Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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    " - , J C , . . . . , . _ "I"I1i , , , , " " " 'l"'r " ' : : ' , , , . , . .n'I . , . . -f . " , " , . - - . , . . , . . , - . , " . - 'C' . . ' . . ; - - . < . . . . . " . . , . . . . . . " . _ - , . ' . . . .I.-- . . " . . " " , , . <
rrE OJfAU DAlLY .nJ : , WJUUN mHUA , : fATUlt 20. TtflJ1. L
t- - _ - -
Xear&j Atso Oome il with a Plaint or
Exceive Ohargcs.
- I
CmuIlllnt. of Chnlh" : .rchltl of the
' ! 'rentIIPnt Accord".1 'hl , CI , hy
the UnlrOuh to lie I uvrAtllt t
Incl tile 1,1 Ieme.lcc' ' ,
W.SINOTON , March t-The ) tlscrlml-
naton Dlnst Omaha by the ralrocls entering -
Ing that clr 1 a the Omaha CommercIal club
phrases It , II to bo Intulret Into by the
interstate Commerec eomrnIsIon. The com-
, non Is t now preparing for on cxtenrlvt
t\ur of the west In onler to heir cases that
have nrlsen In that sectIon \ \ hlch demalacl -
utlcnton , , , ChairHI Morrison sty 1 that abont
a month from now the commission wil leave I
for St LouIs , where I Will hear the com- . .
lalnt. MIaourl , ICantas &
plnlnl clmrrlnt that the Ilslnurl Inn u
Texa rnlroacl .Iemnnls rxeest'e rates on
- - cotton "hipped from the Indian territory anti
OklaluouIa % . There wi aIo he heml , at $ t.
p4 LouIs the case against the 1 lreka HprlnRs
railroad 11 con\lalnt"f the Missouri Slate
noard or nalh\ ) commIssioners In regard
to passenger rales.
From . St. Louis the commission wIll go to
Pueblo anti Denver , Colo. , Kearney an
Omaha , Neb. , alll probably SI. Joaepli and
Innsan City. 110" , and then to ChIcago. . The
rates from II\hlo and Denver tn Galorla (
are to b Inquired Into. The Colorado people
clall that ( lucy cannot Innurlcture . and ship
rails , machinery nul othcr al.tclel succcss
fully , whlo Chicago . HI I.ouls anti other
places Oi the Missouri rh'er can ship the
Mie nrlcle , : to California at very much
lower rte
Tim Ilcoillo or Kenrney , Nt'b. , cnlm the
rates are too hhh In nil .lrectona , I Is
salll that Missouri river rates were mate
IIRhrr last bummer timaut they have bebn at
any ( line In the last live years , tind I the
charges are to be lululrell Into hy the couui-
mission. The Omall Commercial climb : , repre-
Rentng the Omaha merchants and shippers ,
hns romplulnNl to the conlnls810n that Coun-
r el luf : business men can ship arros the
river miami tl ioints west of Omaha at Omaha
r..mtemm. while Omuha merchants and shippers
cannot ship across the rlvl' through Council
Buts anti Into Iowa at Council Bluffs rates
This Is a matter which has been agitated br
Omaha Ilcople for hOII ! time nnll whie the
conlnlsslon Is west hearing ! other cases this
contro\rK ' wi he taken nil.
The tN'mlnals ot the most or the Hare In-
tereslcl In thee various controversies are at
Chicago , and fnal hearing In some and
, lerhapI nil or them may he transrerre < to
that cly , after time commIssion has afforded .
44. e\'erh"ly ! , In the several localth's convenient
oportummity for putting In testimony and presenting -
aentng their sides of the case
Chairman lorrl90n expects that a large
porton of the time of the commission durl"
the simringvihl be occupied hearing the c\'I-
deuce In all these cases.
cr TANTO'S CHUo ; : . , Ut OlO ) !
lie 1.u'ads i \ I tile ( 'ln.tilctcH for tit )
1 \ IJIlntllnL ; a 1''la.tol 6cnermI. ,
W\SINGTON , March 1)-SpecIai.-Amm- ( )
othl'r retirement whIch Is now the subject of
much convl'rsJton among army ofcials here
Is that ot Paymaster General Wiiam Smith
which 'wi ' occur on time 26th Inst. The i
. . ) paymaster general has the rank or brlgadlcr I
general , and Immediately upon the retire-
ment ot General Smith PresIdent Cleveland : I
wilt make an appointment to nil the va-
cancy. There ore numerous candidates ,
among them being Assistant PJymaster Gen-
oral Thaddeus I. Stanton , who ranks us
colonel ali Is at present chief Iaymaster
at the Department of the Platte , with head-
, quarters a Omaha. Colonel Stanton Is
second In rlt : after General Smith. being
_ preceded by Colonel Charles M. 'Ierrel , who
Is ale an assistant paymaster and l m proml-
font candidate for appointment as paymaster
generl , Lllutenant Colonel George E
Glenn and Major Asa B. Carey are among
time others who are desirous of being make
head ot the department.
The president will nol Us confned to the
grade of colonel In makIng the appointment.
The paymaster's department Is somewhal
different from mumost ot the other
' dJereul lost depart-
menls , owing lo the fact that the highest
ranlt does not always have the most weight
In the \ter I of apIolntmonts as Is the
rule In the adjutant gencral's department
and others. Whie those hohlng the rank
ot colonel are generally belevect to bo the
ones most entitled to appointment. It has not
always been time rule to give the appoint-
meat to tbal grade. President Arthnr , dnr-
4. . - jog his administraton , appointed as pay-
- master general one of l.e junior majors In
the corps ' , Wllul D. Rochester , so that
with this precedent betol'e him President
Cle\'llal1 need not necessurfr make one or
the colonels paymaster general , should he
desire to cIa otherwise. General Smith was
I lieutenant colonel In the pay ) departlent
when bo was appointed to his Present posl-
lon by PresIdent Harrison , succceing Gen-
oral itocluester.
Nevertheless Colonel Stanton Is a very
promInent candIdate and Is Ite ! to lie appointed -
pointed Nearly every olcer In the pay-
master's department Is to some extent a
candidate for appointmnemit-tacitly I not
openly-so that the fact that Glenn and Carey
are callldates docs nol lebsen Col6nei Stan-
ton's chances andshouhl not dIscourage his
. frIends who are pushlug his claims It Is
' unerstocd that he Is very popular among
4.J his fellow ofcers and Is the choice of a
majority ot them for appointment tb the
head of the pay department. Colonel
Stanton was In \\ashlngton recently and
called at the War department to present his
case. Colonel Tcrrel and Lieutenant Colonel
Glenn halo also been Ilre lu the furtherance
or their C\dhlacIE1. :
Shouhl Limo appointment of p3ymaster gen-
eral go to eIther StantCI 01 Terrel I would
result In the IJromoton of Lieutenant Colonel
Glenn to he , rank of colonel and the promotion
ot senior Major Carey to the ( grade ot lIeutenant -
. lou-
tenant colonel No Iromoton will result' In
tIme lower grades , as under the new law the
numblr or majors In tbe pay deparlment Is
limited to twenty. There are now twenty-
dye majors , hence Ihero wi be no appointment -
ment 10 that grade until six vucancles have
occurrre the appintment then to be made
to keep the number of major imp to the
lmit fixed by law. The provisIon for the
reduction In time number of majors In this
department Is contalnel In the last army ap-
, .J Ilrollriaton act amid reads a follows : " , hat
thelu summIt bo no ollpolntment of mujor In
the pay department unti the number or
fCOf In that grade shal be reduced below
twenty ant Ihereafer time mlnlr of such
ofcers In that grade shall be fxell at
twent , "
The pall'r ot all time candidates for ap-
Ilolntment as lammmaster general are on fe
In time alljutaut general's ofee , amid when
m the tnl comes for making time allpolntment
tht ) will ho gIven to the secretary ot war ,
who will In turn submIt them to Presfuent
Cleveland for his decIsion Time recomn-
mmiendalion ot the secretary of war wi $ prob-
ably meet with the approval of time prtsldent.
Inlr of I "ury for " ' 'H\ \ 't'iire ,
WASh INGTO : March 19.-Accordlng to
I report submitted to the State deparlment
by Unied States Consul Morris at Ohent
the sale ot Ivory at Antwerp , the principal
market of the trade during seven years
amouutN to 1,765,972 rounds , valued I at
' 3.524.000 , TIme sale last '
OO year was & 83l17
poumnis , as against 493,830 , In 1893. TIme reo
llrt says there hi mme reason 10 fear the exhaustion -
hluston ot the Ivory supply , time Ivory crop
of cfnturles being still In the hands of na-
th'o" , who han hoarded I by hllng time
tusks In river beds and pnder the sol ,
Ther are , besides , estmate to b about
8 .OOO elephants livIng.
lllu" Crl"lt " ore 1.111" Unmul"d ,
. WASIINGTON , March 19-Unlled States
Consul Semour at } 'lllrmo , italy , In are-
I'ort0 ' \ the State department anys that nut-
wlthstamidimig time severe weather recently experienced -
! recenly
perienced In that distrIct , affecting to a cer-
tatn ulent oranges and Icmons In SOle lo-
' cal tIe. , I Is bele\'e a sulclent num\lr
have escaped 10 prevent PercePtIble change In
the amDunt exported or In the price In
foreign marlets.
-rr Msr1et for WooI.llukht IlchlnerT'
WASUNG'ON , March 19.-Consul Gel-
'lln at ZurIch reports t the State tie-
'S . . ' , . ' " , .
atmcltI. % . ! American wood makIng ma-
chlnery amid tees toimlti bo Introdl et In
Switzerland It ioO\ expect agentl able to
tNDk French aocl ( Jermnan , \el sent out
to visit the different manufactories mini
she ! ! , lie Is connent that laTIO 'ordes '
couJ bl tecued , 'rh people still use oM
Icthod , l they prefer to make thtlr own
woJ work , but they would gladly use propr
machinery ) I they ecuidobtali , I
itlC.tLi. : OF .tltWHO : IH : tNUtU : ,
- -
1l'alhllnl.ter "Id to 11 In Iul Odor
with ( r lmm ,
W"SI GTO , March 19.-1 was reported
here this afternoon that Secretary Gresham
had Ilmanlell time ncal ot Hawalal MinIster - ,
ter Thurston on time grlunll that be wee
persona nn grata. Wheu Secretary
Gresham's atelton was called to It he re-
fumed to say one wont In conBrroton or
denial , all other officials of the Iepatment
allege Ignorance . 1 I known , how over , that
there hiss beu much friction between the
Inllister ant time Stale department In the
transaclon of business , .Ialng back to Thnr-
stan's al1polntllclt. Probably because lie was
aware of the state ( f feelIng toward him , the
minister has a1vay 8 been guarded In imltm
uterances , amid al fur lS cnn he recalled
how every effort has been 1\lle to 11lulle
the real slate of affairs. The hawaiian mil-
IUler's nilne has buon scrupulously Included
In oil bll runctlon hI which time dlpolmatlc
corps 1111)3 ) n part , amid 01 at least enl oc
easlon he has been tellered the honor or
n Sllt'cial dimmer by Serrar Gresham , hut
It lu known that there have been slormy
intervIews between tlcm ,
Minister Thummmtcmn IlollU"ely declined to
tlseuss the re\ol'I , lIe sahl tt was of [ such
a characler tht he woulcl uraln sIlent .
lie 1111 not want this taken ( S an Intmation
of ahilrimmatlomi 01' denial . lie was asked
Hpcrln\'al ! ' I he had been recalled alll .Ie-
rlned to answer. lie was also asked iS 10
limo close or the State tep3tment against
him anti made the same reSllluse , I Is re-
ealcd now that Thurston has not been at the
department In ptron recntl' , although Ir ,
Inbtn ! ! , his secretary , has been a frequent
visitor , thollh nol on diplomatic errands , so
rnl' lS can be ascertained .
Whie Il Is doubtful It Gresham has gone
so far ns to demand the minister's recall
I 18 ; behaved probable that hl at lcaqt alowL >
80me hint to I'each the Hawaiian goverment
through our Illnl'ler , At any rate the
HawaiIan newspapers imp to March 6 , which
reached \ashlugton tOla ' . mik , ) no mention
of thc reported rupture In any Ihal'e. anll
whlo I Is true that the luwllan govermm-
menl mmmay have observed ccrccy as to the
receipt ot such a disagreeable vlece of lew .
still It would beyond doubt ha\'l' felt bonnd
to make imbue an 'evcnt of such Importance
as the recall or Its prIncipal minister
(11.\GO , Mardi 19.-A peclal to time
\aly News train Washhlton says : Hecre-
bury Orrsham has demandell the real of I.
A. Thurston , time hawaiian mlnlslel' at
Washlnglon. At thc annie time the doors of [
time Slate .lepartmcnt have hcen closed against
time rpresentatve of the new republic atl he
has been toh Ilat he must communlclle In
wrltlmmg with time premlor of the Clevelalll admInistration -
mInistration , as time latel' declnes to see him
tn .
The dcmal11 for Minister Thurslon's recall
wn made February 21. 'hat day Secretary
Gresham rcqucsted MInIster Wils to Cor-
maly commnnlc3te to the hawaIIan minister
or foreign affairs the rnct that MInIster
Thurston was persona uon grata. The com-
municaton was sent by malt all has proh"
ably reachclI the now republic , and the news
regardIng its receptIon may now be on an
American steamer on the way to San Fran-
TIme gossips are conjuring wIth another
rumor late this afternoon thaI the SpanIsh
mtnlster's recall wi he demandcd Time
Spanish diplomatc offense Is alleged to be
sImIlar 10 Mr. Thurston's. lie gave an In-
lervlew to the newspapers a few days ago .
criticizing Secretary Gresham , Naturally
there Is a commotIon among the dlplolats.
A NI\ York newspaper February 13 con-
talnot Washington dispatch statng that
MInIster Thurston "had receIved emelal ad-
vices" of time sentences passed upon the al-
leged conspirators In the late Insurrecton ,
The names and other Important data were
given Two days hater Secretary Gresham
sent for 1111ster Thurston. He took ! r.
Thurston Into hIs private efce , and In a
whIte rage accused hIm of gIving cleial information -
formation to AmerIcan newspaper before
communicating It to the departmcnt. Secre-
tary Greshal says the Hawaiian minIster
admItted that his act haJ bon "undlplo.
mantle. " The entry of the occurrence on the
State departn.nt : records slates that fact
ali It Is important , as the records will form
the ofcial history of the occurence ,
Minister Thurston today declined 10 say
whether he admited It was undiplomatc ,
I was a remarkable admission for him to
male It ho did , under the spell of Secretary
Gresham's "sweatbox. ' Old diplomats say
such an admissIon from a diplomat would
forever disqualIfy him for future service In
hIs chosen field and cover him with lasting
disgrace. The records ot the State deparl-
ment show that the hawaIian minister ad
nutted that he had been guilty of an undiplomatIc -
diplomatIc act " but declined to comply wih
Secretary Gresham's request and put the
tact In wrltlmig.
] IOIUAN 'A\'Olts tU1\N AN IXTI0N ,
\Vouhl no of Gr"atnlno to time United
8tJt. In Mummy ) Wa , . .
WASHINGTON , March 19.-Senator Mor-
gan of Alabama , chaIrman or the senate for-
eign relatIons commiee , has remained In
WashIngton since the adjournment of eon-
gross ntl takes an Interest In time present
foreign complication . "r do not Imow what
has been done , " he salt to an Associated
press reporter , "flrt her than what Is said
In time newspapers from lme to tlmmue. I am
or course Interested In the slnuton In Cuba.
If the rerolutlonlsts are able to hohl out reran
ammy length or lme they wi he able to secure -
cure material asslslanco front persons In this
country , not only In time way of money , but
In ) , In spite of all efforts to prevent l
There are many len that are n'ady to go
Into a war for Cuba , or any other wort amid
there wi be no way of keeping l them out or
It If I the men who are leading this revolt
show that they command any strtnpth at
home At first I wits Inelnell tl vlow the
uprIsIng aim wIthout particular backlmmg. hul
It lpears now that It has grown to be quito
forummidmmble. I Is only a question of tIme
when Cuha wi throw off time Spanish yoke
I may lot tm wih thIs revolution , but I
will como with some future revel ,
"You are In favor ot purchasing Cuba 1"
waa asked.
" 1 have always been a Cuban annlxlonlsl , "
responded Mr. lorgan , "I inn In favor or' '
purchaslnl the Island or or rummy other \etholl
at acquIring It from Sllin , I Is an Important -
portant Island for the Unied Stale , "
When the Alauca Incident was referred
to Senatol' Mcrgan said hu approved of the
course of the State .leplrtment In demanding
an apology mind reparation. lie declared
that AmerIcan merchantmEu cannot be law-
fully Interrered with upon the high seaH. He
eXIressN thl hOllo that CUha mlht he an-
nexe" , and said It was a great mlstale thlt
San Domingo was not Ilurchased when we
halt an oPllortunly , No such chance , he
added , should be neglected In the future ,
when we were offered Islands In either ocean
over which wo could exercise control and
which were prol1crly a part of the American
contuentul btem , and were necessary 10 the
Protection of our coat comummierce
OlWlL.\U IIU. 1'0 I ! TS ' 11 : 'si.liy.
l'rcuidrmmt ! lalcs a 1'ustimmator of the Mmiii
Iho houuifle Urhcted ,
WASIINGTON , larch 19.-The Ilresldent
toddY appointed postmasters : Robert Kemm-
nedy , at Ileaslnton , Ian. ; Alfred 0 , Tinsley ,
al Sioux Fells , S. U.
The Tlnsey ) aplolnlment excited a great
deal of talk In the senatu anti led to a shanl
confct betwcen Senator Petigew and
Kyle , endIng In the vIctory for the former , I
who sEcured the rejection of the nominaton I
by I large majoriy In the senate. Senator
Petgrew'l home Is In Sioux Falls , and he
made his fght 01 the ground that 'lnsley
was a bitter enemy of lila. The appointment
of Thlle ) ' , who' wIlt contnue to serve , not-
wlhSlandlng time rejection of his nominaton ,
may lead to an Interesting fight over the
meaning or the phrase In the consttuton
thmumt presidential allllutmonls shal be made
with "tbo advice and consent of [ the sen-
ate. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
10 ileermit l'rn"'II" Made ,
WASHINGTON , Murch l9.-grIcuitural
cltIHut\ent olclul say they have no re-
cent InCor\aton l'oncerlng the protests
made by foreign go\'ernnwnls aalnst the
hlllortaton of cattle Crom the Unltlll ! > atea.
The mater , they sa ) ' , Is stIlt In the
\lplolalc stage.
Unable t AcompHsh AU Io Had Desired
in thf Postt Dlpartmont
Irorh : to Restrict Second UM' ! ( Rlllater
to e''lJ'.cr. all MRJndnu 'ero ;
Futl-WI Quit When \I-
soil Is I Ullty , ,
WASINOTON , March 19.-An Impression
Ilrovals In some quarters that Postmaster
General DI8el still remains In olce because
ho desires to clear UI' some business that Is
yet unnnishe This Is nol the case.
"E\'erythlng Is In s'llpshape , " salt : Ir , Ds-
sell when a81e,1 , about this. "I cOllt move
out at auy time I I was desired either by
m 'set or Mr. \ \ ' + lson . The fact Is 1 haye
my WashIngton hOlso leased until the nut
ot May , and the lease on my Duralo house I
Iloe ! not expIre untl the same date , and 1 :
do not care to be Idle durIng the tIme , whlo
Mr. Wilson Is not yet ready to assume the
duties of time department. "
The only regret that Mr. Issel has In
leavIng the olce I that ho has not been
able , owing to the talnro of congress to
legislate , to carry out all the reforms he has
Inaugurtecl , time great trouble being to restrict -
strict secnd.cass mal matter , le outlined
his wishes on this subject In his annual
report. lie pointed out nt that time the
enormous amount of second.class mol mater
the KO\'ernmenl was carrylnF thot consisted
1lher ot legitimate newspapers nor magl'
7hl ! , the publctons ! for which the second-
class rate was designed. Mr. Dssel was
very mich In earliest In thIs lie went
to mommy of time leaders In congress with his
suggested l'corm , 'mmen time last session can-
"I was told , " said he , "that If this were
11shct ut that tmc It would Interrere wih
tw fnancial measures , amid that all the tIme
w'llch congress conld give to legislation other
than appropriations , would be devoted to
fnlnces. I could not . or course , Inter-
fore with maters of such moment by pIsh-
lug legislaton In which there was less In-
Iprpctm. "
ni hii ; i Mr. Dlssel remalncd In the cabinet
It ts IJrobable that ho would have mate a
hard fgh for the legislaton recommended
In his last report upon this subject at the
next session at congress. I Is a source or
gratification to the retiring postmaster gen-
erl that thc work or the department Is lP
to date and enrythlnR ready for Mr. Wilson
10 tall hold of or course the last two
years of an admInistratIon are not so hard
ns the first , especIally tt the lepartment
Is not to he changed In any particular , yet
there wi be enough to do
" .t Is net the patronage or the makIng
of ahpnlmitmnents"salti ) tlr. Bssel "thal en-
tails hard worlt upon the hEad ot a department -
ment Ile this. I Is to spend judicIously
time $85.000,000 so that time People wi get
time best posslblo mal service ; to see that
the vast machinery of the dcp3tment Is ruin
for the best Interests or the wholeJcple
and study all questions that Ilromise Im-
Ilrovement. That Is what causcs the hart
work and necessitates careful watching at
al I tmes , "
Mm' . Bissel Is duly apprecIatIve of the
favorable comments that have been made
on his administration or the department since
his retiremnent ,
retrement was announced
, ,
"I fs very ra tf 'lng , " he said "to know
that ono's work has proven In a large meas-
tire satisfactory 'amemi so many people are
dIrectly Interested In Its results , "
slit JULIAN lI.ts NOT 1.I N it1i'1SED.
British .ttnmbassatloratwmashhngton Knows
1othlu of the Uitimimmttumn ,
WASHINGTON March 19.-Tho BrItsh
embassy has receIved no Inrormaton as yet
In regard to thc ultImatum of Great Drltaln
to NIcaragua for the payment of $75OOi
withIn seven weeks , In redress for the expulsion -
pulsion ot Mr. Hatch , its consular repro-
senlatve , tram Buefelds and of time dispatch
ot a BrItish war ship to back up time ullma-
tnm. Under these crcumstances It Is
thought In ofcial circles that the subject
imiuty be handled through the Drltsh aut'hori-
ties In NIcaragua , although It Is usual to
advise the ambassador hero of demand
advlsl a
, _ . " , b , .f. S
UL ' . . . . . .
General Barrios , the Nicaraguan envoy who
visited < London amid later came here to con-
fCI' wih Secretary Grcsham , left this morn-
log for New Yorlt.
I IH probable that Ambassador Dayard will
be Instructed by cable to cal the attention
ot the British go\'ermen to the Drltsh
ultimatum , addressed to Nicaragua and to
ask for seine expression In the nature ot an
explanation of the British purposes The
subject must be handled with great delicacy
and prudence and taken In connectIon with
the attempt Mr. Buyard ts making In accord-
ance with tIme formal direction of congress
to secure submission to arbitration of the
boundary dispute between Great Britain and
Venezuela will test his diplomatic abIlities
to the utmost to maintain cordial relations
wllh the government to whlcl ho Is accredited -
credited , while persIstIng In forcing upon its
attentIon these disagreeable subjects I Is
apprehended here , In view or the statements
made In ParlIament yesterday by Sir Edward
Grey , tIme parlIamentary secretary for tor-
elgn affaIrs , that Mr. Dayard has already
met with a check In his Itempt to push the
arbitration matter. This woul be very
unfortunate just at this tme , for It would
oblige the president to consider and decide
what further steps are necNsary to gIve er-
feet to the Intentions of congress and protect
the republic of Venezuela tom encroachments
upon her territory. I Is felt In diplomatic
circles here that time signs are certainly ominous -
nous or approach trouble In time south
with Briish war Ihlps bound for Nicaragua to
collect Indemnity under duress , with I
French war vessel bound for La Guayara ,
Venezuela , to take the expelled French minis-
ter aboard , leaving a wIde 'breach ot dlplo
\ute relations , and with other European
nations threatening to follow Great BrItaIn's
example In coercing t,1 smal Central and
Southern American republics Into time payment -
lent of debts and indeninities. Iay-
1'E5imfs IN FA\'Olt OF InOAU TltW ! ,
Agricultural Uepartmont 1ulothl Glvos 1
HInt nil . .II'U of load Itoad , .
WASHINGTON , March 19.-The Agrlcul-
tural department has Issued a buletn , com-
plied by Roy Stone , special agent In charge
of roat hllulry , contaInIng Information con-
cernIng tIme use or wide tires on waomm
wheels. Mr. Stone regards It of special Importance -
portance In the malnlenonc3 of public high-
ways that the vehicle ued on them simali
have tires of greater wIdth than are now In
general use Extracts from time slate laws
respectIng the wIdth h of tire to be used on
vehicles are gh'en , sOle of which offer a
rebate or a portion ot the highway tax on
wagons with rhine or tIres not less than
three anti three ant a hal Inches wide .
Ohio makes It umnimti'fui to transport over
macJtamlzed , gravel or stone roads In any
vehlclu umavimmg a tIre of 11 ! than three
Inches In wl.lh . a burden ot moro than 2,000
pounds. Indiana has I law against hauling
on a wet gravel road a load of over 2,000
pounds on a narrow tired wagon , or over
2,600 f.onnds Oi a broad tired wagon
Kentucky makes a distInction In favor or
broall tired wagons In fixing tel rates The
results 01 Ixperlrents wih wide tires In
various states are also gl\en ,
The bulletin. In conciudinr. nrlntR .ylr " 'R
trom tIme consular reports com'c'eimilng i - the wIdth
or tires preicrlbll In varIous foreign coun-
trlC In France every freighting cart Is said
10 I a rod maker. Their tIres are train
three to ten Inches In width , usually from
four to sh : Inches The German law pre-
scribes tbat wagons for heavy loads , such as
coal , brick , earth and stone , must have a
wIdth ot tire of at least four Imicimes. Swizer-
land requires wagons to be provided with
wheels haying tires of I width proportloimate
to the largest loads admlsl\le. poportonat !
1.lrll N"aro ( : oluIY Iii 110)lco ,
WASh INGTON , March 19.-The l crelnry
ot state has heel advised by the dlplomalo
rtlresentatve oC the Unied States at the
l'l ) ' oC Mexico , under dale of March 6 , that
between 70 ont 8 negro familIes ha\'e re-
centy urrlve11 from tht Inled States at
lunhnanlo , \nrungo , Mexico , as colonists
under a federal conces ' lon granted to W ,
H Ellis 1 , an Amerian ciizen ,
.1 r.n' " 'OIIM for ( ' "tl. I'erfld.
WASIIINGTON. Mardi 19 -ecr tar ' MO'-
ton and Dr. Sulnon , the chIef oC the bureau
of animal industry , visited the wharves at
Baltmore today and found that the no-
comniodatlons for cattle were entIrely sats ,
- -
factor , and that ¶ me tare gIven animals
In transit 19 gooul.1 1\pjl ( ttlnl thp year the
Johnston company 't9okItfrtnl Baltloro tn
Liverpool ZI,06T hlll at fat bulock ! Of
thlmi number only ,1h"Hne head were lost.
The Mme lIne trn'IIl \ from 10910n 10
London lurlng the saute tIme 19.1l ; hMt ,
wih 1 loss l'f only' tMrt ' -lx. In the face
of these facts the ! q tetlry says I will
be dlleul for OrlrIUI ' and F'rminoe to
make It appear tht.ny tmlaslcl cattle
hn\c been shipped 1r { \ the UnIted State
during the shllpel.rA\\ fact Is that It haul
been Inllosslhle uumtm'lCr.the Present rigid sys.
tern or Inspection. I' , " , '
1.1.1 tlll I Ocl.lul. ,
\VAS1IINGTON' , Inrch 19.-Speclal ( 'role.
grmim.-The secm'eCn'm lor ' the Interior today
rtnderell decisions Inl' the following Ne-
brsl : and South pakta land cases : Ne-
hrnsltn-'homa I.nKan nlnlnst Hohert A.
Burlehl , Grand island mstrlct , decsion nf-
firmed and contest , dlsmnlesecl' JohnV .
\\Illan agaInst Jnlne T. Montgomery
Grand Iland district , decision . reversed ant 1
land awarded to Widman : Jnmesnke
agaInst I. , Guy Inmnl' , Grand Island district -
trlct , decision nfrmed and htnmnl"s entry
held for cancellation ; In re nnmalrs lmwis
ShIne district , decision reverse.1 anti Davis
alowed sixty cln8 adcltonnl In which to
pity for land : In re Jacob W , 1assenllr.
North l'latte , same decIsion . South Da-
kota-Theron ! Haleck agaInst .Io"oph I' .
Porter , \Vaertowmi district , decision at-
Irm11 amid contest tl81lssell : Cameron \
Goddey against G. Belie Olmln , Chamher-
lain dIstrict , tit'cislon Itrmed amid 01.
man'8 entry held for canceluton : John M.
Atwood nlalnst \'llnl 1' . 1I , 1ltchel
tlstrllt , decIsion alrmeci and Fell's entry
cancelled. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Orderi fur , \ rnIVPI. .
WASh INOTON , March 19-Slleral ( Tell-
gnam.-Ftrst 1.leutennnt Charles W howell ,
trnnterrell from cOIIn ) ' K to corlmn '
A. anti FItt 1Iutenont Michael J. Lenl-
lien train company A to cOlpany 1 < , Secont
InCantr ' ,
Lieutenant Colonel Unnlel V \ . 1enhlli
Seventh Inrantr , Ia t grunted two ronth8
ottpndoi ) .lp"VR ! Cnntlin . ' 'loolhlus Vt.
' rri . ii , - ElIxtntlihtfantrythi're e mouthS
: ; S\ii nliuhlrl\ntr
extended ; First t.leutennnt Alexander 8. ,
l'orter nssltant surgeon , four 10nths ex
Calltaln Wlliirtni N TJ8llnle. First hi-
fnntr , now on leave of ahscnee , will vm'o-
ceed to hIs here to awaIt rltl'ercnt. He
wi report h ) letter to the ndjutant general
or the arm ' , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I ntlrlU1 Hevc'nuo l.cel't .
\VASHINGTON , Mnreh 19- ' statement
prepared by the commissioner or Internal
revenues shows receipts durIng the eight
months or the Ilrcsent ( aral year to have
been ns follows : Spirits $ , U , r08 ; Increase
over the saimle Ierlbll Inst ' 'ar. $1,0s.76.
'obaeco $19,761,741 : nercitse . $1,096.999. Fei'- ,
l entedIqtors \ , 2OJ11S.7GS : Iecre\w ! , $120,009 '
Oieoimtargai'Ine . iiU5j ; uccreURC , " " JOI. ,
Oleomlrlnrlnc. tlX , lSIS. 11scelhlneous , 36.320 :
Increase , $313,321. Time total recelllt for the
months $13.321 I0t,5d2,4C. ; . Immerense $ ,180,622 ,
Durin the month or I. obmtmttry , 18)5 , thieve
was au aggregate decrease In the receipts
fror the receipts or February , 1891 , or
$1,701,415. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nc' , Arm" HeltlnLotM Iclnl h'riimted
WASHINGTON , March 19.-Speclal , ( Tele-
gram.-Secrettry : of War Lluiont hiatt gIven
his Ippr\11 to the new army regumlmttionmt.
They arc now In the hands or the IH'lntel'
11\1 will be Issued as soou ns completell.
It Is believed that thel'e wi be U scarcity
I helevld the reulu tlons. owing to the
fact that the last conJreS8 Imltcd govPI'n-
menl IHbliaUons to 1,00 cOllies each , 'fhls
number wi be Inadequate to supply the
.lemll18 or the Irm ) ' .
CI'mn Snnth ! tOI" ( 'It.s SRm" . I
' 'ASHING''ON , March 19.-SIcclal ( Tcle-
gram.-The ) name of the postofce at South
SIoux City , Dakota . county , Neb" , hos bell
changed to Sioux. Etm'one U. Wibur has
been commissioned , potmaster.
Turns Moueyhan was today commlsslonet
postmaster at BerllU , iNeb , ant Andrew I
J. Fritz at Botha , la I
The postolce at.Killtormu , Grant county , : .
S. I ) . , his heen atIlltor , Mal will go
, to 'fwln i3rooks. j I
( Rbllft SPS"CI I.astntm 'L'hrpo llomurq.
ASHINGTON , .1\rlh 19-For the first
tIme since the return o thc president from
hIs North CarolIna trip there was 1 cabinet
meeting at the white htmse All the member -
boys were nrelt. The , Iesslon lasted about
three hours. The presl\1 nt had for thc Irst
tIme al opportunltyl' to discuss with the
assistants the several , foeigml IncIdents that
have arisen In his absence and. to frame a
policy for theIr dlS'Ollton ,
Admlml Mo.le UelrllJ Toward Culm
WASHINGTON , " 'March l . ; dllrul
Meade to\lay cabled thi , Nm1 , ydepartment .
that he had cablef w\h , his squadron from
La Guuyr Venezueti'or San 'Domingo.
Thts move Is In accordunce with his prearranged -
arranged itimiertury . all Ir the plan ts not
Inten'ullied by unexpected events the next
points , visited will be Port au Prince , Ilayti ,
and then SanUao de Cuba.
X.r ( "tln.t.r mar Trea'nor.
WASHINGTON , March l9.-Special ( Tele-
gram-Chrlst ) Hamann was today up-
pointed postmaster at Treynor. Pottawat-
tamale count , Ia. , vice . \ . D. Perkins , rc-
signed , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tnw I'cnolnn 1 "nlllcr. .
WAShINGTON . March 19-SIeclal ( Tele-
gram.-Dr. ) L. 13. Olvcr was today appointed -
pointed an examining surgeon for the Ilen-
slon bureau at Slgourne , Ia.
Dr. 1.111 or Trontol l'reachcR time Confer-
eleo Sormaon-100 : I'rc'sont.
BURLINGTON , N. J. , March 19-The
flfty-mmimmth annual sessIon or the New Jersey
Methodist conference began In the Broad
Street Methodist EpIscopal church today , and
will be continued for a week. Bishop
Stephen M. Merrill , 0.0. of ChIcago , presIde -
sIde There are about 300 mInisters and
delegates present Time conference sermon
was preached thIs lorlng by Dr. Joseph
Smith ot Trenton.
Tomorrow mornln Bishop J. Merrill wIll
administer the sacrament of the Lord's sup-
per , ancl wIll be assisted by the presidIng
elders at the conference. Tomorrow evening
Chaplain C. C. McCabe of Chicago wi de-
lver an address on "MissIons , " and at the
other meetings Or. Hand will talk on
"Church Extension " " Other addresses will
also bu malIc.
Next Sunday time ordinaton of deacons wIll
be held In the church and time ordination
ot elders wIll 10 held In Union Methodist
EpIscopal church.
Charged wIth Defuimmuliug tIme Cilulctor of
, Job Uubnltt
W S. naker , editor or time Gretna Re-
porter , was arrested for crimInal libel yesterday -
terday by Constable Adams and brought to
thIs cl ) lie was talm before Ju.tco Bart-
let , who placed him under bonds of $1,000 to
appear for examinatIon AprIl 1.
The arrest was on , the complaint If Job
Babbitt , foreman of the late grand jury , the
allegation being that ' Ralter prInted In his
paper defamatory maiEr In describing an
alleged vIsit of Babbit and some associates
to Immoral resorts
Though GreIn Is In Sarpy county It ap-
peas that the qUl1tonuof Adams authority
to arreat or ot tlme'jmtrldictIomt of Limo court
was not ralseJ. l d.
I h'.rleH , \ < lllr fl"o''nl,1 " ' 0flieiuI . .
lhliitl4N , March 1-The ! elchstlg today
adopted the cloilu "t esthpatcs after n
hcatell debatc. Dr , ° 1a'ser } , director ot the
colonial olle , iot'md/i Baron \on Wls-
mann's uclrlnlKtrator' ( m t Oermun West At-
ncn last , year. which Chancefot ' Ion I : , COllrtvl censured
lehel , the 10cll\1t Wndcr , attacked Von
Schele , the retirinir' 1gvernor of German
Vest Africa reUrlni' ' the colonial olcials
against whom he mnlu serious charge .
Dr , Kayser delal thesl' churges to he
utterly InroundfII , 1.11on Ulerhcrstell defended -
fended the membert cl ills iiepumrtmnent . 'Flue
later saId that an'IU10nymOI ' ! accIsllton
should be repelelUl \ i Uebel gave the
names of his tnCoTI ; ts.
Uebel Inll Richter .Qltnued to demand ,
without avaIl , an lmcuoiry 1 Into the charges
which they broughmmlnst the colonial dc.
partment. ' . '
I A ' 1
II0ra" . AIJlpul fur ) ' "ne.
LONDON , March 19-The Times hus this
dlElatch Crm RIo tie Janeiro , .hlch will
he Published tomorrQw ; : I'reshlent Morals
II anxous to pacify the state ot lila Grnlle
do SuI but he objects to estahlshlng a
preclent Iry ordering time removut of the
governor of the state. Senor Clr\aa Cur.
\alho , the foreign minIster Intends to otter
hIs services to President Morls to proceed
to Rio ( im'utitie clo SuI to conduct peace mme-
'Cho Br lan government last week
signed a treaty with Arfcntne , agreeing
to remaIn neutral tn case of war
'elels from MontevJleo loday nn-
nounce another vIctory of lImo revolutionIsts
In ICIo Grande do 8ul , .
lo \0 - .
l'orto 1"1(11 1 Couce..II" to the I'oworl.
LONDON , March 19.-A Constantinople dls
patch says the Porte bal acceded to the
request of the powers that they be allowed
theIr 0\ n Interpreters at the sittngs of the
Armenian COl missIon.
Active Negotations with NowfolnUall to
Dc Taken Up Boon ,
Urlt 111111 Will take VI' lime mlCrcl'
CRSO In Iv" M" SIOI IA limo
l'al'lr" Arrive nt tIm
1.'orclgn Office ,
- I
h.ONDON , March 19.-The parllmentar ' I .
secretary for thl colonial once , 11' . Sydimey
Buxlon , In the house or Commons todiy , re-
pl'lnR to time queslon limit h)1 , ' Sir George
Baden Powell , member for time Wrkllnle .1-
vision or LIverpool , sit that I nglJI\1 amid
Cnnalla had agreed to take hart In a conference [ ,
once nt Ottawa lookIng to the eltry of New-
fotmndummrni Into the \omll\on ) \ of I 'ant1 .
Sir Edward Gray , In reiuhy to a Illestln or
Mr. hugh luUrel , rereseltll the Tavlstock
11\lslon ot Devonshire , who had askecl for
Intormaton regarding time case of W , II.
nlckards , who was sentencet to clenth tom
tnilng part In the rebellion at hawaii . alul
whoso sentence was Ilbsequelt COlllled
to Itllrlsonment for thlrty-n\'e years nll I
flume ot $10,000 , snhl that as soon os the nec-
essary Papers were receIved the Jo\ernmcnt
wotl consider whether It could Interfere In
order to obtain \l alon or time sentence.
LI HUNU ClL.tSl ON'iZlSi SOIl. .
CI.\NU .J\\ms SOl.
\ 'ittod the Eorolguaitnlster In CnOIIl : '
, ,11 , Iohl " ' , Foster
SIDINOSEKI , March 19.-Viceroy 1.1
liming Chang and his suIte arrived here this
\ornln/ In order to negotiate for pence be-
tweel China amid Japan. The envoys from
the Jallanese office ImedlatelIs
forel1 ofce Im\edlatel \Is-
Ied the steamer commveylmig the'ChlnNe vice-
roy and later LI Hung Chung , accomp.\nlecl
by Mr. John \Y. Foster , tIme American miii-
visor ot China , vIsited the Japanese mlnlsler .
ot foreign affairs.
LONDON ; March 19.-A dIspatch trom
Iobe : says Prince Komalsu , commimmiamitler-Imu-
chief of the Japanese urmles , has been or-
derell to proceell to China forthwith and 10
establish his lrlnclpal headquarters probably
at Port Artlmum- The emperor rrmnlus at
lhtroslmlmna .
The two steanuer which brought the viceroy -
roy and his suite to Japan arc reporled of
Moje , opposIte this place , at the nlrance at
Japan's Inland "ea.
WAShINGTON , March 19-LI Hun/
Chang's arrival In Japan Is regarded In olil-
cial crcles as one of the most shnlncnnt
c\'enL at recent days , I Is the first time
In his life that the venerable statesman of
China has set feet outside or Chinese soil
At his aclvanced age he now journe to
China's traditonal foe to otter enormous con-
cessions as means ot securing peace.
I can be stated positively anti authori-
tatvely that thc general terms at this peace
are already understood , and all that remaIns
Is the arrangIng or details wllhln certain
specified limits. These general tehns have
been brought about by efforts ot Unied
States Ministers Denby In ChIna and Dun In
Toklo I was even feared at a late day that
I.I's mission might fail through thc vague-
nlSS of his authority to treat for the celInI
or territory. This was arrange however
through the activity or the Unle States
ministers showing that time mission would
otherwIse provo futile.
The general terms or 11 Hung Chang's authority -
tborltr are to cede territory , pay a cash
IndemnIty , grant the Independence or Corea
and arrange a new treaty wih Japan by ,
whIch Japan's extra territorial jurisdiction
In China will be maintaIned. The exact
amount ot the cash Indemniy Is nol fixed ,
nor Is the kind of metal It Is to be paId In
agreed on. These and the boullnrles ot the
ceded terrItory are yet to be arunged. '
.50 far have the arrangements progressed
that Prince Lls mission Is expected to be
consummated within a few days , unless some
uncxpected hitch occurs. Count Ho , one of
time two Japanese envoys , Is a close personal
friend or 1.1 Hung Chaimg the two having
settled time Corean trouble In 1885 So great
Is the Japanese confidence In his abIlity to
see that China carries out an agrllent
that his promises or a settlement wIll prob-
ably pave the way to a speedy cessaton or
the war.
The reporfs that Russia wi Intervene to
stop the agreement are Imown to be mis-
leading Cram PositIve information received
here , These satisfy the authorities that tlerp
wIll be no word of trouble from Hussla. The
same Is believed to be true as to France , although -
though not with the same certainty.
Ue8cuct Crow Landed at Liverpool by 1
Britsh Sllamrr.
LIVERPOOL , March 19-The BrItish tank
steamer Delaware , Captain Thomas , trom
New York , March G , has arrived In the rIver
Mersey , having on board the crew of time
steamer Donau , which was abandoned In mmdii-
ocean. Whcn sighted by the laware the
Donan had ble : on fire for thirty-six hours
anti the crew had taken to time boats
The German steamer Donau , Captain Siegel ,
sailed from Hamburg , March 8 , for h'hmila- '
delphla and Newport News.
Ic&rlctnnK ni 1II'IrtHI Cattle ,
LONDON , March 19.-The Gazette pub-
lshes the act lehearllnr the restrictons
placed on landing ant slaughter or cattle
from the United States Clnada anti other
countries , except Crom which the < tmport of
cale Is utterly lrohmibited. The list or the
latter comprises all 1UrOImean countries ,
Morocco , Portugal und others.
! ottt"cnt with \ 'm'iiciucimi Likely ,
BRUSSELS , March 19-In the Chnmbcl'
or Deputies today Count \\nsterlee , the
mlulstel' foreign affairs , annoul\ed that
the negotiations between Blglum amid
Venezuela for the setemcnt of thu dhlii-
the great
SKiN CURE ? - ,
there is ,
for all
al .
afflicted with .
in a single .
application oi
CIIIUAVOIKI \VOWEI , mind , its curoi
or lorturln , tlistlgu ring , humilatn ; hu-
Cor are ; thu utmost wonderful over recorded ,
Bold tlnoughioutthe \orld , I'rce. CUICURA ,
We. ; Hoae.c , ; 1tIILUT tl , I'TIUU :
. ) l CUI , Comic , Hole I'roprletu , lu.tol ' ,
. Iow \ Come lIvery akin Pisemmse5" lieu ,
culy "nl"c1 bv limo oXlnllol of the lid-
11:1 nuinltev . . s'lmmi . Was . sPelled nt time seine
timmiG U9 lime 1..lch Inh\Uller \ . were II'Rrca -
111 . , ( Rlll I t Is hnlt \ \ ! wil holI \ Iy bail
to a friendly uimdvrtuptlImig ,
nUIH : UJ'W.T. . \ $ llitc'4 : A UJ\111 ,
Son tn \p,1 , I hl Inllht" " of tht 1.ltl
C'ounl of I'arl' ,
CI\N''IA. 1"I'Ul' . Mlrch 19.-Thl I
lluke of Anatme vas fornuimhiy hctroUllc to
Prllcs Il'len ! of Orleans last I evening. I
4' 'llspateim tromu Ports to a dully newspaper
says ( limit time betrothal of the' mimmhe of Aesta
nail h'rlncess ilelemme' was commtiucted with tue
4ltiiutit secrecy. Owing to Clue recent mbeathm
of tIme crtmmmmt tuf ltmaris all timoe Itresemut were
attired lii deep mtiourmming. Time ceremony of
bttothitti was Immeceticil by Ii walk him tilt ?
park , after tu ImleIm cli asruciutuieti Iii time salomi
of time Citatean Chammtbiii' . The dmmke' of , tost.u
emmtercui the sumbn Amuti approached the comma.
tess of l'mtris , time Pritiess tlelemue , amid sali
ho hiatt tIme haimpineaum to imeihere that hO im.ul
won Prilicess lteleue's liart , mitmil that hmI
tmishue vctuhti ( me erowmme. ] it time coumutess
would consent to timeIr marriage. lCiitg hiumut-
br.'s commsent luau already beemm obuauiteui.
Ti ! cummutt'ss replied timat she " as hiumitimy
to confide her dammghter's hmeppimmess
to time care of a lirimuec whmomui siuO Iiersoimall'
t'steemmieii ammmi % 'lmAt rummguist Imotise Was iii.
ready eummumeeteti by m'iarriagu with thmc , houmo
of Fm'ance , 'l'ht' duke timii klssetl time lmamutl
of tIme couummtess antI afterwards kissrd l1rimmea
lleiemm'j's imanmi amid iou her to aim t'mmubrttmmre ,
whmt'rc ( lucy cxciiamigetl m logs. Time duke rmumti
limo nrhmucess hail beemu itrevlnimal' engaged ,
bmmt I t vuts tim otmgiu t mlii I 0 time ii Igmm Ity mit
hot ii Imoumsemi ( lint a to rutiab ulema tumid be mmmumti e
for l'm'iiictss 1licime' hmaimi , 'Fime neeepiitmi
of time lmruiosal was imnmmuetllateiy Lelegrmmihmetl
to time ltmiiiamm cmmmbatisl' lit Paris.
Nobody wilt be stmrimriscd t imat time cabinet
hwommmoteti time hetrothmtul lit orthor to ItICuISO limo
mmieumttmers of time right mind as a 5101) tomvirtI
time breakup of Cite triple aiibmmmce. Time
IJaIly Neti's eormesiiomudeimt ticriareil that time
i'edtl I mm g m ii I be reich rim tetb at Tmmrin 1mm APril
tiimtl that time' ceremmmony m ill lurobubly take
Imlace Iii time helta Clstermma unlace ,
C ) ierel I I I lie it i mu hr ii t ) 'ltamu ihmmul ,
l.ONLO , Marvim l9.-'ulie 'i'imuies will to-
mutorm'ots' 1)01)1 ) I sim a (1 I s' pat e'ii fm'omum I Is cirrt'-
sPomitlemmt mit Sitaumghmtml stuothmig tlmat thm *
m'tmmmmomH of a JmmimamteiC i'xpetihtiomm ma Chic
ishamttt of l'ormmmost ate uwt crciItti iii Shnumg'-
hal , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( 'nnseeriutetl mimI t cc hmlmi.ihmop.
W'INN lI'EC , mi au. , Mau'clm 1O.-lt'v.
Ammge'imm , tommumemly him charge of St. Mary's
inim'isht chmumclm In this city , m'ns toiiuy : fur-
imuimll y commst.'crmmted mis mm mt'litmhuhiop of St.
hiommifutec itt time ltm'csvmice of mum Imttmumemiso
ntmii lence. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I im'mmrreet i i i licummil ( , r 12mm ( I oil ,
Imt'hNoS : . .Ylt1S. Mtmmcli 19-A tlImpatchm
front Quito says tlmtmt time iumsmirte'thomi In
Fciiatiom hiatm lteemm stmilvcssel ) mind timat time
lenders have beemt rmrr.sted.
I3cccham's pills arc for bi1iou-
ness , bilious headache , dyspepsia -
sia heartburn livcrdiz-
, , torpid , -
ziness , sick headachcbad , taste
ill the mouth , coated tongue ,
loss ofappetitesallow skiIietC , ,
when caused by constipation
and constipation is the most
frequent cause ofall of them.
Go by the book. PUIs io and
25t a box. Book fr'e at your
druggist's or wulte B. F. Allen Co. ,
365 Canal St. , New York.
Annual saIe more Iliac boze.
- - ±
- . - . - - -
The 1-Icaith and Vgor of an
lilCl'L\'kltlal ( lCjClltlS tljOfl thU
quantky niul quality of the
Blood , VTlieii the tjssues havu
been at work there arc thu-own
into the blood waste products ,
anclif these be not eliminated ,
but ( through any cause ) ( IC.
tauicd ill the blood they influ.
CIICC nutrition altd function
and finally 1roduce organic
In cases of Scroflila , Scurvy ,
Eczema , Skin and Blood Diseases -
eases , Piifl1)ICS and Sores of
all kinds , the effects of Car-
( IDle , the Extract of the I-Ieart
of the Ox ( Hammond ) , are
marvellous. Thousands of
wonclermul cures are being
daily effected by it. Sold
everywhere at One Dollar
per bottle , Send stamp for
ColtimbLa Chemical Company ,
m ? ? WASHNIOTON , 0. C ,
& CO. , AG1iTH Poit OMAhA.
_ _ _ LN _
A.11 Di'ugg19t ,
The Best Traiii
I S For Dciiver
Is time ' ' '
BurlIngton's 'Denver
LImIted , "
Leaves Omnaima at 4:3 : p. :1 :
flu. daily. Amrives 1)emiver
I1T'l ' t m I itt 7 : ) mtext mmuornlng.
I Omily evemmlng trutimm for
I ' Colom'atio mind irnints west
that carries sleephmmg amid
dining cars.
Tickets , time tables amid
full immiormatlon at
City Ticket Office , 1324 Farnam.
Usua1U. ' "
. .
E receive credit-for hay- ' _ gi/ I
ing the most complete assortment - i
sortment of .
Spring and Sumner Woolells
in the city
0 2,000 , styles-are represented--and it's none too
many , either for our large and increasing trade -
The new tariff- . .
-i--kS-i : P0SS1b10t0 sell iinJ'or/cdfabi'frs-at such prices
$ - $ - ; $ 7 $ Q
' -3 ' - , A (3 for trousers
, 2O25283O forSuits
Our wiiidow is always interesting.
wsb. ! . .
TALOR 15th .
FDD ! ILL _ _ _ _
LU' 0
H. . WhyPitOfi II
LI taking medice until you are SiCk ?
ti You can keep a box of Ripan's j
, TalU1CS ifl the house and at the
iii first signs of a headache or'billious
U attack a sii'g1e tabule vi11 relieve . .
E1 , n H
n you. . Li
HU . , , ,
Ulpamis Tabuiem . Sold by druggist . or by mall . hI
U tb price ( W Cent. , a box . ) I. sent 10 . , lIme iItp.ns .
Cimeunlcai Compauy No. 10 htprucs Ift. Ijuw York. fJ
- ,