. , Ii ; . _ 2 _ _ _ _ . - : . . 'rILE Ol\JAII.A : DAILY iki12 : 'rllunSD.AY , ,1tIAUOIl , 28 , . 1SBG. _ _ _ - bolloe thal thIs was the time to nM to the already too heavy burden or taxo. Il 'oto WI hIs own , ho ) sull ! ( , and he ball lell It For the people , a he telt I bla duty to 110 The extra judge for L'nclster county wa knocked out and the bill ordered re-engrossed. pnOIOSrm JUDICIAL DISTRICTS. The now apportionment I a tolowl Iirt-ItIc1ittriIdn , Nemnhn , Johnon ant Pawnee counties. - Thftd-hnncntcr countts. Cn ! ! cunt , h. ' ! Thlrt-l.ncnAter , ( 8r ' , Washington and Burt conntIe ; . Flfh-Snunllor clnUNI. Bewar.l , Butler , York , Ilninhlton and Polk countire. countEA. _ Slxth-nod . COUI : , Plate , t"rrlcl : and Nance . Ieventh-Sattne , FillMore , Thayer , Nuck- o1I ! nl1 ClaY counhIc. ! countc FtgIrth-Knox. Stnnton , nlxon. Dakota , m/hth-Inox ! nnl , Wayne countl ! and Ninth-Cumin , Iadlson , Antelope ! I'lrrce . . Tentb-Adlun counte ! 'YphAter } Iearne , Frank- In Harlan nnd I'heIpi ' . countN' F.eventh-loone ! hail , Wheeler Greeley , Oarlehl , l.up. \ 'hieY , 10warl ! , ualne ; ' 'holl ! Hooker and Ornt eountl ! , TweIth-fluFTaIo , Iawon , Custer and SIwrrnrn : cotrntiea. Thlrteenth-I.lncoln , l./nn , KeIth Cheyenne . nne , Deuel , Scot ! IUIIIT , / 1lmbal hnnner , Mo1'heron . Arthur and ltklns coUnties . 1'oUrtpent1i-Gosner. Furnl ! I ronlcr , ned Willow ; llayee , ' hitchcock , Chase nnn : Dunlh' , , countle t ! ' Fifteentli-ItoIt , Hock , Brown , KE ) ' Pnhn , - Cherry , Sherld n. Dawes , Sioux. 10x Butte , lnlvI nnrl thl unorganized terrier ) ' . Sixtecnth-Gag fnd .IeItcrson counties RlxteEth-Ga1 .Ieterfn In the I'ourth 119trlt there Ihnl be , seven jittiges nr the dlRtl1ct court : the Fifth , Sixth leventh and Fifteenth dls- Firh tllctl two : In Ule 'hlrll .lstrlcl there shal lit three jtidges , huh In each oC the other jUIJe districts there shall be one JUIIe. ' Another bill read the third time and I paned waS senate file No. 34 , Introduced by Watson of Otoe , and relating to the law . governing the election of county commission- . cr0. ers.The senate took a reces aCer making the . salary appropriation bill a spcclal order for 2 o'clock. After recess the senate immediately went Into committee of the whole to consider the apropriatton bill. At 6:30 : the senate agreed bi. t1 . to ( the amendments. rose and ordered thc bill engrossed ( for third reading. The senate then adJournld. I 10UII : WUII' ' U.IH , , \ PIIISSURB. I CoiitItutIoiit , a iteiitimnpti . \1 l"lqqed nnd I COIUllutomt 1Dldmnll1 Many ; trsUres 1..t % " . LINCOLN , . Mardi 27.-Special.-ThO ( ) : house today completed its work on the constitutional - . sttutonal amendments and passell the remainder - o malneler or them by votes of sixty majority : ar.d up'wanls. 'hey were In the shape or I senate files which had parsed that body , and ' : they are now In the hands of the goveror. One or the supped amendments , labeled No. 13. was discovered to be not an amendment ; nt oil , but simply a bi providing for giving L : notice of the election to bo held on the pro- y. posed nmenllments. This measure , senate ' file 2. was recommitted and properly , . amended In committee or the whole. Senate ' tile No. 103 , providing for the governing or , , master plumbers and supervision of plumb- ' Ing and drainage In the Hatl was killed. The gaunt Corm of the chicory bounty Ei again walked on the floor of the house tOllay. t I entered under cover of an amendment of L noh.rlson atachlnl chicory to the bill of " ' -I -provldlng that cOlin tes may Issue bo ll to ail sugar manufactorles. Even the . original sugar bounty bill did not create the disagreeable friction which was created by . the long discussion over this question. Upon the amendment the democrats and populists t reached the parting ot the ways , and each took n separate road. Suter independent from Antelope , went wIth the democrats , and spelt against all descriptions of bounties. Constitutional amendment No. 16 , the bill for which senate tile No. 28cm , passed the , house today , provides that no city , town - precinct. municipality or other subdivision : . of the state shall ever make donations to any , works of internal Improvement or manuac- _ tor unless a proposition to this elect shall . - " , havo.bcon , snbmllld tp heo qualified electors I . and ratl l fb' . ft 'two-ihirds vote , provIdcll that such donatons , with the donations or " 5ubdytslqns , In the aggregate shall not ; shal . " O\rubdhtlslQns ; nt of time assessed valua : ; " tott of tmiroitteY. ' I. 1s also , further prob " . Ol thatanydtY or cunty . may by n ' .jded Indebted- ' I i'bTe-fouith0 vote Increase such - 11hte-tourtJ : : , _ . vce addition. No onds' v ted' .ls i l ! , . * under thes provslons will be , consIdered ' valid unless the ' same shall have ' enjloseed' ' e .slgne by tile ocre- therean a rr thcreon certfca ; : tary of state rmndaualtor , , showing that the " : same are Issue In Pursuance of law. SPEND SINKING FUNDS FOR SEED. . l. The relief bill passed this morning. senate , file No. 312 , makes It lawful for county treas- ' ' urers to withdraw any or all sinking fund moneys which the treasurer lay have on . . deposit In any bank and to Invest the same ' In grain for seed and feed , to be used upon ' ' the farina of their several counth Withdrawal - draw:1 of this money must be made upon n ' petition : presented to time county treasurer ' signed by presente 25 per cent or the legal voter of tht' county wherein such wlth- , e j drawnl Is made. Notice Ulal the treasurer L . . Is ready to receive applications for seed and % k feed shall bo published In the newspapers must be made ' or the county. Applications 1,1 . under oath , supported by certDcal.el of , : ' ' of the county. NOteS J' ' well known residents . 't' , given In exchange for seed must be drawn I I f payable ! to Ixchange the county treasurer , running not , less than twelve nor more than twenty-four les ) months viIii interest ill the rate of 8 per . wlh 6 cent of which shalt go to the _ 1. , cent per sbll . county and 2 per cent to the county treas- ' , urer for transacting the business. Moneys 'l. transnctn ! , : to any sinking funll needed for r. belonging fln\lng . , the rtllompton , of bonds or warrants during " , , the year at 186 or 189G are not subject t : , the provisions of this nct. , v ' House's depository trill , house roil I , When ltor bi . . , . . for , it was dls e. No. 122. ? came UP pasMge,1 I : CoVered that an lpJrtant I amenl1ment passed i . I In conimittee of the whole hall been omitted In cOllllee the room. Originally the bill I ! I provided that ' banks receiving county funds . . on deposit ' shoull ; pay interest at the rate , , or the whole ) of 3 IJer cent. In cOllnlloe vote , this was cut m by an almost unanlmo IS Ias . . . . cflt. and In this shape the hili to 2 ½ per c hi I was recommended for pauage. Hut today the bill ahowe(1 UII with the 3 per cent Interest - , bi rate. Objection was ralse,1 by Cas- I per and othrsul Harison , In the speakers i - . f 'chair ruled II was too late to correct any mistake lade l'y enrolling anll engrossing i - . , ' clerks , and tM bill was Ilushe.l through to I its passage. I HOU'NE OF 'riii AIOI1NING. I ' The house gut together nt ! o'cloclt i this , lornlng und spent halt an hour In ; , rearranging bills on the general file and advancing - rearrangingls . vancing favorite measures to more all. i . ' vantgeoli oitiOn0. The following bli I were passed : Senate file 312 , by Stewart , providing for ' tIme Innstment * of Ilnldng fund moneY of I , counties amid townships In grain for fee and i seed for miroutim mmufTerera. T crQuth ! uten'rs. . Senate file 281 , constitutional amendment . i No. P. relating to the officers of tim execu- ( th'o department , und pro\'ldlnl tor three I raiway coasnsIssionors. Senate file 283 , consttutonal amendment I . ' No. 10 , relating to compensation of ullreme , ' , . and district court judges. Senate me :8t , constitutional amenllment ' ' ' state No. 11. onlcors limiting the number of executve . ; Senute die 2SG constItutional amendment I No. 12 , , ointng to increase In number or BU- H ' l1reme and district court judgoJ. , Senate 10 28S. constitutional amendment / ' No. U , proscribing the mnnner In which , votes shah bo eust. The Important feature : II sectIon O. whIch , as amended , will read : ' ' ' Alt votes shall bo by ballot , or such other , 'nethsost IUI may be proscribed I'y law , provided - . vided the secrecy of voting bo preserved. " : , This would admit of the use ot voting ma- , cblnos. , . Senate file 4 by Watson , providing for V .tho admission t practice or COIDlelorl anti , ' . attorneys al law , prc6cllblnl that mia 1)luon : sbal practice In any court or record lu time . t _ _ state uniesa be bus bcel previously admitted ' 'l the bar by order of time IUIJremo COlrt , : ! Senate tile 14. by Wauon , providing for ' , the equipment of railroads doing business In I , Nebraska with cars furnished \Ith automatIc couplers und brakes. Sonata die 2i , constitutional amendment . No. 15. relatng to work ( f internal Im . . tovonsent and manufactorles , " , povement , tile 40. hy Smith , llrovhlhlg for ) punlsbm nt for daylight housebreaking amid , . robbery. ' Senate tile 130 , mcnorlal ! art joint relo- , ' , . , Iuton to congress rayorlng limo passage of , a blnol Ilcntlnc ceding to time itato or No- braslta eli go'orllent land lOW within the I : border or the state. , Sonata file 31 by Hahn , provIdIng for the , . tprotecto : ot Mongolian pheasants. , , SO'ltO ' file ITO , by Or03' , logal' : lnu the , t .1 . , t. - . - . - . . - P-- o . . - _ survey , platting , dedication or streets , sale and conveyance of certain blocks ' ot land In the city or F'airburr , Jefferson county , anti to quiet title to same. Senate file 274 , constutonnl amendment No. 4 , relative to the merging or the govern- meat of cities of the metropolitan class and the govornmenl of the counties wherein such cites are located. Tho.houso took a recess until 2 p. m. PASSING THud lOlSE HILLS. . . continucit In Bills on third reading wore conlnuNi the afternoon and the [ olowlng passed : : . IIousoroii No. 150 , by Cramb , authorizIng - lag county boards to bind out or npprontc rlinor children under 1 years or ago who may have become public chnrges house roll No. 492 , by Halrlrovc , to ap' proprlato $600 for n card catalogue for the state library. . house rol No. 619 hy Ilalrgrovo . 10 ftp- proprlate $2,000 for additIonal shelving for I the state library. House roll No. 14 , by Hairgrove , provid- lag for the apportionment ot fnes , penalties and leeno moneys In cites and villages having a part or all of two or Iore school district within their corporate limits. house roil No. 502 , hy Cooler prohibiting the disposal of the carcasses of animals for mnnutacturlnl nurnoses which have died or I U - - _ - - . . cholera. louse roil No. 690 , hy Schickedanta. trans- torlng $10,631.76 from the saline fuml to the I permanent school fund House rol No. 650. by navies , prescribing the manner In which proposed amendments I . to time constitution are to be submltcd to n vote at the people at a general electon In November , 18(7 , and providing for the print. contaIning lag and distribution of ballets Proposed amendments HOlso roll No 622 , br Rouse providing for the appointment by county boards of depositories for certain public runds. House roll No 101 , Sutton's bill to estab- lsh a State Banking Hoard and lo regulate state banks , whether commercial or savings. With Harrison In the chair the house went Into committee of the whole to consider the : bill reported back by the sifting committee , senate file 287 , for amendment anti the 10 amendment to the Omaha charter. The amellment of Hckels , offered yesterday , antI for the adoption of which the bill was recommllell , wa pn8soll anl the Omaha charter. as amended ( , was \y motion or Richards - nrde , recommended for passage , CIOKlm OFF CmCORY. When house roil No. 498 came up there was another fury of bad feeling , which was created by some pecular rulings ot _ the chairman anti the speaker similar to the buldozing tactics indulged In yesterday. The bill provideR for voting bonds to ali manufactories - factories or beet and sorghum sugar. Robertson - son of Hal wanted to Imend the bill by incorporatIng chicory. Chapman , In the chair , ruled that the amendment was out of order , and ho was supported by Harrison and Mcl4itt. Harry appealed from this decision - cision or the chair. The speaker took charge or affairs , declared that the committee of the whole had risen , which It had not , and put the questIon of appeal. The chair was sustained on a strict party vote , and the speaker stepped back to the floor with time declaration that the committee or the whole was again In session. Under the rules the speaker has a right. In cases of disorder In committee of time whole , to assume control and adjust affairs with assistance of the lerge nt-at-nrls. But there was 10 dls- order. The chicory men were only fighting for their rights under the rules or the house. Finally the majority became ashamed of the rank rulnj at the speaker , and by unani- 010110 . consent permitted the ameltmenl of RobertsOn to be discussed. Howard delivered I rich , brown roast on the populslc element whIch was fighting for the chicory bounty. He said I was con- trar' to the Independent as well ns the democratic halonal platrorms. Suter replied to this onslaught and deprecated - cated the fact that some of his colleagues were In favor at the boumitles . He was opposed - posed to all bounties and should vote against it. FINALLY AGREED TO THE BOUNTY. Myers made a fiery speech , strongly en- dorling bounties on everything , Including sugar l d chlcory.- 'He ' said all of these , bounties work for the benefit of the per man , more than for tl1c rIch. Sutton of ' DoU'KI : and . Miles Cavored time chicory 'alerdi t Smitten said that there wore . many.poor. people . whO could " not have god I coethmrep tlmesa ' The aubsti- . cotet-thre ; l : 4ay' cheap subst- : Iute of chicory would give them at least an I Inlalon , f c lEe which they would be " ' ' able pur'chase. - - - ' : , Robertaon's amendment pro\'aled , and the 'bl was : recommended for . passage by 41 " t3O . . , . , . House roil No , 66 providing for township organization and to divide counties into town- ships was recommended for passage , al was house roll No. 24G , by Drockman , to authorIze - Ize the formation . offire _ , lightning and cyclone mutual Insurimc "companles. House roll No 6O.'Ift5vldIng that I ma- jority vote can dIvide counties and locate county .eats Instead' tir. a tbree.ffhs ma- Jority , was recommended for passage. The committee then rose and 1 lively bout , ensued over a proposition . to meet every morning at ( o'clock. ) < ( motion to make that the hour for time future - was voted down and the house adjourned till 1a . . m. tomorrow. ONE \E I { AND ONE 1\Y IIOR - Friday , April Ii , at Noon FIxed ns the Time for Slime Die Adjournment LINCOLN , March 27.-Speclal ( Telegram. ) , -The joint committee on final adjournment met this evening and decided to recommend that the legislature adjourn sine die nt 12 o'clock non on Friday , April 5. 'he date was fixed after three dales were discussed , April 3 , 4 and 6 , but the preponderance - pomlernce of sentiment favored the later date. To Tlyhll Uolt County LINCOLN , March 27.-Speclal.-A ( ) party of Holt county citizens , Messrs. McDoald , Morse Scott , 'Valrath , Allison , Alen , Slurdevlnt nnd , Colonel Jhnson , were , around the capitol today on an Important mission. 'helr object Is to push through house roll No. 660. This mesaure provides that I ma- jerRy , Instead of three-fifths , the present law shal be Bulclent to divide I county and locate a new county seat. This lobby of eight Is Interested In a town lot scheme at Atkinson Holt county , which they pro- pose to make 1 county seat In case the election should be favorable to division Jennel of Douglas has purchased a news- IJol1er at that polmit. : Stalton , Pttmmte Innk Quits. I STANTON , Neb. , March 27.-Speclal ( Telo- 1 grnm.-Today ) the state bank examiner took charge' of time Stanton State bank by request or the dlrectol at a meeting held last night. The ballt ball for the lust year been run- ning behind Liabilities arc $9..00 : capital stock , $ ; 2,000ls : receivable f5.000 : stoct- holders' liability to the bank , $39,000 : cash on 'haml , ,245. . J. A. Clne , time examiner In cbargo. , that all says 11 depositors will bo paid In lull. This hs practically A vOluntary IhlUld"Uou on the part af the bank , a they want to get out of buslnesl and save thp depositors. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l'rlSht hack Twu I'dsoler. DAVID GITY Neb. , March 27-Spccial- ( ) Sheri Derby and City Marshal \Vest I I Ind Marhalet hav returned tram ICammias City , having In cutody Charles Wilson and Arthur Murphy , charged with brenklng Into fates & Semis' restaurant alli stealing $50 In mon r amid a 11al qUluty of cigars , tobacco and other goods. ( aml"lsn Ilal ) lt ( ran,1 , hihenti. GRAND H\ND Neb. , March ? l.-Spe- ( 2-spe-1 cal.-Tho ) Daily Iopublcau Is a new l'en- turo II behalf of Uo candllacy of O. W , Brenimiger for mayor , against W . n , Thomp IOU : , the POpl6'S candidate , The Iepublral Is edited by S. I' . Mahey and wl all- pat until after electo ! . Iynmmmite Useti , oim is nank 1 DECATUI Ncb. , Marc.lt 27.-Splclnl ( Tele- grans-The Decatur bank was robbed this morllg ul 2O. : the work of experts , The safe wau blown open with dynamite. Time tme lock roole.l theln. The bank oWclals claim nothing 1 b"ne. No clew B yet. Cimarlea Ui"115un Houmict Over. STANTON , . Neb. , MArch 27.-Speclal.- ) The pn'lmlWr hmea rllg of Charles Davidson , chargell by Abblo Holmel with Illegitimate paronta WM held yesterday anil the do- flnient was bound over to the district court , Ulom for Iuc"r leols VAI.LEY , Neb. , 1 ch 27.-Bpeclal Tel- egrmimn.-At the beet sugar meeting last evening forty shares were sold at $100 each. Auotber nIght leetnl will 13 held tomorrow J" : " " - " " ; 1.1 P f ! . " " . - - . ' : . . 1" ' . ' - l MUST snow \ ThEIR HANDS . . White Occupant of Indian Rcsonntions Mint Show Their Titles nt "n co , I JUDGE SANBORN MAKES A POSITIVE ORDER - ' , . , 'it ' Injunction ' h uOi Against Then . ! Making . AlY J'"rther Contr"c' with the ( by- ermmimient's 'lrl" I'elllthb flisposlilois or tIme Case. ; Uh\051ion Vn" - LINCOLN , March 27.-Spcclal ( Telegram ) Judge Sanbor today folI an order \n \ the circuit court In the injunction suit of the United States against the 1 louroy Live StacIe ali Heal I'stato com\any'alil 231 other . defendants. The order 'relulres ( them to ap. lear April 22 al 10 o'clock to sho\v cause wily they be not permanently enjoined from Interfering [ with time agent of time Wlnnebngo amid Omalul Indian reservations , fuLl why they be not enjolnell rr01 inciting the Indians to leave the reservation lalll In any manner . lhout the consent of the agent. A temporary writ at Injulcton Is granted hy Judge Sanbrn restralnlnj the deendants from entering Into negotiations of this nature peding the de cision TRYING TO SAVE OUTCALT. The arguments to quash the Indictments found against n. C. Outclt and Frank M. Iorsey were heard by Judge Dundy In the federal curt this morning. Three Indict- ments pro In force against Outealt. C. E , Magooii opened the argument In hIs belmalf. Ito confined himself to the charges In the various counts or Indictment 44 , which alone arraigns , < utc ll as _ a _ principal. . the otimer two . reciting that t10 aided amid abetted osher. Al time outset Jud o , DUlly said that I these two Indictments require two parties to constitute the offenses charged and I Moshor was acquitted In any ot the counts In this joint Indictment such Icqultal wouM act RS a bar to the prosecuton of Outcal under such counts. Sawyer declared that the reverse was the case , In other words , Mosher was convicted on the counts set up In the Joint Indictment. Throughout the argument ho dwelt strongly upon this defection , Quot- hug the rule laid down by Archibald that two ] separate offenses must not be Included In the same count The other points made were , ' briefly , that the Indictments fal to set out In detai the nature or the false entrIes charged and the fact thal Outcalt had knowledge of their falsity. smm INTERESTING POINTS. I Is not pleaded that the comptroller had directed the bank to make the statement which Outcal Is charged with makIng , and numerous authorities were read upon this point all holding that a criminal acton will not lie where n bank statement containing false entries Is voluntarily made by n bank's officers and not In the manner provided In section 521 of time Revised Statutes , which makes 1 Incumbent on the comptroller 10 cal for such statements five times In every year , showing time bank's conditions upon a past day , designated. Magoon held that 10 chnrje relative to time making or false entries or reports specifically - clDcaly set up knowledge ot such falsity on Outcalt's part. Again , he Is charged with making a false report to the cOlptroler as cashier agent and director of the bank. A criminal charge will not lie against a director - rector making such report , for the reason that the law demands It from time cashier or president , hence Magoon holds this count to be uncertain ' and rqpugrmant. In the sixth and seventh 'counts he Is charged with " embezzling , abstracting and misapplying $40,000 , of the bank's funds be- tween . 18hand , 1893 put , I the word "ab- stractng Is permitted the Indictment , must \ amid does not sbow thlt.such 'abstratng ' , or taking awpy ' of time , . . funds was dene"wlthout the knowledge of tbq1banking ! aSlocla lon and conyertpd , .to hIs own use or tlat of ttat some 'ono other than the . bank. , , ' Outcl was further represented by Charles O. Whedon 'an 1 . L. , C : Burr , while 0. 'M. ' Lmberston appeared Ifo Frank 1 ( . Dorsey In the afternoon. The grounds of both mo- tons were similar to those which operated In quashing the indictment against ex-Con- . gressman Dorsey. Attorney U ; ' C. Burr will make the morntng. closing argument for ' Outcalt . tomorrow - OADO'S RISKY CAREE The more that Is learned .of the career of Natiman. T. Oadd , who pleaded , guilty , tnem- bezzlement from the Broken Dow land office , the darker I appears. I Is learned today that while a resident at Liberty , Neb. , he embezzle money amounting ' to $50 Or moro which was ultImately read ! by smtrelative. A prominent gentleman connected with the legislature - lature says that while a eddent of Greenfield - field , Ia. , Oadd made a bold attempt to'swln- : die a life insurance company. lie ' was carry- Ing a large policy on his life. One day he depesled 1 portion of his raiment on the bank of a stream and levante for parts unknown. His wife beln proceedings to recover on time policy. The company put detectives on his track and trailed him down. When Senator Paddock asked for his ap pointment to the Broken Dow land office none of these things were known to Mr. Whitehead and Judge Rees , receIver and rg- later of the omce. The keys to the safe Or combinations were never delivered to Oadd. The 'receiver did not think tbat express companies - panies would hand over nearly $1,800 to a clerk wl oul _ an , order , Dul.Oadd . avoided sUspicIon by theft of papers accoenmanying 're- mitances arid by a complete system or raIse and blinding entries When Oadd' wrote hIs letter ot confession from Austin . Tex. , No- v nibr 27. 1893 , le said I would take abut ' $30 to pay up his exp nses there and get him to LIncoln. Mr. Whitehead forwarded time $30 fa Rev. Mr. Wright , who bought the ticket and started Gadd northward. At Lincoln time receiver met him , and at the Capital hotel Oa'dd said be had embezzled about $ O0. Reaching Broken Dow Oadd made n full COn- tslon under oath and acknowledged having taken nbout $2,000 tram ten c3sh profs or commutations. $72 for sixteen final homestead proofs and $9.60 for two tree claims. The total amount of the embzzlement and expense of bringing Osld back amounts to $2,40.60. At first OathS went to San Antonio , Tex , after leavlnl the land office. Finding 10 work there he pawned a rIng and went to Laredo. From there ho proceeded to what hue thought safer territory , Montery Mexico There he waR informed by time United States consul that embezzlement was nn extraditable of- fenae. He then returned to , AUltn , Tex , be came stranded and discouraged and asked to be brought back. SiNitNO OUT MUUI b EI ( bRAIN . nelot Coulmtlslon ShIpping Corn and Olhr Cerea ! In Car I.oti LINCOLN , March 27-peciah-The ( pur. claslng committee of the State Relief cm- mIssion recently visited St IAUls to solicit ' supplies ot seed gratn Time result of time I , visit was seen yesterday when a draft for $500 was received with Instructons to invest . I vest I In tbat dire'stlon. The commision I ' a once purchlsed two cars , cohtalnlng 46 bushel of corn each , and shipped them to Oorplr and hayes cunty _ In additon to timcse , two cars or seed porn rr.om I'-rell Kohl , Dantorth , Ill. , were sent % to Ghue anti Ihitcim. cock counties. Eight other vitro or grain were shIpped today topoi.nts along the . line althmefl.&M , . ' The Held commlulon has been notified of the arrIval of two car at corn from Hersher , I. , at IndJanola , slam , ot- two al Osceola tram Ohio Cty , and one car at Palisade [ rom Roberts , lii. I Secretary Ludden today received an offer I \y wire from the Western Hometead and Irrigation company to accept the position of general manager of that company at a salary of $ ere ( per annum , A telegram was lent' ' Secretary' Morton today requesting that tbe garden 'seeds ' prom\Ktll \ Shim commission bo sent for ad' IS expeditiously II ponlble. At present they are arriving In two amid tbree sack Iota and arc sent out by mal hnmcdlatelr upon theIr receipt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' . , ' the eU.r . "lrklnr tlo ! COlulllte NOH'r LOUP . Neb. , March 27.-Special. ( ) -The local relief committed has jUst receIved - ceIved : o pounds of ti,9ur and a quantity oIlier supplies from the State Relief ot lupple Relet com- mission. AI the time for spring moving for renters Iprocbea ! the local board I an- noell greatly by the Importunities of men ) who have left the lelshborhod where they . I _ . . " . _ - I are known n\1 \ Insist on receiving the bed- ! enl of thuo'S'olet 'IW wihout being able to I comply wit ) jj provisions , nn(1 . number of cases have cropped omit In which cerlnl1 parties have been letecloll ( In the act of "workln " jJmr' jocai ' commitees ot several townships I\ tM ' Mme time on the plea that they hn.l rentNl certain lat\l , etc. , 10 the great disgust &f"thoso committees on the din- eovery thaliUII were merely giving 1 rich slpply of 1\lona : ( \ 10 n party who half ho Interest In gay nelrhborhooll other than to / Innr victimize ith'imlMabltants. vlctmlzo l hlhblanl. I , 1tNIITI' Titt'Lutlt "UaT. - lnnnt IlrJlllll ! ( nm1ln.lery Confers time 1.1 ( . (1011 , , pree aim Mammy Cnmidh.Iatr'u. IIBATRId4 ' rrrrl 2i.-Speclal ( Telegram . ) -A meeting of Mount Hermon commalcery No. 7 , Knights Templnr , held a session this afternoon and conferred the Red Cross degree upon tour candidates : one from Wlbrr , two tram Wmore and one from Beatrice. After the work WS completed a banquet was ervcd. One hundred and fifty sat down t ( the magnificent prcad. Anum. her of , toasts were respnell to , after which the remainder of time evening was spent In social intercourse' Them were present a largo number of [ visiting lnlgbt8 from neIghborIng towns and the occasion wan one or unusual i interest Henry E. &stelcer filed a petition In the district conrt today asking n julpment for $10,000 against Wiiam W. Carey as damages resultng rrom the terenllant nlenatlJR the affections or mstelder' wire. The \at all reside nt Fiey and the circumsances at- tenlln , the affair are causing considerable stir In that village. Andy Kerr , a IJromlnent local politician all large property holder In Sherman township , commence,1 divorce proceedings against his wife today , charllng that she deserted him two years ago. He also ashes that silo be stopped tram caiming any Interest In his per. sonal property or farm or 430 ncres. The city council last \Ight , by a vote or . seven to tour decided to revoke the salon I license of n. . A. Stoll. Thl' action was taken : In conseQueuco of tht fact that Stol hall been convlcteJ of selling beer to minors. . seling uu _ _ _ _ _ OWI'TINa .JXT TO TII COahI'.U5. . Fremont City ( ounrl Jctrmlncll the 1 lcc trio 1.Iht CorpnrnUol , FREMONT , March 21.-Speclal.-The ( ) city council held all un ventul meeting last even- Ing. I tool a whirl at the Fremont Oas and Electrla Light company , which has enjoIned the city from proceeding wIth the constructon of a municipal light plant , by passing a res- oluton requiring the company to furnish time city clerk with a statement showing the number - her of electric lights furnished by Ihem In the city , and also' time amount ot power nsed to ProPel the electric lIght plant Time Woman's Christian Temperance union had a petton presented asking the eouncl to make an appropriation . annlaly to care for girls taken ai .the streets. The city attorney decided that such : n acton would not be warranted by law , and the ladles will be so notified. W. D. Acer Is In custody of the simeriff . havIng - log bon fined $50 and costs by Justice Herre of Hooper for seling medicines without a license. Acer couldn't pay and was brought to the county jail. ' le has had habeas corpus proceedings commenced for his release , and the matter siiL'be heard by Judge Marhal Saturday. , mo' 't ( DbCO\ EUY7J)1e . A. Clt.\1 \ tirs. isicogn. 1'1'/- I Great "olumo nt Clrl.n' ' " AcId Urh'e8 Him - 5rons ills Worc. ! CRAIG , N b" , 'March 27.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.TuemfinP ) morning as ! r. Spaulding was dlgglng yel for A. Whiney at the I south edge of , town ho was startled by a loud hissIng tha ? e.n . nated from beneah , the hole In 'mvhlqh ills was worldng. Air and carbonic nchll g's began . to 'shoot out from the party , YI4MII wpll , and a number of severe shock { ere felt by time bystanders. The earth around the well seemed to quiver ell ahako. . , 'lhrdlggQr hl\ : \ to bo helped omit or the well. Hclwas so weak and taInt that he could not'ieVtout aione A two-Inchlplpo WIS pushed down the hole and' they . . hegamu to' bore { pi"nslac' Qf digging. Thud gas continues to pour"ttom " time plpe- constantly with a pressure of abut ninety pounds. A steam whistlo"was attached to the pipe and ; It blew loudly. I , Time roarIng Cram 11e pipe Is terrible and cntnues strnger . . The tempeatre of the all Is .0 degrees Farenhelt. The well will be bored deeper. Large crowds visit the weB daily. .Tho ' depth of the welt Is ' 11 L' _ _ _ . NEU " \ SIAIQUKElt EXlERIENCE. Conrad Oilenhnufon , , Formerly of No- brsks Ctr , Wtn m Wife 00 the Ocean. NEBRASKA CITY , . March 27.-Speclal.- ( ) About two years ago Conrad Olden hausen , an employe of the packing house , loft this city to claim a fortune which bad been left hIm In Germany Ho received time money and returned to Now York , where he learned that hIl wife had secured a divorce from him during his absence. He then took passage - sago for Japan but the vessel was wrecked off time South American coast. Odenhausen escaped In I small' bOlt , and after drifting I n few days , ran across another small boat containing . a young lady. The boats were lashed logetber anti after fourteen days the couple were Picked up by a passing steamer and taken l LiverpooL From there tley came to New York where tbo young lady re ldes. Oldenhaulen has been appointed dock Inspector In New York , and hc arid the young lady whom ho rescued - cued are to bo' , married next month. Rel < ! on. and.l'ollcl at Siinoy , SIDNEY , Neb " , March 27.-Special-Tiio ( ) Methodists have just closed a three week revival and a great deat ' of goo has been accompllsimed. Rev. Mr. Randolph , the' pastor , has been ably seconded by Rev Mr. Kemp of ' Cimappeli , 11ev. Nr. Crane of Ogal- lla and Mr. Fetcher , a practicing attorney from Ogallala. The hatter gentleman Is a fluent speaker ' and takes up the bible with a tborough' knowledge of the work I es- pouses. A 'trong tight la being made by the temperance lloople agaln.t time saloons , and should .a license bo granted thor a strict adherence to tIme law will be the In- evitable result. Enough evldonce has already - ready been' taken or gdmblng and other vio- latons of time Slocumb law to mnke each and every saloon' closo. There will bo no effort made to defeat the present village board , as the members are all haw-abding ! citizens , and they stand ready and willing to urge time city marshal to enforce all the ordl- naiHo : , so long as the morn lsts will stnd behInd _ them. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tlbtll for I.heemse lie David City. DAVID CTX , Neb. , Marcim 27-Special.-- ( Time coining ' 1UIIQlpal election Is the theme ot converat hl , bere. While there Is no question thttjie _ license ticket will win , time 81t.lceul Eple are InJ clng 1 great deal or splrlAlnto the fight. The Women's 'Cbrl $ tan Temmier4nce uulo/.ls time leadIng Factor , In ' movdmenmt and meetings addressed - dressed by tlmq 10vClwnt uf the city and pro- lmibitiomm apeak , abroad are being held hlllton rlQI nlgimtly. Wlii J line schools as any city in the state , ! 'M. electric lght plant anll water works , 'tnltel every dollar time city can raise by Gxation and license to keep up expenses pxatbn ' element does not want tQlf ! IIlghts to go , the school rippled nor the Orol protecton service Im- paired , lecID 'ld City can safely be counted la the Ihllh license column. The hhb liIjW ticket , was nominated by the repubhicaUttme anU by the democrats slid proimibitiqt48e . Yamonhusl Near Shelby SIIELI3Y N b. , " .Iareb 27.-Speclal.- ) Farm work ' has' , begun In earnest Time majority . Jorlty ot Farmers . put In oas on : { old YI TIme ground l1 \ flI 'shAPe for seeding , be" lag mellow and 'dry o the surface and Plolst : mmntlerneatla. The 'molsture extends twelve Inches Oats w re about the only proft\le crop In this section lasl year , which accountl for the large acreage being sown al present. Hotel a ; \ller Uurned. WILDER , Neb. , Mach 27-Special Tebe- gram.-The ) old frame 'hotel southwest of time dept , known a tbe Clifton house , Q- cupled by T. A. Cle\tnt , with the tailor's shop adJoining , burn& thll morning. Part or the contents was saved and some or the guests narrowly escaped with their lives. 'fbe only insurance was $00 In the home of Omaba on the taIlor shop The Ire was of Incendiary origtmm . I WOUUNG \ FOR ; - PUBLIC WEAL \ Oitzen ! of the Western End of Platt ) Valley Aroused on Irrigaton , DEMAND Tilt A OlTION or MONOPOLY Delegations trom ChnlI , Shlney nli 2ortl 1'Inte ohm the " ' ' 1 tn 1.II.oln , to Secure n lIO1nelton of the 8t . , ' na.nor l.w. NORTh PLATTE , March 27-SI1eclal ( Teiegrnni.-leiegatlona ) Interested In time reo IJeal ot se ton 2,031 of the St. Ia'lor un- gaton law , which the pending law fails to wipe Olt , passed throtmgui hero from Chnppel and Slllney , bound for Lincoln , tbls morning . North Plate also senl representatIves bearing . ing n lumerously signed lltton to 00- eror Holcomh and the leglslnture , asking for the repeal bf the obnoxious secton , The people or the Plate vnlc ) ' RIO thoroughly arousec nt the danger menacing the irriga- tOI Interests of this part ot the state anti will be satslell wlh nothing short of a just anti cqulnble law , securing to every indIvidual the right to Inlmmperet use of state waters The efforts ot corporations anti wealthy tim- lh'lluals anti owners to perpetuate the abnses that hnve grown up under the nimi law wi not be countennnced lommger. T Ofhl sentment anlnst time passage ot the Akers Irrigaton . bill wihout 101lncaton Is unant- Time new law Is all right with the single excepton that I does nol provide for the repeal of section 2,034 of the old law. This seelon reads as follows : "No tract of land shall bo crossed by more thnl one ditch. cnal or lateral without the wrltcl consent anti ngreomell of time owner thereat , I the nut ditch , cnal or lateral can bo matte to alswer the purpose for which the second ditch canal or lateral Is desired or Intended ( , " MElmLY CHEATES A MONOPOLY. Section 2,034 of the St. Hnynor law Is avery very Ilnocelt provision apparenty , but I Practically gives a water monopoly to cor- . 'ortols whn first take out water rights nld secure possession of lands bordering the waterways. him western Nebraska , and more especially on time North Plato rIver , the most valnable In the state for irrigation , the land along streams Is owned largely by corporations - poratons or wealhy Individuals , tracts ten to twenty mies In length being time property or a sllgle s'ndlcate. These large oWlers Imave with few exceptions , commenced the construction of Irrigation canals that , In the language or section 2.034 , " can be made to answer the Imrpose" of irrigating con- tguous miroperty But they are not Intended for that pnrposo al nil. They Ire built for the purpose of making mnr- lttable and enhancing the value of the corporaton.owned lalll , and not a drop of water will be permitted to run on contgl- ous terrItory unt this land Is dispose of or unless the right to run other diches Is purchased at nn exorbitant chare. I Is readily seen that It Is to the interest or tbo owners of these large tracts to restrict the "ater. supply to their own iamB . , and ha.v- log time aValtge securel to 'lem DY mae bad the to old law , which they foresight have passed , they are strenuously opposing the repeal of section 2,034. In the ensullg two or three years there wIll be I rapid do- velopment or time irrigatIon Interests or the state and I this obnoxious sections of the ohl law Is permitted to stand unmodified thmeie land syndIcates who own the van- tage land will secure under Its provisions such a hold on the water rIghts that I will be impossible to give the people relief. gve Having already monopolized time best land , they 10W seek . to establish aim oppressIve water monopoly. hAVE WORKED HARD FOR REPEAL. Strenuous exertions have been made to sc- eure the 'repeal l of section 2,034 with the repeal - peal of thother secUons' of the old law , th\ but these \ el rts have met the opposition or Sennt Akers. Citizens of thIs city Interested - terested In the development or the valley land In this vicinity have made urgent appeals - peals to 'their representatives to secure time passage of a just and equitable law , only to fnd opposition where It was least expec.ed. Accordingly ; the politIcal situation here Is extremely Interesting. The very men who worked the hardest to secure the election of electon Messrs. Alters amid harris are the loudest In condemnation. Spenlng of the proposed repeal or section 2.034 , the usually conservltvo North Platte Tribune lays : "If Messrs Akers and Harris vote against the repeal of this measure they have dug tholr political graves In western Nebraska so deeply that no GabrIel will ever be able to resurrect them. " Started R mmmii l'ralrle Fire. ASHLAND , Neb. , March 27.-Speciai.- ) A spark from a D. & M. engine set fire to some dry gras and weeds along the track vest at this city , which bured. furIously al last night. The gall kept I well fanned , but no serious damage was done beyond the \urlng oft of a great number of fence posts and telegaph poles. M , C. OreenDeld and daughter , Mrs. David Baker , left this morning' for a visit with relatves In Omaha. Christan , Jardine & Co. , cattle buyers of this place. are shipping an average of about a car of hogs and one of cattle per day to South Omaha Miss Augusta Tupper returned home today after 1lncoln. I two weeks' visIt with relatives In Al time election last nlgl In the Ancient Order United Workmen , lodge 19 , J , W. Moon and N. J. 'Vnlermlre were chosen to represent the order at the coming meeting of tim grand lodge. T. D. Wilson returned yesterday from a business trip to Hastings. I ) . N. Smih , a student In the Ins City Dental college , Is In the city paying his brother C. E. Smih , a short visit. Syrncu. . Squilma. SYRACUSE , Neb , March 7.-Speclal.- ( ) While a force of men were tapping the water mnlns yesterday nn accident occurred by which several lengths of eIght-Inch pipe were thirsted , and before the wltor could ho shut off the hUmp pit at time power bouso was tioodeml. The accident will cost the city about $100 Members of time Congregational church , as- sisted by friends , are preparing an entertainment - mont which Is to bo presented about the furniture middle ot , April. Proccedl to buy Ilulpl A base " bal Ichemo _ has been .pmng on the people hero to organize a base bal anocla- ton , which Is to bo an incorporated affair . They expect to fence In time bal park and rearrange the grand stand , II. A. hose will spend time summer In Ohio II the interest of his patents. TIme revival meetings al Baptist hal still continue und good work 18 reported. The boys at the Congregational church no longer toss time festive sphere on the holy Sabbath day , and a a recompense It Is assorted that th pastor wIll play bal when tie Season opens. Lltl & lon at " "Icntno Un. hee 'Ihrol h , VALENTINE , Neb , March 27.-Speclai ( Telegram.-Judge ) Alfred Dartow has been holding the spring term of the district curt hero since Monday , and judllng from the docket the session promises to be quite a long one , lInt the % business las been expe- dited , The jury will bo discharged tonllht arid when a few ellulty cases have been dls- p06ed or tomorrow this sprlng's term will be ended In the cattle stealIng cases J , Russell Smith was convicted or petit larceny und the jury Is now cOIJIlQrlng , the ScblOkl 'case In the case Qf time Jtate agalnlt J , U. 2411- ler the defendant led a plea In abatement , which was sustaIned , and the case dismissed In proving the value of cattle stolen so many cases are found to le mlsdemolnors that POUUOUH hl\o been circulated today whIch will be sent to LIncoln at once a8k- log the legislature not to allow the bill msk- lug tletulng of live stock a felony pun- iaiuablo \ by imprisonment in tIme pentitentiary to get lost in the closing days of time session , but to pasa the samoa by all mucaus , Accldemmtai lromvmmliig sa Limmoohm. LINCOLN , March 2T.-Special ( Telegram. ) -The coroner's jury aumnnmioned to hold an Inquest on the body of Julius Orceim , drowned yesterday while bathmln in tbe sacltariunm plunge , mimet him evening , TIme verdict rea- % dered was accidental drowut&mg. Nc' blimmie , - ' - ' - ' zai4mt' : : : : - The NOT Dopartnient Store ; Begs Icave to inquirc , vi11 you want any new Furniture 01' Carpetings this spring ? If so , it i1I pay you to see what we arc offering , You know we have no old stock ( ( - to palm off on you1 as we have just opened with an entire new line. We nced not tell you that we bought them cheap , for we did , and can thcrcforc make you Figures and Teriiis that arc not in the possibilities i for merchants who bought their stock several ycais t - - - - at war prices and must therefore get 1.ig l iiioiiey for their stuff to get even. From us you ob. ( taiii the latest styles in House Furnishings at ( riccs far below what competitors want. You see goods were never so cheap as now , and to prove this , PY 115 a visit. Let. us give you a few sample prices _ _ just to make it interesting for some of the Two Huiis - dyed Per Ceii.t fellows that have skiiiiiecl you in the past. We show a Handsome Couch in Corduroy or Plush , worth S I 6 , 00 , OUt rice this week , $10.00. _ _ _ All Wool Ingrain Carpets ( new patterns ) go ( ( _ _ _ at 60c. We bave them as low as 40c , but we are _ _ _ quoting goodones. The above are only samples of our Numerous Bargains. See our White and Gold Wiiidow. ' Your money's worth or your money back. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS. flMABAFP'I ' U : iiI 11'J I AD _ U Ai&Z . was attnclmeti to the' management oftime said- tarimmni. Time people nut Western Nornmai , host' . ever , say that a hmemivy damage stilt wlhi be comnuuuenced against tue proprietors of time saiiitariummm. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TliANKimi ) ] ! Oti SAVING liEu LiCE. C. A. lloiTmmuueu Receives a hotter frommm time Omuly lremumslo Stmrvivnr or time lOllue. GRAND ISLAND. Neb. , ' Marcim 27.- ( Speeial.-C. ) A. Hoftmann , survivor of the ERie , hmas received a letter and plmotograplm of Miss Anna hboecker , tlme only woman rescued from that wreck , of a part at whuiclm time following is a literal translatIon : "Hut now i : will not delay , dear sir , to again express to you my lmeartfelt timamiks for saving may life-may God reward you. I shah never forget you unselfishness and your io''e for a fellow-human. " hloffmnarmn has just Identified , from photographs - graphs , Emil , Seneca , a memer of the Thirteenth New York infantry , who was loOt in time disaster , sending his affidavit to Cap- tam Gilnuer of that c'ompany. Hoffma'nn has also ro'celved 'a pimotdgrapim and helter' from Mr. 'VlOrra , another' ' fehlowsurvivor. : 1xoter News Notes anti l'ersomials. EXETER , ' 'Neb. , March 27.-SpeclaL-Lou ( ) Rice was visitIng relatives in Omaha last week. Eikhiorn Agent Ned Pettit had business wimfclL called him to Omaha Saturday and Sund.ay. , , A. E. Benedict took charge of the stathdn during his absence. Mrs. Ammna Phillips hiss a sister-In-law from Illinois , viitiuig with imer. The mtetimodist people are holding a spclal revival at their church this week , conducted by Pam4oi W. T. Cilne. ThmoItrstand second primary departments of the , HIgh school will give an entertainment at time Methodist churcjm Thursday nlgimt. A small admimlssion fee will be charged to raise a fund to purchase pictures for tue roomns. Wallace Buck of Omaha is imere visitimmg imls brotber and , otlmer friends ; 'rwenty-timree of Exeter's young people went to Faiirnont Sunday evening to help time youngPeople's Society of Christian Endeavor celebrate their fiftim anniversary , 0. I. Baker ban trade' ! ' the bulk of isis real estate imere for real estate in Lincoln amid will remove to that city. Pthii ( : ity itrovities , FALLS CITY , Neb. , March 27.-Speciai.- ( Time Eastern Star lodge of timis city rendered "Piniforo" at the Gebhing opera house last night. It was a success in every svay but financially. The people did not turn out as svehi as was expected. Time opera was given for time benefit of time lodge , harry hiohmrer , who baa been living km timis city with lmls parents , left yesterday for Lanark - ark , III. , svimero he will mmmimke ills future home. Miss Flora Deitch of Rub visited tier brother and family In thin city Tuesday. Mrs. Francis Shatter and mnotimcr , Mrs. Homer , left Tuesday for Lanark , Ill , , to attend - tend the weddIng of Mrs. Simalfer's niece at that place. S. A. Collins , who waa secretary for the ClmautaUqua and wimo forged notes to time amount of $500 in this city , has been released ( room the asylum at Limicoin , where lie was taken six weeks ago , mind taken to his old home at Rockford , lii. Commrt Ntto itt Iritirtiury. FAIRHURY , Neb. , Marcim 27.-Spechal-- ( ) Time jury iii time case of W. D. Feikner agaisuat the Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific railroad brought 1mm a verdict foi' time plaintiff and asm'ardeti him $2,500. Feikner's claim svmrs for immjurles received by falling from a car while In tuG employ of time defe'mmmisnt. I Iii time case of J. W Edniunds against thmc I ] , & 24 , for breach of comstract Judge Bmmshi directed tue jury to bring in a verdict for time defeimdant. At the last term of time dis- trlct court Efimnunds recayered a jmmdgrsment of $10,000 , but a new trial was allowed. Only one criminal case baa been disposed of as yet. . James Harvey pleaded guilty to breaking into a farm imouse amid was given twenty days 1st , jati and $10. fine. % Veddltmg 15.111 at. Llmmwooci. I4INW000 , Nob. , 'Marchi 27.-S'pechah.- ( ) At'mmmmon today , at time reshil sica of time bride's musothier. henry Uccic aim'l Miss LydIa B. Hilke were muarried , Rev. If. C. lbalbersleiien , pas. tar of time Congregational cimmmrchm of tills vii' lage , officiating. 'rhe groom Is a pronmmiumonmt young business moan of David City amid untii m'ccently connected witim time \S'uiter A. Wood I Harvesting conspany. Thmo bride is one of Linwood's most popmmiar mind beautiful young iadles. After partaking of a most hoummtifimi repast anmi receiving the congratulations Cf friends preac-nt tlmo newly wedded couple took time train for the east , After an cx- tenmied tour tlmey svihl be at Imoune In David City , _ _ _ _ _ _ ExtendIng time ' 1'eIvmhuzso Iyat.mmi , TRUUM1flI , tIitolm 1.Upeqti- ( ) Time I'eii's5mi Te1epmonU copb5mmy , Is colitonu , plating erecting a ayateimm hero , and imas a representative in consuitathomu svitim buslnom moms In regard to the mmuatter , lie is snretlmmg witim encouragalnent Oil every hand , - Children Cryfo Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry foi Ptoher' Castorla. Children Cry' ! + Pltchor'8 Castorla . , , , . , - ' - ' - - ' - - - - - ' - THE GREAT i& ; ± iii.i : : : _ ' . ,1 _ This extreoritinary Rejuvenator is the mcm ts'onderftml discovery of the age. It has been endorsed by theheaclingscienthiiamenofEurop ammd America , iludy.n is . br.Y ? vega- 4 fluulyan Stops' ' ' Ii' , . ' mj" Prernaturenes $ . . ' . . - L ' , ' I ' . - , nsa'oas leO X' swEa MAWOO thnstlpation , IJizzinoes FaUimug Sonsat1onm , . . ' " Nervous Twitching of tmO byes aumd otimer pans. Strengthens , invigorates aiitl tones the entire system , Iludyan cures Debility , NervoUsncr. , Emissions anti devolopos mmd restores weak organs. Jaius in time back , losses by day or nIlmt are stopped quickly. Over 2,00u private . codorsements. - Prematurcuesi means Impotency In the first stage. It is a symptomorm.emuuxmal weakness amal barrenness. It can be stopped iii 2Odays by the owaoTery 'yes made by 'the BpieIat' ! lets oftimo old famous iludion Medical Jimiti- jute , It ii the strommgesi vitalizer made. It Ii very powerful , but harmless. Bold. for $1.00 s txmc'kago or 8 packages for E&O0 ( plain scaled boxes ) . Writtemm guaraotcc given for a cure. If yeti buy six boxes ammd. are riot entirely cured , mix momwiilboaenttoyoufree of ahicharges. Bond ( or circulara amid testImonIals , 4deM HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE , 1O3 MAItXET ST. , CALIFORNIA. Dadway's IL Pills Always Reliable , Purely Vegetab1. l'erfectiy immitehini. elegantly costed , purg regulate , purir ) ' , cieansp anti strengthen. BAD. , WAY'O PILLS for the cure of all disorders of the Stonumich , Dowels , ICidnays , Diacitier , Ncr. yeas Diseases. Dizzineu. Vertigo. Costivensi , Piles. SICK HEADACHE , FEMALE COMPLAIN T9 , BILLIOUSNESS , IN DICESTION , DYSPEPSIA , CONSTIPATION and Alt Disorders of the Liver. Observe time failowing symptom , , resuiting trots diseases t the digestIve organam Coum.tlptmlloa , Inward - ward piles , fullness of blood In time heuti , acid. Ity of time stomach , nausea , beaitburn , dligust of toed fullness of WeIlit of the , tommmaci , , sour eructatlans. staking or fluttering of time heart. c5mokIn 0 ! tUOCatifl45 efl5ti , lo me wlmen in a lyIng posture. ammo. . . cm vmemun , oome or web. before time sight , ( ever end dull pain 1mm tIme head , dencisncy of perspiration , yellowness of time skim and , er" , paIn mu the sIde , chest. Itmbi. sad sutiLien flushes of meat , burnIng In time Iieih. A few tionsa of RAPWAY'ti l'ILLH mviii ( re time system of smil mime alovo imfttn'md tiliorderd. P111CC 25C A 130X. BOLT ) DY iI1UUQIBTh 0 * nieu'r fly MAli. , Send to DR. RA1)VAY & CO. , Lock Box * 0 Nest Terk. ( or Ecek or Advice. DOCTOR' tSEARLES & SEARLES Chroulc , Nervous1 PthathDseas Dseas ! TIiA'I'MBNT liv MALL Cumusultimtltili Er. . 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