Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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    - : I:4rl 1-TL - - . ; - . . . . ' I T 'T '
I 4 : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAhA DAILY llJPE : FRIDAY , 1\LAlOI \ 22 , 189. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- - - - -
. . . . Ti-ic OMAHA DAILY DEE
. I : - - - -
J , I. nOSE W A T , .
: r
'f Pt - = nISIm1Y , . Mommm. - -
- - - - - - - -
. TIMt . RUnSCnl'ION.
. a11y n4l ( Wlhout Runda ) , One ' .nr. . . $ B 0
DaiY I'lly lp anti tunda } ' . One . . . . . 10 (
I4I tontbi Bnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &
. . . f
k k ' Hil : 1onlh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 LO
'lrl n. . . One YPfiI . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . 2/
Hun/My 1J.'e. .
% .
. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to
. : . Hnlur.ln . } ' II ( . . One . . . . . . . . . . 1 r
" % . ; Wel\l } ' II. . , On ! OI.'ICC Year . . . . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
> Omn3u. The. nN flulng. .
Omh : 'It nul.ln !
' HOllh Omnh ) . Sln"r ! i. C'"ner N nnt 211h Rls.
( 'uncI1 Tttl(14. 1 ! renil '
. , ' CiIcago l Ofllc : Jl1 IiarnIjt nr Cot"1ret.
' L New'm1. ; . H"ms . U. J oni I , ' Tribune lfldS.
' ' . N.
't' ; % 'iIiIngon. ' Jn : j Rrect. ,
, ' NI .
, < OJml'NO (
, .
" coinntinkntkti r'1iIing In ncw onti cII.
MI cOnnlnlenllcn. r.lnln" nni , <
tonal maier holli le : 'fo the Ftor.
1tti41N13 T.tTT11U.
' L Iltm.
. and r'mttthnce ! 'holI. * tJ"
' All buIn' ! " littrn . h'II,1
. bln."s Irlln r.mltanl's
L nllnor..1 , Al : , to Tb 1 ntP Iuhlrhln" cnIT.p.flY.
r Omeha. 1)rnItI4. . ( heel ) and . ptottco ! ( m'l" . 10
, te mate . 1 .iiihto 10 Ihp opl.'r 0 the .o"un ) ' .
, t riii : ; : .I. .I.I Cn I''N\
} 3TAT1MTNT 01. cmcUt.A''IO :
. . ' ' . , ' Tate Ue I'uh-
, OtoC I. ! 'Iz.ctiutk eeel'etory or Tiu lep
r JI.hlt ! .mlny. being duly " "OTn. II } ' " that
l r thl lellfl number or fiI nn4 c mrlpl" (011.s
. Evntn ant Sunday npc
t " nf the Daily Morning 1'\'lllnl In.1 HUllla
i Jllnle dt1ng Ihe month , or Februri. 1S. wnB
a- ii rollows :
; . le I . r'lowy . . . . . . . . . 20,1D " I : . . . . . . . . . 1.787
. 2. . . . . . . . . 21.4 G lG. 1 ( . . . . . . . . . " , ceo
. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . 2).0. ' ) . t ? . . . . . . . . . . : : }
; 2'.S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
, 4. . . . . 20.190 H. . . . . . 19,7r
. .
5. . . . . . . . . 2).oIe 19. . . . . . . . . 19.7 r
, i G. . . . . . . 1.Ot 2. ' ) . . . . . . . . lo.r" 'l '
7. . . . . . . . . . . . 19.91 . 2t . . . . . . . . . \ ,
f S. . . . . . . . , ; ; 9 2. ! . . . . . . . . . la.ti
. .
, i t . . 0 . . . . . . . . 1'.7 t. 9 . : J . . . . . . . . 1'/:3
j .10. . . . . . . . 21.G11 .21. . . . . . . . 21:0
' ! , ii . . . . . . . io.oG 2 : : . . . . . . . . 19,6H I
] . . . . . . 19.tO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
n. . . . . . . . lD.RIG 21..1.C4
U . . . . . . . . . J9.7t.0 2. . . . . . . . 19.rl' I
. m.7i
, 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.2 '
J II . . . . . . . 19,70 : : . . . . . . 19.f
. Tolat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : :7.633
, 1.eM deduells rbI' un.ul.j ) au'j '
, c'opea ! ( . . . ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . relur.1 . . . . . . 0.020
- - -
! . Net . aIe , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : I.GI
. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .
Daly a\'pcge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.iOI
. ; 'Su.dn ) ' ,
" . OFOum : n. 1-ZSCIIUCK.
) Rworn0 t"ror" ) Il nnl Plhcrlwd In I ) ' pres.
enct this 2,1 day or Mnrctt . 1S.
elre IHenl N. P. FltL. . Notary 1lblc.
r . Homl ) Oll' % cl'I (1 ( wolf too fOOI . for tlo e
wolf boutity chtltiiaaits.
: 'I'Iic' danger Is I thnt the United 'York-
. , Uel Uur . ! ccoJe Ilslllel !
: 'rite ) lcllCll 1111 ; Ils Imll ! full e\'el
' - , wltl cotigress off his hllll .
F Now let the B'I'etl : Hcotl inurtlerers
lie 11.ulI ) " brought 10 .1 tce.
Score I toucHlown ( for 1 I 1\1 Id fnc-
Ily lS ulallsl the lal'I'd foot ball
Ilhl "cr . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. Queen 11 11111s11'I' 'l'hurston can
' cOlllsl'lah ( ' with one 110Ihm' . Like
. the IJlol ) they both talk ; too much.
; . I WO'le In the COUlt . haHte Is worth
$10 ; I dar local laborers wl soon Ilalu .
; wholesalc : attack on that Ironbound fOI.t-
: . low watch cx . Congressmmmmn : Blran's
friends exert thelsclves lo outdo the
tclolHlmton made lu honor of Senator
. Alien. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' HI'uncc how rea(1Ilv the lost nnt-
. . < -
clgiirettcblll tured lp when the senate
nunouncel In loud. earliest tones that
. it really wanted It ! . .
i Notwlhstaldll the strong feellg In
. favor of free silver that plcvals In Xc-
vatla . Um leak In the Carson City milt
r bas heel found to be In the gold enl of
. time Institution. '
InstllUon. 1
$ . h's. Lease declnes to he u candidate
: for mnimyor of Wichia ; but In reaching
. , ; her decision she wits actlatell 1)y noth-
; ing In thc nature of consideration for
! the feelings of Mr. Iem e.
; We feel quIte sure that whelm"el
Shelf Drexel wants to pay for the
: menial work ; performed about the county
jai he mn have It 110le flinch cheaper
than It the rate of $10 Pl'l ( la " .
Please lon't .get the Junior senator
from Xebl'aslm nUll the hawaiian llnh ; .
: tN' now laboring 1111m' a. 111110mate
cloud mlxcll up. I Is lere accident
, that they l'f' time same surname.
, The legislature has come to the conclu-
slon thl t thc ninyor of Omaha Is not
; , . O' rllhl. . A chenp mayor would bc lear
at It IJ'lce. Any . nUQ'or worth having
ought to bc lS much to the tax-
IJrel ) ! ns I city cieri
3 'rhe New York lerll hns the Ke'a
Pllm coulty 'nchlng I located In the
. lelghhO'hool of Butte , Mont. Time
! Iforuld Is ' JInd. But will nol
Iol'nld " _ very _ , .lm1 _ un _ _ _ wo wi U
lJJccr , I1Wl\'m' 111' IWI ' 1'01 ie-
lmdm I may take It.
? Nebraska hits n lew eell glin lote
i la' upon Its statute boole ) . I would
I be Interesting to have thc statistics
. complied n "ell lunco to show 111IH'oxl.
l1ttoly how lany farmers wi have
. taken Id\lntu e oC Us Ilrovlslons.
'I'hel'e Is 10 good reason why the nt- I
tOle " olollllnll ( the . cOUlt " attorneys
of loll Holt 111 Boyti counties slolll
not CO.OJIO'ute with one nlothel' RO far ,
, lS ; they . are able In time llrosl'cltol or
the 111.t ) , clmargeI wih thl' nll'tlel' If
' .
nl'ret Scot.
) . ' ' 'le lust sIlls 1111 ( h'stlmelt , of mmii- !
' ' thIlPmitetI to bl'como '
11lal'l'l ; tll'I'atol I favorite
. me\s : of leWllln fnlhfll frkmmds.
'ls are elmeimp , especially when HIII'
: : Illnnl'li iteftime : the ink Is dry b } I Hlb ,
, .
seqomeimthll thlt deprives II'c\'luUI OIIS
I of all icgmtl force nUl n'l'l't.
' 11 wcatm'l 11\11'0:11" \ : . HI\I'I to get
along wlholt any iU HI'nII' Islocla- .
Uomi veil thc ' tin witim . 'lhmeir
tun m wl'IIR tlmey to wih unc. 'l'hcl.
rate cunh'ovel'le cimim't bo ) \ 'C'lch
mOI'o freqtmemmt. Perlmmtps tl " wi let
the noxl onallzltol Wli unt It be- )
coml1 hltlslltlbl - I long-felt Wtlt
NI'IHISlm 11'hlcet ? last Yl'IU' less titan
: , 0,000,000 ) ( ) bushels of whol t , wlkh hm
leou 1ll0lt entirely ! COISIIIII O'
HlhIJell to inat'ket.Ylilie lhrlli IH I
not n grcat heat 11\lulng Htlte , our
( Ul'U1I'S have . Ilwl 's hat wheat to sell .
I Is ( air to say that wll n favorable
sealOI It least OOOOO ) ( ) ( ) Imhels1
,4 10 harn'Htel on Nohl'IHlmlllt hells.
- ,
\Yo are told that IC'I'OSNI ( al11 gal : -
. lne stoves 11'0 not lan uroll. I Is also
i. recorded ! that Iho moun It 11110 or green
cimeese , 1IRSlig strange It Is that Iu
: tils onliJhtl'lell age the servant girls
.it do not olgllizo ama ! boycott thlt COI1'
S mon e101 ' , which his Stl'h'll moro of
tlem 01 t1 11'lHlnhl'o ascent to tImeS
S pearly 1ltes than ls : any othcr ole
agen" ' ,
; , . tr .1. '
, . " . . . . " !
NO MOlfJ nccm'rirn DrSIN' TI'S.
Time Bee his 01 fe\'crnl occasIonM
pointed out tIme opportunities olC' lt
by tIme Nuhl'nrlc election laws nR they
hoW stand for fraud In the matter oC
) nrr leglglntol . lnI'tc"lnrl ' 111Ing
the lust election were some oC these
nhlRl1 sI1cnl , - Ilagrnmmt , amid time 111'
her of Ingenious tle'iceii resorted to hJ'
clever IJoltclnn ! II order to gain SOIW
nllvlltl o fro I the prestige of I Inl\
to which they were mint entitled almost
Iasscl ) ( limmagintttioii. I If perfectlY
11'0111 thel'eCoro , that tIme legsiature
Hlwlil take SOIC precautions n lllsl
slcl'nslols of lie slrl of the lmiw.
SeimlitOt' Cm'os his I hlllllllll ! II time
legislature . . that only awaits the coil-
ellelr of the imoimse I to IIII/ imp some
of the holes In the existing statute' .
'fhesc holes are : nf , 'nro\s kinds , the
lost troublesome hens that whIch 11-
mis nlY iP1'Sitt ) nomlnutell by 11ltllol
to describe his Plutforimi t ur Illlcll.les
' lie l'hoosc. 1mm In'uc
hy UIJ' 11111te hl . Ilr II
tce thlH his given rise to some (1U'Ut' (
comimphientloims. 101 lxnl\le. when the
tiemmmnern ts seceded fi-olmi thc teg '
rim Limp I1PIUCI'1 feCll'l fl'OI Ie
Ilnl 11110cmtc cJ'ulon last fall .
lulI 11111 IJt II ) n slate ticket of
their OWI , hn8lelcI to 111'1' : the noml-
latlons 11'11 wll the Il'CI'I.tUI'Y uf slol' ,
the latN' 0111111 fOllll hlmlllf coil-
fl'ollel wih 1'lllWslR to ICCl\t two .
Illerelt sets or cUlllllles as .the ii1.
llollzel cUllllulcs of the ileimioet'atie
' ' . Nut untIl tleClimmi of time COlt
IJI'IJ' ) Nutntl IcelHlol tll
11\1 ( heel ) rontlclel woull time I'umll
:1111t that their Iclel was lut clttel
to he lellnH IHI.ty tiomiiimiittioii. B\I
Ihel I they Illcovel'o(1 ( In time tmoimiltmitt bit
l)3 ) ' petition I'uJ' : of graceful egress
anti the lunh ! Were cel'llnCll wih the
I'PII"lslle numhel of RIJlalures to le )
IJllccl ( oil tie olcni : halot : I ! "straight
ileimioctitt 14. " Itemitlimig the t icket ns
lellel'lls. Ueatll ! tl tccl
this 111n lp these cal lclte up-
Ilc'I'1 ) : to lhosl' not conversant wlh the
facls to have ln'emi ( thl' noinhiii'e.of HOle
l'l'Jllnrly cOI'elcll com'citol repre-
! wII.ln I poltcal tinnY Imowl its the
" : lrl hl clemoclnlc 1)artY. " OC course :
tWI'C waR : no such IJl'I ' either II CX-
Istence 01 coulemimphated. Yet all effoi'ts
10 alx 10 bite Jrmlnleull1HI nltou the
WO'ls ( "hy [ ) etItiOit" Hi : to luform the
voter of the Ictlallwlacwr ; : oC the CUl- :
llhlllcH elled II failure.
Not quite RO successful . was n IJrp\'loul
nlh'lllt : on time part of I . local oUle
Hl'cwl lo steal tin' titumnuiec of his com-
1Itlor : Not sitt'mSIiel wlh ole III'ty ;
nOlllaton , which llllcpl his name 01
time ticket as a. : r'IJhlcUI , Ic also tIled
: 11elton for nominaton lndeI the
: lllllla ) ) t 101 ifl(1Celldemit-flOlmIai'ttsflhi. (
'lhl'IC Wlle at the same lme two other
SIU of Cllllhlulcs lu time field . one the
JJllrtsan and time other tIme ) lolle'A-
. ' ' of the itliegeil
hlIellcllent. 'L'Il atelt ) o Ile
Ilclon canltute to still ullel' false
colors was so IJallmlc that time courts
when calell ( 11110n 11OllJUy Interferl
with inmuntlatory Injunction. A slm-
wll I IUIHla 1) lujunclon. .
nlll " amusing duplication of ) alt - des-
Ih"ttons was pel'lletlatel Iii one of the
congressional dIstricts last yemir , where
I elHldate WIS referred lo on the otli-
cul ballot as both "repulilicami" Iml
" eloemt by petitioti. " As there was no
11sUncth"cl " democratic clHldltc In
the fed no protest was made against
the usm'la lon.
' , too Cur front the mu- -
I Is I . pel'hups mi-
Icnnlnm to expect'oters soon to le sul-
cenUy fanilllar with lie unities of the
clndlllte fot' whom the - wish to cast
theh' ballots to be able . to select them
without tIm aid of 111.ty dcsl nltons.
Bnt 1 by the elletment of thc Cross
bill 11ell01 candIdates are for.hlen 10 .
of the regular ur.
use lie dlslgnatons Ie iar-
ties mucl .fraumtl alHI deceit wi be 11re-
vcnted. Such plollllol wi give regular : -
uhu' plrty 10milees : slight :11\ltage :
over the OlWl'S , but . that Is Inevitable
tinder the present systenm. I 11 wi do
a.a3'tVbtim ml lclullg ( 11ulculons amid
artul ) ' concoctell 11ccotolS lu time 01-
clal ballot It will be n decided step In
udvimmmce. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I
I the 81Julsh ovorlent his sent
a satisfactory reply to Secretary : Grcs-
Imamn's dlslatch re aJlng the flln on
the Almcn by I Spllh.1 gunboat thc .
flct is not Imo\u outside lhe Dell.t
Icnt of Stnte According ( to reports
front " 'asiiingtoml : the telJrtment othi-
cals : lalnlaln :1 nil of mystery regat-il-
bug the latel' . 'l'bie tlslltch of the sec-
1etinT of state to the .merlcal mimbimistem'
itt \ImmdrId tellllell ! n 110ml1t ( lismi-
vowal of the UHullllzel net ali due
exircssion of regret 01 the part of
Spain. I was also 1fIel that Immimimetil-
ale and positive orders le gIven 10 Span-
Ish 11 val COIIUlilers hot to Inte'Cl're
whit le IUlato Alcrican ConlWlce
) tL5H1mmg tl'olgh \IHlwll'l ImHHI ) e.
I scel to he IH'O'erblll ) limit Spain 11
ucms'er In n hU' " II Illers of lhh na-
ture. 'Ihls coumntm'y his heol'l bell
miel 1lon to lelal(1 ( redress ( for olt-
nmges on Am'll'l el by 8111hh
\11' vessels . tutu tlnt ! ovl'ulent hns
Ilwl 'M tnlwn HH 0\1 tlC to l'SllolH1
A CI\I Is uotld ns having orcl'I'cd itt
18S0 , when four A\ellcul selmoomiet's
\\1' [ tired upoit amid elclwd IW I Smut-
IsI gllholt ) , 111 there vas I Ih'IIJof I
rell' 01' IOle befm'o Spain ladc a reply
to ito t rell'eseltlloUH of omit' /O\'I I'I-
Il'll 1\1 tll she clalnell that the
Hlll'chc : tool lhll' II Spanish \ 1ti's
111 Il'I'I'dll/ llllsh mIH"S , 111 II :
Is Hllliho Iltel' his rested there untl I
Ito" .
no1 I IIJI10II'S thit Sln hH 11\lrH
iitImtutt1 jtmtbsdict lou fUI' custoimms unmu'-
llllll jl'l thtn l'nstols 111'-
IIOSNI six mils fl'OI time HIII'O of ClII
111 I I ; believed thlt she will 1111t
11101 this lllm In lime 11'(8Int case .
II I tIme lutCI above I'Pfl'l'I'Cll lo Ihe :
HIHllsh imuimuistet' or simile In I commummtmmui-
mtlol to etui ' gS'tt'immmmUimt stated that
hy thl' hlWI of 811111 time Salish ! O\--
ti'iumuiit lullell 1Ulllne jllhHlCtol
six lics 11'HI the ( uln : shul'e , 1111
llmimt t lt mme treaty 1llell ( t hlHO la'S
IIHI Ito 11\1'1' had IJ'oll'stCll ) 1 IIISl the
eXllch ; of tll for 10 1t1 " ycumi's tw
Hnnlsl gO\'l'IIElt dell'll It its dtmty
to Illntlln 111 amid CIW them to hI
l'l'SIJclel. ( In time ei'eimt of 8):1n leR-
NlI'lll ! this clll iould seel that
our gO\'ernll'lt , In viet time posiion
It hits tll.l'n1 ! o cOlptlel1 to resist
which voultl 1)t'iiibiY imecessitate
I , \oull lrhabl nccl'sslate
setmthimmg 4tmittot'jti : mm vmmi'siiips to time
Hl'Ullll ! AIHH'SI Wl'thlJt
waters outsll ! ( of time thl'l't'mllmi ,
wih ' ottlet's to ill'otlotnlllcal I I r-
elmunt amen IIUI'SIIII time passage over
whldl time 1"Ulsh got'eriiiuuiiit ISSttl
jurisdiction. 'j'llt would be , or CO\'I"
n IcIgcl'enl act , but whether It would
' " ' . ' . .
! : - . : .1' ' " . "i. ' .
bo so treated ly Spain 19 n qUlRtol ,
since IHIN' the exlstlJ clrlnstnnce9
of IJoltcal ! lstmbllcc lt hOle amid ni
Insurrection In Cuba she would hnrdly
he 111IosCI to elgnge In n l'1fCt wih
the United States.
Thieve nllenl to le I bitter feeling
In Sputum townl'll tie Pnlcl1 Stales , Ihlt
to the R 'IIJlhy of ouui' 110l111l wih the
efforts for Cuban 111lIJlllllncl n nl
tlele Is n very large elelent of time
, lellc:1 Ileopll' who believe that 10W
19 n good Olll\Ortlnl ' for this country to
take ! tell4 ) to I'cleuse Cubit from time
eOltrol of Simm. The utterances of
leu like Senator Frye tumid ex-Secretnu'y
of the Navy W'itbtmtj'y are sigmilficamit of
Xu3hllV lre Rlglllcnnt .
timt' IJolllnr sentlmneitt. I II to bc cx-
pectel ( thal \\'misiilttgtoiu IltlorlleR
wi II'ml ' mlhel'e tt t the position they
htmtvt' lal'l , 80 that I Is Illle II0sIle
the issue 1 \ay 1 ! IIW I sOllols chnlac-
tOI' , I11esH S\all Hholhl decide 10 nlal'
tOl its Cllll of marlle juuu'Isdictbotm.
AN JIGU.'IfNT TIn 1-.1'
Time advocates of nit ndeluuittt' ! lav . '
for the Vliet States have nut iru'csbst-
Ihll' ) 1' IIClt bit exist lug cOlplcltolS.
n ! veil ns I COIIIIe ! jlstlCtol of thc
110Ic ' of na11llbllll ! ! begun luller
' or President Artimumr
the Illmlnlstmlol PI''shlClt Althlr I
. '
iuunl vigorously 1uushmctl h ' the the I set'-
Ilt vlgolol 1\8ll'Il
I'lta.of time 1:13. : Bon. " 'llul g.
Chimitiler : . mmomtbted States 1llltOI .
fl'OI New Ilitumuimsimbre. 'rhe POll' ' . cli-
tc'elUIJI ) thlrleen years ago . lol ! .lh-
olt n good deai of 0lJll0Sl01 from tlose
who hclen'l that the l'Iuitl'l States did
lot ! eet luch manic or n mimuvy Iln Il
ti1l hSSeSStl ( , \'us lhpl'cd to dllll
time first uIlllnlstrntlon of Presbmleiit
CIvelall nlt time adllllstltOI of
II'esllent I nll SOl , WII thc resli of
. .
' force which ,
git'immg the conhmti'y n Invnl
\hll hot eCllll thnt of the ethel
lendll natols , Is strong emuoumgim to lit-
RI'C IJ'ledlol mit home amid respect
n11'O\1 'hc inst 1 congress , owbumg to
the COltlol of time treasury , was less
Ibell , II providing for the construction ,
of II1al vcsspls than wel'e thc 111l\'lols !
comigreses since the ivork or ! lI11u
Iii ) the nlYY WS eltN'ell 111)1)11. I au-
thollzed , howeycl , the bullll of two
ltttlCSimll)5 ) [ ) , six lnhoats IUl tlmree tor-
IWllo heat , wllch18. . IlcrhaIJ . time liest
that cOI1Ieonalr bl e expected ( Illl'l .
the cl'culstnnce . Secretary herbert
' that provisIon lie
hat lecommlllelI tllt IJ'ovlslol
made for the construction of twenty ( or-
Ilcdo ) heal , nUl Il wOlll Uuluubtedlr I
have been wlO' on the part of congress
10 h\e : orllrl'll more of tleRe uatA tlln
It did , folo\ln the examille of fOlclh'
countries II malelng the torpedo boat UI
ImpO'lant } art of their naval estmtbilsit-
unelutil . hut l the next congress can ea81 -
remedy this mlstal.e If I the nunelal con-
11ton of the goyerUn1lt wi wlrralt
doing so. If not , a mUlcr Increase of
doll . L _ _ _ . . _ I not . I _ . . . nut nr n / ,
Lime lIY , ' CULL biLL , ) ul' ' . u. . . ' . . .
In his lost annual rport the secretary
of the navy state that the vessels In
cOlmlsslon had been allost constantly
Clii)1OYed , " ' 111 the necessity for such
emploJ'ment seems to be continually In-
crettsluig. " I has Iumci'easetl since ( the
secretary mI'm'le. ' his leport , and ' thrre
il IIISOI to belIeve that hereafter there
wi ! e plelt . of business for all the
' . Time littlicathons of
vessels II our navy. ' lullatons
an aggressive policy on tlc part of
g\'OIJCI } ewers tQwul1 South and
Central Amcllcan stltcs , llolvln . ) er-
hilIS , clwlonchml'ltA wIllet the United
States coumld not renlt with cqufuluIr ,
IJ'OllRes to provide emplormelt for n
J\nel of our vessels , wlle our Interests -
ests In time South Atlantic , Iii the North
PacIfic 111 In Bering sea cal for the
i'igilmttit attention or our naval force.
'i'he Fnlled Stltes dom not want n navy
for the purpose of making war upon
any othm' coumnti'y. No nation neel he
apllrehensh'e Imt In bulllng up a 11\'r
I Is the Intelton of this country " to
make uu aggressive use of It But we
do requIre a navy strong enough to protect -
tect our sllports ) 1111 our commerce iili(1
which wi command due respect for 01
rights 111. interests In other lutuuds.
'Jbmem'e Is imo 'vlh'y elWecn the UnIted
States mutt ! the other leading nations In
the matel' of building tl [ ) I nl\'al force.
I Is not nlCCHSH : that we should l'U1
I race with EIOIICIU powem's Iu this
IJu'lcllal because we have no remote
Ilossessiols to guard as they lmave . nut
WI mURt mnlntall a navlI IJo\OI' stlon
elough to comlulul the lleace nlll to I
Ilsure from every nlton u Iuspectfnl ,
eOlsldl'l'ntol for our rights anll OU' just
( hiliimlit'I5.Vlmiut m'egmttd would ( Spa in
give to our lemllI I we 1111 no navy
ealHle of enforcing I , Ild to whit ex-
ttiit wouhl gUlopel1 go\'elilliieitts COl'
CN'I themeh'es 'lhout out. ' position Iii
regard to thel' course toward time In-
tlepellolt stltes of this hemlspheI If
we i'ere Jowltess to back UII 01' poler
h l ) , " fom'ee Iholll we Ieem I leCeHS'r to
tin Ho'f gYClts Ilvl cllnll ) demon- . .
stm'ittt'tl time necessity to hlmis cotiiitry of
lull : lelulte n1\ ' " , mmmd the Amel'lcll
11eoilio ) wi lnt IJI'ml ) 0\ 110Wl' 01 time !
Hell to he ) Igaln Iellced to the cOllltol
It \\'US II a fcw yeal's : ago .
'rhe l nllln 'l'rmude's council hns
Ilsed ) l'l Holltols ) Ilelolleil/ ( gm'aiilig
conlmctol who 11)/ ) buY Ilhol'cl em-
Jlo 'ed ! ' hll II time rate of n cents I
day . Such Icton UJOI . time Part of or-
gimihzetl : iuhiOt' Is above cl.llehll , hut the
cOlmll dol' not slop then' . 11 I mcmii-
hol further lechn'c that tlt' ) shli ( in .
clle emmmlioymmleimt . UJOI lilly buuiiilimmg the
excavation for which was Ilde Ir tie
contl'lctO ! In qumestlon. sow' It Is well !
Ino\\'u thlt . I va'II ' of sueolllcts
' let fur time coitstmtmctioim or '
lute u. cOlstlUctou hl'go
111111'l'he cUI'lltllel' 1111 joiner 11.
dertiukes to do the frmumnetvork tummd
Iol.tllo ; frlewol'l ; 1111 wool
fllsh ; time brick lason contracts to malt
till the wils ; the lllu"lel' , eutels Ilto In
a I'l'clent to Ilt bit the gus , stelm :11
watel' )1)es , ete The ylrlous trades-
ICI tire cOltlolel ! ) " time ullol scule or
wages 111 thc se'ermtb eOltrletorf who
ello ' them Ilst 1111 10Ihll'/s wi
mini time l'hlhlsllll 8l'll throu holt the
coating seimsomi. t this IJroVC to he h'ue
wlh l'e"llect lo the Ctl1'ucton of alY
Imlllng , how CIU the nuldll
'i'i'atles l'UICI dtl ) ' 11 ' t'lsul the
right to sell his skill nUll 1111)01simumply
IH'IIS0 ) time cOltnlctor for time eXCII'I-
ton treats his leu Iljtsl ) ? Time brick
contractor , 0' any other COUl'uctol' , can.
not bc lucid l'I'Solslhle for the shol't-
comllgs of ulothel' contractor. I would
; . ' : , : . : : . . . . ' ' " ' . : . , , ; . . . - . - - .
- -
bo ) n luch wJf-cl'sc to 11lrllt evem'y
tub to ! tlnd 01 f - OWI hotom amid fhl1
soliie mmiole rqHlnl nmt.nmis of redress
BOeOI'l \ Il'nl ! lelre !
ogoilst tl011 ! ( leIIICIllt cOltmctor
ngulusl wlol1tlotests are noIlde. .
Time bIll flhJtrmnt1Img .2OO.OOO for
the lll'chasc qfeed , HI'nll for l'ltel
In time dL'ouitbmistuickmt ( : In'u wi In ni
II'ohahlt ) ) - lcOne In1.IHh'I' Its
tells the final Is I to he imntct'letl alit
IlnOI time sevet'mti counte , UOI recoin-
IIHlatol of' titiF . State Hl'llf eonmnmhs-
SloIm . IHI time 1\te 1111tol wr issue
\\'lll'nltf accd3tI1dgly. : ' .III'1 IIJ' 11'0'
vIsion tlat many 'l' ' mUlle for time 111" -
clmase . IIHl Ilstlllltol ( of seed grain II
wi ! e Illcnlt to IJlcc I alit 1\101
tie lell - . 'I'hll I ! the vital . Ilut of the
11\ mind "IJI u dlsl.llllatl Ild
jllclol thlrlllton ; oC thc ( grain de-
IJIIHl1 the Slcce ! of this Ilpoltnlt
lelsl'e of Iclcf , Olchlls cnllot 113'
too Ilch stress 1)01 ; this ummutter. 110'
'isloui mmiuust he mmle mugniust Imumpostors .
vlslol m\st 1/1Inlt IIosto
Time leglsiltle of tie little state of
De1l\'lle his zmit'i'aml.v . 11 ielll its 1I'I'f.
ell session forty-two bills gt'aiitbmig . db .
\'m'ccs to SIJelly ( lesigmmntei ( jarties.
'l'imt're Is l uli'orcc Ia ' bit Delaware
1'llle JO th'\'le II w Il Dclnwlle
ltmml JO Hllh timing its 1 divorce CIHe
II cOl't , ' 111 , imOlS''el. does not pie-
vent ml lltoll : 111 fl'OI IIHllg the
hackles \\'l'lloc. hJ' Ical ! pet itiouts
to thc 10lslltl'e. 'rhe 53'slemu Is suIt
to he slll'ely. RCCI'cl 111 Ilexl1ush'c
and the ) eUIIII of Dl'II\II'C are tmiu-
louchcd 1)3' the Illel'OIS ) limits ( o' imiom'c
St t'immgoumt Ild \ I I fOI'1 tl\lcC legishim-
'lhe RtatstcaI of lie ( { lll'd States
DCIJrtmllt of Agrbcuittum't' reports tlat
tie ehafkn 10'1 cram ) last year mig-
! I'ogal'd 1SrOOO ( ) ! ufhels , of wlieh
lhC'l lelahl'll ( OI hnUl the 1st llstalt
3,1StISSO IIIHhels , Il' 23 I 111' celt of thc (
entr 1101' . Of the eltlc crop hit 277-
120 ! ushels (2 ( per ccul ) i''t'e 8hllJllel
out of the COUl I , ) where gl'own. " .lh
these olc\1 IgulcR itt hald lo'al fta tH-
Udals CUl wihout dllculy comlmte
tie uclual leeds of weHtel1 cO\ntes lit
the wlr of seed cent.
1101 n busll'ss IIOllt of vlcI II of
course to the interest of Umahu ( lint ito
! o'e il'uIlmehi IIls shal he tall'u aw'ny
fl'om control or the Uliou Plcifc l'e-
ct'Ii'euu. 'rhm ; time Ipelslon of the federal
COlt lt Portall yeStCi'(1113' w\ ! e . gnat-
Irlu to the veole of this city amid
stute. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Pl'clmlulryntI'Iemelts for com-
melclug . netvc' wOrk , on the new state
faIr groumids Is i ; 1)rvgt'essliig nicely. Be-
fore luolher U0ih shall have ellvslt
workmen will , he busJ' preparing the
wily for ( thc mumutuhum show Omaha wIll
faIr. not ! e found wanting " S : ' In her , part of tie
In these dnis' 0 ( , bUHlnlsS depression
10 not lose sight , 9f the fact that the
inmrclmnse of N l'aslm made goods
lUchnHe ) gools
menus the retention of tholsanls of dol-
lars wihin the Rfnte for constant circuu-
Inton within our . burdei' . i
; ' 'flio ! 1toynI'iictid . . 10 Vropih'itr. : , _ I
, .
4,4 SlouX'Clt Tribune. I
The way for time people of this country to
recover , from financial trouble Is as plain
as It can be made In the bible Tel and
honest fiort. perspiration and economy wi
do It. There Is no other road , no fat wi
bring forth riches.
. .
nuterJ' Brend Abroad.
GloLV moernt.
One way to retalate on European nations
would be to cut ar their supply of American
oleomargarine. Last year they bought $11-
26.010 worth of the article . and Invested
only I.3H.742 In American butter. Germany
paid us $ . , 40 for oleomargarine and only
n0.84 tor butter. Yet It Insists that our
beefsteaks are tuberulosus and eviporated
apples maInly composed of zinc.
JUm"tlIIRm In Germany .
Springfield Republican.
It looks more than ever as though Germany -
many were to cal that international money
conference. The German council of state
has endorsed Chancellor Hohenlohe's plan
against the opposition of the gold advo-
cates and rejected the Iroposal of the lat
tel that the present mtmelary system of
the empIre be ler undlslurbed. Franca Is
said to have Informed. Germany of its wi-
Ingness to co-operate In settling the money
question. .
Jingo J'yrottclllcs.
New York Advertiser .
A rift through the administration gloom
lights up the whole landscape After two
melancholy years of subservIence to foreign
Inluences , of mortifying subjecton to the
pollcal mandates of Great Jiritain. and of
Indifference to American InlereBls abroad a
sudden flash of national self-assertloma
startles the world. The SIlrl of James GI
lesple Blame Is not INI forever. The dull
anathv of dpmOlrft" "tnnpfnftnn Ih . dul
j -velii , t - Tl incompetence ' and " ' stupidity :
the oppressive , stln silence In the coun
els of the world vanish In In Inslant. At
the sharp trumpet cal of national dignity
und determination the whole country leaps
to Is feet , vial , responsive and ready for
action .
Tile 'Vlr of iietiiIation .
I'tiiiailelphla .
Ihll.lellhll Lplger.
At a banquet of French sugar refiners ,
PremIer JUliet made the slgnllcnnt an
nouncement that ha would support time
impositIon of a "surtax" upon supprt pro
Iueed , In other titan European countries
'rhls supports the Imptessioji that France ,
Germany un1 ! other continental countries
having a more or less protect ve tariff arc
disposed to act In concert , with u view to
dlscrlmlnulng agaInst Products from he-
yond sens. M. Hlbot's statement Is also
important when taken In connection witim .
time acton of the 'rench government In '
excluding American leef , on the Pretense
of its unwholesomeness , although , accordIng -
Ing 10 the general belief , a policy of commercial -
mercial discrimination was the real cause
for ito ( exclusion In this our legislators
have un object lesson of the care required
In time preparation of' ' tart sclldules , In
01.111 lint they may not work harm. A
lurlf muowaduyzts . ' a good deal more than
u mere revenue measure .
J'pt ) . i'pjttLt ( ppreion .
l'rl. .
chicago : Tlntes-lleiald.
mployes of.Uj : : " postal department
throuhout the colnti ' , lve been ubjectlll
10 a form of polY , wrseculon by ! n technical -
cal decision In relatIon to extra hay . Under
a rule of the depurlm nt tile employe arc
entItled to their ! ala ' . for elpht , hours tinily
svoiic I on duty flldilonill time they daly
enlled to receive additional proporlonal
Iay. '
vay.Time amount thus 1 lregatt1 IJroved 10
great the past yllr' that , tinder another
lechnlcal ruling , II' ' was ordered that ( no
carrier should be rmlted to remain wltiuln
the IloslOlcc teamlS I xcePt long enoujh wlhln
get his pouch ful ' it1 10 return I empt .
the IJrEsum\lon Uehi $ that n portion of the
overlml charged bad \ Jcen sPent In resting
\ent !
wlhln theo loJI thuiidlrmg btweemi trips.
This ruling \o viclffiuly 'stupId. I ought not
10 require great mathemalcal Ingenul ) ' 10
discriminate between time actually spent In
service anti time net thus devoted . } re-
quire the carriers 10 leave postoUce premIses -
Ises as lie only safeguard against Smiurlous
clahls for overpay Is as calumnious I\urloul
- - - -
TIm JWS1WI : nutTJn"
Chicago Mal : The general I ntmenl of
the country will back tip the ndnllnlslrUon
nail congress to the fulest extent In t'nforc-
lng the 1I08110n ot the Monroe doctrine
nglinst territorial expansion by foreign
cluntrles , either In North or South Amerlcs
whie trusting that time choral will blow over
without any terlola enlanglemlnt resulting .
Chicago Record : In ether words , Olal
Briain l.roposls . to extort a very Inge In-
Ilrmnly from the small republic and itmdi- .
cates that the United States can take 10 I
part In time trmunsactlomm. I Is 11fcui to regard -
gard her attitude as auythlng other than nn
express defiance to time Monroe octrlne , I
which holds that this nnlon his the right
to prevent oppressive European interpositIon
In affairs emi the Amerlcal contnnls. I
time precedent Is oslnblhed the Monroe doctrine -
trine will have ben violated In spIrIt anti In
letter .
Imlnnapols News : I Is too clear : for
nrgument that this country has Importnnt
Interests In Nicaragll whIch It must protect
As : general proposition , Irrespcctve of the
much-talked-of Monroe doctrine , time ices we
have of European Infuence anti Interferrlce
unon this hemisphere the better . And In
addion to this consideration , there are
alleclat nun peculor reasons why England
shouhI nol be allowed to become to Ilotent
In Nlcnragua.
Chicago inter Ocean : In time settlement of
the debt question Great Britain stpulatcs
thnt none of the commissioners to alljlst
affairs shall be citzens of the United Siaies.
This , In view of the fact that the United
States Is espeialy interested In Nicaragtma .
looks like n slap In time face. BritIsh slates-
men are proverbialy.long.hellct : In I sel-
fsh tray I Is to the Interest of Great
Brllaln lo prevent the constructon of a
Nicaragua canol by American capital and
tinder a charier that makes It IU American
enlerprlse. The attempt to Intmidate or
buldoze Nicaragua may he the frst step In
an intrigue that has for Its object the control .
trol ot time territory through which time canal
mllit be cut Oreat Briain secured con-
trol ot the Suez cannl In spite ot the In-
Inenee of the rench goverment nne of the
stockholders. A ttrlct interpretation ot tim
Monroe doctrine will prevent Great Irlnln
from going very far In any scheme hostile
to the Nicaragua canal project
Washington Star : Sham should not neglect -
Icct to take steps whIch will save both her
power and her pride. '
New York Advertiser : Uncle 'am to
Spain : "Send along that alology and
CUl A little quick about IU"
Phladelphla Lodger : The American fag
must be respected . but to have I respected
It Is not necessary to provoke I Quarrel
by giving an appearance of wrongdoing I
such as Is prcsented when a vessel , haied I
by a man-of-war , attempts to run away.
Secretary Gresham has a good case as I
stands , against S\aln. but I was in no way
Improved by the conduct of the captain of
the Allianca.
Chicago Post : Close on the heels ot the
Allnnc affair comes news of assaults on
other American ships. The Cuban revohl- I
ton seems 10 have excited the SpanIards :
to enter Ipon 1 career of rufanism on the
seas , and as American shipping and the
American ( lag Ire the chief , 'Ietms of
that rufanism as a mater of commo
dhnlty the American government cannot
allow Mr. Gresham's note to go unan-
Philadelphia Times : Spanish war vessels
now amuse themselves by firing Into and
stopping AmerIcan merchantmen on the
high seas. These acts apparently arc done
by naval officers 10 Insult the United States ,
for no naval officer Is so Ignorant of International -
national law as not to fully comprehend
natonal .n In. i , , . , l hl , " . . . fuly . n . f I. . . , i. .
. .v p " 'u" .u .u. . . bu.u..uu. . . . "u.
he attacks the merchant vessels of a nation
wih which his own Is at peace _ Such
things are not the mistakes of novIces , but
the deliberate acts of men who thoroughly
understand their Importance.
President Cleveland was 68 years o age
lat . Monda ) ' .
'L"ler returns show that time motIon 10
adjourn the Indiana legislature was a rotary
H Nevada wants Sibley , Pennsylvania
will not say nay but wIll gIve her something
to boot.
Governor McKinley Is booked for a
Memorial day address . either In New York or
Tuesday's gale In the south should not be
mistaken for Hube Kolb's revolution. Rube
confines his troubles to his moulh.
Notwihstanding the strict patrol of Cuban
waters malntalncd by Spanish cruisers , the
supply of Cuban cabbaglo continues undi-
The Sioux City speculators who are "earch-
lag for burled whisky In a Missouri river
sand bank are well nigh convinced they have
struck the wrong bar.
Han Quay , the Chinese banker , Is reputed
to be worth 1700000000. Here Is another
member of the Quay family who , could well
afford to dash Into Pennsylvania politics .
The proprietor of I matrimonial agency In
Chicago was convicted of using the United
Slates malls for fraudulent purposes. De
sides the males , several females were taken
A foreign correspondent writes to a west-
er newspaper that the queen regent of
Spain has the shadow of a moustache above
her moath. She certaInly needs a stf upper
lip at present.
FrancIs M. Stanwood , a kinsman of the late
James G. Dalne , succeeds Stephen O'Meara
as editor and manager of the 10slon ( Mass. )
Journal. Ir , Slanwcod has hitherto been en-
gaged In the tea trade .
h _ _ ' _ _ _ , _ . _ , . ' _ L
nev. air. Tllmage preacleu al inc Jcaaemy
of Music Sunday on "Ilvorce" lie favors
the ennctment by congress of a law whicH
shal be uniorm all over the country , malt-
log more difcult the dissoluton ot time marriage -
riage relation.
In an intervIew with a Philadelphia re-
porler Senator Manderson said that during
the past six years his answers 10 correspondents -
spondenls averaged 4.000 a year. This ,
( lieu , Is the foundatIon for time Impression
that senators are some Ilmpklns a dlc-
What has become of " ' . IandaJ Cremer ,
the British apostle of arbitration ? Cremer
crosse time big pnd bearing au olive branch
and fled wih a desire 10 pin down time
Unied Slates to Inleratonal arbitration. I
ho has nol yet returned 10 his native land
'he should hasten hcnee at once ant convert
his countrymen 10 the "Chmristiamm" IJrlnclples
of arblralon , and apply them to disputes
wih weaker pots-ers
Thirty-five hundred and ten pounds of ani-
mated , agitated feminine /esh went out on a
strike In New York a few days ago Time
wellht of Indignaton was divided among six
perons , and when thlY put their 'rrlbys
down In time usual Inpresl'e fashion the
manager trembled as wel as tIme box olce ,
Of course Ihey won. No cOlmon mortai
certnlnly not a dime museum manager , could
resist such weighty argunients
CimariesVnrremi Lippitt . republican nominee -
nee for governor of Hhode Ila/lI / , Is a grad :
ualp of Brown , 48 years of age , anti II president -
dent of time Social Manufaclurlng company at
Providence ills fntler , Henry 1.lpplt , wait
governor In 1875-76. George b. Littleileid .
lie democratic candidate Is 68 years of age
president of the First NatIonal bank of Providence -
dence , ala \ prominent colton yarn manufacturer -
turer at Pawtucket
Mrs. Elzbeth C. Alen , 70. the mother af
the lrt girl bor In Denver . died there re-
cattily. She was a soulher woman. and at
the first of time war made a confederate tug
and swung It at time tap of the old Criterion
building . and a riot was occulonet by
northerners imuIIloi tt down. ACer throwing
vitriol In her husband's face , Mrs. Allen
sought her fortum' In the Uaek lulls , where
she bad various wild ad\entllre : .
Highest of all i Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report .
DCtVA1 Baking
LW Powder
' - -
JUWJ ! 1llmi CUIfflIC . . " T .
Olebol Chrnicle : Today three-fourths ot
the rcpublcan ! of Iowa oppose cnsllltonl
prohibition . ami llemocraU have been edu-
cited by their leaders to abhor It. Itneo
WI believe that constuUonl Ilrohlbiton
should nnd wi be ! ublllr,1 next year , In.I
In our opinion tt will bo rejected by n mu-
jorly ot lOOOtiO.
Cedar RapIds Ucpublean : "Who wil lho (
party bring out for governor ? " asks au Olltn-
100S lemocrntc paper. A thence ns profound -
found as that which reigned berolo the earth
'VR Inhfhlted will follow this Ilterrogator )
\0 have heart ot 10 democrat who Is IrlI
with al albllon to "Ieall the forlor hope . "
'rhmere are fel men Imlee,1 who desire to be
sacrificed 01 their parly's altar.
ties Moines Leader : The democratic OpPOI-
( unIty wi nol long bl delayed Let its bE
ready with a complct , vigorous ullell timid
fighting party renll ) " to take fiI at\anlago
of lhls welcome anti slrnble opportunity
Time Imocrals of Iowa are ready to rally ,
around the oil liar nld "lh time help of other
homiest liberal Illmled men gain great "Ic- I
tories for right mind justice here In Iowa.
Slolx City 'rlbune : Hellbmisslon can
not be defeated by the sience of republcan
ieadcrs. I can only be defeated by open
ammd ardent espousal of lie calue ot l\r enl
liberty. Next year Aihison's presidential as-
piraton Will be excuse enough for those 10-
IJlbleans who IlrollolC to betray \rohlbilon
this year tinder the Plan of Imentllg 1H
consttlton of lawn There Is hut one way
to malnlall that Inatrumcnt above a leg la-
lat.C atatiute . amid that Is to Illas Illon
amelilments Itt the legislative IllcUons preceding -
ceding the popular vote. Yet relllblean
leallers evclywherl are silent or 8)'lng the
people cal be trusted. ( .
lJ.UWNI ) VUTnCS _ J xo ( H ) IIC1
Over 1 lullre,1 of Thcl SmpitImei to In\D
"lul\te.1 ttiti Alon I.mitv.
NEW YOnK March : ! . -The large consignment -
signment of tiamonl cutters for whom the
Inmlgraton althorltcs have been on thl
lookolt arrived today 01 boarll the Whlo
Star - . line sleamship . - - - Majestic . from Liverpool. . .
Tlere were : mmCL Inem , mimi seconu ciasm
Ilassengers. Thlr were detalued und sent
to Ellis Islall , suspected ot being contract
laborers Anlcpatlng their arrival on the
Majestic Dr. Sonner . commissioner of hn-
immigration , had assigned an extra large fore
of Inspectors to the work of galnerlng the
f"relgners In. lore than two hours were
conumed In the work of placing the men
safely on board the landing boat for Ellis
Islan There they will b "Iven a speedy ) '
examination and those who can be proven
to have come over under contract will be
sent back This will be done lu accordance
with the decision of Secretary Carlisle last
Saturday , In which he hell that diamond cut
ting was not a new Industry , which the 1m-
porters of thIs city have clalml , and that
those coming under contract were to be
treated as any other contract laborers. The
Majestic sailed March 13 , three days before
the secretary arrived at a tecslon In the
livery one about time pier remarked time ex-
ceplonnly flume appearance of thl macn . and
Pursel' Brandt of the Majestic declared them
to be the most desIrable lot of emigrants
ever brught to this country. They were
nil well dressed and many of them looked
as Ihough they bad just stepped from a Lon-
don tailor shop. The majority of them , 1
was stated , were well provided with monoyo
They calo particularly from Delglum and ,
Holiamid . '
. .
11.tNTA . ll'lLHCl FJ'U.U i' LU.LJ Y.
Atlntl l1'I.blcins 'l'ryln to Induce Him
\ddres Them.
ATLANTA Ga. , March 21.-Local polt-
cans have a movement on foot In this city
to Induce Governor McKinley of Ohio. who Is
now at Thomasvle , Ga. , In search of health ,
to come to Atlanta for the purpose of being
the central fgurB In a rousing protection
rally. This effort follows the recent reorganization -
gnizaton In Atlanta of a republican club amid
a protection club both of whIch make large
claims as to the number of their member-
ship. The first movement In this arrange-
ment was the announcement by a local poll-
tcian , Jndgo ColiIs . that he bad desert
democracy for republicanism.
QUlrantned time Sheep .
HELENA , Mont. . March 21.-The governor
ha Issued a proclamation forbidding Importa-
ton iota the state , without inspectIon , of
sheep front Oregon Nevada , California ,
Washington Idaho , Colorado , Utah , Oea-
homa and New Mexico , because of danger of
dIseases. Importations will be allowed upon
certfcate of a state veterinarian that the
sheep have been Inspected and found
free from dlsea e. The proclamation
does not forbid the passage of such
sheep through the state , but whie
passing they must not be unloaded for gras-
Ing. . _ _ _ . _ _ _
Irothertou Jlno to lie 'Yorkod.
MILWAUKEE , March 21.-Time Brotherton
maIne on the Gogeble range vIii b operated
as soon as It can bo pumped out. Word has
been sent to Superintendent Selwood at
Waleefeld , 'Vis. , to begin operations to this
end at once. The Brotherlon Iron Mining
company has not operated this mine since
1893 and has allowed It 10 fl with water.
Time Drotherton mine ranks sixth In point of
aggregate shipments from th Gogeblc range.
, \1 hit One of the Old Hoard io-Electti-
NEW YORK larch 21.-At a meeting of
time stockholders of the Texas & Pacific flail-
way company the old board of directOrs was
re-elecled. wih the excepton of E. B. Whee-
loci of New Orleans who Is succeeded by
John P. Munn of New York The old of-
fleets were re-eltcted.
. .
rub ' l1l' Cl t.
11\luloo , Toural : 11'Ile 'ho arc gat-
I nll wh thelseh'es ( seilom Please nn ) " .
bed else : Wlllcu ( sl-Whnt lID you thlnlc ot
tllse 1.lnes to 1 ins Comapommy ' '
Jtllsl1he meltr Is fahac.
Wtcuse-'llt'f done IntentCnnly to
lake It rcauistic . .
- '
Chlcngo Tribune : "Tos'eiity-flve cnt ( ! torn w.
n 11:11 of curs ? " . excluln\l the t'umstoimmem' It
the liabermiaslmer's . nghast. "WhY I can
gO down hlIC to " time next t corner nl bUY"
whole shirt for l centsl"
Iuel ( : Wcar ) ' itnggles-Uot any terbacco
1)imsty ?
IUsl ) ' HhOII-'Nur tel ont chaw
\.ar ) ' ltnggIes.-let's chucl up ter ace
who'l hay" . It.
Dnst ) 11'les--Wol'l timer use ? I know
I've got it-alt' ) 'ou lmo\ 'Ol haln't got it.
New Vent Herll , : She-You were be-
hlml me nt time ' Inst I s'cremi't ' ?
Via ) niGh , werel't ) 'Ol
How did ) ' 01 IIJO ' I ?
Ibt'-I thought It was one of the Prettiest
' '
ones rOi eVer wore. S
- -
Boston Transcript-lIe-After au's Inll the
really TrnserlI-JI-Arer thlnl(9 he 1 :
better l\n nn'hoth' cIsI , whu hi stuck 01
hlmslf. as the hras\ 50CM.
She-Wel , 1 IHII'lto ) 'on ought to kimasy
Chicago Trlhune"lhletc : Stranger-I .
wnnt a good trllnlr a 11 J have been dl-
n'ctl,1 10 ) 'ou. \hnt are roam' tel'lS T
Professlonnl Atimlelc-Tumirty-Itve a weclc
mutt exticimses'hmen doemi time fight conme
off ?
Athletic Sti'nmi.iem'-Flght nolhmimmg ! I'mii
a cammilidate ( or tIme lmmdumuummm , h , ghsiature ,
Agabmi time swmuttimy 1 imiihamm
IImi8 Collie to our thmorotmglmfmires ,
Aimmi lilars. its 01115' iiitmicittlms calm ,
For us time Popular airs ,
To sommie lila niumsit , tim ) ' tmrimmg dlstrcs ! ,
\Vitiu its whmeez3' ( nil anti swell ,
limit et'tmm time mimam tyrs mmmmmst comifess
Timat lIe hmmmnilles It mmrott vehi.
i'residomitimmt tieo 1mm iriockii ,
New Yomk Letter.
Not a few mire wommdemimmg whm3' ao ninny
dark house pmesimletmtjmmi cmmmimhhilmte ( aimotmitl
take a residemmee time Fifth Avcmtue
int.l tip , .t , it , , , , , at , . , , , . , - . , . . , . _
tout arc especially stmspicioums. 'rime
ativent at SeimmitomCtmiiomn , 1)0mm Cain-
eromi , Julimma Caesar Iiurioiv , slid ii'oraker ,
( lie latter m'ehresemtting Omis'crimor MeKimmlcy ,
has aio cau'mcd ntimmmircms of ex-tlpeaker
heed to stmggest that some humstler to repre-
emmt tIme 'oiaItmo miimtmts immtercsts shotmid been
on deck. Occmmsiommmmih3JOselim ii , Mammisy of
Au'ntsta mnies tiimommgim time city amid blows
a clarion blast for M r , Itecit. 1mm the mmmenmm-
time ex-Senritor Platt says mmotimimmg , iii-
though Ito is kmmowmm 1o lie it Heed midmimlrer.
\Vitlmiii ml , few i'eeks. so political iirolohmeta
sa3 , mmiany uresidemmtiai buomn mviii be
laumicheti here , amid timcn tlmero svlhl be time
deuce to PaY.
Advmmncci at t'lmemit num'I Silver.
Inillannpoits .Toum'nni.
Silver mmmd svimeat advanced the l'ast week ,
but frons other and more tangible enumses -
( hisim time mystem-iotms ntlinity which a class
of would-be ecommomnists claumim to exist be-
tsvee'n time stuff of life mmnmi time white mmictai ,
Time cause of time advance is dime to time reports -
ports slmowing a rapid deemease imm the
svorid'mm vlsille stmpply of svhmeat and that.
there is mmmucim less of that cereal in tIme
immmtids of producers in this cotmmmry than was
generally supposed. 'rime Cxpctation that
ChIna wotmid require a bilge qunmitity of
silver witim which to mmay the Imidenimmity
ivhmicim Jnpamm will demnamid line emsimsed a
aught advance In tile price of silver bulliomi.
These mire imatural causes timid can be easily'
tumidorstood ,
it hI'JILIXG l'd'J'IflOT.
'Washington Star
I'd like to be a nttrIot. but please to note
that I
Ani not time sort that wants to go and
flghmt amid bleed and die ;
I do hot want to tote a gumi through many
a untidily field ,
And for the glorious fatherland my circu-
hilton viomim
I've never beemi a candidate , I've never made
a race
Tim hope of serving Uncle Sam imi sonic oil-
cml imlace.
flut i'd be glad to serve my land , to aid
my country dear ,
By' wlmaekimmg up an ineommio tax on some
ton thou. per year ,
'I '
I Alt epicurean bowl-
o Cream. The child
loves it , the epicure
/ dotes on it , the dyspeptic -
peptic praises it-ev-
erybody likes it.
Sold only In a ib , Packages.
- -
Your Money's Voi'tIt or Your Money B.tI1 ,
What'll Ma Say Now-
She won't word-she can't-shc'Il be
say a - - so
- ' - pleased that words will fail her.'Ve're not
g talking about this unfortunate boy , we're talking -
- ing about the splendid line ol new Star Shirt
Waists that we've just got iii. We've gotour
' 21 third floor chock full of Star Waists-more
waists and prettier attcriis than anybody ,
_ S " 'I'hcn the novelties we are showing in Star
: ' ; _ , \-4 ; Waists are something entirely new ; you
-S _ nevRr saw such iiobby novelties , Boys' blouse
waists in white at , oc , 75C , $1 , $ i,25 $1.50 , Cooi'cd !
waists in percale , gingham or zephyr at soc , 75C , SI ,
$1.25. Also a new line of children's undervaists to be
worn with bouses , 'l'lie new "Double V" shirt waist-
the first ever made-there were ' 'L)0L1llC ) V" tinder-
waists , but never ' 'Double V" shirt waists before. It
does away with the undervaist , is taped from the
shoulder and has buttons for stocking supporters , under.
drawers and trousers-it comes in plenty of pretty
patterns. Boys' blue and white sweaters are $1.50 , Our
ipring styles in boys' hats and caps are all here , and including -
cluding a handsome line of 'rain O'Shanters , Napolcons ,
Washingtons , and in fact every kind of hat or cap in
the latest prevailing styles. The Douglas street window
shows samples of boys' wearables ,
Reiiabie Ciotlmiaj's , S , SV , Car. 1 5tim mumu. ! ioiigias Sts. '