= - - - - - - * _ . _ . . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - , , , 4 1 T _ TIlE } OMAHA DAlLY nEl : W11)Nj " pDA , MA1tca 20 , 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 111HI OMAIIA DAIIX Bgr . . r' , COUNCL 1311tJI'FS. OFFICE . . NO. 12 . PLARtI 6TflEET . - - - b. ptlnn4 b erler to any par 01 the I , . U' U. W. TILTOI Lessee. 'JI.FI'10'n:9-Uu'nel omce. No U : nIght eItOr . 2o. U - JU1MIt . 1lXTIQ. . JUl.ll .1P 'TJ"S. Orand , Council I3lutts. C. F. Clark . prop. Mnyi : . Hea Elnto agency 639 flroaday. The n. n. A. will mee toda ' In the In. dellondent Order of Odd 1'elowl haII . hazel camp No. 171 , M. l ! W. A. will meet at 1 p. m. tody nt their hail to aleml thc futoral 01 C. P. Butler. S.V. . War f Neola and Fannie llana. bury of luomel' township \ ere marrIed b ) Justice Walker yesterday. Sneak thlevs wClt through the rooms In the Cattlcmon'i bank bulling Monday nlrht and stole a coat and vest , besIdes a number I of other nrtlclcn. I Perry howard , who was rharelll with stealnG n bult of clothes from John Cover , who Is serving I sentence In the count jai for theft , was discharged for lack 01 prosecution. The trial of the state ot Iowa ugitnst John tral st\e Emlrile , charged with IhoolnG his father. in.lawV . K. games , with intent to murller him , will come tip for trIal In the district court Ulls morln . E\ry memher of st. Mbin's lodge 'No. ' li , Knights of Iythlas , are 10tleli to he nt the Knights of PythlJS hal at 1 o'clock today to attend the funeral of Brother C. 1' . Butler. All vlallng knIghts Iutte.l. fly order of C. C. Harry Clark , who stole a watch chain from J , H. McPherson's night watchman , was .3 given fifteen days In jail yesterday In polc court. Ills alleged accomplice , Icuml ] Thompson , wal turned loose I appearing that he had nothing to do wih the theft. George Newman AClrey , the 4-months-old son of Mr. and Irs. A. N. Ackle , died at 2:30 : o'cleck yesterday afternoon after a two days' Ines ! . The funeral will occur Thursday - day afternoon at 2 o'cloclr from the residence. 202 South 1'wenty-frst street , ltcv. E. J. Babcock , olcatn ! General F. Io' Test , who has acquired some distinction as a weather prophet , sounds , a note of warning to the farmerH. "Put In your crops. " says he , "as soon as the ground will permit , e8peclal ) corn , so It can get out of the way of early October frosts. 1 April should ho a little dry. don't be discouraged , but push right along. We ought to have plenty of rain In June , July and August. The fruit crop wi boar close watching to keep It from danGer of frost In May. " Emil Sohurz secured a writ of ouster tram JtsticoVaIlcer yesterday against Dode Datchelor , who has been asserting squatter's rlha In Lafayette addition. Schurz his a shorln's Iced to the whole addition dating back about two years havinG seized It on execution on the strength of a judgment agaInst F. H. Jerome , the then owner. Most of the addition Is under water , but some of It was far enough out to admit of a man living ' upon It I he was not too particular. ] 7 Datchelor was not . and he has been stayIng right to dislodge along , him. In spite of nil Schurz's efforts A. : . Thlstethwalte commenced a suit In the district court yesterday against G. I" . Maxwell and Eta laxwel to have a deed from the former defendant to the later set aside on the ground that It was given for the purpos of delaying the plaintiff In col- lectng a judgment for $250 which he Iall secured , against him. The judgment was Is- sued January 2. 1895. November 11. 1S92. G : F. 'Maxwel ' deeded to Etta Maxwell 160 acres of land and a lot on Bluff street which I Is claimed Is nil the property he has not exempt from execution. Thlstethwale claims that the debt was In existence prior to the execution of the deed. . Wo hAe over $300.000 to loan upon Improved - proved Iowa farma. Farmer desiring loana can save money by dealIng direct with " us , thereby raving agent's commtsslon. "Va do n t loan ' on wild lands. nor In Nebraska. Lugee & Towle , 235 Pearl Itreet. J. R. McPherson , florist , cut Dowers and plants. Design work a specialty. Wire or- der day 01 night. 1281 E. Pierce Counci Dlule. _ . _ _ _ _ _ ' Ve hv"y" Load Let Th"l Folow Who rim Tea days ago you paid front $3.75 to $4 for Centervlo coal. W& will sell you the same coat for $3 per ton , delivered. DROWN'S C. O. D. Cole & Cole are getting In their bIcycles for ' 95. The new twenty-two-pound 'Vaverly Is a beauty : was the handsomest wheel at the national cycle show : $85 this year. We have a tine wheel for 50. 4 MaIn street. 4 PEnSON..I. i'.jn.itRhi'iis. : I T. C. Dawson has gone to St. Louis for a ' . week's visit. 'I. Judge J. S. 'Wolon bas reached his home I In Mount Pleasant. Mrs. Charles Stewart has returned from a vlsl with her sister In Denver. I. N. Flckinger' has gone to Chicago and New York , to be gone about two weelts. harvey Smith \1 go to New Orleans early next month to make his home there. Ex.Governor Duren R. Sherman of Vinton , I. was la the city ' yesterday and stopped at the Grand hotel Ovldo Vlen has ono to Des Moines to at- gne tend the state convention ot the AmerIcan Protectve assoclaticn. Charles Campbell , Frank Pusey , Ned _ s Everett and George Iayne' ' have gone to f Manawa oa a hunting expedition. Miss May Hazard has gone to Lincoln , Neb , In response to a telegram announcIng the serious Iness of her mother. - - Inw" } ' , srinu for Sale. We offer for sale , for a short time only the following Iowa farms : A 287-aere farm In Guthrlo county , a 40-aere farm In Monona county 160-acre farm In Monona , 70-acro farm II Union county , 160.acre farm In Woodbury - bury county , 120.aere farm In Woodbury county two SO-acro farms In Harrison ceunty. Very low prices will be made In order to ef- feet immediate sales. Wi take sOle tmde. Can make liberal terms on these iroperties. Cal or write for particulars . James . & O'Keefo , 17 Pearl street. . \1 Old . \ < ag. "UI who by his biz would rise Must either 'bust' or advertise. " We have advertised , and are doIng the J business All frames and pictures at half price until April I. II. L. Smith & Co. , 45 Nab street _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Or.I , Tax L'siyeri' . Petitions for refund ot the illegal tax levied In 1888 , 1889 and IS90 are coming In at the rate or a small armful a day and It Is cx- pecte that they wi all bo In by a week tram Friday , that beIng the r day on which they can b fled and recelvo attention at the meeting of the Board of Supervisors , which opens Allrl I. I develops that some ot those holding claims of this sort against the county are afraid that they will miss getting their refun , . through some hook or crook , and have accordingly taken every pre caution possible . by assigning their dames to every one that asks for an asslRnlt. An Indexed lit of claimants Is kept by Supervisor - visor Wadsworth , who Is 1 attending to this business , and as loon as I claim comes In , the name Is entered upon the intIe. . The first ono indexed will have preference when I cornea to a settlement. Since the decIsion at the courts In the case cOlmence ( by Shea & Galvin against the coulty , a number of par- tea have gone into the business of buying claim ! , and have been pushing their work as fast a PS8ible. lS Evans' Laundry company. 520 Pearl , Tel. 290 ; shirts , collars , cuffs , line work. aliirrlge i.ICVRSCS , The following marriage licenses were is- Buel ) by the county clerk yesterday : Name and Addrebs. Age. Janice nalanty , l'ottawattatnie county . 22 COln . . Esther 'flburn l'ottawattnmle I' 2. Wiburn , lotawatlmle county . IS Henry sehlllelt I'ottawattumie COUlt . :4 MaggIe hoist j'ottawattainio county . ) . 21 J. . ' W. Ward Neola. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 32 1.'unnle Iunubur ) ' , Hoomer township. . . . : ' Bewar Balsmln , Council Ifluffs. . . . . . 25 2 . _ , . Lydia McGlnlols , Council Bluffs . . . . . . 16 Price reuced ; Centervle or Walnut Dock Bet Iowa , coal , $ 2.tl0 ; 2.000 lbs. for a ton , . deiiyered. Wm. Welch , 615 S. MaIn , Tel 93. - - - NEWS \ F1U1 I COUNCIL BLUFFS - Ote of the Things that Puzzled the Ran Jury .Just Brought t Light - - WiD PUT TlE WATR ( IN TiE BRANDY I'risoncra Wiit tscnpecl : from the , ' "I Jear the Charge . hut There Are Seine PeculIar Clreum.tRnces Con- nec'tml 'Tlh tile Matter. Now thaI the trial of Bill flaIl I all over and ht has been found guilty , the rumors that were kept within the tightly close jury room are beginning to break loose. I Is leunCI on the best ot authorIty that the dispute - I plto among the jurymen was not over the : question of huh's gui , but the value of the ' articles stolen. Thee was a suspicIon In the mInds ( of some , during the forty-five hour that the jury spent In delIberating , that some outside influence might have been brought to bear Ipon one or more of them , which might rel1 In a Ilsa reement. Such proved not to have been the case howe\'er. That the brandy found among hall's booty hail heen l > watered , there Is 10t the slightest doubt , and the question that bothered the jury was , whether the watering was clone after the burglary was committed , or hefore. I before , the offense would not have been more than petty larceny and ( hell would have bt1n given thirty days In the county jail at the outside. But after a long debate the jlrmen came to the conclusion that It was ( lone afterward , and rendered their verdict accorlll I ) 'fhe men at the city Jai have from the start claimed that the brandy was drank by seine Illoners wll broke lese and took time to accumulate a large jag before lighting - Ing out for liberty. But there was more liquor gone than the four prisoners could have posslhly made away wih , and so the theory of the marshal's men Is that the kind fellows who broke out of the upstairs Iomltory were 10 tilled with compassion for the hard lot of the fellows down stairs that they helped them get full , aho. This It Is claimed , was done hy pouring the liquor through a hole made In the floor for the pur- pose. The other prisoners stol below and caught the shower II tin cups. ot course , there was a god deal lost because of the smallness of the CUllS. One objectIon to this theory Is that there Is a water tight Iron ceiling to the lower rooms , and this Is sep- orated by six feet of space from the floor or the sEcond story ronnie , while the only hole In the floor , so far as can be seen now , Is entirely too small for a man to climb . through. I There are enough ot men who aver that they have dank out of the barrel through the kindness of the jail authorities to account - count for ever drop of the missing bever. age , and this seems to be the most reasonable - able theory yet advanced. Among these Is the county attorney , who fays that hal a pint of I was made Into mInce pies for his tahle. There has naturally been some talk on account of the seeming neglect of the city marshal to keel the stolen property In a place where moth all rust could not cor- ruPt , nor thieves break through all steal but the feeling Is becoming pretty general that the marshal and hIs men attended strictly to buslnefs. Fremont Benjamin arrived In the city yesterday morning and during the day led a motion In behalf of his client , Hal , for a new , trial. ITo set forth that the judge erred In giving each and everyone of his instructions - structions . the jury did not follow the evI- dence. but returned a verdict based on prejudice , and as there was no evidence to corroborate that or Harris and Limerick , hath of whom were confessed accomplices , there was no evidence upon which a con- victon could be based. "r hey'ro After Mo . They're After ale. " About a year ago the coal dealers ot Coun- ci Bluffs tried to freeze mo out of the coal b.slntss. a8 you all , wel remember. But It didn't get cold enough. They 'arc trying an- other scheme. Some of the dealers who can't sell their own coal are putting I In the hands of scab coal dealers , and they think they can lay l me out on a slab. But I am Interested In one of the best mines In Centervihle . and can sell you coal for less than any coal dealer In Council Bluffs can lay coal on the track. I 'wi sell you the best Centervle coal at $2.75 per ton , and while I do not belong to any church or am not a Sunday school super- Intendent , yet I will give you good , honest weights all the same. I you think I wi not chip In 10 cents extra for weighing and i ' ask to have It weighed on city scales. And remem1r , too , to have your scab commission coal weighed the same. same.W. . II. BRADLEY , 132 Droadway. \Imt IA In R NRDO ' Everything. I applied to a Hardman Piano sold by Mueller Piano : and Organ company , 103 Main street. SWIPE ! ) A DIA IINU FlOn . ' D.\lICEY. Charles Scott \VRbash lirakomaii . Iolle. with R l'ortr' p"rker. A. Russell . a porter on the Wabash railway - way left a $15 diamond lyIng on the wash stand In his car last Christmas day , and when he went to look for I I was gone. lie Inquired of all the other trainmen , but they claimed they knew nothing of it. lie had begun to' lose nil hopes of ever getting I back when he ran across It In Snyder's pawn shop In this city yesterduy. He askeJ Sny- dor for a glass with which to look for the number , but Snyder showed a good deal of backwardness abodt complying with his re- quest. Russell then told Officer Wolff of hIs flndand through the persuasive powers of the officer Snyder was Induced to allow an examination to be made of the ring whIch resulted In the discover that It was the long- lost articie. Snyder's books were then looked Into , and they showeJ that the ring had been pawned hy Charles Scott , a brakeman on the Wabash , January 2. for $25. Snyder was very anxious to manage Scott , so that he might get his money back As Bon as Russell all Well had left his store he set off In post haste for tll Olden house , pulled Scott out of bed and was walking down Broadway with him when Wolff and Russell again ran across him Scott was placed under arrest and booked at the city Jai with grand larceny. 'reli Uns' Clenrll ! ' 1'I' . We have got to have room for I : w goods : have a lot or goods that are In the \ny , and Intend to dl lose of them Prices 10. taken In consideration II thIs sale. Lamps that are worth $3 wi go at $1 , and a variety of other useful household articles that wi make It a chance to get goods at prices below malu- facturers' osts. Come early and get choice and avoid the rush \ II. IILI.lN 21 Main Street There never were such prices and such bargains given In Council Bluffs as Marcus , the clothier , Is offering how A $19,000,00 stock of clothing , furnishing goods and shoes Is i being wore than slaughtered Not I thing that Is offered was damaged by the fire . and the highest prices asked are 50 Per cent below cost . Wi meet Next 110nI , , ) I Is expeclell that the new city clerk will be elected at tie meeting of the city council to be held next Monday , evening I Is claImed that the electon would have taken place Monday evening had I not been that the ordinance cutting down the salary tram $100 to $90 a mOlth had not been pubiihed . ali whoever might have been elected would have had a right to demand the $00 during the entire year. Who wi bo the lucky lan does not yet appear but N. C. I'hiillips , H. E. Ingraham and Nat Shepard are said to have the Inside track , InRraham having ole republican alderman at his back , and each of the others two Any one of the re- lublcans can block proceedings by insisting oil "Ia lan being chosen , for five votes must be cast for one candidate to make an elec- tion . No democrat need be looked for to break a deadlock should one occur The AberJn , strictly first-class. Cuisine unexcelled . Beautiful rooms Sixth avenue and Seventh street. Council Bluffs. au beating stoves for rent snd for sale : t Council Bluffs , Gas company' ottice. Wi bell 1 Aelt1 \ , , The G. I. Hammond Meat company 18 likely to lose one of Its wagons unless a judgment , now held against I h ) B. I' . Mac- Connell , assignee of the firm ot II. Eiseman & Co. , Is settled In the near future. J. Jebold has been employed by hammond I engIneer for the lat two years. A few days ago In looking over the " court dockets It was found that ten years ago I jUllfment was rendered against him but hall never been satIsfIed . A suit was commencEd with the hammond mpany as jarnishuee1 but no ! 11''er was ever rfanl Notice was serve on C. A. Saunders , the company's repre- cenlatve hEre , but he now claims he was not an agent ot the company. At all events the plaintiff's proved to the court's antis. faction that he was , and a judgment was rendered against the company for $70.70. Yesterday one of the bIg wagons used by the company ventured to this side of the river , and was seized by Constable Autrey. 1 Is advertised to bo sold April 18. U0110IHI.IIY anl Brink. Peter Fults , a well-to-do farmer lIving saven miles south of Council Burs on the Macedonia road , hung himself ] Monday night In his barn . lie spent the day In Council Bluffs and on his way home stopped at the Pony Creek saloon , where he imbibed , enough liquor to make him long for the hereafter. lie reached home shortly before midnight , and at once proceeded to make trouble lie suddenly ran lP stairs , saying he would kilt himself and his family , and all the later ran out of the house , knowing that there was a loaded revolver upstairs whIch might clo i deadly damaga In his hands. A few minutes later he came down stairs again , and went out to the bar with a lighted lantern On making a search one of his sons found that ho had left the weapon where It was. Thinking that he would come back Into the house when he got ready the members ot the family went to bed One of the sons went out to the barn early yesterday morning . lng , having found his father still ] missing , and was shocked to fll that he had hun ! hhlel from one ot the rafters. lie had evidently mounted a hal bushel measure and kicked It out from under him. The rope was so long that ho hall to hohl his feet tip until he was choked Into insensibility. lie le.ves a wife , two sons , and a girl baby , 1 year old Coroner Jennings went out to the Fuls farm yesterday afternoon and held an inquest - quest , the verdict of the jury being that he died hy hIs own hall while Intoxicated. Ho was 50 years of age , and hal a farm of 10 acres In Lewis towmhlp. Monday A. n. Annis went out to his farm and negotiated a loan for J. W. Squire for $2,000. taking a mortgage on his farm. This mortgage was fed for record yesterday In the recorder's omco . and It Is thought financial troubles as well as dink , may have had something to do with his determination to commit suicide. Do you want any rooms , furished ! or sin- furnished ? Any number up to ten , good for housekeeping or boarding house. E. W. Jackson - son , 70 FIrst venue , also 723 Broadway Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that good laundry , " and Is located at 72 Broadway. I In doubt about this try It and be convinced. Don't forget name and number Tel 157. Extra I' " , for Teachers. Commencement day In the High school will be one week later this year than had been intended - tended . The complaints ot the teachers that they have been deprived of about seven days' salary by the enforcement of the provIsions of their contracts , that they are to receive pay only for the days actually spent In teach- ing caused some of the members of the old board to seek for a lengthening of the year In order to make up the deficiency. ThIs attempt was a failure. Monday night the mater was again brought lP , and a resolu- ton extending the school year to June H , Instead of June 7 , was carried. William Moore was elected president of the board and the following committees were announced by him : Teachers Rules and Course of Study- M. D. Snyder and E. R. ouda. Finance and Accounts- N. Thomas and J. C. Robertson. , Janitors and Suppiies-E. R. Fonda and 'V. H. Thomas. Grounds , Buildings and Repalrs-J. C. Robertson and Del G. Morgan. Fuel and Heatng-Del G. Morgan and M. B. Sn'der. The following Is the estimate of the amount required for thl comIng year In the various funds ; Teachers' , $62.000 : ' contingent , $23. 000 ; school house , $12,000. The finance com- mltee was authorized to prepare $40.000 worth of bonds , to be used In floating the In- debtedness. Several offers of 4' per cent have been received , which will enable the board to cal In the ' 88 bonds , which bear 5 per cen t. There will be no school April 12. on account of the meeting of the Southwest- era Teachers' association. Thursday , March 21 , at 2 p. m. , the ladles are all invited to attend the auction sale of Morris Dros. shoe stock No. 600 Broadway , opposite postoffice. Men will not be ad- mitted. We have about $ ,000 worth of " ladies , fine shoes left for this sale , and Thursday - day will positively b the last ladles' day of the auction. Come one , come all . 'H. H. Inman , salesman. H. A. Messmore. Meal tickets good for 21 meals only $ ea&a . at Hotel Inman. DavIs , drug . , paint ; glass man. 200 13'way . Married fl."r ) ' . J.P. Cvalt has commenced a suit In the district court for a divorce from Catherine Coval , whom lie marrIed In North Plate , Neh. , In February , 1893 , and from whom he separated September 28 , 1894. lIe claims that she was entirely too promiscuous In her mix- Ings up with other men . Edward Rush and one Eastman being named as co-respondents. He also claims that during their short career of wedded bliss his wife threw a carving knife at him tried to brain hIm with a glass paper weight and pointed a loaded revolver at him , at the same time threatening to blow hl head off. . Stella hermes asks a divorce from Frank hermes on the ground ot adultery. Maggie Shaw complains that her husband Warren Shaw used profane and via language - guage toward her all finally left her In Jan- uary , 1892. She wants a divorce. The same sort of solace Is desire by Laura A. Mills , who says that John T. Mills , her husband , acquired the habit of getting drunk after ho married her and that for the last few years has entirely failed to support her and theIr family. The auction ; ; iof ; shoes Is still running , I and the longer I runs the cheaper the prices of shoes become $5 shoe are still I being sold occasionally for $1 , and you can get any amount of bargains at 25 cents on the dollar. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dr. Laugel , office 40 5th ave. : tel. 180. 1hlIZ Boys Ar'ull"l. The trial of John anti Peter Damiz for the crime of putting obstructions ou the Mlwau- ke tracks at Underwool ) for the purpose of wrecking a train was conclded II the dis- trict court yesterday afternoon. The theory of the defense was that Samuel Welser , a night watchman for the Milwaukee Railway company , put the obstructions there himself , not to wreck the train , but II order that he might discover them In the nick of time , save lie ( train from destruction and Incidentally - ally hold down hIs job for another month or two The attorneys foil tint defense put lumercus ( locations to him when he was on the stand , calculated to make clear this intention . tenton , but they WEre nil rule out on the ground that It was not Welser who was on trial In his closing argument to the jury , however Attorney Sims dwelt upon this U\on \ feature of the case at considerable length. The case was gl\el to the jury at 5 o'clock , anti at 9:30 : I verdict was brought In acquitting . ting both the boys , they having succeed fairly wel In proving . an alibi , . Vl , ( ollel ( ) rgsiitzcd. MISSOURI VALLEY , Ia . , March 19.-Slle- ( clal Telegram.-Tht ) new council organized last evening. The following officers were elected by the council : City clerk , W. O. Reed , street commissioner J , J. Deal : water commissioner . F. M. Dance ; city englneeer , J. S. Wattles ; chief of fire departlant , Will. lam Newlnd ; water works engineer , 1. I ) . O\'erton. la'or James nominated Thomas CQleman for city Irauhal and John S. Skeiton for deputy , and they . were confirmed Bkelon I'lnee fur " 'or"ll Ileu UVCrt'lo. 1\1.1. RIVER , ! ISS. , March 19.-ln the district court today the "eetummele mi otlicials were convicted II two cases of violating - latng the lifty-ciglit-hour law II employ- Ilg two miners more than lIfty.eight hour In a week , all lined $ ) II otto case and $60 In the other An apPcl1 was taken and se'- erul other clues were , continued . le\ l.liicoii' . Ilrhdu ) I Jolhta , . AUGIBTA , Me. , March 19.-The state 1m. ate unanimously adopted R resolution to ton11 mlke ) holiday Abraham , Lincoln's Ilrthcay n'alutol 1 iiu- - AMATEUR klTII LEE1ATVORK \ { TILEJ . _ .IRI"v II ( t ( " 1 Seventh Annul TGurneY fet ' BoxIng and Wrestling Ohampihip8 ! Begins - 1j FINE FORM SHOWN BY 'WIaCCNTSTANTS 1 - t ( . \1 the 1001 : lnlccl hylJ 11'iI J J. > h RII Clenr- nesR that Caught t1 diat , Crowd In AlCIIRnIO-W"I.lerl of the \'ltl lo.f" ! , " plTTDUnG , Pa. , Matchi I-Tho frt night of the seventh annual \ Innual boxing anti wrestling tourney for fho championships of the Amateur Athletic Ullqn ( tonight Was a big success , both In attendance and work done In the several bouts. The tourney Is being held under the auspices of the North Side Athlete club anti entries are tram all parts of the United States. Fully 3.0 peple crowded Into the hal anti applauded the fighters generously. The fighting at times threatened to go beyond the police rules , but only once did the guardians of the pelc have to interfere all then only to caution . The result ot the prelnHnary bouts pulled oft tonight arc al follows : iO-potind < boxing cln s-'on by James Salmon l1\sburg A. C. , over Thomas B i : Ictulan. Wools Hun A. C. , 1i5-pounti boxIng-Von by n M. Horan ' merahl A. C. over Eclwnrl Blake , Oaltenf . \ . C. , both I'ittsburg. 125-pounii tioxing-\Von by London Cnmp- bell , Oaklelf A. C. o\'el' James 1.0\el , Non- . ' . parch A. C. , IllsburA. 135-llolnl' boxing-Won by James Mc- Nlly , Emerald A. C. , over Whlhians o\er \llnm Sweetly , Y. : I. C. A. Pole club Pitteburg. 15S-pounii boxlng-'on by W. D. Osgood , University or Penns'I\anla , over E. A. : Mart Northslde . \ . C. 125-poutiil boxing ( second houl-El ) Iutz- ncr , Staten Islall A. C. New York won over burg. ' John lcClurltey , Central A. C. , l'itts- 12-pounl boxing ( third bout-W'ihilans ) M. :1. Mac.4ahion . North Side A. C. won over AnthOny Gordon , l xcelslol A. C. , Scranton , I'a. Il. 15-I ) oUnd boxing ( second bouO-James ) ilaililen Caledolil A. C. , Phiadelphia , won over enl 1 Lungs , Goron A. C. , 'nshlng- ton Ia. l&S-pound boxing ( ecoml bout-J. ) E. l'nyne Cleveland ] A. . C. , won over Charles S. Gilbert , University of lenns'I\anlu " 'restlng : 105 pouml5John G. Jlyar , AIlghan ) ' A. C'I won off AUgu Bohm8 , lchjln A. C. , ietroit. Second bout-W'ii- lam Barber ' Ileshford A. C" , won over Philadelphia. Frank J. tchel , Germlnln Turnverein , 12S pound- A. RII ) ' , Michigan A. C. . Detroit , over Tim : lnlhln , Herald A. C. Second bout-John Grlln , Bedford , over John Collins . lanl dull. 135 pounds- Upson , Cleveland , over James Kirby , Columbia Boat club , AI- leghan _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IOWA A. U. A. alA \ MiSS A I JUATTA , ro CIty Anxious to Entertain the ORrulen liuririg tile ( ' oiiitiig ' SeftsIi . SIOUX CI7Y , March 19.-ISpeclal.-I ( ) Is likely that the Iowa Amateur Howlng association - ciation . which has held un annual regatta for the past eight seasons , will not have a meeting this year. There 1'.no town In the association that wants to Imy the price , and at the places where the Is i good water for rowing there Is no ambitious town willing to furnish the facilities fet taking care of the visitors. Lust summer the regatta was at Storm Lake , and it\vxs rather I failure. Cedar Hnptds Is IfS to want the meeting this year . ubt I has lot I sheet of water large enough fur u Ir t-class meet- Ing. About the only place In the state that has an unbroken rEcorU of successful meet- Ins Is Spirit I.alte. For several years the regattas were hell thor . but the town Is not large enough to piy the amount which the association requires shul be put up. There ts plenty or)1 , Int rest In rowing among the towns In thl association . and several of them Wii' hold local ] regattas this summer. Dubuque , . Ccdai' Rapids . Ot- tumwa , Council Bluffa . ' McGregor , Storm Lake , Burlington and Sl ipux City all have good crews. . I I proller bid Is made I regatta will be held , othef lse I will4prob- ably be given ; up. , ! . ' . . .eIier IIIiiyV.llet.ct.,4photrVV ! , ! , . PHILADELPHI , : , March ' 19.-The boxing I attractiort at the 'musical : and athlete enter- tainment given by , the Athletic club or the Schu'lkl Navy tonight were two six-round bouts between aspirants for lightweight champlonshlphonors. , The first bout was between Owen Selller ot this city and Stan- ton Abbott , the lightweight champion or ! Englanq "nnd the second go was between Charles McKeevor of this city and Jack Everhardt or New Qrleans. Seigler' won the fight without an effort. He did nearlY all or , the landing . and Abbott seemed content - tent to escape. Seigler's left and right punches by backing and running away. The go between McKeevor and Everhurdt was 10 declared a draw. $ ales or ' 'rolthl Stock. LEXINGTON , Ky. , March 19.-The horses sold better at 'Voodard & Shanklin's sale today than yesterday. Seventy-mne head brought $26,070. brouh YORK , March 19.-At the sale of trotting horses at Madison Square garden today the following were the principal transactions - actions : 1 lersleMal.IS92. Patchen- Wilkes . by Idamie Clay , Jack Dawson , New lamle York , $2.10 : Edna OrrV 2:19Y. : : Atwood Del Williams , New York $1,30 : flay Loch and nay Chief , 2:30. : J. H. Wentworth , $ ,5. E".IT Made It R Draw CINCINNATI , March 19.-ln a ten-round tight lt the Central Gymnastic cub tonight for I percentne of gate receipts , between welterweights 'Vyle Evans , colored . of In- diana , and Pete King of Cincinnnti . the re- suit WIS declarl,1 u draw. King knocked Evans down In the third , but otherwise honors - ors seemed about even .1o'k5yJIIkc , Ulnno Is DeRII. SAN FRANCISCO , March I9.-Robert Kinne , the 15-year-old jockey who was so badly crushed under the horse Ledamo In I fall at the Day District track last Friday , died In a private hospital this evening. The boy was the sole support of a widowed mother and . three little sisters. IollvRn noclc. 0111 J.lldhoim. ) CIIICAGO March 19.-Dan Sullivan , formerly - merly or Colorado , tonight defeated Al 1.lmlholm or this city In al elht-rouad prize fight. Illdholm was knocked out by a blow on hip chin. I.UUW1ETn IS Tm I. TIl ] . f iJ' . ICl. lRA" "l" Ih,1 Teisni , 1 Tennis ( hfmlI 1111 a New I'lontln titIh . WAlmFIELD , Neb , . March 19.-Spcclal. ( ) -Wakencld ha I newly organized base ball club , and will be " 'el prepare this year to hold her own on the diamond noM , A lawn tennis club was organize here 10. da ) Wakefeld holds the championship of northeast Nebraska . The Wakeleld roller mills have just rl sLimed business after undergoing extensive repair - pair and refitting at a cost ot upward of $2,000. The 10010 process for purIfying flour has ben put In anti ( five new reels. The mill Is now both a modern HnJ practically new one throughout Except I t Lyons , I Is the only water rower mill Ih this part of the statC. Tint evening ot March 21 the public schools wilt give n . grand lterry entertainment In the Irsb.terlan church J. D. Elsefer , station agent at this place for the past six years , has been transferred to Blair , Neb. A non-partisan town ticket has been nominated - natell for trustees without opposition . The only Issue will bl license or no license. A large acreage will be planted to corn this year In the Logan valley. The fine weather of late has InducCI many farmers to commence sprIng seeding . The soil Is In fine condition . H. A. McHalt of Milford , Neb. , has made I proposition to those interested II starting a co-operative creamer here to take shares In I and run It for the company for $65 a month. Ills proposition has ben condition. ally accepted by the committee , and the work at soliciting shares Is now going on. The plant Is to cost $300 and handle the milk of 400 cows to start with . I will bo the third CI e.mery II Dixon county , and the fourth wi be built this spring at I merson. ebraskit City I'olmlsls. NEDHASKA CITY , March 1S.-To the Editor at The Dee : I see It reported In The Bee ot the 16th Inst. by your correspondent with reference to the populist ticket of our city that It was not endorsed by the populst leaders , anti the Inrerence was that It would cut no figure In the city election . We pre- sum that It Is your desire to publsh the truth with reference to maters ot news. The facts Ire that the populst leaders arc 11 full accord with the mo\ement , that the I city hal was wel filled with enthusiastc : populsts on the evening of our cotivemition . and that out of twenty-four delegates elected twenty-two were present. Our campaign will be an aggressive one . and , we expect to elect the majority of our ticket. ROBERT . TRIJMBLR ,10.1 Slog 'rhtovoR . , ,101. pENDEH , Neb. , March 19.-Special Tee- ] gram.-Dob ) Donelson , Dave Morrell . Bert Brooks , DI , Lewis , Tom McKeegan anti Dl Sheriff were lodged In jai here last nIght and today charged with hog stealing and officers - Icerd are still scouring the country In search of others who arc believed tD be implicated . It Is und rstoed that a regularly organized band of about fifteen have been sy"tematcaly stealng hogs , grain and other property In the neighborhood all winter , which includes ] a few quite prominent and the entire men , entre population - ulalon of the town Is anxiously waiting de- velopments. Tim preliminary hearIng of those under arrest will probably take place tomorrow l'Rtrlctc 1."ly , lo'ltaUy I tn t. FAIRFIELD , Neb" , March 19.-Speclal.- ( ) Mrs. Lonzen wife of John Lenzen , a proml- nont stock buyer of this place , met with a serious and probably fatal accident last even- Ing. She was driving alone her horse became - came frightened and ran away. throwing her viohemitly against the corner of a barn , cut- ting one ear completely In two and causing Irucrnlal hemorhage. At 9 o'clock this morning she Is still unconscIous and but slight hopes are entertained or her recover ) ' . Small Failure .t .lvor Crook. SILVER CREEK , Neb. , March 19.- ( Special.-The ) harness shop of William Mc- Kolvey was taken posseslon of yesterday by his creditors. . , The liabilities , ' arc $700 and I assetssaidlo " " be $ lablue.s ,000. . Jacob Held , one of the old setters and a former resident of MIchigan , was found dead In his bed Saturday. He was 72 years of age. - A good deal of alfalfa will bo sown . this spring by farmers In this vicinity. Stricken In R ( 'hurch. WEST PONT , Neb. , March 19.-Speclal. ( ) -This morning at St. Mary's Catholic church just before the commencement of high mass , Irs. Robert Kube , the aged wife of a farmer , entered the building and Immediately bzcame ill. The sufferer was quickly removed to the parochial house , where she expired In a few moments of heart dlseaso. A large congregation - gregaton was present , I being the celebra- ton of the anlversary of the feast of St. .1osphi. _ _ _ _ _ _ Gage County As.esorg' Scale BEATRICE , March 19.-Spec'al ( Tele- gram ) -Tho township assessors or Gage county In seslon In this city today decide to assess personal property at one-third and real estate at one-fourth ot . its actual value Urlt , ' : rlltl0lt or R itoy. DAl.TIMORE , larch 19.-Captaln Jefferson - son Mears of the oyster schooner General Haycock has been arrested charged with brutal treatment of Edward Merrill , a member - her of his crew. The boy was stripped of his clothing when the wind was blowing a gale and the mercury was lear ) ' down to zero hIs wrists were crossed and tieti crossec led Irmly together ant he was thus trlced up to the rigging He was then severely I whlplled. When cut down his thumbs were Crozen. The United States authorities are looking for the man who assisted the cnp- tall In his brutalities. . Nubl'NI Through Decoy f.otepra NEW YORK , March 19.-'V. W. Robin- son , superintendent of letter carriers at Yonkers . has been arrested on the charge or robbing the mails. Mr. Robinson his hel1 the position or superintendent for the lust fIfteen years , and his always borne I gOOl reputation. When he WIS Hearchrd marltel , hills . taken Crom three decoy leter , were fount upon hlmn . ' < FOR V. ' , - fr _ * FIFTEEN , 'r V , _ , DOLLARS . VC , \ : . , * . V I fl V ) Down and $8 monthly ( ' C ii . I a ) 'OU can buy u Ino , I . u' .i'i'i I - -pJANQ ; : I : 11 S 1 , r.II ill Oi'dllostral glun 1111 , 1 ' foot 0 IncItes high , : pedals , ongl'avc } lunc } . . . [ " "U 1"ory keys , continuous hinges , $18 5 chalco of walnut , inm.1ogony 01' oak I case , stool und seati . . . . . . . : . . mlhogony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . J , 'J "HY , PAY RENT When yeti can have every dollar you puy right 11 your hOISO , . und thereby make a savings bank of your Instrument ? Call on 01' address I We Arc lelul Tribune picture frAme al , -glass ned mot-ouly 2"c I " "A HOSPE , Jr . 1513 Omaha BOlllll8 n Neb 81. , , . - - - - . 'T'1. I.OU1" 'a .1 " 1m JHOIJ1.rllS. - Stuns CIt , 01111 .Jury In''rulJtnJ CrookcHI Work In hilt r.orAlly. SIOUX CITY , In. . March 19.-Rf' clnl- ) The session of the grlncl jury began this week anti beer I 19 done the charges ot perjury against the witnesses who have I\\'orl Ilromleclou ly for the defense In the trials of county booclcrs will hI clmlnCI Into nt lciigtli I Is expected that ee\- eral Indictments will be returel1 on these charGe . anti If so the county vlii he put to hienvy costs II \ ) 'lntho cn Cs. SOle mort of the cases against the bomlll . Iclnl9 will also com\ till nt this tel'm , which Is likely to be along ole on this account II'nl' IrCt at lie . , \tnlnIR. D S MOINIS , March lD.-Speciai ( Tele- grans.-Meiiibeis of Ancient Free and ( Ac- ceptcil Mmtsoiis . , represenln ! tvciity cllcs , are II the city working In various de rcc's In the state consistory . 'rho tiseetitig will last until 1 ' llll ) ' , closing wih a grand \I ( Islet In the ennlng. IIw" , chili ilsrni. , MILO Ia. , March 19.- ( Special Telegram . ) -Tho 4-yenr.ohtl son of Jesse .Jncobs was burnel to denth tola ) In his futher's barn , sU\llosCI to have beemi tIred by hutisself 1 1\1 horses alll other contents of the barn were nlso Iestro'ed. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11IIh i ul . .I.hn1.11111. . MASON ' CITY , In. , March 19.-ISllcclal ( , ) - . ' A. McMihieii , olti . Telcgrl-ohl' Mcllel nn 01 resident - dent a111 Il0mllnt business mats , citizemi tiiitliasomi IIU cllzel 111 IISOI , Ilel this nftertioomi . U.II" I ur , \ r. 1.111 I I ( 'nit it irs. CRRSTON , In . March l9.-.Specitsl ( Tele- grarn.-Mrs . mIen COIIOI9 , aged 55 . Ile,1 , this afternoon . She was I l'esllelt of Creston - ton for Iteel 'cnrs. . ! hnrl Illc' I " Mlrl , , " . John \\'ootls Is alnln II trouble anti \\'R arrested last night 01 n wI'rnt charging hll wih larceny . ThIs charge Is similar to tlO other for which he was II'estell less tItan tel days ago. II nil the case It his been chll'e,1 that he his , borrowed property with the uiitierstminding thlt It wns to he returned , . amid In elch Insti nee hns con\erted I to his ownS , ' . The first case wal the hOlowllH uf a shotgun : Irst t next , I let or hzirness . amid the ] alt , , a smi- ( lie. The first two have not heen helrll I uf II ecurt , hut the last une will be huarti of toII ) ' In polce coUrt wi hCI't Charles Bussel , ole of the hays elploell its ! root lu map Ighll" I 1111e cOIIIalnt ! I ) to the police that several boys II tl vicinity of Ninth and Jackson streets have beets 10lestnl him 'In hil'orlt by stonln him. gitug The olcels will endeavor to break up the Kitty Clark ] , Ilroprietor oC one of the man- /iols of sill In the proscrlhe(1 ( district . wn arrested Inst e\'elllJ 01 the charge of grand ( larcemsy , preferred by ' preferrel ) GeorgIa 11101. another - other of the Ieml niontie . The charges charJeR arise over the disputed possession of u trlnk al11 contents formerly the propert of GeorgIa l'nttoii. Georgia , acconlu to the story Is Idlctcl to the 10\lhlne habit , and when sue I short tme ago was tie- slrous of undergoIng treatment for the cure of the habit she 111111el to Kitty ( 'hark ( ] for a loan to pay the eXllense of the treatment - ment and gave as security n trunk and contents . valued at $ H3. ) Georgia now clalls that she hmas the money to redeem the ProPerty and Imy off the loan . which amounted to $65 . but that ] will ; 1\lly wi not re- turn the trunk. A cl'l slit was begun beJln iii Justice Etlgerton's ' ' II .Justce Edlerton's court yesterday In the same case . and after hearing the evl- ulec . n jlllJmenl was rendered ! favor of Georgia Patton In the Sll of $190. ONLY ONE WAY To PurIfy the Blood. Increase Flesh and Strength , and to Cur IndigestIon. SCCI.ct lntcnt Medicines Will Not Do It. There 1 R Sltnptorisisd Dotter " 'RY. There Is only one way to purify the blood , only one way to Increase flesh , and that Is through the stomach and digestive organs. Why ? Because the sttmach and digestive organs make blood and flesh , bone , nerves and sinew. Did YOU ever sea a nerson blessed wih a healthy . vigorous atbma'cJ and " -t ; es- lon who had Impure blOod 'inuddy , s low cOrplexlon , or who had weale nerves sleep- less nights and the thousand and one pains and aches arising from poor digestion ? No because perfect digestion converts the food eaten Into pure blood , strong nerves and muscles and all the flesh a person needs to have for health , symmetry and beauty. EVlry person knows whether or not his or her digestion Is what It should be , hut every person does not know what Is the safest and best way to secure and preserve a healthy conditiOn of the digestive orans. I Is not done by the use of any wOIerful secret patent nsedicine but by the use of certain harmless dlgeslve principles which . taken at meals . will digest the food anyway , regardless of the weak condition of the stomach. nr. Brooks recommends a combination of vegetable essences , fruit salts , pure aseptic pepsin and Golden Seal , Prepared Ia con- veniejit tablet form and sold by druggists everywhere under the siamo of Stuart's Dys- pepsla Tablets. These pleasant tasting tablets are to be dissolved in the mouth after each meal and mingling with the food in the stomachs , digest it perfectly , There is nothilmig wonderful about thus. Any physician or chemist knows that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets vihl tb this because repeatedly tested anti proved , and thousands of cured dyspeptica have found it to be true also. . Dr. Ifarlandsois states that these tablets V increase - crease flesh because they dIgest fleshs-forniing food , 111cc eggs , meat amid orthinary everytlay food ; for the samise reason they purify the blood and stremsgthen weak nerves. In no other way can it beione. because flesh , blood anti nerves are obtained from the food we etit. etit.Dr. Dr. Jennison omsce statetl that he believed a 50-cent iaCkago of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets would give snore real benefit than fifty dollars worth of ordinary doctor's fees , These tablets may be fouisd at any drug store. store.w. . 1. DoicLAs V HOE TIT FOR A KING , $ . CORDOVAN , , V/ / lV YRCNCH&ENAMCI.Lt0 CAL ! , ; , , V V3 V V 3,9POLICE,3SOLt3. . WORKINGMN 'gXTflA riN - V 'I 32I7 BOYSCIlLSKoE& _ 'LADl5. _ , . IeOCKTOUJ1V&5 , OveOne Mhhiion People wear the WI L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes Allourshoesare equally atls1actory They give the beit value for tim money They equal Custom ehoc. In style and ( It , Tiir wesrIn qualities arc unsurnasued , The prices era unhform--stampcd on role. Prom $ u to S 5ved over other make. . if your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by A.W. OowmanCo , , N. I6IhSt. c.J. Carson , 1218 N. 24th St. w. w , Fisher , Parker and Leavenworth St. J.Newman , 424 S. 13th St. Kelley , StIe'er & Co. , Farriam and 15th St. T.S. Cresey , 25O N St. , South 0 m a ha. Teeth Without Plates BAILEY , DEN 118 l'axton litock , 113th and L".srniis Its. , 4,01 , IO , Full St't Teeth.1 00 I Silver Fihhinvs . . , , .81 00 Pest Toethi . . , , , , l 50 I'iiro Gold 1"ilna $ $ .i U0 ThIn i'iath , , , , . . , , . 10 01) i ( Joiti Crosviis-2.he , tO 00 1'aimiles Extract'mi 50 I flridgo 'l'eotht-tootb U 0) Teeth Out In MOrning' , New Teeth Same Day SIMS & BAINBRIAGE ttturmsey..at-Iiw I l'rnctico Imi tilts itato and FedoraiCourti. . Itoumissh'J.7-8. ) , Shiuiir liluck , vouimcu hS1uiT , lewis. IN44STATES. In Each City , Town and SmallestVillage _ PitI1o' ! ' $ o1oy oipomi I E1ki11 P001110 Yioll , Its Wide Use Today Over Thro3 Continents1 ' 'us the One UndLsputor Rem , ' edy thaL Cures , : Ordered by Physicians Wherever One Practices. Wherever the Rngiish tangungeisspoleeis ! : II11Hc& there you % Vill find Pa'ne'a ; IhI1JVI l celery conipouistl is or- IJI1IIMtQ liii tIered for all forms of V iiciiii ( ? : ; , , as well as I Im'niI ) abroad , throughout tiso \ . ' I Uttitotl States , its every \V state , city auth vihiago thin one utithlsisuteti , strongly cOiflniemletl , smisfailitig reinetly for the spring is l'aine's celery ComnitOumistl , V As a nerve strengtltetier and regulator , blood lmrilher mind hiotiliy imivigorator there Ia tiothimig that bears flfl relation or at nil ro- sexsbles or iii nis' nseasure equals I'nissc'n celery comsipeutitl. ' V It stasitis by itself , unrelated to any saran- parilia , miervino or tonic the woriti has over . known , atiti as far stilserlor to thetis as thi ' uliarnonti is to the orthinary glass. Its tliscos'ery by Prof. Edward R. i'heiiss V , It ! . I ) . , Lb. I ) . , lii the labratory of lartnsoutht nscdlcal school was as notenortisy an event itt isiedicitie as the woittlerful cures it has effected have beems remnarlcttblo , Where everythsisig else fails , Pahises celery V conspounti cures. Try itl ' V ' Wileti Buyiiig V Fruit Trees , V Buy the best. A minute lost can never be recovered. V aisti it's a calanilty to lese several years. which so mriisy Iowa and Nebraska people have done whets 11101' Isavo bought foreign grown , unncchimatctl fruit trees. V MRNEICAY BItOTI1RRS , .1 TIlE CRESCRNT NU1ISRItY. ' Were born on the lands wlser their nurse. ry stock is grown , anti years of patient , intellgent exlerIniemst limt'e taught them the best varIetIes for this clinsate. CoiisctlUetstly their home grown stock is as hnriiy as the forest trees. They have a very large stock V for the spring delivery and every tree is 'varraisteil true to nanie. Orchard , Vinyard. Lawn , Parking Trees and Ornansental stock Make no snistnlce in your orders. Send us your list of' wants for prices. We can pleasG you in prices iuiitl stock. References : Council Bluffs flanks. Council Bluffs Department Omaha Bee , tind prominent busimsess men. Nurseries six niiles north of Council Blifa. P. 0. Address , MENERAY BROS. , ' Crescent , Iowa. : GEO. P. SANFORD , 'A. W. RZICMAN , ' President. Cashlems. First N tie nat Bank ofCOUNCIL. BLUFFS , Iowa. Capital , . a $1OOOQ I'iotits , . - I 12,00G One of the oldest bank. in the state of Iowa. ve uollcit your buminess and collection. . W pay 6 per cent on time deposits. We will be pleasd to see and serve you. Spilcial Notices-OouDcII Diuffs C1tlMN1vH CLEANIOD : VAULTS CLEANCD. Ed Burke , at W , 8. ISomer' . , 533 Broadway. X.AhtOIh PItIVATE BASIN FOn RENT NISAIt court house. Apply at lIes ofilce , Council lihu/fu. 1'nUIT FARM AND GARDEN LAND FOft sate cheap and on easy terms. Day & lIci , 3 Pearl , treitt. FOIL RhNT , AN SO-ACItfl FARM , a MILE from Council fllutTs' court house ; rent onW * 3'O ' per acre. APPlY to Leonturd I'crett , Pearl , Street. . ' ru1tr'asIInl ) AN ! ) tJNFmJItNtShluh ) fl00M8 for rent at 710 1st avenue ; also 10 rooms at RI liroadway. E. V. ' . Jackson. FOR1t1.NT. A Nicil 7-ROOM COT'h'AGlO , Full. nisised ; line tnwn good bamn , and on pavel stiVeet. It. 1' . Otllcer , 12 Slain street. iIi9ThNT , FUatNISHIB ) atootili. eja FIRWI" CINIERS FOR HALIi , 20 WAGON LOADH. 10. Burke , at Bonier's , 538 Broadway , RAIL\VAY \ T11E CARD i : ; ; : ; 1iUIILINOTON & MO. ItlVBtt. ArrW Oninlia Union BePOt , 10th & Mason His. Omtha 1Gi&aiu..1)emiver : 1xiress , , , , , . . . , . . , U:4Oid : 4:5pin.hihk. : 11111 $ , Mont , & i'uget thnd. 1x 4:10pm : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) Iixitress. . . . . . . . . . . 4:1Opt : ChaiussNebiitsktt : 1..ocitt ( excqst. Sunday ) . 7hlpgL : ti5ans.Mneuiii ; 1iesit ( exceilt Suisday.1l:2&aaa ) : 2:4pm..Ftist : daii ( ( or Lincoln ) 1)ait ) ' . , , . IvChi1ti.GO , IIUISLINfiTON & Q. Arrlvc Omijalia UatcVii De1ot , lUSh & Mottomi Ht&i. OmC ha 4:45pm..Chicago : Veitititile , , . , , , . , , , 9 ; arm : ) . . . . . . . . . . . . i.trcsa. . . . . . . . 4lspm : 7:1Otin. : .Chiicngo anti St. Louts lxpress , , 5O0zm : llZlani..acme ; Junction Iocnt. . . . . . . fliOpn : . . , . . , , . " . . , , , Fast Math , . , . . , . . , , , , , . . 2:4oppt : I.eaVes 1C11hCAGO , ? .tlt. & 14'h' , 1'AuI.lArrivea OmattiilaUnMiieiot , lulls & Mason Him. Omatsa. : , . . . . . . . . . . . I.tiishte'i , . . , , , . , , . , ii : lOa lhl0timn. ; , . .Ctmicngo hsprea'i ( ax. Sun , ) , , , , CQopns ; Leaves ChICAGO & NOlt'h'Ih V1BT'N , lArrive. Onisita Union 1)viOt , 10th Mns.nJOmaiia l1O3amn. : , : , ; . . . .1a stoma Bxpress. . . . . . . . . . . fTlli : . . . . . . . . . . . , . Limnited . , , . , , , , , 9:40am : 6<im ; , , , , . . . , . . Mo. 'uitey h.ocai . , , . . , . , , , 10:10pm : _ ; : . : 9huuuuI Ciiicuguhjeclui. , . . . .2ipn : Leue3 L'ImICAUO , hi. I , & PACithC , Arrives Oiiiaha lJmtItxi he.ot , aOtIi & Maitois His , Omaha. : Asv. V hi : eI.in , , , Athaistio Fxtii 0513 ( CX , t4unday ) , . 6U1mns ; : . . . . . . . . . . . . ixpress . , , . . . , . , . . , 9ts.rn : 4fii.s..tilcago : VimItibuled Llnsit'i. . , , 1Olins Il:3pnt.0kilthornahix.tIi'C.Ii. : ox. thuni1aOpzst ) : vjsr. 5tSamokiationsti : & To xas lix. ( ox. iunl1:30pm : . . . . . . . . . . i.imiiimed. . . . . . . . . . 4OOptis : _ VVV V V 1tnveu C HT 1'.Ztl. ; Ariii V Olitalia Depot , htthi 015(1 Webster His. Onahiii : 92ahss. ; . . .Ia'etraka l'asenger ( daily ) , . . , sitji : 4aOl'iii. : , SioUX City Itres. ( cx. tun.hitSaIfl ) : : . . . . . . . . . . . l'.sui Ilmnited..iOllairs : I.cavcs I F , , B. & ( Jinalial icput.I5tisanVebuter Sm , . Omaha. 2fi0tIii..Fast Mail end Fxprens. . . . . . I : iS V 2Wmas. ; , ( ox , Hat , ) 'yu , It , ( cx , Mug. ) , , 4:55pm : tiOuns..Noioik : 1xt'ieus ( cx. tiuidayilaoam : LeIVVa. ! _ . . . HI. Paul Ixmress..14:35.in : beavtVd K. C , , ST. .1 , & C , 11. iArrivea thsiatsa Union lttii&Mmisjn tIf.Oamri. : . . . . Ifafliuti. City Day ixliress. . . . . chO'i : ishipmn,1 ; ( . C. Nlht 1x. Yls. U , l''h'g-umiu.tf.Oun * Leavcs I MIHHOL'Iti PACIFiC. lArrlvea OzisatiaJjeptt. htlti i.nh Vcbster Hts.jOmnahma V hOhOumn..St. : i.ousiu txt'rcs. ' . , , , . , . , , , .COOismrb : 9.OImn ; , . , , , . . , . , St. 1.ouis 1xiire.s. . . . . . . . . . GOspma : iiOmgim..Neh.sitska : 14)caI ( cx. Hums. ) . . . . . 5:0Oan : Leaves HIOUX CITY & I'ACIFIC iAThTh' Olisaita Ilt-moI , 15th and Webster His , J Omuhim , . Clupma : , , , . . , . . . . HI. Paul Linsiled , . , . . . , , . , is 55am Leaves h4iOtiX C1'FY & I'/tChiiC Arg1vei Ojisutta Unhtn hh'potlothm & I1aaumi HIs , Omaatiu. V 66mi : , , , , , , . h3iuux City 1'aaaengeriQ5fjjj ; V 5.Ilpmsi. . . ' , . . . . . . . . . . : i.eavea I UNI0r PACIFIC , ttITiVea OnsaiiajUnicn Iemot , 15th . _ ? iithOii liii. Omnahss iOOiamn ; , , . . . , , , , . . 1earney ixpresa , . , . , . , , , , , ST1i 2t'Or'm..Oyeriaiid : Firer. . . . . . . . . . 5:35pm. : 2t'.pni.lhea'tee & Htronabg 11:1 : , ( cx , hun ) , i4ps ; 71Oitiui. . . . . . . . . . . l'acitio ixpresu..1USC.Min 2:15pm. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FatMahi . , , , , , . . . . . . . . . 4lOpz : Linives IWAUAIJI1 OtnahiaiUaicts 1)epot , 10th & fuz'on HI. . I Otnuila.3 3S5pns. , , , , , , 51 , Louts Cannon