Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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: - - - - - - . TIE O I.n DAILY BEU { 1PU1SDAY , 1ARCII 26 , lS { . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l _
Contend the Orginnl Bill Stnted by Cnso
! In ,
Cogniz3blo Chncery
J."lnl 'rrunllml Opens lie : IAter for thc
Ilf..llnll 1111 JI'd"rl Ihnt the
1 nJlntlon bonfl hy .Judlc
Woo.II " 'nl "oh' '
- ,
\VMHINOTO , March 2-The Unhted .
Rates fUllreme court today 1)garl the hicar- :
lnl ( f nt/Juments / In the case of Iugcne : V.
Ibs , Ilresident ( of the Amcrlcan Halwa ) '
\llon , Inil othen who partilpated with
him In the ChlclO strIke In the summer of
lStJi. I
The early proceedings In the cse today
developcll that while the argument would
lIe xlcnlell , , the qucslon al haue was not
complex. Debs and lila associates ask for n
writ of haheas corl1s retrieving from the
fIt'n e of Imprisonment passed upon them
1) ) ' Judge Woods ] of the Unlell states circuit
court for the northern Ilstrlct of
Ilnol ; In Dccpmhcr laRI , 01 the
chaT e of contempt In failing to obey the
111111101 ) of the court requlrn [ them to
t1euhst from Interfering with the Intenlate
t TISportnton of the t'tllR , 115cnger or
U fthht , and also from pre\'entng mplo'es
of the railroads concerned ) tn trnnslctng
their busIness , The fact "as soon also
developl 1 that the mRln contention of the
petitioner wouhl be that the original bm
statell no case cognizable In chuncer anll
thai therefore the Injuncton waR volll and
that the Ilersous ot whom It was aimed were
not bound to observe It. In support of this
p\opoEIUon t hey asserted that without
statutory authority lrom congress the gO\-
erment could maintaIn no such bill , and
that no such authority could he fOlnd unless
1 he In the act of 18VO ) , known ns the Sher-
Jan auitl-tritat nct. 111 they contended that
thIs act was not applicable or that If It wal
npplcable that section 4 .of I , authorizing
such proceedings , was unconstitutional , he-
cnl'se , Involving the proceedings in chancery
In such a case , It deprived the defendants 01
trial under n penal statute of the right of
Dial I hy jlry contrary to the sixth amend-
ment to the constitution ,
TI ON. ,
I was 12:40 : when thc case was called
and Mr. Trumhll addressed the court In sup-
port of a motion made II himself that coun-
Bel bo heard In behalf ot the petitioners
lnl that they be allowed three hours for
the presentation of that side of the case.
The moUon was granted and three hours
llowed to each side.
Mr. Trnmbul then Il'oceeel with his
arguments on the merits or the case , out-
Hnlng the Ilolnts as above set forth. ' Its
spoke without notes and confined himself
closely to the facts and arguments set forth
In the line of tbt petitioners.
He characterized the proeeedings as extra-
ordinary and declared the statements In the
bill In equity as recltless. lie declared the
statements made were incorrectly sworn to
by a man , who , for aught he knew , had been
nicked up on the street for the 11rpose ,
He called attention to the act that the road
of the stock yard company was only a leech
road but did not question that some of the
twenty-two roads entered In the bill were
CD gged In Interstate tralllc. He contended
that the prImary object of the AmerIcan
Ralway union was to bring about a peaceful
adjustment of the dUfcultes between the
PIlmm comany and Its employes , and saId
this was pmlseworth Furthermore , ho de-
dared that this object would have been IC-
ccmplshed but for the refusal of the Pnl-
man ofclnls to grant any concessIons. He
said It was an insult to every intelligent
ct n to say , ns was said In the bill . tilt
i was as necessary to carry the Pullman
sleepers a I "ns to carry the mails. lie
also aged the rIght of the railroad and
Pullman employee to quIt work when they
chose and criticized the language of the bill
: - t itt characterIzIng this acton on their part as
a bo 'cot. Ito also took exception to the use
of the word conspiracy , as used In the bill ,
declaring that the purpose of the strIkers was
that of preventing the hauling of sler.lng
cars and not that of preventing the truns-
portaton of the mails or of Interfering with
tutertate traffic.
- 1110 great question was , he saId , whether
a curt of equity had jurisdiction In a case
of the character or the one under considera-
ton and llroceeded to argue the constitutional
bearing of the question. lie did lot believe
It competent for congress to confer upon
courts of equity jurisdiction lu any hut
equity cases and he Insisted that congress
bad never undertaken to confer such
prerogatives. The present case Involved a
criminal offense. Hal ever a case occurred
when a court of equity had attempted to
restrain I citizen from committng a
criminal act-burglary or murder , for
Instance ? I the petitioners had been.gulity
lS charged they should have been proceeded
agaInst In the regular manner hy Indictment
and trial by jury.
lie took Issue wIth the contenton that the
consttuUonal provision for UIO regulation
ot commerce between tIme states gave author-
Hy for such a proceeding as thIs in l equity .
bUt declared this was entirely contrary to
the holding of the courts , In support of ,
whIch positon ) be quoted various nuthorl
ties. nut even Ir this was correct the pros-
emit case was one confined entirely to the
state of Iinois Continuing , Mr Trumlul
t1eIarcd the supreme court or the United
States hall been overwhelmed with cases
growing out o a strained . construction oC the
p constitUtion , and ho thought It tme to calla
u halt 10 contended that the anti-trust
bill hal no bearing upon the case of an
association or railroad clplo'es , but was
1nteJled to prevent combinations , corpor-
tions and trusts , as was made evident by the
tact that provision was mad for the seiz-
tire of Ilroperty. lie asserted the lnJlncton
In the case hall been Isled without notice ,
except In the nowspallers. I this was true ,
H was In defiance of congress , and It was not
to be supposed that everybody was to b3
compelled to read newspapers lie urged In
conclusion that Debs and his assocIates were
legal ) ' Imprlsouod , and asked for their ro-
lease .
Assistant Attorney General Whitney tol-
lowed on behalf of the gvornment lie
thought that when the question should be
u llroperl' ascertained , there would bo very
little difficulty In arriving at a decision lie
did not suppose the court would thud It
necessary to go Into the general IUestlon of
strikes anti boycotts , which vas an uutrod.
dou fold for the supreme court , and Involve.1
110lnts on which the courts anti , the text
writers , so far as they had dealt with the
mater , were divided . I was , therefore , un-
necessary to consider whether the anti-trust
law allptes to conspiracies of the Ihul In
whIch DelI and other were engaged , 'he
case was n IJOcular one , In that none of the
I. parties to the present care were engagoJ II
the Chicago strike ns employes of any of
the roads They had organized for the Ilur.
Jose of bo'cottnl time Inll11an compau
and In doing that proceeded to par.lyzo the
ralro:11 : companies , which they were doing
\Ilon time injunction was issued , The Inln ,
obJect of the organization was to secure cmi- ,
tire control oC the railroads of the country ,
lie Ilwolt upon the greAt Injury done by the
strike , which Injury was , he said , irrepara-
hIs , and asked that the court take cognizance
of this fact , I It WM conceded on all hands
There could hardly bo n question that the
strike was unlawful In its aspects , In Its
Itelpt at boycotting and nt controlling by
combination the railroad traffic of the coun
try. The real question was as to time Jurs- :
diction of a court of equity , and bo contended .
tenlot tlt I bad It In such a case as the
prelent. Mr , Whitney cont. > ndol In reply to
the objection that Limo Unlel State was not
Ilro\crly a parh' tD the jiroceedings hAYing I
no Interests which were 1\01 vel , that In a !
S habeas corpus prcceling It was Immaterlul
by what party the llroceehlgl Ihould bo Inaugurate - ,
augurato Yet ho contended that the situa-
tlomi vas one which called for the interference -
enco of the government authorIties . He also
contended the C410 was ono In which It was ,
proper to Invoke the alI of an equity court
to the extent 4t least or granting an In-
uncton , leaving the criminal features of the '
case to bo considered by 1 criminal curt ,
10 argued the applcbiity of the IntHrust
la w to Inch that
a combInaton IB rormol
by Debs and the olher prtes to the Ilre& .
ent procoedlng , a -
cntondlug tblt leral COl-
. - ' ' , , , , . . " ,
. ' .t'J. ! . . , , '
structon of the lAW could lead to no other
ronclullon Ito urged In conrluslol that the
ease could only b brought to the supreme
court 01 appeal alter the final decision of the
case below. '
: lr. Gregory opened ) his argument wih R
reference to the questhn as to whether the
qlest n
"imiformation" In time iso was properly be-
tore the court , and he urged time c-o was
twit ono for too chose scrutiny , as the matter
\I'I one Involving the liberty or the cllzens ,
it seemed to be n tlalgeronl power to commit -
unit to a Ingle magistrate that he might Im-
prison without regard to the facts or the
law , anti that there could bo no appeal to the
supreme court Ito contended that Debs
and his associates had not been enjoined
"front ordering a strike , " which was what
they lied been guilty of , If guilty at alt. ne-
gardln tIme Jurisdiction or the court belo\ ,
. Ir. Gregory contended there was none , because -
cause 10 federal statute had hen sullnitted
tinder which the case could ho considered
there , except the anttrult law and ho char.
Icterlzell time effort to Ilrocerd tinder this
law ns "a kind of judicial strnbIBm , " He
regarlled It as significant that the gover-
lent had "Irtlaly abandoned this law ns a
grQulHI of proceedimug.
ContnuIng , ho asserted that tIme I nglsh
chancery courts hal never undertaken to en-
JoIn the obstruction of railroads owned by
Ilrh'ate corporations , nor hnd there been
such n proceeding In any of our state coimets .
In t'eal ) this was n proceeding to punish
for conpplracy by nn equity court , and such
n course was not nlol\ah1e In advance of
congreslonnl enactment . Until such enactment -
mont he hm called Ipon the court to lire-
\ ' emit It.
cl I. !
: Ir. "aler asserted ( the right or the
United States to Invoke the aId ot nn equity
court to suppress a nuisance , and , therefore ,
such n court hind jurisdiction In this case
lie referred briefly to the condition ot
affairs In Chicago when the appeal was made
to tIme circuit court , whIch wa he said , for
the protection of the mails and of the Inter-
ltnto Issuance of the right to enJoin such
interference lie defended tIme rl h of the
government to Invoke the protection or these
interests In a court of equl ) asserting that
such a course Is authorized both by the
.tatutes and the decision oC . the courts. lie
based his argument largely upon the pro-
visions of the Interstate cOlmerco act , anti
upon the right of the government to protect
the mails. Mr. Walker concluded with the
nfljonrnment of time court nt 4 o'clock , leaVIng -
leg only two arguments still to bo mnde-
that of Attorney General Oney ror the gO\-
ornament , antI or Mr. Darrow for the pet-
toner , . .
"What shall we do with our daughters ? "
Teach them to cook with Dr. Prlce's Uak-
lug Powder.
OU7.1TAX CWVS U1.7S JlTl G zut.s ii. " ii.
Personally AskImiitnnco to Settle
icaragtmui's Ullculy with lngiamud.
WASHINGTON , March 25Dr. Guzman ,
the Nicaragtman minIster , was nt the State :
department this morning and the inference
Is that he' has been consulting Secretary )
Greshiamu respecting the British ultimatum.
It Is evident the State del1artment Is deeply
cOlcered In this mater , and n statement
from Ambassador Daard , explaining the
) !
11rposo or Great Drlaln , Is anxiously looked
for. I Is not believed our goverment can
object to the creation ol a commission of air
complexion to ascertain and fx damages sus-
tlined by British subjects In Nicaragua , and
the Issue appears to have narrowed down to
the demand of an Indemnity of 5,000 for
time expulsIon of Mr. Hatch , Brltlsh consular
agent at Bluefields. There Is i already a dIs-
positon to examine Into the mater further
nml ascertain whether the Nicaraguan government -
ernment did not act entirely within Its rights
In expelling tile consular agent. I was
charged by the Nicaraguans that Hatch , who
was not a diplomatic officer , and so could
claim no exemption on that score tool .n
active part In the political turmoil nt Due
fields and did much to secure the overthrow
of the Nicaraguan government In the town
and time reinstatement of Chief Lawrence I
this were true ; then under ordinary conditions -
tons there would I little doubt of the
rIght of the Nlcaragnn government to expel
him from the country. But the conditioums - In
Dluefelds at the tIme were not ordinary ,
for , according to the British contention . the
Mosquito reservation was actual ) ' under a
British protectorate up to time date . of the
MosquIto conventon ,
l'UOCTOI JOPi O : W.\NT cUuj.
Vermont Senator Thln\s the ] stllt ' 'ould I
Not Misk. , n UCllr'lblo SIRtO.
WAShINGTON , March 25-1 do Dot
agree , " lll Senator Proctor of Vermont
today "with the views of my colleagues In
the senate \1,0 court trouble In Cuba In
the hope that we may have an opportunity'
to annex tile Iland , The character of a
part at the population of Cuba Is such that
1 should hot consider It a desIrable state
of the unIon , a , It would necessarily become
i It were annexed. I consIder Cuba of vast
importance o this country commercIally ! .
but prefer that It should remain IS I Is or bean
an Independent state to It becomIng n part
of the United States. I am for the commercial -
dab annexaton , but IOt for territorial an-
nexation. We can accomplish that result
without n war of conquest And without pur-
chasllg the Island , simply by reviving the
policy of reciprocity. \\0 made Immense
strides In our commerce with that country
under time recrlproclty clause of the Me-
KIn Ie law and had a traQe oC vast propor-
tons wIth the Island when the law was ID'
pealel. , All that I changed now and our
Cuban trade Is comparnth'el- of little con-
sequence. I Is an object Jeuon which the
POlllo care. of tblF country sluld ! btudy with
Time senator added that he believed that
tIme republican llarty would take time first
opportunity ! to revive time policy of recl-
proclt , but "aid ho did not know whether
the effort Ilouhl cOle before congress owing
to the probability of a veto of any reciprocity
mlsuro which might b enacted by con-
gress. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- - - - -
1'11" . iCthtor'SLmigungo In time COlrl _ ,
WASHINGTON , March 25.-A case whlcb
has just been docketed In the United States _
supreme court will probably test time ques.
lon or time length to which a newspaper can
go In time use of obJectonablo language and
still find access to time mnails . The case Is
that of the United States Igallst Dan K.
Swcallngen and comes to the supreme court
on alegatIons of error In Limo Unied States
circuit court of Kansas which found Swear-
Ingen , who was the editor of a paper Ilub-
lishmeti , at lurlnstou , ICon I . , guilty of time Im-
proper u.o of the malls . The olemo con-
slUed In the llullctol of un article abusing
nn employe of a rival uow.paper , In which
language was used which time Postal authori-
ties Ilronounce obscono.
Tbo question was In computing the time of
service which ontUol an officer In tIme regu. I
III army to longevity IJay Service In a volunteer -
unteer regiment Is servlco In the army of time
United States was decided In the case of
Geneal Thomas \ \ ' . Sweemly , who served
as I volunteer In the Mexican war , \laS talle
L return to the government n certain amount
which ho hnd received as n longe\ly raton
allowance , and In hlch acton time conw- ,
troler was sUitalnel1 Imy time court of claIms :
The supreme court of Limo United ) Stales ,
however , reversed the court of clalmi and
declded , In It opInIon ! ly Justice Drown , according \ to the act of March , 1867
\'olunteer service \as to bo included In fix-
Ing lono\'ly Ilay
( & n. .1 . l'rac'tlemil :1.101 I'dmwor
WASh INGTON , : Inrch :5.-TherQ I much
luformaton of Ilractcal value In regard to
the now i\stom of Ilrolleling street can by
gas enJlnes contaIned hl n report to the
State department made by Unied States
Consul General Carroll at Dreiden. lie
gives illustrations of the 101 motor anti
car and detailed descriptions of the various
11arts a well as statIstics. Time car
cost ; 3.570 each : ono char ! , ' of gas runs
thmoni eleven mies : the gas supply Is roe
nowed In tat ) seconds b ) a 10iO and time
consun1ton Is ono-thlrd of a cubIc meter
her kiometer of 3,250 feet less than Iller
cent. Time consul general says time system
Is utraclng Great atenUon and Germau
citIes are adoptug it , n It Is cheaper of
operation than the trolley and requires no
overhead charged wires . is UlvII"111 fil Uuposlgr
WASh INGTON , March 25.-The COlptrol.
lor ot the currency has declared n dlldoll
of 15 per cent In favor of the creditor of
the insolvent l lrt National bank of Sundance .
dance , \VIrQ.
Colonel Stantn's ' Ohanc to Wear stars
Seems Particularly Brght Now
lUl SnCCISAOr1 UnlloubtcI11Uethe Chief
1'81mnAt"r ot the Iepmsrtmnent ot limo
I'liitte-Oosumlp Concerulu Other
' , ' . ,
l'roAIechc l'romutoul
WASINGTON , March 25.-Spedal ( Tele-
gram.-Colonel ) Thaddeus M. Stanton , chief
ymaster of the Department of the Platte ,
will likely I be appointed paymaSter general
of the army , with rank of brigadier general ,
to I the vacancy whIch will be cause b ) ;
time retirement of General Wllal Smith to-
ummorrow Whether the appointment will b
made tomorrow or b delayed for some time
Is not now known The prevailing Iunpre.
slon Is that It will be made by the presilent
Immediately. 1 Colonel Stanton should not
bl Inalle paymaster general the appointment
will go to Major Asa n. Carey , ns he and
Colonel Stanton are the only ofcers who
Iecm to have any chance for preferment.
Up to a short ( line ago It was the general ,
sentment that the allllointment lay between I
Colonel Stanton and Colonel Terrcl , but It Is
IOW stated that Innsmuch as Colonel Terre !
will retire In less than n year lIe Is not likely
to be male IlaYIJlster general , since tt Is not
the polcy of time president to give these all-
Jlolntmtt to officers who wi be compelled
to retire and give nil the office shortly after
helng apPOlmmtC'd. I.leutennnt Colonel George
fi. Glenn , who has heretofore been n candidate -
date , Is not likely to receive the appoint-
ment , Time allpolntment , therefore , lies be-
tween Colonel Stanton and Major Carey , with
the chances In favor of the former. When
Colonel Stanton Is appointed LIeutenant
Colonel Genn will ! o up 10 the rank of
colonel antI Major Carey will be Promoted to
the leulenant colonelc ) Should MaJor Carey
stilt get the appointment no Ilromoton will re-
I Is quIte certain that another Important
chicago In the stations of the troops ot the
western posts will be made sometime during
the spring I Is well known that It Is the
POliCY of Secretary Lament to have ns many
changes In the stations of time troops as
possible wlhont having them occur too often .
Secretary Lament believes that 1 would bl
better for the service to have constant transfers -
fers of the dIfferent regiment so a not to
allow one regiment to stay unusually long
nt any partcular Ilost. I ts very likely that
one of these changes will be ordered within
the next two or three months. What will be
the nature of time ahmakimig UII Is not now
known , hut It will be extensive enough to
affect a large number oC the troops staten
at the wester Posts. Secretary Lament has
on several occasIons staled to army officers
that such would be the case
On August 3 next time retirement of Colonel
William Winthrop , assistant judge advocate
generl , wIll occur. By this retirement :
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas F' . Barr wl he
IHomotell to the rank ot colonel and Major
George ( D. Davis will go up to the lieutenant
colonelc ) ' . This will leave n vacancy In the
grade of maJor , whIch It Is expected will be
prcmpt ' fled by the presIdent For this
mmppolntrbant there are no less than fifteen
caldldat , among them being First Lieu-
tenant henry II. Benham of the Second
tnantr . who Is statoned at Omaha and Is
regImental qunrtermaster. Lieutenant Den-
ham has baen In Washington for some time
In the Interest ot his candidacy and It Is
understood that : his chnnces for the posItion
arc exceiient. Colonel \'Inthrop , whose retirement -
tirement will cause the vacancies In the
lower grades , was promoted to hIs present
rank by tie appointment of Colonel Lieber
to be judge advocate general with the rank , of
brigadier general. There are three maJors
In the Judge advocate general's department ,
namely : Davis , Groesbech and Crowder.
The later was recent ) ' appoInted
to the grade of major by the president
lie was the that leutenant of the Eighth
cavalry and Is stationed at Omaha aa judo
advocate of the Department of the Platte. ! 1
Is ImposllJe to tel WJIO will receive the
appointment as major , a neither the secre-
tary of war nor the presIdent have given
any intifltloum as to who will be their choice
In time matter. I Is possible that before the
time arrives for the retirement of Colonel
Winthrop and far making the appointments
there wi be others who will nnnounce them-
selves as candidates for the position of major.
The following ofccrs \\1 report to Colonel
Henry L Abbott , president of the examining
board at the Army building , New York City ,
for examination for promotion : Captain Jo-
5ephYar. Captain Carl F. Palfrey ,
Captain William II. Dxby , First
Lieutenant Hiram M. ChItenden , See-
end Lieutenant Charles Keller , Second Lieutenant -
tenant Charles S. l3rornwell ,
First Lieutenant Cabslus E GIllette and
Second Lieutenant Herbert Deakyne will be
examined for promotion I ) a beard of otcers
appointed to meet at San Francisco . Detail
for hoard : Colonel George II. Mendel , Corps
of nglneers ; Lieutenant Colonel William II.
H. Denyanrd , Corps of EngIneers ; Lieutenant
Colonel Charlt R. Greenloaf , deputy surgeon
enernl : LIEutenant Colonel Johnson V. I ) .
lddteton , lepuly surgeon general ; Major
Wiiam H. leuer , Corps of Engineers : the
engIneer officer will act ns recorder.
First Lieutenant Francis H. Shank , Corps
of Engineers , Is grantel two months Ecl
A trip round the world would convInce
you that Dr. l'rlce's BaIting Powder Is sell
"llllltcll mm M"mbr .t time Hoard of
( ri"IRnlo anti l'orltclt\ ,
WAShINGTON , March 25.-Tho president
baum made time following appointments :
Joseph I Outhwaie of Ohio , to be n member -
ber of time board of ordnance and fortfca-
tioums vice ' M , Cutcheon !
tons , Byron , resIgned ,
Julius C. Tucker ot Texas , consul of the ,
United States at Martinique , West Indies.
Mr. Outhwaite Is well known In political
cIrcles through his work In time house oF
rOllresentaUves where he ha always been
one of Speaker Crlsp's lieutenants and hns
hecn , In fact , the cx-spealler's chief repro-
sentatve on time floor from the norther
Etates. lie was " member of time house com-
mlteo on rules In time last congres and ale
chairman on military affairs , lie has bean a
warm friend and admirer of Prosilent Clo\'e-
land , Time olce I worth about $7.000 a
year . Mr Outhwalto's Ilrcdecenor was also
tormerly u congressman and had served In
Limo huuse al chairman or the committee on
military cresa. affairs In time last republican con-
: Ir. Outhwalto la n native of Ohio , la\'log
heon born In Cleveland In J8U. lie was a
. -
school teacher In eally' lfe and subsequently
became R lawyor. , lAks present home Is
Columbus , O. lie strWd In the last five
congresses , but was : efttod lat November.
The president hasuslso appointed the fol-
lowing poatunasters , \w01belng \ to fill vacancies
of ommlsslons
caused by expiration :
Bethlehem , Pa. , C. lShlmcr ' : , vice H. A.
German : Alon , fa'l ) , Mice H. Graves , reappointed -
appointed , and Applet.ojt City , Mo . G. A.
Platte , vice John 10pklr , who was confirmed
a postmaster on F etbary 6 , but died before
taking charge. - -
Il'AlN ru AVOI'T : . A zow rOI.IC\
tier nelntul with Oilier NRtonA to
ChnnJo , ylh tll' ? 'CamilI ( JtllRtr , ,
WAShINGTON , Mnlof1 25.-The organlza-
lon ( of the new Spanish ministry formed late
Saturday Is being watched with Inteet b )
ofcials and diplomats here , owing to the
direct and speedy elects It will have on nf-
fall between the Unlled States and Spain.
OfficIal advices received here state that every
member of It Is a conservative , This Is dl-
reUy contrary to cable reports sayIng that
five of the now ministers were liberals. The
elect of thIs bill will be far more sweepIng In
time change of ofcers , including foreign mm-
haters , and the adoption ot a new POlICY on
foreign amid domestic affairs.
I 1f k.\own that the entire diplomatic
force of Spain , with tm' exceptions , will be
changed. The exceptions will he the cmii-
hassles at Berlin , St Petersburg and the
Vatican , These three ambassadors have o-
cUllled their nnomalous 10sltons of being
conservatives In office during n liberal administration -
ministration , Just as a few of PresIdent Har-
rison's diplomatic appointees have hell eve
during the present sthmninietration . The
Spanish diplomats serving In Great Britain ,
Austria , France Italy and other leading
places , Including , of course the United States ,
are liberals amid arc certain to tender their
resignatons. I Is believed that In a ma-
Jority ot cases they have already done so.
Another change sure to follow will bo In
the captalneneralshlp of Cuba. 10 Is
always chosen front Spain and not from
Cuba and belongs to the party of the mlii-
istry. The present captin general Is a .
liberal , so that his resignation Is regarded '
as a certainty anti 1 Is thought quite probable -
able by olcials here that he has already
tenderul it. Ills retirenibnt at thIs critical
lmo In the affairs of the Islands , It Is be
leveI ! , will have an important effect on
Cuban affairs. J Is expected here that the
new captain general will share the radical
eltment of the new mInistry , which Is
saId to bo In favor of crushing the revolution
In short ord r. His presence In Cuba Is I
likely to be accompanied by heavy relnforce- .
InPuts of Spanish troops and materials ot war
This being the first day of the new minis-
try n reply to the United States o the At-
anca case Is not cxpected I Is thought ,
however to be one of the first subjects which
wIll engage time mlnlstn' Before reaching
the merits of the case the mInistry will first
have to decide wllcther to confirm or reject
tim pT.lmlnary assurance given by the last
mInister to Secretary Gresham that a proper
explanation would b made when the facts
of the Aiianca affair were ascertained. The
new mlnlstr ts rather inclined to b belg-
erent In Is tendencies so far as can be
judged by the records of Is niembers.
Time cable announcement from Madrid that
Senor Dupuy do Lmo will be time successor
of Selor 1hlruala as minIster to the United
Sates Is net yet officially confrmed hore.
The statement Is generally credited , however.
Senor to Lomo was time Spanish minIster at
" Washington three years ago , serving only
six months , and being succeeded by Iuruaa.
Ho Is I consen'at\'e. which led to
his beIng succeeded by Senor Muruaga ,
n liberal. Now the politics of SpaIn has
taken another simift and , Senor do Lomo Is
sent back to his tprmer station.
Jnvnl , Court of Inquiry 01'1' ' .
WAShINGTON , larch 25.-Lieutenant
Commander Frnltlf trake , captnln of the
fish commission schooner Albatross , and
Lieutenant T. B Carter ) his executive ofli-
ccr , have hud u jar apd hlve exchanged some
sharp words , and In "consequence each
officer has lreCere , charges against the
other To get at the , truth of the mater
and Ilnd out who is In the wrong , the secretary -
retary of the navyi'imas lordered n court oC
Inquiry , to meet at Mnrr Island Thursday ,
April 4. The detail ' for the court Is : Com-
maUler C. M , ThontS Lieutenant Com-
mander F. M Symonds and Lieutenant Wil.
1- :
lam E Swell u member and Lieutenant
Bernard Scot as judge advocate. I .
Do . Not Relieve I'Jemmro-L'npurnnimhtt HoportA.
WASHINGTON , March 25.-Inquiries have
I'eached the Department of Agriculture concerning -
cerning the accuracy of the report that
pleuro-pneumonia exIsts In Geary nnd Wau-
tJnsee counties , Kansas , This conclusion
was reached by Prof. \V. S Mayo , veteri-
narian ut the State AgrIcultural college.
after a thorough examination , Including sev-
erl post mortem eamlnalon The department -
partment lies Instructed the traveling inspector -
specter W. S. Devoe tD investigate and re-
port. Officials here think Dr Mayo Is wrong
In his diagnosis 11 they believe there Is .
no pleuro-pneumonla fn thIs country at tills
ChBn&cs lu Natlonat n"I Omcers
WAShINGTON , March 25.-Special ( Tele- .
gram.-The comptroller of the currency
has been notified ot the following changes
In olcers of Nebraska national bunks :
The Kearney National bammic Ieare ' , 1
h Downing president , In place oC " ' . A.
Downing ; First National , Greenwood N.
1-i. , Meeker , president. In place or John
Fitzgerald , deceased ; First tational . Weeping -
Ing Water , Thomas Murtry . cashier , in
place of John A. Donelno : R. Id. Flnncmy ,
assistant cashier ; First National , Pierce ,
10 vice president In Illace or Benjamin
LindsaY _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jul"Url1 I.alY 10 SeIU"
WASHINGTON , March 25.-TIme State department -
partment has received n cable from General
I. ' . M. D. Young . United States minister to
Honduras , annolnclnl that the Honduras
government his promised to speedily settle
the Henton CIFe , This Is the mater Captain
Dmtvls oC the United States ahlp Montgomery
recently investigated ' antI the message Is
assunied to mean hint honduras . will pay
. for her husband
1lrs. Upnton an Indemnlt
and Joss or property.
Ch'l Service 1''lllllnlon , . I
WAShINGTON , Mnrch -Speclal ( 'rele-
gram.-Ummder . ) the mucimedule ns arranged
I ) time Civil ServIce commission the exam-
Inaton ot the npplcants for positions In the
( leijurtonental. ) Indian and railway mal
services wi take place at Dubuque In. .
April 8' It Des Moines , April 19 : at Aber-
tleen S. D , . AJlrl 12 , amid nt Sioux Falls ,
S. D. , Apri hI The examinaton twill be
conducted by Special ExamIner Charles ii.
Smmyder . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
blll Nrw I'lurlh ClaB s'ostunustuters ,
WASIINGTON , March 25.-Special Tele-
I grm.-NebrslI ) postmaster wcre ap-
11 lntet tothay as folow/ : Abbott , Hal
county , J. A. Iteed , vice I" . H. I.lngf to-
signed : ilordetmtmx . Dawes county . O. II.
Messinger , viceV. . B. Messtnger , resigned.
On the Nordom-l'oiiin Ilnumte .
WAShINGTON , March 25.-Special ( Tele-
gram.-Unt ) April & time I'ostohhice depart-
silent wIll receive bIds for ' carr'lng mal
I from 1fI n to Nordcl , Neb. , ten unties mimic !
hack , three times It week , from May Int ,
iRiS , to June 8Q , } : I I
I Ohl'l ; 'rholrjCQIh811IK. .
WASHINGTON , March 25.-Special ( Teie-
I grammi-Nebm'miska ) Jlo lnalters were com-
I mlssloncII toulay mmmi tollotvs : James n.
toluy lS
1olcomb. GOlhenherl1Daniel folows ; A. Ioyle ,
O'Nel : Lucy Corlsll"lJUI , , Vnle ) ' ,
Marbled ( ' mike .
This Is male In separate batters , a dark
end a light one.'or the dark one talc one-
hal cupful butter , one cupful hrew sugar ,
Iwo and one. half cupfuls lour , ono tea11loon.
ful Royal naklng Powder , four 'elks of eggs ,
one-hulf cupful milk , one teaspoonful each , .
Ioya Extract Cinnamon , Coves and Allspice. .1
For the light one tkr one.hal cupful butter
one cupful sugar , two at1 one.half cupfuls
lour , one teaspoonful Royal Iiakiumg Powder ,
whites four eggs , one-half cupful mik , one
teaspoonful Royal ' xtrlct Lemnon Uotb bat-
tors are m8Ilo ) by' rubbing the butter and
sugar to a cream ; nddlng the eggs , beat a
few minutes , then odd the four , sifted with
time powder , the extracts and mi" . and mix
, Into smoth ; baler , rather firm , lave mm
pallor.hned tin ; with a spoon droll the two
Settlng of the Ways Provenl the Launch-
ing of the St Pout ,
When Lnnnehllt Rnll C0IIlltN1 lImo Shill
Will 1 ( One of time 1Inlsl Afloat-
Largest Merchant Shill l\r
Built In This CUlllr ,
PIIII4ADELI'liIA - , March 2-The big
Amcrlc.U line steamer St. Paul was not
launched tolar , At time clevcnll hour she
disappoInted her owners , time Internlonnl
Navigation company , tier builders , the
Messrs. Crnmll , amid the vast mullmto ( of
humanity waiting to witness her initial lIe-
puture by refusing to budge nn Ilch [ rm
the ways. When the schedule time-1:15 p
ni.-arrived , the yard was crowded wlb
thousands of sightseers , and MIss Frances C.
GrIscom stood on the christening stand I
swinging time bottle of champagne which waste I
to give the shIll its baptsm , and awaiting the .
signal to give the shill Its mmmc Time props .
were knocked away , but she did not move.
Then nn investigation was made , stud It was
dlsco\'erct that the tallow with which time
trays lund been greased had cnlell to the
consIstency of flint , and instead of nsslstng
In slllng the boat oft rather retarded its
movemen .
When time condition or the tallow was perceived -
celved jacks were resorted to , but without
success Then n line of hose was turned on
the ways , In the hope of loosenIng the tallow ,
but this , too , failed. Next n hawser was
thrown to five boats In tIme rIver , and all
'puletl together , but all these efforts failed.
At 2:45 : p. t It was announced that no fur-
titer efforts would be made to launch the
vessel tOlta .
Immediately after the cOWl ] dispersed
gang ot workmen were pet to work at the
ways , and In the course of two or three days
they w1 be rebuilt , when she will again he
ready to go oft. ThIs Is the first failure of
the sort since 1873 , when time l'ennslvanla :
stuck half way down the ways.
A large numher of dlstlgnishel ] persons
from all harts of the country had come to
Bee the launch. Time St. I'aul delegation ,
about seventy In number , reached town yesterday -
terday amid took up their quarters at the
Stratford hotel , where they were welcomcd
by the mayor end time ofcials of the na\lga-
ton commipany ThIs mornIng they were
driven to Chcstnut street whnrf and boarded
time steamboat Columbia , upon which they
were conveyed to tIme shlp 'arl , The Grid-
Iron club , composed mainly of \asblngton
newspaper men , waIted to see time launch
on one of time city Ice boats In the rlYer. With
their party wee the following , who were the
guests of Charles H. Cramll : Mrs. Secretary
Carlisle , Logan Carlsle ntI wife , Senator
and Mrs. Gorman , Senor Romero , the 1lcx-
Icau mInister
The propelling machinery Is a pall of vertI-
cal quadruple expansion engines , to carry
a worldng steam pressure of 200 poummds and
expected to develop from 18,000 to 20,000
collective indicated horse pawer. These arc
the large and most powerful marine engines
ever built In America , and as the prInciple
of quadruple expansion has never before been I
applied on so large a scale , its results tn
this case will be watched with interest. Hal
and \Vatman anchors are to be used. The
ship will carry fourteen Chambers c lapsI-
bio lifeboats , fourteen ordinary lIfeboats , one
ordinary cuter , one gig all four metal boats
Time specifications oC time secretary of time
navy to enable these ships to carry and
operate at least eight six-Inch rifled cannon
have been more than fulfilled In theIr con-
truction. The boilers and engines can be
protected by coal or other suitable material
while their rudder area will gIve them tre
mendous maneuvering power , thus turning
them Into most effective cruisers. They can
carry enough coal , cargo being excluded , tu
cross the Atlantic and retur at their highest
speed , and at time ordinary cruiser's speed ,
ten to twelve knots , they can steam for
sixty-six days without replenishIng their
coal , a distance of aleut 19,000 knots.
The vessels iure practically unsinkable The
colliding boat would have to cut clear through
time engines and ongimme room , and the"
through six feet of sold steel before reach-
leg the second room , an almost Imp05slble
teat. In marIne accidents generally , where
a ship Is struck on the bul lead and the
two compartments adjacent are flooded , she
will inevitably sink. In the case of the St.
Luis and St. Paul , however , the subdIvIsion
Is such that tbD ship will remain perfecty
seaworthy with any two or three compartments -
ments flooded. This uubrolen subdl'I5101
has an Incidental advantage In maltng them
reproof I the fro Is confnel to one com-
partment. The St Paul has seventeen watet-
tight compartments all below tlC meat declt
above water. There Is no communicatIon
between any or these , It being mmecesary to
go up on deck and down stairs again before
being able to reach one from the other
The comforts and conveniences of passen-
gems : have been arrange on u scale reaching
magnifcence , There arc smoldng rooms la\
tshly fled , a spacious drawing-room , a Ii-
bray , a luxnrlous dlnln-room , and several
large saloons. In the first of these will be
a grand organ , with an electrical atach-
ment , which will enable the performer lu
play upon the Instrument from the ladles'
deck room. The ship throughout Is Ighte
wih Incandescent lumps , and the state-
reels have ventilating side lights , with automate -
tomato valves to exclude . - water.
The English are teTlel "a nation of shop
Iteepers. " They enjoy mundane blessings
though , as the export records or 11 I Ci'J
Creant BaIting Powder testifies , Incomparably
time purest and strongest . ' leavening agelt
Court , \lowed the 'ruot COIII'U1) ' Claim.
NE\\ YORK , March 25.-An opinion was
handed down by Judge I.acomhe In the
United States circuit court advising Louis
Chablo , receiver for the Nicaragua Canal ,
Constructon company , al to the disposition '
ot time JGO caim oC time Manhatan Trust
com pal ) ' , which was the only hiart oC a
$ : ,0,0 collateral bond issue nuthorlze Jart lIe-
fore time Caluro of the company. The receiver -
ceiver asked the court for Instruclons ni to
whether the hondhohler were enlle.1 to
rank aim crediors of the reolranlzell com-
pany , nUl whether the bonds , not being
matured , were enllel 10 I divhulenmi Judge
Lacombe decides hoth questions In the uf-
frmatve. He , however , advises time 10-
celver to lay aside the tlvhleluJ In some
trust company for the present for future
disposition by the compammy. -S
ajmrecimi'is i'uiimihiv 'rouhl. Allln II Cuurl.
SAt FRANCISCO I , March 2 , -The trouhle
In time Spreckcls famiy wi he aired In
court . Judge Seawel thIs morning signed
time alternative writ of mandamus a"kell for
h ) C. A , Sprecltels In his nlhlavlt fed on
Saturday alHlnst his father , Claus , Spreck-
ell , his hrother , John D , Sllreektl , nnd tile
, I I
! a a o a a s a s i
I )
ROYAL has the highest leavening ppwer of any powder examined I and
; is pure and wholesome No other pQWUcr gave results so satisfactory. m
FLOYD DAV ) ? : IV1 S. , Ph , D. , 1
Chemist of Iowa State Board of Health.
_ _
' n a a "
Chooolto ! CrOl1 ( lllcu ) .
Three-quarters cupful butter , two cups
sugar , ono antI one-hal Illnts four , five eggs ,
Dime tedslloonful Royal aldlg Powder , aie
cupful mink. Hul the butter and sugar t {
b white , light cream : add time eggs , two at
I ( hue , beating five mllulei between each
addition . Sift the four with the Jlowder ,
wlilch add to the butter , etc. , amid the milk.
Mix Into rather hum ( batter and bake II jelly
cake titus well greased , In hot oven fifteen
miminutes Set 01 the fire one gill of water ,
ono and ol -hal cupful sugar , one-hal cup
grated chocolate In a small aucellan : boil
until I gets thick and looks velvety : take oft
the ( fire , and add the whites of two eggs ,
without \allg ; use It hot , covering time top
amid sides of the cake Al It cools It growl
hiram. ,
batters alternately Into I , and bake In mm
rather quick ovel thlrty.fve milutes , I
IICUllllu S mike ,
One cupful butter , two and one-iiait cupfuls -
fuls sugar , three whole eggs , and three yelkl ,
one pint hour ( , one and olohalf teakllOIuls
Royal Baking Powder , one cupful milk , one
teaspoonful Ho'al xtract Vanlll , ono cupful
red currant jelly , two cupfuls sugar , three
I whites rgs. Hub the butter and bugr to u
iiglmt ivimito cream ; add the
Igbt whlo egg ono at n
tme , antI the 'elks ni at once , beating five
minutes between each addltol ; add time lour
sifted with the powder , the mik arid extract ;
mix the whole Into I smooth , light batter ,
put In a shahiow , square pal , bale In a mod-
crate oven forty minutes. When cold cover
time top ! With time following : Beat ulI time
jelly witimlie ( whites of eggs and sugar , until
light and stiff , then use a directed ,
directors of the Oellle Rtlnnshlp ( -
pnn ) ' , Time writ Is male returnable Aunt
5. Young Sprckels claims that while tie h
the largest Inll\'hllll tocltholder In the
steamship rOI\I ) ' , hI Is blnl kept omit of
tIme board oC dlrcorl by the rrf\s:1 of tht
dlrctorl to cell time annual lee\n/ tthilclm
should hmtve been imelml lii Jaimuam y last , The
suit is time reuht of an estrangeumtent lie-
ttt'eemI C , A. cmii ltmdolph h3preehcig out ( tao
oume tide anti their ( tither and two older
brothers on time oth"r. himitleiph iprc'c'keis
recently began an adIeu against his father
which Imwols'ed muearhv 2OOO , ( ' ) worth of
stock in tIme family's Ilawahiamm sugar Plan-
ITR1'Itfl.V i'xsio.v.q ,
S'rtcrttmil of time Itbehlton Jleuiieimibcremi by
time ( lonemni flos'onmimiuemiu ,
WAShINGTON , March 23.-Spccial.- ( )
Pensions granted , isstme of Maneim 13 , were :
Nebrn5ka : Oniglnmil-.lolmui lCemmmmetly , tlniomo ,
Cnsa count ) ' . Itcnewni-Jcftcmeomm Ogg , Liii.
cohn , Lamicaliter coummty , Imiercase--Sprlngen
Galley , Nelsomi , Nuckolls coumity : Joimn M.
lligscimofl' , I'imtt'ood , Cass eoUmmty. Origimint
wIdows , ete.-Mmiriit lhraboo , Crete , Stihimme
cotimit ) ' . Orlgimmnh widows , reissmle-Mmtr3'
W'imortemt ( iuiotimer ) , W'yumoore , Gage countY ,
Iowa : Orlgimmnh-Johmlm 0' iCeeffo. Crc'stofl ,
Uumlon county ; Bird IC. ltnnbntv , itlsimig Utumi ,
L'oik cotmumly , Incrcnse-Ilcmmry II. l'mitmghm ,
Cmimson , I'ottawmittmtmuiie cotmnty. ltcisstme-
Janmes Farmmshmntt' , Ohttcimm , Fayette comulmtS' ;
Timoummaut it. l'attersoim , Aumnummi smi , Jommes
comimmty ; John 14. W'iiiimtmmts , ime City , Sac
coummit- . Original wItovm ! * , ete-Miuuor of
GmmtiiYiile' l'ughm , Ahlertoim.Vni'ume calmly.
Sommtim Dakota : Om igimmni-Fmammk Mmiiimiott ,
Lenmh , Lnwremice coumumty.
North Dakota : Om Igitmal-Jolmim N. Oiitcr ,
Fargo , Cass coumnty.
Coloramlo : Origimmnh-\Viihlnmn Matthews ,
ltrtytirn , ltoutt cotunty ; .ltwepim .1. Piuchiti' ,
Cnmiomm City , Fremmmomit coummty ; John ltoyero ,
\Vray , Ytimmmmi coumily , Itclsstme-Joimtt hi.
Lane , lemmver , .mapmmlmoe cotmmmty ,
- - - -
( 'nrries iliitii Gnlh , utmmt iiivi'r ,
UrFFAI.o , W'yo. , March 23.-Speelal.- )
'There peemmis to be umo teaommtmhhe doubt re
mimmuimmimig that time tliBcO\'Ci'y of a gold ntmd
silver benrimig ledge in ( ha vicinity of Ilmiffalo
iii it vahmmahle one. Time rock himis hit'emm cure-
fully tcted 1mm vamious ways , nimi ! nltiuotmgli
time exmmct vmtltie caim emily ham mmscem'tnlmmed by
fumrtlmer assays , ( lie fact ( lint It Carm-lemu both
gold mmmii silver iii pmyimig ultmamttities iii md-
neatly established.
Vyoimihuig Stock W'Intoret % tehl.
CIIEYfiNNII , WIpe , . March 23.-Sieeiub. ( , ) -
Stock of all humus has Wimmtem'ed unusually
welt this ts'intcr , There tmmmt'e beeim mm so-
were stomnis amid feed hums been plemmtiftml.
Not r1attort1 by tlio Proposition of' Some
Southern Admirers.
lct'lineth to l'ako Tith n lila Vrrsiuieimtlm4
l'hmitformn smith Ieclumrccl lie 'ouuimt
Ieutto time Relmiihlileiui * It Timey
limmulorsesh This l'ohic'y.
TlIOM.S\'hLLC , Ge , , March 25.-flovernol
MeiCimmlcy will mmot heave today for l"iorith
as lie eiiectetl. Uumder time advice of lml *
loimysiclan hue will remmmnium in Timomimmmsviile untIl
itt 'fimomnasrhlie last umiglmt a letter re-
ccivcd tt3' Governor MclCimmhey train 100 sr
lucre citirens of Georgia , democrats aiim ! ro
lmmmhmlicane alike , lihedging hmhmmm tIme solid vote
of Georgia in LIme imatiommal relmuiblicami Comm.
vntlon , cud assuriuig imiumm of a flghmtIo
cimanca to get time electoral vote of ( list
state , lmrot'itled thmm ( Imo will declare Imimimself
en advocate of free silver. Time letter also
lmmtimmmated timat time republicami mmational hid-
forum of 1SiG rimighit eommtnin mm silver iiiammk ,
Vu'hmcmm this hotter was read alommtt to hint
Govt'rmmor Meitimmicy was immthigimammt , lie saidl
"If time rc'pmmbiictmmm item 13' simotmhd declarc for
free silver I wommlth dcciimito to beconmo its
mimnulimlato cmmmd I ttrnmld quit time Part ) ' forever -
over , "
I'ii rtoni'.l iy C Ii , , h' rm'niIeumt.
\'ASl IINGTON , 1darclm 25.-Time president
has graumted a pardon to John it. Miller , alias
lick Miller , u'tilctmccml hem Arkammsns to turn ,
years' immuprisommummemit amid 2OU fine for IllicIt
distilling and unlicensed liqumor sehlimig , aumit
Anton Catma , semitemiceti In ICammeas to two
years imprisonmemmt for penjur- .
hlmimuliui iti'eomcrlimj truimm time Grip.
Vm'ASIIINOTON , Mmtrcim 2.-Assistammt Sec.
rotary liamtilhmm rcturmmett to Wmtslilngton toay ,
but owimmg to ami attack of grip lie ttihl hot be
able to resume lila official duties for a day
or two at least ,
@ ® © iJ
j3 Zj flfl
A well selected text is Imalfof time aermon , Given a good text asmtl a preacher wlo
is jut earnest , amid time result is sure to be good. Time text of tmia article is closely
connected with time lives amid Imealtim of its readers. Time text is a plain simmiple state-
nmeuit that proves itself jim the remmders own muimid without am'gummmclmt. Time text is
" Good health is better than great riches. "
\Vitliont health notlmimmg tonil ) ' matters very smitmcla. Tcrrap'mmm amid to-times are only
irritamits to a dyspeptic. A hacking cough takes all tIme bcaumty oumt of a laiidscapc
or a summset. Erysipelas or eczcmota will spoil time enjo1mmment of spniglmtly comiversa-
tiomm , ofa bcatmtiful commcert , of a wommderful paimmt'mmig. rIme biggest bammk zmccoummt iii
time world w'oui't py a mmmamo for his Iiea1t1ibut a very small amoummmt of isiommey will
snake imimmi healthy amid keep lmimmm healthy.
Nature is a hard worker ammd twill stand much abuse , btit wimeim overworked , she
must have help or trouble will follow ,
Most all bodily troubles start iii time dgesUve or respiratory organs. It is here
that immiproper living first mimnkct ami opeiming for disease. Time dcvelojimmeiit difrerti
as commstmttutiomms amid teniperamnemits differ. 'rime causes are aimmiost identical. To get
at tlme'root oftime emmatter is siumple cumougli if you start right.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a ammclmdimme for time whole body. It
works through Ume digestive organs out all the otlmers.
It cures the first timing it conies to amid after that , time next. It puts health in - '
place of disease iii time stornmmclm , and frommm time vantage groummd thus gaimmeti , it reaches
every' fiber of time body amid drives tliseasc before it-imidigcstiomm , liver troumbics ,
kitimmey coimmpla'iumt , biliousness , skimi ammd scalp diseases , salt-rhieummm , tetter , eczema ,
and all time troubles caused by imimpure blood.
Aim interesting comitimmuatioum of this talk is in a book of eGo pages , which vill be
sent free emi receipt of six cents iii stalimps , for postage , or , better still , time cosmmplett
People's Medical Adviser of' over iooo large pages raid 300 illtmstratioims vill be
mailed 1REE iii PPu covers , for 25 ccmmts to pay for packing amid postage ommiy
Over 68oooo , copies of Umis book already sold mum cloth covers at $ i.o each-the
egubar pm-ice. Address ( whim stammmps ) , for either book ,
WoIuD's DISPENSARy MEDICAl. ASSOCIATION , 663 Maiti St , , Bufl'alo , N.Y.
Jo oFARC _ _ A _ ORIAT _ _ _
_ _ R 0 M A N C }
'Dma Opening Chapters ot
9 1' Personal Recollections 2
. : tc ; :
t& . \ 011
, Qco & : JOAN OF'ARC
fly time bloat Popular American
Magazirmo Welter
. % _ , , Time IllustratIon. arc ity P. V. flU MOND ,
who gathucrcd life materials amid the
- acenra associated with Joan's career ,
. . .L ,
t ) ' ! .
NEW Our National Capital. By JUUAN
RA1.i'itVitlm me llltustriut omms ,
" Paris In flournIiig , By RICIIAItD
] T" SERIAL I1AuuIirr DAVIS , Vthm ! ( i Illustra.
+ i . - ' tons ii ) ' C , I ) , Giimsnu ,
Club Life nnmong Outcasts , By
I N JOSIAh Fi.'Ni'Vitlm 12 hllmustra-
tioums by A , 11. Fgosr ,
Venice Igi thster , fly AIIT1IUIt Sv.
, , MOtS. With mo Illus. by Guy ROSE.
RDY ! MARCh 22
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