Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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TItE 01fAlA DAILY DEE : ' 1'llVflMgY. UAROn 21. 1805. 3
- -
coucn I3LUFFS.
OFFIC , . . NO. 12 PEAnL STE '
Dtlvue bJ tnlff to any part of the . It7.
1. W. TILTON , Lele& .
'Et.rt'IOCSDua'nel , cmc. No 41 nlht
- - - - -
.11.\ tnt .11\ ' : JU.\ ' . " ,
Oranl , Council flIutt. E. F. Clark prop.
Mayup Real Estate agency , 139 Droadway
The DauRhtc ! or Pocahonta meet In regu- ,
lr ) ecslon tonight.
Sownr,1 SaiarRI , Inll Lydia tclnns ,
both of Conncl Buls , were . IRrrled ycs '
tertayy Justice Wakr.
C. H. Nlcholtm ! II lying the fonnlltlns ! :
for a real estate ofce lt Lit Uroalwl ) ' , near
thp IntersectIon or Scott street.
Harmony chapter , No . 25 , Orller of the
Bastern Star , wi hell Its tegular meetIng -
Ing thll evening lt MIMrlc htlI.
John H. Miller has taken out I pmnlt for
, the erection of n wo-story btitne s house nt
the corner or ourth street anti Tenth
avel19 , to cost ' 3,5OO.
The member ot the Gaiiynie4eVhocl cub
have received Invitations to the entertaln
ment ami hop to b given IJy tla Omaha
- Turner Wheel club at Turner hal , ISiS Hartley -
tley street , Tuesday evening , Iareh 26.
QeorgoV. . Turner has been elevatell to
the ot limo republican city een-
. _ _ . chnlrl:1shlp : , _ B. , . . . . rCII\lcln . cty . In
hal CUIIIUIIILVIJ . uu IC& . .u I Cj . . . . . . . . .
the Sixth WI,1 last election , ali this honor
Is t In recognition oC hl3 services Inuton -
holing \'oter.
J. F. lolcnhecl ( was working on a small
bridge In Keg creek township Tuesday when
It f 1 nnd caught him underneath . lie was
bally 1InchcII , nnll brtmlicl about the heal
and left Hilo , bl\t i Is not thought his Injuries -
Juries wi Irove , Kellou : .
The report publ3hed In one at the papers
yesterday to the effect that the vestry of
St. Paul's church hal extended n cal to Hev.
J. 1. Slml.son or Grace church Is pronouncell
fals . No meeting Is to bo held until IrIday ,
APril at lenst. ' r , ali nothing will bo done until then
The funeral ot Charles F. Butler took place
7cstenlI tram his late residence In tIme
western part or the city Hev. H. 1' . Dudley
conducting the exercises nt the houGe. The
011 Fellows , Modem " 'oOllen ot America
Bml ICnlhts or 1ythlas atemlet , each or-
gnnlzaton , 1re entng a handsome feral dc-
sign. About 200 men were In lIne on the
way to the cemetery. Time burial service :
at the grave was conducted by the Odd Fellows - :
lows according to their rItual.
There is I talk o having the various
churches at thc city unite lu a series of
gospel meetings to be hell , commencing
April 28 , and continuing several weel.s.
Evangelist T. F. Pierson of Yale cole e , who
Is now conducting R series at meetnis Rt
Storm Luke , will Ilrobably be engaged . I
has not been decided whether or not the
Droadway Methodist church wi unite , nli
the hauling oC the meetings will depend
mainly In the determination oC this Ilues-
tion. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Wo hive over $300.000 to loan upon Improved -
proved Iowa Carms. Farmer desiring loans
. , - - , can save mney by . dealing direct wIth UI , ,
thereby snvlng arent's commIssIon. wo ao i
not loan on wild Innds nor In Nebraska.
L gee & Towle.235 , Pearistreot. I
3. U. McPherson , florist , cut Dowers and 1
plants. Dcsigim work 1 specialty. Wire or-
ders day or night. 1281 E. Pierce , Council
Dul" . -
Cole & Cole are getting In their bicycles I
for 95. The new twenty-two-pounl Waverly
is I a beauty ; was the handsomest wheel nt I
the national cycle show : $ S5 this year. We
have a fine wheel - 1 for - &O. U Main street.
1'EItSOAL P41t.IOJt.t1'JIS.
Mrs. A. Metzer Is visiting friends In Chi-
C. S. Keenan . oC Shenandoah was In the
city yest rday.
n. I. Ketchum Is enjoyIng a visit Cram
his tn ler or Detrol.t.
Judge W S. Lewis and P. P. Kelly of
Genwood were In the city yesterday.
Charles Andrews. at 252 Avenue C , Is
down with an attack or scarlet fever.
'V , D. Reed the county treasurer has returned -
turned from n two weels' visit to California.
T. II. Comte loft , last evenln ! for Racine ,
Wis. , to vIsit relatives for two or three
Miss Lizzie FInn returned yesterday morning -
Ing tram a visit with friends In Greeley
. Center , Ia.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Shugart have gone to
Chicago for medical treatment for the Inter ,
whose condition Is very serious.
Mrs. W A. Coulter at Kansas City , Mo. .
arrIved In thIs city Monday , being called by
Limo 8ullen , illness oC her daughter , Mrs.
-1uoo Jetrles or 7 Grace street
County Auditor J. Id. Matthews , who re-
: enty fell tram I buggy and broke n leg , Is
well enough now to be able to walk about the
hO\se with the all ( ot a pair ot crutches.
W. J. Gratan , formerly organist at St.
Paul's church In this city , Is sellng out his
nan manufacturing plant In Des Mone3 : , and
wil probably connect hhnselt again with his
father's establshment In Alton , Iii.
Frank Chamberln has returned from a
three years' pilgrimage .In Oregon , Denver
and other western cities , anl will remain
wIth his relatives here for n tme , For the
last six months ho has been . In Colorado
Springs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Iuwm . l'arl8 for SIlo , .
'Ve offer for sale , for a short time only , the
) following Iowa farms : A 287-acre farm In
I folowing
, Guthrie county , a .O-acro farm In Manana
county , IGO-acro farm In Mononn , 70-acro
farm In Union county , IGOacre farm In W'ootl-
bury county , 120.acre farm In Woodbury 11
county , two SO-ncre farms In Harrison coonty.
Very low prices will be made In order to c- I
foot Immediate sales. Will take some trade.
Can make liberal tefns on these properties.
' Cal or write for particulars. James &
D'Keefe , 17 Pearl'street.
. \n 0111 Ad"I'
"lie who by his biz would rise
Must either 'bust' or advertise . "
, We have advertised , and are doing the
busIness. Al frames and pIctures at hal
price until April 1. II. L. Smith & Co. , .5
MaIn street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
will Stun with Waixel .
Alhough the negotiations between the DrivIng -
log Park associaton and M. D. 'alxel of
Chicgo for the lease or the Union Driving
park ( or the coming season are still In statu
? quo , the representatve ! oC the company feel
conflent that the contract wi be signed with
Waixel IrtsldEnt Wela ot the motor company -
pany , who went to Chicago to look UIJ
Wnlxel's fInancial responsibility , telegraphed
back yes erday to George F . Wright that
'Valxel's mother , who II wealthy , would sign
a bond al security for her son's carrying out
1Is , contract provisions In regard to puraes.
'Valxel sticks to his wish to engineer the
racing meet , ali copies ot the lea.e contract
and bond were Bent to him yesterday to he
properly fled out. Time bend will aha be
strengthenell by the addition at time name oC
lame respnslble man tram Otmmmmlma. This
seenul praotlealy to settle the question ot rac-
Ing meets this Bummer
There will be a running meeting oC about
ten days In May , and a trotting meeting , bt
ginnIng June 11 , and lasting tour days , beth
oC them under Walxel's control Colonel
Grifn ot California la on time ground , ali
will have a band In the proceedings al n
Partner of Wabel lie Is rUlly to begin
10\'lng .In but nt the advice of Mr , Wright ,
be decided to Postpone dong : so unti the
contract Is properly signed and turned over
10 the association ,
AIII"t IIIUII of limo Iemsmue ,
The annual meetng oC time I.age will be
bold this evening In the club rooma In hit
Merriam block , for the election ot omeeT
for the comIng year and hearing reports 01
silIcon oC the past , Among the atractol
18 said 10 b two CUes oC ginger ale wilt :
the proper acommilmanllmients .
There never were such prices and suet
bargains given In Council Wuls a8 Marcus
the clothier , Is offering now , A $19,000.0 (
stock oC clothing , furnishing goods and shoes h
beIng wore than slaughtered Not a tblnl
that Is offered was tllaged , by the nre ant
the highest prIce asked are 50 per cent belay
c. ' -
- \ - . . - -
Mcrch1ts and Manufacturers AttcoiUO :
Again Shows Signs of Life ,
tlllrl , of time l'znt Ynr' " 'ork Tteceie.t
nu.1 Smggcstion " Made for the 1'tturo
-tecilm.l to lull : lultll )
MeetIig hereafter.
lcetlj Icrllcr.
The nnnual meeting at the Merehnnts' and
Ianutnelnrcrs' association was helll last
e\enln II tIme city building. The occnlcns
on which this origanlaton has gotten Itself
together at late have been 10 few that I
m"ht almost be called the yetly meetIng.
President I. 1(1. Treynor occupied the chair
atHI AV. , Helkmln acted as secretary , In
the absence ot Secretary l rnll ( Trimble. Mr.
lelkmnl road hil report n 1rosurer . vhIZim
showel that there bad bel $251.50 In the
treasury January 1 , IS9 I , and the assets were
increased durlug tw year by n $ i fee tram ,
Mayor Cleaver , The lXpelBes were : Secre-
lacy Tmimmible's trIp to Chicago after tIme sugar
refinery , $22.50 : Globe , for IIrlntng , $8.25 : :
Grand Army encampment $ IOOj ; Grand Arm ) '
souvenir program , $12.50 : Cover Ianntae-
turing company , $7.25 : this left a balance ot '
$50 In the tre sury.
Chairman Test of the executIve cOlmlte
real his report , outlning the work or the
"asl year nnd making a large number at lug-
gestons for the future He thought the work
or securing mnnutacture and enlarging fruit
anl garden farms shoulll bo hmU8lmO . with ro
louhle(1 energy , and the nSloclaUon shonll
devote its best efforts to encouragIng Imml-
gratio'm ' . There was rOom 'In tm Missouri
valley for 5,000,000 people , amid It should be
filled up with I Portion of time 19,000,000
homeless People 11'lnl cast or time Mississippi
and north of time OhIo. Dy Irrigatng the
arid lands homes could be IJovlJI for 70-
000,000 souls. He called attention to
the fact thlt In the near future a
meetng oC the Interstate Commerce
commission Is to be held In Omaha for the
Purpose of hearing complaints from time peo-
pie of that city wih reference to the alleged
dlRerlmlnaton In favor or Counci Bluffs
and requests for the abrogaton ot the bridge
toll In the horle that they might gain admission -
sion to the trade at western Iowa He thought
I commmitee should be appointed to attend
time meeting anl look after the interests or
Council lihmifims.
\mong the things that hal been accom-
plshell hy the association lie mcntonell the
building or the Northwester railway depot ,
which would mule a fine uulon depot site
as soon as the roads gnln admittance to the
city Cram time west : the establshment of the
custom lmotmse the Epworth league conventon ,
three large political conventions . Grand Arm )
encampment , reunion of the Army o the
Tennessee , opening or the Grand hotel , secur-
log or goverment appropriations for river
improvements establlsimimieimt at signal sen--
I.n "mfn ( nn. . . I establshment , I. 1nf.rmlft
harvester l ' ' ' conmpmumy ' I , frommi ; Omnalimi u to ' this ' city :
After the report had been ordered published
the electon ot ofcers was held with the
tolowlng result : President , Ii. H. Otel :
I'lce president , L. A. Devine : secretary , T. C.
Dawson : treasurer , A. W. Helmnn : execu-
Live committee , B. I. " Test , chnlrman , 1. M.I I
Treynor , J. n. Cleaver P. C. Devol , J. D.
Greneshlelds , ii. W. Sawyer C. Strub ,
I.eonrt Iiverett , n. H. 1.'lelt T. A. Drewlcle
anti W. J. Davenport.
Mayor Cleaver wanted meetings held once
n mmmontlm with a supper attachment , which
he thought would have a great deal of erect
In brlngln out time crowds. The supper was
thought to be a useless luxury by the ma-
jority , but It was decided to hold time meet-
logs every month , ali the first Wednesday
In each month was chosen ns the night.
A resolution was adopted requestIng the
press to urge Immigrton to Iowa.
l rNISON ihitos.
ThurBdmsy'B Big Saho.
You rannol afford 10 slay away.
Genuine real hair cloth , 49c yard.
20c cotton hair cloth , today , 10c yar,1.
$2.00 DRESS PATERN FOR $1.25.
Thursday we sell all our 25c and 35c hen-
rlcttas . also beautiful Jacltrd novelty half
wool dress goods , 7 yards In each pattern ,
for only $1.25.
$ ! .OO black all wool crepon Hc yard $ i.50
black all wool crepon , $1.00 yard .
$2.00 black all wool crepon , $1.35 yard.
Wo guarantee the above crepons to be at
better value than was even before offered .
50-Inch black Gloria silk , worth In any
house $100. today , 59c yard.
Today our $1.00 standard makes or corsets .
sucb as Dr. Strong's celebrated French F. P.
corset , In fast black , also white and drab , all
at one price , 79c pair
$1.00 nursing corsets , today , 7ge pair.
'lhurslay we will sell gents' : fo and 2ie
quality white hemstch Inndlerehlets at .9c
euch. These mimi seem Impossible to you
but It's a fact. We can afford to sell cheap
for cash.
1,000 yards oC 4e , 6c and Go embroideries ,
today , Ie yard.
Be , 9c and lOc embroIderies , al In one lot ,
today , 3'c ynrd.
iSo , 20e and 250 embroideries , 9c 'ard.
These embroideries we bought cheap and can
afford to sell them the same way. I pays
to look around. Spend your money where a
dollar goes tarthest. BENNISON , DHOS.
l urlshell and unturnlshed rooms for rent
at 70 First avenue ; also a house. G23 Broal-
way , seven rooms , suitable for boarding or
restnlant ; also four rooms adjoining , at G21
Broadway . E. W. Jackson
Davl3 , drug , paint , glass man 200 D'way ,
Coulel 111r. Wlnt U.
The telegram published In Time Dee yester-
day morning to the effect that time Iowa
Hcwlng association were serIously consider-
log the advisability or givIng up the regatta
this year because no city Seems to want It
badly enough to pay the price , aroused considerable -
siderable Interest among the local oarsmen '
I Is a wel kr.own fact that Council Bluffs
has been a canlidate for the honor , but the
efforts mnlle have not been ' or the systematic
sort likely to win So far no one seems to
know jnst what Is required Heretofore
Spirit Lake lies hal It whenever It was
desired , but new time railroad company and
the Hotel Orleans having parted company
other " laces are In the fell with a fair
show of success. A well known member at
the boat club has suggested that a eor-
res"ollence be open el wih the secretary or
time Iowa Hawing association to find out what
sort oC an offer woull be acceptable Then
the local hustlers would know what to go
after. E. ii. Odel oC the Mannwa Improvement -
ment company Is enthusiastIc In his wish to
have time regatta heh at Manawa arid It Is
likely that If I comes here at nil It will be
through hil efforts.
I the "Coal ICing" (1) ( ) of Centervle hiss
got a cInch on the coal business oC Counci
Bluffs IN hll Ilrove I to the pub lt lest
Centen'le IUI" coal $2.10 per ton
- - - - -
Time auctIon ssle ot shos II still running ,
and the longer It runs the cheaper the prIce
at shoes become $5 shoes are still being
sold occasionally for $1 and you can get
any amount ot bargains at 21 cents on the
dolar , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
\ \ ISo ma I' ' 'I 'Iitho.rlnl'
, Superlntenlent Sawyer claims that the
: meetng at time Southwesler Iowa Teachers'
association , to be held hero April 11 , 12 and
13 , wIll be one at the largest gatherings oC
the kind ever hell In the state. lIe expects
. fully 300 teacherl to bo present from I'otta.
, watamlo county , and 400 marc tr01 other
I counties In southwestern Iowa.
r Price reduced : Centervle or Walnut Dock
I lest Iowa coal , $ : .90 : 2.000 Ibs. for a ton ,
I delivered . Win , Welch , GISS . Main , Tel. 93.
Evans' Laundry Co. , 520 Pearl : tel , 290 ;
I shirts , collars , cuffs , fine work a s"eclaly ,
Wil bUD for SIQOOO
) James Sagulo has been served with a notice ,
lce that he Is to be defendant In I suit
brought by Andy Bolng for $10,000 damages
. for the loss ot an eye , Holing was workln@
on . a bridge i Montana : . " veral months age
that was being built by SaRlin for the UnIon
Pacific , when one oC the tool he was work-
leg wIth broke. A splinter oC steel few off
sad struck hIm In the eye , destroying the
slht : . Dolng claims time loa I was made of
detective steel , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'ook Rn ' Appeal frll time "rlt or Ouster
liMmelt AgaInst Ihn ,
The next term of the district court will
open April 2 , eo that next Saturday Is the
lat tiny for filing petitions. Among those
fet yesterday was one by Dade Bntehelor
agaInst 1 ml Schurz and Justice S. T.
Walkcr , growIng out or the decree In :
Walker's court Tuesday giving Sehurz a
writ or ouster to compel natchelor to leave
Sehurz In possession of Lafayette addition .
natchelor alleges that Waleer hall no jurIs-
diction over tIme case whatever , Inasmuch lS
Lafayette addition Is not In Katie townshIp ,
but In I.ewls But that point was raised In
time courts or both Justice Cook and Justice
Walter , and each time natchelor was ;
knocked oul. Batchelor further alleges that
he hal been In possession of the land twelve
years , and has lived In the same place three
years , whlo Schurz hal never been In possession -
session or any part or It. lie asked for a
tpmllorry InJnnctol to restrain Schnr
from putting his writ ot ouster Into practical
rorklng order , and this was granted by
Judge Thiorneil . The case will come up Cora
a hearing nt time next term or court.
The Co-operative bank oC Iowa brought two
actions . one against J. V. nenson and \hu
other Against A. S. IThlsomi , to foreclose mort-
n.nfn n' t. 'M nn Elion . " ' \en 'urnfn
o..a Ut ¶ "uv u. .u. . . . " .U" H. " .
this city. Ii. S. Etenhelmer begins foreclosure -
closure proceedings against Margaret Thlo
and others on a note of$650. . Council mnls
lodge No. 49 , Independent Order oC Odd
Fellows , against Martha P. Lamb , sues for
the foreclosure or a mortgage of $38G. henry
Schmidt sues August Iagnussen for $3tG al
a note
Bertha Paulon wants a divorce tram Paul
C. Paulson , to whom she was married In this
city seven years ago. Shin alleges In her P'-
tton that Paul abnsell her that he Is a bal
mal morally , and that she has no use for
him generally . In addition to the divorce
she \\'ants I decree giving her the custody oC
the two children.
Thursdny , March 21 , at 2 p. m. , the Indies
are all invited to atenl the auction sale or
Morris hIres. shoe stree , No. GOO Broadway ,
opposite postomce Men will not be ad-
nutted . We have about $1,000 worth ot
ladies , fine sloes len for this sale , and Thur-
day will poslt\'ely be the last ladles' day
or the auction. Come one , come all. II. 11.
Ilnnn , salesman. 1. A. Measmore .
Yes , 'he Eagle laundry Is "that good .
laundry , " and Is located at 724 Broadway ,
U In doubt ab t this . try I and be convinced
Don't forget name and number. Tel. 167.
Meal tickets good for 21 meals , only $4
each . nt Hotel Inmnn.
t'OfliplhCIStet CIMD trom M"Iverl ,
JUdge Thornel held n short session ot court
yesterday afternoon and ngaln last evenln
In a side room or the county court house te
hear some evllenee In the case or John I.
Baird against William Norris , W. H. Met
calf , justice of the peace , and W. I' . Camp ,
bell . sherI or Mils county. The part s mas
Interested are tram Malvcrn . Baird rente
i IGO-acre farm tram Norris last year , pa'llg
1600 for it. le wanted to rent It again this
year , but Norris hal a chance to sell I. and
110 served notice to quI t Baird refused to
move out , and Norris brrght suit In Justice
Metcaif's court for a writ ot ouster. Baird
claims he was not served with notice or the
suit and 50 did not appear , a judgment being
rendered against him on a default. BaIrd
petitioned Metcal to set time default aside , and
he did so. But Norris and his attorneys now
claim that ho had no right to set It aside , for
he had previously resigned his office. An-
other complication arises al this point , Met-
call , claiming that his resignation was ac-
companie by n verbal stipulation that It was
not to take effect until April 1 , and the others
that It was to take effect nt once. Judge
Greene , n few days ago , Issued an , inJunctIon.
reatranlnf the sheriff tram servIng the writ
or ouster , and all the parties concerned were
here yesterday for a hearing on the question
or dissolving the Injunction.
Al the evening seslon further evidence was
hoard , which was to the elect that when
Metcnl resIgned he did so to the county
auditor and told the township clerk that the
resignation was not to take elect until April
I. The statutes arc somewhat misty a to
the method of a justice resigning and the
court took time to consider just what positIon
the justice was In. The injunctIon was dissolved -
solved however. Norris , who acorns to he
lost his grip with the justice , then asked for
another writ of injunctIon to restrain the I' '
justice Cram doing anythIng ! further with the
Case . Judge Thornel could not see how an
injunction could be Issued to restrain an of-
cial from transacting the business oC his
office . and gave It as hIs or-hanl 'opinion
that the proceeding should have been by quo
warranto. Il took the case under advise-
mont , and may render a decision this morn-
Ing. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
" " ' 0 Slave Caught 11m. "
It Is a well known tact that when a dls- '
honest man Is being cornered to closely he 1
will set up ) cry oC "Thlet , thief , " In order
to throw suspicion upon some one else , when
I he would keep quiet the public would
think he was an honest man
We do not claim to own all the mines at
Centervle , but will sell you the best Center-
vle lump coal at $2.50 per ton.
'rhn 'lger Out time Ululond.
Brakeman Scott who Is In trouble because
he pawned a diamond ring which belonged to
a colored porter nalel Russell , denies that
he ever Intended to steal the ring le says
he found the ring In the car and thought
he would keep It long enough to bother Rus-
sell , who was a friend oC his , and what
started In a joke led him Into further trouble
A few days after ho found the ring he got
pinched In a game , ali In order to retrieve
his fortune he thought he would raise a little
money emi ' the ring , and then redeem I trom
the expected winnings and return I to nUl-
sell. The winnIngs were as usual , all In his
Imaglnnton , and he speedily found himself
broke again . mind he hns stayed In the same
condition slneo. A. Snyder , to whom he
Jawne1 the ring , says he has known Scott
for some time , and hence he did 10t doubt
for an Instant but that the ring belonged to
him. le entered the loan on his books , re-
porled It to IJolce headquarters , and dlr-
played the ring In his window and made 10
attempt to conceal It and Ill not hesiate to
allow Russell and the officers full opportunity
oC examining alt identifying the ring. As
soon as the ring was claimed by Russell he
went to the Ogden house , where Scot
boarded , to see , him about I. Scott admitted
to him that he was 11. a scrape over It , and
that the rIng was not his. Scott will have n
prelmInary hearing In police court this zuorn.
lug . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ten U" , ' Clearing Sale ,
We have got to have rom for I -w goods :
have a lot oC goods that are In the 'uy , and
Intend to dl ! Jose or them PrIces mme : taken
In consideration In this sale. Lamps that are
worth $3 will go at $ and a variety or other
useful household articles that will make It a
chance to get goods at prices below manu-
tacturers' tests Come early and get choice
and avoid the rush W , lI , . , MUILlN ,
21 Main Street.
Dr Lagel , ofce HO 6th ave. : tel. 180 ,
After 111) lolen ,
Andr Helen , a saloon keeper on Lower
Main street , has fallen Into time clutches 01
time Iowa mulct law , LIke every other
saloon keeper In Council Bluffs . he thought
there were certain provIsions ot the law that
could be observed or 10t. just aB the saloon
keeper thought best. lie hal a screen u
at his frolt door , his rom had a back en.
trance which was kept open every day In the
week and especially on Sundays , and he had
tree IUICh , chairs , tables ' , dice boxes , amid
all sorts of attractions , scattered all around
the room for the enelt oC his guests Llkt
every other saloon keeper , he did this wIth ,
out having any unpleasant experIence wl
the olilcors. But yesterday morning at 1
o'clock some polcemen found him dealIng oul
budge to tour or live Ilatrols , antI the Iwl
arm of the law descended with terrific power
A the city Jai he was charged with a viola
tion or time state law. no gave a bond 0 :
$50 for bb appearance , and was discharged
I 18 not likely that Injuncton proctellngl
will be instItuted against him under the statl
, law , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Wi $ 'try It AI"In.
A meeting of the stokholders oC the Grant
I Hotel company was announced for lat even
. . . .
lag , but for some reason olOHr I Quorum
failed to appear , Before ! 1R the ac-
ton oC the recent sdP talked over
informally , and It wu decided thAt an effort
should be made with the new council to have
the tax for last yearrtmittt \
lat year _ rrml\cfb el
John 1n1r110 ont ru
The triAl ot John Emarll n' the charge
ot asanl with Intent to ommlt murder was
begun In the dIstrict coumrtrerday. \ W ,
court f\erday
Ie. Earnes . his fatimer-in'iaw was on the
stand , and tOll the story or hew Emarlno
came to his house , east at tholcHy , one night
last tall anti raised n row because his wife ,
who had taken refuge there"Hi ; not como
out to him. The whole famlJ were aroused ,
anti Emnarine who was Irplk , shot hlnm
I One of ames' Ions nrmel himsel with a
shotgun and let Emnrlne have the contents
of both barrels , inflicting wounds which kept
him confined to his bed for weeks , Colonel
Daley claims that his client was a victim
ot "emotional Insanity , " ali he will try to
prove to the jnry that that was what caused
him to break the rules at strict etiquette and !
etqllete anl '
shoot his fatlmer-in-iav
\hllt is l tn I Nnmo'
Everything , It applied to n Inrdmnn Piano ,
laId by Mueler Plane : and Organ company ,
103 Main -street ,
The Aberln , strictly first-class. Cuisine
unexceiled . Beantful rooms Sixth avenue
anll Seventh street , CouncIl Bluffs .
Gas heatIng stoves for rent and for sale .t
Council Bluffs Oas company' . office , .
Teacher ConllnlnOt Ir for Severely Whh
"Inl R Imoy-Ottier No\ .
Mr anti Mrs. N. P. lreebs called at polIce
headquarters with their 10-year-old son to
complain about Miss Hobeson , a teacher at
time LIncoln school. The parents at the lad
say that the teacher took I strap and
whipped him until his legs were black and
blue. Captain Connell toll Mr . Kreeb3 that
he could do nothing unless they swore out a
complnlnt against Miss obeson. I was
fnaly decided to send a written complnlnt
to the school board.
Deserted by leI tu hIIJI.
Yesterday Mrs . Joseph Lenhard , ne-
companlel hy two small children , applied to
the police to assist her In compelling her
husband to support the family. The I.en-
hard fnmly formerly lIved here , but mo\'e1
to Schuyler , Neb. Shortly after settling
down there I.enhnrd deserted his famIly and
returned to South Omaha , where he was
given employment at one ot the packing
hcuses. Mrs. Lenharl learned or her hns-
bnnd's wherenbouts and reached this city
yesterday wihout a penny Inquiry nt
the packing houses was made by the police
and I was learned that Lenhnrd quit work
several lays ago , and It was supposed left
the city. The womnn Is heartbroken. Chlel
Drennan will care for her enl the children
temnporarlly. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
J ro'l I Difference of OJlnlon ,
; First ward democrats arc out hustng for
I Dr. Ensor for counclhnnn and they claim
that he will give M. F. Blanchard , the re ,
- publcan nominee , a hard chase. The wart
- Is republican by about 20 .maJority , but
Ensor's friends claim that heccnn overCOl1
this and win. On the other hmaitd l3ionchmard'm
. .nnn. . . . . .n. ' 10' nn .Innn..n hall .nn Danchanll .
. " , , ' , . " . " . . . - .u'U' _ _ . _ _ _
.u..u. 3 .u. .u -'U' . u. . . . .
ghost or a show for election. I
Jl"llcy ( aMI\ \ " '
Oscar 11 Is very sick.
trip. \v . S. Wlten has returned .rm a southern
Mr. W. N. Babcock spendlng the week
In Lincoln. , 1
The council met last evenlngJnnl adjourned
until next Monday nlghtt . ,
The IClng's Daughters nieet'tthls afternoon
nt the residence of Mrs. Ho\vmlrd Ieyers. '
" .
Colonel J. L. Martin . lIve stok agent or the
Rock Island , returned last " fe eve lng rrom Oal-
veston. _
There was a horse saki.yterday nt the
yards. Some fine stoclY8 sp wn , , but buy-
ors were"scar.ce , and PI l CS1qi. : \ , . ' , " ( .
Last night thIeves went through1 the rooms .
of three lodgers In the VonQus block , Twent-
fourth , and N ! treets" , but.nothing , oC value
was stolen. . t "
Jim Storey the scalper who skipped out
some time ago forgetting to pay for $2,700
worth oC cattle , has been located 11 Toronto ,
Can. . by the Plnltertons.
George \V Simpson , president , and W. E.
Skinner , general manager ot the Fort Worth ,
Tex . , stock yards , were , the guests or the
Union Stock Yards company : yesterday.
Dr. Augusta ChopIn oC the Universalst
church , Omaha , will lecture on the "Parhia-
meat at Relgions , " at the Presbyterian church
Friday evening. ThIs will be time last or the
six lectures oC the library course.
The town Is being flooded again with
counterfeit coins mostly 10 and 50-cent
pieces. Yesterday a merchant sent his
boy out to get change for a $ I bill and the
lad brought back three bogus half-dollars.
There has not been a fire alarm turned In
for twenty-five days , and the coroner has hal
only one Inquest here In three months. The
police arrest on an average only one person '
a day while time town Is very quIet and or-
deny at present.
Tuesday night sneak thieves broke Into John
Flunnery's saloon on Twenty-sixth street be-
tween Nand 0 streets and stole $5 In
money , seven bottles of wine four oC brandy ,
two boxes oC cigars and a lamp. The police
hnve arrested Frank Heel and M. Aylsworth
on suspicion.
Yesterday afternoon the Ladles' HOle Mis-
sionary society oC the First Methodist church
met at time home or Mrs. F. A. Broadwel ,
BIG North Twenty-ffh street , and elected
officers. Mrs. M. Mayber.y was elected presi-
dent , Mrs. L. O. Scott secretary and Mrs.
Knudsen trensurer.
At the Presbyterian church next Tuesday
evening an excellent stereoptcan entertain-
mont will be given. The plctnres will show
the . exterior and Interior workings of the
packing houses. The entertaInment will be
given under the Joint management at the
Prebyterlan and United PresbyterIan
rime hammond and Swift Packing companIes -
panIes paid yesterday afternoon and the busl-
hess men about town who are In the bablt or
cashIng packing house pay checks noticed a
large falling off In trade. The discharge or
several hundred men during the last few
days accounts for the tailIng off In huslne
Many or the men discharged are In par
circumstances and wi be compelled to ask
aId tram time county unless the receipts at
stock Increase In a Bhort timmie and they are
re-employell. tme anl
ANliUUJ'l.UE.T/ - . .
"The Girl I L t Dehln Me , " with Its
record ot 600 nights irj NUt York and 176
night In Chicago , wihl0j J W Its present sue-
cerstul engagement at jQod's theater wIth
this evenlng's pertormance.1 ) 'he play Is now
presented on a magull AtJ scale , scenically
and otherwise , which has Increased its pal"
clarity , The Indian atlll on Post leennlon
la given with realIstic I elil raton , and has
all the realty and horrQr \f genuine border
, ,
warfare > '
,1 I'a
- I
Scats will be placed onale , Saturday morn-
tog for the engagement JotHfour nights and
\Votlnesday mntneo at floyd's opera house ,
beginning Sunday , Msr IH , of Rice's Sur-
prlso Party In " 192 , " nndl0 advance will be
made In Prices for this novel ermtertainmmient
A geol deal oC creati6's wel a adaptive
, genius co-operate,1 In fU lprolucton genIus
that has long ben recognized ! as the best In
the country In the hap X Iwlavaganza makIng -
Ing The guiding geniu. the urch.alaIJter ,
was Edward E. Rice , whose talents a all
; archiect of burlesque are concededly ot a
high order.
( arter
Specialties oC u high an,1 refined order arE
( Introduced by various mnepibers oC this organ
L Izaton , and the small , army oC lovely femalel
I are seen In marches , tableaux , songs , dancel
L and ballets. " 1492" Ie being conltant
, brighten and added to , and even the latest
. craze , "Trilby , " has not escaped , but one elI
I the strongest scenes In the b k will be lie.
I plcled on the local ! stage , A delghttul tea ,
L turo at this entertainmentIs the tact that ar
L orchestra or soloists Is caned "earoute "
: l'lremrl 1,1 ( Ull' to Sin .
r An explosion of gasoline In the three-star )
. brIck fat , 92 South 'fhlrteenth street
S owned ly Mrs. I' . n. I.lntpn and occuplel
3 by Frank 10les , caused an alarm or hiru
lust imigiut About 10 damage was doiie. In
At 1:30 : last niGht a ( muse alarm wal '
turned In from Seventeenlh and Howan
I streets . A passerby mistook the Imoll
. Crom a chimney for lire In a building url
aye the \ alarm ,
. ,
. -
Wife and Dabss Wer Saved but the rather
Lost His LIfo ,
Another Man 'IJnrllt ' Jnll111 from R
ThIrd Story hVimmuiow-t'oumr.Thmuuqauil
1oUnr IUnED In :10" York Costa
Tmo : hm' ltvoi.
NEW YORK , March 20.-Two men lost
their lives In a fro which broke out at 2tO :
o'clock this morning In the Cour'ltory fat
honse , IGS West Twenty-fifth street. John
Ieurtz , proprietor at the Chlmuey Corner
saloon , Sixth avenue and Twenty.slxth
streets , was : burned to death while trying to
save the member oC his family . Tony
Ieetehum , Rn Insurance agent , jumped from
the thlnl'ltor window and was so badly I
injured that he died loon nfer , Five others
who jurpe escaped serious InJnrles. Iurtz
was not at homo when the fire broke out , but
arrived shortly after Il was discovered. lie
poCeelell to arouse his family all time ether
tennnts of the building . 'Cbo last that was
seen or ICurtz alIve ho was running up the
stairs throurh the flumes . Kurtz's family ,
who lived on the second floor , all escaped ,
the youngest chidren being dropped front the
wlliow while Mrs. Kurlz and her eldest son
reache.I . safety by way oC the roof Miss It.
Schamp was severely burned about the neck
and shoulders by attempting to descend by I
ladder Cram the third stor ) ' . She fell , but
was caught In a net anti escaped without
serious InJnry. When the fire was ex-
tngullhel time Ienll body or Kurtz was found
In the hail . The loss . b ) tire Is about $ tOOO.
. . , , ' , ' ' C.ISJ
.IS TU : ll SClI'j'ml lJ J'OWl
New Light Throwl 11 time : nt.r by time
ltugb.uitl ,
MAI.VEIN , Ia. , March : O.-Speelal.- ( )
Mr. I. E. Scharer ot this city , who was one
of the PrIncipals In a dIvorce case last . week ,
has been done a gross injustice by the
reports sent out oC the trlnl. lIe has mnde
a statement In regard to the mater , which
Is as follows :
"The article In The Boo or the 17th states
that 'from the testimony given time cause ot
the trouble between husband and wire was
Mrs. Mary Cro' . ' This statement Is not
true , for the testimony shows that the trouble
had Its Inception lt a period dntng back
: more than fifteen years , and that It culml-
nnted vhmile Mrs. Crow was I member or the
. family , In March , IS9 . after she hnl come
I Into the ramly In November . 1892. The
article Cnrther states that 'e\'er'thlng went
well untl Mrs. Crow lied won the affections
. or Mr. Schafer and son , Bee. Mrs Schaler
ordered her Cram the house but she staid.
L . Flrly Mr Schater and Mrs. Crow moved
Into two rooms off the living rooms oC the
I family and set up a separate estabiishmmnent.
t They kept the door locked between their
! rooms and those at the rest or the family. '
S The facts arc. as nroved bv the testimonY
- testmony
nt the trial that on time 12th lay oC Mnrcl ,
1894. MrS. Crow and my Iaughter , SusIe , haul
n quarrel , and Mrs. Scharer interfered , antI
the result was that she accused Mrs. Crow
or unchastty and appled to her all the
mean nales In the vocabulary , enl then , and
not until then , ordered her to leave the
house. She also n few days after , accused
me of hnvlng criminal relations wih Mrs.
Crow , and attempted to assault her and
while I was atemptng to prevent the as-
saul she struck me a number oC times with
her fists. I asked her to retract the charges
against me , as they were not true , but she
would not , and I then left her bed and
slept 11 the only vacant bed In the house
and locked the door at night. Mrs. Crow
also asked her t retract the charges against
her fund she would heave , but she would not ,
and . 'she also locked her door at nIght , for
'Mrs. Scharer repeatedly threatened to kill
her. Mrs. Crow said ' she would leave I she
retracted the . charges against her , but never
' would ' until she did. Mrs Sclnrer testified
at the trial that she did not believe that any
criminal relations existed , and I she had
made this aCknowledgement at the time she ,
In her anger hal made the charges the pres-
ent conditIon oC affairs might have been
averted Now these are the facts In the
case as far as the 'wlnnlng or the nrec-
tlons' and the 'separale establishment' are
concerned. The rest or the article requires
no notice. "
State Convention wIth 8lxty-Ovo DOe ) ate
( olVnOII lt UIS Molui.s. :
DES MOINES . March O.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-Time ) state convention oC the American -
can Protective association has been In secret -
cret session here today , with about slxty-
five delegates In attendance. A committee
was appointed to give the press what the I
convention wanted Published . but had given
nothIng out It a late hour tonigit. So Car
as known , no Important business was expected -
pected to come up beyond the routine work
and election oC officers.
nnl electon
' hreo 1111erOlO Cral ) . " .enteflceI .
HAMPTON , In. , March 20.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-Jumdge ) HIndman this morning sentenced -
tenced Frederick . Alonzo all Ernest Den-
ham to fifteen years In the Anamosa peni-
tentary and 'homas Booth to twelve years
for robberies committed 11 i Jnnuary. They
first hell up a man named Hansen ant later
attacked the bouse at Martin Johnson , who
was badly hurt. The Denham boys pleaded
guilty. TheIr father lelel a man In I rankIn -
In county ant served a term In time penI-
tentary , Booth was their brother-lnlaw.
lrRrl r Puiffm'ra from Flrl
ROCK RAPIDS , Ia . Murch 20.-Spe- (
cial.-Otto Nelson , n farmer ; near Rdnu .
lost ala barn , granary , G bu ' helf oC corn ,
40 bushels oC oats and barley , one horse
and feed for his stock . by lre , and was
severely burned about the face anti hands
while trying to save his horse. The lire
started Cram a feed cooker
MIssouri Valley Medics to Meet .
sIOUX CITY , March 20.-Speclnl.-The ( )
Medical Society oC the MIssouri Valley wi
meet hero tomorrow for Its annual sesmmloxm
About 200 members will be here from Mis-
souri , Iowa , Nebraska anl South Dnkota.
IRkcl Its Innu.1 App."rlnoo with Many
New Eciuturri Adeed ,
The annual publication known to the pub-
lie as the "Omaha City Directory" has once
more put In nn appearance. This time the
book Ie publIshed by the Omaha DIrectory
company and Is from the presses or the
Omaha Printing commmlmany. The IS95 edition
has many new features antI Is considered an
Improvement over its predecessors , which In
years past have been printed by the' J. M.
Waite DIrectory company The rIght to prInt
and sell the book Is owned exclusIvely by the
Omahn Directory company , a frm composed
or practical memm The new company ha Ipnrell
no pains to make the publication reliable mind
complete In every particular . While com-
ping the new directory every precaution was
taken to snake the directory ns near accurate
as IJOssl\le. To thIs enl the city was thor-
oughly canvassed , after which time whole
) \'ork was revised arid gone over mmgaitm
The present issue at the book differs from
thobe ot former years , being much more com
pact In style. The names arc arranged two
I columns to the page , all In alphabetical order .
I .Ier , with guide lines at the top oC the
pages to assIst In the nn"lng at names. Besides -
! sides contaIning the usual Indlvllual namel
. the directory contains an alphabetical list
( oC frms , business houses anti corporaton
. together with a list at the schools , churchel
and societies. The South Omaha directory h
contained In the same book ant Is put up I
the same stye.
Ill-culver for I.args' Ncu'rllr'nrl , . .
m nARNBVI.I.l' , 0. , March 20.-Time Duck.
eye Advertising . company , one oC the largest
novel ) works 11 the state , hal gone Inte
the hands ot 1 receiver , owinG to a dIe .
, agreement among the stoekhohlerH. I. ' . :
Drumlond was IPIolnted ) receiver with t
I Ii bonll ene { r ' 2.0 unll the concer wili , I Iun II
MunIcipal I"'llo MertnJ
This e\'ellnj the central council at tl
0 MunIcipal league wi meet at the COller ,
I cal : dub reels to consIder the politico
acton of the league for 1S5 .
= - - - - - - - - - - . -
314k kN iSY1IMiiAT" . . \
. .
4y \
I , , SOLD E\I\lIERE \
MtDE TllTIIUrltflfl1MIfa'nhinhLn1
Hvti's'llmlmig II time Dlt , Paint nHl 01 hut' II 1otol 1\'leC ! Agmiits for
lmncg's mDCI ES , MIIS. YAIg'S 'lOI 'I' ltliflllflS.
Amid . nil l"nlll IUltfnlltlR. Bt'll 'Ol' 1\'I. t'rllltlIH to , . We wi 81\0
, ' ( ( l 1111 , ' C\'l'I % ' tIme. Ih'glslm'c ? clerk fil rl'glslol < roprIetur. \ .
: 1I OIDlmS lIO Ul'IY lILI.I'D : , ,
- -
, _ - - STEAl DYE WORK
Al kinds at D'elng
al' Cleanln done In
the highest . ! style or
the alt. l and
_ , stalnct ntet made
to look " ns
new. 'Vcrk "oot
al' delvered
In ni . ) Iartl oC the
prtce country. . Bent tOl I
O. .1. 'U.'Ol.\ :
_ , , . . _ . . . ' " , , . . . . - _ , . . . . J'rol.rlotol
A .
. . . . . . . . . . . , - - : - . Drdw ) near . North.
- . . . , . . - . . wester Dcpot. . Councl .
, ,
' ? ' = - - - - . . " - : - - DlulCs Iowa. Tel. 3 :
When Buying
Fruit Trees ,
Buy the best.
A mInute lost can never be reco\ertd.
and It's n calaml ) ' to lose several years.
which so many Iowa and Nebraska people
have done vhien timey have bought foreign
grown , unacchimated fruit trees.
Were born oim the l'ands where their nursery -
ry stock Is grown , and years of patient ,
intehigent expenimemmt have taugimt them time
best varietIes ( or this clinmate. Cormsequently
theIr hiome gmoivn stock is as hardy as tIio
forest trees. They have a very large stock
for the spring delivery and every tree Is
warranted true to name. Orcimmmnd , Vinyard ,
1awn , Parking Trees nod Ornmimemmtal stock
Make mme mistake lii your ortlers. Scntl mis
your list of WantS for prices. We can please
you in prIces auth stocic. References : Council
Bluffs flanks , Council Bhumits lepartmemmt
Omaha Bee. and prominent business mcmi.
Nurseries six miles north of Council BIffs.
P. 0. Address ,
Crescent , Iowa.
President. Cashier.
First National Bank
Capital , - . $100,000
Pi'otits , - . . 12,000
One of the omtlest banki In the state 01 iowa.
We solicit your tiuetness and collections. We , 5 per cent on time depoeltL W will be
pmeosea to see anti serve yOu.
Issueg 01 tIme ( Jricumtal Wmir flimucum'aed by a
Native .Jmmmeiimeee ,
Rev. Dr. Watanl Kltashmima , a native of
Japan , iecturcd at Unity cimurcim last evemm-
ing , hmi general theme being time war between -
tween China ammml Japan. Mr. Kitammlmiruma was
educated at harvard college and is mmow pas-
tar 'of a Unitarian cimurcim at Vineland , 'mY.
Va , ho humus a brother who Is a surgeon in
time Japanese armmiy , mmd has received letters
from Imim freqmmemmtly elmmcmm time war began ,
. . - - - - . -----'S.-- _ I ,
110 mae , . eveimuuia UstUee , , L8 V'U
of tIme two commntries , wlthm time natiomiai cimar-
acteristics of time two people , drawing eiuarp
contrasts between time Celestial empire ammO
lila own land , lie says thmat It is time mIen-
tien of time Japanese to force modern civihiza-
tlon into time orient , antI that timey will mmot
be content to ( lulL flglmting until time way to
timle 1mm clear. lie tlmommgimt timat possibly
European powers miigimt interfere to prevent
time capture of Peking , but umaiml thmat time full
of timat city was necessary to mmumuko Japaim's
victory complete.
Cimarts anti blackboard drawings aimleul
nmuchi in tIme descriptive parts of time hoc-
Mr. nd Mn , hlersimmr Serlousiy Berried lii
sum iCipliusloul.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bonier , boarders at
time hlommderson imotel at Elgimteentim antI
Nicimolas streets , are victims of a gasoline
stove exploblon which occurred at time imotel
just after noon yesterday , Mrs. flerner Is
terribly burned about time face and eyes , and
imer hands arc also severely scorcimetl , 11cr
condition is regarded as critical and lien lii-
Juries ommay prove fatal , 11cr imusbanmd was
badly burned about time legs , but his injuries
are less seriotma.
The explosion set fire to the room antI on
alarm of fire called out time miepartnment , Time
blaze was cxtlnmguisimed in simort order , but
iii the meantime Ladderman James Slble of
truck No. 2 fell from a ladder and struck
violemmtly on the stone paveimmermt. Ills niglmt
log was dislocated and he also received severe
bruises. lie will be laid up for several weeks.
Time damage to time bullmhlrmg and furniture was
about $50. _ _ _ _ _ _
I j' Soomi to lie l'iacoui in time I'mmblio
; l.ibrmery.
: Time Byron Reed collection will be placed in
m time library in time space reserved for it In a
I few days. Arrangenments were eli Per-
fecteti for time transfer last Saturday , but time
weather was too hmclenmcmmt. h'oseibly time
goods wIll be transferred today.
. Time colleetlomi coimslst of five cabInets of
I coins , curiosities amid a rare number of auto.
u graphic , including time signatures of time
. signers of the Declaration of Independence.
. Tlmer' are many amilngraphma of ex.prealdents
I arid cx.mnayors of large cities amid personages
S of natlommmml renown , hmast and present. It
will take several days to get time collection
placed mud arranged before It will be open
C to time public. It will be mmrrammgeti simmiilar
. to the eximibit iii Libboy's at Cimlcago , It is
I 000 of the largess ot its kInd in time UnIted
States ,
, , . - - . - .
- -
The Good Samaritan , 20 Years' ' Experencc.
- \
_ . ,
t :
: :
- ' '
, . 'Jr .
' \
S : . /
. ,
t ,
' /
I ereaf the foFowng Dseases :
Cmitmmrrhm of the head , Tieromit amid Lunmgs' Ohs. '
eases of time Eye anti Ear , Fits anti Apoplexy ,
heart iIscmuso , Ilvt'r Comnmimuiut , Kitimmey Corn-
imimiint , Nervots flebIhIt , Mesitni Dc-
prernelois , I.USK or4slnaihlood Mesas.
hsimil Vcetksiei4M , Thmmimeles , hiniimht'B DLs-
01(80 , St. Vilmms' lmmnco , ltimeuimmmmtisnm , l'aralysis ,
White Swehitng , Scrcmfumimu , Fever Sores , Tutu-
orN fuel EII4tUlsL * 51 aiso TCIUOVCIR
without time knife or ( lrnsvlssg a
tlro , otbloocl. Voisietss wIth 12cr
fleilcate organme restored to
he-alths. DropMy cisred vlIisout
185)1)11mg. 141)eciflI Attesitiomi gtven
to Irtvnte asseS 'eimercnl DtNefle
oftill ktssdp ; . $30 to ootor1'olt for
ammy Venereal IimceIc I cnnmnmot cure
ss'Itisotit Mercury. 'flmpu hVormims rcmoremi
in twoor three imoumrs , ormmo 1)01. ilcmornhoids
or l'ilos cured ,
\vlil ummvo lifo mummul iiundn-eds or dohimirs by cahi
imig oh or using
Time ommly i'Iuyelcimuim who cam , ( eli avimmutail
imersoum ivi timtum t muNic I mug mu q ueet ioIh '
Timose at mu ( lltammco , semutl for ( uestIon
Shlmumuk , No. 1 tctt uuut'mu , No. 2 mr vommienm ,
All cou-ni'spommmlcnico strictly confitlerutial.
) iedicimmo semmt by oxpress. Address umil hvtter
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