, , . , , If.- : " " ' " or " " " " " " -11' " " , " . ' J . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' 1"'fI1' ! " " " ' " " , . . . ( . , . . " . . - . . .V"N" . ; " _ . " ' . _ ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . ' i- . - . : . . , . . , . F . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'HE 01fAl ¶ DAILY BEE : , JONDAY , AROII 18 , 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' . SPBGU\L \ NO'IGB8. /tdvrth'ement for theo tottimni " 11 he lak.n until 12130 , . . m , for the e"mlul Rnd until 8 , . . m. for the moruln a 11 und edhion. ' AdVf'rtb"rR , by rqoeAlnl a numbered tLck , can I""e nnRwer RlhtrcaRed t . ; nonlhered letter In enre of The Jte" An- nfrr RO addre Roll wi be dll\ored upon IURlntnUon or the check enl , flatci . J 1.2e" word Ort niiertIon . 10 a 'ord berfnr'er ' , ( Pthng taken for leu Ulan 2Go for UrRt IsirtIon. . cton. ' IIRO ndv"rta'ienta must tim eOllecu- Uvely. SIUATIONS WANTED. BITtATION WANTI.m nJltS ( 'T.ASS CAIUi and bread baker. Care at I . K 2S. . A-M6S.19 A-MC&1. WANTED-MALE H LP. t CUlAN rIltcK1.1s , 6C. 101 OtJf1tAS. - - D-7C-MU COAn S.t.l.SMAN : WANTED WITh I.XPG. rlrnct and acqualntetwe. for northern Knnna and southern Nehtaskn. Address P. O. box 5i. HL. ' . . . . ft. Josrl.h. Mo. fl-Mo--.2i C I 1.1' : I'ANTI n IN fTOlm ; STATI % .nJelI expected.ttlclrc.e " ' 111s & Co" Alma , Neh. ) ) 1-12-t WANT : D. 11'1 : lAn t IANf , $ I TO no I'rr month : , lllr ) innd . I.ort"r. Cnarlan "re . removed to IZ : Douglas B-82 16. VANTlD . : ttN\VlIO W1T.b wet { FOR $5 month palnr ) ' or latgo commission , rllnl Kn'l I.y . " ; 1lple to .Ipnlers : cxpPXleflCO unnre.ssary : write UR : , 1'1 .xl.laln . : for .rA.1 PRttcI' Inn ; end slnml" Hou.ehold S"rclalY ( fl. . . 73 Uh t Clncnnal O. 1-'C ' lC. WANTED-F1MALE 1ELP. LADms TO no FANCY WORK .AT Ho m. 1elry NCldlewolk Co. . Jclry , . Micli . Mich.CM31 - : "ANTI : A OIL TO DO UL'1ltAL 10Ufl . work : fatuity of Ilx : must b. & good cook. Cal lOI S. ltlh slreet CM51 18 1 'VAN'TF.D. GOOD (111th I'on , ( lIN1flAL housework In "mal tlnl ) ' , 2S Hnl 1oword et. , opposite AlL - Halnls' church. C-M94 - - IS. t WANT 1m. A GOOD (1llt. ron Ol4lflAL J IIou'work :31 I'mnkln lt , cJ:93 18. WAN''E ! SITUATIN HY A 1lID.t AOG ) lady ns cook or tcncml housework In Imnl fainll' . Can furnish hCBt of rlomm.ndaloM ; hK8 long epeInc' n. cook. and "I"oka Ger- , . . . mI. Inquire at 1903 Cal.lal l\nueC-1 IS' FOR RENT-HOUSES. IIoUaIs . 1' . I { . DAt.1NG. HAnKER SILOCIC. D-961 lOmmS tN ALL PAIT $ 0' TI CITY. ' 'IE O. 1' . Davis company . 150 ; Farnam. I-S HOUSES ; HENAWA ! & CO. . 108 N lTlI l' , IT:9 1ofl It1NT-6-ltOOM COTT.\0 IN OOOD flfl- pair city wnlrr. $10.0 Ier month to good par- Lies , 19 N. 31h. 1 block from l'arnam car line. Inquhu at ' titoetzel' .lo\'e store next to Post- 051cc. D-nl I0USI'S. : " \VAI.l.ACF IUOWN IILIC. . IC & Doug. D-U.3 FOR 1. 1'-2U CAPITOL \ENU 1 rooms . modern. The O. ii' . Davl. com"any. 1)-Oil MODEHN I.HOml HOUS NEAl PAm . Al'- ply 130 S. Slh street. fl-MS16 LAnOE LIST 11OUSlS. WEAl ) , ICTI & DOUG. - : . 1-.4A3 j Fen HEN' . mOIT-1001 IIOtJSE IIATII t furnace hot nnrl cell water gas stove fur- nlshl'II or unfurnliihei. God Imm. 132 S. 26th st. C. B. Horlon. D-.I : FOR I1ENT PI.ATS AJ' NOlTHEAST COH- ' ncr o 1'levrnlh : and Hownrl , .lrrets. In ted condition. Hensonnble : terms. Inquire room 31. : FIrst National tank building. D-M51:2 LAnOE LIST OF' WELL LOCATgD iioUSgS. J. II. Shcrwood. 4 : N. Y. LICc. 'I'hone 38S. . l-583 18. G.nOOM COTTAO , ALL . JIOD nN. fl1AUTI- tul lawn and .hade. 2124 Miami et. , or 21 N. y Life. : -M5SG -nOM HOlSI' : : I1ATIS. OAS ETC. . 721 S. 31 ; key at 125. WIll l3rowne. Jr.DM592 . , D-:59 2. ion t NT. l'IVE , H01 CTAOE ON WEST side . ot North Twenly-.eenOl .Ireet. Just north ot. Cark etreet. Eighdolars Q month. In- - quit rom 31 First National bank building. D-1 22 1-nOOM COTTAGl MoDERN , 3013 LEAVEN- . - worlh. D-MC31. FOi ItENT-S-ltOOM liOUSfl . HAnD ) WOOD finish . all moer . Impro\'ements. No. 40 N. 2&I SI. . D-Ml0-19 port RINT-7-flOOM hOUSE . ALL . MODEUN Im"rvement. . except turnace. No. 22I Case St. D-MGO-l9 10USrS Volt 1IINT. $15 TO $10. F1IELITY TI'ust Co" 102 Fnrnam. D-M33-1 It. } l. COLE CO. LARGEST LIST IN OMAHA. - D-J681 3-nOOil I'LA' ( NEW ) . $ .5. HIS N. 111 . etreet. fl-MIll 19. 1.nOOJt COrrAGE , MODERN . 3013 LEAVEN- worth. fl-433.16' SOUTI l'IONT ROOM NEWLY FUnNISIED. . - 810.00. SIngle rom $ G.O mOlth. 1516 E-58s-16' Howard. E-816. FURNISHED HOUSS , FOH nENT-9.nOOM FunNIIED i1OUE. F K. Darling. Barker block. 10USE. 3t. , OR 'ENT-FUlo lHIED ROOMS. I'LEA8ANT 110GM . 192 DODOE. 11-575 VERY D : SmA1. FRONT 100M WITH AN alcove. :12 B . st. E33 FRN' ROOM . WITh ALCOVE. 51 S. % Tl avenue. F.MS1 U. 2 NlA'rLY lUHNISmm tOOMB AT 26 t.AK str"t : alt modern on\'enlenee. and between two car lnea E1:90 IS' FOIl nl NT-tN MOST DFSIABLE LOCAtion - tlon and five rnlnutee walk from P. 0. a lare furnished rom with both hot and cold water and furnace. Addrss } 19. flee ollice. 1 - . . : - - _ _ _ _ _ _ -A621.1S. 1UhtISHD BOOMS AND BOARD. FnONT nOOMS & DOA1t CHEAP , % Douglas 1'-795 A : ICm.Y I"URNIJ11 flOOMS WITH OOOD board : rates reaconable. The Dose. 2'2 lar , ' . ' Ito' . 1'-111 Al' FnONT nOOMS. SUTADLE I'R TIlEE /enl. or couple ; oilier roome ; superior board. . 1512 Chlno. l"- ! 21' volt I1ENT . lUnNISJED FRONT ROOM with board. : OC CaUomla F-MJ 1. 1.'On ImNT. NICELY I"UINlHlCD I' ONT t r , with board , for two lIlT I ) - i6tt ; 19' . UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT I UN 'UlNISlm1 CIA1UBHB FOIl 1101185- k..I'lnl 10 man and wife. 119 N. 17th. 101SI. I.O1 RENT-STUxL AND OFFIOE Ol RENT-b'.U. : : AD OFFIOEI VOlt I1SNT . 'J'Im 4.BTUY mUCK IUJZI..DING till I.'amn aired. ' 1hl. building hn a tire- IrOf cement bas'nnt'nt. complete & Il"am heat- log fixtures ; Water on all floors. gas . .tc AI - lily nt the 0110 DC The B"e. I- 10 FORItENT , TIIItES-sroIty ANt ) nASEAI N'r brick "lUt building at 10 : l'Arnam Street. In lh lt class condition ; suin\le fur any kind of business . Inquire rom Ill , l'lrst National 1 bunk buiidIn. bulling. 1-M512 n AGENTS WANTED. , Q1INT . JA1.t OR , FL'MALII. WUn'l TO US lulcl , : We 1\\n 1mclhlnJ oC great Impotan\ lii say 10 9011 ; brunti rww line big In to lay )01 brnll . lne ; biG money II I : wri" qUi'k or ) "u may b too late : dO't fnl 10 write tn1ay sure 3uzt scud ' wri. IY , ; j.t aCld our all'len on l'lalul : S , ( wil sllrlso ) ' (1 : ho quick 0' YOU gusy lose the opportunity ; $0 a day In ltsur5. lnler'rl 11'1,1) Co. , del.trtIumt I. AUh'hla , . . _ ! tc. - J-Ii 2. AGINTS WANTIID , SMALL CAPITA ! . : QUICIC " all ; big pronls ; I.Q Ill In I.bl'al QICK : greate.t 1.unle 'D .alh : .mlile II : PatlicU- bu tree. Eureka I'unlo l. . A 6 St Louis , - _ 110 . -"lt' 1 $ . . &GENTSV.l'TllD. . S : DAILY : NSW IN- 'eoUl'n ; retails . % cents : 2 to G aold In a hou"el aInido f4t'e . 1"oraties & Makln . , . 5Unl.lo t. . I'\fh & ! Clnllnnat . O. - _ J- ' ' I 16. ACSNTSVANT1II ) : I' , JUIAN NT , IAS\ work ; ( alt pay : & pal.nte novelty : send far circular and you wilt nut L lon ) ' . Com"lon .t San . . 1i an1 I" WllhlnlO at. . Chlr" J-7 , IL - - . STORAGE. . l'f01Ot FRANK mnlt 1U lAnNI Y , ' AI-i llST STOlt0 liVll.S)1Ntl IN OMAhA. U. S. nUIIn I OIAlA S IY , bonded \\.h.ulo : hou.uhoM goods etored ' low , r' . lQ1.1015 Lea\'e"worth. storeo' w - . ED-'O DU ' . WANTUD. Ol'l'ICR l'AUTJTJON8 ; AlSO 1)118K. Call :1 $0. lWI - .1. . UI II.M5S AI.O 1. , ANTI'D ) 16'U : . ! 'UOl'l'Y FOIl CLER land and c h , i' . D WO d llh and 1OU . & . N--lit-il L _ . - - _ _ N-15.U - POlL SAL'-MISCELI.ANEOUS ron .U. A NO. 1 2NI HAND SO-IlORStI Jow.r steel boUer : . U g-.od 1.\10 . .U01SC Adllte. . / :1"Adllte. :1"- . ! .I ' 1' , O. fox " 2 Q- - : u , . . . t . _ , - - . , FOR SALE-M1bOELL.NEOUS. Continued. WEOMAN PIANOS , nIDFPOnOROAN8. . WObrl l8 flroe. . 11 So. 1th. Q-9' SMOKE I0USJ I"OI 1'IPES. IM 1)OUOI.AH. Q-S0 MIS FIN HAY FOR SALD. 1NQUmE 01' Mne. IA Oster . Vlley . Neb. Q-MGOi 2 100 8 CIITCKIIN FSNCII . Wiltil . tmTEn CICI { Nc. & cheaper thnn wood. J. J. LedY , t0 - S. 11h Q-lG:1 FOn SAUl- . SAt.E I % 'e.fot atnndlng luk. I flat top writing desk with e' 1 mllum steel 1 chest cafe and letter press. . Small hnrn. single hnr " farm wagon fnc heMin " 10\ ' . ' Will - lice. exchange above for cows or nF.Mc.IS. horses . t % 1'01 SAI.1I. SIX \\'IE L FClAPlmS. NO. S. In gel repair : 2 bcvy lumber " 'lons find "Oe heavy ) 'Ong tul a John Conton South . Omaha Q-MC IS' ltAttDWOOl ) ( 'OM IIINATION HOG AND chicken fcnc rM1NAT10N . Le. 9h anI Inuglaa. Q- 9i ShOW CASES 1.01 JUWGLIn , UnUGORT on cigars : small Iron safe : eheal' : can b seen at Sherman & McConnell's 151 Doge Q-(4-16' st. MISOELLANEOU8. ISAVANA 13'RIICICLI7S. lH DOUGt.A IA ' - - I- M t CLAIRVOYANTS MRS. Dn. 1 WAntPN , CI.At\'O\ANT. 1111- liable buslnc.s medium : 7th ) 'ea at In N. :1 ; ( 1\ , , TIlE OmATRT CI.AII1VOYANT OF TIlE age , Madame Itomain . lois returned hy request anal can be consulted on nil n1Blts ot life. . Thoee wishing correct advice on bnslneu. 10\ . marlate , h'nrce. lawsuits. elc can Afeh' . ' . evil In- rely on the mulame. : Site removes evi Iluencee. "unle" CQu"IN and e1U5CS speedY and liapy marrIage with the one ) 'Otl love. She Ilp\y , a success where other fail. All In trouble enl and receive prompt beneilt. Hours , 9 . to 9. t.eter with clamp answered Ptompt ) . 3I ! N. mh street . lat S-62-1S. bL SUAGE , BATHS. ETt NEWI.Y t"ITTI ) lA'l IAm.OlS : TtJItK- Ish and electric bathe Cm 1ales and gentle- men. Maamo howell . 32 South 1lh street . . Z lor , T-M310-A5. .tASSAGl3--MADAM1l DElAlD , 12 DODGE MASSAOEMADAlU . street . T-M3 * AS' TURKISH BATHS. TUtnsn BATlS : ONLY I'J.ACE IN CITY exclusive tar ladles Suite 10 .10. Bee billg. 99 PERSONAL. II. 1IAAS. FLORIST. t1.ANTS. COT FLOWERS. Banquet . . residence ancl grave decorations. -ISlI _ Vlnlon slrcet Telephone 76. U-O'JS MASSAGE , ELECTRO TIIIIIIMAL IIATIIS. ciilropodtaL 1me l'oet 319 S. IGth st. chiropdist 3191 st.UIll { U-Ill TI" IIIILLE IWPEHLY COlSI " . MADE T order from nleasure. 199 Faram otreel.UIOO . U-IOO : SMOKE HOUSl : . I'lNU KEY WeST CIGARS. U-.SG ll0 VIAVI C. 31G 1 E IILIa. : I : AI.TI BOo' free ; hOI" lratmcnt lady atendant. U-l0 6 I ELEGANTI.Y FINISIGD CADNCT I'IIOTOS 89 Cents. for 10 days only . lt Cowan's. r'H Irawa ) ' . Council Bluffs. U-Mill STECKER'S SMOE hOUSE 104 DOUGLAS. U-iSG : \ FOH FllST CLASS PIANO TUNING IAV ! Merriam at Wodbridge lime. . 11 So. hIlt .t. 11-160-31 Cults l'On LADIES. 1816 CHICAGO ST. . U-166-31. SPANISHI ! IF YOU WISH TO LEARN TO speak Spanish . address for particulars. lay C. Cr111111 , . li21 Dodge. 1-15 2. MONEY TO LOAN-.KtJAL ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 31R N.Y. LIFE los at low rates for choice security In Ne- bka and Iowa farms or Omaha city o"e.ly . \\-101 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIS LOANED ON or bought. 1' O. Chesne ) . Kalsas Cily. Mo. \\-102 MONEY TO LOAN ON JMlnOVI D OMAHA 10NEY real estate lrenn . Lve , & Co" , Paxton W-I03 .1k. ( 11NEY TO LAN AT LOWEST HATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 15 : Fnnm eL W-l04 VERY LOW RATES MADE ON GOOD J.OANS. J. W. Squire . lOS Dee bldg. W-l05 CITY LOANS. C. A STAHR G15 N. Y. W-IOG LIFE. MONEY TO LOAM ON 111I0VED OMAHA prperty , Fidelity Trust compan 10 I.'aram. W-I08 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UN1M1nOVED CITY properly 1' . " . J'J'nam Smih & Co. . 1320 , I'atnain. V-I09 MONEY TO LAN ON OIAHA REAL STATE at G per cent. \V. D. ) llkle , let Nat 13k. bldg. W-h10 \-10 CITY LOANS. $ rO.O TO 5.WO AT LOWEST rtes Powel & Potter . 1t floor. N. Y. W-l1 L. bldg. JNVESTORS ' DIRECTORY CO. . II WALL BT" N. Y. compile and sell names ot bona flue . f ea.ler Im'r.tors who have money t Innsl. Full particulars upon requesl. \\-M9i61126. MOtE TO LUA ELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FUtNITunE , PIANOS liaise , . . wagons . etc. . at lowest rates I city ; no removal oC goods : strictly confidential : you IDounl can "a ) the loan ol l any time atin any at.O1.IAIIA MOHTGAGn LOAN CO. . 20 80 16th SI. X-115 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI- FUlNI. lure pianos horses wagons , or any kind of chattel seurly at lowest possible rates which you can pay h"cle at any time nnc In any Imount l'IlEI.IY LOAN GUARANTEE CO" . Room 4. 1VHhnel bloclt. X-13 .1. D. hADDOCK ROOM 42. nA1GE l.OCI\ X-li MONEY TO LAN ON I"UnN1TURE AND ploO Fred Terry , (30 Hmge block X-HZ ' -BUBUf.SS ± , DO YOU \ ANT A 110NEY MAKIm 1 TIm Edison ICncloo"e ( eght machines ) . IDOl In $ S.O In lees titan th.ee monlhs. 1.01 terms address Edison Klneloaco"e Co. , 101 So. 16th st. . Omaha Neb. Y-M617 CUDAN I'HECKI.ES. BEST IN ' 'HEOm.D. . Y-S6J.tll GIINERAL MI nCIANDSE S''CK - AU- praise value $2,501-for sale 1 receiver at once , Addreas A. J. McConougleg. , receiver . AuruIn . Neb. Aurm. ' - - FOR - SALE - Oil RENT : ; SALOON ANFlX- - lul's new beer hou.o In Odelt. Addree . F. J. - ' l'rtixaw . Odeli . Neb. Y-M5H 21. $ MEAT JIAmn : CI AP. CLOSE IN GOOD l'aIU. for eilin. J. 11. Sherwood. 4h N. 'V , I.ICe Y-5S& 1 $ . 58.0.0 WILL nUY ONE 01' TIlE mST : ES. tlhlahl sanitariums . with all the latest 1m. , pr\"nlflls In electricity electro , Turkish . vapor and water baths . with the largest cash IllcR l.dlco In thla city : a IIllndll chance tor a ' "UI'lo ' "hralclans. bIuccialiet. or mal ulII wife : 1''USo for selling. going Into \ \ hol.ale mlnuCnelul'lng business : will gl\o n month trial It 'quesled. Address Houatn Ellclro Galvanic sanitarIum , Iiouaton. 'rex. . Klan bnhlding. ' -ilG Al& I6XSCELLFINT BUSINESS Oll'NINO IN country town for energetic , man will , $ ,0O0 or "nlfn'UD mwlh : .0 $ .0 caphial. Ion'I unawlr unless rou have the capital nod men bUBln < _ U. ( I. McGee . Council Ifluile. Y-M696 19 FOR EXOHANGE WANTI D-A 10mm IN I'XllANG : : VOlt piano 01' organ. A. Iloepe Jr" JIS ) FOI .lr-AU WANTI-A 1l'YCI , . IN ' 'HAD FOR A I.lano or organ . A 10011 .Jr. . 113 1)auglae. . Z-tl52l.-19 T SWAt. NEW STOCK OF CHNlHAL 1ml ohAndll' : invoice I..Q.O ; muSt have pail cash : w\uld lko balance In horses or cattle. Address J. 1. Bishop , Ocirleha B. U. catte. U.Z lc7 U. FOR 8AL OR TRADE A 15.000610 STOCK OF general merchandise tar ( 'osllr Nebraska or western Iowa farm. or Omaha or South Omaha properly. Addr"l } 18. Onlhu IJee. Ul.ZM54 ZM54 WANT TO THAD COUNCIL IILdJF'l'S city real estate fur a stock ot clothing and .ho" . Address J. I' . Eml" . A\'o. Is. IaZJl08 Volt Tlt1F.SOMI GU Ol I' : nUKINISS on 1..hleno property for Ilock of general mer ( hfndls or beta and shoes. Addrea U. B. Curite 19 So . unIon ave. , l'ueblo. C < o. . ' Z-MtG. : r.r.O STOCK GOODS FOIl . Slx.nOM UIT- taae \V . A. SI'cee 16H 1.\10. Z-Mi 1 WIL1 TRADE CLEAl LANU VOlt GOOD IIN. cumbr rental city propurty. No third class or unlllrc\ ' ' properly considered. S. Ie lumlhl" ) ' . ' New York Life. r. Lfe.ZMU . - - - - - FOR SALE-REAL E8TAT. 'fUlE1 MONEY IN JT : 58 ACltE8 TUE finest a jollnc olr gloss to DeW Fllmwoud cu tmwd park , \ \ 'eaL Omaha : owner Jonreldenj must sell : call for price , Ul kl a N. Y' . Life 11di 1& 11' FOR BALE-REAL ESTATE. Ontnue - . A nOllE FOIl TOUR . WtFR. A I'IIIWECD I.1TLD OE L MODERN . SlxnOOM COTAGe , JUST DIG FINIShED. FIST CLASS NEOlUOnUOOD , WITlN WALIN DISTANCE OF BUSINESS CLOSE TO CAn LINE : CONVENIENT TO SCHOOL WILL TAIm CIEAt : AS PART OF FIST I'AYML'NT. FIDELITY TRUST CO. , ' - 10L AGENTS . , 170 FAINAM ST. - _ nE-639 n L'XCIIANGIiS : AND SAI.ES : CITY I'IlOPEItTY , farms . merhandise Garll hiros. . t101l1TY . IE11 FARM LANDS C. l' . lAnUSO : m N. Y. L. -I0-A. troll SALE . on t XCHANO WELL 1M. proved Catl In NobleB count ) . . Minn. : also one In Cedar county . Neb. Will lake In payment - mont general merchandise . halI\sre. ur will 1 take ho.e nt theIr \'alue. 1'01 I.Rrtcula correspond with I L Bimick Inrt/lon. Neb. lti-1.i3l5 2 PAlM VOlt SAL1I : I CAN Ol.'lm FOIl A limited time . . anti at an alt.ct\'e prlre . choice Impr\"t 40'nce tarzn located II Sa".y county. NehrsltA near La 1IIle station nnrl the new fort : this Is strictly second bench land , nail , the Improvements \ are ot . n01,1 order : $ .2.0 cash will bur the equity In this fern ; no trades considered . \\'al"r G. ClatIc 1:1 tatnry at. . Omaha . Neb. IEM3IS uS lt.\IIGAINI4. HAL OIl TnAI IN CITY PH " - . erles and Crls Jno. N. I.'I'nzl opp. 1' . o. i Im- SI lINI GAIUmN t.ANl. G 1m , ItS FIOM 1' . O , $100 pcr acre. 940 N. Y. 1. bldg. 1(16-162 AIJSTRACTS. TIlE HYHON ImED ( 'Oithh'AI4V. RE-Ill flAltflAlNS . 110118115 LOTS AND FAI11.1S : sale or trade. I' K. 1)arling. Barker blode. . HI18 1'\ln A LOOK AT SIX.ROOM ItCK 11011811. full lot on West side of 38th nv nue. half block Mulh ot La\nworlh ; irlce . fl.60.0 ( ; terB very els ) " Or IHuom hi-story hou"e. 3.1 N. 2M atre't . half block south ot Mandet" : prIce. $ l.iOO.tO. no cash , . balance U5 per month without in- tercet. le"t. Or e"me to tiuc office and get prices ot elegant htonies , 53.060,00 nnll up. Or l.ui' "outhw."t , corner blat anti Faruam . trot , lag on 3 streets : price $ : .20.0. southwest corner 31h anl howard 132 feel ; Iqunre : ! tlee , 52.400.00. \\'e can mae "rces that wi nstnlsh ) 'ou. Ito- memher we never oler anything hut genuIne Inol' . . n. E. Cole Co. . 10 N 151h. Itil-M682 20 TWO DEAUTFl'l.l.Y SHAmn 50XIS FEET lots on one ot ( . 10"t "cnulfll streets In Omaha nt $ r..O each ; onehnlt coal , . .alanco al 6 per cent. H. E. Cole Co. . lO ( N. 1.th. ll'IG82 :0 WANTED . FARM lOH CASH. \\onled. $0.00 place for cosb. , Wonted frI ) place near the park Wanted nQO place for cash. ' \anlel. 10 acres for cash Wanted . farm for merchanuhise. , 'anled. lanscom Place house for farm. Wanted . farm near Omahl for cash Wanted . large farm ; part ttade. 'Vante. to loan out $10.0. , Wanted t borrw $4,0. Wanted. residence fo aCleage " 'anted , farm for IOlh at. . . "ro"erl " 'ant.d. business property for cash and 101s. C. I' IIATUtISON . till N. Y. Life. Im-C15 16' FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE 480 ACRES I Dixon -county . Nebraska : "el Improved. CaD move rIght In. Sold Inst JUDe at $2 per . acre : will sell this week at $1.r. per acre. .Uome wi Georgia avenue for western land and cash Orgn cash near . pal for place down . town. Home on Thltt.nrst for vacant plop- erty and cash. Home In KOlntze Ilac for small cottage. Vacant lots for sale nt 01" third old prlc"s. Davenport & \Vatmmn , 22 N. 2' . Lie bldg. HEl6 . 5-19 BICYCLES , M. O. DAXON & 2 N. 16H. 19 VICTOR DCYCI.I S. TIE FINEST OF ALL V1COn . Omaha Dcclo Co. . 32 N 161h slreot. lid - STERLING DICYCLES BUILT LIKE A walch. \\'est.r Electrical Supply C.,42 S. 11th 831 A. L. DEANE 8 CO. . WHOLESALE AND 1111- tail bicycles . illS Faam atret 121. WILL DARNUM & I3RO. . 120 N. . 15H HTUEET : only riding school In the clt ) , 122 "COLUMDIA" IS9 : . FINEST I XAMlLI OF light and high grade bicycle construction. Wm. L'le Dlcleey & Co. . H03 Douglas at. . agents. nen'l UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS SWANHON VALIEN 1.01 CUIUNG , TEL. lOG . 931- H. K. IItYRICET . FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer 161S ChIcago sl. . telephone 0) . 983 M. O. MAUL . UNDERTAKI AND EMBALMer . er . 141 I'aram sl. . lelel.bone 221. 821 C. W. BAKF.It UNDERTAKER . G13 S. 16H ST. 9SG BUILDING &LOAN AS60CIATION. now TO GET A 1102116 CIt SECI'RE GOOD nOIE 01 SECIHg Interest on s.nlng. . Apply 10 Ollho L. & B. Aas'n. 170& lee bldg. a. 'Y. NaUtner , Sec. 9S7 .SIIAIUIS IN MUTUAL L. & D. ASS'N PAY 6. 1. 8 per cent when I. 2 , 3 years old alwaye eemable. 104 l'arnam st. . Naltnger , Sec. SS8 EMLOYMEN' OFFIOE. CANADAN EMPLOYMENT UUtAU thE- nllVld to 12 % Douglas ; male and female help. MSO AU HOTELS HOTEL lAl\El 13TH .ND JONES STS. 15 rooms lt * .M " "I day. ro rooms at $ .0 per do ) ' . SpecIal rates to commercIal Imvelers. Hoom and board by week or monlh. Frank liliditch . manager 9s AETNA hOUSE mUnOIEAN ( ) , N. W. con. 13th and Dodge. 100ms by day or w"ck 990 MATHEMATHIOAL INSTRUMENTS ALVA J. GROVER , ENGINEERS' AND Alt- chlect. supplies. 318 S. 151h street . Omaha Mld9 $ SHORTHAND AND . TYPE WRITING. VAN BANTS SChOOL OF ShORT . HAND. N. Y. Life , Omaha. Ask for cIrcular . 13 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL L'NG1NIIIIRS AND CONTRAC. tors for 'Ieclrlo light anti motor I1anta and all ' 1Inda of electrical construction . Western Else. trleal Supply Co. , tI and itO S. 1&lb st. 1(83 ( CARPENTERS AND ) UILDERB C. E. 111mn.L , l'AlEU HANONG , HOUSE sign lnDtl. brick \ork , ) , la.lnl ; off . n. L hacker ( tIlt. ; tel 15 ; shoJI 221 Izot ; tel. In & 08 I I OONTRACrORS UICI WOII ; SIEWAJ.KB. CELLAR lor , elc 101 S. 161h street 'J'el. 40. A. lCiewit . 8.1603-All M&.AI : MEDICAL. IOYI'hllLIS TItIIA'tED ; NO CUIIFI.N0 I'AY : cases on payment ; con.ulllon free : K 10 10 a , a , . , 110 3 , 1 to 1 p. m. . :10 Cumlng t. Omaba. 1IJ2.M20. PROFE 5ION AL. Dn. A. $1111'MAN. Colt . WIll & ChICAGO. . AS Au' Muslo A1' AND LANGUAGE - c. F. GEI.INIGCK. UANJOST- AND GUITAR teacher , 191 Case at , 1U BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED AUtl0nS JESlLVCnEP , 71 N. 16. In . DENTAL COLLEGE OMA1A COLLEGE DENTAL SUIIUIIIIY. l"lttlC P1 lnlrma ) : denU.lry at cost . 16th & Clp. are. J13 DRESUMARLNG . DIESMAKINQ IN l'AMILIS. 43C GRANT U6'31. st. . , . d. C01L. D. T. MOUNT hAil Itt6MOV1D ISIS CAt oGleS to 2 S. 16th .1" Drown bok , US I I ) rmlG lFDIClm ; StiIjDAN. IIEST WTo ening 000ll ! ant ' $ l.SO iqrpp , $1.tQl 2.008 for Ir t a ton delivered. llgi , " " , , m t'O 127 t3TOVEiiAiRS STOVE Rr.t'AIItS FOt.8,000 : DlrrnRNT nrp.ms ' mnk s of & 0\ ' wat'r"taelmenta anti cnn. nrclons n .pecla I' If. ' 01cDaugln at . Omnhn Stove _ ItepstrukS. . " ' (5 99 - CESSPOOL 'CLEANER. C1l8SI'OOLiO CLICANII.D. ANT1.MONOPOLY CISSlOOI CI.LN ONOtOLY prices. Join Nelson.4l'ti. , ' 14th. Tel 1198.11. hiTS. DENTISTS. 1)11. PAUL. DGNTIST , 220 Bl'nT ST. IU : 'E r Lawyers and solicitors . SUES & Co. . Boo nultll , O 1AIA. Neb. AI1'Iro _ IrUl : RAIL \ A Y TlnlE ! } \ CARD t.\ , iiUIll.INGTON A MO. llIVlliLJArrives t.IUI.INlTON lO. ' \IUI.INlTON \ n1' .2thlaUnichi ! ! _ Dr1ol , hIlls & Mn"on RIB. Omaha : . . . . . . . ) \ " "llr. . . . . . . . . . 9:4ur : 4:35pm. : Wk. hula. Mont. & l'uget hInd Ex 4:19pm : < :31. : . . . . 11a . .Iem'er 10nt I "lt'9. lu"ct . . . . . . < :1011 : :11"0 6:15pmNebrskl : ; Leai ( excpt Sunday ) . 7 : fpm e"c'll Shlatn..1.lncoIn : . 1.'al ( except Stitiulay ) . .11Bgiii : Fllla.I4r 2t.pm. : ' . Fast Stall ( fur . LIncoln ) Hal ) . . . 1eaei'tCu11CAGOThU1ll,1NGTON - Q. Arrives OmnhnjUnlcl 1)eput 10th & Station Q./ / Omaha 4:21pni..Ciirago ; : I \ 'estil.uhe. . . . . . ; . . . fam : \'esllule 9lAtm..Chicago : Ilaprt'ss. : ; 4:11pm : . 7lOpm.Chticago . and St. I.ul. 16pirss. . : " "UI . htISan.acific . . . Junction Local. . . . . 6:10pm IS5nm..lac . . . : : _ . _ _ .l'lt : : l. 1ca. . . . . . . . 2:4)Ir : , , 1..avl' CH1COO , lilt. . & BT : 1'AL'I.4Ai'rives OmahaUnic.u 1"I'ot. IOlh & Meson Sta. ( Omaha 6:00pm..Chicago : I.iiiiit1. : . . . . , . 9:3i : ! 1.lnl. 11:10am. .Cblcgo Express ( . SIlo. ) . . . 6:0"m : Leaves . ChICAGO . ' NOItTIIWIIST'N . Arrive. Ornl" \ Union D."ol. 10lh & Mason Sin. / Omaha hl1E'sin . . . . : . - . . : .Tlasteru 11'q.res . . . . . . . . . . . . ; : l37pin 4 : Odpni..e9thbuic'th "lr , : . 9:40,11 : PI , G : Olm.'eqtbul , . . . . :1" Yaley t Local..10:30pm l:431.nl : . - . . . OnahaChtcngoSpeclal. . . . 2Ipl : , , I.eae9ellCAG I , n. i , & IACl'l.rrll < _ UmnhnjUnlen 1)epot 10lh & lnMn HIs. ' _ Omaha EAST. 11:00m. : .Ahiantie Ilxpreae ( ex , StInnhay ) . . 0:0111 : , , , lo.ln 6:2Im. : . .Allnnle . . . . . .NI.ht xpr. Express. Sln . . . . . . . . t:0Spm : : 4 : ? I'm. . .Chlcag. VeatituleJ I.lmll" . , . 1 : Ollm 1:3VI.Okluhom. : ' IlL _ ( , C. u. cx Sun.l : I'1 \ - & ( ; : hlam.Oldnhona & Texas Gx ( ex. Sun. .1lIOpm ' :1011. : . . . . .C lomdp LIzisIted. . . . 8un.1:311m . . , O' ! I.cnves I-C I ; : RT. I' , - SI. - & - 0. : - - - .trriv Omnha Depot : and Webster Sts. Omaha 1 : Ilam..Nebraska I'a"mg , ; ; ( , liiUi)771 ) : IJlm 4:30pm. : .Sloux CIty Express ( px. Sun.1il3am . : GIOpl. . . . . , Ciy . 1011 "pless Llml ( > . 8uu..1lm . . . . .l0:3 : . I.ra-/-p : t- & VALL11ST'Arrit'cs _ Omaha / ) Depot. 15th and : \\cllsIN , Sls. _ Omaha 2:10pm..1ast : Mal and Express. . . . . 4ip : l' 2:10pm.ex. Sal ) W'O. Ex ( ex. 1tIom. ) . . 4X.pnt : )0. ' 'II : Oam..NorColk Express ( ex. Sunday ) . .iO:33et : , , : . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . & :1011. : . . .St. Paul Eipce . . . .10lljtn : Leaves - - K. C. S' J. & C' . n. - - Arris'ea I Omaha Unirn Depot , 10th & : la"n Sis. . , Oniahta 9:50am..ICaisa3 : Cihy - 1)03' ExI.ets. , . . . . 6:10pm : ] 9:45pl : .E. C. _ Nlshl1 _ _ x. 'Iu . U. ! ' . _ Trans. _ 6 : : ) , lm , Leaves I SOI'UI PACIFIC. $ Arrives Omaha \ Depot ! : lh and 'ehsIN HIs. ( Omaha fOlo : . . . . . : - . : : Louts , - Idtpress. - . . . . . . , . 6OIal : : m- . . . . Louis ) ci.resa. . . . . . . GOSpm : 5ilpmn. : . . . . , .Ir. ' . . I'x. SUU , ) . : Odm ) : : Leaves . SIUX CITY & IACI'IC Arrives Omaha I Dopot. 15th ant , Wcbster , Sls. Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : pm.:7. : : . .sLra4I 1 i\nlc . : : .10 hamn . L..avesShOtTX CITY , & ,1'ACI'1 ] Arriva ' 13I I _ Union 1e"ol. 10lh & Mason StS.I : Omaha . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . 6:51am..Sioux . . CIhJ .L'assenger..10:21pm G:551. tJ. .IO:3pm 1pm. . . . . .St. Paul Lhitiled. . . . . . : . ' 2:3pl : Leaves Omaha \ I Unl ' - .Dol. UN1O'I1XtjViC. _ & Mason Shs / IA1' Omaha : - 10 : ( ! m. . . . . . . .Keane ) . , . 5Xl.res.s. . . . . . . . . . 3t5pm 2:0pm. : . . , . . .O\.erl'd l"lt , . . . . . . 5:3I.m : . 2OOpm.Iiea'tce & ) ) ' ,1\.er. ( ex. Sun ) . 8npm : 2:0pm. : . . . . ; . . ' Slrom"'lrj " . . . . . . .10 :5nm : 3:15pm. : . . . . . .Pactl . . JIUI. . . . . . . . . 4 :1011 : Leaves I ; WADARUI RAILWAY.I - A ri'ives OmahalUnl Depot Wthr& Mon Sts.l Omaha 3 : : 1m. . . .St LouIs Ca \ . i n l : : : : : l:3p SOLDIER EIGHT"-THREE YEARB , ' ' . 1' l ' Michael loore las : Served That LOOt In the United Stlt08 . \ r1" , Eighty-three years a soldier ! "ThIs may be said of Michael Moore , whose name ap- pears on Ute Army Register. where It has been carrIed since April . 181 . when he en- listed as a musician from New York. He says that he Is the oldest living officer of the United States army and there are probably not many older In any of the world's armies. le wan born In New York on July 4. 180. and Inherited a love for a military life from his fattier , Jacob Moore , who was a soldier In the revolutionary army and saw active servIce at Trenton , says the Now York Tribune , With 1m older brothers Michael ran away from home when he was 12 years old . and enlisted as a drummer In Captain John Sproull's company of the Thirteenth regi- ment. United States Infantry or which Colonel Peter D. SChuyler was the com- niander and which was stationed at the time at Greenbush. opposite Albany. He took pat with his regiment In the campaign on the Canadian frontier , and Is Mill fond of telling about the battles of Queenston Stony Creek and Fort George In which be took part. A fe\'ere wound received - ceived at Limo battle of Fort George bas left a scar al lila ai'hii. His regiment was part of General Wlllcluaon'a { command which went down the Sl Lawrence to attack Monlreal. After spending a winter at French Mills , his regiment was ordered to Sackelt's Harbor . under General Izzard and later on It waS consolidated wib the Fifth infantry and was sent 10 Detroit. Mid , . Which was then one of the extreme westeri posts. While at Detroit . lrolt Moore's time expired and he was tjIsciiarg2 In Mi ) ' . 1817. but re-enlisted at enc In company A of tim Second Infantr ' , them company - pany A of time Second Infanlry. then com- manded by Colonel Hugh Brady , From I then until January , 18G9. III served continually as I musician and was with his regiment at Saul Ste. Marie and toole part In the Lake Superior expedition In 1826 under Governor - ernor Cass , which resulted In I treaty with the Indians . He took IJrt In the mack hawk war and In the Seminole Indian war In l'lorlla. and was stationed at Fort King Fla. . when he received his discharge because of ox- llralon ot his Ume of tnlce , In 1810. But In 1841 lIe was still werlng the unIform at Bedlow's Island ltlon , and he remained In time service at rtrullng stations till Jautlary. ISG9. when he was commissioned , as second leutenant In time Ninth United Stales 1- fantry lie was placed upon the retired list by r6rn of "dl : blly frDm old age" December - comber 15 . 1870 , and bits Ih'e since then with hIs wife , two daughters Dnd son at 20 Seventh avenue Brooklyn Three other cliii- dren daughlers , srel , irmarried. One Is the \flfe of Dr David lob4rt5on . of Oovernor's hland. J I Lieutenant Moore Wa , always an active and healthy man until 'a1out four ) 'eaj ago , WhU a severe attcl , grip left him In a enfeebled condition. ' n"fel " : since then and fracture his hip . and.ha been compelled 10 remain at 3molne.i ' Ills mental faculties are unlmpalre- and ! lm \ 'keepms formed on maters of I/ublc 10r . During the troley : lrlke he has been anxlouB to h a all the I WS. and he watched the sluatol with an nthuslasm strangely out of IceEplng with' ? 1&oears. The war between jl and China Is also a favorite theme . wlb hir , and one In which he manlfeols great I tnterut Lieutenant Moore and his wlfe.1 wfj' ; Is ale well pre. served . celebrated 'heir' ' gold D wedding six years ago . . filh I nlls of TlonrIr , Cupid Is the only genuine optimist. God makes "I:1lc1er. : and man makes repu- taUon. I living Isn't . e\'er hell man who earns nn lion. A woman lay deceive \\'omen In small things , , but never for long in great ones. A woman's "cohumnon Iense" 18 not located In her heart What are our faults w some , are our ir- tues to others. Vlr-j Marriage doubles the capacity for bapp ( I nems. ness , without al\'I's doublng tihappl. - I ner.I Is easy to' le happy In other peOIJle's haPlllness when we are feeling pretty good ourselves. Detroit Free Press : I Is really pathetic to hear an old bachelor say that he Is perfectly . feUr hll'PY. and try 10 pr9ye , I. . SPlllAT1ON S. fly AntImony hope . ( ( opTIRhlCI. ) I had been telling Ihlllp March exactly how . matters stool : between Cousin 1.10 anlt myself. . a "It's really n little awkward , ) 'ou knows" I ended , smiing , "Awkward , " said l'hflhlppa , who bad us- tened 10 te quito gr\cl : ) ' , "A wkwnrd , Mr V81sltnrt 1 I call It dl g8Ing , " And her cleat blue eyes la81 , ( scorn . Now 1 m'sel did 10t consider It exactly dl gstlg , so 1 said nothing more than : "lehnps ) I oughln't to have mentioned It to you. But II seemed amusing In n way. o course it's 1 seuel " " \el. 1 suppose you wouldn't like I knowti " observed Phiippa with tneanimig. 1 sat smoothing , I ) hat and smiling. "What are you smiling at ? " she asked sharp ! . "Oh , 1 wonder how you amt people like you ( by which she meant Cousin Flo 1 ) "can lakl a jest ot It as ) ' 01 do ! " And she began to walk till and down , "A jest ot what , Miss Mnrch ? " "Wh ) ' . of-of-of love and so on . ! r. Van- slUart "Oh ! ot 10\11" Mil I. meditatively . as I deposited my hat 01 the table "That's serious surely , I tn'lhlnJ In the world Is1 And you make fun of It alil" " \el , Il makes 1 fool of me " I l1ade1. Ihllppa gave me a look and , walced about , "You'r quite right , " Mid I. "It's-it's Un- cOlmon bad form. I shall tell Fie thal- " "You were just as bad 'ourself-worse " " \h ) ' worsoY" , "You were the man. 101 btgun It , You encouraged her " _ Flo 1 does not , give the Impression of needing encouragement , but 1 let that pass. In fact . I was much interested In I'hililppa's opinion. "You're right " I said aglin. "It 15 a serIous . timhmig. " "It's a hol ! ' timing " said Phlippa from the mlddlo Of the room. "It Is , " I agreed . meetng hr earnest gaze . " "With the right person It Is ; with the \\'rong- . . " .I.s a desecration . " Interrupted Phiiiippa. " 11 eo glad l'In IIId with 'Ol about I. lIR March. Yon take such a joll3'--l mean stick I splendid 'Iew or It. ' 01 leynle the wJlole liming 50. And I rose aIl joined Phil- Ippa. who was now slandlng C ! the . Phl- rug . whlr' the enn caught her hair through th " drawing window. li" . room \lndow. "harp you read this ? " asked "la\.e asled Phmihhl1ipa . sud- tEn ! , taking three volumes from the nmantle- piece. "It's simply magnifcent . " mante- "Ldon't think I hav . What Is It ? " 'Incomnprelmetsa . " answered Phlippa I , "By the author of 'Too Many by Half , ' you ko'ht'8 , " ' \'ht'8 It about ? " "A b1rl , ' said Ph 11111. with kindling . eye "who gave her whole life to-hut what's the use of talking about It to ) 'ou7 You're laughing again. " "UpOI my honor I just screwed up 1) ' mouth becausc-becaus of the sun , you Imow ' ' "Ga , 1 her whole life to saving a man not In the least worthy of her , " "What a III ) ' ! " said I. , tr'ln to say the rIght thing "A pity ! It's just thai thal's so splen- dill. " "Oh . yes of course-In one point of "Iew. Yes It would be Miss March , . " "And he never understood herl" ! "Liked some one else. did he ? " "Oh . no. Ho loved her-t "Come he had some good- " "In his way : ' ended Ihlllpa , with meas- ureless disdain. "That made I worse. " I began to feel uncomfortable ; yet I had ' another feeling. Phllppa Is wonllerftly striking ful. when she looks haughty and acorn- : ful."r "r shall read it . " said r. "It's a tine idea Pity things hike that don't happen In real ' ! e ! In real life nobody trIes 10 help a fellow. " felow . I lhlnl I achieved some pathos In this re- mark upon . , me. for Phlippa turned a softened glance 'Ho's just ailowed . " I continued . "to go on'maklng an-maldni aU lorIs of blunders , 1 mnean-and nobody cares enough to do anything " 'It's vcry , bard to help soce people , " said Phlllpa sadly. "Dut what's-her-name- " "Incomprehensa . Mr. Yansltart . " "Yes. Thanlcs. Incomprehcnsa tried all the same " "Yes , she did , " said Phllpla , and a plle : followed. , "But a book's one thing and life's an- other " I observed bHterl ) . , "It oughtn't , t be : ' mid Pitillippa . In 1 low voice , and she looked away toward the window. . "I don't think It would be with- wll ever.body. " "A fellow feels don't you know , Miss March . that he would bo better Ir anybody took any interest In him . y 'ou Icmiow-I lean &enslbly-not all for a lark , as 110 does " "She's not "cry serious ] merself . 15 she ? " asked Philhippa . with a slight patent smile. "That's the worst ot It : ' said 1 "So of course , shts no use . I often feel that It I had someone to-wel. at any rate , to talk to about such thlngs- " "What timings , Mr. VansIUart ? " "Oh wel-h. well-Come , you know what I mean Sties March , " And Phllppa said , softly : "Yes I think I do , Mr. Yansillart , " "U , " I resumed "I Ilght come and talk , " to you sometimes- "i-I'nt often at home , " murmured Phil- hippo. , "And hear what you thminkmmbout I. you opinion leow ; , " and see ) our-I mean . hear your "u you really Ihlnk It would be an- " "Oh , I would-no end 1 assure you , Miss March. 1 would make md a different fellow -upon m ) word It would. I would elevate me Im sure It would elevate mo lt ! any- thing. " Phllppa blushed-mabe only because I was Implying I complment to her moral Imorthi I contInued to regard her with admiring - miring CfL 1)1 "It would malce me very happy I I thought - " sle said. ' "And-and. 1Isi March : . " I interrupted . encouraged by her tone "perhaps you might tint ! there " was /011 goO In a chap after all . and- and"I'm sure 1 ahould Mr. Vansltart . " "And then perhaps sOle day you might come to care for- " I had got thus far ( and ater all , It was mort of the way ) when Phllppa sUddenly drew back . and , Ilfhlng a One color asked I In grand Indlvnston : "Have you forgotten your cousin Mr. Van sit tart 7" I was ( xacty what I hind done , 1 had clean forgotten lie "You must have I think . . " 'sho went cii . "or you would hardly venture to hint to lao- " lao"Look here , Miss March " I broke In . "It's all nOlsens about IClO , you kbios' , She , doesn't half mean It and . I don'I- " ' "I understood that you had asked- " "Well . so I did , " 1 admitted In desperation . "I say . l'hihiippa-I mean , Miss March-if I can square It wlthm- " "U you can what ? " "it I can honorably- " "Not another vord . please , Mr. VanEltart ! How can 1 listen \'lle your cousln-1" She hrolle Off . turning away . But 1 100le a step after her "It my cousin were not- " I began , In low ptrsuaslvo tones "Nol another word please " , ' anotler . , whispered l'hllppa , " 'lerI It II" ! I cried , tragically . " 1'1 left to myueif . You won't hold out . a finger to Ie ! " Phippa did not do what I suggested In a literal sense . but she allowed me to see her profile Instead of . the hack of her head : " 1leaso go away 10W. " aid Ihi i " ' " " " 1'1 go , said r. "If- "No no , ; go please ! "It you'l say . one word to me ! " "Ono word ? " I just heard from Phllppa , lS I leant lY head forward to catch I. "Yes one word. Then 1 shall have slrfngtb to-to lackie-I-mean w go lIke an honest man to Fie , and-and do It. you kow . " Therl war a paul. I 1100 epectant , At last ! I'bllppa IIJoke , "I never thought of this , " she said . "Of course , you didn't , " said I. As a mat- ter of fact , 1 had not thought of I msel. "I do think there's sOle Iw In ou-a little , ' ' "Ab , you'ro to ! " "Just a little , which under good Influ- enees- " "Yours would bo angelic ! " "hush hush ! " "Say one word , " 1 Implored . And 1'.llvpa. her prollie-wlticb I A mot admirable one-Itl pruent to me , spoke the one word I asked , "lerh8Is' said Ptihilppa. I . gave a cry of joy ' , 'Now K. " added Ihllpll ! As a gentleman t was bund to go. 1 took my hat and walked straight to the door a EmUI ot radiant happiness on my face. Just l I reached I Ihlippa spoke agin , "Mr. Vanslttarth" "Ye8 , " "You-you'l SI your cousin steen ' " Somehow 1 felt loll rSllant , My smile \nlshed. ' 'Gootihy , " said Ihllppa , "Goodby . " said I , anti 1 opnCt the iloor "Shah you see her tonight " asked Phihhippa. I paused a moment ; Ihen ( I said . "Il tn' , " and shut the door I went down stars whlsling sor1' . Then I lit a cigarette , I wanted it. Aud I /M. AS I walked awn : " 1olll r It Im In a tight : place " Petit eeemd polble that I was. SO I took the night to think It o\er , . IrlnreUR hail u Ihlllr.t Arm. Nervousness lisa lS man ) ' queer symptoms , limit whale\er these may be , the ) ' one and al deplrt In consequcnc ot the soolhll . invigorating - orating Innucncc of llostetter's ' Stomach 11 , ters , which tones the 1)'slem Ihrouh the medlul of thorough Ilgeston amt amsiimui- lation. Tremulous nerves soon acquire steadl. nus by Its use. It 11romotos sleep amt ap' petite . all fortifies the sslem a"\lnst this- ease Malaria . constipation , rheumatism 11\1 kidney trubles are relieved . by It , OUSSI' 'WUT I.0J' , : . . . A novelty In blouses 11 made double- breasted mid fastened with buttons wel over on the left shoulJer , tal.erlng oft toward the waist , where It Is gllherl full Into a belt . A tur.o\.er collar completes the neck . This style of collar . hmovever Is not the ec1lsh'e peculiarity of the blouse waist , for It I seen on dresses as vell. wel. The box.pleatCI Norfolk jaelet reappear Imong costumes and toilets for sllrllg and summer wear. I forms A part of utility gowns of tweed , cheviot shepherd's chieck elc. , ns well as the waist pori Ion or dainty toilets of taffeta . fancy inmrah . mule , striped and dotted satin . crpn cloth . and a host of hut weather textiles. Rumor says that the inspiration of the new modes for spring comes from the period of henry IV. . when elegance or material . sumlltuous coloring , Immense ruffs and high Medic collars \ere the prevailing elemenls of dress. One or two iustratons of the styles which threaten us may serve to de- i te : mine the advantages of those we have. I appears to be the very .oung and the very old only who wear bonnets just now granting with the former t mass of fluffy hair above the foreimoad and a very simple but lrrenchy bonnet 10 crown this aureole. Middle aged women select hats of plain shmape . wih good sized practical looking brims , In lieu of the so-aled bonnet which Is of no real Protection to either eyes or hcad Over In Phiadelphia they have been having I prize contest which put 10 the lot the ability 10 decide the sex of t baby from a contemplation of its Pictured face The or- . deal pro\.c severe 10 womel and mothers as wel ns disinterested bachelors , who are not supposed to own a discriminatng eye In such rnatters . or fort-ne heads prImltod the j ' highest number correctly named was thmirty- three. Many of the hundreds who sent answers fell far b low Ihat. Many of the newest French skIrts have full ' godet pleats In the back one plain gored breadth In the front and three "Ide kilts on each side. Some of the kilt pleatng are plain olhers arc edged with glmp or other trimming from belt to hem , and the front belt I somnetinues. ot a rich contrasting nm- lerlal or of plain ' goods nearly covered with braiding or other effective decoration used as a deep border . or quite covering the gored brlddlh , To a beautiful figure nothing Is more be- coming than a perfectly fled bodice that comes down well over the hips. The sleeves arc made full and the bodice Is trImmed with p'ssementerJo bands bretelies . shoulder capes or In any other preferred faslmion . The drapery Is then applied to the edge of the bodice by shirrings , Idltngs or close gores. Although not by any means 1 new fashion It It I one that is very popular , because I does away ' with all superfluous material below Ute belt and produces a slender efect I 15 a style that lays a pretty accent on a dainty waist and .Iessels very considerably the dimensions of a large one The late vagaries of the wealber put one In mind of a whimsicl story A1 elderly gentleman . who had a horror of the north wind , never went out at doors so long as I lasted. Ho had a weathercock erected In his garden In order to tel hinl which way the \'Ind blew In due course the north wlnt set In , and Ie al enc ! slut himsel up. Every morning he looked out lt time weathercock , but no change had oecurrd. This state of timings went on for a month. At length imo began to suspect that something was wrong and calling a man servant . the two resolved w examine the weatimercoclc Judge of their surprise when they found It firmly Ix ( ' pointing 10 the north 'fhe fact was easily explalned-a di1chiarged hou&emald had done It 10 revenge bonel for her dl81155al. ' Delicate white laces may be cleansed \vlh clIne" 1agnesia after a recipe of Mme. fodjeska's. Spread the lace on a sheet or writing paper , sprinkle It on both sides with magnesia . place a second pIece of paper over I , put away between tIme leaves of a book for three days then shake off the powder . when the lace ' will be found perfectly clean. Laces arc given a creamy hue ly putting strained coffee or powllered saffron in ( lie rinsing water unt time right cream or ecru tInge Is proemired 'lllle ale laces are soaked In milk over nlgimt then soused In warm soapsuds ' suds rinsed and fllly pulled out and care fully pinned down while lamp. Laces lust be ouscd . gent ) . squeezed anti capped be- tleen the bands until dry or nearly so . They may he whllened by letting lhem stand covered with soapslds In the aun . repealng the operation several tUnes . The women' dress II Corea Is such lS lust make the angels weep. LIke time men's , I h i whIte and consists ot a . sliort . tighmt-fihtiig : jcet. ! \ hldl reaches just below the armpits ; a pair-or . I common report 15 to b believed . three imatra- loose trotiacra . and a petticoat , \hlcl II IlrefUlably Intendt 10 fail from the jacket 10 the ankles , btmt whmhcim Is comu- rnoijiy , afparated Iy , aim immterval tron : tIme upper - per ganilitlIlt. To the dancing girls alone are resrvcd bright-colored reatmuent , , of 51116 and satin. These admimllitedrators to time gaycty or tue nation bear a resehnhmhamicf , but at a great distance , to time geishas of JIll50. Their main function , hi to attend St dinners and to amua time guests , whmtcm ! tlhey appear to sucet'd in dolimg , it laughter ouch noise are evidemmees of beimig aimiuseti , "Time modern l'urk has , In a quiet way , grown prodigiously fond -of phiotographmy , " said a lady who acts as time mmiatmageress of one of ( lie greatest phmotographic , establish. menta In Londomm. "I was recently in time : rmplcyimient of a rehatloti at Censtantimiople amid had the hmoncmr of photoiraphiliig itoimu , fifty of the wives and daughters of thm i'resmnt suhian , i'hiese ladies are very ordimmary wit's , Indeed , Son time most part , to what your Imnagitiathon hnhght PICtUrC , and all of them mime dreaMli In time halest l'anisimin fasliloium , that Is , for PhmotograliiIa purposes. 4hi thio sammme , oIme or two of the sultab's rlauglmiere are very beautiful girls and have btemm tauimt and edtmcated by itilsa Mumford and other limg- hisit govel'iiesae-5 , They showed time mml6st chilthlshm delight at being phmotograpbmeI , " 1 iiis > ' say here that imhmotograiihmy Is actIng - Ing as a socIal farce in Turkey , for a young man who wishes to taite to hmltnsc1f a wife need no longer trust tmhmsolutsly to thm report of his fehmiaht' trielmde alone , as he oct , had to do , for tha piiotograpbm of time lady is mmdlv shown to him , And time womnetm , too , can now , vitimout 'Iehatng : the strict 'I'urlishm ; law in tuck iuatles , send their photographs about In order to create aim Impression , " p iCarl's Clover Root , time grat biocti pimrifier , giyes freshness and clearness to time coniplex- lea anmi cures coostipatlon ; ? c , tOe , $1.00 , Said by Goodman Drug Co. hEROES IN BLUE AND CRAY ingiihtr Meeting of' Three Crippled Vet clans on the rIOOr of the flonso , EVtHT FULL OF DRAMATIC SUGGESTION Eoe In l'olttk' auth 1'oe on the JSlooti Field , time etge.t Trio Clasp hands , l'ongettlng All ( lie ilittermteas of limo 1'mtst-W'nr Imitlecit Over , The fact so often stated , timat "timo 'ar Is over , " s'a voiiderftmhiy denioiistrateti recenth Imi time national hotmse of representatives , General Daniel E. Shckies , of New York , wlmo lost a leg at Gettysburg , whiose military recormi Is worthi' all approbatlomi , ntl vtto ha lion' liciltl ) 70 years of age , left his seat Oil the democratic lde of time house of repro. sentatives , s1-'tilmg fromii his cimair tl7011 [ Imis cntmtchmos , ahhil hlohbk'ti down ( lie main aisle towards time door cmi the republIcan side heath- ihig him the speaker's 101111)Jtmst at that hnoilheflt Coloimel Iavitt 3 , hienderson of Iowa , 1-1mo lost a leg at Corinth , stting through time greem baize doors frohu the lobby llito tue hiomise of represemitatives , anti Little two dhstingtiisiied veteramma ot time Untomi army , both of thmemmi tmpon crmttchies , omuc of ( hem a llartisahl themoctt , , and the other a strong liartisamm reptmbihcmin , 11-let in tlm little' area in front of time speaker's tlesk , atul , icahmimig 111)011 thielr crutches thieve , clasped hmmmh with a fervor aliti heartiness whmicht is eldoti seeti olid can never ho immitleretood except by veterans of thin wnr who hmavo miiarchmcd anti SmiiTCrCl together , Cohoimel Ilendersoml is oiui' th years of age , but his hair Ic nlmiost white , nithouglt but two years ago it was dark nnd luxurIant. The atmfferlmmgs oee.ishoiied by time reoponihmg of Imis old wound dunhmig time past two years have aged hihmmm in appearance s'oimderfulhy. ( leimeral Slckhes has black imalr , and looks hot a day older thiami the moldier front lows. Tiieso two old soldiers belong to different political parties , iinil their views concerning time proper atimulmihatration of time goverlmhtuent are as ( hhalnetricahi ) ' oltilOsIte as time poles , but they are 1)0th dlstlngtmishiuti in the itotlse of representatives as patriots first. anti iarti- salts altern'artls , Tlmey stooth timero for fuhi' ten imiinmites converaltig in a most llensant and friendly hnaliiier tmnthi the attention of the entire house was attracted to their presence - once nail commitent was almuost universal concerning the vitrmim fnleniisiiip existing be'- t'een those two men Who fotmght anti suffered for their country. A SINGULAR TRIO. While they stood there , ( lie observed of au ohservers , not otihy hiltomi time floor of thoi house of representatives , but also In the galleries , the green baize doors swthng in- s'mtrti fromiu time speaker's lobby on the democratic - cratic side of the Imoime and a tail man with Iromm gray Imitlr and heavy iron gray beard swung into time house on a pair of crtmtciiea. lie also imam.i lost a leg durimig time civil war , It was Major Wliiiammm J. Stone of Kentucky , who was a confederate soldier ani lost his leg at I'orm'yville , ICy. , early in October , 1862. lie swiimig nlomg : over the green velvet carpet until time two veteramms of time iimiion arnmy caught lila gaze anti then lie vent over to viiero they were standing , in front of time desk of tue siener , atid shook hands with both of timenu in a 'ory hearty manlier. These three iiieim upon crutches , two of thmeni veterans of time umiiomi arnuy and one of ( item of the comufederate nrhny , reimiaimmed In that poSitioml for a minute or two longer , conversing - versing in ( lie mimoat congenial manner con- ceivabie. It was very manifest indeed timat "the war Is over" when those two Union soldiers met there wltii a confederate soldier , each of them a sufferer froma time vicissitudes of var ; but time fact that the war is over was made all ( lie iiuore almparent when the eyes of those who were witnessing hio scotia giancedto , ( lie desk of time speaker , where Charles Frederick Crisp of Georgia , a iieutenahmt in time 'Tenth Virglmmla confederate infantry , was presiding flIer tue house of reprlsentatives of the Ummited States. Two wountied union soldiers and one wounded confederate soldier stood in time area before time dealt of the speaker , and 'n a confederate soldier sat , 1mm time chair of thd piesiding officer , witlm time gavel in his hand , directing ( lie legislation of tite popular branch of thIs govermmnmcnt , Speaker Crisp understood - stood time remarkable dramtiatlc htuation as s'ell as anybody , almS , although there was a buzz of conversation throughout tue entire house , time gavel did hot fail , nor was tim house called to order in a vigorous manner , On the contrary , time Epoakar smiled pleasantly and nodded to the old soldiers in a manimer ' 1 which Indicated his appreciation of the no. mnarkable sittmatlon , Thereupon the three veterans of tue civil war , realizing time fact that , all eyes were centered upomm them , shook hands with each other again and laughingly separated. separated.WHERE WHERE THE T1tIO SIIItVED. General Sickles was a member of the general assembly of New York in 1847 , cor- poratlon attorney , secretary of legation to London , state senator , 1-'ns nominated by a democratic caucus for United States senator , svas a mnenibem of the Thirty-sixth and Thirty- seventh congresses and entered ( ho army of the United States early in 1861. its colonel in the First Excelsior brigade , lie was a gallant soitiler tinder General iioo00r , General llelntzinaim , General McClellan , Gemieral Meade , and lmmms served in a nimniber of ironul- neat positions simuce time war , I-ho is one of time niost. renmarkabie men of time present , as well as of time past generation , and In all of Ills uttei'ances tipon ( lie floor of ( lie house of representatives manifests a senunriabo g-u of patriotisnu and love of coumitry , Colonel hlemmdersomm was born In Scotland , html. was brought to this country whmemi only : S years of age. lie enlisted as a private In the Twolftlm Iowa infantry and was after. wards made a lieutenant. lie lost hmi leg at the bati of Conlntim in 1862 , and was afterwards made a coluimel of volunteers anti served ummttl ( lie close of tue 1-var. Major Stone was a Ki'ntut'icy soldIer and was left for dead cmi time battlefield of Perry- 'ihio in October , 18d2. While ho was dying of negloci. Ultoil tile field he was vIsited and aimccored by a young lady livIng in that vi- emily and carried to time residence of lien Pareimts aimmi timero miursed to recovery. Ho afterwards itiornleil the girl who saved hmls life and iian lived happily with her to this clay , He is olin of time miiost lovable mmmcii In congress , It Is to le regretted that ho i'as vohmimitarily retired from imubhic service , \Vhiemm Sbeaier Crisp was only 183 years of ago le enlisted as a Private soldier in tim Tenth Virginia infantry , mind was made a iieutenalmt him comnpaimy K of time regiment. He served timroisgi , nil tIme canipaigna anti bmtties : of limo Army of Virglmmia until lie was taken lmnisomher at $ pottmtyhvmilmia on time 12th day of Slay , 1861. lie remnmiineml it i'risonor of u'ar mit Fort lelnwaro until June. 1865 , wizen hostilities ceased amid lie was i-demised , ho fought a good hlgmt ! on every occasion and was emma of ( lie heat soldiers in ( ho coil- federate army , lie followed time commfetler- ate flag in tiolm1-e VCE ) ' hot carmmpalgmhs , 011(1 ( vhion ho was reicased as a linisuner of war It probattly never cmmtu're'mI hml youthful Ilmat ho would over beconmo a pronminetit Part at time umiloil ciii ! Its governimmemit , immuch less that lie would serve with 511dm distinctiomm itimmi iioimoi' or ( hat lie would no ci'ctt'd to time highest olhtce in the ie)1)uiar itraemch of ( lie legislatIve dehiarbmiemit of time government of time tmmtet1 ! States , lie lmas been a guoti lircaidhmlil officer anti has many friemmila mipom time reiitmbiicatm as 'ehi as upon time deimuo. crmitlc tide of time imiso : of relmrc'soimtativcs , It Is to ho regreltv.i , as baa ( 'comm said ho- fore , thmmmt time sonic tlescm'ibemi could , tot have been uyltgmesmtstl by ( bits living cyco of lImo young macmi tif limo iresent generation , The mmieollimg of these old solditrs in front of thio Ilesk of time speaker , who was imimimself a aol- - ilici' on lime coimfetierate side , ss'as a s1imt to lie long remem'hmereml and one viorthmy of ' amilpie roilet'tiomm smith deep couslmloratlon con- ceralmig time changes vbichm have booti t'rotight imi a republic wimrom inert have dif. ( ere1i and vIii forever differ onccrning the iolicies of the gol'erimmnvimt , but whore tm- tez'mmity , liberty and ummlon shall prevail for- over. one and imisepiirntnbe , I When Baby was lck , we gave her Cactoila , % rhcn she wii.s a Child , slit' cried for Castonia , When she iea.tno tiles , ha ciutmg to Caatorta. f % Vhcn she haul Chmlit'in , she gave timein Casterk ,