. . - - I 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE OMAUA DAILY nEE : ONAY , :1\LARCII : \ 2i , 1 89g. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ' f 1 ! PASSENGER - TRAIN \ HELD UP ( 1 Florence ' & Oripplo Crock Express Robbed 111 I. I Near Victor , 0010 , I' - 'I ' EXPRESS CAR AND PASSENGERS WORKED - I \11 RonreeA of ItcvcnlD l'orcl.1 to Contribute 'I l tc < the Corlr of thD Inn.lt - Hcn.ly Jility ot Flro I 1 f Arm , } : IR.ID , I'j 'j ' I - I VICTOR , Colo. , March 2t-The masked 'i ' robbers who held lp the Florence & Crlpplo Creek 80uthbouml train just outsllo the city limits lat night 'dhi not obtain much . , lllundcr Two robber boarded the train at I Victor One entered , the sleeper and began 1 iinmdiately to wake lp the passengers and 'I \ seIze their money anti watche3. lie got about ' .1 $560 , Including the Pulman car conductorS - receipts. ' : The other robber got on to the blind : baggage car at Victor and climbed over the . ; : told r Into the engine , compelling the en- I glneH to stop the train at a point a mile - , I , and n hair south of Victor , where four or , five , other robber were In vattlng. The ! ' latter party commenced work on the mnl ! ! apd xpress cars , and soon had them open. The robbers were dressed In miners' clothes and wore slouch hats and mnsks. They , : were jovial In their treatment ot the train- r men , but hurried through with the work , enforcing their commands with n ready dis- , - ? t play of firearms. After the robbery the engineer - r . gineer started the train back to VIctor , but : r the robbers objected and commanded the engineer to pul out south , which ho did. t , Immediately all omcnls ! of surroundIng . - tons wore notnell by telegraph , and the ; robbers will bo given a merry chase. , - The traIn was fairly \ sdi filled , quite n nmuber of la.le being on board. Besides a . : large number of valuUh' watches , rings and 1 diamonds , about $1,000 In money was secured. . The job was doubtless done by part ot the , me gng that robbed John Hargan the night - bfDre In his cabin here In the town. A special train came In this morning with the bloodhound that did such good work recently - , cently It Walsenburg tracking the Italians' , murderera The dog seemed to get a scent tWI or three times , but the omcers put In the whole day without being able , to locate , ' anY of the robbcrs. This dog upon being placed on what was Ulpposel1 ( to be the tri of one of the bandIts - made a straight shoot for some of the cabins . ' near the Strong mine In tile outskirts of tOlvn. - : Tonight Bob Taylor , an ex-deputy sheriff ned employe or the Strong mine , who shot a : bartender In Pueblo during the railroad trou- ' : ble last summer , and a young man called the ; " 1id 1 , " working for the same company , were , : nrreste by Constable Lou Lambert ot Crip- ple Creek The Kid Is alleged to answer to ' - I the description o [ _ the man who climbed over - ' the t ' lder and held up the - engineer. They . . , -tvere taken to Cripple Creek , _ an1 will be - brought back for a prelimInary hearing tomorrow - morrow _ _ _ . _ _ _ - ENTERPRISING CONGRESSMEN. : lalo of l'tiblic locunienti and Seott Iecclvod for Ulstrlblton , - - Sales of public documents by retiring con- . grcssmefl have never reached such propor- - tons as withIn the past month , says a dls- A ] atcb to the Oobo-Democrat. The unusually - lnrge number of defeated members accounts for this , together with the increasing out- Dut of the government printing offIce. These publications are Intended to bo distributed ; free by congressmen to such of their con- : atituonts as year for the character of information - formation furnished by the government. 1 , Is nevertboless true that nearly every book . - or phamphlot Issued by the government can bo purchased Washington from tIm men ; , 11 deal In this form ot literature. They are - . obtaIned by the dealers from the congress- L themselves , or from some clerIc or J0n frlond to whom they have been presented. : Every congress authorizes the publication ( f thousands of volumes , most of which are i of no more usa to the average member of t the house than so many blocks of wood vould boo For Instanco. the last congress ; , alo\vel \ each member of the house some- thing ever 100 copies of the report of the . . secretary of ngrlculturo. Dealers , however , " ; who know where agricultural reports can ( \ bo profitably disposed of are toq wise to k ask for the publications outrIght. They approach - , , preach the member through his 'clorlt or a - - : frIend , and , offer to take tile whole lot for t- p ' n fixed sum. I not Infrequently happens - " - that the member Is not a party to the trans- tj ? acton , but merely authorizes his cleric , to - get rid of the whole lot the best way lie , . - can Thousands of these reports are sold al the close ot every session for only a - few coats apiece , 111 are retaIled l In the rural districts for from 20 cents to 25 cents a vothnio. A member of the Alabama dele- gnton , who believes ) that such books should reach the people In another way than thro"gh the dealer In government Publications , recently - - cenly Purchased for distribution nuong his constItuents from the cleric of a member 2,000 volumes for $ i0 , Homo of them very - , valuable , This gives nn idea l of the prices , PaId by the denIers. Each congress that assembles Increases time number of 11blea- , Uons placed at the disposal of members and each seislnn augments the business of thin dealors. I has now become so extensive that public attention Is being attracted , - toil , Secretary Morton , before lie leaves the AI- rlculural Ilepartmenl , Intends to abolish a. ' t tar IS Ilosslhlo the free dlstrlbutou of secd lie sa1 this business hal been so much Ibusecl that It hal become an evil Inste\1 of a benefIt , nut ! ho Intends to put a stol to I His next annual report to congress wil contain - tain names of several congressmen who ! , 11vo actually sold their quota of sect ! for a monetary comisideratlon. I bias been common - f _ men practice for member from large cities - to exchange their quota of [ seed with their coleagues who represent agricultural dls- trlct , but the fact has just been brought to - light that an extensive business has been carried on by brokers who dispose of seed for , members of congreu. Secretary Morton , how- ever , has caught enl member In a trail , but who this member Is will not bo known until the secrelary's annual report Is made pub- He . Sonic olcials of time Agricultural department - inent say he Is from Tennessee , while others lalntaln that he rellresents a New Yorlt City ditrlct He sold his quota of seed to - a broker for $ I , reeelvln a check , which ho Indorsed and cashed This check was - \urned over to the secretary by the alleged broker , who was a special agent of time de- : Ilartment , and Mr Morton now has both the . order of tIme congressman for the seed and the Indorsed check In 11ayment for them. 'he signatures arc Identcal , 'fhe whole matter - tee \1 ho 11rlnte.1 In the secretsrY'1 report. Secretary Morton also says that ho could have Ilurchased recently from a Becond- land book dealer In this city the quota al- - lowed to tbre member ot congress for $160 each. Besides these , he .a's ho hat the - names of probably 100 members of congress who have given orders for the transfer or their entire quotas of Iced , or a great lIar- tea ot them , to other persons Soma of' ' them are probably In exchange for Patent - olco reports anti oilier government Ilublca- tonl , accrdlnf to the constituency of the respective membel's. lie will print all of these names In his next annual report , In - order that the practice prevailing tray be I shown to Ihl publc , Time hut agrIcultural appropriaton bill provided . for ' 180,00 for : I' ) , , , _ _ . - . seem ! distribution tee the fIscal year 01 1896 , $0.0 of which I to pay the expenses In- clent to the publication ot fnrmers' quota , notwithstanding the secretary suggests that only $ o be allotted to each of the forty- eight experiment stations to purchase new and Improved varIeties . of scols , cuttings , ote I'UILICUVTI0N ( , ' \I lie 10M Rt I'uhlia AuctIon an Tuesday , April 23 , 1801 , At the ofce of the Kennebec Ranch Company - pany , No. 20 North street , Boston , Mass. , nt 1 o'clock a. I , All the real estate belonging to saId company - pan , situated In Custer and Dawson counties , Nebraska , consisting of 6,600 acres , more or less , of rich farming land , with buildings thcreon. Time above property Is sold by vote of Mll company to enable It to close up Its busl- ! . neu. Terms , $1,000 In cash paid at the time and place of sale. I.-ourtcen days allowed for examination of title. $9.0UO upon passing of papers and the balance upon satisfactory terms to be stated nt the time of the Bale. I'or further Information and particulars , apply at the oOce of the Ienlebeo Ranch Company , No. 20 North street , Doston , Iass. 10ston , Iarch 1G. 189 p : . LOCAL DANES ON THE STAGE Thcntrlc,1 : anti Musical lntertllnmolt nt I Wl hllltll huh \ 1.l t l v"I'"I' ' , That the natives of sturdy little Uenmark never to anything by halves was very em- phatcaly emphasIzed last evening by the large gathering of tIme Eons ant ! daughters ot the ancIent rules ot the ocean that assembled - sembled WashIngton hall. The Danes ot this city had gotten up an entertainment which was to be Danish from beginning to enti.It . was opened by n speech by Tfeman Prederlcllsen , delivered by Axel Waage. This was followed by a comedy , the Eng- lsh of which Is , "In a Boarding School. " Mr. John Enkebolo 11erormed the role allotted - 10lcII to him II a very pleasing way ali Mrs. Jonascn made a most charming Lovlse. mate Irs. D. Thomse In the character of Lure made a great hit and : Ir. Hans Neble as Ioeler was very success Cui. Taken as I whole , the little farce was a great success. : Ir. Clinton A. Case played a violin solo all was vociferously recalled. A pantomIme - mIme II one act was tIme next thing on the program and this was performed In a way that reflected credit on all who took part. The histrionIc portion of the program was concluded by a very plrlted presentation of Adolph Heclle's clever farce , "Tho \VorM's Hercules " \lr. Fritz Jacobsen In the role of Valancourt and : Ir. Axel Waage as Veslnet , the theologian sustained the parts very hmandsoniely. Mr. Jolm Enkebolie . In the character of Caboslnl Derhlerdlrlltor made It manifest that he possessed the germs of a good actor and that all he lacked was proper traIning. The leading character wa" assigned to lions Neble , that of Caesar , the world's Hercules , and was well played. S . ' A SMOOTH JOB . _ Wal a undo all R I'artnorship In 01" Stroke. . In 1882 : r. Labouchere , a relative of time present member of Parliament of that name , was a clerk In the banlng ! buse of Hope oC Amsterdam. One day , according to a contemporary - temporary , ho was sent by his patron to Mr. Daring , the celebrated London banker , to negotiate a ! oan. lie displayed In the affair so much ability as to win the esteem and confidence of the English banker. , "Faith , " saId Labouchero one day to Baring - Ing , "your daughter Is a charming creature r wish I could persuade you to give me her hand " "Young man , you are joking , for seriously you must allow that Miss Baring could never become the wife oC a simple clerll. " "But " said Lbouchere , "if I were In partnership \vlth Mr. Hope ? " "Oh , that would be quite a different thing ; that would entirely make up for all other defcllncle " Returned to Amsterdam , Labouchere said to his patron : "You must take me Into partnership. " "My young friend . how can YO think of such a thing ? I Is ImpossIble. You arc without fortune and- " Daring "But ? " if r become the son-In-law of Mr. "In that case the affair would son beset settled . and so you have my word. " - Fortified with these two promises Labou- chero returned to England and two months after married MIss Daring because Mr. Hope had promlse to take him Into partnership , and he became nle to the house or Hope on tile strength of that promise of murrlage. . JBS7'EIN J'E.SrU."S. - Veterans af tim Rebellion emomborcd by the U.nrll t.overmiimeit WASHINGTON , March 2i.-Special.- ( ) PensIons granted , Issue of March 12 , 1895 , were : Nebraska : Orlglnnl-Thomas D. Davis , Omaha , Douglas ; John McQuade , South Omaha , Douglas. Supplemental-Joseph Dcltert , Pawnee City , l wnee. Original whlow-Iary J. Matthews , I-3Irbury , Jef- fei'omi. Iowa : Orlglnnl-Alonzo F. Stalker , Rock Rnpid $ . Lyon ; Chester \ \ ' . Simmons , AnIta , Cuss : Ellen Huwkes ( nurse ) . Keomlt ) , Keo- mlt. ) Additional-I larrison I. Meal , Ben- coo , Ionona. Increase-John n. dine , Shenandoah , Page : William Robisomi 130mm- part , Van Boron : Lewis N. Ashtenan , Cedar Rapids , Linn HelssueGeorge'ugner , Sidney , Fremont ; David I. Sutherland Ne- 'nda , Story Original w\1ow8 , etc.-Chmar- loto McNair ( mother ) , l'ersin Harrison : ( reissue ) Sarah g. Perkins , White Oak , lnhnsku. South Dakota : flelssue-Chmarhes' W. halls , Oelrich . Fall H ' . Colorado : Helssue-Oscar D. Abbott , Trln- hlml , Las Amilmas North Dakota : Relsstie-Thomnns O. OIl. \er , St. Thomas , Pembina. . 01- A 'rur } 'lllorhr. The Turkish newspapers are a little more careful In their reference to the ruler or that country than the newspapers ot the United States. A recent edition of a Turkish journal contains In double-heamled type an double-Ieate < announcement - ment of which the [ olo\lnl Is an accurate translation : I tranilaton " 1oday our paper reaches tIme thirteenth I ' of its c-xistemice , and wo celebrate year ls c-xlstencl this anniversary In the reign of the fmt pearl of time ago and time esteemed center of time universe : at whose grand portal stand the , camels ot justice and mnercy , and to whom I time eyes of the Itngs and Limo People In the west have been drawn : lime rulers there finding - Inp an example of political prowess antI tIme classes a moel of mercy and kindness ; I Is our lord antI master , the fulan of time two shores anll the high Icing ( hallan ) of the two e.lii ; time crown of time ages and the pride of al countries time greatest of nil khals : time shadow of God ( on ) earth : the successor of the apostle of the Iotl of time Universe , the vlc I torlous conqueror ( , \Illz ) , Sultan AMul la- mill lan ; may Got ! Protect hIs Ilngdom and place his glory above time lun and moon , ali may time Lord supply all thc' world with limo goodnco which proceeds frol Ills Holy lajestY'1 good Intentons , " lincimt'fort'M Iueky 1'111 , A story of Hochefort Is revived on the occasion - caslon of his return from exile , When Victor - tor huge was In exile In Brussels he asked Hocheforl to stand godather to his son Charles. Rccbeort ( accepted , and In looking for n suitable present saw In a curiosity shop vimuiov a silver table ornament which attracted - tracted him , anll time price was 35,000 francs When , after 1810 , Iochefort was sent to New Calellonla and his property confiscated , Victor hugo sold the ornament for time benefit of ltocimefort's family. 1 turned out that I was the work or ICI\'enuto Celini , and I brought In 200,000 francs. { . i' I'fv AiIvaimtmmeI . j Advllt"cn. Offered by time Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway , time short lute to Chicago. A clean Iraln , made UI ) and started from Omaha Baggage checled from residence to destination . Elegant train service and cour- ous emploru. Entre , train lighted by electricity ant heated by steam , with eke- trlct light In every berlh. Finest dining car .ef'lrt In the vest , with meals served "a la carte. " The Flyer leaves lt 6 p. m. daIly front UnIon Depot City Ticket Office , 150t Farnam street , 0. B. Carrier , city ticket agent , - . . - "ull : to 't'eas 1 April 2nd will lie excursion day for TlXS , ' U you Intrnd 10 10 there It will be to your Iltln.t to cal on or address E. L. Palmer , : passenger aGent SItto Ire routt , rom 1 , First National bank buiding , Omaha. , . - - . - - - - 1 "VSE.1 'TS. , The audience at Doyd's theater lost night- one of very generous proportions-was oror.le an opportunity to judge or the loudly heralded merits at " 192 , " Edward E. Rice's latest operatic , vaudevlo and burhespme potpourri pourrl mate to suit the tastes of the closing nineteenth century days. And I the general applause , the recognition the actor rec lv&i ( ; count for anything , this latest creation of Mr Rico's won a most enviable success Its theme deals ludicrously with the vo'ag of Christopher Columbus and his discovery of Ip-todato New York , In fact , Greater I New York , and Introduces not only the king and queen of Spain , but hidalgos , grandees , courtiers , followers , until the eye grows \\ary with the wealth of color ills- played , the costume and groupings being upon a most artIstic plane , In keeping with Edward Itice's llfe.emlnent ability In this direction. There Is little In the score to warrant extended - tended review , the music being ot n very light , ant ! airy character , much of It being reminiscent - cent , but here amI there al air obttlles itself that quite captIvates the ear , notably time hell motf which Is sting by Mark SmIth , "I'm limo Daisy Queen of 81111 " It will b sting and whistled today on the streets anti the success It has achieved In the east cannot help but be duplicated In the west. The book , however , Is decidedly superior to the score , notwithstanding the liberties that have been taken by tIme composer In adapting time scenes with characteristic music. The hues ore usually very light ali frequently witty , alhough they lapse at times to the quality found In the socalol funny papers , but this In extravaganza Is entirely legitImate , for custom las made It so. To the book and score Mr. nice has brought a vast experience way and , the result Is entirely satisfactory In every The chornses were well balanced and usually well sung , while the ensemble was perfect , which Is saying a great deal for an extravaganza whIch alms to give the comt dlans all time lattude Possible In order to bring the essential laugh , meat and drink to the farceur , The company Is large , comprising quite a number of well known favorites , and the freshliess and up-to-the-thnes spIrit injected In the performance male I cleary I the brightest bit of nonsense seen In Omaha this 'ear. _ Will II , Sloan head the company . alhougl by no means appearing so on tie bill oC the play. In thIs case , however , I Is ability and not position on the program that warrants this assertion. Mr. Sloan finds In I erdinall a part just suited to his talents and he moves through It with that lightness of touch so absolutely lecessary to the comedian. However , It Is In n character - ter part like Chancy Tatters , a dusty roads hero , that lie shInes with brilliancy. The tramp has not been so well done hero and Its possIbIlities have never been so thoroughly - oughly realized. Mark Smih , as the regat mistress of the house of Arragon , presents a magnificent , queenly figure , and his make Iii will be the envy of hal the women who wi see him II the part during thc engage- meat of " 1492. " Mr. Smith has a right pleasing baritone and sang the numbers allotted - lole to him with good fnish , particularly time "Queen of Spain" song. Ross Snow , as the royal keeper of the poker chips and other perquisies of the exchequer , was acceptable , alhough he does not touch the outer fringe of the part. Charles A. Pusey anti Ed Read way are very funny In the role of cnspIra- tors , funny because they give an Indicaton , of new business , and In the Du : Iaurlrl sketch from "Trilby" show decide versal- ity. : Ir. Paxton looks the part of Columbus but gives otherwise a very colorless per- formance. Among time women , It would be hard to say who really led , alhough Miss Carrie Bohr has t\loubtedly the most taking part , probably - ably because of the specialties she Introduces , gowned as I waif of time street , a singer for pennies , time favorite of the newsboys and I not uncommon character In Gotham. She sing well and carrie llrset with credit. ! Miss Yolande Wallace , one of the handsomest ' of stage beauties , has n taking role as tlc Infanta Johanna , and she thoroughly appre- dates the possibIlitIes offered as the fiancee of Columbus Cora Strong Is the cllarctr woman of the company , and made a most pronounce 'ilt as Bridget Murphy Ole of the bright bits of the evening Is contributed by Gertrude Hutedge , who almost realizes Du Maurler's heroine of the Paris studios , In belo Trilby , In figure at least. With Gecko and Svengal she wanders about sing lug "Sweet Alice Den Del , Alice with hair so brown " and she sIngs the old ballad with remarkable ability In one who has not had a long stage training. It Is a pleasure to say that Miss Rutedge gives abundant promIse of still greater things In the line Mr. Rice 'IIS mapped out for her. Fleurele Is a sensational dancer , her Impersonaton of Lolie CollIns being exceedingly good. But " 1492" must bo see I. It abounds In character studies , II genre pictures , and with Its freshness and crispness Is destined for long popularity . Hoyt's "A Temperance Town , " whIch scored such a success In Boston , wIth a run of six montims , and about the seine length of tIme at Hoyt's theater In New York , conies to the Boyd on Thursday night for a stay of one night only Mr. Hoyt , It Is conceded Is the most original of nil American playwrights - wrights , and the happy faculty he has of pacifying all parties , after giving each Ind- ! vidual a severe scoring , accounts for much of his success. The characters In "A Temperance Town" are but the typical New England people In a country ProhIbition town going through a series of joys and slight tribulations . The play will bo seen ! hero identIcally the same as In New York and Boston , Including time scenery and cast which Is headed by L. n. Stockwohl . a comedIan who Is well known throughout time entire country. I Is a safe predicton to malt that time company which will be seen here Is the best ever sent on the road by Icsrs. 10yt & McKee , and this Is say- Ing a great deal That funniest of all comic operas , enltCI "Dr. Syntax , " wi bo presented for the first time In thIs cIty on next Friday evening at Boyd's new theater by Do\\'olr Hopper ald time members of his excellent company : , which Is said to bo time largest and best he has yet had , and time entire production , which held the stage of the Broadway theater , New York City , for eleven weeks , will bo given to our amusement patrons In Its entirety . and the prevailing features of time opera , such as refined and wholesome fmmmu , sprighty melodies that easily catch time popular taste , as wel ns n series of elaborate stage settings and brilant ! costumes , will undoubtedly foqu I potent as well as a profitable attraction for time local mnanagemnent : Ir , hopper's company Includes his pretty young wife , Edna W'ailate-lloppor : Bertha Waltzlnger , a former member of time Dos- tonlans : Jennie Goldthwalo , an exccedlng clever young actress ; Alice Hosmer and lorlno 1 Murry , two admirable comediennes , as well as Cyril Scott , Edmund Stanley Alfred Klein , Thomas S. Gtmiso Harry p Stone , and a large anti po\rfll cimorums Time sale of reserved seats for this engagement - gagement , whleh Is for two nights and one matnee . , Is now Ilrogresing at ' time , box Mr. J. n. Dolchor , ad\'auco representative of Nellie McHenry and company , arrived In time cIty resterday. Miss McHenry comes to the Boyd for two nllhts only on Sunday and Monday next In her great comedy , "A Night at time Circus " - _ _ . _ _ l'I ' IU""t tu TIIO The Northwester line fast vestbuled Cbl- cage train that glides east from the Union Depot every afternoon at 6:45 : emit ! Into Chicago at 8:45 : next moring , with supper anti la carte breakfast Every part of the traIn Is ltiGil'l' , Other eater trains at 1 :05 : a , in , and 4 p. I. daily-good , too City ticket omce , H01 . Faram street l'Ilhlon"bll , I'.aplo _ Are "siling Im.eIm Other where they wt spend the sumnnier Asum- log you are one of them and an easter resort Is selected , you will be Interested In Iwowlng that the Lake . Shore & Michigan Southern Hy. Is the direct and popular line for this class of travel between Chlcalo and the east. M. S. flues , 'i. i' . A. , ChIcago. O. K. Wi- ber , W. I' . A'I Chicago .r . hicmm m fly mlaimislcmmppcti. A erlaln old Yankee had besn hobnobbing wih congenial companions at a favorite little barroom during I blizzard and the hour was late when he donned hil wraps and started 'for home. hits gait was unsteady and he was scrc-Iy wel out of the door before hue atumbled and f 1 au a pie at lumber In l such 1 manner that with the led of liquor . - - - - - - which burdened his pors he could not get up Jonathan lardbta-thl II his name -succe dell In ralslDI.llmsel to I sitting posture , but could nol1Qlln his fet In spite of every effort. 1elnl/t / length exhausted ho sat still I and waited until ho should recover - cover enough strength to extricate himself from his predicament and while thus wait- lag his trousers frozo.tf and fut to the lumber , Then his ' " Qubll lucresCI , but luckily a belated friend passing that way noticed \m , "Sdy , Jonathan , ) 'OU loll fool , " he drawled omit , "why don't you glt lp anti go home ? What are you sltnrl there for sech a night as this ? " " \Veil , how be 1 agnin' to gll lP , " bawled Jonalhan , "when all 11 th' Lord's creation Is frus fast to my pantlons ? " Til : UIUltCT SOCTIEIS UOU'r Via Hock hlRn.I , 8horM Line Rnlt lutt ! ' Tlmo. ! To all points . In Kansas Oklahoma , Indian Territory Tens and all points In southern California. Only one night out to all points of Texas , "The Texas Limited" leave Omaha nt 6:15 : a. m , daIly , except Sunday , landing passengers lt all Ilolnts In Texas 12 hours In advance of all other lines. Through tourist cars via Pt. Worth amid El 1 Paso to Los An- gales For full particulars , maps , folders , etc. , cal at or address Rock Island ticket , ' . ' omce , 1602 I'arnal st. CIIAS. KENNEDY p , G. N.V. . 1 A. hotter livery leer . Time was when the "glorious climate of CalifornIa" did not attract tourists But year after year the tide of travel sets In stronger alI stronger every fall and winter toward thIs favored region . There Is no cli- mate like I on this continent for a winter resorl , and the usual fine service on the Union PacIfic Iystem has this season been brought to a degree of perfection which leaves nothing to be , desired . IAHRY P. DEUEL , City Ticket Agent , 1302 Farnam street p The Now Iunth , A very low rate hiorneseekers' excursion to tIme splendid agriculural anti fruIt lands of Mississippi ali Alabama will leave Omnha ou Tuesday April 2. For full Information as to land and etc. , cal on or write T. S. CLARKSON , Rom 521 , 1st. Nat. Bk. ! dg. , :3 : II 1 ' _ _ Omaha. - I'RIfSOiAJ l'AnHUtAI'lIS. . , , . - C. J. Pope of Hell Cloud Is an Arcade guest. A. E. Sr'gg of Wausa Is registered at the Dehione. E. S. Wilson , Durango , Colo. , Is at the Millard . : llard. I. Koehler of Blue 11 was In the city ) 'esterda ) ' . . Charles ii , Sloan of Geneva Is a guest at the MIllard. Sherman D Canfeld , Sherdan , Wyo. , Is at the Paxton P. J. Arthur of Missouri Valley spent Sunday - day In Omnaima I. W. Grime of North Platte was In time city yesterda C. W. Greeblo of Nebraska City was In Omaha yesterday. W. D. Inl and Co C. Gardner of Sargent are at the Arcade Seven members of the 1492 company have rooms at the Dehlone. Four members of the 192 company have rooms at time Murray. I , E. : lcDonel of Fbrbury was a guest at time Murray 'esterday. Carleton Saunders of Herman registered last evening at tIme MIllard. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. F. Lenang of 1xiimg- ton are guests at the MIllard . : lr. and Mrs. W. If. Roberts and daughter , Creston , ha . , are Millard guests. Mr. Wi Carleton , stage manager of the 1492 company , Is at the Barker L. Seemau and \V 1 Barber , Denison , Ia. , were Merchants guests yesterday Edwin H. PrIce , manager of the 192 company - pany , Is registered at the Millard. Mt. ZImmerman , musical dlrecto for 192 company , Is ' stoppluug'at-the Dnrker't , T. Pdlster and G. 'Applegrew , , Otumwa , la. , are registered at time Merchants. Den Brewer , E. Glets and V. G. McCame of Denver registered at the Paxton last even- Ing. Ing.Wi Harding and C. D. Hinchman , Red Oak , Ia. , took dinner at the Merchants yesterday - I torday Miss Rutledge . who Impersonales Triby In RicO's 192 company , ha rooms at : the Darleer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Young and Mr. M. P. Young of Broken Dow are guests at the Dellonmu. Delone. Me. and Mrs. A. J. Palmer , Miss Palmer and Miss Taylor , Haclne , \'Is , are guests at time . Murray. W. H. Darstow of Crete and R. D. Sehmlder of Fremont registered at the Mi- lard last evening. \V. F. Rembert , P. J. Tapp Clarke Perrin , C. P. Holcomb and D. J. Van Dyne comprise a party of Kansas Cltyans at the Mlliard . Mr. and Mrs. Pusey , Mr. and ! rs. Woods , Mr. and Mrs. Finn , Mr. and Mrs. Snow , Mr. and Mrs Ayers Mr. and Mrs. Locke of New York , wih JUee's Surprise Party company , 192 , are quartered at the Darlter. : [ r. and ! rs. A. Flcraf or Chester , Pa. ; Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Tlman of Woodbury , N. J. ; Dr. and Mrs. n. D. Nicholson of Camden , N. J. ; Mrs. M. E. Silver of Oenvle , Md" , and MIss M. E. Cooper of Slate Hill , Pa , form a party at the Millard en route east from a visit west Commercial men nt tIme Darker over Sun- day arc : Lymln Brown , St. Louis , Mo : Charles Jewel , SI. Joseph . Mo. ; L. U. I Craig , Louisville , Ky ; Ii. . G. Iorshead , Chicago : Charles Laycoclt , Neante , ill . ; D. Guthrlo , Superior : H. F. Derworth , Lincoln ; 1S. . Plumb , Chicago : T. L Phelps , Lincoln. At the Mercer : Den D. Bryan , Chicago : F . C. Holinger , J. T. Duncan , Des Moines ; Dr Ed J. Taggart , Gretna ; G. Davenport , St. Iouls ; C. A. Dager , Chicago ; Hon. D. U. Mercer and wife , Wlshlngton : S. Love Kelly , : Chicago ; J. A. Love , Creston : O. L. Satmmrn , Grafton , N. l ; Z. G. Ftmnk , Ainsworth ; J. W. hewItt , lorlanll : lenry laman , ChIcago - cage : Irs. B. M. ludson , E\'anston , I. : Jamcs G. Lyon , Chicago : J. McDonough , A. L. Johnson , Sioux City , I AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OIAI1A Boy , R L , Wheeler Preaches in Denunoia- tlon of the Last Oongro3s - DISPLEASED MAN AND DISREGARDED \ GCD - IOlllhlcRn City Ccntrll Committee Will Meet to Select 1 Cllldtto for time 111rtl ot Ethumcmstion-mlnttcr : that 11 Cllslug ! 010 Trouhlc , At time PresbyterIan church yesterday morn- ing time pastor , He\ . Robert L. Wheeler , prnehell ( on tIme topic , "Is There Anything In Coil to Pear ? " The text was "lllgiuteousness exaleth I nation , but sin Is a reproach to any people " In brief the preacher ell ! : 1y rIghteousness I mean conformity to the divine ha' Time 1\1vldual , the church anti time state , In obClence to time ecrlpture , are blessed by a ttng up , or , lS the text says , nn exaltation. Let us not Imagine that be- cause wo ha\o been exalted In times past we must always be regardless of our attitude toward God . Time history of every upward mo\ment In this country , from Plymouth Hock until today , Is the outgrowth of right- eousnes" , political , social anti educational. The history of every Ilownware Pull Is the result of natIonal disobedience to Ooe and ot Ills Son , Jesus Christ. H Is salll that Nero 11Ia'eI1 the violin whlo Home was buring , Thnt blot on the page of human history remains - mains as nn example of perfidy all misrule of Homo's mightest emperor , the genesis of the collapse ot the politIcal power of thlt mighty people whom God scattered In his In- dignatiomi. Not slnco tIme days of Abraham 1.lncoln has there convened a session of the American corgre s unto which the people looked with such prayerful anxiety for wise legislation to relieve them and broad Christian statesmanship - ship to secure thcm from Imlendlng ( peril as unto the last session of congress whoso clos- hug hours violated the sanctiy - of time Sab- bath day , and In an uproar from two frequent visis to the saloon the natlomm's hIghest legis- latvo body closed. Its history Is one of Its I own Incompetency amid its disregard of Got ! . "Rlglmteousness exaleth a nation , " but a drunken congressman Is a reproach tl any I people. In the first hUIJred years of our history as a nation our land has twice been washed In blood Our feet stand close to time cose Innumerable graves of those who perished In I the strugglc for liberty and as an atonement for that darlt hour , when men forgot God and I gloried In lust and sin. I The Individual , time church anti the state I may yet realize the dream of John Milton , of Cromwell and oC Lincoln \ , but I Is not cer- ! tain. The pivotal point on which swings our destiny Is the mooted queston : "Is there anythIng In God to fear ? " nnpuhlclu City Central Conmmmmttmoe. All members of the republican city central commitee are urgently requested to attend a meetng at Ii. C. Murphy's omce In the Singer block this evening Time commilee wIll have to appoInt I person to take the place of Burton Thee . who withdrew from the race as canlldate for member of the school board As yet thc republicans have not selected a man who Is wiing to make the run. Several prominent republicans have been appealed to , but they have declined . Those who want the office do not suit time central commitee , hence the delay In mak- Ing tIme appointment - ' 'II l'racee.1 with time C.n.u . Mayor Johnston received I telegram from Lincoln yesterday moring stating that the governor had signed senate file No. 1 lS amended. This bill provides that South Omaha may take a census , and IC there Is a population of 10,000 or over It shall be a city of the first class . Tor Hector and the mayor both assert that there are fully 1 , OOU people here _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Magic City ( os8Ip. Xandl Bauer Is In Lincoln The city council will meet tonight. James Pivonka gave a birthday party Saturday night A meeting of the Board of Educaton will be held tommlghmt The South Omaha Republican club meets at Pivonka's hal tonight. Time Cudahy Wheel club made a run to Fort Crook yesterday aftermiooim. Mrs. Albert Deason desires to thank the friends and neighbors who were so kind to her during time Iness and after the death of her husband. p Time only way to cure catarrh Is to purify time blood . Hood's Sarf"parla purifies the blood and tones up the w lolo systemmm D HAD TO HAVE HELP Ofccr5 I'alul More Then 'hoy Could 11110 In Two I'rlsomuers Officers Mike Drummy and Andy Fahey had a hard fight with Tom McDonlld and Franlt Dyrns , whom they were alemptnI to arrest yesterday afternoon at Thirteenth and Leavcnworth streets A few hours previous to the arrest of McDonald and Byrns n friend of theirs , John Foley , was arrested WhlcOmcer Drummy was making the arrest they ( atempted to get him away from the om- ocr , hut were ummstmccessful After this thpy got out of sight and could not be found for some hours. When time officers started Crer time men they showed fight , and , being quite large and muscular , they were more than I match for the omcers al\1 I lively struggle was had. A crowd soon gathered around time contestants , and only after Invoking the aid of a number of the onlookers were the officers able to como out victorious . They were , however , unable to get time mel to time patrol box , and the patrol wagon was tele- lhonel ) ( for from the Darker Imotel 1'om Col- lns was arrested later In time evemming lie Is sall to bo one of the same gang hut took no part In the alem"ted delivery of Foley = ! 111 1111111 Illmlll imnnnnmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll11111 Wllat's ill a Name ? a Sometmes more , sometimes less There's Ozo- p mulsion , for instance. What's Ozomulsion ? Thats a 11. trade name for ozonized emulsion. ' What's : that ? Thats E an emulsion of pure cod liver oil , ozone and guaiacol ' Whats it for ? You've got it ; all run'down-cough- , hack-caii't sleep-wqn't let anybody else sleep-losing a ! flesh-losing spirit-getting blue-get discouraged about = ' nothing. What does that amount to ? More blues- shake their heads-look wise-say more coMgh-folks = " " -doctor - head shakes- Consumption -docor comes-more . Tale more wise looks-you lcnow-ills-pills----bills. { = Ozomulsidn il time. That will fool 'em-fool your friends-fool the doctor-fool you. One bottle costs a dollar . lThat'lI make you feel beter--youtl get hungry -you'll like good things to eat once more. If it don't , & don't buy any more and get your dolar back We - - have faith in Ozomulsion - - youll have after you've tried it fairly. B OZOULSION Cures Colds , Cou1IIS , COUSUWI'tIOI IJroltl A stliiiii , iiid . all I'uIzioiuiry Cowlllnllts ; Scrofula , eraJ lhll- , I , ls , , of 'lcs'l 4naenulu , msn1 nfl U'istu1 flhmeises. Any reputable drug store ha It I you are where YOU cisn't , get it. . there's time - dug \ i mail ; wrie rClutl\lQ I ' A Slocum Cu" , m8 Pearl : trett , New York Clly. _ Thin , JIII16 lunWI get " 'lU" ( mUll beautiful oil Ozofullol. ' I . ' ' . ' ' " ' ! 't ' ? ' ' ' ' ' ' 11"1'111'11' " ' ' r . , " ' " ' ' " . . ! I' ' " ' 'r ' ! ' ! I""IP' ' ' ; : ' , , ' ! I ' 11 ml E' ; . . , " " ' ' ! , _ 1"11 ' , J : . 11111111'1'1111 fl 1.1 Iiuim 'ai'P ' ' ! S'i..I'IJ " j ' 1\ \ I I' I 1111 II 'I ' I I lullll 'II' j l For Sate by Kuhn & Co. , OU1nhn. . . , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i , - - - - A RANK HUMBUG - High class tailoring is an art worth encouraging. nut the averve tailoring of today is a disgrace to ready made clothing. tTis lke ! tooting the her on an empt tally-ho- making a lot of noise to show the ridiculous A rank , humbug-indeed-as far as cloth trim- ming and workmanship is concerned , the 2nly credit- able feature is the tape around your manly breast but you pay a ten dollar bill or two for that honor Anyolo s'is1iIng t : pal'l with his lone ' . to 1 tllhJs aljllllrO Is nt liberty , surely not our affali' , hut I It telol { 1 Inol ' Indo nl'molt , out ' fuol' class of { clothing can comllull the atonton or 1 compotolt - . judge \Yo CII'l\ time fnost { 1'01 the lending wholcBalo tailors of this cotlnti'y , \ht ; tailor' time best or imported anti domcstc suitng ! , limuiuti- I finished , hmtutd-voi'lced bltton holcs . , and In enol'll a good mnny tmos botl ) than . time sultyotur taJint' chngoB $ : i.OO to $35.00 : { m' . . , Tm'cimty do1nrs 01' so buys hero the Ilitest. A m potut marc. \\0'1 buck OtlI' stntclont with 1 hlnd new suit f.co . that out' $14.50 suits , oontltn lottot' { lblo , trlmmllJ , and hinimig , bcUol' tliorod titan tim best $ : i.OO snit ( uffei'ecI to niot'sut'o-As to to proclso ftlng-\Y l-Whlt are out' corps 0' tailors lucre tot' { ? .Eveit suits down to $10.00 vih1 ' ' ' witlu tim ' ' , g\cn suls do\n w1 OOIII'C rnYO'nhl wih average IBi _ , e H 'l. ; , Evenings , 'till 8. _ . . - . , - _ .J i' - - - - - - - - jrirHEI3 - A Bright Eye I U 0 o Is a sign of good health and if the [ o stomach is not in the best of candi- [ o tions the eyes will show it Ripans LI L B Tabules will make the stomach o right and keep the eyes bright and [ D clear. . [ o - oD ' D nlpnns Tubules : Bold by druggi.t. . or by man . I the prIce tO ( cents a box ) I. sent tt Time itt- [ o pan Chemical Company , No. 10 prttca : ' t. . N. Y. o L o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I J EIIEU [ LEllEJUIIEI _ cD , . - . 4 " 456" " 456" " 456" . _ _ _ To Retail Dealers of Cigars : To Introduce our new brand " 456" without expense of oC traveling , wo wi send you the V Omaha Daily lIce for 3 months Grutls With each thousand cigars lll'chascd. These cigars arc without doubt the lncst $35.00 cigars in thicmau'kot. ' OUAnANTEED TO U8 PIST ! CLASS . A trial order will convince you . TOI'ms 30 dnYI-2 per cent for cash. DUFFY CO. , Omaha , Net . mmmmmwaJ ( , - - _ : _ - ' . _ - L : . - - - . , . _ : - - : . _ MANHOOD RESTORED This "CUPIDENE" great Vegotatb. 1 Ireat Vlolahe . - , - , Vim.mmIeertbeimrescrii ! ' - VIulz"rtholr"scrll'- , t , - ton VOIS or or a dls"Mes ramou.I'rench or the Iencmt\o physican , wi tl Quickly , .ueh cure M LostMmtmmlmood vomi at nil rumi' - . . himsommuia l'miimms in ' limo Jiack,800miimnt Eumtsiiinq . ? . - ' lusomll ' l'UII.'n JuckSclllullrls lln. NI'ou 1)t-biilty ' . , 'iimmflhmies , , , . I1blllY1 , Vlmpiemi nnU10n to Marry gxhaustnI Irmiuis , VnrlcollD at - Constimiatlon. HMop . 11 10M" byda or night I'ipveimt. Quick- fl8' 01 discharge , \ hlclirot chreked lPa(19 to Mpermittorrtiwzm antI nh time imorrors of Imi'ot cy . ( : VI'lnfnEcleuu Ilmohivur , Um . BEFORE AND AFER kidneys and time ulnar ! "rgal"ol 11 UI'urles ) ) . CUPIDENE strenglhens und restores sniami weak organa The reMon . .utTerernra n01 clefl by Uuclorl ii I bc.uso ninety per cent are trouble , ! with . Pro.tatItI . . .utere : J ; Is time only known rrnlly to cure . Wimimout miii ol'rulul.11.10011. , nis. A writttiigumaritflti'ttgiVI'n and money rrllrl'd I 81x . 11' - . tines not effect 1 l'ermummmmeuitcure. Ils ' 1.0. wrltoo , for e5O by immall. Icll tor YulE crular uld lestmonlal Address J VOl , JEDICINf : CO. , P. O. Box : O , San } 'r"clo , Cnl. Jblite " FOR SALE DY GOODMAN DRUG CO . , 110 FARNAM ST. , OMAHA , NEB. I 'A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING , BUT NOT TQ ' SHAVE WITH. " SApOOLIO IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. - OWERrrwMCASOLINE - -P , , OIflECT FROM THE TANI. HEAPER THAN STEAMI - No Ilotlrr. Nu ftrlun , No . BIjIIHr , _ _ _ _ _ J IJEE't' loWmt [ or Carl 1111 Food Mills , haling Jimmy , HUlulul Hepnrutors - , Creamnerica , . OTTO GASOLINE ENGINES p _ _ Stationary 01 Portable. I toI2OhI , I' , 8 to 3 I. I' . , ' , . , , he don fn < tor ( ulnlogle l'clcee etc dPcrllnl work 10 Chicago , 245 Lake Bt. , THE OTTO CAB ENGINE WORKS Omaha , 321 So , 15th st 33.1 6 'Vnlult 8t. . , L'1Li1AHEZjt'Il1it . I'A. , V ' ' ' l'lmi. ; J'amou. . Itemeda' . . cure. quickly , . . , I j.urmmmmmenti l ; , ' ' ' J"JIt , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ , ' _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ alimervourtilsoasu.Wuuk lead.cb I . clrmsnms Yakutuigmtmmi , 1 , immum'oteimcyimrmd . LoiS MumoryJ.o.u Vitslity waitiigdt.eastl , . iiii'tmliy irmmtim cmu , , 'l $ .Ionl.evl . waIUIidl."ulel cau. cd by } uutbful error. or . .ee.e. eoutalnl D opiate . . liii nerve Conlo mind hluod builder , Muka opiat. lu " 001 buider . 1lllfa the pale anti 1 ( 'Un , , .Iron" mini plump. Hall , carried if / yct pocket In Ier beam I f for$6 . I , mal prepaid with 't awrttommgmlarumuieetJCUrOOr ! nmofleyrofurmded . Write U " Wrlc . , ' IrloljUaranlro . ' < , " , . .Ied pl.tn wrapper. with t.lta 1" . . , . . . . end reCentness. No " , comutte. monlais cnimrmrunl , . " . c"armus Jar m. ' Its' ' ' iAT. . 05. . 55. r"nlal. In Inanrlnl rc'.erlnce ruJg/crct.nI ! ( Usa " , JJlware 01 Cmialonold ly our sCents , o'addre. zer " , Heed Cu" , Mmiioeio Tew'lu , ( -IJc .o Sold I Omaha bT Bbeu ' lcDDel. iCub. . I C sad b Vld8 , A Jerbut Drult _ _ - Teeth Without Plates RUPTURE BAILEY , I DIN TI ST. PERMANENTLY & I I I'axl DENTST ORNO - 10th antI Farimamn 31 $ , - OBRED PAY 1'uZ. JO.1. ' \ Full Set Teeth , - - , IS 00 I Silver S'Iillmmgi , , . . , ti 00 NO PAY UNTIL CURED imest'reettm . , , , , , 7 aoIl'Imro Gold Fiiimim Li 0 f , 'rimlim l'isw - , - , , ho 00 i QuId CcawmisUi , $ IJ WE RiftS tOO TO 8,000 piitss h'iimiles Extract'mm 60o Imritlgo Teeth -tooth is 00 WrlteorBankReforenceH. XAMINATIOU FREE. i Teeth Out In Morning , RoOporatloll. RODetcflhtOflfrOIflBUSlflCSS , I Now Tooth Same Day . , , ' ' ' ' ,4AImOU'i't'UANOIN'J I CIRCULAR. sirio FOR w the yeumtur aaLmtl howe , ' 0 , F : . MILLER CO. , I inm liieumItiesIn ire p. Ituoli tug' a stamp , E . TH , I JuIim 55. Wuadiury , lB WdldBt..N. 307.308 14. 'i. Life Bldg. , OImIAIIA , lIEU immvuWr at Yeudburv's Welisi bomw.