< ' _ . . . . . . . --'r - - : " - - ' " " " " . _ , , . . . . . " . , , , . - . . - , . . . . . _ . . . . " . , . . . . ' ' ' ' " . . ' " . . ' . . . , " y. , . . , . , , _ . , . . . ' . " " , .dc- ' . F - = _ . _ . THE OMAhA DAILY . nEE : Uf . 'IlTHSDA Y , 1AUCII 21 , 189g. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 5 - - - - - - - - - - . . FRANK ( HATCH FOR UNISTER ) Elrnder the Pcrelg Porfolo for the American Ul1icn , AMIABLY FITE FOR TiE POSITION - . 'rC"Clt JI\I of lho URURU : , l.olRlot N"t "c ( ml'lalr Ilr"rUNI of the INJ"r l tar JI 1\1. but Jdlr"o II H , W.SflfNGTON , Mrl : 20.-An Inlmate frlelu"or ! Minister Tlur hm , now ItiVash - Intel , says that Mr. Thunto1 ! hns no olcial InrormaUon n to the retlueit Cor his recall whlo tL the arne tune 110 doubt cJMs on the part or the mInister that such 1 Sugcton has been mad to the Hawaiian govcrr.mcflt. It"s not lkely , liowcvar thet Mr. Thl'ston will leave thlt country. lie will continue , Il Is stated , to look aCer hawaiian Interest - , In an nucfclal manner. Mr. Thuuton' friends say that fS n mater oC tact he has ; never been trCltell at the State department a other ministers have becl treated . and hM ) not been accorded the courtesy usually ex- . - ten.led . to men holding simIlar posi 101' . Mr. 'rhurston , It Is ald. docs not know who wil ho hlR ) successor , hut It Is IntI- I matell that Fnul hatch may bl select d. and he wIll represent the Ideas and \'lewI that have bcen prolinent dlrlng the mis- . ' . . Hatch Is saId to tlon er Mr. 'rlmmiraton : Ir. he unuLnal > ' Wl1 qualfell Cor the position. The latest oleial mal hns arlvell here. .ttiiister 'rJrston Ileclncd to state whether I contained anrthln bearing on the re'llwst ' or Seerctnry Ircsham for : Ir. Thurton's recall . TI minister maintains the Slle : absolute sIlence on the subject that ho has 1 Ilnco tile report first alpeared. The legs- lon olce Is open to callers. however , amid the usual huslncn proceeds brIskly between the minister and Mr. hastings , the secretary ot the Irgatlon. The moment ' the recall Is ineimtioned . Mr. Thurston and his assIstant mine Into silence. . pfe sience. I Is belIeved from the Caet that the rom- munlcaton relative to Minister Thulton was lent on February 21 that \hero has len Imlllo tIme for a response train thin HawaIIan governlent lu the mal Just recch'ell. See- retary Gresham's note reached San rali- deco In lImo to catch a boat which would csco tme I arrIve nt Honolulu about the last or February. Slncn then several ships have lef Honolnlu. the last two reachIng San Francisco and Vancouver repeetvely. at the same thus , about a week ngo. ' They brought the officIal mall , which has now arrlvel\ at the legatlon. I Is known that Il conlaln : a long commun- Icatlon from Mr. Hatch , the Hawaiian minIster - Ister or foreign nralrs , as :11 hastings re- celved a brier message saying that such n communicatIon was on Its W : ) ' . U the HawaIian government has rrpled , : Ir. Thurs- ton would be the natural anti only channel oC communIcation to the State deparlment. , as ho remails the official representative or HawaI until hIs recall Is actually accom- plshel ! RUIIS : WElE UNDOUDTED.Y TRUE. That Secretary Gresham a I\1 for Mr. Thurton's recall there Is no longer any doubt though the manner In which It was IluL Is not yet lown. Before answering ' , ' . , - . ' ' . , . . " . " . " m ( I la a"nnn n,1 'hn Tu _ "n - " "V""J "n , . . . . . . . , . . .uu . . . . . . walnn goverment wIll communicate wIth its mnliilster anti seek hll version oC the cIrcumstances before acceding to Secretary Gresham' retticat. which In n measure Im- piles a personal affront to the Indl'ldua. Under these circumstances time communica- ton from HawaIi , Ir It refers to the recall. ns' Is thought extremely Ite ! , may be short ! . , or n reply to Mr. Gresham's rcquest Further developments thererore will be watched with great . Interest especIally the answer oC Hawaii. as a declination to accede to Secretary Gre8ham's request doubtless would bo followed by Minister Thurston being given his passports . an act equal to sever- anco or dlplonatlc relatIons. IncI dlploatc relatons I was learned rather late this afternoon that the HawaIan minister Is accused , In ad- dlton to the giving out or facts , of having In- - - stgate1 duplIcations of newspaper articles , , In New York papers attackIng the allmln- I Istratlon. 1 Is held that this brings his caM on all fours with the celebrted Cataczacy which caused so much comment durIng the . S 'administration oC President Grant. Catacacy was the Husslu minister here and I hd been clearly shown hy the testImony of the newspaper men concerned that he had fur- nlshcll the substance for articles Published II the New York World attacking the foreign oC the nilmlniatration and criticising . polcy adminitrton crltclslng ; bItterly the atttllo or time UnIted States to- I ward Hussl : , then Involved In a serious dis- pute wIth Great Drltaln. The mlnlst spe- cifcaly denied responsibility for the pubhica- lon , although It was undoubtedly brought home to him and shown that he had revised the manuscript before . It was printed. There . were other grievances against time minister growing out oC allegations of Immorality and - . # Improper conduct toward the Pcrrlns claim then penllng , although the e maters were not made ground ot official complaint. On June 1G. Secretary Fish . under directIon or President Grant directed our minister to Russia to Inform the Huslan government "that the conduct oC ! r. Cataczacy , both oC- 1claly and personaly.ha(1 ( been for some time ist such as to Impair his usefulness to lila own govermenl and render Intercourse either for business or social purposes dls- agreeable. Under these circumstances the In- tercats of both countries would be promoted and relations dIsplayed on , a sure footing IC the Russian legation here was ' to be changed. : " Senator Halo or Maine has been among the most zealous defenders oC the HawaIIan republic on the floor oC.tho senat , but he does not support Mr. Thurston In the matter . . oC time mlnlster's reported recall at the In- l . stance of Secretary Gresham on the facts r.r .0 Car as dlveloped. " 1 have no Inside or exclusive Inrormaton , " he Raid , In discussing tim matter tOllay , "but the published reports say that Mr. Thurston's recall has been asked because he malle diplomatIc correspondence publIc before submltllg It to the secretary I this Is correct he was clearly In the wrong and could not expect that the secretary - tary would do otherwise than ask for his re- call. I was clearly a breach oC official etiquette - . quotte . and Is a Practice which this country cannot afford to encourage There might bo tmes when such 1 course would loath to serIous consequences and If maters oC Inlo- national Importance are to le so treated by time representatIves of Corelgn govcrnmonts we might ns well have no State depart mont , HAD A HGHT TO POST SENATOH8. "I have heard It suggested , " continued the senator . "that there was sonic prejudice emi the Part oC the department toward Mr. Thur- ston because It was believed there that the minister has supplied senators antagonistIc to time polcy oC this administration \ In Ha- 'r ' waIan affairs seine facts used In the debate Iin time acnute , hut the CICt , IC It bo a Clct , , shouhl cut no thgtmre . The State deartment could ask nothing oC Mr. 'fhurston except courteous treatment at his hand8 In his oC- dcliii dealings with thl detlartment. I could bavo no sUllcrvlslon over his Intercourse with lenators , "I hall hoped , " ho continued , "that nothing more would hapllen to strain our rehatiomis ' reiltons 'I with time Uolo government for I believe It Is n good government and that the HawaIans have ) a republIc which Is such In tact as wel IS In namo-not like these Central American rlpublcs. Ineludlnl Mexico , which are noth- lug but mliary despotism . " A member oC the diplomatic corps hong In the service anti wel versed In time \occllure. said : "The books do not contain n preccdent , warranting such n demalll for I mlnlster'a recall because he has malle Ilublc for the press a condition or facts within hil coun- try. In the case ot Mr. Timurston he wa under no obligation to gIve to the State department - . partment Inrormaton or the sentences imPosed - Posed on those convicted oC rebellion . I was InCormaton a8 to facts which had aetu. ally occurred and not oC subjects Involved In diplomatc negotiations. Time precedents are ugree.l tha a minister should not communt. cato wIth the Ilress or give opinions on purely diplomatic questions . but he Is always ot liberty to state conditIon oC affairs . " . "It limo Hawaiian government can put up wIth Mlnlstcr W11s. I think this government might easily overlook such a trivial mater 81 that \ \ hleh was made an excuse for fln , httr 'hurston's dismissal , " said Senator Frye oC Maino. "U looks to mo like a very small Illecl oC business. As I understand the matter , Mr. 'fhurlton mIld lot give out to thc pn:1 official comllunlcaton8. but the In Cor , muatlon which he lnmparted to the newapapera iaton Imprted leWlpalerl was this summary of news conveyed to hh\ by private letter. . " I S1'AlnJ IN ms H lLTO 13L.OUNT. I "I think Mr , Tburstou'mm famous rCllly te a . . , ' . " ' . _ . . . . . " - , . _ . - " - . mount stated the trolbl . anI' I think Mr , Thur ton was ab30Iulel right In that reply 10 mount. The admlnl8trlton did not like Il : \d they have felt resentful to Mr. Thursteti No reason other than that 8tate In this dipatch was gIven for the re- quc'st for the mlnlster's renioval " The significant point In the Iunlan case Indicated that It was under no obligatIon to 'Ake out a case against the offending min- later but I wss sufficient to cause his recall cal to say that he was objectionable. And , ao In Mr Thurston's Ce there probably will ho no attempt made to connect him with the objectIonable , ncwspaper , plblcatons , I I lmld to be sufficient that ho rests miler suspicion - picion , which mayor may nol be well rounded. h to the outcome there hi much doubt . for I all rests with the Hawaiian government , and depends whether that ! ov- erximnt takes thin ground that its minister hiss l/eol attacked because oC personal ran- semis , or whether Il may regard the demand for his recall as thin result oC the faithful , ' ) xamilation recal oC official charges confided , to , his ere OC course the minister will go In either case but IC the Hawaiian government takes the Inler view It w1 sImply omit to accredit another person to succeed him , and In this case Mr Willis , our minister to Ia- vaIi. wi bo obliged to take a leave oC ab- sence just as : Ir. Porte. our minister tr Italy . dill whln baron I.'a\a was recalled as the result oC the hilling oC his fellow coumi- , tr'men In New Orleans four years ago. Notwlhstanll , ? ' reports that have been In circulation It can be stated that no reo qleM hM been mnle , thus Car for the recall DC Minister Mnra.a . oC Spain hut beyond this no statement can be made al this time . tme. II : .SliiS : NU ltE.tSON t'OH A " , tIt. ( eltrnll"n : :111\tor nCII"5 S010 of the Stone Set , \ linaC . WAS ! iIQTON , March 20.-The statement was llhl'hed In a local paper here today that the Mexican congress would dtclare war on Guatemala as soon as the congress as- Remhlos next mouth , and a long account or the reasons thereror was given. When the article wa shown to the Guatemalan min- later ) Ir. Laze Arriaga , with the request that he state the actuaL condition oC the Guatemalan-Mexican affairs . he said : "I do nol wish . neither can I discuss through the press , n diplomatic matter which Is under the consideratIon or both Interested ! OVerl\lltl I will only say that this ar- tIde contains several incorrect affirmations. I Is not true that Guatemalan authorities In- vallel ( Mexican territory for time simple rea- son that wo do not like to offend any other natIon. I Is not true that the responsibility ot the delay In the survey oC the boundary line rests upon Guatemala , because the Guatemalan - emalan boundary commission or engineers has worked always ahead of the Mexican commission during the last eight years. I Is not true that tile Guatemalan go\'crnmc'nt has received n large revenue for concessions to cut tImber ; this concession was almot invariably - variably made In favor or Mexican citizens . and the revenue received from this source Is . almost Insignificant. " 's far as I am informneti " continued lie . ' do not see the reason why n peaceful setlement or time pending difficulties might not bo Loon reached. " Senor Homero , the Mexican minister. today said , regardIng the Guatemalan-Mexican dls. pute : Iexlco and Guatemala agree thai the boundary treaty or 1882 Is binding on both countries and there Is therefore no need 01 any new conventIon , ns has been suggcsted In tact , Guatemala has not even Intimated the oonvenIonco of any such Rten. Thl treaty . of ' ] 8S2 provIded ; for placing - the monu- I men ts to mark tIme boundary line amid there Is no need oC any now conventIon . or organizing a new commission for that purpose. Doth go\ernmonts have signed n convetton ex- teUln ! for two years the time In which the whole work oC marking time line wIth proper monuments wI bo accomplished. The Mexican senate ratified that convention , but the Guatemalan congress failed lo do so. I Is expected , however , that I will be ratIfied In Its next session which opens soon. S "As a mater oC fact time survey oC the whole lne has bCn finished and there Is not any ( disagreement about It between the respective I engineers , but tIme Guatemalan chief engineer I lma. refused to sign Bore oC the minUtes amid charts or the survey and the monuments In I such IOrtons ) oC time line have to be placed I by 10th commissioners aCer the pending 1 convention has been ratified by Quatemala. I There Is no dlrerenco oC opinion between the'I I two ! overments about time construction or I the boundary treaty In 50 far as the boundary I lIne Is concerned , and therefore no need or I an arbitration for that purpose. The pending question between Mexico and Guatemala Is a very plain one. Each country claIms that under time de facto line existing - Istng before time treaty or 1882 she was In'lloSseslon of the disputed terrltorly and both are that It belongs to Mexico under the line marked undr time tre3ty. As a treaty lIne Is paramount Mexico considers the action oC Guatemala In sending an armed force to destroy the log camps established there by Mexicans who were emitting wood under grants Cram the Mexican go\'ernment. seize the log and arrest the men as an unwarrantEd tnva- stan of her territory nnd has asked Guatamala to apologize for I and to pay an Indemnity to the victims oC the outrage. "If Guatemala wishes to settle the qUE6ton It Is for her to make amends for her conduct Mexico will not ask an unreasonable In- demnity. " Senor Iomero said lie was sure that his g\ernment would not be willing to 8nbmlt to arbitration the amount to be paid for damages ; that he did not leo how Mex- ice could recede frarni her demands for an apology As for the acton or the Mexican congress on he t question , Senor Iomero said that It would not become him to anticipate It ; and he thought neither his country nor hIs government desire n war , as they are fully conscious of its dangers , drawbacks and disadvatmtagms . antI thereroro be hoped that the negotiatIons which are now being conducted - ducted In time City or Mexico would end In a friendly settement or the differences . lie had heard nothing recenty which would induce him to h leve that there was now any greater danger oC a rupture than there had been from the beginning. - - SALts OF . hli1tItltN OOODS AJJILOAI St"to Uel"rtlfnt Collcto/ Some InterestIng - In/ Information . \ASIIINGTON . March 20.-The Agrlcul- tnrll department expects during time month or April t Issue n bulletIn on the world's markets ! for Amercl : producta. The InCorma- ton for this IlubHcalon has been acqu red from the consuls or the United States through the efforts ot Secretary Mortorm hub te In December . at his suggeston , n department circular letter was sent to those omcer uk- log them to report 'with reference to the consumpton In their districts of the IlroJucts named hueln. t These products \ \ ere claul- fl 1 under the Colowlng general heads : "An'- immuls . cereals dairy products meats . cotton . tobacco fruits , liquors and seds. " Time atelton oC consuls was especially dl- reeled to the Colowlng Inqulrle& : "Is there U cOIM\lerahlo consumption of time Irulluctl Ialoll ' " 1o tilts consumel'l depend . amid to wlmt extent , Oil Importltols for their supply . I Hwha t countries furnish the major por- tOl at their HlllpleM ' ' 'lhml sold and what Ilrlct' "tnIrl time Products at "Arc the Prices \ahl : for Ammmerican . reta- : tvel . hhher or lower than those 1111 rOI' Ihlllr II'oducll frm other countr ' I "Aro thert critcisms or any American Ilrollucts'l " ' 'hat defects are char ed. IC any ' " ' Secretary Mortol feels confent that much good will result Crol the publcaton oC the knowledge obtaIned and says that rsports have already been received hY time State lIe- Ilartment trout half oC the total number oC consuls. He contelillates Issuing four bulo , I this of the character Ildlcntet each year : BIOI'l'AUE TiE MUtT AT O\tSUN1 UeelulllbllT Not Vet Lncaieit-l'iearly StaCy ' 'hOI.II < ' 'rol ! WAShINGTON . March 20.-Mr. Preston director of the mint , today In speaking or the I reported deCalctou In time ClrOI , Nevada , mint , said that early Ilt month he rc lvc an Intuaton that there was a shortage In the accounts oC the smeler and refiner of the : Canon mliii ant that Superintendent Maon or the New York asayer's once was III - dlallly detalet to make an investigatIon . I On the taco oC the accounts there appeared a shortage or 3,00 ounces OC gold and 3,000 ounces of silver , making a total oC lomethlng loss than ' & 0.0. So Car a Mr. I'reaton klOWI , time responsIbIlity has not yet ben located , but be baa 10 doubt that one or mere . arrests wb made very avn. .S - ' . \ORl \ FOR TUE INDIAN OFFICE ApproprIation Bills Provide for the Negotia ppr"praton Dis ogtil : tion of eeveml Trelties , . BARGAIN TO BE STRUC < WII BElKNAPS - NrAolaton for time Sale ot 1 l'mmrtloim ot Their ltt'aorvmstiomm In Moutana-Loeti- UOI of Several Tribes to lie ChAngcd-Other Matters : . WAShIINGTO . March 20.-The Indian omce . under direction and super\'lslon oC Secretary Smith , will find considerable work provided for In the last ! Indian appropriation bill , wlch wi keep It quite busy during the coming seasomi Amen ! other timings i authorized In the bill Is the applnhncnt era a commission to negotiate with the Belknap ) Indians for the sale to the United Slates era a portion oC the state or Montana : also to negotiate wIth the lackCee Indians for the sale or a portion oC their reservation In the northwest part oC the sale state. An ap- propriaton oC 3,500 has been made for this purpose , anti as limo sum Is so small I Is quito possible that the commission wi comm- slt oC emlllo'es oC the Interior dcpartment. Secretary Smih has said to alt of the visit- log delegations oC Indians no mater Crom what portion ot the country they caine that I they have no desire to sell their lands the dcparlment has no purpose In urging them to do so ; that It Prefers that they keep their lands where they can make use or thcmmi To one delegation ho recently said he thought It would be a good thing Ir they would di- vldo their reservation tracts amonl themselves - selves In SOIO equitable manner amid rarm such prtons as they could and lease the re- mainer to farmers who would pay them a reasonable suits for the privilege. In the case or the le1(3p amid Baellret Indians It may be Cound advantageols to the Indlals to dispose ot a Ilorton ot their lands , as the area Is considered { much larger than they can handle JUdlclousl Another comml8slon , or an officer oC the governnment . wi have to be designated by this secretary to neotatl with the Ooe and ! Missouri tribes to sce IC there can bl Ilir- chased Crom them suUelent lands upon which to allot and locate time Iowa tribe oC Indians. l It SCms advisable to the secretary he Is authorized to secure alotments for time lowas upon lands which may have been or mar hereafter be ceded to the UnIted States by the Comanche , Kiowa and Apache , or the Wichita tribe In Oklahoma. The Intruders emu time Cherokee lands will also receive the attention of the Interior Ile- partment. The new law directs the secre- tary to suspend efforts towarl removal until the value of the claims oC these Intruders can bo ascertained and approved by the secretary - rotary and submitted to congrcss. When an Intruder Is tendered the appraised value ot his Impro\'ements he must remo\'e or pay rents according to the rate In the coun- try. The law makes It plain that the In- ) : I trudera must remove after January 1 , 1896. t The secretary will also examine and re- port to congress the claims or time Sac and i Fox Indians or Mississippi , now residing In _ . Iowa. A sDecll1 alent 10 nv the Intllans rpsl.1in 0 - Indiana - $48,248 i Setn < : C - n.m Two provisions In the law WIl permit more Ir less business for time Indian office anti the leeretar The secretary Is allowed to use 125,000 for the benefit of Indians not specially nentloned . but who may become needy and ) t or money which may not be used for , be purposes name In the appropriatIons ac- Jount : ; also to remove from reservations or mall property not needed and to apply the Jroeeed1 or property to reservations where t may be needed . The secretary Is also dIrected to appoint I commission to dispose oC the surplus lands : n Brown county , Kansas , belonging to' the , Potawatomles and Klckapoos. ' < A provision or the bill which thee op- sed to easter schools believe will result In decreasing the number or pupils In those schols Is i that which prohibits the sending Jr : Indian chidren out oC the state and ter- riory where they reside unless the consent Jr the parents Is obtalnc Probably some ilfilculty will arise when the secretary omes to carry out the portion or the law provIding for n decrease oC 20 per cent In the number oC contract schools. lie Is not allowed to make contracts with more than 80 per cent oC the contract schools with which contracts were made for the present fiscal year. To decide 3u" what schools shall be given up will cause some trouble , as all wi probably desire to bo retained. The secretary Is also authorized to negotiate with : the San Carlos Indians for time sale oC the coal lands on their reservatIon In Montamsa Ho will also appoint a commission , for which $10.000 Is provIded to secure the consent or the southern Ute IndIans and pay the cx- penses or their removal according to the terms of the law passed at the last session. I'ENIUN LIST NOW . AT ITS ZitNITH. , Next etsr's Ap'proprlRton Almost the Saulo ' as Timh. . but It will Fall ioon . WASHINGTON March 20.-Conmmnisslomoer oC Pensions Lochren estimates that hero will not be any decreased amount appropriated - ated for pensions during the next thrca years. The amount appropriate for the fiscal year at 1896 In round numbers Is i HOOOOOOO ; for the present year the amount was $150,000- 000 The reason for Ito absence oC any per- ceptblo decrease Is that the falling off owing to deaths and other causes I about counterbalanced - balanced by first payments In pensions al- lowed. As cases are allowed Crom time to time there are large first payments , some- ( lines for arrears , ant always dated from the time the applcaton was flIed. The decrease In some classes of claims are quite great as In tIme pensions for the war oC 1812. which have decreased about 50 per cent In the Pst year After three years , when I Is expected the majority of claims will . h" adjudicated and there wIll be few remaining first payments - ments , Commissioner Lochren expects there will be a rapid tailing off oC pemmalons as they have now reacimed the age when this Is to be expected. He then expects the pension appropriation - prlatlon will be diminished In size very ma- tonally. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . OL.EVA1tND'S . Ullr TO ( JUhIlIN I I.ILI. landsomety Dounlt Record ot Chicago I'ubbie 'orks "lt by SOII' Wag. WASHINGTON , March 20.-Th\ Honoluln Advertiser . which has just arrived , clrars np a mystery which has long been puzzling 0111- cers here ot In entry In ex.Queen I.lluoka- lanl's diary . stating that on time day specIfied I'resldent Clove land's present had bee received - ceived by hcr. I w'a denied here that the president had ever sent n Present to the ex- qUeeim Time Advertiser now expllus tnt Mrs. Domlnls received a copy oC time report oC the Hoard OC Public Works or Chicago for the year 1893. Some one hall taken the trouble to cover It handsomely him ' cloth and had also secured the Ileronnl caMS or Mr. Cle\olall and Mr. Gresiiain Timecards cards , the paper says were Placed Inshl time volume with a suitable statement oC regard In Corwardlng l. The ex-queen did ( not doubt tha ( genuineness oC the preseimt It seems , nor suspect that some practical Joker hall been at work and accordingly misfile the entry In her diary. The Honolulu paper states that , the report contained "plenty or useful Inror- maton that could he used to advantage by n progressive monarcllY. " Jo"o for luemploelt State.mon. WAShINGTON , March 2.-I Is tinder- stood that the president will wIthIn a day or two make a numl r oC appointments under - tier the act of conKress creathlK two federal courts In Oklmmhoimma . hi Okilhoma. 1 believed that ex-Hellrclentatve Buckley Hlgorl oC Texas will be apolnted to one ct the JUllgcHhlI ( . Captain : C. F , Shoemaker \\'al today , ror- mal ) ' detaied to act as chief ot the revenue cuter service and Ilmedlatel ) took charge or the ollice. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Two Fnurthi-Cimis l'uSIIRlerl. WASHINGTON , Murch ) . -Speclal ( 'fEle- gram-Postmammtera ) were appointed today ns folowl : lowa-Uernlnu. MaMhalltu count . n. C. JOI'Si vice F. M. NlcholKon , resigmued . Houth . ) mmkoa1tosehle'al - worth count . M. 1 ller Smih , \Ice n. Ilotlerel' . resigmmed th " 'fhrlr Clnlllatol' . WASh h INOTON . March 20.-Simeclai ( Telo- gram-Time following Iowa Iostnaster were cOlmlssloned today : August Neumnn , AckllY' Charles J. 1'Hthone. Hancran ; John i-3. lttc. HellevueViillamti C. Ure- merman , Uoone ; 1.'rcderlck A Peek 11am- , . hoMt : Jnmcs M. I\ ) k. IeoMUIUa ; Clint I. . Price , Wal > lb. ' , . 1- - _ 'I ' ! - oln U.\'E 1S Tp Vtt , TI CU' T , will Ieo WR hnl tth'for time Trll' To- morrow-lie \Allflllu fur time ( 'Rtet. WASlNOTON , Utth ZO.-Speclal ( Tele- ! ram.-Congressmm-Uve ) ! Mercer and wife arrived In the cly Ithl9 moring Crom New York , where they lanl been ever since the adjournment oC congre Nr. Mercer had IntelHled to make \\.Qccan : trill to Florida for the benefit oC Ill tIfe's ; health , but he was detalncl In New . York City on account or business aunt \ ad nnablo to make the trip. lie will be her until Friday I , when he will leave for Omaha" , arriving there on Sunday - day next. Mr anti Mr. Mercer wi be In Omaha unt ThUrslla1 evening nr nex week anl will then ! O to 1'acomn.ash. . , wherl they will Join a party on a trill to China , Japan amid othcr eastern countries , returning by way or the HawaIan Islanls. ( The trip wilt conRume several months ) Ir. and lrs. Mercer wi take this tril In aecordance with the recommendaton ! or their \h'slelnn , who advIsed { an ocean VO 'ae. Mr. Mercer will cal upon Secrelar oC War I.amont tomorow all request the Issuance orn order 8uPll1ylng Iho Omaha Illh school cadets with riles for nse In thrill. At the request or lr , Mercer , thr Indian office will have a specIal list or articles to be contracted for sent to Omaha for tIme benen or the merchants there who tire desirous or bidding for Imlan supples , Anlll"WBI1 TO1'AI : ' 11 l.tGl.E. : Ilblll of , alonall ) to Ito " 'nrn I , tollrR After 1 Irollcan , 'tistiiui. WASIOTON , Iarch 20.-'he Ilrobahl- Iles are that In the ncar future time officers ot the ( limIted Slates army will take on : nether - other deslnalon or rank II the shape oC letnlc eagles to be worn on the front or their hutl , The qucston ts under mh'lse- ment among the heath ' ! officers oC the War de- imartmneumt IIHI I Is ullerstood lint the pro- Jct Is very favorably reartct by man ) ' of timens Some oC the army ofc rs are urging It on the ground that In European countries the officers wear on heir t hats the colors of olccrs their ovcrelns. The ) ' hell that I II a plalu and unmistakable evidence of natonalty ( , : S wel al or rank and miiary service , and as the eagle Is the natonal American emblem vice It cal be elioptcl1 to - the benefit oC the scr- . 1ItlWi IS ! UI 'l 1' TiE IMIU\ . lie Says lie lin"1 Nnlhlng Officially of Eu 1JIIJI" 0 It I hint Il am . NEW YOIK , March 20.-Senor ilarrios the Nicaraguan minIster to Great lrltaln , sailed for Uuefehls today on the Panama shil City or 1Irl . Berore the delarturl of the vessel MinIster Barrios dlsa\'owe1 : l knowledge or the alleged . , Irmal11 or gng- land for 05,000 Indemnl ) for the Imprison. menl oC Consul Hatch at Ehuefleitls . anti for the nllpolntment oC a commission to alljudl- I cto the question or .1\mac to British sub- Jects expelled from time Mosquito reservatiomm. MinIster Uarrlo also nld : "The statement that 1 have had several .hltervlews with Scc- retary Gresham II W'aslmimsgton , where 1 have been for the Ilast wcelland ' had come to an understaldlng with time , 'State ' department Is timitrue I called on tholseeretary once when 1 was Washlngtop , bllt m ) visit was slm- ply one of eourte y. We mIld not olclaly dIscuss iratters ' ertlning to eltimer ! t go\a . . _ _ . cr ! ! : I " 1 am going nOll oa Ireo 101 IS- leave ot absence , and.nLJhat end or that time 1 shal return to Eng4nd. Theu alt mat- ters betwEen Englal'.d Nicaragua , I am sure , will be amlcalil . sled , " wuol. I'JWl S Sf.UKJ"JI l "Tl , DI Elf. o Strength , \brORI Lisa Not Produced Quota- htT IhJlrrTrlc _ . linwaver . BOSTON : arch ' 20'-t'ise American Wool and Cotton RoportetI\1 ' ! say tqlorrow at the wO'ol trade : ! tb , rcportc strength or , the market abroldt $ ' miOt bei , refecte h\ , any npI".cl ) le wI\Ih5le. : .llklns , , though not quotably hhb . ' ateatlier 10t lmlglmercertalumhy are steacler. and , although trad 'has ruled very quiet manufacturer" isavd found It impossible to obtain comscesshbns In value from those CUr- I'cnt a week ngo. Wool Is low In com parl- Hon wIth other staple artIcles , and I Is lower h1re Into anywhere else. Stocks of domesto wool here Ire not large , and yet there appearH 10 be enough to meet the densand which In itself Is not urgent man- ufacturtr" buying most ) ' In small 10ls. The business of the past week has bcen of 1 retail character . vel'y few good sized lots havllg been moved. The Iggregate of trmtmmsactlomms . In fact IR even less thll that or last week. Hold9'1 ot wool are In Home quarters quite frm In their views and a case Is cited where a manlrlcturer who came Into the market and made some offers , none of which were accepted by the dealers went home without securing his wool. I Is heglnuln to be believed , even by seine ot those who had been looking for a rurther decline In values that wool has got to / point where the botom can be felt amid , that any further change In values will be upward lather than In I downward direc- tIon. The 81les for the week amount to 1.23.0 1'0\118 dome tc and 5G.(11 tlounds foreigts . making a total of 1.791.0 pounds against 11 total of 2,91.20 for the previous week timid 1 total or 2.912.GJ 10\111 for the corresponding week last ) 'ear. , OUTPUT 01" TIlE i'ltJlClNG . 11011 $ ES. ! lght Decrease for the Week , hut I.Argo Gain for time Srnool In NumhPI' cLNCINNA'I'I , March 20.-Sperlal Tele- gramn.-Tomnorrow's Irlre C\'rIut will say : ' ' of IR ' sll maintained Time mal'ltetng hoW \ \ I Western iuckers havhaniled OO hogs the \ast week . comparell ( wih 310 , ( the precedlnJ week and 235.01) last year. 'FI'om March I the total .I jJr.O against 680.0 ' . Prominent Illaces as a follows year : 110. compare folowl S 189 : . 1691. Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3GO.0 220,00 I ansa' Cliy . . . . . . . " . . . . . .10.0) 1,00 ) Omlha CI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G.GI ) 99.00 8t. LouIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47)0 ) 4,0 Cimmeimsumati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0 : .O ( ) Clnclnnnt IndhlallIM , . . . . . . . . . . . . : Sol 1.0) Cedar Hlpldl . . . . , . . . . . . . 12,0 8,00 ; St. Josolh ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,01 ; 1r.Oi ) 810lx City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0t } 15.000 Ottmmniwn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . 1,0 7. O Otumwl' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.0 8.0 Nebraska city . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,0 , 1,0 WR.l Tll\U j'UUItM.7. Fair amid Tnrmu' rwtttm tIJlh Wlnda fur N.brMskl. WAShINGTON , s1'urchm 1 20.-Time forecast for 'rhiurs'1mu ) . Is : For Nebraska-Fair : south winds ; warmer I In the clster portion , I For Missourl-Wmuruticr : winds Hhlfng to' ' I southerly . . For KansasFair : ' WUlner ; soutimerly ' winds. , I"or lowa-Fulr ; warnir' southerly winds. For 80uth Dalmtmi'1Fmmfr . : Houth winds ; In tetn'Virature. Ilght ChUIgoH t'Jn I.c. ) 1jf ( , corl. ; OFl1CE OF Till' ) 1WTEAT1IER hIUitlAU , OWIC TIJ \ ATI JUIoU OMAhA , Mllch 21..O/all reconl of tem- Ilerture mind rainftthlio't'omnpared wih the I corresponding day . of the fasl fOlr ) 'Clrl : . . - . I . 1 lS3. : ! mluxlmUni temlertttuIt'l' . . . 3s I' . 01 MinImum tel\erl\\ItI. ; " 2 : 4 17 J5 : lnlmul , th" r 50 42 ' temllcrntl P/ r : lrtclll1tol . . . . . 'n".o ' . ' . ( ) . \J Conmllttoim of tellJrlre ( \ ; and preelJllaton Conditon at Olahll ror tit 11\1 , \ ' ' und Ilnce March 1 1 , I4l 1t95 I Nominal ; tcmnlmerattit't' } ' ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norlal tcmllertlljltl ; , .j. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : Normal PreCiPitatltt H. . . . . . . . . . .0 : Inch . lelieleimcy tar the i'iS..t. . . . . . . . . .i Inch 'rotal PrecIPItation ' . March I. . .46 inch DtIcenc > ' since Mllr , 7f 'J 1. . . . . . . . . . : Inch Reports frul Othnr Itlol' : at I I' . J. -t- .r- - lt'J8 ; ' . ; STATIONS. , a ,4 ; STATS era ITATION8 a . ; ' g 3 g : WUTUCR . a p" p 0 _ _ : I l , ' . - - - - - - - - - - Dmaba. . . . . . . . . 4J IR .00 CIemr. Noflhm Platte. . . . . . 4H (10 ( .1)0 Clear. Norh 11:10. 10 C lr. \IIeulnu. . . . . . ft l .110 Clrar. Cllca o , . . . . . . . . 92 32 .00 Clear : : : SI. Lotus. . . . . . . . . . 42 H 'J' , Clear , St. l'ammi. . . . . . . . . : 4' .on el'ar. ( , Davenporl. . . . . . . : : 42 .on Clear. IIu6nK City. . . . . . . :16 : : .OU Cl'ar. Lummvur. . . . . . . . . . . fi I .00 Clear. Salt Lake City. . . . . ZO Alt .OU Ool y. el :0 Ii < liapItiCimy . . , . . . . . . H IJ .no l'artrlottdy . Ilelemma . . . . . . . . . CU 51 .00 Ouu < y. Clenmarck. . . . . . . . 4H IU .CI ) Pturlcloutiy , Vlncont . . . . . : li A.u , .00 Cloudy. Clmeyeumm . . . . . . 4.1 62 .uo Cloar. . ! l.ymt7..a2 1 ! . UC .OClouitiy. ( ) . " ' ' indicates trace 0' precipitation. L A. WEItI. Observer River Jlstl ! II SIoux ( 'IIY , SOUX ( lry , Marh ) . - ' the Ob server , Omaha : . .t 3 J I I. the river stands at t.1 feet : three amid lve. tenths feet .Ise , and full oC runninG Ice . nIADO [ LEAVING 11HOSnDIA Will Soon Sail for Riolo on One of the Neighboring Islands , FOUR JAPANESE CRUISERS OFF lIEN TSIN - II'hlrl' tomMsn , ( : tnllullcrII.Chlc ot thin 11llnl Arm , to Jiko I'ort Arthur ills II'RIIII etors-Utiti- bORt1Ahll\ Atlemu ' . - YOKOIAMA , March 20.--Tho emperor will shortly leave lroshlml for 1loto on the Isllld oC Hondo. lIe will not return to II0sh'I I ! ' : . The gunboat To\tlln , , 'hch wits detained al Allen while on her way here by order oC the British govcrnment , has arrived at this Port Time JaPanese gunboat Tats\ta , ac. cording to a dlspnteh from Aden un Angust :0 last , was detained hero by order oC the Urlt.h foreign office under tbe fore-lgmm en- lstment act , hec.\use her elptnln anti crew were Britsh smmtmjects. . Moreover . the crow In vlel or thl ( neutrllt > laws , reftmsNi to tie duty. The Tat lla heft Newcastle , Rug. on Jnnlr ) ' 23 for Yokohama. She WIS hll by the Armstrons at Blswlel and was laulehell on April 6. lst. She Is of 875 tOiS re- Ister anti , has a speed or twent.one lot Prince ) { omatI , time conmnsnmsder-lum-clmiof or th JI.Rlese . armies Is goIng to establish his hOUIllarters nt Port Arthur Four Japanese crulscrA are reported ! as havll ! arrh'ell off the Talm bar "ar Tien- Tsin yesterday. Thme.y wee In search oC vessels - sels carrying eOltraban,1 or war. WASINGTON. March 20.-Tho Japanese legton has received cable InorlRton ! or several cabinet cimanges one or which Is : ir. 1Iatsl Cata 's to be 1111ster or flmmance. 'I'hls has not yet ieen announced. Field 1 Marshal Ynmagataho was II com 1 : 11 of the first arm ) ' ultl he bccame ill , now hrromes minister - ter ( oC war , The place was occupied tem- pol'arily by Marshal Oyaumsa , the hlro oC Port Arthur. TIme hew minister oC fnancl Is one or time Coremost stntcsmen eC the east on the mOley question , and has haul charge or JIII- aiesI fntnelal affairs at rormcr e\'ents. Thee cabinet changes and time ppolntment or Irilcl Komatsr as commimmmammther-ln-chmiet or ni time military forces oC Jallan are regarllet lS having n slnleanl hcarlng emi the ncgo- ! ; Iltons 1111 oC cearing a way for the Ilela- Iatou or an armistce an,1 : , a ccssntlon or hos- \ 1 t 13. Thus Car the military commands have been divided amen ! several marshal , can- lluc\np different cammipalgus. They arc now concentrated Into the hands oC one mitaim closely In accord with the Imperial huoumse- holtl . so that on armistce could be executed quickly without waiting for different . coma- mander to check their rISCllct\.C camlllns. The new minister oC fnnee will have cllarge oC the enormous cash Indemniy In gold or sIlver to be Ilall by Chmimma. TitliNG TO lIOl'll AUUNST J011 . Souse Doubts JXtJ'cs el Umt the Wreck Ilscnveremi l8 time Ichm htcgemuc. l\DHID. March 20.-The officials here con- simier that It Is still possible that the officers siler _ . L' . _ . _ stl _ _ _ . , _ .u. _ . ' olcers , 01 le % lpn0lS0 . % ki. are I"LU" I 1 Lelr Icentfc'tol or the wreclt. Senor Macu lately the conunander or the cruiser Condo de Vendlo , said In an interview that he be- le\"od such an expert sailor as the captain or the Ielna Icgente would have quit the dangerous coast In the vicinity oC Tangiers at the first s'mptol or a storm. I he found that Impossible owing to the tempest he woull have endeavored to have got In the ocean where time vessel mmsay have foundered or sti be floating dls3blcd. The queen re- gent hopeful after which the vessel Is named , Is still The government probably knows whether or not the vessel has beams host but Is hiding the truth until a new ministry shal have been formed. I Is stated that the search will continue . but this Is a forlorn hope Time cOlmon people are loud In their male. dictons which they direct against the Moor. isis mnlssloim . to convey which hack to Mor. occo the Reina Rcgente was sent to Tangier , The Correspondenca de Espana Is r spon. ! Iblo for the statement that the AIJlhonsc XII . hrolht to Cadiz the bodies or thlrt ) men belonging to the Helna flegermte. NO U"VOt.U'lION IN MiLN S\L\\UOU Parties Who Think They Inow Deny time Ioports : elt Our. SALVADOR , Marchi ' 20.-'fho reports telegraphed graphed abroad that Minister Castelanos hat been recalled to quell an expected revolutor ale denied In official circles. Quiet IrO\"ali over the republIc amid there Is no movemen of any moment against tIme governmen Imown to exist. WAShINGTON. March 2Q.-Senor Laze time Guatemalan minister and Senor Calve the Costa Rico charge d'affaires , declarl lint the news or a revoluton In Salvador II the Interest or Geneal Ezcta Is entrel' : ' false They thought It very slnular thin the steamer Saturn , which was the bearer 0 such Important accounts , did not communicate cato them In the Guatemalan or Mexlcai ports where she touched and where the ; conll have been wired to this country as nr many other news Items of inmportammce bu should walt InU her arrJ'al at San 'ran cisco Laze all Calve say the fabrication a such a dispatch Is vcry clear , but they ar In frequent communicaton with the state , al though neithmer or them Is a represcntatlv ! neiher representat\ oC Salvador. They are sure that they \\'oul itavo reeelvel Inrormaton through their correspondents respondents or otherwise In regard to sue I grave events which It Is said haPllelld I the early part oC February. Caummlmeli- iIamiiierimmigmmm " 'llulrA WB. LONDON , Marc'h 20.-1 Is announced thin Cammspbell-himmnmserunanim has Imlennlcly abali dammed his candidacy for the speaker.hlll a the House oC Comminiomms The cabinet eouncl was withmolmt result aimmi ! another has heen con vened for next week to decide time spe.kershl question. The Times says that a contest Co the pcalwrhlp Is now Inevitable . New HI.111 Minister to iforilgi . LONDON , March 20.-A dispatch to th Times from Berln , states that Count vo Ostensaeken , HU8slan minister to Dayarh would be allllointed Husslan ambassador t Germany that office having been rendere vacant by the appointment or the Ilrevloll lncunmbent Count yon Schol\'alor. to tl governorhip oC Warsaw tlezleo's 101,1 , 'felorIJhOI tl UnRtollh GUATEMALA , March 20.-MinIster de Leo IIB telegraphed a re&ume of Minister Marl cals reply to his last note to the Mexlea government and ( lie work of determining 11 ( frontier a demandll In 7brlr\I'1 reply wilt be tlken lp lgnin In n few dms amid I1Nse- eute to a finish . NIAI : nlW IS : lI"'I .O : ' , \I\ti 01,1) .tnhmverasry ( ot hllsiili'tim Cel hrtell by Jrlleh Teetotalers. LOnON , March 20.-Tho Bil Innl\cr. sry oC the births oC General Neal Dow , time great American prohibit lonist . wu celebrated ! last nlhl In the W'cstcrmm church , iilghmgnte , thii city. 'Flic ticiegmitea troni all time tens. pernmmce societies were Iii attoumilance , Dr. 'Chowri Mtmtlmu , tito Chrh.tian liraimimmimi , pro- sltliumg. Mr. Roberts , Id. P. , antI ethers ad. tlressed tIme nicetimig. Tme ! mmscotlmmg , which was renmarkabhc for tim great entimusiasmmi prevaIlIng , linseed a resoiutiomi warmly' con- grtttumimutitsg Generai Doms on thmc attntmmutmeuit of IsIs 91st bhrtimilny , end recording the deep appreciatIon of tluc nicetimig for his liii- mmmeasumrabio services In ttmt , ciimmse of temislier- aimco amid lsrohmibltiomu to lmuuiimamsity amid to ( lou. tim eomsltmsiomi , tIme mumeetlmig armit ( lemm- eral low ) groctimigs In tIme wordiimg of Nummimbers v. , vemses 2 $ , 25 auth 26 , as follows : "Thm I.omd bless thee amid : ' thee. 'The Lord immake lii face to ahmimse timon thee and be gracious umimlo timee. ' 'Tlm Lord lift illi bus eeuntemmammco 151)00 tltctm nimmi give ( lice peace. " No I ) 'nmimt , m I' I I m , It i' I iii ii u-ge mit n's in t I. . MADI1ID , 'mInm'eim 20-Theme ito longer . secmi.1s to lie' ally doumbt timnt tIme stoiy' cmi time wreck of time crsmhsem' hieluma Itegmste is tulle. Time coast of Cmiii , nortH of ( 'nIle Traful- gmmm' , where tIme cruiser fotmmule'red , neeortiin to the report ci' time' commsmmmnmuler of time Al- fdnso X I I is tre\s'im With wmeekage lnioimg- hug to the lteintm ltc'gemmte , nimmi with nih. cccli' lush forumiS , flags , etc. , i4liowing lue'ommd a umy' remmtuii a hi e uloumim ( thin t tIm e vmlrs ii p its lost . 'rite a ii t ii omit hems 'lil imot mtlitmtv lCeltIe mmenm' tue c'tmt of Commll , ( cmii hug isahimftui I4CCiieiI wlmen tIme imotiles of time ( irO'\'imL'Ll ' sailors ale recovememi. I ) oummlui lOll ( mubi , n't I mu mm I lea , tlom'k. OTTA\'A , Omit. , Mnm'e'hs 20.-Aumotlmer all- mslglmt seemmiomu of thm sriv' ctnmmseii vmis iueiti , mit no hi'mI4Vests 5fl5 inmitle iii time ittmtmitotma ( itiestioli or toward dissolmmtlon antI nhmliemil to time coummmtm'y' . It is an OlC'ui i'ecrm't tiimt thm t''tiilnet Imats reaciseil a tietumihoelt. Time Public dee'harmstlomsms of iltsmm. Clint \'nllucc. : lit ii t un sv lii leave t lie emitmimmet I 1 comma ed ml beghtshttiems its granted hints lilneell l'rcmnier lho'ell in it mlliilctmlt hmosttiomm. Ilemur , % mlimmlrai ) lcsut. , immlis for Situ lummstusguu. COLON , March 20.-Captmmin liarItmtt J. ( 'm'ommswcll , comonimimitier of time Uniteti litrttemu crmmise'r Atlamsttm , time Amsmerlemumm comssui 1met , iimmti time itmess cemisor tiemsy' that ohs' oiilcitit club umsessmmgt's lutuvo becmi 8tuspetI by thm Coioummbhnmm mlsmthmoritie's. Iterul- Admiral Meimdn'as usqumadroms of warships - ships has balled for Sams 1)oinlngo , " 1iuti1qit omueer4 lrev i.tmt. MAIltID , Maccu 20.-Time officers of ( hue garrison y'estcrtiay drew lots lit order to do- dde whuo of timemmi should deimmamuti satisfaction irommi ( Ito editors timid numthtors of tIme recent liuhihislmed smtterances deenmed to be imismultitug to time Spalmlsim aritmy. Ncsvsiltmper Shim ( ) itiur.'ul Ariesleti , MAIitlI ) . Macelm 20.-A lmsiittary court. at flarcelona Imas ordered time arrest of- two dl- rectors of newspapers for proestitmg ( against time outrages perpetrated by time mumilitary hi Matirltl. It is feared thuat tIme adieu will leami to disorders. , ImuilSfleNo lornps Alvaumeiumgi j..uNiOr'i , Alaremi ; : u.-A ummspmltcmi to inc Thmmses from Slmammghmmii , vhmichm vill be pimis- limsbsetl tomsmorrov , smsys that ( 'hmlnese s0oimtms report ittu''iuig umiet aim amlvumictm ( le'tacisinemmt of Japanese two mnlhes east of KIn Chow , GROUND PLANS DECIDED ON , 1iuiimc 1)ono by time StaIn Fair Iioartt or llihnngera cmuttrutmuy. Yesterday mornIng time board of mammagers of ( ho State Board of AgrIculture spent sauna time in looking over time graummd ulamma of . ArchItect llelumdorff for ( hue state fair build- logs and listening to suggestIons from cx- hlbiors , Later tlme board went to ( Ito state : fair site and approvei tIme plamis as submuittemi by Architect. Ilelmmdorff , with time exception of the Fish building. Tue nmaimi gates will be : time east sIde of ( lie groumids imistead of . thmo north sitie. . Time board comnpletctl limo insimection nab returned - turned to the city. After approving a primit- . lug comutract amid attending to minor dcttmlis i ( lie ummanagers discussed time iremulhtmmsm list and - thecided to defer action until time mmoxt meet- lug. Adjourmmmmmemmt followed. The beard will ummeet agaimm msmmbject to tIme call of ( hue cimair- misaim. All of the mmmemnbers , with ( Ito exception of Mr. hiturmics of Grand Island , left for their homes last nhghut. I - - ; OVERLOOKED. i / There are Patient Medicines , and Remedies , Without Number. - y Fo- : Every Disease and Afl'Hctfon Bitt One , - ii A prommsinent phmysiciamm was receuutly flaked , y wimy it was timat. thmerc are qo mummy "blood C hmuriflers , " "nerve toimics" anti remnemiies for every ill. except ommo of the most comoim anti ; anumoyiimg , viz : lilies. lie replied , there are Lso luriuscipal reasoums : First , phmysiciamus e miimti Iseople in general have tlmoughut timat time - only permmiarmeumt cure for piles was a surgtcal , OlmeratlOmi , ( hint nsedlcimmal preparations were _ sinmpiy palliatIve. Another reason Is , ( lint m liles is , lii no sense of ( Ito vord , an iinaglmm. S ary disease : tIme sumiferer from piles is very n imiuchm aware of time fact , amid for tlmlmm reasoim , tIme few so-called pIle ashes , ointmneimts , etc. , have been simort-hlved. Time hiatleot very t 50011 dIscovered their inefficiency. lie says further , "fortunately , however , I- thmere is a new remedy for piles , wimlcim jumlg. f log froumi its rapidly growIng poimularity , will II sooi take time place of all other ( reanmentmm ; I. it has certalumly mumamle asommlshulng cures In 1' ( lila obstinate disease anti its merit hans inaiio r it fammious aummong physicIans and w'imerover it baa beeui iimtrosluced. This reumsedy is olml by all druggists ummder time naimme of l'yraimmld l'ile Cure. 0 I1roin time immediate relief whIch ( ho Pyra- 0 multI Pile Cure gives in all forimus of piles , I many hiislcialss aUpmosed it contalimetl opium , cocalume or sauna similar substauice , blat ilOfl 0 ml analysis it sas found to lie perfectly free Is troom auiythuiimg of time klumml , anti ( hint time Iii- stamit relief anmi cure which follows its use 10 is rather time result of its reaumarkabie healing , soothing actlomm on ( Ito htarts effected , I , 'Fhme l'yrammmIml l'lho Cure is time oidy remedy , mm except a surgical operation , whmichm iunmiuedi- aately relieves and hmermnammemmtly cures every brims of iiiles. n It Is solti by iirimggists at io ceumts anti $1 to or by umuali frommm Pyrunmld Co. , Aibion , Isilcim , - F'AtI iiJV LJI4A11 - for Infantaund Children .4 Citoria use well ad.siptedto children that Cmssturimi ctmrea Colic , Conztipaion , I recoinumend IL assuptriort.oany 1wc.crIittIuu Sour l3tomachm , ISLarrIsma , lructatlora , hzuowntomo. " Ii. A. Amicamams , II. P. , ICIIIa Worma , gIves Clod ) , anl iromoea dl lii So , Oxford St. . , hirooklyn , N , Y. geation , Without injurious medicatloc. ) ' - "The un of 'Castoria i so uaiersal and "For several years I have recomnmE3mO its merits so well known that it seems a work your ' ca.storia , ' nod shall always contluuo (4 of superunogatIon to codoree it. Few are the do so na it baa invariably iroduced bene11ca Iuthigent latrmlhlcs who da ao keep Caidoria results , " tv1aIn easy reach , " EUSIiH F. 1'mnor , It , IY , , CastLes Msmrys , P. P. , 1zth st-t amid ? thl Ave. , New Yorhc City New York City , Time CccrAcmc CosrAar , 77 ) iramui Srmtmcr , ) ew Yonma CasT. - - - PUT IN PLAIN ERULISH. An .tuutlmrmrily on time \Ttutthte'r Coumluhi , . umtcq Ii , Tlu. ( Iniutrat I mmliii ni Himnw icohgc , TIme must femuotus Anmem'liimi nmmtimorit ) ' On tlmu vc.'sthser rre'ently' snlil "Time fatalIty ( after the srtp ) Is niost mnmkc'ul whmems time liii iii hi It y' Is at I I mm imsa xlmmstmmmm amid there Is a stutiIen , tall of ' ' temperature , That mneanus 1mm PhallI Unglisli tlmtmt commsequuemsecs of gull ) are most ( It'adly' wimc'tm 'lummispimess Is fob- iowtd by mtumldeii cold. how Often mullahs it condItIon of vemuthmer hunts Dre'ahictl this svlmmter is sisou by' tIme otileitml statIstIcs of griIm , l'rt'tloumt ' PeoPle iimmott' lmov In umtlemmgttmems thitmmusi'es Aftem' timfl sells. They wIll oh. sacs n time tisual Prectutmttoum imecesairl' tIm our tIckle whiter , flmmd they' will ImrousmllUY cor- uect nay' bodily' fltliiscmmt no snntte'r how uuuiaii it 1mm. . tmIfluamg emiii , a cotugim anti fugitive acimetu In time baCk null tsimouilderu * linger lommg , somimetiammes , titter au attack of grip. ' 1 hey will umot be foilnwetl lmy Perlnnmsemst veiituiC'ss if the' hotly is wmirmmuemt usliti all its iateimt nusergles msmm' mommsed by that best of nil etlunuitumits ltmfty's i'umro 5lult 'hsisk ) ' . Skims , lmmimis , sonimlclm amid bowi-Is mmre quick ( II feel tIme gm'ttl effects of thuS vimisR ) ' , ThmoO Vimo ha'ts beth i'trleRen by ( lie gmii m'rmnc'mmstier hios' thiS mutlmmmulant hints tmrmsett thseums aim tIme maul to hetmltim It 14 time eruwimimug ummerit of 1)mmffy's l'uiro t1ai ( VImiMky timttt It isuits time liatly iii it gttitt' of tlefemi"t' . flImklIimrs amid lms.tstlrthcm iii timm ) lsiuimuituig timid temmuieiu'y to take cold u'nsil ) ' Rio ovortomnm' luy tlmlts reusmetly , Stmeuigthu rmntl imtioymliict' t'iulhthIlit veakmmetus mmmi ulepresslomi , so that time dreustiti grip leaves lam ) trace beiiimmti. ' , . ' 'forowamneil forearisseil " 'rime mhtl mt.sw. , , would never iumiv ( ' lIVed so lcmumg It It were msn ( mi geuss of witulnimm I ( applies tmiths great fmrce tO time spec1' reeo'er' of grip ti ) ' ummeamma of Pliffy's 1 tire Malt 'imItshc ) ' , THE GREAT A- ) Tluis extraordinary ltcjuircmmator is time mccl wOuumlerfuml discovery of ttmo age. It hiss been emidomseti by tIuo ie'aduimgaciemmtitto moms ofEumopo and Macrica. Iltiulymi is . vega- , . rmi $ : g lImmulyan stops , . . . / ' . . Prematureness . . " , - : 1 ortlmeiilschmmtrge , t ; , , , , u. . Cures " ' ' lua'omts I4O'L' Al'TEit itAII-1ooI : , Commstiptttion , Iizr.itseme , 1'aliiuig Sensations , Nervomma Twlichmhmmg of ( ho "yes ammd oilier i'amts , ttrengthmemts , tmmvtguraiemm amid totie tic efltitp sptolu. Iluulyamu ctmrvs Debility , Nervousamesa , 1mis.sIomas , ' muiti developes mtutl resiorca weak orgutmms. l'almus in thmti back , losses by day o : imiglmtnroi'toppcd quIckly. Ov.'r 2,000 puvato cmmdomc.ommmeimts. l'rommlatsmrommesmi ameana Impotency in thmo first stage , I t Is a yniplomtiof eniimmmtl weakimeetmar.d barremmtmess. It caut be btopped in 20 days by ( ho h. A , , , . , LLU1V ttItVIVJ , , na &flSSW # J Ists of the olmi famous Iludi.n ModicL 1uimuti- tilts , It is tIme BtrOltgCS vitalizer made. It is very powctfuml , tint harimmlems. Solti for 51.00 a paolomgu or iS packages for 15.00 ( lmiamfl scaled boxes ) , Vu'ritemi pmmarammteogivcn foracuiro , It yOti buy six boxes and are itot emmtirely emirsuti , aix mnorowillboeentnyotifrOo of ailohargoS , Somid for circuiars almmi testimonialS. Address HUDSON MEOCL ! INSTITUTE , 1O3 MARKET ST. , 5158AN FRANCISCO , CALIFORNIA. - . - -I LUXURIANT1 HAII I. produced by time CtJTICTIRA Ressnmzs when cli outer , diii , 'l'itoy' cleatmao limo I lIctiil ) of irlltatlumv , scaly , emqmiod , I ammO imlotcity immimnors , atimimulato I time itilr folilcit' . , amid destroy mmml- 1 % . Croseopie inect4 mhmlcim feed on the hairaumd imemmceumcceetjwhems time t.ct . Phmyshciatts mummtl nil other remnedics fail. Solti throlmgbcitmt ilium would , Teeth Without Plates ' ' BAILEY ciw' , , - , , # \ -4 , d _ / DENTIST , , f I ii . Paxtomm lihuck , i.k luttmamitlFarmiata9tm. Ftmhi Sot Teelh.$5 00 I Silver Fiillmmvu..St 00 1iotTcctim . , , . , . 7 50 I i'mtro Goiml Fltimmti Si 01 Tlmimm l'lato , , . , . . . . . 10 00 I clohd Crowumtu-'JOlt. $3 1'miitlemta Extrztct'tt Stic I Bridge Tctihm-lootli ii 0) Teeth Out In Morning , New Teeth Same Day - . . . - We sCnd tit'u marrthou , Yrec1. aI lltntly CALTIIOB nmnt , m . .2 WI heni guartummtee that tj.7HoI will lHE ; : " ' 1 - ( Jsei1mndavm7at/ficd. Ill 44ri'VON MOH CO , . ' Lioio Arltsn , t1neiDM ! , 0100. ' . IIAIL\YAY \ rq CARD iottves iIUIIhINGTON & MO. ItIV1ll. ArrIea Otnaimmm tjtmicmm lieltot , 10th & Masuum Sin. Otmimilma 10l5anm. ; . . . . . . . . . . Ie'mmvcr Express. . . . . . . . . . . 9:4Oauum : 4aOpnmuiik. : lUlls. Slant , & i'uau ( timid. 1x 4lOpmmi : 4:35pimi. : . . . . . . . . . . lermser , , . . . . . . : 6iammumNebmnsmtd : J'cal ( except Sunday ) . 7:45pm : Sliaiua..Lltmcoiii : Local ( except Suumttayh1ZOam ) . 2Ilpmn : , . . , Fast Mali ( for Lincoin ) 1)ail ) ' , , , , Leaves ICiliCAcO. IIUILINQTON & Q. Arrives OmmuitmmmIUi5ln Iepol , litim & Mmson His , Onmaha 4:45pm : , . . . , . , , . , Chicago Vestibule , , . , , , , . . , 5iOmuia : DdOmnm..Chmicmmgo Ixltress. . . . . . . . . . . 4:15pm : 7:0Imi. : .Cialcngt , timid St. LouSs Express. , SOoans : l1:1aos : , , , , , , , l' uvula Junction Local , , , , . , . 6:10pm : , . . . . . . . 2Slpmxm : - Leaves CII1C'/tUO , SIlL. & $1' . i'AIIL. strri'emm Ommmimmm Unlc'n Depot , 50th & Mason Sta , Onmmmisa G00itus ; , . , , , . . . , . , Chicago I.tmntte'l , . . . , , , . , , , OlOarn : llllnnu.Cimtcagu : Espresscx. ( Sumu. ) . , , . OO9pmn : Leaves ICIIICA(1O & NOItTIIWIIHT'NlArriveuu OmmmaimnlUnioim IeitOt , lltiu & Mason 515.1 Ontaiia : . . . . . . . . , . . Express , , , , , , , , , , , G:30mmmn : 4 :00pua : . . . . , . V'stibtiied Limtmlie.h. . . . . . . . . O:4ouiu : : . . . . . . . . . . , Vimlicy ioc4i . , . . , , . , ltIOpnm ) : - ' 5:15pm : . . . . . , Omimuima . . , , . .2 :15m'mu : , Leaves I CIIIL'AUO , it. a. & i'3iI'ie , Arrives UnaimiLjUImln iepol , hIlt & Maseam ins , Omaha FAST. l1uOaiuu.AIiaImtiO 1xlti'se ( CX , t4undimy , . GOlmmi : ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . Express. . . . . . . . . . . . ts&O4mmI ; 4dmmn , , , C libmigu VstltmuiotI bimmuitt'd , . , 1OSptui : II :3pmmmOk1tmtmolmma : 5ix , ( to C. II. ox. tiun.ll ) : Iopmn 5laimi.OklLmImOtimit ; & 'i'eatmml Es , lox , ISun.Ilaimrn : _ : _ . . . . . . . . . . I.limmlltmi. . . . . . . . . . 4mmupni : beive3 ( i. , HT I' . , itl. & 0 , Arrlvt's Omnaiutm iepOt , lilim and \Vebstur Hts , Otmmaltmm 9:2SaumT.INei.raeka : 1'aitsumger ( daily ) , . , , 5l5tni : 4 4lomumitiloux : City ixprnbs ( cx. Hun..IiGlmmnm ) : Glomtm. : . . . . . . . . . St. l'emul Liuzitltmd . . . . . . . . . .10:35am : ieayeTi' , , 11. & MOVAL1.h.Y jArrlves ( nmmaimujput.15mlitmndWeiaiU'Hls. I Oamalmms 2l ; pm . . . . Fast Mttul and izpros. . . . . . . 4Eitmn ; ZIIpimm : , ( ox. Htt. ) W'o. lIx , ( ex. Alora. ) , , 4tlpimm ; 5Q5unm. : , Norfoik Ixi'rtss ( cx , Hundai' ) , . .1):3luimm : . . ! ioJtmum . . . . . . . . HI. Paul . . . . . . . . . . : leaves I E. C. , liT. J. &b. iC iArrivc Onmammauljnmermlelot , ikh& Mtmsonlits.jthnmtima 3- 5:508'u.iCanstu' : Cliy i.sy uxcross. , . . . . Oij : Dliums.iC. : C , Niglmt iz. vIa U. 1' . 'nuns , G:5Mffl : Layea I iti-saiiUnii3ipic. ; Arrives ( Jtniqjl.spct. hum mmumd Vebstua Sits. Omaha : . . . . . . : : : : . . Louis 5xpress , , , , , , , , , , GOoaim : , : . . . . . . . . . . . bouie 1xi.rese . . , , , . , , , , , CSpiti : 5:1mnu : , . . . . .Nebraska icai ( ux Hutu. ) . . . . . 9Oumn : Leayea SIOUX CITY & 1'ACii1CfiiT Omnaimtm hJCpot , 1tht aimil Webster 81mm , j Omuhma : . . . . . . . . . . . l'aul Litutiteil..10 Iiimuum Leaves HiOllX CiTY & i'ACii"iti IArriv' Onmalma lijib-n _ 1)e'I.ul , 15th 4 Masoim 515.1 Onmalmmu. Gdl.mlrm..Sioux Ctiy l'usstmmger , , , . . , , lOlipit'i : l'aul Limnlteti . , , . . . . . ,12Z3mnmm : heaves tJN1ON h'it'iiiC. . Omimaima Union IeiotlOtim& iOntam..geamney : Express. . . . . . . . . . . I 2:00pm..Ovetianth : I-'Iyer. . . . . . . . . . . . 5Zipimu : - . 2OOatttm.iieu'tctm : & Hlmomnsb'g 1s , ( cx. Hun ) , :4pumm : -5 7Zuptn. . . . . . . . . . . l'aeliima . . . . . . . . . . . . ( : : . . . . . . . . - ' ( Mmiii . , . . , . , . . , . . , , . 41Up Leavea WA 111,1511 flA1I.VAY "iurIvT Ont.tlmultlnlen 1c1toi , hum & Masoim Ht.L ( Ommmalmmm 1ipmmu : , , , , , , . lIt. LouIs Cttnumou . , , , . , , * :