I " , . . , . . . . - ' , . , . . : - : : . - , . . , ' \ . " " ' ' < ' , . , . s : I - o ; - = - . - _ _ _ - - TIlE OUAITA : DAILY nEl : WEDNESDAY , IAROII 27 , 1805. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - ( : OMMEHC1AL \ AND FINANCIAL . . - ' 'J Dry WOlther Which nu Been A(1va.ncing ; I : Wheat Lately . Was BUll in Evldenoe. - " SIIORTS WERE APPARENTLY . NERVOUS , \ - - t" DUJln ImlflAtely Jccamo @ plclonl , of the InlcloUlnlll , of TheIr Innlunenll . from the 1nse with Which ; , They Wcro FllIcd. .1 .1L ; L CHICAGO , Mnrch 2.-The dry weather , . which han bccn n vancng whent for several , days , was still In evidence today , lJl the big bear optators were proof ngalnKl Its , lures nl\l durpe wheat Into the pIt In large , quantitIes. As a result May closed 1.c ) lower ; May .I corn lost % 1MlY ; oats , 140 , and , Ilrovlslon declined Ihnrly. : 8hol.ts In wheat were apparentlY nervous * , al ho "Nnlng on nccoull of the ( weather . . scare. They hId ngnllrl cacti olher , many : of Ihem nt Cuc , and I few cvm GGe , na . . against wI ft the close or the seslol ) ' ( - . ' ' . tnimedlately became sus- . tel.tn ) Buyers ImmrllalpI' elr ! IUS- ! plcouD ot their Investments ( train the case 1 , with which their wants lad ' been suppiteil. 1 ; In I few 8econ,11 the price was & ; . and by ll : o'clcele 1 further reduction to ( ,1r had f ; taken plle . 'fho felng was started by \ some or tuc helvl r local operators who I eiieraIIy favor the bear III { ' . the element [ In the icalptng crovd who halt tong whp1 t II cnlplnJ cr"wl ; ' ' .lh a hfll or profit In I , followed theIr : ! , 1ndel' and nml\ ( the pressure of oferings ' . uch IH tl brIng nlloul the .tecllne referred I ! . liradstrect'H vIsible i.uppty > . ! uterent world's stocks of more thou It 111 1 yen r was not eX\lecletl 10 show Ileeronse In the WI ago ! on the correspond ( week a 11 that y ; " . ale WI.M bu. , but It sUllrlsed the trade 1 : with / decrease of 2.821.0 ho , . alll before , the seltes at ic-whleh ' ! was the status of 't ; the market lirevlous 10 the receipt of Brad- , . slreet's statement-had recovered from their . ) ' surprise their neighbors wete bidding from ' c'c to 65'c. I Ivln * old lS high ns at " from & ½ 0 to & 5 % c n short time after . but i" there , no appearance . for the cash wheat WA It.pearanee here , nnt early heavy sellers relumed thc . ' litul acqtitred shortly after the ' control they hul Iclllrld Bhorty ncer i. . . opening by further sales nt the recovery . I"t quoted. The Price declIned until I was . . down to [ ! e. I closed at from ! to t &c. ' ' [ : The corn market moved around within the eorl ' tompl , s or rc per bu. , range. 1 opened for + May nt 47c. but sellers did not realize at that for very much. Corn worked . gradually r down on a very light specullt\.o business . until II reached 460 , which Inter was not ' ; : relche.l unt until wllhln ten minutes or the , close . with 46c the last trading Ilrlee. The r receipts were 261 cars , 4 of which were I contract quality. qunlty. t Oats were fairly active. July was prln- . clpaly wanted and Imles were mostly of i that delivery. Values all around were lower t . tnflunccd principally by the weakness In wheat and corn. May sold ( rain 2tAc to . . 29c , and closed at from 21 c to 2Yc bid , July ranged between 2lc to 2S3c . resting nt , , the latter price bid . a decline of front lAc ' ' . . to * e since ) 'elterdn : The Ilrovlslon market called a hal In its advance and closed with the following de- closel wih chines for the day : POllt. 30c ; lard 2 ! c. . - clnea ribs 20e. "Pnckers' selling" was the 2 ( ( laconic but comprehensive rellly made to alt . inquIries concerning the cause ot the enlargement - . largemenl of the offerings. The hog receipts for the day were only 16.0 head. , . Estimated receipts for Wednesday : 'Vheat. 4 : : 'cnra ; corn , 10 cars ; oats , 130 cars ; hogs . 2.0 hend. 'The lending futures ranged ns follows : _ 'c.lentlng . Articles. I Open. I I1lIi. I 1.0w. I Clo3. I , WIiento. 2 . March . . . C4H l OS C3 , k May . . . . sOh6L ( 1 ' C4H C4H July. . . . > 67 60 IO ' , Corn , o.2. . I Cor 10.2. . . 40 40 . 44 454 Nay . . . . 47 4. 40H 401 . , Ju1y . . . 47 47 4Ot34 4Ot H , Onte No. 2. . c day..i . ' . . 20H 20H : OH 2D"GH Jitiio . . . . 20" " 2O1 2D" 21U July . . . . 2t4 20" 28 ' 2RH q rork 1)01' bbl e Iork 1101 . . . . 12 70 1270 12 30 12 31 , July . . . . . II DO 12 00 12 60 12 60 Lmd.IOO . tny . . . . 7 27H 7 27H 7 02" 7 021 July . . . . 7421 7 42i7 174 7 17n Short fibs- . . Ma . Rbe- . 6 S I 37H 0 15 (1 ( 15 , . . Jul ) ' . . . . . 0 10 - 0 12H 6 - - 30 - ( 30 Cash quotations were n. follows : _ nq folowe . . , FI.OUH-Wlnler ( pnt nls. $ .f'28' ' ! -nrlng pal- L , nth . $3.1Oi3.I5 ; wlnler strnhhl' , 12 2 @ 2.3 ; .prlng W ) ' stralghi. h2.10q12.53 : ! allls. $ I.75t32.Z $ . 4 ' \VJhiA'J'.No. 2 spring. r7661c ; No.3 spring 'Wlt 1 nominal ; No. 2 reiL & 3t4c. : _ , CORN-No. 2. 45'/c ; No. 3 yellow. H % H .c. ti , OATS-No. 2. 2c ! ; No. 2 whIte. 32 ! 132c ; No. t , ,8 white . 32c. ' DYE-No.2. C41 t DAHLEY-No. 2. 63e ; Na. 3. Gl@ . : ! c ; No.4. . nominal. i . J. . FLAX SflflP-No. 1. $ i.12' . , , . . 'I'ISIOTIIY nlgD-i'rlme. $5.37'A. ' . bbl. , $12.3Gt , PItOVISIONS-Mees pork. per bbl. ( I'HO\ISIONS-lllss prk. $2.3 . , 1.r. 1.11,1. ) per jO. ) lbs. . $6.9 Short rIbs. SIdes ( base ) . $6.16t,6.20 : dry salted .d.oulders ( ox"I ) ' . K ' 6.2MIr.37'h : .hort clcar sides ( boxed ) . $ G.3OiO.3. WIISKY-1sllels' Inlshe go3d per gaL . . , ' 1.21 , r . UOAnS-Uncllanged. TOe folowtng were the receipts and shipments , / . , tOday : , / t.ricios lecoipts. I siiifts. ) t . _ _ _ . . , } ' 01r. bbll. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.000 7.001 , , Wheal. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.101 ) " ( 'or.ibu. , . . . . . . . . . . . . 120.000 27.010 t OMs. bu , . . . . . . . . . . . . 160.001 18\.111 . . Re bl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.\00 ) . ,101 ) 'J , harley . bl. . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ 17.0IU : ! 12.001 ) ) : , . On the l'rodl0 otclan"e tOday Ila butter mar- P ket W:1 . than : crl'amCr , JO@20oj ; dairy , 1"10 . c. , . Eggs , 11.1 ; 10)hlc. . NIV YOIUt UKNitLAL liIU T. , Closing Ouotatlola 01 the l'rinelpat Com- 2 . modltol Rnd Stlllles. t NEW ' 01 : . March 20.-FLUR-Reeelpls. 26.- , l tJ. U8 bbts ; exports . 2,70 bbls : sui" 20.60 11kgs. arltcl tar spring bukcrs' ali winter moderately active . but spnng patents continue dull. Th' , decilno In vhieat cheche.l demand ' . ! dlclno whlt check"1 lemanl tel a ) 4t . City mi patents $3. 01115 ; ely mill clears . $3.2J3.3o ; winter patents . 2.803.1G : wIn , ter lrhhls. $ .3t12.85 ; winter extrao , - $ . I , 2.4 : : : : , vllier tow grades . U.70@2.15 ; Minnesota t ; bkt. $ .0C3.G : slrllg low grades , U.7u1.9Q ' ; "Irlng ' extras . $ t.Sttj2.35 j common to raIl extra . ' $ l.806j2.40 ; good 10 choice $2.40 < 2.9. Rye flour . 5 , . frm ; rnle s. 4r bbl. ; superfine . $2.93.10 ; faney t$3.10t13.21) . . luckwhlal hour. market { . I : fltiCKWhtlAT-Dull . 49fTh3c. f . : COHN ImAI.Dul ; yellow western . $ .OOI.12j ; lirandywine . $ . . RyB-Noininal ; car lots SSc ; boM loads 6 ( 66e. 66e.11ARLUY..Qulct ; western . Wc ; tWO.rWN ] . I state Gh - . . . l1AhLFY MALT-Firmly heLl ; western . 70m2c ; IA LIYALTFlrmly he1l wcsler. . . , No. 3 wl.ter. GStjTOo ; .lx-rwel. 73t&i5c. . WII A1'-lellltB. 211,200 bu. ; exports . 40.7(0 ( bu. ; sales . 3.41.0 > Culuru and 122,1.0) . bu. pot. . allt market wlll.en ; No. 2 red , In store and ell- r \ator. rUCj ; " 1011. 6Hc ; t. o. h. I , 6:10 afloat ; ! . No. 1 northern . 6U1c telh'er.l ; No. 1 hanl 70"0 4. , delivered. Qptions opened steadier on Irm cabie. , , , and dry wlher. hut lecame weak nnd declined I . fill , under active b ' ' nllny Icth' " renlzln by local houses and I ? otiiQ foreign selling coupled with easier late 810 eling COUI'I"I wih ( nsi'r : cables Crll damage BIII I'S unit a big deere : . . , . tccren.a , In worhl's slack. according 10 Brad.lre.t's. had ' no iniluenee on the market ; closed lt % 4f7c di'- * chile ; NO.2 red. March . cloM'd at tOe : MIY. W ( ,6 3.161. cloi.ed l al c0te ; June 110"1 ul 6c' ; July . 60 5.11,5J61 6,1Cc closed at Wc ) ; August . , , 61tj61'f.c . cOel al 611 ; $ eitelib.'r. 61't6c. . / ( lc i.e.1 lt 611 ; Veclmher. Gl'ejJGIc. . closet \c. iL& 63c. 6c : COHN-H lelpt. 7.30 bu , ; exports 21.M bu. , sales 250 ; I. . . . futures unit n.Q1 bu pOI. . tloI inuket easy : No.2. tee , aouiinal In elera. tar ; etelll' ) 'elo\ iOc ; steamer intxd . ( Mc. , ' Pllons opened steady : I.acte'l under big car lut i arrivals ; rattled partially on I"naler estimates . fur tomorrow but Went tu Iiieces In the tat , , afternoon . wit ) . wheat , cos I'II ni t0fo tower , May . 5B.U lc , closed UI 511.1 ; Juiy , t10ith.c . ) t closl' let & ! .c : i4epiemiier . ( $ ' , c. OA'-H cell > t. W.3 bUd ; expotis. 3.60 tu. ; sales , 3.W Lu. fuinres Inl 48.0 ) hu. spol. tpot l1rket weaker . ; N" 2 I'ala. 331c ; No.2 , de. . hlvered . 34to ; No. 2 while . 31. ; ku. S wtiti . 86\.c. \ Otions dull and featureless all days clv. t lug .c oft t.om last night \ ; MUlch closed , al - 4 S3c : April cuo.1 ut . 33c \ ; Mu ) ' , 3ttj33c ) . closed at 31.1 ; July cloot nl Zic ) 331(33).1. & IA Y-Flrm ; sbipptiig I . rU05c. . gO' 10 choice " Wui5. : ; . 1t01'S-ttteady ; state. common to ctiolcs old , 2 , $ aiu ; Ilelo coilli ow SIUTc ( ; 1M. 6blc ; London - dun ninrket firm. t- , 1Inl lark.t H-J'lnn 111. ; wet salted New Orleans se- , . . . . leted. n 10 6 Ihs. , CIGC ; Buenos .Ayres itry , . , . : II 3t . Ibl. . 13131ic ; Texas. they . 2 < 10 I Ibo. , . & .LdAT1IlIt-3'irm ; hemlock sole . Buenos Ayres . light 10 heary : weights . lGtJbsc. lght , , . l \\'OOLHleudr ; domestic fleece , U(28c ; pul d. , I'HO\'IBIONs-neet. firm ; taml ) ' . $0&11.0 ; , extra niece . 1.t . (1 ) : beer hamo. $9 ; city . extra 0 I1d4 lucas. $ b6.out1Lt0 . Cut nlalo. lnn ; : : 1 > lckll'lel. . 6 % 117c ; II < klt shoulders. 6\.c \ : i : . J.kkll haml. \ 40i'Jc. Ioil , weak ; we"lern - . strain closed at $ T.flt : sales , 753 lerco al $7.35 : 1.35 . diy , 6 tQ1.c < ; Marc ) . ciao , ot $7.30 ; May. U.3 e nominal ; reibnt'l , "lldy ; continent . 17.23 ; ) . A. . . . . reln-I contneli. I.nIIS. , + J .U ; wml"und. $ 11tr .c. Pork . nnn ; " " 1'0. % V . 1bls : neW mess . fls.5et113.75 ; fUluly , $ t3 ; sheet , . clear , $ UO 3& . IIUT'i'Bii-FiTm ; western dairy . 8111 ; western ercaniery . I-J'ITn e ; western factory. 1(11 ; 321gm. . Ic ; Imitation creamery. 8tlc ; state dietry. iOb9e : .Iala cn'amery. old . botilSe. . , CltbdUSU-flteady I : .tlie. large. 8VI\ \ ; small . r 11 : ; Part .ktl" 2M ( G' ; run skim. . lt \ : , l : aa8-1"ltl. . state and l'l'nn.hanl. IUU1 ; , Western w.nt tikgC. truh. 1 : . southern . ) 1612' ; receipts . I I TAI.t4)W-Ftrmer. el ) ' . 4c ; country 4'4e. . I' ' 'ItOI.Ulf-Nomlnall , 'Ioe $ .1 " Lid ; I " 'UIIIDllul , bId. . $7 nominal ; \\'alhlnJton. la . Ik fl.Wi rlled , New. 1o k , 47.1 ; 1hlaleJ , , . A - . , , ' . . " . . . -z , , , , .v- : ii : hitilO lnt Baltimore . $ .0 ; 1hla.1elvhll and Ilal- tlfllore . In bulk " .6. ltflSlN--Steady ; Ittlined , comfon to ooe1 . $1.tML(24. f. Ttn1'NTINr.-stdy . 3C26'4c. ICff"lrl ; domestic , tall to extra . HUlcl .ItipLn 1'q4d. MQZAE45-Flre3' ' New Orleans , open kettle . I" . To ejiotc . 'lrUI . . Ol2ANQlS-ttendy : California . $ (3.f : Ito- " .nhls . $2M ( tO. 1.tm'AL.B-PIg Iron 'eAI. Covper. steady ' : blokerl' price P.37'.4l ! ' ; fxehnn . price . $9.20193b. I.ca,1. trong . tin . Ilen'l and firm ; straits . ItO . ® f040 : l.hIM. 'Iulct. Ipelter . frmer : dome'tie. $ Z.lJ3.2'h. nl..n 'change z tons April I , $1 ; 2 tons June $ U5. COTTON SF571 ) Ol.-Crldf. actiVe nt 20 : prime summer y.low. 2C1 l. Quotations : Irlme cnflte . 23e otr crude , ' ' ' " I . 2$6 : 20'tirlc' prime summer yellow. 26'.4e ; rr summer : iof'n 23t2Sc ; yellow butter Irlef 27l21c ; prime summer white . tIc nomi- nal. _ _ _ _ _ _ OMAhA NlmAL ItiIU T. Con.llon of Trdo and glotnUonl on 11"1110 and Iaticy Produce. } GBb-Per i3ox . lOlitic. IIUTTL'lt-Culte.l stock 4161 ; common to fair. 7(101 : fair 10 good country , 1112 ; choice 10 fear ) ' . 1'Uc : gathelel1 creamery , lOot : separator creamery , 170J16c. 1.IVr l'OU.TIn-Hlf 6'71 ; mixed . F : ducks . 7(71c ; turkeys Bc ; heavy tome , 71 ; geese . 7c. 71.JJI SED l'OU.TlY-Chlellll. fair 66t4c ! ; choice large . 66ic ; choice email . SI1IY.c ; lur- lIe ) . . . tall to goud . 9 HIOc : choiCe heavy , 10@ ' 10'cl ! ' ' ; choice small . 10 % ! flc : duck , . fair to good . TOJac : fancy . Stilt dressed . ! fIl ; geese , fair 10 good . 7ise : fancy . full < 1118(1. 101c OAll-lue wing teOb bier UO. . $ tO ; green wing tenl per doz. . fl.2ob,50 : ducks mIxed . per doz. . 81.00411.25 ; cnn\saeke. $ .O 5.0 : 111al < 1 and red heeds . $2.PIJ3.u ) . \DAI.Cholce : fat . 70 10 10 lb. . , are quqlel al tt4flhct : large nOI coarse . 31Nc. ( 'itEli3lVipconstn ( tilt crenm Young Amrrl. l'II'I H-\lpcon.ln cans. 11 ; twins 1'e ' ; Nebraska and 101'n. full cream lie : Nebraska end Iowa . pant 8ktml. 7@ 81 : 1.imburger Na. 1. tIc ; brtck Na. 1. lInt Swiss . No.1. 15c. \-Uplnn.1 ( hay . , 31 : mllanl. $ i.o ; lowland . $8 : nyc slm\ $ . .W ; color malice tiff , price on ha ) ' . I.Igiit shAles sell the heol. Only top grades bring lop vrlces. l'IUIWNJ'er doz. . * 1(0111 20. VEUETAIihEII. : 10TATOgBWelletn etock car lots 751 ; small lots . lOc. Oh ) I1IANS-ltand picked navy , $2 ; Limn 01.1 I ANS-lant la\ $ ' 'ul' : per lb. . & % e. , . . bbl. , $3 . ONIONHn orders $1.3dl.60 ; per $ CAliliAUl-On onlers , 2\ c. CIOt.FltV-Callfornin . SOctJ$1.00. CI'I.mt-Calornll. fn.O. SWgl.T I'OTATOtS-Go"d stock . C ; Kon. ! s. S2,00j2.2 : seed . $2.2012j,0. lllITfl-t'er bbl. . $ , & I gTtler $ CAIIItOTIO-I'er bbl. . $ , t. cArn.wLowllt-t'er : crate at a doz. antI half or two Iloz. . $ .25. IlOltflElt.1)ii3It-Per lb. , 6fITc. 1HH I\HIer ' bhl . . $2. HI1TAIAGAHllr 11 , 11. JAHHLI Y-llr doz. bunciues . 3 : TUItNII'4-l'er bbb . $ .50. TUINIIHlcr B1'INACIL-t'er tibi. . $ .60. FI1UITS. Pl3A17-Wlnter } Nellte . none . AHSWlntlr Ne18. nn. l AIILES-Chulce stock . 15.0005.50 : box ov- . . pie. ClANlmlnmSJIISC . ) ' . fancy . $1.CUI2O per TROPiCAL FRUITS. , , ORANQFS-I'lortdas. tier box . $ : California lel < lds. ' 3.7511.0 ; fancy n < valB $3.0j3.75 ; W ' 10 126 size $ .2. n\NANABCholce $ stock . $2.OOtjI.0 per bunch. I.EMONS-Me.slnns. sizes 30 10 36' ) . choice ' 3.C ; tMC ) ' . $3.75 ( J.o. . . IIHCI LT.ANEOUS. OYBTEHS-Iedlum. per can . 161 ; hors Rhoes. , : ) ; Ixtm swnlard. . 211 : extra selects 2 ; : corn' uny petects. 26 : Newark counts 3O : bulks , standard per /11. $1.3. lel0H-l"unC / . Hal5c ; choice 13t13c ; California . bags , 7c. 15011Cc. hONEY-New York 16 ; datle . lie ; California . MAI'LE SYRUP-Gallon Jugs . per doz. . $2 ; Uxb ) ' . 5 gnl. cans . n. NUTS-Almonds. lIe ; English : walnuts . soft- studied . lIe ; standards . too ; Iberts , SIUI ; Irnzl nut , . Sc. BAUgH KRAUT-holce white . per bbl. . $5.50 : per half bbl. . $3.0 - 3.2. MINCE MEAT-Ielnc ) ' . In half bbls. . per lb. . 6Ycj ; 10.gnl. kegs I . G : condenvd. per case oC 3 doz. lilIes. . ' 2.5) . CILER-I'uro juice per bbl. . $5 : half bbl. , $3. hIDES AND TALLOW. HIES TAI.LW. HIDESNo.1 gn'n hides . 3\HNc \ ; No. 2 green 1.1dm. . . 3cj ; No. 1 grIn salted hides fj ; No. 2 green salted hides 4ct : No. 1 green salted hides . 2 to 40 lbs. . 51 ; Na. 2 green salted iutdes . 2 : 10 40 Ihq. . 4c : No. 1 veal ! . S to Hi lbs. . 5c ; No. 2 veal calf . 8 10 15 lbs. . 6j ; No. 1 dry flint hides , 6c : No. 2 dry flint hides r : No. 1 dry salted hides . 61 : Ilort cured hIdes . * per lb. less than . fully cur d. SIJECI' 1ELTS-Oreen silted . each : . ZStICOc : SHm.p 8le. P.LTrCn 2@6c gren salted eiuearlings ( short wOled early skIns ) . each : . 60161 : dry 8hearllgs ( short wooled etuly skins ) . No. 1. cacti. MJOc : dry .h nrlnJs ( short wole early skins ) . No.2. each r : dry tnt Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts . per , b. actual weight 5@6c ; dry flint Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts . 1'11 lb. . actual weight 406c : ' dry flint Coloralo , butcher wool p'is. per lb. . actual weight 4g6,4c : dry flint Colorado murln wool pelts . per lb. . actual weight 4'6c TALLOW AND GHEASETalow , No. 1. 4c : tnllow. No.2. 3Uc : crease. whIte A. 3&Gi4O6c : grease \ : , vh e' n- . ' -3 < ; reasii . yellow. 3e : 'grelc : dark 240J3c : old butter 22c ; beeswax , prIme . 162 ; rough ) 'elow. 2c. FUHS. FUnS-n ar. black No. 1 large. $20000123.00 ; bear hrown. No. 1 large . $ : .Of2 00 : No. 1 me- , hum. $6 : No. 1 small . $2 : bear brown year- hinge . No. 1 large . $10.0I20j ; No. 1 melum. $8 ; No. 1 sn.al. $6 : bear. brawn . cubs . No. 1 large . $ : No. 1 medium . $ : No. 1 small . $ : badger . No. 1 medium $15 : No. 1 emaIl. $ S.O0411O.0) ; I"ar. black . ) 'elrlna6. No 1 large $2.t@15.0 : No. 1 medtum $ IOj ; No. ' 1 small . $7 ; b " nr. black . cubs . No. 1 large. $ r.Of8.o ; Na. 1 mc.lum ; l .Of6.0 : No. 1 emll . , I : bear black lontnnl and Iocky mountain . Nc. . 1 In 111. 118.000(2)00 ( ; No 1 medtum . $4 ; No. 1 small. no : bear. black Montana ye.ir- tinge. No. 1 large . $2 ; No. 1 medIum $8 ; No. 1 .mli $5 ; bear . bhck. Montana cubs No. 1 large . 16.W : No. 1 medium . $ I.C : No. 1 small . $1 : bear silver tip. No.1 loire. $20 : No. 1 mc- dlum. $2 : No. 1 small. $8 ; bear silver tip. ) ' : r- hogs , No. 1 large , $11 ; No. 1 medium $ : No. 1 small . $5 : benr. silver tip . cubs NO. 1 large 81.00011.50 : No. 1 medium. Cc ; . No. 1 n.OI.I snunhi . SIc : usher . No. I large . $3j ; No. 1 medIum , $6 : No. 1 small. $ J ; Cox. slIver as 10 color nc- cording to beauty. No. 1 large $0j ; No. 1 me- dium , ICOj ; No. 1 small. $ ( .j ; fox silver , 1111. according 10 beauty . No. 1 large , $ .0 : No. 1 medium . $30 : Na. 1 small . , : ; fox cross No. 1 large . 1 ; No. 1 mllum $3 : Nu. 1 snill . $2 ; fox . red . No. 1 large . .r : No. 1 medium . $ .2 : No. 1 small. $ ; fox gray. No.1 large . 7Zc ; No. 1 medium tOe : Na. 1 small . JOc : fox kits . No. 1 large. Sac ; No. 1 medium 40c ; No. 1 small. lIe : lynx. No.1 large . $ : Na. 1 ml,1lm. $3 ; No.1 81nl. $1. & ; marten Na. 1 large $2 : No. 1 me- ilium $ . & ; No.1 ' .mnll . $ ; mink , No.1 large . 60Ur.c : 1.&j 1 m dlum. 401 ; No 1 small . 3c ; mink dark No. 2 large GIn : No. 1 medium . 40c' No. . 1 small , 30 ; mountain hop . perfect hea.1 and feet No. 1 large . $ .012.0 : Imperfect skins. 86.00017.00 ; No. 1 small . $ : otter . pale . No. 1 large. $7 : No. 1 medium. $ : : No. 1 small. U : raccoon No.1 large G70 ; Nu. 1 medium . WI ; i No. 1 large . r.0c01.00 ; 8lmnll. hlllk. cased . narrow - : row striped No.1 large &c ; No.1 medIum . 401. No. 1 t.mnali. 2 ; sltunk. broad striped . No. 1 large . 204125c : wolverine. No.1 large . $ ; No. I :421 ; No.1 small . $ : wolf mountain No. 1 large . $ : $ l j No.1 melum. $2 : No. 1 small . $1.50 : wolf prairie . No. 1 large . 6'f Oc ; No. 1 melum , Cue : No. 1 small , 4O ; beuv r. per skIn. No. 1 large . 85.00016.00 : No. 1 medIum . $1.50 : No. 1 smnii . $3 ; bwer kits No. 1 large. $2 : No. 1 medium. $1.rOj ; No. 1 small . lIe ; muskrats win- t.r. No. 1 large. 8UI0cj : No. 1 medium tic : No. 1 nisll . 71 : muskrats . fall . No. 1 large . 481Cc : Ne , 1 medium. 11 ; No. t smooth . 61 ; musk- rat l < its . 241J3c. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 01110 I : IN VUIILl GRAIN STOCKS. 13rdut rect' . ) I llvlcn Covering Principal I'olnts of it CUI'IIRlal of the \Vorlt. NEW YORK March 20.-SpecIal cable and < 1111- b'nlhlc n\'lces to lla.lstreet's ' covering l'rlncipal t1lnls ot accumulation In the United Stale s and Canada and Europe , together with supplies I10at for l unp Crm all source indicate the follow- tug changes In available stocks Insl Saturday . ns compared wlh the Preceding Saturday ' : United State nod Cualu. easl ar the Rocky mountains , wheat decrease . 1.6 6O ! u. ; United States . l'a- cilIa coast wheul. decrease . 6C hu. ; total 11- cr'nso wheal stockS boils coasts , 2,15.0 hiu. ; afloat Car and In Europe. wheat . decrease . 673.0 Iurol' bu.totaldecreasiworltl'H avallzubbi wluest . 2.131.- $ ; . 10lnlleclIUu . . nvalnl. whlal. _ . . 000 bu . UnhOcit HlnlU anl tflhiflhIfl . Mat u. toe 0 Hucky mountains , ( corn den'asl' . l20,0s ) hi : . ; Uniled 6talC nml Canada cast oC the blocky mnountftins OatS Inen'lsl. ' . , , O hu. Leading In- creases ( it nvaitahle wheul stocks include lUI.o cn.ls. al'ulahl. l'u . al Milwaukee private lle'alnrs. 3J.O lu , al Ollht and 36.\09 ' W. nl Onlvelon , The mare 1IIIorlnl1 decreases Include he following : 2& ( bu. In northwestern interIor eli'u'ators . H.J hu. . II ! ManItoba storage poinis . 0.0 hu. nl New Orleans . 7.0 ! u. . a l.ul."II" . r4.\ ) bu . UI Lln.nworlh , " . .Mu. . . II ( 'luieug : I'rlvalo ' rio- valol und 40.0 ! u. n Newport News. \Vuullllrllo\ . pill LADELPI II.\ Munch % 6.-WOOI.Oul and III.AD : OhlOI l'enn.yh'anln nail \ Vest'lr - globe . XX and afinve , 1Ulc ; X nnt iuhsve . 16U lie : n1.\lm. 20'12Ie ; quarter-hloud , 211 . : ; corn- 11 . ISfl c : New York MIchigan . Wisconsin etc. . XX. 161111c ; X melon' 1'J5J22c : 'tUalter- 110.1. rc. ( lCflc . IUhc ; wuahll coml- . itctafti. . isOfloc medium InK 11.1 h'IICnl. lne. 1(2)1 ; meium. lf22 ; h2 : o ; cerise 1Il0.Ilc ; unwnhl1 medium , lGtjblo ; low mnetllurn. 1701lie : braid 16U1oj : un- 1/Sc wluI , 1 light nlll bright . line . 1UIc ; meuhiunu . 15411Cc : Inl mllum , lt1c ; coarse , IGfICc ; un- wii.siit'tI dalk and colored . light . flOe. 4l0 ; hell\I' tine . GtJc : medium . 1/31 : lIne nie'llunu. llOd.o ; eucur , . ' , 1(121 : Ie'rritrnlal and nOlth- w < sl.r. light . line . SOJIOd ; hmovy . line 7111 ; line liuediuiui. IGUlc ; , "lum. Jtlc : quuler- blooth . 1,11 ; coorse . 110012c. h.tNIRIN. Mnch 16.-At the wool auction sales INUIN. larh "lluy lr. 9B bates were offered . an'l oC thll num- , 1.1 60 boles wl'r" . withdrawn frau : Mle. Al cx . eclient catalogue was oiTi'irtl und Ih. h'iddt.ng wax c.lent ( ulalogo WW 11 1 < . hldolr wla brisk al hardening ml' A small u8"rll nt ! cross bred , was 01 < 111. Holes In detail : New ! uthal.o. . 5.3H bales ; scoured. 7dlo 7\d ; greasy , 55U9.1 . Queensland 1.4b bal .Lture. 7dU1 45d ; greasy . 4tn ; " . Vlotonia . 3.4 bales : , coure.I . Shira l ; greasy. 5"dllo 34d. New Z.aand. I.on bales ; scoured . IOtl 4d ; greae . 5titi4l. Cap of Goo IQl'l 11,1 2.gtat 1.70 t91 ; soourcd . Tdtils : ; greasy , 4t.8JGd. l'unla ! url. 7(1 4"C' Arena. . .573 ble : greasy . 5U7'4d. lc" turk try . . .oudaarkct NEYO1tL , Muh :6lhoumal \ orders Crm the more Important markets. the penellnl dt'uuuuda of commission houbes were only mood- dl'lllld8 cmm . < mo- elate. . yeL there was . , . ' good Inquiry and request 'h ' . , ' i.n.wn n J. slii.ejtngn _ ! nod ' . drills , nnd t4.achP cncIudeu1 ' . though mud. business turned down , . . : ' .4 ' " ' - ; " "i - a 1 . ' Mt. . tIJ.r : ' ! " " . . . . . _ - - I " = , " . . - tCfttI5e ot low Irlcl Id late dehleriss. llnl- lug clothe were quiet but nina At Iyc tor M squares. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STOCKS AiU nOND' . Ipecdl"tlon In 81cnrllu " ' 80rb"t Vns'ttted In Tour , NEW TOnK , Match 2&-pecutntion on the Stock exchange was somewhat unsettled In tone And I ees moved with great Irregularity. There WM 1 large decrease In Ihe volume af business compared with yesterday ) and In a majority of instances the closing figures are blow the last sates 1 1 ( Monday , The market opened actIve . with fractional changes both up and down In the shares dealt In. The trading . however , soon became heavy and Irlcee moved downward for halt a hour the losses ranging from to. .2 per cent Delaware & lul.on. RU"uehannn & Western preferred . loklnK 'nlley . Colon Oil preferred . Sugar and New Jersey Central leading In the declIne. Then cnme. I rally In which the Inllu.ttlsll were mot prominent , but 111 other figures induced realizing sales and the bearl took f hand In Ihe proceedings . with the rlIsl that 11anhntan broke 1 % per cent : New Jersey 1\ Central 1111 cent : Sugar and ( "hlcaK.One. % l'eI ' cent and other shares I smaller fraction. ACer midday the coders came Into gel buying and the entire market movll up New Jersey Central gaining 1\ per cent and : Ianhala Iller enl. The .leolnK" 1'er nn In lone uv 10 about 2 'clock , anl shortly after 1 'cloek New Ens- land rose 111 per cent an IUrciifls4M bel11 to . for the 1oslon account . Uurlng the last hour the active storks fluctuated wIthin n narrow range. butt some ot tb- speclallll male Imo whIp ciianges . Susquehanna & Western preferred selling down l' ' , per cent . 1 .llon Electric P4 \ Per l cent and Ureat Northernre'lrr",1 I per . \ cent. 1llnwnrl & l.acknwnnna WIS offered down 10 161t4 . said , tip In IG . reacting 10 IG2 % . l"allnt was Otto feature or the < Ienllls oC the day opening . nl 12n \ gain ot ' per cent nlll reacting to 1 % . n < vnncln/ to I. clcslul nt the top figure nnl recording an Ilpro\mlnl or 2 % Per cent from yestenilny's close. Tie : huylng In this stock WIS : largely an account of Ihlndrl\'hla \ and was Induced by n report thll the new n 101- ments will b. favorable to the Iealnl COll.Ul' . The principal ,1eelne8 on the < lay are : 11.,10 - hnnnl101111 Preferred . l1 Per cent : Ue" aware & lluiison anl Cotton Oil preferniul I. 11 per cent and < rlt Northern preferred foil Houston & Texas Central . 1 per remit . Alvane'o were establtsiiel or 1 per cent each In MobIle & Ohio ! nod Edison ElectrIc . ot _ : er"rk. . . The ! rorelgn la'lng was igiit. , 1"CUlalon al II close vas fairly firm Tile RendIng Issues veic the feature ot the bond mal kel today antI the c"lllnel sales or these securities aggregated . . Theenel'nl 4s nll\'nn"c,1 , Cent $1llC00. general \ " ; per cCII : trust receipts . i,4 1 icr cent ; let Incnl 1 3 Per cent : Ida . 1 % per cent . anti 311. 2 I' er cent There was na particular movement 10 the other moriguges traded In. The nlgl'eale Fale8el" $2.81.OO. In which Ian.s & Teis : 2ds lgures for $71,0 anll Atchison 4. $ l2I',0'O. ' ) The I\'enill l'ost's London . cablegram says : The sllt"n nl today ,1.elnoe" u generally In- crlo" . bull nlacl , . Money I. tight. Conlangoes on Anuericans were 3 : 10 4 tier cenl. Stnl mar. kl18Ire good. Americans well alone active and strange : ' on Olrmnny buying. Interest In atronll' Am.'rlcAuI Is aru" ,1 here . but at l1re8ell 111 clini'e - confined 10 professional chupe. are practically conlle,1 I with In the Kami men who are gorged wih 11rols Ium market and have nn eye 10 Americans basing their leiief ' In a lute on the better price or wheal 1'lleC \lrlCe nn,1 sIgns of 1 revival af trade \ nthI states. Prices closed under the best. ' 'he Public here are nibbling nl American raIlway bn" " . A very large shipment of gold will probably be dis- patciuel to Amercl tl the syndIcate , tomorrow 1 wilt Iro1ahlY be ut least ( O.O sterling. The followIng were toe coelng quotations on the leading stocks at the New Tonic exchange tea ) ' : _ _ _ _ _ A"hlsol. . . . . . .d0U.P. . D..1 G. . . 4U Attn. . . . . Express . . 143 Narlhwe.lern. . . . 0114 < ale . T. U . . . . . : IK N.V. . phI. . . . . . 011 Am. Express. . . . II' N. V. . Central. . . . tM Ilalttnuore &Ohio . IH N. Y. & N. U. . . . . 3 < Canada l'nelne. . . 3B4 Ontario k W. . . . ItJA Canada Southern. . 41 ) , Oregon 111. . . . 1014 Ccnlrall'ncllo. . 17" Oreloa Ni' . . . . . 10 Ci" : . & Ohto. . . 18 % O..S. I. ,1 U. N. . IH Chicago Alton . . . 1.t $ l'acltlo Stall . . . . 2M ( Iacile Mal. C.l. & Q. . . . . 736 1. D. & E. . . . . 2\ Chicago C4as. . . . 'n , Plttsburr. . . . . . 151 Consolidated ( las. 1314 l'uullnuan Palace . 167 C. . C. . C. .ttSt. r , . . 371 Iulumn Heldln < . . . . . . l' Calo. Coalk Iron . I. p. . G. W. . . . . . . 10J' Colon Oil Cert . . 2 ( U . 0.V. . p6 , 1. . . . :7 Dclu\ar.I Ibid . 1210 Rack Islaml. . . . 0414 \ : Del. . I.Bel..1 W. . lOUt St. Paul . . . . . . 57 % D.I R. G. pOd . . . 11014 : do pld. . . . . . 11 itl 1) . & C. F. Co . . . . lH SI. P. & Omaha . . 3'H' Enlo. . . . . . . . . Ul dolfa . . . . . . . 104 do pOd. . . . . . 1014 Southern Pactflo . 17" ( Fart Wayne. . . . 114 SI"ar Itetlnery. . . 10m ( ) G. - Norlhorn QCd. . 104 Tenn. Coal , I Iron . II" C. & E. I. nOd. . . 02 Texas PaeiIlc. . . . . 10 HockIng Valley . . 20" T. & 0 Ccnt. pOd . 78 Illinois Centr.it . . K7 Union pe. . . lUJ I SI. I' . k Duluth . . 25 U. S E'cprosa. . . . 40 K. & T. prd. . . . . 21 ' W. St. L & 1. . . . I ( Lake Eric & Weal 17 do pOd. . . . . . . . . 1" do p0:1. . . . ' . . . . 73 Wels Fargo lOx . 105 ) Lake Shoro. . . . . 130 Welor Unlo . 88)4 LeafiTruut.'II . . . VIuoclung & L. ! 51 . 1210 Il\ Louisville & N. . ii" do pOd. . ; . . . . . . 4314 Loulerle& . . . . . . . 71 lt. & 5t L. . . . . . 4Sl ManhatnnCon. . 100 % D. & I 0. . . . . . . 1 % MCifltutui8& C. . . 10 ! G. E. . . . . . . . . 3M' Michigan Cent. . . 12 ) % N. L. . . . . . . . . . II" Missouri Paciflo . 24 ! C. F. . ! cL. . . . . . :1 : % Mobile .tt Ohio . 1714 do pOd. . . . . . . . . 00 NnshvilioChnt. . . 70 IL &T. C. . . . . IH National Cordage . 5 T. A. A. ' N. 1 . . 2H dopfd. . Coraro. . . . . % T. St L & K. 0. . 1 N. J. Central. . . . Ki dopfd. . . . . . . . 10 N. & W. pto. . . . 13148,11.15. . . . . . . . . 12" North Am. Go. . 434 do p65. . . . . . . 34\ ) Northern Pacific . 'I Am. . Tob. Co . . . D.i % ' Narhenllnetlc. . . . . 3014 do pOd. . . . ; . ; . . . 108 . Total sales ot storks tada were 21.760 shares , Including ; American Sugar. 3210 : American Tobacco 3.6 ; AtchIson. 6.10 : Burlington . 3,50 ; Chesapeake & Ohio. 4.rO : Chicago GasP 4.10 ; Col. 1. V. & T. 1. 30 ; DistIllIng & Cattle- feedIng certifIcates . 3,6 ; Generul leclrlc. 13- 30 ; LouisvIlle & Nashville . 6.10 : Missouri Pa. clfle 8.10 : New Jersey Central 9.90 ; New York & New England third assessment 11ald. 4COO : New York Susquehanna & " 'Isler preferred . 5.30J : Northwestern . 6 600 : Reading. 39.(0 : Rock Island. 3.8 : SI. Paul \ . 8.90 : Silver certificates . 40.oj ; Southern Railway . e.l0j ; Western Union 4.0 ; WheelIng & Lake Erie 6.5. New York .tloioy : % larkat NEW YORK Starch 20.-MONEY ON CALL Fairly active nt 214013 per cent ; last loan 2 % per cent : close al 21 per cent. l'ItiME ZutEItCANTILE PAPEI1-4015 % per PlME 1EICANTILE . - Ier STERLING EXC1IANGE-Steady . with actual business In lankers' bills ut $ .S8\ \ ! for demand and $ I.6801l.S8' , for sixty days : pooled rates . $48 . % . arid U.@J.9 % ; commercial bills. $47W 01 SILVER CIOIITI FICATES-OSc. GOVERNMENT 10ND81'"lrm ; slate bonds Inactive : raIlroad bonds generally 11 m. Closing quotatIons on bonds Were as follows ; U. ! 4. . yes. . nosy 12U" U. & . U. 7s. . . . J. % U. 8. , , COUll. new. 1201' D. & I G. e. . . . 8214 U. S. Sc. ncr. . . . ll5I Erie 2ds. . , . . . . K21 G1 1. S. 5acoup. . . . . lrJ U. I. & S. A. Os . . D7 U. S.le.coll. .s. . . . lH' iS. 11. , ' S. A. 7e. . Oi . U. S. 4s.colP. rei. . . 1216 II. , " T. O. Os . . . 10 U.8. 2s. rug. . . . . tl6 ' do t8. . . . . . . 10 , ) ! Pacific Us or ' 0)5 ) . 100 M. 01. & ! it 4s. B2 ( Ala. 0 . A.1 do 2d 4s. . 1t . . . . . . I : Ala. Class U. . . . 111 Mnlnal Union Os . IOU Ala. Class C. . . . \I N. .1. C. Gao. Os . . 12 Ala. Cnrrency. . . 16 ) No. Pac. lets. . . . lH : ( La. New CalL 41..i d02dl. . . . . . . J7 Missouri till. . . . 100 N. W. Conaol . . . olSH N. c. (15. ( . . . . . 127 do S. . ' . Deb. 11. 107 ts. N. O. 4s. . . . . . . . 100 ) R. G. We ' t. let , . 07" S.O.nonClnd. . . 114 SL I.Can90Ia7f. 116 Toni : . new set (30 ( . 8454 < 0 C. .I I' . W 5s. 11214 ! Tenn. flaw set 5 . IOU St L. k I.M.Hen. 5. 7SH Teln. ls. .r"nn.aldts. . . . UO St.L.&S.b'Ijii.O . lU41f Va. CenturieS. . . OHH 'rex. Pita. 183. . . . 1" " dodeferred. . . . (134 ( ! dO'2i18. , . . . . . . . . 2 : Atchison 48. . . . . 0734 U. P. 181' or 'dO . . 30:854 : Canada So. 2ds. . . 103 WeBt Shor3 4s. . . . 101" C. 1' . Islf oC ' 1)5. ) . 10014 So R R. . . . . . 8B Ho.ton Steele Qlotaton , . nOSTON. Mnrh 21.-Cal loans. 4@i DIr cant : time 10n 4'd3 per cent. Cloln : prices for stocks , bouds and mlnln shares : AT'r . & 8. ' . . . .1 U-IU W. Ebec. phI. . . . . 02 . Mn Surnr. . . . . ltI Wis COllral. . . . . : ) Am. . Su&ar pCd. . UHf ) Hen. Elee. ! . . OH Dv S'ute Oss . . . 7 % FItchburg pOd. . . . 81 IleliTolepiione. . . 185 Alehls11 2ds. . . . 20 , lloslou.AbDany . : WI % AtchIson 4s. . . . 417)4 i , 10BloI ' . 1allo. . 1 : Now Pn"lnllll. 10RI do 11Cd. . . . . . . 11 : Gun. Eleclrle . . 8\ - 0.1 & Q. . . . . . 7:0,6 : Wla. Cemit. hate. . Ki . . . , . , 12 Ahlouiaz Co 25 Fltcliburj . . , , . . % AI0tZ Mining 21 Flollbnr. Ptelrlc. . . . 3M AtlantIc. . . . , . . . 10 iinoIs 8IeI. . . 42" 106t'n I Montana 3754 Mexloan Cemutral . S liutto . ' Ihoston . . D , N. Y..I N. E. . . . . :1534 CahnnetJ lecl" . 2A7 OItColol ) . . . . . . I7Il.s Cnllnnlll. . . . . 10 ) ( ' . Short Line. . . f Franklin. . . . . . . 11 Rubber. . . . . . . 40H ! Cearfarge. . . . . . ' 1 11101 l'aelle. . . 10' 0.1(011. . . . . . . 20" wosnI'I. . . . . OH Quitucy . . . . . . . . ll West End 1)1(1 . . . . 17H Tamarack . . . , . . lal Wcstlnglu.ltlcc. . . 3t1 V0lverine. , . . . . 454 Sail Fralct.eo .UhUnJ toeK : Quotntlon. SAN FRANCISCO. Maril 2'l.- -Thu ot"lal clol ir follow Quotations , ; Our mining sOCKS today worD aa Alta . . . . . . . . . . 21 Exchequer. : . . . . . 2 AlpiiaCon. . . . . . . 7 Gould & Curry . . 46 Aluules. . . . . . . . . . 27 halo & NOrcroBe. . 12U lielciier. . . . . . :11 ( In.tce. . . . . . . . J/ liet lielchucr . . . 79 ICcnt\clt ) Con . . . 4 Bes 101/ Con. . . . . . lau MexIco . . . . . . . 1M ) Iiuliiou. . . . . . . , . 20 Moult Diablo. . . . 10 Ihilwer Con. . . . . 10 Ophlr. . . . . . . 110 Catedonta . . . . . 101cnnun. . . . . . 13 Chalel&o Con. . . . 42 1'010.1. . . . . . . 00 ( Chohhiir. & . . . . . . . . 00 8a\10. . . . . . . . 17 Confidence. . . . . . 13\ 8 Orl > lan. . . . . . . I Coii. Cal k Va. . . 2t0 ( Sierra N/vadn. . . HO Cro\,1 I'olnt . . . HI : Yellow Jacket. . . . . I Silver bus ( ( S ( @ 13Hc. Mexican dalals G : @ 3jc Drafts . sight . 734c ; istornpitc : 100. New York : lnln ; O"ot"lol" . NFW YORK March 20.-Tho Colowll : are \10 ctostngmiuin quolala : ' : , Iluulwer. . . , . . . . :0 OntarIo . . . . . HOO Chobor . . . . , . . . , . . , , , : Opiiir , , ' . . , , , ' , , ' 1St ) g'i i .I. . : : : : : : g i'hyinouthi. 1 : ; : : : . : , : ' g COii Ca ) . k Vs. . . 250 Qiitckuilver. . . . lU3 . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . Da.lwoo..O do 1,1 < 1. . . . . 1'71 Gould & Curry. . .U SIerra Ned . . . 70 1111 & Norceoss . lUO Standard . . . . . 210 10me"I.lo. . , .lhOU Union Con . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . i4uxicau. . . . . 7U Yeluw Jacket . . 60 LIIO Stock Ijuotallous. LONDON . March 20.- p. in. closing ; Ca. , . Paeillo . . . , . 3iij4 SiPauul coul . . . 5936 Cal.lacUlo 3\H 91.lanl 11:1. 1\ Eiiii. . . . . . . . . . . 0" N. Y. Central. . . . 18' nlu2de . . . . . . . 41554 l'enn"Yh'alla . . . 081 Ill. Ctllrat. . . . . 00 iteaditig. . . . . . . 11H lullcanontnar ) 18 Mex. CUL now4 . 01 lAI HlLVl0fl-231d per ounce. MONFJY-b3 Ier eent' . The rw of discount In the open market for Olcn short and three monthl' bilisisl % per ceat. Gold for I D rlcl l.lHIOL March % 6.-'he steamship Teu. toiic which nails from Ihls port tomorrow for New York . carries 1.0.0 J1 . . # nr " . . ' - - - - - ' - . . , / , - . -s'- ' . OMAHA LIVE - JOCK MAURET Demand for Pat at1o Good and the General Prio5\Vero - - higher . iii hOGS OPENED Aq . E ; AND SOLD WELL ' TowRrl the Close tJter the IClt Lines R' < 1111 All Been Hola the Market ' ' ' . Eieeeel Oft1t'nsiiler. n11r . (03 , C k . . . . 1 } ; Y1 1126.- The receipts today were 216 cattle , 3.MO hol and 1.275 "heel. " I9' galnsl 2.2M cattle , 4,472 hogs and \ 22 Bheep oil Tueslu ) ' of last week. CATLEThe . rccelllts of cattle fell Bomewhut short of yesterday's run . but were not much different from bask Tiles- dny's In lolnl of numbers. In the mutter of quality . however there was n big Chnlge , there being more good corn fed cattle In the 'nrda than have been seen here II n lOl' time. The demand for fat cattle was good nnd the mnrllel was higher ngnln today Time number of good cattle here would make the Rulea how n gr nlel' advance than reuly look place The bulk ot foot cattle sold above $5 , while there was one bunch good enouRh to bring over $5. 'rhCI'e were eIght or tel hoods of CO\ s and heifers nmolg the offerings of cattlu. The denuuntl was good and the 1111'11 fairly active nt stronger prices. As high ns $1. [ ) was lisid for ore nice . handy little hclfera of about 80 Ibs. average. Hay fedivestern - cow : solt as high ) . nt $3.r. ' .nere , were quite n got many stock cattle , but good heavy feeders were not . Vry plent . The Inalket on this cass of cattle did not show lueh change. Buyers flm illinois were picking up what good ( coders they could get , Iltl the supply of such cattle was pretty well cleaned up. Light stockers . c ' peelRly those on the common Ish order , were slow. Rcpreenta- Ive sales ; DEW BTf \ IS. . No. Av. 11. Na. Av. Pr No. Av. Pr. 7..101 $ 31 2..92 04 2 121..102 $523 16..1308 335 2..1.J . $ W 48..1211 r 4) 1. . ! 341 1. . 520' 4 c c..164 640 2..10 341 3..1016 4 C 8J..IG4 r u 1. . 810 3 ro 36..106 : 46 : 4..1:2 66 8. . 902 375 19..105 4.5 I.l210 . 67e 21. . . 1S 3 f 10..10 & 47r 39..10 ; e 15 3. . S3 4 O lhIi..uill . 4.r 63..132 e 80 2. . 845 40 7..10 4.6 . 23..1363 580 6. . 9S0 4 0 40. . 831 J 05 .9..103 r 80 21..17 40 2S..ln 510 1..150 60 2. . .SO 40 7. . 932 08 Ie 13..1233 . 62 : . . . 70 413 COWS. ' 1. . ,40 f 1..1010 2 00 1l.,1003 . . 20 20 1..103 2. . .85 12 3. . 6 20 1. . no 30 1. . SO 125 1. . . HII ) 2 23 20. . .776 30 : 1. . till 1 r0 1..10 2 25 7.l05S 3 10 1..0 1 ( , I 1..1030 2 : 1. . S60 32 be. . . (23 170 1. . 0:7 : 2 31..1 \ G ) 3 & 1. . . DC. ) 1 75 1& . . 870 3 40 2..1203 3 L 1. : , 1.5 1..120 25 1..1010 3 C 1. . 510 175 1..10 2 s 1. . UIO 3 0. ' ) 4. . 052 10 3. . 960 2 & 3. . 80 3 65 1. . . 910 1 9J 1. . 980 2 CO 1..10IU 3 ! ) 2. . 7Sr 190 1..114) ) _ 6 1..180 31 ( I. : . 913 20 1..10 2 C 1..18 4 01 3. . 03 2 0 1. . . 90 2 15 3..143' ' ) 4 0 1..12 200 1..10 275 1..190 4 L 3. . ISO : 0 1..1lJ 271 IIEIFEIcS. 4. . 6l 22 1. . 60 2 CO 1. . . c 3 c 1. . 38 220 2. . 6S0 275 2. . . 710 : L 1. . 70 22 1. . O 30 ( 1..00 . 36 : 1. . 40 : 25 2. . 710. 3 00 1. . . 1170 ' 37 : 2. . 610 22 3. . 740'3 00 1. . 87J 40 6. . 450 2 : 1. . 615. 3 : 20. . 790 4 m 1. . 610 2 & 2. . ! " 3 40 . 1. . 940 4 r ( ) 2. . 4i5 25 1. . . 12) ) 350 2..9 4 & STGS.- - I. . . . 980 3 00 . . . , . 0 l.ll5rS7& . I1UIILS. ( 1. . 6& 2 00 1. . .l2b 23 1. . 940 2.5 1..H : 22 1. . 840 250 1..13 : 27 : - - 1..10 230 . ; - CAu"ESa 1. . . 2 175 2. . 253. 2'l ) 1. . . ' 30 3 02 1. . SO 20 3. . 1732 : 9 3. . . 310 30 ' . . 310 20 1. . 3..2JI 1. . 2S0 3 60 1. . 33. 210 1. . 2i3 ! 0 1. . . 10 4 W STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1. . . COO 23515. - . . s ' ,310 ; 1. : ' . 620 33 4..1010 2 r 2. . . 4I'3'O0 ' 6..r 30 1. . & 2 i 4..69.3fl z.9)2 3 to 1. . 00 2 & 9. . c ' 8 (4)1. . . . 670 3 I 2. . 686 2'C 3. . 730 - 5. . . SU4 3 r 163G . 2.r0 13. . 441&13 35 .31. . . 88 3 1' ) 2. . 6 2. & 30. . . C > 311 ) b 1. . . 76 3 6 1. . 6:0 2 & 3. . t t31' ' 1. . . > 40 360 L.4O , : 2.7S. . 2. . . .laar.a a. 1. _ 'sn r 1' ! : : : : 9Z : Z.i5. ; _ ; ; . I ; ; ; : GiQ ' 3 -9 ; , ii . . J 29 .35i 6. . . 938' 2)0 . , 1. . ' 8 rI'S $6,5ssI : . 360 84. . . 870 2 to'6 ' : , . 76 ' 3'0 ii. . . " 230. 360 10. . . 0,32 2 W 16. . . . 71S . 335 6. . . 930 36 : . . . 453 30 . .27. . 851 3. : , WESTERN C ' " 'LE No. A , . . Pr. , ho. Av. Pr. 1 stag..1220 $3 2 2 fecders..l0J $ 11. C WYOMING. J , K. Drown : 1 cow. . . . . 960 2'C 1 coivs : . ! . . . 966 3 r0 7Jsteers..l04ti0 - . ; Hand Creek L. & C. Co. u. 1 cow. . . . . . 80 1 to 10 cows. . . . . ( " 60' 2 15 1 steer..110 : 40 : 2 slcers..l ( 405 , . 13 cows. . . . . 92 3 2 : J. R. Dush. 2 bulls..1315 .2 0 2 lUlls..lEO . 240 9 sleers. . . . 90 . 3 r : 1 ateers..1063 . 4 0 2 steers.2'a . . . , 47 IDAhO. . A. 2.5. Ilici 1 bull..1260 210 1 bl1..13 : 210 13 sle rs. . . . 9:6 33 : 4 Bteers : . . . 982 33 : 1 steer..1060 3 W 7 steers. : . ; . .1003 3 90 27 stecrs..l033 390 WillIam Pussey. 1 bull . . . . . 1670 210 1 bull..1250 . . 210 I bul..l0 . 210 1 bull. . , . . . 2560 210 , : bulls..1210 210 1 bull..1140 . 2 : 1 cow..l O 315 4 cows..1005 31 1 cow..1160 . 315 4 cows..l0.0 . . 315 1 6t er..l& 390 2 sleers..170 3 UO 8 sleel..100 390 8 sters. . . . 99 3 W 12 sleers..l016 . . 390 2 cows.1100 : 316 " NEADA. NE\ 'V0. . C. Sa'ugo. 1 steers..1101 4 ' 0 UU slcers..lnl 475 101 sllel..121e 490 nOGHThe reeipt were. considerably In ex- ness ot yesterday . there being fifty fresh loads ' 1 allll.1 Iw.nl.ehhl loads ' 'e.lerduy. TIle quality oC the hOI ivies about like the average lt laic ; there being a. gel many light loads , but ul Iho same time n goo.l top. 1'he market Opened active and the most desirable oC the . aclve lie ( olferings chunged hands rapIdly al an advance oC bOZjllc. ' Toward the close and after the best hogs lund all been sold Ihe market en.d off. Chicago conic in 10\11 an light hogs. and the tiuyors dropped out and the trade cure to a ) Il0pp . couple ot choice loads l'chell $ , ; far this ' . aoo,1 hogs the hIghest touched 8 'ear. aool hog cold ' largely at 84.tOd4.'J5 ( . which was I popular range while $ J.80@1.85 bought a god many 01 the lighter hegs. lelresentnlvo sales : No. Av. iOu. Pr. No Av. Sh. Pro 3..1C th. . . U G. 55 ; . . . . .222 < U 8 9..13 . . 470 ' . . . . .198 10 466 7..1 J5 . . 4 10 8..1 8 . . 485 8..163 . . 4 79 6..20 . . 485 6..13 . . 4 70 72. . . . . 216 40 490 ,97..11 . . 470 4. , . . . 420 ' . . 490 t6..19 60 470 4. . . . : . . . 490 5..204 . . 475 19..237 . . 490 h3..1U . . < 75 4 . . . .32j . . 4 19 ! 7S..1G 8 ' 476' 4..2U. . 499 91..170 . . 475 C6..310 80 490 68..IUt 120 < 1 ' 62 . . . , .2 23 40 490 . . . . . : I 4 ! 20 . . . . , .I' J 40 49 ? 61..23 G 48 ' 67..224 . 40 4 W 10 . . . . . 222 so 4 ! 6.:6 . . 490 66..21 : 4 SO 7. . . . . 9 I ( 490 81..1r < 480 70..269 8 490 53..2(0) . ( ) 40 4 hO 63 , . . . . - J 160 490 6..19 . . 4 U 63..267 . . 490 4. . . .20 ; . 4 so ' 79. . . .36 lCO 190 : . . . . l' : 8 48'1 . 7..24 ,40 4 90 . . . . . 40 4 & ,70..31. . 4 to 73..1 8 12 J ! 69 . . . . . 279 80 495 ( .6 . . . . . 212 . . 4 80 . 3..30 'u 4 I 67. . . . . U 130 < 8 'Jl . . . .21. . 495 2..317 180 4 S .1 j 6:1. : . . . 200 8 495 l 7..32 12 < 8 : _ . ! . . . . . 40 495 7..31 . . 48' U' , ci. ; . . . i-sc 8 49 : 3..20 . . 4 S ' . . . . . . . 49 7..U8 . . 481 CI..255 . . r 0 , 37..3U . . 4 h ! 0 $ r..27 & 60 ( 18. . . . . 81 . . 3 0 IJf . . . . , . . . 435 11. . . . 81 . . 390 . - 8 . . . . . . 115 . . 435 t8..11 40 4 : .1- ' 52 . . . . . luS . . 4 40 11..11 . . 42 : ; nI33..IU. . 440 . : , . . . .10 . . 43 2r..120 . . 4 c )4hitdEt'-Omuly alI loudl" . ' offered for sale 01 today' market The market was ' slrong. Quite n number af eiueep were sol't this night . before . lS ' . f dlol , . . . reported heis' Fair to , natives are qual. Ihlo PQrtl 13.88)014.35 ; fair to . Sisal westerns at $2.75 4J4.25 ; cmmon and ctoclmep ) . $2 Ol 3.0 ; good ( choice 40 10 u00.b. ' "UILs" $3.25U5.2. Ilprc- 6enlalh'o sales : . _ "I No Wi Pr. 16 ) . .arlnls. . . . . . . . , I . , . . . " t'm' ' . . 99 U n 385 weslern ivelluers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 11 4 10 4U welter welhers..I. . . . . . . . . " , , , . 04 4 2r 31 western mixed . . . . . . : .I. . ' . . . . . . , . S 4 25 22 Mexican lamls.\ ; \ , . . . . . . 61 4 6 IG native mixed. . . . . . , . i. , . . . . . . . 95 4. : St. Ioul . 1" . Stocl. RT. LOUIS. Starch 212-CATTL.L'-Ileceipis . 1.8) ) ht ; .hlln1lt. . 1(1 head. Market active alll hIgher . and some prices oxe.'e,1 any obtained for a year 1'.1. 1..t export Ieer. . $5.75'6.2 ; gu"l 10 elmira shipping $5.2345.7O ; Call to nieuhlum U..I : o : I bunch ot native yearlings ot 1,370-lb. average bloughl $6.10 , dr..e beef N. W. HARRIS & COB B A NJK ' E Re9 163-165 Dearborn-st. , ChIcago. 13 Wall-st. . New York 70 Slate.I. . BOltt : CITY. , -r.uqoL COUIITT wATh and BON D ' -DR : hIGH GRADE \ Zoutt att aolt Correspendens , BoUol'a . ' . . . . - . - S ; _ _ f , , .j'a- . . . _ -S - : - - - month heavy butcher steers . . .tt ! : : mclum ( Imtchet1 $4.Iq4,7s : lIght "elchl . $3.50l74.23 : Ceeden LZtf4.23 ; stockers. S.0nt0 : cows. $ .0 U3.6 : fed Texas steers , 14.oas.o : grass Texas Sleet , . $2764.0 , cows . $ 3.25013.00. 1' I100S-lteceilt , . 8.90 head : shipments. 1. < 0 "cad. Market A th'f sad 1(15e hlgh r. heavy . $00375.lO ; mixed . $10(1.0 ; light . 14(0614.90. SIGCI-1elvts. 3.80 hcnl : .hlli nll. nnne. Mlkel active rend ( Ir.ng. Natives Mid " 4.0001 < 0 : westerns . $4.33 ; Texans $ U(3.f ; lamb or IO'lbs. , $5.40. $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lIIIO.\UO J \ ' . STOCK. NCRrl1 ' AU of the Four Thou"nl' ' Cattle 1Icel\II' "eltert" , Sere Conitmuon . , CIIICAOO . 1fnh 20.-Nearly all ot the 4 , ( ) cattle received . The market Cfllc tceel\CI today were common. mnret " 'al quiet but firm . Sle were o a 1.111 oC from $ UO to $5 for Inferior 10 extra cows helters and bulls . from $2.75 to $ < .i5 for stockers and feeders . rrm $4.23 $ to $8.60 tar dressed beet nail IhlNlln ! steers . and irons $2 10 $ .5 for Teal cattle. The lad named comprised a liberal proportion - portion ot the ecelpts They ) . We In good tIe- monO nod strong . S.lerl af hogs again hal things largely In their own lmnnd / . They demanded n' advance oC 10 and got II easily . the .Iemnll callIng for may more begs than were n"alnblp. 11111 heavy welgiit ( 'lllnle,1 , r.om $5.15 10 ' 5.2 an.1 choice " " "I.t"1 light sold around ' 5. 1x- l1.lngl ) fe\t or the offering " were so Ilcltng In quality a. nut 10 hc MlnLle nt hel I' then " .80. n lute the lajo.II ) ' tOl\1 buyers 11 from H90 In $3.10. The somalI SUI'II ) ' wan bought lp ' . n. fast nl ) Arded Tlp. ; ivies t faIr market for sheep iinh ! lamb Tim better grades especIally : item strong . Ihr I 5111,1,1) I ' ' of good ( xll',1 .loci : not eq\alnl the elemonmisi I . l011lf ! tul was nt'glcct I I 11. , but the : otrnKlh .hn\1 In i Ih I , ' ton I I'll 0 um' clinic , 'ual- Iles prevented any wu'mlcemilug : In the ciT gl < " Gu.1 II ( nile ) ' cheep \If < luII"1 nl fr1 St.2 I. 16. In,1 I"orer kinds . out r..1 . $3 to $3.25. 1.lmq ) WlI In .1111"1 nl ( a ala $3.75 10 . . ! O. Itece'pls ' : cattle . 4.\1) l1at1 ) ; calves 1,2J heath ; hinge , 16. ( hieasl ; eheep , 10,000 heatl. : Riti4i , , ; tlty Live Stuck. KANSAS CITY , March 2G.-CATTI.E-'Reelpts , 0,0(0 Iuratl ; shilpimients , 2.303 hueadl mamket strong to hoc higher ; Texas steers , SJ.204j5.35 ; Texas con.i , $ b.8.sfl3.50 ; beef steers , SI.204i6.25 : lu.ltt'e . cows , $ l.bOjiO.5d ; stockers and feeders , $2.t001I.5O bulls , 82.25001.23. IiOU13-lb'ceiIstii , 10,500 hicai : shipments. 600 he-nit1 tumarket stonily to strongl luthIk of sales , 4.0011'4.85 : hienvIe , $41054.93 ; Packers , 84.75011.93 ; nmixed , $45503 1.3-5 ; highite , 83.5610 4.75 ; Yorkers , 14.70014.75 : 1155 , $ I.l04i4.63. ShlElil'-lteceipts , 3,200 head ; shipments , 6,000 lueud ; market strong. Nev York Lti'a $ tek Market , NI0V 10113-C , Marciu 26.-IIER\'E13-Iteceipts , 483 iueml : steady : none oiTeredl European cables quote Anuetlean. steers at lI11j12cl refrIgerator beef , 9354i9e : expoita today , 443 beeves , 2,831 sheep and 2,211) ) qtlah'ters of beef ; entice , receipts , 100 hentll nominally weak. SItlOEL' AN ) ) LAStIbS-Itecelpte , 766 hietubl 11,4 etis , elm sale ; quiet. but. steady ; good sheep , $5.15 : lambs , $6. liOOS-lte'ceipts , 4,070 head ; steady at. * 1.0001 5.20 for extreme weIghts. Stock iii Sight. flecord of receipts of thin four prIncipal mar- lets Tuesday , Morel : 26 , 1825 : Cattle. hIog. Sheep. South Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.100 1,530 b.2& CiIcagu : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,00' ) 16,000 10G0 IC.tmisis . City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 10,800 3,2tO St. Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,0.00 6,9043 3,000 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,1169 19,630 18,275 LiverpiiI Olur.eetS. LIVERPOOL. March 26.-WIT EAT-Market firm ; etenunud mmmoderate ; No. 2 red winter , 4s 3d ; No. 2 red spring , Is 2340 : No. 1 hound Manitotsi , 5. 1'td ' : No. 1 CalIfornia , 5. 1"utumes opened firm vItiu near positions % il higher antI tlismnnt 1)051- tiona 'Id higher ; closed etcaily wIth near iund ilistazmt posItions uncimuagel : to % il higher ; bud. flees about equally distributed. Starch 4 8tl ; April , 4s 8'I ; Slay , Is Sd ; June , Is 'J1tt ; July , 4 , P4 < 1 : July. Is 934d , COhtN-Spat steady' American mixed , 4. 3d. Futures opened steflil ) ' wIth near anti dIstant positions 1d higher ; closed easy wILl : near and ehihtnnt PositIons unchanged tos 1tI lower ; buI- nose heaviest on nearest no.1 most dIstant Isosi- tiotis. Starch , Is 23ii ; AprIl , Is 21,1 : 510) ' , Is 2d ; .TLmne , 4) ) , 2d ; July , 48 2Id ; August , Is 23t1. F'i.OPIO-Dcinand mimoderute ; St. Louis fancy Winter , 6. . 1'ltUt'IIIIONS-lhncon , faIr ; poor demand ; Cciii- beianl cut , 23 to 'JO lbs. , 34s ; siucrt rIbs , 23 lbs. , II ; : low clear. lhd.t. IS to 41 lbs. . 5k Gd : long clear , heavy , 5i lbs. , Es : short clear hacks , ligit , 34s ; short clear mnidtiles , heavy , 53 lbs. , 32i C ; clear bellies , 14 to 16 lbs. , lOs 6.1 ; slicuullerv , square , 12 to IS lbs. , 3hs. hams , siuort cut , 14 to IS lbs. , lIe. Beef. extra IndIa mess , 70s ; lrinie Incas , dOs. l'oik , prime mores , line western , SSs 9d ; weslern : neiiiuni , ISa I'd. L.mmd , Ilrm ; prime Westeni , 3Gs ; rellncd , in PiIs , lOs Cd. CI1IOESE-Stea.ly ; demand moderate ; ilnest AmerIcan , white , 415 Cd : finest American , colored , . ha. IIU1'TER-Flnest United States , 75s ; good , lOs. TUIOI'LONTINIS-Sp'rlts. bOo. IOOSIN-Cominon etude , exhausted. COTTONSIDOD OlL-lAverpooi , refined , 16. 90. LINSEED OIL-bOo 9d. I'lOTItOLIOUSt-Iteflneil , 674d. ItIOPrtiOEItAT010 IIFSEF-Forequartere , 41d ; hindquarteme , 6tl. 1101'S-At London ( Pacific coast ) , 2 lOs. . Itecelpts of wheat during thin past three dnw , 320.000 centals , including 62,000 centais Amnenican. Iteceipta AmerIcans corn during time past three days , 46,100 centals. Weathier unsettled. ' IiftltIflmore Market- . BALTIMORE , , March 20.-FLOUR-Firm , unchanged - changed ; western super , 82.0)012.10 ; western extra , tb,230j2.50 ; western fondly , $2.672j2.83 ; winter Wheat. paient , 83.00013.23 ; spring Patent , 83.6001 3.7 ( spcln1 brands huigluer ) ; epritug vheat mitraiglits , 83.33013.0.0 ; receIpt. , 18,191 bbis. : lip- mnents , 2,003 l.bls. ; sales. 300 hbls. WhEAT-Steady : spot anti neontli , 61l10161'.c ; AprIl , 61'40061'c ; Slay , 61'40161c ; ste'amner. No. 2 red. 570158e ; mecellits. 6,1fl bu. ; shipments , 30,000 bu. ; stock , 482,842 bu. ; sales , 13,000 bu. ; , iouthern wheat , hy sample , C0'1j82c ; southern irhient , on grade , &S3OjCIc. COh1N-Rei' ' ; month. 4'J01sOc ; April , 5001d3c ; Slay. 50ilOtr.O1c : steumner mixed , 480149c ; me- ceipts , 4,1a bu. ; siulpnments. 6,128 ho. ; stock. 563,432 bu , : sales , 19,000 bti. ; southern white coicu , 49'401r'O'lc ; sjuthern yellow , 43t15')1c. ' OATS-Firm : No. 2 , whIte weetern , 37300JSc ; No. 2 mixed. 34 ½ n13c ; rccelpts , 2,172 bu. stock , 200.132 bu. ttYl0-JIrrn : No. 2 , l7OJSSc ; stock. 19,579 bu. HAY-Steady ; gotsi to ctmoice tinuoti.y , 513.00 @ 13.50. GItAIN FREIWLTS-Incbined to be easy , un- chuanged. SUUAit-FIrm ; granulated , $4.26 per cwt. lJtl'rI'I7tt-Fi. . in ; fancy creanuery , 21c ; fancy inuitutlon , 160117c ; fancy ladle , lIe ; good westoun , m'2c ; stoic lacldtMi , Sliluc. EGOS-Activo ; fresh. , hlc. citEhosE-pirm : fancy New York. CO size , Ilc ; fancy New Tonic. 35 size , 12c ; fancy New York , 08)0123 &ze , 123c. O2ofTeo .1larleet. NI5V' YOIt1 , Marcim 26.-COFFEE-Options opened quiet and uuncluuingetl ti ) 5 ijoints lower , toecamno moore , actlve withIn a suimnil lange , but Iin.iiiy turned ivenlter in mtymmaiiuy wIth. home , anul closed buarely steady at 104322 point'i net decline ; sale. , , 15,504) binge , Including : March , 05.330115.40 : April , hI4A001lI.O0 : Slay. 114.630114.85 ; July , 814.70 ; $ epteinh.er , * 11,650111.70 ; October , 14.60 : December , $11.I'fl.Ol1.13 ' : spot coffee , Rio , quiet : No. 7 , B2.62 % ; mild , iltuil ; Coudovui , $10.00 0018.00 ; sales. 3.70' hogs lOb , Nos. Z to 9. p. t , ; 'los ) bags Central .Amenlcuun , p. t. War.'house deliveries - liveries from New Yotk yesterday , 12,040 bags : New York stock today , 152,104 bugs ; United States stock , 187.183 bags : afloat for ilue United States. 164,000 bags ; total yisbie supply for the UnIted Statee , 351,183 bpgs , agaiu.l. : 448,447 heuga last year. SANTOS , March 26.-Itolidny. ItlO BE JANEIItO , Maich 26.-Holiday ; re- eeiptu , two clays , 15,00k ) bugs. hiASlhiUhtO. March. 2G.-QuIet. unchanged to i/s ifg. eleehinc' ; sales , 8.000 bags. ilAVltlO , Starch 26.-Ojieneti quIet , unchanged ; at 13 rn , steady , unchuuunged ; at 3 p. mu. , .toady. /4f decline ; cloeuuh attoudy at % 0f declIne on the day ; sales , 14,008) bags. Miiwauic&'o ItliurI < uts , 2.1 ILWAUKEFI. March 2t1.-WIIIIAT-Flrm ' No. 2 spring , 0.574,0 ; No. I northern. 04 ½ c ; 2lay , 67Ie. COION-1"hioim no.1 scarce ; No , 3 , 43c. otrs-m1tgmer ; ; No. 2 whIte , I23c ; No. 3 white , 310132e. IlAIlLlSY-Nomninal ; No. 2 , 52c ; sample , 621401 53'4c. ICYE-Srnrce antI firma ; No. I , &Sc , I'ltOVlfllONH-l'torlc , 412.20. Lard , $7. ItldEll"114-h"Iour , 8,10' ' ) bbls. ; wheat , 13,100 be. ; barley , 14.041) Iu. 13th It'SIENI'i4-Flour ' , 13,00' ' ) blots , ; wheat , none ; barley , 10,000 bu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Picigior Market , NEW YORK , March 26-400ICAIt-Firm ; fuitr refining , 2 it-hOc : centrifugal , 96 test , 3c ; sales , 2.2.18 t.ags ill , 1)omrmtngo , 'JO test , In ; 704 hugs L'ula CentiitUiLi , 96 t.st. Ic ; Cl bage St. Domingo molasses sugar , 03 test. 2 0.1Cc ; reltnel , steady , No. 6 , 3 9.l6OjIte ; No. 7 , 3 7-lGOi'Jo ; No. 8 , l 5.10413c : No. 9. 3'4603 7.1Cc : No. 10 , 3tP 3 7.1Cc ; No. 11 , 314013 7.1Cc ; No. 12. 3 Il-bsttlc ; No. 13 , Ic ; off A , 33,0137e ; moulil A , 4 3.b6fl4c ; stumdartl A , 3 13.16U4c ; coafectioners A , 3 13.1001 Ic ; cut bootf , 4 $ 'lSIilc ; crushed 4 9.t60O4'e ' ) : powdered. 4 3.l6014c ; granulated , : i 15.16014e ; cUbeus , 4 3-bGj4c. 8)It lli.ri < ete. CltAl1LERTOII , Starch : 26.-ltOSlN-Ii'Irm , * 1.15. 'rURl'ENTI NE-l"nun , 33 % . . W1i.S81NOTON , Slarcii 26.-ItOSIN-hIrm ; mutralmied , $1.18 ; good , $1.20. t31'lltiTl6-Nothing , TAIO-Qulet , 09.50. TUIOI'ENTINIO-Fhrm ; hard , $1.20 ; soft , * Z ' vIrgin , $250. hAVANA. March. IG.-8l'i htlTiI-Dull , Mc. Minneapolis % VhIe'45 Slioricet , MINNIOAI'OLIS , March 26.-WIIIIAT-Ciose , March. ' 4c ; May , f.8'40158c ; July , 0.9c ; Sep teuul.er , OP/se. On truck : No , I hiarti , Gdc' No. I noithern , f.'Jcl No , 2 northern , Ida ; Clvml casy receipts , 129 cam. Flour , steady ; first patents , in wood , quoted at I 83.20003.30 ; second patents , $300013.15 ; fIrst clears , $215002.30 ; low groudes , 81.63011.70. Ittnsti. ( Jity Msrkete. KANSAS CITY , litarchi 26-W'litlAT-Market II I nomninuhly uthuasugeuh , : No. 2 huartI , 6334c ; No , 1 I red , f.405c ; rejected , She. COltb-5laket , quiet ; No. 2 mixed. 42'.16142'tc ; No. 2 white , 45. . OATS-Market active ; No. 2 mixed , % uj23c No. 2 white , Ibe. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (911 Market. LONDON , March 26.-CALCUTTA LINSEEI- - Siiot. IT. ; Marcit stihh'ments. via cape , SIs Gil. /.NT'b0htl , March 26.-I'tSTItOi.EUA1-170 paii linil sellers. JOItEML'N , darchm 2C.-I'ETIIOLBIJM-070 p0g. t eIt'.n Shiir.ive , NEW YOltif , Muorchi 32.-COTTON-pull : ails ! tiling , S 0-IS. ; oet receipts. SO' ) bales ; gr..sis , 7,06 0 bolos ; exports to France , 100 bolos ; comitinent 2,813 baleal forwarded , 1,629 bales ; sle , 190 hiles ; cpinnra. bales' stock , 203,6)2 b'ales ; total today. net receipts. I,9Ol hsie. exporli to threat BrItaIn , 107,207 bales ; to France , lId bls ; continent , 6,268 itnle. ; etck , 113,6.46 bies. st , T.ouls ( lmmerst Ili.rket , ST. LOUIS , March , 2G.-WIISAT-Opened 3Oc higher , but a deehin of % t014c followed ; later a rally of 34o was Inaie on Uradstreet's decrease , but this .114 not last , prices declining nni vine- Ing tJ'4c below yeslerdnyi No. 2 red , each , 54e tild ; May , & 43441Mc nskt'l ; icily , 54c. CORN-Dull end wIthout strength early' Slay settled doan 34c , hilt steodicel , and july shouccil strength hate II. tIme session. reviving lc from hhi lowest Point ronti closing mit ) 'estenilny's hld No. 2 mIxed cash , 434c ; Stay , 43el July. 44. , OATIO-1)ufl , immgiectcui. May offerIng at % $054o tiechino at the nloeel sl'Ot gratles lower ; No. 2 , Cash. , ? 9c bill : Stay , 2)5tf315c nskei. ltTB.-Dulll No. 2 , east elite , offered at COo. lIlIAN-Dull and senreel 7Cc for sacked , east track. C'OltN SilOtL--$2.15612.20. FLAX lIEiil-QUIci , ll.3. t'I.O'l0lt 810111)Easier : choice , $800476.30. TIMO'l'mI % SCCl-lt.70.&O0. hAY-In light < lemamitil t'est grade's scarce imnO hIrm ; Prallie' , choIce to tnc' , I'J.tfll.O' ( ) for hut , sub' timnOtim ) ' , iinilne to strictly choice , $5.0" ) glo.75. lll"rTflIttimid : fancy lligk , 2l144712c ; Sep. orator crs'nniery , lStllIr. l'fldS-Iligiier : : Crest. . , Ii3.e , \ 'ltl83lFirnm ; $1.23 fur tIlatihbcrs' finIshed go. . ) ; . LEAD--Strong , in good demand , * 2.3214012.95. Si'til.'l'Elt.-l'Irmn , $2.05. l'ItOVhldlONfl-l'oi'k , stanihard mmmi's ; , jc.blhmig , $12.50. 1nrtl , pnimmic' steal , , , 86.1.0 ; husic't' , 16.1(210. ( 1)r' salt Imniums , linx < 'ti pluouildem s. $ i.SPO ; himlige , rn's , 86.1714 : $ ll3l'l. 80.50. hlncon. 1,150,1 luouil- dens , $5.S74 : long ; , $0.75 ; . its , 16.87 % ; shorts. $7 , ItlclIIl'Ts-ruiuir : , 3C,0' ) I hils. ; wheat , l2U'O ' Itt. . ; clil Ii , lS.t ) ) ui , I en ts , 16,0' ) ' ) liii , Shill'StiSNO'il.--Fbout , 17,00' ) 1,1,1 ; . : irlint , 23,000 bu. ; coin , 0.0,01.2) 1.81 , ; oats , 14,001) lU. P.'iriii Sinned ; . PiOIOIA , Starch. 2.-COltN-F'lrm , highmer No. 2 , 4114c : No. 3 , 4k. OVI'3-.Siuw , easy ; No , 2 nlille , lll4c ; No , 3 white , 505t0Zle. ItYE-lligliem' ; choice , 64'0o. ' \'ll hSlCV-l'hrmn ; flmuishe , goouhs , $1.25. RECIOIPT13'-Wlient , 1,20' ) ) iu.1 corn , 45.700 bu. ; oats. 33.200 bum. : i''e , 000 Iso. ; harley , 6,300 lui. Sllll'MIIN'FH-\'lseat. Cot ) ho , ' car : , , 13,000 bu. ; oats. 38,500 ho. ; rye. none ; boric ) ' , 2,10(0 bu. 'l'rlsroIIcutt Slarket , SAN 1'It. NCISCO. Starch. 2G.-WIIEAT- Steuul3' ; Decemiuber , 95c : Slay , 87e. ? iluiehteetor , Textll , ' ; Marleet , MANCIIESTEIt. Starch. 24.-CLOTh AND YARNS-Steady , with little doIng. l"uraigu I'iii , , , cuitl A fTairs , III2I3LXN' , March 26.-lOxeliange on I.omitlon , 20 muarke 44 pfg. lONDON , March 26.-liar alive. ' luas a'hvuuuicetl ' at S p. ni. in 2931,1 per ouhcc. LONION , Slutreti 26.-Amnount of bullion goon Into thue ilanie cO L'ngluind on b.ilanco today , 339,000. l'AttlS , Marclu 2G-Tluree per cent rentes , 1020 SIC for the aceount. E.cuange ) cmi London , 2Sf 2So for cheeke. LONDON , Starch : 23-Gold Is qimoted at liumenos Ayres today at. 251.70 ; Slailrll , 700 ; Lisiaim , 23.25 % ; St. I'cters'tiurg , 50 ; Atlen0 , 77 ; Itomime , lOLls ( ) ; VIenna , 103. IIEIOLIN , Maceli 24.-TIm ivcekly stntemnent of thin Inmepnial Itank of c7ermuany iuoivs the foibow- log changes , as cou.upaei i'itii the Pr"'ious ac- cofuomt : thai , In hanti , Increasel , 2.64),000 mnnrke : treasury note ; , , lecreuueI , 123,000 nmnrks ; otluer accurltles , increased , 11,204.0)0 ) muarks ; notes in cIrculation , increased , 19,700,00' ) muarks. Flmiienviuti Note ; , BOSTON. Starch 2G.-Clearings. * 13,4 11,703 ; hal- ancee , $1,061,637. IIALTIMOIU3. Marohi 26.-Clearings , $2,050,619 ; baIances $250,730. NlO\V YOltit , Starch 2G.-Clearings , $97,571,663 ; balances , $ S,4S1.6S1. I'HILADIOLI'IIIA , Mnrclu 2G.-Clearings , $13- 232,211 ; baianeeg , 11,4743.271. WAShINGTON , Starch 2G.-Today's statement of tlue couudltIon of the treasury shows : Available - able coali balance , $383,964,012 : gold reserve , $10- 727,058. S.F. LOUIS. Starch. 2G.-ClearIngs , $3,02S,223 ; hal. Races , 6321,787. Money , SF6 per cent. New York exchange , Soc PremlUmn hid. Cl-I ICAUO , March , 2G.-Clearing. , $13,615,000. New York excluange , 70c premium. StemlIng , hosleul rates , $1.00 < so ilemanui , $4.IS % for CO das. Stone ) ' , 4I % 11cr cent e call. ( L1.VT ELECT d UlidIIfM.IN. Atlanta PoIIe L'onmmnlssouor ! ; Sat for Nine- teemu hour. aenti flat Nul huhng , ATLANTA , Ga. , March 26.-After the longest anti stormiest session In its history , lasting nineteen hours and twenty minutes , in which 561 ballots were taken , tIme board of police commnissioners adjourned this morn- log at 6:20 : o'clock until noon today. This maccLing was a romari abla one in many re- spects. Perhaps the most relmlarkabbo fea- tune was that absolutely nothing was accom- pblshmed during the long nineteca tedious hours .dunlng which the board sat , There was hats of talk ; but the business of time meeting , that of selecting a chairman , was never accomplished , and the board Is still without a chairman. Mayor Strong acted as chairman throughout the session , but it was not until Captain Brotherton's motion to adjourn was put at 5:20 : o'cioclc this morning that Captain English and Messrs. Venabbo and Ilrannan , .recognized him as chairman , Thuls recogmuittoa was evidenced by the fact that the gentlemen voted in the affirmative. After , the break of yesterday morning time Cession was comparatively quiet. Chief Con. nally remained in his private omce all day and night. Immediately after the adjourn- nuent this morning , Mayor King ammd Chief Connally were brotmght together and made up theIr differences , P.11Th , JII0.I L 1R AJC1IESTJOD. Sirs , A. , J. Imalrd , is Chirleth.tn . clentIet , to Stoic I 'I riot US lsi00is City. KANSAS CITY , March 26.-Mrs. A. J , Baird , a vchl lellown Christian Scientist , is under arrest on a charge of practicing mcdi- clne without a license , The aUentiomi of time authhonities was directed to Mrs. Baird , it is said , by the death : of harvey SI. Iloswortll , vice president of the Beathamn Manufacturing company , who died Saturday. For six days prior to his death Mr. flosworth hmad been under the care of Chmristlaa Scientists. 'rue day he died two physicians , Dr. C. , F , Waimm- wright ammtl Dr. J. 1' . Jackson , were called in. They were called too late , for Mr. bOos- worth was unconscious amid dying whoen they arrived. Wlmemi the certificate of death was presented to the two iihyslciaos to sign thmey refused to do so. because the dpad man had foyer been under , tiie care of a regtmiar physician. Coroner Bedford was called imm and investigated the death of Mr. Iloaworthi and fotmnd that ha died of diabetic coma. The coroner signed the deathI certificates , Mrs. Baird gave band for her appearance before Police Judge Jones. ( OIOANJ ) 41f.1L1 JIIO.N AT 2flUXGIIC , Tan Ttiousd'un.i VIsitor , Expected to ISo In tl.o City by Tomorrow , MUNCIE , March 26.-This city is gaily dec. orated wthl patriotic emblems In honor of the Grand Army of tIme Itepubhic convention , whiich wili continue until Thursday night. The department olilcers of the Oranl Army and Woman's Relief corps and Sons of Vetco. ans arrived ! today by special train and wore escorted to lmeadquarters. The department oiflccrs were acconhhlanled by tile fanmous Soldiers and Sailors Orphans ilomiio board of Knlghitstown. A nunmber of veterans acconm- Panted by their famibes have already arrived and 10,000 visitors wihi be hero tomorrow , National Comhlmander Lairler of lillmmols s < 'lli also be present. Today sas devoted to time ostabhisimnmont of ilmcoining IiostI In thiofr tenlporary quarters. Tomorrow the state parade vill occur and a state conmomman'.Icr wlU bo chocn. S Hehioul 4 SIuty tin Uei'cI for I lie lIIdcamiilnt'Ilt. I4OUISVII.Lfl , Marchi 26-Time Louisville school beard , by a vote of 11 to 5 , last rmighit granted the use of about forty school build- logs for tii 0lralld Army of the Ihepimbiic en- camnpmnent next. September , Tue bulhilngs vifl be controlled by thi local comlimlttee 011 accOnImOdatleIls and wili be available freon tile 7th to the 16th : of 'eptetimber , . - - % ntt.l'mshomi Saus is 'iilimitution it , LANSING , Zthicm. ) , March 21.-'I'iie supreme court has just rendered a decision on the unti.fusion hew , TIle court holds that tue how is valid , but ( lout it ibis not apply to thmo case of A. il , 'I'odd , time ICOIlC' $ ctithdl- elate for colmgress in tIme 'riird , district , in- nernuchi ItS TOitl was n1upolmmted hy' one ) arty onmd endorsed by unothuer before the how was passed , A SPCIAL.TY CRASS MILLET AND CANE CLOVER. TIMOTHY. a- . - . lioIIiYJ Eaton Ave. , ISsued City. Mo. DENVER &cUI4PLINB EXTEN8IO l'otntq In the Oriletof,1ude lhIh.tl top it. Vonetruiclion , The proposed Denver & flthlt cx. tension covers a distance of about twenty miiea from a junction on the Union Pacific , ietmver & Gulf to Welsenbeng , and it I. thought it can be bui't ' for $12,000 POf nmilc , Tihie extension to Wnlsenberg , if OIOIIC , would touch ( lie mountain coal mines antI it Is timeuglmt would so seriously llnndlcap the Denver & bib Gramlo tinot it would enter into traffic arrahlgenmeIlts from \\'alsen- berg to l'uebio. However , htould tile Deitver & lila Grande ( lIen rettlse to enter into & traffic ugreenment tlpOfl a basis equitable to botll sides , Judge lIahlett Coihid , with perfect reason , order the completion of tile road to l'ucltho from Wnlseimberg , which would parallel the 1)cnver ) & ltlo Grande ahillost time io'hobe < liatuonce. It is nil illterest. ing fact to know that b'rc8idohmt Clark ad- viseil the colIstructiohi of tue line fromn Trhni- dad to the liresent etoppihig point , did it. was hiimilt. whiell Imo was getteral Immanager of thii' Union Pacific. Jiitlgo lbalictt crderel that the 100 tulle extension from Trihhidatt to l'uebio slioul.l . be built aimd that receivers' certificates to the almlouimt of $ lO'OOuO ' ) sImotIhi be issue : ! to cover the cost of building. This croler raised a lithe antI cry Irma loiiolhioltlers , 011 < 1 final ) ' a immaority of the hholldhloiihers it cr0 iii favor of Illnking a ten-year contract with tIle idIlver & Rio tirallile nt $106,000 tier year , thme Gulf people pledgIng tlmem11elves hOt to 1)1111:3 ) : III tlmat time , 011(1 ( tWO years to bo allowed In vhmich to cancel the contract , 'I'Imis tiropolition vaa uccrtnhihed to bo ml- practicable oim accollilt of the opposition of a large Inilmority of time botitlhmultbers anti it . it.0s filially agreed to ratify the old contract retiolcing Ohio 8flIlmO frommi $185,000 to $110,000 aim < l say mmothming about the exteilsiulfl. 'rids was time proposition before Judge Ilallett , whlo 1113(10 the order as telegraphed , that in the event of time Denver & Rio Graimdo rcfusilmg to accept the redtlccd contract within ten days tlmen lteceivt'r Trulnbuil was to go oIl wltit th.e . work of connectimmg up the road to Walsenberg , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - UNFAIR htA'Ll7M ( IN STh1Cl' lt.UI.S. ltatlromuli Trying to . .iijtmt the Shatter ott TheIr Ow , , Accetiit , DENVER , March 26.-C. F. Snmllrr of San Francisco , general freigilt agent of tIle South4 era l'acific Railivay colmmlmsn ) ' ; J. 0. C. atar' & tin of Oakland , Cal. , general counsel for this road ; S. 11 , Babcock , general freight agent. of lImo Rio GJaImdo Western , Salt Lake City ; .1. A. Monroe , general freight agent of thto Uniomi Pacific ro.mtlV . : , It. Keily or coutmsel for thmo Union PacIfic , ammd A. S. lhtigh , , tramc mnanager for time Rio Grande , hmave been In conference In this city concerning Ohio case pendIng before tliti Interstate Comnlnerco corn- lfli5siOn wherein tue Colorado Fuel compamy is Ohio comuplainant ammd thio transcontinental railroads are thmo defcndammtg , It is claimed that tile rate from Poheimlo to the coast on steel rails is greater than tIme rate fron Chicago , and that this discrinmination is practiced - ticod on eastbound freight fronm Pueblo. The railroad officials are seleing to adjust the diffIculty so as to prevent time matter going - ing before time comnimmissioml , No definite settienient has been reaclmeul. Erie & Vetrmi'm , , iimumti Stmoteiuueut , INDIANAPOLIS , March 26.-Tim annual statommient of the Lake Eric & W'estcrlm rail- % \.ny was given out. today , Time capital stock of thme company is $23GSO,000 and time funded debt $10,875,000. The froglmt traffic shows atm Increase of 12.01 11cr cent. ill tonnage ; the earnings a ton a mile. a decrease [ rota .704 per cent to .631 , or ,073 , and the gross re- celpts from this source a decrease of 1,44 per coat. Time passenger tarff shows a tIe- crease of 10.57 per cent. 2mm tIme ntlnmber of passengers carried , a decrease of 13.01 per cent in earhmlmlgs. Time gross earnings were $3,345,403 ; operating expenseo , $1.S65,851 ; net receipts , $1,479,551 ; interest. on bonds , $4(5- 333 ; taxes , $185,797 ; rental of tracks , $41,852 ; total charges , $682,082 ; surplus for year , $796,569. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t'hcrgynmcn Slay Travel tot half Rates. BALTIMOIOE , March 26.-Notice hmas been iessuecl from the passenger deparirnont of Ohio Baltimore & Ohio that on and after April 1 ticket agents will sell and conductors will accept half-fare tickets for time transportation of clergymen , missionaries , sisters of charity and officers of thu Salvation army presenting clergymen's permits issued by the Baltimore & 01mb and conncctions , Tle : permits in question will be valid until December 31 , 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) 12rcaiver Tr'ibuli's Hiport. DENVER , March 26.-Receiver Fm'ania S Trunmbuhl of tue Gulf road has submitted to Ohio United States district court his report for the twelve mnommtims ended December 31 , 1894. Time cash receipts omounted to $3,853- ; 373.68 aIld the cash disbursements to $3,593 , . 503.53. The balance in hand at. the beginning of Ohio year was $250,470.15. Tim earnings simow a decrease of $663,906 from Ohio earnings of 1893 , and the Oxponee ) a < leer ase of $719,418 , The net earnimlgs increased $155,516. lut'rvt.t out 'Frl'eo htonls , ST. LOUIS , Marcis 26.-Judge Caltios'eii of the federal court. imas authorized tile 'Fnlsco receivers to pay $169,995 interest duo on $5,666,500 of thie A B and C bommds. THIEVES KEEP AT IT. Fotmr Ciuses or Burglary Iteportet Yester- iliiy-Tiiu h.erj , Sneak thieves and hotel workers were out imm force Monday night and succecded in mals- Ing it a profitabbo migllt. Four burglaries s'ere reportcul to the police yesterday. At the Cozzens' hotei 0. 23. Thoompaton was relieved of a largo anmoullt of peroonnl property - erty in time way of chethlng and trinkets of considerabio value. The thief entered his room dtmrimli0 hils temporary absence , and without - out beimmg mioticed l.y . any of thio Imotel guests , made way with tue property , Ill tile Croummse bboclc , at Ohio corner of Six- teenthi street and Capitol avenue , Mrs. Mary F. Ilurget was robbed of mill time jewelry sims had which was not being worn ott tile time of the theft , Thomas O'Neill , residing at 1001 Southi Tilirt000til avenue , reported that his houss i.mP1 been entered by thieves , wOlo took every- 0111115 III eight. in the form or jewelry , Ito- trance was gained through a WiildOW by pry- tog it. open with a heavy cliisci. S .21 ii i hinge loeiis. The proliato IUlgC Issued tIme following marriage licensc3 : Name ammil adiiress. Age. lialms SIllier , Omaha . . . . . , , , . , , . . , , . , . , . , . , , , 29 , lmtry lhoinsen , Omaha , , , . , . . , , . , . . , , , . , , , , , 23 Joiin 1" , hIatImnbomlIl , Oonnhia , , . , , , , , . . , , , , , , , . 2-i Knto Astleforil , Olnahla . . , . . , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 21 Charles Hiimitt , Omnahia. , , , , , . , . , , , , , , , , , . , , , 28 Moiggle ltelnmerc , Oinmmimn . . . . , , . . , , , , , , . , , , , , 20 Asa II , lialiard , Iea Moines , Ia . , , . , , . . , . . , 38 Mary 04. NIbs , De Moines , In . , . , . . . . , . , , , , 41 George II. Diggs , l'arsomma , Kohl , , , , . , , . , , , , 32 Anim.i Ii , Keomp , Ommelis , . , , , , . . . . . . , , , , , , , , , , 21 _ . -4. For l'teailiig a llleycle , Howard W'ebster and J , VT , hayes , thio ) 'otimmg amen who were arrested Hoturday :115110 ( or stealing a bicycle from lIt front of thmo Jiomne Imotch , had a hearing before Juuige Bonito yestelday afterhlooll , nomd % vere hiei.I . to Ohio district court in this sum of $700 eachm , B E F 0 11 E huitniredi disease ' a cotmid Iqost horrible , get I had of dOllarS bhood upent trying various remedIes and lillysiclan. . My linger nails come oil , tumid my imaircamneout , Itay. immg mao pcnfectiy bald , I then went to HOT SPRINGS tiutverysoou became disgusted , and decided to try 14.8.8. Tue efheot trims truly wonderful , I commemmced to recover after taking the ihrst hot. tie , and ioy time time I iiedtakemi twelve boltheiI was entlreiy cured- cured hyS.8.8.whieattue , worid.rexmownett Uot Hpr1u had failed , 23 0. LOOMIS Shreveport , La. Ouarbookon llaoDlesaae and it. treatment t0&n&ddress , SWIL'T iS1'ISOIPIU CO.Atint , . , Os , . 1tARGIN No Inciter what booklet oc . , ii.oeiiiaIlomi yeti lucy h.ayt T RADING read . * miil for oura whiich i. aini COML ° LISTIO , 11 clearly . , ' cx liluulni. irai'giu 13 X PLA IN 13 D trading cmi ISl"JNii3 ' . ALL 34AiitSWI' cxpre. . S biuii. It's freC munil wihi teach yvui suiiieilhmr , Buy bumno ivlwal aii't ' yen : tn'foru liii , blr sprIng ad. vamiec , .A10.J.ICUASi' ! o , Co. , 222 ' .L'rauers BitlX Chicago.