was strength. In closing he
said he was greatly pleased to receive such
a welcome home , and lie was proud to say
that he had ben a resident of Nebraska for
twenty-five years , and for nearly half that
time he head held down a seat In the UnIted
States senate.
Other toasts were as follows : "Our Public
Schools , " \V. D. Cheelt ; , "The State of Nebraska -
braska , " James U. Van Dusen ; "Our MunIci-
pal Goverment , " John S. Walters ; "Our
Future Prospects " E. C. Lane ; "The Press , "
A. L. Dlxbee : "Our Board at Trade , " David
Anderson ; "Our Industries , " Major J. S.
CarJtson ; "Citizenship , " U. D. Montgomery ;
"The Reporter , " Slmuel P. Brigheam
At a late hour the guests departed for
their heomes
I'tU frum 1 I'eeuaengor Train.
KANSAS CITY , ,1nrch , 27.-A young man ,
supposed , by papers fpul\ In his pocltel to
be Marshal C. Short or Savannah , Ala. ,
was hrouJht tn this city toddy badly hat-
tered and suffering Inleral { njurles. He
had been found lying along thee Banta J.'t
trachea near Elmsdnlc , Kao. , having evl-
denty fallen from the train. A ticket from
San Francisco to Savllnnh tellet letter
indicating he was going to Alabama to
claim his slmt of the BIWIRtr ) ' estltc , to
which I aplelrl he Is heir , were nlHo found ,
among his effects. In bite condition he
could give no accol\llt \ himself , and Savannah -
vannah relatives 'IWCf ' # telegt"aphed for
Short's Injures arc fprlous . , but not fatal .
OOllost Iver' ! J eoh''rlJp.
RUSSI , Kan.I' IMarch 27.-Charles
P. Copeland wa " . 'oday ] elected permanent -
manent assignee' ' Qf , 'the Central Kan-
SIS Loan and. ' 'Tjust company. C.
G. Kellogg of ! was present. representing -
resenting $10,0 liabilities , but wets out-
voted. ' 1he company's assets consist at
3,0 acres of westnn"lund , and equities In
farina valued at 131.O.ut cannot be re-
. \ut
alzed u"on. An al111reement \ WIS ordered
by the creditors , vIla 'represent $2r..0) of
the liabilities at tbe tbmeepany and . It will
he made at oeece . 10ti the lieefjihities $2.0 :
are debentures $75,000 guaranteed loans
t5.0 guarunted
held In Boston , Ilrvl . $ IWOJ guarantee,1
loans held In Vlrwpt. Copeland was
treasurer and manper , . , of the company WW
Corevlctq'cI 'etu4 . 'r1Inl f.iurler
PITSD ltG , Jan ; .1larch 27.-Charles
Lee was today found guilty ot murder In
the trt degree. Sentence was deferred .
lIe murdered William Cha"man , n mer-
chant , In January J&91. Thee crime was I
most brutal ChUIIJI e was treasurer of a
local lodge of the UniedVorkmen , and ,
was murdered for the lOdge emeoney . o' '
gang , headed by Lee . , stabbed him twenty-
eight times . need then tied u rope around
his neck , choking out what little life re-
nealned Monday night last Lee tried to
commit suicide In his cel , but was pre"
F'irrsil'si et""I" t It..I , .
CASPER , \'yo. , March 27-Svecial ; ( Tele-
gram.-Yesterdar ) henry n. Wilson sued
out a warrant against John F . Iagney , ex
clerk of court , tor embezlng nr Iagney ,
was placed under arrest. Today he settled
and the complaint was dismissed .
811 J)8.'I I. " fOlUJUf ; , UWUIUrl ; ,
Jr "WRi Says hicr.SloneyVeea wqlL
Awny t , time ltonRI JIJ\Atr.
NEW YORK , March 2l-App'.Icatlon for
the apolntmenl of a receiver for the Na-
tonnl syndicate was male today In the
supreme court chambers before Judge
Beckman . The application was mettle on
behalf oC Eliza A. Wall , n partner In the
firm of William \\'all's Sons , manufacturers :
of corllage. Thee defendants are James 1.
Frank T.
Waterbury , Chauncey Marshall , J'rank
Wol and Edwin ] t lhrualcerhoff , as trust-
ees for William F. Wal In the last will
and lestament of Michael A. Wall of the
National Cordage . company , Edward F. C.
Young and O. Weaver Leper , receivers oC
the National Cordage company ; O. Weaver
Leper , inthivideeally I , need the Tucker & Car-
tee Cordage company , and the Elizabeth
Cordage company.
In lay , 1800 , counsel said , Frank T. Wall
sold the properly ef Wilam \\'all's sons to
the National Carthage company for $9:4,90.
James M. Waterbury was preslcent or the
Natonal Cordage company and rank I 'I' . Wall
was viet preshlent. The plaintiff's conshltrn-
ton was to be 4,000 sllares or vreferred
stock In Ihe National Cordage company , val-
teed at $400,000. Soon after the sale the lIe-
remlanls formed the Natlcnnl s'nllcalc , abamet
whIch the plaintiff knew nothing and which
was estabhishiel for the purpose thee Ilnlntr
alleged , of gambling In Cordage trust storIes
on thee Stock exchange. The practical effect
or thus was to SWel ) away thee Plaintiff's
$100,000. Thee IIlalnlr further alleged that
Frank 1' . Wal an:1 : the dIcer ceren.llnta had
teetered Into a conspiracy by I'hlch he was
cheated out or the 4,000 shares In the Cordage
The books at the Cordage company showed
n balance cu ' to Wiiam Wall's sons of
,26,000. ) . Jamcs Keene dammed that $350,000
Was due hIm on 7.500 shares on n IJt , whl
Henry Adams & Co. , stock hrokers , claim ell
$230,000. Thee National s'nlcalt , claims to
have considerable assets which It says arc
\llam n. HOlnbloler opposed the 10tC )
and said the plalntl did not show whelhr
she was a parlner In the syndicate or not
He thought she ehould elect ns to what 11081-
ton she occnpled. I was also conteOlel that
Irs. \Val hall been aClualnted wih all thee
business of \Vall's sons all with th2 transac-
tons of thee NatIonal syndicate. Alhlal"lt In
substantiation of lhls were Introducell , whIch
counsel for Irs. Wall said were a snrprlE'
to helen lie therefore asked u week In which
to procur counter afdlvl s. Thl riquet was
p -
ll , .1'.t r S tJIfU.l TT'.S 1.V.UIISCh' .
IRIII UO\ltt tays It I" Mlolln by ties \Rnt
of I'runf of Unl' .
KINGSTON , N. Y. . March 2i.-Davld M.
Dewitt at this city , aulhor of the book re-
centy publshcd at Balmore , entItled " ' 'he
Judicial Murder of Mary Surrat , " had his
attention called to the dlsllalch sent from
Chicago U few days ago regarding the dC.
structon of the proofs at the Innocence of
Mrs. Surrtt by the burning of thee house of
John \V. Clampitt , her former counsel , enc
the statement of Mr. Campit as to Father
Walters' slory. Mr. Dewit sold that I
would be dlncult to destroy the proofs of
Mrs Surratt's Innocence as embodied In his
book , whlcb , however , Is a demonslratou
rather or the want at proof of her guilt .
In gathering the facts for hIs book , Mr.
Dewitt continued , he had occasion to visit
Wahlnglon In thee spring of ISD and while
there called on Father Walters .
"He related to me , " Mr. Dewit added ,
"lhe same colloquy Mr. Clampit now gives
between himself and the poor woman , but
the colloquy took place In the cell ot the
condemne woman just before alto was
taken to the scaffold , and not on the scaffold I
Iself She wished to state to the soldiers '
who had come to conduct her to her death
that she was Innocent , and In their presence
and hearing asked her priest to be allowed
to do so , when lee replied : 'No my child ;
the world and all that Is In It has now re-
ceded forever I would do no good and It
might disturb the serenity at your last mo-
ments. ' But Father ' Walter , In his Interview
with me . went no turth r. ' lie intimated
'nothlng to the elect ot any such condition
being atache to his presence with the con-
demned woman1 as lr , Claenpitt now says
' he' stated to him " -
, _ . _
( ; onorl ( ntclnls : " esya.They Males I Onoll
Chaa . of Immigreseeta.
NEW YORK , March 27. - General
Thomas , C. Catchings member of
congress fi'om Mississippi , Is at
the Fifth avenue hotel General Catch-
lags intends to remain In the city for several
days and then will go to his horns In the
soutle Mississippi has a general election
next fall and already the lines are being
formed He said among other things : "The
south Is the future of the United States. One
fact that I have noted and wondered that It
has not been commented upon Is the great
number ot people that have migrated from
the west to the south wihin the last 'ear.
The Idea leas been paramount In the last
that the negro swarmed In the soothe This
idea has deterred the laborer and the farmer
of . the west from going south. The negroes
really have their home In the south , but
they do not swarm over the country. They
have sections at their own and naturally set )
theIr own kind. Large sections of country
In thee south are practically free tram negroes
Excessive hard times In the west have drIven !
many men to throw aside their scruples about
working with negroes and - are flocking to the
south. They bring with them not only their
money , beet their home , their virtue and cheeir'
Industry and the south Is benefited . This
tide of Immigraton will continua and the
south will build up and expand , and much
geed will bo the result at her prczant object
leon. "
Alenpr to homes " 'hRlna Clark ,
SAN FRANIJSCO , March 27.-Advices received -
ceived from Honolulu today report an attempt -
tempt to bur the American whaling bark
GraYhea1. Captain Shor y. Th vessel was
tired while lying ut thee wharf In lionohulee
Three of her sailors William Dresley , Hiker
gnlnvoter and William , Gehman were ar-
rented on I cJrse at arson ' twas asserted -
sorted they fred the whaler to avoid going
to sea on her 'rhey were fnaly released ,
but refused to return to the whenler and
when the Australia snled they wer In
Jai again . 'rhe bark was pumped Pretty
nearly ful at water before the lire could be
e , tinguisheed. _ _ _ . _ _ _
111 ( ' 11 Urick In ties Mint .
CAHSON , Nev. , March 27.-Thee Tribune
this evening contains a statement claim-
Ing to be authorItative , lhat a bogus bar
of bullion , composed ot some valueless
COmlJoslton , has been discovered to have
been substituted for 1 bur of gold bullion
to cover up the mint shortuge. 'l'hls Is one
ot the bars received by the present meter
nail refiner , horns , front the previous ad-
ministraton at the estmnted vnlue. Hu-
mores are current thlt arrests will shortly
bo made , but nothing definite can be
; I'UI Curl That Illeal Goes to . Lho JoeL of thee
There are lots ot lotions , oils and salves
that will , through their soothing influence ,
relieve temporariy the pain Incident to
piles . But Is that all that the sufferer re-
quires ? Isn't It a horrible thought to real-
Izo that the ease Is only temporary and the
disease goea on under the surface wihout a
moment's interruption ? \Vouldn't It be
wiser to select a remedy that seeks the
source and regulates these deep seated disorders -
ders that Induce the disease Pyramid 110
Cure not only relieves the pain at once , but
elects a permanent cure at the worst form
of piles. You don't have to go throu& a
tedious course of dieting whlo using It ,
eltheer I strikes through those delicate
membranes and tissues and sets thee blood
In healhrul circulation , reducing at once thee
painful Inflammation and congested tumors
Thl8 remedy Is not a haphaard combina-
ton at drugs , but Is a remedy Invented by
sllclalsls who have treated piles and blood
dhorders successfully for years . Manufac-
tured by the pyramId Urug Co. at Albion ,
Mich. Almost any frt class druggIst ha
I on sale at 6 cents and $ .00. Uon't treat
this disease with every lotion and salve that
comes along. Remember ties parts elected
are among the most delicate In the human
body. ' This remedy Is absolutely safe and
no one need tear to apply It freely on the
m Jt Infamed yarts. , The speed with which
It allays the pall Is an agreeable surprise
dci t the sulerer ,
' - IlIVT ' , ' , ' . JlrIVC
; TJltl'IW.W 11471.S ( ;
Stout : City : 1'01'10 nht to lie A I It Rt the
Hell (10"'t,111'
SIOUX CITY , Inrh 27-Sieecial ( Tcle-
grnm.-There ) 19 much lue1gnnton over the
failure of the telq.IJnc . ) ' hero to
reduce rates April I , teeS companl"s In other
towns In the west are doing. I appears
thlt thee rates flee being reduced by the
Bell company wherevr thee larlson Ireple
ore fgurlnl to Put In hIatus , aced thIs
town must wnlt till it hns coeiepetitloee .
The lnrrlsol IICOI\le leave : n company or-
/lnlzell here aced wi COIInee Iulni
tel ' their systene insIde ! or I neontie I hilS
already more subscrlbrs titmice the old comet-
It 10re. ) ' , Inthe nctol ot the hatter will COlIn
The town of -hster City has (1lermlned
to make nn offer of Innd antI Iane ) ' equlv-
nlent to $1,0 for the location Cf the Odd
I elol ! Orphenfla' home , which the state
grand lodge wi huld this . sdeejeneer .
Wihin the next thirty thetys the two
largest fnrms lee lIds section , Ihe 11,1111 ,
Ilnch of 4,00) ncr s nl,1 the Bele Vista
lance uf .O ICt'C will be sohi hey the shN lid
of this county sender foreclostmee. 'l'hey will
hI t > llht by the Credits Coeeeeeiteteetioee .
COI\\II \ ) ' , whlh relic e clls meenely t $ \IO.(1 ,
or c nll against them , two or tlee'ee titmice
thei' vnlue. _ _
. \ hIcgtd ! lln"lr F. created ,
AII.ANTIC In" , Mnrch 27.-Speciah.-C. ( )
M. : Alor , nn alleged swlleler , " as arrest il
ret Meenihia ycetenlety antI brought here
amid lodged tie jail to uwielt a heetirleeg. 'l'iee
chenrgcs nrc mr obtecimeteeg ceceney teeetler
fRlo iretenses nmul eeemehcieeg mietil seihiemie me
t'oenpomencl under thee teeeftee ef ' 'hood' : ; Sam'-
seeparihla , " Ailor wns iloimeg beesiness nt
Griswold , ice theis coceeety , wheeme lee eeieule lice
acquecimet delco C F ci young edit It % vleomei he e
took iceto pnrteeersheii , 'itle heieee , I Ic told
lila heerteeer t Ie U t lee eyed S fl sI lob teen em , etted
cotelet even sell ( 'eflhlty hottics If mitcessary ,
meted that thee teicchicite wits i'imeepiy wild
eheerry beetic meted e'ntcr-prieecipnily w.eter ,
lie eclso told of otieer sei'iemehhing scheeeeecec ,
thee enost eteceesful ci i'heiehe es'ets to ml.
'ertise lee soeeec lending jourmenl and eeengn-
zinc a sewing eeeecheine ; ( or $2 , thee eunice ) '
to be edict to a certecime PostoIihce bax in
Cheicngo. lie would thecee have thee ennih
forwarded to St. Louis flied theme to 1cm
home in Nehirneekee , 'rice vlctieee woseld Sheen
be ceded ci coeeeeeecee , sewing needle , Alloy
ieoiv I ietnl(4 theme t he is yoeet Ii ( tel lime r t ieee is
edso ci ehick one , for lee tleveiope'd into et
detecti'i' ccitt met by tlecm C. I , hood comic-
little ) ' , need sectereel hei os'icleece etntl took
in lets dead vitheotet reeeyti'uceble.
I'tirhiiegeaie lirakcqnsi I ujoreci ,
CItESTON , In. , Macole 27-b'peciat ( Tehe.
grane.-Chemerle'y Babcock , a Itierhheegtome
bralcemnaee , tend his left hitch term ibly lacer-
meted ret Ieleeri'ny this moraeieeg by being ruec
over by a car ,
( 'eceirt Itnuiec 'X'ragr.Iy ect lichens.
ST. PAUL , March 27.-A Ileleeca , Mont , ,
SPeCimil to the Pioceeer-Prcm's says : 'rids
nfterreooie during thee progress of a trial
in thee court room heere , Eteg eee Iltanhrty ,
without wnreeieig shot need fatally votenclcel
lila Wood , 51ccvnes On trial oct a cicuege
of havheeg robbed heim of $140. With thee cx-
chaeeeatlon : "Site will ecever rob netotleer
enetec , ' ' Staeebey rose Ice Ide seat cent tome feet
froen thee woman and iii. rnpkh succession
lhred three shots at her'two of tleeen hodgiieg
let leer body. 'i'hee doctors say omee of thecen
will prove feetnl , Ii ) ' theis ( line Sergeant
Murphy head pe'ahhed Stanley nod feertheer
sleootieeg s'ns lerevemeted. Thecro was cc terrible -
rible stampede , but eec one wan injured.
l'repnrntlonr fir ( , ieieileertera' Coeei'eeit lice , ,
ATLANTA , On. , March 27.-Grand Chict
Comeductor H. 10. Clae'ke of thee Order of
Railway Condtectors , vheo hens been hecre
several days coenplcting nrraeegoencntec for
the nnmeual coeeveeetlon of thee order to be
heeld heere in May , left at nooee today for lets
heomece in lowet. Oeee of tlee largest heeehls ha
the city leas been secured for thee conventioee
and Places ate being made for net immense
gatleerhicg ,
Cocivicted of I'ohieonlng .Sexton CieieecIieliune.
ST. LOUIS , March 27.-Today a jury returned -
turned a verdict of guilty of murder ice time
first degree against George Thompsoee , colored -
ored , vheo poisoeted Joseph Cuecninglememn , the
sexton of St. Peter's Episcopah cheterch , lee
September , 1191. Cunningham hnd sue-
ceeded Tkeompson as sexton , thereby caus.
lag his displeasure.
' - . - '
- . - - - - - ,
: _ _ . : _ _ ii , , V' , , , _ .
If hct'netnrlce , Iciciteiehe , sore tinned ascIi
enciclihleec Ott's 'icic reelicc , I n hear the lireY'
, , grit' , v.l % ii iii hc ghmeel yecet It tic reset
therq , , iIeia , lor , ci emecoree , yen ecro In *
ot ci C
itm' ; .flfl 5I7.thtPli tiNt ) hitlitil
'C N I ) l'T ( t' ( ) tO ltY A2' V ION ( C tilt.
\S'lii-eiImlg , thfl'c'sa * need oth"r gm'lii utiIaCr
les euro tuet I , , rit , , Icy h.cfl'y'a e'eer , , atact 3
% hilkcy. ci I 'ieee that ilcec euht' I Iii. bod7
Ienecg cie.ueegie . to flitltt Its , , n it
ertigctaIa iiiil gI'dlceri. silt it. I thteilre'tted
iCtehhIhet : cclii Ice sold hey ( lea
lUl"FV lt.C I.'t' W'II lSith't' 10 , ,
ltociI hS fEll , N , S. ,
iEo. i' . sioithAv , IiIEKMAN.
President. 'a8hltr ,
First Nationa Bank
of COUNCIL UL.UFFJ , iowa.
Capitth : , - $100,000
1iolits , . . . 12,000
Oaa of thee oldest banks in ties state of Iowa.
We sohlcit your businias aced collection ! . \S's
PRY C err cent on time deposits.Ve will be
pleased to Bee and .erv. iou.
l'leeepiea , biackhei' , , red , roeegic eee'd omly sicin
, aleth hean.h , ii I' ) ' , tieiec , and faliiii
' - ' letir , toni .ieni'is dish ) ' tientislee
act , ItrVeeetCi and cured t1 Crym ,
VOltA Soi' , enact 1ectito eklte.
ltetifhteg noel bemeeltil ) hag soap in
lice 'cci hi , eta velh as liurcat nail
- awecict. of tahict cud nursoty
# . " , , , , , , IIetfl,15110111 tiffi ' * 'Pl II ,
: ;
4 Cures thee effccts of
selt.nhceese , excesses ,
- entissiomes , Impotency.
vmericocelo nod consti.
, i , , ; patina , One dollar a
: box , six for 15. For
I , p cmiii' be l'hIH GOOD.
' /4 _ , . , MANDItITOCO. , and
Spociat NoIices-Oollocii Diuffs
F.i ilurke , at W. S. Homer' . , 503 Iiroadiyay.
eats cheap nail etc easy tomes. Day & hess ,
Pearl street.
nisiecd ; One lawn ; goote barn , and ore paved
street. H. P. OfItcer , 12 MaIn cetceet.
liurke , at homer's , 538 flroadway.
with seven rooens : ahan toter m'ooins at1oInln
at 621 itroacIwn' good ceeance for ehtieer prti'ati
family , boarding house or restaurant , 10 , W ,
Lougco & Towio.
_ _
. , . :
- " - ' - - - - - -
r' : I
for Infants and Children. , '
' . cstoria is so well adapted to children theat Castorha cures Colic , Constipation ,
I eacommend'itaseuperlortoany prescription Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , Eructatlon ,
known to me , " II. A. Ancrnca , II. I ) . , Kills Worms , gives sleep , and gfromot
Ill So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. gestion ,
_ _ _ _ Without injurious tncdicatiou' ) V
"The usa of 'Ctestorla to co univernal and "For several yearn I heave rocommd
Its merits B4 well known that It scenes a vork yceer ' ( lastoria , ' antI edeahl itlways continue tc
of supero ogatlon to credormmo it. Few thee do so as it baa invariably produced beneficial
leeLcllgent fanefllcs who do zee keep Castoria results. "
wita1neasyrcac1e. " EowisFI'&nrnmIL B. ,
. C.snmos M.tarcs , B. I ) . , 12tb Street neat Rh Ave. , Non' York Cityh
New York City.
Tao CaorrAtrn Com'ANT. 7 MLiOUA Srnz , Nzw Ymca Ci'z'v.
-GLlarailteed Northern Grown-
Council Bluffs and Vicinity Imported Thousands of D3112r5 Worth ,
of' Potato3s During the Past S3ason , Buy Good Sosd anl We Wifl
Export Instead of Import. WrIt3 for prices or call on
- 21 1 and 213 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Ia.
Cleaning and Dyeing of Garldnt3 an
Gooils of Every Hascription ,
Schoedstcl&'s Twin City Dye
DYE WORKS. Worics , Cor. AVchhhmIta A mind 26th
St. , Cohluclil l3liifTh , Office , 1521 Far.
lEthal St. , OIhItlhl.
. Scnd for Price List ,
_ _ _
E'er3'tleimeg lie thee Drtig , 1IIIIIt uhiel OIl 11mm at bottoime prices. Agents for , J
And nil leadiiig iienmiufetctiii'es , Bring ? ' ( ) Ill' lrescrlltioieu ) ) to tis. W'O 'lll aav
you nioney every titeic. Itegistci'ed clerIc amid registetech iiropi'lotor.
- - ' - -
' V. ,
( ° '
1. . 3'MACI4AJI1213
i- . All kinds of Dyeing
I and Cleanheeg done Ice
/ tiee highest Style of
thee art , Failed anci
: csM , srr _ stained fabrics made
' \
to hook as good si
j/ Ycwo
' new , Work promptly
Y E - dons and delivered
V iiiI . in all pat tie or thee
: 4ORI $ II Yl i. ; ; price coueetry. list. Semi toe
_ - - ; , - 0. ii. MAChAN.
- -J
. " . ' ' ' . : -r- : . . " J'ropri otor
' ' ' '
, . , . ' , North.
4 " ' - ' ' - - flmdwsy emear
; , western Depot , Ciuncil
i Zr -
\ ; , illulfa. Iowa. Tel , UI.