- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - . 2 TILEOMAITA DAILY Jltoj1 ! : f'IlP11SDA , MA1WII. 21 , 18m - . - - I t DEPOSITORY LAW \ REIAINS f nouso Indefnitely Postpones the Bill Pco- l r vidlng for _ It Repeal r- BMKE : LOBBY EXC. tiDED r RM FLOOR - 'I ChflrllU ) Called 01 to CI.nr tha ,1k1r' ' lt I' ' 'Itrr"Mlll " 'urkrrA-Uml.hn'M CIirter r Hil n"CIII\'lt I forage "n A- , ' ago Iy thl IIou.e. r - : LINCOI.N , : larch 2O.-SpccaI.-TIe ( ) I Omaha charter waB today recolmelterl for , . IlaMUKc hy the committee at the whole , and [ the bill to repeal the state depository law , was hllefnitely ) postponel\ These two mea- sires comprise ) nearly the rnlre huslneBs ; . transacted by the houBe. There waB hut Ito to oposlton to the charter hIlt from the \ . house and for over an hour the delegation ' from Iotigla , votng to ether. did busIness . , alone . while the memhers ot the house loafed In the corrilors and added to the general t contusion on the floor. There was 11 1m- . ) meme amount ot lobbying done In the house t , In behalf of repeat ot the depository law hu . . . . - . i was uosuccesstul. t. - The changes In the amendments to the r /alary list at the Omaha charter ns recoin- j 1enrted for passage Arc as follows : Mhyor . . $ 2.t00 ; polce judge $2,500 ; treasurer , $ I000 ; ; ehtv " 1.11 ! 2.ro ! chairman oC the Hoard at PublicVorks , $2,600j Inspector oC bullln s. r . $2,000 : holler Inspector $ lr00 : each police- i aiian $ il per month : each ofcer at the fire department under the ranl ot chief $ tOO per 'r month. , The other salarle IJrovllled AS the bill was recommended , for paS1ae are lS follows : . COlplroler : , $2 lOO ; chIef of Ilolce , $ , OO ; city A\orney. 3,000 ; assistant city > attorney . $2.000 ; city prosecutor . $1.500 : city 'ngltieer . ; \ $3.00 ; assistant , $2.000 ; conlnluloner ot health , $2.0f : cOlllssloners of fire nnrl0 - ' Uoard oC Parle ( lIce . $600. . chairman oC the , Coiiirnisslonera $600 : other nlelherl ot the : board 200 : each olccr ot polce tinder the , . rank of chief , $ tOO tier monlh ; each coun- chhinan. $ SOO per annum ; street coininbsioner "i 1 a a : Ielher of the loaril at Public \\'orlcs " $2.000 per Ilnlm : ; sewcr commissioner. as A : member at ho Board oC PublIc 'orles , . . c " 2000. I Is Ilrovllell thai these umentments shall tot affect the compensatIon or fmlnry of any ot the olcers nUled herclnbefore durIng the terms for which they ha\'e been ellclc,1 , or 'S appointed \ , Inless the terms at such officers /hnl he termlnaterl by legislative actS . or by . , PloYldetlee . or by ordInance . or IIY order at : . the Fire unit Police cOlllsslon , In which case their compensation shall close alto- I I her. gether. her.Dnldlct succeeded In tacking on an amend- meat to the clcct that no partIcular Itlt at - Paving material should ho specified . or any particular company favored In the consid- cratun oC paving contracts , and thnt no , lg- crIminaton should be recognIzed In this mat- ter. ter.DSCUSI G TIlE DEPOSITORY LMV. Tht debate on the bIll to repeal the dep03- liory ' law brought speakers to the front who have been seldom heard on the for at the k Il0use. Johnston oC Nemaha was one , Thomas ot hamilton was another. Johnton , u popu- . list. who was once strongly In favor ot the measure and who voted for I , now bitterly . oppostd It. Ito saul that he was now In favor oC repenting it. He had seen the error ot his ways and admitted himself rep2nt3nt. 'hnn'as , 00 the other hand , spoke strongly In - behalf oC the present law . 111 oppose the ' : pending bi for repeal. Ilorst pOlu1st. de- , : dared that ha was surprIsed to hear Sl much 1r oppositon to time present deposiory law le directed attention to the words DC Governor . Croule In hIs lasL mneasag , to the Jfect thAt messal\ r - luckily th : money deposited Inthe ' Capital ; Natlommal bn } had not , . bqii laced there un- tier the ol1aW I ,4. ' ' , ' , . ; The scenes upon time foor ' ( luring time discus- sion . } were parrl ; y c&nslrable disorder. k Chapman , in the chair , Iept the gavel rat- thing for ' a"good portion ot 'the time. , 'In the forenoon a 'ch lr In which harrison was . IEI\r \ brok down. and he felt heavIlyag3tr.st a \)11 ( ; oC bound house rolls. In the afternoon Davies demanded with earnestness thai lobby- , Ing ijankers be removed from the floor of the k . ' . .n . bankeIl . , ' _ , . . , . " , . . . , , , for .n" " n " " . . " . . , . . . . " . un. . . . 'u , w. . recommcllatoo' tor pasagebya Vote of * 48 to 39 was a surprlde. The house sIftIng committee reported L th,19 , mornIng. recommending cons\leraton ot senate files for today beginning At the head oti the lat , and announcing that the commlt- $ tea would meet tonIght In the rooms ot the , , JudIcIary commitee and hear fifty represcnl- , ativcs , the frs hal of the house list . In regard - ganI 10 their Individual measures. ' -.c IUcltctH presented time members oC the house with a copy each of U work on the , 11\01 question recently Ilblshcd on behalf - t of the Young Men's Non-PArls:1 Uhletalc ; club. . . ( timate file No. 41. by 1Vatson was first fnatc reached : In committee oC the whole I pro- vlies for the better Protection ot IJrlsoners confined II any jai In any county having more than 25,000 Inhabltan hy repairing : or constructing jails . and authorizes the Is- - sue of bouds for that pnrpose. The bill was recommended to pass. : ; Time commitee took up the consideration ' ot ; time bill to repeal the depository law. I I Is senate file No. 76. by l'ope . anti provides i- _ for fiat repeal. In the midst of discussion ' of this measur the committee rose. reported , and the house took a recess until : p. m. . WAHlF ) UP 'f11 DISCUSSiON. . i in time afternoon the comlteo at the whole resumed , consideration ot time measure . antI Robinson opener time bal with an exhaust\ ' S speech , strongly denunclatol' at the deposl- tory law now In torco. Suter followed Hobin- ' IOU , and for time first time Iurlng time debate - . bate the larret Scot deflcaton was brought forward In illustration. r A whirl of exclteme was precipitated by the Imrllel demaud oC Davies thn a number at 10hbylng banleers be cxchuled trom the : floor of time house. Chailnan , II the chair replied thu the point at order was well talteu and that the Ruggeston would be entorced. nurch made I speech of protestation against remarles which hud beers lallo by certain lpakers Impugning his mol vIs. lie coull consclcntously say that his vote was always cast according to the dictates ot his best , _ jUIIKmeat and uninfuenced by lobbyists. lie : admitted thlt the lAw was crullI amid neercll ' . amendment. But for forty tays and forty ; ' nights Ilrlor to the expiration of the lmi for Introduclr.g bills Ito one oC time members ' olllosed ) to repeal hind offered to amenrl the incongruitIes and obJectonlIle features of , time Ilresent depository law. . , t Howard's motion to Indefnitely Postllono I time bill was carrletl by a vote ot 48 to 39. : . house roll No. 133 , time Omaha charter , . ' was then reacimed unit considered by sec- tons , the umendmentl havlnl been printed , Uurte mtrd an amendment to mulep the : , ' salary oC the lea Inspector t.500. . and I - carried Almost the entire leRlsluton on the Omaha charier was con < uctetl exclusively by tie Douglas delegation , none of Iho other members of the house partcputng ! , At times an , lnendmcnt was carried by the sole : vote of the mover. Whemi Ilcton 8 was reached the com. mnittee's amendment provided \ that the words worls "within the lmis pf Nebraska . " relating to water supply . bo chsngel to read "wllhln - sixty miles ot such city. " McNit moved to ImclI to read "within the lmis at noug- la" CQUI Y. " Suton of Douglas 10vud to amend by Insorlns time worth .twenty" Instead - stead or "miixt ) " tuttomm's amendment tIre- : veiled . snaking time section read "twonty mites out trol the city hlmmiits. " Jlckelll loYll that when the cOlmltee rise I recollel1 the bill for passage and < ! . I carried. 31 to U. : Senate file No. 19 , by Crane Wi up for conBlderalol , and was the occasion of a hot debate I Provides that .tounty attorneyi , shal wlhol\ \ tee give Opllloli And advice ' to time hoard ot County Comllslolerl , when : . requeted to lu so Iy such board , upon all maters tl which tIle county Is Interesteti The bill furl her Ilru\ldes Ihal In counties t whose 1I11Iaton eXt.el 70,000 the county ' aUornlY mnay Cltloy , additional counsel In 1 civil cases a the Iluhln Ilteresl lay re- 1 qdire. Time bill was amended by the senate I to exclude the 1)\\1101 relating 10 coummttca i with more tbem 70.00Q 101)ulnt01. nld It was thus iecomn olded for 1)luuge , : \lyln ; teal ' al COIU \II. \ Time committee ( t the whole then rose and e reported. Ilrady moved that hut report VI senate tile 16 J o not ltcnJe'I ' J.I. qll' ' lImb ' " and /al1 were dlmll < j. The result \ : > , was 00 to 41 against time motion . And / the bIll to repeAl the state depository law was put 10 sleep. . Vote on nr ry's amendment to non.conclr In report of thc committee : YeaJ- Allan , harrison . ? 'trrrick . 'IRn lRrrllon. r"rfk. Ilr ' . 1InI" , , Miles. 1t'-eher . .1erines Munger . 11'ck. I .Ienklo . 1.rkln. . Ii.npiIOt. JOhllton ltlckettt. . " It kHI. l"n"lcl. ! Imd ) ' . ( ( ) IUK ! . . . ItnItnhiomi , ' . llrnekmnan . JnhMlon 1.1,1) 1IIIh , ' ( NemnhR ) . SIIICkPlAfltX lurn ! ( ( ) "lg. ) . . .10n" . fhol , lum' ,111,1 , , R"enc"r , (11mncuste " ) , 1'UI' , $ uttoli ( l'I'lan. ' Inmhorn. ( lommgtas ) . Cole T.singhnrst . Sutton l.n/ho.t. Sulon . / Connwa . Mel'RIh'l. , , l'awnc. , Fm-Its. MeNiti. Tinmnmo MeI. Inlrgro\'e. \1 c\'Icker. " 'nU-t. Ilanmi' . Nays- . \khll , ctlml" . Ito1erten. Ilee. lulhrle ICothheimtner ) lermmarI . lnl"r , 1toue . ll'kaw. Ilirte. &i , 11'\n.l. I nIk. . RII"n. . lurkr' . IhlloI. Smith. ( rtn I forM . lolrnmn. ( 'Srlsomi , I Itiwani . Sparkman. ( ' IIPOr. Mattisoti . I4mmter ( Malll. ( 'hare . 1elrlle. Timomnis . ( : ole' . ' 1)'en. Vita lol pn. Cramni. . 1'hrIRn. " 'ebr 1)aIe5 . Citton W'ilit'r , . 111 , " , ) , . 10hllal. \ ink ( , Ioh"on ) . J.ml.Ne ) ' . Iteimmington.Ink m : ) ' , ltimn.1014. I ( Sherman ) . 11" , ( lear , Iticimitritimon . Mr. H'clk"r- ) . Absent awl 10t voting : hinron . ( 'row , I ( till , IArOI. ( ( 111.1 , lnkhu. 'nrt-G. Cole moved thnl the report ot the com- mlteo on senate file No. 19 be not conclrrcll In , hut that thin bi ) be Imuleflumltci I ) ' Ilosl- Ilon ? d. nnd ( called for the yeas und nays. The amemllent was defeated ! to : . Governor Holcomb Informed the house that he hal signed house roil No. 2i8. Jlul.l's . sel 1rall note hut. 'rime house then adjournell. uU . \AIN'I' 'IU HALE : ( I CtltttI1'Tl Scnlto l'aA" tim 111 vlth ni AmOulmolt , \lmYIII Voters tu liLly Timoni. . LINCOLN March 20.-Speclal.-The ( ) anU- cigarette bill as It lllssed the hOls was taken UI by the senate today , and after being amended out oC bemblanee to It orlnal : form was rccamenled , for passage. The bill as It iassed the house absolutely prohibited the manuCacture And sale ot cigarettes In the sate oC Nebraska. The bill lS nmenrl"t by the senate Permits the sale oC cgarctcs ! to nil IIHsons over 21 years oC age. The fgh . over the bill was unexpscedly uulmatEd , as it I was not known that the bill wgs comlnl II ) , L3st night It " ' .S claimed that the bill had been lost or stoien but the action of the senate In noUlg the secre- tary's dues that time bill should be CorthcJm- InS by to o'clock today hall the desired eCCec Time bill was found lu the safe In the secre- tary's enl , tucked away between time leaves ot u hook. I was brought before the senate Ilmeltately after reconvcnng at : o'clock this afternoon. Akers askEd that the bill be read thE third time and plnced on Its final 113ssage. To this several senators demurred . claiming that the lars. iiil ) needed amwtment In important lmarticmi- lars.10po moved that the senate go Into com- mitte oC the whole for the purpose of considering - sidering and amending the bIll. lcKesn moved as an amendment that the bill he recommited to the commitee on miscelaneous subjects , hut Hahn demurred asking that I b sent to the judiciary com- mnittee. McKesson accepted the suggestion . and altered - tered his amenllment accordingly. He saId , In support of his amendment that thc senate had already been too hasty In passing bills seriously afectng the business Interests at the state. After a little verbal sparring McKesson withdrew his amendment and the senate resol\e itself Into commite of the wimole wlh Noyes In the chair. DEBATING A SUI3TITUTE. Graham Immcdlately offered a substitute for the entre bill. The substitute provided that cigarettes. containing alY poisonous sub- stance should not be sold In this state. McKesson supported time Graham substitute . : claiming that a numbr of wholesale business men ot time state were already claiming ' that , the senate was too much disposed to legislate against . the business Interests at the stat . Akers at o.lce proceeded to wax eloquent against the substitute. lie saId he was tired oC hearIng over and over agaIn the puerile charge that time senate was interfering with the business Interests of the state Ther was not a crime perpetrated In the state hal u. nul " " ,1 ' .n' , o'n' ' . " . n h.i " . . . . Un . . .u. " . u.u uu. w.w. . u. u. . . . . did 10t car what crime was being practiced 11 any part of the statethe perpetrator ot time crime was always qlick to reseat the law as an interference with his business. No legitmate business was touched by the anti- cigarette bill. The senator from Gage was only orerlng a substitute merely to Idl the bi.Graham Graham asleed Senator Alters It I was a crime to sell pure paper enclosing pure tobacco - bcco , to a person at mature age He claimed that that was all his substitute covered. In reply to time queston Alters said that if I the slbsltute hall bee ofrered early tim the session as an original bill he would prob- ably have suppol'ted I. but it I was clearly time purpose oC the author at time substitute 10 1,1 time original imiii . becanso It I was well known that at this late day II time session time house would IO concl' In any substitute the senate mlgh ofel' . Graham said hat time question had not been well answered Only yesterday the hOlge concurred In the senate amendments 10 a bi within al hour after they had been rccelved. Sprocher said I was very evidently the solo determinaton oC the author of the slb- stuto to kill the original bill. Ito char- acterizd the attempt to force time subst ute on the senate aim a hew netloll of whipping time devil around time stump. ToITL said thlt the mOdt important busi- ness In Nebraska was the business oC cartll for the boys of the state. The only way to get aCer time cigarette evil Is to nasa a bill lea\llg no loophole through which time dealer can escape. McKesson said that ho would , go as far lS aimy member ot the senate to Ilrotec time youth of the state , hut I feemer to him tha the senate has been too hasty In Its en- denver to institute a gencral reform ot all ubuses. One would have Imnglned at the outset of time pre5en session that this Wa 1 popnlst legislature. I started In with the Idea that It was going to cure all evils at ono tel stroke . Alters retorted thnt the senate had been originaly In favor oC this one moform but a stronl lobby had been at work und sent- ment seemd to have changed. He admitted thAt time senate hUl been a little hasty In passing nellie bills , and ho cited us an exam- lila ) the Stile university hal.ml levy bill , which , he asserted . would hav taken $160- 00 out of the state trcasury. WOUND UP TIF MATTER. Caldwel endeavorell to postpone further action by moving that the commitee rise report progress and ask leave to sit agaIn . fly Ihls tme time galleries and the lohby were filled wih mlmbers of the house who hall loen attracted ly time contest amid by the mlscelaneols alsortment of visitors ) who usualy throng the hOllO galleries . Cold- sveli's motion to rise was voted dowmm The substitute bill offered by Graham imiet n 11m- ilar tate. Then time opponontB ot the bill . un- tier the leadernhlp of Cal1wll , began a fight to kill time bill by tacltng on arnendinemits . lal n dozen ameldments , all aimed to Ilrac- tcaly nullity limo bil , were offered hy Cali- well , and rejected as fast Al orere < . When time hull county lenator had exhausted huts 1m.unllon And there _ 1 led .to be nothing INt ( but to recommeml tao original bill for imnsaage . 1OP8 arose and stated that while he hind \ 'olellgnln t all time amenlments 10 fur offered 110 t still belIeved that the bill was too mImetic , In its Ilrovlslons. lie therefore offered an amendment which simply pro- hibied the sale ot cigarettes to Ilenon tinder the age of 2t. After a brief discussIon the amendment was adopted and tie bill recom- mended for pBnage as so amen ed. < ROUTINE OF Tm MORNiNG loun. Whe the usual motion to dispense with the reading oC the Journal had been carrIed this moring the seilto took up routine work McKesson moved that the committee on rules be instructed to purchase Cor the use OC the senate 100 additional copies ot the lrgte. 1 latve manual , from which a 8ufclelt number for time senate two years hence he reserve4 . Time motion was agred 10. Wright asked that unanimous consent bt given for the advancement ta I thlrll read. lug ot senate file No. 192. lIe explained that time bill simply repealed a law passed four Jean aK creating sanitary districts In the city 0' ' 1.lncoln , for the purpose \ralghten- \ Inc' Ih channel ot Sal creett. The chan"el bad imen ( 6trallhten , the work finished and , -'m ln'Ji" \ I" ? , " there was no longer any use for the law. lila request was agreed to. Graham chairman ot the sifting commit- tee . reported five bills with the recommends- ton that they b placed at the heath ot the general file In accordance with the new rule RlloptcJ by the senate last Friday The five bills reommelhd for immediate comld- eraton were senate flies Nos. 340. 100 all 104. and house rolls Nec. H 111 67. Senate file No : UO Is by McKesson and Is an act to facilitate time gh'lnj at bands , unrlertaktn % anti recognizance's . And to authorize the acceptancE - ceptancE ot certain cor"oratons n surety thereon I will enable city county and state ofcIals to give I bonmi purchased from a securIty cmlun , InstUI at being sgned ! ) hy private Inlh'lluals. Senate file No. 100 Is by Steuter , and relates 10 deesients' estates I provIdes that the county judge Ulln A Ilroller showing by petition . grant authority to executors or a ? nlnltrntor ot estates to mortgno Any real estate belong- lag to suirjm estate where mortgages existing on such real estate are due or about to he- come lIne and there Is no money belongIng to such estate with which to pay or redeem slch mortgage. SenAtc file No. 104. by hahn , provIdes for the lstng at whole sec- tlons . hal or quarter sections In one descrip- ton when advertlsell for dchinquent tax sale. 10ue roll No , \ provides for the pensioning ' at volunteer firemen when Injured while In time hue oC duty. 10lse roll No 67 Is the beet sugar bounty bill. Bnuer Asked that the report ot time sifting committee lie over one day under the rules. As there were no his on third redlnl the senate IIEell to make senate tile No 98 a special order for : o'cock. and then all- Journetl for the loon recess. SETTLED TIlE CIGARETTES. - After recess the senate took UII the anti- cigarette bill already "assell by the house. Time bill was amenderl EO lS to merely pro- htblt the sale oC cigarettes to perSOM under 21 years of age. . 'he senate then wen Into commlt t ot the whole to consider first . senate file No. DS , anll then the five bills recommended by the sltn s com I I tee. The enate SPt learly three hours upon the consIderation at Wrlght's Insurnnce bill. WhIle the bIll Is ostensibly aimed at the life Insurance com "an IIs I contained A sec- ton levying a tax oC 1 per cent upon time gross premiums collected In Nebraska by both ifl'e amid life ) Ine Ild le Insurance companies doing business In this state. Pope endeAvored to strike out time provision taxing the fire Insurance companies but his nmendment to that eIect was rejected. Time committee then rose and recolmended the bill for imassage. The senate , then at 6:20 : , ljourned. . IUII.'S StIED UIAIS NOTE hiLt. Text ot the . J1'nslr" UlslJlod to Aid th. IuIrmmlr . 11 Their StrAHR. LINCOLN . March , . ' LINCO.N. 20.-Special--F'ollow. ( ) lag Is the tul text of Judd's seed grain note ; bill as I was sIgned by time governor today : A bill for un act to provide for purchasing ' "rovlle purlhaslll of seed grain on time for the year 189 and to create a len 00 the crops grown from the same , imfltl for the discharge of such lien . 1111 also for the punishment of the vlolltol of this act , nld for "ullsh- ment for rllsal to dlseharge such lien. Be I ennctell by the legislature oC lcn. stAte oC Nehrslc : Section I. That any imidividual firm . com- 1 uany or corporation elgaled In the sale of' ' grain to he Used for seeding or hanting In the state of Nebraska during the yeAr 189 may tnlee In payment for the same a nole which shall be denominated "Special Seed Gmln Note . " In form ns follows : "Special seed grin note. . .I folows . . "Spcial . . On or before time . . .day . or. . . . 18. . I. or we . the undersigned . promise to pay to. . . 0' order , S. . . . payable at. . . . with Interest at the rate of . .per cEnt per annum , from . .untl tine and..per cent thereafter until paid. For the consideration mentioned above the ulumtiersignetl hereby expressly agrees and promises that this mioto belmmg given for the purchase of seed grain . to-wit : . .purehlsed from the sold. . . . payee . here- in . which said eed graIn Is to be sown on tue foliowimug described real ! olowlng estate. to-wit : . . .section. . . . town. . . . range. . . . In. . . . . . count . . county. Nebrslm. This instrument shall be and Is hereby declAred by the ' Undersigned - signed to. be a lien upon all grain 'ulder- growmu al from said seed durIng the , year iSIS Irown time ' land . above decrlbed . wherever . said . ' grain \ may ' . be kept or stored , and In who- , soever's possession the same may be : ani , for the consideration Above mentioned the undersigned hereby sels anti conveys to the said. . . . payee ' herein , all the above , seed grin , And the grain which shall or mAY grow from saId seed grain upon the land aforesaid. Upon conditIon . however that If the above note secured hereby shall be paid on or before the maturity thereof then this mortgage tobe void . otherwise to remain In full Coree. And the undersigned further agrees that In case of failure to pay the amount due thereof at maturity . or Whenever - Whln- muturly. ever the holder nr thic . nnto n,1 n"t . n may deerhlmsefr his lii ; : h 'n h " "bY virtue of this mortgage take said seed grain and grain grown Cram the same In whatever condition the same may be . demand for the same being hereby waived and sell the same At public or private sale . ns sel law provilled. The proceeds of sAid sale , after deducting all expenses , to be applerl on Arer note anti mortgage . And the residue IC any to bo returned . to the undersigned : and 'If calI property fAis to satisfy this note and costs. the unlersl , ned ( hereby agrees to ia ' the dllclenc ' . This note Is given In pm-au- tJ Ance of an act of the legislature of the state of Nebraska . entitled : 'An act to provide for time pI'chase of seed grain on time In the year 189 . and 10 create a lien upon Ien Ipon crops grown from the same amid for thp 11scharge oC such 110mm . and also for the pun- Ishmlnt of the violation oC this act and for pummuislmment ! ' for rusl to discharge such len. ' Approved. . . . . . . Witness : . . . . . . . Aiir "ih . same. when properly fhiei'in i hl proper ofce of the county where such eell Jraln Is to he sown time owrpr anti holder thereof shall be thereby vested with all the rights . powers Inll benefits oC the holder of 1 chatpl mortgage upon the crop or crops so grown from such eed. and the amp shal bo 1 first len upon the crop or crop grown from such seed wlleth'r the same are growing. mature1 ! or ga'hmermj ard stored alI shah at all tIms ' ba 1 first len upon the product grown from such seed mmntil such note Is fully paid. " nntl Bee 2. A true copy of said note shal he 1011 upon the records of the county where luh cral Is grown and the same shal he when so led treated , nil resp ctIS 1 chat- tel mortgage Ituly fed In pursuance oC the , statutes oC time state of Nebraska relnt\ ! to time filing oC chltel morlglges : prvltlpd , thAt on presentation imy the maker of the original note canceled the county cleric shal cnncel sail len of recol'd. See 3. That any person or persons buying gain for seed to he used II plantnA 0' sowing In IccorlJance with this act . \vho shll thereafer use or uerml another to muse the Allln fa purchaslll IR aforesaid . or the II'olluct thereof. for mummy purpose other than designated In time note herein provldet , ( or . shall be dlemed guilty oC 1 mlsdlmeanrr , alt shAl he punlshelt In I the mUI1I' pro- vlderl hy law COl" dlsposlnl ot mortgJe,1 , property Provil"ll. that where any pur- chaser under time prvisions ot ( hula net shAl have any of Raid grin left nIter seeding his hand then thl parties furnishIng the same IhAI he required to receive back the sumac Ipon Its return alI ] 'redlt the amounl thereat on the note at tile slml price. that WAS Ihurlt11 anti received for time slime . Ilme. S ? c. t. 'Vlln Slch note' . together wih time interest , If fully paid . It shal be the dmmty of the holder of Ilch unto to have the same cancelll ] oC record anti if I nn ) ' holeI of such imote or hiI reronnl repremmeimtmutive or A/slgnoe. after full performancE oC the con- ( hitiona of the mortgage annexerl thereto . whether hlfore or ttPI' hrrArh thereof , shall for time apace oC twenty 11ays. after being thereto requested In wrlUng. refui1 or neRlect 10 dl/clulrle time same ot record lS herpln Ilrovile < r 01 to execute or .pc. ' .IC- Imowlplge , a celtll'at . of Ilschar'e or release - lease thereof , he shall lie liable to time winker of luld nolo and mortIA/ ( lila heir nlt mmm4sigimim , In the sum o $20 dtmmrmges . mind loral nil actuul damages occasioned by Iuch neglect - bet or . refusal to he recovered In the proplr nctioim Sec. 5. Whereas an. emerge'nvy exists for the 11tinne ( this nct. therefore this net such take effect anti be In force tram anti after its , iaesam. - _ _ . _ _ _ ( lnt"r.11' " nim . tidier 111. LINCOLN , March 20.-Speclal ( Teiegranm ) -Tho joint conference commitee on time $2')0,000 ' ) relief bill reached an agreement tb- night. The result at the conference Is a mmuodifieti bill . The amount Is left at $200- ( mOO . Each county will be permitted to pur- ch1IO its own seed , and time money to pay for the lee will be drawn by the auditor upon the recommendnton 01 the Slate He- lef com minion. The COIII&llon will not be allowed to reserve morn than $500 for Its epeu < es. The prIncipal teature 8trlcken out of the bill Is the emma which distributes the money by direct appropriation 10 the several cuntel and limits each county to $ 4,000 \ lIt I' ' ) Nn , .I U < lulu. LINCOLN , March 20.-Seclal ( Telegrammi ) -The senate clalls commitee let this evening anlt considered the miscelaneul claims bill pased b ) the house. Time 11- portant feature of time acton tonight was the knoelelng out at all the clalls for wolf boun- ties . State Auditor Moore says that the wolf bounty bill recently passed I ) ' time house wil , It It becomes 1 law , cost the state nearer $30.000 wit Ice , than $ .00 I estimated ! 1y UI , CIII' . " " . " ,1 J 1- " . l " " , " 1' [ 1VI- " 1 _ ' , " 4 IN NE1RXSIA'S I 1,51 ( ' INTEREST 'rf' C , ' , , , . , - Banquet Tendoreepator ! Allen the Occ- aba T'Pmising the State , I" nl ) ' ' 0- GOVERNOR HOLCOMB ON TiE SIUATION ' vi ml h- Wih n Slhj.f I'iiir . { Ihlltr"lt Miles 1.011 . ' fluid Two I I\ BJ.'j \ : ( ; 11" . " 'Imlo time Chie Ext'cutlvi , ftl , time CUII)1'Cfth Uut'H l , M moqucnty , LINCOLN , March 20-Special ( Tcle grAm.-A ) 10:30 this evening 200 people sat down to a banquet tendered Unie States Senator Allen . at the Linuleli hotel. ThIs event was precedcd5tiy I recepton to over 300 guests In the imariors. The senator anti his wife arrived tram their home at Madison 01 the 6:10 : p. 1. trJln , ant . were at once driven to the hotel In A carriage. Senator and Irs. Allen were assisted In recel\lng by lion. W. J. Dryan and wife And Mayor Wclr. Ftuik's orchestr provltell a well selected list of Instrumentl numbers during time recer- tea and batmquet Among the guests tram Lincoln and abroad wore : Congrssman MclCelghmmmm . D. Olem D aver , Omaha : Jame C. Dalmimmman Challron : James O'She , Lincoln : 3v . Sheridan , J. V. Wolfe , .1. II. Euhmuisten . Etidyvllie : John 11. Powers , Major Wllll Daily . Charles Plrtl Washington , D. C. : V. O. 1.1"II"r urn.l wirn Om.hA' lnt'ornnr lnl - _ . _ . . _ . . . . _ . . . . . . _ . . . . . _ _ . . _ n. . _ . comb and Prl'lto Secretary Macat. JUllge J. 11. ihroady lion . W. II. Dt-e. Captain Patrick - rick Barry , Charles 10xlt anti vie ( . Liimcolrm anti mull of the poimumlist and democratc members - al theopulst hers of time legislature. DUllING TilE BANQUET. During the banquet J. V. Wolfe presided as toastnmastcr. To "The People's Senator Our Guest , " Mayor A. ii. Weir responded In a happy post prandial vein. To the toast , "Tho State of Nebraska , " as announced facetiously by the toastmaster , "Though slightly disfgred , wIll be found still In the ring " Goveror 10lcolb responded In part AS follows : "Mr. Toastmmmaster Lathes ( amid Gentemen : The subject assIgned mime this evenlng Is such A large one that I approach It I with hcsitammcy . You hnvo gh'en me a subject that Is 400 mils long All 200 miles wldc. Larger thnn nil the New Enlland states and In which England Alt Wales may be placed with territory el0ugh left to make three countes as large as my own . the 'state at Custer : with Its 2,500 square miles oC rich prairie 1 ni : a populnton of over 1.000- 000 , and yet capable oC sustaining tour times that nunuber with 400 acres or more to time indivldmvml. My auditors amy . perhaps , think my subject f dry one and I must sa ) that A due regard for jay reputaton for veracIty compels' me to Almlt that it I has been very dry for health , Intelligence and the contentlen at Its Ileople. There are few I any , slates equal to Nebraska , and none sUllerlor. TIme searc'her ! after lealh and Pleasure mny go . in Calornla or Florida for comfor In winter or to Cape Mayor lIar Harbor to enjOOot breezes In summer but to the Nebraskan Is given the pleasure of onjoylng the 365dnys of healhCul , pleasant and Invigoratng cUmate , lot n pleasure re- sort to obtain imetltlm : . but A business resort with good health lme'omm'o at the Ilrlnehml ai- tractiomms. BEAUTES' NEBRASKA. "My subject , however Is a breezy oue. I Is the gelte'Nebraska zephyr thai sweeps over Its beautiful prairIes , giving life . aot\- Ity and vIgor tl nil' coming In contact wih it. Time breezes purify the atmosphere InvIgorate - vIgorate the system1 and give to our people that restless 4pergJ which has placed the state , though yet , In , ll infanqy In the front rank of agrIcu1Juria states and along besIde her sister states lii I the grei Mississippi valley In manuFacturing commercial and ng- rlculural indutfes" - wlng' ' } iecrlpt ! n oC Nebraslea's resources - , sources and pieS : ' tofmditiomi , 'lt'gov ro . sl < "It Is qlftPll : tashtoqnouv ! or oUght to'.b. to have prlntd on the back at your buSinesS or' visiting cards a statement t of the number of excellent crops grown In tills stat In he last twenty-five years. I would read something lke this : 1869. good crop : 180. good crop ; 1871 , big crop ; .872 , good crop : 1873 , short crop with grasshoppers printed In parentheses as an explanation : 18H. good crop and so on down to 1894. with but few exceptions all good crops. At no time within the histor of the state so Car I as my knowledge goes , has I drouth anti I consequent crop faIlure been s complete so abwlute and so tar reaching as that of the I past season , and I venture the prediction that we may all live our aloted three score lund ten years wIthout witnessing a recur- rence of such a dread disaster. " The go\ernor. In conclusion said that he would leave the subject with the distimm- gulshed guest of the evenhmmg who has been. so valanty championing the cause at free silver for a trIo peollie. Toasts were aWe responded to by lIon . John M. Halan , Hon. P. 1. larry , lion. W. F. Dale } Iomm . W. I. Dccli Dr. L. J. Abbot and H. F. nose , sq. IS l'UIt"ULT 0. 'J I'IUSON I'LACJ \slrlults for ijoemmier's I'iace Ilt l' Pretty Onlo or' ( roAA-J'urIIRP . LINCOLN , March 20.-Speclal.-For ( ) some reason or other the nlmerous aspirants for Warden Deemer's . shoes have bee unusually active for the \ast two days. Among time candidates on time ground who are constantly flitting through the hotel corridors alll the state house lobbIes Ire James Dahlman at Chmadron George Leldlgh at Nebrastc City , I. Sheridan oC ned Willow county and James O'Sh o of 1.lneohl. J. V. Wol ! at Lan' caster hGpes to be still counted In the race All ot these caltdates arc wearing looks of cheerful expectalc ) ' . and for OIO rea SOl they all believe that time appoIntment Is to 3 e made within a few Ilays. } In the meantIme I Is suspected that Prison Contractor Dorgal Is puttng In days and nights studying tie situation. I Is DC the utmost Importanc 10 his Interests that the now warden ho friendly to him. The legislature - laturo Is likely to do one of two thlngs- either recommend that his contract be an- imujilori . or take the grolnrt that he has no contract and recoll\nd that he be ejected from the enleutsFY prenmises I the state ) authorities 311Ult le directed to Adopt tima Inter alternative , Iprgan may find hlmselt lockerl ant almost any.morllg In the near Cuture. I Warden Bemers position Is not mlsun- ilerstood , Dorgan' 'mayl be locked out even wardemm , Is , well before a new war.en appointed I Is wel IndertoJd that tmlt Is anxious to throw time penitentiary ,1ImI le hands at the Board of Public Lands miu11Jhuildtngs. I Is equally well known that , Ilr ' \'oull like to be Inslaled In lorgan's IJlacev.tthd ! eleral manager at tie institution . hIemiAims he cal rUI the shiolis with fewer dntllers , with beler salle- faction to time co\\rlCloJ \ , with better effect UIIOI thE convlct , atitih that he cun make the penitentiary iieltslsatlning. penientary , In tl leantllo 1m A. lucl\tcf. whose desire to gall Ilssesslon at the } oral contract - tract Is an alIen secret , Is not wastng a single hour at thel/esng ! days ot tie session . lie wants the contradt . lie also wants the legislature to assAiL him In gettIng It. Whether the leslalre will 01' not depends upon the de\'elopmlnut , the ILXt few days. - Itcuirmucy Rt"a < I' . Ecmmminmy , , KEARNEY , Iafi 20.-Seclal.-The ( ) spring campaign blmlv on In earnest , and I promlsoB to be a1flmtht 'and sharp fight . The main Issue Is rotrepCmimuent , but the present . council at its meetng last night headed that oft to a considerable extelt by reducing the salaries of all city officers ) , The mayor , after the let of AprIl , ' will ree31ve $50 a year : clerk $200 : treasUrer $100 ; each COUl- ciinman . $100 ; each polIceman , $5 per month : sewer inspector and street comumissiommer $5 per .month. ali janitor Jar city hal , $50 imer month , and cemetery sexton , UO lIeI immontim The 0118 at chief ot police declar vacant after this tnommthm Time council Instructed time police to SU [ , . Ilress gambling , and other rorul at vice , and today the officers ha\'o stopped the throwing ( at dice for cIgars anti ' Kamllng In all Its frms wherevl found or known to exls FrIday night the reubteals hold a caucus and lat night the democrats hell one un- der the name b' ' "citizen's caucus " lal ot time nomlneel were not liresfnt at the cau- cue . hmowtver and cue hi sin co detnetl 10 run , 10 there are only three men nJrlnutelt by time democral who are really In the , eid. fel < l At the oratorical c"utesl list Ilgh al time . Hgh chool for the purpose ot selecting R delegate to represent time Iearnty schools at the state contest In Aurora , Miss Grace Hamer was awarded fIrst choice and : lu Florence lalo\el econll. MIss Hnmer's selection I entitled " 1.ltle Flower Oirl. " The jumdges werE County Suprlntel1tont Wlse ) County Attorney Drown and 11ev . Mr. Hayden . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l'OltUlIST O)1JIT'lm - 11mT . . ArrlllemanlR (011.I"t\lt for U"hlng the . Next Suite tu"1lllol , LINCOLN . March 20.-Spocial ( Telegrnm. ) -The populist state central commitee meta at , the Llldcl hotel tOll ' , abut twe"- fye members being resent. Ti'e fir..tmmclal statement for the last state cOllenton was presented and audited. The treasurer's rep - part showed mum Imlebtednes9 at about $300. Provision WAS made for its Ilaymen . I was decIded that tIme next slate conveltol should be hpll late sonic tme II ptember , II some city vest at 1.111011. al,1 , that time basis oC representatIon should bo UOI tbD vote caRl for Sias A. 10lcomb for governor at time last general election. A resolutol el- hug the stamp oC llllulst disapproval upon tuslol with either ot the ohl Ilarte . was of- Corell by lryalt of Cedar count ' , limit time commitee Ileclned to eutertaln II , al11 II was withmtlrawn . The resoluton was tn- tended as an expression ag.lnst the cal1llac , ) ! oC such ( Iemocrlts as James lahmimmuam George orle I.elrlgh amid James O'She . whose desire to ni the olce at wnrdtn oC the state Imemui- I tentnry I giving the populist aspIrants some uneasiness ( IENCt STATJ J.\NIC hAS ll.mmu. It timid Just . _ . leel _ . lcorgatuiecmtI _ , , _ t. _ _ " . ' _ h' nUl Hilt n n . , I.nfl-&tnhI- " ( . . , GENOA , Neb. . March 20.-Speclnl ( Tele- gram.-Tho ) Genoa State bank closed Its doors this moring and I now In ufO han < s of the State Banking board A notice nested In the window oC the bank signed by Ben H. Cowder . state bank oxammuirmer says : "Uanlt closed 1111 In my hands as temporar re- ceiver. " Less than two weeks ago time bank was reorganized anl A ncw set of officers was cimosemm with a woman as prceldent. I was announcel at time tme that the reor anl- zaton made the bank one of the strongest fnancial Instutols of Its size In the state. I had A capital stock oC $20.000. The condIton oC the bammk as stated by the receiver Is as follows : Assets and liabilities . $66,000 : de- posits , 28000. The assets consist largely of notes , IAny at which are hard to realize 0mm Time receiver expresses the opinion that the bank will payout wihout louts to de- pasiters . but that it I wi require time. When time bank was reorganized March 9 Irs. II. E. Hobbins was chosen president , Arthur .E. Anderson , cashier und G. Wison vice lirealderit _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Holor Note , . LINCOLN March 20.-Speclal.-n ( ) Jann- ary 22 tIme State Hele { commission secured space In the Dnckstaf & Stone warehouse for the purpose of facilitating their work In malcng up shipments. ThIs was considered Ilcessar ' . as the voluntary contributons wore being received In car lots . mommy of which contalne only one line of supplies. I There were ears at hour others full of meal , I While fourteen cars of syrup ten cars of I clothIng mind a car oC sauerkraut were among , the receIpts. These cars hal to ! be redis- tributcd so that the various sections In the ; droutlm-strickt.n districts could obtain drouth.strlcktn I por- ton at each oC the contrlbtmtions . UI 10 date 14 cars have been unloaded and over fOO In- volcCJ In less than car lots received at time warehouse. . The later range tram a single box to a hal cuload. The distributons consist of 138 cars of mixe provisions and clothing and 338 shipments , few at whIch were less than a ton. amid from that to a hai car. In this work one man was en- gageI In loading up cars and selecting AS- sortnments one man checking In and ship- ping out frequently checking the truckers In and out at the same time , and six tructe- ems carrying gods to and from the cars. . This force of men unloaded , stacked In the 1 'wlr'tjlouse ' and loaded l an . averagc at tel . c rs . a day , or nearly two cars to a man Fifteen tons oC four were ordered shipped yesterday by the purchasing commitee at the relief commissIon to the drouth-strlcken districts. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wedding ! elR nt York YORK Neb. . March 20-Speclai.-l3en- ) jamb F. Felman , pastor of the Daptst cburch , was married las cvenlng to Miss . , - - - - - Kate } napp. Tie marriage was a qUIet affair . only immediate friends and relatives beIng present. Rev Mr. Fotsom oC Hastings officiated. The wedding ceremony was held at 8 o'clock Whie the number oC guests present were Ilnulted . some handsome presents - ents were presenled to the bride and groom. Mr. I elman has been a resident of York but a short time. He Is but a young man , yet possessed ot remarkable power both as an orator and reamner. He was formally or Hastings . and attended the college I thai place. Miss Knapp Is a leading young lady of York and Is well known In church cIrcles ( of the cl ) . . The assessors at York county met yester- da ) ' . M. C. Frank at Leckridge township was elected chairman and J. D. p. Small sec- rotary 'fhe assessing at stock elc. . was passed on and was about the same as last year. The basis used for time assessJen at farm lands was time same as tormerly , I. c. , about an average at $2.75 per acre the basin and roogh lands to tie assessed at $1. JuhlHI } ltr.uvltics. ASHLAND , Nib. . \larch 20.-Speclal.- ; John W. Moon returned from Wahoo this : morning. where hue went to attend an as- sesrs' meeting. I was decIded to raise ' the valuation of land II Saunders county $100 per acre , : 11erri Johnson , an old Ashland boy has come loac to tahoe the pOllton of Charles WhlmQre cn the Ashland Gazette . Dr. William G. Friday . who has been prac- tcIng medlctn In Ashland for a number of year , has removed to Itediarmd , Cah. , where hme goes to cede hieaitlm , A number of alummmni of Ashmhanui'a High school , who are employed iii time city schmoois of Waiuoo , arc imonue omm a vacation , because of the closing ot' time schools frormi a scare of scarlet fever iii that city. Studetuts Arrested for Stealing. LINCOLN , March 20-Speciai ( Telegram. ) -Clauuie Boil , 20 years of age , a student at time State University , was arrested to. night by Detective Malone charged with imaving stolerm a quantity. of geological speclutiemis , rare stufteml birds anti animals , and sommue fifteemm or twemuty volunmes of lmoeics tremn time museum of time mmnive'rslty , Time cornplairmammt was Chummed- br Canfleid. Time vaiuo of the property taken is indefinite , but it is said will iii. voice a considerable amnommnt , lieu Is fmnmmm York , where hula parents are said to resIde. Freul Wimitenman , ji ; years of age , a student of time Lincoln Norimmal , was also arrested , clmarged with imavirmg stolaum a bicycle wurtim $50 , 130th wihi have a imearhimg tomumorrow , Suin of ( umitoc Coumity I.isImi , BEATRICE , Marcim 20.-Speclah ( Telegranu. ) -There were six transfers of farm land thieul lii Gage county today , aggregatimug $23,460 , Articles of irmcorporation were flied today by time Arabian horse comnparmy , with lieatrico designated as time primmcipnl place of imualneha. Thu capital atock Is $15,000 , to be paid upoum call of time directors. The incorporators are ; L. W. Coiy , George A. Murphy , John P. Wagner , George It. Chancy and II. B. Colby. Time busimmess of time comnpany will be to buy mind sell Arabian horses. Fail ( it's Citizen 'a lekol. FALLS CITY , Neb. , March 20.-Speclal- ( ) A caucus was lucid In the court. house by time citizens today and time following citizens' ticket nominated ; Mayor , Fred Beauhleu ; clerIc , I' . M. Ilaisey ; treasurer , T , J. Gist ; notice judge , M.V , Musselman ; clvii engi. noer , Johmn W. Towle ; members board of eduostion , Or , 0 , 11 , Neals , Br , 'F. J. Spencer ; counclimimeim , First ward , II , Spencer ; Sec. end , P. F , Sullivan ; Third , Ed Gibes , for one year , and C M. Wilson for two years. dfl4Irms at Norrim l.uuii. NORTh LOUt1 , Ncb. , March 20.-Simeciai ( , ) -Rev , J , H , liurley , resident pastor of time Iiaimtiat. cimurcim of this city , has gone to Far- mmam , Nob. , on a two weeks' missionary tour , during wiiicim hue ivihi probably hold a lire. tracted mmmeetitmg at that lulace. At last accoUnt8 time mmgermts eemmt from this place to solicit cod graIn In time cast were umeclrmg with but indiffer nt smccess. Oimo mf tlmeimi is In Missouri , aiim ! buas reported a 1- _ _ ' , . . ' . ---T-------- - car of grain In eight , taut cloniutloims tie -not appear to 1gm very profuse as yet. An cipthalmlc disease which hears the notiti- lee tieslgnmutiomi of "plmuk-eye" has tmeeiu masking Itself sonuewimat disagreeable nhmmong the population of thmt place. both adult anti juvenile , lou' time ; iast several mantims , It is mint especially severe in utmost eases , but gives conricicrablo luCia anti annoyance lit tie ; case of seine eoimatituttiommahltics , IIIsra VlTlt rin : si IrTISCI COMMITTIhi ; , t'lmuurciuiiilttmnii thu Simt to u lit , Somatic ( im'iieriii File. LINCOLN , March 20.-Speclumi ( Teiegrammm. ) -Time semuate comimmumittee on mmmunhclpal affairs , through its chmalrrnaui , Senator liahumm of Adaimis couimmty , tlmi.s ntternooum hirceented a favorable repom't cmi time fire amid 1,011cc coma- immission lmill , which takes time apimointmnent of tht' nuemumber.q of tlmit commuummlseion omit of time lianuis of time governor. Tue report recoin- himemmtletl ( lint time imhil be Iminceti on timird read. ins. Senator Teift of Cass cotmnty olmjectetI. lie said lie was opposel to time practIce of rmmshmitug bills tlmromugh to a fimmumi passage with- omit giving time senate nit opportunity to ills- cuss timeimm. Thus was aim immuportuummt bill miami mmmight Ito tnr.rcncimlimg in its effects. lie immo'ed that the bill lie sent to time gemmeruui ilk' . ills imuotlon was secontietl by Graham of Gage commmmty , whmo wait also opposed to time lirecilmltate action recommmmnemmtiemi by time commm- mittee ohm mmiumuicipnl affaIrs. Semmator Cahil- svell OiipomuQml time conmrnittee's report , and time bill was meiit to time geuucral tile luy a large vote , time flent1s of time emmeasumre offerhimg lie opimoultlon , Time fate of time bill mmow rests withm time eiftimmg conmummittee. alichmmuet Cmsra' lCIlied by Cite Cars , NEUItASICA CITY , March 20-Simccial ( Teiegrammm-Miclmael ) Casey , a farmer of 111dm- aruison commnty , was ruin over by time Limucolim traimm , chile here at 11 :40 : ii , mit , lie wemut to sleep omm time track , No blame appears in at- tacim to tIme train crew. Time mmmii wits ( or- ribly mmiammgirui , his body being tmmt In two. Cued' is a mmmarried mimaim , Coimtimmctor Perry mimiti flimgimueer I boyd' were lii charge , of tIme train. 'Fiie trumimm was tielayeil thirty mumimmmmtes wnitlmmg time murrivimi of ( hue corommer. 1)hijeehmi to 'nu'ermmgmu mit Vymimore. BEATRICE , March 20.-Slmecial ( Telegraimm , ) -Proceculings were coimmmmmcmiceul 1mm dIstrict court today emijolnimmg tIme city ot Wymmmore front ptmttimmg itt sewerage , recently ormiered by time comimucil. Tbi iilaiimtiff iii time case , Martlmu ilusimscmm. cImmimmis that the sewerage Is mint mmeodcti , will be aim iumjmury to adjoimmiumg imroperty , ammti that time commstltmutiommal limimlt of expenthitumre for such nmmrimoses has beemi reacimed. icearnry Llit.i ? utuit lcciilrd , KEARNEY , Neb. , March 20.-Speciai ( Tel- egramn.-imu ) district court timis aftermmoomm E. \Vyrmiamm got a jumdgmmment agaimmst time huh Primmtimmg commupaimy. I iommmer .1. Aliemm amiml 11 , A. Lee , for $3,500. This was a llluci suit cohmm- mnericed iii''ymmmami time defeated cammtiiuiate for county treasurer emu time hmopmmlt.st ticket two years ago , aiid broumghmt for arm article lurhmmtetl his' defemittammts at that tiumme. Time case will be aiPealeui. Sni tieti limit 'm'roimhlo Cmusiy. 1JEAT11IC'E , March 20-Special ( 'felegrammi. ) -Sheriff Kyml returmmed last mmiglmt froimi Fort Simuith , Ark , , Imaving In cimarge Johumi Eimlu , who was waimted here to aimswer to a clmarge of umeductiomm nreferreul by Mary Geimmbrecimt. Uliomu amrlvimmg him time city Emp proctmreul a license anti at omice settled time trotmhie by mmiarryiumg time gin , itetm-mti"rs . % gm'm'o omm us Scaic. OI1D , Nob. , Marchm 20.-SpecIsi.-Thme ( ) as- sessoms of time varioums townsimlps nmet in con- stultatiomm today to agree on a basis of value oil wimich to mimalee assessments for time commmimmg year. After consulting together they agreed to assess nersonal property at one-fifth Its cash vaiue. lit-nt iumm d Holbe'd mm C ii I na limami , BLAIR , Neb. , Marclm 20.-Speclal ( Tele- grammm.-Two ) unlemuown nersomma entered time laundry of Lumimg See about 0 p. rn. anti junmp- lag upon imim hicat him about time Imead badly. They stole about $0. Time wotmuds uvlll not prove fatal. Sirs , , Ioimn I.emmzeii' Imjumries Fatisl , FAIRFIELD , Neb. , March 20.-Sjmeclai ( Telegram.-Mrs ) , Joimn Lenzen , a report of wiuoae Injury in a rtmnaway acciuient appeared in The Ueo today , died this mnorumlng u'ltimoumt regaining consciouammess. l'ioret , Will iiu'o ii Ness' Opera liotiqe , PIERCE , Nob. , March 20.-Speeiai.-Time ( ) city of PIerce whit build lime firmest opera house in northwest Nebraska. Time contract is to be awarded April 1. 1i.vI Loit his SVIt. r4evi Joimnmuon , imoatmumaster mit Fairs'hew , ac- companiecl by imis wife anti a load of oats , drove imuto Ommmnhn ycaterulay , lie atopmed at time mmmarket at Tiventy-seomum1 amid Corn- himg street for the imumpose of eeiiing time grain , Oath , rmot betmmg sOoim successful , heft lila mvifO iii charge' of time wagoim and wemmt to aimotimer nuurt 01' time city.Vhmemm ime m-e- turmmeui lie mvatm ummaile to ilmumi his wife , who , lie clalimimu , was comuiplaimmimig of being sick , Diligent aeuurchu fn lied to locate imi'r , amid , dealmairhmig of success , lie reported thme fumeta to time police lust mmlgimt anti askath thmemn to lmehp fluid her. At IL late imommr mitt nigimt she had not been foutmul , 0- vtiI Leave timt , Sliver Party VeIn. CABSON CITY , Nov. , Luharcim 20.-Licuterm- omit Govermmor S.muhicr , elected by time sliver iiamta' last fall , limos amuimomunceil Imia Inteimlion of leaving imat party and going back to tIme repuhlicamm fold. StudIer cimulmums thmmt time nuirty hiatt not lived imp to 11mm iiimmtorm lmiedges , ills actioiu hmmus ot'cauuioncd sonic Cx. chteiiient in polItical circles , 0 Voriey lomimmd Ntit. Unity. At 9 o'clock last evenimug time jtmry 1mm time cace of Monroe F. W'orley , cimargeui imy imhum wife witim adultery , returned a verdict of not guilty. I'LItSO.Y.1 1. 1'.lft.1 ( flt.I P118 , C. F. Seefus lit registeremi at tIme flaricer from Leigh. /tdolpim h'entz is registered at time liarker from Cbmlcago , I ) . \\'aicott , with time tJumlteui States Vimimi amid Pmmimmp commarmy , is reglstereul at the liar. leer ( morn Linmcoltm. Mr. F. A. hiemmiuett of Mammimlmmg , Ta , , state bank exammmlrmem' fur time Ilawkeye stole , Is imi time city visitimmg his frleumui , ii. II. Ituthert , At time Mereor : S. F. ICing , Mlimneaimohis ; 8. Ii. Ilatiummwmiy , New York ; C. . Calialmer , ICansas CIty ; B. ) V , Loomis , Biglmi , Ill , ; W. n , AlexarmulerVmmiuoo ; V , C. l3iuiciciey , Ge- imeva ; Robert \Vooulson , St. Louis ; A. B. Chmadwlchc , Chicago ; S. It. Mtmmmmaugim , Port- laud ; J , A. Love , Chicago ; 0. ii , Quigley , 'mlt , Morris , ill. ; hi. D. I'ettlbone , Mhmiumeaim. oils ; M , CurtIs , Now York ; Ii. McGIll , To- iieka. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2elmrsakumn lit Local hot clii , At time VIctoria-li , I ) , Masomm , Shmlmmey ; 0 , Erickson , Oulciui nil , At time IrcxeIt. ! . V. Martin , Blair ; T. 5 , M illar , Emmiumrsoti ; % . J.'hison , 'felcaimmahu. At time Millard-li. A. llmmirlmtnn hicuitmice ; 0. A , ltleCicmmitl , York ; S. C. liamiseLt , Gibboum , At ( \lmmmrmiy-F. . Ii , Scott emmmmh Wife' , himmmCrsonu ; V. A mmtlersomm'aimoo ; , 'imi- cmmnmt , ( irmtnd Isluind. At time Arcade-Mrs. W. A , Ciegimorru , LouisvIlle ; J. 1' . Johumueomm , Kearney ; C.t. . Ilaimsuimim , Neolti ; Fl , t'etleymt , Ilimelby , At time iJeiiom11-'i' M , Ituhmlee' , llu.kemm Rosy : JarmutuS Leontrti ; , North J'lntie' .1. C , Me'Eiimuini' , l.yomms ; J. C. IhmIrtwehi , ( furits. At time Colonna'he-l' . C. liotehclt , Ii. Ifuhils- ter , Hildmormm ; JV. . Scimumminicer mmliii uV. It , 'rmumuer , 1:1k : CIty ; N. Ii , 'IVociths , Scimuyier. At time Winuisor- . If , liemvlerEon , 0' Neill ; L. i . iimmhmn and C , t , Pleurui1 , N or- folk ; Ii. Kane multi J , C. hIe'iutlersummu , ork , At limo Merelmumits-li , ' 1' . i3imanumon , .1. Ii , W'estcott , C. H. i'm'ossen. Ltnt'oiiu : II. it.moiifl anti IC , ICohmim , Beuu'ard ; Mrs. 11 , Ii , Mumimami , Gr.mnd lalmimuil. At time l'uxton-hl. C , Hnuitim , Falls City ; W , 13. Conic antI Ii. II , Hmnitim , hc amne ) ; A , I ) . Lewis , F'onmtaneile ; II. hi. Ocring anti J. I. VeUL'hm , Piumttsmnotitii , - - Children Cyfoi Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry fes ' ' ) ier's Castoria. Children Cry ie : ' pitcher's Castorla. . . _ - - - - - - - - i\IORE \ SYIPATIIY FOR DAVIS Alleged Train Wrecker Sall th have Boon Pcr3.cnted in a Now Line. MOSIJER'S ' PARTNER FORMALLY ARRAIGNED Vciirrnl Cotmrt at 1.1 niohii % Vill limtcrintis 4trgmuiuml'huts iii ( ) umtvusit's Cutest 'L'.itimiy It ( Juuuushi tiuti liulitt , umicuut ' Aguilim.ithiiiiu , IlNCOi.N. March 20.-i ° neelsl Tele- graimm-Ammothmer ) stumrthiimg feature was totha' ulevelopemi in time George W'mishi. limgton lavls case. Yesterday it was discovereul ( lint liaililt Steimhmemuson , wlmile lii chart of time jimry wimlcli triemi iai'ts for imumirtler 1mm 11mm , fIrst tlegree , hind left his charge auth visited time office of tIme leading commmmsel for time Itock islanml roath. Today it was learmmetl timroumgii jail officials anti Davis iiimmiself that one h'imihIp Miller , arrested - rested for stealimmg mu watcim from Coumimeilmimaim Parker , hind beemm placed iii luuvis' ccii for the lueriod of ten uiayaVlmlle him there ime mhith his host to Ptimmii ) 1) vis , but was mimmauc- cesefimi in secmmrimmg nmmy nmnteriai evltlemmce. Thue siimgmmlar imart of time affair is timat Miller was muever tried for time larceny of tIme watcim , Time iiohlce records do hot show that Miller was ever arrested amid timere is no record of aimy crlmmuinni charge iii any court agaimmst hlmim , I Ic was shmmimiy throwmu lute the ccli with lavis , kept there teim days ammd released , It is ruimmormmti iii iincalmu tlmat Davis was of- fereml before lila trial $10,000 to Imicall guilty to mumaumslammgiuter auid take a year in time imemu- itentiary.Vhmemm qumestiommeti abotmt it ime tie- mileti that aim ) ' omme imaml ever ummadmm such an offer. offer.Four Four immommtims ago Miller was caught as lie was about to take a trnhmm , cimargeti with stcalimmg a i'atcim ( remit mu coummciiummamm , That Miller fl5 imlaceil in time cell wIth Davis by sommie ammo himteresteti In convictimig tint accused - cused urlimcars reumsomiably certaimm , ammd imis mnysieriotue tIIuuampearummmce remmmnimma urine- comimitetl for , The trial has cost LanCaster coummty ovem' $5,000 , anml ii is said time railroad - road coiimpa ny Iil miemmia ad it mmcmv our. MOSIIRI1'S i'AItTNIIItSthtlltONEi ) . It. C. Oumtcumit , ex-casimier of time brolcemm Capital Natiommutl huauik , watt nrrmmigmmcd this afiernuomm 1mm time femicral court mu time IndIct- mumeumt fotmmud agaimmet imimmi Jumimumary last. A mmmotlon to ultinsim isas mmmaulo i ) ) hula attorneys , Clmimrit's \Vimeedomi and L. C , Ihurr , ammti time sammme will lie mmrguuemi tomumorromv , Touiay Govermior I loicomimb imuruiommetl Isnumo \'imltmmmamm , coimvictcd , over a year ago of commi- imi lclty ui I ii , Iolm n Cox Iii mobhi mmg a mmtummmimer of stores iii Miulcohimi , this county. 'l'hme sum- imremmme court mtihirmumeti time semmtcmueo of three yeirs : : mgaiimstViiitmmmaum. . lie lulcadeul aim alibi , limit Co , swore he was with hhmm , Time lmardotm was rustle out time' recommimmmeimmlatiomm of Sheriff Miller , mime haiti imocommue commvimmceui timttt W'imit- unarm was imimmoccmmt. I ie has aireuttly elmcmmt aixtcemm mumommt his In jail. Ieiimmty Ummiteti States Marshal Powers today iumoughmt iii tromum Flilimuore comummty Sammm Fields ammui Jaummes Coffey , chuargeti with ellimug llmumor ; him that county witimommt a ilcemmee. They were lucid imy Cotmmmmuisslommer Bilhingsiey iii time smummu Cf $300 for aumpeamamuce at Oimmaima at time May terimm of court. Thmia mummkes : five persemma humid for boetleggimmg in that comummty. All of time proimibitiomm city eaiutlimhates mmmutt go cmi time ticket ( hula aprimmg tmy huetltiomm , mis thmc'Ir certIficates were flied too hate with time city clerk , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( jmmeuttlohm oC Llc'mmsa ( liii iutmo BLUE Sl'RINGS , Neb. , March 2O.-Spe. ( cial.-Thme ) issume : mt time sprimmg election hero ii huetween the Itceimse amid ammti-hicense Imarties , For two years thmis ( mvii has gone "dry , " and a desperate effort is miow being mmmade to change ( lie order of timings. Each natty. imas a ticket. iii time Iheld , and a closet canvass - vass of tue voters will be made on both sides. Time ammnmmal mhmuisterlal conference of time United I3rctimrea cimurcim convemmes here to- nmorrow , anti several delegations have already arrived. A large attendammcc is expected. ypo7fj t oN I3NJO'2S Both the method anti restilts when Syl'i11) of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant ituid refreshing to the taste , an(1 acts gently yet pi'oiiiptly Ofl the Kkuiicys , Liver aiid Bowels , clcalhscs the sys- tells effectually , dispc'hi colds , head. aches and fevers flhld ctii'cs habitual COhiHtipatioil. yl'i ( } ) of Figs is tiho only t'oiiiedy of its kind ovet' pro- ducc , IletSillg to the taste aiid an- ceptablo to the stoihiuch , pl'oiai1it in 'lt.h actiu and truly beneficial in its 'ffccts , Il'OIti'Cd ; Only from the Ihiost heal thy aiid agreeable substances , its illaily cxccl1ohIt (1hlhtlities C'OiihIhICIld it to all anti have lnale it the lIhoSt popular l'clllcdy kiio'n. Syrup of iigs iii for sale in 110 edit bottles by all leadiiig drug- gists. Any i'cuitblo ; duiiggist who iiay . not liavo it on 11811(1 ( will pro- cth1.o it lrohiiItly for any 0110 who wshies to try it , Do not acceptany itiImtittito , CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAPt'OSOO ! , CAL. LOUISVILLE. ICY , * I'EW ' ) QflK iir. AMUSI3M INPS , Xightm' , llegiummliig , B OY D Situ. , Mar. 24 ( Matituce Vctlntuuic1ay ) - - - kRico's Surprlso ary ? Iii the vance ' ' 1 / 1 9" Extrava ' ' COMiANY OP 00 PE'I3 S U J I OHCIi1IST11A OP lu itmdendld Ce.utunmmes , tie"uuery utmd l1rtittai iT- ( celL of seats wlii open Sattmria ) ' at usual jmrlcss BOYD'S Last Tim Thursday Evening March 21 Last h'erlom'nmanCe of Thu OItFIAT AZJ1IItICAN DRAMA THE GUlL I LEFT BEHIND ME. ( Company No , I , ) St Siipmmi'b Cast. A Coinpiiiy ( if Soldiers , heroin Ft. Ommim. ) Sttijiuiitdttiii Sliigim ElIect Maoaunmemit of Chants I'rtmhmmami , U0u31 uricas -