Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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w"r V = V -V V . - - , - V V
- = - - - = = -j V - - - - - TIlE ; 01trAIIA . flATLY - _ _ _ nBJ - ! - - : WEDNESDAY , J\tAROIJ \ ; 27 , 1805. { ) 3
- -
OFI'JCD , . . NO. 1 PEARt Br E1.
- -
tl\r t carrier to any par of tb. ll ,
U. W. TILTO , LUB ! .
TLtP31ONS-flu&i offlee N UI nleb
-lor , No. W
- . _
I. - - -
I.llml MR1TJONS.
Grand , Council fllurtu. E. F. Clark , prop.
1tayii nul state agenc" , & 39 Droadiuy.
Ur uecten was asalated by n numller of
his frleU1 In the celebration of his blrlllny
bat Itreet. Sunllay evening nt his home on Mil
A marriage lcente was Isle,1 yeatcrIay
to John II. 11lmnn : , aell 24 , of Mills
county , nnll Minnie Stelnn , aged 18 , of Pot
tnwatllll ( !
Thl l.nf1ks' Aid society of ( St. John's Fng-
lisli Luthernn church moots Thl\rEIlay afternoon -
noon lt the relhlence of the : lsss Lns- !
kowdl , 223 Ninth avenUe.
'ho city : defeated In thl district cOlrt
ycst'rIay In Its Ilemanil fur 0 new trial of
the datnugo suit of I ) . I. lu8ton's , In which
he ) wa ; recently giveti n juJgmint of $ GOO )
for broken .
n ) 1mb.
The motion of laer & Co. of Swlhcrlllt1
for n new trial of the case In which they ,
were recently beaten by J. 1) . Ecmuncson
was overruled by Judge Thornel yestcnlny.
I will Ilrabnbly go to the supreme court on
.l appeal
The winter term of the Western Iowa cnl-
logo closes Friday. In the evening there
'i be n literary ! program consisting of rec-
ItaLians . orations , music and n short play
entitled , "A I.uver'l Strntcgem " All stu.
dents , ex-students and their friends are cor-
dlnly invited.
Claus Ivcr received n judgment of $7
ngalnst the Hoell Island Halro/11 / company
In the district court several months ago as
damages for tile burning of a trunk while In
tint del10t nt Mitnlon. A motion of the com-
Illny for a new trial was overruled ! yester-
day hy Judge 'fliorneli .
The April meeting of the Board of Su-
pervlRor will ! commence , lext _ l Monday , and
arrangements Wi le completell for the sale
of the $10,000 worth of bOlds which were
ordered Issued at the last l special metng.
flitis for the bonds are to be received In the
auditor's once 111 ) to April G.
A large number of the members of the Hap-
- . tlst church and congregation gathered nt tile
- church last evening to say goodbye to Ie\ ' .
J. I. Iavis wlo , leaves next week for his
new pastorate In Chadrol , Neb. A musical
and literary program anll the serving of refreshments -
freshments made the time pas ideasantly.
II. n. Spetmnn , father of F.V. . and
Henry Spetmnn , Is planning to move Into
Council Bluffs from his residence In the
eastern pnrt of the county this summer , and
has decided to put up a $ ! OOO dwelling nt
the corner of Fourth I avenue and Tenth )
Rtreet. Plans have been drawn ant I , and
ho took out n building permit yesterlny ]
A " ( rI-benefit" wi he given the Young
Men's Christian association nt the residence
ot Mr and Mrs. J. F. I vnns. corner of Sixth
avenue and Sixth street , by Mrs. Stoddard ,
Mrs. Sawyer and ! rs. ' 'lon , on the evenIng -
lug of March 30. from 6G6 : to 9D9 : p. m.
Invitations have been Issued for the affair .
and each guest Is requested to bring with
him three coins of whatever denomination
may be most convenient , which will go Into
the treasury of the association .
We have over $300.000 to loan upon improved -
proved Iowa farms Farmers desirIng loans
can save money by dealing direct with us ,
V thereby saving agel 's commission. We do
not loan on wild lands nor In Nebraka
LuJ ( & Towle , 235 Pearl street
Whut Is I In R NRIO"
Everything. If applied to n Hardman Piano ,
bid by Mueler PIano and Organ company ,
103 : Main street.
Seed potatoes rorthern grown , Early OhIo ,
Early Rose , Burbank and sweet potatoes ,
onion sets : special price on large lots. J. H.
Snyder , wholesale fruits , Council Bluffs , 10.
Yes , lbs ' Eagle laundry , Is "tbat good
laundry , " and Is located nt 724 Droadwa
- , - I In toubt aot this try I and , bo.convincecl.
Don't ferget name and number. "ei. 157 :
. PRISO.r P.lIf.lOIf.4P118.
D M. Wayllnl of Ilrlan ts In the city.
Born , to Mr. and ! rs , S. p MacConnell , a
H' N Wool of Omaha was In the city ycs-
Judge II. II. Trimble of . Keollult Is regis- ,
terel at the Grand hotel
W P. Emory of Butte , MofltV Is In the '
, city for n short time visiting frlen1s.
The Misses May and Lou Iaxnrd have
return from n visit Lincoln. Neb.V
United States DstIct , Atorney Charles
D. Fulen of Fairfield , la. , Is In the city.
N M.V Hubbard . .
! and F. F. Dawley of Cedar
Hnplds are In the city attending federal
Mrs. L. M. Sherrlen ! Is home from Peoria
Iii . , where she spent the winter with her
J. ' II. Duggan of Creston , division superln-
tlndent of the Burlington railway , was In
the city yesterdny.
'V. H. Slacllhouse of Burlington , collector
of internal revenue for the southern distrIct
of Iowa Is stopping at the Grand hotel
. ! rs. Frank p \owler left for Lodi , \Vis. ,
last evening having received two telegrams
during the day , one announcing the death
of her brother , John Cellnd , of pneumonia ,
and the other that her mother , ! rs. Mary
, Clelam ! , was lying very low with the same
dlseae. ! r. Celull was to have been mar-
ned next month.
'bo J.I"t
This Is the last week of our great hal
price salo. Over 4QO frames and Pictures
, sold. Comb this wllk and got your frames
an.l pictures for Just , hnl price Open even-
Ings H. L. SMITH & CO. , 45 MaIn St
Dr. Parsons , over Schneldcr's , 54 D'wy
Tel. 2.5. _ _ _ _ " _ _ _
Davis thug , paint , jlals man. 200 13'way.
11. I IRndRI 1iciini Iii. I'oition with
the flocic lsiituit , .
10'11 hhull Cnlp"ny.
Colonel H. H. Randall , general emigration
agent of the Chicago , Hock Island & Pacific
mlrosl ! company , n position he has held with
great credit 10 himself and profit to the company -
pany for the last three years , has resigned
to accept the position of general manager of
the emlglant department of the Kansas City ,
l'lhbur & Gulf road. While his heallquar-
ters will 1 In Kansas City , his home will
still continuo to be In this city . The reslgna-
tloa and appointment take effect April 1.
There are few men II the west better known
or blest with n wider circle of enthusiastic
friends than Colonel Randall. lie has hall
charge Of the emigrant business In the welt
for twenty.two years : eighteen year of the
time he has been at the head Of the department -
4 ment for the Burlington system The new P05i
lon Is one that has greater responsibiiitiesaml
Incidentally greater emoluments than the old ,
for he w1 have chdrge Of the fee or home-
steers looking toward the great plains of
Texas and the cheap lands In Arkansas , I.ou-
Islana and southern MissourI. The road runs
straight south from Kansas Cly , I Is a new
Ile , and several hundred talks of It will be
built this summer Among the first things
that Colonel Itandali wi do wi be to arrange
t tl take the Iowa editorIal excursion over the
new line this summer
Evans' Laundry Co. , 520 Pearl ; tel. 29i ;
.hlrtl , collars , curs , tine work I Ipelaly ,
Mrs. North Cel a liIsorr , . ,
JUdge ' Thorel granted Mary North's petl'
ton yesterday for n divorce from Neph
North. The defendalt was taken with InBan.
Iy several years ago , and has been conlned
V In the Clarinda hC'lial ever Blnce. Js wife
claims that while they \\re living together
he lied a most unpleasant habit of going after
her with a knife , beating her and abusing tier
generally , Five years ago hIs treatment be.
came so severe that he lied to be bound over
to keep the peace. lie was represented
kep pece le WI yes-
lerday by W. S. Ma'no , who opposed the
granting of the divorce on the ground that
NQrth was Insane when Ie abused his wife ,
and that insanity was no ground for a divorce .
After hearing some arguments on this 1)lnt
the case went Qver until this morning. when
fuCiher testimony will 0 heard One of
North's aluclnatons WI that bo had
telr to & fortune ot ' 50,000. falen
- - - - - - - -
West m Iowa Fire InsurlD co Inspection
Bureau t Be A blsbet
r.oenl UI.ler1rlCr lrcparo to t'nt In Force
the Uule.dol'lell b1 the Combine- ' ,
Icl,1 ( f the OrgRIIrlton II
11 lies : lolnes
There was n large meating of Insurance
agents at the Grand hotel yesterday , held
according to a cal issued by the alliance
of state companies nt Tics Muln s. Every
company that docs business at this polnl i
was represented by its local ng nt. n. Ii. :
Odel was chosen president and D. W Otis
secretary . The western Iowa inspection bu-
renu Is to bo abolished April I , by the agree-
ment of the companies , and the purpose of
the meeting was to provide for n system
of Inspection to take the place ! of that now In
Miss Margaret Dnlchard , who hay been
employed In the once of the inspection
bureau unller ! r. Shaw , was engaged lS
stamping clerk. Whenever n policy ' is written -
ten up by u local agent It Is to be sent to
her , antI If the rates are round to be In
conformity with those ( fixed hy time state
bureau . whosp headlluarters Is nt Des Moines ,
I will be stamped and forwarded to the
company by whom It Is issued .
'he name of Limo organization whIch was
perfected yesterday Is thc Council muts
Underwriter's ascclnton ,
One of the members hlllell the secretary
n resolution stutng I as the sense of the
meeting that the once If chief of the fire
department should b" Iept out of politics.
The mcmbers of the association evidently
thought It should be kt out of insurance
circle as veil , for the resolution was tabled
without a dissenting vote.
- - -
- - - -
ImNNlUN - uno
Silks nod Jren Ono < S.
20.lnch white habltnl wash silk , 33e yard.
Alt our stripe and check kai hal wash
silks , beautiful line Of colors , 'VecnesdlY ,
33c yard .
20.lnch taffeta chccl silks , 49c yard.
Wednesday 10 offer all our $1.00 novelty
taffeta and glce silks lt one price , 7Gc ) )
I you want a nice silk waist tale advantage
of this bargain today.
All colors of Atlantic F cashmere , worth
2cc , at lIe ynrd.
3S-lnch all wool navy and black French
serge , SIc ) 'lrc.
46Inch French serge , navy and black , SOc
yard. . '
$1.00 quality black crepon ; 7Gc yard.
$1.lj0 ; quality black crepon , $1.00 yard.
$2.00 quality ! black crepon , $1.50 ynrd.
Genuine real hair cloth , 4Dc ynrd.
Wednesday we offer 10 pieces Japanese cot-
ton warp mnttn ! worth 4e , a\ 29c yard.
60 Japanese rugs , size 27x63 , $ ID8 ench.
50 moquette rugs , size 27x63 , $2.G8 each.
Smyrna rugs at $1.48 , $1.9 $2,48 and $3.68 $
! ch. You can save money by buying your
rugs of us.
Visit our cloak department '
Ladles' caps at $1.50 , $2,00 , $2.GO , $3.0 and
$5.00 eacb. All we ask Is n look.
The Zmsurnimce GR olll Stove ,
Introduced by p C. De Vol In 1894 , and
sold by' ' him this season. Absolutely sare.
Can't explode. No danger De sure you get
" . "
the "Insurnnce.
P. C. DE VOL 504 Droadway.
You should see the broiler and roasting
oven on thc Reliable Cabinet gasoline stove.
Wo have the regular Quick Meal generator
stDves and the Juniors for $2.50 for two
burner stoves. Cole's , 4 Main st.
; l\Ul'J TltttU OF rL'DIOtAL COURT .
, Judro Wool'mon Opens the Work of Em-
pROnUl ! time nralil .1 ury.
Judge 'Vooison opened the Iarcll term of ,
United States court yesterday , moring. The
grand Jury was empanelled and : went at work
during the afternoon on tile criminal cases.
I Is composed of the following : W. A. De'
I.ashmut foreman : A. q. Oaten , II. G. Van-
Vlock , J H. McArthur , A. W. Wyman , J.
'D. Hungford , Marion Gadson , J. M. Hill , E.
S. Plmpton , Clifford Laird , Henry Thomas ,
Henry Dowen , Charles Hastings , Joseph D.
Dodge , John ' Jay , W. n" , flyers , D. C.
Cooper , J. C. Hartman , John It. Hal , H. C.
Ste"ns. George Tanner , W. H. Robinson and
A. ( Oraham
The first case to bo trIed was that of
Rosanna lieu against the Union Pacifc ROil-
way company. She Is the mother of Edward
C. Bean , who lost his life In I railway wreck
at Drlghton. Colo. , four years ago this month.
Two trains , n freight and a passenger , had to
pass one another lt Brighton , and Bean was
fireman on tl.o freight. In running the train
on n side track the switch failed to work
properly and the engine was derailed . The
sudden stopping of the engine caused the
cars to pie up and Ben , who either fell or
Jumped off in ' time hope of saving his life , was
caught beneath one of the cars and crushed
so that he ( lied within n few conds. Mrs
Ben demands n judgment of $5,000 for the
loss of hcr sQn's life , alleging that the ncel-
clout was duo to the negligence of the railway
company In not keeping Its switches In good
order. Under the laws of Colorado no suit
of this kind , for the death of a relative , can
bo brought for any sum to exceed $ ! OOO.
Time plaintiff Is represented by H. F. Jordan
of Boone and N , M. Pusey of this city and
Smith McPherson of Red Oak.
alias URjSll"I , , ' . Millinery Ilpla ,
Wi bo Thursday evening all Friday ! after-
noon ant evening. Ladles who desire to see
up to date millinery will need no specIal In
vlaton , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Rev W. H. I. Reese , D.D. , will lecture lt
the Broadway Methodist church next Sunday
evening on "Charity. " with the Christian
home lS the central theme. Admission frec.
Meal tickets good for 21 meals , nly $4
each , at hotel V
Wllt ( ov , Wilams .4 ( ' 1 ,
At the Sunday ! evening's service at time Lat-
ter DIY Saints' church , and Just before Rev.
Williams ommence his discourse , I petition
was read by the church secretary and unan.
Ilously adopted by the body. Time petition
was to the genEral conejencl which con-
venws at Independence , ! o. April 6 , request.
InK the return of 11ev T. W. Williams to this
city the coming YNr. Time petition was quite
cmplmentary and eulogistic regarding the
putor's labar the past ycur , and was 1m-
prcsslvo of the esteem In which ho Is held
by time Icple. The churcl was crowded to
the dors again last evening and number
were turmied away.
Marcua' fire sale Is drawing the crowds.
the stock consists of men's and boys' cloth.
leg , cents' furnishing goods , boots and shoes ,
hats and caps trunks and valises . The goods
are slightly damaged by smoke , but not an
article Is offered that Is not worth two or
three times the prIce asked. Open eyenlngs.
J. H , McPherson florist , cut flower , and
plants Design work a specialty . Wire or-
lieu dY 01 night. 1281 E. Pierce , Council
DuUa , _ _ _ _ _
The Aberln , strictly first-class. Cuisine
unexcelled. Beautiful rooms. Sixth avenue
and Seventh street , Council Bluffs.
J-au.a1 ! with . ( .ClurC.
Andrew Oleson , charge with assaulting
his 6-year-old boy with Intent to do great
bodily Injury , had a hearing before Justice
Cook yesterday afterncun. , Several of the
witnesses by whom the prosecutor expected
to prove his tale of thull ) : and bumps were
providentially detaIned at homne Two little
boys each swore that they law the otho
little boy kIcked twelve times , but the IhUe
boy who wis klcel said I was all I mistake ,
lie did not got kicked at an , only pushed by
his father's foot , and not pushed very lifted ,
eiher , Enough evidence was Introduced to
show that the boy received hasher treatment
than he was willing 10 admit , but not enough
to warrant his being held to the grand jury
Justice Cook transformed his throne Into n
lecture platform , and after filling the air
with 0 vast amount of god advice , let the
prisoner gd _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tot n } 'C1 U"11 Wo OtTer the Foluwlns
Llet of Desirable IItehnnllee nt
OreRt , Icdueell J'rler.
Thompson's glove fitting corsets , that sold
from $ to $1.75 , at 29c , range of sIzes not
Jackson corset waists , former price $1 , re-
Ilucel to SOc.
See extra values offered In bcdspea
$1.50 crochet and $1.75 Marseilles quIlts reduced -
duced to $1.19 each. Sea show window , 500
dozen hand embroidered and initial hnl- ! I
kerchiefs , worth Sc , reduced to 3c or 2 for
A new line of Irish point embroideries
Just received. See our prIces
Ladles' night gowns , worth from 4Gc to
65c , on sale a. 39c.
45c ladies' tucel skirts nt 25c encll. See
show window display for other prices
Dig lot of silk finished Foulard's figured
muls anti Swhses , worth from 10c to 15c ,
to close at Gc a yard \ '
All sizes of children's light wool and cash-
mere hose worth 25c , nt 12c n pair
l'OWLEl , DICK & WALlmn.
Council Bluffs.
nl Stall 'VI On into Retreat Rt Fort
Madison fur Iorty-five Month
Bill Hall , the erstwhile monarch of the
muddy bottom of Lake Mnnnwn , suffered a
lapse of dignity yesterday afternoon when be
was sentenced by Judge Tho'nol to a term
of three years and nine months nt hard labor
In the Ilenltentnry nt Fort adlson.
During the day hail's attorneys argued
with n great deal of earnestness n motion
for I new trial , In which they did the best
they could to convince the court that Its action -
tion and that of the Jury hall been n conglomerate -
glomerato mass or errors from start to finish ,
and that thor ! client shouhl not have been
convicted of anytlln worse than potty
larceny at the most. But their efforts were
unavailing . for nt the close of their argu.
moats the motion wns overruled and son-
moton nnl
tenco was pronounced. Bal took his sentence -
tenco very coolly , and at time close walked
back to the Jai In charge of n deputy sheriff
without giving indication that he thought
anything unusual had happened. Ito will
probably be taken to Fort Madison this ! even
The case of J. C. Morey , the Hock Island
emploe who worked his company for nn ex-
Lr $20 time check , made ! out payable to
Quince 'Veelsey for work which ho never
did , also came to nn end. After his attor-
Is ntor-
neys had argued nt some length n motion for
a new ' trIal time JUdge held that thor : points
wore well taken. There was n radical ml-
take In drawing up the 1ndlctment. The '
time check was fraudulent , but the agent
who cashed It was not misled by any falro
statements , as to its genuIneness. The fact
was that no representations were made as
to its being good , and If they had been , the ) '
would have been truo. The Indictment
charged Morey with obtaining money by
false pretenses , and there lay time mistake.
Judge Thorno:1 : Informed Morey that ho wool !
either set aside the Indictment and turn him
over to the next grand Jury for n trial on anew
now Inletment , or he would give him a six
months' term In the county Jai and let him
go. Morey agreed to the months' proposi-
ton , and was , sentenced accordlnldy.
During his confinement In the county Jai
Morey has made an excellent impression upon
the Jai authorities , and they pronounce him
very far from a hardened criminal. He received -
ceived 0 visit from a repreentive of the !
railroad company , and In the course of n I
conversation was told that the company I
stOOl reedy to take him back Into theIr em-
ploy as soon as his time Is out. I Is believed ' -
leved that the recommendations of the com-
pnny's officials had much to do wIth secur-
lag the light sentence for him. He say ,
however , that as soon ns he Is released , hey
V \y ! leave this sectop ! , of the country and
go where he Is not acquainted.
\0 have Got" Iuro 'hll (
I Is the Insurance gasoline stove , the only
gasoline stove made that I child can play
with and do no barm. I takes care of II
itself : can be blown out , left open or turned :
on , and there Is no possible way for the i
gasoline to Ignite or explode No smel or
odor , no dripping of gasoline , no burning
your house down or burning your wife or
motber-In-Iaw to death , No misery , no funerals -
nerds , no deaths or use for an undertaker
I you use the Insurance gasoline stove , as It
Is absolutely safe. I you don't believe I ask
any of our competitors , then ask them to
blowout their stove and leave I open for ten
minutes , then apply a match to the stove
as we do with ours and see what will hap-
pen , but be mire to be n quarter or a mile
away before he lights the match , as there Is
sure to be an explosion : then wo would not
get to soil you an Insurance stove as there
would he a funeral next day
DnOWN'S C. O. D. Sole Agents.
The auclon sale of shoes Is still running ,
and the longer 1 runs the cheaper the prices
of shoes become $ ! shots are still being
sold occasionally for $1 , and you can get
any amount of bargains at 25 cents on the
dollar. _ _ _ _
Council Bluffs horse market. Auction sale
every Friday afternoon at Itlel's barn. Bring
In your horses I you wanl them sold
au heating stoves for rent and for sale : ' ,
Council Bluffs Gas company's omce.
10oo bu. seed oats at T. 1tishton's , 2406 W.
Broadway _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Br Lugel , omre 410 . 5th ave. : tel. 180
! poclll ' 'orm'tn Try i. Ulnk."r.oknr.
' NASJVI.LJJ , March 26.-Judge W. H.
Taft of Cincinnati Is holding a special term
of the United States district court In this
city for the trial or Indictments against M.
A. Spurr , chaiging him with violations of
the Intonal banking act In the wrongful
certification of checks drawn by Dobbins &
Daz ) ' . A jury was loon empaneled antI the
trial commenced Frank Porterleld , the
cashier of Spurr's ban . and wh Is serving
a ten-'ear's term In the Kings county , New
York , prison for aiding In the wreck ] , Is In
eminent the city and will be I witness for the goV-
. P -
UII.d IllS STile ll' , ' Them , ( llllf ,
SAN nANCISCO , March 2rank Sat-
lee , an assayer , shot and fatally wounded
his wife tonight and then 1 < led himself
The couple hud quarreled and sepnrated
several weeks ngo. Tonight SalIer caiie'i
on his rite at the Lexington house calell
asked her to go to his room. She refused ,
Huylng "You want to kill me " at the sumne
time runnln ' into another room. Sntler snle
Jursued her anI , shot her twice , on bullet
striking her wrist antI the other lOdgIng In
the heII , Then he turned time ' 'e'mpon on
himself and sent a bullet . Into his \rall
Murdered ii Wlfo nod I hld.
MERJDAN , Miss , March 2G. - The mutt-
Intcd bodies of ! rs. Sam Butler , colored
anti hr 8-'ear-old son were found today
on the premises of C. F. Woods , about 10
yards from the 'holse ' In which they were
supposed to have been murdered by Butler ,
the hushali of the woman , The murders
had evidently been committed ! with an ax
The face anti forehead of the woman were
crushed In and one ehc'ek was almost en-
tirdiy cut away The by's heal was beaten
into .
I jelly _ _ _ . _ _ _
Still Sims ; Hupe for Ihe U.lna Uojontr ,
ADRID , March : -The minIster ot ma-
mine persists In the belief that there Is yet
I chance that the Helnn Hegente may be
afloat and that the wreck discovered by the
Sunfish cruiser Alfonse. near Bale Aele.
tones , not far from the ; trait ; of Gibraltar ,
may \ ) that of n m rchan yes 'el. A cruIser
Is still scorching for the Ilullg war ship
ali will go as for as the Island ot Maclena
A commission ot superior oUcers of the
nay ) ' Is to he appointed to InquIre Into the
loss of the Helna Hegente
1''ln'rl\lnll II.nk Forced tn 8ulp""d.
NEWPORT , Pa. March 20.-The Newport
Deposit bank , T H. Mollgin president , and
J. P. Irwin cashier failed 10 open its dooms
today. Saturday afternoon they were un-
able to pay an exchange account with the
First National bank of this place wlh $4.r.
The assets of the bank art placed nt $2".491
wlh liabilities at $ IC,28. I Is \elevcQ
that the depositors will be paid In full . The
failure to realize on oblhltonl Is assigned
I the chief cause of the suspension .
, tH I
Ad' } Bank Robbsr r lgca and Declares
that Ho Wi i lplGnitl' ,
t I. I , '
) llm V
SbleenYcRrOlll OlrVto Whom Crawford
Wu to nl\O Ii1iarrietl itocts
him u'ttWI' \ : Cour'
PERRY , la. , Mal hl 'G.-Speelal ( Tele-
gram.-Crnwforl ) ! , IhAdel bank robber , was I
arraigned In the dls\lcl' curt this morning i
before JUdge Wlklnon : .Jo hal no attorney -
ney and H. O. Ohllngs ! was asked to question -
was ton the mmmdc. In his behalf . No objection
The court room was crowded , and , when
Crawford's name was called , all yes were
ccntercrt on him antI ' his cheeks flushed and
his head was bowed' down.
lie will be indicted on three different
counts , and It Is his intention to plead
guilty to all of them . I Is predicted that
his sentence wilt not bo below twenty ) 'ears ,
From the court room he was taken Lo the
sheriff's once , where he was permitted to
have a two bours' visit with his sweetheart ,
n pretty grl ot 16 , who declares she will
b : true to him , even I he has to serve thirty
' .
Visitors were permitted In the office and
mnny took advantage of the occasion to get
a good look at him. Among the number
were several young ladles , and , whie tley
were gazing and commenting on the youthful
robber , his sweetheart turned her head and
tears began to few freely. Much lymllathy
Is expressed for the girl.
Cashier Leach who still stiffens severely
from his wounds and Ip very nervous , reusel
to see Crawford , and stated that he would
prefer not to look at him
Reports from limo Short Uno Terrier Are
Ermconr.sglmmm. ,
SIOUX CITY , March -Speclnl ( Tele-
gTI.-li. ) C. His of the Pacific Short
Line has reclved careful reporu from every
town along that road In northeast Ne-
Irnska of the crop outlook , sol conditions
and movement or immigrants and em I-
grants. He receives replies from his agents
that the sol Is In good conditon except In
I few places : thnt thera have been more
Ileople coming Into the country . , about two
tu one than have gone out of I : that the
lew corners hnvo been of the better class
of farmers , chlelY from Iowa while those
who have heft have been the porest , anti
thut the acreage of crops this year wi
be the largest ever known at most places
along the hue. _ _ _ _ _ _
Fire Rt Slietmimnmtoitlm.
SIIENANDOAJI Ia. , March 26.-Spccial. ( )
-About ( o'clocll this morning fire broke ont
In the buIlding just vest of the Shennn-
dOlh National bank , occupied by I
stock of shoes belongIng to the Haywnrd-
Williams Shoe company or Omaha. The
fire company was soon on the ground , and
brought the lames ulier control. The stock
of shoes was damaged only by water. In.
suranee fully cover losses.
The second winter trm of the Western
Normal college class ' ldses this week und
the spring term oliens next Tuesduy This
college has been 'ei , Jlatronlzed this year
In spite of hard thnl .
The new brick bllllh ! ! on the north side
or Sheridan avenue ; nemr the juncton with
Clarinda avenue , i1beipg 1 rapidly pushed to
completicn. I Is a fne two-story structure
the whole lower floor ot'whlch will be occu-
pied by the Shenandoah Sentinel. The upper
floor wi , be used by , tipp ' Cnnnon Bail hotel ,
with which It connects thc east
The new home ot FJI3. " Rnnkln , near the
college , will soon , beltead ) ' for occupancy.
I Is one of the fnp ip I the cly , _
Otnm\1 Cllr , qe Strange 1.111'8. '
OTTUlnV A. In. , 'IMaroh 26.-Special ( Tele-
. daizlim In the
grarn.-A mast :11 phenomenon
heavens was ' cvltnesm4&V ' at noon today by
nearly . every In1bltnt ot this city. I
' ( '
lasted ' 'or thirty lnih'dtbs ; disappearing as
Instanty' ' 1' ' It calneJnlhe sun was encir-
cled - , by 1n brold'/rlng 10f.ldPrlsmate
colors. ' Inside wat h the ' nrea' of n
second ring or similar ' nature , A third
ring ot bright white light . sixty degrees In
width , to the west cut the halo , the sun
occupying 0 point exactly In Its crcumfpr-
once A stilt larger area lle n huge rainbow -
bow , totally apart from the others , hung
gracefully In the east. Old citizens say
nothing has ever been seen like I since
iSIS , when I Similar phenomenon was observed -
served , with an extra ring and more pronounced -
nounced , sun shot
: Corn T'u".o , Show FIhr.
HAlBUHG , Ia. , March -Speclal.-
Andrew Johnson , a farm hand In the em-
ploy of David Terryberry , twelve miles
east or Hamburg , was fired upon last night
by I man who waR stealing corn anti whom
they were trying to capture. Several shots
were exchanged , ' three or whIch took effect
In Johnson's body , but owing to heavy
clothing they were not fatal , but very se-
rlous. One lOdged In the ann , one In the
ahllomen and one In the chest near the
heart. Tile injured man Is suffering severely -
verely , but hopes are entertained for his
recover ) ' , None of the shots tired by Terry-
berry and Johnson took effect.
Henshaw anti 1man by the name of
Wison , both residents of Hamburg , have I
been arrested on suspicion as the guilty
' parties and are now In jail at Sidney. I
( Freak of I l1unmetie. ' ' '
ATLANTIC , In. , March 2G.-Speclal ( Tele- '
gram.-A ) well dressed 'G rmnn woman , glv-
InS her name as lUrs. Slahl , walld Into
town from Walnut this morning , distance
of sixteen miles. She was followed later by
frIends , who tried to Induce her to return
home. I appears tint the woman had
recently been released from an Insane
hospital and was thought to have been
cured She wanted to go to La Cross : ,
\Vis. . and bought I ticket here for that
point , dlsalng a large roll ot bills when
paying } I. She , wa' forciblY detained
and taken to Walnut on the first train
Love Affair II'uIN In leiitlm
'MASON CITY Ia. , March 26-Speclal (
Telegram.-Frank ) Ste\blnl I farmer liv-
committed suicide Saturday
InS near Elder commited -
day night by shooting himself through th
head with a revolver. He had arranged
to meet I lady In' Chicago anti his failure
to mary her led to the act. He was well
to do and about 35 years ohl.
( 'omimluetora Uischarged for nrlnlclC.
SIOUX CITY , March 26.-Rpeciai ( 'cle-
gram.-The ) Chicago & Northwestern road
line recently discharged n number of old
conductors and I hI l stated \y the olcials
that the reason was that they were users
of iiltoxicants. The company will make a
clean sweell of all employcs who drink
1) Nl' : 4L1G.121O.SS " Ol FUI U/
Itendrlcks Jrother Say They S.mmt to
aim xlcl to l'mtrI i ' : I.ey In Pay nelmus .
ST. LOUS , March 26.-Crnwforc M. and
Charles A. Kcndrlcks'c ! mmlsslon merchants ,
dealers In baer' hld confectioners' supplies
and officers of thJ UsslSIPPI Valley Mer- .
canto company , wloa ? mysterious Ieparture !
from St Louis nb\Ut March I , right after
their assgnment ! , I cited \ fmethfng of n
sensation , have been iUard } fromn They have
writen to n frlen4 Hlm , their letters beIng
dated at time Cif1 I at ' Mexico and Oaxaca.
The letters City ' all published state-
meats of alleged fa'upIop ? ( : their
aleged tron Part are un-
true and declare tiqt [ he brothers have done
nothing that It n trrect. . . The brothers
deny ever having rdnilhtttej "kiting" and eel
by declaring that IL'JflllcJr Inteuton ! to earn
enough In Mexico ; \Q , pay their indebtedness
In full. , \ i" ,
The Kendricks are now engaged as coffee
buyers , with hlobertp - & l'oeroy , commission
merchants , City of J lco.
. " :
INUVlll iNTo V /7'U XI'I.WJJU.\ \ '
Coroner's ,1ury Ilvelll\tnl the Causes If
time I v"n"ollio Ihsusster
EVANSTON , Wyo" , March 2G.-Tle coro-
ner's Jury Is holding an Inquiry Into the
cause of the Almy mlno disaster Many
witnesses have been subpoenaed to appear by
the Jury anti give testmony and many
anxious peopl are awaing to hear the ver-
diet I wi tale severa ! days to examine
wlnesej and review tIme testimony. t Super-
Intendell Dratbury and State Inspector
Thomas have made aim Inspection of time exPloded -
Illoded mine , but failed to fInd the originating
point of the explosion .
Contributions are coming In and destitute
families are being made as comfortable as
MIGhT 1m UMi - ur X.U'IUWS "Ol'
FrRnllulent Jane ofhicimool 10nda Turn
Up ti ew \'ork.
RimFIELD , B. D. , March : O.-'he rgls.
trai ot deeds hero has reeelvM I letter
from Attorney flutes T l'eck of Coutanl ! ,
N y" , asking If school bonds of any In.l-
vidual school district arc requited to be
registered , antI If so , were ; tree of bondl
of the Cnl.lola school district of Spink
county registered In IS9 or 1895. The , bonds
are dated Jnnunry 6. 185 , and ore for $0O
each , and nine II number Inquiry \ J
epa the fact that no such school district
exists . The attorney claims the bonds
were Issued to refunll one.hnlf or nn or"-
Inal Issue of $ .0 bonds Issued Seine years
ago by the fame district. I lcttoul names
are signed for both thr clerk anti chairman
of the school bpnnl , anti the bonds are cer-
tilled to I ) ' nn unknown PartY flatter the
name of Inmnn , Much speculation Is In-
dulgel In as to the extent of the fraud and
who are the culprll mied Imp In their
manufacture and snle. Speculation nntl-
rally mints to the .lefnultnj state trens.
urtr , Taylor , who disposed of much paper
Ilown east and mortgages nnl bonds In and
around Courtlnd , N. . Y.
GUJ'll."UI . IC14 VI' iP'.t tLiIi'.4 . CASE ,
Asks the State ielmrtsmmiflt to T..k trl" -
" for Ills 11'lef ,
TOPEKA , I < . , March 2G.-Oovernor Mor-
till hns "ent the following telegram to PresIdent -
Ident CI \enll : "Tin nEwEpaper dispatches
report that the 110mm . John I. Wnler. I citi-
zen or this state , and formerly Unied States
consul at Madagascar . hal been most un-
justly Imprisoned b ) ' the I'rench goverlent
under a sentence of n court martini , without
sulelent cause. I respectfully tInge that the
Department of State take active measures
at once for his Protection and release .
"E. N. lOIUll.L , Governor. "
. _ -
tiefumse to l'lRco 'rcmii.t's Nmumume ' .
( o 'r.t"I' IUU" In the Tln'cot.
KAI.AJAZOO , Mich . , March 26.-The
election commissioners In this congrlsslonal
district are refusing to Place A. ! . 1'odtl's
name on the democratic ticket as n cnll-
late for congressman . vice Glke ) ' , with-
drawn. 'FetId's attorneys will lt once be-
gin mandamus the
proceedings against com-
LANSING , Mlehi. . March 2G.-Attorney
General Ma'nnrd today gave the opinion
that Albert Todd cannot be legally sublt-
tumted as democratic camldate for congressman .
man In the Third district In plnee of
Patrick Gikey , withdrawn. Jn'nnr , ' says
that while ( ha fuprfn court has hewn that
Todd's name could not now justly be removed -
moved from the other three tickets , the
Int.fuslon act would certainly apply to
the present queston , Gikey having wlth-
drawn after said act . lint taken effect.
OI.rrc the \t""r ; Slxmy . Crlt : ,
PITTSnUHG , March 'hi-'t'lme Railroad
Coal Operutors' nssoclnthJI1 1\t \ : tociuty nail
offered to enter Into an a"el'nt with the
miners to pay G cents per tll fur one year '
frol April 1. A commit + ' 0 was 1(1)ntrll )
to confer with .he muineri' ollnnl cuttn ! nail
present the COmpr0l1 e or I' . 1 Is nut
probable that the miners , \ 'hhi imc."pt 'he0 ' (
cent rate , for should they desire to do so
the national olc.II . ! would not 11 111 I.
as that would In'l'\ ! mmim"tiicr ' 'i II tl
wages of the Ohio mln r' who w"rl fen _
D cents less than thl i'ittsbtmtg dl5tlIcl mi : :
. The ' ' to their
ers. operators art' I'cady start thfl
mines Oil Apri I , amI there nra t'Unorl ( 'it
they Intend to hnpul't alm (1 tike the stnik-
era' places If the 1 ' : remit r.lte If not rue-
rhehlo to S"\O 1 Dollar I'nloll to 'ork
PINE BLUFF , Arll" , March 2G.-H F.
Kaufmln , representing I firm of whole-
sale jewelers In New York , got himself Into
a serious scrape here today by Imperson-
ntn I. Price , a St. Louis traveling mun.
They were In Little Rock together , Kuur-
man wanted to stop here and did not care
to pay I dollar for a health certificate. '
Price was going to St. Louis consequently
Ild not need hIs certificate , and gave It to
Kaufman , who entered Pine Bluff on It.
The plan worked beautifully until Kauf-
man , who Is well known , registered at the
hotel as Price. Mayor hell was Informed
and Kaufman was ordered arrestcd. After
begging for n time , he was let off with
I police court - fne , .
Steel \ \\'orllor May Strike .
PITTSDUHG , March 2 . -The conference
on the proposition of the Ohio valley manufacturers - I
facturers to pay only $3G per ton for pud- I
tIling , and a general reduction of 1 per V
cent In the finishing departments wi be
held on Saturday President GarlRml of the
; Amalgamated association declined to ex-
press an opinion ns to the result or the
I meeting. The lodges of the association
, have voted against the acceptance of the I
sweeping reductions . and I Is probable that
the offer wi be refuscd. Unless the manufacturers -
ufacturers withdraw the offer a strike Is
likely to , be declared In the Shenango and
Mahonlng valleys , and fully 10,0 men will
be Idle. _ _ _ . _ _ _
Receiver for Rn Iron 1lnln : CompAny.
MILWAUKEE , Wis. , March 20-The
court today appointed S. T Deatto receiver -
celvcr for the Florence Iron River MIning
compnny The company , I Is said , his
been doing very little business for some
time , alhough at one time It was one of
the biggest producers In the Mcnomlnee
range . The Florence Iron River company
11 the result or the combInation of two
names-the Iron River mine and the Flor-
cnce mine. The former was owned by
Youngstown , 0. people antI the latter ly
H. D. Fisher of Florence and the Van
or this city The mines
Dyllers mh1s were purchased -
chased by Fcrdlnand Schlessinger , and for
a time were heavy shippers. ,
\1 hi'omm rl Rwlollh r C'IU"t In Camimule , .
SAN FRANCISCO , March 26.-United
States Marshal Baldwin has received I tele-
gram stating that Henry Smythe , the con-
fdence man who was arrested here anti
wh@ escaped from I dCllUt marshal near
Little . Hock , Ark. , last ! November had
been recaptured at Cape ! a ) ' , Ont. . by
government oUtcome who had been sent out
governmenL oleera
to locate him. I Is believed her that the
Dominion government has arranged with
the United States to permit Smylhe to le
returned to Missouri , . the scene - of his crime.
tourt : Cnmpnlod : I lie Inll to ( :1" . .
NASHUA , N. H. , March 26.-Tile 1rhua
Savings bank closed Its doors this IfL-
noon , In injunctIon having been Issued
against It on application of the IHnk lom- ,
missioner . Tile principal reason H\tn : fOr
takIng the acton Is the very large hailing
off In deposlt. NearlY $ ,00,0 are In-
volved. The officials claim they 'wi bo
able to pay dollar for . dollar.
Twent-.Ix h'nhsommers .leRpr ,
WICHITA , Knn. , March 26.-Twenty.slx
prisoners escaped from the city prison to-
day Twelve were immediately recaptured
and the remainder ran In dIfferent Ilrec-
tons with olccrs In hot pursuit. By 1.
o'clock Chief Massey had corraled all but
two. I Is claimed by the prisoners that
the turnkey forGot to lock the door.
Mlrhtcnn n. A . H. \1.1 : lli.etiimg.
MOUNT CLEMENS , Mich , March 26.-
The seventeenth annual encampment of the
Michigan department of the Grand Army of
time Republic opened here today. Thomas
\V. I.awler , natonll commander , and Mra
Emma Wallace of Chicago , national rlresl-
dent of the 'Voman's Relief corps , are
among those Iresent.
( hrllll SCI"tI" , Arroatad
LOS ANGELES , Cal. , March 2J.-"D etor"
Richard Conic , a Christian science healer ,
and Jesse Samls , whose wIfe recently died
In childbirth ni n resul of Christian science
treatment , were arrested today under
charges of manslaughter
In the Midst of l'l"n'y.
That's what people with poor digestion are
doing every day They have no appetite ,
or If they did have and cat wfnat they require -
quire I dOEs them no good , because the
stomach does not digest It and the fermentIng
mass of fool becomes a source of , disease , of
headaches , eleeplcsness , languor and time
thousand and one symptoms resulting from
disordered digestloim . Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets promptly relieve anti cure all forms
of indigestion. They have done It In thou.
sands of cases and will do It In yours The
reason I simple. Because they digest the
food whether time Itoma l works or not
That's thq whole secret and the only secret
about Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets , for WI
tel you plainlY just what they contain be-
cause we believe that every man and woman
ought to know what they are putting Into
their stomacbs.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contaIn the
freshest , purest pepsin \ , free from animal
irnpurtis's , combined with bismuth and tree (
most valuable vegetable ( sence In fruit
salts , making It not only the surest cure for
stomach troubles , but a perfectly safe , relia.
ble preparation. Sold everywhere by Mug
gists at 10 cents It package or sent direct
b ) mal b ) Stuart Co. , Marshall , Mich.
- - -
- - - .
Hawai's ' Representative at Wnshln ton
. will Pull Ills Freght
Vlehtll Not to Wait for is lornm1 Notice
Irons the UIwllnn Govu'rimnmciut-
What 10 J , ; to Say
About the Case ,
WAShINGTON , March 2G.-lnl@l
Thurlon has accepted the IHlgnly
imposed him by
Imposel upon Secretary
Oreshnm and ! has decided to leave
this country without waiing for a formal
notice from his govemnmeimt . Mr. Thurston
rcnehCI this conclusion and nnnounccil It to
his friends yesterday afternoon . lie do-
clnell to discus ; the case In any Innner , amid
merely said he would start fur San ranclsco l
at once ali take n steamer snling for liono-
Inlu next week :
Mr. Thurston will leave Washington tomorrow '
morrow or next day ' amid will sail from San
Francisco on April 4 on the steamer Arawa
I , lie broke silence today for tim first tme
since time '
recent of
reports Secretary
Orcshnm's , demands for his recall , and gave
out the folowlng authorized stltement :
"I have received no information from my
government or trom Mr Orlshlm that may reo
cal has been requested and up to limo pros-
cat time there has been no change In my
official relations wih the State partment.
Whether my recall has been requested or not
I do not knol In any event I shal not remain -
main In Washington. There Is nothing of
especial importance to keep me hero at vrcs-
eat , wlmiio there are several malerl requiring -
quiring my ntenton at home I shal
therefore retcmmn to honolulu inunieillateiy ,
leaving San Framicisco April 4. "
Time foregoing commlprises everything Mr.
Thurston viil say on time subject , and ho tIe-
dines to discuss an' of time details of his tie-
larture or time significamice of It pmidumlg the
request for imis recall , Frank I' . ilastimmgs ,
at present secrtary of the iegatlon , will become -
come charge d'affaires for hawaii. It is ummi-
derstooti timat Mrs. Thiumrston , vhfo of the
nminister , will not take time trip with her lams-
band , hut will visit relatives In MichIgan ,
Mr. Tlnmrston's departure puts an end to
previous conimnent. as to imis purpose to remain -
main in Waslmingtoa as a thorn in the side
of time State ( iepartinont. His statement does
not make clear , however , wimetimer hue ab-
senca is temporary or permanent , and time
minister s'ihl not go into tietalls , It is regarded -
garded as final , however , In allowing that lie
vili not seek to melanin in Washington a
source of ammy irritation. There have been
reports , believed , however , to be baseless ,
that It h persisted in remaining In a lrlvate
capacity time law would be invoked to have
ImInu deported , but Mr. Timtmratomm's statement
is regarded as settling that there will be no
occasion for forcing him out of the country ,
Iti some qtmarters Mr. Thurston's move is
regarded as a shrewd diplomatic stroke , It
is recalled tlmat lie left unexpectedly about
fifteen months ago when time question of restoring -
storing time queen to time throne was at a
critical stage in Hawaii. Time hawaiian gov-
erament 'as on time lolnt of reaching a decision -
cision , but imad not yet tlono to. At this
jm'ncture Mr. Timurston \Vaslmlngton sod-
demuiy , his departure not being known until
he tras well on the way to San Francisco.
lIe had full information as to time sentiment
In time United States and when ime reacimed
HawaIi his advice had much to do in the
final action of the government. It is beimig
suggested , therefore , that his departure at
the present juncture , before it is known
what action time HawaIIan rovernnient. has
Laken on Secretary Greshani's demand , may
result In his being at Honolulu vlmen final
action Is taken , No Information has yet
omo from Hawaii as to time course of tile
government. Time first ship to arrive is time
Australia , expected at San Francisco tomor-
Before Mr. Tliurston iat1e time statement
to the press today in regird to his intended
departure he sent a formal notification of the
fact to the State department , naming Frank
Hastings , secretary of the legation , as cimarge
d'affairs during his absence , This is the
regular course of diplomatic procedure under
time circumstances.
The departure of Mr. Thurston from the
UnIted States without being recalled by lii ;
government will leave time relations between -
tween this government and Hawaii in a peculiar -
culiar condition , It cannot be said that
there is a rupture of diplomatic relations , but
they will certainly be severely strained. It is
customary in Ordlngry cases wlmere a minis-
ten leaves the United States permanently for
him to present hmi letters of mccall to time
President and take his leave. But as Mr.
Thurston Lb not recalled ho cannot do this.
Then , whOa a minister leaves time United
States temporarily , lie usually addresses a
note to time State department amId informs it
that lie has left the legatIon in the hands of
a citarge. Probably Mr , Thmurston hma
adeitCtI time latter course. But , in the ceie-
brated Cataczacy case in wimicim time Russian
government had been requested to recall its
Oljcctionabie inimilater ( old time latter before
ida removal had passed upon the request ,
notified time Departmnent of State that he
proposed to leave the United States on leave
of absence , Secretary Fish strongly objected
and insisted that the United States would
accept nothing less than time minister's no-
call. In the end Mr. Cataczacy did leave time
country without being recalled , 'just as Mr.
Tlmurston is about to do , turning over time
busIness to a charge and our government no.
cepted the situation and co expresaed itself as
satisfied , It wa a long tinle before another
miumititer came from RussIa to WashIngton
amid the simliarity in time oilier features of
time tw'o incidents leads to time supposition
that the parallel may be carried further cmiii
that Mr. Ilaittings , . tile hawaIian cimarge , may
be left hero in that position for many months ,
From a tllpiomatic point of view this cannot
ho regarded as a complete rupture of rota-
l3cccham's pills are for bilious.
ness , bilious headache , dyspep.
sia , heartburn , torpid liverdiz. ,
zifless sick hcadachcbad
, , taste
in tile mouth , coated tongue ,
loss ofappetitcsallow , skinetc , ,
when caused by constipation ;
and constipation is the most
frequent cause ofall of them.
Go by the book. Pills 104 and
25 $ a box. Book free at your
druggist's or write BF. Allen Co. ,
365 Canal St. , New York.
Annual sum. imor. timsimCttO tto boss ; ,
When Buying
Fruit Trees ,
Buy the best.
A minute lost can never be recovered ,
and it's a calamity to lose several years.
which ito many Iowa and Nebraska peopio
have done when they have bougimt foreign
grown , unacclImated fruit trees.
Were born on the lands svhere their nurse.
my stock is grown , and years of patient ,
inteligent experiment have taught them time
best varieties for this climate , Consequently
their home grown stock iii as hardy us the
forest trees. They nave a very large stock
for time spring delivery and every tree Is
warranted true to name. Orchard , Vinyard ,
Lawn , Parking 'Frees and Om'namental stock
Make no rni take in your ortiers , ilenti us
your list of wants for prices. We can phrase
you in irices anti stock. Iteferences : Council
Bluffs Banks , Council Bluffs Iepartrnemit
Omnmuha lice , and prominent bUine men.
Nurseries six miles north of Council Digs ,
P. 0. Address.
Crescent , Iowa.
- - -
( ion , , limit such a situation , similar again to
tiit In whIch time Italian legation Was left
by the ucitimtiratah cit Baron di Fava four
years ago , is generally regam'iled as very en-
l'mutisfimctory and as ealcimitutemi to make Mr.
'lliis' positiomm as minister a' Honolulu ua
temmabie ,
- _ _
t'lmirctics , Will ot ito Taxe , ! Iii Utah ,
SAT.'r I.AKE , March 2O.-Th report of
the committee on preamble antI ult'clnratiora
of rights was nulopteti today by time con-
% 'entlomm in cotnmnlttee of the vho1e. Tin'
4th su'ctlomi , reforming to time taxation of
chum'cim property , which was temporarily
lZl5itl several ( lays ago , was finally adopted.
today , lii mnvnu' of tile cituirchesi , and the )
ili not be taxed , V
, , , , cuTtaJR :
) -1 : : V
fJv V
- 'V
Ashamei" '
To Be Seen
Because of disuigtiriiig facial blemishes I
is the condition of tilousands upon
thousands who live iii ignorance of
Ilic fact that in Cuticura Soap is to
lId found the niost cffc1ivc skill ptiri. 4
fier and beautifier in the world , as
vell as the purest and sweetest for
toilet , bath , and nursery , It is so
because it strikes at tile root of all
conlplexional disfIgiirations , viz. : the
For pi'nplem , blackhead , , roil ad oliysldn , red ,
mitglt htan3c wait ht-peiecs miamI ; dry , mhnm , and fail.
hitg har , and slmnpie baby blemislits it us woimdeeful ,
Sold throughout the world. I'ottor Drug and
Chain. Corp. , Sot , , l'mopmn , iiostoa.
Iftircd , aching , nervous mothers
, knew the confect , strength , end vmtai.
It1 Iii Cut icmmrms Anti.t'mmln I'lasterl ,
( they weuud nerer be wmmhtout them , In
, . every way the purest , sweetest , ao4
beat plastex Los women o. childatmi.
All DruggI3t3.
Chiebeate , ' . , EnhIsb DIamonI fleanci.
( irlgtnshamul ( PnIyG.'nulne.
, rt "siIesrc , tls.y. rotisbi , . ioes uk .
inti' ( tor C5k7eatera Iapink Pii.
t 4Ja.bVac'mod urns , ! It , itt'd arni Gold ntsitts
_ _ Z4Vip3bst , , . seam.'m wiii , binS , ttbott. Tuko '
. . , ' .ubmOu.
- Lnootiicr. , , . IZefu.5daIIp'oul , , . , . .
- iftto and mitsiiu. At OrualI. oc scM dc.
_ 14' ' .I.IF' ' ' . . ° !
- \ : : _ . - I'quse.
SoiS by aim Lot lrutgl.ii. I 5115dM. , I .
The Good Samaritan , 20 Yearsi ExperIence.
1 I
f' p ' , , I
f1 "I' I
j' I , I' ' 4.
, , 4i .
I h'eat the ( ollowThg Dsoases : ,
Catmurrim of the Head. 'l'ismat and Lungs' Pie.
eases ot thin Eye anti Ear , Fits amid Aiioplpxy , '
Heart Iicim ; , IIver Couim Illnint , Kidney Corn-
plaint , NervouS Iciihit' . ihletital be-
preNsiola , 1,055 of hllassisooti 8dB.
hanS ' % Vcakitcss , 1)immbelcs , uright'a IIt-
ease , St. Vitus' Immnce , htiioimmmimctismn , 1'aralyst ,
Whmmto Swelling , Scrofuimu , Fever Sores , Titifi.
ort4 fuel ElI4tiilfl hi asso resitoved
vIthosst the lesalfe or ( IravIi5 a .
arolofilood , Wolisaha vltIi het
lellcnte orgesias rcsitorcd to
ISslaitIa , DrohHy cured without
tUiPhumSF. lipeelal Attemsitosa given
to lrlysste scud 'cssercuI DiHene $
oall ktmscIi , o to $ oototfoit for
any 'esscrcn1 IiplCmLIc I ( otimflot cure
'wIthout Mercury , 'l'apu SVormnstrcmQvetl
In two or iimree hours , or mme n' llemerelfouds
or l'hIes outed.
% 'iii smtu'o life stud hundreds of dollars by call.
log on or usimig V (
Tile only I'i.ysicmuus wit. , cmiii tell vhitutatl.i
a i'eraoui vltitositiuisiciiig ii qmsr'stion.
Tliotm itt ii distance .ieiid . ( or Question
liitmmik , No , 1 ( tin immeil , Ni , , S fcr smoitmen , V
All correspomidenco strIctly commiltiontial.
$ Iedlciimo bout by express , Addreea all letters
( VI , SY. IANGI.E , Ill. fl ,
555 I3noowy. COUNCIL BLupp.
Enclose hOe iii stitmimps for reply.
President , Cashier.
Flisi Natlo nal Bank
Capital , . . $100,000
I'rotits , - . . 12,000
On. of lit. oldest banks In the stats of lows.
w. solicit your business sad cohiectlonse WS
pay S per cciii on time deposIt , . We wUt hi
pleased to ice and serve you.
tIi1lt Z llAiJ11DIIWU Attorneys-at-Law
IJmiIIJ ( Vt SJflltliJIIt5JUU1 l'ractico in flue State V
anti ioderaI Courl'u. ltoommusuiii.78Rhmugar
Block , IouIiUlt luhulr , Iowo ,
Special NoIices-OouAciI Bluffs
led Uurlee , at W , hi. Hornet' . , 533 liroaduray ,
ceurt house. Apply at his , cities , Council Biuffa.
sale cheap and omm easy termmL Day & lSti , U
l'eami street ,
nisimeth ; tine hewn ; good barn , arid on paved
pimeet. 1' . OflIcer , l3Mmdn Street ,
hiurks , at hIomnets. 555 llruadway ,
whit seven boats ; also four robnem adjoining
at 513 hiroadway : good chance for eitiier privat.
femnhly , boandummg house or resioureni , iii , w. ,
Juckeon ,
; JIIcNTS'tOitiG BUILDING , 101 4TU ST -
Loueu 8& Tuwie.