- I . - _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ rpTn Ol\AITA : DAILY BEE EI ) SDAY , : MARCh 20 , 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - 7 - ,8PEBlI1L NOTIGB8 - Allvertbement8 for thue ( ' 0lumn8 will be tal'n until 121311p : ) , m for the ) eircnng ! nnll unlll 8 p. m , for the OIornlnnlld / Sunday : edllllll. 'J _ , . , . . Adttrlben , h7 rcqueitlng R nlmh"rnll dieck , ( nn hRI'e nn8Wlf alllreoell to a nl"herell letter In care or ' he Ik'C. An- " ni IU Rlhlf"RCII * "I hn crlvorel upon rrunhilon of the check 011 , . IntN I 1.21 1url ) , Orat lnrrI Inn , to 1 " Ort .lerlflor. : itIiIiig h.keo fur Ius then 210 for Ir t InertIori. 'I Iico ntert1sement must lun couecu- ' hlo nll'erthelenl8 mlA con8ecu- thely. ) _ _ _ . _ - n - - - - SITUATIONS WANTED. 1umHTlml 0 Dll'OOST , F I ) " 1'\18' : IXPI- : I rlrn , c. hesl rffences ni II dluneler * nn1 cn . ' pn1llIUe. 'Vnls work. A , lres tex 2in leI CIQull. * Neh. -li03 : 2 ' - - - - - - WANTlm , I'HITION Iot'Nn MAN .un : 2) ' ) . In machine . .hl01 hlnck.mlh Miop . 10 eOmllele trallp ; gno.I leINenCe. , \.Ilr.oo , \ \1. h.rt lnclcer. Ble 111. Nd , . A-INI2i- ) - WANTED-MALE HELP. CUlAN 1'ItICkt.t.9 : : , &C , 10t IOUC1I.A- l3-7S6-M19 - 1-7b-m - ctAn SAIESMAVAWI'1fl , WITH mlI - rlenee and ncquaIntxnce . for norlhern % Knnlll ? nfl , .nllhrr nClnlnlance. . Address I' . O. hm : ; , i 9 , - it. ; Jorph , Mo. I-M3.0-21 . WANT I' : noon MOUL.lEtt. AT ascI A 111' , 10 J. 1 Orah t , [ ounllr ) ' . f.anll . lll nl. , 1-li1 2'- ' ) lOWANTgn ! , 1.13 nODOI' : ! T. noml 1 , \rln lon hlOk , U-il 2'1" ' ) WANTI.a. A ) ACTI'I : , tttt.titt.i : , : IIU1IH IIln II lake nn Int.rr-I In n ort' Incl"olnl ln111 Iotttic s ; un1111 nmlunl of l"ne ) ' eIttIreI. AIlocl K 43. l . e. lI-M2G 2' ) ANTED-FEMALE EEL LAUgS TO \0 PANtOl { AT 10r. .7 Uelr ) ' edlewolk Co. , Pelny , h31-- - C-M331-Q' : WA NT INWf1 AIII'AINO MnnI\G 1U woman 10 , Ie\ulr from slc 10 eIiht huury I .Ia y to n well sayIng hu"lness. ) K 3i , Her. ( -C9 2 . ' - SVANT1I ) , A 01 , TO AI4T ) ) IN l 101'Hg- ' work ; : washIng. 2GJ ' i'opteIolL nvrnur. I C-liOi : I W\NTlo , A fOOH.I.I'HI.IY : lUHT ) : lI'rlen"III ) nn,1 , well \ reconiiiten0eI. . , AII.es9 K 3 . S , lIce. C-tN4 ) 20 - - - ATONCI , " r.L. 1. : > f'ATI:1 ( 1 , ' I\ 'Ol , ' . ' ueterreI . "ne "I'clli ) wnrk ( teacher II'plrrrelt ; ) Joud ) ref.rencI's tvqtIi * I(1 ; fair piy : II I"/in wlh , IWIII.I / weekly . Inerea' . At.pl ) after 9 ) a. 1. II SIPt , rl 12. l1'rlhlOn hlod C-i2 19' rIltST I'I.AHH OIItt.H \T HC.NIHN.N Y. OII.RT " ' . horne 0111' . 101 Capitol avenue. ' [ 'el . 123 i \ C-.2J A1S " - - - - WANTFI ) . UIltf . FOI Og II.\I. IIOU8I- WAITI. , 11.1. 2ih sheet. between J nuLl F { . Hm'th ' Olah.1 , c-t 23 ! 2' 0001) ltILtAIItI ' : fil III. Felt ( lNI1t.I , ImIA 1.1' C1I 0001 h"uslworl < 48 N. llh sl'et l-:1.3j - 21" - ANTII ) . AN , \ 1,1not'ND 11' : S I\lnl WANTI'J. I IIJ"r , N.Ii. . \III' S SIts. I. I : I. i 11)glhgtott. ) Itlgar . Net , . ( - -li31 2Q" / FOR RENT-HOUSES. ILOUSI1 , F. I' I { . DAHImo , BAlnn m.OCK 10USE D-7 , IIOUHI : H IN ALl , PAnT 0' 111' : CIT\ ' 'II 10UH . , Davis cOIIan ) ' , 150 j l'amal , ) ) -G3 10UES ; UENAWA & CO. , lOS N. lTI : RT. DG Fort ImNT-G.nODI COTTAl. I GOOD ) HE- pair . el ) ' water , $0.0 leI monlh , ) to good Iar- tIe9. 1 N. : 7h , 1 hlnck from 1.'lrlm mr line. Inlulr al Stoelzel's stove stOl' , next IQ post- 0111cc. - _ D-91 10UHES , WAILACe , BHOWN 1fl.F. . 10 & Doug. . 0-n3 FOIl NT-W3 ) CAPITOl , A "rNU 1 d 'rooms , modern. The O. 1' na\ls comlny. 13-974 MODI.N 7-ItOOM 10USr NEAI 1.Ht.1. - ply 1309 S. - - 8th . Ilre I. l-IS G LAnar ! nOUSES. WIAO , ICTH & 13010. r-271-A3 ) -21-A3 ion nENT monT.ROOM IIOIJSr. . 1ATl. furnace , hot rn,1 cold water. gas slu' . fur- nlshrd , ) or unurI5hd , Good In8 . 132 R. 201h sl. C. 13. horton. 0-M510- " } -o.n nENT. . FLATS AT , NOlTn AST Colt. nor of elelenlh nld Howard etrets. In good 10\1 lnn. Reasonable lerms InquIre room :114. : First Natonll hank hul < lng. D-2i1513--27 8.nOO COTTAOIO. AI.I J0O nN , JtTI - tul lawn 1\1 shnde. 2121 Miami fl. . nr 21 N. , c Y. Ilfe. fl-M5SG FOR l NT. . FIVE noo:1 COTT.\O ON WEST 81 < . ot North Twent.secnn,1 , st'eet. , Just north or Cllik street. Eight daunts a monlh. Inquire . quire room 31 First Natonal hank 0-01 bulliling. 22 ' nOOI COTAOE , MODERN . 3013 LgA\'IN. , worlh. D-MGII-23' HOUSES : Fan m NT , $5 ' .o $10. I.'mm.ITY 11 tsl Co. , .103 Farnam. . 0-11333-1 If. 11. COIE CO. LAnO ST LIST IN OMAHA. . 1G81 EI.EOANT HICK nJSIH CI'S : IN 1.0eK nt soulhwesl corner 23,1 In\1 California HIreets ; alt modr conveniences ; very IJW tent. C. A. - Slnr. 51 N Y. LIfo m.I ! 0-111 2i- - 31OR RENT- 'URNlHED ROOMS. PLEASANT nOOM . Inl DODOE. D-75 - - - - ; vrny D1S1R.tt111l FRONT noel WITh AN " alco , c. 212 S. 2lh sl E-133 , - - - - - PUhNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. i'ItONT nOOIS & lO\1 ChEAt' 231 DougIa . 1'-79. ; 12' ' ) NICELY I UrNIHIED ROOMS . \1'1 GOOD board : rates reasonable. Thu nose , 2 < 2) Hal - ney. . . - F-Mtfl AI- FRONT ROOMS , SUTAILO FOIl Tlml , gents or couple ; other rounui ; superior lon 10. . _ . ! 182 Chlc'UIIO. F-MIlD 2j- NICI'.Y JUnNISJBD noel . SOUTh PlOXT \'clllln , halls , table "u.rd , $ J.5t. ( IG22 lint ney. . 1'-'i 2- ' r' UPURNISHEDflUOMS TO RENT G i ; UNJI'HNISlm CIA1ImnS FOIl ItOUtIE. keepIng 10 nlin antI wife , : : N. 17ti. 2i1-h1I 1CU ItENT-STORESAND OFFICES FOIL ) IINT. ' 1'11 HTOI ; Y JUCK hIUII.lING , 91G 1 llnm nti . 'et. TliI "ulhln has 'I lire- pf"f e\'lwnt I"semenl , complete ; lean , heat- log n'lur , mler all IIurs. . elc. ' s : on al 100r gas. Ap- _ . ! ply ul the olco or The lice. I-n roit i LENT.TIII1IE-ST0I1Y : AID ! uslm'r : brick IOI "ullllg al l0)5 1 " 111 slr"ct. In first c'IHu condition ; .ulnble fur any kind or IttMlnese. , Inquire rom 311 , 1'lrHI National bunk building. I-l5I2 2 Fn mN'I' : . TWO STORES , A1)JOININO. cot ner 2J,1 nail l.ed \ I Ii ' AD.IIIi ; . ' , ' ' , , , " , S IOI.'lh'r I' Replrt. ; gael "uYlneod Inoatloti . IllUh 0 Nl I'rentsas. ! 1-li30 22 " - - - - - - - AGENTS W ANTED.--- "OEI" . MAI.I' on FIIMALII , w\'n1 TO us " 'Iulll ; \0 ha , C could Ii 11112 If gre. . t hll"rlllco to sty I. you : Irnd new 110 ; fig money " In I : : vt itt , 'ulIe or you may hI too into : Inn'l tall to wtite today sure just bent ) ' ' l"hhcso wile II < HUr : jU11 .cnd 'UUI' " . on postal ; w" will HUIIHI81 yott : tji 'IIIk i "I , ) 'ou nifty lOpe the opPortunIty : $3.f.1 ( u ,1.1) In I , iur. Entetprleo HUI'II ) ' Co. . < l'111tmonl n , Atigitsta . Me J- \J ? . " MENTHOWNIN(1 Jomm \ND 1'(11' ( wlule.1 nt 19J Gumln ; street. J- . liO % 2) ' - WANTI'I : . \f''H : TO f"II. : 'UI' UlIY hal ( Ott . . : tnixIng. , nillttitc atil . cutting tit. . I'l'ni .1.11:1 "I\ll 111111 11.1 cullnl r. . chine . it m'w nn,1 , ntat tis.ftI II\'IN ; g'UI nls 1101 Cllllo.lon ) I Ig'II" , like fr"l $1..1 . 1) $10. ' ' ) ) ltI 'I.ty. " 'rl ( , ' fur Price 1 l.t 11.1 tel tn . , $ . .Ij. Sliad o hanger Mf& Co. , 1\II.a. ( ly , Jntt. J- \ : , ! 21' ) LAnyOIN''r : IHIII ltNlhIltO. \ I ) . . mtll ; 'uh'k "lies : lOg 111011 : cllalrlle ( riG. 11. . . N. I. 1,111 211g. Co. , Citicaga . J-Mi , lit. ) - r . _ . : : - - - - - - - - - - - - , STOtAGE , Toll.ciE. FI1ANK IWEnS. : 11 n.\INIW. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MiS i"r ITOnO ltUll.lINU I ml\JAI' . P. , " . tioniail \ wnr"hOI' . ' : h"w'hv1 03111 . " , : ; . . - loweel _ Inte. % 10U.IOU l.evenworttt. . PI-9iT . , - " hh WANTED-TO DUY : ' - - vANTit : ) , Goon lIIIVINO hOuSE AND \'fl Jll'INO JI m:0 light \'hnl'INI \ or Iugy. Injulie ' lt IMi Var. . - nam Hloet. N 41710 0' L . . . _ . . _ _ N1i0 _ 2- FOl BALE-FURNITURE . - ' - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - I. ) 0:1' NIW : lt.tflANT I0tIJ 10.1 1 , r - . , , L nllll' $ fur - Hal.'heal' _ . h I : i ) . 1 ' 0-697 : II 1'1 , \ NO. 1"1011INb r ltAN\ l'OI sale itt 1 great . bartpslu. J. IvI1nl"n. 1101 IouiIa streti. . - luilu .1..11. tl--Mi13 2 1 . . . _ _ _ " - - h - h - - - - - - FOlt 8ALE-MIOELLAOUS - FOIl f11. A . NO.12N1) lANO 14.1(011511 ( Iower tel boiler , a. "I n new. AIIiej' I' . O. 10x 1 < . Q-321 n rINI : lYlCfl ( - ) SAL.13. INQIJIIIII 01. ' - illtS F1 81.1 INqUUI m'ms - . O.t.r , J" ) ; NeIL Q-"I 24 - - - - - - - - -rq i ( & LIIEJI I : 1"I NtI : . \\.I.-liM- : : & l'he."r than noud. J J. 1.eddy . t. - 8. IG'I Itttt. i f iioiYi 0UitV1V1.&i0rU Q . ' , ; l.A U1 - _ . \ _ _ _ " ; " A . " . . . . . . . ' , . ' . . FOR SALE-MIbeELLLNEOUS. Continued. WrOMAN IIANOi. IUIO"lOnT OnOANs Voodbridge 0" , 11 So. 17th. Q-"I llAltlVOOD COMIIINATION noo. AND 1.1)'OI chiken . Chns. n. l.o , 91h and ) Q-993 ou I\ 1 > 01 f.1.E on TIi\1)E.AT1.11SiTlIAN C05T IIRh' , nlene ) " for one nf Ih ! .M i'ash lockl In tb worlll ; e\rl IhnlMn" ni hnnl , ; come And s. them \ lhlrpsl , Il , F' . I. , 39th nn.I . Ilwlnprt street . C1) ' , Q-i18 21. MISCELLANEOUS. HAVANA II1ECELEH. 1 > POUOI.AS. ' 11-711 :1 CLAIRVOYANTS Mn ! un. I. WAIUN. CLAlltVOT.NT. liE- liable "uelnen melun ; ilh ) 'ear nl 13 N. S9 16th. - - - - - - - - - - M.UI nOMAIN 211 N hTIl. } 'I.AT , \ . . tO-Mi0J An' M.SSAGE . ATHS ET ( " . NliVI.V TTC1 BATH PAlt.OIS : TI'I\ Ish and elrclrlo halh" fO lading anti enle' men. Madalite howell. 12) oUlh I.th slreet. ladnle lowel . 2J floor. T-M310.AS" MASP.ti1I-4l.tDAMII I3I1IONAItD , I 121 nODGE ! DEmNAlp 12 MAS.OE-M.DA : otreet. . - T-MI7SAS' MflA.t SITH , 11 S. 13Th. 2D I.OOn , nOOM 3 ; magnetic . vaPor . alcohol . ateant. Illphrrlne nnll ) sea h . T-M712 2 : " TURKISH BATHS TIII1EISII DATHS ; O I.ItCI IN CITY TtlIRH exclu81ely for InHe8 , SuIte 10O Bee 1S g. PERSON AL. - - - - - 11. OIAA1O . FLORIST. l1ANTS. CUT FLOWIII1S. ihantuet. hall. reiltiencC nn,1 grave decorations. \anquel. Inl. enc. Irave ' . U8 hone 716. _ _ 1813Ilion stroeL : Telephone .0. U- MiiSAOt1. l13C'TltO TIIIII1MAL BATIS , M.\Aa.O ls. 20tne. lo l , 319\ \ ; S. Hlh Bt9 TIlE illL1.11 : IWII I.Y CORSET . MA 11 ' 10 order from mcnsure. 11)9 1.'lrlnr .treet , " oroer U-IOO : SMOKC 10USE. VINE KEY WEST : CilAitS. U-i8C hub \IA\'I CO" , 141111111 ItLi)0. ; ImAI.TI 100I\ ) - free ; hOle - treatment - - - . . - ; lady Itendnnl , U-IO o Et.EuANTIyri1shiIiu CuNUT l'IIOTOS. 99 .cnt , , f , , 1 tIay onl' , , nl Cownn's. 531 Iruallwl ) Council Jlul . U-t2i' STOECIfEI1'S Slln'UOm , UQI 1)0lThA14. HTECII.'S : : U-iS ; :19 ) , ' . ' ' ' . . hl.Vii Volt 1.'ISI' ! CI.\SH PIANO TIJNLNU 1\\1' lerrlam , nt " 'oJ"rllle , Dros. T\NIIG lilh . et. J U-l0 .3l CUlE VOlt LADICS. : 1810 CHICAGO ! T. U-Ill-Il' Sl'ANlSlt ! lt' YOU WISI TO I , Al N' 11 Ctieak Spnnl h. n.I"ros . for rnrUcular (1) ' F'Nlk . " . u-Im % 2' , - C. arimlh ll2t Dodge. u _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ le. - - NOTU'I ; I , :11. ) MA JAI T Vlmmg , : I 1fO I ! ! any .alnonk'elor 10 give or M'I 11chlel 1ac ) ' any Illuxlclllg .1 Inle. ) . i'-722 19" - - - - - - - - - YOrO . ) \ \ " \ . ) . ISTHIt.1 . lGSII : on pl.tro anti mnnll,11 lt \ .clel"onall. , . ni \ ( I lees. , \dlr. . " I 41 , ' 'he 11cc. U-1Ii212 < " MONEY TO LOAN- ± EAL ESTATE. AI"10SYO.N & 'nIHT CO. . 110 N. . Y , I.WI . , IOlls ill low Ille" f" 111"e 'eu.ly , t In Ne- brska and . Iowa farms 01' Omaha city p WIll up'rf9. LIFE INSL'IIANCIl : J01.1C1' * : LOANUI ) ON 1.11 " ISUIANCI. , . . Chesney Kan.ns CI ) 1" . \-102 MONEY TO LOAN ON IJII"nO\'I n OMAHA Ical eslale. Iccllan , Love & Cu . lat"n 1lle. , \\-103 MONJy'ro : LOAN AT LOWEST JATgH TILE t' I. ' . Dwls Cu. , Ij : FII'I.m sl. W-IO VEI1Y LOWILATES MADI : ON -GOOD LOANS . J. . W - , Squire , - 2U - lIce "Idg. \V-l05 CITY LOANS. C. A. STAI1R. 111 N Y. LIFE. W-l0 hIONIIY TO LOAN ON 11PIW\'I' : 01AI. 10NI prtp.rt ) FIdelity Twsl company. l 2 Fatnam. \-103 LOANS ON 1IPltVED & UNllPJOygD CITY properly. \Y. ; Ilmam Smllh & Co. : 12 Varutilu. M'NEY TO LOAN . ON OMAHA ht11.tL E8TATI.1 nl 6 . per cenl. W. ' 11. 1"I < e ; ISl Nat. 13k. V-h1) ; bldg. . CITY LOANS . $0).O , O ( TO $ .O.O.O AT LOWEST LOA:8. ate. l' wel & t'utter. 11 floor. N. Y. J , . - "Idg. W-Il IN\ESTOlS' DIRECTORY CO. , 10 WALL S' . . N. Y. compile anl sell names ot bona ldo e. , leln Investorsvil ( ) hlve money to Invest. ( 'ul IJ.lculnr upon requesl. W-Mb1l 1.1212' MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS , MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , l'lANOS ' horses. i'agon , etc. . nl lowest rates In city ; n" removal of goods : strictly cOlldellal : you can pay the 100n off al any Um or In any amounl. amounl.OMAHA MOnTGAGE I.OAN CO. . 301 So. 1011 lIt. . X-lil MONEY TO LOAN ON hOUSEhOld ) 11JXI. luro. plnnos. hUIHes. wagons , or tiny kind ot chattel securIty at lowest ] ossllle rates , which you cnn pay bacle al Iny time and In any nmouflt. FIIOELITY LOAN OUAIANTEE co. , Hoom 1. Wlllel hloek X-l13 J. B . UADDOCK , HOOM 421 nAlGE DLOCI I X-UI MONEY TO LAN ON FUnllTUnE AND 1)I.mos. Fred 'erry. 430 Jamge "lock. X-h12 BUSINESS CHANCES , DO YOU WANT A MONEY1.1AICEII7 THE EdIson Kh110scoll ( eight mnchlnls ) . took In' ' Ss.oJ In teaM than Ulee months. 1.01 terms I"hlross EdIson Klneloscopa Co. . 109 80. IGll at. . Onlha N"b. V-MIll CUlAN 1.'HNCILeS UEST IN TiE WOItLD. Y-ISIM to \-7S6 1H NCHAL 1UmCIANDSF STOCK - AP- Praised "alu" $ , SO'-r"r ' sale "y receIver al once. Aildress . \ . J. McConaughey. receiver. Aurora , N , " . Y-32J-2l FOIl - SALE Oil - l'NT : SALOONANDVIX- - - turs acw beer house 11 Odell. Address F. J. ' 1ruxnw. Oocl , Net , . \-:1.7 21" ' $ S O , wii'iui7 : : ONE 01 TILE 1 81 HS- lnhlhhe salt . tartitins . vl LIt all tIta tat et 1m- proveinents In el clrlclY , cleclro ' 1ull < lsh , \'aIO' 1111 WRer haths , wlh tti . InrleSI cash o\ce PractIce II this city ; n " 1IIenlII CIIC ; fcr n couple physIcians , " "elllst. O' 1'1 ' nlHI wife : reason fur ceilIng , goIng Into \holcHIII mnnullcllrlo "u.lnehs ; wIll nit e n month trial If reque8e : . A.Ih"s lou.tul Elt'ctro- Galvanic sanitrium , lou510n. " , -x. 1\lam bulllliig. \-IG'IG ' Ar- 111HImsS CIANtI' : ; Fan SALE : , ClOD SA- loon und 1001urall : IcHt-clas. torn i Ion. AII- dl' K 42 . lee t'ttico. -li21 21" IHNTI : VAN'l'F.D ; AN AI.L AlOI'Nt "rlnler , with II 111. mooney . wan lng 10 Sf 11 I'arlnor.hll with a newspaper Inn In I Iucm- lIve "uullry oitlv. Aohes" 1" , % V. Oi , 1.ar- umle , \I'ro. Y-117322) " I-OR EXCHANGE WANTII11011512 IN NXCIANG FOIl piano 1'1 urgmm. , \ . llospe . Jr" , 1.13 Uouglns. Z-ht502-\Il . FOil $ .LI : on ' 'I.\D A $ . .0.0 STOCK OJ leltlll mel'chllls" fur cl81el Nehr.ka 01' w.stell I"\I ( arm. PI Omimalmaor South OOoha prou.elto' AU4res K 11. Umaha hue. 1ee.ZMGH I W.\N'1 TO 'rH\U COUNCIL t.UI"I"S cly teal estate for n tock of clothing end . :0. , Address J. 1. Imll. Avoca colhlng , 11.ZIG3 Z-IG3 FOIL TI1ADI2-SOMII CIUIII' : HUHINISS : on iesId.'nce ehnmdts ul. prupeity bootS and for shoes tocic . of Altlri.-sa general 11. 211cm. 5 , Iu.rle. . 1 ( IJ , Union a\e. . Iuoblo , Cola. . " Z- IG3.2" WII.i. "HAU\ CLEAR . I.AND . 1.01 aOO\ I'N- cumlIred rental city I.ropel ) tO' . No Ihhd dais or ullml're.1 "mlerly ( ' 'nollol , ed. I 1\ JunWllc ) ' , P3 N"I York LIte ZIGJ3IG' FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. IXC1IANGKS AND BALMS ; CITY I'ltOt'EIITY , rXCIMats S.\I 'ITI'HOllmT \ \ farina , mercliottilIe. Gurvln hlru. , 210 N. \ ' . I , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W-1 : I'AIIM J.fU. . C. F. l'lmIHO , UU N. Y. J ' J- : 1303-A5- U.\mUINtl. , 11013555 . 1.1' .ThD l'AIUIS , mule " 1 1.d. ' . J 1' . ) , . ; 1rller HC-US hlocll. I'on 3.\.1 Oi XCIANa : , WI.a.l 1st- l'rowII tarot 11 Noblg COlnl ) " , Mien. ; also one Itt Cedar county , Ne" . Wi take In u'.iy- In"11 cnel al r.iorchiandlse. iiar.lvmtre. ur \ Ill take hurHta al their value. 1.01 'aitlcuIara . . .rl..I'ond with E. L. Dlmk'k. I I'arlculara allnI' Neb. N.I nC-Mn :0 ' - - - - - - - - - - F. \ I'on.I ; 1 CAN OVVl11 FUll : A limited tithe. and lt an II a8ct\ > lc. I choice Impn\ n'aers fslu. ! II'III In Siirpy i-oitltty. 1.hra.lla. near L t'latto station aol Iho ( new fort ; hits l. alrlcll ) i13i.tl.t ben h 0")1. lund Rld thu Imllo\'elonla ) .1. If . n sue order ; $1,200 , ' ) ) cnsh wil buy tIe . OIUIn hits ( atom . nu 1uJei ; cOI.ld r.t. Walter O. ( inrk . i2t _ itatney _ at. ! Omaha , Note llI-tltS al .I . I'ST : - fAI.T' : . 1"\UI 1 m I' 'I ' ) . \'It ni ; 4. 11'rC8llter 'II'ulon : , J aires In paslute and II"d\l" 1 ; gel I II'uo nnll ) h'ln ; 1./-hal tIovn mitid other ia II lo . nm titil II .hp nun ry ; o.\'n nl < hal . nm11 close II l.oulsvIIle. Neb. 1 ) " 2t. , Ioul" I. Ne" . lJ - ' . : - - - - - - - - - - - - n.\I0."I S. H.II OU 'rtAPf : TN ( 'fT1'101. crtl . all ratns. .ini , , . N. l"lclor " , CI'I' . 1' . 0. 1 C-5 e' " ' . . FOR BALE-REAL ESTATE ContInued. A nOME rn TOUR WIFR A PERFECT LITLC 0111.1. MODERN SIX.nOOM CTAO } . JUST IMIINO FINISII1tl. FIST CLASS N rnnonlOOD , WIThIN WALKINO DISTANCII OF DUStr CLSE TO CAn LIE , CNI NI I' TO scnOOL WILL TAIW ClPAI : AS . PAnT OF FIST P' YJJNT. FIELITY TRUST CO. : . FOLE AGENTS , 1mAINAM BT - nE-S3 ) u TAIU1 A 1.01 < AT Rlx.nOOM tmCK 101SI . ( mill lot . west side or : lh avenUe. half block " "lh of l.l'"tnworlh ; price , $ IGO.O ; termni. ' ' . nr ) easy. el8' Or 5'1'01 istoty . house. 377 N. 22 tre.l. half lunch south oC Innler50n : price . SltOO.CO : n cash . balance Ill pc month wHho , . In- .Eash. J Or come 10 thl nmce and get prices or elegant homes . $5Ot'O.O ' In,1 up . , , Or hlY Sllhweol comer list and f'nmnm , ront. log on 3 streets ; price , $ .20.0. Of' southwest corner 31h end Howarl , 132 feet sqln"rlcc ; , $ .40.0. lYe cnn musk . , \rlees that wi n510nlsh yu , He- memher \ e neer otter 11)'lhlng hut genuine 50111)5. II. N Cole Co. , 100 N. 1.lh. 1111-1.1682 10 TWO IIIIAUTIF'Ul.l.\ ' HlAn P SXI28 1"llI'IT Iota on one nr time most I"nllfll streets II OralH II $00.0 each ; nne.hnl rnsh. balance al 6 Ier cent n. 11. Cole Co. . 100 N. nlh 1110-1.102 20 I'INC OAlDEN LAND. G 1tLI.H F'IIOM I' . 0. , $100 her acre. 9r N. Y. L. bhlg. 1011-982 AUSTRACTS. TI lynON ItlIlID COMI'ANY. 1111--ill IE--\6 WAN''lm. HANSCOM P.ACI 1.01 FOIl CA8H. Wlnled. HanscomIRce house for cash . \\'nnleo. ilanseom plnce houpe for fa.rm. Wlnle , < . $ H.n re"hl'nce , for ( unit. Wlntco. $ hO.000 resIdence for ens : Wnntii . 10 or 20 acres [ "I cash. \\'ullco , le lllnce for ncreS. " 'anl'II. lot tar acreage. " Wanted house for loot near Ezeter. 'anl"l. 10 loan out $5,990. " 'lnl.II. I" loan oUI $ O'I. ' \Vuntt'.l , 10 loan out $5 : ) . \'umnted . lot nail , cash for UOo Ilnc" , 'unlell. Fmnl 1lace. ; ceal' : for cash. C. F. harrison , 912 New York LIfe.JOEIl JOE-Il 1-19' rout SAIhl SiE1tAl ; . ONE I . TWO ASh three acre Iota near the now cIty park In \\1'.1 Omaha ; cal for prIce nn,1 t.rms. they are the ctien heat thlns t on the larhel , hi lchs . I ) : N. Y. Life Bldg. HE- " ID' BIC 1'CLES. :1 , O. DAXON , (02 N. l6Tlt. 13 - - - - - - - VICTOR mC\CI."S , 111' : FINEST 0' ALL bicycles. Omaha BIcycle Co. , 323 N. 10th strcel. 12) STgmING IIICYCLES. \ U 1.1 LIKE A wnlch. \\'estel ElectrIcal Supply Co.,433 S. 15th. S37 Ai. 01 ANr & CO.10I SAI.E ANt ) 1011- 111 bicycles , llG I'arnlm Htreel. J21 WI.I , IAINIM & 11110. , 12) N. 1:11 STUB"T ; only rIding school In Ihe Il ) ' . 122 "COIU1tIA" IS : . 1"III'ST EXAMlII OF light and high grade bicycle conolrucllo \Vm. Lyle Dickey & Co. , 11 Douglas et. . agenls. 91 m.INGTON AND EAaLI enos GUN CO. . JO S. 1:11 street. J.31 UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS SWANSON VALIEN . liOI CUlUO , TEL. lOG . 931- H. K. IIUIOKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND el"ahuer , 161S Chicago sl , . telephone I ) . , .983 J O. JAll . UNDgn1'AKIn : AND IlMUAI.h1- er. 147 l'arnm St. . telephone 223. 911 C. W. MAKEI1. UND nTAKEn , 61 S. WIlt 9S6 HT. BUILDING &LO N ASSOCIATION. HOW TO GET A HOME on SECURE GOOD Interest on savIng , , . Apply 10 Omaha L & B. Ass'n. 1.04 Dee ! 1 < ; a. W. Natttnger . See. 987 HAnES IN MUTUAL L. & It. ASS'N PAY 0 , 7 , 8 per cent when I , 2. 3 years old , always redeemable. 1701 J-arnam Bt. , Nnltnger , Sec. PSS EMPLOYMENr OFFICE. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT BUREAU HE- moved 10 152 DouglnH ; male and female help. 1SO AU HOTELS. HOTEL DAmUn. 13TH AND JONES STS. 75 r60ms nt $ . : per day. G rooms lt $2.0er ilay. , Special rates 10 commercial Ira"elers. nom and board "y week or month. Frank IlIhOItcim , manage ! . 989 n1 nl&el. AI'TNA nOURE ( EUnOPEAN ) , N. W. con. 131h and Dodge. Uooms by day or week. 930 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Ht.1OCTHICAL. CIGNEEIS AND CONTI1AC. toni for electric light anti motor plants and all kinds of electrical construction. Wesler 101cc- I trlcnl Supply Co" U8 and 420 5. lth st . 1103 ! COAL. D. T. MOUNT hAS REMOVED HIS COAL olee to 20 8. 101h st. , Drown Locle . 126 - - - - - pmCE 1OIIDUCLID : SIIEIOIDAN. BEST WYO- . mlng coal ; nUl , $15 : hump . $ : ; ; 2.00) for a Ion dell.re . IG05 Farnam Street. 127 WANTED-TO BORROW. WANTED : 10AN O 100.0 ON AN IN- veslmenl of $80,0 In teal clInIc and personal . security , or either ; give Inleleol : wnnlell on 3.'enr loan. Address K 40 , ) , care lIce. lee.1m3 21- CESSPOOL CLEANER. CgSSPOO. CL1OANISI ) . ANTI-MONOPOLY prlceH. John Nel.n , US 0. 14th. 'el. 1173. Mill-Al' MI9S.'I" MATHMATHICAL INSTRUMENTS AINA J. aHOVtt , UNIIISELII1S' AND AR- chleels' EUI'Ileo. ' lit H. 1lh street , Omaha. Mm .ORTHAN. Ai'H iiF..W1tLTING. . VAN HAN'"S SChOOL OF' ShOuT li/iNLO. N , Y. Life Omaha Ask ( or clrculur. 12 LOST. LOST. DG Ym.l.ow FEMALE nee : mnUHN and gel reward , Iool 30 ' , 101 k'r block. Lost-M704 21' FOUND. FOUNt ) , mmO LUNa , 01 2'1 AND 0 Hlreel 'luc. lr morning ; owncr can have lle hy calling nl Clipenler' . livery. South Omuhl , anti palnl charges 1"uund-7 21- bTOVi ; Ii tf.OV. . . A. : STOVE : 11121'AlhlS FOIl o.ooa 1)il"F'IIItIINT mnke" o stoveS' water attacliimmetit . and con. n.elolo u alo\e"1 ly. 1207 Douglas .t Olaha Stove n"Ilr Worl ; " . 1192 MEDICAL . $ Yi'lllLlS TI A1ED ; O cunEo NO 1' Y. cases on payments ; consultation free : 8 10 1 ' a. in. , 1 10 3 , 1 10 I P. m. . 210 Cumlng .1. . Omaha. . 119. l 20" DR1h3SMKi.N (1 , SM\INQ IN FAMILIES. tG QUANT 16.31- at. PROPE 13 S 10 N AL. 1311. A. Rll'MAN. con. 1611 & CIIIC/tGO. 1.1832 All' . . . . - - - - - - - MUSIO AWl' ANl LANGUAGE. t' , I' O I.I NICI { . IANJOIB AND ! GUITAR teacher . , 191 Cau . . till - - - - BUSINESS NOTICES. : - - - I1AI4AOEIMillItORS ImILVEIUD , 719 N. IU 16. CARPENTERS AND HUILDERB. c. U. I MOIll" I'Al'hilt IIANtIINO . IOUsn sIgn I.alntnj. "rck turk , 1)laslerlll : oil. n. I" blk. M. 733 % . . , . allcr ; ; ohOI' : 1 har ; tel 031 4)1. . - - - - - - - - - - - - CONTRACTORS . 111110K'OhhK ; HILIOWALI12S . CELLAR lUCI "Olt1taVALICS. CILLA noor CII : 5. 16th StiCet . Tel , 40. A. M50..AI lewl DnN LEGE , OMAHA CO1I.Efli1 hIONTAI. StIltG1lltT . P1010.11 I"I CI.t.F0 IFNTAI. stnO I' Flsm Infirmary ; dentlstry.aLcoat. . 161h & Car. 1152 ' \ . , DE TiTS , ' , 'f-c loft. PAUL DENIS , 'W ) HURT ST. r tc'L ' # k3 ( . -g7Th ; , -a . ' , _ , , f-.1i1 - . - - - ' I J ! I , t . ) Va.Ie's LaFreclcla. Death to FLooldcs , Mme. M Yale was recently asked the question which of her discoveries she considered the most wonderful. " Her re- ply was as folows : La Freckla , because it unmasked my own face from a filthy mass of freckles and gave me the beautiful rose leaf complexion which you see and whch ; has been admired by the people of every nation. Before 1 discovered - covered La F n cda I was a freckled face individual dis- gusted with my own appear- ance. Today I am the envy of every woman who looks at my skin. ; La Freckla \Xi remove any case of frecklcs in existence ' and leave the skin as transparent - parent as crvs'tal : One or two appHcations r mqvcs tan and siburn. It I take from three to nine days tp destroy every trace of freckl.es. } It is the only remedy knoWn : ko the world that do this. Noir { is the time that to use-La Frdck , as it strengthens tie sidn , removes and prevents cckIes and sun- burn. $1 ' . perbttIe. , Sold . by ! t all rugglsts dr ' al . , or. lo" MME. M. YAL ; T fpleoof beauty . 1G , State-st. . , Chlcago. o DC 'T 0 R _ ' \ SEARLES & SEARLESI Chronic1 . Nervousl ! . \M \ * PrvataDseam Dseam , 'I'Ii10tTlENT BY 1IA I" Consoltnton { 'roc , We cure Catarrh , aU diseases of the i Nest , Throat , Chest , stomach , Liver , Blood , Skin dud Kidney Diseases , Fe- male Wconesses , Lost Manhood , and ALL PRiVATE DISEASES OF MEN. WEAK MEN ARE VICTIMS TO JEnVOUa Debility or Exhaustion , Walol WeaknesI. In voluntary Louep , With Early Decay In yOUfl and middle &ied ; lul of vIm vigor ndweakened prematurely qc apr&hlnc old ace. All ) ald & readily to cur new treatment for . of vial power. I . (1 o 0 address .rUb stamp for c. , culars . free book t.nl recIpt& Dr Searles and Searl 1410 Pztrtiatn Ins 130U8M53 UUIL UUULl091 . 14 I ; Neb E . NEW 6LI.FE ! B. E. O. WEST'S lnmVE A' Dum 'EA'lEll $ Is Bold under positive ' wrilen trtiflrimtitee , by anlhorlzpc nentA only , to euro Wr/le Memori Loss or flraiii mind Nern' ' ewer ; Lost Mlnhooll : ; quickness ; Nicht Losses ; } Dreanie : Lack 0' Vunlilllco ; erv"leno6 " ; Lassitude ; eli Drnlns ; LB of Power the ( JetuerativoOrgans in either sex , caused i'yovor-oxertlon , Youthful Error' or J XCSh"VO Use of 'j'ohaccoOIill or fiqmtrir . which leads to Misery , ( 'ansumptton , Insanity lJ.ery Conslmpton Insnniy arl Ioath. J : mull . $ In box ; six for $5 : whit writtol guarantee tn cure or rofmal mone , Well" l.fer ! ! ! I. cure Sick Ilendaclmo. UUol8ne6s , ( lvIr Gomplnlnt. . Stair Iinmai'Ii1 Jrepn sin anti \Gn tpnton , C I UA 1.\ ' ( 'J'B : I.Huet only by _ Goodman Drug C O.mU : 1 ! r Lw 'cl'snndBolclt - t SUES &Co , Duo ' 3ulkJtug , mlAI " . ; . , I b. Advlco r'mm A-thuHI lfil irl\ . IO\IVlll , ASHLAND , Neb , . 1tgrch 19-Speclal- ( ) The meetng at the'1e/r'st / apUst church of Ashland bas closed , 'Il ' has uten the best meeting Ashland ha\ ! ' oyell ( or years. 11ev. T. H. Dabney did the ' prtiaclmir.g. ills daugit- ter lezla did good.1 \orlt In singing. The meeting resulted In.ftli laddllo of twenty. seven memlers 10 tuii. , ) uurch . twenty-three uy baptism , two byreaton alHl two by let. ler The meetng ' ( la I'(1 ( thirty-two days. The house was fatt uo ; entail 10 hold the crowds that cattle ar Je A \ were turned away almost every night One very InterestIng feature of the meeUng.'as the - que.ton box TilE l1l4t.TYM.1L1tEl' i . - INSTHUMENTS placed on record March 19 , 1895 ; WAIIANTY OlmlS Fidelity Trust company 10 .Ieanette fluiler , I'ldell ; Tust > .I : I. Alolllah' Jeanete . . . nUler . . . . .6 Im Jelneluer unit IUS"o.ll 10 Fidelity Tmust cotnpany , lIsilI ffel. In nw ne 11.15-13 101"1 . . . . . . . . 4x13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. ! ) 13 I F Ho.hl mind wife \\'ililam Schmidt , 3.01 here II Ind le 1.1.13 \llaln . . . . . . Ichmldt . . , . . . 1 , : G I , , Mule , ' soil wife to ira II M61.c lots 9 1 Allel' , block wie , " " < 'Hl End , . . . . . . . . . . . , : QUIT CLAIbI Ib12LlLS . CLAUI : l a Omaha Land eompony II 10nlor Inr I'lasier comopany. : lots I , : . 21 to 24. hluk t , compny n n lot 15. East Omaha . . .ullv . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 o 30 I Ialam sail huo"anll 10 J A hoot . lot 9. block 1. Valley Ilneo . . . . . . . 1001. . . . . . ( 1)10101)5. Sheriff 10 C S ? 'Iontgonier- 43.6 feet lot Sherl . 2. 011(10) II0nljomec ( ) 11 . . . . . 1.8 . . . . . . . . 2.323 Same tl Omaha Saving . ianIc n alt' w Part lot : Johnson'S add . . . . . . . . . . 5,81 Same II .am , lot I. . bIstu I. l'lan\lew. ! . t7 Total amount pf lrn.fe. ( . . . . . . . . . $17,110 - - . VISIT OF TiE RECEIVERS wm Attend the Denver anti Gulf Extension Meeting nt Denver , MINK IS TO UNTANGLE SOME SNARLS S'IICI of lnokleclllnJ Ilqnlrll has CnnoeI Coulcr"blc Cnrl I(1 In AI connll-neell,11 l'ulllmg tIp n 1.110 Over Statue L'erloil 1.I t YClr , J ssr Oliver W. MInk , E. Ililery Atbier- son alli Frederic It. Coudert . receivers of Iho UnIon Pacific , will arrIve In Omaha Thursllay Their coming nt this IlIac Is for two purposes , to ntleml the hearing In Denver on March 25 relatIve to the 100. mia extension of the Union Pnclfc , Deliver , & Oul' ' . In which tm , Union Pnclfc Is In- Icrlstll as a slokholder , and , secoudly , Mr. Mln , as eomlltrol r of the UnIon Pncllc , come West to unlaulc a lot or snarls In the auditing department cottsettlent upon the change In the manner of keeping the coin- : pany accolnts , The Interstate Commerce commIssion has suggested . n unIform system of keeping rail. road aceounts . and the Union Pacific has adolICl the suggeslon along with many other railroads. heretofore the cmmIssIon has been compelled to go through an infinite number different sySteihls If keepIng nail- road accounts anti so laborious has the work of setting apart Ilems become In order that n comprchensh'e report might be made that 11 interstate commissioners have suggested uniformity In the mater of kplug the bolls of the conpany. The Union Pacilc adopted the suggestion of tnI commIssion , anti now In many cases the auditor Is at a loss"to know just where certalti items should be 1lace. Undet the order of the court each of the several properties consttutng thc . Union Paclla s'stem must be kept separate and In some cases there are five distinct account - count opened for one line of rails on ac- connt of mortgage divisions. While the bronchi lilies are kept separate from the main lIne , lu some cases these brandies do not earn operating expenses , and grave questions arise ns to just how to keep these accounts , what funds are affected . whether the maIn line has the right to contribute material to the maintenance of the property. Mr. Mink comes west tQ put these maters of accnunt- Ing upon n basis that will u. Intelligible 10 the Interstate Commerce cmmissIon and at the same time to unravel some of the snarls Into which the Union Pacific worsted has fallen . In this connection It may not be out of place to say that the Union Pacific .shows consl"erally better In the way of receIpts than for the corresponding period last year. There Is a very steady Increase In stock shipments from the far west to South Omaha and Chicago , n car or cattle from Sacramento - mento coming through 10 South Omaha Mon- day , while there have been several shlp- mont' of live stock from the vicinity of Portland. Orange trains arc also coming In with steady regularity and these shipments , together with time miscelaneous shipments , are giving the crews on the weter dls- trlcls of the main line regular employment , In . some cases . _ extra crew being necessary . 10 handle the freIght consIgnments With tile expedition whIch has leen a very strong policy with the Union Pacific management. TICKET AOIOIti'.5 MEET IN NI2Y YOUR. Coupon Ticket minuS : Usa of Torn" Con- AIh're,1 Irhlut Ilnlo.1 ( nnrs. NEW YORIo March 19.-The fortieth annual . nual meeting of the American Association of General Passenger and Ticket Agents was hell nt tim Murray Hi hotel toiay I was attended ly representatives of nelly : all .f the princIpal alway lines In the United States. The . meeting was hed 'behind closed door I ) ' the orders ot the president Among the questions lo le settled are those relatIng to the Issuance by Irresponsible railroad - road companIes of coupon tickets. ThIs same question came before last year's con- venton and a special committee was ap- polnlo. The resolutions submitted by the Accounting Officens' association are also up for consideraton , The chief object of these res lutons Is the Coporaton of the passenger - gel assoiaton's agents with the Accounting Omcere' association as 10 use of terms to be applied to the many different kinds Df tickets now In use _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Chane tn Freight iluindling. Superintendent P. J. Nichols of the Union Paclfo Is In Cheyenne with I view to bring- log about changes In the manner of handling freght ! at that point. I Is his Intntol to consolIdate nil miscellaneous freight coming In fractional car led Into sold car loads at Cheyenne Instead of performing thIs service at Council muls , which has been time rule until now. Under the new plan freight for all points west ot Cheyenne will bt ; shipped from Council Bluffs as soon as delivered to the Union PacIfic by its connections. The freIght wi then le slde.tracltd at Chey- enne and there consolidated and sent on to destination In sold loads. This change will give Cheyenne much quicker freight service ns the cars Instead or being consoldated at Council mufs 'l bo run brought ( to the divisional terminal nt Cheyenne and there the work of consolidation effected. While thl change Is only expErimental , It I thought I wi materially shorten .he time In the delivery of freight to western cities . Hatca al the Santa 1'0 no.t < roI. LOS ANGELES March 19.-The second- class rates over the Santa Fe have been restored - stored to the regular figure of 5250. I has transpired sInce Passenger TraGic Man- ager White returned to Chicago that not only did the Santa Fe secure Indlsputlble evIdence t.iat the Texas & 1acllc 111 Its eastern Llat connectons were cutting the rates , but that e keen was the competition In these lines that they contrived lo get away with the hnslness for which sleepIng aClommollatons over the Santa Fo hall already been reserved. - - Ni Ill .1 il t' ri ril Ihll BOII. I ! , MACON . Ga. . March 19.-The Georgia Souther & l'-lorld ! railway RYRtem was pill up at receiver's attic for time Ilcond time IJldders. 'rhe today hut there were no upset prlcu ) Ixed by 1ho court was $ ,750,0. 'he road will le offered for Hale again on tl'e first Tuesday In April , with the uIIlet price fixed itt $ :1,00,0. : Secretary of the interior Bake Smith , eOlsel tor thu trustee - tee at the boudhollerH , Ra'H the real Ihal not be soul for less than that sum. IulwlY 12Ohi,4. . F. A. Nash of the Milwaukee went Into ChIcago Mon1ay. D , N. Austin , nsslstant general passenger agent of the Northern Pacific . was In town yesterday. J. A. Munroe. freight traffic manager of time Union Pacific , left for Salt Lake Mon- lay 10 Join his associates. Pat Humphrey of the Lake Shore rod Is Is Omalla distributing Chautauqua calendars and other sectarian literature , Mr I , . A. Garner general superlnlendent of the western division of Ihe American Ex. Iresl company , was called to Oslcaloosa la" , Sunday by the serious illness of his mol her. President Clark Gmeral Manager Ictn- son and General Passenger Agent " , emu are In Salt Lake , holding a conference with Denver & lo Grande olciah ( upon the question of side trips and slopovers. Irilrel' listS n . JIHlr.d Arm. Nervousness hal as many queer sylhiptonle Hut whatever these may le , they one and all depart In consequence of the soothing , invigorating - orating Inluence of Ihostetter's Stomach liii- ter which tone the system through the medium of thorough digestion and assimi. lalon , Tremulous nerves soon acquire stead ness ly Its use I promotes sleep and ap. petite , and ferUles Ihe system against dls. ease Malaria constipation , rheumatism and kidney troubles are relieved . ly It. . 'el ) VlaeIIII&tel. . Tie arguments In the case of Harry Kelly , Indicted for assault with Intent to commIt robbery , were colclude1 In the crimInal curt at noon yesterday Kelly la charged with having held UI' Fganuel llahel on the evening of December 24. 189t , relIeving him of a watch valued at $10 and 17 In coIn. The crime was commit. ted on Twenty-ourth street , near St. Mary' avenue . There were two other robberies that night , which are also attributed to Icly and a Pal , who I also alleged to have aided him In bile assault on lshel , - I'IUi1P.l ,1ZN(7 TO I'IW.IIOTZI lftltI.t 'VIO.V J'IWJ'.UI."U l'IW.UT . . " . All the Ilck IllileCoantry interested In 1 l'lnn , hOT SPINOS , S. 1) . , March l . -SI ( ) eial-At ) the conventIon hllll In Ulplt City Inst week for the lqO ) ot organizing n llRck huts Irrigation association , all the I lnck Hills l'ounlel but Bile were \Ilre. seute1 b ) ' delegates. , A trmlnelt ot-giza. 101 I tins effected h ) ' electing the following omces : Jresllrnl. .1011105 :1 , WooII , JIIhl Cityico ; PlTeltleilts. 1 . .Inmes S. "rnU , I.nw- I'ruee 10111) ' , \ \ , no'le , : tel.le . t'Otlty : Mutt Latoll. 1ule county ; ,1 I. C , 10\l'l" Custel' . cOln I ) ' ; A. J. : lrLnln , lenlll tln cotnt ) ; S. h. Wison Fail River coimmtty ' C. V. ( nlner was elected , ! ecllt I COIII'I' ! C. Thompson trcastmu'er. The t'on'enlon , Iter llsClsslnJ the various metholls of it'- ligation . 1lolte.1 n rcolllon 10 the effect that the vIce prrIIlenl of the \,1lol etItmil. ties Inmell I - tl19 lol\.nlol I" reftClle\1 10 call n convention ot the Ieoille , of hIs ( 'otnI1' at nn enrl . ) ' unto for the p1iioe of frollng ! lunt : ) orgnnl1ltol , "mlllt , Ion Il Hilt Sl'rlnr hOT SII OS , S. n. l : lltch 1h.-Spo- 1 ( cinl.-\Vhiat ) mlY Imln Iccl\d Sli5litiOlh Is clusln" cun9llerhl exL'itdmhiObit Il0n ! the citizens of tot 5131 11115 $ . Ahoul two 1.011 ' cl1ens Iga mll lame.1 . hlrh 1 ) ' , who 1\111 I neiI Ihls city . was tried on the chln e ot itti.'cst. . The Inhl111 hiutreilt'ItM 11'0\11 guilty 111 senllnced to Ifleen 1'ell'9 ill the lenlcnlhlT' . 1lrhY'1 Iwo . IIIUlhler have silce I'"nmllell In this cl ) . Jull.ho WIS time wItness 1"llls1 Nitbl. s'ns In the l'ounty jll tiurimig time l'rl'RI.s9 of . the trial . 1111 I hero nll n , mnn ItO 120111VI hut nm' . In conlnemtnt lot some Potty nl'I'n.l' , whlm chic nClrwahl nuirried . \\'ilhinlns wns Rhull ) ' ICerwlr,1 , lell,1 In n railroad : nce' ( lent . nl11 :111. Wlilml huts flnee heen working for 1 1\"lhoo.1 In vat'iotm' I1C"1 11 this cl ) ' . Some lilac nlf shl r c.l\c,1 I letter from her sister , \'lctonia. who was wanting on I mik ranch I femlc ! lorlh of this el ) ' . Al siue coull not 1'(11 the lel- ler ilrs . \ \ 'iitiitmn Imlt , I In the lady fur whom she WIS 'orking . wlh threltlest that shc rend It 10 her. The letter auiui that I l'rlmlnnl OIIflon hind . bon % Illl- . forme,1 , 111)012 her slstl'I' by 1\ muttit'i0its1petnu' . . living u\on city . nl11 that lieutS 10 1311eV- ate UI)1 hCI' 1 SCl'OUII Ine , which might t result In ileatit. 'l'hie milk- mItch \hIH'C this gill Wil working was vlsltHI , but . lee tlc < of the girl < oull Il flunI , , 1111 It 1 > be- iies'6tt I I ) ' those eoiiilut'ting the lmtV , stiit- levell Ihllt she hi.is heen mlilc WI wlh. The cOlntes of Fail Hlver utiil ( 'uII ) ( have ! been thOVugltiS ' Ilall'h"II without avail. ' 1'1. doctor In lulstlon , who Is lint roeig- nlzed by the lrifeSSioIt , I. itlt'enly . thither hOI1ls , charge with tile SI\mc crime lit nit- olher 01180. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \8lnn ( ' 1111 ' \\'Cll1h. 101 SPHNGS. S. n. , Iurl'h . 19.-SIe- ( cia l.-A. . Iti iii log expert In his cl t y . who has recently been In the Kelone ' ) , 'hiere rccent ) ) : c'mwher. . ill' 1011 Terror miiltie 19 located . says lllt Ihe owne.s of thl minI' hlVe jUql slrlle ' ' Is worhl beater 'l'lte a vein which 1 'Ihe ore looks 11 If It were really ! } ' to go to the melcr to he mUlle Into hrlcles wlhlul ) alt ) turlher mlln . The t'almlp was never fO excited over tim Ille ni I II no'hl exclel mine mil IO Ilnlll I g stead ily . II'olurlng , UZ5 an iiotim' . $ ! , o In twemtty-fommr ltutui's , U" - . $ ' ' . ' mimte In the over $1,0.0) ) a 'eal" " Other mlle Caine EVOUI ) ale ) 'ieiliimhg mataiicent I'C- Iale . Iroup BlluHu''I , mile II ) lehllg $3' ' ) ) a . . anti 'I'en unitieS showIng i1ti omtd the J. H. III Ille ! tile - tll ant e1) Ing tl ) equally good Old ! . 10"a Net . % tratcI. SIOUX FAILS , S. I ) . . March 19.-Spe- ( ciai.C3'rUS'aity. ) , who I was reported . hne been arrested II Mexico for \ \ ' . \ 'ra'lor. arrived II Ihls city last l'venilg , tie eenles that he wal Irlesled b ) any one or for anything. o .Ul',1 1'1.111-1 POU . " ( JU TVI . Iecel\or itlIfimttell . for the i.o.ig hlllHI ' ' . . " , . 1r..elol 4 nl"UY NEJW YanK , March lb--hioraee J. Myers of the firma of A. :1. Klt.idet' & Co his heen ) appointed by the Unlle.1 States circuit l'onrl of YlnlnlL 10 receiveI of the Long ( Jslmll Trcton eotn5inlty. ' 1he appolntmcnt 11 In the nltnre of a frlell ) ' plceelln ! In n circular to directors Il Is asse.lc u large majorIty of holders of tint colatell trust notes have agreed to co-oln''nle In the plan of reonaulzalon , the eonelton being thaI $ OOJ he raised ' ( before ! a.ch 2S. I IO thc Intcnlon to Jay Ohio obligations to the re- celver Inslea of the complu ) ' . 'I'Ite traction COIIHUY WIS Incorporatel In 183 under the laws ofVest Ylnll ; anti capitalized at $10,000,000. . Time Long Isl\lI TractIon company was organized Iatel' In Wl t Virginia for the alleged Im'pose " of evading the Incorporallnl tax In this state on the $30,0,0 capital , which was malnl on paper. The plln of l'eolganlzllon was iireciiitated by two suits brought by P. II. Flynn ) n heavy Rloleholdcl In the Hroole)1 City railroad which Is leased by the Long Island Traction ! compan One Hult I ! to annul the lease ( of the cIty road and Ihe other Is to prevent the Iraclon cOmpan ) from snddln more debts on the leased Iroperly. ' 1h. ; comln1 ' vice president Jenkins , then salll that an assessment ot $5 a shlre would be neceslary to Ieel the traction company afloat. I Is said that the appointment of the receiver wi gIve the stockholders at least sixty days more In which to pay this uOsesOment , S U11.1Z1J ; 4Th' 1'I 1IlSW. 1.'onZ'U.H Curious t'rovlsion or the Will of an Old . Scotelimmiutit. NE\VAnK N. J. , March 19.-Provided the nome of Clark Is pelmanenl ) ' hlhenatld with their own names , John James Wright and his slstel' , 1Iss Elmhcth : : lontgomcl ) ' Campbell \\rlpht. or 137 : loult Prospect avenue will each receive $12.0 by the wi ct their great uncle , John Clark who died In ScoUanl April 1. 1891 Clark was a relotve of the Clnlls of thl'ead fnc , 1 distinctively clannIsh family of Scols , with wealth mnling wcl Into the mniiiiomurs. ' 1he legalees are comparatIvely \001' , mind have ' lived with Hohert Cumumlihig " relative . since the death or their "arenlH In 1890. \Vhen this rather curious wi was male Iown before JUlge ChilI In the cIrcuit court 1 slulemenl leeomlHnlel the Inslru- ment , whIch sot torth thll the leguleeH II would make the nlldllon to their IIIWI I provldel the court wOIIl sanction the cutange ' 1hls has been done by Judge Child afxing hIs signature . to Ihe applIcation. II2TTJNU ( ) J' U".B . 11WIU I'BI. . I - I Judge tnhhvol of time Iplnlon Ono 1lan : ( 'a mm Jlnilio I the l.u 1111(1 Csmip , : , ity. KANSAS CITY , Mardi 19.-An order ( remit United States Circui Judgq Cahlwel , now In SI. LouIs , was : 11-1 In the fellcll court here acceptIng the rclgnCloml of lllon n. Whiney \Vothliit1 . : la I . Charles FairchIld at New Yorlt amid farr ) ' g. Mooney and Sanford 1 ) I.tll1 : or Iansls City al receiver" of tin Lumtibai'tl Innsl- monl compan . Attorney Frank 111Clnln of Klnsas City. ono of the original to- ceivenis Is Ielined CS Iho Role rccciver ot the compnn ) . 'rho rlslgn"lon:1 were hanfled In Iii. the requesl uC Juugn Cull\cl , who ) Ie- leves tile Illclce ul rigid economy its npc- e llry In this discharge ot time uCfnlr : of thin comieihiy . 'I'lie lular ) ' or Ihe Iwo clltcm ? comlany. of the ( company was $ .0 ( ) It ) ' 111 ; cuch , 111 ot the 11 HO woslel'u receivers $5.000 I year each 'Fite I'couelnn II the number of receivers . will save IOJ 11 year . Pllns for fUI.ther oconom are being Coil- Rhlered , _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ SlucllhllhlotI e.uiY'r , All Iho Jtiss. KANSAS CI'ry , llnrch lO.-'tt . the Na 1 Bnnlt Kansas force or 10lal of CIty U orce clerics were It work toda ) gettnl IcloUUIR In sha"c to whlll UII the bank's ) lititiimice . A receiver will he uppolnled ns loon nK the unlnlshed dlly hUMlncls ( r Ihu huule Iho1 WiS In jrogi'ess nt the lme of the fallHI' II misltosi'iI ( ] of which wlii ho Iii a ( coo' dli'S. 'fhie rulluro tid not mmiulte a ihilpie ilnuimi- clnii9' lucre , eXc'Clt to hiicl''ai'e ilimt'iltesS Itt I ii U oth or lntltkis. I tid huh tIn I * 1 e to5itom'ul Ii tel lnitks who forlneh'Iy did Itilalmiess Ut the National hiattk ( it icanmsas City trampsfc'ri'eti their necoUtitti to outer baliks htei'e. keIl. cireles toliU ' ' that inutet4 imi hlminitciul ) w'ei the stockhtuhdel'i3 would suetmuimi it loss of 0) to 75 Per cent , while depositors wuuid be paid , lit luhi , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - Nmttiommmil lratorumti Union Jiieotlmig. cINCINNA'Ft , hiarcit 1'J.-'I'he supl'eme lodge of the National Fraternal uliloit , with Supreme Chancellor J0iili it. l'easlee lIre- sidIng , has been in session today , working two 110W degrees. and ileftl'Iltg atiutmiul IC- nortH , Most of the delegates omie ( lommi Ohio , Indiana and Keiitulclcy. 'I'iuere are nimiety. two lodges in Ohio Upiltemi States. with a mjiemnberehlp of over 6,000 , 'I'lit , deiegate mensi ouiicers overo hanquetetl tumilght by thu local lodge. 'rime esbiOtt continues tomilur. row. -p _ _ _ _ Nearly lInvomi iusmtirrtt ltiliara. The committees having ehiat'ge of tile cii. tertitlmimehlt recently gbyeii at tue floyd theater for thie beiteilt of the Associated CharIties itavo made their rehuort sluow'- lng that the gro's receipts ' .l'Cl'e $ l3hl , , and that after paying nil expenses , $1275.60 is leg't to toni into the treastii'y , 'Flit , coot. muittees desire to CXtI'IIlI thiIr thqnl13t fur time ihhieral enuminer iii syliichi ( lie tumiertttin. ( mont was iatrunizetl by tile public , S liimImt hundred ( Ilium hIIier h"tnike , 1OMIltOY , 0. , March 19.-At a sitass ineetitig lucre this afternoon ( hue &JO coal miners In time l'omeroy dietnlct resolved to strike against the liropoemI reduction of die- fourli pg 1 vent per bushel , 'Fhiey slelnalid 2 ceitte , TihiB strike is aireddy in effect. AFFAIRS AT SOUTh OIAI1A What Was Done by the City Council at List Evehhing'e Meettng. ARRANGiNG FOR COMING CITY LIEC1 ION , . I'laecq of Rt'gistratintt anti _ l.ite Iceitled cml mtmtsh , Ittsigea Nmtitiesi.-'imcm * 'h'imi,8o Vlto iiect to 'ote httit l'ttt Their Nmiitti' litmi , The city 00(111011 ( litOt Ito nuijoimrneui session last evening , with Mr. Conhey lIt the chair. A ntotion It ) ' Couhidihithan Ityan to COIl- street a ( Chico Olt the east side ot Thirty. alcond street hetwoeti it anti T streets was carried. St. Mary's Cemuctery netociatioll will domiate a strIp of ground on these streets Itrovided tilO city fences the satiie. i'l'ices for registration mtittl judges were llanltil as follow's : First \Vard-Firat ttrcclnct , 418 North Twenty-sitthm , street , Alex Siagel , to lilt vocalIc ) ' . SecoIttI hireclihet , l'wenty-fourlt ( auth l streets , ilast. Itian hitttiing. 'l'ilird precinct , Gerninutta hail , Twenty-fourth Shill .1 streets , Fred Nilettie , to fill vncsncy , Seeottii Ward-First preclhhct , 319 SotItit Twemity-hiftii Street , Joint Ficemier , T. Kelly , A. 'A. ' DamIley. Deconti precInct , Twent.- first. 110111 Iltcwmi streets , I ) . ilarriitgtoit , A. 1-IflOYlliChCl'.O4t1lt Tohes , 'i'ltirti hiroclitct ( Al- brittt.rL'"J , Kt'ebbs , J , W. hiatail , \ \ ' , V. Clayton' , - Third .0Vard-First , utrecihict , Katifltiiltl build. ing , Twent--eightit aiid U streets. .loliiu ilhoiiilon , IL , Jolma'alz , U. , , Iohiiu Fattntng , I ) . Secomiui precimict , Kilker tttiihtliitg , Thirty- lirat ahid Q streets , liarmicy Mclermttott , I ) . , Jul111 Jackitian , l ) . Thomas Comtdomt , 1) , Foiurtit&trdOid school iiotmse , Thirty- secomtil anti J streets , Jttittes Gmttillolt , Anuiiomiy SIttithi , 'tlitiIOhty Kilker. At tile retitleat et Cotmhlclimnuihi Mies the city atturltey was ihistVtlettt to draft an OrdlItaIhea ahlt0liliilig thic' fire iimiilt , orilinamlce $0 118 to extemtui tue limmtits to tue iiitnthi sIde of 0 sireet , front 'l'wemlty-fotlrtlt street to RaIlroad aventio. 'File coulicit themi ituijotiriicd until \\'io.incs- sill' ovtiuliig , 'l'ht3 dates fixe I for regiitration are tim 2tl , . 23ti , tittl 30th. , mt orthimmamtne reqttirimtg time Umiion Pusciflo Itallovay comilpany to iiittliiiniit an electric light at 'l'wemtty-sei'euitht 01111 N Btrects s'as read for the thtirJ tittio aitd passed , hhumgtc City ( iotstit. Oscar 11111 Is very sick , The ticitiocratic city central cOltlhtiittee lli2 last night ttiitl atlopted rules and hy.lciwo. , The republIcan city cemitrai conihthhttee hit'lil a short session last evening anti transabteul routine btmsimiess. Yesterday tue school boon ! coiniiiittee on PItbhlC grolimitlit amid lutmihiilngs remmted a. moot on Ta dhlt-ilftl ) street , betweemi N amtd 0 streetO , for a. school room to relieve the preetro at the 111gb school. A room at tht l'agle hiotisi' was rented to help out tIle Third ot'ard school , LANDS WAITING FOR SETTLER3. ie5crltltlnn of the Yminklon imimhtait ltesorva- lion Somit to Itli Iimrowmt Oitemm. Tile opening of the Yankton Imithian reslr- vatiomi this spring Is utttrecthng a great deal of attention amid settlers are preparing for a rush emi Ohio lands , whIch ovihl h1' opened to settlentent In the course of sixty dayL TIme reservatIon lies along the Missotiri river in South Dakota , commnenchimg at the mouth of Choteaiu creek , thence ilown the creek to the 1)13CC of beginuting , so as to include' 400,000 acres. The government survey of the boun- tharles described In the trehty' e'rnbraee 431- 000 acres , which the Indians. claim and con- trol. The agcncy' is located on the river itt about time center of the rtservatlomt east and sv3t. Along the river front , including the meanderings , tue reservation is thirty-live mithies lcng. ahid Chateau Creek is crossed , as its course is southeast by ttoutlt from thte head waters to whore it emptIes iitto the MIs- sourl river , There are two Ciuoteau creeks , ' Wet amid Dry Chmateaus , both headltmg outside tim reservation about otlr miles apart , aiid rtmnnlng toward each other umitii they torah a confluence about four miles from the mouIu. Neithier of these streams call be called a river , as they are fordabia at all seasots ox- dpI in case of hugh water troni heavy rains or melting smiaws In time spring. The valleys of each are wide , affording grass which will imi an ordinarily good seasoil give an average of two tons of hay to tito acre. Many ' tlmousand acres are now covfred with a heavy crc.p of grass , wlmich coimld bo profitably util- hzed In making hay for tIme' eastern huarket , At 110 distant thay this , it is believed , viii be one of tlto Ic-ading itidustnies of time reserva- tion. Tlleso valleys are found , in places - os'iiero they lmavo been cultivated , to yield large corn crops , and are allo adapted to the railing of 'beat , oats and all the orilinary vegetables growmi in South Dakota , Time entire - tire reservation , with the excepttomi of the bluffs along thm rIver amid creelts , wlmich con- stitlIto only a very small part of it , Is rich in all that goes to intilto succetsfui farming. S DR. ROWLANDS AT BETH-EDEN. i'eOpiO lOimoultl 4ot ISm , Juilgemi by tiimi Ciimtrcit 4' to Olillelt 'lhmuy It.iotig. If rapt litteiltion is atty indlcatlomi of Interest - terest in a apeakor'n reiiiarks Dr. Rowlands 11101 feel sure that hilt nudiomico in Delhi-Eden flaptist cilurcht Motmday evelmibtg was drinking imt hIs thiotightts. Ills subject s'as "Morality vs. Ciirlstlattity , ' ' takemi fromn the story of the young in Chmrist's day who had kept tue coimimmiamuliiients ; tiitl yet vero inciting. " 1'hiis woritl , ' ' lie said , ' 'Is apt to judge ( reIn tile surface , hIlt God goes by the heart. i'tOQhtlO mmieasure au by thin external life of a man , but they do not at otico ace thu motive. God tveigIms , never measures , amtd lie knows 4 the lhlOti'O of every act , whether it is worldly or for Ulti glory. " 'l'hio doctor vae pprticuiar to eXIhttin tue pure Chinistinmi life as commipared with time hnOriliists lilbI eillliliilihiZOli the ( act that the daily hula ovas vliat hteOhiu ) shah be judged hiy 01)11 not Ity tile Ciilhrcil to which they be- lorged , or imow nulehi they gave to chmarhty , There was but otto opltthomi at thin dose of tim nicetiiig ntiii that was that it was an imispiratlon to a higher et.ilidarll of Christian living , 11ev , A. hloldeii Ilyles of lngiamtd preached last Oveilitig , its Dr. Itowlamids os'as absent to liarticilatu in UI ) ordination service ith F'air- bury. - - Icmttlm ( if ( Ihlisrles II , S'ouhls7 , A telegralmi froma South i'uehiho , Cob , , an- IloUti'O8 the tientit of Mr. Charles It. Wooliey , n'iio imas long resided at 7013 I3otitlt Tiuirtietiu street , tiii clty hir'ooiley tvas svell known In this state. lIe located ill Oiiialma flhiotlt live h-ears UO alhll ongageti ill tue real estate business. 'I'jio had few yeltra he hail been employed by 'Fho flee as traveling agent , lie was an cihlciermt , trustworthy iirtd genial gentleman , anti eijoyeti ) time conlitleitco not only of lute ezitploycr , but of a large ntmmuher of trlemtda , 4 acqtlaintulhceii tind patroiis ef Tim lice. . Mr. \'paIiey was about 40 years of age , arid when lie took leave of absence a few weeks ago 'tic seemed to be imi hierfect hle'aitil , 'Flue ob- Joel pf lilt trip to Colorado svzie to Inspect 801110 iiimlhitg ) property lie on'neil there , It secimma thud a few days after iiis arrival in South i'uebla he was stricken with malignant. typhoid fever , hits wife and daughter were sumninoiied armil reachuetl bile bedside Buhiday. 'i'hey will reacim Ohimabia ivlthi the remaIns title afternooim , via. the Unloli Pacific , Funeral notIce ovili appear later. Jeceasetl ) leaves a wife and two daughters of 0 and 12 years of age , also two Iro1lueri amid a aisler , who reside in thus state , - S When Baby was sick , we gave her Cactofla , Wheti size 'va.5 a Child , he cried for Castorla , When the became hisi'i , she clung to Cestorta , \'hon she lied CbLlt'icnt.be gavolhexa Citstak , . - ' . ' ' . - , , . + - . - , . i * _ _ . , _ 4- . _ . -a . .