Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    _ ' - . - - .
7 -i- ; , , - - -
: a J THE OMAHA flATLY BEI' " 'PI11'USDAY , AROII 21 , 1895.
- -
, - -
' After an Early Advance Whcnt Wcakmed
: on Bearish Developments
' -
Jhlt fleMon for the Acth\lr \ ot tllat
CerclII Wn I'robably Jna ) . to
81oculnUla Situntlon-Stocks
Rml 13oiilq.
1 CHICAGO. March 20.-After nn enrly
I advlnce wheal wenkclcl todny on belrlsh
flgureH tram the Agricultural deparlment.
Mny closed ' 4c lower May corn lost . { ,
lower. 1n3. oats % O anti provisIons nnlshel slghty
: At the opening wheat waR strong enough
to crelte I mid surprise In the trade. A
rise lt the stat oC tram Ie to e wns tin- .
cxpectNl , from the fact that over n con-
fllerhle area oC the winter wheat belt
COlllol1 rlns fell. The chief reason for the
5 atrenlh wnl Probably , due to pecllalve
pItuatloni. The sellli 'esterll ) ' had been
ot I too sanguIne character , zinc ! I took '
but little to 111' the shorts. Btcadlne lt I'
Liverpool tits ) moring , In the face or 2e
i ceclne here ) 'esterlay and n slight lni.
, and flour .
provement In the Ilrlco or wheal all 1011.
us cabled frol Pnrll at the opening . Ilroved
enough tu Hive the malltel nn Illwnrt push ,
'whlch Met the smaller shorts to buying und
created a nen'ous iwspleloti or the wisdom
ot being Hhort , whIch fuRled ni hour. The I
Jlnlelllllls anti Duluth recelpls tre 2S1 I
carR nlfllst 30J tIle year before Ot lolu"s
receh'IH i1,9IS 1m. were winter wheat , coiii-
pareti with 4S,4)7 ) bu. of winter wheat received -
ceived ut the fume Place a week ago. That
IncreuRu hit the l'ecelllf , or wlntcl' wheul
wus one oC the bearish features IC thc uy's
movement. The market was moderately
nclve for UI hour . and then very dull Im'-
1ng the next hour 1111 a hair , In which the
price for May bad gone from &Gc to from
aGi.c to 5oc und /010 again to 6e. Tile
Inrch report tC Washlnglon Agrlcul-
turn ! bureau RlulHtclul , which estlated
. the wheat IJrodlClol DC the world nt lr'I , '
0. ( hUt more laM year than 11 the year
before , eausel , the market to become quite
wellt In the latter unit or the RcsRlon. JIY
lohl down 10 &c , although closing cohle-
grnms Quoted advances oC 1,4d 1 10 101' ' at
Liverpool , Cd per melt for flour nl London .
the elul\'nlenl oC Ic lIeI ; bushel for March
wheat at InrlR and 1 marlt rise , or % ceI
' 11shel nt Berlin. 'fhe close was weak , al
j t'c to Iic.
. , Cor . alIened . _ . . . _ _ strong . _ _ . . , . and . . , _ _ , after . . . ndvonclnA
; , , ie uouvu tiit ' p. iet JL . l n " . ' "
4 afternoon . ' l tlns Improvement. : The
opening for lay was 47e { early In the day
$ anti gradually began to Rink from that
point until ncnr the elope when II touched
) and there were sellers 01 the close nl
-7cl . Tile dealers . who had been chelv In-
t Itrumeltul In raiding the price for three
or four da's were the most conspIcuous
I lelerl on the bulge cnrly. Newport News
bURluels was saul to huv" been made . IIOR-
t nlble ! only hy I cut In rail rateR of G cents
per cwt. Heeellts tOICY ( were S9 ears and
1GO cars are estimated for tomorrow.
I.- Outs were fulet and ( weaker followIng
corn entirely. Offerings were liberal \ eli
scattered. Tile close showed May nl 2 8C
to 29 ½ c. Early 2'.c . was touched.
The provision market was .1ul and rather
- weak. Hog receipts were 21.0 hel'l In-
Itenl ot 21O& ) henll. os estimated. and 3.0
predicted for tomorrow. At the close today
. the May ( futures , ns compared with ) 'es-
4 terllay are ; Pork and comrarel lower. ribs
unchln ell. Packers were good sellers and
, the demand , was very slack.
3 Estimated receipts for Thursday : Wheat
. 6 carR : corn , 1& cars : oats , 16\ \ curs : hogs ,
3.0 head.
. 'fhe healing ttUre ranged a talows :
.Al es. I O)3il . I iiii I ; . I Low. I C1o33.
' Wllenl.No.2 ; 2
S Narh. . . . . M 54' 14H M
S Ma.I. . . . . cl'n : IG\ 1 M"
.u1y. . . . . . 67 573-1e,6 fG 6G '
C rnjo. 2.
. clr . . : . a ; 4Ok 4r 4r ! .
1L _ 7tny. . . . . 4MI 47 47 47H
July. . . . 46J 47H 46' 4U
4GJ 40WiHI
S. ORI8 No.2. . ;
1 Nay . . . . . 20" 2 ( 2OGi % OH@4
j' June . . . . : ot 2ft4 14en4 21"
July . . . . . . 28 I 284@ :8 ! ' 28 } '
tS Pork ver bbl .
, Ilr . . . . 1 00 1 72 1 I 1 17
Jul . . . . . 1 7 1 OU 1 75 1 87 ,
S Lnn1,10Olbi
, LOrIOO : . . . . . 0 ( 75 I 7/ 0 72 0 75
S Job' . . . . . G 87H U 87 0 87 0 873
'c Short Rib8- .
t 1ay. Rb8- . . . r 75 1 75 I 70 I 70
& July. . . . . . 5 00 G f2 I 87iS 00.
f Cash quotations were ns follows :
FLOUIt-Steatly ; winter teitents , S2.02.80 :
& " FLOUI-Hlruly ) . $2.5J2.GG : Lale" . SI..5f2.2i ;
IS Iprnl patents , $3.10tJ3.50 : .11rlnS straights . 2.F )
WHEAT-No. 2 sprIng . 57tlClc ; No. : red .
1 cnN-No.2. r.c. 45c ; No. 3 yelloW. 414lc. \
w OATH-No. Zc ; No. 2 white . 321.622 ½ c . ;
No. 3 . 32I3 ½ c. \c
R\-I . - . No. 3 & 3o. .
BAIlLFY-No. 2. 4QJ35c ; No. 3 . 12i5Ic ; No.4.
' .
FLAX SElm-No. 1. 11.42.
TIMOTHY SFEL-l'rIme. $ . .C.
1'11OVISIONa-2dess pork per hll. SiI.62'.40
, S 11.65. Lard Ier lOG Ihs. . $6.G7. Short I'lb.
. sides 1. . .1 ( loos. r.w.u ) , . , . .G565..0. h , ' . ' . DI p } .I. ' ' salted y. , Flioulilers " tr n.
r. W"A < . " . " . . . "h . . " . . " . . . U t _ _ " " V.'W'U
, . ; 610. 11ISKY-DIsthhIers' fnlshl goods . per gal. .
'f I1.2t3.
t , ; HU AUS-Cut loaf unChongNI.
I' 1 The following were the receIpts and ehlpmenls
todsy :
h ; 'ArtlcIea. ltecelpts. Shlpmont .
! _ _ _
: Flour. hbis..t O.uou 17.000
S Wheat , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . \.uno ) 0O00
, Conbu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . lG.nOO ) 37.0Il )1.oon ) ) !
. Oat. . ha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . \atl.OO . ( HIOOI ,
S k ltyo bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.000 :1loo :
l , . 11)0 Ilrley. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,000 7.000
- On the Produce occliango today tan butter mnr-
. kot WOI lnn : crt'atiiery . l Ulo ; lolry , 8t17c.
. S ECgB , Iml ; 1012e.
'iS . "Ioalng Qnotl lonl on the l'rllolllal Com'
, ' .S' mod Uo. IUII SIII } " . .
. ' r NI\V YORK March 20.-I"IOUH-neceJpI.
; . S 19. : Lbls. ; exports 12.10 LLls. ; sales . 16,30
' , pkgs. ; weaker ut the close wih wheat and con-
S . eesHlonH were necessary to . , ell. Trle
S . lIght all lay. City mi patents , $3.9
I " (45 ; winter patents . 52.60113.15 ; cIty mi
; clearn 13.25113.30 : wlnler stmaitits . $2.35@2.80 :
, , . ' JUnne.oll patents J.15fj3.75 ; winter extra , . . $1.90
, r ( z40 : MlnoPKol hakpl" . IZ)3. ( ) ; whiter low
, lnJes. $ l.70tf.15 ; spring low 11'"lps. $ ijitJl.9) ) :
, " : spring extras $1.3lj2,3 . . luelwlwal hour . tIull ,
S \ II.G511.G. lye flour , lnn ; Kale. 30 lolr. . ; llul
S i 5erlliu' , $2.90U3.0O : fancy. $3.l0tj3. ) .
lm J g :
> "W1'jd ' - fC1 4901dc. :
t. 11'h-Noiilnai . ; car 101s. Gc ; bOlt 10009. 5
r llAItL1Y-teady ; No. 2 MIlwaukee , 65c. deity.
. el l : tvo.ruwed state . GHl61c ; Cnnallo , 0p73l4c. \
IAIIEY MAL.T-l'lriniy field ; western . 70j72c :
" ) , Nu. 3 wpoler. G8670c ; , Hlxrowe . 73015c ; 7c -
S < 73i75e
Ir"I I. 6UiG6e
CORN MIMI.Stcnll ) ' ; & Ie. . 30 LLI8. . 2.40
ucks ; yellow western , $ iOStjI.12 ; Jrndwlno
' " \ 'S . . )
V1h1iAT-1tccelpts. 41.0 ho. ; exports . 40,100
lln. ; sales f,00,0) bu tUlur. 22,0 Lu. 40.jO .
. , $ pot' 8tealy : No 2 red , In olore and elp\/lor.
.5 , Gc ) ; nlhHI. 61'c ; r. o. h. I , G2\c afloat ; No. / 1
. ' norlhern , 69 ( e lelh'el.l ; No.1 hlrll. ) 7oc il1lv-
ereI. Options opened steady 111 ohllcell , lell'
coverIng. but , ' ' ' ' ,
aitnteOuently rel'Plled
cI'erlng. fLKl'ql I'l I ) tint was generally -
orally dull alll heatirouihoul ) the ffern10n Ien-
. In the , .
rnco or hIgher lute cables and a good ex-
- ' S Ilort bu5InesH : " " . .ed "e lower titan last night ;
No. 2 n. . Marc ) , . closed 60\e \ , : May. GI a.16U
& 61 7.IG. ; clool"G o ; June close GO'c ; Juh' .
, . G h5.16tj61 D-16c. du.ell Glc ; tlgtlst . C1'4tJ' '
II l3.lGt' . < us ell 61\.e ; Iteiltelllber. ' GI 7.1GGIc ,
. S5. cloe.1 GIec : lher. Gatic4c. closed 63e. ,
SSS COItN-ltecelptn . 4.3) ) ) bu ; e'XiOItM . < 3co hu. ;
, S pales . 11.00' ( ' ) hu. , futures . 2'J,1 ' bu. * 3G . Spot
- 'Irm ; No. 2. f'c In store ; yelow. $2c ; . 'ealwr '
C illixtitl 1c. Otlois l.n early on lighter reo
S Cll'l. . butiIg by I'ardl , Idge , anti ) reports , that hs
, would go IUlgerl milon bushels. hut auh.
, > S S lequenty reacted and close uaehlngell to I 1c
. ; . lower : May . 51 li.16t92ie \ . cluee" 51'c ; July .
r- f0J5lc. closed 5'e : September , 1\aI51\lc \ \ ,
1 , coo.d 5 " .
. ? . OA'n-lecelpts. 31.50 bu. ; exports . 100 Ilu. ;
. pales. G3.90) hu. futures. 31.0J epora. . 10 . Hl'ot
S ItNdY ; Nt , . 2. :13J3tc : ; No. S ilellvercil 3ifl3c ;
. Nu. 3. 331 : NQ 2 whIte. 31c ; No. 3 lYhIte. (3c \ : ;
IS track , . whie 'veieru . : ( . OI'lon.Lout whil. 3c
, wi lS ever wIthin 1 narrow -ane and closed
. !
Unciinngetl to
ulchnnge.1 to higher : larch clooed 33c ;
. AI.rl closed * : May , 31"t : c , cioetl 3c ;
, July < oed : % l.
\ Y-Qulel : ShIi'pIrlg f0tJ95o : good 10 choice
I t550
C0U7io. ; S
I" " ) ' , 101'S-Dul ; state . common 10 choice , ohl , 3
, . ( (70' 191 , HUo' ; coast old . 3\HHo \ ; IS9j. COUI' .
U lJkl"lrm ; wel salted. New Orleatis . se-
I. t.
i , I.ct < 'd. 15 to 6 ILo. . $ ift6c \ : Uuenoa Ayres . dry .
S ) ) 10 U Iw. . Utl\ \ ; Texas . dry . U to 30 ) ,
j , ' . INATI n'lrl'hemlok sole . lueno" Ayres .
light 10 hea\ ) ) ' ) ' welg \ Ila. lGttlSc.
tS T ' S , . ' WOOI.lleudn . ; USe . 1612c I'ule.
l'ttO'iSiONS.-lttcf. steady : family . ' I0.C.0J
S 1:0 ; etr" 11.0. $74311) i ) packed . $ S.0e4j9.O < :
. \ock . . (
\ $ .09.
' beet items . ackpd. U."IU.o ; city , extra
C , . In"\1 \ mi. . $ iG.004lS.os. Cut tucats. bteady :
s lickitit bellIes . G.2ttG.f.9 ; ickieij iou1.
16.2tI6.G Irkle
' < er $5 ; pIckled hi.itns . $ S..91IS.7. shoul 1.11 ,
t : steady : western slrm , closed al $7 bid ; oales.
1 z tterces at $ Gi : iIY. 16.C2 $ ; llarch closed
c n $6.97. 10mlnol ; May . $ S6.11 : renne" ,
f steady : continent. $ .4 ; 13. A. .7 ; eoInpound .
I $5.s9U537t . Pork stcid ' $ Iolpund.
t.nPork. elr < ) new mess . 'U.'U1.2 ;
S family . . $ l245tiiL1 ; short clear $13.00.ZjlaW.
e 5e ' StfZ.15 clearl 1' m.Oluu. . 8(13 ; we.l
era crealle ! , UZ ; western factory. 6\tlc \ ;
iiglaa . : hllaJ ( creanll' . 9Ue ; ! slate
lalrr' ) otS : state crumer ohl. 2Otlic. ,
l1 1 I -SI.dY laige. WIB : loC'15c. bql2c ; ;
part sklttis. : \ialie : rul bklm. lti2. 611:0
'JAI.WW-ulrl ; city ( $2 1'11 I > kg. ) , 4 ' .1& ;
country ( lk1 I" ) . 4 116e
' . ' ' l'mJOL.a'-omllali ; Ulted closed lt n.1
( t . JO a S'lm1e ; . tate II 'ernisylyuda . I'Q ' \
S . 1s
. - -
1lcl western II11 , lI4c : southern . UHQII'c ;
rtr.lrt : , . 10.2" , hgs. U\o
1lO.31N.-lirm : stielned . comt . n 10 LOOd. $ I.C
CH/t ? / r.Nrhr.-rlrin , " USI.
rzTINr.rlm : : Jene , ' . $ I.t4) : ? 'ew
fOTA'rO S.l2N
, U2..J. 'olk. $ .37021 ; : Msine 12.1 6275 : .wet8. fl..5
Icr.BttAlh' ; dmest . faIr to extra , 4.U :
6 , , e : 4fr1e ! .
dOi.tS8lR-l'lrmly held ; Nerl 011en18. open
kettle . 01 10 choice 33i130c.
OliN'1 , ' 15--Retidy ; CaUCImI8. : 1. 2.1. U.O : UI'
vf.nA. : . .
MI'\-I'IJ ? 1.fU. lrn1 Quiet : Sotcli . S19.00p20.C0
Atnertceis , $3l,0itI2.t4. Collier Quiell Lroler
prIce 19.40 : U.lt2r. price $9.ltitt9JO. l.cnd
quIet : brokers' lrlc"l U ; exchange prkc. U.I0.
Tin firm : traits . aU.SO < 13.9 : plates . Mcn < )
Ijielter. Irl r : tiotnoStlc . S2\ \ { /3.1. tales cn
'chlM"ge . 2d tens May tin . $13.6 : 10 tons July Un ,
$13 tO. .
COTTON SnED 01.1.nlrl 8tend ) ' : 1u'er.
only takIng sufficient for immedinte ncpdsl ;
IAklnl <
nn prime crude here : prime erule. 22e ;
r crude 20U21c : prime summer yellow , 2G112G\ \ :
eff summer ) 'elow. 21 26. nlllonl : yellow butter -
ler gruies. 2\UlSc \ ; prime summer white , lie .
nominal. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
031.tII.t ' OlNERtI. : MA1tlIT.
Condition ot Trade Rill QuotRton' on
Staple 1011 n'ler Vrotiuce.
haQS-i'er Ioz. . 9UIO.
hIttTTlOl-Cuhlcd iock . CSc : common to fair
hoc : Cnlr 10 goo country lUJ2c ; choice 10
fancy 1IS ; gathered creamer . 1e ; separator
creamery , ISaI9e
I.IVE I'OU/ClY-Uens. 7iSe : young roosters .
G ; ducks 8c : tutke3's 89c ; heavy tonic 1c :
geese Se.
mmSSEP JOU.TIY-Chlcllenp. fair Pie :
choice large . 8l1S'.ic ! : choice emaIl , 5Hc ! ' : tuike)5 .
roll 10 good , 9WIIOe : choleo heavy . 10iI0\ \ :
choice email. 10\11Ic \ : duck , faIr 10 good . 1Se ;
fancy . full < r.sC 1061c : geese . fair to good ,
708c ; faticy . frill dressed , lOfihic.
DAMIO-lilue wing teal. I.el' lloz. . ; JO : green
wing teal I..r deL , s1.2ti1,5O ; tiucke . mIxed per
< oz. , $ l.0QijI.33 : canvanlicks. 1.0i5.o : mallards
an,1 1"1 heaIB. S.r3.0emal rabbIts . tc ,
jack ruLLlls. lIe : iulrrei' . toe.
\\-Choll : fnl. 70 lo 101) ) 11 . . are quote nt
Ge ; large nlli coaree 3if'ic. ,
l'III SI -\\'I.conAII full cream Young Amel-
rA" 13. , ; twIns , 1\c \ : NI'hrsl,1 nail Iowa full
clenin . lie : and Iowa , pal slln. . 7i
8e ; I.ltnIurgcr. No. I , lie ; brick No. I , lIe ;
Hwl.s. No. 1 , 13c
iiAY-1Jland , hay $1 : midland . $ S.GO : lowland.
$8 : r'e straw . $ : .frt : color nialces Ihe prIce on
ha ) ' . light idsades sell the Lest. Only lop grades
bring 101' I.rll' '
IIGEONHPer dos. . $1.
10TATOJS-'Vlsler steel , car lots 75c : mal
IotA. 80c.
O.U IIIIANS-hIand picked , navy , $ : Lima
beans per IL. . 6\e. \
ONIONS-On orders . $1.IOIP.S0 ; per bbl. . $3.
CA IJA ( -OI oriiei . 2 \ tt214c.
CI Irl -Calfurnla. 80e $ fU.0. .
st'ti'i' : I'OTATOI8-Uood slock. $ .5 : Knn.
sas , 12.0'f32.23 ) : seed. $2.251J2.tO.
$2.00(2.2d $2.2f2.M.
' ' . . . .
g'S-Pel' hhl. . $1.90.
cAltllo'rs-l'er hlI. , . n.5.
t.1AULlFLOWllt-1'or crate or a doz. and haIr
CAUII.'LOWI I-lcr Im nnl
Ot two , ioz. , $2.2.
IIOhiiillAIIHII-I'er Ih. , Gj7c.
l'AItSNII'S-l'er LLI. . $2. . .
. ' . . ' . , , '
ltUTAltAfl.S-l'cr lb. l'Ac. 'I '
I'1tihFY-1'er doz. bunches . 3.0 11 < ' I
TUICNII'S-l'er hhl. . $1.50. . : I )
' . . ' , . ' .
l'E.1tS.-,1.'inter Nellie . none.
Al'i'Llb'-Choico : stock . $ l.75W5.00 ; box op-
1'1. . $2.
CHANlmU1E . - Jcrse ) ' . Clncy. $1.5612.0 per
OnANGE8Florlla. , per box . $3.10fl3.75 : Call.
torll Italinods . f75 : fancy nl\als. $3.5.
BANANAS-Choice stoclt $20 2.50 per uneh.
II IONS- hoslnns. sIzes 30 to 3G. choice ,
13.5 : rale ) $3.IIiJISOO. MISCELLANEOUS.
OYSTEnS-Medllm. per can . Ito ; horseshoes
lOc ; extra sI01Iar < . . 21c ; extra selects . 33c : company -
pany f'lects. 26c ; New YOlk counts Wc ; bulks
standard . per gal. , SI.30.
FIGS-Extra fancy 16c ; fancy lie ; choIce I2@
13e ; California . bags . 7c.
HONBY-New York. 161 : dark . He : CalCornla
i10lCe. <
MAILI' ) S'fltJI'-Gnilon jugs per < oz. , $12 ;
BxL ) 6 gal. c.1S. $3.
NUTS-Almond. . 15c ; . Endlsh : walnuts roft.
shelled nuts 8r. . lIe ; standards . 10c ; filberts , 8ige : Brazi
SAVEl KHAUT-Cholce white per Lbl. . IUO : :
per hair bbl. . 13.00113.33.
MINCE M1IAT-Fancy. 11 halt hbl. . per lb. .
5c ; 10.gol. liege Ge ; condensed . per case or 3
< <
110z. pl , . $2.5'
CIDlit-Pure Juice per LLI. . SI : haIr bLI. , $ 3.
nIDES-No. 1 green likies 314c ; No. 2 Seen
hides . 3a : No. 1 green salted hl < es. 5c ; No. 2 :
green saied hides _ 4ic , : No. 1 green salted hIdes .
2 10 11 lbs. . < ; O. 2 green ealted hides . 2 to
to lbs. . 4'.c ; No. 1 veal calf . 8 10 15 ILs . 8c : No.
2 veal calf ' 8 10 1 : ILs. . 6c ; No. 1 dry flint hl < e. .
Gc : No. 2 dry Int hIdes . 5c ; No. 1 dry salted
hles. &c : hart cured blues . \ /O per IL. less titan
fully. cnred.
SUImp PELTS-Green salted . each : . 2S'Gc ;
green salted shearlngs ( abort woolell early skins ) .
ouch . Mi150 : dry shearlnl" ( short woolr early
skIns ) . No. 1. < each . & 10c : dry sheorl"s ( short
wotled early .Ilns ) . No.2. each 5c ; dry hint
Kansas tad , Nebraska butcher wool 1'11" per
lb. . actual welgliL G'6c : dry flInt Kansas and
Nebraska murrain wool pelts . per lb. . actual
Weight lfJCc : dry hint . Colorado butcher wool
pelts . per lb. . actual weight HI61.e : dry _ flint '
ColOrado murmln wool pelts . per IL. , ICtua
weight . 4016c.
TALLOW AND OnEASE-Tnlow. No.1. 4c ;
tallow . No.2 , 31\c \ : grease . whIte A. 3ij'c ;
grease. white H , 30 : Slen e. ) 'clow. 3c ; grease ,
dnrl . : \ (3c ; old butter. 212c \ : beeswax prime ,
173c : rough tallow . Ic.
FUnS-Denr. blac . No. 1 large. $0.0 2.O :
No. I medium. $5 : No. 1 small. $8.0J@10.0 : bear
black . ) 'callnls. No. 1 lar/\ . $12.000J15.00 ; No. :
medIan $0 ; No.1 .II. $ i : bear lilack nuhs
No. 1 large . ' 6.0 < 8.0 : No. 1 medium . S.Of6.0
No.1 emaIl. U : II'ar. blael , . Montana ' and n0kJ
mountaIn . Nu. II . rll' . $ IS.OOf2).O ) : No I medium
IU : No. 1 small . $1'J ' ; henr. black Montana year-
hinge No. 1 large U2 ; No. 1 medium IS : No. 1
email , $5 : bear. Linck. Montana cubs No. 1
Inrge. $0.50 : No. 1 me.lll. UO : No. 1 small .
$3 ; bear sliver tip , No. 1 large . S20 ; No. 1
medium . $2 ; No. 1 small , $8 : bear slIver tip .
) 'pnrlnls. < No. 1 large ' 1 : No. 1 ml.llm. $8 :
No. 1 small . $5 : bear silver tip . cubs . No. 1
111'le. $6 : No. 1 medIum $ .5 : No. 1 small . $3 :
bear . brown No. J lare. S20.of25.o : No. 1
lelhnn. $16 ; No. 1 cmxli. $2 ; bear brown ) 'enr-
liars . No.1 large . $0.0(12.0 ; No. 1 medIum sa ;
No 1 small . $6 ; bear brown. cuts No. 1 large .
$7 : No. 1 medium $5 ; No. 1 small . $3 ; badger
N" 1 large . 11,00111.50 ; No. 1 I.dlul. tile : No 1
small , toe ; usher . No. I large . S ; No. I medium .
SO ; No.1 small . $ ; fox , sliver , os to color. ae-
cording 10 L'nuly. No. I huge , . $00 ; No. 1
medIum. $60 ; No. 1 emaIl . $ :0 : fox , cross No. 1
large 1 ; No , 1 medium. $3 : No. 1 small. $ :
fox , red , No. 1 large . n.W ; No. 1 medium . $1.25 :
No. 1 small . S ; fox gray No. 1 large 75c : No.
1 nieilium . roe ; No. 1 Jroy\ , \ I. 40c ; fox kits . No. 1
large & 0 ; No.1 tnedttm . 40 : No. 1 small. 30c ;
lynx. No. 1 large $ : No 1 medium , . $2 : No. 1
small . 51.50 ; marten No. 1 large $2 : No.1 me.
dlum. $1.90 : No.1 small , $ : mink No.1 large .
GO6ic ; No. 1 medIum , 400 ; No. 1 sml1 . 35c ;
mink dnrll. No. 1 large Gc ; No.1 medium . 40c :
No. 1 small . 30 ; mountain 101 , perfect II'nll
and feet No. 1 large . $ J.C01)2.o ; Imperfect sltins .
S6.0qnO < : No. 1 sloall . S5 : otter . inle No. 1
large . 1 : No. 1 me < ium. $5 : No. 1 small . $ :
raccoon . No. 1 large G@70ci No.1 medium Soc :
No. 1 small. SIc : raccoon . 'black . as 10 beauty .
No. I large & 0e0J12.00 ; skunk black caseil nar _
row stript-il. No. 1 large . 5 ; No. I medium . 40c :
No. 1 small . 2e ; skunk . broad striped . No 1
large . 201i33c ; wolverine , No 1 large . $ ; No. 1
metltuiii . S3 ; No. 1 small . S21 ; wolf mountain No.
1 large , n : No.1 medium $2 : No.1 small . $ .LOI ;
wolf , \rlrle. \ No. 1 large C5190 ; No. 1 medIum ,
toe ; No. 1 small . 40 ; Lea\ ' r. per skin No. 1
large . S.of6.o ; No. 1 medium . UO ; No 1
small . $2 : beaver kits . No. 1 large. U : No. 1
m"llum. $ I.G ; No. 1 small . 75c : muskrats , win.
ter No.1 large. 8@IOc : No.1 medIum Dc ; No.1
small . 7c : mUhkml" , fail. No. 1 lone , 41/G ; No. I
medium 7c ; No. 1 small , Ce ; muskrat kits 261.
Jv"rpool Markets.
IIVI HIOI" , March 20.-WIIIIAT--Sieady : dc-
maoll per ; No.2 red winters . . Dd ; No. 2 rell
tl.nnK. r. lid ; No. 1 hOld Manitoba . Ste 3,1 : No. I
Clorln , 5s 3d. 1.'utur"s ol'elCI quiet and un-
changll. hut later 1LI'ale"1 ant , closed Irm with
near and distant positions ' .6\ \ d hilher : busl.
aces heaviest "n mldle , posItions ; Maccl 4I :
April. 4 ISd. 4 \ . : Ma ) ' . j Dld ; June , 4" Dd \ ; July ,
COllN-iOpot firm ; Amllon mixed new h 3id.
Futures opened ilrnt. wih near positions jl ,
S higher In.\ \ distant Jooliuns H < higher ; closed I
steittl3P with March uticitange1 . antI other months
IHfl % ,1 , hlghel' : business heaviest on neal ut and
moot dl.lult 1'001101. : Miucli 4B 3 < ; Apri. 40
3\.d \ ; May . 4H 3.d ; June . 4s 33d : July . I. 3"ll ;
. \ulnol. j > 31\d. \
1"I.UH-Jul , demand poor ; St. Louis fancy
winter 115.
l'Ilfll.'tSflPsS-.llneon. , . , . , , .
' i.f.ONRH .n. Iint ! ninrlcpf n. ! ( 'nm.
h'ri - cut , -z lo-3j l ; , ' Ils , n CII : short rIbs , 2S
Ibo . 30 ; long clear light . 38 to 45 ILo. , 31s : long I
rh'lU heavy . r. Il's. ' , 31 G : short clear backs ,
light , 18 ILa. . lbs Gd ; short clear bellies . 1 to IG
IL. . 35. Shoulders , square , 13 to 18 Ih. . : s.
Itants . Bhort cut . U 10 16 lbs. , 4 . Tailoie' . line
N. . \ . notiiinal Iteef . extra India bees . los ;
Ilrlmu nwss fda. I'orlc , I'rhle mess fine weat.
era , SOt 3d ; I.rlme mess medium. SIs : Lard
'Iulet : prime western , 3b 3 < ; refined , 11 pails. 33s.
CillOl'Hi-Qulet : demand nderle ; Ine > t
American . white . lOs C ; finest American colored .
lfllT'l'lIlt-S'ine.t U. B. 75s : good. Mo.
COTTON sEi3t ) lol reilned . GII.
1110v15l01ltATolt : 1il31O1"-1'orcquarters. 4d
hlnl1luarl1 \"IUUA Ti . 1II'JIl"or'quILrlers. 4,1 :
liOl'zi-At London . ( Pacific coast ) . U lOs.
)1101& City " Narkels
KANSAS CiTY March ) . -WHFAT-I"lr ;
No. ' . Z lined . 52It 2 ' .e : No 2 red . tIc : re-jected .
OnN-l lrler : \e higher ; No : mixed . lIe ;
No. : \ hl.4c. .
SIc. OA'l ' -ulet ; No. S mixed . hue : No. 2 white .
3e.IV.I"lrm : No. 2 . L2
'I.AX Sm O-lul. $ .30. '
1II1AN-l'lrm : n01 , "
litY-tinchanged .
IA Y-Unchana.
' ' . .
IIUT'l'lIt-Q 11 let
I : OO8Flrler lt 8\Uj'c. \
Uuluth Whllt llrk"t
nUItlTI. Mlrch 1O.-\'lllIAT-W'ak ; No. 1
her < . cash and slarfli 61"c ; May . 6c : July .
6c ; No. 1 northern . cash and March 60l' : .
lu ) ' . ClSic ; JulGHc ; 1"I'tember. 5Sc' Nu. Z
norlhern. cash , . 67c ; Nd. 3. 5lc : rejected . 61"0 ;
10 arrive . No 1 hard . 61"0 ; No , 1 northern , j1 c.
IuKar Alarket
NIW YORK . Inrch 2-iUO.\H-Rw. firma ;
sales . & 0 tons ) lu60\'ud. . 6 test , at : 31-ICc :
laIr r\Jnlni. 2 U.1Gei ; centrifuai . W teM \ Ie.
i : ' -n nITIMll , ln- ' ' '
' -
RefIned , Icndr' No. e , I 0-l 3c : No. ' . StW
I ) .IG , No. 8 , 8-ICc' No O. $ ' 1083 7-11 ; No. h.
.1&01' m11
3 1.lsUo : No. 12 3 1.l6t3'4ci : No. 1. Ie ; off A.
IV2't : mould A. 4 a-IUNac : alnndfrd A.
3 U.J.tHe : confectioners' A , 3 & .16U5 ; cut 10)11 ) .
4 .IClnc $ ; crushed . I D.16174c ; l\ 4 3.le
U'Ie ; granulated . 3 l5-lGt$4'.4o : cubes . 4 Nefc. !
Thuc 'fRI R HRlt ieJterl1r In the Upworll
Jo".18It of Seenrlte , .
NIW YOnK , March 20.-Timere WaR 0 hal
tolay' In the upward movement which tins been
In force o the ' Stock exchange during the past
few dn.A. I I not to Le wondered nt that there
sliouki be n break In the adl'anclnl column
which so son after I mot , lshcnrlenlng set.
back lard male 0 sharp . r"co\'el ot lost
Iroun < . The small operators who materially n-
II.lel In the rise In elockA nCle" largely on faith
II the leaders of the market and II IB not sur-
prtAln that , ns they dil today they should en.
den\or 10 secure part of the Jrns or their ven-
turl nnll lAke n \ review of the sItuation . I
vils Partly . tine to realizing palei n heavy lIe.
crease In the Volume "f foreign Purchases nn.1
i'Mlhly 1 desire on the part of the I.ul clIque
to let price . go down 0 few poInts . with the
10 )
vlet- ) Inercnslnj the short interest In the
market , that share \'aluel .lepr"clnl.1 10IA , ) ' .
There marked res.ttre 10 sell Oxcept . .
was no mRkelll'rc..ure eel per.
hnl' , In SUlaI and the gmanger , . Sugar Wa
first and the grngers led II the general list In
the reaction. There was no t\'I nce "f wpnk-
ness nl the opening nail during the first hour
of business Prices li'MCPII. hut II\rlnl the eec-
nail , hour there Was sharp pelting of HugoI lucre
on rumors that Insilers w.rl \ liquidating . end the
" 1iate . took u .Iownwnrll t\ln. the moslem num
her of the .hore trn.IC In participating l In Ihe
rlce"slon. The depression continued uncheetell
dllnl the early afternoon . hut around , 111'1\,1
honr there w"rarlal reo\'erlt. speculatIon
1'collnlleehlell ) \ Irregular In the Innl .lcllnl'
AI time lowest point today the declineS from the
high prices ot time momlnl nero l4 per cent 11
. ' , cent In leimtwmuro
New .leMey Central , 1\ \ . per " nelnwlQ
& lu pen nnl , Corl1al8 KURrnlped nnll 1l . per
cent < the other shnrrs which Jon < the 10wn.
wnrd mo\'emenl. lalle8 In the later trading
Irsoenel time loss n fraction . Thele were n num-
lice or shares , notably the specialties . which were
strongly lucid IhrllRhout anti which showed gaIns
un the In ) ' . Including : Oregon Imptovetnent . 3'
1'1 cent ; St. Paul Minneapolis & Idatiltolin. 3
Per cent : Pulmnn. 2 I'l'r cent : New York l'll-
C"IU & HI. Louis . , eUul preferred , ' \'heelnl & Irlo I.rferred enl Stocking Coal , \ Ipe
"pnl , nn,1 I.e"the preferred. gllsln mecllo ( f
New York Ind Iowa Central preferred 1 percent
. well . arni mails 1
cent Distilling was wel supported IUII
1 gain ur I per cent on rsl"III"R eloslnR. ,
The trust receipts were tenl In for the first :
titno and so"l 1 per cent above the stock , owlnl
II the fact Iml the first S per cent lustalm.nt
ot the aA..mellllpr the IPornllznton Plan
haul 10 tie plil before time Issue of trust recc pts.
The market WIS unKrllel at Ihe ( eluse .
' he trading In bonds WU9 smewhnl Irregular
nt times hut prices generally rlrort11 un n' .
vance on tIme lu ) ' . Time aggregate snIps were
The I \ 'enlnP"ol'A London , cablegram "ns :
The stock malkels were good today . but closed
generally below the Ile"l. nrnln . after the
hou" / clOe,1 , were entirely checked by the rommel -
nuotion or the Houth Afrlcml market , In which
mol street dealing lund grown tu such an extent
Ihat the street was blocked anti four brokers
Were arrested for ohstrclnl the llrUlhfule
anti 1 line Imposc1 upon them. The street tc
night Is blocked with Indignant , proleoll'
brokers . who are demonstratIng their right 10
Ileal In Throckmorlon strcel. AmerIcans opened
11cm. There were more liurchases from Ihe con-
Irl. . Including Germln ' . The absence ot pub-
lie Interest induced realizations later anti the
tone closed weuler.
The following were the closIng quotations on
the leading stocks or the New York exchange
today :
Atchison. . . . . . . 4d } Northwestern . . 01"
Allnl8 Express . 13 .N. W. \tll. . . . . 137
Alton . T. H . . . . 20 N. Y. Contral. . . 14411 .
Alon. t4J
Am. Exlre8s. . . . ll N. Y. I N. fJ. . . . :1 :
lalhnor \ Ohio. 0:334 : Ontario & W. . . lH (
Canada PacIfic. . . 3n Oregon Imp. . . . . 10i !
Canada Southern . 41131 ' Oreron Nay. . . . . 1 ,
Central Pacltlc . . 17' O. S. L & U. N. . 4J'
Chca. I 01,10. . . . 17t Paclie Mall. . . . 434
Chleaao AitOn. . . 10 I' . D. " I. . . , . . 4'
c. Il..S. Q. . . . . . 72" ( 'Pltsblr . . . . . 115 . !
Chicago tins. . . . . 'W } ( l'itlltnan lalaco. 111
Consolidated Gas 13234 l'nlmal . . . . . . . IOi
C.C. C. &St. I. . . . 132' ! Ieallnl. I . . . . . . . .
Colo. Coal " Iron . f334 It. G. W. p10. . . . . 37
Cotton 01 Cert . . 25 Iock lelatid. . . . . fl31 ,
Delaware & lIud . 12t ) St. t'atii . . . . . 51' (
Del Lack. . . W. . 1GH do Pfd. . . . . . . 10
D. & n. O. pld. . . . 35 % St. P. & < Omnha. . . 3Hi
D.&C. F. Co. . . . 35' dopfa . . . . . . . 300
Erie. . . . . . . . . . H" Soulhern Pacific . 17"
do pM. . . . . . 17 Sugar Rolinery . . . 0734
'Fort Worne. . . . 15434 Teun. Coal & Iron 1034
C . Northern old . . . 302 Texas l.acllc. . . . I (
C. . . E. I. utd. . . . OH' ' . &O Cent. pr. ] 1
10clllgVnley. . 231 Union Pacific. . . . I"
IllinoIs Central . . $634 U. S Expre' . ' , . . . 40 .
St. P. St Duluth . Ii : , W. St. t. & P. . . ;
I5. & T. I" . . . . 21 do pM. . . . . . . lU
Lake Erie I Wcsl 17 Wels Fargo Ex. . 103
do pfd. . . . . . . . 72" % Farto Ulloll . 87'
Lake Shore. . . . 17 Wheehl & L E. 1234
Lead Trust. . . . . . 30 10 pM. . . . . . . . 4234
Louisville & N. . . 1" M. & St. L. . . . . 20 %
J. I N. A. . . . . . 7D..1t.G. . . . . . 201 (
ManluattanCon . . . 10834 O. E. . . . . . . . . . 32
'Metnolule&C . . . 10 N. L. . . . . . . . . lIt I
Michigan Cent. . . 12 % C. F. . . L. . . . . . 2334
MIs80uri PacIfic . 213.4 do pal. . . . . . . 10
' Mobile &Oliio . IG II. < & 'r. < C. . . . . . 2 !
'Nashvle Chat . 03 T. A. A. & N. M. . 234
. NatIonal Cordage . 431 ' 1' . Sl. L. & K. C. . 1 ,
Nntonal . Corale. . . . . 41 .do\Cd. L & . . . . . 7
: N.J. Central . . . . 02H S. It. \ . . . . . . . 1
N. I 'V. pra. . . 13)4 ) do Ifd. . . . . . . . 3.
North Aiti. Co. . . ! Am. 'rob. Co. . . . 03
Northern Pacific . 3' do pfll. . . . . . 107
No.Pae. , pItt. . . . . 1534 St. P. . M. & M. . 100
I 15J
U.p.D.&G. . . . 904 .
' hid. .
Total snIps or slacks today . 212.61 .hnrcs , In-
eluding : American Sugar 21.10tehlson. : . 3.50
; llurllngton . 4.G ; ChIcago Gus. 60 ; DI.Hlnl.
32.000 ; Geneml Electric. 10.70 ; LouisvIlle &
, No.I1I" . 6.Do ; New Jersey Central , 8.40 : New
YOk & New England . thinl seo.ment paid .
aIOO ; Northwestern , 5.5 : Iteatllng . 1.90 ; Hocll
. . Island . 4.70 ; SI. bouts & Southwestern Pacifc.
6.\lJ : < SI. 1111. 18.G : Silver certillcatee . LO ;
i Southern Hnlloa < , 4.0 : Southern Railroad pre.
. rerre , 4,90 ; WheelIng & Lake Erie 6.3 (
; Now York Money Mnrket.
. NEW YORK . March 20.-MONEY QN . \ ! . - .
Easy al 2340J3 per cent ; last loan 3 per cent : '
closed . 3 per ceot. :
I XCnANGE-EMle. with actual business In
latikers' his nt $4.S90jiSSt' \ . for demanl and 11
$4.S1'Wi.S8 . for sixty .Ias ; posted nites $ .6 % @
4.90 : commercIal bills . $47 % .
BIVml S-I.i6Ic.
GOVI.INMI N' JONUI-StronS. State bonds .
dull. llllrond bonds . irregular.
< ClosIng quotations on bonds were ne follows :
U. S. 4a , reg. . new. 12U % 'D. & it. U. 7s. . . l- (
U. S.35c00Putew. 120H I'eIt. . ' G. 4e. . . 81
U. S. 55. coulnew. . . . lM frledR. . . . . . . tH
U. B. 18.COlp. re. . . 1IH 0. II. & S. A . tie. . . 101
U. S. 48 , reg. . . . 11 G. It. & S. A. 7R. . 100 (
Ii. S. 4..colp. reI. . . 12 .H. . . T. O. tilt . . lU5 %
'U. S. \ . reg. . . . J5 do Os. . . . . . . . 101"
. ' l'aciflo Us or 'U5. 1UO M. K. & T. 1Rt 4a. H2H
Ala. ClasS A. . . 115 do 2 < 4R. . . . . . rOJ
Ala Class U. . . . 10G % 'Mulual ) Union tie 101 )
.Ala. Ca.s C. . . . 05 } N. J. C.Gen.IR. . , 12
'Ala. Cnrreney. . 05 ) No. Pac. 11R. " . . 1:1
La. New Coti. 48. fi : 102 R . . . . . . 5734
'Missoturt tis . . . 100 N. ' \ ' . < ConaoI8. . . HO
.N. C. Os. . . . . . 127 do S. F. Dob. ( s. lOl
'N. C. 18. . . . . . . 100 n. G. ' Vet. Isttt . 13734
S. O. noitfund . . . Hi 'SL P. Consol 71. 12.
Tcnn. 110W set Oa. 84 'do C. & P. W. ( s 11
'Tcnn. IOW new Ket 08 lilt SI. < L. . I.M.Oen.l. 7234
.Tenn.ol Os. . . 00 St. L.k S.F.Gen.l. 104
'Va. Centuries . . 11 Tex. Pac. lets. . . . 87
flodeforred. . . . I I do2ds. . . . . . . 2M'
Atchison 48. . . . . 13133.4 U. P. lets or ' 00. . JOH1 :
do 2d A. . . . . . 18 West Shore 4R. . . 10.H
Clnadn So. 2dR. . . . 1)nl . . : So. it. I. . . . . . 8HH
c. I' . lets or ' 05. 100' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
S bid. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
811 lrauellco MInIng luc\ Juotatlons.
SAN FRANCISCO . March 20.- -Tim omclal clo.-
log uotatlons for minIng stocks today were o.
In. quolatons
Alfts . . . . . . . . . \5 Halo & Norcr08s. 100
AlpiinCon . . . . . . H Julia. . . . . . . . . . I
Anfles. . . . . . . . 27 Justice. . . . . . . 17 ,
Uolehc. . . . . . . 43 ICeltucky Con . . . 4
heel & iloiclior. , . lB Mexican. . . . . . . . 81
lell & 10Icher. . . . . . . . 13/ Nouut.Dlablo. . . JO
Itimlllon. . . . . . . . \n Ocldeltal Con . . 8 '
Itulwcr Coti. . . . . 20 Ollhlr. . . . . . . . 170
Caledonll. . . . . )1 ) O\erman. . . . . 14 '
Chiallonc COl. . . 31 J.OI081. . . . . . . . . 10
Chalenlo Cholar. . . . . . . . 31 Savage . . . . . . . au :
Confidence. . . . . . 136 Scorpion. . . . . . . G
Con. Cal lt Vu. . . . 280 Sierra Ne\.ada. . . 80
Con. ImperIal. . . . 2 Union ( :01. . . . . 02
Crown Point . . . . 40 IHal Con. . . . . ' . I
aoold Ot Curr ) . . . GO Yellow Jacket. . . 18
Silver bars 0334to0334c. Mexican dollars . 5JQ
Stver 03Ha03\e.
elSIe. Drafs. ehrht. 7340 ; lcte rnphlo. 10 <
An nsKP.ment or 10 cents a share hoe bet'n
le\1l' oa Occidental ( .
loson Stock ( Juotistlone.
10ST . Marh 20.-Cal ] 0011. 4W5 per cent :
Iliac 10anK. .Ib per cent. Ololnl prIces for
tme IloclS. bOaOa and Ilnlol 8hnroll :
A ' 1' & 8. F 4 ' .Vti8tFntlpttl H7i !
. . . F. . . . . , Ir. . .
Ant. Sugar. . . . . . 17 WOKtnth.Jlo. . 3H :
Aiti Sugar pfd. . . 02J W. EIec. IId. . . . 00
hay State . Oa8. . . 11 Wla. Conlral. ( . . . 834
lel ' .olol.holo. . 10:11' : AlehlsJI 2ds . . . . 31
10alol&Albany. lull . AlehlMOl1 Is. . . . (1(154
liouton &lilaine . . 102 % Now England 01. 10i !
do lfd . 1nlle. . . . . . . 1021 Geit. leelrlo : Os. . H7' !
C. l.&Q. . . . . . . 72' ' Wis. Cent . late . . f %
Fitcltburg. . . . . . 13 108\n & Montana 36"
Gen. Electric . . . . ' 0254 Ilte & 10slon. . 034
( it'll. Elec. pItt . . . oa : Cilulet & leels 2AO
Jlnola \Cd. . . . 4204 Cenl.nnlal. . . . . 00
Mexican Ceutral . H S'rankllti. . . . . . . 1134
N. Y..N.E. . . . 141 lfeamrge. . . . . . , 7H
OldColony. . . . 1lU Osceola . . . . . , . . 20
On' . Short ) Line . . G qulncy. . . . . . . . . 100
Rubber. . . . . . . . . 4Ul Tantarack . . . . . . lOB
tlttion' l'acltlo . . . I" , Wol\crlned. . . . 2"
We.tEnd. . . . . . 01 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
London Htook ( , Juolistlone .
LONDON March 20.-lp , tn. clolhlf
Cat , . l'acilto . . . . 8114 St. l'mtuut coma. . . . OB (
Edo. . . . . . . . . . 034 ! N. Y. Cemitrat . . . III
.rl02dH. . . . . . . 13054 Pell > lvaulad' 5134
Ill. C""lral. . . . . HU lttmo4liig . . . . . ' . / I
Nexicatuonllnary . Ja M" , " . Con . new4. OHi
hAlt HnB- 15,16 per ounce
24ONlla'-It I' . etnl.
'rho rate of discount 11 Ibo open market for
short bills old three months' hills . 134 \ per cent .
New York .UIIIg ( Juotistloas.
NtW YOJK , Mlrh 20.-116 Calowlua are the
closlagrniulng Quolalol8 :
Ilulwer . , . . . . . . 21) OntarIo. . . . . . . 7:0
Cholor. . . . . . . 47 Ophlr. . . . . . . . . 171
CroWI polul. . . . 38 Plymouth . . . . 20
Con. Cal ' . I Va . . 271 QuicksIlver . . , 250
UeisdWoOd . . . . . 40 Quicksiver. . . . . 160U
Gould .It Curry. . 6U SIerra Nevad' . . Hit
Ille & Norcroiee . 10 Standard . . . . . , : lU
Staldnr . :10
Uoole.lako. . . .1700 Union Con . . . , , . no
Mexicali. . . . . . . . 00 Yellow Jacket..s. . I
5'"I J I ! _ " .I-i. ;
. - - -
Receipts Moderlt' ' Show n Good In-
crease Over LiU'Week's Figures.
local Slntjhttrrr'TRt Nearly , All Offered
at Strong l'rl'HIlUnter UrRd11 1
811110 ElriiictLL'Iltgs ? JIUJO
Lower to Steady .
'VgDNESDA , March 20.
Recelpls ot mull kInds were moderate today .
n total of 12 cars nrr'lng. Hecelpta for
the past three days , ns compared wIth arrivals -
rivals the first halt at Insl week show nn
Increase ot 2.2 cattle anti 2,80 hogs and
I shortage ot about 80 sheep.
Cattle receipts were n few hundred
heavIer than I week ago , but Inclmled In
the nrrlvnls were seven loads oC cattle
bought by } nckera nl Kansas City alit ) con.
sIgned to them direct. The proportIon oC
beet cattle InchHled In the offerIngs was not
very large n good share at the arrIvals
being stock cattle . A sharp advance II
prices nl Chicago en used a corresllolHlng
bulge here , and the market ruled actIve ,
With prices all or I dime higher ( bali 'rues.
dl ) ' . Dresselt bee men were nIl good
buyers on account of the snpply beIng 10
smnl , anti nearly everything that sold vent
to local slntighiterr . A few of the best
loads offered sold nt $5.10 to $5.30. wIth tall
to poor stuff selling at tram $4.Sj down .
Some good hay fed Utah cattle . averaging
1,181 Ibs. , sell for $43. . The tone to the
trade was deedellt bullish . and I good
early clearance was mnde.
Thc suppl ' oC ' '
) butchers' nnd cannerR'
atur was insIgnificant . anti ns both local
houses anti outsiders were wanting supplIes ,
wnntng snppleR
the trade ruled brisk timid prices strong.
Veal calves were II tolerably liberal supply
nHI prices were nol more thaii steatly
while the market for btiils . stags etc. . ruled
active IHI a shnde llrmer .
There was I fairly brisk trRlc II stockers
anti feeders . prices averaging 1 shade
stronger all arotind. Several good reentry
orders were received and liberal
Ind Ibernl shIpments
were made to the countr ) ' . Olod 10 choIce
feeders are quotable nl $3.350J3.85 ; faIr 10
good $3.00013,33 . and common grades from
$ tiown. Uelrcsentolve snles :
DRESSED 1ilrilr1.
Xo. APr. . Nu. A\ . Pr. No. APro
6..126 $3 r 9. . h88 $1 &J 5..lG $4 8.
I6..10 39 2..15 $ ro 2l . . Ills $ J
3. . . 566 3 140 4..15 470 18..1325 S 2.1
1. . 8. 4 ( & . .115 470 23..1243 I 2
G..901 . 42 t 1..1S 475 1..10 0 30
23.I167 4 to I..I200 47d : ;
8. . . 9S 3 G .
1. . 710 I 0 6. . 93C I7d 2..1025 2 C5
3. . 816 1 2 5..106 1 75 3.)0 275
4. . . DS 1 2 1. . . G90 1 85 2..1i15 215
1. . ; 140 2. . 540 185 2..1i . . . 27d
3. . . 925 140 1. . 950,2 0 7. . DI 275
4..760 ) 10 2. . S. 20 ) . . . S 27 :
1. . . 770 I GO 1..1G . 20 17. . lIt 2 SO
1. . 82 1 60 1. . 8 : 2 0 2..13G 2 80
1. . . 790 1 G 1. . 830 2 ( 2. . 10 : 9
) . . .1010 1 ro 1. . . ' 10 2 ( 2. . . 925 3 (0
I. . 870 1 ro 1. . . 120 : 0 2..92 . . . 70 30 t
1. . . D2 1 60 1. . . . 840 200 1. . . 840 00
) . .100 16d 2. , . . 9341 2 Ii 3. . . DI3 305
6. . 840 16 : 1..920 , 225 I. . . 820 32
5. . . 932 1 70 4. ) ' " 59J 2 : 1..110:1 : z
1..120 17 : 1. . D70 240 9. . 86 32
1. . 980 17 : l..j. . sio. 2 so I.2 O 335
12. . 966 1 7. 1 , . 820 260 2..IOGO 33i
2. . 8 : 1 7d' 1. . . : 914) 260 6..1013 : 5
4. .107 I 7 : 0 . . 70S 2'0 4..137 3 G
1. . . 9 175 1..12 2 G
3..3G 1 50 In.5GO 210 1. . . 48 2 :
5. . 312 1 70 ) ' . .6U 210 2. . 583 290
9. . 2S1 170 6. ( , . 5G 210 1. . GG 27 :
1. . 39 20 3..331 . . . 230 1..120 : co
4. . 362 20 & .1. & 7 230 1. . 420 30
1. . 7G 2 0 2. . . 533 235 23. . 761 3 35
7. . . 14 1 71 1. . 220 30 2. . 20 40
1. . . 210 1752. . ; , 9t 00 1. . 2GO ' 4 0)
9 30 .
I. . . 'O ,20 , 2./ISO , 30 2.IS0 , 410
I. . 30 2 I 1. . Ill ) 360 7. : 310 40
1. . 20 21i 8. ! . 18 3 r.o . 1. . . 181 ' 4 :
3. . . :10' 2 51) : 4. ' . IL 35 4. . . )80 4 5
1. . no 25 ) .1 : . 10 375 1. . )9J 475
1..2025" , 1..jO.3W. . 1..16 4&
1. . 20 . 2'W ' ' l'I.I 40' . . I , . . )30 . 4 f t
1. . lo 3'j' .1
, - ' nUI.LS.
3. . 913 1 r I.G9 22 ; 1..130 200
1..130 I 6 : 1..13G 235 4..1225 2 G
1..1210 17d 3 . . . . . ,7O 240 ] . . .lOlO 200
1.)210 175 1. . . ] : 240 1. . ,12O ) 2 f
1. . 740 2 0 2..1 245 1. . . 9f ' 275
1..101 20 1..153 245 1..12GI ) 2$0
2..103d 221) 1..1 , & 2 t 8. . 83 200 )
1..1S 22d 1..1330 250 1. . . 70 30
I. . . r& 20 12. . . 81G 30 13. . . 75 330
6. . . 34 20 )2. . . 5S' 30 32.7. . . 8330
I. . . . 49) 2 : 15. . 591 3 0 2. 2. . . 72i 3 40
8..420 225 15. . 716 30 111. . . . 846 340
1. . 640 22 ; 8. . . 462 30 8. . 712 3 n
1. . 6 2 25 22. . . 848 310 & 1. . 842 340
2. . . 915 2 G 4. . G72 310 7. . .61 3 40
1. . 910 25 15. . . 62 310 1. . . D2 35
I. . . 740 2 G 4. . S11' 3 10 2G.)06 35
I. . 670 2 G 1. . 70 : 3)5 21. . Sj 35
5. . . GI 2 G' W. . 59 315 . 2. . 6i5 3 W
4. . 473 275 3. . 'GO 3) . 28. . 'H 3 W
D. . 6Z 2 s 39. . . 69 315 30. . 73 3 55
13. . 63 285 43. . . 769 32 : 2..101 3 GO
4. . 68' 28d 2. . . 35 320 21..108 3 G
3. . . G5C 285 2" . . . G73 330 2. . 70 375
1. . mol : 90 19. . 610 20 2..IOG 3 M
. . .
27 : : : : G20 20 2. . . G72 33 0 : : : : Wl 3 so
Ill . . 4' 30 ' )8. . . GS8 33
Den Ilaywood.
No A\ ' . Pr. 10. Av. Pro
1 cow..12 * 3 75 2 t-teers..1000 Ii 10
$ $
30 steels. . . . 995 410 2j .leers..18J 435
IIOUS-fleceipts today were about 20 heavIer
titan Tueslto and 80 heavier than n wee ago.
The hogs were not nearly B good lS on 'l'ueedmuy .
either In quantity or qUllt ) The market opened
out weak and about n nickel lower on all grades.
On account or the slump In provisions ) 'eter-
day . packers Insisted on lower prices. 'fho , , < 1.
ton of eastern markets os Indicated Ly time
early reports was nol such K. 10 encourage speculative .
ulative oi > eratttmnm and shipping orders were him-
ulatve oerlons < .hl 1m-
lied nnll mostly for light \ellhl stuff. The com-
man 10 ehol butcher weight and heavy lungs
soul ot from t $ .3 up to 1.5. On the light and
light mixed duff the mnrket woo decidedly on-
even. HOle sole were fully steady . others were
Cc " ' . The extreme for 150
L 10 hOc 10\\1. range 15 10
200-lb. stuff watt trn $1.10 to $ .40. There was n
sery good demaimtl from shIppers for pigs and
Yorkers . antI anything or ( lila description was
readily salable at fully sleady prices. Early
trailIng was on the dull and drl.111 order. Lit
time market rather Irm"1 UII along toward the
close' . Ihe later sale Iplng the best or the < lY.
The built ot the tall 10 gotal hOI today sol ot
around $4.20 to $ ! o. oe against from $1.30 10 j.M
Tuesday and from $4.35 10 $1.2 one week ago
today . RepresentatIVe .ales :
No AV. ah. Pr No Av. Bh. Pro
J..1 8 . . $3 SO 71..208 40 I 35
2..3 . . . . . 4 0 82. . . . . u . . 43
9..1& . . 410 78 . . . . . 197 . " 4 35
35 . . . . . 158 . . 415 : . . . . . 201 80 435
2..I6 S 4 15 40..18 . . 43
12..IL . . 40) 3. . . . . ' 0 . . 435
5. . . . 12 ] G 4 2 42. . . . .228 . . 4 35
I . . . . . 172 . . 420 . . . . . 40 43
. . . . . . . 420 3..24 80 435
. . . . . 40 4 2234 \ 42..2 240 43
96 . . . . . 158 bO 4 2\ ( . . . . . 212 IGO 4 :
8..13 40 4 22\ \ . . . . . . 40 435
. . . . . . . 425 76..215 80 435
. . . . . 2S 42 87..210 40 4371h
. . . . . 12 ) 42 78..2' bO 4 37\ \
II..1 : 80 42 70..2 12 440
. . . . .15 . . 42 . 70..25 1 4 40
. . . . . . . . 42 . 7..26. . 440
4..11 . . 43 ( . . . . . . 40 440
5..2 80 4 35tmhI L..215 40 4 40
6.8 80 4310 .r , 1..IU . . 440
87..10 40 ' ) 43" Cl . . . . . 211 . . 440
6..21 SO 4 83:110 : . 62..249 lG 440
71 . . . . ,187 . . 4 : , . . 85" . . . ' 1 2 (40
81 . . . . . 191 . . 4 : , 7j. . . . . :3)2 : 10 (40
31. . . " . 51)6 40 4 31 I'll 4..22. . 440
32 . . . . . 185 . . 4 SQ . 79 . . . . Ill 40 440
SO . . . . . 181 33) (31 . 61..2)J lG'4 ' ) 40
59..193 40 431 OJ G..2n 40 440
'JO . . . . . 196 t 4 3 ort1 in . . . . . 223 SO 4 40
8..21 80 4 31'1 ( IJ Cl . . . . . . S 4 40
73 . . . . . 192 80 43 W 51..3\ 40 44L
61 . . . . . : 2 4 3311 ( & . . . . .221 10 445
. 0. 1 - . . . . . 7. it'L : lieu . . .
w.- . . - - . . - . - - - - - - - . . - . . . .
. . . . . . .
69 . . . . .22 210 4 3 ! r..27. . 4 45
SO . . . ,191 b a : II 7..27. . 445
25..239 . . 4311 ' 7 . . . .241 1113 447'
2..23 . . . . . M j 55.IIIIS & . . " . .215 . . 4 r : 39) ) 4 Mil jf i c..Z7 " . IS )
& : . . . . .221 40 4 jO , all ' G..3. . 4 5
42 . . . . , 190 . . 4 J'
I'huj 1 J HOUOU.
. ,
6. . . . . G . . Z 15d 'ij ' 1 19..II . . 4 (
1..22 . . 3 Id Q. " . . . . 115 . . 4 01 )
4 . . . . . 115 . . 3' ' ( : ! 35 . . " . . 340 . . 4 ( I
2. . . . . DU . . 3 j5 'ln 8..12. " 4 0
. . . . . . , 3 E ) . . " III , H.)2. . 4 0
15. . . . . rIZl . . 3 W 107..12 I 4 OJ
HlllOSl'-Only three loads were receive ' today
anti Iwo or these whit diet 10 the pock. ' .
The demand was very tlir for ( lie right kind ot
inuttons and Ianmbe ul.1 the market was Iluolably (
Blrong. Fair to choice natives are quotable al
13.0034.35 ; fair 10 good westerns . $2.75J1.25 : corn-
lon anal stock sheep . S3IU.o ; gooll J chulce
40 sales to ; 100-lb. 10mLs. 13.265.0. Jepreslnlll\o
No. Av. Pro
Ito western wetimers . . . . . , . . " . . . 12 U 2
Kansas CIty Live 000ck.
KANiAI CI''Y. Mlrrh tJ-ATI. . -J.Clpl.
3.548) . head ; .ilmimnments ; . 2,04heed ; market slrlK
to ISo hIgher ) : Texas steers , 83.35611.40 ; Texls
Cow. . $ & )113.G : htet sleet's. n.7 bG.W ; native
rows. n.014.3 ; 8to ( ers and feeders . $3.40441.35 ;
bulls . $2.304J4.55.
100SHe'elpt $ . 7.0 heath shipment. 70
hen : market weak 10 L 10\11 ; bulk or sales .
$4.3044.4i : heavies . $ MQUZI ; packers , 14.30W
4.51 ; mind. 14.SOtfl.40 : lights . .Q64 , ( ;
Yorker. $4.SO014.sO ; plKI n.70UU5. $
SIli5EV-ltect'ips. IJ ! held : shipments , 2
la'ld ; market "Irng to hOc hIgher
hOt . 1.ouls . , ttoek Siargot .
ISP I.l'IH. March . -ATLP.Jecelpt. .
1.10 hired ; Ihll1IIII > 40 hew : the demand
e.xceeded thts , ' . and '
largely . < 'cewl thl supply ) prCH were
Ir..o higher , Ko' ta choIce shIppIng BI.1
range , ' 5.0GWj ; { aIr tIn.dluul. . , UO(5.\ ;
n rUJ I I J ---M- . , d.
tight , . * 3J4Q4.11 ; ; t.rMn. $ .ooos.ri ; stocker .
u.5a301 ; U.Otl.O. fed Texas steers .
151.5 ; grass steers . U.7 t3.r. : cows . $ .15t
25.JOOSn ' ' . lpla. ( .r h'II : shipments . MO
head' market 5l oil : heavy . U.UI.1 mixed ,
$4.2O4f4.f.0 ; light . 14.10114.50. (
BJEBI-ntClpIA. OJ hcl : shipments . none :
active on,1 firm rultnns ' nRtIve
nrlon,1 ; good mulons , 'nntNI nAI\
mixed range . n.75'N.r : fed MexlnnA h. ' 4.1 :
native lambs $ .63.1 Texabsmbe . sold . $ .60.
CJ1AUO U"I'lorm ,
Cattle , IRret ] WRII ActIve , "lh all CIRAAel
or Ihl.r Iltisy
CII'OO. March 20.-Time cnll tlullet tel )
was 1 "hummer. " \'lth offerings or scarcely
D.O luenmi anti all classes oC l'u'ers hunting for
Stok hoMers were easIly in n position to make
nl\ance In prices. Some "nlcsmen Patted with
theIr hoMln/ at an nd\'nncl of not more than
61. while others elshn"d 10 base got ISo. TIme
average gaIn In the < 1.e beef anti shipping
sorts WAS from ISo t lOc , anti In other descrIp.
ton8 from lou to lie. I WM 1 very unll\'Ulnl
hunch ot Steers Ihnt cul not Le turned over al
better than * 4.15. There were any number "t
sole nrnnl 18. $ and I was more than likely
lint 1 fancy article In the heavy weight cne ,
would have cNwllel S6.6. The buoyancy 01 Ih
mnrket was a clnsIIPICe oC recent , prerent end
Jmsl1clh'e somalI supplies.
Tue hog market opened steady at yesterday's
closing quotations. and later In the morning was
sve'utk and tinesenly lower , the latest sales showIng -
Ing it good big nIckel off , There scums one tfluiO
at 14.50 antI one or two at $1.55 , but to alt in-
(0(1(5 antI litIrliOses $4.70 wns time top of tIme
market. l'acket-e , as on the tlay before , scere
hearlhly incitneti , antI as soon as slIiqmltmg or-
tIers lund be-en ililetl timoy fnrcetl prices tlouvn to
time extent a1a5'o noted , Most of ( lie 23 to 400-Itt.
lmogs citangeil Immilithit at from $4.45 to 34.65 , amid
front 54.35 to $1.55 took tietsliy all Limo lighter
Jteceiptn of sheep and lambs continuting light
antI time deinanul maintaining a gco&h degree of ac-
tit'Ity , time nmarket soon plmtvel gr'at lirmtiem.s ,
Competition for lIme better grttdes was keen , antI
the best prices of ( Ito year seete paid. Sheep of
Choice to extra qualities were qtioteii at from
64,5' ' ) to $5 , antI lambs reid as hIgh as $5.75.
There were sales of culls at front * 2.2.1 to $2.78.
Tiit Isulk of ( lie trading ts'uts fnitti $3.75 to $4.50
for lambs , anti from $5.25 to $5.0) for ttlmet'p.
Iteceipta : Cattle , 8,59) heatl ; calves , 700 Itead ;
hogs , 31,000 head ; siteep , 8.00' ) head ,
hiecoipt , . tunti lispo'iitton of' Stock ,
Official re'ceipis atud , lispoltion of toclc as
shown by the books of the UnIon Stock Yards
dotnpmtny for time twemuty-four Imours ending at 3
o'clock l' in , , March 20 , 1535 :
Cars , Ileati.
Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Si 1,619
hInge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a
Sin-op . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 515
Horses tlfltl mules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 38
Iuyer , Cattle. flogs. Sheep.
Onmmitma rtucking Co. . . . . . . . . . . 11 333
The ( I. 11. hlatninond Co. . . . . 93 1,572
Swift anti Company . . . . . . . . . . 205 1,298 188
The Cudalty l'acklng Co. . . . . 1St 1,005
\\'tlsio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Cocy & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
llalstcaml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
0. 21. hI , , SIoux City . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
J. i. Carey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
It. Ilecker & Degen . . . . . . . . . . It
J. L'ibnimtn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 $
Vansant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as
Ilitmulton , S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Cuiltilmy , Ilansa' , City . , . , , . , 170 332
Omalma I' . (3. , ifansas City. . Si
1. , . liecker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Siiipmers tund feeders , , . , . , . , 553 8
Left over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20)
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,616 5,552 51.3
Icev York LIve Stock Slarket ,
NEW ' 5'Ofll , March 20.-I3I3EVES-Recelpts ,
1,544 beau ; 37 cars on sale ; moderately active ;
steers , 100 lilglmer ; oxen , bulls iumd good dry cows
11mm ; common to medium cows. 1011150 louver ;
native steers , poor to good , * 1.50115.75 ; oxen uumu,1
stags , * 2.75111.85 ; bulls , 12.50114.00 ; dry' cows , $1.51)
8t4.)5. European cables quote American steers
at IllIWlIc 11cr lb. , tlm'essed su'eigimts refrigermutor
beef at I34tjlOc ; exports today , 1,503 qumarter's of
Stll3EI' AND LAMBS-lleceltmta , 8,643 head ; 37
cars on sale ; active , 3411110 higher ; simoep , Poor
to good , 51.001(5.00 ( ; cimolec55.00116.20. .
IIOGS-lteceiitts , 11,004) head ; firmer at 54.90W
Htock Iu Sight.
Itecord of receipts of the four prIncipal markets
for W'ednesday , Match 24) . ISIS :
Cattle. ltogmt , Sheep ,
South Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 4,40) 518
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . 31,000 sooo
Kansas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,800 7,000 300
lit. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.100 4,50) 90)
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.000 43,900 9,516
St. Louis General Mmtrlcet ,
Sr. LOUIS , March 2O.-FLOUIt-Slow , easy ;
patents , * 2.70412,90 ; extra fancy , $2.55W2.60 ; fancy ,
52.00112.30 ; choice , 52.00W210.
WIIIOAT.-Qulet early , but firmed imp and ad.
vanced ' $ % , later weakening , closIng at hlIo
below yesterday ; No. 2 red , cash , SIc bid ; May ,
&ic bId ; July , 5434c bit ) .
COItN-Simowetl considerable ritrengtii , ad-
Vancett .W34c , but declined % c and closed with
sellers 1-ZOo below yesterdayNo. ; . 2 mixed , cash ,
43141141c : Slay' , 4315c asketi ; July , lIe.
OA'rS-Cloard I-ICc under ) 'estertlay spot , quiet
but llrm ; No. 2 , cash , 30lc ; Slay , 30W3034c
naked ; June , bOo bid.
ItltAN-Scarce ; ll34e , east track.
CORN MldAi-$2.158J2.20.
FLAX SEED-Quiet ; $1.27.
ClOVIO1t SEED-Lower ; choIce , 13.20018.30.
TIMOThY 816E23-$5.IIWI.50.
IIAY-hietter for cimoice and fancy grades on
smaller offerings ; pmuite , fair to choIce. $7.OO0
9,00 ; tImothy , pyime to choice , 310.001111.00.
IltiTTElt-Steady ; fancy EigIn , lie.
EGGS-lllglmer ; fresh , 934c.
WIIISICY-l.28 for distillers' finished goods.
l'ItOVISIONS-Potk , stantlartl mcmiii , jobbing at
$11.80 , Lartl , prIme steam , $65234 ; choice , i.C3.
Dry salted meats. boxed sliouitlt..m's , 34.8134 ; bugs ,
* 5.5754 : ribs , so ; shorts , 50.1234. Bacon , boxed
almouldera , 15.57 % ; longs , G.2134 ; ribs , $0.50 ;
, , ,
itaucteua-riour , , , wj ucla - ; witeum , uw , , uu.
corn , 28.000 liu. ; oats , 10,003 liii.
SItlI'MflNTS1elour , 7IJ bids. ; wheat , 2,000
bu. ; corn , 5,000 bu. ; oats , 6,000 bu.
Coffee iSliurkot.
NEW YO11IC. March 21)-COF'FElO'--Optbns
opened barely steady at 10 1)OititS decline under
meal boIling , ulue to lower cables , ruled quiet mind
a little steadier in time afternoon anti closed
et atly at (1110 points net decline ; sales , 10,00)
bags , including : Mardi , $15.33 ; April , $15.03 ;
May. $14,501114.85 July , $14.75 ; August , $11.70 ;
Septemlier. 514.401114.55 ; October , 534.551114.00 ; Dc-
comber , 514.35. Spot coffee , Rio , ateatly ; No. 7 ,
516.62 % ; mild , quiet ; Cordova , 815.501119.00 ; sales.
2.40i ) pkgs. Centimul American ; warehouse deliveries -
liveries from New York yesterday' , 1,424 bags :
Nt'w York toclc today , 119,513 bngs ; United
States stock , 163,670 bags ; afloat for tue United
Slates 366,00) bags ; total visible for ( lie UnIted
States , 449,670 bags , against 457,918 bags last
IIAVI1IO , Marelt 20.-COFFF7E-.Openeti quiet at
' , If decline , at 32 am quiet , ' 4f decline , at 3 p. m.
quiet , unclmangotl ; closed qtmiet at % f declIne for
the tiny. tOnics , 15Y ) ) bags.
SAN'l'OS , March 20.-InactIve ; good average
Sattomt nominal ; receipts , 9,004) bags ; etock , 231-
04) ) bags.
IIAIdIIUItO , March 20.-QuIet ; ' .11134 pIg de-
chine. Hales , 4.004) lungs.
1110 ll JtNElItO , March 20.-Firm ; No , 7
Rio , 116.00 ; exchange , 834t3. lteceilttt ! , 15,000 bagB.
Cleared for ( tie liniied States , none ; cleared for
Europe , none stock , 88,040) bags.
I ottttlu Market ,
NEW YORK. March 90-ExcItement in cntton
titrouigimout ahinceit time entire session today was
at white heat , From ( lie striku of the gong itt
the opening to the sIgnal to close at 3 o'clock
timer , ? was scarcely a quiet moment. A ru.sit to
bums' at tlmti start sent prices up 80112 ImolnIs , anti
it looketi as it tIme market was going to Imave a
record breaking spurt , when suddenly sellIng
orders to fly arountl thick antI fast. anti
it was rumored New Orleans wan behind them.
This naturally cooled off the ardor of tue boctul
buyt'rs for a time and led to considerable realizing -
izing , but In the afternoon ( tie buying was Ce-
smitnetl with retloubletl vIgor on rebmorts of rains
in time cotton belt , uvitti probabilitIes of frost , antI
the market closed feverish at the best prices of
( tue tlay , Total sales , 331,00) Iales , time largest
transactions for a single tlay in about two years.
illuit cotton was tc higher ,
NEW ORLEANS , March 20.-COTTON-1'u.
tures stea'ly sales , 135,51)4) bales ; March , * 3.8811
5.59 ; April 15.53685.54 ; May , 55.90415.91 ; June ,
65.90415.97 ; July , 56.01416.02 ; August , $ G.00i6.07 ;
September. 56.09116.10 ; October , 56.12116.13 ; November -
vembor , 10.15416.17 ; December , 50.18116.20.
? 4ouv York Itry ( loutbi Market ,
NIOIT YOItif , March 90.-More Inquiry for sta-
itlo cottons , printed specialties , dress goods , silks
anti underwear was ( lie feature of time market ;
each titmuil artIer from suiem-nien on (110 ( road to
restdoimt. buyers of out of town houses and from
lmriuicIpale direct to agents took a great Ituany
gooi1t. i4outlmemn plaids were sold in good blocks.
hifeaehei cottons weto in Improved rcqmit'st ,
ibrown cottons from standards to four yards coin-
( tuindeul princIpal attention and contracts were
inmtde ( or several mIllions of yards , 0 , 11.
Sampson & Co. , tames & ilistiom ; , Wheelwrigimt ,
Eltireulge & Co. , and Wooulwuurtl , IlaidwIn & Co.
luau'S a4va-neeil hirlees for staple Cottons 34 per
cent her yard , l'rtnte'l cloths isold at Zo for
stimulI quantities , but there uvere utIca of inure
titan 190 imiecOs odd goods.
Wool Market.
LONDON , March 23.-At time wool auction sales
today , 33.r. bales uvere offered , 'ftme general
run of prices was 10 hence over the closing rates
of ( lie last NtIs , . Anierirsu buyers paying the
lower figures. The Americait purchases so far
anmount to about 5,000 bides.
In detail : New'iOoutli l\'aies , 806 bales ; greasy ,
9t10d. Queensland , 92 bales ; scouretl , 731s
6344) ; greasy , 1GtlotJ , lOnutli Australia , 2,520
l'aies ; scoured , S'.ld ; greasy , 4i40834tl , Susan
Itlver , 633 bales ; scoured , 84344 : greasy , 3J7i4t1.
New 'leaiantl , 722 bales ; scoured , 7dtlls 1344) ;
greasy , 4109344) . Cape of Good hope and Natal ,
1.573 boles ; ttctur'd , 6titJla 40 ; greasy , 4cjd ,
On April 2 6,551) bales anti on April 3 6,040 bales
of low uvls wilibo offered ,
Milwaukee Market. ,
MILWAI'KUII. 3.larcli 20.-WE IIAT.-ltighuer ;
No. S sprIng , CGc ; No. 1. northern , 6534c ; May ,
( XfltN-Scarco antI Smigimer ; No. 3 , lb34c.
OATH-llight-r ; No , S white , 3254c ; No. 3 sebmite ,
hA ltlIOY-Nominul ; CYc ; sample , 494153c ,
llYI'l-hligher : No , 1 , &Se' .
l(111'Ei l'T14-ilc'ur , 12.600 bblii. ; se heat , 40.60) bu. ;
barley , 5.800 bu ,
Hlili'3118NN-l'lour , SSOii bible , ; sehmeat , none ;
barley , 500 bu ,
3lloncmtpolis tiet .flarkut.
MlNN1IAl'OSIi3 , March 20.-WIl l'3AT-Ciored
easy ; March , SIc ; May , f.8'4c ; July , totitj59i'c ;
Septeznbcr , 57c. On track ; No. 1 haiti , GQe ;
. .
No , 1 northern , S9 ° , im No. 2 iitltt'n. , 53c.
lrlotit , Caster : first ps'eoiis , n ueoil , 51 15,11,451
second l'atcnie , * 2.7Ot2.S ) ; Ilrct cleats , $ , i.25 ; love
grmulc , , $ liOgi.SO.
'iris.i SVitetut Market ,
ElAN rRANCISCO , Starch 90.-.W8it.7'-
Steatiy IJeceiimhcr , SOMe ; May , S35I ; cleat'dr 12. .
00' ' ) centaltu Wheat ,
I'Iumueiclmui Ntites.
BOSTON , Mat'li 20.-Cleorlmge : , $13,900,593 ; hal.
anec. , 11.501,70 ; ,
NEW 'i'OltlC , March 2)Ck'.rlngs , $94,093,333 ;
balances , $5,336,453.
IIALTIMC'illfl , Match 50.-Cleai'inp , $2,053 , .
4771 balances , $142,633.
l'lllLAPlil.i'lllA , Mireli 00.-Clearings , $10.-
399,913 ; balances , * 1,150,1133 ,
ST. 1.0(3115 ( , Mmuct , 23.-Clearings , 59,763.592 :
balanccs , $563,311. idoncu' , 57(6 lice cent. Nosy
Yolk oxciinngt. , 750 lt'Om1tlm1 bi,1.
\VASIIINI'I'ON , March , 23-Today's tntenmnt
of tue conttttlnmi of the treasitry : Available cah
balance , 51(4,773 ; gold reers'e , 120,41JllG ,
Il1 ICAIO , Mat'eii 50.-Clearltttg , 511,102,04)0. )
Now l'ok , exchange , lOc pronuitmln. Sterlitug ,
5iostetl tate , , $ l.SS5&14.9O. Mono ) ' , 43434 POt' cent
on call ; 5116 Per Cent Ott ( line.
Forelgit 1 i ti n elm , I Iit cc.
T1ERIiN , March 2)-.Exc'lmango en l.ontlon ,
eight 0535 sight , 10 mailts , 45 ltfg.
I.ONION , March 20.-'l'h0 almiount of blhion
gotte into the hlatik of Cuiglanti on balance today' ,
l'ATtIS , Mai'li 2O.-TIireC per cent rerites. lOlf
21,10 for time nct-oumnt , 13.eimnngo on London , 2Sf
:934c for cimeelus.
I.ONlON , Itinrctm 20.-Gall is qUoted toiimty at
liueno t5'reit at 231.00 ; Itiatli hI , 700 : I.tshon ,
21.2504 ; lOt , I'etemshatrg , OS ; tli0iiit , ; Itolime ,
105.10 ; Vienna , 103 ,
Lonlelauits' . i'rngrosutu'eYontii t'nhiliig ( ito
) Iuisliicl .sldo ,
" \'hat will thio political revolution In
LotIlelalla lillIottlut to ? ' ' asked a correspolldent
of ( lie Chicago Record of oxGovernorVnr -
' 'It will amount to the overthrow of ( ho
tieniocratic party , and a large majority Iii ta-
vor of thaI repubitcati tIcket , a lrotectivo tariff
and a botinty on sugar at ( lie liext election.
The old tlotnocratlc party Is hopelessly dl-
videti. The young , lrogresslvo element ltas
joIned with the republIcans prliucimmtlly Oil
the tarIff afli illOlw3 Issues , \Ve shall start
a lietsapapor very soon In ( Ito Interest of the
fusion. ITo shah cmurry ( ho sprhttg electIons
Iti New Orl atla and other cIties , anti In 3S96
svo shah not only elect ( lie republican presh-
dentlal electors , but otit calmdldates for gov-
errlor nOd other state atiti county oillcers ,
and a majority of the congressmen antI
Inemnbers of ( lie legislature.Ve elected tuso
congressmen last. Noreinber-everybotly concedes -
codes It-and they counited 115 out. lint that
wIll not happen again. We are going to
have an holiest and at flee electIon this tItan
or 1(110w the reason why. Ilallot-box stufling
and fraudulent coulntlng arc not going to ho
permitted hereafter , "
"Of whimut classes does ( ho new combination
consist ? "
"Chiefly ( lie Industrial classes. TIle work-
tngrnen-whiat you may term the inititile class
of the state-arc convinced tlmat tue demno-
cratle party Is incompetent to govern thIn
country ; that it is responsible for ( lie an-
arcluy anti financIal dIstress timat flOW lire-
vails , and has brotsght misery and poverty
to ( ho wage-earners of the state , and they
will not act with It. any longer.
"Over one-half the white voters in
Louisiana are mecluanles ; ongagetl III the
1111118 , foundries , factories , on the railroads
and steamboats and In otlmer lines of eta-
ployrnormt , where all wages have been rotlucod
because of tieniocratlc legislation , anti thou-
santls have been deprived of svork. In no
uttato lmaa there been more sufferIng ; anti
it has been shared by tIme tradesmuen anti
every other class ss'hmo depend directly or
Indirectly upoii the pay rolls of tIme Inthis-
trial tnterests. You will not find a nan
in New Orleans who Is not wIlling to hold
tIm democratic congress responsible for these
conditions. At the last election In the precinct -
cinct where Senator Caffery lives , whIch
utsulally roes solid for the tielnocratic can-
dldates , the republIcan ticket received a majority -
jority of sixty-lire out of about 000 votes , and
timero were hundreds of ireclncts in the state
where a similar revolution occurred. 'Yomi
find ( ho same sentiment in tIme clubs as well
as in the workshops. "
"What about the ne11ro ? "
"Tue negro has 'been 1ractlcally elImInated
from the political problem In the south. Wo
do not discuss him any longer. lie does
not enter Into prcsciut calculatIons at all. "
- _
CouncIlman Koniirdi4ubniit. liii Itoport
to the Council ,
It Is a fact that the Omaha city council
Is the proud possessor of a poetIcal genius
who plugs along 3ust a few laps ahead of
all competitors. _
ThIs mIght never have been knosvn had It
not been for Mary Jane McArdho who has a
hot near Fortieth anti Mason streets lvlmicht
lies a lIttle lower than thmo surroundIng
property , and hence is liable to dIsagreeable
VISitatIOns wnen It COInS. hIiO Imatl aumlresseml
three long communications to the council
asking , for relIef. She asserts that the water
, pours over her property , drownIng imer chickens -
ens and miring her Simetiand pony anti herself
and that in the ImmedIate vicinity a bog
supports innumerable "frogs and other insects -
sects , " whose harmonIes malta lIfe a burden
during tile midnight lmours. 11cr petitions
were referred to the committee on streets ,
alleys and boules'ards , and last eyening Calm
and Howell submItted ( lie following report ,
which emanated from tIme gray matter colt-
cealed by Councilman Kennard's cranIum :
Mrs. Mary Mrs. Mary , do suppress your
o'er wrought grief
For the councIl is a hustling to bring you
prompt relief.
T'witl annihilate your clay banks , and your
nlloy' It will clean ,
And beautIfy your premises from the hilltop
to tile stream.
- .
Where the frisky , pesicy bull frog his guttural -
tural lay dotii croak ,
Anti the pestierauus mosquito defies both
you itnd smoke.
Where belated beer halt bibblers near the
styglan pool do tread ,
Overloadeti sons of liaccIlus roll and tumble
in its bed ,
'Tls there we'll bile with scrapers , and we'll
level up tIme ground ,
And ilx yOtI In ethel ) style , Mary , that all
the country 'roumntl
Will look at your possessIons with evil , en-
vlous eyes ,
And wIsh you were transferred to your
home beyond , above , below , beneath tIme
skies. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Claims ( lie Oflbcer Ciubliod him.
nos'roN , March 20.-John If , Ryder , 21
years old , of East Boston , dIed sudmlenly after
haying Informed hIs relatives that be had
been arrested Saturday morning by a polIce-
loan who had clubbed htini over ( lie lmeail ,
As there was a large lump on lila head , death
svas attributed to time clubbIng , Tue otilcer
who made the arrest Is Patrolnhan Ships. lie
denies that ho struck Ryder , ss'ilom ho or.
rested for drunkenness , and asserted that lie
luaU fallen to the pavement , notwithistalldlng
an effort of a companloti to hold hiimmi up.
TilE REALTY 3litlt1CIT ,
INRTRUMIiNTS placed on record March 20 ,
1895 ;
\VAI8II/eNTY 3)11105)5.
Nick Ohm to 35 0 hltrdtorii , w 34 lot Ii ,
block 253 , ( lriindview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 300
Thomas 31c1)ugmill anti wife to 35 (1 'flmmtw ,
untllv 5.9 JOtS 3 ammul 4 , block II , Otimalia. . 10,000
IVilhiam hh'mnoiltt nn1 wIfe to Gustay
, Huinniek , w 34 of uc 34 27-15-10. . . . . . . . . . . . 5,20)
$ v II Gates utah svlfe to Daniel Itoimu-itti ,
lot 3 ? , block 3 , llcla-rman I'Iaeo. . . . . . . . . . . 100
v II I.awton tt ) henrietta h..awton , lots 6
and 7 TroxelI' suiitlis' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
I.ars NIclcoIaIsen and su'ife to 11 ( Nickoini.
ttcn. lot 2 , bioclt 10 , Mbrlgtmt's Annex. . . . 601)
241am ) ' Frank anti husband to J / l'airlek ,
22 feet front si H line Cunming street
betweurtu said street antI n end lot 1 ,
block 3 , Aritmatrong's 3t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,3)0
Special master to Ii 35 lielitter , 5 % ' 34 lot
35. hloclc 8 , lti.lord l'iace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GO )
Hattie to 0 1" 1)avls company , lot 13 , block
5 , Arbor l'iace ExtensIon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,1013
Same to J Ii IIayt'ineye'r ii 34 of ii lot
10 , block 7 , lfuuntze & It's amid anti a
strIp wijaceat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,457
Same to ( Siren & lirainartl , trustees , Imart
lots hi ) and 11. block 5 , 1)ruke's multI. . . . . . . . 3,19)
Hattie to (3 l Iavi coniliumy , lot II antI a
10 feet lot 23. IV A Rethiek's , . . . , . . , . , 1,200
Hattie to 2 Itt 1"raiiciit , lot I , block 13 ,
( 'entraj 1Uk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' SO' )
flame to A A hlas'enieyer , lot IS , block 0 ,
Walnut 31111
Total amount of transfers , , , , , , , , , . . , . , , . $24,018
3. ca- .
140014mJ1 UniooAve , , Kneas City. Mo.
sa- . . . . . i - , . '
= = . - -
. - - - - - -
ulor untold miseries from a totuco of itollesOt
they cannot overcome ,
Fe mal a Rcii1ator ,
it causes health to bloom , and joy to rtlgi *
tiirouiiotit tue frame ,
'I usife hat been 'jnd.r trtttmncnl Cf iCatitaR pity-
iieicii tlree enre , without I.eneflt. Aftr tilIng
threS ttnttitmiot flnsCTItt.i"l ) 'raI.s ittOVt.ATfltu sbuS
can do lmrowri cocking inilkl.ig and wscI.itmg , "
14,5. hIsya , Ilead.rsoiAls.
iIfl.tiL'WLIl UFOIIIATOR CO. , Ailamuta , Ui ,
Uola by 4tuglists at $1.00 Per bottle ,
- - - - - - - -
fly purchasing goods made at the followIng
Nebraska factorIes. If you cannot flail what
)0il lS'llIlt , conllnunlcato with the miunutno.
( Urera as (0 what dealers lmandlo their goods :
. JLii , , Itl'' .i.VJI TII'I.'I' .
--S-- S S
Ottanuifacture-r of all kinds of cotton & burlap
tinge , Cotton flo'r sack. & twine a specialty.
Gla 616.618 8. 11th-st.
- - -
Ji01.i hI. ' , is : : ' 1"OI ) , J"I.OhIll , l'lltST ,
Writ. PRESTON & Co.
Manufacturers of Preston's CalIfornia FIske ;
Sickle brand self r'iIslng flour a yeast , Do you
use Preston' . bci Sour ?
' . ' ' I ,
. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Car toad shipments made In our own refrigerator
cars. Blue Itibbon , ilihte Export , Vienna Export ,
and Faintly Export , tleliu'eretl to all parts of city.
_ _ _ C.lIilfI.iOlJ
'CarrIage & Wagon 2takcts ( , Carriage , , boggles ,
bmhaetons & wagon. always on Imanul & made to
order. h2i3-1 llarney-s ( , , Otnalma. ,
cO1"1"Ji7t : , SI'IWJ. O , It,1h1.I I'UIl'lIIt.
Coffee Enastera , SpIce Grinders , Manufacturers
German Slaking Powder and German Dry 1to
Yeast. 314-10 0. 12th street , Omaha.
FL ( ) lift.
S , F , CIL1N.
Slanufacturer of Gold Medal Floor. ' I
C , E. fllack , Manager , Omah.
Manufacturers of parlor furniture , lounges , din.
log tables & folding beds. 28th ave. , lloyd to
SaltIer streets.
Over one million dollars go out of Nebraska
es-cry year for no better Insurance than Is fUrs
fished by the UnIon Life of Omaha. Agents
wanted In every town In Nebraska.
Iwo .INI ) ( JO.tL
Domestic & steam coal. We have the best. sf.
flee 1601 Farnam-et. Telephone : Office 373. yard
1766. .1. .A , Doe , gea'l manager.
JIfO2 1I'O1f1 , -
Manufacturing Ru repairing of nIb kInds of ma.
chinery , engineS , p'mps , elevators. printing
presses. hangers , shafting & couplinga 14064
ttoward-st , , Omaha. "
Fire hydrants , water & gas pipe , specials ; 1oIl ' . . '
( roots & fittIngs , street IVy car Wheels , Archi.
tectural Iron works. Office 107 8. 16th-st. , Omaha.
M'f'r' . of ArchItectural Iron Wotk. General
Foundry , Machine and Dlnckcmtli Work. ISa.
gineers & Contractors for Fireproof hiulidlng , ,
Office and Works , U. P. fly. & So. 17th Otrcet ,
Manufacturers o fluid extracts , ellxirs , syrup
& wines , compressed triturates , hypoderinie tab. . . .
lets. pIlI 8m scientific medical novelties. Omaha.3
lhf t'2'Jf1dSftS , COTJ , CIII 1LI.
L. C BOUt1 ,
Mnnufacturec Mattf'esses , Spring Ileds ; Jobber -
Feathers and I'lllaws , North 16th and Nicliola.
181. , . Omaha.
. TIlE NO.'I'.I IiIf IL.
and Noodle factory , (3. 33. cor , l6tIm anti Webster , ,
Successors to time German-American , Ask fop
our goods. Timey' are the boat.
z'JaIIr ; r.ircir , F1ItI SiCil V.10g.
The only perfect protectIon to property , Exam. '
in. it. Deal thing on earth , lteduces Snauranc ,
rates. 1104 DouClac-It ,
V VIJtd 11 P.4 ( JTIt t1f , .
Manufacturers & jobber. of the celebrated fluek.
akIn brand shIrt. , pants , overalls & duck cloth.
Ing.1l01.3.8 Ilarney-at. lmactory East Omaha , ,
Manufacturers of men's & boys' clothing , pants
shirts & overalls. 202-212 8 , 11th-at ,
I - - - . " : Y . .
Manufacturer. of all kInds palmer boxes , shela
boxes , sample cases , mailing tubes , etc. used.
ding cake & fancy candy boxes , druggist & Jewelj-
bases , 1208-10 Jones-st. , Omaha.
. - _
tilliju' 1"l0i'OIC1I8.'J ,
, . - - - CO.
Exclusive custom shirt tailors.
1515 Faraam street. Telephone 903.
_ _ _
- . - - - -
= = =
- - - - - -
- - , ! ! ! . IIIrINJJSUIOK.
Factory In Louisville , Cait. Co QualIty of bric4
2'zurantoed to be as gooc as any InavufactureJ
citipidu ( 'C this sate. Shari Uollp.
v ; !
Cures the effects o
self-abuse , cxcessei
- emIssions , Irapotency
/ 5 , varlcocelo 110(1 constt.
t atlon , One dollar a
* , NbiITMi
A flillofti's foMo-iIorg.
t5dead id Cgrstre ClIent for Fnou. or S
1iead. h. , i-train ) ' , xlauetleu tjib.piecs ( Or gener.i 24t.eslgst ( .ie toe
B tuettim , Gout , Eldest $ fri.ord.e. , 4c1
I'.p'ta ' Aniemia. 4mit1t. ( ( or .h I
ad ot'ler excesses , I'floe , 11) , 28n13ceUl (
I 51 5. Wscleen IIICA ,
For sale by all druggIsts. Omaha , tji
. , M A RG IN No imumttttmr what bookiel on
iiICCulaiiOui youi imib ) ' liav
T ' read.ttviitl for ours which 4g
RADIw N10Y antI Cfl'tl'LETIO , 1 $
ALI4 1'1/i1tll'T exprea. L
iiloiita. It's tree awl will tt'acii you ottotblttg , But
bottle wheal anti corn ht'foio tlto big apritta ad
u'atice. ARIJOGAST t ¼ CO. 222 ' 1raucr IiliJg.