- - ; . - , ; w , JL : : -jJl . . : Jr : : = Jlj"'lL " _ " 'F : : " ' : ' : _ _ .4.J1.- " , _ . . . , , . . \ 4 : : . , . " " ' - : ; . " ; > " " , . . . : : : , JJ. : . . . + : : . : : . = : : ; ' : " - ; , . - ! . . .J - ' . - . , . . , wr- , . . 4 - ' , ' . R' ) ' - ! " " " . , . , . 4.1A ' , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIl ! 01LIA DAIJ.Y BEE : : ' _ TUESDAY _ u , - - MARCh 2 ( ( , 18 ! . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ SPBGU\L NOTIO8 . ' JcrlsemenU for Ihe"o [ OIUIIA "II he , dlq.n unUI 1:130 : r. hi. for the ovlllnnlt unti f p m. for the morning alt Sunday edit ion. Atl'Clserl b rquestn. ft nnmbfrer tick ) , ( 'nn IIR"O RnA\cr" nt1.1rcied to n nUlb.red letter II " & or The Jco. Jn' . , [ 10 ntllr..edII bo ttl"oroll or"n pe."IUnl or tin check only. Id , " , 1 1-2e 1 " " 11 , nr.t 1.lorllon , Ie n word Jiartaftcr. Nolhln : 111101 fur Ices titan 210 for lnt Insertion. ' hue l.herlsomclll IIt SUn 1115CCI' thely. _ , ' _ h. . , . . , . . h _ ' _ " _ _ SITUATIONS WANTED. . , - - - VANTIll ) . l'OSITION DY 1OIN ( M'N. AU 2. In machine hall or bta k.m\h ' shop. 10 cmpl.le Inch : Wnd rerrr.nce& A.I"u AI. bertlflcker,131ue 11 , Net A-.1OL 2' WA tT1t ) . - . \ 'lx 'iilT .tCCOUTANT DI IIrr8 1".llon In lorcnntle worIIoh13e . , ,1 will . take chiirgn or "ot or ht1lr regular bul nos hours : InFprctn . ch.cltlnl or I"qti/ lur < orOI" " oC wOlk. Apply by letter , I.rr. . JGI6 Howard. A-n6 2. WANTED-MALE HELP. A : AN OIL I.AY TO M-NMl IATnlM. log sflmpIe . cnrd4 , booku . clrc. 10 ontre. " ponknc. Arnt Si % ' In Coy. . 1'lrll. Mich. , JOe for MmIIIN. 8)'I'ln . clo. , ) and g.t .porlnl . oiler to you . I3-MG 2 ' VANTII ) . HA T.FS mN FOR lIND Clm nlli cigars : Ilnt ) 1100.00 n 1')3Ih nlll e"I'OI"01 .t 100,0 . I Jlld. A"dr..ss California Cller conhi.flflY. tIit cgo , Ill. l-lR 2 : ' \'ANT"O. : A PRAC'W.1rNO WAOONI ; 'oeond hnnll , In good cnnlltonl : wtlp I..t price . with minute description. UIIe.111 & 1rlee. wlh , dl.crlplon. Ii-tll3 2j . . .2s. ! : ! Coin. In 1-913 WANT ) . yot'NO MAN WITl ONI ! on TWO . . - ' years' eXI1rlonlo In , Irul More n. "onlnr nI' prentice. No hllndorer , "lle."el" or plr.on 1renlct. , , In Iht bupinees no n Inkohlr nc"1 npIy. Must he In enrneot about wlIlnl 10 oppl' the drug buell" ' ( ' Sherman & McConnell . Drug Co. n-M9:3 : W ANTED-.l HMALE HELP. F1I14T CI.ABA otnu ; AT SCANDNAVIAN Y. OltLA F1RT . hOI1C. Omce , 161S Cnllol n\'onuc. Tol. In Ci:3 Al' OlltTVNTFI ) FOL OINEItAI. HOI'SD. work In small laml . Cor. 1lh ant lurdelo treoin. slal ) C-Mi : ' - \VANTFfl.fllUT. I.OH ( INlfl.tt . 101'SI. : . 'WANTFO. 'ole. small fOIII' . 223 Dn\enll"rl stiect. ' C-Ml :6' 'VANTI ! ) . A muml" . INTII.l.1OlNT NI'ItSF for n ltttlo girl or 8. anti will 11.0 ho 111111111 to lie ! Itto some of ttit' , Iut.a of la.l.s' . 11)01(1. Ill . National Itank hullI- I . Omaha. nO'lm log. 20G. 2d floor. Omnhn Natonnl C-3t1' \ank II.I. : FOR RENT-HOUSES. ilmms , F. Ie. A11L1NO DAmnm m.ocl D-9 7 IIOlJHr:14 : IN ALL PARTS O ' 'I CIT. TiE 10UAgH ' , ' , 1O "nrnam. fl461 . . O. F. Davis cJIan ) ur } I-S6 uousis : mNAWA & co. . 10S N. IATIII5T. - 1-9i roii itir-c.itoot rorAav. tN GOOD REpair . pair , city wnlP $10,0 per month to gOl,1 parties - ties . 19 N. ZTtti. 1 . hlnclt from Fnmam car line. tee. . In'ulro * at Sloctzt.s stove slore. next to PMt. omce. D-nt iiousis. W.\LLACI nnO"N 1fl.1. . 16 & Dou ! J' D-9:3 POE RR'T-24l3 CM'ITOL AVflNUE. 1 Fn ngNTt3 CAPITO. A\INUD. looms . modern. Tile 0 F. Davis compan D-l1 I D-91 MOflER T.ItOOM HOUSE NEAR PMtIL Al' - MODFnN 7.100f IAnle AI- - ply 13Q S. 2SIh slreet. L1-MS3 LAHOE LIST HOUSl S. WDAD. 16Tn & D010. r-271-A2 ran RENT . FLATS AT NOlTIF.\ST conner - nor tlt Ee\.nlh and 10worll stro.ls , In good condition. leaHnahle terms. Inquire rom . Piret National . D-M5i3-1 3U. I"lrt Nnlonnl hnnlt building - 1513-2 10tms Fan RENT . Ui TO $10. FIDELITY Trust Co. . J02 Farnam. D-M33-:1 IL E. CLE CO. LARGEST LIST I Of l i ELTUAT IJICK nESmFNCI IN BLOCK at southwest corner 231 unIt Cailforilta streets ; 2d Cnlforln nit 1011 cn'enlence'er : low rent. C. A SlaiT. (5 , N , Y. Lire Bldg. 0- :1 2g' MODERN IO.HOOM hOUSE. CFTn.LOC , \ - ( ton . 21 Doustas el. 'IVy F. Clnrk ' 220 DoUgins . . 0-T0.2' 110D nN ! .HOOl nOUSE , STlLtf lI AT. furnIsliei or unrurlshe : term of ) 'enrs.d - - dress . K - GI , Dee olilce. D-1i9 VEIY DESIRABLE HOUSCS VACANT APRIL ' OESIAnLE Al'HL 1st. ITherwood 42 N. Y. Lire. 'Phone 38S. D-M822 Foil I1ENT-8-ROOM HOUS ! IAIO WOOl ) finish. all mo.r con\'enlences. N.J. 4O1 2r' 23rt1 rhSlni fl-MS2)-2I ) 'l mmT- -nOOM HOUSE. ALL MOD nN on\.nl.ncea. except . lumlce. No. 21 Cas : t. D-M82)-2G ' D-I-2G 't iron Hl NT. EIGIIT.ltOO.t DETAChED 10USl . . \"lh ) loin 211 CalifornIa street , inquire : North 22,1 "Ireel. D-ISi9 :018 ; ; MASON VERY I'LIASANT. 8 100MS. modren $27.PI. 92S New York Life.flMill . fl-Mill 30. iron HENT. ELEGANT 10.nOO nmCl hou1e. with range nnd nit luoden t\'cnlences. on tw , ) CO' In"5 and len IlnUI's walk front pRlolle. al J.O : IIII lave city. 2JJ 1-31 hurt xii : ; itiOIW.RN. UNEQItAI.ED. : G. 7.HOOM houeos nnd llat. ' Tlard : I N. 24th. . D- ' : 31. : : Olt RIiNT-FURNIi5HED ROOMS. FLEMANT ! . ROOM 1921 DODG . i-Th - - - - - - ; vIlRY DESIRABLE FRONT UOOM WITH AN ; \ ' . 212 S. : lh .I E-431 FOR RENT. NICI t , l"UINIS1rO nOOMS. Call at 2107 Douclaa r-3- : FnONT ROOM . WITI ALCOVE : MO1)lItN. 601 S. 251h n\eun. I-M773 ' ' FUINISI [ BOOM BATh . $6 MONTH. 191 I J rmun. I -90j 21' I- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' . = - . IV1J1SUED : R iMS AND BOAb : lCllLY I"UnNlHmO " BOOMS. W1'l 0000 bonld : rates reasonable . The Rose . 3)i ' 0 lIar- ne ) ' . F-M' AI' ZqCELY FIJIINIIilIEI ) I100N8. SOIJTI I FRONT ICEI.1.'UtNlIFD : SOU1'1 r'lOT ycranda. baths : . table bo3rd $3bJ. IGU Halo ) ' . 1"-11 2 : ' l'Il'8AN" 1OOM IN J'Hl"\TP 1".UII.Y. with or without board lefer.ncel , 2513 For- nam. F-MTlS : ' NIC1 LY FUHNISIIU SOUTH 1"HON'r 100 : with board and I'I lvate family . In I Dou"I"H. . : I.-SI , Z : ' Nlel'.Y lIHNlHIn fOI"IH HOOI Wl'1 bonmil. Moder com'cnlt'nc" 2.33 HI. Mlr"o ' . ' . ' a\'oJIIC. 1"-SI.29' tlUl'rllOL' I100MS Nr hOTEl1 SIIR1NII1. 321 aU'f 01 lOmlS 10Te SIIINI : - .0. 23tli - . " " . 1.-S3. : : ' BES1l1.iltll1h1'lOMH . \ND hOAR ! ) IN I'll ! . DJSll\IE nomHND 10AnO IN p1T. . VilI laml ) ' , 7v6 ( N 191h , 1"-ISrt to. ltOOM0. WITH 10.\11 : : nOIO AT 1 mT. F-M922 I1 ' VNURNISLED ' RENT ' iiuHI 'I Ill 'INtl tOOI ° . CON lN' 'r ( : cheap . cool. large Inwn. 2 1 RI. tary'a 0-M9 aye. 20 10n BENT-STOithb ' AN.I ) OFFLOJJ - - - . AN1 OI } 'IO. . 1rOU IIEN'i' TIlE H"Ony 11CI ( 1:1.II ( . u6 1'orul , , 14t1 ' cct. TIde blllln ; has II liru- IIC"f c.'lelt liuMjllcnt. 10ll'Icio ' .t"l Imet. ni Ixltrc ; wnt.r oil nil ll.'or3. cmos. elc . \t. t m1ynL ' the " ol of ' 'JI l e , FU. 1-910 F 'mN" : ' . illm.1 ; 1"\ . . \Ni 1IAtIEAI lINT 1.lck Slums bulhlnl II 193 1.'urruI Street. , II II.t doss ounJltun ; ulnbl , fur any lini2 Ir Iluslilers . Inquire I'OU31. I jl.t NnUo"11 1lul bunk Illdl" . _ 1-MiZ 2 : volt IIINT . TWO . f'Jms , ADJOI2i. corner Rd nod I.tarnw.rtIm . tcct ; wi rent tottItcr ur selarate ; guod butlacrj ! location , 10lher VI .I'partc IIW bUNler.J I..uttn , . . Jlliullo in iiivmIaem. I-Mi = 'i' - . - - . - - - - - - = = - AGENTS ANTBD. V 7jNT. I.ALl on 1"lM.\L , WJ''I : ' 10 us qulCI0 ; hue : l n'.thlul ' or 111 InpltnC to soy t ) ' ' ' ( : hlJnd ii'te In , : L1g Iln" ) ' In I ; wrlo ' 1llclt tll 10U IJI' , lo ) latl ; doti' I ( all to WII\ \ lQ'IaY . .um ) : Jlll ell 'our addm'es.s Qn ltOStUl , let. Yhil ull'rlao 'uu 40 ' 1''lll \ wi you ; quick or yu may i.oa time ol\ortlnIIY ; $ : .0 a day In It atire . EltteIllbO , IUI'I' ' ' \ r C. t'I.uhl ) lt 1.uju.la Me _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ = . ' ' ' W ANTI-nmUAI. : Hll'tI ANn ! 1.O1'.L 10 ' ' , liCe Insurance ' agents U'I'rrl'ot ( n lre IMurnco 1""IIIY that Inu'l I Iio'.aI ll ic mat l1.4lY , , 1'llhlnlll low 01.151 alll II.'lulu I"'UI ityIt I 10lpular Plan J.t1 " "II"u' ) t"n " to tnerge lie 11,1 , lelllllf nun lust , ' ,1 1. . . lu. , . goot Iu.lnup. ' A.llrr. \Ice t'I'I'nt. ( I' . 0. la > 31'1 ; , hIar1rpi. Jml. t'onn . : , kOMO IN UOLDtVjN 1'OII'.CIL . \IJI NT WHO sells II i1et lineS 11 ltul : ' ) " 01'1"1 of "Talks to Chlhhrn . ' . 1.11 Jeits. . " Ort'atct't arllu ! I" I' l publbh"1 01111 nIl wunh' airo 'or new buol : l'y ' )11'1 , > lyrhw" , One nrnl inrd In lav ; wc'I I : . Outlt U. ( I"ldlphl In'tl mrld In4 ( rlll tiiveim . \ UldrVaS it. I \ owUt ( . . lJlmol' . X'tih. J-:71 : ' _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ STORAGJ , S- v LcT 14TOR4QL 11ILtm'iO I OL'il..IY8. toY. boncieti wnmotiouse ' LiuasItol.i gtsis . 1bnet walfholse' h'l ht .1t.'i \ ' - 10wr.1 nitca . 10U'10a L"\'rn\or" II :1.-i i e7 F4IAZIC lwi t ; ui t 1-1 m -I . . . . , . . . ' .d " - , > > . ( - " ? WANTED-TO RENT. WANTED , ny A YOUNG LADY , nOOM ANT I.arl. between 1ale ) ' aol l'aICornln. west of 2)th Itrrel. A.lr..8 1. t. lIce. E-M9l 26' WANTED-TO 13U'I. \VANTED , TO It.y AtOJT FIVE AClnq T : Ih" Vicinity or Omnhl or Council 1ull ; gel house ROil barn ; state particulars Ind lowest . - ptlc. ' 1. 4. lice. . N-9 2r. - ' - - ' - - ' - - - FOR SALE , HOUSES AND WAGONS rOIL RAT.F. TWO STANDARD ImFU STMI lIon , , G nn,1 1. elegant Itle. choice br"lnl : both fast ; really 10 track ) or for sIUI. 1'lnH Vale ) ' Live ' Stock Co. . } "relont Neh.I'7GI I'-7GI 2t AN EASTI11N Ut.OO\ COMPANY WILL CLOSE out nt I' , . tItan first cool top biggies. 1 l"nl tagons and IhaCtons . Ad\np I & 2. Ilee. ant \ { l'-51199 26' - FOR BALE-MISCELLANEOUS 110(1 & C1llClEN FENCE. WhItE , mTlm 100 CICltBN FrNCI. wln & cheaper titan \ oo0. J. J. L"I ) ' , 40 - 8. 14(11. : UAnOWOOU cO3llhINATlO 1100 AND chIcken femmee. Chas. n. ' l.e. Vlh 100 Oollal Q-93 DAmy I"OtI 8ALE-3l COWS. 2 T/\IS , COM. p1ele ouln > : e lnblah"t milk 1'011. : nit or par ; cimeni' : 0\11) John l.ondesoon. Florence. QW-\2) N.'h. ' VEOMAN I'IANOS. IhILlDOlWOltT OI1cIANS. WIOIAN IIANOS. 1UDOWOl'1 -V" I , g. llrns. . 1 S 17th. Q- ' " NOTICE . Tlmm ! 1tt1IAINS , . \'Il BUILD. lag 170101) 14I0cI ( Ynrils sewer . a quantity of II' 1nlol HInkarlls Ic'cr. qunntl bother for slhcwnihts. klndtlng I % % oOIl. olc. . 1"wnlkM. ndln. whIch will hj. " chiralt In small ur large wi lola , el.ol' ' 1' . M. MimIlci . nn lip Irounlls Apply tl ( lllo on March 2. : 2' nnll : ) , Q)92 ) rOl SAI.E . 1O.O ( ; ) nONA.TlF 1\STlmN tN. Veilors' names . who have money to inved l. 'uII ' 000hlIiI . ' Pull parllctmlars 111)00 rlql sl. 101111\1. Pul Ilattculnrl ulon Intestors' iIrectory Co. , l Wal , Irel , N. Y. " lrelot ) Q-ll921 A23 ' MISOELLANEOUB. TO I1ENT , 1.'AnM 2) ' ACIES CI.mm TO CITY for t nrlen : houR . " "r. welt . etc. InquIr nf . \ . 10"10. 'r. ' . 11 Douglas slreel. I-JH' ) 2 : CLAIRVOYANTS 2.1115. un. IIVAI1ItflN . CI.AtH\'OYANT. lU : . liable buslnes. me.lul : : year at 13 N. :1 ; h. MAlAM 10IAI U. 3:1 N. 1TlI lI-M7O-AIS' . I'T.\T A. DA SSIiGE bATHS. ETI. Nli'LY Irl'TI D BATU PARLORS : TUJLK. NI\'I.1 . Ih and electric baths for ladles anlt genthe 0)50. Madame Uo\'cl. a2 South lath eteel. . T-MllO-AI' 2d foor. T-:310.A5. MASSAOD-MADAMU UDRNAlD , HZI DODOe , Ireel , T-M3S AS' lIAlAI SMITH (2 ) S. 13Th ! . 2D I"LOOl. ROOM a : magnetIc. \ ' apor. alcohol. steam. sulpherlne majnetc.'oor. : io' nnli sea balh" T-:19t 3' TUliSH BATHS. TURTCISTI BAThS : ONLY PLACE IN CITY ON. TUnKtSI DATIS exclusively for Ildles Suite 109.110. lice blII , . PERSONAL. I , D HAAS. FLORIST. PLANTS CUT FL\I nS. Banquet hall. residence and grave decorations. , lRla Vinton street. Telephone 776. U-9'S MASSAGE , ET.rCnO' TIIERMAL. BATHS. M.8SAOF . Mme. 10sl. ( 319V ! S. lth st.UIll U-99' TIm mLl.E : : DIPJHLY COnSI1' . MADE TO or'r front measure. lId ' 1'"nrna street. U-l0 \'IAVI CO. . 34C lFr 111.0(1. : lF"LTH nOOK ( tee : home treatment : lat ) ' ntendanl , U-lo 6 rr.EGANTL1 PINISl D CABINET PIIOTO 9 cents for 10 days only . at Cowan's :31 lroud\a ) CouncIl IhiulTs. U-M2iO i FOR FtltST CLASS PIANO TUNINO hAVE Fi , ' FIST . 'oo"brldco Droe. . 11 So. llh sl U-163.31 CURE FOR LADIE IS6 ChICAGO ST U-ICC-31. FOR INI OIUIATIN ON BLACK HILL GOLD mile ant prsp.cls wrIte S. A. I"lower. nnllid City . S. I ) . U-J8' : ' nOOM HOUSE , 61 SO liTH AVE.DhaS D- ' MONEY TO LOAN-REA .STATE : ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 3U N.Y. LIFE . loans ut low rates for choice security In Nebraska - bmkn and Iowa farms or Olaa city properlY. ' -101 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON o INSUtANCE I } . Chsney. Kansas City. W-I02 Mo. MONEY TO I.OAN ON IIPnOVEO OMAHA real eotate. Dtennan. Love & Co. . Paten W-I03 1lk. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. TIn : O. F. Oavls Co. . J5 : Flrndl 1I 'V-J04 VERY LOW BATES MADE ON OOOD LOANS. - J. - W. SquLre,243 . - - Dee bldg. - W-I05 CITY LANS C A STA11R. 6l N. Y. W-I0G LIFE. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAlA property. FidelIty Trust company. 102 Farnam. W-I03 - - - - - - - LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY LOAS ) . . W. Farnm Smith & Co. . 1326 Farnam. proper . W-Jr MNSY TO LOAN ON OIAUA REAL ESTATE : It 6 per cent.V. . D. )1.lkle. ll Nnt. fllc.bldg. \ CITY LOANS. $5).0 T $5.0,0 AT L0VICOT mtcs l'owel & j'ottcr. 1st floor. N. Y. L bldg. W-JI INVIISTOItS ' DIRECTORY CO. . 10 WALL S" . N Y. compile and sell homes of bona tide eastern inv..lore who have money to invest. I"ul l1llcular upon request. 'V-Mn6 M26' WANT 1m. BUILDING LOANS AT ONCE. 1.'r , dehlty Trust Company liO Fsrnal stftCt ) V-M7l ; 31 - WANTHD-TO BORROW. WANT TO BORROW f2.001 ON COLL.tTI4TtAL security. Address I. , 3. lice. 910 2 : ' MONEY TO LOAN-OHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS Imcrses . wagons . ate. . at lowest mIre In city : remno'cat ' of goods : conttdentlal ' strictly no reln\'nl 100' strCI ) conldental : you cnn pay i tIle loan ot at miny tIme or In any amount. . alount. OMAhA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . : Ho. IClh HI. X-u MONI' ! TO LOAN ON HOUsmIOn 1.'UlNI- Lure . planes . horses . WaCo ) ) , . or ) 1,1,1 of chattel s.curl ) ' at lowest poulblo rates . which you cal 11) ' haCk ' nt any time nnll II any atnount. 1.'lml.rrY 10.\N GU.\lANTEE CO" Ieam 4. " 'lhndl block. X-IU J. H. JADDOCI { , 100:1 421. lAMOE nl.OCI X-I IONIY : TO LAN ON FURNITURE ANt ) Planes . Fred Terry . 430 1amgo block . . ANI - - BUSINESS ' CHANCES , DO YOU 'VAN' A MONEY M.\II:1 TUB EdIson lnNo'cop ( eight mnchlnes ) . 10011 tim IHO In leNs titan Ihled months. Fem terms "ulrls Edison 1lnroBcopO Co. . 107 So. IGth . al. . Olnha : b. V-MIll . $ , O00.O0'ZLL lILlY ONE OF' TIlE lEST Ed. tublshr.l . 6anltarlum. with all the lalc.t 1m. l'IO\'emells In elecl'lcUy. electra . Tuvki.lm valJor and walcl hall wil Iho ( largest ( ' ash uthee ptetc . In this cIty : I Bplel.I'J chance : Irr 1 eoul'l piiysteianmi. 6l'cclalt , or man unit . trIte : IC:1on : for welling. /oln ; Into whol"slo iiIanUCocttlm leg business ; vll ; gIo a month : diii : IU ; It requested. Adire . . \ houston . r Electro- i Ol'anic satmlttuluni 1 , Iloutton 'fox. . IClam i . , ' Iulhlnt. 1-,16C'G All' " - ' 'mi"-WANTID : ALl , AlOUNU lu'13lel " Ih n lIttle mooney . \altn" to go In inrtr.rgliip whIt I newspaper man II 1 IUCII- tire country omc . Addl'u 1' . \ . Ott . l.ar. mimmite. " ' ) ' 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'I : : 26' FOR 6 Sl'.C.\S ( IIIOCIIIIY STOCK ; ; toot . i.enloit ( : 4'1 tl"O ; invoice nhoul 12fOO.Ui : cco Ivcltol for selling. Address K 4. IIc. - nl' 2i' LUNCh COCNTI , lA'rJm WELL , $ : OO. Wllal'l & 1Ulan. MrC.ue 1100k. , . : - i 1'1 f\hl. it NI'lf1AI : l nOlo GOOD buslner : capital reihuired. 19d.0.I to I.O : icoOd chance f.,1 nel\apnl'er milan. Menuge , Clearwatcr. Neb. Y.-3I9l 2 ' . nuuo HTI : ANT ) l'IXTt'ltCS : CONDL'I'IONS unsimrp.iisei. Tixoril 1 , :21 N. : ltli \-31 tl' 1OR EXCHANGE : WA1OJOlHJ IN EXCIIANOI6 l'n 1'llno or CrgiTi. . \ . la'I' ' Jr. ' . 1.13 . Douglas. . . : - \ - - . Y.:1 :0-\ : FOIl .ALI mt 'I'HAIH : . . A " $ .m.o STO IOF . Inclul merh'nllu toe castes-u Nebl'a.ka ur weeh'rn h"hIm. . or Omaha I'r South Omaha property. . \dll.u K U. Omha lice . . . _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ lt.Z..1C1 Wn.L ' 'I.DI CI.II : , I.I'O ( mOl EN. : c'\I4rr IClial city II'pcrl ) ' . Ho thlJ clJ1 cr UIIUfn\'I.1 ) "I'C"I ) ' eUla.sld , I. 1 ; . llcmi.iireI. S ? 4 l"w York Llfa. . _ _ _ _ _ _ ) _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -M.9S - AU' w.\s'r . TO 'rlIAlU COUNCTIilLUFFS cIty rct1 clnll tar u Ilocl of clothIng end . : IOCS , Addreu J. P. u.lt. \ca , In.ZMGOS . " Z-MGOS . l'On ) EXC4I4NTE- : I'lN1 I:1HO\lm 1.\11 In kta of 16 nCh' tiolitI . .tl fur residence nCh'0111 Ill O"ha.mul Ju wid 1:0. Ilr.1 : City . Ala , Z- ) ttZ-30' Vll IIAVII A ( ' OUt'Ll-lTI ; LtFI' fliP VftY W1 lAI I Jlrr 0' ; at" , : ProPerty for II. . . C' C' 'frnll has I dJfl" t If C' hnn ; C "fl , fr 111m. Ii. C. CIII ( :43. . 16 N. J : l I G':1 TELLSTH ! SECRET. USINCE I USED , ' - . , . . ' Jr : . ' C LAU 5 ; , I T- / \ ' SDA . My Clothes at-c whitei'my Health bcttel Iny Labor less : ' , BEsT. PURE5T G.M05TECOHOMIC , SOL E\'VEE IBEST.PUREST . - ' TE N.KJARBA GOMPA ChICAGO - - - - - - - - - - FOR EXCHANGE. Continued. Conlnue. 'ANTIit ) . OIOOCBnms on 1AnlWAlm ( l"OR small arm Find cash Achdreas Lock box 122. l.ognn in. E-912 2 ; ' WII.li 'Im MAN THAT WAR TAI.tnNO OF exchangIng South Ollhn lots rOt Ilnd ( nt 1lh 1)0(1 1arlnm 9 colerda send lila aihltess 10 1. . G. Ice < 1:9:0 R' FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. NOW TO CONVINCE YOU THAT "WI : NEVER offer lu nn'lhlnG but genuine snaps . " \e ask Tou -IIOMES- -IOMES- m. : N. 2Znd V. \ block "oUlh or Manderson . 1 and ' 4 story lIre room house with barn. $1.I0J.O ; $0.0 cnsh. balance $15.0) Ior Uonlh without interest 2903 Luke street . 6 rooms , 1 story , $ t.O' ) . easy teritis. 2021 lnlrfct I\"IU. two story . 1 rooms. $ rI ) .O ) . eas ) ' tet illS. 19 OhIo G rooms . modern \\IU , barn. $ .0,0 : CaR9 ' t.rm1 , N. C. cor. 2lh anti Castollar. 6 rooms . ilaved , Ila\'e nnt sll.el. I"rlo lot $1,602.00 . easy terms. 36:2 IIje , sheet . G ioonts incxlern $1,6.0 ; eae > terms Anll 100 ' others just as Clint ! ) , -YAG.\Nl' I.OT8- lnn < eon n.nr 21h. beautifully 1hated. lot Gd:3 , $60,0. cash . IJlanee : long ( hue lt G Per cent. 28th ant hirIstol $1:0,0 cash. 2:1 and Bristol , 80ulh frunt. G9x132 $ .50),0. Zlh and Maple . Cdi2l . $6:0.0. : N. E. ear. 2Clh nod Clilengo. 132x149. 7 room nlo. Ilotise : large har" . . . \fO : terms easy. H. W. com. 31h nOd 1Iusamd . 13.132. $ ! .tOO IeIm' rosy. H. e. .n" cor 4s1 and Iarnnn ) , $2.200,0. N 1. : . cor. ; Jh and Ca.telar. C6x18S. u.moo : n" daily chenl" lerms. And 1 number of others equally -ACHEI- JO acres Hi miles straIght north . 100.0 per acm' . , I aer. " . 4 acres gropes , r ; room hou.e. large barn . $2,000.00 : $ : .00 cosh. halnnce cas ) ' , r aCle" wll hnlr\e" fully stocked , chickens. farm machlner , etc. . 51,500.00. An" otliei-s. U. g. Cole Cu . 106 N. 11th. liE m-8GS- I"Al.1 FOil SALE : 1 CAN O"FEI 1.'On A Ihnlet time , and nt an nllrnelh'e prIce a choice Impr40ocl0 rnrm , located In Sal'y coUlity . Nebrekn near I.n PlaUe station nnl the new fort : this la strictly second b.nch lan4 and the improvements of Impr\emenls are 1 god order : $ .2.0 cash will buy the equity In this facto : no Imle coneldered. Walter O. Clark 1218 homey at. . Omaha. Neb htE-MhlS no DXCIANOES AND SALES : CITY PROPERTY . ( anIta. merchandise. Oarln Bros. . :10 115-111 N Y. L - nEl1 FAHM LANDS C F. ICAI1IUSON. 912 N. Y. L lE-M30A' n.\HOAINS. IIOUSI'.S. LOTS AND FAUMS : sale or lrde F K. Drltng . Drker hlock. , 115-114 FINE OAUOEN LAND 5 MILTS FROM P. 0. . } 10 per ler 9W N. y L. bldg. UE- ! I ADS1'IACa THE DYRON IEED COMPANY , 115-Ill I3ARGAINS. SALE on TRADE IN CiTY I'ROP- erUes and Ira I. Juo. N. . I.renser opp. P. O. UE-9S lOUNTZE l'I.ACE BARGAINS . FOIl SALE OR exchange. J. J. Gibson. 31 l Nnt'l bank , HE-78-A2 : A FEW OF OUR REAL BARGAINS : IVill within sell ten a lot days on Oersl avenue cheap If taken ! A corner lot on Cumlnc street , worth 1.0.0. : for $ .6(1 00 I to ken &on 3 lots In Drlee's Iddllon to elhnne for neat cottages. An elegant south front lot on BrIstol street. big snap too cheap to name In print Dculful building site ( renting on lan 1 park high on otter. and sIghtly . can be sold ver ch.nl Wont Fidelity Trust Co. . Sole Agent , J102 HE-M80J Fnrnnm 31 St. FOR ONE WEEK I O'I"EH A MOOEtN 12 room home frsl.cllse In alt respects and neighborhood unexcelled (2019 Dlnne ) cheap nt $10.0 House atone costing * 7.100. ) I sold nt once $ G.5. Terms easy , but no Iradr It. N. Witlmnell . 27 N. Y. Life HB m 610-36' LOOK AT 6.nOOM BRICK HOUSE WEST side o 3SIh avenue and l , 2 block ruth of l.eaveilwortll. It $1.6.0. your own terms. Remember "wo never otter nnylhlnj but gen- . tune snaps. " II. E. Cole Co. . lO N. l1tli. ItU-M826 27 lD-I 2 SIC YCLES. 31. O. DAXON 402 N 16Th. J9 VICTOR DCYCI.t S. TilE FINEST 0" ALL becl.s. ! Omaha BIcycle Co . 32 N. 16th alrect Iz STERLING BICYCLES. BUILT LIKE A waleh. Western Electrical Supply Co.,432 S. 13th 8 . SIB TIlE V1Sl1.E hALL AmNGS ON Relay l3pectat. Will Darum & Uro . J N. ' 15 "COLUMBIA" 1691. FINIIST EXAM1'LE OI ° lIght and high grade blcyclo conelructo : Wm. Lyle Dlck.y & Co. . 10 Douglas sl. . acenls. 9\ HEMNOTON AND EAOLE. CROSS GUN C. lG S. 15th street. Jnl . . 'NE & CO . WIIOLESAI4I : AND RE- tall ble'cre. IJ6 I arnnl street : hlc'el"9 alden on el - pnynwnlM. ir1 UNDERTAKERSANI ) EMBALMERS SWANSON VALIEN . liOI CUMINO . TEI lOG . 931- H. K. IIUItKI3T. i'UNIIIIAL DlUcrOl : AND entlalmer IllS Chicago al. . telephone 3J. 983 31. O. MAITh. UNIE1TAImn AND I6MIJAI.M. . . un Farnnm al . telephone 023. 95. C. W. liAlfElt. UNDERTAKER. 61 S. IGTl 9SG RT. LGST. LOST. GOld ) SII' : 'ACI.ES. I1I6TUI1N TO 152 Jucksn street. Liberal lewnrd. 100.61' LOST-t'ltOM 1015 pAll AYBNUB. A I'UO dog will ) harness and bow 01 OlanKe . ribbon Itewarmi . I.ost-M82i-G' BUILDING &J.OAN ASSOCIATION HOW TO ( lET A 10m on seCURE OOOD interest on & \lng > Apply to Omaha L. & H. Asa'mt 1(1 lies LidG. U. V. ' . Natlng r. Sec. m JmAHDS IN MUTUAl. I. & I ) . ASS'N I'AY 6. 7. 8 per cent when I. 2 . 3 years old always redeemable. nOI 1'nrnal It. . Natttnger . Sec. PSS . - OOAL n. I 'F MOUNT lAS mMOVED : HIS COAL "mc/ to ZIS , 16th . , t. . , lrw Mock . 126 - - ' - - - - - - - I'IC1 HEIUCEI : 81nIOAN. 1EST WYo Iln coal : nut , ltO : lump. a,5 : 2,00) far a Ion delivered . IGV 1 .ral itteet . UT t'.OVE lU lA1U5 STO\'I lUAtlS 1.01 (0.0 DllFl6ItEN'l' makes of stoves ' water ntachmenll and eon. nellonl a specIalty 1 . l"T Douglas It. Omaha tRove nel"lr Works. 9l HHORTHAND iu'w . TYPEWRITING. - - - - VAN S.\lT'S HelOOL 01' ShOuT hAND. N. Y. Life. Omnaita . Ask . for circular. In - DRESSMAKiNG , DIISMAKINO 1 I ' AILIlS U8 GRANT Jc31. It. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. C E JIOI1IIII.L. 1'WEI 1 ANl NO. hOUSE sIgn ' aiiIlng. bitch work . plastering ; alt . n. I , lker Wk. ; lei. 1 ; Ihop * tl Iar : tl , 991 4 , ) 91 - CESSPOOL OLEANER. cm8I'OLf CL ANED. ANTL.MO7'OPOIY ANTI.IONOPOIY prlcC. John Nelson. 418 8. 1th Tel. 11 11. - DENTISTS. . lIlt. ! ' OL DeTIST : BUIlT ST. 321 HOTELS. ItOTEL DARKER. 13Tl AND JONES STS. i5 memos nl $ .6 per day. 10 rooms nt $20 per day . rom roil 10 commercial travelers. nom Rprcal and board by week Or'lnoflth. l'rank 11"lleh , manage ! . 9" ABTNA 10USB ( ( mnOIJ AN ) , N , w. Con. 131h and Del so. Booms by day or weck. 930 MATHEMATHIOAL INSTRUMENTS I ALVA 3. OHOVEn , ENOINEIII1S' ANn Alt- chllecls' upplles. SI S. 1.lh slrcel. Olnhl 11 OONTRAOrORS. 12IIICIC'iOltK : SDEWAI.KS. CELLAR four , etc WOll IGlh ah'eel. Tel. 40. A. Kiewil . 150.A 1 MUSIC , AX2' AND LANGUAGE. C. I' . ( IIILIINIIECIC. BANJOIST AND OU1TAn teacher . 191 Cass st Ill BUSINESS NOTICES DAMAGED M1UOUS I1ESILVERED 719 N. 16 12g ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL ENONEDlS AND CONTRItC. tor for cl.ctrlc light and motor plants and all kinds of electrical construction. Westel 51cc- cnslrcton. Eoc. Irleal Supply Co. , lit and 420 S 1lh sl 9'3 BICYCLE RIDING AOADEMY. ONLY HIDING ACADMY IN CITY : pun. chasers free " 'II Urnum & lIre. . t2Q N. 151h. I 159 EMPLOYMNT OFFIOE. ; CANADIAN EMPLOY3Ith6T BUREAU REmoved . moved 10 15Z Douglas . : male and female help . ' ' 150 AU PROFi.ss ON AL. DU. A SIIIPMAN. COU 16TH & ChICAGO. . 1:2 AU' DENTAL OOLLEGE. OMAHA .COLI.EGE DENTAL SURGERY FlEE infirmary : dentIstry at cosl. 161h & Cap. n\'e. j . 31332 POULTR , S'UPPLIES. , W. C ASHTON & CO , : O S. 11Th. 140.A19 - - - - - t 'r1113 m , U.l'1 IIA1t'J ' , , I J iNSRl tNT placed on" record March 25. 1895 : 1 llelrpollnn Land ant 'Tnjst company . to John Noon . lot 19. block 5. 31ellas 1st add toSouth , OOnha. . bloct . . . . . Mela.s . . . . . . . . . $ 2 William Chokn to I. ' J Finnegan lots 17 and 18. block . 3 , Drown pnrlt. . . . . . . . 1 . . . . : .00 11 A I'rededick to C 11 Frederick , w 190 feet lot 13. block 5. lC 1 I.'reerlck add. . . . Jo Receivers of the Investors company 10 A M BNOks. lot 13. block 2. Campbell's add . . 103 Maria Mark and husband 10 John I.lndor. et al . lot 8 . block C6. and Jot 10. block 12. South Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.0J Louis Mendelssohn and wife to l N Nau- daln , lots S and 9. block 16. ] olnlze Place 1.10 Amy Douglas and husbd 10 U 0 liurbank ) 9. block 2. Grmmcre ) park. . . . . . . . 2 Eiiott Orb.ton t E A Andrews. n.4 ! lots 1 EIol al 2. block 34. Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 A H Cotton to Theresa 1u.lplnc. lot 7 and a. block : South Omaha. . . . . . . . 4.88 QUIT CLAIM O lmS. G 'V Dohn old wIre 10 A L Campbell. trustee. e 100 feet of w 150 feet or n4 . trsleo. . block 10 . re.1 Orchard 11111. . . I.et . . . . . . . 1 W P Ioollttlo and wire to F L Farmer lots 3 : and 4 , block 6. Dellone's n'M. . . . . . . J Tlmonrns Cash to Fred . iteumplng. lots 1 ThoOIS 8. block 3i. SqUlh Omaha. lteulplng. . . . . . . . . J DElmS. Special master to Jacob hIlton. lot 1. block Spcl1 . I'lnee. . . . . Blon. . . . . . . . . . . . . t Sheriff to same lot 10. block 4. . WillIs park 461 Solos lot 20 .0 llartman's Byron Iteed add. company. . . . I . . . . . . . : mi'of . . . . . . . . . . t.2011 Total : of trn.r.rs.$2 J rE r Lwyers and solctors. SUES & Co" , Bee Bultln , OMAUA. Neb. Advice FREE. BAD COMPLEXiONS ikuplea , blackhead . . red , rough mind oily .111 IUt hauds , dry ! ia. and lulling , e hair . and almplo baby blemishes , arc Irov.nted aud cured \y Curt. cunA SoAp . most errectvo sllu. I"\lfylu and beautifying 80nl.ln time world. ne01 a I"t'.t and sweetest of toilet mind .we.teot lolet < nursery c ! WI world. ) " 'J ATlEU Jrlt (1IT. Fair awl Slightly : Wlrllr with Southerly " IIll . WAShINGTON . March 25.-The forecast for tomorrow Is : For NeIrtekn-Fahr ! weather : slightly warmer : winds shiftng to southerly. I"or Missouri and , Iowa-I"alr weather : northerly winds : slIght changes In tern- pel'nlure. I For Knnsns anl South Dalcola-Falr weather ; slightly warmtr ; winds slltlg to miouthierly f " " n J.oo , . hlloormI . OFFICE OF TIlE WEAThER BUREAU OMAHA . March 25.-muhn record oC temperature - ' perature and rlnf I , compared with the corre1lm1lng day oc th last four yeaf : r/ I . Ib9 : . 1891. 1593. 189 MaxImum ternperatui . ' . . c 2 S r. Minimum tempertul''t:5 ' : ; 4 16 33 Average lemperature ' " . 46 J2 2 46 PrecIpitatIon verl . . . . . I ; 1'.0 : .0 .0 .01 ConditIon of lemper\Ire uld prechlatol nl Omaha for the dIIY..un & since March 1. 1195 : -Ic's Normal lemperalure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 hixcest3 l for the day 'lil.J. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Normal preclplltol" . , J. . . . . . . .0 Inch Defclenc ) ' for the dGy " . . . . . . . . . .0 Inch Total I.rtclplaUon 11) March 1. .16 Inch DeficIency since la slncVoMarch . . . . ,5 Inch Reports ( room OtliorStatinni ' In I 1' . : I. l. ' : I . ' I a . , .I ' - STATIONS. P ' STATE Ir /TATIOSI I ) 8 i' . , g ' WIIAT1tS1I . --U I' ; ! I 1 - - - - - . - - - - - 01111. ) . . . . . . . . fl lB .00 Clear. North llate. . . . . Its IH .00 Clear. VftiCllthitO , . . . . . . M f8 .00 ( Ule3r. Cnlca.o . . . . . . . . .H fO .Dll Cleur. oil . 1.11. , . . . . . . . fU 01 .00 Clear , St. Paui. . . . . . . . II I ) (0 .00 Clear. Oavcuporl. . . . . . . ( I t2 .00 Clear. KUlaa. ClIy. . . . . . f6 02 .00 Clear Liomivor. . . . . . . . . . 00 Oi .0th ( floor. Salt Lake City. . . . . . UO 70 .00 Cloudy . Slt L1ko CI . ' . Cowl Ral.ldClty. . . ) . . . . . f Oil .00 i ' tirtclondy . iiulcta. . . . . . . . . fl 14 .00 l'artcloudy , /1"lark , . . . . . . . 41 (0 .0th Cur lattCld ) St.Vlmtcomtt . . :10 144 .01) ) C163r. SI Vileel:1 al .Ot Cheyeniti , . . . . . . . . rio 12 , .on ) Clear. StIles . CIty . . . . . . . fl 10 .111) ( " , ( laivtIstuml. . . . . . . . 0 : 06 .00 Cilur , - " In4lcal. trace . or precIpitatIon. L AVISLSlI. . . - . Observer. . Ibid l'orler luret 10 1.all , i TRAVIRSF1 CITY Wch. , March 25.-'i'iie ' Walter house , n small hotel at Central Lake , burned nt Ihhidnight Janus MIller . the por. ter . wu nfl"lcd ; and his \ oUter flmate3 $ Iaro\vl ) escaod wlb their h\'t . PERCENT ACES AS ARRANCED Railroad President Meet with Dotter SUO cess Than the - Tafc . Manager AGREEMENT NOT YlT MADE PUBLIC Ucnlltr ! UIII'IIOI that the 1nrlllol , 1llsllrl I'nelllc Inll Chicago Great " 'estlrn Wcre Urnnlc.I ni Increase . CIIICACO . March 25.-The I'resllenl of the western lines . which arc members of the freight pool met totlay 10 consider the qtlO8- ton of percentages to be alo\ the dIffer- tInt 11003. A meetIng of the freight trfc managers was hell some tme since at which time Burlington and ltsonrl Pacific made demands for larger percentages as the ) ' had frequently been compelled to turn ever business ; to competing lne' . The freight traffic manngers were unable to agree and the presidents today took UII the Job where the mnnngors had dropped I The meelng Was harmonious anl n scale of percentages was qulclely IrrngCl , 1 was decided that the allotments made today ) should apply on alt business hone b ) the lines since l clHUa I. Although 10 Informnlonould be given regarding the percentages . It Is belevelI ! that the demands of time thc Burlington and MIssouri Pacific were grn led. I was also rlmored that an Increased percentage hall been allowed to the Chicago Great Western , hut It was Imposslblo to gel any definite InformatIon on the maUer. Ohalrmnn Cl1dwel his handed down a decision - cision In regard to tile basis of llal fare rules for clergymen und railroad enwloyes from tIle MIssouri rIver to Coloralo common polnls. The rllng was called , for by a pecu- liar conditon exIstIng wet of the rIver. I Tile general understanding hns been that the basing rte should bo the highest regular first-class unlimited fnre. B ) rose lines thIs rate from Omaha to Colorado Springs Is $21.50 : by others $18.1j , whIle the limited rata on all lines 1 $17. To put all the lnes . on an equality the chairman ( heckled that the regular limited frst.class rate of $ n , which Is the hlghcst rate common to all lines Interested should be the bals for com- pulng half fares until the lilIeS Interlsled reach some other agreement b ) themselve OUI.1" ' ' 1'C"OI c.\ ' . ; Ul' \T UliNVIUt. VarIous I'arllcs lt Ilterest All Hoproscotct hy Cotinsil. IENVER March 2-Tho Ircknge case , incidental 10 tIle snit of the AmerIcan Loan and Trust company trustee , against time Union l'aclfic . Deliver & Gulf i-allway Pacifc. DE1'er 'ralway com- pan ) ' . et al. . was called for argument In the United States court bfore Judge Ilallet. E. Elery Anderson of New York represented the Drexel.lorgan Interests : John S. WIse of New York General Gren\le 1 Dodge and oilIer bondimohlers aggregating ,500.000 : Alex G. Cochran of St. Louis the Gould Inter- lst In the Drexel-Morgan notes : Itl. : . Green of New York the Mercantile Trust company : I. D. hyde of Boston the Ameican Loan and Trust company : len "T IIobon He- ceh'cr Frank \V. 'rumbul of the Gulf roal. Receivers MInk Boone and Coudcrt of the UnIon Iacfc were also In court. The argument - moot Is on the applIcation of Frank Trum- bull , receIver . for InstructIon from the court as to the building of a new road between Pueblo and TrInIdad or 10 make new con- tracts wIth the Denver & RIo Grande for joint use of the track - new being operated by the Gulf under contract wlh the Denver & Rio Grande by which tIle Uul pays the RIo Grande ' $180.000 a ) 'ear , 'he cse wIll last s days. " . ? s NOT VITAJ.LY INTEIISSTED. . \t\utle , IInlol I'mtchflo JhspeotnJ Denver & . ( lull Extension ! tlte [ Receiver S. H. H. Clark returned from Denver yesterday afternoon . leaving behind him his colleagues who were 10 attend the hearing yesterday In thc Denver & Gulf ex- tension case. I Is n mIstake : says Mr Clark to suppose that the Union Pacific receivers are Interested II the case as receivers . "Te decisIon of the matter . " said Mr. Clark . "wi not In my opinion affect the UnIon Pacific system . under the present circumstances . In any way , whether the extension Is mode or not. Mr. Anderson Is there In a private at- paciy to represelt the Drexel and Morgan In- teresls. his clients being ' holders of Denver & Gulf mortgages Mr. 'Mlnk's errand Is wili reference to accounts between the Den- ver & Gulf branch and the Union PacIfic. " Asked whether there was any senUmenl later than that plblshed , among the rc celvers relative to the Egan appointment In the Short Line case Mr. Cark said there was not Mr. Cark wIll be In the city for several da's. _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.lr" or Excursion 'l'll'ltet tl n. xtended. DENVER . March -Under the agree- ment of the Western Trunk lines to make east of the Missouri river n rate of one fare plus f2 for the round trip to Denver at the lime of the Nltontl Educational association convention In July tcltls bear I limo limit to July 15. but holders oC them can have them extended to September 1 by registering In this cIty. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " . . 1' . ] 'ltu II this , 1. . .l N. ted. LOUISVILLE , Ky. . March 25-\V. P. Pike , aged 43. superIntendent oC the fIrst divisIon oC the LouisvIlle & Nashville railroad . died this afternoon. itIr. Plce was wel known . ill railroad cIrcles nod was I brolher-In.law oC George K. Lowe IC Chicago , general superintendent of the Molten. I'JIfSOIJ ; . J'.I ItdJ11'JIS. S. J 'heelcr , noon . Ix. : . Is a Merchants ucst. J. 61. Jennings of Salt Lake City Is at the Millard . Tohe Castor registered at the Paxton last evenIng J. McMahon , Coin , Ia. , Is regIstered at the Merchanls. M. J. Haley . Corning . Ia. , Is registered al tile Deilcme. W. W. Wale and wIfe , Seattle , Wahil . are Paxton guests. George Wainwright of BlaIr was In the city yesterday ) B. M. Wllss all vife . teltc , Wash. , are al the Paxton , S. n. IClngsbury , BoIse , Idaho , Is registered 'at the Millard. George E. Cheney and wlCo of Crelglon are Millard guests . W. n. DeclcwHh , Evanston , Wyo. , Is a guest al the Paxton George 11. Mead and wife of Chadron are I guests at Ihl Dellono. I C. P. McGrew all wife of hastIngs are guests at the Paxtoll. Philip Armstrong . NeW Yorlc City , Is cog- Islerel at the Barker Captain W. U. Beck . Wlnnebago Indian agent , Is at the Merchants C. U. nhlnemnth Is registered at tile Barker from Sheridan , Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. O. 61. Norton , Avoca , la. , tool dilner at the Arcade yeslerday. Thomas 61 , Kelley and J. C. Muldoon are reglltored at time Barker fem Lincoln Neb . n , McCsrd , O. 1' . Wyland Alex Jlrlehard and S. U. MOlnoy , Harlan , la. . are at Ihe Merchants. L. J. Swan of Swan Uros. ' Land and Cat. tIe company Is reglhered a the Barker from Iouglas ) Wyo Mr and Mrs. Robert Baxter , Mr. and Mu. Downs and Sirs. Susan Hoyal are a party : of western people attho Millard. ) Nobru.I"I' at ( lie hotels. At time Dellone-F . If. BaIley , D. J. 81n- choir Nebraska City ; Dan Devine , North Platte : MorrIs Mayer Norfolk SloneslCer At the Millard-B. , Columbus C. Bas.et. GIbbon ; Sire . At tIme Arcade-W . 61. llrooker . T. Baxter , Cokevle : 1' ' 61. Morrow , Bealrlc ; David Jackson , Itandoipll . . At tile I'axlon-I ° . Y. Robertson . R. A , Moore , Kearney : C. Ii. Crone , Red Cloud ; Friend \ \ ' . It. , Thompson Albion ; ' 1' . J. Sulivan , At the Merchants-J. n. Barnes . Norfolk ; n. 19 , Butherland Nelson ; J. W. Longfellow < , V , J. AIlon , I. I , . Ooold , Ogalaila . WILl ) ' IflE StTE1IP.4 sI'Rn.tr 1'.tIlhIS. rul ] sr EI SI.RI.U I'.I.1S. Started to Unrn CornStalk , , I nOM Ote"t UImlto In the J nd. VAt1LE1 Neb , Starch 25.-spocial Tele- grm.-lrob"bt ) the mOlt destruct lye p.a'rlO fire In this locality for the Mt sIx ' fro loc'lly past years occurred on the prairIe four nilies ' nortlto'est of Valey thIs afternoon. Mr. Whltcomb . who lives on a f"rl belonging to L. : . Keene of l Frenloilt was burning corn stalks , and the high wind drove the fire bryonll his control. The blaze leaped across the miii- tory road and run across tile prairies and through the fields for about three miles . go- log as fast 05 a hone COII trot , and taking everything In Its Jath. Two huuMel1 tons of hay , fences all several outhouses were destroyed. The resIdences of Fred Lewis anti , \ Mrs. John Marsh narrowly NcaJt1 tIe- strLlCtiOfl. Time hay belonged to several partIes . tIes . and WI on the farm of Nels Johnson. This will be a serious loss to the farmers of that section . lS It was about all the surplus hay between the Ilchor rIver and Pre:0lt , except a few hundred Ions belongIng to Whimore llros of thIs clt . . Though the origin of tIle fire was accidental the Injure" parties wi take steps to recover the loss frol WilltColflb No Insurance was OIl the hay. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ blADE NO J.l " ' 1 TU 1' ' \ 141EltEST UORrd Ir Supervliiorof "nI07 County J.llhin to net into 'l'ronble. NORTH I 1.0U' Ncb. . March 25.-Spccal ( ) -Comhslilcraijlo commoton , uot 10 SJl" tr0pl- datlon . Is being created In certain quarters on account of Ihe Bonrd of County StIller- I visors having for the past three years [ nle" 10 levy the necessary tax 10 meet interest Oil the $32,000 Valley count ) honls , IOW In dispute This neglect arose chlcl ) from Iho POl'ulst maJorl ) ' on the board during those I years who were desIrous of posing ns tile , champions of thc PeoPle \ galnst tile "blonlet : bondholders , " whnle\'er might be the result of their leglet In the future , nnt , now that It nppcars Ihl : this neglect laid thrm liable to fines of from $50 to $100 and Imprlsonmlnt of len 10 sixty days . the Col ) ' of amch posln Is becoming I pa ill fimi \ al'parent. An addition of some meleorolorleal Ilstru- menls was today made 10 tIle equ\lmlnt of the state weather Een'lco staten nt this place. An unlerrupted record has been kelll hero for the past ) seven years . and among oilier things discovered . Is the fact Ihat tile sunshine of tile Loup river country Is itrob- ably ns cOltnuous ns lInt of any region on time globe , some seasons havIng hal ns few as sIx sunless days during the entire calendar - dar 'ear. One of the results of this climatic peculiarity Is that Probably no case of "con- sumpton , " which carries oft so mnn ) pcoplo In tile east , has ever developed here ns the tuberculosis sunshine. bacilli cannot exist In cOlslant . \Ihlnnll : 1 nml 1'.sonaI1. ASIILANI Neb. . Starch 25.-Speelal.- ( ) Miss Grace M. Heasoner len this morning for Union Cass county to malIc a summer visit wil her uncle. Mrs l ralk Whllelock received time Intelligence . Igenco of the death of her father In Tackle . Mo. . thIs Illoriling and len on time early train for that place. The Library assoclalon elected . Miss : Mnble Whhlple l\esldent. Hchafl Abbott Eecre- lalY antI treasurer . Don C. Gould lIbrarIan and Arthur Fowler assistant The Infant daughter of John Schml1. 11' . Ing norlh of this city died yesterday of pneu- muonia The funeral toolc place today tram the residence. Miss Amanda Thuln of Clresco was In the city over Sunday the guest of Miss Emmn Beckcr. Thursday nIght the \Yomen's Relief corps wIlt give nt the Independent Order of Odd Fellows hal a "taxation sociable. " At a temperance mass meeUng held yester- day In Slmlnglon's opera hOUlC the language used In denouncing the saloon candIdates ' was the strongest 10 bc commanded. The nominee foil' mayor Is A. S. Von Mansfield. nave Unbutton's i.iatot Capturo. CHADRON Neb. . March 25.-Speclnt- ( ) Deputy United Stales Marshal D. C. Robinson or South Dakota drove Into tills city tonIght , having In custody Fast Thlunder an Indian accused of having whisky upon the reserva- tloto. Accompanying him as wItnesses were Indian Polcemen Ghost Bear Sam Rock and Dear Nose. Fast Thunder Is to be taken 10 Hot Springs for his preliminary. He Is an Indian with a history havIng been arrested together with his son Plenty Birds . In Hush- vlo for the murder of John Ied Horse. After lying In jai at that place several months he was released upon bail. Shortly after the killing at nushvlo the Indian police - lice of Pine Ridge agency were Instructed to arrest him Upon arriving at his tepee they found him as fully Intoxicated as any white citizen Is entItled to be upon Ietlrlng from lodge Dll upon asking him to surrender he replied by ofering them n drink from I jug Fall City rnle or News FALLS CITY , Neb. , March 25.-Speclat ( ) -Tho funeral of Michael Casey was con- dueled from the Catholic c11rch In Darada ) esterlay. I was the largest funeral that ever occurred In that vlclhlly. MIss Eva Cooper daughter of O. A. Cooper of Ilunaboldt visited Dr Ha'es' family Sunday. Miss Addle Holland gave a party to her many young girl friends Saturday It being her seventh bIrthday. Refreshments were served , and many valuable presents given her her.John John Martin . who hnll to quit his school duties In Omaha on account of slc1mcB. re . turned Sunday . He\ Mr. Parker Putnam III. . who was expected to take charge of tile Christian church here Sunday did not arrive , Oil ac- count of the Iness of his molher and sIster ! at that place . _ _ _ _ _ _ 11110k 1"\16" With I'OOllO SYreckemt FAIRMONT . Neb. , March 2-Speclal.- ( ) A hack loinS of citizens slarlel1 for Geneva last night to attend the Ancient Order of UnIted Workmen lodge. Upon going down hi Iho hack ran against the llorsea and this caused the trouble which threw tile entire load upon the ground. Pranlc Conroy was Insensible for 1011 time after ho was picked UI ) . 'Vlie ) horses left Ihe hacl about half a mile farther OIl and ran Into I wire fonco. Conroy Is better this morning , but rather the . worse for wear Waterloo llrevltlos. - WATERLOO , Neb , March 25.-Speclnl.- ( ) The holy Baptists have been holdIng revIval servIces 'Cor tile l1a5t week and are meeting with much succes and several converts have . JoIned that body. The Misses Luele and Myrtle Park all hello Stephens are visiting friends nt Irre- mont this week J. n. Watts and S. P. Great went to Omahl on business this morning. Louis . Hoblnson Is building a commollolB barn on lilt lately acquired property. Snccrl If . "hl'lhy Trapper I3I1ELBY , Neb , March 25.--Special.-Coho- ( ) nel ShafUal returned yesterday ( from the Platte bluff , north of here , where he 'IB been trapping for two weeks. He clllht thirty-fve skunks. Ho stales that the Illn Is now In fine llape although the warm weather will soon destroy It for market . Shafislal trails muskrats mink and IllunllS several months each yepr l'olk Cuuut7 iistrict Court . OSCEOI4A , Ne ! , March 25.-Hpcelal.- ( ) District court convened here today wlh Judge Robert Wheeler on tIle bench , There are Corly.elght cases on time docket , four of Ihem crIminal and four divorce , the rest IJclng eeJulY cases . 10 le county received another carload of provIsions from tile Stab Relief commissIon Salurday. _ _ _ _ _ _ flllinzo lt Ilmistiugs . HA TIOS , March -Spcclal ( Teic- gram.-The ) Noyes properly was damaged to the Wi amount Insured , If ; 50 1y fIfe thIs afternoon . I S here to 1011 1 Cunfercmice. Grand StatlerVorkluuil Tate I In the cl ) 10 attend a confeence with relation to ex. Isll Ancient Order of United WOfl"nan troubles In this jurisdIctIon , , which hiayo pre. vlously been detailed in tillS paper , , - - - In 1850 "Brown's lironcimlal Trochea" svere Introduced , atmO their success as a elIte or colds , coughs. asthma and b oncbttls has been unparalhls& \SriiS \ A MCIII OF ROBBERY HenrI When Footpads ana Burg1ar Were t1CC0lSfU11y Abroa1 in the City , WATCHES , MONEY AND JEWELRY STOLEN Thiletes ( let llcot , ' frolit l'nrtles Tatn on thin Sircets mtmt.i ( ruin Roolmt Entered by Stcmtlt h-Vimo 5011)0 itt tilel l.nsi'r Arc. I' ntimbcr of holdups allil robberies lloYD becit reported to the 11011cc 511100 Saturday night , but tile P0150115 000ilIlitCug tue eritiie have not been aplrcilentloh. At I I o'clock last Saturtlay night as B , S. Aibeiiesitms OIl lug way hnmno to 1711) NorIlt Eigiiteelitli Street , traIn down town , ho lie' heed two 111011 following iiitt , They started to shadow hmln a Eighteenth antI Cunting streets , and followed 111111 tO Eighteenth ntiti Charles , wbmero they overtook 111111 , anli , separating - rating as they were about to pass , they ordered 111111 to hold UI ) lila hands. lie % tas slow lii obeying thi orders and the man on tile outsldo struck 111111 wIth a Ilanilbag. fell- 11mg lmlimt to tile liavellleilt hmeforo ho could give nit alarm , lie Ia ) ' there tllleonSCioUS for three hours , anti iin lie amo to lie fountS hie had Steen roilcd of $118 in catit slId a valuable gold vatcIi. lie tas unable to give au accurate tlescriition of tim foot. 110(18 ( to the 11011CC. SIxteclIth allll Pierce streets 11 , It. Groves was iieitl up by two mcli at 10 o'clock Saturday night niltI robhell of nil lie possesed at that time , wimicii was $2.05 , A few mill- iltes alter Uroves as held tIp Albert Enter- gard passing alollg 1 ifteelltll street , near Pierce. As 11)9 ) nearetl the intersections of the two streets two 111011 caine railly ! arotmntl tue corner fronl tile tlirectlon of Six- teentli street. iVlien within a few feet of 111111 t'ticii of tIbIa dccl ) . ' a revolver and or- tiered hull to iioltl Ill ) lii S hinniis , vll 1dm order ho was not slow In obeying.'hiie one of tim highwnymllen ras going tllrollgll his pockets tile other stood guard over him. Entergartl vas $31 ouror 'iteii tile robbers ordered hIm to novto on and not to give an alarm on the pellaIty of being shot , At TImIrtIetim 81111 Lake streets burglars broke lllto a liitlcimille Simol ) antI stole a quati. Lily of brass. Ilesldes tile property stolen , oilier Prolertl Ill tile building vas dostro'et1 to time flIhlollIlt of $125. Id. 0. laxon iiatl a bicycle stoleti from lllln at Ills 111000 of btiIimloss durltig business hours OIl Saturday night , Ii. A. iireiineck reported to ( lie police yes. terday tilmtt 110 hail ieell robbed of a. suit of clothes. Tile thief elltere'd a room at lltS ) Farlmin street Iii the afternoon antI toolc tile stilt OvitlIotIt aiiy 0110 In thmo buIld. Ing being aware or time fact until time titeR was ( hlscovereil a few hours later. A South Omaha resldemit mianheti W. S. Coon came to Omnalla en Saturday night to .500 thie city its' electric light , During his sIght seeing 110 randorotl down In tile burnt district , whore ho nlado a 110W acqliaillt- alice , who robbed him of a diamnomid pimi valued at $35. _ _ _ p _ _ _ I'onm- > Igtstmomt Leads to norvotiariess , fretfulness , peevishness , cimromiic tlyspepsla and great misery. hood's Sarsaparlila Is tile renhcIy. It tones tlto stoni. aell , creates an aPPetite , and gIves a relIsh to [ Cell , It 11131605 pttre blood and gives healthy action to all tile Orgails of time hotly. Take Ilced's , for Hood's Sarsaparilia curco. hood's Pills b000nle time favorite cathartIc with every one siio tries them. 25c , izrwur op rJIJ6 ICIfLIJ6I" CO0f.1IiSSION. - Wealthy Showing of Receipts mid lIsburso- mantis ltlmodo by time Secretary. LINCOLN , Marcii 25.-Specini.-Secrotary ( ) Ludden of t.hlo relIef commIssion sends the following to the senate : LINCOLN , March 22 , 1895.-To iio Ifoit- orabie SIhhlutil of tile Legislature ot Nebraska - braska : We hoercos'ltio iland you our sevelithi weekly report , Iii comlorlnlty with tile resoiutiolt Iassel b' your honorable hotly February 1 , 1895. Tills report covers tile casil receipts alid disbursements itemized - ized , with. namen of donors , or parties to whom donors wished their money credited on our relief boolc. Also tile report of th dlstributlomi of inmrchlasel or contributed sUllllieit by counties , railroad etatlomi , tiate , c000igilec , and time itelllll , SO flu' as prac- tienbie , nntl tile litinibemof time , cur In whileil they were shiippetl , In tills report IVO also note tile Slilpmnent of garden ScotIa , 0 namely , tiio.90 gIvehi by tile goverlirnellt for our drotlthl suffereru , Itespeetfiilly yours , LUTIJIIII 1' . LIJDDEN , Secretary. CASH DONATIONS P11011 MAIC'lI 15 TO 21 1NC'LUSiVIC. Staicli 35 , front tiast SprIngfield ( healIng 110 name ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1.00 4 liarcim 13 , l6eutIl Bristol Fat mets' club , 11cr l"nmnllyn ilowianI , New Iiedfoltl , Pines 40.00 Maccit 18. Charles 3telnelto , Elkador , In. , 11cr S. If. IdeClo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Plareil Ii , iciund ( cool ( lie I'remont , Elk- hmoin & MIssouri \'nlTey on overcharge of goods shipped to Stuart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.20 Pilreh 21 , cItizens of Lancasler , l'a , , Illi-ougil New Eels pi hilthllg house . . . . . . . . . 254.00 March 21 , cItizens of iluntci , N , I ) . , ier .7 , II , ( hale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,0) March Ii , henry TIce I'oio , Ill , ( fur purchase - chase of seed ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 Maceli 21 , cItizens of Sparta , \S'is. , 11cr lu- den Iitvls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.111 Macelm 2l , WIllIam Tate , h'ontanelle , Neb. , p.m. liinry Hprlelc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,03 Sliirctt 21 , (1 , 1' . IlitIkan ant others , ICeit- sictt. is. , icr SIlas liolconll , , , , . . , , . . , . , , , 6.00 Pun-cit II , 31 lss 1.iUlsoii 111111 mmttiers , Jcn- luIt. In. , per Onverilor llolcornhi . . , . . , , , , . , 11.13 ? hmtclt 21 , citizens of l'ctiltnij , , N. . 1) . , her ( loverilor lloiconll , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01,10 Mlmrcll 21 , .1. Y. ilIwnids , city , retiii1 ( or flolgilt ! lIll 1i' CtilllflltiliioTi Oil specIal ear 23.19 Marelt 21 , 5. 1' . Seserlst , Giraid , 0. . . . . . . . 23 Tutal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15(8.71 ( CA141I ilsiuuutstlMhlN'rou. Tranportntlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,179.33 0111cc CXlCill $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.00 'rotnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! ,232.33 MEIIOIIAN'I'P. HXCII.\NOII , ST. 1.OUIS , March 22.Mr.V. . N , Nason J'residetmt Ne. broiska StnI& ' Itehlet Coninsxion ( , LimIcoltI. Neb , : Icur Sir-Our relief columlttee 111tH Ijeeti dlligc'ntlv mit worhc , and Iluvo raised It little over i,0-Y ) iii Li Used for tile lUh ) ( ' 111150 of seed untl gritimt for tue farilmers in tile drohitii-1411ICktui tlIstrlct of tile west , I nat ilIsitUettil hiy 1110 comnnalttee' ( o for- woid YOtI time ellclObCl cileek for $100 , to be used for tile iulrItoe inenthoimetl , by your COIflilliSHhOil. Illuily personal npleain have becil mnudu to utir caiiiinittee , 1101 Only froln tile destitute COthlltieN , hilt ( mmli otit owil iCOIle , to send fllolloy direct to tile COlm- ties oh timey tvero In lilInlellIato need of tIle iteett gl'lmill , For your inforillatlun I t'Ivu yatI iltliOWItil tile IlifloUlit edit to vmuious i1nc0s in Nebraska : AlIas . . , . , . , , , , , , . , , . . $ ll0O'Nolil . , , , , . , . , , , , . . . . 510) iieillehinntt . , , , . , , , . . ISO Hel Cloud . , , , . , , , , , to Broken iioW , , , , , , . . Nelson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Ctiitls . , , , , , . , . , , . . . , . h. . 141 , 111111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 ( 'itinirlilge . . . . . . . . . . . UI Viilcntlr.e . . . . . . . . . . , . 101) ) hlolmtrIlm . . . . . . . . . . . . . r. ) 11)15111 , , , . , , , . , , . , , , , , . 30) ) ) lnIlalloia . . . . . . . . . . . . 13) lliingi , , , , , , , , , , . , , 151 IilcColc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15) ) hlu'lrn , , , , . , , . , . , , , , 5) Nlobrtrtt . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 lihtcllrnclc cotmnly , . , , 04 I ttust ) 'olh 1'ill receive liberal comhtriblI- tloil4 ( romii alibI' states t imat will ellable you to give relief to tue 1l00tly CothiltieC. I'leasu ticlIiiOWl'dge - , of cheek. \ cry truly , Ol-.OIlUfl Ii , MO1'.AN ( , Ilperitaiv IIeIief Cojinlilee. LINCOLN , M arcii . _ ( inurg U. t1 organ , Secretary Relief Cehulnlttee , ! .beleliants Fix- cllunge , St. . liuis : heIr Sir-We bei4 heave to aelcimolwlemige I CIOIPL of your esleemed favor of ihio 27th ini't. , COlIttlIlhIllil (110011 fur $ r10) , tielimg it lorlioll of tile flJlltiltlUtlollS ! by > 'tr eIiizOile l0 $ tile lilhhP)4ll ( of asSlatIlIg tIle doStIttIto fnrnerH : of our state in pro. curing srd nilti ( ceil. On thiIr ieihltlt we tiiahli6 ) 'Otl most ililoerely'our utlyica us to time dlposltleih of tile reshItle of thu very lIberal cash colltrlbutloils ( rein your citizens Is nllpreclntci nail wIll be valUable to tlS Ill CO liii ) Ii I iioi miti r cr11011 frJi' pub. llt'atIoll. Vb'o cinliraco this opllortunlty aise to 111011k YOU , und timrolmgim you time president and other Incilillers of ) Otlf exoillulgo , ItnIl tile mayor of your cIty , for courtesies . tClltleil to illefllbClH of our colnlsmillsIoiI iltir. ill ; their recelmi visit to ) 'Ollt' cIty , Very truly yours , W , N. NAI3ON , l'resldent. _ - - - - ChfldrenOryfor PItchei" Castorla. ChIIdrenCryfo ' 'tTher's Castorla Children CrV' ? itoher's .Castorla ,