' ' ' < I. . . . . e . " . . . . . . " 7" , . . \ 4v ' ! 'IIJ OMAhA DAILY JUDE : ' II'UnSD.AY , 1\LAnCII 21 1 , 1895. . 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SPEGIAL : NOTIGB8 , Ad.ertlM.'nU'lItA . ' for theM ( 'olumnM will IIn tg4lql UltU 12130 p. m. tot the . , .lIlnl "Ill 11nll R p. m. for the nlrll . nnl Undal ! ' edllon , ACIUrl frA , 1)7 rll1I'Atnl R 1 nmnh"r.,1 tiCk , ( 'nl hA" nIAC" flIttrMICL to R .lulhlr.c leter In tnn oI . ' ho lon , An- "WerA An nhlreMlc , ,11 h" dll".rcc nl"I frHllIlntol ot Iho ) dllcle 011" . 1nle . 1 J-2c R word , Ir t Ilsorliol , , Ie R ' " 01' tIerftfIer. Nothlll 1.Icl fur hu lII 2/c fOr Urd IiirtIon. he'Mo ' " " orlAcllnt IUAt ' 11 cOlsecu- thcl . - ) SITUATIONS WANTED ImOSTI ' : RU(1U7ST , 10 YI AIS' l XII : . rlcnep , best , rerNenCCM "A In chluacler fend ca. PaIIIRI 'I . wnllA ! work AddtcE hex nnl . 1.1 ctesA < ! 2.uI , Neh. A-M103 22t _ . . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WANTI . 10HIT10I BY YOtI < MAN. AOl 20. In mnchln" "hop . or "lncl.mllh " hp ) , 10 "hQt Cmplcla Irnle : SOOd teterencpi. Ai4Ireq AI- 1001 reerence < bert Incker , lua llI , Neb. A-M7QI : t s WANTED-11ALEH1LP. . ClAN FIECILIS. GC , 10lOUO.A ! 1-7'-MU CIAH HA l.fl4MAN WAN'I'ED , WITH I XPI'- : rleno nn.1 . acquaIntance . for nO'Ihern "anA1s _ nn.1 M1lhern eltaka J 'dr s' . I' . O. box :1' , . Bt. .ToR'pl1. Mo. -MtO-l IJY WANT I' : 13 flOlUE 11" ItOOM I 1. Arllngton block. _ - $ _ ' WANTRD AN ACTt'I' : , flFt.TAtht.l nUSINrS ! mun 10 take nn Inlpr..1 In n MUflh Incra.lnl paying hu.lnOM : only jtnnll amount ot mnney Inlnl ) "mal ) rrjulrcd. Alilre . " K 43. flee. 1- 13' 21' A I.'gW CO llg1I'N' : MIN TO Ir'IODI"I : : A new t.allra In Industrial In uranrp. 3H II ! hulllIng. Il-M34 2 WANTlm. GOOI. INgIUnTIC 101.ICtTOI ! 10 'mnlp ' , nice . "M , Ot , ) aYlflg hu.II" . ' In ni" Ilol'lnj N.hro.lt. lo\n. Inn. ) or Mlhtrl Cnl or n1I' ' ' loom 12. SVitre block , Oinha lt-M733 23 \ 1.3 2 ANTED-.FBMALE HELP. WANTINICE : AIIIMHNG M\n.n.AO : Wnlnn ) 10 .le\'ol" lrm .Ix 10 elclit hours n day 10 n wel na'lnj busInc35. K 37. nee. - . C- 20 - - - - - lIST C\HH [ OHo AT HCANINA VIAN Y. W. h"Me. OUce IGI Capiol RVC1UC. Tel . 12n ) C- 2 AIS' - - - - - WANTI ) . OnL Fet GlNLlt.L. HIHI - - wok nl 715 l 27.h . slreet MI\l'.n J ant , K. South Omaha c- M 2t ! 2' 0000 Iml.tAIr OIL Imn GI Nlm.\I. hou.\o'.I ' ; . 418 N. t7h 8trcet. C-M33 3t' WANTED , INTgI.tIO N YOtNG t.AlYTO I.'n photogiaplite bu4lnese. At1lree1 e 2) . , _ lLec. . Clnel 1tlIlffh. ( - J1:7 32 FOR RENT-HOUSES 10mms. F , K. DARLING DAlKER m.ocl P- Pr7 hOUSES IN A1.t lolTH 01' TIl CITY. 1'nE O. 1" Davis company . 150 ; Farnarn. D-OG 10USI.S : : IENAWA & CO. , IO N. 15TH HT. OC FOR ItNT--HOOM COT'fAGE. IN GOOD 1t1. - pair . city water . UO.O per moulh 10 fDI pal' tich , . t N. 37h. I hloce from , I'amam car line . Infui" al Sloelzel's stove store next 10 Pst olflce. . D- 11 - - - - , ILOL'8IS.'ALI.ACE . nnOWN ni.l..lG & \011 D-9J FOR _ _ 1:31 ! : : . . CAPITOL _ . AVINUI , . I : .uu."n. . . ' . uu , v. A' . V.Un UUhhItIly. ' . D-97 I MOOElN 7.BOOM HOUSE NI.\n- Pi . - Al'- - ply 13C S. Slh slre l. D-MS ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - LAHO l.lS' HOUSES. WCAD. ICTII l-274-A3 & 1)011G. , FOn 1tLNT . l"r.\TS AT NOnTIpAST COH- ner or mevenlh and Hawnil etIeet. rn loll conlllon. le3.onabl" lert . Inquh" roOm 31t. First NatIonal bank bullln ! D-M51- IH IlmT , FIVE nOOM COTTAOt . : ON WEST 8hle or No.lh Tweul-.eCn.t street Jlsl north or CIIII , slr"el. llht dol"s a 10nlh , Inquire - quire room 3U First National bank buIIding . l-CI 22 I ' ltOM COTTAGI MODLfl1N. 3013 TFVEN. worlh. - . - ' D-JGI-2' tIUHER FO1t . INNT , $5 TO $10. l'It.ITY . Trust Co. , 1702 Fntnam. : . D-l331-3l , . 'ir. E. coi.u.co. LAnOES' L1ST.IN OMAn\ - . - - - - D- IrSI ELEGAT 11CK nEHDENCES IN m.ocl nt 10ulhwe,1 corner 'd and lnltor ! " street : all modern convenIences . : very low rent C A. Rlarr GI5 N. Y. 1.110 1 hI 1. ) D-M71 2S' IcOn flENT. 'lIEEROOM COTTAGE , sorTH oitst corner 234 und Challe . with , ' Ol - 231 wlh lalo ear- din plol.- 1)-M752 ! U-lj:2 : .SIX-.BOOM 1"\lNIRIID COTT.\GP. MOiflflN . new lnIde. H. it. HareI & Co. , lce hl . lM7:0 : : 31 POR RENT-FURN1kLED . ROOMS. .lEASAN' . > IIOOM 191 DODG23. E-57 : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , yIIrY J Hr.\n.E FnONT 100M WITH AN alcove. 212 S. 2lh st. 113 FOR mNT. NICn. l'UJNIlEl nomlS Cull at 2107 10ula , . -1JS.2 r _ _ _ _ _ ! _ _ _ - - - . . . - - : U.ISHED ROOM AND OARD. 'nONT HOOJ1S & DOAIU1 CI1IA1' . 2310 lo1hgIa , 1'-7 : M2) NICEI.Y FUflNISI1ID nools. WITH 0001) FUnISI : Wlfl 0001 bard : rates reasonable. The floco . 2'J2'J ' lIar- any. F-MIT ? ' - ) - . - - 1"-:17 A1t FnONT nOOMA. lmlfAm.l I"On ' 11- gent 01' L'olple : other roonu3 : sU\llor hoarol. lSI Chlea o. - \ P-MJ ) 2 , ' 4IClIY I'IHNISH D flOOMi4. ROUTH FRONT vel'nnta. bathR IIII" "Olt , $ ) . & ) . IG2. ' Hlt : . 1"-71 2' UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT J UNI"lmIISIEt CII.MfllflS FOR hOUSE I'L.\llg 10 man and wire. 313 IN Jlil , M-:13 } OR RENT-8'.0.l ; , AND OFFICEd FOIl ImNT , Tim 4-STOnY BUCK UIIILUINU . i.h _ 916 I'auialu slreet , This bllding hn9 n tire. 1m. ft' ' proOf cCI , nt basement cOllelo sleom liait- y 10" 1III'S : water on Il floors. gas . cle. AI" _ Ily ! nl the attire ot The lice. ! I-il0 r lttN'i' . T11RIC-STOI1Y ANt ) JMmmNC brick toro bllllnj al 111 : I"amam AII'Ce. In lust cliu'g comllon ! : suitable Cur nny 1ln.1 or bUKlne'H. , Inqlh'o Nom 311 . FIrst Natlonl 31. I'lrt "anI.1 1,1 , n ) 1 1-:51 Nalonal 2 FOn ImN' . TWO t3TOI1ES . ADJOINING. come = t I nod . I.eaveivortIi slrcel : will rent together II 8"larll" ( ; guod , " 101neK8 location. In'lh 0 I'n 1)rehlhIss. I-Mj3' ' IG' : - - . AGENTS . WANTED. aUNT . I\LI . on I"I MALE , WlT1 TO us qul"I ; \1 have sOlelhlnl or rrlal : * Impnrlolee to say In ) ouland I new line : big money In I ; vtIt . 'IUII ' , or ) ' 01 hnal ' ha 100 laic ; don't tail to wi lIe today ) ' AUrO : just 8cnd lOur , < d. . tal postal ; we Will hUlprl5o you : lie 'ulrll or ) 'ou muy Ins" , I. ollilulllnl ) ) : n.nO ( Jh dnl' 11 It Shire , I l : nle'llll.o ' Supply Cu. . d"I'nrlmenl H. AIIU811 , . ' . ) Ie. J-M3j3 2' iiN'l' $ . $3.0 TO $ : ( A l\'i' CAN IlFi MAUD cell log t he " 10 Jlrn I 1"I'lnllan D. ; " easIest iii , t I. clo II s1 ( 'Ut . Iurlnton & Co" ) : Iohlc" 1,1 ; , _ III i ! ! . J-Mlt 21 - - - - - - - WANTED-TO RENT , - rIH nu : IIOOM Fan I.IUIIT IIOITSU. keeplm or SIII tltl.h. IIT , Ui ,1fhabl. . coIUI . locution ; i ererinees. Ad.lre" . IC U. K-mlt lh'e. - - . - . STORAGE. - ' BTOI.\U : FUANKEWEIOS . 1:1 1nN - In' 8 . - - - - - DIfT : fTOI\On nUI.m- OMIA. U. l. IV , ! mIIL.1.reho" . . : h.'I.'I1.l ' . Iodl otored : lowest rnte. 1013.1015 LC3vet\urlh , M-01T - _ . _ - _ _ :1-1 - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - I W AN''ED-TO DUY l'\NTlm. A LWIllIt 1'Jl1LUt. OAIUtIAITR & J'ler. 101 . lice bil" . OAI.\IAITU IV AN''lm 'fO BUY GO OR MORI le1lT l U fl. G Oi : ! ll ten hl'oe , wlU cat p/tern'd. , Mreo. K , I- . lice otflce. ' ! " 'lc. N-A1160 :1" b------ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - : - -lUG - FOR SALE ] URNIT tIRE. OI.1OIT NI W lu.'aANrlJollsEllor.n l'UIt. allure tor sala . , 'up. EC I to , lIce , 0")7 1.'UI I'IANO , V IGUT CAlllN1TtfllANt , , FtIL INl , .18 lt 1 gicat rl'J411. J. ionl"nh , ' , , I''H Douglas alr'el. t-47JI 1 2' - - - FOR SALE-MISQELLANous - - - - t'JI . \ FOIl $ .II . INtUI1l1 O1' 24118. Ulm 0" : :18. r Osier , "II ) ' - , Nel _ _ . - . Q-A6 23 hOG ' CIIICIL'N IENl'I . wlii , IIUTTII1 ' 1 & cheaper Ih3n00,1. . J 3. Ld ! ) ' , IO S. I Ith. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MW ,1'11\1 , I'rANO& , liItlU0ELOr' OI1IiANS , HIIOEI'I' Voc.4Irl.le - - Ilrua. , lT Hu 11th. Q91 ioo-o COMIIINATION 1100 ANt ) chIcken ( cnce. r ; I.le , Blh aol I 1)1 : lu , Q-I - - r , QIL-'J.\JU , A' 1.1':8 ' tILt ro" . : alal ) usenet Cur one lt tlii' best . , .h " ; 11 the \\olhl ; newral Iholl\ % 1 01 liiiJ. : , 'JII' stud . sea . UIQII or p < .llcn. I. F' , EL . 3hIi 1 un.1 J"I..II , iItia'tI l. CI' ) ' th :1' .Il0 , \ ' LCTlltIt ' I'Ot' LIGhT tlUCiV . vLrtv iTU11 )01' l.mlT . . CliChI " , CI' cah. I. oci . Ill11Me , 1\1 l.t. t- Ul tl a\ . _ . . ' . . ' ; _ ; .F' : ! A.1. ' . ' CLAIRVOYANTS M1U . 138. 11. WARflV.N . CI.AII\'OYANT. m : . liable business medium : 'th year I 19 N HIh 89G - - - MAII.tM nOMAINf , 21\1 \ N ITI l't.ATA. 11-24700 AUt ATJNTIO ; Il A Sl'UCIAI. ItCQUl0'I' 1 established one more office nt South Omaha 2 lG N street ; houri 1 10 G and 7 It 10 I' . 1. , AtrJctly. Om"ll Ole" 403 Norh IUh Alreel hones . 9 to 1 n m. . oaly. ! , lon't he tl Isle ; come early tel , ) and tJ next ; hrnl thlA aol wIth you nl enl 10 pr\ ' Iha truth ot the ( allowing claims : I wIll ump ) 'our "rralr.t .le8Ir. your n calm day In.t month or ) 'fur hlrth. and rC,1 the pul. IlrCA' nl and lu- lure ot your life. Succ"8 rl n.lvlco . will b gl\'en on all troutlp . which II ay Ulfl your mlnl. Re- pperlfuly , Jagla , 081ronumer , mind render and advl.r , S-M1H 22" M.8SAG , hATH , ETCh. IWLYI'ITEb HATH I.Ur. tTfi ; < loh ) and electric " "Ih. for ladles ant gentlemen . men Madame llcwell . : : South 15th street , 2d 001 < we\ T-2431G-A5' MASSAUR-MADAMI : UCRNAItD . I lIt DOnOH street , T-U S At' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MAIAM 8MI'I. 52 8. IZTII , 21 1'I.OOI. IOOM 3 : magnt"e. \'nllr , alcohol , Steam. "ulpherlne nnl . .1 Iath ' . T-:11 : ' - TURKISH ATHS TUIISI IATHf : ONI.l j'l.ACti II CITY exclusively for ladles Suite 10-10. use Ild < 99 PERSONAL. U. 1IAAS . E'l.OUIHT , PLANTS CUT FLwgml , llAnriut . ball . residence ' nn.1 grave decorations. It1 Vlnlon slreet Telephone 76. U-JS MMS.\GE ! UI.ECTItO TIIUIIMAT. llATl1 S. 'ropodlsl. Mme 108t. 319H. \ . 151h sl , U-9 9 TiE InII.l Ul'l'Ultt.Y COnS : T. MADE ' 1 or "r fem measure , la9 I'amal etreet. U-IO ) VIAVI CO. . 3tG HEI 1.00 , : 1J.tfn lOOK rrep : home Irenlmenl ; lady flttehhhlhhnt. U-to - - - - - - - - 6 Ur.UUANTIY 11IHI n CAlII T 110TOf. i 'JO cents , tor 10 daA only , al Coa'ans . bit lron\'n ) ' . Council Illuits. U-M270 roll F'IIUIT CI.\SS I'IANO TUNING lIAVIi FOi FJST . IrAO 1. Mereiom . ot 'Vodbrldg" Uros. , 17 So. U-1G 17th ,31 st. cunn l"ot LADIUS. lIlt CIICAOO ST. U-IGG.3I' St'/iNl8tfi U' YOU W181 TO I.EAHN TO speak fInloh. address Cur IJrleular" , Gay C Grlifltlh lIt flotig. U-6t. 22t MONEY TO LOAN-ttFAL ESTATE. .O AN1'\ONY LOAN & TRUST CO" liii N.Y LIF'U : . loans at low rates for choice security In Ne- ) "ra.k1 and Iowa farms or Olaha city property. 'v-lot LIFU INSUI1ANCEb POI.ICmS LOANED ON LI.'g INAUIANCE . . . Cihesney . ICausas . City \V-102 . Mo. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMlnOVIm O rAtA leal eslole. lirennan Love & Co. , Paxlon blk. . \V-l3 IIONRY TO LOAN AT LOWEST It.tTU8. TiE O. I' . ) \ . Co. . 1 : : I.\ln.\1 8t.1'1 ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " titY : LOW nATES MADE ON OOOD LOANS "I.IY . . . Siuire . 3U lIce bldg 'V-I0. , - \ - 8'111' . - - lce - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - . - - - - CITY LOANS. C. A. STAItR . 515 N. y ' LIFr. : MONgy TO LOAN ON 11P10\Im OMAII . \ lruIerl Fidelity Trust coinpaihy . It2 Farnam. w-m - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LOANS ON IMPItOVUI ) & UNIMI'ROVUI : ) CITY 1IPIO"ED UNIllnO\I'D L prupel'I \ Faram Smith & Cu. , 1 ) I."rom - _ _ MNIOY TO LOAN ON OMAHA fEtAL ESTATI : : I'JNIY per cenl. 'V B. Melle. ISI _ Nul. I1lc.lJkIt. I CITY LOANS. tW.O , TO $ :0.0)0,0 AT LOWPST "ales Powel & I'otter. bl 1001' . N. Y. L. - hlds , W-ll INVESTORS' DIRECTORY CO" 10 WALL S1' . N. Y. compie anJ sell flttflhChi 01 bowL tide cistern In\"slors who have mune 10 liw'et. , Full IJrUeulnrs Upon relueol , " ' -M ; G MIt' W.\NTIn. nUl. DING LOANS AT ONCI 1"1. dclly Trust . Company . 10 1""lnnh W7 i 31 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTEL5. MOUY TO LOAN ON I"UINITUnE. PIANOS hCI1o , . wagons , etc. . nt lowest rates In city : no , elo\'al , or gootis ; strictly conUlenlul : ) OU amount cIfl jiay tile luau , oft II any time 01 In any amuunt.OMAHA MOrTGAGE LOAN CO" , " - 30 ; So. 161h St. X-115 X"15 ! INEY TO LOAN ON 10USFHOI.D FLuENt. 'UHII. tare . piano. horses wagons 01 any kind or Lh.\lc securIty al luwesl possible rates which ' bark nt ' time and In YOU can lay al'Y lme anl any nmounl. l'IJELIY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . loom 4 , Wllhncl "lock. X-113 J. D. IIADUOCK . lOOJ 421 , IAIE DLOCI X-1U MONEY TO LOAN ON 1"UnNlfUnE AND PI.005. Fred Terry . 430 nams" bloel. X-U - BUSINESS CHANCES , DO YOU WAN' A MONEY MAKEn ? TILE lUison KIortosedIpe ( eight maehloes ) . took In t8.00 In leS thou Ilco moulhs. 1.01 terms athli'ecs 1llsun rlneobcope Co" , 1J So. 16th sl. : . _ Omaha Neb. Y-M6.1 ' - - - - - - UlNItIt.th MERChANDISE STOCK - Al' . 1'als. < Value $ 2.800-tar sale by recoh'el al ( uncc Addws A. J , McCoaaushe . leeeh'er , Aurora . Neb. ) Alrra. 1-323-2 1"Ons.rt - - Oil - RUNT ; SALOONAND ; -l'IX- 11n's new beer house In Udel \ddregs I" ' . J. Tiiixaw. Odell . _ N.e . , _ 2- : ; ( : H' IS.OOt.OOWILL fitlY ONE - OJ TIIE1IIST E0. : , ablahel santariuins ! with all the lalct 1m- IJ'\'enNnls In electricity . electra. Turkish , 'apor and water baths . with the Inrgesl cash . , tee practice In this city ; a 81'lelllhl cllee : tn' a couple 11h'slelan. , 811eelalst , or loan and wife ; I'ason for Felng , going Into wholesale rnanltaclurlng business : wi gh" n m.nlb trial Ir requestril . . . \olre's 1ouolol Eleciru- Galvanic sanitarium. 10uslon. Tex. . 1Ial building. _ _ Y-IG0 AI' , ' - - - - - - IUHINW , : ; CI\NCn ; FOIl S.\.E. GOOD SA. loon an,1 ! e"taunnl : Irslclass 10caUon. Ad- drcs K 42. Ue ohlic. Y-M27 2I lt l'JLINTRIIANTUl ) ; AN AI.r. AHOUND printer , \lh 1 little mane ) wan lng lo SO In ' arlnclhh' With a new.ap lal In f luern. live country olc" . Address F , \ 01. I.ar- Iml ( ' . \'o. y- 132 21' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - volt SAI.I : . CANDY II1C1I'ND Wg CIlol I\allor ; he'l loealol 11 lawn : n hornln IC poll soon , Address flax 2.0. ILlrJa. : ! . Y-741-22' - - - - - - - - FOil HAl.t. FIItST-CLASS GROCERY HTOCK ; goo ) I location ; A 1 trade ; Invoice about f .OO.O ; good reaeons tor selling. Address \ K - H. 1713 " : ' . W.\NTI D , ntAIONRII.D , EXIrml'CED hl.hl" " l.n ror 111'elng 110110n : musl I have 1909.03 10 Invest In gOOdI Idusineso . , \ IJW hlul 1J hI8InO. : ldoi1in I . 1".II"ncnt ; Leiary , Aldress V 2'J ' , 11cc . Council 1 Jutr" , . V-M7lG 22 ! FOR EXCHANGE . \AWII D-A lOISU IN DXCHAN011 FOIl I"nu ' ir orl4n. A. 1oipe. Jr. , 1 1 1)ougla . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ - 50-\1 FOIL SALL'OIL TI\lg. A $5.0.0 STOCK 01" " ell.al Ilechaldlso' , for "aslel Ncbl.I'a 01' western Iowa talm , or Omaha ur Sautli Omaha p.erl Addres I 18 , Olohn Ic ' . _ _ _ _ - 7.-MOOt W\N' - 'fO THADE COUNClr , I.V ' ; FS . city Ical estate tur n stock ot colhlng and 1:10" : " . .ddress J. r. Emls. Avoca . lu. < . . . : -I I)3 ) \.1I.I. 'HADg CLI'AH LAND 1"OI t0OIJl:7t. ; : el"b.'od rental city properly . No third class , oh' ulhnll'cved 111\1111) considered S. 1" tullIICI 020 New \01 , I.lte _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZIC AI i-lOltSI.i. IIAILNESS ANt ) l'iLAIITON iN 0(300 i. , " ' 011101 for n c" " i lot wurlh $1. iN 'fuk , ) ' , Z- 3 ) ,2 . i.Olt TIAlm , $ \.5'.0 STOCK 01' OlNIOil.tr. iUerChRitdiIhts 101 til nl abUt , fG cash. 1.,1 llx \ I lillnburn , Dallas county , la , 7.115 :1' FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE , - - - - - EXC\ANOE AND ALrS ; CITY I'IWPI-T\ taintS . mprchanc1sc , Uarv' ' Ur08. , % N. y , L _ _ _ _ I -1 l'AIIM 1 : i C. F.IIAIULISON. 9 N. Y . ' 1-I.t-A5' : l.\HOAJS. ) tOtJSL'S . LOTS AND J".IUS ; sate or .tl < e , J' . K Vlnl &rker hluck. lIE-ill - 1\-18 FAILM 1QIt SALE : I CAN ' 1"AIt J'OI : OI'I"lm t'l A Imlc rme , . and It In utlrelh'o price . . choice Iinpiot'c 40 - acre t11 1. located 11 Sarpy . ' ' hllo\ , , . ' , , C'UUlt ) . f'brasI13 near 1. I'lalo station In,1 Iho new rUII : Ihls Is I strictly second bench 'and ' and the Improvements are or B goj order 11,209.00 cash will the : I.Z.O ( .11 wil buy equity In this farm : no lrdl . 'noldrr..I. Walter O. Clark , un Ilmey > 1. Ollha , Neb Im-1UU :5 - - - - - - - - - - - I'H RENT OIL SAI.B , PAllId 01" G "ClmH ; 4. aches ulller culLlvatloii . Ii acres In " pasture cultvaton. t IcreS und II'a.luw ; gUOI lion . anti I.nr : . Inlure < 0\\1 1.11 other I.alt In run until January ; close 10 LouIsville , Neb hex unll % lnlovle , 101 Im-3S Ut - - i.\l-AI s-aiu OR TItArIO . IN CITY i'ROP. cribs nul trnlU Jlu , N. 1..ren..r. T\ 0 _ _ _ _ lU---tdt FINE OAIIDIONI.AND. G 2411,105 11102,1 I' , D. , $10 ? per , In , 910 N. Y. L b1d. C10M lEU Jihih4TItAQ. . TilE JYION IJED COMP1NV 11-1 , hih'Sl' ; Jill " 501.1) ; - AN - ELIOOAN1' DOUI1LI2 . . .ttIU . near \ancom 1'011. ; tilt m'lcr Ni V.1"'lct ; ' ; lailln ; . ; east front ; bald. sonic Iule : trc , " enrrla barn . "II ; wi ! m..I , " a " 'lttul 101" fur Owe t llle , or a , . ; ' 1,1'Itt. hl\'ulm.nl , ; wUI guarantee I $ per CihI 1'111" , lolcc , f1. ; ( Address A. II " "u' tHe 0'1 ; " - < m-M7H Zt FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. Ctnue A nOME ron YOun WIF . , A PERFEC LITTLE OEM MODERN SlxnOOM COTTAGE , i JUST filliNG FINISIIIID. FIRST CLASS NIOIG1IDOUIIOOD , WIThIN WALKING pmTANCG OF DUSI24IISS CLOSE TO CAR LIE : CONVENIENT TO SCHOOL WILL TAI < ClFAP : AS PAnT OF FIRST l'AYP.LENT. FIDELITY TRUST CO. : " FOLE AOE TS . , 102 FAnNAU ST. - nE-I ) 2 1.'OI 8AI.I . CIOICN ACRId JOT , JUST "gST or clt ) ; only $375.0) . Ilicks . : N Il y - , : I.t" . 21t 1.1 SAI.P. to ACm S JUST vEST 01" CITY ; Ine.t kind at gardeii lanl ; enl for lir1c . hicks . ShOt N. Y. Life llllg. , IU -M1U 2tt BIO1"OLES. . . M. O. DAXON . 402 N. IGTI lg VICTOn mCYCI.ES. TIlE FINEST OF ALL blc'eles. Omaha 1eelo Co. , 3 N 16\1 street U ) , STlOItl.ING mCYCr.ES IUJII.T I.IIUl : A watch , , Western Electrical Supply Co..433 S. Hth. 837 A. L. DEANT & CO. . " 10LFSALl AND EL'- - tall bicylc , . Ild 1'111\1 street. 12 WI.L lAHNUl & 11110. . 1' ' } N. I5TI STHCET ; only tiding school In Iho cl ) 122 . 'COLUMIlIA' 1193. FINEST EXAMPLE "COI.UI\A" IB : I"INPST OF light and high grade bicycle construction , \Vni. Lyle Dcke ) ' & Co. , 103 Douglas a1. ngent. 919 MINGTON AND EAGLE. CROSS GUN CO. , lit S. Uth street :1131 UNDERTA1ERSAND EMBALMERS SW.\NSON VALIEN . 1701 CUIIIG , TEL. lO ) . 93t- II. I { . BUm { T , Fl'NnRAL nlnECTOt AID emhalmer 1610 ChIcago sl. . telephone 9'1. ' ) 9S3 M. O. M\tr. , UNlEHTAnm ANn IMIAIM- or . 117 I"nrnam st. , telephone 223. 953 c W. lAIOm , UNDERTAKER , 613 S. IGTII fISt ST. BUILDING &LOAN ASSOOIATION. JOW TO OCT A ILOME OH SECURE GOOD interest on savings . Apply 10 Omaha L. & B. Ass'l. 101 lce bldg. G. ) ' , Naltnger , S" 987 " . ShARES IN' IIUTUAI , I. . .0 1. ASS'N PAY . II 6. 7. 8 percent wMn 1. 2 , 3 rears old always tedeemable. ! HOt l'aram sl. , Nlttnger , Sec. 9SB EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT BUHEAU REmoved - moved 10 1522 Douglas ; male and female help. l OAI WE FUnISI FIRST CLASS IIIAI.I0 on FE- male help free o charge : hotels a spclnl ) ' . City Employment Bureau , 1M I. ' ram. Tele. . , ' phone 1401. 737,21' ! 2ne 101. . . _ _ BOTELS HOTEr. DAnKEn. 13TH AND JONES STa. 75 rooms al $1.00 per da ) 5 rooms at S2.0 per day. SpecIal rates 10 commercial trnveler Rom and board by week or monlh. Frank Ililditch . ) Hidich. manager. 959 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N , w. can. 1lh and Oodeo Rooms b ) day or week. .I O , ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL ENGNEERS AND CONTRAC- toni for electric light and molar plants and alt kinds of electrical conslrelon , Western Elec- ltcal Supply Co . US and 120 S. 1Ih st tell COA D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED IUS COAL omco 10 2 a. 161h at. . Drown block . .UG InCE REDUCED ; ShERIDAN. BEST WYO ming coal : nut , $1.50 ; lump. ; .5 : 2.01 rM n Ion delIvered. 155 Farnam streel. 17 WANTED-TO BORROW. W.\N'ftD. A LOAN 01' $6.0 ON AN IN- vestment or S800.0 In teal estate and personal security , aI' either ; give interest ; wanted on 3'eal loan. A'ddre.s K 40. care lIce. lee'M132lt CESSPOOL OLEANER. CI'SSPOO.S : CL1 ANED. ANTI-MONOPOLY prices. John Nelson . 41S S. 14th. 'el. 1173. 21453A1' MATHEMATHIAL INSTRUMENTS ALV.t J. GItOVIIR DNOIF nS' AND AH- chiltects' supplIes. 318 S. 151h street Omaha. MIOS SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF snOHT nAND. N. y , Lire , Omaha. AsIc tor clrculnr 123 LOST ' r.OS1' uG YELLOW FEMALE tO3 ; RETURN and get jeward . Room 3Q. Darker blok , l.osl-I\08 21t - ' , FOUND . Fa UNO , GH Y GELDING A'f 2')11 ' ) AND 0 streetS , Tuesday morning ; owner can have same by calling al Carpenler's I\'H ) " South Omnhn , and 11)'ln. chiasges . l'ound-721 21' Q'rOVE R1l'A1H5 7j:9y30 : . UUIAlti VOlt 40.000 DFPtnEN' mal" at stases walel' , " . \ : attachments and can neclols a seelal ) ' , 1207 Douglas s1 ant O.tha Stove Repair Worls. 9 J DRESSMtKLNG , prmSSlAKING IN I.'oJUI.mS. 431G GRANT sl. U6-31' . . - PROFESION en. A. 6IIMAN. COR IG'1 & CIIICAOO . 81533 A12t iisto. . A'J' AND LANgUAGE. c. F. GILCNll CI. DANJ01ST AND GUITAR ' teacher . I l Cuss st , VI - - - - - - - - - - - - - BUSINESS , NOTICES 11h.010 AUUOnS IESILVEHED , 1 N. 1:3 16. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. c it. I 24011111 ! ! . . PAPER hANGING . 10usn . sign painting . hock woik , plastering : ort n. I. 14\k r 11k. ! : Irl. 73 : shop 22\ Izard : tel tIll 4Q ! . - - - ONTRACrORS. JUCK WOnK : SIDEWALKS , Cl-L1Afl floor , etc. 3u h. 1Glh street , Tel. 40 , A ClI.I.AR , "lewl , M O.A\ - ' - DlNTAL COLLEGE . OMAHA CLL OE DENTAl SLJILQERY E'ltI3 IllrlBI : dentistry lt cost 161h 8 Cp. 1'IEI 3 . POULTRY SUPPLIES - - - - w _ , _ C. "SHTON - & CO. . Z S. UTI 70M9 DENTISTS , UH. I'AUL. DENTIST , 2m BUIlT ST. i F 'E T Luwycra BU sulicitors. BUgS & Co . flea nDldll . OMAlA , Neb A vlca F'ItI. CEHTU'IA1'E 01" PUBLICATlN , orncn ot Auditor at Public Accounts. State of Nebrl lm : 1.lncoln , Febmar' 1. 1895-I Is l hereby ccrtle\ that the Mutual Life Insurance company ot New York In the utate ot New \'ork. , his compled wIth the Insurance law ot this state /nd Is authorized to transact the business ot life Insurance for the current \ le Insurnce , In thIs state Wlne"s \ ) ' hahn and the seal ot the 11ltor ot Ilu\lo accounts the clay and relr above writen.EUG" EUOEN22 MOORE , "ullor l'ubllo Accunt : - - lST BE IEAlP IN WYO \ nNC [ ShorL L'ne Oases koud Do Drought in Court of Prlm Juisdiction , SETTLED BY PLAINRULES or COMIT Contentlnl nt (1nlniLIlc ( Ilcol"er. Snn- Unll1I'"c . tRln\1 hy I thin L1111lt04 \ ! I"I. . Clr'ut Court nt l'ortlOtiilr-Cattiieil lfJnlc- 111 In the lent 'I\lrlc' here , 10ITL.\ND. Ore. , Much 20-Judge8 CIII- bert ami Bellnger today tn the UnIted States circuit court rendered a , Iecllon den'lng the moUon of the American Loan ant Trut Comll'ny for the removal of the Unlol Pacifc receiVrs frol the receivership cf the Ore- gen Short Line and Ulh Northern alll the allpolntment of others with leave to the \merlCn Ioan and Trtitt company to renew the moton after the maters involved shal have been ulnnHtc to the ( clrcul court for the district ot Wyoming. After reviewing the case JUdge Gilbert saId ; "Tho dIsposiIon of these I11plcalon8 IISt depen,1 on the effect 10 be given to the fact that the Oregon Short Line anll ( Utah North- ern Halway cOllany : was frt tken lute the receivership by the circuit court of the United States for the district of W'ollng on the foreclosure of the Dillon mortgage. The court had nnquestonabl' jurisdIction of the subject mater and of the parts ! , 1 was the proper court for the In ttuton ot the suit. The corporatIon defendant was organ- Ized under the laws of Wyollng. and that had been Its principal Place of btlshile.ts . The right of the court whose jurIsdictIon Is Irst Invoked over a corporaton whose ProPerty lies wihin various districts Is not to be meaured by the proportIonate extent of I the proprly IntersecUng the jurIsdiction. : TIm legal authorIty of a receIver , however , extends no further than the territorial lmits or the court whose oflcer he Is. WithIn lint lmit his rlht of possession would be 11 sptcted by all other courts ; without that limit 10 court Is bOlml 10 recognize his authority , But by a Ilrlnclple of comity , courts whose jurisdiction Is exterior 10 that of the court which appointed the receiver whit concede to the Inter the right to reduce to his io'ses- Sloth anl , ctrl the prop rty of his trus which may there be fotind but this comity wi not be extended 10 the detriment of local credItors of tIm person or corporation whose property Is In receivershIp. UNIVERSAL HUE OP COMITY. " 1ly another rule Qt , coinity . equaly wel establshed and unlveral ) ' recognized by the circuit courts of the UnIted Stales , the ac- ton of the circuit court which frt acquires jurisdIction ot the pares ( ami of the subject mater of a slit by tl ' appointment of are- cel\'er wi be respecte1 by thc cIrcuit court of the other distrIcts hI .whlch the property 01 11 Insolvent Is sItuated \ . "H the Oregon Shorr Line and Utah North- er were susceptlle .of . tlsinemberment 1 vitli- out InjUry to elliert portIon : t I ( that portion of its lne withIn thE' ' ' taW of Wyoming were I a separate branch , t.caJablE or I separate management , or If fhe action of this court were necessaty to the PreservatIon of tie rIghts ot the len holders by whom the ap- . plcations are madc.tt might be urged tiiat a case Is presented vhlch ' would justify the ' court , In the exercsq' Its dIscretion , to Ils- regard the settled 1110 of the comity. But 10 such exceptonal ! ale of facts exists. ThE reasons which are ' urged for the removal of the receivers alredy appointed and the appointment at others In their stead have nqt been presented to the consideration of the Itcult cour for the district - trlct , of WyomIng. , Thal court. has ' had no opportunity , to pats u' them. Those reasons are .aSAotelt ) anti cShvlnclog In , tlacourt. \ . as In this , anl It IISt bb - ass4h1i , that all courts equally will 'mete out t the suitor the justcl and the reldl to which he Is en- titled. . " . " - . ' REJOICING . AT HEADQUARTERS. "The court ustalns the demurrer and remands the case to the distrIct of ' 'yol- lag " was the telegram which was received at 2 o'clock from Hon. John M. Thurston at Portland by Asslstan Secretary T. 24. Orr of the Union Pacilic. And with this message rose hopes that for months past have bean wdl nigh past all resurrectIon. This holds to the Union Pacific system the Oregon Short Line and Utah Northern until the petItion of the American Loan and Trust company , trutee ot the consoldated mortgage , asking for a separate receiver for the properties above mentIoned , may be heard on Its merits. For days the demurrer to the petition ot the trustee asking for a separate receiver was 01 trial before Judges Gilbert and Delnger at Portland. Many of the ablest legal light ' In the country were heard , pro anll con Iht. contention of Mr S. Winslow Pierce representIng the Gould and Sage Interests and the ( senIor mortgage hollers and Ion , John M. Thurston being that the court of primary jurlslicton was the Eighth circuit Instead ot the Ninth In which he petition for a separate receiver was broughl. I was upon the demurrer fed by : lr. Pierce 10 the petition that the eminent leg1 l lights locked hiornt . and , 'if the Portland papers arc to be btleved , the Sound country never heard such oratory as cme from thc couns,1 rel'rc- ' tenting the varied interests involved. ' Remanding the caseS to the district of Wyoming brings It into the cur ot primary - mary jurisdiction . tho' dIstrict In which thc Dillon case was originally brough When the decision ot Judge Gilbert became - came known throughout Ihe headquarters buiding there was a general suspensIon of the rules governIng : quletnss and everybody - body congratulated everybody else on the "happy Issue out of their afflictions . " according - cording to the hook of- common prayer Speculation was heard on all shies previous to the ( deciion , whih was handed down Just as court adjourned for the noon recess . as to what the decision woul hI , whol1r : the judge3 would decIde that the Ninth circuit had prImary - mary jurisdiction , or whether they would sustain the demurrer and remand the case hack to the Eighth circuIt Bets could have been freely had on tbt re- suit , hut the decIsion brought more genuine Joy than anything In years to the heads of departments and the clerks of the Union Pa- cine system. I'J NTi WUJUC IrOI TIm CO243h1SSfO . Wil 1:0 : Cal d Vpnn tn trl'Ahtol Out the Irhlll hiTg5entlisI. ( "The announcement otl the coming of Ihe ( Interstate Commerce commision has stirred up a lively thiree-hiotioth fight among Omaha Council Shuts rand Ito railroads . " said I quiet member of : le Commercial club as he chatted behind 10tog ot smoke trom his perfecto "In tho00ilrat place Omaha registered Its Itlcle over ul' bridge differential , accompanIed by some weighty evidence , wih the commission before polncl Bluffs was aware at it. Now the 'yhhIllera across the rIver are doing some lalbhustlnl to get In a return blow at Omahaj Tim raIlroads are maintaining a discreet Inictlvlty , but they are deeply interested In Ihe ( 9"come , I Is hinted that some of , Ole roads ore quietly patting Cmncl ( I { ' , pluns on the back and that the tIght to b'made by the Commercial - mercial club Is likely , t develop the fact that certain Omaha mentro . big rebate grab- hers and that their ineiberahip In the club cub Is looked upon as farclcli ! by those knowing ones who are Oi the InsIde workings b - . tween certain shlppers ( and the raiways , I beleve Commissioner Utt anti a loyal coterie In lit club are slnee In their fIght for better - ter rates for Omaha , but they are handicapped by these men above mentioned . who have the best end of It with the railways at present - ent alll , wi not care much It the majority of Omaln shlJper surer 10 long a their In- dIvidual fIrms are favored . " Cnbe 1.lroa.1 lll iiie5p OAKLAND , Cal , March 20.-The Piedmont cable railroad baa been sold under a judgment - men obaIned In the superior court In favor at bondholders , C , n , BIshop , tie Honolulu banker who reprseuted the holders of bonds amounting to 11,000,000 , bid the property infer for $82,000. The outstanding receivers' cer- tfctes wi be I.ald up Ind the road taken out of tie hands of the recel'er now opera- ( lug It. _ _ _ _ oJera. i'iisiouger itgsuiui' " " .Ion li New i'ork. NEW YOI < March 20.-The AmDrlcn Auoclalon 'f Oenrral I'aisetoger Agents cod tnu,1 its sessions today al the Murray 11 hotel The feature of the mttn was the annual n.lress delivered by George 1. IHnleb of Iho New York ( Inlral , At the close ot the Cession the next business \\11 the hearing of the report of the coninii- Lets on pastor contracts The convention will close today. 1.\1 AlhI'TIU IU.\ Wlmll'S TAtTICS " 'csterit LilI Wnltnl RICI hoping Some - thlnl11 Tarn ( hIs , ChICAGO , March 20.-Chslrman ( al,1wel of the Western Passenger Trunk Line com- mitee will Issue 10 cal for a meetng of hs ! lines In the ImlC1ale fulure The COllllflit- Ice lines have settled down to a naiLing game onll there Is no telling when any further no- ton \ II be talecn looking to the active organ- Izalon at lie coniinlttee. So many hues 118\1 grievances which they ( Iecarc must bl adjusted before they will become memberP of the committee , and so many other lines with no grievances are \akln : their mem- borhlp conlngent upon that of those who have troubles to ltjlst , that It Hems prac- tcaly Impossible that the committee wi ever be able to control tIle extent at ttrl ( , tor ' which It silas have tliidcr its . tory l1n9 to nnccr It jtiris- diction . The one favorable sign Is that aU ot the roads are carefully tulnlalnlnf rates and mst or the heavy western roads are work- lug hard to bring aholt ) thE organization or the coliiinittee. In the ( face of Ihe ( light trame which the roads are nobandll" . the , f.lelty with whlci thl ( rate sheet arE ob. : served Is the one thIng that causes the coin- mltee lnts to believe lint somehow the ) ' will get there after some months have gone br , JU VEILS WI f..sty t'I , \ns CONG itES 9. Thinks the . \lltulo 01 \Imlnhlrnlol Towlrt the PiscIne \oath All itight. LONDON , March 20.-The Pal Mal Oa- zete this afternoon puhlsh.s an interview with Sir Charles Rivers Wilson . formerly comptroller of the national debt office . who has just returned from the United Slate , wherc ho bas been In communication with the United States government as representa- ( lye of British holders of Central Pacifc bonds He Is quoted as saying that he found the executive to be all right , ali Secretary Carlisle ! to be businesslike and reasonable. According to Sir Charles lUvers \'lson. Sec relary Carlisle slates list heould rather not touch a cent of the deb owing by the railway than that ( lie Central Pacific should be subjected . jected to the pound of flesh PrinciPle. The gov- ( 'rment , Sir Charles added was prepared to accept the principal of the debt , foregoIng iii- terest , hut In his opinion the result was doubtful . owing to the ( temller cf the next Congress which he Is quoted as asserting "contains some wild , : cple socialIstically. " ( "n'ullll 1ucllo l.l l Iul"rl , , . ; \ON'RgAI , . 1lnlch 20.-At a meetng of Ule executive honrll of the Canadian Pa- cifc railroad It was decdell 1101 [ oIlier nieasures of I'etrenrhment to matte mensl'es a geti- \rl I'e.luclon In salaries : 1'01 those gen- $2.0. 5 pel' cent : for those abo\'e that amount 10 IIr cent. ' 'hiR will affect the highest aB wel us the lowest emploes. \ccolvor for : unlllnln & Uulf , SAN ANTONIO : ex. March I 20.-The court of cI\1 uppeals of thIs district np- lolnted _ . Henry _ Tri'ell . ! _ ! _ r"gel\e - . of _ ( lie ban JIOII ' 111 < lon IllrOUIoua ) ' , iLatiw.iy iIICA , General Northwestern Agent Charles Ken- nelly of the Hock Island , has returned from Chicago ! , ' where he was called on time card Iflatters. General Freight Aglnt Crosby of the Dur- 1 ilngton Is In Anaconda , en route to Portland - . land and the Sound business ' country on con- aected with his COtllany , Judge 'V A. Cornislu . special master In chancery of the Union Pacific , arrived from his home In St. Paul yesterday . and will hell a session with the receivers . who are expected - pected In Omaha tomorrow niorning. rnUonll Fraternal . Cnlol SessIon Clo1ed. ' .CINCINNATf , 0. . . March'- 20.-"ho su- .reme council , of t . , Natonal Fraternal union closed its sIxth ) annual session today tter making ninny constitutional amendments - ments and instituting two new degrees The supl'ell omcers were elected last year for four ycars heretofore the National Fraternal union has hal but one degree . hut hereafter there will be three degrees. The three degree ritual was adopted and the supreme representatIves were Instructed In the worle. . nul hilt Men \cnl. " ii ( 'hnlge < t "enue COLORADO SPRINGS , Colo. , March 2- The district court today denied the applcn- Uons for a change at venue In the cases of the nnl Hi men , under Indictment for al- lelel crimes . commited during the Cripple Creek war lasl summer. In support of his fliotiOli for a change 'I.- it. patterson , attorney - tore } ' for the defeiii'e. argueel that a feel- lug existed between lie Dull 11 men slml- Inc to that which existed between the north and south duringthecivi _ ! _ war Jastcr , t.1 lie JarvIA-CnnlUI Compaiiy NFW YORK , March : -In the United States cOurt today Judge Lacombe appolnt- ed Charles Sleele a mai'ter to examine the affairs or the JarvlsConl.Un Mortgage com- 1\ ) ' , since the resignation oC Samuel Jarvis lilt recelvel' . alit ) to rllOlt 10 the court at . regular 11fllods. - . LUG.IT JSICL VJTIJK . The regular sprlnF vacation ot the public /chools will begin Murch 30 and the sll'lng term will open on Monday , April 8. There are a number of representatives of caster firms In the city endeavoring to supply . ply lie new Crelghlon theater with opEra elia Ira. Jack Conlon , a democratic statesman of the Fifth ward , has been appointed janitor at the postofce to succeed P. 1V. , Sherlocle , who has re81gneJ after three weeks' service , to accept the more lucrative position of meat inspector nt South Omaha , At the Current Topic club meeting tonight Mt , C. n. I0stwlclt wi attempt to show wherehj "Coin's Financial School" Is faulty. Other speakers wi bl H. D. Howell and I. Salisbury . The question will aterwarJ ( bl open for genral discussion , A FalineilVelhic , or fag festival , wIll be given by the members of the Omaha I.andwehir VerelnB In Germanla hal on Satur- day c\'enlng. The Omaha Snelerbund wi participate and , the First Infantry band Ne- hraska National Guards will furnish the music , The city hal wore a not.at-home aspect yesterday , as most of the city omclns ! went to I.lncoln on the morning train to use their Inllenel In the cause ot charter amendment . city Attorney Council was one of the cciii- inittee , but was unable to leave as he Is In , the mIdst of an Important ' damage suit . Mayor Bemis ha's received nn Invitation to appoint fIve deleatos to attend the South and Wesl Grain and 'l'rade congress , which wi begIn at Mobile . Ala . April 4. There are no emoluments connected with the posion , hut It any public spiried citizen covets the ( honor of , being a delegate be can be accommodated - modated by applying at the mayor's ofce , A small blaze In a she shop at 1210 Dodge street caused tire alarm to be turned In just before 1 o'clock yesterday . I was ex 1ngu1hec without damage The memhers at the colored hose company distinguished themselvcs as usual by making u wild run anc when' last seen they were waiting patiently nt Thirteenth and I'aram streets for the lire 10 cOle their way , The Building Trades conncl has issued a notice to laborers condemning the course at a grading contractor . who Is now perorniing an , Important contract , I Is alleged that be \ paying wages at the rate ot 90 cents a day and for ( this reason the council has reolved that It nieumibers shell decline employment on tmuildIng the excavation of whIch any bulllng excavaton was made by the proscrlbcll contractor ; The demand for buIlding permits continues buldln& permls cntnues to Improve with the weather anti about twenty have been Issued In the past twenly tour hours Most of thEse are for re1a1re , - retatr though several MW buildings are also II prospect , The Schlitz Brewing company will build a twostory barn at 1308 CaB street and permits have hen granted for cottages us follows ; J.V. . Carlson , 2029 Center ; J. Falconer , 4010 North Twentyffh avenue , and A. C. GriffIn , Forty-second and Grover streels I appears that a mistake has been made by the load of Education In the rsolutol which was recently passed , cutting off a month from ( lie school year The rules of the board provide that the spring lerl shah close on the last Friday In June , which this year would lean JUII 27. The resolution \ declares ! that the term shall close May 24 , ( lit effect being to cut oft five week , bateaU 01 tour. The yalaUon will probably be r m\'led by an amended resoluton , closing ( he Ch09h aD 3Iay ( 31. FACULTY WILt \ IhIVE ITS WAY \ Edict Promulgated Against Foot Bal from Oalbridge to Do Ob3crved. - CRIMSONS MUST ABANDON TiE GRIDIRON Inrmlll UOIM \ I 1 I'voliusbly Nut Rio . \\owtc to Take I'nrt In the Inter- Collegiate I'ollhal COll ( II- CUJlnln Urt\er Subunits. C.Ulmmm. l : , Mass" llrch 20.-The lar- yard faculty I Inking I firm stolid against intercollegiate football contests nUt It nw looks doubtful I the crimson will bo rprc- ented by an eleven on the gridiron next f.\It Thc faculty has adopted another resoluton wordcd ns follows : "Tho faciity having considered the coliihniin Icat Ion concern- Ing athlelc sports dated February : : , 1895 , remall of Ihe opinion that 10 stmlcnt Ulier their chare should be 11erlltetl 10 lake part In the Intercollegiate football cou- tests " 'rho cOllunlcalol referrEd lo was a recolmendaton proposIng that all gamES bo played on the ( home grounds , of the 101- I.ettors In.1 the sale of tickets ho limited to graduates nut ! lilidergradtiates for themseh'e3 arid theIr guests , Anolher meetng of time faculty wIll ! be hehl AIust 5. when final Ind decisive , action on the ( queston Is anticipated - As Ibo first sequel 10 thin resolution adopted by lie ( faculty , Captain A. II. Brewer of the Harvard toot bal team made plblc today an alIen let- ter ( to harvard \ Itldenls In regard to the action ot lie ( facll ) ' at 'csterday's meet- 111g. Ho says : "Whether ( last evelming's vote of the faculty Is unwise or not Is to be seen In future 'cars. Whether they ha\'e really acted toward the prosperity of the college rcmalns yet to bo proven ) , For the preseiit at least , the teed Is .10ne. . atmd ns we thminhc perhaps one et our most manly sports has been torn from us. Bul are we actually In I posltol to question the wlsdol of this ncton ? Do we 11 Illerlralllats only In this college consider that we can judge with that judgment that comes from expcrlenee Is Il hot better to trust to lie ( foresight ot our elders In lterlence nt least I Surely they realize the Ilporlllce of Iho slep ( they have takcn amI are wilng to accept the result which they must sincerely belcyo will only be 10 our advantage. I I 10t most dlsresllectul to the facility If we tear to Illeces their ollinions and criticize IhEm iiieceiuieal. we who are only 111111cr- graduates who hl\'o scarcely reached our twentIes ? Let J be for others to criticize ; let It 0 for those who nlstypleve Ihem- selves callable but let us at least prove our- selves gelmtlelneli . conrtllS and man I ) " RYAN SIll [ 'LV Iltl'I'CII 1 > 1 I > \ TIL.tCEI. 1t , Louis' _ J.nt..t"III.nt Gets thin nle 'hll ' ; hat " 'im' . "r'rll , Jack " 'II , > , CIIC.\GO. March 20.-'ommy Hyan hml an eaR ) iou wlh " 01 Tracey of Sl. Louis I tolliglit. , , , , " ' ' . , . " No . , . decision " ' . , ' _ 'M' wus _ . l'ellered. . - _ ' _ chiefly mn _ _ _ u _ u.o _ . . " " "U" " . , UL . itO II 1\ were nplrchensl'c of \oUce interference with thc Cho 'nsltl-CI'eelon , light of 1010l'oW nlsht It time affair of tonight was ci'rlcel to the extreiiie. Bil for al that 'fmce was ball } ' whlppel. , lie was nlrh' out In the seventh rotmiid . bUI when Hefereo George Slier hal COlnle,1 seven until 'ri-acey Showed no Ilsn of rising Slier wns caled ; to one sile of the ring , antI I } Ihe tme he waR read ) ' 10 resume countilig . the gOng SOUIIlll ( and Traccy , was sI'e : < ] tvan hnoeleel him down three tme" In the Iith aunt tIme referee might have counted twenty- five before 'lcey was on hIs feet the last ( line . hut he did nol count al nih . un'l ' when Tracey . was helped to lila feet , "no decision" was announced. The men came 1110 thc ming at 10:30 : The first 10111 wal chiefly bl1rrlng. ; Trce ) ' got In three light ones on H'mt bodY Inll receIved a hot onQ In the rib In r0turui . Time second round was nil Itynmi's . he hit- tng Trce ) ' repcatedl on thc head anti only receiving one on the body from nnr St Louis man. . tl The third opened hot and , afer several warm oxehiatiges . Trace Imoclcd Ryan to his knees with n right on the chin. ) flynn WIS up In an instant , and had time best or the round after ( lint. Iii the fourth and fifth Ryan kept lila loft busy Iii battering Tracoy's head , and the latter acted strtctly on ( lie leeih'e. In the sixth Tracey's left eye was closed omiti hiled ; iiofusehy. h1'amm ( lien sniasherl him on time nose and brought a crImson stream from ( hot organ. lIvan battered Tracey ns lie pleased and knoclcr"I him down with it. vicious left in the face. Traces' was covered with blood as he went to his corner. 1t'ami after tIlls had it s'cry onel' , lie lcnoclced Tracey lInt in thic' m'ev'ntb , , antI , but for the lengthening of ( lie ( , allow- amoco thin latter would have bc'en nut , ITo was on time flor fully fifteen SeCOmilS ( , In tiic' lust rotund Trac'ev svus Ittloeketi 11110 time ropes , and i'hien lme heft thieni was Sent to time floor. lie caine p after tIme rf'fere. ' had coiintml nlnt 1111(1 ( was at nice knoc'Icc'tl tiosvn ngnin. He tottered to lila feet oiitl 5508 kilockehl coninletely 0111 , 'flip ' 'un do- Claioli" svas nhiuioimnccd o ftel' Ill' imad 1eeim carried to lila corner. 'J'raeey was in batl , hmnpe at the end , hieing covered with bloo'l froln Ills 070 , nose aild cheek. Ryami did hot lmnve a scratch. , tMiiNDIi1) TIlE Jut 1CEY ( il.Uit RULI.d. Board of SioivnrtH ihopt FtmrthiortItt'rm - I Io , , Shigirostel by I- . iCtiapi , NFJ\V YORK , March 20.-.The stesvarils of ( lie Jochcey club held a rneeiuig this nfter. noon , those present being Atugtist Belmont , prt'aldent , C'olonel Thiounpatiti , Dr tiled' Kiinpp ontl Johu1 Doiiner. The IlilClPnl buslnes before the meeting was the report of' Dr. Knapp on aiuendniens ( to ( lie racing rule , iliti ameuilrnenta actedi on iim Part . at time Inst ineethuig anti today's meet. log. coimciutled thieumi. They were all lihiOhited. Rule 38 , tmppiyilig to the reglstratIoli of foals , svms amenducl hiy nddiiig the ( oh. lowing clause : "It it is provei to time satifl- faction of the stewards of ( ho chub that falltmre of registration he imnlntehittooal or accidental , such regiFtrauion may b jer- mnitted by a pt'mellt : of l0 tr end , regis- ( ratIon , provlllehi such ulplication be hflhttle before December 31 , " ituk 15 , nIlilyiulg to partnerships , Is lttflC'illel ( l' . adding time following clntmsc ; "No uart cst.iiem slmlill assign hits sliiirc or aimy part thereof for sale withioult ( hue writ- tori coiuseiit of lmi partner or partmiors , " Rule 72 , ii ) I cgard to thu UnJnuil forfeit list , si'as Ulflenlet1 by adding tiuc fohluwing 'Tiis ( rule ftlualh not aplly to ( Ito entry In it produce stake of mnitme'a and Minlhlolibu Whiti ss'ere in ( he forfeit list. ' ' Ittilo 70 Is nnientled us' adding time follow. lug larmgraph ; 1 "In liii races blioulIl tlitro hue auiy surplus ( ron ) chInes or Ktmi8feriptloius os't'r ( Ito advertised value it shah li hail to ( hue winner , tunless stnteil ly' this enmidi. thins to go to otimer horses iii tIme race. " iltilo 117. which applies (0 ( torice's' hicohisee , Is runieliiletl by ahlditig ! "J'iltt fee for nppmeimtlce license shall iu $11) . to lIe liP- plied on ( lie fee for st jockey's ' Iloeliso if it is taken out 'hiring the year iii sehichi the nurrentice's llceuise is talcen. " The nmeiiilunant to ruin 78 is hirotmglit about by the action of the S'tratnga Ititeing ussociattoti last year Ibm withihoIiiuig from tile whIner of a race this icturplums uulbovu the advertIsed value , suit liuvlmig been brought to recover It by the whIther 'rho : ttnt'nd- imlent to rtuie I 17 , relbting to ihie lea ( or imp- prentices , lB lPiie''Ph ) to be a wise coices. iiioii , aN It wotild hiti sounethtlng of a hinril- iImhp to compel a 1)07 ) to pay $35 for ii license It lie clit.ultis a. pres'lous hleng as an apprentIce. Other matters svero Ibrohmillit ( II ) before ( hue niceting. but here reerreil to comnuittees to report at ( lie lleXL miic'eting , ss'hiichi will be held earhl' next week. . lCIu.iLItlN ltEI'UIINM j. ( lItl.'Z'lttlItil. Cuati Not Meet ( bhtoynkl UntIl 110 1. 'l'htruugh telihi luIIivsui , flii.TIMORE , Mart'Ii 20-lake IIlrain , accoinpanleel b9' bile trainer , J. .7. Ccii. lmart , tiim'ived here ( allay. IillraIml ulilt'hIreil ) in excellent healthm and ephiith' , null a millglmt nhirasion on ( lie brIdge ( If hula nose is the Dill ) ' imiark Ime bears of huis recent 0000pliter. Iii speakllig of this meeting. Niirtiiui uId ; ' 'I inn eatlatied st'IIhu Limo outcomne. IL ivits miierely tiui experiment. I wanted to see WImILt I could do. O'l ) . imnel is a clover boxer but I think iiiu ( iui good sozidhtion I cuuid stAt ) hIm readily. " Kllraln ( oumnil telegram awaitIng' him from Parson DavIes , who Is anxIous to ur- range a ten.round mulch hitwt'mt h llraln uiid Chmoyuiski , to be fought iii Citcagu uhout. AprIl 1 , 1llrstiiu salt hint lie woulil ho obliged to disregurd thin iiffur fur ( he 1mrs. elii , as hula vrospectlve siivthlug ivitli liuhii. warm wouid delnanel all lml litmie. Tourist Whitirunrimiti'urg , giz The Tourist Wtmeeiinen of Omimhiu held a well attended maccLing last 'tIght Itt the New York h.ie building ( of the lurtQse of I reorganizing ( lie club , Thu report of tIme , COhiin4itttde (0 ( look up old members mmd solicit new iiicmbera under thin imew orgami- I IzuIoit wus i'ery liatteriimg , Mans' of ( lie I old members will elmier thi iesY QraIlizt. ttou and many ( lier cyclists have slimIhI'j theIr Intention at joining. A. new ennati- ttitlon fthloIitel anti ollcers ! were elected for the enatming year as tollowat 10. 1' . Walker , presldeimt ; A , ( . , ad8tti'tce pret' . d'nl F. S. Newcountm , secretary ; " , , A , lh.ingtiletreastirer ; It. IC. iliimlthi , captain. Alexaniher Meltoui svna appointed first hell- teuiitnt. Thee constituting ( lit' committees are : George Saiiclma 24. 0. Daxolm nnhh It. K. Sunithm , racing board' J. 11. lfb'nCs , A. C. Adams antI H. 1' . 'alker , entertainment ( 'din in It I cc. Time' next niceting' svlll be lmehl 'rlnmrsda evening , Marchi Ibl , 1mm rocun 312 New 'or I.lfe bthihthlumg , at wimlehi ( hue tIme irellnuinarY' nrrnmigclnelmta for tIme first mnoumtht's runi lviii be comlmiml0tel , lli.sUi.Td : ON TilE IItINNINO TI1ACICS , Talent at hay llstriet limit a 't'onghi Tisna ; imuiIng ( lit , Mimiilsrks. SAN FI1ANC1SCO , Mardi 20.-Rain Inade ( lie truck iietti'y today , Itlill tlmt timmie ss'nis Coiiseqimelmtly sio' . Thme rueluig ss'ns notable tol' time mae 'itim whmit'hi ( lie hiret horses ivon. lii es'er' Iuistniwe they catime in froimi teIm to ts'cnt ) ' leiigth nhieiul , The oimly favorItes to s'ln 'ero Contribution amid 1.1101(3 , ' log. 14i1 iimmmiitiy Fim'st 11000. five ( tiriongs , ninittemia : My Sveetheart , , 9' ) ' , hlt'iiii-iehi (3 to 2) ) , won : ilra. tirit , fIJ , lsoIit (7 ( to 13) ) seeoluti ; l'ronto , hJbh , Chevalier (7 ( to 1) ) , tlmirt , Tiimie : tti5. : Momi- roe Ontario , ilitneroft , I.eoiintusVallnco null P31-Colt tilso ran. SecotmIl race , live furloimse , iimaIthciia : Are. tic , Iti , Itusseli ( ti to I ) , % % 'oll ; Evit S colt DO , 150111 ( tO to 1) ) , secoimtl ; Kingsley , 107 , Carr (7 ( to 5 tImIrd , 'rimime : I :0i. : Rosalie , Sole- thail , . .tdIoL nod .1 0 ( . uii0 ran , Timird race , 0110 iiiile , selling : arniOr , SO , 111111cr (8 ( to 1) ) , svoim ; ltoiiia. 99 , A. Isommi (3 ( to 1) , sceolid ; Mowitza , 19 , 12 , Isuin ( S to 5) ) . tlmlrd. 'l'ime : I :4S-V : . Esperolmee' . I'rImice Elmirhy , iteed Itoot , Myron cliii Mere also i-li ii. Fourth race , fiVe furlongs. selling : fleil Bird , 101 , Isom (3 ( to I ) , woim ; Sligo , 107 , Curr ( tAcit ) ilt'coumtl ; Almhic'tte , 110 , ) 'iggott. IS to 1) ) , tlird. 'l'ilime I :0ui. : hdel5itrlatitl , Aliliie 1'.toort' , W'ag ttitl Sir llegIlmmtld itlso ran , F'iftlm nice , itille and a isixtc'eiith lianill- cap : 1.1101(7 tog , 115 , Citrr (6 ( to td , WOnt ( liisslc , ill , I Lt'llimichis (3 ( to I ) , sct'oimtl ; itike Hte'CiudI , 102. Enmiuhi ( It ) to 1) ) . thuiril. Tinme : I :11. : Captain ( 'ester also mit. Sixtlm isce , uSe furlongs , selliiig Coutri- liitioim , , 107 , lsoimm ( I to I ) , won ; Sir iticititril , 110 , Citrr ( I to I ) , second ; Mhuihlstrty , 103 , Sloan ( i to 1) ) , third , 'l'iuime ; 1ti3.'uicmtmm : nihil Iliunjo also i'iii. Nh\V OflI.1LNS , Mmirchi 20.-Cool and clear ; track good. Iteslilts : Fit-st i'iiee , six ftmrhongst .Ichiiiimy Ittellaic (5 ( to 2) ) ivoil. leltishi (4 to 11 recoilul. DrVork ( I ti ) 0) ) tlmiu'h , Tinme : 1 : l6 , Sc'oiiii rare , four furiouigs : l1'artminn (4 (0 ( li woii , Sister ltosnliiitl ( II to 11 miecOiid , l1mit 1.ew (3 to 2) ) thud , 'l'imne : O:5) : ' , . Thuirl race , sIx fnm'Ioiigs : llethrs' Jeimlciii ( S to 1) ) WOli , Kiuig Croft (5 ( to ) second , l'dtflhIli (10 ( ( 1) ) iltird , Time : 1:16. : Fotirtlm race , ses'eim ftlrloiigs : Molhie fl (11 ( (0 1) ) svoli , MIss Gallop (5 to 2) ) ecoiid , VIolence Ii (6 ( to 1) ) thmli'dI , ' [ 'inie : 1:30. : I1ifthm i'aCe , six furloligs : Gold liiat 7 to 5) ) 5100 , 131. Croix (2t ( ) to 1) ) Seeolid , F'oxhmnll (8 ( to 1) ) thmirti , 'h'inie : 1:16. : ST. l.Ot'IS , Muirrlm 20.-1'iist St. Lotus me- SlitC Fii'st met' , thui'ee-fotirtiis of a tulle : 1)esiglitir svomi , Oiieisa second , Moiltell third , 'nIne : l:22. : Second i'nce , iilne-slxteentlus of a imiihc FhI lunlnp second , ilordcrer tlmitd , 'l'iinp : 1:00. : TliIr'l lace , tht'e-eighithis of n himiho : Florollit iso. : hIcl'ndoli stCoiid , C'nuithirt tlmlrd , Time : ' ' m-ace , utet'emi-cighutlis of a mIle : lolm- ert I .itttit svoii , I\torlotte second , 'l'ext. thilu"ih. 1'iine : 1:35. : Fifth race , thiree-tmirters : of a iiiile l'Ilul- ette i"Oii , l.lhieris' hell aecolitl , Say \\'hiefl tlmirtl. 'J'Ilmie : 1:21) : ) . sIbtUN : 1) bLIND 00' . 'L'il Lll'i'tO UNION , Coimtesliiilia ICeep I lie 'orIc ( loltig llri8kly itt I lit , l'lti 'biIrg iil.'t. I'ITTSBURG , i\larclm 20-'l'hun second uiight'I Prehiinlihary OnlI hdeiTiiilfllil bouts ot the ss'euitlm annual tournliiucill : of tue Amer- icaim Athletic ltliioii attracted more timan _ 200 lei'SOuiS to Cycloi-ahiia huh toliigli ( . Fit- teen eveiits ss'erc Phuhleil ott , , tnti ( lie remain- hug filiuls alid seinl-liuials ivill take place on Friday eveuiliig. 'l'ime following tire time stminnini'ies of tonIght's evomits : l'relhniiimnm'3' 115 imottlil boxiimt-0'Cnnnor , 1'Ittsburg 0. L. A. (3 , , clefei.ted Tighir , Scrumil- toll , Excelsior A , C. 1 JoyCe , l'ittslurs , N. , A , C. , ilctcatctl MIt' , l'IttsbtmrgV 11. 23. C. , ( ( % vO mounds ) . I'rellmtiinnm'y wi'cstlliig , 15) potunds-1c- Gi'esv , Pittsburg A. C , , defeated Banks , l'ittslnmrg , B. A. C. l'rc'hiilitlinry 35 Potind 1)OXiiigLOWls , Pittsburg , 1' . . A. C. , defeated Jiechc , l'itts- iurg , O. I , . 'A. C. l'rcllinlnarY 155 1iounhl wrestling-iteiimeclce , Pittsburg , C. ' 1 . V. , defeated Juinison , l'ittsbhmrit , C. A. C. I'relinituiary 1IS hOtlfld wrestling-Cava- 11aug11 , K. A. C. , Pittsburg , defeated fleck of l''lins'iVaiiIa , l'hiliatieiplila. Semt-fluial , 115-hotlntl hmoxlng-Horeum , Iii. A. C. . l'ittsiurg , defeated McGraw , N. A. C , , .4 I'ittsbimrg ; Madden , C.t. . C. Philadelphia , defeated Mitchell , 11. 1. . C , , Fitsburg , Semi-final , 125.pouuid boxing-Caniphieli , 0. I , . A. C , , Pittsbiirg , chefeated MeMalmon , N. A C. , J'ittstihirg. Seini-tlnnl , lb-poulld boxing-1\Itmtzner , S. I. A. C. . New York , got time decision over \\'iltechiecic , C' . A. C. , Plulladelpimla , by a foul. foul.Prehinilnary 115-lOUIill wrotling---flarber , 13. A. C' . , l'ittshurg , defeatehi Ilehrens , M. A. C. . letrflit ; Kerwin , K. . 't. C. , l'itu'hurg , defeateil Cominelh , S. S. A. C. , Pitsburg. Semul-ilnal , 115-pohimlll boxing'-Quiimlm , It. A. CPlttsburg. . defoatett Joyce , N. A. C. , l'itsburg : O'toiiiior. 0. L. A. C. , l'ittshiarg , 4 defeated McNally , 23. A. C. , Pitsburg. ( SinI-liiInl. llii-poiiiuh wrestling-Upton , C. A.C. . . Cleveland , defeated 11111mb , 0 , S. A. C. , l'lttsburg , lIeR Crnlcr llimvs ii Irhver. NE\V YORK , March 20.-IUclmlird Crolcer made his first pureliuse totlay at ( lie sale of trottilig tok at MndIscli Square Carrion. Frank Fox , represetiting Mm , Croicer. bought thii pacer. Itihiy at , 2lt : % , for $1,271. 'ilia total ntmmnher Of horses sold tliirinur ( lie day S.hIH fIfi' , nhlii ( lie toirul recelpN ( $10,515 , nil ; is''rtiuce ( of lt0.10 a hmeatl , l.IcXING'l'ON , ICy. , March 20.-The horse siheio ( OIlIly WCI'O very poor , Foi'Ly trotters aveu'aged $56. 'i'hie liighist price was ( or hilly Voting , cli. rn , , 6 , Young Fullerton- Noru ; , JOlmb I" . I'al-ne , I.xIngtoii , GO0. . , . litinlny had tim , , hlettor of Oriffo. I'IIILADIOIal'IIIA , March : 2G.-'ouuog cruffo ; and Jack hlanlc'y ( ought six lively roiintls at ( un Boumtlmwark AthletIc chub to- nighmt , and whIle no I1lcisiolm SiltS giveli the etihitost chided ilecldedly in favor of Ifanley. ( irI000 ICIIS 'vilelltly not in the best condl- tlon. although lie lsmt up a good clefemise , In the 1:1st : rniihud there was Plenty of iilmarp oxchianieh' ; , Grifto hitting llnmiiey threa ( lInes In m'oturmm. Stmtiioii JUty % i'IIIds Is lottl. IttNlNG , Mlcii. March 20-The famous stallioim , Roy \S'iikcs , tiled ( allOy. 'Vhmen 3 years ohil lie imiaiA an exhibition Imille In 2:13 : and last foil 11 ' iOerehh Ills record to 2:06 : % at NashvIlle. 'i'lio stallion IInS clretl by Rod \\'llkes , son of (1. 1. . Wilkes , Ills thaw was Mary Maya. by Marhirino I'ntchicii , a SOn of Manilirirto Chief , lie was 0 yeare 0111 and was last sold fur 30O00. I I roldil I iii , Ci it Iiit iV I ii gi ii t itt'cci ni , hIALliAX , March 20-Corporal Kutrahaw rf time . h"irat ling's reglneimt , lisa brokem' : ( lie world's record at dub swlngiuig , lie swung ' four-pound c'luiba contlnulolhshy for twelve hours and thirty-one minutes , The best previous record was hiebi In Eqglaimd mind was ' twelve hours 1111(1 ( ( Weihty.hihihh ) mninuitc'g vltla ( wa-pound clubs. \'lhl I'igjt , ? ' , n'lr tIii'ltIa , ONEIIA , N. Y , , Macott 20-George lioilck of Oneida tmnd 1ilhl' 1)amy of Itonie , N. Y , , have sigumeil artlelt's of agreeinciit to tight a. limIted Iitmmhei' of rrunds whtiuhim a radius of fifty himlles of ( lila lte Withihil two ii'eeics a t 1 II ) liUihtl5. 'J'hie i'tlrs'u ' ' seill bu $204) It aid e , lacey lIt svell iiItiS'li Iii New Yotic City , having toughitjacbc lt'nilItt'Y , , J tilt ps'iui ' ! ih ity .1 ii I it I Ii ii i'm , fe'shi , EIYILACU5I23 , N. Y. , March 20.-Toni Edt Is fit't'e In constmltatlon % % 'ihi bIcycle UlaflU- faC'tUielii In relation to John 13. .1ohiunin be. coniliig a professiomial , liii i3y ( hint John. idomi will : ti-ri'u. lucre fi'oin 'L'oi otmto * omnorlow. ivhieim it decision Iii thu mattel' Lviii be ar. iived at. - 1511 rry tutu l.eoit itlgtvlieil tgahtm. CHICAGO , March 20-Jimbmy : Barry an Clapor h.eon have beeii noaLcietl for a fiftien. routni contest to come oft iii ( hi9 lity Marcb ao. Barry defeated Leon last September , hot ( rri'ti up Liii. Plitumil mititi hsist. SOIJ'l'll ENID , 01:1. , March 20-'riils see- tion was visited by one of ( he most re- iuuurlcabk' storuiimt in the Iiijltouy o tltla regiols last liihi ( , Froimi 4 p. m. untIl 2 mc. iii , ( Ito wind 1)1135 % ' eighty niliee an hour from a norlliss'eictei I ) ' dIrection , tilling ( lie air whit autiti and dust causiilg couiipiete cdtlilpeftsioji or travel anti tiullig serIous .umage to pror ; . erty , Wheat imlitl vegetubles iii time sanily low lands arts IOW Iiitidt'im froni view under several inches or dust.U , --U 4)hli-'I'lm.ni i'Iuimgcr's tberscr Ctoietl1 CHICAGO , ? ttnrcli 20.-Ira holmes , 'who had been lrcmlnent ( or mnany years itt local suid tinulielul circles , Is dead , Orlnpe wait ( lie cause. llolnie * was oiue of ltiu hioavk'st of tha olU.Iijne plungets , lie scoreil his grc'lltvst success hut 1581 , wheui hm bailed WIiCai , front $1.00 Lu 11.41 a bushehc arid tiit thu rise of over 40 cents clenroll ° ? ' . lte weu beri In lirocloport , 4