Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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2 TILE ONAHA DAILY BEVDNES1)AY ! , MAWll : O - , - - 18m' - - - ) . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
t ! : . MemlJer Get Their Meauea Ont of the
't. : : Way of the Sifting Oommitto.
: f
, -
, t TP7 Wrro UrMhnll to 1.11' Omnh" Rnd
[ - 80 UI.d-W"IMOR'f OIL IlsllrrlOI HILL
: c : IJle'7"M . Iirougls-IogM . :1,10
t I'crozni1 I'rolcrl
, UNCOLN , March 19.-Speclal.-The ( ) sen
nte Illt In almost the entire day In passing
1iIii. One narrowly escaped deCeat , Watson's
, ' , oil Inspection bill beltg saved by the action
: . oC Steurer In changing his vole Cram nay 10
yea. The most notable reaturc or the daY'1 pro
ceelngs was the defeat oC Iwo constitutional
or the
Imenflments presented In the Interest
city oC Omaha. These amendments were
known as senate flies 317 , by McKesson , and
321 , by Smllh. No. 317 was deslgnell to
V enable the legislature to authorIze cities 10
frame their own charters. 1 was as [ alows :
authorize citieg to
The IcglMlllure may clle !
frame chnrtrr for the governnl'nt oC their
munlchHI IfRlr ! * but such clmrter or Iny
. flhlIOflitfleflts thereto .hali Hot Ilcolne oler-
nmolHlnent ! hul
tive tintli they hrtso been ratfed by the
voter tvc unt the city or municipality II tM
manner Ilrescrlbed by Inw.
ThIs amendment was defeated by a vote
of1 to : 11. A nlmber oC senators were slg-
: nlfleantiy abent or declined to vote. The
o tRnly nmendmen\was designed to aid In . the .
mo\'emcnt to merge the cIty and count gay-
erments oC the city or Omaha and county or
I . Douglas . The amendment was as follows : .
No new county shal be formed or estab-
. , 11sholl by the legiIattirt ! . which wi reeluce
. the county or cotintie. or Ilher of them
to nIcs ! Irrl than O square miles . nor
8hall any county be formed oC n less area ;
t.rovilel shal . ni that ( anY county In which ) Is
, Iodatel ! a .cHy oC mora than 10.00 iOPU .
. lation a new cntlnty may he l formed , In-
' . Inlon cltuln Ialel lel ( CitY anil , territory adjacent
thrlto. , whIch territory tn the aggregate
slnl nol he II'S than IU ) sluare mites.
'fhls umellment was cven less ! favorably
. ' received , by the senate titan the other one.
'I rdcvld but seven votes white sixteen
votld agaInst It. As Ipon the other amend-
. ' silent a number of senators neglected to vote.
'Vatson's oil inspection bill hal a very narrow -
: row escape On the first roll cal I receive
but nineteen votes , not enough to pass I
with the emergency clause. On the roll cal
I to 11USS the bill without the emergency clause
the hilt received but sIxteen votes. Stouter
t changed hlH vote Cram no to aye and saved
: the liii. This Is the bill drawn up , as stated
: _ , by Senator Watson In open senate , by } ll
t Daugherty I Ilrovlles that the hoard of
Public Lands and Buildings of the state or
Nebraska , created by section 19 , article 5 oC
the constItution . at the state oC Nebraska
co'nslsln.g cif r the commissioner of pUble lands
and buidings , the secretary of state. treas-
uer and attorney general oC the state or
Nebraska . shaH be the state inspectors of
oils , and I.rovlde . for Inspection much the
'same as the present law , requiring a lash
tat at 1 0 degrees.
Another bill Passed by the senate wi be or
considerable Interest to the people or such
cites as Fremont , Beatrice : Nebraska City ,
IIaings . Oralli Island and Kearney. 'he
bIll was Introluce : by Holbrook or Dodge
county , and whie Primarily Intended for the
benefit oC the city of Fremont It benefits all
tIO ! cities named. I provides :
, AlY city In thIs state of niece than I.o
. hind less than 25,00 tnhabitalls Is hereby
authorized 10 tale land In fee within its
corporate limits or within hive mies thereof
.by donation , devise or purchase and to hold
and Improve such land for parks and public I
, ounds. The jurisdiction of the mayor and
. city council of any city that shall acquire
any real estate as herein c'ollemplated. and
the police power thereof shall be at once
.xlpnll"II ov"r th" "m" I. vlrt" of thl"
- jnta ; : tiemayorantj - - ' city ' council shall
. . have power to enact by-laws. rules und
ordinances for"the protection and lweserva-
ton ofany cat estute acquired us herein
- OltemplhleM ami provide Imiable Pelialties
- for the violation of any . - such . 'by-laws , rules
- ordinances. . :
, Sec. 2. The mayor and coulcl shall have
power to borrow money and pledge the
. property anti credit of the city upon its
negotiable bonds or otherwIse to an amount
not exceeding In the aggregate $15,0 for
the purpose at purchasIng and Improving
lund for parIs and public grounds as In
t thIs act contemplated authority therefor
. having first been obtained by n majority
: vote of the electors of the city voting on
such question at an election caled for that
Imrpose upon n proposition or propositions
submitted In the manner provlled by law
t for the submlsslol at propositions to aid
In the construction of railroads and other
works at Internal Improvement . and 10 . borrow -
7 row money and pledge the property and
credit ot the city In the manner aforesaid ,
and upon beIng authorIzed as aforesaid to
un amount not exceeding $15,0 for the purpose -
paso of purchasln/ ; maintaining and improving -
proving land for park or parIs and public
. grounds for said ely : provided that the
' Indebtedness authorized by this act shall
In no.cnc . exceed $ 15.o : rnd Irovlded further .
thor , that the Cllell election mentioned
In thIs section may he had at the same tunic
ot the general city election or nt any other
p " .CraRe's bi to prohlbt ! the exhibition of
Inng shots brass knuckies billies. bowIe
1mlves , elc. , In the wIndows or pawnbroker
shops was pase1 ! with bnt few votes agaInst
it. I Is brIer and provides as follows :
That hereafter I shall be unlawful for any
pawnbroler or denier In goods at the kind
enumerated In this act to dlplu ) ' In the
windows and show casps any revolver
brass or olhel metal knuckles , police bliesa
slung shots bowie knives , daggers , loaded
canes sword or knife canes . Anyone
vIolating the pro\'lslol of this section shall
he fined , not less than $25 and not marc than
$10 by any court having jurldlctol.
The senuto' ulso IJussed the bill making togs
personal Prolerty \ , , I provides :
That nl \ clogs In tile state of N hrska : are
hereby declnt'el to 1m Personal property , und
ally \orSOI \ wilfully destroying the same or
Btenl n ! or takIng with Intent 10 steal any
u3o ; of any other rll.son. shall be /\IIY
10s larceny ) miler the laws of the state of
Nebraska us npfllel , 10 pett alhl grand
' larceny . : /ro\'ldlll / , , that lifll ) IleA r\nnlnl lt
large. without a Eulclent collar and tag
thereon for tilt' pel 101 of ten cIa ' ! , after I
notice published for th'C. , days In any
city town ( Ii' village In this state . phal
be declared 1 nufratice . und the IH'oler , nit-
thorl s mn ) tlesiroy the same
The senate unanimously adopted . \ time following .
lowing Ilrcalhlo and resoiltlm :
" 'herllt. Time state ot Nthrnllm has here-
toOI' , II I 1011 II I' /enKe. been dCBhnnl d
hs' numos not in harmuny with its hlst'1' ' ,
1'lustry or nmhlton : minti.
' \herEls. ' 1ho state of Nebraska Is pre-
eminently n trce.plaltng state : anti
emlnent nni
'Vhcreus , Numerous worth amid honorable -
able state organizations have by rsoiLm-
lon ih'nigitatctl Nplrnskn . a > the 'frre !
Plant er's / Slate : " tiCECfOme ) . i
Rlloh'cl. , li ) ' tll legislature at the state
ot Nebraskit . that Nebraska shah hOI afl'r
In n IIUI\llr seuse he known anti \ referred
. ' t as the ' 'lree Planter's State. .
One l'rovlillmig for time UrlRnlZtol of
Lac,1 : 11lru.t ! , Stut II lit Iw "rllr.
LINCOLN , March lti.-Speclai.-Tlme ) Ir-
rlgalon bills calo up for a vocIferous hear-
tugs II the senate this forenoon , ali Akers
oC SCOWl Bluff anti Stewart oC Uawel indulged -
- rulced In a glallatorJal combat that engaged
the Interested atenton oC the entire senate
Doth senators are authorities upon the sub-
ject of Irrigation ; , anti both were extremely
4 friendly to the bills passed anti Ilelllng , but
J they locked hornw UII the : meudmelts In-
corporate 11 the bill by the house. Time bill
under consideration WS imois ; roll No. 332.
This was identical with lnte file No. 50 , already -
ready Ia&el by time senate , but time house bill
uiars was . Imellell hI several lDprtlut liartic-
Thin Rmenlment $0 obxolll to Senator
Stewart WS II limo shape of I proviso added
Tides to section : 1. The first section of tbe bill tire-
Sectcn 1. Whelc\'rr twenty or a Inajorl ) .
oC trerlolll1N ownlll lamb FUceJlhle to
ono mode of Irrllol frli a rOllnol
source 11 I ' Ihu same lstel of works
desire to plvlJu tor the Irrhmtol or the
same , they mi ) ' ln'IIOse the organization : of
, an irrigation lstrlr under lime provisions of
' , this /ct , ant when so organized ouch dis-
trJct shalt hus'e the
Ihll hu\o powers cnfcrrll or
that II hlrenrer he conferred by Jaw
upon ! , lch Irrigation dlslrtet )
The l'l'o\'lso lIdded to this section by the
p' 10u.1 U follows ; )
Provided , That where dItches or canals ,
limeys been conltrlcte\l before the . iasaio
. , r of this act of sulcl nt capacity to water I
- . . , I time land thcrrunder for which tht. water
taken In such ditches la approprluted , such
-g' ditches 1111 franchbJel amid the land sill I
: : .
- - , ; _ . . . " . . 7 - . - - . ' J 1. . . ' ' . ' 1 J ! . : '
" ' . , ' . " ) ; f.A" . : : . ! " _ " . " , * " _ ' 'd ? '
ject to lie watered thereby shall be exempt
from operations oC thh , law , except Such
dltrlct shall be formed to make purhnle
of such ditcheS , canAl 'ml Crntchle ! and
that this law shall net ho construed to In
any way affect th rights of ditches ai-
really constructed.
When the senate bill was up for considers-
ton an attempt Was mndo 10 add this (0'
vision , but I failed . Akers asked that
the bill I I passed Ihe house be
placed on its final passage by the
senale. lie explained by saying that
while ho hall been opposed to the house
aaendment he CNt thaI the Irrigation interests .
ests demanded the passage of [ time bill at once
He had just spnt several days In ( lie lrrl-
gating districts ! In nortbwesern Nebr,1lla ,
anti he haul round a wllespreal , sentIment In
favor oC time passage oC the hilt os I came
train the house , not because they APlronll
oC the amendment , but because they feared
that the refusal oC the senate to concur In
the house bill would only remIt In time defeat -
feat oC any irrigation legislation at the pre ! -
cat session lIe said u few hour de1ay
might prove fatal 10 the bull. The seulcn
was rapidly nearing an end , lie urged the
lrOmlt , concurrence In the house amend- :
in en ta.
Stewart said that ie was not ut all afraId
oC jeopardizing the fnal success or the bill .
Ito ( had carefully canvassed the house and he
was satisfied that the lower branch oC the
legislature would yet consent to the expurgation -
ton or the amemlment It 10. hall expurga'i
adopted . The primary object . or the bill. he
said , was to got the ownership or the la !
and the water together. The huh as It had
passed the senate accomplished this object.
Time houM amendment , on the other howl , M.
foaLed It. The house amendment gave to
strong corporations and moneyed Interests
the Ilo\er to take up valuable irrigating ! prl\
lieges ant b ) so doIng ! place the People under
n great dlsalh'antnge.
Allers again defended ( the house amend.
macnt lt declared that It woul cncotmrage
the Invement of capital In the stute He
decare further that the senator who under-
took to delay time passage of ! the hilt would
receive the severe condemnaton of the pea-
pIe or the irrigation distrIcts of the slate.
The house amemlments were agreed to and
the bIll ordered to Its finaL reading at 2
o'clocle. At the afternoon session the hIlt
wa read the third timmie and uassed. and now
awaits the governor's pleasure 1 provides
for the organization und control oC local
irrigation distrIcts. Time other Irrigation bill ,
IlrQvldlng for the appropriation oC all running
water oC the state 011 for the organizaton eCu
u Stale Board or Irrigation . Is still pending
tn the hOlse , having already passed the sen-
ate _ _ _ _ _ _ _
110'1 : SIVI . U TtIi I.\C 'UB I\fl.
BCIOrl nr time ( 'nmmIUoo on the Hurns-
1.lner 1.llcnln I ) , I.
LINCOLN , March l9-Speclui-Time ( ) land
sell to Joe Durs and J. Dan Lauer by the
State Board : oC Publc Lands and Duldlngs Is
likely to revert to the state. ThIs sale oC
school lands was the subject oC Investigation
at the legislative seslon two years ago hut.
alhough the Irregularity or the sale was
fully establshed , nothing came oC the report
and the matter was dropped
The land In questIon Is a part . of ana oC the
suburban additions to the cIty oC LIncoln and
Is bounded by Park street . DurHngton avenUe
all Small street , and Intersected ly Johnson
street ali Wahoo avenue Originally I belonged -
longed to the < chool lands Inherited by time
state from the lalonal go\ernmwt. Its
close proxImity to the city or LIncoln
rendered It valuable and u good bargaIn to
the enterprisIng real estate speculators of
time capItal city
On December 10. 1890. the Board oC Public ,
Lands and Buildings ordered the publIcation i
oC time following advertisement :
Notice itt hereby gIven that on Monday .
the 121h dar at January , ISJI 1. the northwest
quarter or section 9. township 9. . range
U. I east In Lincoln , Lancaster county . Neb. ,
wi be offered at public leasing to the
highest bIdder at the omce of time cOlmls-
Ioner at public lund and buildings . ut 10
o'clock a. m. . and continue until alt oC said
lands have been offered ,
There was nothIng Irregular In all this.
But the alleged irregularity took place on
January 12 , 1SO1. when , instead or leasing the
land as I advertised to do. the board sot : it.
The land was .appralsed for leasing purposes
1by T. J. Dlclenson , Alba Drown and H. H
, Shaberg , . members of the Board of , County
CommIssIoners. H was sold to a number or.
parties as follows :
Lot 1 to Fanny Wright . . . . . . . . $ 57.05
Lot 2 to Fanny Wright . . . . . . . . . . . 877.43
Lot 3 to J. D. I.auer. jr. . . . . . . . . 1.7
Lot . I to Paul Laner assignee . . . . . 144.74 I
Lot 5. reserved by the board . . . . . lU.7 . .
Lot 6. Joe Burns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92,71
Lot 7. Joe Burns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9136
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ,402,0
The cmmItee makes the following report :
Your commIttee on school lands ant funds
havIng had its attention called to what appeared -
pearIl to hI an IrregularIty In the sale of
the following deserlbet lands belonging to
the State. lo-wl : Tie northeast qUlrler of I
at nection 9
the northwest quarter aecton , township
9. lange 6. eUBI. forty acres : time northwest
quarter ot the northwest quarter at sectIon '
9. township D. range 6. est : , , forty acres ;
of time northwest
the soulhwest quarter : 10rthwcst of section 9. townshIp 9. ranse.6.
east . torts" acres ; have investigated the
same lund flint Ihat said land was illegally
Hold al tile 12th ray at January . 1891. and
that ! ald sale was against time Interests of
the ftatend ; that sall mils should 10 can-
celled and the purchnBe 10ley refunded . to
the purchasers 0' their assignees.
One at LonsL Ccrlaln ta I. L'aott by the !
$ Cflatc.
LINCOLN , March 19.-Speclal.-'fhe ( ) beet
sugar bounty , bills are not likely to be among
thoho that will b summariy dispatched by
the senate siftIng comumitlee. The bill which
has already passed the house Is almost eec-
, taln oC passing the sennte in ! spite at the
fact that strenuous efforts are being made to
defeat it. Senator Crane has offered a sub-
Ittute bill : mbOI'lng provisions whIch found
much favor e.rly tn the session but the senate
Is hardly likely to endanger the success oC the
bill by adopting an entirely new measure so
laIn In the session unJ taking the Tlsle at de-
eat In time house I Senator Crane had introduced -
lrodnced Ils : bill earlier In the sessIon I
woull have .secure1 { more consideration. 1
gives all the bounty ) to time producer oC time
bets luaU-ad of to the manuracturer oC the
sugar time two vial sections oC his bill
lealng ( as follows :
Seeton I. ' 1ho state shnl for each at
the yours lS9 : 1596 anti 1891 pay to any
farmer , pCson , 'frm 01' corporation engaged
In thn raisIng lr HUjar beets time sum of $1
Ilel' Ion for alt sugar beets raised lit the
state of Nebraska dlrllg paid years : vro-
'I'ied ' Ihat 10 money Ihul le Ilall 11 army
Imanlfactullr engagel In raising his own
beets .
Sec. 2. No money shah bn Ilall by the
Ilule for Iny stigam ' heel ! so raised unless
the ! unl shall be actually sold or dlspo"O
oC 10 1 factory for mllufnctlrhlt Into
stmgar . nor unless the lerSOI 10 alp\'ln I
such raise at leaKI hive tons of heetH dumm log
the year for which Huch npllealon hal
been mmmdc nor unlell said beets ' shall COl-
Illn nt least 10 ) Ier cent at saccharine mat-
icr . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
i''i'ii'ioiitei ; iit1l3LJc1 , l'I031n .
( O1Irat' , Not 10Jnholy NOllnltcl1 , CII'
imot Lisa 1'/rU.U UI"IrIUUI. : ,
LINCOLN , March 1-Speclnl.-One ( ) at
time bulb Passed 1) the senate today cud sent
to thu house for time latter's conclrren e will
very materially alter the election law In one
hnportunt I'artcular , Under the present law
aim ) ' candidate or set oC candidates may have
hIs or Ihelr ! lles l.rlnleI upon the t omrlal
ballots , cven tlollgh 10t nomlnatell by II reg.
omlar' pal h' coimventioim. ' by presenting a umeti-
- - . -
101 Ilgned by u s.ulclent numler oC names
Time cindldate mi ) ' have hlmselC designated
us a "repubihcami by ( eltol , " or "demccrat
by I.ctlton . ( , " lS the ruse may boo Under
the law 11assed by the senate today this class
oC caneldats are lot allowed to attach ammy
regular Imrt designation to their I I 1 es.
TheIr lames will bo Irlntell on the official
milieus antI \ followed by the worl "by
pmmtitiomu" emily , The luther oC the bill Is
Senntor ( Cross or Fairiury l . The following
Ilrovlslon IS added to time present law :
l'I'o\'ldet further , That candidates 10m-
lmmateJ under tim , ' lro\lslols , of iimls sectIon
Ihal . be terlieli candidates "by Ietlon . "
and their lal 1 umm time ballot shal bi
followed by Ihl' ulm "by imetitlun. " Inl
shll 10t be folowl'l \ ) ' In ) ' Ilarls' lesltnn-
Lion \ vIrtue at such nomnimmation. l ieh
ton ) slgnlll n Cllthate Khal add to lois
signature his \llacO of rlKlllence , his husl-
I'KS tumid his \ IshleKs IIIlr . Such cer-
iltienie mommy \ . tiled as IIJlvlded for In IIC-
lon' Iflltt Ihl nct.ln lime sUle manner 1111 wIth
the flmC effect aim a ecrllcnte oC 10mtla.
lion Iy 1 patty convention , cOlmltee
0' IIrman"tllul. Womel CluuUlul to
vote tor any llubUo "leer many alga nonminu. .
: ton ( nl'tl fer can\ldutel for such othtec .
. . . .
t. 'J " " /.4'- - . - - - . , .
Senate's Sutntute RoHeC Di Sent to 1
Conference Oommittoe
Coiimmnittee' nl Clt HOWI JlntrllUy 17
time lIouc-Stimio Unlnrsl , ( lets Its '
11111" dtPprIprmatloIm-irrlga-
tllhlust Cntmt' . n UOI' ,
LINCOLN , March 19.-Spectal-ln ( ) cant- I
mllc ( at the whole time house did quIte a ,
fair amount of business today In the way oC
advancing legislation .
During time discussIon oC the appropriation
for payment of legal eXllensu or the maxl-
mUI rate cases , an attempt was insole by
Smith 10 reduce the foe or Attorney John I. .
Webster Cram $6.000 to 3000. This wis opposed '
posed hy McNitt , Johnston of Douglas , Ilob-
Insol and Howard , the two later at the
calnu coiimmlttee.
limo house refused to concur In the senate's
substitute for tim $200.0 relief bill , pasted
by the house without the emergency clause.
The princIpal objection urged against the bill
was that It male no elscrlmlnaton In the
cultivated area or the different counties when
It canoe to appropriating the $1,000 provide
for each county 1 was this tlat was urged
against the measure hy Higgins oC Cusler
all :1 ( oC SalIne. The later showed 11
round numbers the Ilscrrpancles exIsting .
between various cotmnties . Thomas county
has about 1.50 acres luler cultivation , : c-
PherMI 2,100 only , while 'Custer has not less
than 200.000 acres whIch must ho seeded
To approprIate $1.000 10 Thoma amid time
lal0 amount to .Custer county Mites hell
to bo a gross - injustIce. The house agreed
with hmixnand a motel to submit the bill to
I conference committee was carried
In the course oC the debate on the uni-
verslty alllreprlaton bill House or Hal attacked .
tacked the institutIon on the ground of at-
legit lrmminorality. Daves ! called House down
severely , and paId a glowlng.lrlbute 10 the
character or the university . The bill was
then recommended for passage
Time senate's substitute , senate file No 625.
for the house relief bill appropriating $200.-
000 for the purchase oC seed grain was under
discussion thIs niorning. The debate was
precIpiate by Be , who moved that I be
taken up , alt , was oustained Loniborn
wanted r miami-concur In time benate's substitute -
tOte anti move that 1 couCerence commitee
le alpolnted.
The substItute provIdes that the relief appropriated -
proprIated be sent directly to county otclals
for distrIbution Instead of passing through
the hands oC the relief commlsston Higgins -
gins opposed the measure In biter terms Mc-
Nll sup rted it , and Speaker Richards
agreed with HIggins of Custer. The latter's
artument was that as no more than $4,000
was to be given to any one county hIs coun y ,
n large one . would receIve about $2 apiece
to each Canner In the balwlcle ! , The previous -
out question was demanded and a colt cal
asked for on Lambcrn's mallon , which pro-
veiled ly 84 to 14.
With Cole In the chair the house went Into i
commIttee or the wholE to consider : house roll ,
No 208. the special order , and bis on gen- ,
4ral file. House roll No. 208 provides for the
defense oC suits now pending In the federal
court known as the maximum rate cases.
The bIll provides for an appropriation oC
13039.27 for the purpose at pylng . the Col-
lowing Items : ,
E S. Dundy jr. . master and exam-
Iner In chancery . . . . . nll . . . . . . . $2.618U5
Omaha printing company , printing
Printng briers . . . . . printng . . . . . 2,661.10
I. r Woodruff . , printIng brief of at- AM
\orney generam . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . w.w
George H. Hastings . expenses incurred -
curred In relaton to said sutta . . . ' 478.0
John 1 Webster attorney's fee. . . . , 6.0,0
John L. _ Webster expenses Incurred
ln relation to expensci . . . . . . . . . 30.0
W. A. Dilworth . expenses incurred In
relatIon to said suit . . . . . . . . . . 479.07
I. . F. Wakefield . engineer . . . . . . . 479,01
The bill ns recommended for passage by the
committee oC the whole carrIes 9688.02 , divided -
vided as follows :
Omaha Printing company . . . . . . $ .169.9)
S. D. Woodruff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 261.0 .
George H Hasting'm . . . . . . . . . . . . 4i8.0 '
John L. ' Hastngs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.000,0
W. A. Dliwortim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479.0
I F 'Vakeleld Diworth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.0 ;
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,658.02
The sum oC $11,960.78 was approprIated 1o-
time following purposes : John L. Webster , for
services to 10 rendered In thc appellate and
supreme . courts $4,000 : for the paynmnt .f
witness tees already Incurred anet other expenses -
penses $7,960.78. ThIs effects a reduction of
3,343.25 Cram the bill as reported by the
Zlnk's bounty bill for the scalps oC wild
Inlmuls was next In line. I provides that
Limo sum oC $1 shall be paid for each wolf ,
wid cat or coyote killed. time same to be ai-
lowed by the county clerk to the peraon ent-
ted thereto but to be paId by the state
treasurer on warrants drawn by the state
audItor. A mcton to indefinitely postpone
this measure was energetically opposed.
Barry Cram away up In Greeley county ,
struckhands ! , with Sutton . Cram South Omahu.
und both ' favored the bounty The bill was
recommended for passage by a vote oC 46
10 22.
Time house then took a receS3 until 2 p. m.
The speaker announced following recess the
following committee on adjournment , to confer .
Cer with a sImiar commIttee Cram the senate :
Cole. chaIrman : Itouso i3ernard , Spencer and
lie named the ' following ns the sifting com-
milee , to act In conjuncton with a conmintt-
lee oC nIne Cram the senate to expedite the
busIness of the session : HarrIson , chairman :
Chapman , McNitt . Munger. Del her. Bacon ,
Durch , HarrIs , Brady. Ickels , Lamborn
lyers , Schlckedanlz , Parry , Johnston oC Ne-
Miles moved that the house go Into com-
mitee of the whole to consider house roll
No. 494. the Slate universIty appropriation
bIll , bills ohm eneral file and the coimstitti-
tonal amendments. Wih Mites In time chair
time coulnilee took lP time universIty immemma-
ure. Cola moved to strike out the amount oC
$73.000 In the first secton or the bill an(1
Insert $43,000. He saId he believed the latter
Hum was ample to complete the lIbrAry build-
lug. EstImates had been made on the work
by competent contractors , and their figures
had rangell Cram $3.000 to $48.000 for time
worl Cole's amelltment was lost by u vote
oC 4 to 33. Harrison tben moved to strike
out the last two lines oC section 1. which appropriated -
proprIated $7.000 for repairs and alterations ,
all Limo amendlent prevaIled . The bill , car- ,
rylng an alPrOIrJalon of $73,000 for the
comilleton of the State unIversity library
buiithIngv was recommended for passage.
Wben house roil No. H3 , Sciiickedantz's
Irrigation bill , wls reachel there occurred a
scene of ! confusion Myers . chairman oC time
commite on irrigation . nl\'ell that Senator
Akers be permltet 10 address the member
of lime house upon time meris or the mensure.
howard objected , Barry , In a fierce speech.
denounced time moton as out or order ant un-
parlamentary , The chair held that tile house
could , by a majority vote hermit any memo
her or the senate to speak before the cmmit- !
tee oC the whole. Such vIgorous oppositIon
as was shown agaInst the proposition to hear
Senator AIers dIsmayed Myers. lie with.
drew hIs nioton and ' ttme commite proceeed
to consider the bIll \y sections , beginnIng at
sectIon ! , the point at which they lad
slopped last wfelc.
House roil No IS2. by Drochrnan to corn-
Pet railroad companies to Carnlsh stockmen
free tranSIJortaton Crom initIal points to
IJlace or destnatol atll return , was reached.
and Howard moved to strIke out the section
contaIning the gist or the entire bill . This
amendment pre\'ale and the bill was Indefinitely -
definitely postpcned oa mOlon oC Hicketts.
The commttee then come and reporled.
Dee 1110ved nn amendment to the report of the
commitee on the State university bill that
( he measure be recommitted . to reduce the
amount Crom $ ; 3,00 to $50.0DD.
Be'3's smendmmt dId not prevail , and the
report of the cmmitee was adopted reconi-
Iwdlug the bill toe pauage. Theu thera
was ' some hasty lobbying j the floor against
au amendment passed la commitee of the
WllOIo , 01 flarfy's moton , to til Irrigation
bull. This amendmenl madc' I posmible to
IUI more than one ditch through a piece "t
land or any nUmbr oC them , owned by oue
. , . , , , . . .
- - - - - . . - - -
, 'im
part ? . The , qtmftIttee ' of the whole hail
adapted the / (1.9' ment , but time hOlse re
verse-i itself , ' ' and recommitted the
verei 15lr virtually , { recommlll1
hill for the purpose oC elIminating a pro-
\'lsIJI whIch i. ' /lal' / just Inscrlell by a rail
\'ole. llal'
The house tlNourll. .
hAhN IS IHIUIn H.\CR TIlE itLi'sttT ,
InA time lhn ? CIU.IUM ; cl 11 1.,17 to
! nli 10 thin 801110 , tumy 1'11" ,
LINCOLN , trrcJI 19.-Speclal ( Telegranm. )
-Tho bill tAk1\ik \ , he . appoIntment or tIme
Omaha FIre ati ? l' hc.c commlsslolers out oC
Limo hands oC1 e' ' eror AIII Investng It
with n board to'b\Jmposcd oC the governor ,
attorney general and commissioner oC public
lands anti buldln s , which went IhrOllh the
house after an exceedlngl trying passage ,
In which It lost Its emergelcy clAuse , la ) "
or immay not exp rletmco fine sing throuch
. read the second
the senate The bill was reitt
time this moring anti referred to the corn-
Illtee aim lunlcllal affairs oC whIch Senator
lahn oCIIIIS cOlnt ) ' Is chaIrman. . The
commItee receipted for the bIll short ! be- ,
Core nOOI , ald 1ahn announoell a meetlt' '
oC thnt hotly for 1:30 : o'clock. Time bi hnll
no obstacle II the commItee roomn and after
carefully replacIng the emergency clause the
conlnllee votcll to report the bIll back to
the senate wlh the recommendatol thaI I
be advanced to thlrll reading. For some
reason best known to hhnsel Senator Hahn
did not present , the rpport oC the commilee
at thc afternoon session but I Is expected
that tomimorrow the lull will le reported to the senale
The unt.clgarele bill has been lost anti
unless the employes oC the s cretlr"s ofce
cal produce it jut 10 o'clock tOlorrow Immorim-
lng , Senator Akers proposes to open a whole
case oC vials or wrath and give the entre
enate the beneft oC time odor. The bIll was
cOlsldered In the conlllltee or the whole
last week amid ordered emmgrossed for third
reading. : Senator Alters , who has boon the
ardent champIon oC the bill. has fretted [ not
a little over tIme long delay In engrossing the .
bill. ThIs afternoon he Insisted vehemelt\
that the bill should ha placed al its final
passage at ommce But after some delay he
was II [ armed that neIther the original bill
nor the cngro sell copy could be found.
'Every party hallnr a hill Is required to
give 1 reclipt for I. anti these receIpts are
pasted In a baal lebpt for the purpose by
the senaleook.keeper. . The receipts show
lmt time bill was returled Cram time engross-
lug room to the secietary's omce. here the
bill has fallen Into a crack. I Is generally
believed before tomorow . lmowevei mornIng. , that the bill wIll be found
Time house anti senate have locked horns
over the $2COOOO relief bIll. II the first
place , the house reuseel to attach time emergency -
gooey slause to time bIn order to make the
money available at once. Then the senat
rejected the house band passed a substi-
Lute. This proceelng does not melt wlh the
approval of the imoumse , and a cOIeelce com-
mlteu Is the result . Time senlte conferees
are : Senator McKeeby. nuthor of the sub-
sluto bill , Senator Jttbbln , who was Its
warmest chumplo , and Selnlo'r Cammmpbehl.
Senator Teft was appointed as one of the
members or the commitee , but hI asked to
bo relieved at "lie ( duty and Campbel was
appointed In hls.ead.
N"W Tlt\L .U'IU.I e " - J JAI S L.TNDSAI.
Confned In the l'Illmolth , Jal l'Oldlll
\1\1.\.10 time Simpreumm B COlrt ,
PLATTSMOUTI-1 . Neb. . March 19.-Speclal (
Telegram-Jlu1g ) ' .C1Iapman today passed on
the motion for \ a ' flc' trial made by the dc-
tense In the caae or pugist James LIndsay
by denyIng thmesanm1. , The defense laid can-
slderablo stres { rr ' smm elegw idaho of tat
that the jury hall iJeen affected ' by outside
' '
influences durl ! , th9. progress ' or the' trial .
but the court held llt tie showing inade on
this line was h : urlent : to set aside the ver-
diet of manslaugbter rendered against the
primoner. Bal 1s refused and pending an
appeal to tie s upremne court , counsel havIng -
Ing gIven notcO tjutt ' tolle same with be taken ,
the nHsoner - viii..foedetalmmed Inrthe county
" . . , P' , . "
jaIl. j . .
: Time twenty-flve , assessors representing the
vnrious wards ' 'dl'relncts tn "ass county
met let the court houmio 'thIs aCernoon anti
decided. to assess property both real and personal -
sonal , for this year on the basis of oneIhlrd
of the actual value. In 1894 the assessment
was conducted on u oneCourth value basis.
The granting of a peremptory writ oC oman- ,
damu ' at Lincoln yesterday 1y Judge Hal
requiring Grand Master Tate or he' AncIent
.Order oC United Workmen to call tb .regular
annual session oC the grand lodge , lnMay
meets with the favor oC several hundred
Workmen II this city , among whom the be-
let Is almost unanimous that the time Is
ripe for a thorough investIgation as to the
busIness methods which prevail In the grand
lodge officers of time order. Lodge No. 8 oC
this city has chosen J. H. Hall . John A.
Gutscho and J.V. . Bridge as grand lodge
delegate _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ur.ln for York Cunnty Irurln3r l'urcha10r
YORK Neb , March 19-Specla1)-AI ( )
grain for the relief of the Canners at this
county has been purchased and wilt be ready
for distribution next weel
A marriage license was Issued to Wtlam ! '
M. Carr oC Hardy and Mary Baker or Shelby.
Later . In the day the two were marrie by time
county judge.
Sherin Price left yesterday for Kearney.
Accompanying him were the two boys who
were arrested for horse stealing near Brad-
shmaw . who he wIll leave at the reform
school. This was the sentence passed by the
county judge In their bearing a few days ago.
In less than a' month three boys of thIs
county have been-taken to this institution.
Saturday evenIng mis Charles Peterson was
drIving from the' D. & Id. depot Into this
city the tongue of the bu.g fell . depositing
the occupants on the ground. Mrs. PI leIf
silo , who was ale In , time buggy . escaped with
but a few bruises but ! r. ' I'ctersomm on b21ng
picked up was Cound to be immsensitmie his
head havIng struck time ( ground on being
thrown Cram the buggy . While .hls , Injuries
are very painful they are nol necessarily
dangerous. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
U."trlce 'hlc\'o wntuncrd.
BFATflICE. March 19.-Speclll.-John ( )
Dxon and Froth hail , arrested for stealing a
trunk tram the reldence of Mr. DlrmEt In
this city last Dcemmmbr . were found gUlty to-
11) In Iolce court amid each sentenced to
thirty das In the county jail. These arc
the same men who ctnr.o , so near breaking
Jai a few ! nlhts ego hy dIgging the brick
out or the west iiail . . 1 was fount today by
the Iolcolt Lley hlll been leWng timcimm-
selves out or thelr.celh by nmeatms of a piece
oC WIN taken from . 9n'bt their cots and wIth
which the ) ' were tnalied t unlock theIr
doors This tact ; I ( made known . 1) aye
yotiilg nan ! vhiqiitJtd for lodging Sunday
night aid whgd attempt was made
to lay the blant- " } , he break In lie jai
wail . _ 1" _ _ _ _ _ I
l'ralln' ' ! lrrl'Ulu fliteim.
OHD , Neb. , Mieit119.-Special.-Mr ( ) . Lee ,
a Boston Mlel.:9.-Speclll.- : oran
! °
an Irrigatng ditch ' i the north sIde or hit
river . The first intention was to have It
commence some six mies below Ord and cx-
tenll down to Scotia. The 1lan now Is to
start near liurwell . which would make the
ditch about Cert 'lel long. Five tholuand
dollars worth fstock . was subscribed In
Scotia lu less than fwo hours for the project. proposes to build the ditch wihout any
aid In time way or a bonus or ( onaton and to
put In laterals and have eVrlhlng In shape
for watering lie land at less than $1.50 ler
acre , I Fin ,
COn'llr ; ' .bUII ,
BEATJCI , , lar h 19.-Slme6ial ( Tell -
gralmm-The ) uStSUitrmmfld battery case against
M , W. and WIlam Ilourd , rather and son ,
was heard ha ! Justice Enlow's court teday ,
the fattier belug aCllulled ard the son comm-
vlcted Time court send a fine oC $25 mind
ccst. . The case canoe up from OJcl and
grows out oC a controversy over the P05S.
tlon at real estate and In the Uispute over
which one Millard Moore was assaulted.
Time dHenJnt gave . IOtC3 oC appeal.
I Ibmey " 'unll tile I'url ( ironnils .
LINCOLN . , Msrc 19.-Speclll.-The ( ) sea-
ate today adoptedlthe ' following resolution
preented by Senator Akers at the request oC
the people oC Sidney Neb :
Ieloh'ed. I ) ' times legIslature oC the state
at Nebrisla , the senate an" house joining
that lie honorable congress of the United
States Ie and Is herdlY rfQucstel to cede
the tract of land known as the . I'ort SIdney
military reservation 10 the city of Sidney ,
Id tolnll : said rcsojvmition . to be used for
public , school anti mIlitary murpoes.
, - - - - - fl--- .r-a. . ' . . - = .
Sensatiena Developments In the Oa o of the
Alleged Train Wrecker ,
. \II'/or to Un'o JCI Iii Cnnnalonvlh
Iocte hl\ul Olell W immim lie
Shln"l 1)\0 1..1 ' 1.111/
to Cnurt Ualc ! .
LINCOLN , : I arch 1-Spcclal ( Telegralmm. )
A sensation was develop today over the
result oC time ] .ls mlnler trial At frt I
was SlllPOSCI thaI the jury which tried the
prIsoner for wrecking the Rock Ilatll tran !
hnd simply disagreed . slIer havIng been omit
rortllue hours , and hael been uilseiisrged.
1'hls Is not LImo cate 1 was a Immis-trial.
Time jury having Slenltwo nllhts aim chlrs
In the jury roommm JUIge 10lmes yesterday
humalely allowed ' them , In charge oC BaIliff
Stelmliensoil 10 remaIn II thc Capitol hotel
In the arrnoon for recuperatIon. About I
p. m. Rome one called at the hotel to speak
with Ste\lenson , , bnt he couhl nol be rOlnd'
A few mlnltes later n gentlemal well known
In 1.\lcoln \ called at the ofce of Conlelor
Green for the Hock lslall road , anti opelwl
the door npou nn Inlerestng conrRb between
Iallf Steplmemmsomm . Mr. Orcen and Mr.
Timoimmpsomm "right oC wa ) ' " man for the
When the door olmemmed . BaIlf Stephenson
Is said to have jumpell buck and exclalnelt :
'My God ! "
Time caller al once stlped outsIde and
closed the door , where In I moment he waS
jolncd toy Green.
Upon being Inrormed or the maler ,
Attorney Ames of cOlnsel for Davis lt once
lahl the facts before Judge hloinmes who
prompl ) called the jur und charged it.
Froimm I the hegllnlnt of the trial al.torneys for
the defense have suspected that there were
belnl employed aginst them illegal uctons ,
but they were hardly Ilrepued for such an
exhIbiton oC nen'e on the Part of I blr
In charge oC a jtmry deciding a question or
life or death. .
Attorney Sawyer In LImP federal court thIs
morning entered a nolo prosoful In time gov-
crmenrs case against George W. E. Dor-
Se ) ' . F\een of the slxlen counls In the
Inelctment I Ilalnst the ox.congressman were
uashcd on Januar 31 , because or the defective -
fectivo wording or the indlctnmenL interviewed -
viewed as to the effect oC this on the case
against Dorle ) ' , AssIstant District Alorney
Hush said I would lot revent ! the district
alorney from renewing the Indlctmcnts as
to all oC time original couuts , but did lot stale
that this would he done but he did sa ) ' that
time Dorse case would Irobably be reacht.1
within a week. This statement would seem
10 Imply that the IndIctments would b re-
imewed and the deecl of the old Inllctmfnl
elimimirmated. The Indictment fnaly disposed
0. ' today was 1 Joint Indictment wih Pay
Matlson , Frank iii. Dorsey and Ezra B. Ig-
glut . charging defendants with having made
also eltrles II time books or : nallonal bani
The case ugalnst Louis 1' . Lasemm for perjury -
jury In time Chadron land otce was dls-
mniecd. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
\ ' 1TE1tANs UJUU'AlJ ' 'nlnn thAt . ! .
lion. CllrJe8 Ii. "UI Wyele noUvor time
Address ot the ivonhmg.
NEBRASKA CITY , March 19.-Speclll- ( )
The new Grand Army of the Republic hal at
thIs place was dedIcated tonIght. Thc building -
Ing Is a handome structure with u pressed
brick front and a credit to those who Ilro-
jected the enterprise and carried It through
to complcton , Church Howe , department
commander and Hon. Charles 11. Van Wyck
delivered addresses. The latter spoke as Col-
lows :
. , \
IIO\\s ? cme tonight 10 dedicate this beaul-
ful Chal. I has already been consecrated by
the lives and deaths oC the brave men 11
whcBe memory It was built. Now we dedicate
I to the use oC the living comrades and In a
few fleeting years It will ale serve as a
memorIal and monument for us . when we .
too shal bo gathered with our comrades and
"tako our places In the silent halls at death. " ,
You have learned In your own and In the ex- !
perleace oC others that however hard may be
your lot however darkness may gather however -
ever adversity may weave sorrowful meshes
to encumber your footsteps you will not
despair While the same brIghtness may not
come to all . to all will come joy and hope to
illumine the shadows
"Memory will bring fond recollectIons and
renminiscences bIndIng our affections to those
already gone , endearing lS stIlt closer to
those who are
"Only waiting till the shadows
Are I little lon/er grown . "
They rest who fought und felt.
But you who tingIe In the harder strife
A friendless warfalo lingering long
'hrough weary lluS' and weary year ,
A wild and mummy weapmec timrommg
Hans on thy front and flank ant rear. "
"The memory oC the sorrows of cammmp ,
ravages or disease In hospltul , and the horrors
oC conflict on the battlefield add sacredness
10 our thoughts , and while tIme darlmess lay
at times iticrease there will be a greater
zest to the enjoyment and gratification - Inspired -
spired by a full realzaton oC greater bene-
fits by' additional certainty or a more perpetual -
petual umnton secure agaInst the Inroae1 of
arbitrary power , whether as formerly b ) the
aggressive telands oC slavery or the worse
domlnlton of a more assiduous ago
gressloa through tIme creaton oC tic-
ttons values whereby the sold wealth oC
the country Is absorbed , and diverted from
legItimate chanlels , paralyzing the energies
oC the nation and stealng away the promIsed -
Ised reward oC your struggle
"Since "Tramp , 'framp , Tramp , the Days arc
March In ! " was first sammg thlrly years ago .
how many have Joined the grand army on
the other side and when another cycle or
thIrty years hal have \ass cd probably ndt
tine oC that grand nrmy which ehool the
carth In hattIe and achieved results such as
time world has nel'er wltnesse.1 will remain
among the chldr n or immemm The naton nmab'
not fully reward but the IJeOlllo wi never
forget the great debt I can neVer pay. Whel
time bowed form and tottering step or the
last soldier shll for the last tle decorate
with : prlnl 10we time sacred grave , tiu
Somms of Veteraums ammd ilmeim a gratefu !
people almall keep alive that beautiful tribute ,
" \\'hmen time long years have rolled imiowly
away ,
E'eii to time dawn of earth's funeral tisy'
Vhmemm itt time umcimamigel's trumnhmet
FUse Up time ( aces mmni ( orumos of thin dead :
Vhemm time great world it'um last judgmnehmt
liii ,
\Vhmcn time blume sky elmall tlmrow open the
gates ,
And time buig c'ohumnn mumrchm silently thmroughm
Past tIme great captaimm for flmmmih review'
Timeti from time ijlood that imas hloweci ( or
time right ,
Crowmms mihumil Eiorilmg Oil ) untarnisimed aimd
Timemm limo glad ears of each war mmoartyred
Prommdl ) ' shall imear time good tidings , veli
done ,
lllessingmm for gariammds simumhi cover tImeimm
over ,
Parents anti lmmmainmnd , twotimer amid hover.
God vlll rewam'd titese dead heroes of ours ,
And cover them over with heautiftmh
iiowermm , " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
GAltIi'i SElII iS l5t1)L KLil'iEI ) ? OW ,
Uellef Commmmlsaiam Qptliiig 3lnumy Itequests
train inxtomi Emmirsmmer4.
LINCOLN , Macelm I9.-Special.-I0very ( )
immaul lit bringing to the State Relief commis-
muon deimoaimds for gardeim seeds , Yesterday
a letter was received from Bauimmer county ,
signed by time county commonmissioners amid
attested by time county clerk , stating timat
timere are about 350 farimmers in mmeed of garden
seed. 'ntis is the first demimand timat hiss
beemm made by lisimtmer county , and no provision -
vision hiss bet'mm made by this comuimisalorm for
that locality. Time citizens recently imeld a
amass mneethimg and adopted resolutions to time
effect timat as time farmers of Banner county
are eimtirely witimout means to buy seed for
planting time spring crop tlmt county coimomis.
alonera be requested to lay time timatler before
the State Relief comimmimission and petition for
seed grain and feed for horses. In corn-
phiaimce with tIme demand thus umoade upon
timenm time county commissioners have made
the appeal.
Time relief conmmisaion imas act aside in
time mmeigbbartmosud of $5,000 far garden seed
and time order for aimipnment of time same has
been Liiaced. This amimount will come out ol
time state appropriatlomm of $50,000 , and will
thus eammac it corresponding decrease in the
tooth and coal stipply furnished by time ceno-
omission ,
The coimgresstnen of limo country lurommmlsNl
to seimd tue State Relief commission 930,000
packages of seed , Of that amnotmnt there
Imave teen recel'ei to mhate omuly about 9,000
packages. Some of the latter contaIn grass
seed , which is of mme practiesi value to Limo
farmmmers of Nebraska.
Proposals anti sammmpies of seed grain are
imow beimmg received hi ) ' time coimmmmmissioim , itimti
when time lultis ore all ho it is oxpecte-i that
time conmmumissiomi will be in flumanclal condi'
tiomi to let contracts for sCed grain without
loss of tinie , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
:110111 : : iuotcit'tr 1LilATitN' MAll ,
Cnti.Ilmimmte for iticrs to it. , Iihioii at the
i.t : Iicctlums : Neat Mommtlm ,
MINIEN , Neb. , Marchm 19.-Speciai- ( )
Timis city has joist held its prlimmarles for the
slmrimmg eioctiomm , whichm is always foughmt upomm
time groommmd of hiceimse or no license , Time
license tIcket is (1. N. 'm'otmngson , immnyor :
Andrew .Ieimsen fluid i'eter Jolmmmsomm , cotmmmcih.
lumen in time First ward , amid Joimum Jommes tm
Second vard ; treasurer , J. it. Malone ;
clerk , Timonmas Canmpbeii , wimo reslgimeti anti
left time 111500 vacant , Anti-license : 0. L.
Godfrey , immayor ; B. C. lillimcim 111th b. B.
Iioimmmes , cotmmmclinmen First ward ; Joimmi Erwimm ,
Secommd ward ; J , A. Staler , cmmgtmmeer ; I.oumis
Ammdersomm , troasmmrer ; J. ii. Pmmghm. city cleric.
MILLAI1I ) , Neb. , Macohm 19.-Specluml.- ( )
For time. hlrat time 1mm time hmimutor3' of Mihiarmi
time democrats atmd repumhuicamms have nommmi.
imated party tickets for vilitmge trmmstes ,
heretofore time Practice imaim been to call a
citizeims' priimmari ammd mmoimmimmate ten or tifteemi
camiditintes , regardless of imarty niilliatioums.
Objectioims were tmmnde to thmis lmractice
by somimo fastitilomms cltlzcmms , vhmo claiimmcui timat
as there were dm13' live ummemumbers to ba
elected that elie catmcus cmliii otmty mmotmmimmate
five candidates , commsemluentiy imarty iiimes s'ere
dramvmm aummi the two caucuses hell. Tlmero 1mm
110 Issue , btmt it is generally coumeetied thmL
time hmmadverteimt lmoliticat thI'isioim will lorecilmi-
tate a lively commtest , its tlt towmm is lmrettY
evenly dlvldtti , nail botim larties lint up a
mmtrotmg ticket. Time relmtmbiicamms lmOiimlimateci
are \Villimmmmt Vomm Doimreum , A. 13 , ictweiier ,
Henry lChsey , Eggeit Simck anti Jaummes
Nelson , Time demmmocrats pmmt tip hlcrmmmamm
lroImmmm , Curia Dalmtmmke , Chris ICmohber : , liar-
luau Koch amid Titeodtmro Varimstetit , jr ,
Vu'BliI'INO'TElt Neb. , March 19.- .
LSpeclai.-At ) time lmrimmmarics last iiigimt tit
democrats mmotniumateii Fred Ii , Gordemm , mmmayor ;
George Saimser , clerk ; Fralmle Ifmmbbard , treat-
urer. Time repmmbiicans mmommmimmateti Robert
Wilkiftson , mayor ; A. L. Timmmiiiin , clerk ; T.
M. howard , treasurer ; J. M. Teegamdemm ,
emm g immeer.
li/oSTINGS , Neb. , March 19.-Speclai ( Tel-
egrammm.-At ) time citizemmmi' mmmass mmmeetimmg lucid
at time court hmotmso thmlt evenIng llemmjammmln
Itoymmolds was mmomimlmmated for liollco judge ;
ahdermnemm , T. 1' . Iloaglammd , First ; C. C. lilt-
temmhotise , Secomid ; B. J. l'case , Tlmlrd ; Ed
Mommroe , Fotmrtim ; school board , Mrs. C. L.
Jommes , Mrs. F' . G. Russell , 11ev. L. P. Rose
ammd Jacob Bernimarmi.
0111) . Nob. . Mardi 19.-Special.-The ( )
sprlimg elections lucre lilmmgc Oh time qomestlomm
of license. 'Flme license catictis mmmet Saturday
ntglmt and mmommmtnatcd time foilowimug ticket :
Mayor. J. C. Work ; clerk , Ii. Guuimmmummdson ;
treasurer , F. J. Uworak ; scimool board , George
II. Rogers , Josepim II. Capron and Ii. A. Goodrich -
rich , The anti-lIcense caucus mnet yesterday
afternoomm ammd nommminated Limit ticket : Mayor ,
I ) . A. Gard ; cleric , J. .L. Ciaflin ; treasurer ,
Ed Clemmmemmts ; school board , S. A. Stacy , Lomm
Firkins ammd J. 11. Jemmmmiumgs.
IIILIhtE'rI1 , Neb , , Mmmccli l9.-Speclah.- ( )
A caomctms of the citizens of this place imeld
tommigimt resulted iii time imommmlmmrmtion of time
following ticket for village trustees : C. 10.
Sanmueisomm , W. S. Marc. 11. I ) . Vlncemmt , John
Roberts mind \ 'alterVhilimmmmos. . It Is under-
stooti thIs ticket will favor license. No other
mmommmiimatiomms will ProbablY be made.
,1.lvo Hit itItO ItUJOGLAiIS CAI"I UOIEI ) .
i.ouisitlie , 74et , , , Citizt'llS Ictcct limmatme-
hrcitkera iii mime Act.
LOUISVILLE. Nob. . Macelm 19.-Specinl (
Telegrani.-About ) 1:30 this mnornlng Jones
Staimder dlscov.ered two burghars In his store
imelplmig themse1ves to a supply of clotimiimg.
Calling assistamice he opened time door ammd
ordered the imoemm to surrender , wbicim they
did only at the point of a revolver. The
inarshmal was imotified anti time amen put in
jail until after daylight , wimemi timey Imad their
hearing before Justice GueSs. Thmey pleaded
gIity to the charge of housebreaking , and
Constable Ilartalmorn took thmemmm to PlaIts-
nmouth this morning , wimero they await scum-
tenco at time bands of Judge Chapmamm. It
is thought the men canme in Smimmday on a
MIssouri Pacific freight. Entrance was
gained by prying mip a wIndow ,
Thmo authorities at 'raimage want time caine
imuen aim time cimarge of robbIng a jewelry
store 1mm timat town , imult they svili be sent to
time penitentfary ( rota timis county on ac-
couumt of their Loulsvihlo erlmne.
Stewart ltltmdc Cimargen ( limit Saved Ui 1itt.
cathoummi I.atmd Meitsure ,
LINCOLN , March lO.-Speciai ( Teiegranm- )
Time senate engaged iTi a session this fore-
tmoon marked by several interesting Incidents.
One of the' first of timese caimme over tIme report -
port of the commimmmittee on school lands aimol
fmmnds recomnmnending time indefimmite postpone-
mnent of Senator Stewart's bill to prohIbit
time fomrtimer sale of time educational lands of
thmo state , Iii urging tIme rejection of time
report Stewart claImmmed that there o'ere soy-
cml large mommeyeti interests wimicim were at-
temptimmg to control tile ectioim of time senate
lit regard to this bill. lie spoke so vigor-
ousty that the senate placed Imis bill on general -
eral file by a vote of 27 to 4.
Sittliig Cosiitmmlt toes Hold gesaloiin ,
LINCOLN , Mardi 19.-Special ( Tclegrammm. )
-Time Imouse sifting conmmnittec' of fifteen held
a prellmmilnary meeting tommighmt at time Linciell
anti orgammizeil , wit Im Harrison of I lolL as
cimairnmamm , Notlmlmmg ivas done in time way of
acting upomm pemmtllmmg mimeasurca before tIme
imoomse , Ahtimomigim time sixty-day limit expires
Friday nlghmt Iii time hmouue , It Is unmierstooti
that it will bo Iii session at icast all of mmext
The aelmate sifting conmimmittee met this evomi-
ing at time capitol bmmilciimig. It recommmmmmcmmded
lIve bills for massage amid commsideretl ten era
a dozemm otimer mmmeasum'es upon which no actIon
was taken ,
Iirymmim lini itemiclmi , Ills ,
LINCOLN , Macelm 19-i3pochmml ( Tehegraimm. )
--lion , W. J. Ilryami arrived lucre troom time
soumtlm this e'eimImmg at 6 o'clock and vaus Imict
at time depot by several htummdred friends anti a
'brass baummi amid cmtcorteuh to imls resIdence ,
Timls is time first Ilumme Imc hmas 'iaIted imls home
since time adjournnocimt of congress. In time
evetming lie spoke to an atmtllence at tIme Fuimke
opera Imouse wimlchi overflowed thme buiidimmg ta
time sldowalic. ills timemno WOS "Jcffersomi Still
Lives. " 'i'oday was time 35t1m birtimilay of thIs
emmmluieimt orator , Over 1,000 hooPla were
turimeti away train time doors ,
. .
; i Insist on having the Qua-
1 1 ker name and trade mark
I every package of Oats. j
None "just as good as. " 4
Sold only in a lb. Peekages.
TRiAL 01 ? ' ! 'IIE luLl4 CAS
Stilt Against the Ex-Treasuror to Come Up
in Two Weeks.
Atimmilnlstrator , % PlOifltCtl for time i'hi sgetahil
Etmtmtttt amiti Attormmeys Agree to Pro-
ce.h at Omie with limo itemmttmmg
lieforo time , immry ,
h4iNCOl4 , Mardi l9-Special-Thme ( ) 'trial
of time cases broomgimt by time state of Nebraska -
braska mmgaiimst ox-Treasurer 11111 amid his
bommdsmimen to recover the ainoomtmt of stab's
Immoimey lost 1mm time failure of the Capital
National bank iu'iii cotnmmtence hmetore time
smiprehmmo court two 'weeks front today , Time
case iiivolves $235,000 , immohmey lost 1cm time
faIlure of tIme Capital Natloimmil bammk. It , Is
fllt mmnmmstmai case for time reasomm timmit it is lii
be tried 1mm time sulmremmme court before it jury
of sixteen muon , to be selected from different
lmartl of tue state.
Time case has beemm lmetmdlmmg for itearly two
years , having first been brought in time die-
trict comirt iii Ioomghas coummmty. Judge Davis
tilsimitased time case for lack of jtmrlsdlctioim.
.mm aimpeal to time stmlmrelmmo court front tue
titeisloim of Jtidge iavis resuitteti olisnstrouisly
to time state , time sumpremmme court imoldllmg timat
time .stmit should hmnve bcemm eonmmmmetmceml In
tht district court iii amid for l.ammcaster
cotmmmty , time mmmommey lmmovimmg beemi lost 1mm that
Tlmeum Judge \\'akcley and AssIstsimt Attorney -
ney Gommeral Stmnmmmmers , who mad charge of the
case for tue stub , asked the suimremmme court.
to asstmlmme origimmal jtmrlsdictlomm cmi tIme ease
ummder time Irovisiomm of tIme commsiltuiion which
givea that cotirt such jomrlsthIctioum in all civil
cases to i imlcim time state is a party. lOx.
Treasurer 11111's attorlmeva foUimt timis mmrotmo-
sition bitterly , bomi tIme oumrt j.jr.mumteui time ie
quest. lieu V. V. harlan of York amid lion.
J. Ii. Mummger of Freimmoimt were nhmlmoimmtcd
commiimmisslotmermu to emmmltummmel time jtmry. TIme
case imas beeim PostpOned oiice or twic , thmo
last tlmume beeammsc' of time dc'atim of Johmmi Fitz-
geralth , omuto of time bommdsmmmemm.
An admmmimmlstrator lmas beemm appoimmteti for
time Fitzgerald estate , amid at a coneremmce
imelti between nmeimmbers of time supremne court
anti Jtidge'mmkeiey it o\'ami decided to hmogimt
time case whmcim the court meets two weeks
train today. TIme jmmrymmmemm vlll imot be aim-
mmounced untIl time case is called.
aitire 1)Ivm'r4ill'mI Ou.-rli'mtItmmre ,
NOItTII LOU I' , Neb. , Mardi 19.-Special ( , )
-One of time sigmms of time tiimmes as regards
time immltiation of imiore diversIfied agrlcuitmmre
in tlmis Imortiomi of time state Is found 1mm time
fact that ammo geumtlemmoan iii time commimummmity
has tmmitlem'taken to raise several acres of vine
seeds for a Siotmx City seed flrnm , atmd umnotbmer
has Just received a lmrolmoeitloii from a protmi-
lumeumt seed iirimm of htocmester. ! N. Y. , reiatiyo
to ralslmmg 225 luotitmuis of tommmmtto soetis. If
time seoul growlmmj bomsimmess be once immumugim- a , , ,
rated lucre , it caim douhtless be coumdmmcted witim
as mimtmclt ease and profit as anywimero iii time
ilnltoml States , sluice tIme soil is mmat only rIch.
beyond time mmeed of fortIilzcr , but is also re-
inarlcably easily tiileti , aimmi if time farimmers
OuicO take holml of tltls hmumsiness in earnest.
there Is no reason wimy timey way mmot hlmud it a
mine of wealth. _ _ _ _ _
So ! d I .Iq , mtmr t , , il I ours.
NEBRASKA CITY , March 19.-Special.-- ( )
George Strobie , a saloon keeper , . was ar-
rstcd todsy cim.mrged with selling liquor to
nmimmors. Stroble Is a nmeni'tmer of the cIty
councIl anti candidate at the commmtulg electioim
for re-electlomm on time intielmommmieumt tiecet.
lie pleaded guilty and was fimmed $25 anti
Two Ymmiiuires lmt Itemttrice.
IIIOATRICIO , March i9.-Special ( Tote-
gram.-Be3'tiic ) imas had two buiness fatl
urea today , Smmi'Ith Brothmers plfarmmmncy and
Clarke Browning's shmoe store beimmg closed.
The amount ot liabilities in chimer case cannot -
not be ascertaiiued at thIs time.
M. L Clicuvront
Leonard , Mo.
un Agony
c Years With Salt Rheum
Hood's Saronparlhla cave a Perfect
C U ro.
, C. 1. hood & Co. , I.owcll , Musts ,
, ' Ilooti's fiarsapmrilla : is atm excelicmmt medicine.
I hmaul ecemna 1mm amy heft leg for Oftecim ) 'cmrs. :
I'ai't of limo Illume lilY leg Ivas 0110 masM of smcab3 ,
umiti abmmtmt every us tek comrmmptiomi wotmlmi gatimer
mmimim.'r : time akin mmmiii Limo scabs would alotmghm off ,
The Itchingand Burning
, emmsatloummnmdo : lime sufferimmtlescribablo umgonles.
I slichita great deal of mimemmey for tiigercmmt rein.
, 'mliL't but mliii imOt get relict , About a year ago ,
k'nmllimg idm3'siciamms iouivieml me to take Iluomi'
Sarsap.oriti.m. I tilil so nuumi imavo tahemm five bOt.
Hood' ' Cures
lies , Now all time sores , scabs mmd lmaimm have
uaiuislmed COd I simm ehijoyimmi { perfect health. I
limhmmk hood's Smrsemparliha ; is scconmh to inane amid
glmmliy : recomnientl it to all imutferimug lmmmlnaimity. "
ii. I , . CmmmUVit0T , Leommard , ltlissommri.
-iiOdG Plilts act easily , yet promptly amm4
eiflo'lcimtiyomm the liver nod l.uowehs. 2c
1TTT'1 011,10 ,
? ' jUIth1) PAY
wt flit ! YOU 10 8,000 fAImINIS'
' WrlteforlaflklteerenCes. !
flo Operation. No Detention from Busluess.
307-308 U. " 1 , LUo Bldg. , OM.UA , liEU ,
B Q\f
lOompany No , I , ) ' 1
P ices-First Floor , SOc and 75c ; flaieooy ,
2c uuuml We.
10\'ENINO Pl0itFO1tM4NCjI AT S.
Prices -YIra Floor , 7e and $1.00 ; Jialcomm ) ' ,
Sot , , immmti 7&c.