Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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I 2 - - - _ _ _ _ " 'rIE OMA : DAU.Y nEE 11 : vnONESDAY _ , } AROI _ 27 , _ 18H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.j Is 1 the saloy bill , and quite a number of
' . changes are recommende" The bookkeeper
In the office of the secretary of state Is t given
k an Inere8o ofce of $00 per year. The Insuance
' , anll bond clerki In the audItor's ofce are
! ralsNl $100 pr annum each , but this Incres !
' 13 more than compensated for by cutting off
; entIrety one general clerk provilled by the
enlrely hOlIe , making a net raving In the auditor's
office of $ Go 1 s-ear. The committee raises .
general's stenogra
the Mlay bf the attorney
. \ ' . pher $200 per annum , while the stenographer
. In the supreme court ltues an Increase of
, $300 One additional bailiff at a salary of
$ SO0 Is Ntvilled for the supreme court , and
the clerk of the state library gets an alldl.
: , tonal $100 'he chief clerk of the state .
banking Ilepartmtt COlES In for a $300 increase
crease , and . the stenographer for the State
Board of Transportation gets n raise of $ .
An engineer Is alMcd to the clulpment of
the Peru Normal scll:1 at an annual salary
of $1,00. The luperlntelulent of the Geneva
Industrial s heel secures an Increas of $200 ,
\ I ' while the salary of the assIstant principal of I
, I the Institute for the Blml at Nebraska City
, F Is relllcell from $ ,40 to $800 Al of these
( comparisons are made with sole reference to
, the house bill and not to any salary paid at
Iresen ,
A new officer Is provldell for hy giving ! the
. 1ntituto for the Feeble Minded at Beatrice
a stewart at a salary of $1.200 Per I ] annum
- 1'ItIrnsTM : CON l'ItH : 'ic ) 1'.1' : Ill' .
Ollh" I'roprty ( h.nlrJ Icnounco tile Nn\
1'01" I " C'"III' I 'on ' lil ,
. The Churchl-nussel lllcc ) commission bill
. has passed both houses of the legislature and
, , wi go to lie governor for his approval or
. rejection.
Following are interviews giving an Index
to popular opinion on the subJect :
I , . L. Perine-Tho policy outlined by this
J . bill would ! bo a great mlstnke. I would be a
, " . step backward Instead of ( or ward. The
pol co commission Is wel provided for by the
plesenl law and I would be an Injury to the
J . cIty to rem\ the ( mayor from the board , or
t . to Ilsllace the present chic of the fro de-
- - nnrtm.nt
I , " - A. mTmnector : of the hector & Wihelmy
; ' Company-'s I understand this bill Hs uns-
, , sage would 'bo a most reprehensible Ilroceet-
I lng I believe In leaving the law just as Il
t ' Is : I seems to inc that the Iloplo of this
, city do not , suUclenty realve What Is con-
; templated. The Commercial club sllu1d
; , take the ( mater UIJ antI a mass meetIng
i ' should , be held ant the 1trongesl hind of
reloluton adopted urging the governor to
veto the bill.
; . Robert Cowel of the IWpatrlcl-Koch Coma
, pny-I have not taken much Interest In the
i hIlt because We expect to leave the cIty
. shortly. I wo intended to remain I would
, feel like getting out among the busIness men
' . ali trying to get them together to oppose
Its passa"e. I Is a very l.advlsCI Piece of
r " legislation. Displace Chief Redel and \ vii
, , : i . would get lie same high Insurance rates that
have crippled the Jobbers of ( lie cIty during
the two .
; past years.
, . DenJamln Galagher of Paxton & Gallagher
-I don't like It. This bill Is not being
passed for nothing and when lie politicIans
gel hell hero will be no eli to It.
Cadet Trylor-I believe the law should be
, Icf just as It Is. I ahould be particularly op-
pcsed to any change In the present head of
the fire deparunel !
E. E. howell-LIke other Insurance men I ,
. , should note . see Hedel remove' ' ! I
weull undoubtedly lead to a renewal of the
hhh rates , which have only recently been re-
St A. D. flalcombe-It seems apparent Chat
nedel Is a frst.class fre chief and as a
property 0\ ncr I should regret any leglslu-
: ( ion that waul remove him.
ton !
: C. \V. I4ymail-It Is a mistake to leave thu
mayor cIT the board , thins repudiating the '
member whom the people elect as u commissioner -
missioner as wel as mayor. There Is nothIng -
Ing radically wrong In the present system of
appointing the lire and Illce board that I
. can Bce.
Alfred Millard-The responsIbIlIty of appoInting -
. , ' , poInting power should be centralized. I
- could nol be done under the new bi ,
'V\lal I'aton-Tlio new : bill Is a good
thlnc-tQ kIll. I Is a farce. They oughl to
- mobile. thio garbage contractor with the al-
Irclu1 thQ
torney s 'eral as an appointing power.
C. D. Ha\ens-tclglDI and politicS should
not boinixia . ! up wih , metropolitan fire and
police board. The new bIll means the ex-
act opposlre.
W. A , L. Gibbon , President of the Doard uf
TradeI the proposed measure passeS It
will bo a detriment to the business Interest
of Omaha.
L D. Fowler-I was interested In the com-
nlntlnn nr ti. . revliI charter . and assisted
in i ' - preparIng ' " that ' mc sure : This very subject -
ject of a change In tim present system of ap-
Iolntn ] the fire and police board
: came tip for discussIon ant It was unani-
mously decided .thnt there' was no necessity
- for a change In the Ilrescnl ystem.
Major WIIcox-FrQm a business man's
. stuidpolntl am opposed to any measure that
, , I woiih'.l I legislate Fire Chief Redel out of
office , <
Adolph MeycrI Is an outrage and I have
'h art many citizens and taxpayer express
, disapproval of the proposed bill.
C. J. Knrhach-I . am opposed to any
change In the present Rystem. There Is no
. necessity for such a procedure. I Is evidently -
, denty Inspired by political reaaons.
' D. Clem Deaver-Tho bIll Is the product of
the brain of the ring republIcans o ( thIs city ,
who hDo to plunge the fire and police sys-
; tern Into unclean 11Itcs for the purpose of
assIsting the ring to gel control of the city
government at the next electIon. Such a
law was never mentioned during the cam- ,
- IJlgn last fall , and just because we cleaned
out their man for govern .r they want to re-
tlato by taking power from him that the
( . people by their votes delegated to Governor
Iloieonib Thl prete'nslol of the promote
. of this Icheme that they wish to take
the fro an. police departments ' out of politics
, arc tlo merest nonsensc. ' .h bill would
delegate the ( responsibility to three men : any I
4 'bai elect of appolntmen ! would be shirked
bY eachi . The power of appointment should
, remain with tue governor , where responsibility
, ( could ba located.
'Milton Rogers-I should nol entertaIn the
. . proposed change for a niument This Is what
: : I consider a serious menace to Omaha's pros-
11erl and should bo houlml off. I see little
) lte
; gOod It miGht. accomplsh and very much 0'1
1jS\'l'l UWl''JNU Im\v : ' 000 10UE
' . COlllt"o to Cnlfer - with lhl Ilufu 11
- 1"ImicIJ'llrllu'lt A IIUlleH.I.
L LINCOLN , Murch 2G-Speclal.-The ( ) senate -
ate war In no very amiable frame of mimi
when It 8somble this moring , and It was
not until 1030 ; that the lieutenant governor
cal1d thl bid ) to order. After the reading
' _ c oC the journal hind ( roceudot I few moments
Sloan IliWll Its u ( enslon. lie waived his
, : ICIOI , however , In order to give Wright an
opportunity to mal 1 cor'ecton. 'fhe Lan-
captor . county lnutcr move,1 that lie secro-
. tary oC , tlo : seIlle bo direeteil to ascertain
' whether or nol ( hip records oC the house
: ahowcl that the : clol ! of the senate with
I reference to relute III No 9S h\t ; been car-
. I'cel ) ' reported. lie explained his motion by
c ! tltng ( that : yesh'l'day the senate Ilauell lie (
bill referred te. The bill that 1'03So the ,
Icnate W.n a substitute , and the ( title to the :
, sulbttuldifered very materially . (101 lhe (
' lithe to the original bill. I was the ( duty
S or the Hcretury to report to the house the
title to the substitute b1 Imtcat or so
Ioln , the secretary hall reported the title
.c to the ' original bill. Unleu tht ( mistake
' could be corrected th3 bill was dead.
Mcl\lssun wanted to know why Wrlght'l
' . check couldn't ureerlnll the ncts. lie was
opposcd to maklnl the secretary of the senI I
( ate 1 61111ng committee.
Wrigh eXIIlncll ( that his clerk hall nl-
ready eX.\lnet the house record and tl-
coverel ) tile mitnke , Ills object In lalllnK
the mellon was tu have the mistake oleialf
lct\.l. loton 11 motla : was 181.(11 to ,
'rho Irulnnlll ! 10\'Crnor Innouncel , the
. peralnncl or the conference committees nu-
Ihlrlxed yeaterdn- aLfJrnOOn , lS folows :
I . As R 1'lllltft % to confer with I like com-
I ju
iuitt.e from the house to Ih : upon I time fur
fnsl adjournment : Senators Graham , Lehr ,
Dale'right and t3iulIii.
As 1 committee to conCur with 1 like coin-
mlteo from the house with referenc to the
i disagreement O\H Ihe Imentmenta to the
iiti.cigarctte bill : Scmltor.ken , l'OIJO and
\IH n the ( order of business had been : flu.
Ihed up to kIlls on third reading ' L0ldwel
10\00 that thO'llte r.oIVlaelf lute coin-
InlUeu of the whole to cOlslder aerate file
No. 106. ' 11 1tlon PreciPitated un ani-
, Ilah11lcllon , which , ahtIii.egIi It IlteJ
but I few uoineiits : , brouiit out several in-
terutnJ Ilolnts of order.
Senate file No. 19C Is I bill lutrolucrd hy
Col'hvl to Ilrohlbit the gambling II Grlll ,
fNrMol8 , ctoc r. bondt , ttc. 'fhe bi was
. . ,
. " . ; ; . . . .V.,1..t , 4W. '
l. _ . . . . . " J
' < - -rJ
I- -
-.4-- . - , R / " -
favorably acted upon In comrMtee of lie
whole , and , on the flfty.fltth day of the aes-
slon , was rend the thlrtl time and placed
upon its final passage : but before the roll
call was commenced Callwll asked that It
be reiommItted fOr the urllose oC inserting
a word tbal had been omltr by mitake
Two member of the sifting committee ob.
Jected to the procedure. Iope and Graham
both insisted that the bills reported by the
sifting committee ahoull take preeeence I
over any bill on the ( gen rat file.
Several senators insisted upon the regular
order , nnd'bls on third reading were taken
up and the following read the ( third time and
passed :
Senate file No. 2l8 , by I.ehr or Saunders
county , relating to the letting of contracts
for the erection and reparation of bridges.
The law provides os follows : I
A 1 contracts for the ercton and reparation - ,
ton or hrllHes and nhpronehies thereto for
the ! bullllnl of cUI\cl tq and improvements
on roads the cost or expense of which . shall
exceed $ ioo. shall he let iy I , the Cflt ) Cofli-
mlRsloners to the' lowest and best bIdder :
II'O\'hlII ) ( , that the l'olnt . clmtlsslonels
IHI : ) ' Ilopt gnral plan' nnll "lecl\eatons
for the hulilng uf such bridges nod lay
let n contract for tile hu\dln of nil bridges
th'lt may h requlrell tn he construelell
( hUh lug the term uC one year from the let-
hug uf the contract ; nnll , proviiell ) , that
such bids shall hI by the lineal foot mind
Such contract shill : he let for thin Inthlnl
of such bridges ni may be required nt 1
epeeliel slm Iler lineal foot : anti , pr\'ldl'll
further , thnt bridges , shal not he built to
cost n Rum greater than the .nmotint of
money ( on hand In ths county bridge fund
l"rl\111 frol the levy or lre\'lols years ,
anll two-thirds oC the levy of the current
) ' eiir . together wih the amount of money
In the IIMriet I.oacl fund of the district
where such work Is to be P'rfornled. gvery
hiiier before entering on \ nny work , liur-
IUIUJt to contract , shnl give hond to the
county with nt least two good und scull-
dent sureties , who shall he resIdents or the
State In mihly Rum nol less than $ IUOJ alid In
buch nibhittonal amount ns the county com-
rlsslomrs nllllonal mi ; ) ' require , which . bond f111 :
he nppiovc.1 hy the count commissioners
I (11'0\cI1
nnd slll he cOllllolel1 , for the faithful
execution of the contract.
Haute roll No. 49t , a bill appropriating
$7,000 for the completion or the unfnished
library building nt the State uliversl ) This
huh 13 the result of a compromise upon the
put of the Lincoln delegation. When the
session opened the Lincoln members started
In to Insist upon the passage oC a bill to
give the State university a levy ' of % mUllen \
upon all the taxable property o'f the state
After a lcrco struggle this bill was killed
In thc hou-e , The senate I1SSC1 the bill
rejected by thc house but the frlenlh or the
university failed to luster the votes nles-
sary to pass the senate bill nlli cOls quenty
they presented a now measure providing for
the appropriation of i3OOO tf cOlplete thc
library building. ' 'hi bIll line now p.ssed
both houses and : wi now go to the chief eX-
The senate then read the third time nnll
passfll the Omaha Fire and Polce commls-
slol bill by a vote of HI to 10
Cahlwel renewed his moten to go Into
committee or the whole t ( consider the anti-
grall gambling bill. ami. aler : some little
discussion his proposition wa agreed to I
There was but one word to Insert In this bill
In order to correct tie ( clerical error. The
neceSry amendment vas SOOI made and
Caldwel mo\ed that the committee . rise wIth
the reeommcndaton that the bill do pass a
The motion was the signal for an energetic
debate. Wright of Lancaster leil off with
ni attack UIOn the bill . II which he asserte'l
that It was another blow aimed at a legi I- '
mate busllcss In the state. lie declared that
whIle It might bo true hat there ere a few
bucket shops that should be sulipressad. as a
whole thc grain commission business was ant
which hall grown to large proportions II the
larger cites of the stale and one which re-
suIted In bettor pries lo every farmer for
his grain.
Caldwel raid that he was surprised to
learn that any senator could be found who
would be willing to defend the iniquitous
business or the grain gamblers. lie declared
that nearly every city and town of any consequence -
sequence In the state hail been Invaded by
representatf'es of these alleged commission
houses and In nearly every one ' of those
towns could be foduti largo numbers of men
who had been ruined by gamblIng In grain.
The leases 'to ciizens of ' 1ebrak . ho"d -
dared , would amount tb $1,000,000 per an-
'nul , In many cases where the Investments
through these commission houses had been
successful the commlssl firms had fallen
back upon the convenIent expedient of fai-
Ing , thus swlllng theIr' patrons out of their
earnings Lie hoped thnt the bill would become .
come a law without deIa.
Pope made an elaborate argument against
the whole bill. lie sa.ll that tie bill proposed -
posed to convict men guilty of no crime
whatever of the crhle' ) . gambling. Dealing
In grain through a regularly establlhed COmmission -
mission house wes nbC n cessarly a crimInal
act. neither could It bl said that the men
engaged In the business , ver gamblers. ThE
most or the commIssionfirms doing business
In the larger cites of the state were oem-
bels of the Doart of Trlde In ChIcago All
their transactions with : thelr patrons were
made on the basis of written and signed con-
tracts. I Is chargell that the business of
buying and selling grain on margins Is purely
fictitious , and that no grain ever changes
hands. 'fho senator granted thal Il might br
true hint In the majority of canes the gain
dId nol change bands. But every transaction
between these commission house Is based
upon written and signed contracts , and In
each and every case the buyer or seller may
Insist upon the actual delivery of time grain.
Sloan slJole upon the legal aspects of the
bill. lie said that the Nebraska supreme
court hall In three separate cases decided
positively that the contracts referred to by
POlle were gambJlng contracts , and could
not bo enforeet by law. lie thought the legIslature
Islaturo might wel follow In 1 mater In
which the supreme court hal\ taken the Inl- ,
. , tlatlve , and place upon tIme statute hooks a i
law fixing a penaly for the Ilarlellutol In
business .
an Illegal !
I'OIO ! offered an amendment proposing to
strike out nil of section 4 of thin bIll . The
committee < declined to agree to the amenll-
mont ali rose with tie recommendaton that (
the t blii pal ! .
Time Ienate then took a recess until 2
After recess , . the senate " . atona . . went . . . . Into . . .
commIttee or trio \1010 to cons Ier ! e Ilt I
reeomlcld 11 hy the sitting comnmittee. The
first bill taken up was senate file No 405 ,
introduced by Stewart and teslJlel1 to encourage - I
courage the ( investment by farmer of money
In smn.ill Irrigating plants for raising wnter
from wels by pumps or wlnlol8 , Uliler
the provisIons of the proposed law every puttug In such I plant would h3 en-
titled to draw $3 ICr acre ( \01 the suite
treasury The Inw was to bo In elect for
three yean After an hour'l discussion th
senate reJeetel1 the bill.
Time senate thou took up hue bIll that hah
been repeatedly Imoclell out In the housc
It was the bill permitng the licensing ef
saloons outside the limits o.f a ely , bul
wIthin two miles thereof Popularly the bill
is I Imo\n as the bill to enabl the proprietors -
tars of lurlnGton Dc-cb , near the city of
Lincoln , to establ JI I suloon as pno of the .
attractions of that resort. Tcft strenuously
opposed the bIll 1111 was seconded by Dale.
The only friend of the bill brought ouL I ) I
'ho brief 1iscuisstOn leel 11 tu be Pope The
bill was jlscuulon for Indefinite IIOtpone-
Ilnt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.iItliCS' 1itithOtt'ION - DILl , IS l'ASSI ,
hraggeii Through time IIUIO wIth thc
Hmlrolc" ! ! t'iIuuisLm 11 ; Iall . otr""lth.
LINCOLN , March 26.-Speciah--.TIie ( )
house today recommitted the Omaha charter
bill for tht specifc lmrpOe of amendment
amid passed , time general Irrlguton ! bill In-
troluced by Scleledlntz and drawn under
the ulrlcton of Senator Ahcrs.
When thn roll call had boon , nearly comm-
pleted on tbo general irrigation bill the
friends of the measure discovered they were
abort ten votes to pas It with tle emergoney
clause , amid 1 call of time housf was de.
rlndod , I was evIdent that quite anum-
her of members were dodjlnf time yole.
When than sergeant-at-arms hind been In'
Itructo to bring In the llentees Ithioilei
ralsl'd time point of order . that to ( line bay-
leg expired , time sixty-day limit In which tbe
leglelature vas : authorIzed to Hit , time house
could not cO.lpel the attundaimce of any
member Wlf ) dil not cbooul to voluntarily
alilmoar . 'Fimu sraker ruled I10dl'S out of
orlllr , .anll ' earnest work In behalf ( the bill
continued among Clue members MYI" !
moved that the cal uf time house be raised
and tlu roll cal pror r'lcd. Lut thy lacked
: vote : I'or delndet another call of the
hous E \ Wently ) time speaker misunderstood
- , _ . _ : " " . . . . . , . . . . . '
& " .
_ I " _ _ , . . _ , - - - . - 4. . _ . . .
. . - '
Myers' motion . ns hI Instructed Ur clerk to
proceed with the roll call. The clerk , too ,
misunderstood the speaker , and deliberately
proceeded with n cal of the house In accordance -
cordanco with Myers' moton ,
"Mr. Speaker , " said Howard. "I rlso tea (
a pint ot orer , "
"Al point or order are out oC order , " roe
plied ) the spea1er. . .
"Dut the clerk Is not doing what you In- ,
structed him to 10 , " perlstoJ howard ,
"You directed hIm to proceed wll the roa
cal , and ho I calling the houso. "
"Tho clerk and I wilt get along all right
together , " answered ) the speaker.
The entire proceedings were marked by
brutal bulldozing throughout - At one time
the chair refused to announce vote after
It was completed and spent several mm-
ulos assisting time clerIc and some of the I
leaders of thl movement to pusl the bill '
through Iii counting the neceslnr tlo.thlrJs' '
vote to ) as the bIll with the emergency
clause : When this bill was up In committee
oC time whole ( lid lealer oppocod ' It via-
lenty antI saId that In his opinIon It was
n vlerous IcaHlre and 'shouh bo dofoatoI (
Until today lie lat notes of his voice heard
In regard to time hIll In public were a\tJol
nlsHc Today ho strained every parlIa-
men tar ) ' rule to railroad time bill through ,
even to telling Val HouEen that ho would
record Permit non of his points of ordel to gd . , on
At last Harrison 10\ell that ( the call bo
raised again , Two votes were la klng. huh ,
Sllackman and , Thomas changed their votes
( coin nay to yea , and the bill was passr by
a vote of GS lo 22 , wIth the emergency
ch\ e.
I ' olowlnc la flIci < etts' amondment. which
will bo attached to the Omaha charter , according -
cording to hIs motion which prevailed today :
t move lo recommit house roll 1o . 13 for
the sJeclc Inmrrose of Rmlntln secton 10.
hy 1Irlnl out oC said section the following
worlls : "Plo\llell. , tmt under no circum.
slunceg sl11 the petitIon for any paving
material or shucciuieatiomS for such paving
silecileatons la"lnl
designate the source or ownership : thereof ,
but on the contrary , all matlrlnl for paving
uuruos shall ho . Ileshrnnte,1 ' , In Slch mcci-
eri terms as to. admit of the wllesi , ' it-
( tide fOl' eelpetlon , " nnll luhsltute ( Iii
lieu thereof the following words : "And In
mull cass of paving , repaving , mncmlnmlz-
lug or constructIng permanent sidewalks
there shall be used lie spcclc kind or each
oC the mntcrlall Ileshnatell In thin lllans
then on tile In the olce ot the Bean . of
Public Works . . or such lS a lajorI of the
IlloJert owners shall determine ulln , "
The speaker thl morning announced the
conference committee on tIme cigarette bill :
Jenkns ! , 11es and Casper. The hoaee yesterday -
terday failed to concur In lie senate arnord-
ments lo the original hmIll . house roll No. 60.
A numerously signed petition from resl-
11ents of Keith county was presented by
harris against location at the stale fair at
1.lncoln , ( r In any way Interfering wllh
arrangements and contracts already made
with the Agricultural toard.
The speaker announced the order of business -
ness lo be his on third reading , and a long
list of senate fes confronted the house : as
the llrbnhle da"s worl Time ( olol\lng bls :
were pascd :
Senate file 279 , constitutional amendment
No.7 , relating to number of judges of the
SUlrene : court and the tenure of 0111cc.
Senate file 2i6. constlutonal nmentment
No. G , rclatng lo the Judicial power of the
Senate file 275 , constItutional amendment
No I , provIding that In cl'1 actions lwo-
thirds of a jury may render verdict , and
also authorIzing trial by a jury of a less
number than twelve.
Senate die 271. constItutional amendment
No. I , providing for hue Investment of the
permanent eJucatonal unds of time shte.
Senate ( lie 27. consttutonal nmendment
No 3. relating to compensation of olcers
of time executive department , and providing
that they shall not receive interest upon pub-
lie mon'eys. perquisites of ofco , or other
compensations . and that all fees shal be
paid In advance into the public treasur )
Senate file 393. a joint remlul'on authorizing -
Ing time governor to receipt for moneys due
the slate from time government on account of
repn'ment of the direct tax.
Senate file 173 , by 'Vatson. legalizing acls.
doings and proceedings of the ' ivernor of
Nebraska. .
Senate file 1 ! by Crane , providing that I
county attorneys In any part of the stite
shall give opInions without fee when EO requested -
quested by boards of commissIoners and ale
authorizing them to employ additional coun-
eel In civil IaHers as the public interest .
may require.
Senate file 16 . joint resolution _ urgng . '
congressmen ann senators rom NelraSKa to
push lho bill now pentlng In congress pro- I .
viding for the payment of union soldiers
who served In rebel prisons $2 per day for
the time served , and a pension of $12 per
month for the remainder or their lives.
Senate flies 41 , authorIzing county commis-
sioners to Issue bonds for Improving and
building jaIls , and 280 , constitutional amend-
mont No.8 , providing for an educational
qualification for voters , failed of passnge.
Time house tool a recess until 2 p. m.
When senate file 335 , on third readng : , was
called uP Barry moved an amendmont. The
chaIr ruled that no one could attack a bill
after It had reached the hands of time clerk
and time number of time same had been read .
' rent.
and refused Barry permission 'to bring his
amendment to volo. Barry appealed from time
decision of the chair. In explaining his
ncgatvo vote Casper said that ho had spent
several years In defense of thIs country , In
company wIth several hundred thousand
other tcmoerats , ant had watched the republican -
publican part ever slnco. Ho dId not be-
hove It was the grand old party which I
one wa3. This was intended as a reflection
on the partisanship of the speaker and mem-
hers of the republcn majority. The chair
was sustained by a vote of .6G to 21.
'he bill which Barry attempted to amend
provides hint amendments to the conettu-
ton shall bo published by the secretary of
state only In one nOWlpaper to bo desg- !
natet by him , In every county In the state
In which a newspaper Is published , for at
least three months before the next election
of time leg.slaturo ensuing time passage of
said prLpoCul amondmenl. Barry wan led
lo have time papers representing different
nnll1 nrmrties entitled lo a share In time
iujii ; lo'nur cs , Time bill was passed , to-
gr her with time following :
louse roll No 366 , Judd's bill for a floral
emblem of the state , and naming the golden
rOll IS such .
House roll No 43 , by Seblelodantz , the
generl irrigatIon bi , dividing the state
Into two water districts and creating a
state board ot Irrlgatlon There were a
number of calls of the house during tIme
passage of this measure , accompanied by no
little disorder. Time yote by which It , carried
wns CS to 22.
When house roll No 133 , time Omaha
charter , wassnlet. Iclots moved that the
bill bo recolllted for the specific \ purpose
of ameallu away tIme amendment of Beno-
diet , which was carried In the commlte of
time whole. Ileuedct's amendnont prevented
any tlscrlmll ton In the purchasing of
pavIng nmaterlal Benedict opposed the mo-
ton In several \ speoehes , teketU replying
with vigor. mcloHs' moton prevaIled amid
the bill was recommitted .
House roll No. 15. by Harris , defining
the boundaries of Arthur coumity
house coil No. 4tG , defining time boundaries
oC Deuel couuty.
house toll No. 420 , by Fritz , for the ro-
hot ot Dakota county by equalization of
lef , . ,
10\10 roll No. H7 , by harris , defining the I
boundaries of Orant county.
10UI ( roll No. 600 , ly Crow , to provide
for a unIform system ot vouchers for dls-
bursomont of state funds and for the afxing
of an oath or amrmaton thereto
House roll No. 4l5 , by Ely , to create ape-
clnl funds by tax levies for the purpose of
erecting court houses and other public
' bulhuhimigs.
county bulllngE.
House roll No 3 ! , by Conaway , to prevent .
vent the introduction or spread or conllgl uG
diseases In cItIes.
The house then adjourned.\v ' a.lallD If an 'ldlalola I'aml , .
INnANOLA , Nub , Marcia 26-Bpecla (
Telegram.-WiIIiamn ) Ilyfleld's team became
frightened today and ran away , throwing
Mr. anti Mr8. Dyfeld , their baby and ilaughi-
ler from the wagon. Although badly bruised
none were serIously Injured. The accident
happened near their home.
UqulllVhltallu , for Iltor.
LEXINGTON , Neb. , March 26.-Speclal ( )
-ThQ citizens of this town are consIderably
worked up over the election of cIty officers.
- " - '
s. C. ! uhI4epubilcan / , and James Carr ,
ln(1ependenmjf cthldatca for mayor , with
Inllependenlltl Chlnamln , coming In I n
dark horsowtth a petition signed by fifty
citIzens an J 1JJUInes men. Although the
city clerk 4At1Iw thc petItIon omit the voters
say they flh.wrhe ( Sam's name on the
tIcket. Sam Wol 'Pal says he will run everything . ,
thing wldeJW .bul Swill fine over person
who does . wrQrl , and use the proceeds to , ,
buIld an opera . out , ouse. .
Several Jumri Members of the Craft
Hntnrl " ! IJby \ Uoll"l Julo I.oIgO.
PItEMON'jeb. " March. 26.-Spccial.- {
Golden flql ; , bkah hedge No l9 , unIt-
pendent OrdorcofTOdd Fellows , , celebrated its
fourth annh'csary , thll evenIng at Odd F'el-
lows' hall. Ebr/le preparations were made ,
for the l\ent. I was In time ' nture of an
entertainment , and there was ale a sumlllu.
ous banquet , with speeehos 1111 teats al the
clos . 'Vlsitimig delegates were present from
Blair , Arlington mind " -a hot and there were
other visitors. Golden Rule lodge has over
200 members. Only members of the Iebskah
degree were admitted.
A son of John Watson , hiving In Salnller
county , vimS brought to I.'remont yesterday
fur surgical assistance. Ito was loading some
shot gun shhls and set omme on a piece of
hard WOO\ while he jammetl In I wad The
shell burst , rllling his hand with shot and
tearing off a finger.
Nels Johnson , a farmer 1\lng rbout six
miles southeasl of the city was tIme victim
of a disastrous praIrie Ire yesterday. Ills
hlrc man was out burning corn stalks antI
the tire got away train him amid burned
twenty-thre slacks of hay before ( It could be
oxtingu Isimed ,
Josh Peter had a cow stolen March 4 and
he foult time hldo In a remont meal mnrlet
( omiay. Time thief has just been arrested at
OralHI Island ali will be brought back here
for trial
A lumber of Frmont Icple went to liar-
yard yesterday to ateml u conference of the
German l vnnlel , 1 association.
Mr. and ' tlr : Clinches ! -y ' , ; deflterell severe
bruises b"a runaway accident Sunday and
Mr. Yagde hd his shoulder dislocated.
Charley harris Is another vlrtlm of lie (
huntng habit. lie Wi l'lt WIII a uzzle-
loading shotgun nld att"r discharging one
barrel 1 undertook to load It hast ! . WhIle
ramming down the load time ether hJrrl1
went off and pumncture.I tIme fleshy Part or
his hand , maklug n Painful WOIII , He wil
carry the InJu ell memnr arounJ II :1 sling
for some timmie.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ferguson went to
Fnrmlngton , Ill. , to : tend tha funeml of
: Ir. erguson's mother.
Oliver Smith and Ron Carpenter have returned -
turned from n lengthy visit to Cripple Creel. l
amid adjacent Colorado vaults.
Mr. and Irs , Will Davies have returned '
from Chicago where Mr. Davies has been
studying medicine. .
A loge of the Hathbone Sisters , time ladles'
auxiliary of the Knights of I'thlas , will
bo organlzell hero on Thursday evening. The
Indications are that It will start with learly
100 charter members.
Close or the Annlnt ; 'eetlJ nld85110 -
mOlt or M Illster , .
BLUE SP INS. Neb . March 2G-Spe. (
clah.-Tlme ) n ministerial conference of time '
United DrUtm1 ! church has closed hero
after a fouftH ' -session. The occasion has
- ll
bJen favorujd.jwi1m beautiful weaimer and avery
very generjll 1qt\rest has been manifested
In the meet1ng ' , About 150 visitors from
abroad hajlbe . In attendance . and they I
' '
were enter ! p . : by tIme citizens regardless I I
of denomlnton. ( , The bishop presiding was
N. Castle , . ! Jnd the conference evangelists
present we& il. Mr. Whltaller and Rev.
Visa Bell. 'F. 'W. , Jones ' and c. D. Spencer
were ordalnodl The following arc the assIgnments -
menls for tlke : ulng year :
York DlstJlc 1W. J Schell , presiding
elder : : Yorll , ir W. Jones ; Shioh , S. E.
I.od : GreShinl'n . " ' , - Johnson . : Cedar Hill ,
C. W. Wllnm ) ; 1Nehnwka G ! J. oris : Sew . _
ard.l < l. : J.'Mor ; Uladl : ( O. : E. ;
BeO ' M. FlcOer : SiioIb \ J. M. Harkins :
Princetbn ( D , "Spencer : 'West ' Blue . T. B.
Kinnamon : Timan , E. menor ; Swnnton , '
1 Surface : Otterbrlen . , V.I M. Duswel ; Mt.
hope , J. Surface ; l1cCool. P. H. Scimeli.
BeatrIce Distrlct-E . F. Dowers , presiding
elder ; Beatrice A. It. Root : Crete. O. S.
Long ; Pamiammia . T. M. , Bell : Pickorehi . A. J.
SmithmFalrviemv ; . M. J. Medlar : Zion. W. F
Caldwel ; ' illume Spring U. S. 'DrOvn ' : He
bran , B. M. Alien ; hiarhifne . T. L. Swan ;
Pawnee L. Wharton ; Dubois H. Lohr : ]
Cook , W. L. Lynde ; Lincolcm , - Schel : I
Fairbury , L. Piper ; Pleasant Hill , R. G. (
The nexl annual meeting of the conference I
will be held In Deatrlce. I
. : tronnburl Ihuhlel" Cousuuiaed
STROMSDURG , Neb. , March 2G.-Speclnl {
Telegram-Tho ) residence of Charles Lee I
was consumed by fro this fo'renoon. Lee
was building an additIon , and was engaged
In puttng on a tin roof when the roof
caughl ( rein sparks from the fire pot No
Insuraneo. The loss Is about $ GOO. Lee was
wllh difficulty restrained from jumping Into
time fire . and was taken away by force. 1
was , In a manner all he possessed of this
worlt's' , oods. The fire department did
good work but on account of the high wind
prevailing It was impossible to save , the
bultlng ,
SYRACUSE Neb" , March 2G.-Speclal.- (
Fire was discovered this 10rning In the
upper story or Jerry Smith's hOlse , In the
extreme southwest portion of the city. As
time fire was outside the reach of the water
system the hook and ladder truck responded - I
spondod and wIth the aid of tIme family well
ali cistern was able to save the property
with very small loss.
A.hhlul Nor"H 1111 l'crsonaig .
ASm.AND , .Neb- March 26Speclal. ( )
A. T. Elsworth , who has been In Wyoming
for the past eight months , returned home
yestlrta ) ' .
The new of the death . of Nathan Reason ,
an old settler , lies just reached this city ' frOI
south of town. Mr. Reasoncr Wa 7S''e1r
oC age anti came to Nebraska In the 60'a.
FIfteen couple ] prepared I surprise on MI'
and Mrs. Ii , M. Flanders last ovenlng and
a pleasant time , was enjoyed.
lshlng In Salt . creek ) Is again becoming the
sport at and near Ashland , In the after-
noon and evening time banls near shlanj
are lned with men , women ant c'.mitulren. : -
Mr. and Mrs. r .qhn Stalbauchlrrl'cd
hcm'e from their wedding trip today .
Mite Abbie Urtnn an \ ! Miss llnnle Durlol
left thll mirlug ; for ' Lil:111 : : 10 visit frIends
and relaUves'durln' the vocatioim
. ( h e ! , ! 1 J lb inkumment.
JUNATA J " March 2G.-Speclal.- ( )
Hugh O1luaian . ! ! , famiY , I farmer living
southeaslo.t W ? " ! ' , had a narrow escape from
severe InJurf , lt ! probably death , yesterday.
ia .teal th I" at .a high culvlrt , turning
the wagon ! ; embankment about six
feet high , ! Plbrowlng \ ! the entre family
UI' agaiumsta bmrbeui wire Cenco. They were
conslderabl , y uised and scrntchet and their
clothing hadl I Ari. \
J , I ) . LePlomI } ; returned tommy with the
horses ho took f Gage county to winter.
The melfQrl rnd friends of time BaptIst
church surJ ) J ! ! J l v. 1r. ( I1 and famIly
Friday nlgh W I a pound social. A large
crowd was IIII en'dance , and a great many
pounds were lel for the veHare of the
minister. ' ,1 , JI
, s" ,
Jell ' , , " C , ) I 1 ' , Amei , l'nU'el ,
AUBURN , -.ab. , March 26.-Spevlai ( Tele.
gram , ) - Mr'rAmella Battles , wife of J. Ii ,
Dates , died at her -home here this afternoon
of heart fmmiiute . She wee widely known for
Temperance her active work union In time Womau's Christian
Charity : IUIII" ) 10q.o Ruihdjoil.
BUTTE , Neb. , Maroh 2G.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-Tiuieves ) entered time central cOPlmltee I
8UIIIJly house last night and secured about I
fifty bushels of corn , a lot of ( four , hlms , etc.
Tha parties are known amid several arrests
will likely follow .
nor Thlo"u Uound Over.
I'ENDER1 Neb" , March 20.-Speclal ( Tole-
, examination of the
gramn-The ) prelmlnlry examinaton
six men lodged. In Jai here last week ,
charged wIth . hog stealing , closed today , all
the prisoners being bound over to the district
court. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
C " ' ' ' 0 fur iummbo no ,
IASTr1GS , Marcl 26.-Speciah.-Con- ( )
greaman Anjrew5 has received official notice
requesting Ilm to nomInate 1 suitable person
to fill 1 vacancy which now exists at the
UnIted States Naval acaulenry. The notice
assigns the vacancy to time First congrcslonll
district , but requests the member from the
Fifth to make the nomination. ThIs Irreg"
larlty will nol necessarily delay matters.
The nomInation can be made at any time before -
fore July 1. On arll\nl at the academy can-
ldatcs are examined by the academic board
In reading , writing , speliing . arithmetic , geog-
raphy , English grammar , United State hIstory .
tory all nlgebm Deficiency In any one of
theB subjects would rcsull In the rejection
oC time candidate.
At an early date Congressman Andrews
this nomi-
wi announce time mode by whIch
naton will bo malic.
JNCOIN ( tUNT ' j'\Ull'Ui : 1'IiOTI1T
1118 1eetll lell to Cnmln.n the I'rea-
emit Irrigation lull.
NORTH l'I.ATTr Neb. , March 2G.-
( Special Telogranm-Timls ) evening a large
nines meeting of the citizens of North Plate
amid Lincoln county was held at the court
house and sonic very vigorous talk was in-
< ulg01 In relative to time acton ot Senator
Iers a 11 Iellresentat\'e iinrris'cumhmnimuat-
hug In the passage of some strong resolu-
tons , Section 2031 of th3 pellng IrrIgation
law was cOllellel1 and It was unaiimously
resolvell that their course In refusing to
Insist on thl repeal or modification of this (
law mepts with the condemnaton of the
Ieoplo bore antI thal In pursuing such a
course they are striking the most fatal blow
possible tD the irrigation interests of wester
NebraslA resoluton was passed anti
signed hy llO citizens requestIng the repro-
Ientat\o ! to rrIlresent time Interests of tielr
eonst.itumommts or resign. Time II\vllual members -
hers of th3 Nebraska legislature are alllealed ]
to to recognize the .demanll of the peplo
of wester Nebraslc by time prompl repeal
of section 2034 , which virtually creates 1
water lonopoly and serlolsly Interferes with
the de\eloplMl of the irrigatIon Interests
of the state. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1INlt UOI' 1'IiIoii'EiJTS IN " .tITl1Y
'nrmen of ( lint County Illclnl r.ntcrmmls
1111 l'reusrhng for lrrImiml hum.
NORTH LOUP , Neb. , ! arch -Special. ( . )
-The work of lateral building Is progressing
at a l\el' rt among the farmers of this
vicinity alHI ! time season's record was broken
the other day by nn outt of three teams ,
with ordinary plows building hal a mile of
lateral In 1 single nftermmoon.
Developments arc constanty comlnc to the
rout In regard to changes ( rom time former
Held farming In corn or smal ura'n to the
system of diversifcaton In proJucts. For
instance , preparations are being made to I
pnl In crops of se\orl acres of onions. :
Those will be irrigated hy fool\n [ and with
proper cultivation time result ought to bo a
maximum yield , IS the sol cannot bo Improved -
proved upon In ( erllt ) Potatoes amid many
other crops wblch are adapted to extcnslve
, culture will be planted : largely and cared for
In le'manner. and whatever the season may
be elsewhere , It Is thoughl that North Loup
will bc heard from aJ a shipping polnl next
fall. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
illnmocd lnl"1 Forger . \ .rrestei.
TECUMSEIL , Neb" , March 2G.-Speclal ( )
'Telegram.-D ) ( Sherlt Wolsey today
arrestell In this city John Albright who Is
wanted In Nemaha county Kan" , for forgery.
Sheriff I.yman' of time lat r county this
evening arrived with requisition papers and
started with the prIsner for Seneca. I Is
said that Albright sEcured $150 from the
Batik of Dcrn , Kan. . over a farmer's forged
sIgnature. Formerly bo was a resident of
this city , but recently he has been engaged
In the piano and organ business In Pawnee
City. tie lies a family and other relatives In
this vicInity. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( ' 1"8 , C'o"nt' Teachers' . lretlJ'
WEEPING WATER , Neb. , March 2G.-
( Special.-Tlme ) teachers' institute of Cass
county convened here yesterday and s far
about 125 teachers hnve registered. Last
night a , reception was given In the High
school buIlding. County Superintendent
Fancy Is assisted In his work by Pros.
Dgsby and Tnylor. The former will lecture
to time students tomorrow night. Prof
Waterhouse will assist In the work of In-
structlon. As but few teachers have been
excused from attending the enrolment
promises to be above the average.
Three 11'1 EIre Near I"ntrmont.
FAIMONT , Neb. , March 26.-Spccial.- { )
henry Sterger , a farmer one hal untie cast
of this place , lost his smoke hose and about
500 pounds of ham and shoulders by fire .
A. M. Roston , living five mIles east oi
here , hat his house burned with all Its conS
ten ts. Los , $ GOO : Insurance , $300.
Richard Aldridge . living seven miles south
west of this piece , lost his house ant the en-
tire contenla by fire. The cause was a
defective flue. Loss , about $1,500 : Insurance ,
$550 In the Home Fire of Omahn.
Nebraska Itducutl' Jrct
BEATRICE , March 2G-(8peclal ( Tele-
gram.-Tho ) eleventh annual session of the
Southensler Nebraska Educational Issocla-
Cal will be held In this city Thursday. Fri-
day and Saturday. An interesting program
for each day has been prepared. The evening
entertainments wIll be a concert Thursday
evening by people from the Conservatory of
Music al Lincoln. Friday evening a lecture
by Prof. J. D. Demotte , under the auspices
of the Beatrice Literary club
Ur."t Clunlv Ibtrl"t Court.
HYANNIS . Neb" , March 26.-Speclal ( Tele
granu.-Dlatrict. ) court for Grant county closed
its session today , Judge Kendall presiding.
A large amount of business was comutinumed .
At this session I larger number of civil ,
cases appeared on the docket than at any
previous term of court for this county.
- -
Emrumier's 1".I'"c ' , 1\11" ' .
FAIMOUNT , Neb" , March 2G.-Speclal (
Tolegram.-Jaeob ) Dashanska , a farmer liv-
lug three miles northwest of this place , lost
his housE and all the contenls by fire today .
I.oss , $1,000 : Insurance $200 , all on the house.
This Is the fourth bulling burned here II a
circle of ten mies In the last four dayo.
IpnlrlC'11'1 ' Si "lts 10 Ulvor"p.
DEATHCE , Neb , March 2G-Speclal (
legram.-Emma ) Anderson filed n petition
In time dlstrlcl court today asking a divorce
from Carrel 0 Anderson , charging desertion . i
ill treatmcnl and failure to support.
Mr. amid Mrs. arrrcui at IIuicohm ,
LINCOLN , March 26.-Congressumman Dave
Mercer and wife were visitors on ( be floor
of the hmousid today.
01110 IfO,11fl4 JCZ5 ANI ) MAJCE Ui' .
Each Hamlet Will Itedeom Alt the Mileage
$ look Out.
CIU9AGO , Mir im 26-Time OhIo River as-
sociatlon today held an Important. meeting ,
whilchm vartook largely of tIme nature of a ipve
feast. All charges of every kind were withdrawn -
drawn nail it was agreed that everybody
vould ( also a fresim start , maIntain rates from
this en and falthmfuliy observe all other cc-
qulremmuenta of tIme assocIation , Time charges
f umaumipulatlng mlieage books preferred
against time Pennsylvania by time Mopon were
withitlrawn , and those made by time Penmusyi-
vamaia against the other lines uvero also
pulled off , It was then agreed ( lint all inlio-
ago books should be redeemed by time road
of umhonu issue they wore , ammO all lines
pledged timemnaclycs to put no niece on time
market. The real cause of the amicable
adjuetnuent was time conviction of all lines
( lint the dIsruption of the agreement meant
open war , nail that would be more dIsastrous
than time demoralizatIon wimich line of late
prevaIled In time territory of the late aeso-
Costa Itica Vhi EximIblt at diisnta ,
ATLANTA , Ga. , March Z0.-Advlces just
received fronm Costa Itica are to time effect
that the government. has appointed Theodore
II. Mangel commissioner for an exhIbIt to
be made at ( ho Cotton States anti Intern-
tional exposition. Time commissIoner lmas imp-
plied for space upon wimlcim to erect a vavil.
Ion in whicim the products of Costa Rica
will be placed. This Is sImilar to time ex-
tmiiiit made by Costa Itica at the World'i
fair , where the little republic took off Ilfty-
IIs'e premiums. The cotnnmiasloner is of time
opinIon that a large number of exhibits can
be intO from time coffee planters and factories
of Costa Rica.
Trial of' the Emb3zz'.orOomos to a Suthion
Oloso at Lnco1n ,
Ihluirsa of One of time .immry otimui l'roahlects
of Anotimer Trial leads time Accumsont
to AsIc time Court's
LINCOLN , Mcccli 26-Speclai ( Tele-
granm-Thmo ) trial of Nathan 'F. Gmtdd for
embezzling over $2,300 of governmnomit ummoney
while a clerk in ( lie Broken how land oiflee ,
caummo to a sumdden cud thIs nttCrmuoomu iii time
feuleral court by ( multi pleadIng guilty as to
time maIn charge-aimmbezzleniemit of the
Time serious Illness of Juiror 11'uu mauIc It
lmmmpossible to contInue the trial , amid as time
govorimmnemmt hiatt imrodumced all bitt one of its
witmiessos and huitd a sworim commiession by
Uadd still in time background , time defense
timotmgimt. it. best to enter a hilea of guilty and
end time mnmttter rather than carry it over
to time May term of court or begium time trial
over umgalim with a new jury.
Time case was one of great. imumportance , time
tithe of about forty hommmcstezmders lii this slate
having been at. one ( line jeopardized by
Gadul's emmmbezzieunent. anti theft of important
papers coumneccut vlthm fiumal proofs mmmii en-
tries. Cathi vas at one tinme 1mm tIme mum-
istry. Later hue practiced law Iii Beatrice ,
where his name was connected with tIlhmomm-
orable transactions Involving. ( ho mnisappro.
priation of from $5,000 to $15,000.
Mrs. Gaclul was in time court maul , but
mnauie no seemme when her lmusbammd vleanled
guilty. Sentemico ushil be promiotmmmeed later ,
Time Crane company , a wholesale plumbing
lirmum , lmas mnamle somimo semusatloiial charges
against Dean & horton 1mm a stilt fileul 1mm the
distrIct court , They allege that. time firm ,
while Insolvent , nmd prior to their fahitmrmi him
Jaimumury last , traumiuferroJ to near relatIves
and friends time title to valuable varcels of
real esiate iii this cIty , wltimout commsiuleratlon
atmcl for time purpose of delayIng anti defraud-
lug ( ho gemuerni creditors , who were cut. out
of time personal proprly by chattel mnorigagcs
given to tIme Mercimnmmts' bank of Lincolmi and
to tIme Trahcrmu Pump conupany of IllinoIs.
Postmaster Orensdorf of SprIng Itanclu , who
got auvay with $1.01 I of time govermuumment's
revcmmuea , cimanged iml mimmd amid luleaded
guilty before Judge 1)mmmmdy timis morning. Ex-
County Attormmey J. L. Eppersomi of Clay Ccii-
ter minnie' aim eloquent plea in behalf of thme
detaultimmg postmmuaster , and 'presoimted a request -
quest fromum tIme people of Spriimg Ranch for
clenmency. Orensulorf levanted to time Inmiian
Territory when 'his ' simortage was discovered ,
but returuued without a requisltiomi , his bonds-
mcmi payiiig the shmortago in full. Semmtence
was dcferred.
Time case agaimust II , A. Elmart , time abscond-
hug postmumaster of Concord. goes over to tIme
May termmt to emmable time accused to hirocumro
counsel aumd work at hIs dtfc'mmso , A mummubor
of minor offenders were givemi llgimt semuteimecs
for tanupering witim time liquor lairs.
M. F. Mclntyro of ( lila city wIll fight a
twenty-round contest with A. Shuorroy of
Omaha within time mmcxt two weeks. Time mmmiii
will comuue off before a club now organizing.
.Johmmu r. Conk'S Vtto .Suios for 1)Ivorco munich
Ctmstothy of iiei Ctmhldremm.
YORK , Nob. , March 26.-Speclal.-Bar- ( )
barn B. Cook Imas filed a imetltion in whmichm
alme prays that. the court may grant her a
divorce from her husbamid , John , on time
grounds of Inhuuman treatment. Sue also
states that her hmusband is not. a fit permoon
to care for tile mimior clmildremi , amid asks timal
tim , 'nrt , , rn , , her their , 'uitn,1v uiih nil-
mony. Cook Is one of the most. prosperous
farmers of York county and is worth at
least $25,000 at the present. time. his
greatest fault is drinklmmg. It Is alleged
timat of late lie line been acting very queer
and would allow none of hula family at his
home. The couple have been married over
twenty-five years. Ho was formerly of the
board of supervisors and was a very popular
man.A meeting was lucId In tIme county judge's
omco. yesterday for time purpose of drafting
resolutions witim regard to York coumuty's
share of the relief appropriation , A mimass
meeting was called In MeCool a short ( lineage
ago for this purpose and a comuumnittee was
appointed , composed wholly of McCool cR1-
zeus , for time purpose of drafting resolutions
to time scene effect. ThIs plan did not meet
with approval throughout tIme county , so the
mass meeting lmeid here yesterday was
called. A comnrnlttce of ten were appointed.
of whIch DavId Ehher was chosen presIdent
and W. H. Reader secretary. Resolutions
were adopted and forwarded to time secretary
of the state relief committee. asking that
$2,000 , York county's almare , be sent to tIme
treasurer of York county.
Mnlchnz time Moimoy ( TJy ,
LINCOLN , Macelm 26.-Spacial.-Tiue ( )
State Relief Commission today dishureel
$7,268.34 , time same beinl payment for sup-
lilies of flour , bacon and lrovls'omms. '
Today State Auditor Moore issmm.u1 . a $10,000
warrant to tIme order of tIme offlccrs at the
State Relief comnunlaslon , who e.Md time name
at a premiunm of $200. Time ictul emnnunt
was deposIted to ( hue credit of time coom-
mission In time ColumbIa National hamilc.
Only $10,000 rernalmma to be drawn by time
Relief commnlsslomm 0mm the $50,000 almriroprla-
tlon. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Three Clerks Lot Out ,
LINCOLN , Marchm 26.-pechal ( Telegram. )
Just before adjournment of time house Speaker
Richards ammnounced time discharge of three
enrolling clerks , J. W. O'Commnor , V.P. B ,
McLean amid ' 1'V , Cowglll. It Is expected
timat. more will follow soomm.
Jig' , U. Ii' . lVulla
Like a Miracle
Pains In Sidoand I3reaat
Doopaired of Help , but Hood'o
6areaparilia Cured ,
"C , I. Ifoud & Co. , Lowell , liass. :
H I aol giad to state my son's experience whim
Iiaod's Sarsaparihia , as It was tIme means of say
lmg : his life. Last fall lie wits taken iii with 11511mm
Iii liii breast ammO sIde , lie had the best mnedlcai
aitommdance possIble , and was treated by time
doctors for sonce time , but did not realize any
relief. lie could not lay down day or nIght , amid
Hood's8 Cures
our hopes were fast fatling. Idy aged mother
uiyiseti a ( rLsl of Hood'a Sarsaparihis. Tie corn
immenced taking the medicIne , amid to our
Creat Astonishment.
anti bottle cured iminn of his pains and restorefi
him to h'crfcct ' health. This case hiss born ioo'mdCJ
upon by many in ( liii vicinity as nothing stuart
of a miracle. " II. \YALI.s , Oswego , Itansas.
Hood's Pills cure flyer ills , constipation ,
bilIousness , jaundice. sick headache. indigestion.
The 1-Icaith and Vigor of an
indlividual depends upon thc
quantity and quality of the
Blood , When the tissues have
been at work there arc thrown
into the blood waste products ,
and if these bc not eliminated ,
but ( through any cause ) dc-
tamed in the blood they influ-
cncc nutrition and function
and finally 1)rOClUce organic
In cases of Scrofula , Scurvy ,
Eczema , Skin and Blood Dis-
cases , Pimples and Sores of
all kinds , the effects of Car-
dine , the Extract of the Heart
of the Ox ( Hammond ) , arc
marvellous. Thousands of
wonderful cures arc being
daily effected by it. Sold
everywhere at One Dollar
per bottle. Send stamp for
book ,
Columbia Chemical Company ,
m2 WASHNIOTON , a. c ,
to Matillc at 2 - blight
Isabella 5 iunlcmT ,
Trilby , Rrne s
Tramp ,
Hayseed , Right up
and the to
Clever Date
People ,
Matinee r1ces. Bc. SOt' and 7e.
Night hurleeS , 2Cc , dOe , 'TIc amid $ i.OO.
1yr' Friday au Saturday.
9 Wi ' t1ar. . 29-30
Matinee Saturda )
And the laritemut anti best coimipany be has ye $
lied , Immtcmpreting time funniest , brightest ,
imiost mneltudlc and best oC all
Entitleul :
A Sumntuous Spectacular ProductIon.
Bulno Great Oa't. Pull horns of 50.
Magumiticemit Custumes- Superb Statue Scttin
' 1imu sale of seats wiii epemu at 9 ociochc Thursday -
day rmuoncmimmg. March 25th. Entire first floor $ L&Of
batcona , lIe end $1.00. Gallery , 2c.
. .
: i
4 ¶ $ tu ' licn'ons1
\ ¼ \J $ Olsras3 ,
TREATMENT hg MA1T. Con.imitmttloii Ira.
We cure Oatarrh , all diseases of the
Oau , Throat , Chest , Stomach , LLvor ,
Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Female -
male Weaknesoea , Lost Manhood , and
Deblilty or ExhauStion , \Vasttng Weakness , in.
voiuimtary Losses , wltim Early Decay in young
antI miuluiho aged : Iacg of vinm viimor and weak-
ennui premnatuiely in approachIng old age. All
yicld readily to our new treatment tot' loss of
iltal powem. Ccii or atiuires with atanmp for
rlrcmi1srs , tree book amid recelpua.
D r SAIPIAC 1410 Farnana
. . . .
' w .i n.u wu V.i Omnalmic Neb
- C
$ 3 SUOE
1 iT ror A itia ,
, $5 , CORDOVAN ,
? , t 43 FINC CALF &VAH0AJ1O
_ _ _ u ,
- - . ' js$2. WDRINt'
. ; _ _ axrmurlH-
Oy.r One Mhiiion Peopi. wear the
ws L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
MI our 5llOCS $10 equally aatlatactory
rhey give the but value for time ionsy.
They equal custom aimoci 1mm style sod fit.
1Iieir wearing qualities are unsurpiised.
'time price. are usmllorm.starnped on , ol ,
Prom 3 , to 5.1 SaVed over oilier , nakts1
U your dealer cannot suppiy you we can , 'mol.d by
AW. DowmanCo. . N. OthSt.
C. , , . Carison , 1218 N. 24th St.
w. w , Fisher , Parker and
Leavenworth St ,
J.Nowman , 424 8. 13th St.
Kelley , 6tIer & Co , Farnam
T.8. Cres9ey1 2509 N tat. , South