= ' ' , - , " . ' ' . , . , , ' " . I THE OMAHA I , DAILY BEE. ' , I rAn.JISllED JUNE 19 , 1871. \ Ol\AJIA : , 'l'llUnSDAYrORN , 'G , MAIICII 28 , 1895. SINGLE cory FIVE OEN rs. , THREE ROBBERS ShOT DOWN I ' Rold-Up of 1 Queen & Oreeceut Train 1 Conspicuous Fliure , - DETECTVlS WERE WAITING FOR THEM One Ilnn Iclt Giltt Over the Itnllnaar with n Very fig Uln White tim HhootnJ Wns Going On anti Then Hnn CHATTANOOGA , March 27.-One of the moat daring anl at the same tme most un. successrut attempts nt train robbery occurred at 2:30 : n. m. today In the southern part or Kentucky , 'hen six men undertook to rob the southbound train No.3 , Queen & Crcs cent , which left Cincinnat nt S p. m. last night. One of the six wna killed outright , another died nt , I o'clock thIs morning and n third , giving tIm nnmo of MUter , died nt Greenwood , Ky. , this afternoon The other three men have not yet been heard from. The train was delayed not more than ten mInutes and reached this city nt S n 1. today on time. tme. The reason for this summary disposal era a body of train robber Is round In the fact that como tidings of their purpose had been given to the railroad or express authorities and that Mr. T. H. Grifn , who serves as n superintendent of police on the Southern road , had with him two trusty nsslstnnts. The train had just reached the south end , _ _ _ _ Of tunnel No. D , which Is a mile north of Greenwood , when the robbers signaled It to slop. They had scarcely disclosed their , purpose untiL Mr. Grlln and his assistants on the train began offensive opernton ! and In ten minutes three of the robbers had bitten the dust the other three had led and the train was slJeedlng on Its wny. Nol a slnglo Injury was suffered by any one on the train. Of course the treasure In care of the Adams express messenger was entirely saCe. The wounded robber was taken to Oakdahe his life Cast ebbing nway. lie was uncon- le . The robbers were not known , but It Is SUllosc,1 they were native mountnlneer , green nt the business. jreen 1. haggard of this city was a passenger on the train and he says the excitement among the pasengers was intense while the shooting was In Ilrogress. Engineer Tom Springfield has been run- ning on the road for a lumber of years and Is regarded as a very reliable engineer. This Is his first experience with tram robbers and on his arrival here this morning he told the following story to a reporter : "Wo were coming along on thue. Engine f86 ; Is a humper and HankIn , my Ireman , was keeping her hot. Wo had mal , express led baggage cars , a smoker two day coaches and two sleepel's. We left Somerset on time. I slowed down a little as we ' ran through tunnel No. D. about ten miles south of Somerset , In Pulusld county , Ky. LONELIS' SPOT ON 'riE ROAD. "About 300 : yards this side of the tunnel I man on the track with n white light fagged mo down. This Is one of the loneliest spot on the entire road. You know It Is up In the rough and rugged mountain districts of Kentucky. There Is not a house within Iwo miles of the place. That Ito staten was . . abut two miles to the soulh. The road - somewhat curves too . und altogether . a better place could not have been . selected . for n - ' train robbery ; ' . , < ' . " The -Olow 1n frnnt kept 'wntng'is lantern. He stood in tbcconterof , the lrack. - 1-didn't imagine what was the mater : " "Dld'"ol , think .of train . ' robbers , - ? " "No . 1 did not. ' 7- "Did you suppose that -a freight wrecks ' " abead ? " , I "No 'I did not. I did not . think anyththg. : ,1 just J'We follow swinging his lantern + and I stopped the train : 'I ilid not s3' nmy : odY else. When I stopped to see what he was swinging the lantern for the fellow climbed Into the cab ali sid : 'Stand here until 1 tel you to gen on , ' and pointed a' pistol nt me. lIe stood on the left side of tbo cab. Ho looked 11e n desperado. As near as I can recollect he hind a big black mustache , a slouch hut and rather seedy clothes He looked like a rough country- man. The fellow did not say another word but kept his pistol . pointng ut me. " "Did he nol seem alarmed when the shootIng - ins was going on ? " 'No he just kept standing there with his pistol pointed at me. I don't know what kind one. " of a pistol It was , but I wns a bIg With this the brave engineer stra'ghtened ' out his band and placed his loft almost to his right elbow to show the length of the rnhh"r's nistol. I might have been a here - - - - - - . pistol 'Rankin my fireman . " continued Spring- fold , "loolcd out of , the cab on his sde ! and said : 'They've killed two of them. ' , "Dut tie fellow kept me covered with his : big gun and did not uy a 'ord. After one or gn ojioro shots wo heard up In front the robber dropped from the cab and said : 'Go ahead. ' "I opened tIme throttle and we ran on to Cumberland down. " Falls , about four miles further When asked why he did not shoot the robber . ber as ho lot the engine ! r. Sprlngneh said that neither bo nor his fireman hat any weapons of any kind "After the fellow told mo to go ahead we had gone but n short distance when Rankin found 1 wounded man on the tender , 'Vo stOPll0t1 at CUlberlul : I"als. four miles from the tunnel and Ilut him oU , leaving him In the telegraph 0111cc. They say ho was badly shot In time arm and side. lie said ho was a tramp stealing 1 ride and that ho was shot \1h the train robbers , but \ye do not belevt It. We wore not stopped by the roblo s more tItan ten mlnutos. Wo came on to Cimatta- time . 'rlat's all I nooga and got hero on tme. 1hnt's ni know about It , ant ? I don't want to oxperl- cnce any moro fellows sta"lng In my cab and l0lnUuK : big Illstot at mo. " a Engineer Sprlngilc'ld Is a citizen or Citatta- Jooga and rc IJc' on Montgomery avenue. I CONDUCTOt SAW ONLY FIVE MEN. I Conductor Pete Gorman , who was In charge of the train , salll ( "We wPe sixteen . teen miles south of Somerrt all had come through tunnel No.9. I was 11 the rrur sleeper checking UII my flues whln time train came to a step . I cot off on th& ground with the flag man. I saw the blaze or n pistol and then another omie I told the flag- man he had better come back on the train , us the shooting was going lengthwIse of the tral11)1 he might be blmot amid I did the same. I Ihen vent forward and found that the train rQhhers had headed us. There were fve of the ( train robbers. One watched the engineer Three entered the baggage car. One remAlnc on the ground 01 the left hand side of the trnln. As soon IS the train hud ftoupell Aljood went out of the ear . and us he ! lepll.1 on time front platform the robber or robbers on tIme ground yelled : "T row UII your halls or 1'1 shoot you I" Instead of doing this .Algood drew his pistol all began siiootlu , The other robbers In tl. I . ' csr then ran enl % Ilj' ( rllq nd blla5' 1tily jell . \ lgoo.ll thl lusllnll . The killed ole man. Another wa badly wounded anll died at 4 o'clock this mnornlug. The third was heft lt Cumberland Falls. " 1 was all dOM so ( Iulckly that thEre does not seen : much to tell , II ten mlnutu \0 were goIng on . "A wrecking train followed co'ely behind Us I the second &eclon of our train and Wi leH ( lie detectives and their prisoner to be taken al it. Tht day coaches were fairly : wel Ile < The passengers were somewhat alarmed , but UI the train Boon moved on they were reassured , Not one of the rail. road employee or mmny of the Illsengfs ) \'ero turt nor , n far a I know , did a bullet enter Iny of [ the coachie. The shooting was . ° done alongside tie train mind not crosswIse , a- The robbers wkere welt armed with Illstoh acid cactalmies. We found one carbine they hail , droppeL TIme robbers evidently thought they wen aboard the express car when they ' 1Iu10 \ ague CXvUI , 4Qol' know wbo -j-- - . ' . " , . , . . . - , \ _ " the ( robbers were . but they are suppose to 'bo partIes living In that section where the robbery was committed. " Superintendent Campbel of the Southern express says there was only $50 or $ GO In ' money In the express safe. Dave Lski , the express messenger on the train , seized his carbine when the shooting began and kept the doors tightly locked lie knows nothing about the robbery Pasengers In the deeper for New Orleans anl Jacksonville were not awakenel In one of [ the coaches when the train stopped anti the shooting began ono man with a big mouth anti a loud voice yelled : "ly - , WI are held upl" Women and children began . gan crying and everybody began throwing money anti jewelry tinder the zeats. They lh1 ( not sled , any m6re. 1. OlrdoerCer of New Orleans nnd A. C. Miller of [ Louisville were among the pas en. gore In the cleoter who stonned here. A lady In Ihe sleeli sent n telegram to n gen- teman In Governor McKinley's oOee , Coltmm- ' bus. She signed : Lucretia. I was ascer- talnc,1 Inter that her name Is Mrs. Cooper. She Is the wife of Governor McKinley's correspondence - respondence secretary . She was quite Jubilant - lant over the adventure and angry because she was not nwakencl. The robbery was planne to have been committed on Iw 1th of this month but on account of [ a creek near the scane being out ' of its banks the men were afraid that they would be caught and postponell It. A fnrmer says the men have been campIng In a hiol- low near by for five weeks. One of the gang gave the men away to the olclals and the trains have been loaded with detectives for the past monlh. DETECTIVE TILLS HIS STOny. Clint F. Algod , the detectIve who took such n prominent Part In the preventing oC the robbery , returned to the city this evening from the scene oC the robbery To 1 reporter of the Times ho gave the following statement of affairs : "I am emllloye by the Cincin. nat Southern railroad ns detective and Tues- day morning received n telegram from Super- Intelent Griggs to report at Somerset I re . ported and asked , the superintellent what ' was wanted , Ho replel that ho wanted mete 'I to come down to Chattanooga that night. lie dil not tel inc anything further about what was going to happen , but I suspected some- thing was wrong and had reason for this. I thought I was going Into danger and prepared - pared myself with n double-bnrreled shot gun. "Griflln the chief detective of the road . i nnd Wi EIly. another detective , came out on the train nlso. They were prepared , as wel ns lysl. with double-bnrreled shot guns. Eddy and mysel were sitting In time sale scat , while Griffin was secreted II the express car . for what lJrlS0 I did not ll ! a I\ "As we passed out of the mouth oC tunnel No. 9 I heard the engineer blow his whistle twice , which was ' signal that he had brell lagged and was to stop the train P.ldr and mself together. walked out of the door 'of the smoker "E.hly got down on the last step of the smoker on the east side , while I got on the step on the other side , and we were In that position \\'hel \ the train stopped. Three len passed by Eddy , who at the tmo had squatted down under the ell of the car , and vent to the baggage car One or them had n double barreled shot gun lit his hand and lokeJ down nt Eddy but passed Into the car The three men then went on Into the car , where they remained for four or five mln- ! te.s . I heard one of them say the big man I lhlnlt-'Hands up , ' and something about the money In the car. , They then walked about In the car I think , and were looking for money In the safe. I later heard them curs- lng . but could not 1 what they were sny- lag. I think they had found they had made a mistake and , gotten Into the wrong car. They canto out the same side and the way they had entered the car EDDY DROPPED HIS MAN. , "The two younger men mate a break for the express ' car " while the big fellow . who later PC-'to , be Jesse Morrow , stepped down al the side of , the car wIth a hotgun "In his hand. lIe put. J td'/'bls shoulder and presented - sentid It .at Eddy . who was al the place where he bad left the smoler. Eddy had been watching him and had his gun leveled ; I on. him all the tinte . and when bo found he had been discovered. and was about to be shot at . ho opened fire , or rather fred one shot It the robhjer which did the work Th load 1 bucltshot BtTck the man In the left side , a little below the arm . and passed out on the right side of the body killing him instantly . "About thIs ' time the two men who had como out of the baggage car with Morrow opened flee upon Eddy and were shootIng at him pretty Ih"ely. "Wben they slopped I got tmnmer the truss rods off the baggage car which are near the ! wheels I sawn man nt the steps of the express - ' press car , and ns soon as the two men opened fire on Eddy , this man advanced toward 10 and got on the first step of the baggage car I fred on him and ho fell to the ground and did not utter a word. When I went to find him afterward he was gone and 1 do not know that became of him. "Tho sllotng on time other car bad stopped nQ\Y and the men were nowhere , to bo seen except the three who were near by , one dead and the others mortally wounded. The confederates - federates who escaped , I think , arc three In number A large posse of people residing In the vicinity of the robbery started out In pursuit of the parties , who , I think , have : taken to the mOntalns. , IDENTITY OF TIE RODDEHS. "The mnn killed outright was Jesse Mor- row , aged about fO yenrs. lie resided with his family , and was known as the worst and most desperate man In the communlt ) "Thomas Miller . the man who was picked , up near time dead man : , was shot through the breast. lie was carried to the depot at Greenwood , whore lie ' soon died after suffering . Ing Intense agony This man was about 30 years old and was a tough character . "The leader l of the gang Is a man by the nnme of [ Undelwood , and ho I 1 desperate character. I don't know which way this man , went after the affair was over Ho resided In the vicinity of the attempted robbery , and i I am of the opinion that all of the parties concerned were residents or that portion of the coun try. "Martlnthe man who was eo ldly woun"ed , antI who . It Is thought , wi die , says he Is from Pennsylvania , and that he was a tramp rIding on the blind baggage , and was not with the gang which hohl up time train lie Is mortaly wounded and cannot recover , " WILl hOLD AN INQUEST TODA Y. SOMERSET Ky. , lureh 27.-The coroner wil hold an Inquest tomorow lt Greenwood on the bodies of Jesse , Morrow and his SOl , 'homus. Frazor was ler with the horses on top or the tunnel one flagged ' the train and mounted the engine while the third stood guard on top of time earth cut whie the three remaining ones attacked time express I car and met the detectives. The indications ' are the gang bud no outside assistance. I Is not lowl whether time eXllresa safe con- tamed an ulusuni Quantl ) of money. Time physicians performed an operation on Wiiam Marln tonight but ho cannot live . Time Adams Express company has offered a liberal - eral reward for the capture of the three rob. hers who escalied , 1.11 lllll frli :11111,11 ' 'rlll. I.ITTl.F HOCK , Ark. , March -Trnln No 51 on the Iron Mountain was hell UII 1) ' robbers nLout 10 o'clocl tonight , just north or Wiihiamsrilie . 'do , eighteen malice I north of 10pltr iliuff . Mo. , by two men. ' 'rhe robbers cut off the mall , express nml bmiggug.i cars , 111 ran mal , 1l f f wie ? 111 jQII ' j , jho exen'ss eat. It Is not IIIOWI JOlht : booty : , 'l ! got. The Cndtte- tor lost his watch Ind money , and I Is IUII\osed that IlaS8fngerp were also robbed hut \ 11etl1hl have not been received nt this hour , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 141,1 , for 10bbll : miio II" " . . 1iUNTSVUAJ. Ala . March 27.-WillIam \\'ilson , alas Wiiam Rle\tlol , ht been arrested amid lodged ' In Jai here to Iwal Ilentlcntol by the postul authorities . le Is churKed with robbing the United States luls 11 'fCXI9 and rkansmo. ' 'ho reo wnnls for his arrest Imollt to $700. lie Is also wlntcil In Alabama foe various of- fensee , one of which Is lor murder In Mar- Ihul county . 1tlr Gunterbvle , lie has been recognlzc,1 here ns . a fugitive from justice In lh1rthal Count ) , S"ff Ihnn r4 Hlh I genie flntc. ST. I.Ol'ls , Mllch 27.-The Itate bank nt Auburn , ill. . was burglarized last niGht t. . ) unknown imien. who blew open the vault awl extracted ' 1m i currency No clew , CROPS FROZEN IN EUROPE I I - Winter Wheat Especitly Sbows the Effects of the Extreme Cold , - SEVERE WINTER lAS LEFT ITS MARK Ever Country 1 Except Ureeeo line Suffered from Slllel CtlIIeS In Tel111ratur DurIng I'ehruary-Sllrlll 1'1"ltll -llL lie Unulunly Hcavy. - WAShINGTON , March 27.-The report of I the European agent of the , Department of Agriculture for February hmaa been made public. I treats of the conditions respecting the crops prevaiing In most of the uropean countries and Is substantially ns folows : In Great Drtuln the month hits been one of contnued frost amid low tempernture. No field work has been done In any part of time ' country for five weelts. From Scotland the reporl Is of violent snow storms , contnued frolts , Impassable roads , railway blockades und suspenled agricultural work Throughout Europe It Is generally thought that there has been damage to the winter wheat plants nnd to the roots particularly In Sweden , but the frost has not yet SUffi' clenty thawed to enable n judgment to be formed Denns and clever are also ex- pected to show evJdence of [ time unusual severity or the winter. Large Inroads have been made Into the feeding stuffs , and In many districts wheat Is being fell to stock In large quantities. Potatoes are begiminlug to respond In price to the anticipated scurcty throughout the world mind values have increased . creased about $ Iler ton Stocks In England - land have not been so short In years and seed will be higher Iln has been known for a long time. In France It Is believed that the sudden alterations of temperature In the early part of the month before there were heavy snow falls have Injured wheat and rye ; and It seems probable that the area sown to cereals wIll be less than last year In Germany no anxIety Is felt as to the con- diton of winter wheat or seeding. In Spain very cold weather continued throughout the whole of February but the great falls of snow Protected the crops. The duty on wheat has been Increased to 4 perolas per 100 kilograms ( nearly 22 cents per bushel ) and the new regulation Is to be In force until ' , the end of the year and longer If the government - mont decides to prolong It duration. In Hnly the winter has been of unprecedented severity , but much snow bas fallen all remained - mained on the ground through the entre period of severe frost , so tbat 10 evil effects are antIcipated In winter seeding. In Austria winter seedlngs have been protected by the snows ; but In Hungary the situation Is not quite so satisfactory as the snow for long expanses on the plains froze Into a glaze 50 that the falls of snow have not adequately protected the ground beneath In Rouniania after an unusually mid January the succeeding month was ushered In by frosts thut extended all over Eur.ope. In this country , however , there were alternating days of milder weather and of raIn , with ' the result that the snow froze on' the land and the promised thaw Is awaited with some anxiety that the amount of dnmng may be ascertatned. The area of spring sowings Is expected to be mucb greater than last year. Greece Is the only country of Europe that has escaped a February of remarkable sever- Ity. Up to the latter part of the month the complaint was of n mildness that threlened to forward conditions . In RussIa reports made by ofcials state that tIme area under maize wheat and rye Is diminished by no less than 20' to 30 per cent A telegram of the 22d of February reports that the changes In temperature have been general and sudden , and that considerable - able harm must have been done to winter cereals , particularly In the southern part where brIght sunshine during the , day has been folowed by severe frost at night. Enlarged - largel preparations are making ! the spring planting. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TVIPElt IEHONS ins l'OITI"OLIO. Various ! CRSO" Isolnli for Ih l.cavll the CabInet OTTAWA Oat . March 27.-The crisis In cabinet affairs Is further complicated by a re- port that Sir Charles H. Tupper minister of justice . bas resigned. Sir Charles Is In ac- cord with the government's policy on the school question but he favors a direct appeal to the people on It at a gen ral election . The French-Canadian members fought for z session - sion of Parliament , and prevailed. OTTMVA Oat , March 27.-That the resig- nation or Sir Charles Tupper from the cabi- net has been handed In cnn hnrlly be I doubted. The Citizen , the government or- ; gn , says so 'very bluntly. I Is said that a reason for quitting the cabinet Is that ho will not bo allowed to supplant Foster In time leadership of the House of Commons , nn ama- blton which ho bas long hell None of the cabinet ministers wi deny the story of his resignation and Sir Charles himself will see no ono. He was not at his office today. MONTHEAL March 27.-Slr Adolph Caron , postmaster general , and time only dominion minister now In town when interviewed by the Associated preu representative . refuted to deny the rumor that Sir Charles Hibbard Tupper has resigned. Ills manner would , however Indicate that time story Is true lion A. \V. Morris a member of tIme Quebec . bec government , states poltvely that Tup. per has resigned , and that his reason Is the refuml of the government to dissolve as prom ! ed. _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ' ' E , ITS I'VlII'OSEC. IINlS'rnY f'A"W l'UI'O" I. 1 lcrlelo Il'Huuros Wil lIe Taken to Sup- lrMo tile Column Itevotimtion . MADRID , tarch 27.-ln time Senate . today Senor Castillo , president of time eo.uncl or ministers asked support for the new mm- istry lie read a dispatch from time Spanish consul In Costa mea , announcing the do- Ilarture of n filibustering expedition corn- manded by General MISSO , the Cuban ravo- lutonlt , for Cuba. Senor Castle addel thlt a detachment of Spanish troops at Cmnpechulla , Cuba , had been obliged to retreat - treat and that the commanding of er was 'to ho trIed by court martial. In con- elusion time Ilremler' said tIme gay- ernment , tn addition to the reInforce- ! ! ments of 7,000 troops now beIng sent to Cuba , was determined to lend the governor of Cuba aseittanco In every posslh ! way In order to stifle the revolutIon. The Senate IJanell a resouton : oxproslng satIsfaction with the energetic attitude ot time govern. mont In Cuba In the Chamber of Deputes this afternoon Senor Castle nnnonnced that Marshal Cnmpos woul leave Spain for Cuba AImruI 2.I I In order to toIle supronte communl , of the Spunlsh forces timero , "rbonlr " TrIed to 1lelllo and 'ero Shor. - NATMIIQH.\S . , Mex'l Marcb , 7- dvlcei' have ; Just reached here that Sotenes Sldna and two other desperate pricommers , who were being conducted from this place to I.a Muela , this state , where thy were to have ben tried , alempted to escapes They were shot and killed by the military escort . Aimth- [ o\"oluIOI limit II ( 'ommmmmilttoe . BERLIN , March 27.-The committee which has the ant.revoluton bill under ex- amlnaton began Its consideration of its . second reading today and rejected the pro. posal of Herr Lensmann to throw out the entire measure. Ittl : Chc'lr l'ruposes a OIJpruulo S''OCKHOI.M , March : -I Is semi. olclnly stated that time Ilrolosals of iCing Oscar looking to a settlement of the deadlock . lock between Norway and Sweden will shortly be submitted to the Higedag and , & 1 &hQ S&OrUI & . .1I 'ITUII l'UllSlnl' iB InoF.1CIC. Ofclnl Organ of time UO'erlmlnt Icellres the ProvInce wm Net , ( . WINNIPEG , Man. . MarCh 2 - The remedial . dIal order on separate schools does not come up In the legislature until t meow nIght but I I Is nevertheless the one topIc of the lay hero Dolh the government antI the opposi- ton are holding frequent caucuses and what the outC0l0 wi b Is difcult to predict. One thing Is certain , that the Manitoba . government will resent ' Interference by ' Ottawa on educntonal mAler . The news- paNr organ of the government , has thIs oifl- elnl statement under the heading : " tanl. ' . " toba's answer "Wo are asked to restore the school sys- tem that was In operation previous to 1890. Let Quebec and Otawa ( assured that the restoration will never bo male. Manitoba has too Ileen n sense of justice , too luch regard for truth and equly"to'recognlze as n religious aristocracy nn elemenl of its p0mm- laton by ito means the most worthy As a cIvilized people atemptng to realize In n measure the idols of [ the nineteenth century , : Ialiobans wilt not sllnly ! submit to the I demand that they should turn back the wheel of progress 300 yemir' . I Is n strug- I gle AS to whether the Ides of the nineteenth century or htols of the dark ages shall prevail . vail . Any one who bele\es that all .ctzen ! are equal In the sight of the law and that whnt Ia I good e'nouh for ohe Is good enough for all , IUt stanl ! by the 'act of 1890. And to Quebec.we shan not this Is our answer . I allow the state to support religions ; w shall ; not allow the church to control the state ; we' ' shall alow return to time civilization of the shal dark ages : we shah not recognIze Home as better or In any way dlIerentdrom other ; \i'O shall imohil to the prlnclplo Qf equal rights \0 for all , and thnt prnciple shan be dearer to al us than anl conreer,1ton itself. " L'IINOId IIISMAIICK'S - IAN" , , , V2StTOILS. Kaiser's lrolher , CIU\le"Uor : 110benlohe minim 01 tier Notable Mcmi sill Oi 111mm , . FRIEDRICIISRUII , tareh' 27-Prince Henry of Prussia , brother oC Emperor Wi- by his 6.-year-old sonPrince hiant . accompanie cyear-ol sonJrlnce Wallemnr , arrived here at 1.o ' clocl , . lie was followed by the duke of Dalen , Prince 10henloll , the chancellor ; Prince Alexander von 10henlohe , youngest son of the clman- celor ; the Baden ministry and Count von \Vlimonski . chief oC the Imperial chancellery. TIme visItors were received by Count von Hantzau , the son-In.law of Prince DsmarCk , who escorted them to the cathe . where Prince llisrnarck met them on the threshold and Dsmarck 'greete them warmly. At the luncheon ; which followed Prince Henry pf Prussia pro- paced the health of Prince l3istnarck . adding : "May God sun long preserve ) 'oul" ! Prince Henry and Prince Waldema ll FriedrIchs- rub at 12:15 : p. at. } Defore the arrival of his gests Prince flis- mnrcl' . with his household ! t attended time droopIng of the colors of 1ha lalberslndt cnlrasslers and bid the most' ' cordial farewell to the officers. Prlnco Dsmarc docs not s'cm to be any the worse for the fatigues which he has been enduring the pst three , days , The visit oC Prince Henry of Prussia was quite unexpected. He cordially congratulated , Pfn e Dsmarck and the latter presented him , with his photo- ' graph. , , I Prince Hohen1ohe . preseqtel , Prince "Ds- marck wIth I joint letter ' , { , congratulation from the federal council amI the ; Prussian mtnlstry. The prlpce afer pTlnaly thank- log Prlnde Hohenio ' e'apd usl g htmto con- : vey to the federal councll's.n4 Prussian minIstry - Istry , his warmest thanks rorhelr kind mes- . " ' ; pleasure to sage added : "I was alwaY-.a me to work with you , nl.i'am tlle.tor,1 ! pi&ised that you as chmpmlciilershould he the bearer of thi ' congratulqtibn. " Prince the- the' mar k parted , with thma''gthid duke of Taden and PrInce Hohenloh , It.the"rllroad station. liner YOI l velZO'v' § ui'ccsNor. BERLIN March 27.-The I cbstng tony , elected Daron von flerenberg ! first vice presi- dent of the Relchstag and-rcceotly acting president to bo president of that boy In succession to Herr von Lcetzow , who resigned - signed last Saturday as a result of n refusal of the Helchstag to permit 111m to congratu- Ito Prince lsmarclt in me qame of the house on his birthday ThmC vote stood 291 for his election and ,183 agaInst It. The new pflident . In accepting tIme office . , tel , occasion to praIse the services Qf his ' prede cessor In office . ' Herr Schmmidt member , 'of\the frelsslnnlgo party , who represents Ulberileid . was elected fIrst vice president , and Herr Spahn . a mem- her of the cenler party , . , was' elected vice president , time latter insuccesion , to Dr. Ilurkhin . who resigned short ; after Herr Von Levltzoa' . j The object of the visit of Prince Hohenlohe ; the chancellor , to PrlncCdismnnrck today Is to convey to him time cpgtulatons of the federal council and the PrussIan ministry. "ntn Under time J0V n"llle. MADRID , March 27.-1iurther resignations of the chief ofcials of ' the late government , Including that of the preldnt } of the Cuba tariff council . arc announced , . The hill Increasing the arJ contingents raises the peace effective from'77OOO to 82,000. Treasury seml.ofclaly de\lle \ ' that any Spanish . Ish loan l Is proposed. I Is I added that the condition of the treasury Is very satisfactory . The government will Imrlutely send additional . dltonal reinforcements of6,900 _ men to Cuba. I.dlm Operations ImqjssnIs. ) hll ROME March 27.-A : diskatch from Mae- sowah says that General"Diraterl. ; the corn- mander of the Italian forces , CCUllle Adl- grnl on Monday Inst. Ue Js now fortifying that place and has sent . a flying column agaInst Hans langacla , the Abyssinian chief who has been causing , so'much , trouble to the Italians. Has Mangasoja' Is assisted by lhe' almost equally ' famous His Aloula. Comhl : After In , Amtlcan Urimle. LONDON , March 27.-Ilqn. , George Cur. zoo , M. P. , wi sail for New York April 10. Ills marriage to Miss Mnry I.eler will take place In Wuehlngtqn on , prIi 20. - onlrl Clltt l ) .llS TllIX ' , iII lilT JILl ! . AeIIDo\l.tloJ lie Shot at 1 Colored Illn , bnt OnlY llt the ( iripuimil . ST. I.OUs , March 27-In the criminal court today Chris Von dcrAhi , , presIdent of the St. LouIs nro\vn. \ . was hell to the grand jury In bonds of ' 'p ' Inswer to the charge of shoo lng George stevenson In time toot Chief of Polc Jrlgnn went on his bond On time stnnd : I' Von tier Ale 1 , stated that on the evenllriin ; ; question ho was sitting In his , ealogn Italktng to his friend , Mr. \'e3'i , Wlen'l da parK miupem'tn- sUllern. tenlent , Informed him tlt one of the crowd of negroes who hind hfel stealIng property nut of the \lrk was prowllg around out. sIde. lie went out ana saw the negro cross- lug the plltfO'm toward tIme , Lindell railway depot. lie folowed the , colored mcmi he : said / . and asked him what , lie wal doing I there . unll the lalJer replIed that It was none or hIs bummimmess . "I drew my revolver to scare him , " said Chris "und' tired at the grounl. , I Imr w I did not bit him. for he was thlee feet away and IfU imad hit alt- hotly 1 woulll have hit Mr. 'Nevi , who was by my side. " ' I 1) . Ph'JI.L 1.'EITla.tT 71F W11t1)R\ ' , : hur&cs 9f vrootednebimm the , l nalOlelt at tIme H'lI I' ' s'nesmitimevy. TOPEKA Kan , March ' , 7.-Thme legislative - U\'e committee receu'Uy appinted to Inv s. tlgnte charges heretofore made against Warden Chase of the Kansas n llentary began Its prelimInary work toda ) ' . Sensa. tonul evidence Is pf9mlsed as & jv Investiga- ton roceeds. The charges agal\8t Warden Chase are first , that he hal been guilty of permitting the keeper nnd other employee inflict tM convicts brutal - \0 upon Irutul punishment ment With clubs , ' seriously Injuring their arms limbs and Ladles ; that he haH reo tiined moneys which should have been turned mone)1 the state ; thlt he has fidel- led the books and records of the instltu. ton ; that salaries were haul to people not connected with the penItentiary I , mind Ihat his personal conduct . has been unbecoming' . lucheu tr Iteo ouch I 1)'lnG. LONDON March 21.-The dowager duchess I ot Dlcctouch I dlu" . ST PAUL'S ' ChURCh BURkD I I Building Over Which Fnotons Have Fought Totally DostroYOl Last Night. - ATRBUTD TO SITEFUL INCENDIARIES rather ICnrmlnskl'R % Qiimarters and Ilesimiemice of One of Ill l'rll'IIIR I'tit II , tftImcs- lrlclt Tnkcn tram time lurnlnl 11111nl by 1 hiodygmmmird. - St Paul's Roman Catholic church ut Shee hey was totally destro"C1 b ) fire last evening. Fnther Karmlnskl , who Ilad roms In the rear , says th't when the fire . which started nt time front or the building , was discovered he ran forward Into the church proper amI plainly smelel1 time Cumes of gasohimie. On this ho bases the aserton that the fIre was Incendlnr Soon aCer I o'clock the church was Cound to be on fire . An alarm was Immediately turned In fem box 121 , but when No. 10 fire compnny arrived , which was the first to cOle , the church was beyond saving. FOUGHT AT LONG RANGE. The coupling was made at Thirtieth and Walnut streets , about 1,000 feet Cram the fIre. Through that length of hose and np time huh the pressure was too light to be of any service to the buiiding. The firemen's ' attention was turned to the brick dwelling 'just west and an effort was made to save It , but with the assistance of n stream which No. f hal turned on by this tmo the efforts proved futile In cavIng either the church or the dwelling. In a short time both buildings were destroyed , the church which was a frmo structure , burning to time ground and all that remained of time dwelling was time Lame brick walls which were cracked by the intense heat or the fro on the insIde and that from the church whch ! stood but n few feet distant . The stable In the rear oC the dwellng caught fire . and together with the fences and out houses was soon reduced to nbhes. The heat was EO intense that trees standing n half block from the Ire were scorched amid the dry grass n block away caught fro from time brands which filled time air for Quito a distance to time west FACTIONAL TROUBLE EXI'ECTED. Very soon aCer the fro started 5,000 peo- \10 were on the spot . drawn by the curiosity whIch n big tire usually creates mint ? to witness - ness trouble which It was thought by many Ilght arise between time two factions which have been disputing for some time over the possession of the church ' \lrOpert \ . The crow,1 was evidently disappointed In ) tIde as no surface indication of bad blood between the two factions coull1 be discovered The fire was IlscoverCI by the bodyguard which Is detaIled each night from the ranks or the Karmlnskl followers to protect the la of Knrmlnskl and the church property , as It I claimed by thel that both have been threatened wIthin the past iveek Five men were with Father Karmlnskl ns bodyguard last , night In the rear of the church building . and two of them who were detailed to guard the outsIde had within a few minutes pre vtous , to the dIscovery of the Ire made In nspectlon ! of thl premises and found nothIng - Ing suspicious , and ' returned . to the priest's npartments. The ) ' were Iuddenly started by two ( pistol ) , aumots whJ h's tdnie d r)1o'Ithln' a 'rialus : of u few : 'im'u I ired feet from the , church and , on ! golng.out t19' side door ' tt . was seen that the " south end r time church , the : front end , was , all ablaze ' They rushed to the Inside of the : church proper wih the intentIon of saving the vestments , and other movable property but the , heal and smoke were so intense that but little of the property was saved. I was thought that some attempts on Icar- muinskl' life would bo made and two oC his followers . armed heavily , escorted him to the saloon nt Thlrt th nnd Walnut streets In the hurry to escape Father Karmlnslll lost all his wearing apparel except what he had on. SAYS THE FIE WAS SET. Fnther Karmlnsltl was seen nt the real- dence cit Joe Czerwlnslc nt Thirtieth and Walnut and gave It ns his opinion that the building had been set on fro by his enemies lie said that the fumes of gasoline were o sly lstngulshed when his men entered the church after discovering the fire . He said that 1 meeting of the opposing faction was held In a saloon yesterday afternoon and that It was nt this meeting that time destruction of the church was determined. , "Tue shots which were heard were time signal that the work had been done , " said lie "nnd my enemies all Imew what the shots meant " Joe Czerwlnsld sid that he received n warning through his sister last Sunday when ; she had told him that she was In possessIon of the knowledge that It hal been decided to bur the church and to also burn him out. This piece of information had come from Mrs. Zllnskl , who she said knew that the meeting had been held and the place nt which It was held. , PUT hIM ON HS GUAHD. Joe Czorwlnskl guarded his saloon and residence aCer receiving this Information . and last night was more watchul than ever nnd was of the impression that his saloon amid house would be set on fire. fre. While the church was burning none of the factions opposing the priest innde nny , iemmmon- slraton that could ha construed to bo hostile . In answer to time question as to whether he and his followers would still contend In time courts for the possession of time remaining church property-tho lot and house across the street-Father ICarmlnskl said that he thought I probable that they would now drop It und let the other faction have peaceable . able 110losslon. With time $9.000 mortgage hanging over $2,800 worth of property ho' ' had no , desire to push proceedings. He and his followers . unless his instructions - tons from the source which he recognized as superior were dllerent from whnt ho thought they would be . would erect n new church edifice ! amid separate fromn _ the , opposing fec- ton anl remain a church Of their own. Several of the nnt.ICarmlnslt faction were seen and asked what they thought about the fire. They said they knew nothing abut I.TOTAL TOTAL LOSS AND INSUHANCE. The church building cost $6,500 , and the destruction of the turimishmings together with the organ , jewels and regalia of time Knights of St. Juzlmeren and St. Paul societies , It wal estluled would add about $ ,40 more to the total loss , John Kowaleweki former treasurer of [ time church , stated that there was nn Insurance policy for $5,000 tn the hancs of John Rush I , lie had ben told that thIs poley was cancelled - celled u few days ugo. This last assertion . could not be verified last mmlghmt John ryslynlnk Is the owner of the brick dwellimmg which stood Immediately welt of dwelng < the church all which was also burned lie was unable to save but a small amount of his furniture , and the loss was estmuted at $2.500. The amount of Insurance could not ! e learned. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tire Fort Uoclo 1.11. FORT DODGE lu. , March 27.-Speclal ( Telegram-The ) flax elevator here , owne'l b ) W. N. : Cerrlt , was destroyed by fro lat night. Loss about 5OOOJ ' , wRit $2,500 In. &urance. The origin 01 the fire Is unknown , but It Is supposed It was set by tramps. There was 1 disastrous tIre on the Jarrett farm , near town Ilst night. Jarrelt did ' quite a business In wintering carriage horses and six of the best faintly horses In Fort Dodge were burned In the barn , wih four hones and a dozen cows belonging to Jarrett. 'I'he orlgtn of the fire Is unknol n. lurlll , : tf ii 4 tll1f. A cottage , 21 ROlth Twen ! , fourth street , occupied by John need und owned b ) Paul Wumack . was totally destroyed by fire early yesterday morning und un ad. joining cottage. also owned by 'aark , was much damaged. Time total loss Is eltmaled at , 1fOQ. . , . .Iu.lJfJ , _ . .1ILLEU _ Ma'X lV . . ZIUIU1I' . larrO II ! Tale at ot 10IOlull. time COIHlon 0"fllrs SAN FRANCISCO March 27.-Among the passengers on time steamer Australia , which arrived today from 10nolulu , was Jonquln Miller , the poet or the Sierras Time poet let 10nolulu suddenly ) with no other baggage . gage than I cop or his poenme. hits In- temlP : departure was kept secret , ns he says he was afraid time officials of the gov- ernmenl would limit him In Ilrlson. Miler Is "er ) biter agaInst the lel In control II hawaii . lie denounced the treahnelt cc- corded political Prisoners ns bnrbnrous II time extreme amid says that men are (1)'lng In prison for want or air nll lroper food lie predicts thnt n fibustering expedition wi be organized , to go to 10nolulu amid rescue the PolItical prisoners. When asked j he was ,101e with hawaii the 10et salt : "I ' have lot begun I am going to wnlt amid see who goes down therc amid liberates those mmmcmi. Possibly the ' all lberates len. ) maybe bo set nt Ibert ) . when their captors get badly scared , for they nre alCul cowardR. I they 110 not liberate tlmemmi the very last and , lowest of political prisoners , amid then return the Inllls appropriated from the nit- t\'es IHI tIme Iueen , under time name of crown lands , I shall go to Japan 1 nm no strnger nt time Jnllanese court. I think I shah only have to state the case n111 Ilr01. Iso political rights to the oppressed 20.000 contract slaHs of Jnpnn down there to get nn Iron clnl. , There are hunlrels , of gooll men 10wI thmoro kept In time vilest prisons by men who betrayed n womnn ammO robbed her , amid there Is Illent oC I gold nll I kingdom watlng for whoever 1 will Iherato those 1'01 macmm . The sellers down there wIll lot fight for Dole. They won't fight to keep the men In iIriomi . I Is not hmumimafle. In fact , they are all falling out. I doubt If Dole has nlY friends nt nil who are IOt Inler pay ns civil or milnry lces , ' ! ! In , someway _ s"elfslly ! immtercsteui , II ilS oUgarcll ) ' . THere has been notHing nenrly BO monstrous since time relgl of ter- ror. I Miller makes an appeal for books to be sent to the political prisommers . ns they have nothing to do ( amid nothing to road , mud tin- less timey 111'0 something to Ilvert their mlnls they may go mad. OC the ex.queen , Miller says : "Of all those who lartclpale < In her arrest and trial amid of all that wns dOle , the only Christan wn that poor , dusky old wommmamm , iii time miildst of hmnndreds of crmmel mmmen. Time emily Cimristiimmm act or titteranco camime trout her. " lie says that Major Seward , Colonel Ash- ford , T. .W. , Vaiher aimmi otimer 'hite traitors are confined tim cells emily live by eight feet. Two muon are In each cell. Timey are nh- hewed an airing of two hours mhtmrlng time day. Time average temmiperaturo In time cells Is about 80 degrees , TOOIc lilS CUE 1"IfO.lI .J4MflS GL.VTR1' . , Ioiimi . Jmigeiow , mmmi Acer , Eilleti Ills I mmmimn oret ii mimmil I I immisml C. NEW YORK , Marclm 27.-John Blgeiow , an actor , idiot and killed Amy Timihi , aim actress , today in time furmilshmed room of time woman 0mm Twemmty-fotmrthm street and timemi blew' out lila brains , Time tragedy was hot discovered until ainuost evening , wimeim both bodies svere found lying cold and bloody emi time floor of time apartmuent. None of those in the house could assign a nmotive for time ( iced , Digelow was about 30 years old and jime woman not more than 25 , She bore a character wimiclm was blaimteless , , John El. Bigeicmw , who comnmitteti the crime , was time son of Jammies Blgelow , an ox-mayor of Morristown , N. 3. , who is a retired lawyer. The youmug man lived on West Thirty-eighth street , and just betor tha Clmriatnias , hohidaye was a member of Sidney Drew's compammy It was during this engagrnQnt that he tact Amy Thlhl. lie fell in love with her. She was also a member of tub compammy amid decided - cided to leave It at Chirstnmas , Since thmen neither of them have been engaged in professional - fessional work , lllgelow is Bald to have been offered an engagement , but refused to accept it umiless chic was also engaged. Mom- hers of time theatrical professiomm tonight assert - sert thmat tIme case is a parallel to the case of James Gentry , who simot Itlailge Yorlee at Philadelphia a few 'veelts ago , MINNEAPOLIS , .Marcim 27.-Amy Tlmihi was time daughter of Mrs. Susan Thihl , who' keeps a hair store at 812 Nicoiet avenue , this city , amimi resides at 9 couthm NInth street , There are five gIrls in time family and all have a predehiction for the stage. Two or three of timcmuu have frequently been employed In local tiieaters. All are handsome , and the mum- domed girl was especially so , The faimuily came to MinneapolIs from St. Paul tour or five years ago. Mr. Thill is tonight comn- pheteiy prostrated by the shock , and time other monmbers of the famutily decline to say anything about the tragedy except to acknowledge - knowledge time relationship and to dommy timat they over heard of Digolow , lJ'ILLNOT TALKlfl3UT LI IItTh'O CJId' Generally ttetloved tlimtt .lapaneso nmmd Clilmiese hrgetiomms hlmive hmiformntitlomm. WAShINGTON , March 27.-It ws stated at the Japanese legation today timat no die- patch had been receIved from Japan mdi- eating that Li liming was more seriously injured - jured than at first reported. It was said that nothing further than time dispatchm made public last evening giving an oiflcimml account of the simootlimg of Li hmad been received , Although nothing is said at either time Japanese or Chinese legatlone as to tlme condition - dition of Li hung Clmang , the neace envoy , it is known that advices lmavo been received In ofllclal circles timid. serious results mire appre- imended f'ronm time wound. In fact , time infer- matlomm line been stmchm as to cause come discussion - cussion aim to the effect imls death nmlgimt have upon time situation in the Orient. It is generally - orally behieved it would prevent Japan secur. log as good termite as miumn had Intended to in- slst upon. I1IIIOSI1IMA , MAcelm 2S-Thme comudltion of Li hung Cimitmig continues favorable. No tear is eimtcmtnlmmed of serious pim'slcni con- seciuemmces folovirmg his Imijury. The prefect amid chief of police of ihimhmnomtosukl immovo been remnoveil Horn their PosItions by order of thme mumikudo. - h1'JIl' TIII ui.r'oitirr 1"R.IIIS iro.iux. If Given time Higimt to Vote They Might hestroy ijtmmli'a l'olltleiil Eqihltbrmtmsmi , , SALT LAKE , March 27-.t minority me- port for time committee on elections was reported to time conctlttitiommal comiventlon today. 'rho report opposes woman suffrage. Time minority fears that pi'iviiegc in time hnmtde of t'omen would destroy time Iresent equality of Parties and awalcemi the tamp- tation Ott time part of those who ruiem ? before to resumno miwiiy by vom-ltlng Impon time gao. ereus Impulses ant ? religious immmitirmctms of womnemm , vliicim vouId m'emiuit in : mohitlcah , If suit social nml imusineas ostrmucisnm of time minority , It favors leaving time questlomm to time leglslatmmre. Atier a u'urmn dimictmsniomi time meport- want to time calendar to he takemi imp tomorm'ow , ( : Lizt : iiiizi ; ox Pi1iViTI JJU.'il.VIfS $ . Memimiier of time hlawmiiImmrm C'uhilmiet ifloivs Nothihmig of thio 'I'iiurston EpIsode , SAN FIIANCISCO. Mam'cim 27.-Samuel It ! , Damomm , time hiommolultm bamiker , who Is also mnlimimuter of finance in Preidemmt 1)010's cab- immet , was anmomig time passengers on today's steamner from Honolulu. S'hmcn seen by a ceporter lnminediataly tmpon his arrival here Mr. Damon declared that lie kmmew nothing at time m'eportel trmlsmmmmderstammchlmig betweemm Secretary ( iresumum ummd Minister 'rimurston , or of ( ] reshmnm"i demmmmmnd for tIme recall of Thtmrmitomm. lie mhecilmieml to illscumse time imrob. nbiiltlemm of time suttmation. 'm'hmemm it was ieatnetl that Mm' . lanuon vmiH a nassemmger omm time steamer it was coneideremi hirobahmle that hiiii visit here hind seine connectIon 'Itim the Thmurmmton-Greshmmmnm lmmcident , but 1w declares that imtmi Is purely a bmibimmesu trIp , lie vihh return on the mmext steanmer , S MovcmmmePts ) I ) ! Om't'an liteamimere ltlmmrchi 7 , At lhrlmmtolAiri'cd.7jahmammBtt , f-ii New Yorl . At htotteriiam-ArriYeml-Mannhmeim , from Idmuitinmore. At J.ivei'pool-Arrlvei.l-Oimlo , from Plum- deiphmla , RESTORED ALL TIlE SALARIES Seurito oth Back the Cuth in Pay Made in the House Approprhttion 13111 , MADt TIlE MATTER ONE OF PARTY I'tii , Oppose time 'marioumi tmii-nmmees hut the lteputpIie'msmimi Voted to l'mI3' time ( thul Sehmetinlo ur timro All Alomig time i.itm , LINCOLN , March 27.-Special.-Timo ( ) seem- mute took one moore step toward time day of final utdjourmmmmieimt by tmikimmg tip 1mm commumuittee of tIme whole this attermioou : thmo first of lImo three big appropriatiomm bIlls already passed by time imotiso , Tue bill was time one providing for time imaymtmemmt of time salaries of state officers , their uieptmties and assistammts , of Stmhterintemidemits of state Imistltimtions , their omcers atmd emimpioyes. Time imoumso imad immade a numtiber of retiuctIomis iii tIme salaries hmaid to mmmcii ) ' clerks amid emit- ployes titirimmg time past four years. 1mm imearly every case time scimate restored timoe salaries to their prescmmt nrolorthomls. Aside frommi thus action tIme aemmate added but little to time total anmomitut of muon ! ) ' appropriatel ii ) ' time bill. Time large mtemmms added were to Pa ) ' salaries of 001- cers created by time Imrcsemit legislature. These items lmmclmmded a salary of $1,200 per anumummn for a clerk for time Hoard of Ptmbiic Lantle and lhuiidimmgs , $2,000 for time secretary of the State Board of Irrigation , $ i,200 for an assistant secretary , amtd $ S00 each for two ummuier see- retarhes , Time senate's hmmereaso over time nrnotmnt appropriateilby the hmotmse wilt nimioumit to ! rommm $10,000 to 15,000. Timero were butt low lmmcidemits iii time long afternoomi's sessiomi over time bill. Time ieadimig feature was time oppoaItiomm of tIme ImDiililiSt senators - ators to over' ammiemmdmnemit proposed by thmo senate conimimittee on fhimammce , ways ammil immeans. 'I'hmey commmpolie'i a divisiomm on ever ) ' aummemmd- ment , miimd tlmeir tactics were time cause of very evldemit anmmoyammce to tIme repumblicami semi- atormu. Time bill was agreed to by a strict ' Party vote , Semmator hack beimmg time emily me- Imublican m'hmo voted wltim time polmmmiists. Thmo popmmhists alec' mmuade a deterimmimied effort to reduce - duce tIme salary oC tIme govcrmmur's private secre- tar ) ' , but time repubiheamme , Black excepted , so- idiy opposed time effort , At timmmes thm debate bm- tweomm thmo two sides of time chmammmber becania considerably hmeated , bmmt no polItical bomies ivere dislocated , Senator Stewart , ono of time leathers eu tIme hiOPtihist side of time cimammmber , Interposed an objectiomm to time paymmiemit of a maiary of $2,000 per nmmmmumn to lImo govormior's private secretary. lie claimed that time law only permimltted a salary of $1,500 mier ammnumu , and tiitit time atmdltor would be liable cmi imis bond it ime allowed a clatnu for more thman $1,500 Per anmiumu. Senator Sloami defended Um itemu , lie said that time governor's private secretary was a particularly capable mimami amid thmnt It was hardly to be expected thmat sucim a poeltion could be filled for less salary. SANDI'APEREi ) MR. CI1URC1IILIj. Time salary of time depmmty attorimey gemmeral was raised frommm $1,700 to $1,800 imer minimum. Iii explanation of time comummuittea's action in muaklng thIs Imucrease Cimairmmitmn ( Jralmammm said that thmh hiresent cielmuty attorney general had filled the offlea for mmmoro thmimn four year , thmt Ito was a zealous , able , imam'd-worktng , - - " - oimlcial. Seimator Sprecimer remnurhijti that If the senator front Gage coummty hail bin ono-maif -as ardent last fail fti'upporL , of-thue'deputV attormmay general that othicor would today' . . ho drawing a salary of 2,000 per annum. ' The present deputy , assorted Senator , Sprechuer , undoubtedly oqght to be at the ' head of the departmemmt. I Senator Stewart said that wimile the semmate was raising salaries it ought , to take ' into consideration the iimcreased urchmastng hewer of the dollar , 'in time auditor's office time salary of one general clerk , amounting to $800 ncr ammnummi , was stricken out , and $100 per anmmummm added 1 to time salary of three clerks , In cxphammatioa Chmairnmamm Graimaimi said thiat at Auditor Moore's request the salary of the insurance deputy hind beau reduced fm'onu t,500 per aiuntmmn to $1,200 In order that time $300 per per year thus saved mmtlghmt be added to time . salaries of time three clerks. In time office of this commnisslomter of t public lands amid buIldings two salaries wore . added , 0mb of $1,200 per year far time clerk of time Board of Ptmbhic Lammds antI Ihtmildiimge - - , and one for one additiommal asslgimmmmemit clerk at $1,000 per nnutmmn. An effort was mnade to add a stenographer to time ofilce force , but time senate declined to concur. Time 001cc has had ' - a stemmographier for years , bmmt timis year time house comunmittee overlooked time lositiOn amid time senate ciocllmmed to remedy time omission. Time salary of time supreme court stenographer - , rapher , whIch hmad been reduced from $1,200 to $900 by the house , was restored. Time salary or the capitol librarian clerk was raised froimi $800 to $900. Time clerk of the State- flanking Board was gladdemmed by a raise of $300 per year , - SPILECHER SCORED TIlE SINECUIHI. The salary of the stenographer of time State hhoard of Transportation , vimich time imouso Imad cut from $1,200 to 80 , was . - restored. Senator Slrecher , who all , ; thromigh time discussiomm of time miummicrous amendmcrmtmm opposed thmls particular proposition - ' sition , said that as far as the secretaries themselves lmad beemm concerimed they had never yet performed a single service for time : ) eophe , - They had been warts on time body politic , Senator Stewart of Dawes county offered an amendnien reducing time salaries of all time secretaries of the hoard of Tranmiporta- . . tion fromtm $2,000 per anmmum to $800. As a mnmmtter of course , time imenemidment was voted dowim. - Time State hospItal for tii Insane was - given a seconmi assistaimt pimysiciami at an annual salary of $1,200. 'rime salary of time mmuperlmmtendent of time Geneva immdmmstrial school , which html been reuimmeeml by time house from $2,000 to $1,800 , isas restorem ? by time eemmate Time salary of time mnmmtrcm of Institute for time Feeble Minded at Beatrice was raised from tiOO to iW'J. ' Time cotnemmittee timen rose with time recoun- mnenmhatiomm that time bill be emmgrossed for thIrd rending. _ _ _ _ ; FOJIMINU N1V , JiJIIJIi1. hliWI'htl'tS. Semiatte l'misses tim. , 11111 to Ecnrrmmngc Coimn- ties for ( iurI l'urpnses , LINCOLN , Macelm 27-Spoclal--Tho ( ) son. . ate went to , aslmig bills as soon as it , had cleared away its proiimmuinary work this morn- log , Time Judicial almportlonmm'memmt bill was one of time cariiemt measures taken up , but it did not receive time constItutional two- ' thirds majority untIl otter It had been sent - back to time commmmnltteo of time whole for - ' amimomuhmnent. Time bill gave Lancaster county four district Judges lmmstead of three , The roil Was called ammmi twenty senators votei for time bill. Just as time lieutenant governor had anmioummced that the bill lmatl passed halo raised time poInt of order that under the constitution - stitution It required a twothlrds majority to pass a bill lmic'reasimtg time nunibor of judges. A geimoral scanning of thu constitution took place and it was quickly discovered timat Dale was right. Then tIme friemds : of time measure demanded a call of time imouce , but . time coIl call revemmlo'l the fact that erery sen. utter who imad not been excuPd wits present ammO imati voted. Every effort to secure the two votes mmeceisary to give time bill consti- tutlormal force ( thou anti it was apparent that thin only way to save time bill for time rest of time stale was to knock out time extra jumdge in Lahmcastur coumity. Time soimato at once went limb commIttee of tIme whole and so amenmied time bill. 'rime Incident brought out a slight clasum betwoetm time two senators train Lammeastur county , 2'iclCessomm lmaviemg worked barth to secure time addItional judge and W'rlght ; hmaving voted against it. MeKesitirm intimated that hmimi colleague imaml voted agalnt the bill fro'n percotmal mmtotlvuie. Thu W'riglmt demmied lie claimed that ho diti i-wi