Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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    _ _ _ _ _ _ . . " ' ' 'I' ' ' 11"\ ! "
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" 4 F'l OUAI : DAiLY UE" : MONDAY : , JAUCn 23 , 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
\ : - - -
- } i. nOSEWATEH , Editor.
: - _ l'InLtSUCU n\cn . - 1IOmmW. -
- -
Vnln o ( Wihoi ( Rundiy ) . One Y QftT . . . $ B (
Vnl\ flfi . ' Wlholl . \ RuntIY , YM'F . . . . . . 1000
: Dnly fx lonlh ' J . . . IU1\1) . . . . . . Onl . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603
. O
. 2
TH.c ( ' Mrnl" ( " . . . . . . . . . . . ;
. . .
. .
'hl'C . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 M
"un\II ) ' hoe. Ono VrAr. . . . . . . . . . . .
. : t"lu ) . I" , Onn Vr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 f
Wekiy le Ono ytnr. . . . . . . . . . . . . C
. ' : .
Om3h , Ti ) flee flilI4ng. *
p. anuth : On\h Thl : . Hn.r Dulllng. . Corner N nn" 21h S18.
? Cotinell IlIttT ; , U VsarI 'Hr tl.
Counci Jhlf , : Ii Chnml"r ot Cnmmeret
New . Ofce . U 1\ t and I . Trlhun flWg.
: \'n&hln"ton , 10115 1 ( ( 1 RtreN. N. V. ' .
cO1tfl1:1'O > [ : NCn.
All cnitniintcIkn t-dnUn to flW nnd .1i. ,
cnmrlnlellnM lnlnJ
Al matter should bn nll.lrel"ell . To the 1ditor .
11uiFi'H ; ! . ITTIltI.
MI t1UtnR ' Irltra flflt ( rmllnlc 1 shnul he
nc1i1rrt.I PI Thl nnl 1 1 Iuhlshlng c\rpn ( : ) ' .
nrtesstll . "rnn , ch eun.1 ) pn tnmCI onlN1 lu
be mnd. pnnhlr In Ihn onler of Ihe e..fl'p1flY.
) . 'J'lll 1m lUl.1I : : U cOMi'ANY.
_ _ _ _ _
aenrgo I ; Tzh\rll , pcr.'tary oC The 1)e n 1\\
II"tn " 'mpl ) ' . h ( lnl Iuly ivoln 8)1 tml
the Rcllnl Ilrhtr ot full nntl nmpeto COpll'S
DC Ihl 1)'Jt ) ' MOnln . 1'vllnJ nn.1 Huntln ) ' lp !
JJrlnlNI M fo1Iow 1n1) : * the month oC ! -ebrunr 1S9 ; . wnl
2. tolows . . . . . . . 2 ) .ID. I . . . . . . . . IDiSi
2. . . . . . . . . 2I ) ) G . 16. 1 . . . . . . . . 19Gr . ,
* 3 . . . 2.Sr ) 17 . . . . . . . . . 2i,2O '
> . . . . . .S'o .1..2'.2
. . . . . . . . . . . . ,
. .
4. . . . . . . . 2QIM I. . . . . . . 19i:6
6. . . . . . . . 2).013 19. . . . . . . . . 19.7S6
6 , . . . . . . I9,4)L 20. . . . . . . . . leM
. . 19.91 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.7i9
7. . . 19,669 21. I . . . . .
. . . .
. .
' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Gil
8 . . . 1).9 22. . . . . . .
8. . . .
. . . 19.19
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19r.J
I. . . . . . . . . 19.799 . 23. . . . . .
. 10 . 2Q.fI ' ) 21 . . . . 29,4) )
.21..2.4 :
.10. 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1).CtI ) 2 : . . . . . . . . 19eH
. 22. . . . . . . . 19.G , 26. . . . . . . . . 19C4
13. . . . . . . . . 19.7G 2i. . . . . . . . . \9.5IS
1. . . . . . . . . 28. . . . . . . . 19.e :
Tolnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gi,63J
. I4 M ileluctloni . tDr tin.I , nut rLIifnett
Ultl reur"1
4 111 Ile.llrlon . . . . . . . . InsolUltl . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.020
Nel Inlps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r.a.6IJ :
. Dnly n\'rrnga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.701
'tIfl(1I ' .
( ( )
'Slnln olonm ) : n TZSC1lUC.
R\'On 10 h.tort tI nn.1 Hlhcrlbcd In m ) . ' prel-
, tht,4 2\ ' ot Mntcli. 15.
en' . . Ihll 2111) O Inrch :
( Heal ! ) N. I" FEIli . Nolnry Public.
- _
The HOml of health just now nIO'I1
hR ft IIvIig picture of .IOIItICS nB Bhe Is
ts n Ivlpicure .poltcs
, worket1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
low do the ( bUHllelR 1en of Olnhl
me thc proioslttnhl ) to Ic/181a tc Fire
of olilce.
Chief Bedel out once.
' ' ' clitlins to have
'he city comptroller Cll11s
'c01)llent ' ) (1CItltI5. Shoull he full of
l'e.cll'clon the ) ' Will he glad to teach his
tICCCS5tr thc ropcs.
\Vhiy raise the salary ) ' of thc meat In-
Ieelor ? II there any dnn/C' of the I
pleselt Inl'ulbnt ) iesigniiig If tlc Increase -
crease In pay IH dcnlcIl'/
When Florida has to Import Call-
fO'nll oranges on which to regale tlc
nO'theln tourist . . ns wc are assured 01
good authority sIte If now ( klflg ) . thc
' 1lpOltl of orange crop flll'c must
have some basis to them.
'Whcn the " 'onluIJ club 01' In ' other
orglnlzlton of Intelligent citizens de-
cares thc necessity existing for 1m
omclgenCj' hORlllal It Is Rlmlll the voicIng -
lug of a very general sentiment among
the pcople of this city. Time only question -
tlon ) I , where w1 thc money come
front ?
E\'cn after years of retl'c1cnt. the opposition -
, position to thc 1)OI1CY ) of nsn1rcl. refuses -
: fuses to die out I Is ready to be revived -
vlvCl on thc slightest pretext , as the rc-
jccton of the resolution of congratulit- !
tlon lr the nelchftn lIRtwce ) . nteRt :
, Bhiimarck can retire from olce , but not
t1'01 Iiolt s.
' 'hnt kind of I chief of police can
f l Qlalm expect If the cholcc of the com-
mlsslonm'l Is limited 1 ' law to men already - i
ready elflhioyei ) In subordinate capacities ) -
. . ties emi the force , anti further limited by
A. P. A. prcNerlllon to such of those
, men only who belong to that spoils-
, contented order ?
A nOl l mcthod of extorting a con-
0 feBslon was that practiced by Boyd
/ county Inw olccrl upon one hunt . accused -
cused of lynching I savored. of the
, nl't of time road agent who seeks to
coerce his victim by strangulation to
reveal' thc trensurc It IB unworthy thc
state of Nebraska.
: . So the present comptrol l"S term of
j. . olco Is to be extemlell one yeur. I
there be mommy rh'mc 01' reason In thll
; absurd proposition wc 10 not I'nsll ) It.
I Is o\hlcncc , however , that : Ir. Olscn
possesses a 1u11 , 111 yet wc do not mean
: S t Intmntc that hu Is eXllcctcd 10 llvide
r tQ j'ear'l salary with legislators 01' nn-
? body clse. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
When Nebraska enacted I beet sugar
; bounty law for the avowed 111'loSe ) of
l huluclng HUgi' factories to locate wihin
. . her borders , only to reieai ) thl t hmt' Its
f ' soon as the stmgmtr 1ulwl'S located Iwre ,
thieve was I Ilglnt vlollton oC a tacit
contract which does not argue wel for
time integrity of thc stute. It was a
speclcs of sharp practice which 10 hon-
ollic cltzcn cnn endorse.
'rho relief bill Is now n how all
' ; 20O i s available to helll thc fl'mcl's
t of the dl'outh stricken l'ca put In seed
for n ncw Cr01) 'l'lme . fll'lC'U . mnHt 10 I
their shure , too. Everything Ihon11 be
gotten In l'l\1hliHS fOI' planting so soon
. ns the HIHII ( ) 11 1' m I 1. 'l'hc state eun-
, not 10 thu work of the farnier. Let
euch farmer show by Ilel'casell exertion
t . that 1m alllH'eclntcl ) what others mii'e
doing for him.
? ' nemls to hn\'c ( ' '
MurO' seems \ rcfel'I'ed
first IHhllllll'S ) . In thu mutcr of clenn
. lag time lt ) . lie hns ollm'cl that itmi-
. t'olmcI must require hOlseho11el'I tutu
tcnnnts to cleami their ' ' aitti
clcln tlh' own premises nUl
. 8UI'I'011Ihl l. 'l'hls , It wi hc relcm ,
ercd. WIS time custom bl'for Omnln
put on I0\0111nn clotheS Wih Boul'l
ot Iellh h'lmmlngH. I WOI'Iwl very
wel In those unclent. colomlcul dnrs
1J11 wl IlolblcSH ho l'II'clh"enow.
Time Arizona legllluhl'o SlelS to have
labored 111'1 and HICCl'SSulr to equal
4 the dls/I'uel'fll scene that 111' the
' . close of tilt IUlhmu legislative scsslun.
' I did 10t break mumiy dbl of the gov.
ol'nor's private secretary , hit ) It num
, aged to seriously cripple till time terr-
tonal institutions l' fnln to IJHH time
, 11111roll'Inlon ) ) his , nel'lll'l to pr"llu
for their suport I also niatuiged to
' murder Its own reputation hr time l1s , I
1 ordel'I conduct In which Its niemubers .
; hululgcll UI time hout ' for 11ssoluton nil'
. proacimeti . In time 1llwhlo the IJLII-
lIe institutions ot .hlzulu will have to
operate on 1 Illnl ot 1111clt Ilunclerlng
untl congl"CS takes action In the lUt ,
tel nt its next session .
_ ± : i ; , - j
7l\l , Nf'S " 'ML1.a QU1'fN ;
There wi bo n Inln1 u1 hope Unit t
( lie report I'l'gm'IHng Queen Ylclorh\'s
falling phrRlcnl conl110n Is I t'xmigser ! - .
ntcl1 , for nil IJoJIl'8 have n kildl ' feel-
lug for Great nrlnll'J fO\'ll'l'IjI , whose
reign hM beel ole of the mORt
rcmluhlhle II history , nnll WhORl
IIC'lonnl qualities : wlfc ell
lothl11' have eOibltmbClltiCI lieu to
the I'efllcct of the world. 'L'he fnct
lust he .cconh"c" , however , that lit
time course of nature the venerable
CI"Cl'l nlel CIH'efR cannot hive Inl '
IOI'C ; 'Cl' 5 , C\'ln If not : ullctcl ns she
Is stud to be. On May 21 next , t she
hive until that ( line , Yletorln w\ bc 70 i
' ' . ' ' than most 80\-
) 'CII'8 : 011 , n greater age . 10Rt
ereigilt4 l hn\'c tittniited. 11cr reign hns .
cxtllied o\cl u llcl'lol of Itnl'lr lifty.
eight I 'elrs. she hl\'lnl conic to tlc
thl'OIU In .ltimie. 18i. I has bcen I
lOt wOllle'fl1 l1'n since nH 1 gui of
18 VictorIa AI < Xlll111 bccnlc ruler
of Great 11'1aln , 1111 whlc sIte Ilr
have conll'llltcd ' ltc to wlat Ins
hecn ncclllllllel In this ) period In In-
cl'cnHllg tlc lovet ' nlll the lll'r of her
cOlnh' ' , 1 Is to bl said to her credit ,
that site Ins 1'\'CI' ntelltll to oh-
ft Ilet 0' retard time t 111'ch of ) lroll'c .
o less thnl thlrtecn changes of mimi-
istry have 111wn Illncl' 11mllg ( lien reign .
nll 10lW of time c\'entl II which Great
flt'itmtiii Illnrltl ) ( n conSlllclols mitt have
Ilcn n101 : tlc most 11)lltnnt ) II the
\ S'Ori(1's ( hlshlr In relation to tll'SI
Ylctolla , hns . 11'111-11 ' Inntc81cd 10
w1 cOltl.IT to thnl of thc nation ni
slOWI hr Blllsl lloltcal mumethods. 'rhc
'I'CI'IIII ' of Great 11'llin 1ellr hits
very iittieoicc In Illhll' allh' . but
( time uf nfl aggressive dispoltioii ) nmlght
exert n great dell of Intllencc In tlc
slnllhlg , of events. Queen Victoria hns
ncce\tcll time lllnlols 1110n her irner
nud been content wih 1 f:1hlul : 111'-
forlaucc of lien ulomimest k' o1l n toll. In
which site hUH ! I'en an ndlh'abic ex-
nllio of wlfelr nIccton nll mothel'l '
de\ot lou
I hits been said thmmtt t Victoria would
' ' of G rent Bultititi ,
he the Insl so\'el'llgn Glcnt Brllln
hit I situ \\'Cl'e to die now the'e II no
nllllrelt 1cmml to doubt that lhcl'l , , ,
I'lward , ii'ince of \'nlcl. would ascend
to the thl'onc. lie IH Icf'lr tH years
011. nu ullnhie tumid cultivated gentle-
mitmtim. who has Cln lueh 01 hc t world ,
111 he enjoys , doubtless , tlc respect of
I lajO'lr of tl HI'ItHh lJollle. Asking
linitulmi he would ' : I
king of Great Bl'lall : he'olll II'oba I
lily hc satsled w1h such In'C'ognt\s
ni the sovereign IH 1ll'rl1tcl to . exercise -
dsc , nnl ve1) ' likely ) would mussert him-
' ' extelit tItan his
self to no greater cxl'nt tUl
mothe' has d0112. lIe has never ! I'cn
nnr evidence of possessing the clnllls
or : stutteSmIiuhti4htil : ) . 111 11 slllll ' It Iln
of fair abilities and of a geniai . com-
Innlolnhlc iimittit'e. One thing conld
safely he In'ollHcd for him us 1lng , nml
that Is that hcon11 be less 1)rudent in )
10nl ' matters than Victoria has been ,
thc hitter IItlng gone to thc extromc of
stngiless In this particuimir. 'rhose who
In'ofcsl to believe that ntcr Victoria
thc Ih'l1h 10nl1ch ' wi give \lr to
1 1ellblcll form of government will
hnlly be nblc to timid any substantial
1 uonl for this vlcw. A British ) rellb-
lie ln ' bc c'olycl In time , but such 0
' remoto.
eonslllmnton 11 Uldonbtcdl
I has heen several weeks since our
mlllKtcI' to FI'unce Icl the II'O\'lt of
this go\crnmclt against thc action of
tc Frcnch goyernmelt excluding Amcrl-
cln cat and IK yet no reply ) has been
received fO'l I.'rnncc. Such procnstnn-
ton In I matter of this kind may not
bc unusual , but It wou11 seem thnt It
the French government hits 1 good C \J
It would , fl'om conslleltons of Inter-
national COll ' , have Ilrolpty re- I
sllollel to thc protest of this go\crn-
ment. Even If thc F'reueii go\crlment
hoils the vlcw that It Is not called lento
to eXlllaln Its conduct In n later affect-
lug entirely its Internal Interests It
could iimtve so statel at once. 'l'hc
coull hl1'c statel - . . ,
natnll InfC'cucc . front tlc leln ' IS Wit
the French government Is unnhle ) to
Justify its IIcl'lmlultol against our
cattle 01 thc 11'0111 taken In thc decree
of excusion that they are diseased . , and
this Inl''relce Hlls support In private
nl1'lcc : l'lccl'el ! In Wnshllgtou frm
Fnmuiice. 'l'hcsu ¶ state that no disguise ! II
lulle II PI'ls of the fact that thc ex-
cuslol of American l'nuW was hot he-
ctuse of ni ) disease dlsco\'el'cl nmong
thel , but wns to HulHtr thc cattle
I'O\'CI'S of 11'IICl' , who WCl'C dClnl1 ,
lug more Pt'ot.Ctli1. There Is not n
rcasolablc Ilouht that this Is the case
nut ! It Is cqunl ) ' tl'\W of GI'mnn " .
Neither /O\'l'I'llllt hns ofclnlr I'C-
ported to ( ) Ui. ' /O"l'I'IUelt n Hingle case
of dlsclse U101 ! Amel'II'11 cattie . HI
though l'l'IUestcd to 10 HO , and Ito better
aSSl'HnCl thimit t nOlc haH been llseo\crcl I
could bo esh'el1
Now Gc'nulj' IH considering other
' of exciuuilmig Ammierlcaui ) ( ,
w.nys CXCllll Amcllcan II'ducl
which , If Ilolltell , w1 very likely lie
folo\cl by H'mllthctc action on time
Ilrt oC other I I'Olll'nn Jo\'ernmcntH. I
There Is n 11 ) befl'c 'the HelllHtHg
which It IH believed wi pass , PI\lll
for n II'hIIlor ) ' duty on I'CnUl'l1 cotOl'
sl'cl oil , of which that couuh' hllnrts )
iitt'go qllnttl'H fl'OI thc Uulcl StHtes.
' 111 GII'IIgon'I'ulelt hits nlso immti-
mated Its lutlilun to hll'I'l'urm the
botmnty 01 sU/I' I'XOrlcl , wih I vlu\
. ,
time omte.temitim uliserhmnimma.
to o\crcomlug tl olc.lcUlh 11scl'lllua
tOI II out' tu'll ngallst louiity.pmmiui
simgmtt' . I I It Ihou11 110 this ( k'ninamiy
cal lelll on l'xcI111 Amerlcnl
' , muiitl ' tiit the ot hl'I' IilitiOimt4
II'lHIICII ) . n tl 10 ( 'HI IU tolH
npntm'cmttly ) wihout feuI of the nestlit .
'j'he uJI'a\nl 11'IUIII upon time 01'1'11\
' for ' ' ' tirotectiomi hams
"O\II'IICll 101 1'I'Utcl' II'otcelol
bl'l'n Iwt wIth time Hssl'lnce . that notim-
lug wi hc 10le to COItI.t with 01' 11-
latin tha commmmmierciiui h'eatls wih other
gUIOWII ) cotiittiits. I 11 hot IH'OIIOSl'l )
to erect mlii ' ntithltioitiil barriers ugaimist
UI ) lu11toulI ballcls agnlltt ,
the llllortntol into Gl'l'lll 1II.tH )
or thc products of those imations oC' '
Europe wih whleh Gl'l'mnl ' hits rude I
agreememuts. So thnt to nwet IH far ni
llsslhlo thc ngrrhln . ll'I1111 for protee-
' will ut'eui to exelutle
tOI GCI'llt wi I'l'll oxlUle
AIIll'nl ll'duets amid I scents highly
Ilrobuiio tlnt sue will lo thlH 01 mum cx-
h'lsl' ( ' senie. ' 1lm coulh'lcs In com-
lcrlal ululcc wih her wi UIII\3-
tittitmuiti.muulopt : a lIke policy . 1111 FI'Hlel' ,
ittider the ' ' of umi mmgrarinzm do-
tllcr pressure al agl'HI'lal ll'-
mlld no less strong and urgent , will
\'CI'Y 1wly follow the cxnmllc. I
. .
' . . ' _ , _ : , , . _ . ,
' .
i.i'Jl " , : _ - v H" & .
woul Rcm. timerefore . that this country
19 confronted with time prohnhll ( ) of n
commercial warfare , time scope of which
contot \ bc dcnned , with mORt If
not nil the COlnlrlls oC comitluoutui
Euroie combined against nut.
Hoshnl thc ltled States meet
such n situatIon ? I IF It thc 11\lr
of thc II'CRllllt 10 retailate. He . II
nUlhm'lzell 10 declare an extra dnt % of
10 I ) ( cent upon nil goods 11110ltcll In
thc vesseis of ' itntlotu which muiunit
\'cIel ! any Intel shnl
Inj\'c the export trade or this country
Iii \Iolnton of comlcrcni treaties.
UI'nnthlJ thnt the course or gUIO\t'l1
CUl tries wnlronts thc exercise oC thus I
executive ' ' . the Is whether
cXl'uth'elIOWl' ! ueston whcthll' ,
1'lnlntol would hc mi 1L t'ffe'I Eve rI11d ' .
\ould n Iwler of I'eLtisitis ) au thc part
of the Itulted ' thc ' : '
tnled States bi'Imig European
O\'N'llelts to tCI'ms ? S01cthlng eCI'-
tllll ' 1IIIt bc douc. I nlllll'nrl from
thc stntRte ! of exports thnt thus fur
we have uot been Iljnret to anr Iumt-
cl'ln I I ( 'xteIut l' the 11ICI'IIInn : 101
against om' lent II'llhl I I. 'I'henll'
nf these eXlllrl ! t\'lu the ciglmt
nwnths eltlJ ( wih chrnnrr of this
yeut : ' was not mneh ll s HUI that for
the COIICfIIOltnJ 111' I 11 ( l'lln wih
thl' ( sume mOlth of 1811. ) Butt thcl'e II
II'l'Ur sure to bc n less CI\'orahll show-
lug hieteim ( ten . I Is not bXIIIcll11 that
hc t llrCsl411It wi use hc t mintlmot'lly t I
I\n . hll by stntnle nlll this very 1m-
Ilol.tanl . mutter will doubtless have to
wnlt for treUhlllt flom thc next con-
' . It Is ' ' that that
gl'CIS. I hlghl II'otmhle 1)
tme thieve wi hc n 1lble ) ! enlmllt
Ilcslsthl ) ' denmamidliug vigorous : tction.
I.N ; 1'.SUfltrWt . ; Lb.i1.'LtTION.
Senator " 'rights Imnl'llcc bill merits
( 'Iutous mind thmot'onghi digestion. ' 'hc
II'ullosllon to tnx : life tSl'llCC com-
IJnlls 1 11I' ccnt 01 thch' gross 11'-
Ilum receIpts on Policies ISHIIll In this
state II cmlllntr 11'01111' , Ilhol h It
hilly bl' objletcd to h h y the Ilnngcl' : of
the insurance , 'he insur-
IIRt'ntcc comllllcs h\KI'-
alIce tax In other states excccd 1 tier
Cllt nn gross prenmiuumuis. I Is doubtful ,
however , wllthel' thc special 111\'lcgeH
confl'l'l'l'd ity othc' 1I'o\'IHlonl oC time
WrlJht bill me cnk'ulntcd to belltt the
Ilblc o' thc PolicY holllN'H. I Is nl
' ' ' ' s'ehl to home ' ,
\ ery wel cncolrge Industry
hut itt the ll lllntlg 01 lIfe hlll'anCe
blsll'H . the in'onbotion of home InduR-
ti'y should be secOllnl ' tn absolute .
sittety. Time gcltug ot revenue ( rout In- I
HI'UICC comJnles ) for time sake of rcvc-
flUe Ii 10t dcslruble , neither II any
schemc thut : wi exclude the strol/
nnd fn'or thc weak because
C01lHI1es ( fa\o I' thcIuk
the ) ' are home conccrns. An IIS1'llce
imtssiiotuitl alma above all to '
shonldlim \ al thhl8 stir- I
lIll thc \olc ' holdcrlh such safc-
gtimirds ns 'tviil ' \ ' buitterlue instir-
gullls ns1 II'e\'cnt butcrnc
Imcc that cnnnot fn11 its obligations.
Iel'Y effort In the direction of l\nlc-
reform muid ' - ' for the ole-
Inl nnl every IO\'C
\aton of IJble 1011s Is commclHllble :
Unfortunately man ' people who are
In boring for better municipal govcrn-
and thc ' of \'Ice
meat extirpation \ expend
their enclgles on Ichc1es oC reform that
are utterly 1nll'\ctcn ! le. This hinmj
tIme and again le n demonstrated In .
crusades agnlnst the social Q\-I timid in
praying temperance crilSiutles. I Is
again strikingly cxhlbled In the iii-
directed effortsof certain clergrmen In
this city who imagine the ' can abolsh )
the social C'1 and 1)\'lf ' thc polcc
force by 11'euldlg U ) thc district In
which the resorts ot vice arc chlct ' con-
fimied under SUrVoIllululce. These
fled \ilel' lllee sm'\'elaucc
chergymomi . concede that the social evil
has been eradicated In large -
never ol'ndlcutel com-
munites cxectng where poiygiuuity pre-
\'als al It did In Sal Lake City and al
It ; docs In Constantinople and ethel Mo-
hammednn cit les. They claim , hOWC\'CI' ,
that by dth'lctng thc resorts of Iii
fame there Is an official recognition or
tolcl'lton given that tends to 11clorlze
the ) olcc aUl advertise the vice.
Grant thlt this Is true the question Is
will the IOllosol change lClo\e the lo-
lice front temlltuton and do away with
blackmailing of the Iweerl all Inmlte !
oC lawless resorts ? " 'oull not the 011-
i)0Ltu1mtitY for blacmmll11 coil tisloit he
greater whcn the resorts are scattered
' ' thc ' nimti the vicious element
all O\'I' city ald
II'S tribute to nil the 101ccIln Inltcll
of the few 1)llcelen tha ate emi guarl (
In thc district ?
Woull thc hypocritical Il'etcnsl thut
we have wl)11 out the blot be conducive
to Public morals when II fact thc whole
town covered wih t soelal \l
blots Ind blotches ? Would I he safer
for the j'onng of both sexes who now
Hhun thc district because thmey darc not
bo ) slcn wihin its In'cclncls , to have
those resorts In thc respectable ) llrtons
of thc city , wllre they could hc In-
yclglCl . Into haunts of vice with 1m-
humility without being subject to police
HI'\e1Inco Ol' susilieion of their parents
1111 gUI\'lht ! ? .
'hem Is no doubt whatever thnt our I
police depnrtllt leelli reorgmunizittion.
' 1he fOI'l'e hll hcCn ) bullr dClol'alzld :
' seventh ' b ' seciatimmii ulissemi-
for SU'l'I'al 'call by slctnl'lun Islcn-
I10n a 11 corrupt 1I'ICtCOI. This flct
huts bcen so stm'ikingiy manlfcst that 10
1)llmce Hhoull havc been IHJlwil for b ) '
tilt Ilolcl' cOllllslon to con\'llcl its
mneimibem's that n I'/ulcal / ehlngc In police
go\'C'nment Is 111cl'lth'cl I ' dcmnlllcd
itt their imiunds. lnfltllltelr one Hec'
11'111 factIon In time fO'et aided amid In ,
llh'ed by IIKChl\cll Ilolcl'nln , warll
IIelel'8 timid sl'llmln111lclanH who
wlnt to (0imt'it tl Iiolco Into u 1101t-
cal nlchhll' , his sought tl secure ICJII-
laton that would l'nablc tlm to doml-
Ilto the Iiolco 1111 fl'c deiatitiiicmmts.
' 1hls class Wllt to SUllllllnt Semmvey with
Ohluf Detective 1 I ZI' . 'J'hls would he )
1'lfhlng fl'om the frying lInn Into time ,
Ih' ( Gimlet Semivey hUR outh'(1 hlH IHe- I
Cniless 18 I 110110 eoinmnnmmdt'r , but
haze Is rotten to time core ' without I I'C-
dlemlu qtmimllty . 'rho')1'elllt commlH'
slon Is to blamume for '
mOle me fo' l'tnllll ; 0
mun of thc stripe of Ilzo lS chief de-
tcct\o thun for refusing ! to llrt with
Senvey al : chief of Ilolcl. On that SCOI'O
the I gllll jut ' y eens\'e . wits Well mer-
Ami yet thc IIU'tI'S who 1"'ofl'S to de-
site n 1'1011\171101 of the polco on
m011 11'01118 IUne n\llc mme comliluilt
to hiitzo ' ' othl'I' muemuml ' of the
! laz" 01' 11 melhel'
force that bl'lolgs to the Rlctlrlln fil
Uon of "hitl haze. Is thc choice fur
cimlef of 1'llco ' This fiet woull "ecm to
. ' : ; . & : : . . , , - -
Indicate thnl tll f efforts for llolco reform -
form have miojlilglmer nln thln to suibsti-
tute one set kit 'ttuttoed llolcemln for
nnothlr set nW1 In the eittl to convert
time Police nn ; , frc dlplrtnwnt Into 0
hotbed of Iloltt\ activity , thus nu1f ' -
lug the 1)lrlt nhUetN' \ oC the law under
which thc cOlumlJslon wits cllcl Into
'I'll lcgisimttuit'ctf . ' Illnnls 11 ! 1'ttng nn
l'xnll11l' In tlt1'u'Juttter , of rch'elchtent
which the legIslature of cbl'aRlm might
\\'cl follow. 'l'iichhhltiols ' state treasury
11 not In the Ijuit to\IRhll cOllllm ,
nlhough luch ' better fxcll tum thut"of :
Nebniiskmm. InRll'll1 of Ignoring the
Inliclnl Itrll lm' ' , ns the Nebrlim
leglslmttors SI'1 to be doing , thc 111011
legl lnhn'c hits been cnttn ! down np-
propnimutbomis for state Institut bits wih
1 Ih'l hnl1 10' the four penal lush-
tUtOIS thc oll'C'1 Iii chnrge nl'ell
$ 1,5lSt172 . which \ vmts rel1\eec In thc
' ' ' " ' ' SU-Irim. ( 'I'hl'
1\'l'I'IO" ! I'stlntcs to $ Sn-fmO.
1111101l'InllI ) l'Ollltcc nlHle thc ! 11
nn IOO l , u shl'el' l'cdlClol of more tuU
$800,000 ) ( ) from thc ( 'Igilul IClullllol (
and of $ JOOOO ) ) ( ( ) from the stun certified
bv _ thc gn\'cI'nO' In tl UIIII'olllntll !
for the dlrlnble llHtltonH the salute
11'lnlng Imllc hUH bel'n IHCI1 In lnch
one holh thc Ilolnte' cnllll ull the
l'sllnltcll nlmhcr ( f Inlnl' ! hahecn
10\\'CI'l'd a tntnl of not ICIH thnn $10 per
l'allln 111 ot 2\ ! In thc wholc numbI'
of patients , multi It II 1l'lscd ) to IJIKUl'
thc fnlO lllc ) ' wih rl'lct ) to ul time
state Ill'lnl.tllnls. r l1nol ! II forced
to ret reiicli , l'blnslm , wlh Its dl'onth
stricken Inhnblllnls . , ought to I'ch'l'nch
In sumutiler ' , I'\'el' : nimmeiud-
nl Hllle. cleJI'c \ n1e11-
1elt offered to thc alllloll'latll bills
II tin SClllte ouiglit to bc In time 11h'l'-
tel of n lecl'l'aHl' . amI not for thc In-
Icrlon of lew Iels 0' the IncI'caHc of
old ones.
Occasional eOUllulntH are heard ill-
I'lctl'l imgaiumst 1Iln of conullfRlpn
mCI'clmnts doing business In this city.
I Is mtuhi.ged . yet : hot I"'o\'cn ) , thlt Ilrlcl'
lists I'C sent ont to shippers quoting
tl1'cs higher theta the best mnrlet
prices , but that rellUunceH nrc 1t le
nt 1 rate lower thnl ml\kct ) Jlces.
When I sight draft conies wih thc con-
Ilgnment It Is tieciluied. 1 IH such Imsl-
, less UI this that caused reputable . com-
Ilsslln 1C'chant to tU\O. the IHlollton
of n law requiring ( that every couiuimis-
slon broker ! lml taw ) out n lccnse ,
which. of cotiuse , wou11 hc forfeited In I
case a lhoncsl brole' werc detected I
In swlnl\lJ his 1) trol s. Reprchensl-
blc as this ! llSlcs ) of 01mcrcnl CI\I
Is , n rlmel ' con\ not be found br
1l'IIS of thc ' ikense. The speediest
1'llcdr would : be : , time IJoc1'lnenl of
iiiliSiulltliblt2 II'uof ImIOHhu'c ) ) thut thc
uc msel II ht'hc , ' : 'algncl and \ossl-
biy convicted th t larceny or of obtaining
tuoitey Ullm' fAlse 1rcten es ,
'Judge Cnhdweil'to .request for the resignations -
nations of rourl out of , ; Jive oC
nntonH fve
thc recch'crsi okgiiiaiiy { - " appolntcll
for a 1Inlu'\I . Invcstment ' COIl-
cern at thc R lcltuton of certain oC
Its creditors. oi t b score or pconOI - ,
w1 bo taken oJ , Jllcltc that at least
ono fetlQrai . ju\lgoJrccognlzes \ the muln
object of' a rccel\cllhlp. t 'be th' ' ie5to- I
rJUdl to Ho1' iiey' ' 1he Idea has be-
cOle 11'I'alcnt that a gremut many rc-
' ' have been soiely
cch'cl'shils lultp\ed )
to furnish lucrative positions to fn-
\'ored iuidlvldumais . nml thmitt In '
\ hI11-llunls. a thlt frequent
Instlnces four and live . receivers are rc-
tllncd at rCmIII'It\.C salurlcs where
the work would at best cal for no"I0C :
than two { three.Vlieiu thc courts
begin , to cut down thc expenseS oj rc-
cel\crshlps there Is room for hOle that
gCII'ul rlorunlzutol will soon be IOS-
sible. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tint Board oC Healh Is becoming al
nolRY as \\'IS the Womnitit's congress ut
thc ' 'orll'l fnl' . The ole should be
Il'ologuells was the othcr
Caught \luu It Went .Utor.
Chicago Tribune.
I the rumor of lion. Stephen D. Elkins'
presidential candidacy was thrown out as
a feeler its reception by the tress and people -
pie must have satisfied 11 mklns thai he
can afford to walt
Tonchlng Loyalty.
" " " 5hlnl\on \ Slar.
The unyielding support given by his followers -
lowers to the senatorial candidacy of Mr.
Addleks affords one 'of the most touching
Instances of devotion known \0 pol les , I
would be strange If even Mr. Addicks
worldly and calculating mun though he
may be has nol been louched.
Ciiict2go's : hrllllllJ . , Wealth.
Did you ever think that In 187 Chicago
had 396.0 people und the assessed value of
Its real and personal property was $303-
70.10 '
In 185 Chicago has I.G.O people and
its assessed vamue I Is $248.732,138.
Is the city growing poorer us It grows
bigger ' Or have we I robber assessment
system ' _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
ExiaKiigi Seedy bel fmhne5.
Kansas City Slnr
Secretary Morton has secured the names
of about 10 members of the lust congress
who fattened their salaries by selling their
seed quolas for cash which they cooly
pocketed , and he prposes 10 publsh the
names In his next annual I'eport. Of course ,
great pressure wi be brought to bear to
suppress the scandal \ but ! r. Morton Is not
one to yield to such pressure , and his next
I report wilt be In great . demand
An A , k\l.rt ( ontr.uUoton.
, , .
PhladuJlhl LE'dger
I Is rather awk\ul that Just when the
Agrlculurl deparlllMt Is vehemently pro
testing to tOlelln J'Jcnmcuts that there Is
no pleuro-pneumonll among American ca.t -
te , the governor pc IOUlh Dakola should
Prohibit the Inl ' f Ion of Texas calte
Into III state beenkio at the existence ot
that disease amonA them. The only j'laUs-
Ible explanation lethl the authorities at
South Dakota , iiico tle Eurollean authori-
tits. are using Ih\J/Iliease / as a mere lre-
text for eommercl\L potcctIon.
"II' I
Ullnsl.rl iut , /.0 / ( 'urle"e8.
Ilock' yyloln NeW8.
The Wyomln Iplle horror is I the third
within a few weei , flke that at Cerrliios .
II appears to have 1 > cen caused by the pres
once of gas. Thi'tbss to the owners In
each case Is mam.1 tmes ( as much al the
cost at taking pr p''lrecautons 10 secure
safelY. 'rhe loss , otd 'Ito shoulll spur the
authorities ot Ne\Y'11exJco und Wyoming to
lay down Itrlngell flulatons and enforce
them slnca a consideration of the material
loss does not 10 b sumitcient
seem bE lulclent to cause
the owners to Incur the trilling expcI\dlure \
which would make the mines safe . ' 1.1
death roil at Ahoy will send a thrIll of
horror over the country .
"OIR Oz' XlE HT.LXR 1'ItISS. :
nurwel Progress : The loner the pruenl
legislature hunt up their passes amul pull their
freight for home , the Maner the p e plo will
feel rested.
Pawnee City Inlepenlent : The passage of
a sugar bounty by the legislature Is assured ,
and ( whlo we believe Il 10 t ) wrung In pin-
ciple , yet we think Il advisable 10 take nl
, 'anlng or clrcumstnnces.
Iearney Standard : Nebrasl\n's legislature
wants ! nn opportunity 10 rile upan rallroaii .
paseS , , nod Dale's nnt'11RM bill has ben
kIlled wIth alacrity. They consider they have
done enough for time raUroalls this term 10
entitle them to anything they may nk for [ In
the way or free transportation.
Tecumseh ChieftaIn : We are waiting to
hear of th ! IJamenl Into the state treasury
by I-OI Inspector hilton or thai large sum
or money belonging lo the state which he Is
wrongruly withholding. He shoull be made to
disgorge or b enl 10 the penItentiary. We
have no use for [ republicans oC his stripe.
Seward UeparLer : Arralgemenl ! are being
made , for ImllrovlnJ the ! ale fall grounds al
Omaha by Iho treeton or new buildings ami
otherwise , which wi make the grounds su-
1111101 to an ) other In the cauntry. I everything -
thing continues to run ns 9100thl ) 8S now ,
the Nebraska state [ nil of 1895 wIll be n
Wisner Chronicle : honesty and Intel-
genc\ In voting was vigorously promote
when I ho proposed blanket ballot bill was
kiibed by the state senate . True man who has
to have his balot dClgnnlell by In eagle n
rooster or a flag Is too Ignorant 10 vote any
% vay . and the straight ticket plal Is n device
10 pul time corrulll ami tilt Ilcompetlnl
through wll the worthy anti the capable
Albion News : A bill designed to prevent
the members from "iooting' ' the state capiol
when they retire has been introduced In the
legislature , and there Is no reason why I
shoull nol become a law For years It has
been the practice In many states for members
or the legislature la carry home with them
at the co ( of each session such property ns
was nol spiked dawn 0 [ too heavy to handle
the excuse In each instance being that "Il Is
cnSlomlr ) ' . " Ancient customs and pernicious
precedents are . however , [ requenly broken
In this age ar progress . and It Is high time
for Nebraska 10 fall In line In the mater or
protectIng slate properly alnsL senseless
confiscation .
Cedar Rapids , Commercial : The practice oC
takIng a few oC the worst Illvlluals In a
party and holdIng them up as standards of
measure of that party shows blnJ , prejudice
and narrow-mIndedness. Because there Is a
black sheep In the foock , It ts ht sign that
the whole flock Is black. Unprlnclplol men
always attach themselves to a party tram
some sefsh motive , and the dominant party
Is sure to catch a large percentage af such
barnacles. When organizations . political ,
social or relglol , are measured by Its worst
Individual members , It destroys respect for
cvilzaton and faith In Its Institutions . but
that Is lho kind or educton many seem to
bo working Cor. I Is the kind af education
that will bring about the very , undesirable
things Crred. predicted and lseussed. '
remont Le3Jer : In almost all other states
In the unlot the penitentiary run by the slate
yields a prof Hut In Ihls slate It has been
a continual source of taxation. It might be
expected that a healthy man , even In a penitentiary -
ILontar ) ' . would ear enough 10 feed all
clothe him and heave a surplus In favor at
the state ; but I Is not so. here the con-
tractor gets the labor the buildings frea and
appropriations for almost everything 10 keep
them In a healthy condItion , and Is paid 40
cents per capita per day for each prisoner ,
and this , too although tIm contractor Is In
the Sioux Falls penitentiary and Is owing this
state at IC3sl 250.0o ; yet be IS regularly
paid every moonLit the amount due for keeping
the prisoners . Who will say the boodle influence -
once Is not In the saddle at Lincoln and riding
rough shod over the taxpayers of the staLe ,
general with the 1 advice and consent of the attorney
l'EUl'LE"J - ) TII1sUS.
Mrs. Casteilane's Income Is a paltry $500.000
a 'ear.
Paradoxical as It appears the most touching
dark scenes or legislative life are generally In Che
A New York Judge holds that a father of
, ( Piplets . even though ho has troubles of his
, own . Is not exempt from jury duty
Congressman Paul Sorg of OhIo drew his
check for a million dollars the other day.
Mr. Sorg Is a democrat whom the party delights -
lights to honor. He pays the relght.
Assurances are given to all concerned that
the manner In which New York grand JurIes
deal wIth crooked ofetals Is not patented and
may be coplc without running tOe risk oC In-
Hon. Ignatius Donnely traces the author-
ship oC the silver plays to the mine owners
and retires disgusted from the movement. I
there Is anythIng abhorrent 10 the nature of
I natus , It Is selfishness stalkIng a paLrlot-
Ism. I
W"len un eminent Indiana lawyer advises
a client that a contract of sale or a wife for
$25 Is valid , It Is apparent those harah opinIons -
Ions at Indiana lawmakers were delivered
wihout giving due weight to the Influences at
Senator Cameron's wife fays Ule , senator has
a very nervous temperament and that the
presidency would kIll him. Let Mrs. Cameron
calm herscH The country has not shown an
uncontrollable desire to push tim amiable sen.
ator to suicide
Even thought our foreign relations arc somewhat -
what pugnacious there Is a soothing cadence
In reports of MiasourI's strawberry crop I
the uppish tendency at the box bottoms can
\0 restrained. the country may be trusted to
emerge tram International fogs Into the cloudless -
I less sunshine at eternal content ,
Mrs , M. A. Jackson , the widow of Stone-
wall Jackson , who now hives at Charlotte , N.
C. . has recently undertaken the editorship of
a prominent monthly magazine published al
Richmond . Va , anl wi make the interests
of the colon states and International ex-
hibiton a special feature ot the publication.
Neal Dow , the apostle of prohibition . was
91 years old last Wejnesday , The law which
bears his nameS passel by the legislature
of lalne In 1851 , and the agitatIon w1h
hrught about the law originated In the re-
fusal of a saloon keeper to slap selling liquor
10 n convivial frIend at Neat's. Still you can
get more and worse liquor In MaIne now jjjan
forty-five years ago
Hannis Taylor , American minister to Spain ,
Is a native at North C/rolna. and Is 42 years
aid He Is I lawyer of considerable promi-
nence. and 11s work on "The Origin and
Growth of the English Constitution" Is com-
mlnded by eminent scholarl I Is sold Mr
Taylor went to Spain for leisure La pursue
his historical studies . and did not expect to
have a delicate Ilplcmatc job on his hands.
PresIdent Cleveland was 68 last Manday.
Seoretary Gresham was born St. Palrlck's
day. Ho Is now 63 years old. ' Ho Is Iho old-
est member of the cabinet. Secretary Marten -
ton was born April 27. 1832 ; Herbe'rt Was 6L
last week : Oney was born In 1836. Dssel In
184' ( , Prof , Wilson In 1843 , antI Dan Lament
Was 44 years old February 9. Hoke Smith
Is the youngest member at time cabinet , having
been born In 1855 , .
"n Illroslvo SI'oCllcl&
Louisville urler-Joumal. .
In mans - respects that was un Impressive
scene when the HOlsn steamed away tram
Savannah whit 200 nagroes for 1.lherla.
wlh 2
They go 10 make their homes In 0 far anti .
strange land wll unlmown lel'lll before
them anti the ties of a lifetime behInd
Ihem. But the ) ' go 10 a land where there
Is no han 'of ' birth I1aln8t theta and they
leave I land where the Jlrejudlce of Ice
against them Is al IneradIcable 11 the color
of theIr skins. Who among time whiles does
not wish them ( tavorln seas prosperous
homo and happy lives In their voluntary
exile 1 _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
'fits ' 'rfo I'msnter'm Mate.
Ies Moines Capital .
The " 'ree Planter's State " says the Ne-
that stale Is to be
hrslm senate . Is what
. " So hence-
hereafter "poptiimiriy designuted -
forth lei no seditious 0' envious person
apply Ihe terms "Hollher" or "bug eaters"
to the Nebraskans.
Highest of aU in Leavening Powcr.-Latcst U , S. Gov't ' Report
DeVA1 Baking
LV'V Powder
, _ _ e" . ' . _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ - _ -
ICXO2''t . 0 : oem 81"8
Globe-Demecrath : Secretary Orehal Is
well laod with himself In the mnler of
that vigorous dispatch to Spnln. In other
words . he hasn'l felt so wct since the titus
when ho was 1 robust and straightforward
New York Commercial I Senor Iurunga
has turned the torrent of his mendacIty upon
his hem government. lie tolls Il that
the feeling ngalnst Il Is abating aunt that
the resentment at time Ilwpapcu Is not
shared ly President Clo\'euldl Hll ever
morlul man In possession ot Ills Senses
venture upon such brazen fabrication 7
Courier-Journall : I It Is not true that
Secretary Gresltain has demanded the recall
: or the Hawaiian mInister I ought 10 be.
Thurstan shouh have been sent back 10
10noluiu long ago. his conduct has ben
snfclonlr offensIve. Ito was tcndy It aiiy
mamonl to give alit Interviews lUring the
Hnwalan COmlJlcatons , anti his expressions
were such as shell have insured him his
recall of his passport soon after his arrival
a the representative oC the Dole govern-
fluent ,
Phlalelphln Press : Great Drllaln has fol. ) I
10wel the example or France with the Do-
mlnlcnn relJblc amid adopted a course with
Nicaragua , n smat IJoWer , which would
never bo lalell with a large one Nicaragua
was loss hemlul DC international anti neutral
rlhs nt luefehls than the conditions dc-
mumantiotl ns the United States faund with Its
own citizens . but this country cannot allow
a smal power to bo bullied simply because
Il Is a smal power wllhout an earnest NO'
test and more than a protest.
New York World : An indication of the
state ot affairs In Cuba Is furnished by the
fact that there Ire more than 8,000 Spanish
soldIers In active service on Iho Island and
that 8.00 nldilonal troops are on their wny
front Spain. Byory one of these soldiers
Is a foreigner In the country over which ha
enforces bayonet rule. Every I one or them Is
alIen In interest amid In sentiment to the
1110110 oC Cnba. \Vero the conlltons which
Justified our revolution any worse than the
conditIons which oppress Cuba today ?
Philadelphia Times : 1 Is easy to see
how important this right Is 10 time Spanish
domination In Cimba and therefore hal loath :
the Madrid I gnverment musl he lo relinquish
nny part er I. For this very reason : Ir.
Gresham seems La have done wsely ! In basing
his claim regarding the Allnca not upon
any narrow question or geographical juris-
dictIon . but UPOI time broad prInciple or
the freedom or the legitimate commerce
along the natural marine highways . whether
they pass within the traditional limit or
nat. Spain might allow this without abandoning -
doning her polce power upon the coast .
since they are only to ho exercised against
suspicious vessels , aul might nat In any
case to Interfere with the free passage or
reglur merchant lines. '
In PhiladelphIa , her home , they call Agnes
Heppler "Mtss Heply-er , " which Is not bad
remembering the way alto jumps into the
arena against various salem scribblers of the
, day.
day.The Chicago 'owan's club one ar the
largest and nest Influential clubs In the country -
try . has decided that colored women are ns
elgible for membership as white women , on
the same terms.
In Chicago a woman has the ( sole control
over the huge machinery oC 0 great steam
laundry while another superlnlell the ele-
valor at a first cass hotel . Three women
arc engagEd as pilots on the MissiSSippi , anu
two marc .s captains at steamers on that
river , each of them having their licenses from
the state while yet another Miss Deraels ,
' sound.
Is captain o'f a steamer on Puget
Probably the most conspicuous Instance In
this country where n woman has been seecled :
as the .culptar of a figure of heroic size
Is that at the choosing of Mrs Theodore
fluggles-Kitson to naake far the city of Providence -
dence a bronze statue seven feet and six
Inches hIgh. The statue Is to perpetuate the
form and face af Esek Hopkins . the first ad-
miral or the American navy , and a native of
Rhode Island ,
Mrs. Jenness-Miller wants to know why
wo.en . became passe. A great many women
have been asking the santo thing with passion
ever since the Fall. Mrs. Miller points out
that men are frequently as handsome at 50
as at 20 : they don.t look young , perhaps , but
they look vital and handsome. She thinks
women mIght have equal success It their
hygienic conditions were as goo ; It they
were , In short , as good animals
One of her friends says or Mrs Schu'ler
Van Rensselaer , the writer on art : "Mari-
anna herself Is not only witty and gay , she Is
positively racketty . but her solemnity as a
writer verges on the awful. lance sold to
\ tlo
her , 'It you were to sue a chip lying on the
floor . and were to write about It , It would
stralghlway become the most important most
dignified chIp ever chipped and its relations
would wIden and widen till they took In the
I unIverse. ' "
I Henry . Harland the author or "As I Was
Written , " and other successful novels , Is a
Londoner these days , and Mrs. larland Is I
one oC the most successful women In London
literary circie. Her success Is purely per-
Ilrary . She doesn't "do" anything She Is '
very pretty and gracious and popular , and
much admired by young Beadsley , the cre-
ntor at the last new kind ot curious women In
art , and I small London Idol taday. Mr Ibr-
land points ant his wIfe as not a "new
womnn " "Look at her " he says. "probably
she doesn'L know the name of the presIdent ot
France " al this moment , but Isn't shE a suc-
cess !
- - _ _ J
our OF XUR oiutz.vnr
Icebergs the Atlantic sometimes host for
200 'enrs.
The largest bet In Japan . that In the (
temple al } oto. Is twenty-rour feet high h
IUII slleen feet tn diameter . across the run
Tim Jeclrlcnl te.loB's ) the Western
llnlon Telegraph coinpancollected about
$ 500,000 lust year for telling the tme at
day .
M. ni ) n PersIan , 18 the Inventor or a
neW sort oC ornamcntal glass which closely
resembles hoar frost on glass In the feathery
farina mullen I.
The largest bronze casting In the United
State Is the bunalo's heath which hangs
Over this easter enlrancQ of [ the Council
Duls.Omahn blldge.
Dog farmIng Is carried on extensively In
Citiuta There Ire Ihousants ur large breeding -
Ing eslablshmnLs scattered over the norlh-
! m districts or Manchnrla antI Mongolia . anti
no tor skins In the world Can compare wlh
those that come front these I'arll ns regards
either slEe , qlall ) ' or length ar hair.
Al the ( very latest gathering or Iha Sons
ant lughters oC Maine resident In Mn sa-
chusels 1 was IJolnled ) alit that alhough
Massachusetts has moro hens than Maine
the Maine liens lay niord eggs than those of
Massachusetts. 1 Is also all by thin Boston A
herald that the Maine hens (10 the most
cackling ant the rciosters tue most erowlimg.
Dr Oarnett of tite hiritisit Musetmin has -
fouuitl a curious little "flower book" that was
inatlo tip by Unit hawthorne , the novelist's
daughter , iii iSIS , amid he intends to send it
to the nuuiseuin of hawthorne relics in
Salem. It is a faded lIttle volume of eighty
pages , containIng miowertu , heaves , even blades
of grass , gathered at historic spots by Miss '
hawthorne , soti or leaves train hCeats' 1111(1
Shelley's graves , nit olIve leaf from "Casa
( lulilo , " in Florence , dud a sprig of grass
froiti l'ctrarch's imouse.
SI , lotmis ItciutibhicI luehi-.Vas George 'er
much cast down after hue spoke to your
fmutiter ? N
Nell-Yes , thirco flights at stairs.
Life : "You were enubnrrassetl wlmen you
proposed to me , George , vcrc you llot'l"
'Yes , 1 owed over $20,000. "
Chicago hitter Ocean : Father-So yott wish
to iiittke say datigiitetr youmr vIfe ? Stiitor-
\\'eii , it's the only wity 1 can see of be-
coating your somt-in-iatv.
Phultudelphiia Inqtiirea : Miss Vearsey-Do
yeti think a wuituan ought to work for a
husband ? Miss Qtmick-Yes , till site gets
Boston 'l'raiiscript : irate-I cannot be-
hove that Itir. thuyboy is so bail a man.
Ills wifa 50)5 that others do not ktuos' him '
as site does. harry-Yes : but then his wife
doesn't kllot' , ' iiiiti as otlucis do.
IndianapolIs Journal : ' 'Do you kttos' the
count mictliahly ntititessCg liar in ptibhic as
hit ; trCasure ? "
"Treasure ? Ills English is a littio oft.
lb means investment. "
Judge : Mauti-Is Mr. Morton still paying
attention to your thaughter ?
Mr. Goldbug-Wmuy , good graciotis , no ! '
lie's not paying her tuny attentiun at all "
1)0W , They're marrIed.
Harper's Ilazar : l'arson ( libeon ( to llrer'
'I'oleon , who buns conic to secure his serv-
ices-Only ) six months sense the last , I 7.
h'lleve , threr' 'I'oleon ? and the fothe tinto , I
reckons ?
Brer . 'Poleon..flit' ci' lack , salt , l3ut
liehi' ez Tildy is 'bout ez dade cz she'il ever
le. an' sense I hearfi Oat sermon o' yours
iarse Sunday 'bout dere 11111' 110 marridge -
nor giv'n in marridge In iueb'n , I thought I
jess as well lose no chances.
Here is an "anecdote" ubIished by the
Lancaster ( Pa. ) Intelhigeneer , March 25 ;
1796 : "A. man and his wife were traveling ;
they sat down by the rend , exceedingly
fatigued. The wife sighed , 'I wish I was in
heaven. ' 'Flue husband replied , 'I wish I
was at the tavern. ' 'Oh , you old rogue.
says she. you always want to get the best
place. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
it COxFEM4I0Y.
My epic deemed verse , my pet production , which I -A r
Sufficient to advance me to the highest
peak -
Of dillbcuit Parnasusa , goal of which I've '
1"or many a weary year , came back to me
last week.
The editor I cursed , that he should stand
My dear ambition and my scarcely dearer - -
self ; - unappreciation forced to blush unseen - '
My seen one dear book , to gather dust upon - I'
in ) ' sitelf. 9
That night in sleep an angel fair came to
my side ,
And In her huand she held a scroll ; in
lines of flame
The name of hint I'd cursed was writ ; and
when I cried ,
"What nortent this ? " the rare celestial
"Read here , 0 Ingrate base , the name of
him thou'st cursed.
The 'ery man of all nuen vluO should be the
Thy love and lasting gratitude to know ,
since Ito
Still leaves tin path Parnasshan open unto
.A path tyltichi thou with halting rhyme ,
most iii composed ,
Against thyself last sought to keep forever
Read titan thy lInes ngainl"
Ahi hitter was the cup.
I read , withdrew the curse-and tore the
epic up.
-h i iZ
_ _ . : r 4f-j"t
F :
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$ - p r ?
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1k - ; - a
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w1 . - . I'
M1- .
The First Gun Fired--
We are liLting thorn all-so used to it are w °
that it's no trouble at all to bring down our' man.
We are loaded this year with an unusually fine lot 01'
Spring Suits and Overooats , and together with the
exclusive tailor styles and the special low prices wo
are oreating quito a sensation , We never allow a
garment to leave the store unles3 the lit and style Is
1)erfeot , no matter who you are , For tariW reasons
we are able this year to make lower prices than
ever , while the clothes themselves are of the finest
Browning , King & Co.
flelhmblc Ciotimlers , S. W' Cur , 15th tutU loiigltms Sts.
. - . . - . . . . . - . - . . -